A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I would suggest that the (cough cough) environmental movement has never made a worse mistake than proposing plans like the green new deal. “plans” carry “price tags”. Price tags for public plans are paid by taxes. and this is the sea change that sinks the boat.
Godawful plans hidden as ‘alternative energy’ are paid by utility ratepayers (yes, all of us) and can be disguised through variety pf
lies as being cost effective, with protection for poor rate payers, yada yada yada.
One gets a less friendly reception when one is simply going to raise your taxes. Especially when the numbers are billions. Even to “save the world”.
It’s too early to tell, of course, because there is a lot of residual momentum in the inclusion of environmental language in the PC BS.
But the Green New Deal may turn out to be the inflection point for the climate change movement. It’s the self identification of environmentalists as watermelons and it provides a way to characterize their plans that they bought into ….and to explain why we no longer have a WPA or CCC or REA. We can thank them for their concern, and move forward to a practical power grid.
Have a few more green thumbs on me. π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
Richard Ilfeld:
Yes, as the demands from the Greens get more exorbitant the politicians get more and more reluctant to upset the taxpayers. They make comforting noises, sign non-binding treaties and hope that someone else will do something.
That in turn causes the Greens to froth at the mouth even more, explaining the current hysterical behaviour with its claims of the imminent end of the world. The politicians are mostly quite gullible about Climate matters, but they can see that raising taxes will be the end of their world. Unemployment is OK for the masses but not for politicians.
I think it will take 2 more cold winters in Europe and North America to destroy any credibility the Greens have, and with the sun very likely to be less active for the next 20 years, that is quite likely. Already we can see that the tide has turned against the “destroy the world to save it” with recent elections going against them – another reason why the Greens don’t want us to have elections.
In the depression unemployment in Australia was 40%, not counting women as workers. In the US it was 25%. Labor parties and democrats boomed with the desire for a better deal. By the end of the 20th century, so much of the Western world was in full employment with a 40 hour week and annual holidays, health care, free schooling, available universities and appliances and cars. The great Middle Class. A perfect target for the communists who called themselves Environmentalists who promised an eternal Eden on earth. In Australia this is up to 25% of the vote.
So the Labor/Democrats lost market share and had to be more Green than the Greens. In Australia there is hardly a Labor seat in outright majority without Green preferences. The latte set in the inner city vote only Green. So we have Climate Change, coffee. electric cars, bicycles and the war against the car. Perversely the Greens fly much more than the real workers they despise, the deplorables, the deluded conservatives.
Australia and now the UK have avoided a Carbon Tax, in fact any tax. The money is raised by stealth through laws which require middle man to collect cash and give it to friends of the Greens. As long as the price of petrol doesn’t go up and there is no dreaded ‘carbon tax’, the masses can be kept in the dark.
The first target is coal. It underpins all electricity, except in France and Russia. It is black and ‘dirty’. So it is obviously pollution. Then the motor car by closing roads, punitive taxes, new train lines and the ever more silly ‘Very Fast Train’ story. AOC even wants a train to Hawaii as you are not allowed fly. Electric boats?
The alternative is to create a depression, so open the borders. Not only do the Captialists support the destruction of minimum wages, the Democrats can simultaneously push for higher minimum wages. Australia now has the highest minimum wages in the world.
It’s all about Canberra/Washington/Brussells and the myriad of people paid by the public. In our local council a recent survey showed that only 15% of rapidly increasing revenue is actually spent on council matters, roads, rubbish, parks and gardens. The rest is spent on social issues and ballooning staff numbers and massive salaries for executives. Similarly in government where the demands for more public servants and more cash is covered by a demand for social justice, like having no borders.
As Donald Trump said, without borders we don’t have a country. He knows on the caring left they care about the money and personal and political power. As always, it has nothing to do with government and justice and human rights and Climate Change. No politician believes that. That’s what you tell the deplorables and the emotional and uneducated actors of Hollywood. Consider Trump abuser Cher. “At age 16, Cher dropped out of school, left her mother’s house, and moved to Los Angeles with a friend.” She means well.
TdeF, the unfortunate fact is that
The Greenist voting ‘latte set’
Are our own sons & daughters.
Greenism has become their ’cause’
Much like stopping the Vietnam war
Was in the 1960’s.
And we now aged in our 60-70’s
Are now seen by our sons & daughters
As uncaring ignorant monsters
Destroying our planetary home.
It’s all BS propaganda
NOT science.
But that is what is happening.
Solar power ? In the basence of Tony due to his wife’s illness
I want to draw folk’s attention to
Some thing in all his charts of power use in Australia
When we wake up power use increases
Both in our homes
And nationally.
The peak demand comes around 9.00 am
And at this time of increased need there is a bit of solar power in the mix.
But then demand falls
But solar power keeps increasing
Until around midday when it starts to decline again
There is a second power demand peak
From about 4.30-5.00 pm
As we all go home
From work or school or shopping
And what is solar doing then ?
It’s falling rapidly
As the sun sets
To nothing at night
But as the day progresses power demand drops
And solar power is going to save us all & the planet ?
Now that is a counter factual crock of sh#t.
All of Tony’s daily posts can be found here.
He has been doing them for almost a year.
Clear accurate factual information about
Australian electrical demand.
Nor mine Bill. And the grand daughters while still young are being taught to think for them selves as well. The aim is at least 3 generations that can apply reason and logic to any situation no matter how popular media see things.
I can assure you Bill that they arent my son or daughters. The last election shows there is a significant chunk of people who havent drunk the Kool Aid.
Not ours either; they seem to have their heads screwed on straight. They are also hard-working and honest.
Lucky you Annie & Yarpos !
But I suggest you are exceptions.
I am pleased that my builder son is not one of them, age 40 years.
“The Greenist voting βlatte setβ
Are our own sons & daughters.”
Our three boys have avoided this so far.
At the height of the “Clearing football fields per minute” beat-up I got an email from one (still at boarding school) that linked to some of that.
The heading was “Hey Dad, Have a look at this load of BS”
Have we not heard this before? Christina from the UN said the same thing a few years ago.
Graeme No.3,
I don’t think we’ll have long to wait with all these volcanoes helping to cool the atmosphere by popping recently …
July 27, 2019, Etna’s New Southeast Crater (NSEC), volcanic ash cloud reaching 4.5 km (15 000 feet).
July 26, 2019, Indonesian Tangkubanparahu volcano (aka Tangkupan Perahu) ash to 2.7 km (9 000 feet).
July 20, 2019, Ubinas Volcano, Peru explodes to 40,000 feet (12.2 km).
June 28, 2019, Manam Volcano just exploded to 50,000 feet (15.2 km).
June 26, 2019, Ulawun Volcano, Papua New Guinea just exploded ash to 50,000 feet (15.2 km).
June 25, 2019, Raikoke Volcano continues erupting, more ash to 38,000 feet (11.6 km).
June 22, 2019, Raikoke Volcano, Russia β Ash Fired to 43,000 feet (13.1 km).
June 18, 2019, Mexicoβs PopocatΓ©petl Volcano, ash to 42,000 feet (12.8 km) with other smaller 187 exhalations detected.
June 15, 2019, Mexicoβs PopocatΓ©petl Volcano, Strong Explosions, ash to 32,000 feet (9.8 km).
June 13, 2019, Mount Agung blows to 30,000 feet (9.1 km).
June 9, 2019, Sinabung, Sumatra Explodes blows to 55,000 Feet (16.7 km).
June 3, 2019, Mexicoβs PopocatΓ©petl blows to 37,000 feet (11.3 km).
May 31, 2019, Mount Agung, Bali erupts to 30,000 feet (9.1km).
Over the same period increased volcanic/seismic activity has been additionally noted in these areas —
Erta Ale volcano, Ethiopia.
Great Sitkin volcano, Alaska.
Ulawun volcano, Papua New Guinea.
Anak Krakatau volcano, Indonesia.
Sabancaya volcano, Peru.
Coso Volcanic Field in Inyo County, California.
Asosan volcano, Japan.
Shishaldin volcano, Alaska.
Stromboli volcano, Italy.
Mount Bromo, East Java, Indonesia.
But please note:
More often than not the worse of volcanic/seismic events happens around 1-2 years AFTER a solar minimum.
I am a great believer in sun strength. This morning it was perhaps 5C in Melbourne but it heats up rapidly when the sun rises, by +10C. Clearly direct and immediate heating. Instantaneous. You are warmer on the right side of street in the direct sun. No need for a hothouse concept to work.
The likely result of billions of dollars of research is that solar cycles and perhaps induced ocean cycles explain all our weather and climates.
Consider also that the seas contain all the gas, 98% of the CO2 as dissolved gas and 99.93% of the heat. That is because they are 340x as massive with 4x the heat capacity per kg.
Still we study the lower atmosphere as it is our perceived habitat but without understanding the sun and ocean cycles, we don’t have a clue.
Or at least most so called Climatologists do not.
according to a documentary on TV a few nights ago there are 30 volcanoes erupting every day. i.e. some emissions, not the spectacular mushroom cloud. For all that I have had the impression for the past year that there were more eruptions happening, without checking the numbers or strength.
