Heads must roll at JCU for the incompetent mismanagement, and for acting as “science” rulers and trying to suppress a scientific view they personally didn’t like. They’ve already wasted $630,000, and now another $1.2m — all so they could stop Ridd saying there is a replication crisis in science and our institutions can no longer be trusted:
James Cook Uni ordered to pay $1.2m to Peter Ridd
Charlie Peel, The Australian
James Cook University has been ordered to pay reef scientist Peter Ridd $1.2 million for unlawfully dismissing him after he publicly criticised the institution’s climate change science.
The judge lambasted the university, saying it had “failed to respect (Dr Ridd’s) rights to intellectual freedom”.
JCU has said it will appeal the finding that the dismissal was unlawful and declined to comment further on the judge’s ruling.
In a scathing judgment handed down on Friday, Justice Vasta criticised the university for an “blatantly untrue” and “appalling” public statement it issued after the April ruling.
“Professor Ridd was entitled to say that he had been vindicated by the court.”
This is the most important battle any scientist faces. Without free speech there is no scientific research, only propaganda.
Until JCU pays up and sacks those responsible we must assume all research coming out of this uni is filtered to fit a political agenda. What are JCU researchers not saying because they fear being sacked?
The ABC reminds us of just how dangerous his words were:
Dr Ridd was dismissed by James Cook University (JCU) in 2018 after being issued with a number of warnings for comments he made about a coral researcher and for telling Sky TV that organisations like the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) could “no longer be trusted”.
Court documents at the time said Dr Ridd described his colleague in an email as “not having any clue about the weather”, and that he “will give the normal doom science about the Great Barrier Reef”.
Dr Ridd said in another email that JCU, along with other universities, were “Orwellian in nature”.
No breach of government propaganda will be tolerated.
Gideon Rozner IPA:
It is time for JCU to accept the decision and move on. If not, Education Minister Dan Tehan must intervene and tell JCU to withdraw its appeal because it is an inappropriate expenditure of taxpayer funds and will do irreparable harm to the international reputation of Australia’s higher education sector.
h/t , Steve H.
Posted on the Auntie thread that I can’t wait to see Paul Barry’s take on this outcome.
Good news. The follow-up should be interesting.
I wonder when the governing body at the James Cook University
Will realise that have allowed an expensive & total
Stuff up to happen.
And that this university’s academic reputation
Is now completely defunct.
Sack the bastards for incompetence !
Let them taste what they are so willing
To dish out to others who don’t toe
Their Political line.
‘Vasta handed down a penalty on Friday and ordered the university to pay Ridd more than $1.2m for lost income, lost future income and pecuniary penalties.
‘Guardian Australia understands the university intends to appeal the judgment. It has three weeks to lodge any appeal.’
An appeal.. !!
Ok, lets make it $1.5M instead. !
No! 1.8Million!
Do I hear 2?
2 million?
Going once …
Going twice …
Peter Ridd is a Hero of our times. Congratulations Peter and all my best for your future.
Maybe you could go into competition with JCU with say: TTRU: The Townsville Real University, the Home of Real Guaranteed Barrier Reef Science! But maybe not … who would want to compete with those clowns?)
Amazing to see that the ABC just reported on this story and again reinstated the JCU accusations that the Judge has specifically ruled as not only false but vindictive…. the abc story makes it look like Ridd got away with “serious misconduct”…. the converse is true, the judge ruled that the misconduct was all on the part of JCU.
Great news. I wonder if it’ll make the 7 o’clock news?
Here’s a link to the story at the ABC’s “Just In”:
Dave B
No mention on the ABC’s 7 o’clock news. Surprised?
Dave B
No mention of the SA
ABC brainwashing news dose either
Foreign illegal immigrants from Sri Lanka
Who are not refugees
Are so much more important !
Morning all,
This morning’s SMH has carried the story:
” Climate sceptic wins $1.2m in damages
James Cook University acted unlawfully in sacking Professor Peter Ridd, court found.
http://www.smh.com.au/national/tertiary-education/damaged-goods-professor-awarded-1-2m-for-uni-s-unlawful-sacking-20190906-p52op3.html? ”
Dave B
That article adds to the Judge’s `vindictive’ term.
“James Cook University must now rethink its stated plans to prolong this ugly dispute by appealing the decision. … It is time for JCU to accept the decision and move on. ”
and stop hounding Dr Ridd who has been found to be in the right, by the court, having won his case on all counts.
I wonder if Professor Ridd could sue
The Australian Brainwashing Corporation
For false and misleading news reports
Which amount to Libel ?
Not really. But the ABC is keeping itself astride that barbed wire fence!
