A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Sorry, slightly off topic, Im new here and didnt know where to post this.
A recent, startling revelation in climate science: The BBC admits that around 2000 papers are based on “implausible” input assumptions.
“Very few scientists realised that RCP8.5 was originally a 90th percentile outcome, NOT a most likely or business-as-usual outcome. They assumed too much, when they should perhaps have checked”. the link to the BBC article in this website.
“Rather than being seen as something that only had a 3% chance of becoming reality, it became known as the “business-as-usual” scenario, by climate scientists and has been used in more than 2,000 research papers since.” (may be incorrect link?)
but you might be interested in this
and when is the BBC’s right leaning bias going to end? Just like the ABC with it’s parroting the government’s line on the corona virus.
If you dispute his “important caveat”, then the rest of the discussion, built on that caveat, is null and void. So much like Scientology – building on assertions while claiming they are facts, and the whole lot falls in a heap when you realise that the base assertion is false. I’ve seen this in so many publications over the years, from one of Ralph Nader’s books, to a more recent one about the Chinese fleet supposedly being the major international discoverer. Doesn’t take many of these “stories” to turn one into a skeptic.
GA’s comments should be a source of embarrassment to himself. He is not bright enough to be interesting and seems to be intent on showing he’s totally out of his depth.
GA is far too far to the left to ever feel embarrassment at his comments.
Far leftists like him can say the most utterly stupid things, and still just give a supercilious smirk !
LOL, Mr No-physics doesn’t have a clue about anything.
He is just a regurgitator of mindless AGW propaganda pap..
BBC is far left, that fact that you think they are “right-leaning”, just shows how ultra-left your tiny mind really is. !
Gee says he has a PhD. So very intelligent by most measures, yet something doesn’t quite make sense. How can Gee think the BBC is right leaning? Unless as you say he is Ultra Left.
did you see the brexit reporting and that around the recent election?
Which government line G A ?
Australia ? or China’s ?
I wonder how much Climate Change(tm) research is now offically complete rubbish?
Love to know….
Exactly 97%, based on my survey. 🙂
Thanks and welcome Jorge. I had the same question as Steve.
The Truthstream couple have put out a new vid which strikes a chord with me.
Some years back I walked from the middle of France to the top of Portugal and back to the top of Spain, plus other odds and ends like long walks out of Siena into Tuscany. As I strolled through regions which have been inhabited, developed, civilised, urbanised for millennia one thought kept striking me: the world is fairly empty of people.
It’s probably still a controversial thought, but I’ll think it anyway.
Here’s the vid:
Thanks for posting . . . . . I’ll have a look and listen . . .
They were on Boiler Room a couple of days ago. Worth a listen . . . .
I seem to recall somebody saying that the world’s population, standing up, would all fit into Lake Erie, so I presume they would also all fit into Victoria.
As long as they stay off the front lawn .
I once mused that the whole of civilisation and all its creations could fit into one cubic mile of the Earth’s crust. That still leaves nearly 260 billion cubic miles untouched. The planet doesn’t need saving!
“Wuhan Coronavirus–a WUWT Scientific Commentary”
A Canadian perspective on the Lock down in China by a journalist who went to Chong Ching the province on the Yang Tse river up stream of Wuhan.
I owe a shout out to Robber.
I mentioned that the largest wind plant in Oz has been off line since Friday 30Jan, and I couldn’t figure out why, as it has been nowhere in any of the media outlets.
Robber found that there was a major wind storm in that area and it brought down six or so of those transmission towers. They go to make up (some of) the Interconnector between Victoria and South Australia.
Work started on the (major) repairs immediately, but the Regulator, the AEMO directed that some of the wind plants in that area curtail their output during that work, so that there’s no (locally unisolated) power in the system while work is being done. Hence, there were seven wind plants in relatively close proximity to the work, (in both Victoria, and SouthAus) which have stopped their operations, and have had no output in these last eleven days so far, with more days to come would be my guess.
