A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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We are still not panicking enough:
Holiday heat headlines not focusing enough on climate crisis reality – experts
and they don’t know the difference between heat and temperature.
‘and they don’t know the difference between heat and temperature.’ Thats normal for these alarm dongle idiots. Especially the difference between heat, temperature and radiation.
You can take the high intellectual ground if you like with heat/temperature and energy/power etc but you will just make eyes glaze over amongst the people you need to communicate a message to.
Funny how the “record temperatures” in London are always at Heathrow Airport! Must be something to do with the climate west of Marble Arch.
There’s an interesting post at
Or google “NASA: We can’t model clouds”
Can but hope will soon see more realism in GCMs
True – but no need to model clouds when they make no difference to the heat balance. CO2 is the only climate control knob. The sun, distance to the sun, global distribution of water, clouds and so on all make minuscule differences to the energy balance; disregard them all and just adjust the CO2 level to get the perfect temperature and balmy weather conditions forever.
Wasn’t that Camelot?
Lingua nella guancia
Turn it up Rick.
Hurricane Dorian is heading towards Florida (most likely, but there is still a considerable uncertainty where it might make a landfall – we can’t predict the behavior in the next 72 hours). But we know exactly what the climate will be in the next 72 years. Do we?
No but we do know what the predictions are. They are what they are because they cannot be verified until after you, myself, most everyone else alive, and the predictors themselves will be dead. That way, the predictors of doom can demand billions in unearned wealth, spend it on crap, pretend they are working for a “good” cause, demand more – ever more – and not be held to account for their dastardly deeds.
Yet we continue to fall for their pretensions. For the love of life, I don’t know why.
Phrases suitable for use with the big climate change beat-up (IMO)
From Bill Bryson “Shakespeare’
“There seems to be no reason whatever to believe this except the pressure of s keen desire for it to be true”
“Others have simply surrendered themselves to their imaginations”
“and he began to subtract plays from the Shapespearian canon – notably Titus Andronicus and the three parts of Henry Vi – on the grounds that they were not very good and he didn’t like them”
“All that is missing to connect her with Shakespeare is anything to connect her with Shakespeare”
Joe Bastadi “The Climate Chronicles: inconvenient revelations you won’t hear from Al Gore – and others”
Recommended reading
“Extending The History Of NASA Global Temperature Fraud”
Includes Oz information
If only they had a carbon (sic) tax to stop the sea level rise …
Mesolithic boat building site discovered on seabed off Isle of Wight
The Maritime Archaeological Trust has discovered a new 8,000 year old structure next to what is believed to be the oldest boat building site in the world on the Isle of Wight.
The site is now 11 meters below sea level and during the period there was human activity on the site, it was dry land with lush vegetation.
“The site contains a wealth of evidence for technological skills that were not thought to have been developed for a further couple of thousand years, such as advanced wood working. ”
Yes unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you view it) there was a rather large glacial melt just occurring at that time..According to some geologists the English channel was carved out by one of these melts (in days!), I guess some people got wet.
The Northern Beaches Council in Sydney NSW is the latest to declare a Climate Emergency !!!!
Mr Flannery was there to give advice. Meanwhile, road safety takes a back seat, with cars, boats caravans parked on narrow roads, people driving over double lines to avoid them. Pedestrians forced to push strollers along the road where there is no usable footpath.
Carbon neutral ……. what’s that ????
I understand that the declaration of a “climate emergency” gives the Council extra powers if the state or federal gov. also declares one as well.
I find that sinister, in both its original meaning (Latin) and its present-day usage.
Emergency powers are currently misused by govts far and wide to silence dissent…its like saying we ae at war
We are at war all right…with stupidity and the Left by proxy….
Latest Pointman
I’ve felt that the Marines, in particular, are a true praetorian guard.
Sunday reading
“Contra Schadenfreude and a Rogues Gallery”
Some of the Catallaxy commenters don’t mince their words, do they?!
Just imagine what they really think
That photo strip summary makes interesteing reading. I feel sorry for the guy that appears to have just been an honest schmuck doing a good job and he got included in that list. Oh well, you are who you hang out with, they say.
The Tamil family issue is disturbing especially given PM Morrison supposed to be a Christian. It looks like a case of sticking to the rules too harshly ignoring all the facts. If their story and the pleas of the residents from the town where they lived for so long are all true then it demonstrates what I fear about Morrison – aloof, arrogant, fake Christian. I sincerely hope I’m proven wrong very soon. There has to be an immediate investigation.
The problem is they are not refugees fleeing from war, just economic refugees. There are millions out there and its best to avoid developing a bleeding heart on these matters.
Nothing to do with Christianity, the laws are explicit, if you are here illegally in search of a better life, bad luck.
The government has to hold the line.
We won’t be swayed by the chattering classes at our ABC.
Over 60 economic migrants crossed the English channel from France to the UK in dinghies today, 900 so far this year, many more unrecorded no doubt.
This could be stopped dead by immediately sending them back to France as per law, meaning that very few will risk their lives, and few/none will actually have to
be sent back. Boris reasonably said ‘we will send you back’ and a liberal s***storm came down on him. It’s been going on for years, our government has no intention of stopping this, or sending them back, it will just get worse and worse.
Meanwhile any foreigner can rock up at a UK NHS hospital and get expensive treatment for free whilst UK citizens are waiting years for routine stuff, and the Doctors and Nurses refuse to ask for payment or indicate payment may be required, because that is racist.
Extreme liberalism is a form of delusional madness, it doesn’t create equality or justice, it just ruins society for everyone.
Thats like jumping from a life raft back onto the sinking ship to another
E G the real issue with ‘refugees’ is now happening at airports.
They fly here on tourist visas
And claim asylum at the airport.
And curiously most of the many tens of thousands are from Malaysia
Which is hardly a war torn country with folks desperate to flee.
The fly in tourists who overstay their visas and disappear, usually UK citizens. Now its more Asian students working a fiddle. Apart from the Malaysians we’ll soon have to save a million Hong Kong residents from the fascists.
We could do worse than taking a few hundred thousand democracy lovers from the capitalist city of Hong Hong, hard working believers in freedom and Justice. What’s not to like?
Nothing to do with Christianity?
I vaguely remember that Christians disapprove of anyone bearing false witness.
There might also have been something about don’t pretend to be charitable by making a public display of giving away what belongs to other people.
Dunno about the details, I’m not Christian, feel free to look them up.
They are not genuine refugees. They should go back to Sri Lanka and apply properly. They have plenty of support.
We had to go through a lot to be accepted as immigrants doing it all fully legally. So should they.
Genuine refugees are a completely different matter. Years ago, our then parish fully supported a really needy beautiful Sri Lankan family. They had fled persecution (death threats) and came in properly to claim refuge. They were going to be rejected but the parish had a fight on its hands and succeeded. That family has been a very positive addition to Australia.
I heard your comment about them applying properly in Sydney while I was working there.
The bloke who said it was a Tamil from Sri Lanka.
