UPDATE #2: There are Christmas drinks events in Perth, Rockhampton and Melbourne on this Friday. Adelaide on Saturday. Sydney Dec 12th. Plus Buddina (Sunshine coast) Dec 13. Sydney Dec 12th. There may be others too, apologies if I’m not keeping up with comments below. EMAIL: joanne AT joannenova.com.au. and I’ll forward on your email to the key people.
UPDATE: Other events being discussed in many locations. Do a “find” search in comments….
- Australia: Melbourne, Adelaide, Sunshine Coast, Hunter Valley NSW, Rockhampton Qld, and Marysville, Geelong, Ballarat, Glenrowan, Vic. Gold Coast. There is already a fabulous group in Sydney running that started ten years ago on this blog by the great Jim Simpson. Ask and ye shall be connected.
- New Zealand: Nelson and Wellington.
- USA: How about central Washington State USA, and CT USA?
Perth, Australia: Party time, Christmas drinks and dinner is on from 6pm Friday 6th December.
We are lucky enough to have spectacular views, a central location, free parking, and just $20/head for steak and salad. Beer and wine for sale. Families welcome. No speeches. If you’d like to come, I’d love to see you there Friday week from 6pm — email me to find out where this quiet, brilliant, private venue is.
EMAIL: joanne AT joannenova.com.au.
For other skeptics in other cities (even in other countries) — why not organise something? I’ll mention it here… let’s get skeptics together.
I’d be interested in a meet up in Melbournistan if anyone is interested. Perhaps South Yarra, I know a good skeptic friendly pub there.
David I’d be interested in going, if you still have my details or email Jo its all good.
If anyone else in the Ballarat area is keen drop a message here.
Just saw this. Maybe?
I can give you a lift If you want Rob, just see me at work.
Yes I am keen, please ask for my Email.
Would have preferred Ballarat.
Jo can you forward Clive’s email?, thanks.
Also for Rob, Clive and David from Castlemaine I’ll be going to the Melbourne meet up leaving Ballarat at 4 pm.
If you want a lift there and back let me know so I can arrange a pick up point, I’ve got room for four.
Rob I think you said we work at the same facility, if so I’m on round 36, don’t be shy, cheers.
Excellent David,
Suggest time and place. I intend to be there.
Not my ideal location, but if you arrange it I might feel moved to make the effort, as I think it would be worth it.
Hi David,
I wouldn’t mind a catch up. If Jo could pass on my email that would be great.
mind you would have loved to have caught up with Jo and David in Perth!!
Hi David
Add me to the interested list. We could all chip in to a site donation while there.
Lets not let this opportunity pass.
I would love to meet a few JoNovians. I am hoping that TdeF will make it as well.
I don’t think it is necessary to book anything. Just a pub and a time should do. We might need a Fredo badge or something to recognise each other.
David. Name your spot. Week night if possible. And sooner rather than later.
Ok. I’m in. Where, when?
Might I suggest a classic central spot in Melbourne? Upstairs at the famous Young and Jackson’s Hotel at Flinders Street station? 6pm.
It’s a Friday night before Christmas so most places are crowded and noisy but this can be good. And easy to find.
Is that quieter than downstairs?! The noise there is unbearable. We met our pilot son there once when he was on a MEL flight; couldn’t get out fast enough!
Yes, much quieter and far less well known and I have been there many times but it is Christmas and on a Friday night and I could be wrong, unlike man made Global Warming. Staircase to upstairs. Chloe is still upstairs.
David Maddison has now posted a place in South Yarra on a tram route where he can get a private room. Maybe that would be quieter. Hard to know. I was just thinking to reduce the travelling and complexity. As for the fear of left wing reprisals over a Christmas drink, that is amazing but it is the inner city.
Ok. Whatever David Maddison recommends. It’s only a tram ride from Flinders Street anyway.
We’ll try to come down to Melbourne.
Jo: David Maddison, Peter C and TdeF may have my email. Many thanks.
Happy perishing cold 1st December everyone…it’s more like Advent Sunday in England than summer!
Agreed. Novarians. Melbourne chapter.
Jo please forward my email address to David Maddison and presumably Annie, Peter C and others who want to come to the Melbourne function.
One person is far simpler rather than many to many.
So if David Maddison would please email Melbourne Novarians with the address of his pub and confirm the agreed time 6.00PM.
We are are both very tired atm so might have to give the Melbourne get-together a miss, which is a pity.
We are thinking still of having a bbq at our place in the NY, for local sceptics. We know a few locally and think that Sambar and Yarpos are pretty near also. We would welcome some city-based ones here, if you feel like an expedition to visit the peasantry!
Understood. It would be a huge trip for a drink. Another time then. Perhaps a doubters dinner or a sceptics sausage sizzle on the Yarra? (yes, it is upside down). The Fairfield boat house is a great spot, even for those who know Melbourne. There are many.
Still waiting for a location from David Maddison.
Ok. It seems the location is available from Jo. See #1.9
I spoke to the pub owner last night and he will allocate a corner or other location for us. I won’t name the pub publically because last time he had a conservative function there Leftists found out about it and said lies and gave him falsely low scores on his social media ratings. Nevertheless, it is close to the train station and trans so easy to get to. Parking is not impossible. I would have thought 600pm is a good time?
Trams not trans.
Maybe Jo can email those interested in a particular location in return for a collection for Christmas chocolates from each group.
I am interested in Melbourne location.
Sounds good to me. Look forward to receiving details.
I’m up for It. How are we gonna find out the name of the pub tho?
Might I respectfully suggest that Jo do a bulk email to everyone with all the relevant times and addresses? (Or is that not sufficiently secure?) Or, alternatively, those interested email Jo and ask her to pass on our details to David Maddison. Jo–what’s your preference?