Handy way to neuter oneself ? ……
The ABC continuing to be a disgraceful organisation. Least be said about it the better – save selling it.
potentially another bit of good news. read all:
5 Sept: Forbes: A Little-Known EU Investor Dispute Treaty Could Kill The Paris Climate Agreement
by Dave Keating
Interesting that the Business paper has a reporter better than most MSM.
This is the “certainty” that “investors” call for, working for the opposition. Lets hope it keeps a stick in their spokes for a couple of years.
“Italy wanted to avoid the fate of Spain”…
Which is now bearing down on us.
6 Sept: Reuters: Trudeau’s oil pipeline tarnishes his climate credentials ahead of Canadian election
by Nia Williams in Calgary, Alberta and Rod Nickel in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Trudeau’s Liberal government bought the Trans Mountain pipeline for C$4.5 billion ($3.40 billion) last year to ensure the expansion would proceed. Months later, a court blocked the project because it said the government had failed to adequately consult indigenous peoples living along the pipeline’s path.
Work recently restarted after the government reapproved the project in June, but the pipeline hit another snag on Wednesday when a federal court said it would allow six legal challenges by First Nation groups to go ahead.
Canada is the world’s fourth-biggest producer of crude and the energy industry accounts for about 11% of annual nominal gross domestic product…
The prime minister defended his two-pronged approach in an interview that aired this week on Netflix.
“Canadians know you can protect the environment and grow the economy at the same time,” Trudeau said.
He may be right. More than two-thirds of Canadians – 69% – say climate change should be a top priority for the government, according to an Angus Reid Institute poll published on Thursday But 58% also said oil and gas development should be a top priority alongside climate action…
And the ABC has reported it too!
In a VERY SHORT CURT report:
Looks like Paul Barry will not be happy!
Note that report is complete with quotes to infer that Ridd is the guilty party. Little monkeys, aren’t they?
I wouldn’t say that, they used quotes around Ridd’s own words not to take those words out of the article context. That is, those words quote Ridd. That is a proper use of quotation marks.
Mind you it’s kinda unusual to see the ABC actually use the correct grammar and punctuation that they used to pride themselves on 30 years ago.
Academics around Australia and possibly some in New Zealand will be following this with interest, if only out of the corner of their squinted eyes, through VPN’s and shades in the depths of their private closets, garrets and ivory towers.
These passive aggressive Leftists have successfully subverted and consequentially ruined the intellectual and critical elements of the Universities in Oceania as indeed they have around the West. Formally challenging and demanding institutions are now censorial, inhibited safe places, replete with trigger warnings and comfort rooms for fragile, brittle, effete invertebrate youth preoccupied with their fluid genders, veganism, climatism, healthism and safeism and not least, end-times predictions of imminent demise. They grew up not to rebel against the old order but to embrace it with a spineless willingness that is a social red flag and testament to their indoctrination, brainwashing and malleability.
They are the unwitting willing hostages of a university administration that sees itself as the seamless embodiment of UN globalist identarianism. These students are illuminated in the brightest light of that reveals their naked weakness in starkest comparison against the strength of their peers in Hong Kong or Yellow Shirts in France, young men and women literally fighting for their lives, the lives of their families and freedom against the Communist Chinese revolutionary thugs from Beijing or the globalist job thieving EU dictators and their Rothschild banksters in France.
Peter Ridd deserves not only full recompense for his despicable treatment at the hands of the Leftist totalitarian thugs at JCU, but a medal, the highest possible to award to a civilian in Australia in recognition of his scientific integrity. He beats a trenchant path against the Leftist subjugational narrative and in his way he has advanced the liberty and prosperity of all in Australia against the imposition of Leftist globalist ideology.
A particularly fine description of our enfeebled student class; sorry I only have one vote to give.
Here, have one of mine ✓
more good news:
6 Sept: Reuters: GE investigates new wind turbine collapse in Brazil
by Luciano Costa
General Electric Co is investigating the cause of another accident involving wind power equipment it built and installed on a wind farm in Brazil operated by power company Omega, the two companies said on Thursday.
On Tuesday, a GE wind turbine fell to the ground from its tower at the Delta 6 wind farm in Brazil’s northern Maranhao state. A worker is being treated for injuries.
Two months ago another turbine made by GE collapsed in Brazil when its tower broke in half. There have been three such collapses of GE wind turbines in the United States this year…
RDS Energia, a Brazilian consultancy that develops wind farm projects, said this type of accident was unusual, since towers and turbines are designed to resist winds of up to 300 km (186 miles) per hour.
