A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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“I wonder what is with young females that makes them powerful amplifiers of mass hysteria”.
Javier (Climate Etc)
With only 12 years left before children all around the world spontaneously combust, a sort of armageddon, I look forward to discussing millenarian madness.
All you have to do is look at the footage of when the Beatles toured Australia and all the screaming women/girls.
In short, I dont know, but I suspect its a combination of being supercharged with hormones and thier age and lack of knowledge of how the world really works which makes them susceptable.
From my experience, women want to do the “right thing” ( which is scary if society defines that “up” is now “down”, and vice versa…) and are highly networked ( and greatly fear judgement by thier peers ) so they drop into line with society, fast. I guess bad news if society has shot itself in the foot through pedalling stupid ideas…..
Most nonsense these days is introduced via social media, so it usually infiltrates like a stain , quietly via the womenfolk into the house, and slowly takes over.
Its actually a form of abuse of womens trust in what they see and hear ( also known as targetted propaganda ) which is grossly unfair and heavily abusive. So in many respetcs, the powers that be are basically abusers.
My teenage daughter is big into horse riding, and like most horse riders, is huge on common sense and will slap anyone silly who behaves like a fool, especially as safety is concerned and the general horsey mindset seems to foster this. She is less influenced by social media, but the Left have also done a good job of infiltrating the schools via curriculum with the climate lie, which I have pretty much neutralized.
‘ … so they drop into line with society, fast.’
They quickly conform to the accepted norms and frown upon anyone breaking ranks on climate change.
The authorities are going to make climate change part of the HSC and most of the science teachers are male skeptics. Should he organise a red and blue team and let them battle it out?
I was never one to scream at The Beatles or any other group and I never put up posters of pop stars and the like! Always wanted to make up my own mind, thank you.
OS, your daughter sounds like mine; she was nuts on horses and used to ride a lot and was a riding instructor for a while…a good teacher and full of robust commonsense.
Not all women can be tarred with the same hysterical brush…
We are not all the same, genetics have a large part to play and also upbringing. Typical males are generally stand alone and narrowly focussed, driven to a great degree by primordial urges.
So I say to the students there is a religious meme built into the system, millenarianism, where the young and old believe the end is nigh. How does climate change fit into this?
Its OK, science teachers are still very much in demand and have a bright future, but not so sure about geography teachers.
‘But stand by for a change of attitude once climate change is an official component of Year 11 and HSC geography courses from 2022.’
Daily Terror
So we need a court case to make sure, like the infamous “Incovenient Truth” film court trial, that before “Klimate Change”(tm) can be taought, it needs to be prefaced with a govt issued propganda warning.
This is nothing more than blatant State propaganda in action.
Its such a joke & it will backfire.
As the old Soviets used to say about Soviet State propaganda:
“They used to pretend to tell us the “news”,
and we used to pretend to believe them”
There is hope.
‘The draft syllabus will now be vetted by geography teachers across the state.’
We the people take that as red.
Under normal circumstances that is a given, but the situation has changed.
If there are more male geography teachers then we are in with a chance, I’ll do some sleuthing.
Just over a third are female geography teachers, with 40% male teachers over 50 years of age, but we have a problem in that the remainder are millennial male teachers.
Found this at HSIE Teachers.
HSC course
3 (possibly 4) topics:
– Sustainable Places
– Ecosystems at Risk (but may be a shorter version of the current topic)
– One topic (or possibly two) still to be announced. There are a few different options as to what this topic will be.
‘This is the first time there has been change in the Senior Geography syllabus in NSW for many years. It is important that as many people get involved in the consultation sessions as possible. Make sure you attend and have your say.’
I meant she was a good teacher of riding, not in the classroom.
During the 1960s a popular rock band was visiting a NSW western country town with shows over a weekend at the entertainment centre.
Two police officers I shared a house with told me on Sunday morning about the night before after the show, at a hotel where the performers were staying, about the large number of local girls hanging around the entrance and reception area and being selected by band members to accompany them to rooms upstairs. The officers were amazed at how many girls were there and who many they recognised were in town society.
Its the maternal instinct shrouded by romantic excitement.
It’s only rock ‘n’ roll but I like it, like it, yes I do! ~ signed: Mick & Keef & the boys, awright?
For some strange reason, this reminds me of several visits to the old town of Dali in far west China, which I had the fortune to study before the tourists wrecked it. Basically, as told to me by residents, the females did almost every task. The males had 2 defined tasks. First, a few times a year, they were supposed to travel to other places, returning with fresh horses to minimise inbreeding. Second, ditto females.
This had been the custom for hundreds of years and it seemed to work, at least until I suggestively proposed that I too was a fresh genetic variety source. The female avoidance methods then resorted to the customary set used globally. Geoff S
I know it, Geoff, there were some cuties when I was there July 1986 “before the tourists wrecked it“. Flirting was fine but no-no-no horizontal folk-dancing with the gweilo foreigner! How many Westerners have been to Dali? You meet all sorts here at Jo’s Café.
Had seen the name of the town on a map in Kunming and thought Salvador! and so a harrowing yet thrilling 2-day bus ‘trip’ ensued (breakdowns and road slips over switchback mountain passes) and oh! what an enchanting, alpine, lakeside
villagetown it was. Stayed in a school which had been converted into dormitory accommodation and as the staff couldn’t tell if I was a longhaired bloke or a ‘manly’ female, they put me in a room with 2 women (Spanish and German) who were more than happy to have some male company.Spent blissful days riding old pushbikes round the valley, swimming in the lake, eating hot food washed down with cold beer – 啤酒 pijio! – topped-off with visits to a local hot-spring / sauna where an old blind guy beat the living daylights out of me (with bracken branches and hands & feet and hot/cold water treatment) best massage EVAH! Oh, apart from the Spanish and German girls…
Ah, sweet Dali…
You are of course referring to cute little (plain faced) Greta ThunderBird.
I see in her latest exploit she is travelling to New York for some climate action conference (COP25) bullshix at the UN or whatever. She wouldn’t travel by air or cruise liner because of Co2 emmissions. So thoughtfull . .
But that didn’t stop her, behold she has hitched a ride on the hi-tech luxury 60ft racing boat Malizia II (a Co2 time bomb if ever there was). So isn’t that just convenient. But if she really cared about the environment I think she should have glued her little glass bottom to a rowing boat and rowed across the Atlantic !!
What a hero she would be . . a kind of latter day Joan of Arc.
One day she will come unstuck . . .
Greta of ark B……
Her judgement is clouded by the breath she exhales.
EG, Sorry to be off topic…
Ken has posted his fourth BOM
non compliant
Weather station
Wooroka in SA
It seems that BOM here in SA
Is unable to keep tabs on whether i
I’s sites are compliant or
In the make-believe world of the so-called climate scientists the total surface of the earth is bathed in quarter power sunlight ALL of the time. This is like saying that the earth is stationary and is completely surrounded by a low (quarter) powered sun. This is a static system in which the earth does not rotate and there is no day and night.
In the real dynamic world, full power sunlight bathes one hemisphere of the earth at a time , with the most power directed somewhere between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn, depending on the season. Obviously this point of most power circles the earth as the earth rotates.
The first case is a physical impossibility and has been artificially created by using the geometric relationship of the area of a sphere to its diameter cross section. The fact that this geometric relationship is correct does not make it right to use it to create the physical impossibility upon which greenhouse gas theory is dependent.
Once this impossible situation is assumed it becomes easy to demonstrate that quarter power sunlight only produces a surface temperature of -18 degrees centigrade. However, although the mathematics based on this false assumption are correct, the physical result remains impossible.
In the real world full power sunlight, around noon on a tropical beach on a windless day, heats the sand to an almost unbearable temperature. Also, if one sits in a sun-room on a sunny winter’s day it is quite comfortable even though it is unpleasantly cold outside. Of course this is what a real greenhouse does.
Take away this fallacious assumption and the whole catastrophic greenhouse gas hypothesis becomes invalid.
Surely you are not insinuating that the sun has something to do with temperature?
Everyone knows that temperature is controlled by CO2 and CO2 alone. And no further correspondence will be entered into.
Miss the QAL days?
The CO2 horseh*t has to stop.
The two vastly different mechanisms at work over 24 hours are hidden by the “averaging”.
Anecdotal evidence of warming during the day and cooling at night strongly suggests that if the Sun was to go on strike and not rise the next day then we would be frozen after a few days.
Put simply, the heat loss when the Sun goes down is not slowed by CO2 and the real science is that CO2 acts to send low grade IR energy back out to space. This mechanism is operative at high altitude and significantly at very low temperatures.
The idea that this “trapped energy” can somehow make its way back to ground level is plain unscientific.
The Vostok ice cores show that when the temperature dropped after an interglacial, it was well before the CO2 level dropped, up to about 1900 years. Time enough to cool the oceans and increase the solution of CO2. Certainly shows that CO2 doesn’t ‘trap’ heat, and the effect of Henry’s law.
When the Earth recovered after the (approx.) 1200 years of the lower Dryas the temperature in Greenland shot up 10℃ in less than 50 years, and then rose some more to the Holocene Optimum over 2,000 years later. The CO2 level actually dropped about 10 p.p.m. at that time, obviously due to solution in the colder oceans. CO2 rose slightly until the Holocene Optimum but supposedly stabilised for the next 7,000 years during which time the temperature fluctuated several times. So Henry’s Law was repealed (by the AGW gullibles) 10,000 years ago.
The stable CO2 level fails to account for the Little Ice Ages the reaction (by the AGW gullibles) is to try and rewrite history and have the Little Ice Age join the Medieval Warming in the waste paper basket.
IT may be SETTLED but it isn’t Science.
The mystery gas, it’s everywhere.
Agreed. IMO ”nature abhors a vacuum” could well be restated as ‘nature abhors an average’. In reality averages are merely statistical numbers. As an example, in what reality is the world average temperature meaningful
‘Take away this fallacious assumption and the whole catastrophic greenhouse gas hypothesis becomes invalid.’ Exactly. The whole thing is based on ‘flat earth’ theory. Flat Earthers have been debunked for decades some still hang on. The energy budget in ALL diagrams on most main stream science textbooks and sites assume a FLAT Earth! This is totally erroneous. Also the assumption that the earth doesnt rotate. Hs no day and night has the same energy budget regardless of position.
Which hemisphere, the north or the south one?
Ireland is in the Northern hemisphere.
So if that is the level of understanding, then…
Then we agree: the world is a very confusing place; especially when politicians replace scientists.
and Limerick is still in Ireland …
Middle Earth Peter….
Day/Night of course….
You lack reading comprehension.
And probably don’t know why the Day hemisphere is bigger than the Night one, especially during Australian summer..
For PF’s education (should actually want to learn anything)..
… any Great Circle divides the globe into 2 hemispheres..