The Dalton and the early Maunder minimum both seem to have had an increase in volcanic action, and their sulphate emissions are thought to have contributed to the drop in temperatures. The eruption of Krakatau is said to have dropped the global temperature**, and the late 1880’s and 1890’s were cold in Europe & Nth. America.
I must re-read Browning (1975) as he claimed a relation between the moon’s orbit and earthquakes and other seismic activity.
** Unfortunately the state of databases now available precludes any certainty.
Graeme No.3,
I’ve attempted to filtered out most of the minor eruptions and stay on the ones that either have long running activity, or blow over 30,000 ft (around 10 km) β- and into the stratosphere β- as they have a direct cooling effect on the planet, but more importantly make our sunset far more attractive. π
But otherwise 30 volcanoes erupting every day, sounds a tad under for this years activity (I’ve yet to check). says “On average, there are about 50-70 volcanoes that erupt every year. Some of them erupt multiple times, while others only have one eruption.
The typical number of individual eruptions per year is more in the range of about 60-80.” These figure they take from Simithsonian’s Global Volcanism and they note —
Humm, I might have to check the figures for the last 5 years or so to see what is truly happening …
“jim2 says:
27 July 2019 at 4:02 pm
Something from TRF that some of you will like β¦
Blow has shown the negative side of the trends that are considered βprogressβ, especially the transition towards the higher-level, humanities-like or bureaucracy-like programming languages. You know, most machines use the same microprocessor but the systems are incompatible. You canβt just transfer a program (a sequence of microprocessor instructions) from a PC to a Mac even if both use the same Intel microprocessors. Why not? Well, thereβs the whole infrastructure of the OS and similar things around it. So programs have to be made compatible β and it actually makes things (compatibility etc.) worse and harder although this infrastructure was (also) designed with a simpler life in mind.”
And replies by E.M. Smith and YMMV below this
Some industries decide there are advantages in compatability and others do not. You can plug your Ethernet cable in or turn on you GSM/4G phone anywhere in the world and it will probably work. You may not be able to use the power point, charge your EV or even read the instructions but at these boundaries either common sense eventually prevail or business opportunities emerge.
There used to be an IT hardware company called Black Box. There whole business was based on bridging incompatabilities.
Yes I can attest to that, as I work in IT. That said, I’m starting to use Linux a lot more as my foray into AI and machine learning progresses.
Image recognition and facial recognition is now available at a hobbyist level for free ( OpenCV etc ) – I have it running on my pc at home.
It took me a while to work out why the police completely lose the plot when they catch you with an obscured number plate ( $430 fine ) – its because they now *rely* on ANPR so heavily.
Thier camera network is now critical to the large surveillance state we now live within. Anyone who can work out how to cloak a plate in real time is going to make a lot of money. That said, obscuring a plate I believe is illegal, but I believe the law says that once you put a plate on your car in a public place, you effectively transfer ownership of the vehicle to the State, which is why they can impound the car etc.
I know for sure govt traffic “enforcers” crawl car parks with ANPR gear looking for unregistered vehicles and then effectively impound the unregistered vehicle in situ.
Forget 50,000 global warming refugees …
“Experts now estimate that as much as 111 million metric tons of plastic waste will be displaced by 2030.”
Yes, Recycling is Broken
“The things you are separating and putting in your recycling bins are probably not being recycled β and thereβs a good chance that they are ending up somewhere you never imagined.”
Whoa! Wait. What?
Climate change: 12 years to save the planet? Make that 18 months
We donβt have 12 years to save the climate. We have 14 months.
President ‘has four years to save Earth’
– hansen 2009
I forecast that by Xmas 2020 temperatures will begin to fall because of natural variability.
Gee I hope so, thats a lot of food and drink to have on a hot day
And I will forecast that the opposite will happen
Do we all have our crystal balls out ready to operate ?
I forecast that the sun will rise on the
25 of December 2020.
Beyond that ?
Nothing with any degree of
Reliability at all
‘And I will forecast that the opposite will happen.’
So you are predicting a strong El Nino?
No need for a strong one el gordo, the cumulative effect of global warming will provide the springboard, so a mild el nino will suffice
Yep, that cumulative warming from the SUN.
As you well know, there is NO EVIDENCE that atmospheric CO2 has any effect on climate.
this global warming, and it is caused by man
There is NO EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE produced on that page.
It uses FABRICATED and MANIPULATED data from highly dubious sources.
You do know that 2016 was the very peak of the EL NINO, don’t you PF?
Thanks for proving my point that THE ONLY WARMING has come from El Nino ocean events. π
And that there is NO EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE that atmospheric CO2 causes warming.
That page is EMPTY of any substance.. Just like you.
NASA is not good enough for you?
REALITY AWAITS little trollette.
NO WARMING from 1980-1997
Then an El Nino jump
NO WARMING from 2001-2015
Then an EL Nino transient
The LIES of the GISS data are exposes every day, with changes made regularly to CREAT an chart that bares ZERO resemblance to REALITY
“NASA is not good enough for you?”
LOL…. With Gavin Schmidt and Jimmy Hansen before him.
You have GOT to be joking.
Its one great big FUDGE or data mal-adjustment, tantamount to massive FRΓΓΓ
The only data set that HAS NOT been captured by RABID CLIMATE alarmists is UAH.
Original data of GHCN and USHCN bares no resemblance to the junk pushed out by GISS et al.
“GISTemp -dumber than a tomato”
“Iβm adopting this βtag lineβ about tomatoes due to the simple fact that my tomato garden is a more accurate reporter of the temperature than is GIStemp. Normal tomatoes will not set fruit below 50F at night. Cold varieties, like Siberia, can set fruit down to 40F (and some claim lower to 35F). My tomato plants reliably report the temperature. GIStemp, not so muchβ¦ GIStemp was reporting a 115 year record heat in California (because NCDC in GHCN moved all the thermometers to Southern California near the beach, except one at the S.F. Airportβ¦) while my tomatoes were accurately reporting βtoo cold to set fruitββ¦ ”
What is the fantasy “global warming” you are ranting about?
Many parts of the world are not warming.
Only those directly affected by ocean releases of accumulated SOLAR energy.
You know that CO2 cannot warm the oceans, and you know that the only warming has come from the oceans.
So stop your idiotic babbling .
And with a nice CO2 blanket to keep it close to earth
And another FAILURE,
Just trolling with JUNK ANTI-SCIENCE that he KNOWS is unprovable garbage.
Where did you ever come back to the ludicrous, idiotic notion of a CO2 blanket Quite HILARIOUS.
REGESSING even further into idiocy… the PF way.
‘And with a nice CO2 blanket to keep it close to earth.’
The invisible blanket is an urban myth, tree ring proxies tell a story of a warm MWP and nothing unusual is happening in the 21st century.
Peter Fitzroy,
“And with a nice CO2 blanket to keep it close to earth”
There is no CO2 blanket! It’s a meme from the cAGW crowd, offered as piece of simplistic mental floss for those who suffer from difficulty when thinking rationally. It’s scientific basis is zero!
If there were such a blanket it would be shot full of holes with a large wet patch in it.
No doubt you have been excited about two hot days in Europe.
I wonder why your left wing media didn’t give the same publicity to the planet’s all-time low temperature being recorded in the Antarctic during 2018. And when that low temperature was even colder this year?
You sure are a drongo.
Has your sibling moved further east from SF to be a bit further from you and the sh*t in the SF streets left by your left wing buddies?
What? got a hangover?
A small dose of Fitzroy always effects me that way.
“got a hangover?”
You have to have a brain to get a hangover.
Aren’t you lucky, PF !!
USA is “below average” of the cooler period from the 1970-2000
The deep “cooler” blob that was over Russia is swinging around towards western Europe and the UK. They may soon be wishing for that warmer WEATHER to return.
I wonder how much of reporting of the COLD we will hear about on the MSM. π
CR has had the globe at around +0.2, well below last month
A lot of warm air has been funnelled up to the Arctic region to cool and allowing that energy to escape to space.
They may soon be wishing for that warmer WEATHER to return.
Not me, guv. It was 1976 all over again!
But not quite as bad, only 415ppm CO2 this year, compared with the oppressive 330ppm of ’76.
“And I will forecast….”
A meaningless forecast, based on brain-washed ignorance.
ZERO science, ZERO-evidence.
Just a cult-like religious “belief”
They will and already have been – But don’t expect that to be shown in official global temperature “records”
So next year in July 15C could be the highest ever recorded for that month?
About that BBC news, …
Just remember
It gets better than that, TT. You’ve heard of Prince Charles? King in waiting and wannabe tampon? Well, he told us that we only have 100 months to save the world. And that would have been well over 10 years ago…
Hi TT. PS: Here it is:
Apparently Prince Charles has given us all a royal reprieve. But this is our last chance. And so will be the next one.
I’d like to introduce a principle that I’ll call “Nova’s Law”.
Nova’s Law states that the accuracy of a “progressive” prediction is inversely proportional to its desirability, except in cases where the outcome is unpleasant. In which case, the accuracy of the accuracy of the unpleasant “progressive” prediction is directly proportional to its desirability.”