As a courtesy, I prefer not to give out anyone’s email without permission, so it’s best if people email me saying “please forward to”. That way I know I have permission. Though in the long run, I need a secretary! Great to see these events take off…
Sounds like a plan (the secretary as well!).
Sent (: Looking fwd to receiving details.
So you’re going to be sitting in the naughty corner?
For those that have sent their emails to Jo I have responded with the location. If you haven’t received the email please forward your email to Jo and I will send you the details.
Please note that for reasons beyond my control I have had to change the venue to one about 2km away from the first one. The new venue is in Prahran in the vicinity of High Street and Williams Rd. Time will be 6pm to 8pm in the dining section then we’ll have to go to bar section. Date is still this Friday 6th December. I will send out emails today to those that responded via Jo. If you still want to come send an email to Jo.
One of the off-putters for us is the time and complexity of adding a further tram-ride on top of getting down to Flinders St. We tend these days to use the car to Lilydale and train into Flinders St. Roughly two hours. More time on top of that for the tram rides and how long does one stand like a lemon waiting for a tram? They seem to hunt in packs! We are very familiar with South Yarra and Prahran but it adds more time and effort to the journey for us. There’s something in TdeF’s suggestion of the Young and Jackson upstairs!
I would still love to come but think it unlikely…disappointing, as a bit of moral support is always welcome.
Annie, it is only 3km around parkland to David’s venue even on a Friday evening. There is a big taxi rank as you walk out of Flinders Street and a short ride. Forget the tram as Daft Daniel has dug up everything. Jo, please forward my email address.
Yes, TdeF, it was an interesting experience working out where to go around Domain Road the last time I was in the area!
Doc says I must rest more, so Friday not a goer for me atm.
Would like Jo to give you my email if poss. Thanks in advance Jo. I’ve heard from only one person so far, via Jo, but not re the Melbourne get-together.
Ok. David has been forced to move to the middle of Prahran now! 5km from Flinders Street. He has booked places dinner as well.
To be fair it is a very busy time in Melbourne for anything and Dangerous Dan has dug up the roads and the Greens have shut down the roads to a single lane between the bicycle paths and the concrete barrier for the trams and the ramps, making the roads impassible, even dangerous for cars, pedestrians and often for bicycles. Such a contrast with easy going Amsterdam but that’s what you get with a communist government and overpaid totalitarian councils. Grrr.
Thanks David,
About 14 attendees at the Melbourne Chapter.
I did not get to chat to everyone, but it was fun to meet fellow travellers in the seemingly endless struggle against unreason and ideology.
Great idea Jo!
Anyone in the Rockhampton-Gladstone area?
Yep, I’m in Rocky (north side). Where would you suggest?
G’day! I’m just outside Gladstone, to the SW a bit. Pretty much anywhere really, Ken.
I travel to Rocky at least weekly for my business, no set days, but I’m averse to travelling at night due to too many ‘roos intent on destroying my work vehicle, so daytime would be best for me at least.
OK, suits me, I’m busy nearly every morning though.
Mods, I’d appreciate if you can pass my email to Ken, please.
Done – Jo
What is the theme colour of the skeptical cocktail? Blue?
It would have to contain melting ice, for sure. Preferably flaming /nod
I’ll be there Jo. Will send email ASAP, if not sooner.
Great to see other skeptics chipping in. If you need me or the mods to connect you, just ask. Best not post emails in their normal form lest the bots scrape them.
Perth, the best city in the world!
Pls let me know where u catching up. I have something at the same time, but it would be good to personally say at least hello.
You are all welcome to join me in welcoming the New Year with a midnight skinny dip in Tassie’s Southern Ocean.
Even if the water is still colder than a ‘Dark Mona’ midwinter swim…
A.H.L. de Bunker,
you’ll be having icebergs floating offshore soon: it hasn’t stopped snowing up on Mt Mawson since the 1st of December – a week of it!
Checked BoM’s 7/12/2019 data for kunyani / Mt Wellington after work today: 0600 0.1 C, 100 km/h WSW, wind chill -20.9 C. Twenty-one degrees below freezing “apparent temperature”… is there nothing carbon (sic) can’t do?
Also, great to read so many people caught up with each other last night, well done! And big thanks to Jo for getting it all together – you’re a legend!
Newcastle and Hunter.
Venues; Wollombi Tavern, somewhere in Maitland, somewhere in Newcastle?
If you organise something, get Jo to email me.
Busy on much more important other stuff, but could make time.
Hi Andy, I am interested if you can get Jo to email me with details.
Can’t be there KK, but you and Andy can have one extra sherbet each for me. Cheers.
I’m in Newcastle, prefer Newie or Maitland if possible.
Hello dean I am in Shoal Bay
An amazing part of the world.
Same here.
KK, can you get my email from Jo?
Maybe see if JB, Helen and Dean can be linked in
“Bruce in Newcastle” occasionally floats into the blog as well.
I will be drinking lemon squash
Hi Andy, Jo contacted me but apparently my email is not a trusted brand so will need to get a new supplier.
Getting the acceptable new mail may take some time to make sure I get it right.
I did have your email from previously but that was a few years ago and may need a long search.
Email coming. – Jo
I’ve just sent a BCC to all the Newcastle Hunter names above, so check your email and get back to me…
Hi Andy,
There’s some problem with the “outings of sight” email comms.
Must admit to being a bit worn out after just returning from o/s.
This weekend is full up but maybe if people want to email and organise something for next week/weekend?
Let’s see if my email gets to you.
Got it. Any ideas for next week?
Not really, I’m not a pub goer, and tend to get coffee either at work or at Merewether.
You know of any possible venues?
Bugger….I will be in Sth Africa on 6 Nov.
Would have really enjoyed the pre- Christmas festivities together with like-minded fighting the good fight against the Dark Side.
If you can’t make it, please send me an email anyhow. Lets do more of these events. There is clearly a demand!