Equator is just a specific Great Circle.
So you have a day time hemisphere and a night time hemisphere, with the boundary (close to being a Great Circle) constantly changing as the Earth rotates, and dependant on the angle of the Earth’s axis to the Sun.
Simple, but obviously not simple enough for PF.
I read somewhere very recently that the climate models can’t handle a (near) spherical Earth so they treat it as Flat.
There’s therefore no prize to guess who are the real Flat Earthers 😛
We’ve seen reference to this study but here’s a take on it that brings up a subject that doesn’t get much attention when discussing the how and why of the climate on this site and possibly does deserve a little more attention . . . .
The author has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”.
What is patristics? Patristics or patrology is the study of the early Christian writers who are designated Church Fathers. The names derive from the combined forms of Latin pater and Greek patḗr. [Wikipedia]
And not using BOM ‘data™’, obviously.
With reference to my comment at #2.5 above, and this input about the two European professors, I highly recommend abandoning all reliance on and reference to the climate models. All of them. They’re only leading the Flat Earthers wildly astray.
402. And in the entire world cowardly malice distinguishes the adherents of darkness and chaos. But the heart demands construction, for it knows how infectious is chaos. -Morya: Heart 1932
Moscow protests–
Breaking News
Who are these people? “It is one of many impacts of climate change laid bare in a paper from the Global Health Alliance Australia.”
Green Madness must be contagious!
The only thing that makes people stupid is :
– Willful ignorance
– Hanging out with stupid people
– Reading stupid stuff
Even intellectually below par people can exercise wisdom and intelligence and become smarter than “educated” people.
Proverbs 29:9
“If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.”
Proverbs 18:6
“A fool’s lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating.”
Proverbs 26:3-12
“A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and a rod for the back of fools. Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. Whoever sends a message by the hand of a fool cuts off his own feet and drinks violence. Like a lame man’s legs, which hang useless, is a proverb in the mouth of fools….”
“people can exercise wisdom and intelligence” –
’tis a fine line between ‘exercise’ and ‘exorcise’.
I think it depends on the individual. Anyone with a reasonable degree of intelligence who can make sense of basic things, can tell you climate chnage is complete nonsense. The next step is handling the idiots who then try and pressure them back into conforming. Thats the real test. I’d rather have someone who has backbone, but half as smart as some uni “educated”dimwit….
Mate of mine who is a concreter ( and damn smart ) who occasionally ask if I was smart, as I’d do stuff that to him wasnt logical, but out of uni you havent really experinced the real world….
Now these days, add in for most uni grads the scourge of social media and the Big Lie, and its an explosive mix….
“Now these days, add in for most uni grads the scourge of social media and the Big Lie, and its an explosive mix….”
A backfire defined?
Of course medical doctors are vastly respected experts
In the subject of the temperature
Aren’t they ?
NO ! NO ! NO ! NO !
They can barely stay abreast of real medical knowledge
Which means that often they are pushing
bBull dust & dangerous drugs
In their own field of expertise.
Statins being a great example.
Good point Bill,
One incredible instance of groupthink was the doctors endorsing alcohol during pregnancy.
This tends to suggest that they also may not have the knowledge background to understand the subject under discussion around the link.
Let’s not forget the food pyramid.
People DO listen to dietary guidelines, at least to some degree and millions pay the ultimate price every year.
The vegetable oil industry has found compliant researchers who tell us that these oils are “heart smart”, which they are not. I’m back on salted butter, tastes so good I don’t use jam. 🙂
I recall reading somewhere margarine was originally designed as a horse feed/food….and the horses got heart disease …… oh well….
Just as well the science is settled in human nutrition too (/s)
“Eat Your Meat! Heart Disease In Paleo Farmers And Egyptian Mummies”
“Distressingly Accurate Analysis Of Fats & Weight Gain”
“Two TEDs – Fixing Diabetes, Obesity, And Cancer With Diet”
And one more
“Carnivore All Meat Diet – How It Can Work”
Watched that vid on the Egyptians, a real eye opener – highly recommended.
What I don’t understand is why they didn’t use some of their grain to feed chooks or ducks, whatever was domesticated at that time, and get their protein that way.
I have been using coconut oil for some time now. I think I had been using it before Mrs H’s dementia diagnosis. We now have a version of “bullet proof” coffee* for breakfast where I use MCT oil, which is refined coconut oil. This and other supplements have slowed the progression of her disease, I think.
Coconut oil is good for cooking if for no other reason than it’s high fuming point. Y’day I watched a vid where a Spaniard showed how to make Spanish omelette. He cooked the potatoes in olive oil which he then drained back and reused up to 5 times. That’s crazy. You shouldn’t heat olive oil once because it oxidises at normal pan temperatures. Bet he paid for virgin oil before abusing it in this way. 🙁
H – Chiefio on that subject today
“Eat Butter and Coconut Oil and Drink Whole Milk For Mental Clarity”
I was aware of the positive effects of coconut oil many years ago although I don’t remember if Mary Newport was the first I read. BTW I think her husband has since passed, so she didn’t find a “cure” but every little helps.
My issue has been how to add these quite large quantities of oil to Mrs H’s diet as she wouldn’t swallow spoonfuls of straight oil. I made some pretty awful smoothies not knowing how to emulsify the oil. I even tried adding curcumin [another brain food] and that was a coagulated mess, so for years we only had what I added to the pan which was much less than I wanted. A year ago I found bullet proof coffee and we now share quite a palatable morning drink.
Over the years not one of half a dozen doctors have mentioned MCT oil. One specialist asked about coconut oil and I said we cooked with it and he accepted that as adequate. It isn’t. Two GPs rolled their eyes and spluttered about “all that fat”.
If you are concerned about someone near and dear, don’t wait for obvious memory loss. Thinking back OCD was the first symptom and loss of smell another. With Mrs H there were certain things she would buy every time she went shopping, even if we already had 6 months supply in the cupboard. For men that might show as new tools in the shed still in their packaging.
I feel better now, I returned to butter a few years ago.
Another myth, salt is bad for you. Your body just rejects excess salt anyway.
A new report suggests we stop feeding drugged-up, addle brained dingbats.
So Tasmanians really are smarter than Queenslanders. I wonder how Greg Hunt is going to go convincing all those Islanders that he is smarter than them because temperature.
Venezuela loses power again, this time most pundits are saying that they are victims of electronic sabotage here is the financial times take
Now in case you are saying, “now come on Peter Fitzroy, this is all down to marxist neglect of infrastructure” This is what is happening in the US
mostly because of the verified attacks which brought down the Ukrainian electrical grid.
Of course in Australia, well listen to the crickets instead
I will be listening. The first test starts this week
I think crickets might listen to the Drongo.
No other creature would.
A GREAT answer for the numskull…
Relevance to this blog
Here in Oz Peter ?
None I can see.
I have pity for the poor people of Venezuela
Who are oppressed by such a stupid a
And dishonest government
But it is their job to sort out Maduro and his marxist cronies.
It is NOT our problem.
you know you can put spaces between sentences not just returns.
Didnt they paint roundabouts in multiple colours in Braddon, at great taxpayer expense, in the ACT?
Our tax money at “work”…….
yes they did but it was not a “great” amount and was in fact much cheaper than the average cost of visual enhancements (where that is the goal whether one agrees that enhancement is the outcome is another matter) to public places (e.g public art, concealing infrastructure, landscaping etc).
it also looks quite good- roundabouts are a blank canvas waiting to be improved.
Roundabouts are a road safety measure designed to ease traffic flow. I fail to see the point of making something distracting to motorists when a motorist’s full attention should be on possible traffic hazards.
But we are talking about Disneyland, otherwise known as the ACT….
Your taxes at work.
I wonder if the roundabouts went out on stress leave afterward?
what utter nonsense and what little trust you you must have of the ability of drivers not to let themselves be distracted from the act of driving safely. Yes, it is the driver that gets distracted.
It is possible to be both aesthetic and non-distracting. By your measure all roads should be flanked by blank walls so we don’t see the mountains, buildings, rivers that might distract a driver.
By the way Steve, the 5 cans of paint and the 6 hours of labour were paid for in part by the local traders as well as by the ACT government. Your taxes were untouched.
“as well as by the ACT government”
Yep…federal taxes fund the thing they try to call a govt in the ACT.
I have it on good authority the parking enforcement is a new form of extreme sport too…have to pay for the white elephant of the tram that only provides rides to labor voting areas….a billion tax payer dollars wasnt it?
Care to keep going on about “untouched” taxpayer funds for a tram that runs on windmill power? You will lose….
Everything in Canberra runs on wind.. even when the windmills are stationary.
How many large wind turbines are there actually in the ACT, I wonder ?
It’s the capital letters too…makes reading more difficult!
But who can fill the empty
Spaces in your cranium ?
‘ … victims of electronic sabotage …. ‘
Highly unlikely, cannot see a motive.
yes the govt is doing a fine job already…
As a friend of the US, we would not be on anyone’s list? That’s good to know
he wasnt even taking about us
Dumb attempt at distraction from PF . yet again.
talk about cherry picking to construct a story, it puts chem trails to shame
Yapros, if the USA thinks that moving back to an analogue system is a good idea, don’t you think that Australia might want to do the same thing? After all we also banned Chinese companies from our 5G build out. (a decision which must rate next to the idea of using copper in the NBN)
If my aunty was a bloke she would be my uncle also, its a nonsense argument about a fantasy that wont happen.
“Of course in Australia,”
We have the Greens and the green agenda !!!
Sabotage on a mammoth scale.
Bread, coffee, to be delivered to Queensland homes by drone from September, starting with Logan
Courier Mail-11 hours ago
The Courier-Mail can reveal Logan has been chosen by Wing – the delivery arm of Google’s parent company Alphabet – as the launch suburb …
31 Jul: MyGoldCoast: Groceries to be delivered by drone to Qld homes
by Shanee Dobeson
Logan has been revealed as the first city to receive the innovative delivery service, with Wing teaming up with a range of businesses in the suburb to deliver a range of items such as fresh bread, hot coffee, non-prescription drugs and other food items directly to homes within minutes.
Wing said they chose the suburb as it’s one of Australia’s fastest growing communities and home to the eighth largest population in the country.
“We also believe our air delivery service can help reduce the traffic congestion and air pollution that often accompany such growth,” Wing said.
A similar service has already been rolled out in Canberra and is proving to be a huge success…
“Queensland is a natural choice because the State is at the forefront of drone technology leadership,” Wing said…
Updated 27 Feb: Seattle Times: What is ‘safe enough’ for drone deliveries?
They will be heavier than the lightweight models that previously have hit people on the ground. A host of questions remain unanswered. Should drones themselves be required to carry safety features such as sensors or parachutes? Are Americans willing to endure drone accidents in exchange for more convenience and freedom, as they do with automobiles?
