Add Susan Crockford’s name to the list of scientists being tossed out of the academic cathedral because they dare speak the truth. University of Victoria give no reasons for suddenly ending her long unpaid role as adjunct professor, but if they had evidence of incompetence, misinformation, deceit or poor performance, you can be sure they would say so.
The academic casualty list includes Peter Ridd, Bob Carter, Murry Salby, Bjorn Lomborg, David Legates, Nick Drapela, Pat Michaels, Mitchell Taylor, and now Susan Crockford. Outside academia those expunged from screens include David Bellamy, Johnny Ball, Phillip Vernier. Forced out of institutes were Caleb Rossiter and Lennart Bengtsson. The threat of RICO investigations drove Roger Pielke into a different career. Read “my unhappy life as a climate heretic“. Likewise Al Gore sacked Will Happer.
Others put up with the bullying and stay silent til they retire like Dr Rex Fleming from NOAA or they report anonymously after working for 40 years at the National Weather Service. Sometimes the bullying even follows people home, like Dr Fisher, economist and former ABARE manager who’s house was egged. All he did was model the costs of climate policies. Art Robinson ran for Congress and his three children were targeted at Oregon State Uni. No doubt there are more, please add them in comments.
Untold are the stories of all the academics and business people who stay silent, move jobs, change departments, and even leave the West in order to escape the punishment. From emails to me, I know it’s happening all over the scientific world, not just in climate change. Western universities are a toxic wasteland of political correctness. You can study namecalling at Queensland University, but not free speech or logic and reason.

Susan Crockford, Polar Bear Expert
Was this zoologist punished for telling school kids politically incorrect facts about polar bears?
Thanks to Donna La Framboise, Financial Post:
A world-renowned expert in animal bone identification has lost her position at the University of Victoria (UVic), she believes for telling school kids politically incorrect facts about polar bears.
Zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford is routinely hired by biologists and archeologists in Canada and abroad to identify the remains of mammals, birds and fish. She has helped catalog museum collections, and assisted police with forensic analyses. But UVic students will no longer benefit from her expertise, and her ability to apply for research grants has come to a screeching halt. In May, the Anthropology Department withdrew her Adjunct Professor status, depriving her of a university affiliation.
Crockford describes her expulsion as “an academic hanging without a trial, conducted behind closed doors.”
The position of Adjunct Professor is unpaid. In exchange for mentoring students, sitting on thesis committees, and delivering occasional lectures, adjuncts gain official academic standing and full access to library research services. When asked what safeguards ensure that adjuncts can’t be excommunicated merely for expressing unpopular ideas, spokesman Marck declined to respond, citing provincial privacy legislation. In his words, the university doesn’t disclose “information about internal processes. We must respect the privacy rights of all members of our campus community.”
In this case, the university is not protecting Crockford’s right to privacy. Instead, it is using a privacy smokescreen to protect members of a committee who have decided to purge an adjunct professor without reason or explanation.
G. Cornelis van Kooten, a UVic professor of economics who also holds a Canada Research Chair in environmental studies, says he is “appalled and distressed” by the Crockford removal. When, he asks, did “universities turn against open debate? There’s now a climate of fear on campus.”
Read it all: Financial Post
Susan Crockfords blog:
Donna La Framboise:
Adjunct Profs cost universities very little, and offer mentoring and sometimes attract grants. (Lomborg came with $4m, but it wasn’t enough.) When they threaten the Big-Government religion and cash cow, universities will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in the most petty of pursuits to excise them and deprive them of their titles lest they speak out.
(h/t to Bob FJ, Notalotofpeopleknowthat, and GWPF)
This is yet another total disgrace. Polar bears increased in recent years. As i said in previous, good evidence they were quite happy in the Holocene warm period, warmer than today.
The big ‘Climate Agenda’ know no bounds of decency.
‘There’s now a climate of fear on campus.’ yes, should be fear of climate reality…
The climate alarmists have been so alarmed about the growing numbers of polar bears, that they have come up with a “solution”.
They could not stay in their offices and just change the data, like they do with historical temperature data, so they formed a committe to lower the polar bear count.
Every night a team of “Arctic climate scientists” goes out in the Arctic to spray paint the white polar bears black or brown.
Then they claim those dark bears are NOT polar bears, so should not be counted as such.
This is the same team of scientists that created the old surface weather station “fix” — just before dawn volunteer climate alarmists drive up to surface weather station (many are located near parking lots and buildings), face their cars away from the Stevenson screens, and aim their hot exhaust pipes at the thermometers for an hour or more — that’s why nights are getting warmer.
I have photographs — I’m not making any of this up !
What exactly did Susan Crockford say which was the problem? Or was she simply denying that there was a mass extinction of Polar bears due to summer ice melting? And how did we get an Australian expert in Polar Bears. Kangaroos I understand, but it’s like getting a Canadian expert in penguins. Or as the amusing Gerard Henderson would write, Can you Bear it?