Speaking of which. Hi Jo – how’s that “Ghost Town” you’re living in ? (Ref. T. Flannery (Prof), circa 2005).
In Jo’s absence let me show you the graph of current dam levels:
Scroll down.
We’re drowning in the stuff. The farmers are having a big year with top yields expected.
There’s so much water around that Sandgropers have started putting water in their whisky again. Sacrilege, I know. But we have to do something with it or we’ll all drown.
Check out how the Age goes about explaining science and calling the sceptics zombies: ‘Have you got climate zombies? We debunk the myths that refuse to die’
Clever, but when you examine the details their explanation comes down to “It was CO2 that done it”.
There are plenty of omissions, e.g. John Tyndall did indeed show that CO2 absorbs infrared, but he also showed that it also radiated it very quickly. Aarhenius was assuming rises in CO2 to 5% of the atmosphere as an explanation for the end of ice ages.
Then the End Permian extinction is claimed to be due to CO2 induced Global Heating. It was certainly a massive volcanic eruption – imagine an area larger than Australia covered by 2 kilometres of molten lava – but these are the people who ‘debunked’ Plimer by claiming that volcanoes don’t emit much CO2. So where did all that necessary CO2 come from?
Why, the lava set fire to coal beds! 2 objections, the first being how much coal was actually there? Yes, much coal forming material was laid down in the Carboniferous but the conversion time available is rather shorter than the usual time. In any case the Siberian Traps were (surprise!) in colder parts, much like Australia, at the other end, where most of our coal was laid down in the Permian. So that claim depends on very rapid conversion to coal (and not to forget that such coal beds haven’t been found). The second objection is that coal need oxygen to burn, and how much oxygen would be available under 2 kilometres of liquid rock?
Another explanation is ignored, namely the enormous release of sulphuric gases, nitric oxides and hydrogen fluoride. All of these are known to kill animals and plants. The Laki eruption in 1783 resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands in Europe that autumn (attributed to hydrogen fluoride). And that was an eruption around 30 square kilometres.
Very reminiscent of SkepticalScience back in its heyday.
Did he show that?
From my reading of John Tyndall”s paper he showed that some gases (including CO2) reduce the IR radiation passing through his gas tube.
He himself uses the term absorbtion, but the possible mechanisms are;
1. The IR is absorbed and then re-radiated in other directions,
2. The IR is scattered
3. The IR is absorbed and the heat is passed to adjacent molecules, heating the whole sample.
Tyndall’s main experiment did not distinguish between these alternatives.
In a separate experiment Tyndall showed that heated CO2 could radiate IR but O2 and N2 did not. That does not mean that absorbed IR is immediately re- radiated.
Agree that there are possible explanations which he would never have picked up due to equipment limitations – he didn’t have an IR spectrometer for one (not yet invented).
But he did show that there was a decrease in efficiency as the concentration increased (current thought logarithmic drop), and that hot CO2 radiated heat. And he did point out that transmission couldn’t occur beyond a relatively short distance in air.
And the second type of experiment showed that heated CO2 flowing downwards did radiate quite quickly, not instantaneously. Perhaps I was influenced by more recent claims that at sea level pressure excited CO2 would retain IR no longer that about 0.5 milliseconds, but in that time it would impact approx. 1,000 other atoms/molecules and could lose energy by kinetic transfer. The opposite is true, that unexcited CO2 could gain energy if impacted by some energised gas molecule, resulting in an averaging of ‘temperature’.
Called “thermalisation”.
And once thermalised, the energy is subject to the same lapse rate cooling as any other warmer body of air.
To “trap” heat, the radiative effects of CO2 have to overcome that gravity based thermal gradient.
But they don’t make even the slightest dent in it. !
Only H2O can do that, but whilst slowing the cooling lapse rate, it still conveys the same amount of energy, just in a different form.
Must Go through the whole thing later, looks interesting.
Wasn’t that in the ABC – not the Age? I was going to post that as well. I wonder about the “qualifications” of their environmental science reporter Nick Kilvert. Are they just parroting or have they done their field work and found the research themselves and printed their op ed without a proper investigation?
It read well and I’m not in tune enough with the science to be able to properly challenge this and so are most people. It’s in the ABC which is the “most trustworthy news source in Australia” (According to a Roy Morgan poll). Trouble with the ABC site no one can challenge anything they write because they don’t have a comments section. Public Broadcaster paid with our taxes should allow the public to comment on “our” web site!
Yes, it is in Their ABC, I often get them confused because they all read the same. Don’t worry about your qualifications, the ‘investigative journalist’ of that article is even less qualified and I’m quite certain did little more than cut and paste from approved sources.
Those sources are most likely in a document repository from where they can be extracted and reprinted at any time to fill the empty space that is Their ABC. After all Their ABC is always pulling things from a dark, wet, place and true facts never get in the way of the approved narrative.
Do you know that you can watch Peppa Pig on YouTube now, so what’s stopping the cuts?
And note that the author only graduated from university in 2015 as a pseudo-journalist: What worldly experience he has, especially as he appears to have given up on career studying rocks. A professional student and a master of nothing, more so now that he’s at Their ABC.
Gosh the Age is a day late
Publishing the brainwashing propaganda
The Age & the ABC must get their act together !
We can’t have them going off ‘half cocked’
Can we ?
I guess the airline flight guilt meme is falling on deaf ears then
Greta must be weeping
Quick quiz: How many climate alarmists are there in the air at any one time?
That’s a wonderful little video of the flights.
What to do when youβre a 16 year old, autistic, CO2-seeing, automaton, climate guru mega-star whoβs minders donβt want you to be seen flying between continents?
Obviously, take a year off school and travel by freighter to America to participate in the United Nations Climate Summit in New York, and the World Climate Conference in Santiago in Chile.
Her recent Berlin rally drew 1/10 of the crowd her earlier rally did because this time all the school kids were on holidays. The 2,000 that turned up were hard-core professional activists, including her minders, holding placards like:
βMilk Chocolate Killsβ, βVegans for Future/ Planetβ and my favourite βKale Instead of Coalβ.
βThunberg, 16, told Swedish outlet Dagens Nyheter that it was a difficult decision to take more time off school, but that while her education wonβt suffer by being delayed for a year, fast action is crucial in tackling climate change.
As part of her commitment to the cause of reducing carbon emissions, Thunberg does not travel by plane. Accepting an invite to the UNβs special climate change meeting in New York in September means a lengthy transatlantic voyage ahead, so sheβs decided to take a sabbatical year to make the journey.β
I wonder what mental gymnastics she goes through to rationalise oil burning ship good, oil burning plane bad , when both are going to do their trips anyway? It is right up there in the contorted, illogical virtue signalling stakes.
Bit like the UK celeb who flew back from NYC to participate in an anti airport protest (!?)
One must remain mentally pliable.
This is the true idiocy that these numpties don’t realise, filling all the seats on a plane that’s going to do the journey anyway is a far more efficient use of resources and therefore less polluting. I’m quite sure that it’s her parents pushing all of this given their background, and in a normal world they’d up for child abuse.
She wouldn’t do all this by herself – doesn’t she have a team of minders?
Yep, minders and speech writers.
βGreta was accompanied by Luisa Neubauer, a.k.a Longhaul-Luisa, and the lead staff of Fridays For Future.β
That little animated GIF of all those flights was impressive. I want to show FlightRadar for Perth at the local aviation museum, so must look into streaming this.
Good question.
The answer is:
The number of climate alarmists in the air at any one time is inversely proportional to the rate of decline of raptors over the world’s wind-farms.
The following paper will provide you with data from which homogenization across all wind-farms may be calculated. I recommend that in undertaking that homogenization process you use the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s leading-edge world class unpublished methodology for homogenization of adjusted temperatures. (Don’t worry – the raptors won’t know that you’ve used the temp methodology).
Having obtained that figure you need to multiply it by the Bob Brown constant (Ξ²Ξ²) to get the final number.
Does anyone know the average life expectancy in a capitalist, socialist and communist country is?
No its not a joke punch line, I was just wondering.
If socialism is so “fantastic”, surely human life should be extended with govt hospitals and govt medicine and govt…. everything?
I don’t have any figures but the average life expectancy of any functional civilisation is about 250 years followed by decline due to the type of policies espoused by socialism ( destruction of family values and unit, high taxes due to bread and circuses for the masses etc.).
Just google the tytler cycle of history. It is easy to see where we are on it and so work out how much longer we have before it all falls apart and restarts.
I don’t see a real problem with the fact that China no longer wants the West’s waste for recycling.
Firstly, recycling is a marginal proposition at best except for things that are easy to remove from the waste stream such as steel or aluminium which are trivial to remove magnetically or with eddy currents.
Secondly, landfill doesn’t occupy a huge area despite what the Left claim.
Thirdly, combustible waste can be burned as fuel to make electricity or heat as is done in proper countries but is illegal in Australia.
Fourthly, landfill can be mined for valuable substances in the future, if necessary.