RDS head Rodrigo Nereu dos Santos said a repeat of such accidents could have an impact on GE’s image and potentially hurt its chances in future tenders to supply equipment…
better headline:
5 Sept: Worker hurt after fifth GE wind turbine collapse this year
Latest incident in Brazil poses new questions for manufacturer after employee is injured
A GE statement sent to Recharge said: “On 3 September, a GE turbine collapsed at the Delta 6 wind park, located at Paulino Neves, Maranhao.
GE did not say which model was involved. The incident is the fifth collapse to hit GE wind turbines in the Americas in 2019…
However, the latest incident marks an escalation in gravity because of the injury to a employee – nobody was hurt in the other collapses…
“During the collapse, three GE employees were at the site. One individual was injured and is currently receiving medical treatment. The safety of our employees is of the upmost importance, and we are supporting the injured employee and his family during this time…
As before, the project involved is a relatively new addition to the developer’s fleet. Delta 6 has only been operational since December 2018, according to the Omega Energia website…
5 Sept: PV Mag: Van der Valk Solar Systems brings BirdBlocker to Europe
Van der Valk Solar Systems and BirdBlocker have joined hands to bring BirdBlocker to Europe. Birds actively build nests underneath PV-panels, which results in lower output of PV-panels, damage and noise issues. BirdBlocker is the easy-to-install solution that can help to prevent this…
didn’t mean to suggest it was good news a wind farm worker was injured. hope it’s not serious and the worker is ok.
“the latest incident marks an escalation in gravity” – oh nose!
Windmills suck, but now they’re causing gravity to suck even more? We’re doomed I tells ya!
Dunno Greg, last I looked escalators were all about gravity
Gravity is one property of the Earth which can be considered to be constant, even though it isn’t
(Every little boy grows up after having learned — some times painfully — about all the gravitational anomalies present in their own back yards.)
Fan blades of these dimensions can very easily set up a harmonic that can destroy a tower even if it is engineered for three hundred K winds.
Methinks GE needs to go back to the drawing board.
Victorians out in the cold as energy prices rise
The Australian – 10 hours ago
Victoria was the only eastern seaboard state to see increased prices for gas and … according to the Australian Energy Regulator’s annual review of the market…
6 Sept: SMH: Cooper Energy discovers new gas field off the Victorian coast
By Ben Weir
Cooper Energy has discovered a new gas field in the Otway Basin off the coast of Victoria, the first found in the basin in more than 10 years.
Annie-1, the first of two gas exploration wells, made the discovery on Wednesday and Cooper’s managing director David Maxwell said the find had the potential to supply customers within just over two years…
The east coast of the country faces a gas shortage with a recent report predicting Victoria will have a shortage of gas by winter 2022 with declining levels in old fields and a ban on onshore gas exploration in Victoria and New South Wales…
The discovery comes after the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) warned last month of ongoing high prices and tight gas supply unless barriers to exploration were lifted…
Onshore gas extraction was restricted in Victoria in 2014 following anti-fracking campaigning by farming and environment groups. But the Andrews government will consider loosening restrictions to allow conventional gas exploration from June next year. In NSW, the gas ban is unofficial, but is considered by many an “implicit” ban as projects are not proceeding…
criticise RE and ABC have someone ready to attack you:
5 Sept: ABC: How renewable energy projects are revitalising rural towns
7.30 By Lucy Carter
Like many country towns, Numurkah near Shepparton in Victoria’s Goulburn Valley, was struggling with drought, closing businesses and losing the younger generations to jobs in bigger cities.
“We can’t rely on the dairy industry as much as we probably have over the years, we need to find alternative investment,” Moira Shire Councillor John Beitzel told 7.30.
So when energy company Neoen proposed to build a solar farm near the town, they jumped at the chance.
“These are opportunities that are coming to us,” Mr Beitzel said.
“We need to embrace them.”…
Paul O’Bryan is the Numurkah Solar Farm’s site manager, responsible for harvesting the sun’s energy from almost 400,000 solar panels spread across 515 hectares of land.
It is now producing enough solar energy for the grid to power 48,000 homes…
Not everyone in the community supports the solar farm.
One criticism is that it is an eyesore which has only created six full-time positions, despite there being more than 300 short-term jobs during construction.
Mr O’Bryan rejects that analysis.
“Those construction jobs wouldn’t have been possible, unless we constructed this,” he said…
Another complaint has been that the solar farm takes up productive land…
Eddie Rovers used to own some of the paddocks now occupied by the solar farm.
“People have always got negatives about everything,” he told 7.30.
“People need to look outside the square like we have.”‘
He sold the land but did a deal to graze 750 of his sheep among the solar panels…
“The grass should grow fantastic underneath the panels cause it’s not getting hot sun. When the dew is on the panels and the panels turn, the grass’ll get irrigated.”…
Falling costs make projects viable…
AEMO issues new Victoria blackout warning
The Australian – 3 hours ago
Victorians face a “significant risk” of power outages this summer amid concerns two power plant outages may last longer than anticipated, the Australian Energy …
I hope someone tells Eddie Rovers about what might leach from those solar panels. Might be a good idea to change the sheep’s diet regularly.
