Jennifer Marohasy is speaking on Sunday in Maroochydore. Details at her blog.

Jen’s mother on Heron Island, mid 1950s.
From Jennifer Marohasy:
Corals usually grow-up to just below the lowest mean spring tide. Corals are particularly vulnerable to extremely low tides and in particular low tides in the middle of the day when there is also high solar radiation. The damage from such events may leave a characteristic tell-tale structure, for example, micro-atolls.
I have a picture of my mother (who migrated to Australia after WWII, see the picture featured at the top of this post) standing in front of a micro-atoll at Heron Island, where she worked as a waitress in the mid-1950s. I have another picture — I will show at the Maroochydore surf club on Sunday — showing the extent of the bleaching at Heron Island at that time.
This coral bleaching back in the 1950s, and much of the recent bleaching at the Great Barrier Reef, may have been due to falling sea levels, rather than extreme temperatures as I will explain on Sunday.
Everyone is welcome at the Surf Club. I will speak for about 1 hour … beginning at 2pm on Sunday 14th July on Level 3 which is the Conference Room, 36 Alexander Parade, Maroochydore.
I’d love to be there, but mother won’t let me cross the street.
Okay, actually it is the Great Pacific Ocean that I have the problem with. Would like to visit some of the nearby places.
Sippy Downs, Mooloolaba, Bli Bli — and other great place names. We live not far from Walla Walla, Washington, also found in AU.
If you go to Walla Walla, don’t call Walla Walla Walla.
Can someone explain the naming doubles connection between Australia and the Pacific NW of the USA?
I’ve replied to this twice and both times it was lost in the bit-bucket. Was it because I used the word “ba$tardised”?
REduplication or repeating words is often a way of changing a singular to a plural. It may just mean more or bigger or longer… etc
There was a local song” Don’t call Wallan Wallan, Wallan. It came out when the local council of Wallan Wallan decided to rename their town Wallan. I can’t find it right now.
A lot of Australian Town names are double because they have taken aboriginal language names: Wagga Wagga, Drik Drik, Wallan Wallan.
Apparently the aborigines had no plurals. If they wanted to express two or many they just repeated the name. Wallan Wallan is supposed to mean “lots of Rain”.
Others may add more detail.
Oh dear, falling sea levels? Global warming ‘experts’ must be having sleepless nights as more and more things go topsy-turvy in their calamitous world.
Yes, but remember, it’s alway anthropogenic CO2 that is causing everything to go topsy-turvy.
‘ …. may have been due to falling sea levels, rather than extreme temperatures …’
The science is not settled, but on the evidence to hand it looks like radiation bleaches coral and Peter Ridd deserves his job back.
Falling sea levels MUST cause some bleaching. Coral polyps, like fish, die out of water. A low tide at midday on a still sunny day is when it would happen, and highest spring tides [the unusually high tides with correspondingly low low tides. happen in summer in NQ.
The bleaching occurs during strong El Nino because sea level in the western Pacific falls for a considerable time, perhaps a week or two, but I haven’t looked into it.
Would you like to hazard a guess as to why sea level falls during a Nino?
No need to guess E G.
Normally there are Trade winds blowing across the Pacific ocean from West to East. This has an impact on sea levels in the western pacific ocean = Australia’s east coast, PNG, the Philippines etc.
In an El Nini phase the trade winds from East to West fail and are replace by Winds that blow from the Western Pacific to the Eastern Pacific ocean. And this has effect on sea levels on both sides of the Pacific. In the East sea levels fall slightly. While in the West they rise slightly.
And for the GBR this means that reefs are exposed to sunlight & and get burned = bleached.
” In the East sea levels fall slightly. While in the West they rise slightly.”
Oops ? 🙂
No ‘Oops’ Andy !
Just think about it a while.
Winds blowing from the east to the West result in slightly higher sea levels on the Western shores.( Australia & PNG etc)
Winds blowing from the West to the East result in slightly higher sea levels on the Eastern shores. ( Peru, Ecuador, Mexico etc)
Look at your first sentence, Bill, you say from west to east.. normal is from East to West.
Got the middle part correct.
When those East to West Trade Winds fail which leads to a drop of sea level in the western Pacific (nearer Australia), and a rise in the eastern Pacific (nearer USA.).
Maybe I’m just misreading what you said..
According to NOAA the easterly trade winds stall and sea level rises in the eastern Pacific through thermal expansion.
‘In addition, the thermal expansion of the warming water in the eastern part of the basin measurably raises sea level in these regions, and this change in sea level can be measured by satellite sensors. Therefore, variations in sea level are good indicators of the presence of an El Niño. During an El Niño, sea level in the eastern Pacific is well above average, while during a La Niña, the increased flow of cold deep water to the surface acts to lower the sea level.’
They didn’t mention the sea level fall in the western Pacific, typical.
Thanks Andy
Your right
I got it backwards in that sentence.
That water is “raised up” in the region around Indonesia, both by the persistent Trade winds, and natural surface heating.
Because it is “raised up” it has a LOT of potential energy. (because there is a LOT of it.)
In an El Nino, the Trade Winds ease off and that “raised up” water is released, to flow across the Pacific.
What do you think happens to all that potential energy.
Jennifer Marohasy says ‘El Niño begins when warm water in the western tropical Pacific Ocean shifts eastward along the equator toward the coast of South America.’
What caused the warming in the western Pacific?
Deep ocean vents near the Solomon islands is one possibility.
“Geological forces generate Lyra’s as follows. Large magma chambers (lava pockets) underlay all of the major fault zones in the offshore New Guinea / Solomon Island region. A sudden shift in one of these magma chambers infuses the chamber with much hotter and more mobile lava.
“This now super-heated and shifted magma chamber activates a large seawater circulating system in rock layers adjacent to the fault by; fracturing and faulting the rock layers, filling them with pressurized and super-heated seawater, and finally imitating the upward movement of the seawater into the overlying ocean.
“Given time, typically 12 to 14 months, super-heated and chemically charged seawater from this circulating system warms a significant portion of the western Pacific Ocean, thereby generating an El Niño.” (credit J. E. Kamis 2-4-2016)
Climate Change Despatch
E G the entire western edge of the Pacific ocean is part of the “Ring of Fire”
There are lots of volcanoes in the Philippines and off the coast for example
Anyway, the idea is hugely flawed because as Bob Tisdale says: ‘…. subsurface temperatures are monitored along the equator in the Pacific by the NOAA TAO Project, and there is no evidence that the warm surface water originated in the western equatorial Pacific.’