There is NO PROBLEM!!!
Like it.
I doubt Australia will ever run short of landfill sites.
It’s not as though we have a shortage of very big holes just begging to be filled in.
The EU imposed a Landfill tax by a Directive, from memory this was around 1990, that increased year on year to price out landfill.
They did so because Germany, Holland, Belgium had a critical shortage of landfill space. These countries also focussed on incineration of waste and so , as part of its “environmental” policies , the EU declared that incineration was “Recycling”.
Over many years the EU paid millions each year in “grants” to the Green Blob to lobby it and propose “green” policies that were then turned into law by various Directives.
There was a high temperature incinerator on the hill overlooking the town where I lived in Europe. The chimney poked out of a complex on theedge of a forest. The only time it was ever obvious was when it was cold and you could see a condensation cloud.
That was 17 years ago. I do not understand why we cant do this here.
Has been many discussions recently in The Australian about recycling, especially since Malaysia advised they are returning containers of wrongly labelled waste to Australia, and the main recycler in Victoria going broke.
mmmm maybe I should be quiet our area features highways and access to the NSW VIC interconnector. We might get selected and I will have to develop NIMBY rage like old mate Bob Brown. The roads are far superior toward the LaTrobe Valley and Geelong, really they are.
A very good paper on waste handling is “Save The Oceans, Stop Recycling Plastic”, by Mikko Paunio:
Contains a lot of useful information about waste handling and why we should be using high temperature incineration for most of our waste. I believe that the main reason for not using this method is CO2 emissions. Despite this, seven European countries, Singapore and Japan all use high temp incineration.
I an soon to participate in a talk to about 100 people about the Anthropogenic Global Warming Fr@ud.
Firstly, science is never “settled”. That is not how science works. Scientists who participate in the AGW fraud are unethical and incompetent at best and corrupt at worst.
I think our main points will be that looking at the raw unadulterated data there is no warming. Any evidence of warming is based on fr@udulent alteration of data by various government agencies to cool the past and warm the present.
The latest example is the elimination of the Medieval Warm Period which used to be called the Medieval Climate Optimum for good reason, plus the elimination of the Little Ice Age. The “Hockey Stick” graph which started all this is a false representation of historical temperatures.
There is no plausible mechanism for 400ppm CO2 of which only 16ppm of that is of anthropogenic origin to control global temperatures. (Please give me some extra points on this if you have any.)
The Sun and cosmic ray flux (short term and semi-random) and Milankovitch Cycles (long term and predictable) are the main drivers of climate.
Any further points? Thanks.
David, don’t forget to mention the current models don’t include solar magnetic, solar spectral or solar wind data. They treat the sun as if it is just a ball of light not an electromagnetic dynamo (or two dynamo’s as Zharkarova suggests). I haven’t seen the key evidence that tells us cosmic rays are a main driver. I think they matter, but I think other solar factors are more important. The cosmic ray study from the last magnetic reversal showed they have an effect but given the extreme situation, it was only a 2-3 degree fall.
There is a mechanism for CO2 to cause warming. It’s just that the feedbacks to that are negative — so most of the heat is not retained.
Though if CO2 were a problem, I agree there is no real way we can control global CO2 levels.
PS: Check your email.
Hi Jo, this is a very interesting statement:
“There is a mechanism for CO2 to cause warming. Itβs just that the feedbacks to that are negative β so most of the heat is not retained”.
I’m curious as to how that mechanism would be described.
Infrared energy is the most degraded stage of the Solar output which says that if there was a “mechanism” ,there would be a few things to look at.
# At what temperatures is this mechanism operational? This is important and was mentioned by Will J. i.e. What is the “virtue” and can that really influence air temperature at altitudes below 10,000 metres?
# does the fact that any IR absorbed by the CO2 is rapidly transmitted to neighbouring atmospheric gases really “heat” the atmosphere overall? Any IR exit delay would be counterbalanced by localised atmospheric temperature increase, expansion and removal of the transferred energy by convection.
# Quantitative aspects have been mentioned by David and make humans origin CO2 a complete irrelevance behind atmospheric water and natural origin CO2.
So, does an actual mechanism exist: I seriously doubt it.
Where is the talk. Is it open to the public?
I like to keep things simple. For example, whenever I have the chance to discuss this with friends who walk, I use the analogy of the atmosphere being spread over one kilometre, and human-induced CO2 only 40mm.
I have been thinking about another analogy, where we have a single crippled mouse in a room with another 2500 fully active mice, all competing for food. Sure, the crippled mouse may score some morsels, but very, very little.
I had this
published in Quadrant a month or so ago π
That’s quite good, but I doubt that many adults understand anything about area calculations. High school kids should though.
That’s quite good, but I doubt that many adults understand anything about area calculations. High school kids should though.
That’s very readable.
That suggests 40ppm of anthropogenic CO2.
Where does that number originate from ?
My understanding is that it is less than 20ppm (5% of total CO2)
The historical failure of every catastrophic prediction for the last 50 years may be worth a mention.
(First comment stuck in moderation due to use of a certain word so reposting.)
I am soon to participate in a talk to about 100 people about the Anthropogenic Global Warming Fr@ud.
Firstly, science is never βsettledβ. That is not how science works. Scientists who participate in the AGW fr@ud are unethical and incompetent at best and corrupt at worst.
I think our main points will be that looking at the raw unadulterated data there is no warming. Any evidence of warming is based on fr@udulent alteration of data by various government agencies to cool the past and warm the present.
The latest example is the elimination of the Medieval Warm Period which used to be called the Medieval Climate Optimum for good reason, plus the elimination of the Little Ice Age. The βHockey Stickβ graph which started all this is a false representation of historical temperatures.
There is no plausible mechanism for 400ppm CO2 of which only 16ppm of that is of anthropogenic origin to control global temperatures. (Please give me some extra points on this if you have any.)
The Sun and cosmic ray flux (short term and semi-random) and Milankovitch Cycles (long term and predictable) are the main drivers of climate.
Any further points? Thanks.
Ah yeah, but we have a small problem. The North Atlantic Oscillation is negative as expected with a quiet sun, but we should be having a cool wet summer in Europe. This is not happening.
Possibly the meandering jetstream overwhelms the NAO?
“Possibly the meandering jet stream overwhelms the NAO?”
Only in some patches.
The flip side of the meandering jet stream that pumped Saharan air over western Europe was colder air coming back down from the Arctic, especially over Northern Russia where there was a large area of below average temperatures.
That jet stream meander seems to be gradually swinging around westwards, and I suspect the colder air will soon start coming back down through western Europe (but we won’t hear a thing about the colder WEATHER.)
‘I suspect the colder air will soon start coming back down through western Europe …’
Its arrived.
‘The deadly European heat wave will continue to wind down through Sunday, with the heat yielding to cooler weather and even the threat of heavy rain and flooding in some areas.’
This time next week they will be complaining of the “Lost Summer”
And asking where the Sun went ?
π π
James Cook University published a paper in late May or early June this year that showed that the Increased Global Vegetation (increased ax a direcg redult of Higher CO2 levels) was now Removing MORE CO2 each year than is emitted by mankind.
The Paris Climate Agreement was hyped and PR’d by the IPCC and Green Blob as the means to prevent further ‘damaging increases in CO2 emissions and to stop temperatures increasing by more than 1.5C from the Little Ice Age (1850). What they kept quiet was that the PCA actually allowed a 50 INCREASE in CO2 emissions by 2030 with India Trebling and China Doubling their respective CO2 emissions. The reductions pledged by the Western nations, although massive as a percentage of their emissions, would be but a tiny percentage of the overall increase allowed ! Thus, although it would cripple their econo yes in due course it would be irrelevant to the rise in CO2 emissions …..
and yet the IPCC expects us to believe it genuinely believes CO2 controls temperature ….
The average temperature on Earth is primarily controlled by the amount and distribution of water over the surface and in the atmosphere. Water has unique properties with its various phases that provide powerful feedback mechanisms to maintain Earth’s average temperature within a narrow range.
Without water and its surface distribution, Earth would be a barron rock like the moon with an average temperature of 200K and extremes from 100K to 400K. The situation on the moon, receiving the same insolation as Earth, annihilates the greenhouse gas fable that starts with a fictitious average radiating surface at temperature of 255K somewhere above the actual surface.
I provided links to reference material last week:
The fact that Trenberth went looking for the missing heat in the oceans demonstrates how primitive the early atmospheric modelling was by neglecting the heat storage in the oceans. Basing CO2 temperature sensitivity on radiant heat transfer through a 1976 US Standard Atmosphere is laughably naive. The atmosphere above any ocean has significant differences to the atmosphere over land. The significant water vapour above a tropical ocean dramatically reduces the CO2 OLR absorption resulting in much lower CO2 sensitivity.
possibly you could point out that the warming after the Younger (or lesser) Dryas resulted in temperatures in Greenland shot up 10β in less than 50 years, without any increase in CO2 (actually there was apparently a slight drop due to the oceans being cooled over the previous 1200 years). The Earth’s temperature rose less of course but it increased to the Holocene Thermal Optimum to between 1 and 2β warmer than present, but according to current “science” the level of CO2 didn’t increase. Henry’s law didn’t work? If the level of CO2 determines the temperature then what actually caused the warming?