5 Sept: Australian Energy Regulator: Affordability in retail energy markets September 2019
Booyah……thats gotta hurt.
I approve.
Now how many other universities deserve the same correction and treatment? I know of at least one other that has a corrosive tyrannical leadership…..
Bring it on.
Nahhhh Steve
The JCU rulership are as thick as two bricks.
They don’t feel a thing
And are stupid to boot..
But maybe being humiliated in the Federal Court
Will stir the ashes of their brains.
Anthony Watts received an email …
Global Warming Solved.
Jo, You probably know all about them already but if by any chance you hadn’t heard of the father & son team Ronan & Michael Connolly from Ireland you are about to.
” What we have found 1. We are not warming the planet
For several decades now, it has been widely believed that humans are causing unusual global warming by increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Our research has convinced us that this man-made global warming theory is wrong. We will explain why we have come to this conclusion on this website.
It is true that humans have been increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, because of our use of fossil fuels. Before the Industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide seems to have been about 0.03% of the atmosphere, while it is now about 0.04%.
However, our research has shown that:
It doesn’t matter whether we double, treble or even quadruple the carbon dioxide concentration. Carbon dioxide has no impact on atmospheric temperatures.
We carried out new laboratory experiments, and analysed the data from millions of weather balloons, to calculate exactly how much global warming carbon dioxide was causing. When we did this, we discovered that the answer was zero.
It turns out that some of the assumptions used in man-made global warming theory (and in the current climate models) had never actually been tested. When we tested them, we discovered that they were invalid.
See the link below for a discussion of why:
Summary: “The physics of the Earth’s atmosphere I-III”
In addition, we have also shown that:
The “unusual global warming” that has caused such concern is not unusual, after all.
We found that the world naturally switches between periods of global warming and periods of global cooling, with each period lasting several decades.
We also identified a number of serious mistakes in the studies which had claimed that there has been unusual global warming. These mistakes meant that the amount of warming in the last global warming period (1980s-2000s) was overestimated and the amount of cooling in the last global cooling period (1950s-1970s) was underestimated.
When these mistakes are corrected, it turns out that it was just as warm in the 1930s-1940s as it is now. … ”
More here:
Data from weather balloons it seems to hinge on and thermodynamic equilibrium.
Thanks Eddie.
I love that “zero”:
” When we did this, we discovered that the answer was zero. ”
Dave B
Interesting, Brett mentioned it:
Thanks KK. It seems to be slowly emerging. There’s a bit to get the head around, like how it resolves with other well known observations of the atmosphere but it certainly seems to turn AGW on its head.
In my first year at high school I was made aware of something now called the “diurnal bulge”. Our science teacher pointed out that the morning Sun caused warmed air to rise in the East and the drop in pressure at ground level drew cooler air from the West. In the afternoon the winds were reversed. Those of us riding our bikes out to Waratah from the coast faced headwinds both ways, but that’s life. Today Gretta would mount a campaign to point out how unjust it was to be forced to confront nature both ways.
It does show graphically how strong an influence the Sun is on air movements.
The moon also causes a large crustal and atmospheric bulge as it does to the oceans, this influences air flows around the planet and can alter the latitude of monsoonal troughs in the tropical wet season. There is also significant impact of the difference in Luna perigee and apogee and synchronise with solar influences on the bulge and hence the strength of weather patterns over the lunar orbital cycle. We underestimate the effect of the bulges on weather
Interesting, with air at stp having a density of 1.225 kg/m3 there’s a lot of mass to play with.
Looking at what the moon does to the oceans is impressive but the atmosphere is going to be more vulnerable to the effect.
One experiences this effect when out on the water at sunrise;offshore wind or light breeze takes hold as Helios steeds arise.
Looks like the “global warming” was man made after all. It was made by the self appointed self identified “climate scientist” by their manipulating the data. Then pretending the resultant temperature charts reflected reality rather than only their wishes. Specifically, their wishes to be given more grants to continue their manipulation.
I suggest they be forced to get real jobs in the real world where they actually have to produce something that can be traded for what they need to live. All without using the power of the government gun to extort and transfer wealth unearned by them to their purposes.
How about starting with mucking out pig stalls and graduating them to mucking out horse stalls? Then pay them a very highly taxed minimum wage. Followed by them being forced to live on what is left without benefit of welfare payments, food stamps, other transfer payments and the like.