‘During an El Niño event, westward-blowing trade winds weaken along the Equator. These changes in air pressure and wind speed cause warm surface water to move eastward along the Equator, from the western Pacific to the coast of northern South America.’
National Geographic
El Niño is dead! Long live La Niña!
As of today, or yesterday GMT & US-time, the central Pacific 3.4 Index is bang on (drum roll please…) 0˚C. Ladies and Gents, welcome to El Nono or is it La Nada? We’re free-wheeling downhill in neutral, or as Scots/Maori comedian Billy T would chuckle: Aw bro, that’s what we call ‘Maori overdrive’ eh.
Sure is a lot of anomalous blue (COLDER than usual) SST sloshing around the planet this week.
Jennifer has posted an update on this blog here :
All about falling sea levels as illustrated by the coastal features around her home town of Noosa !
Robert Baker at UNE has been working on sea level for decades.
Sea levels 1 to 2.2 m higher than present. That’s heresy. How is he still in a job?
He has diversified to remain relevant, but his real interest is undeniable.
‘Associate Professor Baker’s main research interests are in Holocene marine environments, Internet traffic, the geography of retailing and the development of applied mathematical geography. He is also interested in coastal geomorphology.’
A bit like Ted Bryant from Wollongong Uni who specialised in natural hazards, particularly tsunamis, but who was a critic of global warming as a supposed cause of every natural event around the world. He chose his words carefully. He’s retired so he’s immune to professional malice now.
Yeah his cosmic impact theory has merit.
Something happened in 1300 AD which made sea level in the Pacific fall dramatically.
Do you suppose it might have been an asteroid? Where did the water go?
Looks like the medieval LIA problem, some water got frozen at the poles? Had to come from somewhere..Interesting if it occurred that very quickly.
Nunn doesn’t discuss the cause for the fall in sea level, apart from the fact that it was climate change. He makes the observation that the lowering of sea level was most pronounced in the central west Pacific and cannot be detected around the Rim.
Nunn talks of a 1.8 m drop, which means that particular coral bleaching cannot be blamed on El Nino. The water didn’t come back so it was obviously locked up in Antarctica.
Baker has been monitoring the situation and there doesn’t appear to be anything unusual happening.
Cancel the coral-bleaching apocalypse as it looks like life has somehow found a way to adapt to temperature increases, you know, just like life on the planet has done for the past 500 million years or so …
LIFE FINDS A WAY: Great Barrier Reef somehow adapting to global warming
It’s simply rocket science
‘Alex Robel, an assistant professor at the US Georgia Institute of Technology and the study’s leader, said if instability was triggered, the ice sheet could be lost in the space of 150 years, even if temperatures stopped rising. “It will keep going by itself and that’s the worry,” he said.
Modelling simulations suggested extensive ice loss would start in 600 years but the researchers said it could occur sooner depending on the pace of global heating and nature of the instability.
Hélène Seroussi, a jet propulsion laboratory scientist at Nasa, said: “It could happen in the next 200 to 600 years. It depends on the bedrock topography under the ice, and we don’t know it in great detail yet.”’
and the uncertainty of all the settled science obviously-
‘The researchers found a precise estimate of how much ice the glacier would shed in the next 50 to 800 years was not possible due to unpredictable climate fluctuations and data limitations. However, 500 simulations of different scenarios pointed to it losing stability. This increased uncertainty about future sea level rise but made the worst-case scenarios more likely.’
How much rocket science and how many simulations do ‘you blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things’ need to understand you’re all doomed?
Adam Morton is an environmental scare monger.
And ‘models’ are not science.
In reality they are just games played on computers.
The silly buggers need to get out side more often
In the weather !
PS What does the Russian model say about ice melting ?
“PS What does the Russian model say about ice melting ?”
Build more icebreakers?
Time to ringfence your Apple
(Repeated – a late entry at “Methane” in case you didn’t see it)
I don’t use Zoom Ian
It sounds like you might be given it anyway by reading that
And they call that logic science? They’re barking mad.
Well maybe rocket scientists shouyld stick to rocket science and not try to predict future geophysical events which are statistically impossible.
Later this month the LA Board of Water and Power Commissioners is expected to approve a 25-year contract that will serve 7 percent of the city’s electricity demand at 1.997¢/kwh for solar energy and 1.3¢ for power from batteries.
Can anyone fact check this?
Its hard to fact check these proposals. They dont give much detail as to what that price covers.
There are untold grants and rebates involved together with plenty of “creative costing”
The biggest mystery to me is how they can sell power from the battery for less cost than the solar power used to charge it ?
ohdear , lost replys ??
Try again
1). 400MW of solar can never supply 7% of LAs power usage (190GWh/day)……
…….no matter how many batteries or how cheap you sell it
1.2% on a perfect day, in mid summer…….bad day ?..nada!
2). How do the figure to sell the power from the battery at a lower price than the solar used to charge the battery ?…….Creative accounting ?
Must be a negative dollar price for that battery ?
Even more alarming is that this BS see the light of day —
Breaching a ‘carbon threshold’ could lead to mass extinction screams the headline. It’s by by Jennifer Chu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology on July 8 2019.
So the oceans don’t vent CO2 as they warm Mr Alarmist ‘Professor’ Rothman?
How does your “simple mathematical model to represent the carbon cycle in the Earth’s upper ocean” achieve that(?) by equating any rising CO2 to human and disaster no doubt.
It’s nothing but pure stinking pre-fossilized coprolite.
And I forgot the link to this abysmal rubbish, it’s at
Go there and be amazed for what passes as ‘science’ these days.
WOW, what an appalling load of anti-science TWADDLE.
The guy must have been cultivating a new strand of magic mushroom or something !!
You think that’s bad look at some of the others and you’ll see where the ‘Climate Science™’ claptrap originates from, here —
Much of it sounds like that ‘basic science’, “it’s the ‘CO2 mechanism'”, ‘back-radiation’ sophistry and nonsense someone would tell you on another blog site.
Daniel Rothman sounds like a financier working for Goldman-sachs.
As we are entering a cooler clime, its best to look back to see what we can expect.
‘Porites spp. corals exhibited variable bleaching patterns with bleaching frequency (number of bleaching years per decade) increasing (1620–1753), decreasing (1754–1820), and increasing (1821–2001) again. Bleaching prevalence (the proportion of cores exhibiting bleaching) fell (1670–1774) before increasing by 10% since the late 1790s concurrent with positive temperature anomalies ….’
Kamenos and Hennige 2018
The Gang Green are so often proven wrong, it’s one of the main reasons I’m as strong a sceptic as I am.