Form the Donna La Framboise’s article:
“13 years later (after Crockford got her PHD in 2004) Dr. Ann Stahl, as Chair of the Anthropology Department, banned Crockford from telling members of the public about it as a representative of the school.
In April 2017, Stahl advised: “I will not be endorsing your request to be included in the Speakers Bureau roster for 2017-2018.” Admitting that she couldn’t prevent Crockford from speaking elsewhere as a private citizen, Stahl drew the line at her doing so “as a representative of UVic.”
Stahl said she respected “issues of academic freedom,” but Crockford’s talks at schools had “generated concern among parents regarding balance” and that this concern had “been shared with various levels of the university.” Stahl did not respond to a request by the National Post for an interview.”
So it is pretty much as stated – comments which were perceived by the university to be detrimental to the university is what is behind all this.
Thanks, but what does “telling members of the public about it” mean? It which must not be named? Obviously connected to Polar Bears. Maybe brown bears are transvestites?
It doesn’t matter, this is not about any particular topic, but how the uni reacted to the complaints.
As Gee Aye points out, she is on the thinnest of thin ice regarding her relationship with the uni. These positions have a high workload, low to non-existent security and are poorly paid. And it is the students that suffer as they might enroll in a subject, expecting a professor to teach them, and they get an adjunct instead. In the USA, adjuncts typically will be working at multiple colleges, as the pay and hours are so low.
‘ … this is not about any particular topic …’
The parents concerns are the root cause of the problem and their ignorance on climate change is driving this travesty.
Would she have been given the flick for saying polar bears were endangered because of climate change Peter ?
No, she got the flick because her audience complained.
Odd that an audience should complain about hearing the truth!
We know you can’t handle hearing the truth, PF.
One of the characteristics of cult-like behaviour, is an inability to handle anyone who challenges your belief system.
As such, is it now possible that society has been sufficiently brainwashed into the climate cult?
“her audience complained”
No PF, you know that is just the fake rationale they are using.
Even you are not so naïve to think that was the real reason. . !
No PF: It is alleged her audience (or a few members or even a member of an audience, or a made up member of a made up audience or made up members of made up audiences) complained. In the absence of evidence there is no possibility of a definite statement. The university concerned will never front up with real or credible evidence.
That’s three (that I know of) Australian Universities who are “owned” by the Purveyors of Propaganda, not by their nation: all with honest, fair, unbiased and courageous administrators. </sarc>
James Cook
They don’t deserve the students they’ve got.
Does Australia still have its concentration camp at Woomera?
We know about Christmas Island…
The censorship is starting to become reminiscent of the 1930s in Germany.
It can only get worse.
So assuming that what you are saying is correct, she was sacked for telling the truth.
Seems to be par for the course at unis in this adjustocene era.
Universities are all about the freedom to do research
And publishing or reporting the results of the research.
The do not exist & get public money to be paces of correct thought.
If theis or any other University wants to behave like this
The answer is simple
Why ?
Because they are no worth a tinker’s curse
Without academic freedom
And the ‘academics’ wanting to restrict academic research
Need the boot up their fundaments
To teach them to NOT be Fascists
Peter Fitzroy,
Your bold emphasis of selected text does not recognise that these are simply anonymous anecdotal vagaries that carry no merit in reply to the enquiry made.
You need to understand the full context of the article and put aside any assumptions beforehand.
Instead of a tortured non question, how about providing the information instead? If you had any honesty, you would have noted that I was providing an extension of the article at the head of the thread. The bold bits were to highlight the important bits in the contest of the quote
context, sorry mr keith
“how about providing the information instead?”
Any real information on warming by atmospheric CO2, PF
You are the very last person to ask someone to provide evidence.
You are by far the most DISHONEST person here, PF
Lies and deceit are your only tactic.
/PF is a lying scammer.
You are a defender of Fascism Fitzroy
Bugger off you clown !
It would be very interesting to find out just who those parents complaining were. Ten bob to a knob of goat’s excreta that the complaining parents have close ties to the University – may even work there.
TdeF I think University of Victoria is in BC Canada. There is a Victoria University in Wellington NZ. I am sure that the university in Melbourne is also called Victoria University. It was created out of a number of senior Technical Colleges eg Caulfield & Preston(now called TAFEs) in Melbourne except for RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) which did not want to be part of it and wanted their own university status (which they already had overseas) ie RMIT Univerity (note MIT in USA is the number i in some world rankings). Later Swinburne pulled out and also has University status. Victoria Uni Melbourne has a low ranking below that of the very socialist Latrobe Uni. Deakin University in Geelong arose out of GIT Gordon Institute of Technology. Victoria University in Melbourne should never have been created. I think it is an ALP idea that everyone is credited with a degree. Give TAFEs gradustes degrees then, hegh schools followed by primary schools. everyone will then have equal degree status (except they will have to invent some more equal status for the union leaders.
‘ I think it is an ALP idea that everyone is credited with a degree. ‘ yes all shall be equal under the ‘movement’.
This one referred to here is Victoria University BC Canada.