They are victims of people smugglers, a con game
PeterS, the Tamil family has already lost 7 court cases at the tax payers’ expense. How many more “investigations” do you consider to be necessary before enough is enough?
Courts can be wrong as well all know. All I’m going by is the talk about how they will be in harms way if the go back. If true then we should not send them back. If not true then send them back. It needs to be thoroughly investigated by the government not the courts.
If they came to Australia via another country and people smugglers, then that other country should be accepting them.
I wish all the bleeding hearts worrying about these people spent 10% of that energy on the people who are doing the right thing and waiting for legal entry.
1000% agree
So what you are saying is it’s fine to send them all back even if they ended up being tortured or killed, which of course would be very rare at worst. Sorry but I would not agree with that sort of standard. We ought to check first the circumstances before blindingly sending anyone back just because they are illegal immigrants, and in fact that’s what we normally do. It’s just in this case it appears there is sufficient argument to re-check the circumstances and if what they are claiming is false then by all means send them back. I might sound like a bleeding heart but I’m not. I also do no have a cold heart for my fellow humans. I’m more conservative and prefer justice and fairness.
No, that is not what we are saying Peter S. Their case has been looked at by courts several times and they have been rejected as refugees each time. There is no suggestion that they are under threat if they return to Sri Lanka.
They should return and apply to come here in the proper way. It seems that they will have lots of willing sponsers if they do that.
If the government cave in to this present pressure by the bleeding heart brigade, it will set a precedent and we will be back to the boat people smugglers and more deaths at sea. Is that what you really want?
We shall see. If they do end up under threat (none of us know all the facts) then we all have blood on our hands. So in an ironic way I hope they are telling fibs and they are safe when they end up being sent back.
Peter, the family has been caught telling porkies about their circumstances back in Sri Lanka. Note the statement of immigration lawyer Simon Jeans in the link below.
Gee a Cathy Newman moment, what I am saying is what I said. Multiple reviews found them to be economic migrants. I focus on the real refugees , the ones that flee to the nearest safe haven and seek help, not those that ponce around the world country shopping while they put themselves, their kids and often those that have to rescue them at risk.
who said they are not?
PeterS – you have to be joking. Allowing these illegal immigrants to stay would be akin to drilling a 3mm hole in the bottom of a sailing boat and looking the other way while it slowly, but surely, sank. There are literally hundreds of these illegal immigrants still in this country (thanks to Labor). Weaken just once and every one of them will flood the courts with applications to stay.
And the Sri Lankan boats will keep on coming.
On top of that, the father has returned to Sri Lanka three times to see relatives – some “refugee”.
Why is no one talking about Arctic ice? It looks like it may have reached a minimum weeks earlier than usual.
Too early to be calling it, still weeks of time for wind/temperature to make another dent, wait until the refreeze is well under way, otherwise it’s egg on face.
Obsessing over Arctic ice is playing into the alarmists’ hands anyway, you’re agreeing it’s a significant/relevant sign of doom, when it isn’t.
Everybody know that floating ice melting meens rising sea levels; everybody who doesn’t know about Archimedes Principle.
Mind you, it has only been known for 2200 years, so it may be a bit recent for Climate Science.
Typo G3? or /sarc missing? It’s the opposite. Ice is less dense than water. That’s why it floats.
Don’t you know Archimedes principle?
A floating object displaces an equal weight of water (or other liquid). Thus ice at ~0.9 SG displaces it own weight of water of SG ~1.0.
Hence icebergs floating with 1/10 of their size showing above water.
Are you implying that Archimedes Principle lacked principle?
The principle principle indicates Archimedes principle was principled.
As you were TRM.
Made a mess of that one, Martin. Surely bloggers on this site do not need Graeme 3 to put a /sarc after that comment?
NSIDC has a slight drop today, after about a week of “pause”
You might be aware of the fable about the Goracle who cried wolf …
Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013’
“Democracy Dies In Fake Arctic News”
And comments
Meanwhile, down at the a$$ end of the planet:
“Butsch’s team, who work for Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, had been checking on the Law Dome Summit automatic weather station (AWS) which collects important weather data… All that information then gets sent back to Melbourne, Australia where it is ingested into computer systems and often corrupted by bunk climate models“.
“’The blizzard was a fairly constant wind speed, which makes a humming sound and the wind going around the shipping container vibrated it’. The intense snowstorm may have lasted a bruising 40 hours, but Butsch called the whole experience ‘quite enjoyable’.”
No sign of any anomalous melt down there then.
I put this up on an earlier thread and needs repeating because it explains the mechanisms involved in global cooling. A quiet sun produces a meandering jet stream and blocking.
‘Research shows blocking persistence increases when solar activity is low, causing weather patterns to become locked in place at high and intermediate latitudes for prolonged periods of time.
‘During a solar minimum, the jet stream’s usual Zonal Flow (a west–east direction) reverts to more of a Meridional Flow (a north-south direction).
‘This is exaggerated further during a Grand Solar Minimum, like the one we’re entering now, and explains why regions become unseasonably hot or cold and others unusually dry or rainy, with the extremes lasting for an extended period of time.’
Posted this earlier at #17.1.1 below, but just for you: “Gigantic Jets are lightning-like discharges that spring from the tops of thunderstorms, reaching all the way to the edge of space… now is a good time to look for Gigantic Jets, because cosmic rays are nearing a Space Age high. Thank you, Solar Minimum!”
P.S. Pinch and a punch for the first of the month everybody – 1st of September – yeehaah!
Its happening in both hemispheres.
Its a sign.
I just wanted to share an observation during a flight back from Perth last month, approaching Victoria around 5:30 pm we descended to an altitude where the cloud covered the state as far as you could see, with the setting sun behind us its light lit the entire cloud cover like a massive rumpled blanket that we were gliding over.
When we left Perth it was about 18C and 9C in Melbourne, as we descended through the cloud to land the view was such a stark contrast from seconds before with the light reducing by two thirds and the remains of a very cold dreary day awaited our arrival.
Now for many here that’re regular flyers and pilots this experience comes as no surprise but for myself who hasn’t flown for years it came as a scientific awareness of our planets relationship with the sun no thanks to this blog and trawling the internet for relevant information.
If anyone questions the effect on TSI from earths varying degrees of Albedo I encourage them to simply take a walk around a building on a cold day with sun exposing one side and ask them where was it warmest?
I have just done the Ayers Rock climb and highly recommend it for those interested but you have only until Oct 26th 2019 to do so. If you visit, the closest and only resort to stay at is Yulara about 20km from the rock. Motel accommodation at the resort is exceptionally expensive at $395 to $2000 per night, at least anything available before October 26th that I could find. Cheaper options available are dormitory hostel style accommodation or camping in Yulara. From what I have read from Aboriginal Elders there is no cultural problem with people climbing the rock. The stated reason for the prohibition from the parks people is a supposed danger (Nanny Statism). I don’t believe a word of it though, they just want to cut off access because of Green infiltration. I don’t think it’s any more dangerous than a lot of other still legal activities like going to the beach or riding a bike (but wait until they ban those). Here are some warning signs. (See my Facebook post at You decide. Once you get to the resort there are a few local free activities but if you want to visit Ayers Rock or the Olgas it will cost you an extra $25 each for a 3 day park entry fee (extendable to 5 days) plus a 20km return bus ride to the rock costs $49 return or a return bus ride to the Olgas (50km) $95 return. Meals at the restaurants will cost $80 to $100 per person per day for three basic meals or you can go to an IGA supermarket where most things cost 2 to 3 times city prices. You can also hire a car at the airport or resort.