There’s now little which hasn’t been proven to be other than has been claimed. But there’s always new brown-sticky-stuff like this one being invented. He can’t be getting enough grant money, so he’s been forced to invent an impossibility to shake some loose.
What makes this unbelievable is that the oceans are a buffered solution, and their alkalinity is controlled inside fairly tight limits. Buffered solutions have ways of maintaining their state. To maintain its alkalinity within its limits, the ocean precipitates “carbon” by combining it with calcium … Limestone and Chalks are insoluble and are produced constantly. Why else did America build so many public building in the nation’s Capitol from limestone? There’s so much of it around …
I think we should nominate this guy for the GWPF’s Jackson Award. Acidic oceans … with
tippingtrigger points … really.There’s another article there:
His theory of mass extinctions being caused be “ a massive pulse of carbon” is novel. I guess the die off of the dinosaurs was one “MPoC” — the forests burnt after the Big Rock from Space did its damage. Burning forest = CO2 … a “big pulse of carbon …. after the fact rather than before.
All for the gullibles…what a load of fun.
Annie said:
… in a word.
The world is in a small recession and has been since last year [early 2018]. It will come out of it early next year and the economies should take off … just like they did after 2001 in the run up to 2008’s Big Bust.
There are a lot of funding cuts during a recession. From those, there are a lot of employee cuts … This sounds sufficiently shrill to be a determined pro-employment/anti-redundancy move. It’s all the mistakes/errors in the op-ed/article which are inconsistent with reality to enable it to be taken seriously …
Big Rocks from Space are much more effective for Big Extinctions …
If you are coming, it would be good if you could register:
Much thanks Jo, for posting this.
Jennifer, would love to be there this Sunday but as you can see by my name, there’s a big wild ocean between the Sunny Coast and these Shaky Isles. Besides, I work on weekends like you.
Had the pleasure of living across the road and up the hill from the Maroochydore Surf Club in the early 80s, Alexander Headland with its urchin-infested reef was my local playground – I was one of those cruisy freaks riding a 9’6″ longboard while everyone else was squiggling & wiggling on their short boards. Noosa Heads was like a second home, Tea Tree my favourite wave – I hear it’s a little crowded these days – so was great seeing your recent drone pics from up that way. Keep up the brilliant work… rock on!
7 Jul: LA Times: The California coast is disappearing under the rising sea. Our choices are grim
by Rosanna Xia
The California coast grew and prospered during a remarkable moment in history when the sea was at its tamest.
But the mighty Pacific, unbeknownst to all, was nearing its final years of a calm but unusual cycle that had lulled dreaming settlers into a false sense of endless summer.
Elsewhere, Miami has been drowning, Louisiana shrinking, North Carolina’s beaches disappearing like a time lapse with no ending…
In the last 100 years, the sea rose less than 9 inches in California. By the end of this century, the surge could be greater than 9 feet…READ ALL
7 Jul: LA Times: The Ocean Game: The sea is rising. Can you save your town?
by Rossan Xia, Swetha Kannan, Terry Castleman
The sea is rising higher and faster — California could see a jump of more than 9 feet by the end of the century. Flooding and erosion threaten homes. Beaches could vanish…
Objective: You are in charge. Can you save your town within 8 turns? PLAY
Note: This game is not modeled after a specific town. The concepts of seawalls, sand replenishment and managed retreat have been simplified for game-playing purposes.
no-one will fact-check any of the above, but:
8 Jul: LA Times: Few of Trump’s environmental claims stand up to scrutiny
By Anna M. Phillips (environmental policy report in the LA Times Washington DC bureau)
9 Jul: Vox: Tom Steyer, the billionaire activist who wants to impeach Trump, is running for president
By Tara Golshan
California billionaire and environmentalist Tom Steyer, who has spent the past two years pouring millions into a campaign to impeach President Donald Trump, announced he is running for president after all…
Tom Steyer got into politics because of climate change — then Trump happened…
Climate change precipitated his entrance into politics. In 2013, he founded NextGen Climate, an environmental advocacy group that’s invested heavily in electing Democrats, so much so that John Podesta, Bill Clinton’s White House chief of staff who ran Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, told the Ringer that if Clinton had won, he could “imagine [Steyer] would be the secretary of energy in the Clinton administration.”…
But when Trump was elected, Steyer expanded NextGen Climate to NextGen America, organizing around health care, social justice, and immigration; and NextGen Rising, a new voter registration initiative…
Dear Tom Steyer: Don’t run for president by Helaine Olen
Washington Post – 9 Jul 2019
According to the Atlantic, he’s concerned that Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, whose signature issue is climate change, is not getting more traction in the polls or fundraising support…
He is, for the most part, in the right when it comes to his chosen causes. Climate change will irrevocably alter life as we know it for future generations unless we take immediate action…
But his virtuous politics can’t disguise the truth: He’s buying his way into a race he’s got no business entering. The issue with our billionaire-driven politics isn’t just that the (mostly) men with the money are ill-intentioned (though it certainly doesn’t help that many of them define the national interest in such a way that it seems to benefit them personally)…
9 Jul: UK Independent: Tom Steyer thinks our country’s problems can be solved by a white guy with lots of money. There’s just one problem
Steyer has decided that the Democratic party desperately needs yet another white man to fix the problems caused by a white man, and he feels he is just the white man for the job. How inspiring.
by Molly Jong-Fast New York
At a time when the Democratic party seems completely uninterested and unimpressed by rich white men, this rich white man has made the calculation that what the Democratic party is greatly lacking in its enormous candidate pool is another rich white man specifically put his riches front and center…
But what Tom Steyer — and Howard Schultz before him — seem to have completely forgotten is that the guy in the White House right now, the guy who’s making such an enormous mess, the guy who’s completely screwing up everything? That guy is an outsider who ran on the idea that an outsider could fix it…
Tom Steyer Will Run for President and Plans to Spend $100 Million on his bid
By Alexander Burns
Highly Cited – The New York Times – 12 hours ago
Alberto Lammers, a spokesman for his campaign, said Mr. Steyer planned to spend “at least $100 million” on the race, starting with a round of television ads…
Among the targets in his announcement video: fossil-fuel companies that he accused of torching the planet for short-term profits…
Mr. Steyer is a quirky patrician from the Bay Area who enunciates his words carefully, cares passionately about climate change and adores the novel “Lonesome Dove.” Mr. Trump is, well, none of those things….