It’s an easy thing to see that Macarthur closed down because they had the largest output in the Country, and the red coloured line showing their output was always visible along the top of all the coloured lines on the graph indicating those 59 wind plants, and when it disappeared, I isolated Macarthur and found it was back at zero. I didn’t look at any other of the wind plants, as I didn’t know that so many of them went off line. (Incidentally, that colour for Macarthur is now a greenish colour as two new wind plants (both in Tasmania) have been added to the grid, so the colour scheme moves Macarthur across the page by two slots to a different colour.)
If I might add two wry comments, (a) I hardly noticed the loss of seven wind plants on those daily data Posts I make showing the contribution from those 59 wind plants, indicating that the …..‘real’ loss of generated power isn’t very much. And (b) I notice there is nothing in any media about the loss of seven whole wind plants, back to zero. If it was the loss of power from just ONE Unit at a coal fired power plant, the media would be crawling all over it. Still I have doubts that anyone in any media would notice it at all, and they probably wouldn’t know where to look for it in any place.
So, thanks Robber. It shows that what I’m doing is probably a good thing in one respect. It brings more eyes onto the subject, and some of those eyes look in places I wouldn’t think of, or haven’t enough hours in the day to go looking, so, if and when that happens, and they are brought to my attention, I can go there and offer any explanations if they are needed.
I did link an article about it when it happened , I think it caused a bit of grief in SA and maybe even the cause of some blackouts in the state when the new hospital lost power as well .
I had been watching the AEMO dashboard and it was showing zero on one side .
The towers looked identical to the ones that came down in South Australia and not as heavy as the ones coming from the snowys .
The towers that came down when SA was blacked out were at last 50 years old; that was the Greenies excuse, towers too old and fragile. The ones that came down are nowhere near that age.
Also, I don’t know what power the hydro lines carry but I would think they are heavier duty than required for S.A. and also have problems with snow and ice, something S.A. doesn’t have…yet.
Note that the towers which did come down were all together. So, it would really only take a weakness in one tower for it to come down, and those many high tension wires strung along to the next tower would drag that one down too, and so on.
Been working on this post since last night. Will discuss soon. I missed it at the time too.
Seems to be a 2GW drop in Demand in Victoria for the last two weeks?
TonyfromOz –
thanks for all the detail. won’t get it from FakeNewsMSM.
Thanks for clearing that up.
I was wondering.
Is BlueScope Steel moving to the US?
$4 million for coal fired power expansion study in Qld?
Labor have said a flat no to the idea , looks like they have learned nothing in Queensland .
Only the State governments are responsible for electricity supply and planning approval for projects like power generators, dams and other infrastructure.
Federal Government can initiate and negotiate with the States and even underwrite and/or contribute to funding, but they need State cooperation.
The original Snowy Mountains Hydro Scheme was a Federal initiative but it took them ten years to negotiate with the State governments before the project proceeded.
robert rosicka said:
Well, they learned that Michelle Landry is a tremendous campaigner last May 18 [48% Primary in Collinsville!], so their best bet to win back Capricornia and Dawson is probably to stop that Feasibility Study from proceeding.
Have the IPCC now become deniers? looks like we can only expect only .05 degrees C warming over the coming decades….
You’ve lost sight of the pea.
All the wild predictions are based on “Post Industrial” there has been about 0.95 deg since then, plus 0.5C brings us to the magic 1.5.
What you have to see is that all the $billions is about “preventing” an imperceptible and completely harmless 0.5 deg C change in temperature that might just come naturally anyway.
You are being duped. The aim frankly is to create an income stream via treaty that requires sovereign countries to levy taxes (Carbon credits) that are required to transit the UN so they can skim it like the charities do.
The whole thing is a UN shakedown.
Plus a million, bob’l. 🙂
‘Do not fool yourself’ (Socrates,)
‘You are the easiest person to fool.'(Feynman)
… Possibly as insightful, observation-wise, as yr Galileo, Newton, Einstein
theories of the physical universe- of which we conscious human beings are a part.
‘Warming from anthropogenic emissions from the pre-industrial period to the present will persist for centuries to millennia and will continue to cause further long-term changes in the climate system, such as sea level rise, with associated impacts …’ IPCC
Truly amazing crystal ball gazing, totally flawed in every way.