At last weekend’s Unthreaded, (at this link) I detailed how the Queensland Government (you know, the ones with a 50% Renewables target by 2030) is spending $90 Million on an Upgrade to the Kogan Creek Coal fired power plant Unit (750MW SuperCritical HELE) to extend the life of a plant barely 12 years old.
Well, this week, Unit One at the Stanwell plant (just outside of Rockhampton) came back on line after 67 days off line.
It too was undergoing a $53 Million Overhaul and Upgrade to, umm, extend its life also, part of the rolling Upgrade for each of this plant’s four Units, each one costing that same $53 Million.
Stanwell is the youngest and most recent of the old tech (non HELE) plants in Australia, and came on line fully in 1996, so it too is a young plant at just 23 years old, and realistically, now it could be operational out to 2050 at least.
It’s such a nice thing to see a Government so dedicated to renewables spending so much money to extend the life of, umm, coal fired power plants.
Incidentally, Stanwell holds the World’s record for the longest time a single Unit stayed on line, delivering power, and it was that same Unit One now undergoing Upgrade, and it stayed on line for 1088 continuous days, just a tick under three years, and that was in 2015, the end of those three years on line. This broke the previous World’s record of 1073 days (also just under three years) held by Unit 4 at this same Stanwell plant, from 2002.
Huh! So much for coal fired power being unreliable, eh! Sort of power delivery renewables can only dream about.
For the sake of comparison, let’s look at the biggest wind plant in Australia, Macarthur wind plant in Victoria. It has 140 turbines and a Nameplate of 420MW, so it’s Nameplate is larger than those single Units at Stanwell. Macarthur Wind plant opened in 2013, so it has been in operation now for 6 years.
To deliver the same power generated by just one of those two record breaking single units at Stanwell, Macarthur Wind plant will have to wait until late 2021 to do that, so it will take eight and a half years to generate the same power as each one of those two single units at Stanwell did in its respective three years.
‘Sort of power delivery renewables can only dream about.’ Mainly on another planet with different laws of nature…
And Tony this sort of info will never see the light of day in ant A(BS)C news item or MSM rag.
Surely now, all of you can see that this 50% renewables by 2030 is the absolute farce it was right from the start, and even I could see that, despite making the Submission I did, mainly in an attempt to point out that it would be totally and utterly unachievable.
It was just a flat out PR stunt right from the outset, a way to spend public money on a bureaucratic ‘junket’, to pay a bunch of Government ‘yes people’ a gift from the public purse, with absolutely no intention of ever implementing it at all.
Otherwise, why would they bother spending this money, and keep in mind that this is just for TWO plants, Kogan Creek, and Stanwell, and the total is $300 Million so far, and they still have Tarong, Callide, and Tarong North to finish off yet, becuase those multi million dollar overhauls are still in place as well. Millmerran is half done, (with its two Units) and that is being done by the private Company non Government owners, who surely, if the State has no future for coal fired power, would not even bother shelling out many millions if the plant was going to be closed, and assured of that before they even started their Overhauls.
It looks to me like a case of people who ….. know stuff ….. are just getting on with the job, their main proviso being ….. “Shhhh, don’t tell
Pixie Annthe Premier.Tony.
Perhaps a state such as SA can reach 50% but like I said before I would introduce a policy that restricts the use of the interconnect(s) to emergency purposes only and not say every day when they simply just use more power from another state to make up for the shortfall due to renewables under normal load conditions. It’s time for such states to stop being hypocrites. Either they can be truly 50% renewables on their own virtually all the time or given they can’t they should stop preaching the awful mantra about how we should move to more renewables to save the world from some fake climate change crisis given the “we” is just that state in question.
Buying and selling to neighbors has been Germany’s trick.
“So Well Educated and Yet So Blindfully Ignorant”
Link at
in the big frogpond round the corner one may notice
Sargon of Akkad interview with Alex Jones.
As Chief puts it: Latest Sargon video on YouTube was a couple of months ago. Alex is, of course, being treated as so horrible that even mention of his name gets you banned from Social Media (unless, of course, it is to denigrate him.) So one wonders how long this video will stay up.
I have just read on Elders Weather news(sourced from BOM ?) that Melbourne had “fairly average August weather” and then when you get into the article the reader might be forgiven for assuming that “fairly average” applied across the rest of Victoria.Being a little curious as to why this headline was chosen and released as the first report on August temperatures, I thought I might look up August temperatures in the major rural towns/cities and guess what, of the six I looked up, every one of them experienced colder than normal temperatures, the majority were at least 1 degree centigrade below the average, some even more so. It would be great if someone could do a check on this before the “average” narrative takes over.
A Fairly Average August For Melbourne
The temperature and rainfall were close to the long term average across the month of August in Victoria’s capital.
Melbourne Olympic Park’s rain guage collected 51.4mm, compared to the August average of 50mm.
The combined mean maximum and minimum temperature across the month was within a tenth of a degree of the long term average of 10.8 degrees. Although, the average minimum temperature was around 0.7 degrees above average, the average maximum temperature was 0.5 degrees below average.
Slightly above average cloud cover was the main driver of the warmer than average nights and marginally colder than average days.
August 2018 and 2017 were also quite close to the long term average in terms of temperatures and rainfall.
Mem if you go look at Ken’s Kingdom
You will find an an analysis of that
BOM Olympic Park Weather Station
It’s stuffed mate
NOT COMPLIANT with BOM’s own guidelines
Ken’s now ‘done over’ 66 BOM’ed out
Weather stations
In SA, Vic. Tas. & NSW.
Each day he posts the situation for
Two more of them.
It is a huge effort by Ken
Looking through the BOM’s
Weather stations lists
Finding the BOM’s pdf’s for each station
And then checking to see if the BOM’s
Own guidelines are being adhered to.
The checking each site on Google Earth
And Google Street view.
With the odd site needing an actual person
To go & take a photo
For checking as well.
Then he puts it up for comments
Often there is other ‘local knowledge’
Which also is applicable & useful.
A 2003 CSIRO report, part-funded by the ski industry, found that the resorts could lose a quarter of their snow in 15 years, and half by 2050.
But there is good news. The big resorts can make it through to 2020 if they double their snow making, the report says.
31 August, 2019, Mt Buller Snow Report: “22/22 lifts. Again. Love that. The cover is firm and fast after a light freeze up last night and the grooming is on point all over.”