By Richard Korman
Both of the tech giants pursuing the drone-delivery business, Amazon and Wing, the unit of Google parent Alphabet, say they are ready to fly package-delivery drones with redundant safety systems…READ ON
And lo, look high, redemption draweth nigh,
The Google Wing of Alphabet
Shall egg you in thee eye!
Or douse you in hot coffee or dose you in non-prescription drugs or pummel you with fresh loaves of bread [manna from heaven?] and yet all this aerial surveillance/noise is to “help reduce the traffic congestion and air pollution” and save the walruses? Yeah right:
“And remember… don’t be evil, and if you see something that you think isn’t right – speak up!” ©2018Gog
I scalded my tongue on a Macca’s decaf flat white yesterday. I thought it would have cooled enough by the time I collected it and found a dry seat outside (in Collins St). I don’t go near the place (M’s) as a rule but needed a coffee after legging it through the city and suffering some tram rides! I should have gone to the Baptists’ set-up down the road. Church café places don’t seem to run to decaf so I didn’t bother trying.
Good grief. You couldn’t find decent coffee in Collins Street? Things HAVE gone down hill.
Yes, should have looked harder but I was anxious to be in the right place to meet DD near Parliament station.
It was cheap too!
We’ve given up on the Hopetoun Tearooms…far too hot and busy when last entered 🙁
Lots of Arcades, as I recall. Melbourne was famous for them. Has Andrews broken that as well???? I guess I’m too old.
Collins Street has always gone downhill – to Swanston Street.
I certainly don’t fancy drone delivery! When there are hundreds of noisy drones around, what chances are there of collisions with each other and helicopters? There have been near misses with large commercial aircraft.
On the other hand, there are careful users who take stunning photographs and videos.
‘I certainly don’t fancy drone delivery’ Oh but wait…UBER air is coming to a city near you! Wait till the first air accident with loss of life, see them running for the hills.
Just read that a Swiss Post 12 kg delivery drone crashed to the ground about 50 metres from a group of kindergarten children. All drone flights now suspended.
The fact that we get Green candidates elected in inner city areas shows just how dangerous drones can be.
Those electorates must be over-run with drones.
Decaf flat white?……oh you mean a cup of sadness.. 🙂
No choice there Yonnie…caffeine causes trouble, regrettably. It’s amazingly difficult to find decaf coffee despite quite a few people who can’t tolerate caffeine.
The instant stuff on aircraft is DISGUSTING! Better to stick to plain water…
Seems to make a reasonable case for shotgun ownership….
Tempting 😉
You can get those anti-drone guns that fire a net and others that simply take electronic control of the drone so you can force it to land. I think they were trialling both at Heathrow to stop XR protesters from shutting down the airport with rogue drones.
I prefer my original option…
If you can find it, there is an episode of Magnum PI ( ok, and all that, but it WAS funny ) where Magnum used a shotty to alter the events around him. It works for me with the drone thing…
mmmmmm Logan , good choice to fly expensive high quality drones into.
Drones? This can’t work, for a myriad of reasons. Why has it not been vetoed already!
Firstly, how can it be economic? But mainly drones if used this way will crash and cause injury. They will cause other people to crash, including distracted road drivers.
If the legislature wants them to work, they will have to make regulations to prevent people from interfering with these drones in any way.
Can’t work!
It was on the main German news last week, of course only in German.
Leaked from an IPCC report due to be published at the start of August:
“already 1.41°C above landmasses and a climate scientists’ estimate that we likely have only a 5% chance of making the #1o5C target”
>> link part-translated below:
“The new IPCC report will be presented in early August.
It summarizes the current, worldwide state of science.
SWR has a draft. This shows that the average global temperature has increased by 1.41 degrees Celsius over the past 140 years or so.
The land masses in particular had been warming up since 1880, according to some 60 scientists from around 30 countries.
So far, the process has not been as fast on the seas as on land.
The scenarios read like a screenplay for a doomsday film: from once fertile landscapes are deserts, from permafrost soils muddy swamps, floods tear the soil, agriculture suffers from long droughts, people under heat waves – to ensure the diet is increasingly difficult.
These scenarios do not spring from imagination.
With them, the scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) describe the effects of [global warming].”
>> Schlimmste Apokalypse. Je.
you know you can put spaces between sentences not just returns. Studies have demonstrated that the traditional paragraphing is one of the most readable ways of arranging text.
Oh behave yourself…..
At least I waited for an unthreaded to raise what would otherwise be an off topic gripe
Wow……thats seriously lame,……
Fortune favours the brave….
So you agree your topic was off?
I happen to find that a line space between sentences makes it much easier for me to read.
Keep doing it please, Travis.
Quite possibly, this will be the only time but I’m with Gee aye on this one. A paragraph groups a continuous line of thought with line spaces denoting a distinct change.
My eyes struggle with close spacing, that’s all.
I find too much in one paragraph on a TV screen very difficult to read at times.
Ohhhhhh ?
Which studies ?
From Venezuela ?
I find for myself
Skipping long lengthy paragraphs
Where the meaning gets diluted
And all understanding is lost.
Instead for me
Short, pithy
Poetic also !
The thing is, the distance between sentences has shortened. See what I mean? The sentences seem to run together and only confuse the reader.
No E G I don’t
See what you mean.
I might have to visit spec savers.
“The land masses in particular had been warming up since 1880”
They mean since the end of the COLDEST period in 10,000 years.
THANK GOODNESS for that warming !!
If this leak is accurate, it means that the UN will announce in August that the world’s land has already more or less reached the level of warming the UN summit in September is designed to merely strategise a way to possibly prevent.
The next 18 months will hopefully be the moment this scam literally disappears up its fundamental as the apocalypse fails to materialise
>> Gee aye, the translation is what it is, and it’s not the most fluent english.
Scrunching it all into one continuous paragraph didn’t help.
that’s not how paragraphing works Travis.
petulant disingenuous whinging. The Gee aye way.
Please use a CAPITAL letter when starting a sentence! 🙂
Its Gee Aye’s MO, lets his bruvvers know he’s active.
…. Even if his mind isn’t.
There is talk around the traps that regional cooling has already begun in the Nordic regions.
Some are already comparing it to Eemian’s end and polar shift, but I wouldn’t go that far.
I did tell you the jet stream loop was moving across.
Climate Reanalysis is giving 403’s at the moment, but I suspect there is a warm patch somewhere else to balance up this WEATHER.
I didn’t notice the date on that article.
It was from before the western European pseudo-heat-wave.
Last time I saw CR was a few days ago, and the warm blob had actually moved up towards the Finland/Norway region.
But this is what we will see until the meandering settles down.
Pockets of rather warm, offset by pockets of rather cold.
Interesting, but not a sign of “Global” anything !
Meandering jetstreams in both hemispheres is the mechanism for global cooling.
Southern Hemisphere blocking decreased between 1948 and 2017, with the subtropical ridge showing enhanced intensity. I argue that the loss of intensity since that time is an indication that climate has changed.
Leaked from an IPCC report due to be published at the start of August:
“already 1.41°C above landmasses and a climate scientists’ estimate that we likely have only a 5% chance of making the #1o5C target”
Another total lie. There is NO ZERO chance of any ‘target’ being met as…HUMANS dont control CO2 which doesnt control the temperature.
So where is this from? The fake science propaganda wing of the UN.
“The land masses in particular had been warming up since 1880 (only up till 1930s then the post war FALL), according to some 60 scientists from around 30 countries.” Based on fake modified graphs.
If there are 60 idiot compliant scientists who have been sucked into the gravy train I feel sorry for them.
30 July: About 20 protesters “taped their mouths this morning“. Huzzah for duct tape! Peace and quiet reigned once more on the chilly streets of Dunedin:
31 July: Temperatures plunge… “Severe weather warnings and watches for heavy snow and rain are in place for parts of the South Island, with a period of heavy snow for eastern parts… A cold southerly change [ ] will bring snow down to 200 to 300m in some places today”:
Therefore (through observation) my hypothesis is: If ALL gobble cuckoo protesters taped their mouths shut, temperatures will be forced to drop – nay, plunge! – and the planet shall return to its natural, perfect, utopian, frozen icehouse State.
Of course I’ll need funding for further research on exotic tropical islands to study this existential theory in situ…
Prince Harry pledges he and Meghan will have only two children out of concern for the planet
Further evidence green stupid is hereditary …
Great news everyone: one of my nieces told me Mindless Hypocrisy and her partner are going to have NO babies. Joy to the world! This was the same child actress turned *pawn* star who announced she was ‘heading to Canada if Trumputinitler won’. Oh wait, what’s her name? Smiley Minus? Miles of Sinus? My lé Saurus?
what is a nitric oxide baby?
G.I. Joe/Jane/Jx – what is a Gee aye baby? As Dave suggested earlier, sentences begin with a capital (upper case) letter – if you want to be taken legitimately that is – and I know three-syllabled words are a tad above your station, so maybe ask an ADULT what emphasis means and get off the N₂O while there’s still a chance…
Gee aye,
Possibly I am confused here. Nitric Oxide? I did not know. I find it is NO.
I took your comment at face value. Then I wondered if Nitrous oxide “laughing Gas” was meant?
“Nitric oxide should not be confused with nitrous oxide (N2O), an anesthetic, or with nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a brown gas and claimed to be a major air pollutant[citation needed]. “
Attention T-shirt department:
Just say N₂O
to Gee aye Joe!
I think it was the Duke that said that there were too many humans, we need a virus to get rid of them.
Yes, there are strange comments that come from the house of Windsor (Sax Coberg).
I though you were talking about John Wayne for a second there.
Surely you don’t mean Marion Mitchell Morrison? In Shootout at the Triple-M Hoedown? Wayne – John Wayne.
Guess Marion is easier than Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderberg-Glücksburg (Philip ‘Mountbatten’) & Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Lizzie ‘Windsor’) from the un-Royal House of Crock, UK, and all their prodigious spawn:
Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for His Lowness, Philip the Virus (1921 – ).
I thought an heir and a spare was all the Royals went for anyway
Attributed I believe to Consuelo Vanderbilt (Duchess of Marlborough)
I would appreciate comments on these two videos that there is no “greenhouse” effect due to CO2.
“Climate Science 1; There is No “greenhouse effect”
“There is No Radiative Greenhouse Effect – Main Presentation”
Also see related link with slides at:
See questions and comments at:
Hi David, from earlier,
“Put simply, the heat loss when the Sun goes down is not slowed by CO2 and the real science is that CO2 acts to send low grade IR energy back out to space. This mechanism is operative at high altitude and significantly at very low temperatures.
The idea that this “trapped energy” can somehow make its way back to ground level is plain unscientific.”
The “radiation” in question here is highly degraded, low virtue energy and as Will J said only gets set loose from CO2 at very significant altitude and very low temperatures.