We know that warming is not caused by greenhouse gasses, because these operate by increasing Downwelling Longwave Radiation (DLR). (It is DLR that causes surface warming.). And yet DLR has never been shown to be increasing – therefore warming has not been caused by CO2.
‘Heads must roll at JCU for the incompetent mismanagement, and for acting as “science” rulers and trying to suppress a scientific view they personally didn’t like.’
… Yes, I favour beheading.
I think beheading is much to benevolent of treatment for them. How about forcing them to live as they would have we mere mortals to live? To be accomplished by forcefully taking over 1/2 their income in taxes and by limiting them to minimum wage employment. This is still likely too benevolent but there is an outside chance they might learn something about the real world.
What Beth?
Aren’t hemp collars à la mode anymore?
Drawn and quartered?
Have a real issue with the fact that JCU has been fined $125k for their belligerent attitude and sacking. Peanuts. Remember the remainder is in lieu of what they haven’t should be paying Peter for his contractural agreement. So essentially they are appealing the $125k Unbelievable
A humungus 12.5 kilo’s of peanuts. “unbelievable” indeed.
Cheer up Aussieute, JCU may well appeal, based on their behaviour to date.
With the judge so scathing over the whole 17 points of their ‘defence’ what grounds have they, except trying to ‘save face’?
The result may be a big increase in the penalty for ‘wasting the court’s time’.
Sadly, it’s easy for a globo-friendly university to get topped up with dough from creep-fest foundations like those of Gates and Clinton. Goes on all the time. The likes of Soros (whether as person or funnel) could easily sling in a lazy couple of mil. The Undead are very supportive of their kind.
Membership has its rewards.
Whose account is the $444m that Turn
coatbull handed over before he was chucked out?20
6 Sept: TheLocalGermany: AFP: Crisis summit: German government vows to take action on wind energy
The German government vowed to push through new measures to revive the country’s ailing wind energy sector after hosting a crisis summit in Berlin on Thursday…
After years of breakneck growth in capacity and uptake that has seen wind power delivering a fifth of Germany’s total energy production, vocal “not-in-my-backyard” opposition by residents and a lack of government support have seen investments shrink in the sector.
More than 600 citizen initiatives have sprung up against the giant installations, with a district called Saale-Orla even offering 2,000 euros to anyone taking action to get expert opinions opposing wind farms.
The far-right AfD party, branding itself as the climate-sceptic outfit, had seized on the topic during state elections in Brandenburg, saying it stands by residents steamrollered by wind energy corporations…
Against the backdrop of bitter division, expansion in Germany’s wind power production capacity plunged in 2018 to half that in 2017 as companies struggled to obtain permission to build.
And only a few dozen new turbines have been installed since the beginning of this year, down 82 percent from a year ago, said Germany’s Wind Energy Association (BWE).
And repeatedly every quarter, official tenders for electricity production have returned undersubscribed — a “worrying” trend, said the Federal Network Agency.
“With regard to the expansion of onshore wind power, Germany has moved from the fast to the breakdown lane,” said Achim Derck, president of the German Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK).
For BWE president Hermann Albers, the implication is clear — “this development calls into question the success of Germany’s energy transition.”…
“We have sounded the alarm, but why the German government has chosen to go down this path remains a mystery to this day,” said BWE head Albers, who feels that Berlin had put too much “emphasis on costs” in the transition to green energy…
With 5,000 first generation wind turbines also up for renovation, the stakes are high…
(Senvion) said last week that it is closing down, as its German revenues, which once represented 60 percent of its revenues, have shrunk to just 20 percent.
“We are only the tip of the iceberg, the first to get down on our knees, but not the last,” (Yves Rannou, head of the German wind turbine manufacturer Senvion) warned.
6 Sept: Bloomberg: Suzlon Scraps $1.2 Billion Debt Repayment Offer as Vestas Backs Out
By Suvashree Ghosh, Baiju Kalesh, and P R Sanjai
Vestas’ plan was the only offer after Brookfield dropped out
Lenders yet to decide on future course of action on recovery
The settlement was the only offer before the lenders led by State Bank of India after Brookfield Asset Management Inc. dropped out last month, the people said, asking not to be named as the information is not public. The banks are yet to decide on the next steps to recover their dues, one of the people said…
Shares of Suzlon fell 7% to 3.30 rupees at 2:37 pm in Mumbai trading. The stock, which has plummeted about 40% this year, is set to close at the lowest level since listing…
5 Sept: TheNordicPage Norway: Norway’s Controversial Wind Turbine Plans and Mining Put Nature and Sami Community at Risk
Norwegian government’s recent controversial actions opening the arctic for minig activities and aggresively building wind turbines all over the country’s protected natural areas pose a bigger danger for the community…
The chief’s daughter, Inga Anne Karen Sara says the government is just taking more and more lands for mining, power lines, and wind power.