Then the Little Ice Age went cold without a drop in CO2 (latest “science claims a minimal drop indicating extreme sensitivity and the possibility of freezing by an incautious drop in CO2 level). A few slides of the Little Ice Age pictures (if you are using pictures) should help.
Wandering down Martin Place in Sydney yesterday the Environmental Extinction group, with a large yellow banner was setting up some very loud audio.
As I understand the narrative we are going extinct in ten years. Now this is a seriously upmarket part of Sydney.
Next to Extinction was a shop selling Teslas.
Perhaps Tesla thinks it will go bust at the point of extinction, so who cares anyway.
Seems very unlikely that Tesla will stay out of bankruptcy for another ten years.
They are sure missing Oh Bummer’s $6bn handouts.
both behind paywall:
HSC: Climate change to be included in geography classes
Daily Telegraph β 9h ago
EXCLUSIVE: Climate change will be officially included in HSC geography lessons when the syllabus is overhauled for the first time in 20 yearsβ¦
27 Jul: TheWest: HSC students to learn about climate change in geography syllabus overhaul
by Jack Morphet, The Sunday Telegraph
Good catch, I bags being a contrarian.
Nothing new. They already have it rammed down their throats in NSW in every subject from maths to science to English. The brainwashing is pervasive. No wonder Greta has a ready audience amongst teenagers . . . with the odd day off school as a bonus.
Its news to me.
‘Climate change will be officially included in HSC geography lessons when the syllabus is overhauled for the first time in 20 years … ‘
The Daily Terror
You must not deal with teens a lot. It has been the case ever since Gillard decreed it was to be so. Climate change is covertly wangled into every corner of our kids’ education, whilst traditional knowledge is withheld. No droughts and flooding rains in their classes; every hot day or flood is a new event on the face of the planet as far as they are taught.
There was a fightback by many teachers for different reasons, but mainly because it wasn’t in the curriculum.
Putting it clearly in the HSC offers a pivotal opportunity to have a debate. If the authorities don’t organise a red and blue team to argue the science, then it will be a disaster.
Somebody in the office reminded me that standing outside the politically correct paradigm will get a big FAIL.
It will get them ready for corporate and university life , and prepare them to write meaningless reports, about stuff the dont believe, because thats what other people (whose approval they depend on to progress) want to hear. What better preparation for our future scientists?
Like CEOs of companies with huge investment in coal mining who speak about the evils of coal.
Shareholders surely cannot be impressed with fools like them in senior executive positions?
At the moment only the Murdocracy is running the story, so I’ll have to wait to see what the ABC and Guardian have to say.
Already is, *susstainability* focus from K to 12 Core-Curriculum, courtesy of UN New-World-Economic-Order indoctrination.
In case anyone is interested . . . .
The Miseducation of America on 5G- The New York Times Gets It Spectacularly Wrong
I call BS on this article Joseph. We have discussed this before and I seem unable to convince you. A detailed study of the international standards for allowable emissions might be in order to obtain more of an understanding. If you still concerned, then may I recommend spending a whack of money and purchasing a decent field strength meter to do your own measurements. I still find it amazing that folks will put a phone/watch wireless recharger, presumably running at one of the more dangerous frequencies of 13.56 MHZ, on their bedside table, right next to their heads, but are still concerned about the non-existent threats of something like 5G.
They seem to be two radically different populations that really dont have much to do with one another. The set of people running wireless rechargers vs the entire metro population of every advanced country on Earth. I dont see a lot of overlap and I am very happy for the former to offer themselves as voluntary guinea pigs.
Graeme#4, Iβd like to think that 5G is without any threats too . . . . Iβd like to be convinced. Iβll spend some time with the international standards. Iβve done a search and have come up with a few sites. Is there one that you would recommend? And while Iβm at it, is there field strength meter you would recommend?
wanted to find this “nuclear renaissance” story, which I presumed would be in all the UK MSM, but this is the best I could find:
25 Jul: Times&StarUK: New PM Boris Johnson supports calls for a nuclear renaissance
By Jenny Barwise
On his first day addressing his new Government, Copeland MP Trudy Harrison asked him: βDoes the Prime Minister agree that the time is now for a nuclear renaissance and that Copeland is the centre of nuclear excellence?β
Mr Johnson replied: βIt is time for a nuclear renaissance and I believe passionately that nuclear must be part of our energy mix and she is right to campaign for it and it will help us to meet our carbon targets.β
It comes in the week that the Government also launched a consultation into funding large-scale nuclear power stations and a proposed Β£18million investment into small modular reactors (SMR).
presumably BBC heard what he said!
AUDIO: 18min54sec: 26 Jul: BBC Business Daily: Are we too scared of nuclear energy?
Why we fear nuclear radiation
The world needs sources of low-carbon fuel, so why are we so afraid of nuclear energy? Justin Rowlatt speaks to Geraldine Thomas, professor of molecular pathology at Imperial College London, about the cancer rates in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster in Soviet Ukraine in 1986, and to Spencer Weart, former director of the Center for the History of Physics at the American Institute of Physics about the evolution of “nuclear fear”. Dr Arjun Makhijani from the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in Washington DC gives the case for why we really should be afraid.
Republican Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky requested that the just passed “Bipartisan Budget Act” be renamed the “Kick The Can Down The Road Act”. Congressman Massie obviously supports Truth In Advertising, but sadly, the majority of the House of Representatives do not as they voted down the name change.
As you’re a Batman fan (original TV series/spoof) you’ll enjoy this weekend’s cartoonery from powerline:
β’ Mueller Airship down: Oh The Humanity!
β’ TrumPutin as lead characters in Fear & Loathing
β’ Trump offers Boris a comb
β’ Don’t judge people by skin colour, religion or sexual orientation β judge them by the contents of their record collection (Mum! Dad! What’s a record collection? *apart from heatwave propaganda)
β’ Me: Alexa, remind me to go to the gym. Alexa: I have added gin to your shopping list.
β’ plus many more witty laughs from Bok and Branco and Lester and Ramirez and Varvel
viva la cartoonery! (before it’s banned because, you know, climate change)
β’ Florida Man Allegedly Tries To Carjack Elderly Man, Realizes He Can’t Drive Stick Shift Vehicle: Deputies
“viva la cartoonery! (before itβs banned because, you know, climate change)”
Funny you should say that and a few days later the meme purge starts on social media in the US.
From the animals are people too gang.
I visited the site of the ultra-rabid animal lib mob who call themselves AUSSIE FARMS β the mob that has been organising farm invasions. Their lunacy extends to all forms of farming and downstream industries. They have extensive lists on their site (with grid references + addresses + aerial photos) of farms β βfacilitiesβ as they call them β from the most humble family sheep farm to large intensive operations, beef properties, dairies, plus wool processors, abattoirs, tanneries, zoos, wildlife parks, horse rides etc, in short anything involving βanimal exploitationβ as they see it. Even a paddock is considered a βfacilityβ.
It stinks. Doxing of many companies, families and individuals. In some instances farmers are represented as running βfacilitiesβ that in fact, they do not run. To make matters worse, Aussie Farms has charity status, which the National Farmers Federation has called for the fanatics to be stripped of.
Even bee keeping is too radical for these vegans.
WARNING: Send the children out of the room right now. Here is a sickeningly tragic photo of a squashed bee.
Oh the humanity! Boycott all honey. What does it speak of the mentality of an adult who has a melt-down over one squashed bee?
Iβm not an apologist for factory farming, but as an ex-agricultural type myself I must say that their site is full of disinformation, half-truths and outright lies.
βAnimal agriculture is a leading cause of global warming, water usage, oceanic dead zones, land clearing, species extinction, suffering and death. Learn more about how animal agriculture is one of the biggest threats to our planet.β
Oceanic dead zones? On whatever planet these cretins are from perhaps, but not on planet Earth.
The NSW Government is finally bringing in laws to stop farm trespass: on-the-spot fines of $1000 and further biosecurity fines of up to $220,000 per individual or $440,000 for corporations.
Putting aside biosecurity, having a bunch of balaclava-clad fools tramping around a farm at 3am has consequences such as the case where they spooked poultry and smothered hundreds/thousands of birds in a misguided attempt to save a few from the cooking pot. Meticulous animal breeding programs can also be disrupted by the ignorant meddling of urban activists who know nothing of animal behaviour, handling or husbandry.
The Feds will complement state laws with others to criminalise the use of a carriage service with the intention of inciting another person to trespass to commit other property offences. The penalties linked to the new Federal offence are strong β up to five years’ imprisonment (subject to the judgeβs leanings). This will hopefully cramp the style of Aussie Farms and its ilk.
Like the activist who commented that lettuce have a heart too.
What a pedigree β from London School Of Economics [PR Dept] to the BBC to USA Today to Stuff and RadioNZ to the twit-o-sphere [Twitters Fear?]:
“Numerous animals have lost their homes, and many of them are probably dead. Just thinking about this is painful”.