The mechanism is in fact a cooling process.
Thermodynamic common sense is that energy of low virtue cannot move against the temperature gradient that it has previously moved down.
Saying that radiation from CO2 can heat the Earth is like saying that water can run uphill.
🙂 KK
do you have the comparison of a CO2 free atmosphere with which to compare your claim that
Gee you dont need to have any CO2. The temperature is ONLY due to the gas laws (+ heat transfer due to water vapour in Earths case) and the radiation input from the Sun, you know that big yellow thing that rises in the morning. This has been shown by a published paper.
thanks but I’m wondering about Keith’s comment which specifically claims that CO2 makes no difference. I was wondering if he has any empirical data to back that up?
me too, is there anything?
WAY MORE than you have ever produced, PF.
Is Anybody home.
Doesn’t anybody know anything?
That’s with 97% certainty.
And of course, not off course, 3% uncertainty.
Written and posted by KK.
For and on behalf of the Australian taxpayers who have to work to pay the tax which keeps the ACT wind turbines moving in a place out of their jurisdiction. That’s the jurisdiction outside of Manberra, which was once the centre of government of Australia, but which is now an entertainment precinct full of important people.
Absolute evidence that CO2 makes no difference is the non-divergence of the CERES data and the Atmospheric temperature.
If increased CO2 was “trapping” heat, they would diverge over time.
I don’t expect either of you to actually understand even basic maths or science.
You have proven time after time that you have absolutely NO INTEREST in doing so.
GA, this licking of PF’s feet is making you look nearly as stupid and ignorant as he is. Take a deep hard look at yourself and see if that is really what you want.
sorry AG but that is not empirical directly measured data. That is still an assertion.
As I have said.
Scientific comprehension and understand is not something you have in your make-up kit, is it GA. !
Not an assertion, basic science, hence beyond your limited brain-power.
If heat was been trapped , there would be less energy escaping
Are you trying to battle PF for dumber and dumbest ?
Obviously you have based your belief on recorded evidence. Where is it?
CO2 doesn’t disrupt convection or conduction, which rule the lower atmosphere.
End of story.
The amount of CO2 is irrelevant to night time, or any cooling.
Basic physics, so way beyond you.
So then basic scientific data can be collected to show that his and your claims are true.
I want empirical data not arm waving assertions.
“I want empirical data not arm waving assertions”. Some “empirical data” studying (60 plus):
Pity the company quoted in the article (or should I say PR blurb) no longer exists. In any case, the article proves how CO2 emits within the infrared frequencies,
Cannot and does not re-emit below about 11km, Basic maths, PF (ie, beyond you).
Collisional time is a magnitude or more faster than re-emittance time in the lower atmosphere.
Now, where is your empirical evidence for warming by increased atmospheric CO2, PF?
Or you could keep playing blankety-blanks.
“Pity the company quoted in the article —- no longer exists”
Totally irrelevant.
And it was a name change anyway.
What has altitude or temperature got to do with it? This is about photons in the infrared band. How does a molecule know if its below the 11km height? Why does it stay warmer on a cloudy night?
PF, I agree that CO2 can emit, but the CO2 molecules are not very “bendy” to use an unscientific term, and therefore don’t radiate very well. And when they do radiate, it’s on the same wavelengths as water vapour molecules. So in reality, they don’t see much of the action as far as energy absorption and re-radiation goes up there. So not only are there too few of them to make any difference, they also don’t contribute much.
PF, Andy’s is correct about the effects of altitude on CO2. See WUWT, 13 June, comment by “tty”, with three very good graphs that clearly show how CO2’s ability to absorb and re-radiate is impacted by altitude.
‘Why does it stay warmer on a cloudy night?’
The heat of the day is trapped by a visible blanket of positive ions. This is not my field, so any criticism would be gratefully received.
On a fine summer’s day we set up a small circus tent and force CO2 into it. As night approaches the outside air temperature begins to fall, but in the tent temperature remains warm.
Until a storm drops a lot of H2O which neutralisers the effect of CO2 and temperature inside the tent fall. Is that correct?
Magical thinking rules then, not science. Pathetic
Wrong Feter,
“Magical thinking rules then, not science”
That’s YOUR meme, PF.
Your whole thought process, (for what it is), is of “magical” gases doing magical things.
You have yet to present any science for warming by atmospheric CO2.
“What has altitude or temperature got to do with it? ”
The fact that you need to ask that tells us all just how little you actually comprehend about how gases emit in the atmosphere.
No surprise there.
“How does a molecule know if its below the 11km height?”:
OMG, you haven’t comprehended ANYTHING have you, PF.
Below that 11km, the atmospheric density is such that CO2 thermalises to the rest of the atmosphere before it can re-emit.
Someone please find me a brick to explain things too, it would have more intelligence.
“Why does it stay warmer on a cloudy night?”
WOW. so little basic knowledge.. and so little ability to learn. !!!
1. because the specific energy of H2O slows the lapse rate
2. latent heat re-radiation as the H2O condenses.
Back to junior school for PF.
“I want empirical data not arm waving assertions”
I’ve been asking that like FOREVER, but arm waving all I get.
The fact is that warming by atmospheric CO2 has never been observed or measured anywhere on the planet.
If you don’t understand the actual science behind convection and the gravity based thermal gradient, which proves that CO2 can have NO EFFECT, then you need to go and do a basic science/physics course so that you CAN understand.
I’d prefer to keep that at arms length.
At what temperature does CO2 “give out” energy?
What is the corresponding altitude for this temperature in the atmosphere.
Keith and Andy for what it is worth. I can put CO2 into an FTIR and have it emit at room temperature at any altitude I want. I’m asking what evidence do you have that CO2 has no affect at night? It is testable by simply comparing air with and without CO2. Where is that data?
Are you hiding it from us?
So you have nothing but assertions
And you have NEVER had any proof of CO2 causing warming.
and you have none that it doesn’t as predicted by your slayeresque fantasy physics.
Their theories are diurnal
Just so long as they aren’t bi.
So you don’t comprehend, hey, PF.
Nothing strange or unusual about that. !
” at room temperature at any altitude I want”
Any altitude you want… isn’t at room temperature.
Stop fantasising, you are making yourself look ridiculous in your fetish-like attempt to cuddle up to PF.
you know I am talking about a standard analytical chemistry instrument used in thousands of labs around the world for routine and scientific applications? You can find my fantasy written up in publications, reports and the manuals that come from the manufacturer. You could walk into a lab and observe this yourself.
by the way. Room temperature is the temperature of the the room. It is a variable. duh
“” at room temperature at any altitude I want””
So you have a room at 10,000m altitude…. really!
Your little mind is now completely GONE, non-existent, kaput. . !!
they can be portable and they are mounted on satellites for astrological and earth observation, so yes. You were wrong.
Your statement was about CO2 behaving a certain way only at and beyond 11km altitude and I’m telling you that instruments observe this behaaviour at sea level at ambient temperature which falsifies your statement –
further, a very specific prediction of your alternative hypothesis is that an atmosphere with and without CO2 should have exactly the same properties with regards to the statement by Keith about night time temperatures. I am asking him and you to back up your statement with empirical data. All you’ve provided so far are abuse, statements along the lines of “anyone who understands basic physics”, and distractions.
Poor GA, FACTS are not kind to you are they petal !!
STOP dreaming up fantasy scenarios, and start dealing with REALITY.
Yet makers of the instruments say that they specifically DON’T pick up that radiation
I know have trouble reading basic charts, but do at least try !
that’s just incorrect
btw what has your graphic got to do with the scientific instruments I referred to? Here are some quotes from the article by Clough and Iacomo ( that you pasted your pic from
The methods in that paper are different to those I’m referring to.- see page 16250.
“I’m asking what evidence do you have that CO2 has no affect at night”
Because the Earth still cools at the same rate it use to.
Dry lapse rate is still related to gravity and the specific energy of the atmosphere.
That has not changed.
CO2 does not change that lapse rate by any significant amount.
In fact, increased CO2 would actually increase the lapse rate by a tiny amount.
Too much basic science/physics for you, GAPF.?
Simple basic physic, little boys.
To cause warming, CO2, or any other gas, has to alter and overcome the dry adiabatic lapse rate.
CO2 DOESN’T and CANNOT do that.
‘ … CO2 has no affect at night?’
Plants only require CO2 during the day for photosynthesis, so at night the gas serves no useful purpose.
The variability of clouds is controlling temperatures, not CO2.
Of course there can be a Greenhouse Effect. It was pointed out by Fournier, who incidentally coined the phrase, back in the 1820’s. He explained that a Greenhouse Effect could only occur if a portion of the atmosphere were to solidify without changing its optical properties.
“I surmise that the Global Warmers, along with Al Gore, noted correctly that CO2 keeps us warm, but thought wrongly that more would make us warmer.
The analogy with glass is important. Horticultural experiments long ago found that more (thicker) glass does not cause more warming, so more CO2 probably doesn’t either.”
Top NZ Scientist Describes “Global Warming” as Pseudo-Science
– Dr David Kear is a former Director General of New Zealand’s Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) – as such he would have been considered one of New Zealand’s top scientists.
He has been publishing on sea levels since the 1950s.
Dr David KEAR
Passed away on 5 March 2019
Aged 95 years
Not sure I would agree with the analogy at all.
You can stop convection with a sheet of plastic.
(although more conduction does occur plastic than through thicker glass)
That is how greenhouses work, by stopping convection.
CO2 is part of convection, and cannot and does not block or slow convection.
They are two very different cases.
So the globe is already a perfect greenhouse. Heat cannot be conducted or convected out.
Displaying ignorance about how energy moves through and out of Earth’s atmospheric system is not very sensible of you.
Convection and conduction RULE in the lower atmosphere, then the transferred energy is radiated to space.
Wasn’t on about how energy moves in the greenhouse. The only way it can get out is via radiation.
Green houses work on trapping air convection NOT radiation!
The first one I could not get through more than a few minutes because it was so tedious to listen to.
The second one, apart from a condesending tone has it reasonably well nailed. Understanding heat is very important. Ocean heat matters to global climate. Land temperature is not a factor in global climate although it is important to local weather.
If Gavin Schmidt did actually say what he was purported to say regarding adiabatic system then it is another insight into his lack of understanding basic physics. Similar to Trenberth finding the missing heat in the oceans, although Trenberth was naive rather than wrong.
as many of you know, I’ve never voted for the Coalition, but I do believe they won the recent federal election.
so Australia has a NOMINALLY conservative government, as do close allies – US, UK, France, Germany, Japan e.g.
however, Aussie taxpayers hand over more than a billion $$$ every year to the ABC, which is staffed by eternal hippies and other assorted faux revolutionaries.
where is management?