And here’s BOM can’t predict the whether a few days out, likewise human Great Leap Forward 5 ‘n 10 year plans “FAIL!”… Predictions W.W.1. would be a short war, myriad other war predictions, “FAIL! ” Paul Ehrlich et AL, multiple doomsday predictions, “FAIL!” Like Philip Tetlock says, says, ‘Humans, tsk, good at predicting we are not.’
We had an emergency warning for our area this afternoon which included flooding and big rain but alas Mother Nature said heh heh got you again BOM .
Opps. 0.5 sorry
Opps. 0.5 sorry
In the earlier Unthreaded Post from Joanne (on the weekend) Kim asked me a question (at this link) about the Upgrades at Bayswater that AGL is carrying out.
They recently completed $70 million worth of work there to upgrade the control systems for better stability, flexibility and reliability.
There will be further work spread across the next four years to upgrade each Unit’s turbine. The work will be done one Unit at a time, and could take around three to four months per Unit. Why four years for the whole time frame is that they will only shut down one Unit at a time, and they need all four Units to be operational for the Winter and Summer larger consumption times, so any work will be during those benign Months between the two big Seasons.
Now, this turbine work will only increase the output of the whole plant by 100MW, so barely 25MW per Unit, but for some perspective, that extra 100MW, when extrapolated out across a whole year will amount to almost the equivalent total output from Macarthur, the largest wind plant in Oz, and extrapolated out across the extended life of the plant will see more generated power delivered to the grid than from Macarthur, just from the added extra from this Upgrade.
Keep in mind that while we are being told that companies are getting out of ‘coal’, this is a lot of money being spent on an Upgrade which will EXTEND the life of the plant. It looks to me as being a case of tell everyone what they want to hear, and do what we always do anyway, and that is EXACTLY what is happening with coal fired power, as it just hums along like it always has.
Now, I’m not really a fan of extending the life of Liddell, because in reality, an ancient old clunker like this should be replaced, like you do when you own car gets old.
Liddell is now restricted to (at best) 420MW of its original 500MW, and Unit One is in fact probably past its use by date, as it spends more time down than up. Even so, to even keep it at that 420MW for two or three extra years will cost a ‘motza’ for marginal and minimal results anyway.
However, having said that, and now in conjunction with the Feds initiating an inquiry into a new coal fired plant at Collinsville, in Qld, and to supply reliable power into an expanding North Qld, what encourages me in all this is that actual subject of coal fired power is coming out of its ‘verboten’ to even mention it stage and into the flickering start of a spotlight being shone on it, in the form of a debate about coal fired power.
Be fully aware that soon, the real truth about coal fired power will come out, and THIS, Liddell and Collinsville, will go down as the start point of real discussion.
I actually think AGL is waiting patiently for this discussion to get under way. Otherwise they would be more forcefully adamant that it will close on the due date, and they would not be upgrading Bayswater, or working so hard on Loy Yang as well. Liddell is a perfect brown field site to build a new HELE.
All this may take a year or more, but it will happen.
Love your optimism Tony but I fear it will have to close squeezing an already tight supply closer to breaking point and then a eastcoast blackout before any move on new coal fired power begins .
Hope you are right Tony but now our ridiculous Federal Government is talking about zero carbon emissions (CO2?) by 2050 and now openly supporting the man made global warming hoax.
We are battling with fools.
just out if interest the Coronavirus death rate is now just over 20% based on cases with an outcome (recovered or dead). The official currently infected number (infected less cases with an outcome) is 38,040 of which 7,345 are extremely serious or critical. That is 19.3%. 80.7% are classified as mild infections although a percentage will no doubt deteriorate.
New cases are apparently diminishing although indications are that the Chinese authorities are now undertaking house to house searches and rationing medication to flush out the sick who would rather stay at home than end up occupying one in the huge rows of makeshift beds in stadiums, so the apparent drop should be taken with a large handful of salt. The number of infections in the Yokohama cruise ship has doubled to 135 despite strict quarantine precautions and infected passengers being transferred to hospital isolation.