9 Jul: RollCall: Tom Steyer launches presidential run, but also pledges $50 million to outside groups
Billionaire makes corporate influence and climate change central themes in campaign
by Bridget Bowman
Steyer said he is resigning from groups he founded and financed, NextGen America and Need to Impeach, but is still committing $50 million to both…
9 Jul: CNN: Why you should be skeptical of Tom Steyer 2020
Analysis by Harry Enten
A CNN/SSRS poll from December found Steyer with 0% nationally…
A December CNN/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll from Iowa wasn’t any better. Among likely Democratic caucusgoers, Steyer earned 0% of the vote…
beach erosion is mentioned; can’t recall anything that was said about sea level rise, but I had trouble re-playing the video to check:
VIDEO: 2min53sec: 9 Jul: NBC San Diego: Report Shows that Military Bases Are Not Well Prepared for Sea Level Rise
According to a new government report, two military bases in San Diego are not doing enough to prepare for problems such as rising sea level caused by climate change. NBC 7’s Military Reporter Bridget Naso reports.
same GAO report:
14 Jun: Bloomberg: Major Military Bases Unprepared for Climate Change, U.S. Watchdog Finds
The U.S. GAO studied 23 domestic installations to see how well—or poorly—officials are planning for natural threats.
By Eric Roston
Only one project among the 23 installations surveyed by the GAO took climate projections into account at the design phase. Naval Base San Diego last year was planning to replace a pier. A contractor involved in the work brought to officials’ attention sea-level-rise projections for the expected 75-year life span of the pier. As a result, the Navy raised the height of the structure ***by a foot…
No mention of the US military base 97% of the world has never heard of?
“Diego Garcia is part of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT)… one of 52 [atolls/islands] in the Chagos Archipelago… The island’s mean height above sea level is 4 feet”.
Being surrounded by deep ocean, the Boxing Day tsunami of ’04 seemed to have little effect on the wharves, runways, hangars (B-52s & Stealths), accommodation, golf courses, fast food outlets, swimming pools, and out-buildings where nobody knows what never ever happened.
Before/after tsunami satellite pics of D.G. 7°20’S 72°25’E
“Favorable ocean topography minimized the tsunami’s impact on the atoll. Diego Garcia is part of the Chagos Archipelago, situated on the southernmost part of the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge. To the east lies the Chagos Trench, a 400 mile long, underwater canyon that ranges in depth from less than 1,00 meters below the surface to depths that plunge to over 5,000 meters. It is one of the deepest regions of the Indian Ocean. Diego Garcia is located to the west of Chagos Trench, which runs north and south. The depth of the Chagos Trench and grade to the shores does not allow for tsunamis to build before passing the atoll. The result of the earthquake was seen as a tidal surge estimated at six feet“.
… so the base is still there … undamaged. Right?
Sophocles, a veritable mine of info & links from an ex-military guy, from pics of Hector the 28-foot long hammerhead to cuties barely-dressed in US & UK flags. Oh, and a whole bunch of navy & air force stuff too. And some history on the original Chagossian inhabitants –
Link to aerial photos of Diego Garcia from 2006 backwards… would appear ‘Camp Justice’ is still fine and dandy –
First time I heard about this place was in 1986 whilst lounging on a palm-fringed beach in southern Goa, India. Some friends had arrived by yacht via D.G. and were flabbergasted! astounded! over-awed! somewhat concerned by what they had seen. I was more concerned about Chernobyl (which had just burped) and the horror stories recently arrived Euros were telling me, so I kind of drifted back to God’s Own down here, before heading off overseas once again. In the decades since, I’ve read lots about the place… surely it’s not the long-lost, sunken, mythical land of Lemuria? 🙂
AUDIO: 10min37sec: 10 Jul: 2GB Michael McLaren: Global climate workers strike planned for September 20
Michael talks to Professor Ian Plimer, Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne, about the strike for climate movement that seeks to encourage workers around the world to take time off on Friday, September 20 and spend the day demanding emergency action to tackle the climate crisis.
9 Jul: ClimateDepot: Marc Morano: UN: Universities to declare ‘Climate Emergency’ – Seek ‘drastic societal shift’ to help shape ‘young minds’
UN Press Release: Under embargo until 10 July 2019
Higher and Further Education Institutions across the globe declare Climate Emergency
New York, 10 July 2019 – Today, networks representing more than 7,000 higher and further education institutions from 6 continents announced that they are declaring a Climate Emergency, and agreed to undertake a three-point plan to address the crisis through their work with students.
The three-point plan includes…READ ALL
8 Jul: DailyWire: Ocasio-Cortez Gets Smacked By Meteorologist (Ryan Maue) Over ‘Climate Crisis’ Claims
By Ryan Saavedra
A prominent meteorologist once again threw water on wild claims being made by democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who claimed without evidence that a flood in Washington, D.C., was the result of “the climate crisis.”…
Something is bleaching people’s brains… A virus called renewables.
Oh ye of little faith, Zane: thou must apply the whip to thineself to feel the
guiltvirtue – the existential cautionary principle tipping-point moral virtue! – of RUINABLES™ by UNicorns Inc.
“When plague ravaged Italy in 1259, Raniero Fasani, also known as the Hermit of Umbria, organized processions of self-scourging flagellants who practiced the ritual… In the mid-14th century, flagellants fearful of the Black Death sought by their own efforts to mitigate the divine judgment that they felt to be at hand“. Less than 12 years left and counting…
There could be a business opportunity selling whips to the young, green and foolish on Greta’s Action Fridays, especially those “with thongs of oxtail, leather, or parchment strips, some being weighted with lead”. Maybe a little lithium?
all that’s required is a one-in-2500 year South American tsunami from a magnitude 9.49 quake!
10 Jul: Stuff NZ: Latest tsunami-modelling report for Christchurch grim for coastal suburbs
by Paul Gorman
Christchurch suburbs as far inland as Avonside and Waltham could be inundated by seawater in a worst-case scenario South American tsunami combined with higher sea levels, new modelling shows.
A report commissioned by the Christchurch City Council says a one-in-2500 year tsunami on top of climate-change induced sea-level rise of 1.06 metres may swamp 73 square kilometres of Christchurch, about 5 per cent of the city.
The water could be 9.5m deep near the Waimakariri River mouth and the speed of the waves in the Avon-Heathcote Estuary may exceed 40kmh…
NIWA considered one-in-500 year and one-in-2500 year South American tsunami from magnitude 9.28 and 9.49 quakes respectively and how they might affect coastal Christchurch given either the current sea-level or rises of 0.19 metres, 0.41m and 1.06m, along with predicted shoreline changes for 2065 and 2120…
What with siting the city on an earthquake prone site as well
I guess any Kiwis there sre bound for extinction.
Yet another extinction emergency ?
Or maybe not ?
9.2 or 9.4 level earthquakes are not very common.