ABC Radio National is presently running a promo, featuring Gil Scott-Heron’s “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” saying 50 years of counterculture, all week on RN. don’t know when it began because the following isn’t dated:
ABC Radio National: CounterCultures on RN
Dreamers and dissenters who challenged mainstream culture
Down with the establishment! From Woodstock to Pussy Riot, the dreamers and dissenters who challenged mainstream culture.
RN surveys countercultures from 1969-2019. Who are the are the modern dissenters, those who dare to challenge the mainstream? Is the hacker of today a modern equivalent to the hippie of the ’60s?
From religion and spirituality to technology and science, RN celebrates and investigates the past, present and future of countercultural movements.
not in the above programs:
AUDIO: 29min07sec: 28 Jul: ABC Future Tense: Antony Funnell: Counterculture, consumerism and the far right
Countercultural movements, like Occupy Wall Street, are meant to be future-focussed – revolutionary even. So, why do they often fade into commercialism?
Are they simply a function of consumer capitalism?
If so, what future do they have? And must they always be progressive?
Katrine Pedersen – Art, counterculture and technology specialist; also Head of Education, Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen
Dr Anthony Ashbolt – Senior lecturer in Politics, University of Wollongong
Dr Sven Brodmerkel – Assistant Professor of Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications, Bond University
Dr Jason Wilson – Journalist and Guardian Columnist
Mathieu Gosselin – Paris-based creative technologist
ABC’s Funnell put this up on his Twitter page on 26 Jul and all he has got to date is one reply from someone with the twitter handle “La Bietch d’Resistance” in Oregon! how fitting:
The response shows how many actually watch the ABC.
In defence of the Government I think that their view is that the ABC does provide some services e.g. child minding TV, emergency warnings, and coverage in country areas. More importantly (for politicians) is that they broadcast the sittings of Federal Parliament so the voice of the politician is ‘heard in the land’.
All that probably costs no more than keeping the inmates cooped up in suitable accomodation.
“emergency warnings,”
Are totally pointless if no-one is watching them !
Simple, they’ll just TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN!
I thought they were at TWELVE already, with all their manic panic and carrying on !
Spinal Tap eh?
The people who blocked the streets in the 1960s and 70s have been running the country for years now.
“We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”
Wind turbine recycling
Surely we can end the madness if we can prove to the Sheeple that CO2 in whatever quantity doesn’t cause warming?
Assuming they look up from their smart phones long enough to notice…maybe…..
At least over here kids still play in the snow – or maybe they’re looking for their smart phone they lost?
NZ’s highest main road (1,121 metres) Crown Range Road in today’s sunshine after last night’s dump.
Click on the little camera icon on the map and voilà!
yep, thats about normal for that place at this time. Of course the ‘Gore’ theory says it shouldnt be happening now.
Is the camera only showing the first climb out of the valley? Presume that road is now closed…
Camera’s at the saddle of the pass, highest point of the road, looking westwards. Just checked again (11 pm NZ-time) and there’s campervans in the carpark, vehicle lights coming-and-going (so still open but no doubt icy) and the Milky Way stars are out shining ‘n’ spinning…
Overnight temp down to -7˚C with a 40 km/h southerly so even colder. Just one more reason why I live back up North 🙂
Ok, now I know the place. Great road – really enjoyed driving that way to Wanaka.
While you mention that – cop the photo!
“Labor’s front bench hard at it.”
Bjorn Lomborg has shown that regardless of what CO2 does or doesn’t do, erecting useless wind and solar farms won’t achieve anything. To me, this is a simple message that the general public can absorb.
Here’s the latest on everyone’s favourite mentally ill, Swedish, teen, climate messiah. (“Poor Exploited Greta” it’s a side article with no direct link unfortunately).
Here are some salient quotes from the article:
Greta is eleven years old and has gone two months without eating. Her heart rate and blood pressure show clear signs of starvation. She has stopped speaking to anyone but her parents and younger sister, Beata.
After years of depression, eating disorders, and anxiety attacks, she finally receives a medical diagnosis: Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, and OCD. She also suffers from selective mutism—which explains why she sometimes can’t speak to anyone outside her closest family. When she wants to tell a climate researcher that she plans a school strike on behalf of the environment, she speaks through her father.
So her climate-activist father speaks for her — how convenient. To avoid flying, Greta is taking a yacht to United Nations Climate Summit in New York, and will later attend the World Climate Conference in Santiago, Chile. Regarding the carbon fibre yacht she is travelling to America on:
the yacht on which Greta will cross the Atlantic is a floating testament to the use and utility of oil and its by-products. Packed with electronics and braced with Kevlar (poly-para-phenylene terephthalamide), it is driven by sails that owe nothing to natural fibres.
… To become the strong, light composite material industries love, carbon fibre is combined with a plastic polymer resin. But the manufacturing process, in which sheets of composite material are often laid up by hand, is wasteful.
By the time they’ve been trimmed to size, almost a third of these carbon fibre sheets end up on factory floors, according to recycling company ELG Carbon Fibre. Where the material does make it into products, most of it will ultimately end up in landfill . . .
Bolt had an excellent segment last night with a psychiatrist discussing Greta’s multiple psychological disorders and the part they play in her apocalyptic evangelism. It transpires that her younger sister is in a worse mental health state than Greta. It also emerged that when Greta skips school, it is not just high school that she is skipping, but Special School. The clip is not yet up on YouTube, but when it is posted be sure to watch it. Very edifying.
Roger Franklin sums it up:
“Poor Greta. A sad kid being paraded for the cameras by the absolutely shameless.”
See also
Greta Terephthalamide! Cheers beowulf, such a more fitting surname-cum-title than Greta Thermalopolis or Greta Carbø or even Saint Greta ‘Joan d’Arc‘ Grøtæsque, Queen of the Swedes… and turnips (yuk!)
How’s she and her ventriloquist father/actor – along with their crusading circus entourage – going to get to Santiago, Chile… pack mule or ass?
From Wikipedia article on fuel efficiency of aircraft a trans-Atlantic flight uses much less fuel than a passenger car. Yet another example of the staggering cluelessness of the Left.
Another example, Extinction Resistance(?) picketed what they thought was the H.O. of the Drax power company in London. 200 (BBC number so probably much less) chained themselves to doors, furniture etc. and unfurled banners. Drax moved out over a year ago.
Drax moved out over a year ago –
Exstinkin Webels’ new catchphrase: “We have met the enemy… and he is us”. D’oh!
Clearly a well researched initiative, well lead and executed. Indicative of the powerful intellects driving this incredible movement forward. Lets all hope we see more of the same. #xrdimwits
From Stanley Hooker “Not much of an engineer”
The Concorde at flat chat had a thermal efficiency of 43%
last nite, theirABC aired CBC program “Ideas” – a defense of Marxism:
14 Jun Updated 4 Jul: CBC Ideas: Reclaiming Marxism in an age of meaningless work
Capitalism keeps us from creating value in life, says Yale professor
PIC: “Karl Marx” installation includes 500 figures of the communist icon which reside in Marx’s native town Trier, Germany. The philosopher’s principal critique that capitalism stands in the way of authentic emancipation has arguably become more relevant than ever in the modern age.
LISTEN to the full episode 53:59
More than a century and a half after Marx first talked about the struggle between the ruling class and labour, the promise of capitalism — that progress was inevitable and would ultimately lead to good things for everyone — has proven empty for many people…
Martin Hagglund, a professor of philosophy and literature at Yale University, argues that the nature of capitalism keeps us from making any meaningful decisions about how we can create value and meaning…
According to writer Malcolm Harris (writer and an editor at The New Inquiry), the millennial generation, for example, has inherited a world in which living a life solely of one’s own making has a dreamlike quality for any but the most privileged. He contends they are poorer, in greater debt, and more medicated than their parents or grandparents.
In his book, Kids These Days: Human Capital and the Making of Millennials, Harris writes that when millennials express any kind of expectation that life ought to offer greater meaning, they are derided as being spoiled and entitled…
Harris — who is a millennial himself — says younger people are looking for precisely that connection to history, that sense that they are connected to something bigger than just their own individual lives, that preceding generations had…
Terrell Carver, who teaches political theory at Bristol University, says the conditions of alienation and lack of meaning resulting from late capitalism are the same conditions Marx confronted in the 1840s.
“I think there’s much more historical overlap than people realize. I think this also has to do with new and revolutionary technologies because the 1840s, like today, was really quite revolutionary in terms of technology. The Industrial Revolution was getting underway. Also: the themes of pollution and exploitation and migration.”…
This episode was produced by Naheed Mustafa (Award-winning producer/writer/broadcaster. 2017-2018 CBC Southam Journalism Fellow at Massey College, University of Toronto – Twitter)
Top Related Story:
***How rethinking capitalism may save the planet
***4 Apr: CBC Ideas: How rethinking capitalism may save the planet
PIC: Students participate in a global walkout for Climate Change on March 15, 2019
LISTEN to full episode 53min59sec
The evidence is in: if the earth is to survive catastrophic climate change, the economies of the world can’t continue to grow infinitely…
In lecture and conversation, mathematician and philosopher David Schweickart (professor of philosophy at Loyola University in Chicago) asks whether there is another way forward for capitalism, one in which the choice isn’t between the economy and life itself…
Schweickart found his starting point in Karl Marx’s Das Kapital. But — as he points out — Marx proposed a way to think about the problem of capital, without offering any viable alternative.
So Schweickart proposes something he calls “economic democracy,” an approach to capital that could help not only with a better quality of life for us, but may help save the planet…
The talk heard in this program was recorded at Ryerson University earlier this year. ***David Schweikart’s book, After Capitalism, is published by Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.
***Wikipedia: In After Capitalism and other works, Schweickart has developed the model of market socialism he refers to as “economic democracy”.
below, Green’s guest brings up the “S” word – socialism; planner should resist what the people want. Sennett wrote the Mission Statement for the UN’s Habitat III apparently:
AUDIO: 13min08sec: ABC: Jonathan Green: Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City
But many of today’s global cities seem to have turned away from difference and are increasingly closed and segregated. It is this kind of anti-democratic urbanism that Richard Sennett has spent his working life resisting and his latest book, Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City, is a passionate defence of the open city.
Richard Sennett, Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics
Introducing Richard Sennett
Richard Sennett is now a Distinguished Visiting Scholar in the Department of Sociology at Cambridge University.
Richard Sennett is the co-chair of Habitat III’s “New Charter of Athens” project…
(from A Brief Biography link at top)
For the last three decades, he has served as a consultant to various bodies within the United Nations; most recently, he wrote the mission statement for Habitat III, the United Nation’s environmental congress.
at precisely the same time ABC was praising Marx, 4RPH community radio had Alternative Radio “Rise Up” program – a whole hour of ex-Aljazeera, now Truthout climate zealot, Dahr Jamail, making the most fantastic claims about CAGW – IEA says 6C increase in temps if we continue with fossil fuels; GBR has 13 years before it’s gone; he even mentioned a 97F increase in temp at one point (however the audio is behind paywall, so I can’t even check it to see what that referred to).
behind paywall.