Snow Depths-
Snow Depth: Natural 83cm
Snow Depth: Snowmaking 121cm
2020? Phew! Made it.
But wait, there’s more!
Mt Buller via BooM: Skiffy snow showers today and tomorrow with sub-zero overnight temps.
Toward the end of the week and into the weekend, “70%… 50%… 60% chance of snow showers” with a chilly southerly and freezing temps:
Must be that Sudden! Catastrophic! WARMING! we were warned about because, ummm, Scientism™.
Catastrophic / Stratospheric – meh, ’tis all the same: SSW = Earth Cooling.
24th day with no sunspots; “A solar wind continues to buffet Earth’s magnetic field at speeds near 700 km/s. Auroras around the Arctic Circle are all but certain, while a second episode of auroras in northern-tier US states cannot be ruled out”. And check out the awesome purple pic of the “GIGANTIC JET OVER CHINA”:
“Gigantic jets are part of a growing menagerie of strange forms that appear above intense thunderstorms, including sprites, elves, trolls, and blue jets. Some researchers believe that cosmic rays help trigger these ‘transient luminous events’ by ionizing the air in and around thunderheads. If so, now is a good time to look for Gigantic Jets, because cosmic rays are nearing a Space Age high. Thank you, Solar Minimum!”
More bird and bat slaughter..
I love the pics they put on this site.
‘One issue that annoys RE zealots, like a burr under a frisky pony’s saddle blanket, is the wind industry’s rampant bird and bat slaughter. It’s an inconvenient truth to be sure. But, as with everything that the wind industry does, if you can’t keep a straight face while lying about it any more, then pull out all stops and cover it up.’
Mislabelled drug in Spain causes 20 hairy babies.
On the positive side millions of balding guys around the world must be wondering what the drug is. It seems to work.
“Donald J. Trump, Troll in Chief”
“Try going to Donald Trump’s official website:
Now add a forward slash and some random characters – ex.,,, etc.”
“Art Of The Troll”
Link at
ICYMI: abc, Close of business, Broadcast 2:30am Sat 31 Aug 2019. Published 1 day ago, available until 2:30am on 30 Sep 2019.
Segment titled “Green Loans” starts 22.45.
– at 23.46, quote; “The Clean Energy Finance Corporation, investing $10B of taxpayer money in ‘clean energy’ projects …”
How much more taxpayer money must Australia invest in ‘clean energy’ projects before Australia prevents its first drought?
BoM, monthly drought statement:
All states currently at $0 except qld at -$47 how does a market operate under these conditions or more importantly for how long?
Crakar24, and everyone else who may be a little concerned bout something like this,
much has been made of this phenomenon over the last few weeks, and it’s something (else) I have been (now) watching over these last few weeks of doing this daily data for power consumption, so let me show you something here.
This is only happening on Weekend days, both the Saturday and the Sunday, when power consumption between the morning and evening peaks is so low, due solely to rooftop solar power. (Bet you thought you’d never hear me say that, eh!)
Now, it’s happening in all States across the Country ….. BUT but but, it’s only on the weekends. Well perhaps sometimes in South Australia on some week days, but hey, that’s just 6.2% of Australia’s total power consumption, so it’s really just an outlier, as it has not happened in any of the big three States, NSW, Qld, and Vic. and it won’t happen in them either, as they are just too large consumers when compared to SouthAus.
In that period between those two peaks, the morning and evening peaks it is now a case where each of those States has its daily minimum power consumption at that time. However, this will only ever happen in Winter mind you, because as soon as the warmer weather starts to kick in the Warm weather Load Curves come back into play when HVAC kicks back in with it’s usual large rise in those warmer Months.
So then, let me show you something else here.
Note that on those weekend days, that low point for the day is lower than the normal early AM Base Load level. Yesterday, Saturday 31Aug2019, that low point for the whole Country was 18400MW at 1.35PM, and that was actually 500MW lower than the Base Load Minimum at around that 4AM time.
Now, on weekends, schools, Industry and Commerce and Business are in the main nearly all of them shut down for the weekend.
So now, go back to a normal working day, say Thursday, just two days prior to this low point on the Saturday.
At that same time, 1.35PM on Thursday, with schools, Industry, Commerce, and Business in full swing the power generation at that same time was 23400MW, a full 5000MW higher than for weekend days, 20+% higher. It’s the same on nearly every other working week day as well, as something like this only happens on weekends, when overall power consumption has always been 10% PLUS lower than on week days.
I’m certain that those power plants who are currently only getting $0 for their generated power will get it all back. Consider also, that they generate around 70% of all power compared to wind and solar power combined 9%, and that those coal fired plants get that amount spread across 50 years plus, as opposed to 15 to 20 years for those renewables.
There’s a good explanation for everything when it comes to power generation, and consumption.
I have been enjoying watching the low price in Tasmania, regardless of the pricing gymnastics on the mainland since Tassie has been isolated. No export income for the Hydro people but that water isnt going anywhere, and the local punters? they wont notice and will get still get charged to going rate.
behind paywall:
30 Aug: UK Telegraph: Slow take-up of electric vehicles is turning lithium dreams into dust
by Andy Critchlow
Before the advent of modern electric vehicles (EV), lithium was known for decades as a medicinal cure for depression. But plummeting prices have given investors in the commodity – which is a crucial raw material in the manufacture of high-powered lithium-ion EV car batteries – the blues.
Lithium carbonate prices assessed by S&P Global Platts have tumbled more than 20pc this year to around $10,000 per metric tonne amid a global glut of supply, which has outstripped demand for EVs…
Once dubbed the new “white gold” when prices peaked at a record $25,000 per metric tonne in 2017, lithium is now being branded “white dust” by some companies burned after getting carried away by over-investing in its large-scale production and processing…
“Lithium supply is growing far quicker than lithium demand and this can be said for all battery materials as the EV pick-up rate is not expected to really start increasing until the early to mid-2020s,” says Marcel Goldenberg, manager metals and derivatives at S&P Global Platts. Investment bank Morgan Stanley now forecasts prices could fall by a further 30pc through to the end of 2025 as suppliers race to bring on new production and refining capacity.
And by that time the whole AGW scam will have collapsed in the face of reality.
There is only so much fudging of temperatures that would be believed, only so many scary headlines that would be believed, and only so much money that can be taken through electricity bills before the public rebel.
The shortage they will end up with is one of pig-tailed Swedish teenagers willing to sail across the Atlantic for publicity.
Neodynium, Cobalt and other rare earths are a better bet because high efficiency digitally driven PM motors aren’t going away anytime soon regardless of whether cAGW lives or dies.
14 Aug: China may be on track to meet its carbon emissions goals early
by Leah Burrows, Harvard University
China, the world’s largest carbon emitter today, may be on track to meet its emission goals up to a decade early, according to a recent study on the cover of Nature Sustainability led by researchers from Nanjing University in Nanjing, China, and Harvard University…
Using data on future population size and level of economic development from the World Bank, the researchers suggest that the nation’s total emissions could peak between 2021 and 2025 at 13-16 gigatonnes of CO2, well ahead of the 2030 commitment made by China under the U.N. Paris Climate Agreement…
30 Aug: Reuters: China CO2 emission targets at risk from U.S. trade war – official
by Muyu Xu, David Stanway
BEIJING/SHANGHAI – China’s greenhouse gas emission targets are at risk as a result of the trade war with the United States, which has put Beijing’s coal-reliant economy under heavy pressure, a senior climate official said on Friday.