NIWA trying to stay relevant by sounding climate-woke? Fail. The artfulbodger‘s comment sums it up: ‘The CCC [council] are going to stop a tsunami ?? They can’t even fix a pothole competently !!”
That old ‘R’ word again, from 2014: “About 50 Christchurch community leaders have met representatives from the New York-based Rockefeller Foundation, to begin creating a resilience strategy for the city… Christchurch has been selected as one of 33 cities to… get a $1 million grant to create the role of a chief resilience officer, who will implement a community-led resilience strategy“, the lucky million dollar winner being a chap with the unfortunate – or fitting – name of Mike Gillooly.
And from the opposing team, aka The People Who’ve Had Enough!
I’ve lost count of all the tsunamis that were going to flood Christchurch over last century and this. So that means it will be “the next one” …
Kaikoura was supposed to be washed away by them, too.
‘Kaikoura was supposed to be washed away by them, too’. Instead, after their last little rumble, the coastline north of Kaiks rose by 2 metres or more. Dang, there goes another sacred cow of the Anthropo-Cultist Doomsayers: maybe one day they’ll prophecy sumpthink correctly… yeah nah.
Off topic but topical following failure of 268 MW gas-fired generator at Mortlake in Victoria on Monday morning that could be offline for 6-12 months.
AEMO runs the Medium Term Projected Assessment of System Adequacy (MTPASA) process weekly to forecast expected unserved energy levels over a two year period. The MTPASA result published on 10 July 2019 identifies no Low Reserve Conditions over the next 2 years.
But it will be interesting to see how this reduced gas generation impacts prices in Vic/SA.
The beloved UN is coming to tell us not to ‘torture’ people in Australia, PNG & Nauru
As if they know anything about such things ?
I am really jack of Australian governments of various political persuasions, signing off on treaties which give foreigners the right to come here and investigate and criticise us.
How many of these treaties were part of their policy platform at an election..
We really need a change so that NO TREATIES are approved unless submitted to referendum and voted in favour by us the Australian people.
graphic & map that tell a story:
TWEET: Andy Critchlow, UK Telegraph, S&P Global Platts
World Bank estimates 400 Gigawatts of electricity could come from seaborne Solar. #renewableenergy
9 Jul 2019
TWEET:Energy & Security Analyst. Non-Resident Fellow @payneinstitute & @UniofOxford…
Black Gold’: Mapping London’s African #Oil Hub #OOTT
8 Jul 2019
reply: Samet Girgin, Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineer…
I suppose it is very illuminating to see the same map for Chinese companies.
They can’t even keep massive steel tidal generators in one piece for a few months. How the hell will they keep floating solar panels from smashing to pieces when the first wave comes along? More pointless renewables waste to clean up?
“Ease of deployment — no levelling needed” — because we all know the sea is always level.
“Maintenance — may require boats and divers” — or maintenance crews could just levitate in if they can’t get a boat.
Equine excrement.
Tracking panels on solid ground only achieve about 19% efficiency in practice (correct me if I’m wrong there) when continually aimed at the sun for maximum potential harvesting of light. What sort of abysmal efficiency would you get from a panel that is constantly bobbing backwards and forwards, scribing an arc through many degrees as each wave passes under it?
9 Jul: Guardian: Jillian Ambrose: E.ON UK to supply 3.3m customers with 100% renewable electricity
One of Britain’s biggest green energy switches to date will come at no extra cost
More than 3m homes are to automatically receive renewable energy from E.ON UK at no extra cost in one of the UK’s biggest green energy switches to date…
E.ON is one of the UK’s largest renewable energy generators and plans to draw from its own windfarms, biomass plants and solar projects to power the switch.
***It will also need to top up its portfolio by buying renewable “guarantee certificates”, which are sold by renewable energy developers to guarantee that a set amount of electricity has been generated from a specific project.
Michael Lewis, the chief executive of E.ON UK, said the supplier has secured enough renewable energy to confidently meet the demand of its customers, even as the company undergoes a major corporate overhaul.
E.ON is preparing to hand over its renewable energy portfolio to RWE in exchange for its energy network assets and supply businesses in a mega deal that is expected to be concluded by the end of the year.
Lewis said E.ON’s customers will continue to receive renewable energy from its UK projects even after the assets are given to RWE…READ ALL
both behind paywall:
9 Jul: UKTimes: Grass is greener on the other side for new solar panels
by Rhys Blakely, Science Correspondent
If you read about a solar panel company looking for Britain’s shiniest grass you might think it was a typographical error, but that is what the developers of a two-sided panel say is needed.
Europe’s largest developer of solar farms, Lightsource BP, which is backed by the oil giant BP, believes that two-sided panels could be built that would be capable of harvesting sunlight from above and below.
To achieve this, however, light would have to be reflected from the ground to hit the underside of the “bi-facial” panels. They work in a similar fashion to conventional solar panels, but the rear surface is a sheet of clear glass allowing sunlight that reaches the underside of the panel to be converted into electricity as well…
8 Jul: Utility Week: Government ‘no plans’ to review onshore wind policy
Only one problem with that pat, where is the actual electricity coming from since today 10th July 2019 at 11:20 BST wind is only producing 1.12GW of a required 35.94GW requirement – this is up on yesterday when it was below a GW.
The other thing is how do they guarantee that the customers get only green energy – build a separate grid? Since all electricity produced goes into the national grid for distribution and there is no known way of separating green electrons from the others there is no way they can guarantee anyone is getting all green electricity. Having a piece of paper that says so and so produced x amount of renewable energy does not mean that energy goes to the people when they want it – all they indicate is that some renewable energy was supplied to the grid, where it went who knows.
This sounds just like all the other ‘renewable’ energy PR hype and virtue signalling.
This is a problem for Greenists to worry about.
But the ‘fake’ greenists don’t of course,
They are only posing to signal their own
Virtue and careless wealth.
8 Jul: Guardian: Ban government investment in fossil fuels, urges cross-party group of MPs
UK aid projects ‘actively undermine’ efforts to tackle climate crisis, MPs and campaign groups warn
by Karen McVeigh
A cross-party group of MPs, backed by campaign groups, has called for an immediate ban on all investment in fossil fuels and for all UK aid to be “nature positive”.
The 28 MPs, led by Tory Zac Goldsmith and Labour’s Kerry McCarthy, with support from Amnesty International, WWF and other organisations, criticised the UK for “actively undermining” its own investment in tackling the climate emergency by continuing to fund fossil fuels through aid and export finance…
The MPs and charities urged the government to put the environment at the centre of aid targets to alleviate poverty worldwide…READ ON
3 Jul: NewPower: Flexitricity harnesses small sites to get DSR benefits
Flexitricity has partnered with eight organisations across a range of sectors to trial an innovative demand side response (DSR) solution.