Family Guy spoofed these watermelon/eedjit/twits [WET] long ago with Elmer Fudd taking-out that wascally wabbit then “CRACKING” its neck to make sure the smarmy furry carrot-muncher was well-and-truly gone:
Bunny Bugs Gets RIPd – Family Guy [00′ 56″]
The London School of Economics (officially The London School of Economics and Political Science, often referred to as LSE) is a public research university located in London, England, and a member institution of the federal University of London.
Founded in 1895 by Fabian Society members Sidney Webb, Beatrice Webb, Graham Wallas, and George Bernard Shaw for the betterment of society, LSE joined the University of London in 1900 and established its first degree courses under the auspices of the University in 1901. The LSE started awarding its own degrees in 2008, prior to which it awarded degrees of the University of London.
Good clip. Tucker Carlson.
“Green New Deal is about overthrowing the Economy, not saving the Earth”.
“In this video, Tucker Carlson takes on Robert Hockett, who advised Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the Green New Deal. But rather than speaking the truth, rather than admitting that the Green New Deal is using climate change to overthrow the entire economy, he calls it a βmodernizationβ of the economy. Itβs all about destroying our way of life.”
Modernizing an economy back to 1850. These people are insane.
UK still desperately seeking heat record. some wrongly claiming it in their headlines, then back-pedalling:
Met office RECORD: UK heatwave the HOTTEST on record with 38.7C … Jul 2019
Heatwave ‘broke UK record with 38.7C temperature’
Metro UK – 26 Jul 2019
UK heatwave 2019: ‘Record broken’ for Britain’s …
Evening Standard – 26 Jul 2019
26 Jul: UK Independent: UK weather: Britain registers βhighest temperature in countryβs recorded historyβ
Climate experts warn against ‘business as usual’ as heatwaves become ‘new normal’
UK Independent – 26 Jul 2019
A temperature of 38.7C was recorded on Thursday, which β if confirmed β would be a new all-time high for the UK…READ ON
27 Jul: Daily Mail: It WAS Britain’s hottest day in history! Forecasters are poised to announce yesterday was a record-breaker after new recording of 101.66F emerges
β’Provisional figure was recorded at Cambridge University Botanic Garden yesterday as temperature soared
β’Today Met Office announced it was investigating temperature which requires ‘quality control and analysis’
β’If validated it would outstrip the current record of 101.3F (38.5C) seen in Faversham, Kent, in August 2003
β’Comes as travel chaos continues across Britain today, with passengers at Heathrow left sleeping on the floor
β’And heavy rain is predicted in much of England tomorrow with yellow weather warnings in place for weekend
By Henry Martin
The Met Office is set to confirm the figure, recorded at Cambridge University Botanic Gardens, is higher than the 101.3F seen in Faversham, Kent, in August 2003.
Experts are currently validating the figures, which if confirmed, will officially be the hottest day in Britain since records began in 1853.
Scientists will be checking the equipment to see if it has been correctly calibrated before making the announcement…
Dr Mark McCarthy from the National Climate Centre (NCIC) at the Met Office said: ‘As the official source of meteorological statistics for the UK, we take the quality of our recordings very seriously.
‘We are talking about a potential new record for the highest temperature recorded in the UK and we therefore need to thoroughly investigate the observation with our partners from Cambridge University Botanic Garden through statistical analysis and by visiting, to check the site and equipment and ensure there are no potential problems.’
The Met Office says weather records are only used from weather observation sites with calibrated, standard instruments and carefully monitored exposure.
The organisation has individual station observations in a digital database going back to 1853, but there are also historical paper records stretching back even further…
Revealing the provisionally recorded temperature, a spokesman for the Met Office said: ‘Today the Met Office observations team has received a new provisional figure of 101.66F (38.7C) from Cambridge University Botanic Garden.
‘The current highest temperature on record for the UK is 101.3F (38.5C), recorded in Faversham in August 2003.
‘The temperature recorded yesterday at Cambridge University Botanic Garden will require quality control and analysis over the next few days and if validated, would become the highest temperature officially recorded in the UK.
25 Jul: YahooUK: Are we now set to face extreme summer temperatures every year?
by Ellen Manning
The Met Office said that climate change means weβre 30 times more likely to see heatwaves like that of summer 2018…
Dr Mark McCarthy, from the Met Office National Climate Information Centre, said: βThe UK climate has been warming since the mid 20th Century, and this has been accompanied by similar increase in the hottest day of the year, which for the most recent decade has been 0.8C higher when compared with the period 1961-1990.
βClimate change has increased the likelihood and severity of heatwave episodes across Europe, which will have also increased the risks of a 40C temperature event in the UK.
Dr Karsten Haustein, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxfordβs School of Geography and the Environment, who works on the World Weather Attribution Project, told Yahoo News UK: βYes, we should expect extreme events and heatwaves to occur more often.
βAs it always is with statistics, that doesnβt mean that five summers, or 20 summers, in a row are going to be hotter than in the past. Thatβs not how it works, itβs just that we have a much higher chance of having really hot summers or hot periods.β
He said the last really hot day was 2003, when temperatures reached 37.5C in parts of the UK, pointing out that it has taken more than a decade for records to be broken again, and it could be another 20 years before another record-breaker.
But he added: βThe frequency of probability for such events to occur is simply increasing, in some regions by quite a lot.β
Cimate scientist Professor Michael Mann, from Penn State University, warned last year that climate change was behind the extreme temperatures.
He told the Guardian: βThe impacts of climate change are no longer subtle,β he told the Guardian. βWe are seeing them play out in real time and what is happening this summer is a perfect example of that.β
26 Jul: BBC: UK heatwave: Was Thursday the hottest day on record?
Thursday was the UK’s hottest July day on record, with temperatures reaching 38.1C (100.6F) in Cambridge.
But was it the UK’s hottest day ever?
While the Met Office says we can be sure it’s the second hottest, it won’t be able to confirm what is apparently its highest reading until next week.
Provisional figures released on Friday revealed a peak of 38.7C at Cambridge University Botanic Gardens. If verified, that squeaks past the UK all-time high of 38.5C, reached in 2003.
Why don’t we know how hot it was?
Unlike the other weather station readings that report instantaneously, Cambridge University Botanic Gardens only reports at the end of the day – that’s why it took the Met Office until Friday to release the provisional figure.
Alex Burkill, a meteorologist at the Met Office, explained any reading that challenges the all-time record should be carefully vetted.
He says each of the UK’s weather observation stations is checked over every two years to make sure everything is still in good working order.
“Thermometers should be in shade and in ventilation,” he said.
“The last time that the [Cambridge University Botanic Gardens] site had this check was the end of 2017.
“Because of the sensitivity of this reading, because it’s the highest temperature ever recorded in the UK, we want to double check.”
How can they be sure?
The Met Office has already sent out an engineer to inspect the station and its equipment. “They’ll go out, check that the site looks fine, and that there’s nothing untoward there,” he said.
Anything from an overgrown tree to a new building nearby could alter the readings.
As well as checking the area, scientists will pore through all the readings from the day to check there wasn’t a spike at the time of the hottest reading.
They would expect a gradual increase throughout the day, and any sudden change could indicate some temporary interference – like a car parked nearby.
So what are the chances?
Mr Burkill said the Met Office would be able to confirm the reading early next week but insisted he would be surprised if the reading did get discounted.
“Or another reading that hasn’t come in yet might beat it,” he said.
all over bar the shouting:
27 Jul: UK Metro: UK set for weekend washout with thunderstorms and showers after heatwave
by Basit Mahmood
Britain is set to be drenched today after a record breaking heatwave, sending temperatures plummeting by 20 degrees in parts of the country. Thermometers in most parts of the country will only reach highs of 18C this afternoon…
The wet and cloudy weather is expected to continue into Sunday with a yellow weather warning still in place over south East England, the midlands and northern England, with temperatures staying in the low 20s…
27 Jul: UK Express: UK weather forecast: Flood risk as epic rainfall brings temperatures crashing down
BRITAINβs heatwave is over as lashings of rain will coat the country making temperatures plummet to the mid-teens.
By Claire Anderson
27 Jul: Daily Mail: The heatwave’s gone in a flash! Topsy-turvy weather sees thunderstorms sweep the country as temperatures drop 27 degrees today from the 100.6F highs Britain sweated through on Tropical Thursday
β’Lightning has struck across the east of England as the Met Office warns temperatures are set to drop
β’Comes after the second hottest day in UK history left people across the country in unbearable conditions
By Sebastian Murphy-bates
Belfast, Glasgow and Stornoway are set to plunge as low as 63F (17C) following what has become known as Tropical Thursday…
27 Jul: UK Sun: TRAIL OF DESTRUCTION UK heatwave β selfish sun-seekers leave beaches strewn with beer bottles and plastic packaging
by Ellie Cambridge
Beauty spots around the country were left ruined as bottles, food packets and plastic waste was abandoned on the sand…
They were slammed by campaigners after leaving rubbish covering the sand at Blackpool Beach and the Edinburgh coastline…
Tens of thousands of sun-seekers descended on the popular seaside town as Britain was gripped by a searing heatwave.