Any one in Adelaide interested ?
or The Adelaide Hills ?
Plains in preference to the Hills.
Us Crabs don’t like to get too far from the ocean
Suggest a location Mudcrab !
Yes these hills poses problems
For mud crabs !
Venue would be the easy bit.
Date could be tricky. Got work Xmas gig coming up Friday next, so that date is out.
Possible starter, anywhere in Adelaide.
OK for Jo to give out my contact info.
Sending your email out Ian to mudcrab, Bill, Graeme No 3- Jo
bit busy but let me know.
So for Adelaide we currently have Bill, Ian, Graeme 3 and myself. That strikes me as a quorum. I feel that venue shouldn’t be reasonable easy to arrange so the big 97% Consensus Question is WHEN.
Dec 6 is my work gig, so that is a bad day. Pretty much anything I am flexible for.
If all four of you are happy I can flick your emails to each other. It’s slightly quicker for me if you send me an email I can forward.
And when there is a date to announce I can do another post which will find more people in Adelaide, Melbourne, Rocky, Newcastle etc. OK? (Sydney folk, see my reply below to Terrahertz).
Email just sent to you Jo.
Good Jo !
I’m situated in Adelaide and would be interested in meeting other “deniers”.
Hi NTgeo, if you send Jo an email she can then add you to our discussion.
For those not following the emails, the plan is for an afternoon catch up on the 7th.
It looks like 6 of us in Adelaide/South Australia
Will get together on Saturday afternoon ~1.00 pm
In Stirling.
More details still being worked out
If others are interested
Send an email to Jo to forward on to me.
I too would like to catch up with some like minded people on Sat arvo 7th Dec for a little socializing. I saw Stirling mentioned…is that still on? I am in the Barossa but travelling is not a problem for me.
[Check your email Holty :- ) – Jo]
It looks like there will be 8-9 of us
Getting together at Stirling on Saturday.
But no thanks to the “William”
Who asked to be part of the gathering
Via an email
Which was forwarded on to me by Jo
But which could not be delivered
And froze my desk top for a while
Malware I suspect.
There are those reading this blog
Who wish to obstruct us
And have few scruples about doing so.
That was a very nice afternoon. Plus dog
I would love to meet up with some rational logical thinkers in the Sunshine Coast. OFF TOPIC!! I was just sent this site by a friend (?) https://www.vice.com/en_us/contributor/nafeez-ahmed Almost scare me silly – how can we EVER resolve these issues with this stuff out there? and being read by “concerned” people. I would not know where to begin a conversation.
That’s some scary stuff there, Don A.
I didn’t realise there was so much catastrophist stuff like that being published, and the ER numpties, the Occasional-Cortex and Greta child lapping it up. No wonder they’re bug-eyed about it.
I’m at Bli Bli, I can go either direction
Greg, A few of us are meeting at Buddina on afternoon of the 13th. Any chance you can come?
Friday the 13th at Buddina is fine with me.
Greg, did you get my email from Jo so I can send you details?
Don, I am in Perth and intend going to Jo’s function on 6th Dec. However, I will be up at Moffat Beach from 15 Dec until 26 Jan. Would be happy to catch up over that period.
Which end of the Sunny Coast We are at kings Beach- Mets Club is a great venue.
I would be interested in Caloundra meeting, after 11 Dec.
Caroline, would the 13th at Buddina work for you?
Neil, We are having a few people here in Buddina on the afternoon of the 13th, any chance you could come?
I am at Buddina and around most days, on my trawler yacht – good views. All welcome here, one at a time even. Suggest a lunch on board mid week or weekend? 18th?
Sorry, Greg, Neil, Caroline Don A tied up 16th to 20th Have you heard about Sunshine Coast Safe Communities ( https://www.facebook.com/SunshineCoast.SCA/ ) not that I am on Facebook? The Group had a great presentation by Dr Jennifer Marohasy (https://jennifermarohasy.com/jenns-blog/) on the barrier reef. Senator Malcolm Roberts and another senator were present. Also had a talk by MP Ted O’Brien on Nuclear energy.
No, I missed that, bugga.
Could you come here and join Selwyn and us on the 13th then?
So is anyone interested in a small get together at centrally located Buddina Marina on the week of 16th to 20th for Christmas drinks and snacks at a mutually convenient time? If so we can communicate through Jo. RSVP!
Anyone in Murrindindi area interested? Suggestions…The Duck Inn in Marysville or Grant Street Grocers in Alexandra, or any other ideas?
Annie, that sounds very much like that place up near Scone.
It used to be called the Shire of Alexandra KK. The area is NE of Melbourne on the north side of the Dividing Range. You toddle out of Melbourne via the Yarra Valley (Maroondah Hwy) and Healesville, over the hills (and far away!) and lo! you come to Narbethong, Marysville, Buxton, Taggerty, Alexandra and Eildon. There’s a lot else of course but this is our area.
Sorry Annie I’ll be away from the shire for the next few weeks, would have been a great chance for a face face. Maybe some time in the new year
—Annies email coming your way… Jo
Maybe in the New Year Sambar, maybe even a bbq at our place. Jo may give you my email address; the newer one I used to email you recently Jo. The other one works but I don’t look at it much these days.
Done. – Jo
Nobody’s mentioned New Zealand yet. Some of us are even here in South Island – the top of it for me, near Nelson.
Jo, if I wasn’t 5,150 kilometers away across seas, deserts and several ‘stan type states
I’d be in like Flynn.
Friday 6 December, let me check my diary, Dave…
Nope, I’ll be driving a (diesel) bus-load of tourists around a vineyard- and brewery-covered island (think tractors & carbon dioxide & restaurants & natural gas & fish & steaks – hey, I like to do my part!) and I’ll be up early the next day to do it all again.