She notes the copper mine and wind turbines mine will seriously damage the reindeer…
The expansion of onshore wind power remains controversial, with many people fearing it could harm both nature and wildlife. The plans of the government are also questioned with the argument that it is not necessary for Norway to develop wind power at all, considering the country’s surplus of climate-friendly hydropower.
Norway has an annual power production surplus of about 5 TWh, and hydropower accounts for around 95% of the country’s electricity generation. Meanwhile, the share of wind power is currently less than 4%, according to the latest figures from Statistics Norway…
6 Sept: RechargeNews: Global offshore wind players join forces for blade erosion project
EDF to head up comparative data study of leading rotor protection technologies
The initiative, which is being partnered by Duke, Engie, E.ON, Innogy and Kruger, will share data on how different blade protection systems perform in a range of operating environments , using a central data hub managed by the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult…
First outcomes from the JIP are expected within “about three years”, said Ramdane. I am confident we can all rely on ORE Catapult and benefit from their proven knowledge in the field of leading edge erosion to analyse our data.”…
5 Sept: AmericanEnterpriseInstitute: The environmental fiasco of wind energy…..
Does the award include costs (court and attorney fees) or will that be a separate issue after appeals are completed? I.E., could the total out of pocket of the University be greater than the $1.5 million plus their court and related attorney costs?
Academic warmists beware,
Lest your teaching be too doctrinaire,
Which ignites a court case,
Making colleges face,
A shameful and costly affair.
The unfortunate reality here is that the ordinary citizen will be taxed by the leftist elites to pay the fines levied, and, no doubt,
to provide raises for the elites as well as additional vacation benefits to compensate them for their pain and suffering. Reform, to the elites, is an insincere apology at best, and indifference at worst as for half a century we have funded their supposed superiority of intellect and administrative ability without much question. Until we are willing to tear down the institution completely and terminate all people, operations, and ideas, to be reconstituted by others elsewhere, we’ve made no impact.
What is described above is the very normal part of capitalism called bankruptcy; by Schumpter ‘Creative Destruction’. It is typical of the private sector that a large number of efforts fail for a variety or reasons; that assets and collected and redeployed by others until success if found. It a fundamental difference between capitalism and socialism, or the socialist parts of a capitalist society, that they are immune from such failure and soldier on as zombies until a society full of zombies collapses in toto.
So, the fines are just a cost of doing business, we will actually be the ones that pay them, and behaviours won’t change.
Until we have the colones to close one of these propaganda mills down completely, we won’t get the attention of the smug proprietors.
why do I find the headline with the prominence given to “damaged goods” condescending? read all:
6 Sept: SMH: ‘Damaged goods’: Professor awarded $1.2m for uni’s unlawful sacking
By Fergus Hunter
On Friday, the university reiterated its intent to appeal Judge Vasta’s decision.
“The university has previously made clear its intention to appeal His Honour’s decision in this matter. As a litigant it is entitled to do so. The university’s position will be addressed in its appeal,” a spokesman said…
Conservative think-tank the Institute of Public Affairs welcomed Judge Vasta’s findings, calling the university’s conduct “shameful” and proof of a free speech crisis in academia…
IPA director of policy Gideon Rozner:
“James Cook University must now rethink its stated plans to prolong this ugly dispute by appealing the decision. Dr Ridd won this case on all 17 counts. It is time for JCU to accept the decision and move on.”
6 Sept: Australian: James Cook University should have paid a higher penalty for Peter Ridd’s dismissal
There is one aspect of Peter Ridd’s financial victory over James Cook University that looks questionable: the university should have been ordered to pay much more.
Most of Ridd’s payout is for lost wages, superannuation and future earnings that will no longer be possible because of the unlawful conduct of the university.
The university was always going to be required to put Ridd back in the position that would have existed before he fell victim of the university’s misconduct.
So while that component comes to just over $1 million, it is intended to repair the damage that the university inflicted without lawful cause. It has itself to blame.
The real problem is the relatively paltry penalty of just $125,000 – which is barely enough to cause a blip in the university’s accounts.
Those at the university who were responsible for this episode will be able to shrug off this penalty and continue on their misguided way, oblivious to the damage they have inflicted on the reputation of their own institution.
This university has conducted itself as if workplace decency and the law of the land simply did not apply. It attempted to stifle debate in an area where freedom to pursue inconvenient ideas – the cornerstone of the scientific method – demanded a different course.
Imposing a penalty of just $125,000 might not be enough to persuade James Cook University to abandon such conduct and embrace the need for forthright debate – particularly when that debate points to problems inside the university.