The Quickturn project, funded by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), aims to provide an opportunity for smaller commercial energy users – SMEs as well as smal sites belonging to multi-site groups – across Britain to benefit from demand side response. Previously, participation has not been economically viable for smaller sites due to the cost of hardware, communications and implementation…
Flexitricity will utilise its expertise in dispatching flexible energy-consuming assets such as cold storage, air conditioning and heat pumps to help National Grid balance the fluctuating demands of the UK energy system. The University of Edinburgh’s Institute for Digital Communications will help reduce the overall cost of setting up DSR dispatch systems across the partner sites…
SSE says Labour party scared off investors
Financial Times – 8 Jul 2019
UK power company SSE has struggled to attract new investors because of threats by the opposition Labour party to renationalise energy networks, its chief executive has said. … SSE’s shares have lost a fifth of their value since May 2017, when the manifesto was published…
9 Jul: SolarPortalUK: Solarcentury backing mooted sale to take it to ‘the top tier’
by Liam Stoker
Earlier this year Solarcentury, one of the UK industry’s stalwarts, confirmed that it was exploring a potential sale of the company, with global investment bank Evercore appointed to oversee the process.
The firm has amassed a global solar development pipeline of around 5GW, with shovel-ready assets in some of Europe’s hottest PV markets including Spain, France and Italy, and has also began to build a pipeline of subsidy-free developments in the UK…READ ON
8 Jul: SolarPortalUK: Octopus Investments nails its renewable colours to the wall with rebrand
by Alice Grundy
Solar investor Octopus Energy Investments lauds its renewable business mission as it rebrands as Octopus Renewables.
Octopus Renewables claims to be the largest investor owner of solar power in Europe, with a global portfolio of 2.3GW of clean energy assets…
Updated 10 Jul: RechargeNews: GE probes third turbine collapse at US wind farms this year
PIC: The Latest collapsed turbine in Nebraska
Probe into turbine collapse in Nebraska as Recharge learns earlier incidents are not being linked following investigations
The latest turbine came down on 5 July at Invenergy’s 200MW Upstream Wind Energy Center, which only began operations at the beginning of 2019.
Nobody was injured by the collapse of the GE 2.5-116 turbine at the wind farm in Antelope County, near the city of Norfolk.
A spokesperson for GE Renewable Energy told Recharge: “GE was notified on 5 July of a 2.5-116 turbine collapse at the Upstream wind farm in Nebraska. GE immediately deployed a team to the site, and is working closely with the wind farm operator to determine the root cause of this incident…
The Nebraska incident is the third collapse of a GE machine in the US this year…READ ON
9 Jul: Bloomberg: Putin Mocks Green Push During Speech in Russia’s Most Polluted Region
By Olga Tanas and Dina Khrennikova; With assistance by Yuliya Fedorinova
Russian president is worried about birds, worms on wind farms
Full focus on renewables ‘effective but not efficient’: Putin
Vladimir Putin, leader of the top global oil and gas exporter, wants the world to stop and think about the impact renewable energy is having on wildlife. Particularly worms.
“Everyone knows that indeed wind power generation is good, but does anyone remember about birds in this case? How many birds die?” Putin said in a keynote speech at a Global Manufacturing and Industrialization Summit. The wind turbines “shake so much that worms get out from the soil!” he said in the industrial city of Yekaterinburg, located in Sverdlovsk, Russia’s most polluted region.
“Will it be comfortable for people to live on the planet with a row of wind turbines and covered with several layers of sun batteries?” he said. Sverdlovsk is home to the world’s biggest titanium producer, and is also one of the largest source of copper and steel products…
For Russia, a top-three crude producer and second-largest gas supplier, the green energy shift has so far been minimal. Oil and gas output remains a key industry, accounting for about 40% of state revenues. Companies are reluctant to develop renewable energy projects as they enjoy one of the lowest production costs in the world…READ ON
clearly the public is smarter than they give them credit for. attempts to manufacture opinion with their phony polls etc isn’t working:
8 Jul: BusinessGreen: Carbon pricing and the journey towards an ‘energy constrained world’
by Madeleine Cuff
(The BusinessGreen Powering Progress Together Hub is supported by Shell)
It’s not often that you see an oil executive and a climate change analyst nodding in agreement. But at last week’s Shell Energy Summit, climate researcher and author Mike Berners-Lee reached an agreement with Shell’s integrated gas and new energies director Maarten Wetselaar when they were each asked what the most significant step forward in the global fight against climate change would be.
Both, without missing a beat, replied “a price on carbon”…
It will take some form of global system to ensure any savings in emissions reduction are banked, Berners-Lee added. “When we look at the global carbon curve, there is not that faintest jot of evidence that humans have noticed climate change yet,” he reflected. “It is going up exactly, and I choose my words carefully, exactly as if humans had not noticed climate change was an issue. And I’m not saying that to be depressing, but that tells us that we need to interrupt the dynamics of emissions growth at the global systems level. So we need a global constraint to leave the fuel in the ground.”…
But there have long been problems with this argument, not least the political feasibility of ever bringing economic theory into policy life…
Is the public really ready for what could be characterised as ‘energy rationing’? Despite recent polls suggesting that in the UK at least support for climate action is at record levels, the panel were sceptical about whether the public are ready to accept any major lifestyle changes in the name of decarbonisation.
“Even in a 2050 world with carbon capture and storage to help us out, we do need to really reshape society,” said Rebecca Heaton, head of sustainability and policy at Drax Group and a member of the UK’s Committee on Climate Change…
Constraining energy use and global emissions at a global systemic level may be hugely challenging – it may not even be appropriate – but it is radical. And at this stage in the world’s faltering decarbonisation journey, radical solutions must be part of the debate.
10 Jul: Weekly Times: Solar company’s eclipse leaves farmers out of pocket
WHEN Tim and Helen Gibson bought solar panels for their dairy farm a few years ago, they thought their power costs would plummet.
Yet the dollar figures on their electricity bill kept rising despite their panels seemingly soaking up the sun rays.
“We had the hard sell from this group, E. Co (Pty Ltd). They did the spiel about lowering power prices, which when you run a dairy farm, is a big daily expense,” Mr Gibson said.
To buy the solar panels outright, the price tag was set to be tens of thousands of dollars upfront…
In the meantime, E. Co has gone into liquidation so the Gibsons and a number of other farmers across western Victoria have been saddled with the panels that cannot be used, as they are too powerful.