‘Zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford is routinely hired by biologists and archeologists in Canada and abroad to identify the remains of mammals, birds and fish. ‘
“Also In my new book, The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened,” well say no more, we know who doesnt like ‘inconvenient truths’..
TdeF has clearly not read the evidence that Crockford has presented.
An extremely naïve opinion of TdeF based on total ignorance, even down to saying that she is Australian and inferring she therefore cannot know about polar bears when she is in fact Canadian.
That’s irrelevant anyway since she is a global scientist.
Maybe Bob, but shooting yourself in the foot once every thousand posts isn’t a bad record.
We all have off days.
Susan Crockford has said on record that no explanation for not renewing her position, AND has never been criticized by by any University staff.
Unfortunately it looks like the usual tactics at the University administrators, and so she’s been got at —
Typical BULLY-BOY tactics from the left!
Ms. Crockford earned the highest award possible from the climate alarmists — negative attention and punishment !
She is under a character attack.
And she should be proud of that fact !
Because the climate alarmists are a religious cult –they are the fools who attack real scientists, who know what they are talking about.
Scientists doing a great job on real science (which is NOT wild guess, always wrong, predictions of a coming climate crisis, that never comes), who are also good communicators, get such negative attention.
I only wish my little climate science blog could get such attention.
The climate alarmist are so clueless that they PUBLICIZE the BEST climate scientists by getting them fired, demoted, or whatever they can do to avoid the truth about climate science
(the truth about climate change is that no one on this planet has any idea what the climate will be like in 100 years, or even whether it will be warmer, or cooler).
Knowing that Ms. Crockford was “punished” tells me she is a brilliant scientist, and I will be reading her blog from now on.
“Punishment” by the climate change cult is something to be proud of !
This might actually be a situation where it is good to know the defintion. The FP definition is not completely aligned to that in Wikipedia (sourced from canadian education sites)
So, as an adjunct Susan Crockford could be in a number of different circumastances – paid/unpaid, teaching and or research, employed elsewhere with affiliation to a tenured academic etc (similar to Australia in this way). I’m not seeing a clear view on what she was from mythus far limited reading.
btw Jo… the photo caption…
[TY fixed that] ED
not really, now it is wrong but not as funny.
ok… clarified here
please carry on
“My testable hypothesis that thyroid hormones (in part due to their actions on genes) provide a mechanism for evolution to work via natural selection was truly innovative and revolutionary. No one at the university suggested it was inappropriate to question accepted authorities on this topic. In fact, they applauded it.”
Her theory is that genes can be altered by thyroid hormones? Now that is a new theory. It would give rise to phenotype affecting genotype, environment affecting genetic makeup directly. That has profound implications but is that the theory which must not be named? Or is it something more prosaic such as Polar Bears enjoying the warmer weather or populations increasing.
Is it about man made Global Warming or not? Or is it that her basic testable but unproven hypothesis is presented as University teaching?
It was about the differences in wolves to dogs, nothing at all to do with polar bears.
Let’s see your EVIDENCE for that FAKE statement, PF
Her main talks are about polar bears, not wolves and dogs.
/or is PF just LYING yet again
PF knows this is political..
smokescreen of distraction as is his m.o.
She didn’t say “altered” (you did). She referred to “actions on genes”. Do you think nothing acts on genes? Or that such actions could never lead to evolutionary changes? Stuck in the 1950s are we?
There is a climate “wall of shame” with folks such as Gore, Mann, and many others.
To the photos of such folks should be added the photo-symbols of the institutions, such as
Also, there is a climate Hall of Fame.
Susan’s photo will be there along with the others you mention above.
there is “big weather” in Susan’s part of the world and the adjacent USA.
Just like the National Director is Get Up, who seemed to be projecting the Left’s absurd behaviours in silencing dissent, and blaming the shutting down of freedom of speech on the conservative elements of our society:
He can talk, Getup is the first to shut down criticism of Getup’s stupid climate policy.
last week there was this:
11 Oct: Guardian: Revealed: Google made large contributions to climate change deniers
Firm’s public calls for climate action contrast with backing for conservative thinktanks
The obscure law that explains why Google backs climate deniers
by Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington
Among hundreds of groups the company has listed on its website as beneficiaries of its political giving are more than a ***dozen organisations that have campaigned against climate legislation, questioned the need for action, or actively sought to roll back Obama-era environmental protections.
The list includes the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a conservative policy group that was instrumental in convincing the Trump administration to abandon the Paris agreement and has criticised the White House for not dismantling more environmental rules…
Google is also listed as a sponsor for an upcoming annual meeting of the State Policy Network (SPN), an umbrella organisation that supports conservative groups including the Heartland Institute, a radical anti-science group that has chided the teenage activist Greta Thunberg for “climate delusion hysterics”…
“We’re hardly alone among companies that contribute to organisations while strongly disagreeing with them on climate policy,” the (Google) spokesperson said. Amazon has, like Google, also sponsored a CEI gala, according to a programme for the event reported in the New York Times…
But environmental activists and other critics say that, for a company that purports to support global action on climate change, such tradeoffs are not acceptable.