The abuse of Ridd’s workplace rights and the decision to ignore the true basis of the scientific method should have attracted a much larger penalty. The law-breakers at James Cook University got off lightly.
truly bizarre. 7 years old – does anyone believe she spoke any of the following?
5 Sept: IndiaEducationDiary: 7-years-old Child Climate Activist from India Ms. Licypriya Kangujam received the prestigious “World Children Peace Prize 2019”
New Delhi: 7-years-old Child Climate Activist from Manipur, India Ms. Licypriya Kangujam received the prestigious “World Children Peace Prize 2019” from Global Peace Index – Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), Australia for child advocacy on one of the greatest impending dangers to humanity: the devastation that could be triggered by climate change in an event organised by Regional Alliance for Fostering Youth & Ministry of Youth, Sports & Community Empowerment, Government of Maldives at Maldives National University, Malè, Republic of Maldives yesterday.
The prize was received from the Hand of Mr. ***Charles Allen, Executive Director of Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), Australia which is the parent organisation of Global Peace Index (GPI)…
GIP is endorsed by individuals such as former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former President of Finland and 2008 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari, Nobel laureate Muhammed Yunus, economist Jeffrey Sachs, former president of Ireland Mary Robinson, former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Jan Eliasson and former United States president Jimmy Carter…
She said to PSM – the Government of Maldives official Television Channel after receiving the prize that, “They recognized climate change as one of the greatest long-term challenges to international peace and security. The impact of climate change goes beyond the environment. At the national, regional and global levels, climate change is having a significant effect on economies, social development and peace and security, particularly in fragile contexts where it is a threat multiplier to governance challenges.”…
She added, “I am very thankful to Global Peace Index, Government of Maldives & RAFY for this great honour. I will not take this only as an achievement but as a new responsibility fixed on me to achieve my goal to fight for the global climate change. This is the time for action before it’s too late. I trust everyone will support me.”…
She will be traveling to Thailand after Maldives to attend the United Nations Asia – Pacific Climate Week 2019 to be held from 2-6 September at UN Conference Centre, Bangkok…
She further said that, “My visit to this important nations on the invitation of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will helps to raise regional and global climate ambition which are walking the talk and making the conferences sustainable to the greatest possible extent. This includes offsetting all unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions from air travel to and from the conference. Will meet global leaders from various countries in next 5 days.”…
She is currently on 5 nations Official visits to Maldives, Singapore, Thailand, Angola & USA since 27 August till 25 September.
read all the following:
29 Apr: EastMojo: UN body confirms Manipur girl ‘achievement’ claim as fake
I can confirm that Manipur girl, Licyprya Devi Kangujam, is not an official speaker at the Global Platform 2019 in Geneva, UNISDR communication head tells EastMojo.
Global Peace Index/Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP)is the creation of Steve Killelea (see his Wikipedia page and ***Chris Allen’s bio at the IEP website). theirABC will report anything Steve has to say!
12 Jun: ABC: Nearly a billion people facing high exposure to climate change effects, Global Peace Index finds
The World By Tracey Shelton and Yvonne Yong
In the annual Global Peace Index released on Wednesday, the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) said an estimated 971 million people — including more than 2.4 million Australians — live in areas with high or very high exposure to climate hazards including cyclones, floods, bushfires, desertification and rising sea levels…
IEP founder and executive chairman Steve Killelea told the ABC that many of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region also have weaker coping capacities for natural disasters.
“Pacific Islands are going to be massively impacted by rising sea levels,” Mr Killelea said, adding that they would be the first affected because of their proximity to the equator.
In Australia, the main risks come from hurricanes and cyclones in the north, rising sea levels in the south and east, as well as drought and desertification which is already affecting thousands of farmers, he said…READ ALL
A lot of “warmists” like myself are very happy about this outcome as well. The way we are going to move this issue forward is by open debate and the full scientific process. So when universities adopt Orwellian tactics like JCU did against Dr. Ridd to suppress ideas outside of their views, the argument suffers, science suffers, and ultimately, we all suffer. Thank you Jo for keeping us up to date on this.
An extremely small price to pay for all the disruption, hurt and distress caused to Peter Ridd.
Then there’s the issue of how well the people responsible are doing their jobs.
This is Not Leadership, why are they in those positions?
An extremely small price to pay for all the disruption, hurt and distress caused to Peter Ridd.
Then there’s the issue of how well the people responsible are doing their jobs.
This is Not Leadership, why are they in those positions?
Perhaps sanity is slowly seeping back into the discussion; First Dr. Ridd’s vindication and now this from the WMO Secretary-General:
“While climate sceptisism has become less of an issue, now we are being challenged from the other side. Climate experts have been attacked by these people and they claim that we should be much more radical. They are doomsters and extremists; they make threats.