Did I mention I catch a diesel-powered ferry to get to work? Someone complained about ‘the heat’ today – all 23 C of it – when I said I could go another 10 degrees they gave me one of those snowflaky looks…
Happy Sceptic Season, one and all!
Dang, you guys are near Nelson, less likely to be fuel impoverished.
Down here in the Uni city of DUD, one cheers for every degree!
Hooray for Dunnos – Edinburgh of the South!
Great-grandfather stepped ashore there in the 1870s (after scratching some gold from the ground in Ballarat or Bendigo) and his offspring gradually drifted north. Swimming against the tide, I headed south (Queenstown / Bluff) but thankfully am back north again.
Presently in Devonport, North Shore of Auckland (over the bridge) in case anyone’s passing by. Here’s for 500 ppm by 2020 – huzzah!
Well Greg, we’re almost related! My great, possibly great great grandfather, would have shepherded your great grandfather’s ship into Port Chalmers. He was the harbour pilot, through the gold rushes.
An old girlfriend’s in-laws owned the harbour master’s house(s) out on Aramoana Spit in the 1990s (low-tide access only) – as far as I know the houses are still there after 3 decades of imaginary ‘sea level rise’… nay, even 15 decades!
Any aurora Australis going off lately?
Yep North Shore is my other residence. Good place avoid, the greentards.
Isn’t it interesting that dairy farming is villifed, but viticulture is not.
Bingo – champagne socialists!
Scotch ‘n’ Dry man, myself
RU will be in NZ around Xmas time.;)
I’ll be in Wellington over the weekend.
But the last time I caught the ferry I got seasick, so I won’t go South.
‘But the last time I caught the ferry I got seasick,’ ..woofter!
yes it can get pretty rough. I did allot of crossing,in the 80s, but never got sick .
Any kiwis want catchup get my email from Jo.
About 1970 and it wasn’t rough, just a long slow roll. I get sick just thinking about it.
Just as well you weren’t on board the time we crossed from Picton to Wellington! A goodly gale and view of the reef!
It was late November and it was sleeting (1985).
My wicked, wicked ways … a somewhat self-absorbed iconoclastic Australian who nevertheless remained attractive due to his compelling independence and disdain for authority.
How we need people like that today! … people who would spurn and kick the soy imbued neo-Marxist identitarians into touch for good, and enjoy themselves while doing it.
Di Morrisey wrote a book called “Scatter the Stars”.
It was based on the life of Errol Flynn. I listened to the Ebook, which lead me to research Errol a bit more. What a life, even if he did end it with drink!
I won’t be boorish and talk about his climate alarmist skepticism but RIP Clive James AO CBE FRSL . A great Australian from Kogarah.
‘Common sense and a sense of humour are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humour is just common sense, dancing. Those who lack humour are without judgement and should be trusted with nothing.’
Clive James
Just finished reading his poem about the AGW alarmists and skeptics in The Oz this morning. Great stuff.
What is boorish about talking about Clive James and Climate Scepticism?
He was a skeptic but hardly anyone knows about it.
do the ABC know? I’m sure they must.
Is that why they were a little muted?
Aunty thinks Clive was brilliant, but his view on AGW wasn’t in the script, being a blemish on his character. So its undoubtedly a sin of omission.
Oh they know about Clive’s views over at The Conversation. There was plenty of foot stopping and toys being thrown out of the cot when the first favourable article was posted.
Every thing about this idea is wrong.
Wrong side of the Equator.
Wrong continent.
Friday: Steak – wrong.
Beer – wrong. Salad – no way.
In our small corner of the World …
central Washington State, USA
… there is too much snow. Cold. Wind.
Wait! Maybe Perth in early December isn’t a bad idea.
Cheers to all of you that can get together.
Great white sandy beaches, great wines down south, or sit at a beach cafe and enjoy our fantastic seafood with a crisp SSB. What are you doing over there, buried under all that cold white stuff? Only a couple of flights and you could be here, soaking up the warm sunshine.
If you feel like a Climate Change?
John F. Hultquist. LIfe is short, the art long. Break out. Head South. Find the sun. Relax. Have a beer, a glass of local wine, chew the fat. Why wouldn’t one do that to escape the winter?
Wrong………Now Australia has snow in summer too….Brrrr…cold in Gippsland Victoria tonight.
ES, checked The Age above and they now have a link to the 2nd day of snow on the slopes. Below is a link with pics of the 3rd day of snow on the slopes:
If 3 hot days in a row can now be erroneously called a ‘heat wave’, surely 3 days in a row of snow and freezing temps (in summer) can be called a SNOW WAVE, no? Ho ho ho! Season’s Greetings!
I too would be interested in Christmas drinks etc.
A great idea.
Done – J
My husband and I would be most interested in attending! Will email!
would be interested for Perth on the 6th December. Yet to find your email on the website unless you can send me one to the one I left on this post and I will respond.
Thanks for your continuous great work.
Anonymous Bystander
send you a mail. Please let me know where and when.
Anonymous Bystander
Thanks! Received!
May everyone enjoy CARBONATED beverages.
The ClimaNazis must be slipping. They failed to attack the process of fermentation, those disgraceful yeasties that dare convert sugars into alcohol and ‘CARBON’. The primary difference between still and sparkling wines: additional yeast and sugar are added to the base wine in a closed environment. As the yeast eats the sugar it releases carbon dioxide. Since the extra carbon dioxide has nowhere to go, it pressurizes the container and carbonates the wine. (Where do champagne bubbles come from?)
The Grande Madam would have a thing to say.
Climate hoax politics from a Kiwi perspective;
Sorry, I meant to post this on midweek
Thanks Dennis. On to it, constantly.
Trouble is the vast comfortable majority in NZ could care less or even have the nous to do so. A few show tendrils of interest when presented with the commentary in a delicate manner. Usually, those aware of the Agenda have arrived there because they number among the 2 – 3% genetically Christened to be sceptical, critical and suspicious. Another group may be taught those qualities through experience and insight. Perhaps overall, one might garner 10% of adults who appreciate the dire scenario.