“You don’t get a pass on it. It ought to be disqualifying to support what is primarily a phoney climate denying front group. It ought to be unacceptable given how wicked they have been,” said Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democratic senator from Rhode Island who is one of the most vocal proponents of climate action in Congress.
“What all of corporate America should be doing is saying if you are a trade organisation or lobby group and you are interfering on climate, we are out. Period,” he added…
Bill McKibben, a prominent environmentalist who has been on the frontline of the climate crisis for decades, said blah blah…
The company said it called for “strong action” at the climate conference in Paris in 2015 and helped to sponsor the Global Climate Action summit in San Francisco last year.
But that position is at odds with the support it gives to CEI…
now there is this:
17 Oct: Yahoo: Guardian: Democrat calls on Google to stop funding climate crisis deniers
by Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington
A Democratic lawmaker has called on Google CEO Sundar Pichai to stop investing in organizations that deny the existence of the climate crisis, saying it was hard to overstate how detrimental the impact of such groups had been on the US climate debate.
(Democratic representative from Florida) Kathy Castor’s letter to Pichai followed a report in the Guardian last week that revealed Google had made “substantial” contributions to some of the most notorious climate deniers in Washington, despite the internet giant’s insistence it supports political action to combat the crisis…
Activists with Extinction Rebellion staged a protest in front of Google’s London headquarters on Wednesday, with more than 100 mothers – and babies – staging a “nurse-in” to protest the company’s funding of climate deniers…
presumably XR is trying to rehabilitate it’s anti-baby reputation:
16 Oct: Extinction Rebellion: Extinction Rebellion UK Mothers and babies, and youth blockade Google and YouTube
Around 100 mothers with babies have blockaded the entrance to Google HQ in London Kings Cross.
•Shortly after XR Youth dropped a banner reading ‘YouTube Stop Platforming Climate Denial’ from on top of the YouTube Space in London Kings Cross and delivered a letter to employees of the video-sharing website.
•***Matthew Shribman, MChem (Oxon) Scientist and Science Presenter was filmed giving a talk outside YouTube Space.
•The action is to demand Google stops funding climate change deniers and that YouTube stop sewing doubt and tell the truth about the climate and ecological emergency.
•Extinction Rebellion calls on mothers, parents, young people and grandparents all over the world to rise up and hold our politicians and businesses to account over the climate and ecological emergency…
According to ***Dr. Joachim Allgaier, Senior Researcher at the RWTH Aachen University and author of study published in July 2019 into science and environmental communication on YouTube, “Searching YouTube for climate-science and climate-engineering-related terms finds fewer than half of the videos represent mainstream scientific views.” He added: “It’s alarming to find that the majority of videos propagate conspiracy theories about climate science and technology.”…
1.Letter from XR Youth to YouTube:
Dear YouTube…
We demand that you make this platform one which tells the truth, not one which creates confusion around a subject about which there is so much certainty. This is not about censorship of individual’s freedom of speech: it’s about preventing YouTube from being exploited by fossil fuel companies seeking to warp the public debate in their favour…
Wikipedia: ***Matthew Shribman is an Irish–British science communicator, environmentalist and musician. He is best known for his online video series, Science In The Bath…
Shribman is the founder of #NoBeef, an organisation that works with the University of Cambridge to communicate the environmental impact of ruminant meat and reduce its consumption in institutions…
Shribman originally released music under the twin hidden, with childhood friend Sam Lea. In 2015, The Guardian newspaper described twin hidden as “one to watch”[33]. The band was supported by BBC Radio 1…and in 2017, twin hidden was featured on The Sunday Times’ Hottest Tracks. Shribman’s music is now released under the name Ash Lad.
Global Young Academy: ***Joachim Allgaier
Joachim Allgaier, Dipl.-Soz., Ph.D. is a sociologist and media and communications researcher. He is a senior researcher at the Chair of Society and Technology at the Human Technology Center (HumTec) of RWTH Aachen University in Germany. Before, he was a researcher at the Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics and Social Sciences of Health (ceres), based at the University of Cologne, Germany and senior scientist and deputy director of the Department of Science, Technology and Society Studies of the Alpen-Adria-Universität in Klagenfurt, Austria. Before that, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Helmholtz Research Center Jülich in Germany and the Department of Science and Technology Studies of the University of Vienna in Austria, and also a researcher the Open University in the UK, where he was awarded a PhD in sociology…ETC
25 Jul: Science Alert: Conspiracy Theorists Are ‘Hijacking’ Climate Change Concepts on YouTube
by Carly Cassella
“Searching YouTube for climate-science and climate-engineering-related terms finds fewer than half of the videos represent mainstream scientific views,” says study author ***Joachim Allgaier, a sociologist and communications researcher at RWTH Aachen University.
“It’s alarming to find that the majority of videos propagate conspiracy theories about climate science and technology.”…
I predict Extinction rebellion will sson move to being rebellion extinction……
People have finally had a gut full of well funded ferals and bored university drama & sociology students from causing much grief over a scientifically unproven non-issue.