“External elements, such as the Sino-U.S. trade war, have brought negative impacts and increasing uncertainties to the global economy, which has also made it more difficult for China to tackle climate change,” Li Gao, head of the climate change office at the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, told reporters on the sidelines of a news conference at the ministry’s headquarters in Beijing.
“We have confidence to meet the (carbon emissions) commitment but a very optimistic expectation would not fit China’s actual situation and the external elements it faces,” he told reporters after his briefing…
It promised in June to show the “highest possible ambition” when reviewing its climate policies next year, raising hopes it would include more stringent targets in its 2021-2025 five-year plan.
However, Li, briefing reporters ahead of a United Nations climate summit in New York next month, appeared to pour cold water on the idea China would be able to significantly accelerate efforts to bring emissions to a peak.
LI GAO: “With the economy under downward pressure, the country has to take more measures to guarantee employment and the people’s livelihood,” he told reporters on the sidelines. “Some of those measures may not fit our effort to tackle climate change.”
5 Apr: ABC: Investors shifting billions ahead of climate change threats
By David Taylor on PM
Global investment giant, ***Blackrock, says investors ignore climate change at their peril…
15 Jun: ABC: Pope Francis backs carbon pricing and ‘radical energy transition’ to act against global warming
The Vatican did not release the names of those who attended the closed-door meeting at its Academy of Sciences, but a joint statement released after the meeting revealed ExxonMobil, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Total, Chevron and Eni were in attendance…
31 Aug: DownToEarth: As Amazon burns BlackRock emerges as world’s largest investor in deforestation
The world’s largest institutional investor with US $6.5 trillion in assets is a global leader in financing forest destruction, new report says
By DTE Staff
BlackRock’s Big Deforestation Problem, released by Friends of the Earth US, Amazon Watch and Profundo, a Dutch financial research firm, claimed the New York-based BlackRock was among the top three shareholders in 25 of the world’s largest publicly listed deforestation-risk companies — companies active in producing and trading soya, beef, palm oil, pulp and paper, rubber and timber. The corporation was also among the top 10 shareholders in 50 of the world’s top deforestation-risk companies.
The CEOs, as well as leaders of major asset managers such as ***BlackRock and BNP Paribas, also called for companies to provide investors with clarity about the risks climate change poses to their businesses and how they plan to transition to cleaner energy sources…
BlackRock’s investments in select companies were primarily through index funds — and the holdings are on the rise. In 2014, 80 per cent of BlackRock’s deforestation-linked commodity holdings were through index funds; by 2018, it had increased to 94 per cent. This trend potentially increases financial risk, as ESG-related issues are not measured, managed or mitigated by market indexes…
While leading pension funds such as CalPERS recognised deforestation as a material investment risk, BlackRock has reportedly taken no such actions, despite the public statements by CEO Larry Fink that companies need to have a “social purpose”…
BlackRock has also come under fire for its disproportionately large holdings in coal, oil and gas at a time when the finance sector is facing growing climate risk…
behind paywall:
30 Aug: CarbonPulse: FEATURE: Countries set to spurn UN chief’s calls for more climate ambition
World leaders are unlikely to heed the UN secretary-general’s calls for countries to ramp up their Paris Agreement ambition next month, as domestic concerns and indifference from the US administration and other global heavyweights outweigh increasingly alarming evidence of a climate emergency…
The only “climate emergency” is drivel cooked up by government (at all levels) paid dingbats dreaming up ways for said dingbats to justify separating productive people from the wealth they create and awarding it to themselves. The UN is dingbat central.
Would be interesting to place drug monitors on the wastewater outlets of the UN buildings in New York. Not quite as effective as zero tolerance mandatory testing in many actual workplaces but would indicate the size of the problem. Dingbatisis is usually drug fuelled suggesting the UN Headquarters has a very serious drug problem.
And Climate Change, the political fantasy which keeps on giving
“The Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment claimed on Friday that the trade war between
the U.S. and China is making it difficult for the latter to hit carbon emissions targets,
even though Chinese researchers claimed just two weeks ago they were well ahead of schedule on meeting their emissions goals.”
Besides, they do not have to do things because they are climate ‘victims’ anyway. The levels of CO2 in the air are not their doing.
Funny, not ours either. It’s called natural variation and demonstrably not man made.
And the Democrats want a carbon tax on meat. Even Bill Shorten didn’t think of a hot dog tax.
So the Green new deal is no cars, no planes, no heating, no cooling, no steak, no meat, no overseas holidays, free health care and education for all illegal migrants and a
ban on free speech and trillions in new taxes to fight Climate Change. Trump’s opposition is going mad with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Each claim is more outrageous than
the last, as if it is a competition.
And Donald Trump is evil, a bigger mass murderer than Hitler or Stalin or Mao. TDS. It’s nuts. And no hot dogs. And AntiFA are nice people.
The situation nicely summarised, as much as chaos can be seen logically.
Maybe Shorten was still traumatised about meat pies as a result of his foul-mouthed treatment of a Carlton North shop owner a few years ago.
ah, who am I kidding…
“Early Freeze Tied To Solar Minimums”
Theres a remark on that article that says “But every 18 years tends to be higher humidity and wetter.” 18.3 years is the precession of the modes, is the precession of the orbital plane of the moon.
typo : modes should read nodes..
Forbes pulls story because it was political incorrect.
for the record because this audio will be taken down soon. ABC Illawarra’s Tony Arthur doing the “Overnights” show. speaks to Renee Sant, who was at Uni of Wollongong, then got a short-term job (internship?) at ABC Illawarra, before heading to Berlin, where she has been working with Deutsche Welle for about a month, correcting grammar for an arts & culture program.
it’s just this one minute I’m recommending. Renee around 5am telling ABC listeners that Germany is less a police state than Australia, and the ABC presenter seems happy to go along with it:
3hr15min07sec to 3hr16min10sec:
Renee says there’s a different work ethic in Germany. there aren’t so many rules as in Australia. bars and clubs always open etc…it’s less of a police state than Australia.
ABC’s Tony Arthur responds: Fair enough, know what you are saying.
AUDIO: 3hr55min: 31 Aug: ABC Overnights: Tony Arthur
Renee has a very short Twitter page. begins with mocking the US “The land of the free…”, links to NYT, Guardian, ABC.
Twitter: Renee Sant, Berlin, Germany
shame on ABC.
I think of Australia as a nanny state rather than a police state. But what a waste of time listening to that.
on CAGW-obsessed community radio’s The Wire, which receives some taxpayer money via the Community Broadcasting Foundation and the Dept of Communications & The Arts.