That is kindof unnecessarily alarming, Brian, as less than 19% of infections get a severe illness, and deaths must be much fewer than that. Worldometers:
If most people do not succumb quickly but just take a while to recover, as looks to be the situation, the initial death stat of 20% is biased by the absence of the latent majority who get nothing more than flu-like symptoms for maybe 3 weeks (tops) and then finalise by recovery. If measured by deaths relative to the total number that are suspected to have ever been infected so far (ie including those not officially diagnosed but are probably out there based on models), the rate of severe illness is much lower, closer to 10% severe. The deaths must be even less than that.
Dr John Campbell shows that in his latest video (12 hours old at the moment, so he may have another one up shortly.)
The deaths are 20% of the finalised cases, but that is not the relevant stat. Deaths versus total infections is more useful, and would at this point be 1018 / (38043+23589) * 100 = 1.65% of people infected have died from it.
Not much comfort to the friends of the 1.65% but it’s heaps better than 20%.
I keep watching Qld Health’s web site to see if new cases pop up in Brisbane, but so far Qld’s cases are confined to the Gold Coast. Starting tomorrow, every day that goes by that we don’t get more confirmed cases is good news, as we are now at the 9-day mark since the flight ban was applied and by 10 days most people (not all) who had it will probably be symptomatic. If the 2nd-degree batch of infected are ever going to be diagnosed in Australia it will be in the remainder of this week.
This is probably a really great use for urban autonomous drones in the future: sending in bodily samples direct from a home to a pathology lab for diagnosis of virulent disease. It means everyone can be checked without getting the herd of probably uninfected people passing through the same waiting room as the infected. The drones have to be disinfected between jobs, but using bleach sprays and UV light is obviously easier to do reliably on drones than on people and their miscellaneous belongings like clothes, phones, bags, etc, or upon a whole waiting room.
Let’s assume that a pandemic wipes humans out from this planet. Carbon emissions go to zero. Climate will continue to change as it has done millions of years before us. Henry’s law is still valid and CO2 levels follow ocean temperatures and status on vegetation.
Global Cooling:
Have you ever met a ClimateChanger© who has heard of Henry’s Law?
In any case look at the early Holocene where 5,000 years above present didn’t raise the CO2 levels at all. Obviously ClimateChange© turns off Henry’s Law.
Them Woke “Do” latte brunch, they don’t “Do” scientific laws as those must surely be postnormally malleable like biological gender obviously is.
Not only does Henry’s law get ignored but the climate science seems to think the law of conservation of energy is optional too
The CO2 Spectrum represents only about 0.4um out of around 15 um of atmospheric window or less than about 2.7% of the total IR emission spectra .027 x 340 Watts = 9 Watts so only 9 Watts is emitted in the CO2 absorbtion band. Climate science claims that for the next say 3 doublings from 400ppm CO2 to 3200ppm (0.32% CO2) somehow 3 x 3.8 Watts = 11.4 Watts per square meter will be absorbed by CO2 and reflected to earth.
9 Watts in, 11.4 watts out…. this is the state of climate science today.
But it gets worse, of that 9 Watts, 7.65 Watts is ALREADY BEING ABSORBED and only 1.35 Watts is transmitted, so climate science thinks that for just one doubling they can get 3.8Watts out from 1.35 watts in!
This is scientific nonsense.
Note I got the bandwidths by eyeballing the planetary IR spectrogram the actual CO2 spectra bandwidth is probably within about 20% of my estimate, and I’m probably on the high side given the 2um notch is completely eclipsed by water vapour.
It’s close enough to make my point though, you can’t take out of CO2 more than goes in.
Have been watching the quite rapid change in the “finger” of warm water that stretches down from near India to our SW corner. While it was warm, Perth had a “normal” hot first two months of summer, something we have missed out on for the past 2-3 years. But the SW water is rapidly becoming cooler, and the effects have been noticeable in Perth, with increased cloud cover and a shift away from hot dry easterlies to cooler and more humid south and SE breezes in the morning.