Alternative Radio “Rise Up”: Climate Disruption by Dahr Jamail
Recorded in Portland, OR on January 21, 2019
(from audio sample: IEA report has shown maintaining our current fossil fuel economic system guarantees a 6C rise in temp before 2050)
Ralph Nader points out the term climate change is a vast understatement and does not convey the gravity of what we are facing. He says, climate disruption is more accurate. Study after study, report after report make it clear that human activity is transforming our planet. With heat waves, droughts, wildfires, floods, melting ice sheets and rising sea levels, millions of people will be at risk.
But the fossil-fuel industry with its insatiable hunger for profits continues its assault on the Earth. It has an ally in the president who claims to “have a natural instinct for science,” and asserts: “Any and all weather events are used by global warming hoaxsters to justify higher taxes.” Note that he asked for and obtained approval to build two sea barriers to protect his golf resort in Ireland from rising water.
Speaker: Dahr Jamail
Truthout: Climate Disruption Disptches by Dahr Jamail
Dahr Jamail’s monthly Climate Disruption Dispatches chronicle ongoing evidence and impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Disruption as they have manifested around the globe for the previous 30 days
Alternative Radio boasts of airing Bill McKibben, Naomi Klein and the like. why is it on community radio for the Print Handicapped, which receives some govt funding?
What is the history of the claim that CO2 causes global warming?
How can it be demonstrated to a lay audience that it doesn’t?
Free the scientists from the threat of job losses and they’ll tell the truth.
G’day David,
i’ve been pondering the same questions and decided I’d better find out just what a “greenhouse gas” actually is. So far I’ve not found a definition which I find acceptable. The nearest, in the Oxford, and similarly worded in Wikepedia, is, in my view, circular, and hence incompatible with formal logic.
But I guess that’s not unusual from the IPCC.
If genetics are the cause of autism you have to wonder why more of us older folks aren’t autistic.
We survived.
And here’s another interesting 5G paper . . . . . and not too long . . . .
TOPIC: Operation impacts from potential loss of NOAA/NASA METOC satellite data resulting from the FCC spectrum auction for 5G
Trouble is this sort of thing should be ironed out at the World Radio Conferences, part of the ITU, in Geneva where concerned parties can debate and discuss or protest at world radio spectrum allocations.
The septics dont have a great history of playing nicely in regard to international standards, although at least in this case they seem to be just blowing themselves up which is considerate.
you’d never know the “climate election” lost:
AUDIO: 3min4sec: 31 Jul: ABC AM: How climate change affects human disease
Scientists are predicting an increase in disease and food poisoning cases, and possibly even a drop in IQ in children as temperatures continue to increase.
In a major research project being unveiled today by the Global Health Alliance, scientists are calling on governments to better fund research in the area.
Dr Rob Grenfell, director of health and biosecurity at the CSIRO
Misha Coleman, Global Health Alliance executive director,-low-iq-among-health-impacts-caused-by-climate-change/11368818
AUDIO: 8min58sec: 31 Jul: ABC Breakfast: Climate change on the agenda at Pacific health ministers’ meeting
The Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt heads to French Polynesia next week, becoming Australia’s first minister to visit the islands in more than 20 years.
He’s travelling to meet other health ministers from across the Pacific, with climate change set to be high on the agenda.
Today, a new report warns global warming is already affecting the health of people living in the Pacific, with an increase in deaths caused by extreme weather events and a growing risk posed by diseases like cholera and typhoid.
Guest: Professor John Thwaites, former Victorian health minister, and chairman, Monash Sustainable Development Institute
AUDIO: 8min12sec: 31 Jul: ABC Breakfast: Scientists share real-time observations from the Arctic Ocean
For two weeks, an expedition of American and Canadian scientists and students has been navigating the icy cold waters of the Arctic to study the impact of warming ocean temperatures…
For two weeks, an expedition of American and Canadian scientists and students has been navigating the icy cold waters of the Arctic to study the impact of warming ocean temperatures.
‘He’s travelling to meet other health ministers from across the Pacific, with climate change set to be high on the agenda.’
So why is Hunt still pushing this scam? They were voted in because of an ANTI climate election vote by the masses who (mostly) recognized that the so called climate election was a fr@ud.
‘ello? Why? Two words: French Polynesia. Oui oui bonjour!
Scomo’s latest winning advertising jingle: 100% Pure BS.
His first question should be if the Government of Tuvalu will be seeking funding to develop its increasing land area.
BREAKING NEWS: The Prime Minister of New Zealand, La Presidénté Cinders McCCCrap-Shtick, has announced she will briefly visit NZ as part of her Endless Summer Birthday, Save The Planet Zero, Worldwide Conflagration Tour. Tickets to her show available via Vogue magazine or 0800 HORSE SH!T.
Maybe Go Ogle could hold next year’s Pond Scum ‘R’ Us soirée at the soon-to-be-announced 5-star Chateau le Tuvalu?
the CAGW irony of Paul Barclay’s intro is clearly lost on him.
intro: ABC’s Paul Barclay: scince has a replication crisis. the results of many scientific studies simply can’t be reproduced. yet this is fundamental in demonstrating the studies are valid.
AUDIO: 54min05sec: 9 Jul: ABC Big Ideas: Paul Barclay: Sharing science – for the good of all
Publish or perish … a scientific career is based on getting published in peer reviewed academic journals. But this pressure increases the risk for scientists to employ flexible analytic and selective reporting practices. The Open Science movement calls for transparency of not just research results, but also research methods.
And it begins with examining of how and what we reward in scientific work.
Walls can Fall: The Open Science Movement, part of the 2019 SHAPS “Walls” Public Lecture Series presented by the University of Melbourne. April 4, 2019
Brian Nosek – co-Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Open Science
I’m not listening to the above, but skipped through it and didn’t hear any mention of CAGW, not even in the Q&A at the end. don’t think anyone wants to question it as regards scientific reproducibility.
Just for interest, the wonder of wind power. Currently on the eastern and southern grid there is not one subsidy farm generating above 45% of capacity, two are above 40% one is about 14% and the rest are below 10%. The total is less than 5% of capacity. Nobody has a workable scheme to make this ripoff provide the power requirements of our economy. See here
And reliable generator power stations are being squeezed out of business by those unreliable minor contributors of energy.
I have to share this with you, I am still getting over it.
I dropped my vehicle off for service this morning, it was 12C at 8.00 am, and I commented to the young service manager (circa mid thirties) that it was definitely a July record hot morning … he with straight face responded that he would not be surprised, but added it will get warmer later in the day. I acknowledged that and said that will be an even hotter July record temperature closer to 20C. He replied that it certainly would be, and that the situation is worrying.
Another slightly younger clerk agreed with him.
Then a middle aged women walked into the office, a more senior staffer, and she greeted me. I said to her that it was a July record hot morning and she laughed.
In a similar vein, I have a niece, early 40s. Vegetarian, social justice warrior, been driving to our house for 20 years. Uses the GPS every time,
sounds right, they would rather be lead than learn
30 Jul: NY Post/Page Six: A-listers flock to Google summit in private jets, mega yachts to talk climate change
by Emily Smith and Ebony Bowden
The world’s rich and famous have flocked to a posh Italian resort to talk about saving Mother Earth — but they sure are punishing her in the process.
The billionaire creators of Google have invited a who’s who of A-list names — including former President Barack Obama, Prince Harry, Leonardo DiCaprio and Katy Perry — to the Sicilian seaside for a mega-party they’ve dubbed Google Camp.
The three-day event will focus on fighting climate change — though it’s unknown how much time the attendees will spend discussing their own effect on the environment, such as the scores of private jets they arrived in and the mega yachts many have been staying on…
30 Jul: Forbes: Billionaire Summer Camp: The Rich And Famous Flock To Sicily For The 7th Annual Google Retreat
by Jim Dobson
Located on the southwest coast of Sicily, close to the seaside town of Sciacca, the wealthiest people have converged for the Annual Google Camp. Traditionally held every year at the end of July, the famed Verdura Resort hosts the most top-secret gathering in the world. Even though social media posts are forbidden, the superyacht owners enjoy showing off their celebrity guests throughout the week’s activities and high profile lunches.
Google execs selected the resort because of its location near Sicily’s UNESCO World Heritage ruins and is an easy one hour drive from Palermo, however, many guests arrive via helicopter to the resort’s helipad or via private yacht…
Numerous yachts have already arrived and are currently anchored off the beach at Verdura Resort; German pharmaceutical titan Udo J. Vetter’s sailing yacht Aquarius, Barry Diller and Diane Von Furstenberg’s sailing yacht EOS, Graeme Hart’s yacht Ulysses with others en route including David Geffen’s yacht Rising Sun, Google’s Eric Schmidt’s yacht Infinity and its support vessel Intrepid, and more. Previous years Geffen has hosted a slew of famous names on his yacht including; NBA star Kevin Durant, Disney’s Robert Iger, Oprah Winfrey, and Diane Sawyer…
Katy Perry and Harry Styles have already been spotted and rumors are rampant on who else is attending this year including Bradley Cooper, Tom Cruise, Mark Zuckerberg, and President Obama among the long list…
Mornings are filled with spirited discussions from education to human rights, how to extend human life and the design of cities of the future, all blending the greatest minds and visionaries, while the afternoons are for pure relaxation and lots of food and drink…
30 Jul: Observer: A Sneak Peek at Google’s Top-Secret ‘Billionaires Summer Retreat’ in Sicily
By Sissi Cao
Similar to the Allen & Co. conference in Sun Valley, Idaho earlier this month, the Google Camp is strictly exclusive: the guest list is considered top secret; social media posts are forbidden; and all of the hotel staff and security have to sign nondisclosure agreements, as the UK’s Daily Mail reported in previous years…
Google’s rise is staggering. Makes me wonder what business the next gazillionaires will be in. It is truly amazing how a search engine could be monetised.
In the early noughties, I actually wrote to Telstra to complain about the advertising material they offered on log in pages. It was very frustrating sitting in a motel room logging into webmail on a very slow telephone modem waiting for the advertising to download. Testra replied that if they did not have advertising they would need to charge more for the email service. With the cost of long distance phone calls I am reasonably confident I was paying more for the phone call to download advertising data than Tesla was making in advertising. These days I actually do not mind the targeted advertising done via Google. Of course cost of data is a fraction of what it was a decade or so ago and speed of data is many times higher.
I saw a documentary a few months ago, one of those mega ship type docos. The mega rich don’t actually sail their yachts to these places, they have a specially fitted transport ship to take them, while the owners probably fly to the destination in their private jets. And someone like ex President Obama probably gets an entourage of protection as well as transport, vehicles etc. More CO2 in the atmosphere.