Greens’ Jonathan Sri ends up with most of the say:
AUDIO: 5min57sec: 30 Aug: The Wire Radio: Brisbane City Council unwilling to declare Climate Emergency
Produced By Zoe Rudge
Featured in story
Brisbane City Council Deputy Mayor Krista Adams
Brisbane City Councillor Jonathan Sri (Greens)
Adelaide City Councillor Robert Simms
Associate Professor at ANU College of Law Michael Eburn
This decision comes in the wake of Adelaide City Council’s declaration, which marks the fifth Australian capital city to do so…
airs twice a day on 4RPH (Radio Print Handicapped Network), along with the Beyond Zero Emissions radio program and multiple other programs pushing the CAGW orthodoxy.
This post has been in moderation most of the day so I am reposting trying to remove a suspect word.
I have just done the Ayers Rock climb and highly recommend it for those interested but you have only until Oct 26th 2019 to do so. If you visit, the closest and only resort to stay at is Yulara about 20km from the rock. Motel accommodation at the resort is exceptionally expensive at $395 to $2000 per night, at least anything available before October 26th that I could find. Cheaper options available are dormitory hostel style accommodation or camping in Yulara. From what I have read from A bo riginal Elders there is no cultural problem with people climbing the rock. The stated reason for the prohibition from the parks people is a supposed danger (Nanny Statism). I don’t believe a word of it though, they just want to cut off access because of Green infiltration. I don’t think it’s any more dangerous than a lot of other still legal activities like going to the beach or riding a bike (but wait until they ban those). Here are some warning signs. (See my Facebook post at You decide. Once you get to the resort there are a few local free activities but if you want to visit Ayers Rock or the Olgas it will cost you an extra $25 each for a 3 day park entry fee (extendable to 5 days) plus a 20km return bus ride to the rock costs $49 return or a return bus ride to the Olgas (50km) $95 return. Meals at the restaurants will cost $80 to $100 per person per day for three basic meals or you can go to an IGA supermarket where most things cost 2 to 3 times city prices. You can also hire a car at the airport or resort.
Thank you David. More than enough information you’ve supplied for those of us who never visit Facebook.
Enjoy it while you can, cits. No-go zones the U.N. Wildlands Plan to keep us in our place. Passed b y Clinton for the U.S.
Here are some videos I made.
Bookmarked ’em as a collector’s item. Thanks again.
Another video I made.
Thanks David. Haven’t seen the view from on top of the rock before.
Re that suspect word, I’ve changed that in a moderated post to the version finishing in “y” and had it pass. Odd. That word opposite to white has got me in trouble before too.
What a dummy. It finishes in “ie”.
Can anyone quote to me the source or citation for UNSW Andy Pitman’s admission in June that : “…as far as the climate scientists know there is no link between climate change and drought.” and “…there is no reason a priori why climate change should make the landscape more arid.“ ? I would like to quote that to climate alarmists but without a source they will deny it was ever said.
It is referenced here:-
Israeli physicist Sir Shaviv was reluctant to be interviewed by Forbes magazine, but they insisted it would go online. It was only there for a short spell before they spiked it.
And Nir Shaviv, as is true of me and many posting here including the ex-green host herself, used to buy the whole enchilada –after all, this is science in which honesty is the watchword –until something prompted him to explore a detail at which the entire putrid mess was exposed.
So, faithful to the spurious ethos of this New Dark Age of contemporary journalism, Forbes puts up a rebuttal without presenting the work being debunked; Forbes’s problem is that Shaviv’s cosmological work is too cogent, lucid and simple to be contradicted leaving the only available strategy being to bury it and hope nobody digs it up.
The poor devil who opened this Pandora’s Box likely no longer has a desk at Forbes.
Note whoever it’s pretty much only Western “science” that’s championing the anti-CO2 war. Other countries like China, India, Russia, etc. are ignoring that mantra and busy building their coal fired and nuclear power stations in huge numbers. I still like to know the real reason why much of the West has decided to commit economic suicide.
Its to do with millenarian madness, Revelations and the end of the world is nigh, Christian fundamentalism. China jumped on board the AGW bandwagon for commercial reasons.
Christian fundamentalism? There are just as many atheists if not a lot more who believe in the CAGW crap. NASA is infested with them.
Its a pervasive subcultural meme, barely discernible.
Crash and burn is not wishful thinking.
thanks for the apology on their behalf.
It seems that the British people think Boris is the man to lead them.
A poll conducted by the Sun newspaper in London shows a massive surge in support for the Conservative party since Boris took over.
Good news for the UK !
We shall see. There will be every opportunity to burn Boris in effigy every November 5th. for evermore if he doesn’t pull this off.
Apparently, at least in the US, it’s cheaper to generate CO2 to enhance greenhouse plant growth by burning propane and throwing away the heat instead of buying CO2.
Burning the gas also releases H2O, feeding it back into the plants.
A Win-win.
In colder climes it protects the plants from frost too.
Short of manure & nitrogen, you just cannot beat fossil fuels for feeding plants.
Unless you believe in this kind of research ?
Any informed comment ?…… Its beyound me !
“Six Earth system models have consistently projected”
So its Junk science. !!
Its great that they provide evidence of the Globe starting to COOL !
So the problem is not CO2 caused warming, its COOLING that will be the issue.
So they get their facts from actual data which shows cooling, but they use models that show warming. DOH !!! 😉
I was going to say that. The problem is that its been cooling since 2000 and that is what is causing the vapour pressure change (clearly – must – higher temps give higher vapour pressure) and on the whole plants don’t like the cold, it’s just as well that CO2 is rising to compensate otherwise we’d be having decreased carb production from our plant friends.
Of course it’s difficult to rationalise because all the dataset fiddling to make things seem hotter has given rise to a contradiction – Quell Surprise…
Hot off the press.
If only that long-promised global warming had arrived and there was no snow anymore, this wouldn’t have happened!
“A 40-year-old man is in a critical condition [ ] after skiing off a cliff on Mt Ruapehu… The man had skied off the cliff while a woman was stuck on the cliff face… which is outside the ski field boundary”, ie. Mangaehuehu Glacier.
In other climate change news, “Four people have been taken to hospital after being hit by falling ice and snow from a roof at Turoa skifield yesterday… ‘People were scrambling to pull the sheets of ice off of [sic] the people who were buried … there was blood and a lot of screaming, yeah it was a fairly chaotic scene’.”
“Ruapehu Alpine Lifts, which operates the Turoa skifield… said warning signs and ropes were put up by ski patrol staff in the area as a precaution after snow accumulated on buildings”. So climate breakdown now causes a) too much snow, b) illiteracy, c) people to lose common sense, or d) all three options?
Mangaehuehu Glacier… ski toured/climed there have to be carefull…!
Ruapehu – you gotta be careful FULL STOP!
Cliffs, bluffs, ice, whiteouts, crowds, oh and yeah, it’s a live volcano.