In terms of science, its on par with striking over Santa missing your house on year….
just as scary, given Democrat Robert Epstein’s warnings about Google and election interference:
15 Oct: Reuters: How moved into the business of U.S. elections
by Nandita Bose; Additional reporting by Jeffrey Dastin in San Francisco and Chris Bing in Washington
WASHINGTON – Inc’s cloud computing arm is making an aggressive push into one of the most sensitive technology sectors: U.S. elections.
The expansion by Amazon Web Services (AWS) into state and local elections has quietly gathered pace since the 2016 U.S. presidential vote. More than 40 states now use one or more of Amazon’s election offerings, according to a presentation given by an Amazon executive this year and seen by Reuters…
While it does not handle voting on election day, AWS – along with a broad network of partners – now runs state and county election websites, stores voter registration rolls and ballot data, facilitates overseas voting by military personnel and helps provide live election-night results, according to company documents and interviews…
Still, Amazon’s growing presence in the elections business could undermine what many officials view as a strength of the U.S. voting system: decentralization…
President Donald Trump has accused the company of competing unfairly and repeatedly attacked the Washington Post, owned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, for alleged bias, a charge Bezos and the paper deny…
Amazon is forging ahead. It now powers the websites for the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), according to a source and election security experts.
The FEC, DNC and RNC declined comment. ***A person familiar with the DNC’s plans said the committee has recently moved some data from AWS to Alphabet-owned ***Google cloud but did not explain the reason for the shift…
VIDEO: 11min46sec: 8 Sept: Fox News: Mark Levin: Dr. Robert Epstein on Google’s ability to affect the outcome of elections
Reuters writes:
“President Donald Trump has accused the company of competing unfairly and repeatedly attacked the Washington Post, owned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, for alleged bias, a charge Bezos and the paper deny.”
Reuters could just as easily have written:
“President Donald Trump has accused the company of competing unfairly and repeatedly attacked the Washington Post, owned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, for its EVIDENT bias.”
Add Judith Curry to the list of professors not fired but effectively driven out of the university. Her Climate Etc. is one of the best resources in the field.
And many more including Professor Geoffrey Blainey, head of History at Melbourne University. That included physical intimidation, storming lectures and forcing him to resign. There have been many more. Even total believer in man made Global Warming Bjorn Llomberg simply because as a political scientist he could prove that economically Climate Change was one of the least important problems on which mankind should be spending trillions?
Now almost almost amusingly and ironically, famous Australian Germaine Greer who cannot accept that men can change themselves into women with surgery.
Having spent a lifetime as a campaigner for women’s rights, she is ostracised by those who say men’s right to be women is more important than women’s rights?
So the men are winning again, as women. Even on the athletics track. It’s past ridiculous, past logical, the demand that we are to be told what to think, what we are allowed to say and even what pronouns we are allowed to use. By the real police in the UK, not just the morality police.
And it’s not just at Universities. Consider that the Australian Rules football management, the AFL has employed uniformed people to police what people say when barracking, in case they offend the players? Verbal violence or racism, presumably. No drinks. Sit quietly. No offensive clothes and be careful that what you say is not insulting, racist or demeaning. Especially to the green maggots. The demand that others control what you are allowed to say is beyond parody. It is a challenge to freedom of speech, at the football.
The Powers That Be did the same to Chris de Freitas here. I’d never heard of him until after his death: all the ‘experts’ dissed him because he’d found their ‘data’ to be totally cooked – oops, I mean homogenised. Below is a NZ anti-AGW/CCC site which has collated HEAPS of info on how The Gang ganged-up on him (even after he’d died). Lots of links below:
WUWT and NoTricksZone carried articles about him, while the usual suspects did their
bestworst to tarnish his name & reputation – Salinger, Renwick, NIWA, Jarrod Gilbert – and a female uni student who became “concerned” during de Freitas’ geography lectures:“I found what I was learning incredibly alarming, as it went against all the information I had ever read about climate change”. D’oh! Welcome to adulthood, baby.
*Note to moderators: I’ll try posting this again without THAT word (thought you’d edit the asterisks and/or the word if it was naughty). Humble forelock-tugging in deferential reverence to your overarching linguistic magisterium.
Bob Carter told me once that Chris de Freitas was a close buddy of his.
That’s two sad losses to sensible science
Oh no not to mention that name, Salinger, NZ’s alarmist in chief.
One aspect of the Climate Change alleged science is outstanding, that it is totally associated with the left, even the extreme left of politics. Now if it was genuine science, that would not be true.
The Climate Extinction crowd are certainly fringe progressives but they are on the looney, artistic, pantomime left. AntiFA however are not amusing and reminiscent of Hitler’s Brown Shirts and Mussolini’s Black shirts. Even Turnbull and Bishop’s Black Hand are named after violent left anarchists and famous Italian, Serbian and Japanese criminal gangs. It is why the Japanese were interned in California. Violence is never too far from the progressive Climate Change crowd.