Back in April 2017 Obama gave a speech in Italy on . . . wait for it . . . “Curbing your lifestyle to prevent climate change to protect the underprivileged and save the world’s food supply”.
Mr & Mrs O took a private jet to Italy escorted by 6 fighter jets, had a 13 car convoy and 2 whole floors of the Hyatt Hotel before heading off to a luxury 44 bed retreat in Tuscany for $15,000/room/night, then jet-setting home on the private jet again.
In this 1 week trip Obama emitted more CO2 than an average American in a whole year. Leaving out the fighter jets, the villas & the convoy, the Obamas emitted around 16 tonnes of CO2.
Do as I say and all that.
I wonder what colour their “Get out of Jail Card ” is ?
Black ?
Gold ?
Or Green ?
And what about the Lord (woman) Mayor of the City of Sydney, reducing council park lighting because the leftist councillors have declared a climate emergency.
On Sky last night panelists referred to her spending of ratepayer’s monies on rainbow presentations, Mardi Gras, fireworks on New Years Eve from Sydney Harbour Bridge and various other non-essential expenditure.
Meanwhile park users at night and just before dawn joggers remain vulnerable to attacks due to the lack of lighting.
It once again proves Leftists don
Is her “sculpture” including the stacked milk crates still standing?
I don’t know Hanrahan, I avoid visiting Sydney these days, apart from a weekend occasionally to visit family.
Another ratepayer’s financial burden based on climate is/was the basement of city buildings incinerators claimed by the City of Sydney Council to be generators of energy to power air conditioning and lighting to reduce the carbon footprint of the city.
Transited through Sydney a couple of weeks ago via the various M number roads. Amazed that they are still just mostly two lanes each way , even closer in towards town. Must be a peak nightmare, it was busy enough at lunchtime when we went through.
They tried naming tollroads with M numbers in Melbourne a while ago and people just ignored it and kept talking about them by name (Monash, Citylink, Eastlink, Tulla etc) The media quickly fell back into line. Think its one of those things you do from the start or not at all.
Wasn’t the Monash Fwy the SouthEastern Fwy years ago? I seem to remember finding it hard calling it by its new name for a while. Also the Eastern Fwy? We still call it that!
It once again proves Leftists don’t care in the least about the welfare of people.
Why is anyone even discussing the issue of unreliable power and its relationship with society?
Unreliable, non dispatchable, intermittent, power generation suffers from several fatal flaws.
It is resource limited: The raw materials to create solar panels and wind turbines do not exist in the quantity necessary to replace existing grid loads, much less future loads.
It is unreliable. Unless you’d fancy things that “sometimes work”, then unreliables aren’t a solution.
It is intermittent: Making up for the intermittency falls upon Hydro, Nuclear, Gas, Coal, Oil, or Gas. Therefore, there will NEVER be a grid without Reliable, Dispatchable, Non Solar, Non Wind, sources.
Dispatchable power is what makes a Grid possible. Power must be delivered when the Load demands it, without regard to any other issue, else the grid collapses.
Were it not for the taxpayer, ratepayer, thief payer, resources, not one single solar or wind project would exist. Economics and self interest demand this.
I repeat: The natural resources do NOT exist that might enable replacement of existing generation with solar or wind power. Period. Full Stop. They don’t exist. It won’t ever happen. The End.
Whatever one might wish to think, believe, or fantasize, only Coal, Nuclear, and Gas resources (along varying timelines, at various risks, and various costs) can provide grid scale, reliable, dispatchable, power. Anything else is an exercise in applied stupidity.
It doesn’t matter what the models show, it doesn’t matter how many virgins are sacrificed, and it doesn’t matter what anyone wants to believe or think. These are issues of applied engineering, applied physics, and economic reality. Everything else is Sweet Fk All.
There, now. That feels so much better. 🙂
And in early Victoria …
Following an overseas tour in 1911, Herbert Reah Harper, engineer with the Melbourne City Council Electricity Supply Department, recognised the potential for Victorian brown coal, after seeing Germany’s use, and recommended the establishment of a public utility on the lines of the Ontario Hydro Electricity. He was subsequently appointed to the Victorian Government Brown Coal Advisory Committee (chaired by Department of Mines director Hyman Herman), which reported in September 1917. It recommended the establishment of an Electricity Commission to develop the brown coal reserves, construct a power station and transmission lines. In December 1918, Parliament passed a bill to establish a Commission with both regulatory and investigative powers, including taking over the enforcement of the existing Electric Light and Power Act, which regulated all electricity generators and distributors.
The Victorian Electricity Commissioners were created in 1919 under the Electricity Commissioners Act 1918 and took over administration of the Electric Light and Power Act from the Public Works Department.
Sugarloaf Power Station, part of the Rubicon Scheme
The Electricity Commissioners became the State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV) on 10 January 1921 under the State Electricity Commission Act 1920. Sir John Monash was both chairman and general manager and Harper was the first chief engineer, retiring in 1936
I wrote an article about the Rubicon Scheme.
Sir john Monash after his return from the Western Front in December 1919
Became chairman of the SEC.
He played a major role in developing the SEC during the 1920’s
And fighting off attempts by private electricity companies
And local, councils ( like the MCC )
Which wanted to retain control of power generation
And distribution.
His fame as the Commander of the Australian Army Corps
Which played the dominant role in defeating the Germans on the western front
Made him a man of influence
Which helped overcome the opposition to the SEC.
Guardian headline story today is that the ” climate crisis ” is causing childhood deaths and stunting. They won’t give up with the alarmism and lies.
They almost got it right mentioning “stunting”, stunts galore to prop up man made global warming caused by carbon dioxide.
Au contrare,
I noted 3 years ago that higher CO2 in the air caused faster growth of teeth in young people, leading to the bigger teeth and smiles of those like the Kiwi PM and others younger. Geoff S
hmmmmmm….could be something to that, AOC has a good set of choppers as well
It’s the CO2 wot dun it! Extra large white tombstones thriving!
‘Climate change is “absolutely” already causing deaths, according to a new report on the health impacts of the climate crisis, which also predicts climate-related stunting, malnutrition and lower IQ in children within the coming decades.
‘The report, From Townsville to Tuvalu, produced by Monash University in Melbourne, pulled together scientific research from roughly 120 peer-reviewed journal articles to paint a picture of the health-related impacts of the climate emergency in Australia and the Pacific region.’
Cultural change coming to the south west Pacific.
Trees are the only true renewable energy source.
I have been doing some research on land use considering wind subsidy farms and managed forests.
Australia’s managed forests in 2017 produced a sustainable 5kWh/sq.m/yr. This value includes only log wood. The value would be closer to 10kWh/sq.m/yr if all biomass was taken into account. I determined that Finnland provides a good example of getting energy from its managed forests:
A key factor for burning biomass is that it produces dispatch able power. In fact, fluidised bed furnaces have fast ramp rate and good turn down.
The output from wind subsidy farms has a wide range. David Mackay provided this information:
The range from 0.4W/sq.m to 2W/sq.m translates to a range of 3 to 16kWH/sq.m/yr. The new Coopers Gap WSF in Qld has development rights over 10,000Ha that includes the project area and stand-offs, with an estimated annual output of 1.5TWh. That translates to 15kWh/sq.m/yr.
The optimistic proponents of Coopers Gap WSF have made no allowance for curtailment. That will inevitable increase as the connected intermittent generation increases and storage will always be expensive. The minimum cost system for intermittent and storage will have generation curtailed more than 50% of the time and up to 70% of the time. So the real specific output from Coopers Gap WSF will get down as low as 5kWh/sq.m./yr.
There are complicating factors like WSFs can be located on grazing land so there is possible dual use. Also not all land is suitable for managed forests.
If there really was any adverse impacts of burning fossilised carbon, then the only renewable option with presently available technology is managed forests. Improving forest productivity across Australia should be the objective of any true environmentalist. Building WSFs and SSFs is a criminal waste of resources.
The bigger the turbine the further apart they have to be, or the turbulence will reduce the output of the ones downwind.
Google the well known photo of Horns Rev with fog (from the turbulence). That early offshore ‘farm’ had 7 lines of 8 turbines (56), but because of the spacing it was later calculated that removing the third and sixth lines (reducing to 42) would INCREASE output.
Some years ago I calculated that the limit for on-shore wind farms was 2.6MW per hectare at best, and 2.0 was better economically. I have never bothered to change that figure (based on the Betz limit worked out in the 1920’s).
earlier this year I posted a piece about US “climate activists” complaining XR was too white…needed to be more diverse (ignoring the fact the US activists are just as white).
check LinkedIn page below the following to see how qualified the writer of the piece is to do her analysis. Resilience is a program of Post Carbon Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the world transition away from fossil fuels and build sustainable, resilient communities. (Bill McKibben is listed as a fellow of the Institute). thinkingdoingchanging is the blog of the writer, Natasha Adams.
main thing missing from the analysis is the MSM (Guardian/BBC in particular) promotion of the group:
30 Apr: Let’s Talk about Extinction Rebellion
By Natasha Adams, originally published by thinkingdoingchanging
XR is huge – it’s attracted thousands of supporters, mostly in the UK but also across the world. It’s well organised, grabbing media headlines for the protests and climate change itself, and causing major disruption – while public reactions are mixed there is also significant support. At the same time, it’s getting major heat from the activist community for it’s lack of systemic / intersectional analysis, tactics of aiming for arrest, lack of diversity and simplistic narrative…
How did Extinction Rebellion build so much support?…
XR started by touring the country, giving talks in village halls and at universities. They spoke to people about the climate crisis and the urgent need for action…
At the end of these talks, people were asked to sign up to XR and say whether or not they would be willing to be arrested…
The approach also borrowed from Momentum training theory (I’m referring to the US based movement training organisation – not to be confused with the UK’s Corbyn supporting Momentum)…
Another example of a group making recent international headlines with this approach is the Sunrise Movement behind the Green New Deal in the US…
The ‘get arrested’ model
It’s essentially an ask that only people with a lot of privilege in the current system can get involved with…
•The white people getting arrested could use this as an opportunity to draw attention to their privilege and talk about climate justice, the severe impacts of climate change already being felt in the global south and standing in solidarity – but on the whole they haven’t…
Climate justice
1) Lack of outreach and diversity of core and grassroots engagement
The central organising team is not hugely diverse, being mostly white and middle class, and grassroots groups beyond those that are majority white and middle class have not been deeply engaged. I have heard it said that XR did try to engage people of colour in their organising but that they were not able to get the groups they engaged with to support them…
XR has also come under fire for reaching out to activists literally saying they need the support of people of colour because they want to appear more diverse – and people understandably react badly to this kind of obvious tokenising of their support…
As already explored above, the ‘get arrested’ plan isn’t in any way appealing to migrants and people of colour. This means actions and media coverage show XR as being pretty overwhelmingly white and middle class, which further limits the appeal…
Impacts so far
In terms of their demands, the problem of climate change is getting a great deal of attention in a way I haven’t seen for a long time. So some in the media are stepping up to ‘tell the truth’ (but climate justice isn’t central to these stories)…
more to come.