PM Key pushed his NZ flag issue. It was a traitorous and dead globalist giveaway. MSM aided and abetted. Predictable.
Currently, NZ government authorities review and check internet background of all gov and para-gov job applicants to ensure Orwellian ‘right-think’ and compliance. No job if the applicant can’t conform and confirm ‘right -think’.
I suspect that soon they will require all internet identities to be surrendered should a job application be sought. Dire consequences will be visited upon those that decline and are are later found to be independent thinkers.
Anyone from the forum live around the Glenrowan area of Victoriastan?
A couple of hours down the ‘Fume’ Hwy gets to us RR. That’s a similar time it takes for us to get into South Yarra. A lot of driving/ travelling so we don’t do it oftener than we can help it! Other half has to go to Wangaratta from time to time but I avoid it as there is too much else to do.
I avoid Melbourne like the plague.
And avoid snow in Selwyn and Perisher NSW so far this summer 1st of Dec…for summer. Or maybe it would be symbolic to meet there??
Not far from Melbourne you wish to avoid, has snow at Baw Baw and Donna Buang 
I could get over there Robert, Jo can give you my email as well as Annie.
I agree about Melbourne
I’m at the Latrobe Valley Robert. Good to know i have neighbours in Vic though separated by snow and summer blizzards on the mountain ranges between us
Cheers. Mike.
Hey Mike, stop sending us your rubbish weather:
Max -6 C, min -14 C, wind chill -29 C
Gale nor’wester, thunder, hail, heavy snow
1.5 m new snow, 2 metres more on the way
Summer just ain’t what it used to be
Any takers for Geelong?
Where about’s did you have in mind GD?
There are plenty of reasonably priced bars and restaurants in the Geelong CBD. Little Malop Street has a plethora of venues where you can grab a bite and a drink and have a gripe about the climate madness.
I’m going to the Melbourne one, but I go to Geelong a bit, its an easy drive/ride, another time is ok if you want.
Jo can you forward my email to GD?, thanks.
Can you send me the details of the Melbourne meeting?
You can reach me on bandchartpro.com
Yonnie’s email sent to GD
This is how movements get started. Anyone want to get together in CT USA? We could party at the Yale Bowl.
Another thing to celebrate
“Michael Shellenberger: Apocalypse Cancelled?”
Can’t make it as we’re down South. Have a great evening!
Emailed – Jo
In my world, all the people I know,
Are duped by the climate-change show,
All believers who feed,
On the dogma and creed,
Of the warmism skeptics forego.
Awww, search finds not one instance of ‘Sydney’ in this thread. No one? Sadly I cannot suggest a venue. But I hope one turns up, and it’s somewhere peaceful, cheap and central(ish).
Ha ha, I know of an abandoned coal mine, which might be apt. But it is a bit difficult to get to, requires wading, and has no catering or lights. Not most people’s cup of tea.
Terrahertz, the only reason Sydney might be unmentioned is that it is the one city in the world which already has a fantastically active skeptics social group started ten years ago from this blog and meeting every thursday night in FiveDock. I can pass on your email to Jim Simpson if you like? Fantastic guy, real trooper, and helps at all Sydney events.
Yes please. I emailed you, but haven’t heard from Mr Simpson.
Off topic a little and perhaps a reasonable subject at drinks, I am incensed at the use of the unqualified term ‘scientists’.
These days where many are doing really soft sciences like ecology without mathematics or physics or chemistry or geology or engineering or in its many forms, it is as vague as Arts graduates.
Many of these courses were invented to soak up the excess of students unqualified to do real science with the political left ideal that everyone should go to university, regardless of ability.
It is interesting that even doctors have to do a Science course first. Maybe in future the leader of the Greens will not be a GP?
Observational science and categorization as in zoology or botany have little to do with the scientific method or teach skepticism or empiricism or rational science, the foundations of science. So one opinion piece in the current Spectator magazine waffles about the problem when scientists become spruikers and doomsayers pushing Climate Change. He argues that you cannot be both with credibility. I would say most are not scientists but faux scientists.
31 years after the US Congress was warned by David Hansen and Al Gore about the imminent end of the planet within a decade, we are still here with no change and in our fourth ten year warning.
So far what has happened would not be noticeable without modern thermometers, satellites and visiting the North Pole. In fact the total coincidence of the warming and the change in instrumentation raises question about whether the whole thing is due to the change in measurement itself. Especially when world records are set by 0.004C and real scientists have a valid concern that even this manufactured number is almost meaningless for useful interpretation. Say it warmed more in one hemisphere than the other, what does that mean?
Consider that as the original of the “97% of scientists say” John Cook made clear, only 1% of the 10,000 people he mailed made it into his net of ‘Climate Scientists’.
It was the ultimate exercise in cherry picking so that only those who earned their living from ‘Climate Science’ and published on “man made Global Warming” and offered a written opinion were considered. So he blatantly excluded 9,900 people or 99% of the people he thought originally were qualified, mainly meteorologists. Needs must.
So I would at the very least insist that when the group noun ‘scientists’ is used, it should be at the very least ‘Climate Scientists’ or ‘Global Warming specialists’ excluding all other scientists including most meteorologists. Even ‘Scientists who earn their entire living from Climate Change’. Then perhaps the opinions of the other 99.0% of scientists in the survey might have a chance to speak. Plus the 99.99% of all scientists most of whom are scared to speak out, except in the Oregon petition of 1998 which even then called Man Made Global Warming rubbish.
But is it a political invention anyway. Otherwise, why would it only be a Left/Green/Socialist issue? Adolph Hitler was a tea totaling Green Vegan who led the ultra violent German National Socialists of course. These days he is called Alt Right, when he could not have been more left. He would have supported man made Global Warming and his regime invented most of the things people complain about today.