And if a conservative voice is heard, they are immediately slated and slandered as Alt Right, violent extremists.
If nothing else, this tells you that Man Made Climate Change is nonsense, political science, manipulation, a scam.
The IPCC’s adamant claim that 400 million Indians were going to die of thirst by 2035 was only the most outrageous attempt to scare people. The fact that there was no evidence whatsoever for this claim made little difference. They just said it was a typographical error and should have been 2350? How does a scrupulously ‘peer reviewed’ scientific organization ever have any credibility after that?
The IPCC continually publishes psuedo science and gets away with it, no questions asked. Its because its part of the UN in other words GOD on all decisions on international affairs. It does nothing, is nothing but a parody of ‘yes’ men representatives.
I think we can go further and assert confidently that no UN agency is based in science as all are dedicated to driving the globalist agenda of subjugation by stealth.
The much faster mission creep of the EU exemplifies where the UN is heading; it’s well past time nations which seek to maintain their independence withdrew their membership.
Gotta stock up on the canned food and guns.
Keep snorting, little mickey.
All evidence reviewed, of course, otherwise meaningless.
Mickey provides zero-evidence.. always meaningless twaddle.
What, ALL the scientists, in ALL disciplines, are lefties and blinkered?
Keep the foil hat on, cause they’re coming for you.
Take your blindfold off, mickey.
You keep treading in your own crap.
Lies…damned lies…and Climate Change(tm)……
Another Gallileo…..
What a crock, how can you automatically compare any dissenter with Galileo ?.
You have a martyr complex.
Poor mickey, FACTS hurt you, don’t they.
As in tomatyr sauce? Yes please…goes well with a good steak, a decent size big block V8 and the complimentary autographed MAGA hat i shall get your friend MrTrump to send you.
What is your address for mailing purposes please?
Add spelling to your problems
Mindless gibbering seem to be all that mickey is capable of.
No evidence of anything.
Poor, sad, single-digit-IQ mickey.
All of science is in trouble for pointing out that polar ice is highly variable, didn’t even form up till a few million years ago, and got extra-melty just a few thousand years back during the Optimum, especially. We know how toasty the Arctic got for the Vikes. So polar bears were created…some time around 1700 AD? 1600 tops?
Maybe what we’re looking at is a new creationism where very remote past climate is discussed, and very recent climate is discussed…but nothing in between, for fear of “concern among parents regarding balance shared with various levels of the university.”
So just gimme that ol’ time climate religion sorta mixed in with the brand new climate religion. Anyone who says Eemian or Holocene or (heaven forbid) Quaternary gets sent to the naughty corner. (The so-called Medieval Warming was limited to just Europe, the Americas, the Poles, Oceania, Africa and Asia…so there’s to be no talk of that either. Think of the children, the parents, the various levels of the university. You have stolen their dreams. Shame on you, skeptics.)
Uh Oh….fairy wrens impacted…yes folks you read it here first…..
Botanical gardens often have micro-climates all through them.
Maybe someone didnt run the sprinkers running often enough?
“Fairy-wrens change breeding habits to cope with climate change
“Warmer temperatures linked to climate change are having a big impact on the breeding habits of one of Australia’s most recognisable bird species, according to researchers at The Australian National University (ANU).
“The study looked at the breeding season of superb fairy-wrens living in the Australian National Botanic Gardens in Canberra.
“The research was led by Dr Lei Lv, who is visiting ANU from Sun Yat-sen University in China.
“Dr Lv says warmer temperatures in early spring mean the birds will start breeding earlier than they normally would. If temperatures rise too high in mid-summer, they will also finish breeding earlier.
The study has been published in the journal Global Change Biology.”
sciencedaily dot com = sciencedailylies dot com, another useless uninformative pseudo site full of fake science.
I wonder how them fairy wrens d
Did this Winter just gone in Canberra ?
It was bloody cold in Canberra
And they had frosts last week..
Poor birds probably froze to death
The old weather equals climate fallacy.
Science continues to take a beating,
Poor mickey, hot days in summer are totally CLIMATE, aren’t they, fool !
You have no science, so no beating needed.
The Powers That Be did the same to Chris de Freitas here.
I’d never heard of him until after his death: all the ‘experts’ dissed him because he’d found their ‘data’ to be totally cooked – oops, I mean ‘homogenised’. Below is a NZ anti-cAGW/CCC site which has collated HEAPS of info on how The Gang ganged-up on him (even after he’d died). Lots of links below:
WUWT and NoTricksZone carried articles about him, while the usual suss-spects did their damnedest to tarnish his name & reputation – Salinger, Renwick, NIWA, psycho*the*rapist Jarrod Gilbert, and a young female uni student who was “concerned” over de Freitas’ geography lectures: “I found what I was learning incredibly alarming, as it went against all the information I had ever read about climate change”. D’oh! Welcome to the real world, baby.
Greg in denial,
You’ve got a big new mechanical cherry picker.