Leo Di Caprio involved in providing all the “diversity” you could hope for! “Madah”
should be “Mahdah” and the title in English is, of course, “Mother Earth”:
28 Jul: JamaicaGleaner: ‘Madah Urf’ reggae artistes’ climate change message – Song endorses Michael Jackson’s ‘Earth Song’
Producer-turned-artiste Esco is one of several reggae artistes involved in a musical campaign against the effects of climate change. Describing climate change as “a global crisis”, the artiste said he was contacted to do a track that would create awareness around the issue.
He explained that, having been drafted through his management team by Qadree El Amin, a close friend of late King of Pop, Michael Jackson, he knew the project was a special one…
“We’re approaching what scientists call the ‘danger zone’, which means that in a few years we may have done so much damage that the earth would be irreparable, so nuh joke nuh inna dis thing. It’s a very serious time and we need fi start activating people right now. We need to start educating them on the steps to take, the things to do to actually make the change, and what better way to spread that message than through music,” he said.
“Our manager, Delmar Drummond in California, went to an event and met Qadree, Stevie Eagle from Shlepp Entertainment, and also members of ***Leonardo Di Caprio’s team. Now, Leonardo Di Caprio is carrying on the works of Michael Jackson in regard to the earth and humanitarian efforts.
***”They expressed an interest to us of wanting to market that message to a wider diaspora of black people, and knowing the work of Danger Zone and the music they have put out, they invited us to submit a track.”…
Richie Spice, One Squad, Popin, Talis, V8nam, Maiyalee, Kymmi, and Andrew Robinson all feature on the track, which also includes Chinese (opera singer) Jane Maria, Mexican artiste Jah Fabio, Swedish artiste, Raven Reii and Brazilian rapper Kaos MC…
Esco told The Sunday Gleaner that working on the track gave all the artistes a new-found passion to tackle issues of climate change…
“We need to start reversing the effects of our past lifestyle and mistakes. In a few years we won’t be able to reverse these effects so we need to start now.
***That’s why these moguls, all these Hollywood people, are getting involved. It’s a serious issue. Money has to be spent, concerts have to be happening, Governments have to be allocating money because it (climate change) reach a point where we need to start taking action. One Squad and Danger Zone music is responsible for marketing this message to Jamaica, the rest of the Caribbean, Japan, China, Brazil and Africa, and we hope we can help bring forth the necessary change.”
Youtube: 6min16sec: 17 Jul: Mahdah Urf (Earth song revival) Official video – MAHDAH URF COLLECTIVE
posted by Shlepp Entertainment
The official video for the feel-good song of the year. Artist from all over the world going under the name of ‘The Mahdah Urf Collective are joined on the video by people and artists from all over planet earth for the emergency call-out to do something now about climate change, the environment, and humanity…
The video stars (in order of appearance) Jane Maria, Esco, Della Danger Drummond, V8nam, Richie Spice, Onika Best, Jah Fabio, Natalia, Stevie Eagle E, Zululand Gospel Choir, Raven Reii, Quezia Brazil, Sir Baily, Ladee Dread, Maiyalee, Popin, Kaos Mc, Sultan, Aleighcia Scott, Mo’Sax, Peter Doc B, Talis, Andrew Robinson, Kymmi.
The video was shot on locations in USA, UK, Sweden, Switzerland, Africa, Brazil, Barbados, Jamaica, Mexico and China.
forgot to post the LinkedIn for the writer at Resilience, Natasha Adams:
LinkedIn: Natasha Adams
Before my consultancy I built up close to a decade of experience coordinating NGO campaigns for social and environmental justice, to add to my many more years experience as a grassroots activist. Consultancy clients have included Friends of the Earth,, Mencap, Save the Children, The Quakers, Greenpeace, CAFOD, End Hunger, Shelter, The Blagrave Trust and The Sheila McKechnie Foundation…
Global Justice Now,, ActionAid, UNICEF, Oxfam, etc.
1 Jul: Guardian Liberty Voice: Qadree El-Amin Music Mogul to Honor Michael Jackson With Mahdah Urf Song
By Barbara Sobel
With Reggae now being recognized as a world heritage by UNESCO, Reggae artists have been galvanized to step forward and take center stage on the issues of climate change, global warming, and the environment and the song Mahdah Urf (Earth Song Revival) is the rallying cry…
Qadree El-Amin is one of a global production team working not only with the Mahdah Urf (Earth Song Revival) song but also on a huge series of ***benefit concerts kicking off on the 31st of July 2019 at the SEG Arena in Switzerland which will be headlined by Grammy award-winning artist Buju Banton and a host of Reggae (and musical) Greats…
The global production team is led by the Emperial Group’s Corin Smith (Bermuda), The Danger Zone Music Group (Los Angeles), Da Beatz Promotions (Jamaica), Big Regga (Switzerland), Shlepp Entertainment Ltd (London) and Virgo Consultancy Services Limited (Wales)…
25 Jun: Jamaica Gleaner: ***Buju to perform at Border Splash
by Shereita Grizzle
Corin Smith, events coordinator, told The Gleaner that Buju Banton has embraced the show’s core values and that he is looking forward to him hitting the stage next month…
“People are intrigued by this idea that reggae is embracing the hot-topic issues – climate change, status of refugees, emerging immigrant and gender identities, and disaster preparedness…
***The organisers say that the Border Splash concert series is being undertaken to raise funds for ***green bonds that help to build future-proof villages in vulnerable communities that are becoming increasingly susceptible to hurricane risks and rising sea levels.
***9 Dec 2018: Rolling Stone: Buju Banton Released From Prison After Serving Seven Years on Drug Charges
Jamaican dancehall singer was convicted in 2011 of illegal possession of a firearm and conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to distribute
by Daniel Kreps
In February 2011, Banton was found guilty of illegal possession of a firearm and conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to distribute; a Drug Enforcement Administration informant provided evidence of Banton brokering a cocaine deal in Florida…
The reggae singer was sentenced to 10 years in prison, but two years later a judge threw out the gun charge and reduced the prison sentence to seven years…
Qadree was manager of Boyz II Men:
10 Oct 2018: Mwakilishi: Late Singer Michael Jackson’s Business Partner Quadree El-Amin Seeks Divine Intervention on Mount Kenya
By John Wanjohi
Qadree El-Amin, the promoter of the late celebrated American musician Michael Jackson is in Kenya to seek divine intervention after losing a crucial court case last year.
Accompanied by US Hip Hop producer Prince Michael, El-Amin visited Mt Kenya for prayers after he lost a suit where he was seeking a 1.6 percent stake of Jackson’s wealth in March 2017…
“Now that I have visited the shrine, and spoke to God, I will head back to the U.S. and refrain from causing any trouble,” said El-Amin.
4h ago: Facebook: Geneva Arena
The concert of Buju Banton is canceled.
For further information, please contact the organizer directly (contact details under the event).
We apologize for this cancellation beyond our control
What??? I came from Portugal for this show
another Facebook reply stated Buju had arrived in Geneva the night before, so who knows what is going on (as if I care), but I guess Leo Di Caprio won’t be associating himself with any of this, if it has turned into a fiasco.
[David, I encourage you to not use these two words together: “skeptical science” The reason is because there is a web site by that name that is decidedly NOT skeptical. ]ED
Guardian discovers skeptical videos, urges censorship
By David Wojick
The Guardian has published an article on a study that found something I pointed out two years ago, that YouTube is full of videos skeptical of climate alarmism.
There are at least a thousand skeptical videos. I have begun collecting them at my Climate Change Debate Education website ( and have about 300 listed at this point. That is a lot of skeptical science.
The Guardian title is accurate: “Most YouTube climate change videos ‘oppose the consensus view'”.
Mind you “Consensus view” should be capitalized because it is the name of a specific political position, disguised as a statistical description. When it comes to climate change there is no scientific consensus on the role that humans might or might not be playing.
The subtitle however is threatening: “Scientist behind study urges platform to tweak algorithms to ‘prioritise factual information’”.
This is clearly a call for algorithmic censorship of skeptics. We are already seeing this bias on Google searches, which I have also documented.
Of course the Guardian thinks that climate alarmism is “factual information.” They just instructed their writers to use the terms “climate emergency” and “climate crisis”, neither of which exist. The article leads with a picture of Bill Nye setting the globe on fire, which is simply ridiculous.
Here is how the Guardian puts it:
“The majority of YouTube videos about the climate crisis oppose the scientific consensus and “hijack” technical terms to make them appear credible, a new study has found. Researchers have warned that users searching the video site to learn about climate science may be exposed to content that goes against mainstream scientific belief.”
The study in question uses the UN IPCC as the standard of scientific truth, which is absurd. What the IPCC claims is questionable and the focus of the scientific debate. There is no “mainstream scientific belief” at this time. There is just scientific debate.
At this point my collections include numerous videos from William Happer, Patrick Michaels, Roy Spencer, Richard Lindzen, Judith Curry and CFACT’s Marc Morano. These are legitimate skeptics, not “hijackers.” Videos range in length from one minute to over an hour so there are hundreds of hours of detailed scientific content.
The study in question is either really bad or deliberately bad, it is hard to say which. They even found a spurious correlation between skeptics of climate alarmism and the chemtrails conspiracy theory. No such correlation exists.
The 300 or so scientific videos on my website never mention chemtrails because that is not what the climate change debate is about.
However “chemtrails” was one of the study’s top search terms. So it looks like they jiggered the study by looking at the issue of chemtrails changing climate, which exists but is trivial compared to the overall climate change debate.
Having studied the YouTube for skeptical content I cannot figure out how these folks got these goofy results, unless they designed them. YouTube is full of well argued skeptical science. The problem seems to be that the alarmists simply do not understand the debate.
Good point ED, thanks for the tip.
The 737 Max nightmare continues.
The FAA knew there was a problem after the Lionair crash but sat on their hands.
Blue skies and puffy white clouds have returned to the US in the past couple of weeks. The only possible explanation for this is that Mr Trump has stopped the chemtrail programme, or at least that’s what “they” say.
I’m grateful for my tinfoil hat.
Greta Thunberg hits back at Andrew Bolt for ‘deeply disturbing’ column
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Head north next winter with NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC and PONANT and experience long hours of daylight on cruising expeditions in some of the less explored oceans of the Arctic!
[email protected]
I seems that CO2 has not just shifted the climate but also the worlds orientation wrt the Sun. When did this change happen and why was no-one told?