You’re asking Warmists to be more logically and factually correct in their terminology. Neglecting the small detail that they (the core people anyway) are deliberately lying. They are running a mind-control propaganda and ‘science’ fakery project, for fairly hideous ideological reasons.
I don’t think they are going to adjust their language for any reason other than fine tuning the lies to suit ongoing events and perceptions. Like changing ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ to ‘Climate Change’ (when it became obvious it wasn’t actually warming any more) and now the wonderful epithet ‘Climate Change Denier.’ Which is most ironic (unintentionally), since it’s the Warmists who deny the Earth’s climate is almost always changing and often goes through dramatic swings in average temp, glaciation, sea level, atmospheric CO2 levels, etc. This is what you get when you orbit a variable star.
I can’t wait to see how their spiel changes to adapt to the New Little Ice Age, as it really starts to (frost)bite. Which btw… is why Australia has such a drought (and hence fires) atm. Ice ages always start with severe widespread drought. Cooling ocean surface and atmosphere, less evaporation from the oceans, and shorter rain-out paths. Means less rain on the land.
Australia has always had fires. They are natural and eternal. It has always had droughts. And it has floods. Even simultaneously. That is the climate for a place as big as the continental US. From the tropical far north to the bottom of Tasmania, it has many climates. Only now are people attributing the extremes of an often dry continent to Climate Change when in fact it is not Europe or Asia or Africa. It is Australia and extremes are normal, not change at all. Only 2% of the world’s population live south of the tropic, so it is our climate, not our fault.
My memory is one of the seemingly absurd and instant transition from drought relief to flood relief. It never rains but it pours but we do nothing.
The question is why after 200 years of knowing this, we still have no ability to harvest rain adequately, but that would be the allegedly Green movement which has banned dams and insists on ‘environmental’ flows.
In the last long drought, the essential 2500km Murray river would have run dry again except for the 26 locks, barrages and spillways built before 1940. The approved 2006 Wellington Weir project was stopped in 2009 by activists. Running short of water is traditional it seems. Besides Adelaide now has one of 4 new giant unused desalination plants.
Farmers in NSW are currently receiving various forms of emergency drought relief while desalination plants sit idle and will cost the country $100Billion on the never ever plan so popular with governments. French desalination plants and German/Chinese windmills. Climate Change environmentalism, the gift to the EU which never stops giving.
TdeF thanks for these comments.
Why can a series of governments over 8 decades decide that water management has been dealt with and so no further action is needed.
Desalination plants; simply a funds transfer to a special interest group who just happen to support a particular parti.
I used to think that democracy was a good idea, but not when it has been highjacked for the benefit of elites from both sides.
Like “Born Lucky” and the Infigen wind farm business created to offset electricity usage from the grid by the Sydney Kurnell Desalination Plant KK.
Also like the restructuring of the NSW electricity production, distribution sales and marketing systems to cover ripoffs and enable more gouging for the private sector. Nationwide every household is paying an EXTRA $800 p.a. for the new electricity so that “someone” can skim.
Perhaps bulldozed might have been a better term. Skimming is too gentle.
‘Cooling ocean surface and atmosphere, less evaporation from the oceans, and shorter rain-out paths. Means less rain on the land.’ So true, but they will never admit it.
Re Floods qld 2011 This gen from the Australian “At a policy level, it was a perfect storm. The Queensland government-owned dam’s operators, or engineers, were at its epicentre. There was growing hysteria before January 2011 because bureaucrats and politicians had heeded the alarmist predictions of climate warriors that floods were unlikely to trouble Australia in future. Tim Flannery’s dire warning that “even the rain that falls isn’t going to fill our dams and river systems” was followed by a drought that blighted Queensland.
Alarmism and dropping dam and reservoir levels must have influenced the way dam engineers were managing releases. Politicians wanted engineers to store water, not “fritter it away” with releases that might be called wasteful. But throughout 2010, the weather changed as a La Nina effect with heavy rainfall overwhelmed the drought-causing El Nino. While the weather had changed fundamentally and Queensland’s catchments were saturated, the politicians, bureaucrats and dam operators were stuck in the past. They still wanted the state’s dams to be storing, not flood-mitigating.
Tim Flannery needs [snip… to answer hard questions in public… ]
Thanks Eliza, posted just now. Great quote. – Jo
I’m currently 36 hours (by Quantas) away from any of the suggested venues, but, since I have a close relation with a bona fide down-under, I suggest Horse&Hound, Linkoping, Sweden, 6 dec 19.00.
For information;
My great grandfather and his parents came from Gotland.
Unfortunately you cannot travel by Quantas.
The airlines’ name is QANTAS (which historically is short for Queensland and Northern Territory Air Services). So there is no U. Unfortunately you can’t use it in scrabble either because it is a proper noun.
I am on the Sunshine Coast, near Nambour and would be happy to catch up.
I am interested in a Melbourne meeting. Since we will all be coming from widespread locations, and parking is a perennial problem, a location easy to get to by public transport would be very desirable. Alternatively, if there is enough interest, several meetings in different parts of suburbia.
Done. Check your email,. Jo
Doesn’t public transport reliability (trams and trains) depend on wind speed and unreliable energy?
I will be on the Sunshine Coast from 5 to 17 December. Would love to get together with some like-minded climate realists. What a breath of fresh air was Clive James’s article written in 2011 after the Brisbane floods. He really nailed the whole alarmist nonsense with a touch of humour but not too many new dams on the horizon yet.
I am trying to organise a get-together at Buddina on the week of 16 to 20. How to do this? 13th seems the best bet so far.
How about Southern California? Jo has big following around here.
Unfortunately I can’t help and probably can’t attend but someone???
Please don’t park too many Tesla S EV close together Roy.