Mr and Mrs Gibson are also now being pursued by another company…
“It is incredibly confusing for clients the way these deals can be brokered and having different companies involved can mean it is harder to work out which parties are at fault…READ ALL
9 Jul: RE News: BlackRock divests Minnesota wind stake
The 30.75MW Community Wind South plant has an offtake agreement with Northern States Power
9 Jul: CapeCodTimes: Nantucket group protests draft authorization for Vineyard Wind
by Mary Ann Bragg
A Nantucket group wants to delay a key permit needed by Vineyard Wind to construct its 84-turbine wind farm south of the Islands.
ACK Residents Against Turbines, a group of more than 100 citizens, claims that federal regulators favor offshore wind over commercial fishing and intend to allow serious harm to endangered North Atlantic right whales.
“This process is moving too fast, and everyone needs to slow down and make sure we aren’t creating problems for the North Atlantic right whale that can’t be reversed,” Vallorie Oliver of ACK Residents Against Turbines said Tuesday. “This particular animal is clearly struggling, yet it appears that the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries, in their rush to clear the path for Vineyard Wind, are forgetting their obligation to protect the whale.”…READ ALL
9 Jul: ActionNewsNow: Citizen group expresses its concerns about windmill farm being built in Shasta County
By Callie Ross-Smith
SHASTA COUNTY, Calif. – A new windmill farm is in the works just west of Burney.
The farm being developed by Pacific Wind Development LLC did not disclose why the 39,000-acre plot of land was chosen.
Some locals are concerned about the farm’s placement because of how close it is to homes, how it will impact tourism, possible fire danger and what it will do to the landscape.
“The windmills actually increase the fire danger. And we’re already a zone just like Paradise was,” said Beth Messick, who chairs the group that calls themselves the Citizens in Opposition to the Fountain Wind Project…READ ON
4 Jul: BerwickAdvertiserUK: Plans for 300ft wind turbines in Hartlepool reignite long-running wind farm saga
Plans for three onshore wind turbines in Hartlepool measuring more than 300ft are expected to be submitted to planning bosses this summer – reigniting a long-running saga over wind farms in the town
But Coun James Black, who represents Seaton on the council, has warned the plans could face opposition.
“Residents have previously expressed they don’t want them where they are being proposed,” he said.
“They are quite happy to see them off shore in the sea, but residents of Seaton don’t understand why the developer is wanting to put them there…
3 Jul: AgrilandIreland: ‘Destroying people’s lives for a renewable energy plan that won’t work’
by Aisling Kiernan
Residents in rural Co. Waterford feel efforts were made by a renewable energy company to divide and conquer their community after it attempted to develop a wind farm there. They also say that wind farms are destroying people’s lives in Ireland.
One resident has also highlighted that wind energy is not enough to combat climate change and that, in terms of reducing carbon emissions in this country, the biggest asset will be the bogs of Ireland – when they are restored to their original state – “and before the guts were ripped out of them”.
Residents in Knockanore – in the north of the county – formed a committee last year after it emerged that Innogy Renewables had placed a wind monitoring mast in the nearby Coolbeggan Woods – the first indication to some homeowners in the area that a wind farm was en route…READ ALL
read all:
9 Jul: GreatSouthernStar: Wind farm fight is on
NEW residents close to a proposed wind farm say they had no idea they were buying properties near OSMI Australia’s 53-turbine project.
Yinnar resident Sindy Van Eede, said that under the current plan three turbines would be at a distance of between 1-1.5km from her home, in the plantation forest managed by HVP Plantations. Some of the turbines will up to 250m high.
“My health, wellbeing and lifestyle will be detrimentally affected by the noise, infrasound, vibration, and shadow flicker, occurring 24 hours, seven days a week,” she said…
The Delburn Wind Farm has been touted as a replacement to coal fired power in the Latrobe Valley, with the promise of jobs and investment.
The wind farm will border Boolarra, Yinnar, Hazelwood, Darlimurla, Delburn, Moe South, Narracan, Driffield, Coalville and Hernes Oak.
Louise Gilmore, another new Yinnar resident, said she bought a property in “this lovely peaceful town six months ago, predominantly for the view”.
“With this proposed wind farm within three kilometres from my home, my entire westerly outlook will be dominated by the wind farm,” she said.
“There is no doubt in my mind that my lifestyle investment property will decline in value and be impacted by light flicker and infrasound.
“I’m also concerned of the impact to the wildlife in the area, particularly to the wedge-tailed eagle breeding pairs residing around the proposed site.”…READ ALL
without a care for the environment & wildlife, FoE have advice for Sturgeon:
9 Jul: Scotsman: Nicola Sturgeon must show JFK’s vision in climate change fight
by Dr Richard Dixon, director of Friends of the Earth Scotland
On finance, taking public sector pension money out of the likes of BP and Shell could free up nearly £2bn to invest in housing, renewable energy and public transport. As policy ideas are developed and tested over the summer we need the kind of determination that took humans to the moon to produce a response up to the job of addressing the climate emergency.,,
lengthy, read all; first I’ve seen this piece!
4 Jul: ABC: Wildlife expert Nick Mooney says eagle windfarm deaths higher than reported
ABC Radio Hobart By Georgie Burgess
A wildlife expert has called for independent monitoring and studies into eagle deaths caused by windfarms, warning the problem is only going to get worse as the industry expands in Tasmania.
Under Commonwealth legislation, windfarm companies agree to “offsets” when an endangered bird is killed.
Offsets include the companies paying compensation, funding research or the protection of nest sites.
“A lot of people call it blood money — it’s compensation for killing endangered species,” wildlife biologist Nick Mooney told Leon Compton on ABC Radio Hobart.
Musselroe Wind Farm, Tasmania’s largest, has reported 11 wedge-tail eagle deaths and one white-bellied sea eagle death since it was constructed in 2013.
Mr Mooney believes the mortality rate is higher…
A spokesperson for the Environment Department said the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act set out the requirements for offset proposals and used the most recent available scientific literature.
8 Jul: IrishExaminer: Challenges to wind farm admitted to fast track commercial court list
By Ann O’Loughlin
Two High Court challenges against a Bord Pleanala decision to grant planning permission for a wind farm which will have some of the highest structures in the country have been admitted to the fast track Commercial Court list.
The actions have been brought against the decision to grant permission to Coole Windfarm Ltd to develop a 13-turbine wind farm with blade tip heights of 175 metres on peatlands near the village of Coole in northwest Co. Westmeath, near the border with Co. Longford.
The first action is brought by a local residents groups the North Westmeath Turbine Action Group, and the North Westmeath Turbine Action Group Company Ltd.