His reputation was tarnished back in 2003 when he co-reviewed a Soon and Baliunas paper ( used by Bush as a reason to do nothing ) which was subsequently pulled due to lack of evidence, the scientific method at work.
Is the “young female uni student” your best authority ?.
Mickey is in fantasy-land
Total lack of evidence
ZERO scientific understanding.
Reputation and relevance = ZERO
It would appear Michelle262’s ‘best authority’ is a “young female uni student” who knew diddly-squat… crikey was it you?
Michelle in denial… give it a few years and your avocados may drop.
IN a case that looks like scientific misconduct, a UNSW scientific researcher is caught up in numerous cases of, at best, sloppy work. At worst it is research misconduct verging on fraud:
Imagine my shock when the UNSW investigated the chap themselves several times and found that the huge grants earner had done nothing wrong…
Of course this is small bikkies compared to the massive amounts of filthy government lucre sloshing around climate change departments.
Maybe it’s just me, but I kept reading the guy’s name as Kha-ching!
Robert Baker is an adjunct professor at UNE and you can see from his bio how he spreads himself out, its about remaining relevant.
His primary interest is in educating students on solar forcing.
A bit of a strange mixture of publications. half on geography and hes in humanities.
He recently came out of the closet.
‘Associate professor of paleo climatology, Dr Rob Baker, at the University of New England, Armidale, is another student of solar cycles and believes his knowledge should be spread free, for the public good and the mental health of the farmer.’
The Land
In the 1950’s USA there was the Macarthy era where people lost their jobs and worse over mere suspicion they had communist sympathies. In Russia there was Lysenkoism where anyone disagreeing lost their jobs or were sent to Siberia. Then the extreme conflict and behaviour over Darwin vs Creationism as exemplified by the Scopes monkey trial. There was the theory that saturated fat led to heart disease, embraced by 95%+ of health workers and governments. Turns out this was all based on one study, the 7 country study, which now appears to have been dishonest (the 7 countries were apparently selected from 22 available country data sets based on their support of the saturated fat thesis – using all the 22 data sets apparently showed no correlation). Not to mention the theory of eugenics in the early 20th century, again widely embraced, and apparently one of the drivers behind the holocaust.
Seems like society is vulnerable to this form of group madness. Is what we are seeing today just the latest example of such extremism or is it something different? If the same, then past history should give some indication of how it will all end. Correct me if I am wrong but the answer that springs to mind is “badly”. Nor is there likely to be any accountability after sanity returns for those driving it. Rather depressing really!!!
There has just been another big diet /cholesterol study unearthed. I saw a reference just lately but don’t have the link just now.
“Records Found in Dusty Basement Undermine Decades of Dietary Advice
Raw data from a 40-year-old study raises new questions about fats”
Once read a book called The Queen of Fats.
About hdl and ldl in our diet.
One of the things explored was how dietary changes of Esquimos moving down to Canada and more “modern” fat free diets affected their health.
Yes i believe once the eskimos moved from a high fat diet to a western diet, heart disease soon followed…..
A coincidence?
The most expensive public health exercise in history..which may well have facilitated the current epidemic of obesity and diabetes, is documented by Enig and Fallon:
That first really visible challenge came from a physics and engineering grad (in NY Times, no less) interested in “error cascades” is either depressing or encouraging…I can not decide.
There have been a few Govt scientists who blossom into climate sceptics once they retire.
Help me with names. Also – did Sherwood Idso have a run in with Al Gore?
I’ve followed Susan Crockford for years now and her extensive knowledge of Polar Bears is convincing and honest. I’m sure that a lot of people will agree with me. She understands the artic ice and how the lives of the bears are part of an ever changing climate system. And so the bears are surviving in numbers (about 30,000 to 40,000 I believe) and of course that doesn’t suit the alarmists mantra.
Her savckng is a disgrace. People should be free to express opinions whatever, and if they differ from someone else then so be it. It is called free speech. The time will come and so will the truth, shame on them !!
You lot said this would never happen, but now it has happened. /s
You cannot be in denial any more when the evidence is right in front of your eyes:
A victim of the climate research crisis, jobless, and on the move, Susan Crockford is the first international climate refugee.
Oh you may scoff and jeer, but when you are over the middle of the Mediterranean, between a past institution that lays in reputational ruins you cannot return to and an uncertain future ahead, facing extremes of sympathy and derision in equal possibility, never knowing where your next bed or inflight meal will come from, well then you won’t be laughing any more. Computer projections show plenty of researchers are certain to follow Susan as the climate research crisis worsens.
The InterAcademy Partnership in 2003 declared:
The InterAcademy Partnership in 2016 concluded:
Many will say that Susan Crockford’s problem is not our problem, that it should be the responsibility of the climate migrants’ home institution to fix up its own censure issues and support its own faculty. These cold-hearted carbon accountants will say that any aid given to climate research migrants now is subsidising the cost of the climate research war that the belligerents should be paying. But we are also to blame. We stayed silent when the alarm bells rang, when the memos were aimed skyward from their secret email silos, and in a flash the Greenpeacekeepers suddenly hit their target out of a clear blue sky.