I’m happy that Tesla’s name is now on something with some value, even in spite of the fallacies involved with electric vehicles. It’s tragic that a brilliant man who gave us alternating current, the transformer and the induction motor should be remembered instead for all the high voltage sparks and spectacular fireworks he created in pursuit of an impossible dream because his genius didn’t allow him to trust relatively simple math that would have told him it would never work.
The value of Tesla’s mostly unrecognized contribution to human society is simply incalculable.
And I won’t park any if you don’t.
Roy, I live in Los Osos (central California) so the distance to southern California is a little bit too much for a drinking party. But if you’re ever in my area, please stop by for a visit. I’m sure Joanne wouldn’t mind giving you my email address.
‘How about Southern California? J’ Nice place, but isnt it winter there? ..;) Yea Ill just hop on my junket banned 737 MAX..Im sure they wont mind my CO2 footprint for a good cause.
“People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” ― Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations…’n goodness knows what might arise when people of the Open-Society persuasion get together for merriment and diversion…
Anything happening in Brisbane?
I’m up for it. After Dec11 and before Dec 23.
A bit late with the reply but can potentially catchup in BNE 16th to 23rd. Am on northern Gold Coast.
Rocky is a goer, Friday 6th at 12 noon at the Allenstown Hotel. Bushkid and yours truly so far, looking for others. What’s Tony from Oz up to?
Yes, I thought Tony was from up our way. Unless I’ve confused him with someone else, I thought he was reporting his personal experience of TC Marcia and its aftermath.
Nor a cheep about Hobart. Am I the only sceptic on the island?
I’m already committed for Dec. 6 but I would love to contact some intelligent sceptics in Adelaide. If someone is coordinating a list please add me.
just in case you’ve been missed out, we are meeting 1pm on Saturday. Bill in Oz is coordinating and contact through Jo.
Unless we jag a storm I’ll be on the dozer feeding mulga – but will certainly have a couple in sympathy later that day.
Maybe a subject for contemplation
“Winter Storm Pretzel: Climate scientists struggling to reconcile model predictions of the end of snow with the observed abundance of white stuff have come up with a way to predict more and less snow at the same time.”
And check the comments
In all this has a Melbourne venue been established. Ping me, smoke signals, interpretive dance, rhythmic drums or email.
See post #1.8 – http://joannenova.com.au/2019/11/anyone-for-christmas-drinks-friday-6th-december/#comment-2231367
You will need to email Jo to pass your email address to David for the precise venue details
Boy-Oh-Boy. You skeptics think small. If you want to take on the AGW community, you have to behave like the AGW community. The place you should meet is an exotic location where the beaches are warm (but not too hot) and the drinks are free-flowing. Funding for your junkets will come from tax-payer dollars.
The only way is to go to Mt Buller, or Mt Donna Buang, or somewhere that snows in summer…It is snowing in summer at Mt Baw Baw at the moment so that would be good too.
Maybe Jo can contact the oil companies that are so generous to skeptics and arrange flights to a nice Fijian resort. Fiji would benefit from the tourists dollars.
Its xmas time! ‘STOP Feeding the Fat Green Pigs’ https://www.iceagenow.info/stop-feeding-the-fat-green-pigs/
Toevallig iemand in Gent (belgium)??
Sorry–I was there earlier in the year (lovely city, despite the 90 per cent humidity), but alas not now.
BTW the ABC has recycled the heat waves are the most deadly natural hazard in Australia BS:
Sounds like we need to revisit:
Not once does the current ABC story talk about deaths from the cold…
I should add that the Perth Metro station is yet to hit 40C (this is the station quoted for Perth records):
It seems likely that it will, but the winds have been changeable in the last couple hours so who knows? Maybe an XR person can go visit the site with a portable hair dryer or something.
Interestingly it looked like it might stay below 40C as the winds were turning gradually towards the NW, but the main BoM site, which shows more frequent temp updates, shot up from 39.0C to 40.7C for Perth between reloads a minute or two apart:
Not suss at all… Even if this is a genuine max, and it drops like a stone right after (which I have seen happen on the 30 minute intervals normally recorded against sites), how meaningful is such a maximum measure? I assume the only reason we use min/max readings is because that is the way they used to be recorded on olde mercury thermometers. Given the fast recordings we have these days, a mere pulse of hot air will record a ‘record high’ that would have gone unnoticed in the past, no?
And sure as sh!t the next temp update on the BoM web site has the temp back down to 39.4C… seen this so many times it isn’t funny.
Slipped the “st” off my username by accident … was using a different browser mods.
The BoM main page bounced up and down for Perth by 1.5C from one showing to the next, but eventually managed to squeeze in a max of 40.1C at 1pm. The winds are now coming from the ocean and temps are dropping.
Oddly the BoM main page did read 40.7C and 40.5C at different times, interspersed with 39.0C to 39.5C.The main page readings are quite erratic, to say the least. One wonders how useful daily max temperatures are.
I’d be interested in coming but I doubt people will want to talk about the lowest cost of electricity is in the state with the highest percentage of renewables.
[Check your email – jo]
Actually, I’d be happy to talk about how renewables have the lowest levelised cost of energy but do keep in mind that climate models are wildly inaccurate too.
Jeremy, lowest LCOE is based on meaningless assumptions that ignore the real costs. Renewables pose a huge burden on the rest of the grid, forcing it to ramp up and down inefficiently, adding to the costs of transmission, frequency stability, storage, maintenance and making baseload more expensive. Studies in the US found pairing gas power with wind power made the gas power $30/KWh more expensive. That’s a renewable cost, but is billed as a “gas cost”. Fake stats support a fake industry that could never compete in the free market.
I’m not sure you would really enjoy a discussion about renewables and LCOE…
Alan Kohler on the ABC news spouts this all the time, too, even after an ad for a 7:30 Report segment about Australian households being disconnected due to unaffordable power bills.