The second has been brought by environmental campaigner Mr Peter Sweetman.
In proceedings against An Bord Pleanala, and the State, both seek various orders and declarations, including an order quashing the board’s decision to give the project the go-ahead.
The applicants claim the decision to grant permission, made last March, is not consistent with EU directives on Habitats and Environmental Impact Assessments…
“A spokesperson for the Environment Department said the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act set out the requirements for offset proposals and used the most recent available scientific literature.”
I suppose like the Qld Veg Management Act whose “most recent available scientific literature” seems to have missed about 40 year of woody vegetation research
10 Jul: 9News: Fire extinguished at Sydney Airport international terminal
by Sarah Swain
Passengers were evacuated from some parts of the airport after a fire was sparked by a dropped battery.
9News understands a man had been passing through the terminal’s security zone with a number of lithium batteries, which are about the same size as a two-litre milk bottle.
During a security staff inspection of one of those batteries, a fire was sparked that filled the security and duty-free shopping areas of the airport with thick smoke…
Air Services Australia said aviation firefighters managed to quickly put out the blaze in Terminal 1.
10 Jul: 7News: Sydney Airport passengers evacuated after ‘damaged battery’ goes up in flames
by Alex Chapman
A warning on the Civil Aviation Safety Authority’s website reads: “Damaged batteries can be dangerous.
“Whether they’re dropped, smashed, overheated or mistreated in other ways, lithium batteries can become unstable and have been known to ignite fires due to mistreatment.”…
5 Jul: Breitbart: Virgin Atlantic Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Cabin Fire Breaks Out
A fire caused by a portable battery pack forced a Virgin Atlantic flight to make an emergency landing Thursday after flames began emanating from a passenger seat.
The flight, which was en route to London Heathrow from New York’s JFK Airport, made an emergency landing at Boston’s Logan Airport after the crew extinguished the flames. Reports state all 217 passengers were evacuated successfully upon landing…
3 hours since 9news had their story posted online, but can’t find a thing from billion-dollar-plus taxpayer-funded ABC, even tho it was very much a public interest story.
10 Jul: PV Mag: Industry Super Investment report warns lack of energy policy thwarting investment
Australian super funds have called out for “comprehensive” and “long term” energy policy to be put in place in order to unlock investment in the electricity sector. The Industry Super Funds (ISA) and the Group Super Fund made the call in its Modernising Electricity Sectors report, released earlier this month.
by Blake Matich
A report issued by industry super funds to which over five million Australian workers contribute has signalled that the current energy policy vacuum, at least on the federal level, is delaying action on Australia’s energy transition, and likely pushing up long term costs to consumers and industry. The report, which guides industry super funds long-run investment decisions in Australia’s energy sector takes a holistic approach to the electricity market, albeit with slightly outdated solar PV costs…
Written by economists Stephen Anthony and Alex Coram, Professor Emeritus at the University of Western Australia, the report seeks to outline and advocate for a long-term energy future for its own strategic investment in renewables, new technologies and startups, as well as assisting the government with policy frameworks.
We are facing, the authors write, a “trilemma” of how to balance the generation of cheap energy, reliable energy and low emission energy. To this “trilemma” there is no simple solution, for the future of energy is certain to be a pluralistic one. The extensive report stressed the need for long-term, comprehensive government policy for Australia’s energy transition – yet another sign of significant investor movement towards renewable markets like solar PV in recent weeksand months…READ ON
You have to be a special kind of stupid to think the industrial revolution was a bad thing:
‘Who started the problem?
This country.
It was the industrial revolution that started here, based on burning coal’: David Attenborough says Britain should take a lead on climate change.”
Sir David Attenborough points climate change finger at Britain: ‘We started it all in the industrial revolution’
It would appear that Attenborough i9s just spouting what his minders tell him to because he is in his dotage.
Like that BBC cartoon – he asked Greenfleece
Sky Australia is running a news ticker saying Attenborough says Great Barrier Reef is the star example of “climate change” or something. haven’t listened to this, but it may be where he said it:
VIDEO: 3min39sec: 10 Jul: NorthernStar: David Attenborough testifies on the Great Barrier Reef
David Attenborough appeared before a UK parliamentary committee where he described seeing the impact of warming ocean water during a dive on the Great Barrier Reef.
Steve Irwin’s gone yet this Sir Walrus-Porn Prattenborough is still pushing his
Zimmerframetrolleybarrow of mash? There is no justice… just ice, and coral, and growing atolls, and snow blizzards, and record cold in ‘summer’.HELLO DAVID, ARE YOU DEAF AS WELL AS BLIND? (Yes I’m shouting coz he’s a bit doddery as you know)
headline seems garbled. Attenborough is destroying his legacy & Reuters’ use of the “radical” quote is disgusting:
10 Jul: Pedestrian TV: David Attenborough Has Dragged Australia’s Lack Of Climate Action, So That’s Fun
by Brad Esposito
Speaking in front of the UK Parliament’s British, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee on Tuesday, Attenborough said the country’s Great Barrier Reef is one of the most striking examples of climate change that he could think of…
“I will never forget diving on the reef about 10 years ago and suddenly seeing that instead of this multitude of wonderful forms and life, that it was stark white,” he said. “It had bleached white because of the rising temperatures and the increasing acidity of the sea.”
“Australia is already facing having to deal with some of the most extreme manifestations of climate change.”
“Nobody thought that human beings could change the climate and we are… and what is worse is that we are changing the climate in a way that is irreversible.”…
TWEET: Reuters Top News: (Attenborough video 1min11sec) “We cannot be radical enough”
Naturalist David Attenborough says climate change will cause social unrest
10 Jul 2019
Attenborough’s address to British MPs included a silver lining of hope that the young people of today are trying their best to tackle the environmental crisis, however the naturalist also believes polluting could soon be looked back on with the same disgust as slavery.
“People are understanding that to chuck plastic into the ocean is an insult,” he said.
“To have the nerve to say: ‘This is our rubbish. We’ll give you money and you can spread it on your land instead of ours, in the far east,’ is intolerable. And for some reason or other young people understand that. And that’s a source of great hope to me.”
“The only way you can get up in the morning is to believe that actually we can do something.”
Do you get the distinct impression with these climate changers that the more they’re being ignored by their ‘deplorables’ the more catatonic and ridiculous they’re becoming?
The “shouting louder” theory meets the “tuned out” reality?
They are becoming histrionic when wantonly ignored, which is highly amusing, but at some point we’ll have to go on the attack.
There is a stretch of the GBR off Townsville which is murky and agricultural practice is blamed, but in reality its been happening for 700 years.