I peered over the edge once, to look down into the glacier:
looked inviting but wasn’t keen on the walk-out in case I got lost,
so back to the piste for me it was… Greg the Cruiser.
30 Aug: Reuters: Frankfurt auto show tightens security after anti-car vandalism
by Edward Taylor, Ilona Wissenbach and Tassilo Hummel
Police are already investigating a group calling itself “Rocks in the Gearbox” after more than 40 luxury vehicles were vandalised at a car dealership in Kronberg on the outskirts of Frankfurt earlier this week, adding to a string of anti-auto protests.
***Ahead of the car show, Germany’s auto industry association the VDA has sought to defuse anti-car sentiment by inviting environmental activists from Greenpeace, Deutsche Umwelthilfe to a panel discussion in Berlin on September 5 along with executives from Daimler and BMW and the VDA, to debate the climate crisis and mobility of the future.
The Frankfurt show, known as the IAA, is due to take place from September 12 to 22…
Environmental groups, including one called “Sand in the Gearbox”, have appealed to the public to join protests in Frankfurt on September 14, prompting the VDA to warn car show visitors to expect longer queues at security checkpoints…
“Rocks in the Gearbox” released a statement on Monday saying: “In two weeks Frankfurt will once again launch a propaganda show where the outmoded, climate and environment destroying transportation system is hyped.”
“We want to expose this show for what it really is: profits made on the backs of the poorest and at the expense of future generations … We think it is time to throw rocks into the gearbox of capitalist and automotive profit logic.”…
Earlier in August, climate activists had occupied railway lines supplying Volkswagen’s Wolfsburg factory, according to police in Wolfsburg-Helmstedt…
Today criminal damage, and after this stunt gains no traction whatsoever then tomorrow up the ante on the way to an eventual full blown Baader-Meinhof campaign which will bring the idiots’ demented goal no closer; to say these people lack rationality seriously understates their deep sickness.
Updated 30 Aug: Bloomberg: Tesla Solar Panels Catch Fire, and the Lawsuits Start Flying
Walmart and home insurance companies fault the automaker.
By Dana Hull and Brian Eckhouse
One evening last year, David Burek noticed charred wood and a burning smell in his attic, near his young sons’ bedroom. He climbed a ladder and saw a melted connector wire from the solar panels installed on the roof of his North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, home. Firefighters rushed over and discovered that flames had burned through the shingles, the roof and a support beam. Luckily, a recent rain had doused it.
A month later, a fire broke out on the roof of Ken Tomasello’s home in Waldorf, Maryland, sending a section of the ceiling crashing onto a bed. It ultimately caused so much fire, smoke and water damage that Tomasello and his wife lived in a hotel for more than a year.
The two homes had something in common: SolarCity, now a unit of Elon Musk’s Tesla Inc., had installed their rooftop panels. While these are just a pair of relatively small incidents at a company with some 400,000 solar customers—one of the biggest such portfolios in the U.S.—they add to the growing concern about the safety of Tesla’s solar systems…READ ALL
31 Aug: Agriland Ireland: ‘People’s lives and their dreams are being wrecked by wind farms’
by Aisling Kiernan
There are only four other developments in the country with wind turbines standing at this height and I feel that our community is a test case for what is going to happen in the future; they could start replacing small turbines with these much larger structures.
These were the sentiments expressed by Adrienne Diamond – an artist who lives with her partner Graham Robertson in Killavoggy outside Dromahair in Co. Leitrim – after Coillte confirmed that it plans to develop a 10-turbine wind farm in the area…
“For us the issues include noise for one thing. We are already experiencing noise from other turbines when the wind is coming in from a certain direction.
“Now, it’s not all the time and it’s only on certain days.
“So, when these new turbines go up that noise is going to increase – it will be coming in from the west and from a much wider wind direction.”…
“There are all health effects to be considered as well.”…
She continued: “The wind farm behind us is not productive and is currently running at a loss – the taxpayer has been subsidising it…
“We have been told by Coillte that the industrial standard for the proposed development is that the turbines will run at 33% capacity.
“My understanding of that is, for example, if the wind is too strong, the turbines will be turned off.
“If the wind isn’t blowing then they don’t turn; and then if there is too much energy going into the grid that too will be a problem because of the difficulties with storage.”
Diamond says that right now, in Ireland, the technology associated with wind energy “is flawed”…
“At the moment, what is happening is, the wind energy industry is leading the Government on the issue and everything has become profit focused.”
31 Aug: NY Post Editorial: New York is running out of fuel and power — just as Cuomo planned
Gov. Andrew Cuomo doubled down last week on his blame-the-messenger approach to New York’s growing shortage of natural-gas supplies by ordering the Department of Public Service to “broaden its investigation” of National Grid and threatening to “find another franchisee.”
Anything, rather than admit that his own policies are at fault.
The utility has stopped taking new gas customers in parts of Long Island, Brooklyn and Queens where it can’t handle the new demand — because Team Cuomo vetoed the proposed Williams pipeline to bring in supplies from New Jersey. (Jersey is also blocking the pipeline, since Gov. Phil Murphy is appeasing the same green extremists.)…
Then there’s his renewable-energy goals. In 2015 he pledged to run the state on 50 percent renewable energy by 2030. New York actually lost ground on that front last year, but he just upped it to 70 percent — and 100 percent by 2040.
Never mind that this requires vast solar and wind farms that many communities refuse to tolerate plus major new power-transmission lines and new battery technology that may not exist for decades.
Nor that the carbon-free goals will turn even harder to reach when the Cuomo-engineered shutdown of the Indian Point nuclear-power plant begins next year: It supplies a quarter of New York City’s electricity, and there’s no way to get enough “green” replacement power in time…
The United States is now the world’s top energy producer. There’s no reason for any kind of power or fuel shortage in New York, but the Con Ed and National Grid moratoriums are merely a taste of what’s coming.
Be sure to thank Cuomo when the lights go out
PICS: 1 Sept: ManchesterEveningNews: Climate change protesters admit using a diesel generator to power their stage
The environmental activists say it feels ‘hypocritical’ and they had wanted to use solar power but couldn’t afford to get one made
By Alice Cachia
A diesel-powered generator is being used to run the music stage at the Extinction Rebellion protests on Deansgate.
Organisers told the Manchester Evening News they felt “like hypocrites” but had been “forced” to use the generator because it would have been too expensive to get a solar panel made.
The protest – which has brought one of Manchester’s busiest shopping streets to a standstill to highlight the threat of climate change – is on its third day.
Graham Buss, 63, said: “We were desperate to get a solar panel specially made for the demonstrations but it would have cost us £8,000.
“That’s money we simply don’t have.
“Even if we’d been able to get a solar panel made, we would have still had to have had a diesel-powered generator as a back up.
“It’s something we really do regret having to use and we feel like hypocrites, but this is the point.
“We’re part of a system that has made it incredibly difficult to use solar panels for these sorts of events and we feel like we’ve been forced to have to use the diesel generator…
A penny dropped. Who’d a thunk it.