Why not?
I can explain how that is being achieved and why SA will vie with Victoria for the most expensive retail power price in the foreseeable future.
The use of the term “renewable” for intermittent wind and solar generators of current technology is misleading. Your unqualified use of the term indicates you have been hoodwinked into thinking they are.
William, your email bounced. You need to provide a proper working one if I can get in touch!
Looking forward to Friday. Please email the venue. Best Wishes
[Email on your way – jo]
Earliest 40C December day on record … oh noes!!!!1!1!1one
Never mind the fact that there have been 40C plus days in November before, including this year on 16 November…
Supposed to be 40C on Friday as well, the day of the meet. Is this a reverse Al Gore effect?
A bit far for me, but meanwhile I am really missing my daily dose or reality.
Thanks for your great work, & have a good Xmas.
Ballarat or near ???
Hi Clive I’m in Ballarat but going to the Melbourne drinks, how close are you?
I’m in Ballarat, but don’t think I’ll make Melbourne! Too long a day for me, and way too many people!
Yonnie, you mentioned see you at work. Do I know where you work?
Rob, I just posted at the top of this thread about that
I work at Auspost as a PDO delivery at Wendouree facility, I thought you mentioned you did similar as a contractor, if not apologies.
I can give you a lift there and back no problems with maybe some others?
Jo can you forward my email to Rob.
We would love to have a get-together with other skeptics. They’re few and far between here – the village is GREENS’ territory and we don’t want the house to graffitied with “tree murderer” like the one around the corner.
Has the Tweed or the Gold Coast been mentioned?
[An email coming your way Faye…. Jo]
Faye am on Gold coast
Hi Faye, I’m in Tweed and always up for a wee tipple!!
Hi ColA
Welcome. Let me know through Jo what your email is and we can go from there. Cheers Faye
Well Jo, Ladies and Lads,
All the best for Christmas and New Year and I hope your brains don’t hurt too much the next day after consuming your quota of alcohol at these turnouts and over the holidays. I too would be looking to go to a turnout in the Toowoomba/Bris Vegas area but I have to to to Auckland to visit the Outlaws as ordered by GOC Home Command, and have to listen to much skiting about how the ‘Awl Blicks’ are better that the ‘Wobblies.’ May be next year.
How can I find the exact venue and time in Melbourne?
[Check your email – Jo]
Contact Jo…
Anyone who hasn’t recieved an email and is expecting one better speak up now! Sorry if I have missed someone.
off piste but a classic-
Take a couple of bottles of this in case there is a need to provoke an argument
Echoing around the world
“Drinking Around The World – Starting Now”
5:58 pm EST. I have a scotch ready and
“we in dream behold the
A good JoNovarian chapter meeting in Prahran, Melbourne organized by David Maddison. It was great to put faces to names. Peter C. Rick Will. A lot of Davids. About sixteen people but David Maddison will report, I expect.
It’s also hard to find a quiet inside spot in Melbourne at this time of the year but due to Climate Change the weather’s a bit unpredictable in Melbourne. Ha. We can plan for next year, assuming the world does not end in the meantime as predicted by Prince Charles and frankly, Melbourne could be a bit warmer these last few years. I doubt 1C would be noticeable. You get that from one side of the room to the other.
From the conversation, the general thread is of people wanting science, not fantasy and tired of being told what to think. From my perspective, that is true of many of the political issues. We are being herded by the media and the politicians and COP25 is a farce. But a good night tonight, the first.
Thank you for the news of the evening in Prahran TdeF. I hope all present enjoyed the opportunity to meet up and put faces to names of fellow spirits. I look forward to hearing more from the others who were there.
Good to meet you and everyone else TdeF unfortunately it was a bit noisy to talk down the table but a great time was had by all.
Thanks to David Maddison for thinking of and organising it, it was a pleasure to meet you and your wife.
One who attended in Prahran is a silent JoNovian.
It is no longer science when opinions on the weather cannot be expressed freely, without risk of retribution that has material consequences.
Thanks David Maddison for organising the evening.
The food was great, the company interesting, but for a deaf old coot like me, the venue noise levels hampered communication tremendously.
I was fortunate though to be seated across from a novarian who showed me a brilliant hi-tech replacement for hearing aids, and that discovery alone made the 2.5 hour travelling time worthwhile.
For those I talked with, it was great meeting you, next time I hope to be able to hear you as well!
Please tell me more about this
brilliant hi-tech replacement for hearing aids !
I’d love to replace mine with something better.
Bill In Oz
Sure Bill.
I’ve only been wearing hearing aids for less than a month but I find, particularly in noisy environments, they amplify the noises I don’t want to hear without making the voices and conversations I want to hear clearer.
I’m often better off without them.
I briefly tried the Bose system last night at the busy table in a very noisy large room, and found it to be a definite improvement.
What a delight it was to meet Ken Stewart from Ken’s Kingdom for lunch in Rockhampton today!
I’m sure you all know (although I needed a gentle reminder!) that Ken’s the one who’s been doing that great work on the siting of the BOM weather stations recently.
I hope everyone who arranged to meet up today or this evening has enjoyed themselves as well.
A very Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy New Year too!
I am home after the steak and salad, conversation and beer event in Perth.
A good time was had by all.
Merry Christmas everyone. I would much appreciate a contact for Sydney. Thank you.
Done – Jim will email. – Jo
I second the good time had by all in Perth! We are sorry to not have talked with everyone but very impressed with the people we did. We’d love to be able to do this again and it helped to have worn our nametags. Merry Christmas everyone!!
And I am home after 14 of us !
Met here in Adelaide
At the cafe Kondetorei in Stirling.
It was really good to meet
Some of the people who have
Been making comments on JoNova Blog
And to forma the
JoNova South Australian Chapter !
New social drinks thread — see if we can spring a few more events…