And he called for the media both to challenge experts and allow a broader range of opinions to be heard.”
how it’s all done by Lord Chris Monkton. He presents the history behind the attack culture and a method of attacking back. He also wonders, albeit briefly, what we would have if the IPCC had written Shakespeare
“The second biggest impact on the Great Barrier Reef’s health is poor water quality, due to nutrient and sediment runoff into coastal habitats.
Human use of the coastal zone has increased the nutrients flowing to the sea and resulted in an increase in planktonic food for larvae of crown-of-thorns starfish.”
August 12, 2019: Ridd presented a lecture based on the rejection of scientific findings that Australia’s sugarcane industry was damaging the Great Barrier Reef.
Turns out emitting trace gas CO2 is truly lousy way of ‘boiling oceans and turning them acidic’, killing everything but crown-of-thorns starfish, which eats nutrient run-off that is not happening.
Mann and his hockey stick recently lost a Canadian court case. Mann must pay Dr. Tim Ball’s legal expenses. Several years ago Mann brought the suit, after Ball, a climatologist, who apparently referred to Mann’s “work” as fraudulent.
We have had several earlier global warmings during this interglacial period, and all were also likely at least as warm as now… and co2 had NOTHING to do with any of these earlier global warmings since all were before co2 began increasing. Why are alarmists so certain that our current warming (such as it is) was caused instead by co2 increase?
There is historical data, but instead the alarmist computer models ASSUME that co2 increase causes warming. Claiming humans are responsible makes the climate science more interesting (and powerful) but does that have anything to do with reality? There is no evidence that co2 has ever had any impact on our global temperature, even over geologic periods when co2 was 10 to 20 times higher than now. The only justification is an argument which appeals to ignorance “there’s been nothing like this before….”.
A rational approach to modeling the climate would seem to dictate that past history be considered instead of resorting to pure speculation that co2, a trace gas, is causing our current warming.
The alarmists brushed off these earlier global warmings, apparently believing that these periods were not global. However, there was some uncertainty because one of their members, Dr. Phil Jones (Univ. of East Anglia), stated publicly, that if the MWP was global and at least as warm as now then it was a “different ballgame”. Why didn’t he bother checking? However, it’s easy to demonstrate that the most recent past warming, the Medieval Warming Period, (about 1,000 years-ago) was global and at least as warm as it is now.
But the alarmists went a step further with an additional speculation, ASSUMING that water vapor feedback was the actual culprit, causing 2 to 3 times the temperature increase as brought on by the co2 increase.
Ask yourself, why speculate when there is historical data and co2 was not involved. Why deny the historical data? Why push the envelope even further, by assuming that water vapor feedback was the actual culprit? Where are the considerations about the fact that we know the supposed impact by co2 on temperature dissipates rapidly as co2 level increases?
There is at least one rational theory.
Henrik Svensmark and his associates have come forth with a theory which has nothing to do with co2. It involves solar activity coupled with cosmic rays which influences cloud cover. (CERN has validated that cosmic rays can influence cloud cover. ) We are apparently entering a period of low sun activity and if this low activity lasts for awhile it implies a forthcoming cooling. (LOL. Al Gore is now (presumably unrelated to Svensmark theory, predicting “bitter cold”.)
Those who tried to fire him are personally liable for the fees and judgement! The trustees or whomever are liable to sue the people who made this dishonorable act or they become personally liable.
what countries law is this all happening under? doesnt sound like Australia
It is good to see a fair judgment. However, justice delayed is justice denied. An appeal by JCU will greatly delay settlement and compound the damages to both Professor Ridd and the reputation of the university while being extremely unlikely to overturn the multiple findings of illegal actions by JCU. It is clearly the duty of the University Council to now intervene and impose a prompt settlement plus the sacking of those responsible. To fail to act decisively at this point would be to become complicit with this gross malfeasance and invite further legal action against the Council itself.
That all sounds like a bridge too far in terms of realism, logic and common sense for JCU. Personally I expect denial and malicious behaviour to the bitter end.
Professor T Hughes is a noted antagonist in this affair. I understand that he gets generous funding including from taxpayer funds from the ARC, whereas Ridd now the ex head of physics was much less financially benefitted (as far as I’m able to gather).
Back in 2012 Hughes convened the ’12th International Coral Reef Symposium’ which rather outrageously formulated its conclusions before the event.
My take on this at the time is reflected by this article at WUWT: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/07/25/six-easy-steps-for-saving-the-coral-reefs-for-our-grandchildren/
Click for instance therein on ‘Convener announces success’ to see a photo gallery of what fun the multitudinous delegates from around the world had.