Sadly many “disgusting” visitors left their rubbish on the sand after leaving the resort on the Irish Sea coast of England…
Paul Homewood on the Cambridge site:
Link didn’t show…sorry…can’t see why!
The suitability of the Cambridge weather station is very doubtfull, for a variety of reasons.
I’ll try the link again later but must feed the cows their hay now.
Who will think of the animals!!!? Annie will, of course π
Awesome time-lapse photograph, Netherlands Spring Sunset, by Michiel de Boer showing how inversion layers refract, warp and mirage our view of the setting sun (into and beyond a sea of offshore wind turbines):
Cult Of Wind/Solar fanatics [*COWS*] will see it as proof of their gugu-gaga warmy-warmy doomsday-heatwave beliefs, showing
renewablesruinables ‘eating’ the sun to ‘save the planet’ or whatever. Meanwhile, looking at the bigger picture, my regular go to Global Jet Stream Wind and 250 mb Pressure animation/map [link below] of what’s in store for next week, I’m guessing the world’s CCCrapβ’ headlines may read:Man’s Carbon Poison Turns European Heatwave Into Cold Snap!
Beast From The East In Summer?
It’s Worse Than We Thunked EVAH!
Paul Homewood at
has a few words on that. (He’s the guy with 18 successful complaints against the BBC on facts).
Blerg! any major UK city and a temperature thats even starts with 3 and it gets might uncomfortable mighty quickly. Not surprised it grabs the news.
I remember 2003 very well! Aussie friends visited in August while we were living in Gloucestershire. We always used to melt in their place in Kew in Melbourne in summer but they found London that English summer insufferable. They had been told by their son they ‘must’ visit this, that and the other place in England (including Bath). We sat them down when they came to us and administeted Gin and Tonic and told them to rest and don’t go anywhere! I think they were rather relieved to have the excuse to bunk off doing the tourist bit. π
That’s the best solution I’ve heard so far, Annie, in how to ‘tackle’ this catastrophic runaway man-made g.w./c.c./A.2030/UN existential nonsense β Gin and Tonic! Oh sweet juniper berries and carbonated quinine with a squeeze of lemon… the taste of summer!
Lovely stuff, isn’t it?! We find Pink Gin goes down well of an evening/night in the heat and humidity of a Dubai summer. π
I mean proper Pink Gin, not the ready-made stuff on the shelves these days.
Last weekβs Lotto ticket not a winner?
No problem. Zip back in time and choose the winning numbers second time around . . . as long as you have a quantum computer handy.
βWhat do we want?β
βTime travel.β
βWhen do we want it?β
βUm . . .β
I took a little time to explain how the federal RET actually works in comments on the previous thread:
Something that is worth understanding is that the direct subsidies are gradually disappearing. LGC prices are tanking because there is already an oversupply and that is worsening as more intermittent generators get connected. The CAL21 forward price is down to $14.75.
The subsidies to intermittents are not the sole or even the main reason for electricity price increases.
The fundamental reason for wholesale electricity prices increasing is that the dispatchable power from intermittents, no matter how much capacity is precisely ZERO. The consequence of this is that intermittents do not replace any dispatchable capacity. There still needs to be enough dispatchable capacity to meet the highest maximum demand. The disptachable generators need to make money to survive so they force prices up when the wind is not blowing or sun is not shining. So dispatchable generators are still recovering costs.
As more intermittents are added, the opportunity for dispatchable generators to make money diminishes until one of them drops off the perch. The first to drop are baseload generators where high cost of ramping to follow the increasingly variable supply becomes uneconomic. This increases the opportunity for the remaining dispatchable generators to make money and the baseload generator is replaced by dispatchable generation with higher fuel cost but faster response so there remains sufficient dispatchable capacity to meet maximum demand. This has occurred in Australia as networks have taken aged gas plants out of retirement, installed more gas plants and purchased diesel generators as coal fired stations have been retired. The next coal plant to go is Liddell.
Thanks Rick,
True and very disturbing.
I wish Daniel Andrews could understand that. Our Energy Minister Lily D’Ambrosio must go. Every day that she keeps her job brings the day of reckoning one day closer.
Minister for Energy , Environment and Climate Change doncha know!
Well isnt everything going just swimmingly with Energy , Recycling and Climate Change Lily?
Despite all your hard work we are still heading for blackouts come summer, recycling is a shambles and CO2 stubbornely refuses to come down despite your vast influence. Let me guess, its a “perfect storm” of events, progress is just around the corner, the future is bright and so on.
Good clear explanation Rick.
Looking at SA, to meet the State demand that averages about 1.5 GW and peaks at 2.2 GW currently, and 3 GW on a few summer days:
Gas/Diesel nameplate capacity 3.2 GW, 90% capacity factor = 2.9 GW
Wind nameplate capacity 2.1 GW, 30% capacity factor = 0.6 GW (so supplying about 40% of demand on average)
Large solar nameplate capacity 0.4 GW, 0% capacity factor in the evening
Rooftop solar nameplate capacity about 0.6 GW, 0% capacity factor in the evening.
So in total, SA has invested in 6.3 GW of electricity generators, all seeking a return on investment, to meet a peak demand of about 3 GW, average 2.2 GW, and yet on occasions when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing, SA must import power from Vic.
What a waste.
SA could double wind and solar capacity, yet still need that 3.2 GW of gas/diesel, or the lights will go out at times of peak demand.
SA’s wind farms now return an average 27% CF, not due to dropping wind speeds but because some are ordered to turn off during higher wind speeds to keep the system stable. There is a certain minimum of gas generation that MUST be maintained, so wind farms can only supply the demand left after solar PV plus the level of export to Vic.
The current “Minister for making a mess of the electricity system” wants to go to 78% renewables and for a new interconnector to SW NSW to take the excess wind generation. With the recent price of ZERO when there was strong winds it means SA would be exporting very, very cheap wind electricity to NSW and getting back expensive coal fired electricity when the wind isn’t blowing. There must also be a query as to what benefit NSW would get with generation coming from 1200 Km. away. A new industrial centre at Balranald?
wade past Melanie’s PR for the protesters, including her happy pics, & there’s eventually some pretense at giving the other side of the story:
28 Jul: ABC: ‘This is about humanity’: Inside a protest camp in the heart of coal country
ABC Tropical North By Melanie Groves
A gong rings out β an empty gas cylinder hanging from a tree β signalling lunchtime, and people start to appear, carrying guitars and talking.
This small bush block has become home to a transient group of anti-coal activists who live together, cook together and have team meetings, while occasionally leaving their safe haven to tie themselves to rail lines, disrupt coal transportation and get in trouble with the law…
Some have jobs they’ve left to be here, others taking an extended break from their own businesses…
Who moves to a camp in the middle of the bush?
Gold Coast man ***Shane Primrose gave up his role as a teacher to move to the camp, where he has lived full-time for the past seven months.
“My job as a school teacher is to look after my students and give them the best opportunities at life,” Mr Primrose said.
“If there’s a whole new coal basin that’s to open up and is going to be stealing hundreds of billions of litres of water while we’re already in drought, top priority becomes looking after community, looking after country and protecting water for our young people.”…
*Editor’s note 27/07/2019: Only the first names of some of the people in this article have been provided at their request.
7 Oct 2017: ABC: Adani: Thousands turn out across Australia to protest against Carmichael coal mine
At Miami on the Gold Coast around 200 people turned out to oppose the mine.
“We know how important this is and we know there’s a growing movement and more and more people are realising how desperately we need this to stop,” said ***Shane Primrose of the Stop Adani Gold Coast group…
Facebook: ABC 7.30 Report
23 Jul 2019: βI thought Australia was a democratic country with no problems with journalists, so Iβm very surprised.β – French journalist Hugo Clement, who was charged for trespass while trying to film an anti-Adani protest in Queensland.
VIDEO: 3min-plus Leigh Sales interview w/ Hugo Clement
***Shane Primrose: They werenβt blocking the railway Monte.
They were there to report on activists who were blocking the railway.
They are journalists.
Monte Forte: They were standing in the middle of the railway line…. and when the police told them to move off the railway line, they refused. So they were arrested.
You don’t get to break the law and then claim you are the victim.
***Shane Primrose: Yah man, I was there… I know how it went down… and it wasnβt like that.
***Shane Primrose: Monte, there were about 20 activists there who were blocking the railway… Rather than arrest them, they instead arrested the journalists who were there to document it.
Sometime later 3 activists were arrested.
Police didnβt tell the journalists to move off the railway line before they were arrested.
Nor were the journalists on the railway line when they were arrested.
Hugo Clermont (the presenter) was arrested first, then as his camera crew followed him towards the police wagon with their cameras, they were arrested too.
You understand that journalists often find themselves in compromising positions in order to bring you the news? They go to protests, they go to war zones, etc. Without them doing these things, you canβt know whatβs happening in these places… You canβt be properly informed.