You have to admire the capacity for rank denial of what is right before them… IE Even if we had an expensive solar array made we would have still needed to buy the SAME generator for backup so we might as well just buy the generator. Well my foolish friends this is EXACTLY THE ISSUE if you have grid solar, you still need the fossil fuel plant for backup or you get to become South Australia. If you own the fossil fuel plant that can run 24 x 7 doing the whole job, then why do you need the solar?
Sky UK is a joke. no story at the first link:
1 Sept: Sky UK: Trump’s climate change denial is a threat to every one of us and our children
by Dominic Waghorn
1 Sept: Sky UK: Sky Views: Climate change is not fake – world leaders need to confront Trump’s denial
by Dominic Waghorn, Diplomatic editor
Donald Trump’s climate change denial is a threat to the planet, and world leaders including Boris Johnson need to step up to the plate…
Their limp response at the G7 was not good enough…
The debate is over. The science behind climate change is now so copper-bottomed you just look doltishly stupid denying it, or venally corrupt or both.
Leaders who continue to do so must be called out and ridiculed. The opposite is happening. Mr Trump is feted and fawned over, as if his climate change denial is not a threat to every one of us and our children…
Most worrying perhaps sea levels are rising now at 5mm per year, up from 3mm pa in the 90s.
“This is an undisputed fact” Josef Aschbacher told me. As director of the European Space Agency’s Earth Observation Programme he oversees all those satellites and the data they are returning.
“It may not sound a lot,” he conceded, but by the end of the century that would be 50cm if it was a linear increase. Only it won’t be.
“Sea level rises will increase exponentially so we are talking about 1.5 metres (4.9ft). That is a lot. Many settled areas will be under water. Floods or storms will magnify the sea levels.”…
Many of us now choose to avoid the depressing headlines, stick our head in the sand and clutch at straws scattered by contrarian columnists and experts funded by special interests groups to peddle their reassuring lies…
The US president should be shamed and ridiculed by his allies for his ignorance and persuaded to change. If not they must step up to the plate and fill the moral vacuum, if there is to be any chance of saving the planet.
They sure didn’t read that book listed at #4
But what would Joe Bastadi know?
Ok If Trump is a true denier,
1 why hasnt NASA , NOAA been reigned in?
2 Where is the public exposing of the faked data?
3 Why so many states enshrining ‘green’ agenda?
4 Trump is being manipulated blackmailed..
Something smells bad in the ‘swamp’
NOOA have just released data from their new network of weather stations built up in 2005 that pass as reliable and in spec.
“reigned” is to do with governing; “reined” is the intended word referring to the leads or “reins” connected to a horse’s bridle by which it is controlled. Sorry but I’ve seen it too often and reached the utmost threshold of my patience.
Most here prolly have a technical/science background, not English Lit. The spelling here is generally better than on other forumii.
On the other hand it does no harm to educate on English and grammar from time to time. People learn lots of things here, which occasionally includes spelling.
Then again there’s the virtually unusable virtual keyboards than most mobile devices are (and I use the word loosely) “equipped” with, so we probably shouldn’t be too pedantic when Uncle Google soundex algorithm substitutes “reigned” for “reined”.
There their they’re,
ear air heir,
so sow sew,
to too two,
reign rein rain…
’tis a beautiful language – soo meny opshuns 2 chose form 🙂
As my French teacher used the say, English is a great language there is a word for everything
1 Sept: Stuff NZ: The world is burning and Judith Collins just poured fuel on the fire
by Andrea Vance
OPINION: Jacinda Ardern’s election rallying cry was that climate change is the nuclear-free moment of her generation.
Two years on, the fall-out from her Government’s attempts to cut greenhouse gas emissions could be about to go nuclear.
Judith Collins set off the chain reaction when she was reported as saying she will vote against the keystone Zero Carbon Bill.
Simon Bridges then confirmed the National caucus is wavering in its initial support, and is yet to decide a position on the legislation’s second reading.
A rabble of National MPs, most notably self-styled “climate enquirer” Matt King and agriculture spokesman Todd Muller, had already sent up smoke signals.
That followed rumblings from the membership at the party conference in July.
You don’t need a Farmer’s Almanac to read the mood in rural communities. Most of the concern centres on a target to reduce methane by between 24-47 per cent by 2050, which the sector says is too high.
This is a sector currently heavily burdened with debt and uncertainty. They’ve endured a decade of criticism over dirty dairying, and are now facing changing global food trends and a possible economic slowdown. The one silver-lining is China’s insatiable demand for New Zealand products…
Climate denial dinosaurs will be emboldened by news last week that the US Environmental Protection Agency plans to loosen regulations on methane.
It’s an easy button for National(s) to push.
The anti-agriculture narrative punished Labour in 2017, when farmers marched in streets over proposed water taxes…
If Collins sees an advantage in dog-whistling to farmers, you can anticipate Peters has had the same thoughts…
So while the planet burns, New Zealand’s most cynical politicians fiddle.
Hi Jo
“Hiding Australia’s Hot Past”
“I have good tools place now to analyze temperatures in Australia, and am finding out exactly why BOM hides all temperatures before 1910. Australia was extremely hot and they don’t want you to know about it.”
In a piece recently from Martin Armstrong, he says this:
“I have told the story of how I was given the mandate from Hong Kong to negotiate with Australia to try to first buy land for Hong Kong to move to create a new sovereign nation. I negotiated with former Prime Minister Paul Keating. I was getting nowhere. I suggested Hong Kong be allowed to set up in the northern territory and formally become a state within Australia and that was rejected. It was finally just frustrating. I asked if this was a racial thing since I could have paid off Australia’s national debt? The response was no! If they allowed the people from Hong Kong to migrate to Australia, they were fleeing Communism and would change the demographics in Australia and that meant they would never vote for Labour – which was his party in power. They feared allowing the people from Hong Kong to migrate to Australia would turn the country conservative.”
Armstrong is generally credible in financial circles. Can this be true?
Yes, it was particularly noticeable with the Estonians, but anyone escaping Communist persecution is unlikely to vote Labor.
Its interesting to note that the Jewish population fleeing from Europe before WW2 also wanted set up in Australia, yet they were also rejected. If we had taken them we would have saved many from the gas chambers and become a more intelligent population.
Most Hong Kong people with money have already organised their departure to a safe haven overseas, there are millions who cannot get out and this must be of concern.
Javier has a post up at Climate Etc and points to solar forcing for ENSO behaviour, but in comments others argue that there is a much stronger internal dynamic.
I suppose this should have been a comment to the latest Attenborough post, but comments seem to be closed there.
I have written a pretty extensive article about Attenborough’s film “Climate change – the facts”, where I address a great deal of the erroneous statements and half-truths that are expressed in the film. See:
It is a remarkable film, with an imagery and a rhetoric that makes one associate to such unpleasant propaganda films that one believed we were spared in our present-day knowledge society.
Among other things, I discovered that one small thing (regarding the flying foxes in Australia) was changed in the version I watched in Sweden compared to the one shown in April on the BBC.