As members of the InterAcademy Partnership besides Canada, the countries of France, Netherlands, Norway, and Germany also bear a responsibility for fixing this climate research tragedy. I call upon these wise, benevolent, sympathetic countries to open their doors, open their lecterns, open their hearts, and adopt a skeptic. Call off your domesticated wolves of war and instead give aid and shelter to this new climate migrant crisis sweeping across Europe.
Jennifer Marohasy can be added to the list:
Between 2009 and 2015 Dr Marohasy was involved with various university research programs. Her re-appointment at the IPA in August 2015 followed the termination of an adjunct position at Central Queensland University following the ousting of Bjorn Lomborg from the University of Western Australia.
I smell the squirmy feet of Andrew Weaver, ex UVic and BC Green Party leader.
Susan Crockford kindly took the time last year to address our local “Eggheads” group, a mostly “old white guys” gaggle of retired academics, gadflies, genuine scientists and s**t disturbers. The large sub-population of those left and more-left of centre attendees were both respectful and attentive throughout. I’m appalled that UVic would
take this step. I once commented to a neurologists whose father I knew, and who had left UVic for another university, that UVic was a hostile place. He replied that
“they are ALL hostile”. As one wag quipped, “The reason academics are so vicious is because there’s so little at stake”. Except for careers and reputations….
One could also add Patrick Moore to the list of outcasts. He has distanced himself now from Greenpeace which he founded jointly with a few others as he has now seen the light with regard to “Climate Change”.
James Lovelock of Gaia fame is another.
The MSM and the PC universities will have nothing of them now.
Just like American Fascist Democrats.
Socialist “solution” to all problems = deny problem exists (unless it’s one of their make believe ones) and suppress all opposing facts and/or opinions.
Theres hope , Ball won in court so did Ridd..
A guarantee of standards going downhill fast I reckon.
Academic heads of departments acting like this can’t have anyone who might be smarter than them around as competition
It’s called fascism. It underpins the ongoing coup attempts in the USA, the attempt to prevent democratic decision-making in the UK in preference for sovereign power remaining in the unelected EU, and, in relation to CO2, mobilising the neurotic and the gullible to destroy prosperity and thus individual independence. There are other facets, including the destruction of education. We are under multi-pronged attack.
Well said nb.
There is Dr John Theon. He has retired so they deleted his Wikipedia page.
Completely left field Has anyone any idea as to why the CBA crashed today. It is across their most stable system, Netbank.
Is it a ‘denial of service’ or ‘own goal’?
Tonight (Australian Time) TRUMP supporters will be rallying in cities throughout the USA, including Washington DC.
Tomorrow we will find out what happened.
I am pretty sure that the denizens of Washington won’t be marching, they will all come from outside DC, in buses.
Will it be a fizzer, or something big?
Something to follow up on.
Not a scentist, but a Universtity Exec for telling the truth.
Delingpod 41: Mike Shellenberger, Oct 17, 2019. The James Delingpole Channel
Useful discussion about environmentalism.
Tony Heller’s short video, The Climate Inquisition:
I understand why people in employment keep quiet, they have families to support and can’t afford to be fired. However it is heartening that when some of them retire they feel able to speak freely. As time passes we should see many more people in this position. let us hope that they get the publicity that they deserve.
As usual, public funding leads to people in positions of authority who have no particular accountability.
Among our various institutions (US) public education is the most socialistic, and arguably least effective.
“abuses” which, in reality, as simply a list of things I don’t like very much, include providing the worst
level of service to the students with the highest level of need, and creating a vicious closed cycle of teacher’s
union dues cycled through the coffers of the politicians who administer the schools.
It does not take a great deal of imagination to suggest that, if we wish as a society to fund education of all, providing
vouchers to parents would lead to a different outcome that the one we have now.
The University is especially pernicious. When schools were elite and knowledge was rare, a social tradition of special protection
for academic thought and discussion was developed to protect the stream of innovation perceived to be coming from our
Universities. This has morphed, under the moniker of “academic freedom”, to protection of mediocre minds misbehaving
politically at third rate schools producing “graduates” generally unequipped to handle positions requiring thought. Perhaps the
erosion of both admission standards and grading demands contribute to the lack of achievement; perhaps political indoctrination is a poor substitute for learning to make critical and independent judgements.
There is no institution better positioned to co-opt attempts at reform.
The situation may improve when the money flow is turned off. True student needs will remain, and new institutions will arise to
fulfill them. These may no require large indebtedness to gain little content, thus would be an improvement. They probably will not have the surplus resources to support a priesthood devoted to political orthodoxy not related to future employment.
One can hope. I believe there are many who, like myself, taught for a bit & moved on, who would be readily available to help once the Leviathan is vanquished.
William M. Gray. Hurricane forecaster. Never got another gov. Grant after he expressed doubts about global warming.
how many did he apply for? What were they about?
Edward C. Krug never gets much of a writeup but he was one of the first to sound the warning.
Online interview with Danielle Smith.