Shane Primrose gets around:
20 Mar: ClarenceValleyIndependent: Students raise their voices on climate change inaction
PIC CAPTION: Students campaigning for action on climate change want 100 per cent renewables by 2030, no new coal or gas mining and the Adani mine stopped. Images: ***Shane Primrose
by Geoff Helisma
The Independent spoke to student organiser Amoretta Hartley, 16.
Answering critics who, for example, say the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) is staffed by adults and that the students are being manipulated by the multitude of unions that have endorsed SS4CA, Ms Hartley said she was βhappy with the unionβs associationβ with the movement…
Adult organiser ***Shane Primrose said he βreally didnβt have too much to do with this [protest], as the students really picked it up, ran with it [and] organised it for themselvesβ.
βI just helped them out with a few formalities like gaining council approvals,β he said.
βIt was powerful to hear how the young people of our community feel about this issue and to hear how passionate they were about creating change.β
Mr Primrose said it was βgreat to have Indigenous community leaders presentβ β the βSeed Indigenous Youth Climate Network for climate justice is a βbranch of AYCC led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, who are campaigning to protect country from climate change and fossil fuel extractionβ, the AYCC website states…
PIC CAPTION: Student organiser Amoretta Hartley addresses School Strike 4 Climate Australia protest at Grafton. Images: ***Shane Primrose
Another teenage expert.
The saying β wise beyond their years β used to mean something. These days it’s totally 97% sumpthink (as in, scraping the bottom of the barrel yet claiming it’s top-shelf). She was only sixteen, only sixteen…
Groupthink Media Inc “around the world… have hooked up to boost coverage of the issue globally. But here, some broadcasters are still fuelling scepticism instead”. Funny, you get that in countries which still have a whiff of free press remaining.
“Magic Talk, Drive host Ryan Bridge dumped the facts altogether last Monday and declared climate change to be a religion – just an article of faith, and not something science could prove. On the same station, morning host Peter Williams set out his sceptical stall in a piece online last week under a heading stating the science isnβt settled.
β’I am so over the nonsense that is being propagated by politicians and policymakers about this thing that is now just referred to as climate change,’ he complained”.
In summation, the author of this piece of s***, Mediawatch’s Colin Peacock, wrote: “Talk radio broadcasters are still happy to put hosts on the air who airily admit they don’t understand the science of climate change”. Ah, no, Mr Peacock, that’s the IPCC and its minion horde that ‘don’t understand the science‘. However, they do understand (and crave more of) the smell of money and taste of kontrol… and let’s not forget the never-ending conferences in exotic and foreign locales.
The Bureau of Misinformation at Mt Barker.
A post by Ken’s Kingdom
Seems like comments is not working at Ken’s blog site.
So I am reposting my own comment there, here>
Ken thanks for drawing attention to this Mt Barker BOM weather station. I live just 150 meters away from the station as the crow flies. Or a 300 meter walk by the street footpath.
So I have a strong interest in this station. Supposedly it tells me what the weather has been and provides and accurate record of past weather.
But as it does not comply with the BOMβs own standards
clearly it is inaccurate.
In June this year I had 8 frosty mornings in a row on my front garden lawn and on my own car windscreen. When I looked at the BOM it recorded only 3 frosty mornings in a row for June and then another later.
I was shocked ! And then went digging. All this is what turned up.
By the way BOM records for Mt Barker go back to 1861 β not 1957.
The original location was the back yard of old Mt Barker police station in Gawler st. Then in the early 1990βs it was moved to Hill St Mt Barker.
Hill St is about 1.3 ks away from the original site on Gawler St. It is also a different elevation at the house here it was located in this period goes up a hill. I have not looked at the records recently but I think that the average monthly & yearly minimum temperature shows a rise from this time.
Now that would be normal as cold air is denser than warm air & falls down the hill. An increased elevation means a slight increase in the minimum temperature in Winter each day.
But of course our BOM wants us to believe that it happened because of increased CO2 !
Now that is real misinformation.
Thank you Bill, we need more reports like this, BoM must continue to be exposed, after all they are public servants paid to provide us with quality information.
27 Jul: HinduBusinessLine: PPAs of 21 wind projects of Suzlon, Axis Energy face headwinds
by V Rishi Kumar
Twenty-one projects of wind energy company Suzlon and Axis Energy and their clients in Andhra Pradesh, of total capacity of 776.9 MW are likely to face turbulence and possible withdrawal.
In a memo filed with the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (APERC), Andhra Pradesh Southern Power Distribution Company (APSPDCL), has sought the regulatorβs permission to withdraw the Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) entered into with these wind energy companies and their clients.
The Chief General Manager of APSPDCL in the memo stated βin view of the precarious financial position of AP discoms and consequent inability to bear the additional financial burden involved in purchasing power from 21 wind developers, they have decided to withdraw the PPAs entered with various wind power projects clients of Suzlon and Axis Energy Ventures India.β
The APSPDCL further submitted that since the PPAs are not yet approved, the same is not enforceable and APSPDCL is at liberty to withdraw the same…
Suzlon update – behind paywall:
23 Jul: BusinessStandardIndia: Brookfield’s plan to acquire cash-strapped Suzlon hits a roadblock
The source said Brookfield’s offer to infuse fresh equity into the company would depend on the haircut to be taken by the banks
by Dev Chatterjee & Raghavendra Kamath
Canadian financial powerhouse Brookfieldβs plan to acquire Suzlon has hit a roadblock, with the Canadian firm asking Indian banks to take a βsignificant haircutβ on its Rs 10,300-crore debt. The haircut by banks could go as high as 70 per cent β taking into account similar deals with loan defaulters, said the source.
Suzlon has become a non-performing account for the Indian banks from the June quarter after it defaulted on its loan repayments…
Another Government initiative doomed to failure.
Aging in Place.
This can only work if there are enough careers/home help and enough resources, vehicles, to get those people to the elderly in need of help. How does it work in villages or in woopwup?
Even worse is the fact that Government is now offering incentives to build yet more βEnd of Lifeβ facilities and organizations are re-furbishing facilities or building new ones to qualify for those dollars.
So, we have an ever growing demand for home care and fewer places to offer any form of intermediate self-care, what used to be called βLow Careβ will become more and more scarce and much sought after.
When all is said and done who would want to place Grandad or Granny into a facility that only offers βEnd of Lifeβ accommodation.
This government initiative is just a way of kicking the can down the road, it will be up to some future government to address the problem of an aging population.
Just think also of the carbon footprint of home help/nurses travelling for hours every day to support a scattered aged population who need a little support, not yet at βEnd of Lifeβ stage. Family far away, or not supportive, or dead before their time.
Of course, there is the knock-on effect of all those hours driving from client to client, it means that more, often highly trained, medical staff are needed to care for all those βEnd of Lifeβ clients.
Is there a government initiative to train more aged care providers who are paid low wages, donβt want to live their life on the road?
Then of course, those home care people can be provided with EVβs that will get the percentage up and spend even more Australian Dollars overseas.
Can you tell I live in a aged care facility?
This is why I think it is important to manage your own exit strategy. You cant be gauranteed that you will be able to use it, but having a plan pretty much always beats having no plan.
A reply to the zombie trash…
Just finished reading the comments to The Australian report that one in five home solar systems have been found to be defective. The defective types or importance is not included.
The comments seem to indicate that early installations used quality components and are still going strong, whereas more recent systems have had plenty of failures.
Is my impression correct?
I think it has more to do with the integrity of the installing outfit than anything. The time element you talk about is (I think) more to do with the commoditisation of solar , more entrants and the % of cowboys increasing. At first you had to know what you are doing to play, now its every man and his dog. As always its easy to go cheap if thats what you want for an installtion people routinely talk about having 15-20 year life.
Our local Sparky doesnt do cheap solar. If you want that he will send you elsewhere. He doesnt want the financial or physical risks of low costs components. He still does a steady business in solar but it doesnt dominate his operation.
Ok, thanks for the insight yarpos. Good to know that there are still installers out there with integrity.
This might be of interest:
If we are going to see a flood of computer generated research reviews then they should debate one another, because that is how science progresses. Mind you I like the idea of AI reviews because even relatively small research areas produce more articles than any human can read.
Speaking of scientific debates I am building a small library called the Climate Change Debate Education project: So far I have listed about 300 videos skeptical of or debating the hypothesis of dangerous human caused climate change, but I am shooting for a thousand. (Apologies for advertising.) So I find myself a librarian of sorts! I would love to see AI algorithms debating this issue.
They have just introduced climate change into the NSW high school certificate and I fear the worse. There are many science teachers who are skeptical and in need of advice, how would you approach the problem?
‘Swathes of frightened children and the nature of the childrenβs climate strikes, absolute demands to world leadership made by a child who instructs them to panic about imminent apocalypse (with little serious challenge, these phenomena should be a big red flag with βcultureβ written on it.
‘But those disciplines studying such phenomena appear to believe en-masse the piece of the cultural narrative which states that (absent dramatic action) imminent (decades) global climate catastrophe, is an undeniable output of hard science. This is false; mainstream science doesnβt support it. Society is inappropriately scaring millions of children.’
Andy West post (Climate Etc)