So what drives what? Does the atmosphere control both the sea and land temperatures, or does the atmosphere control the sea temps, which in turn control the coastal land temps? Or do the ocean currents control both the atmosphere and land temps?
The energy is in the water. The wind drives the water currents that redistribute the energy. Water is the solar collector and wind is the distribution system, predominantly via moving the water about.
Ok, but why was there a sudden change? The warm water was stable for many months. It started before the IOD change, but the change was reasonably quick in terms of weeks, and is still occurring. Incidentally, I’ve noticed that the east coast has returned to warm water right down the coast – again same as the last few years.
posted this and another piece on Jo’s previous “400mm of water” thread – comment #55 – with links:
10 Feb: BBC Studios’ Science Unit announces series with Greta Thunberg
BBC Studios’ award winning Science Unit announces a brand new series with Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg at Showcase 2020 event…
expect it to be as factual as BBC’s virulently anti-Trump DC correspondent, Anthony Zurcher. here’s his take on New Hampshire, where it is Sanders who has been surging(BBC World Sce have been promoting Mayor Pete for days):
9 Feb: BBC: Why a young former mayor is surging in US election
by Anthony Zurcher
Pete Buttigieg has surged towards the top of the pack ahead of New Hampshire’s Democratic primary on Tuesday…
There’s an old saying about the way the two parties pick their presidential nominees – ***Democrats fall in love; Republicans fall in line…
After a 2016 election that turned conventional wisdom on its head by producing iconoclastic Donald Trump and establishment-favourite Hillary Clinton as the nominees, that nostrum could be reasserting itself…
Yet here he is, ***the narrow victor (NOT REALLY) of the Iowa caucuses and near the top of the top of the polls in New Hampshire, which holds its primary on Tuesday…
At a campaign rally in Keene, New Hampshire, on Saturday, actor Michael J Fox riffed on the candidate’s unorthodox political background, describing him as a “left-handed, Maltese-American, Episcopalian, millennial, gay war veteran”.
The crowd in a packed college auditorium erupted in laughter. They roared for Buttigieg, as he strode out onto the stage in his now-trademark jacket-less dress shirt and tie, abandoning the lectern to pace the stage with a wireless microphone.
“I absolutely love his energy,” said Susan Szyldo, a registered nurse from nearby Dublin. “I love his youthfulness. I just think it would be a whole new fresh perspective in Washington, which we need desperately.”…
Shane O’Keefe, a town administrator from Walpole: “He’s tells it like it is,” he said. “He’s a very thoughtful person. He’s a very knowledgeable and knows the issues that affect people like myself and others.”…
TWEET: Anthony Zurcher, BBC
Only two non-incumbent Democrats have won Iowa and New Hampshire – Al Gore and John Kerry. Both went on to win their party’s nomination. Can Pete Buttigieg be the third?
PIC: Buttigieg’s Town Hall
9 Feb 2020
9some replies)
Daniel Trubman: You’re over your skis claiming Buttigieg “won” Iowa.
Carol Livingston: I’m not a Sanders supporter, I’m for @EWarren, but Sanders is going to win NH, not Buttigieg…
Climate Clock: An entire piece exalting Buttigieg — when Sanders in fact won Iowa — and not a single mention of the IDP/DNC corruption and incompetence.
Update your bio, Anthony, you may be many things but a reporter, you’re not.
10 Feb: CNN: Bernie Sanders leads in final CNN New Hampshire tracking poll
Bernie Sanders has surged to the top of a new national poll of Democratic candidates, as support for Joe Biden has tumbles in new poll
UK Independent – 7h ago
Meanwhile, another poll, appeared to underscore the challenges facing Mr Biden.
The Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Monday, suggested 17 per cent of registered Democrats and independents would vote for Mr Biden, down five percentage points from a similar poll that ran last week…
The poll put Ms Warren on 11 points with Mr Buttigieg on 5…
biggest crowd for Buttigieg in N.H. has been 1,800 (allegedly):
10 Feb: The Hill: Buttigieg continued to attract attention on Sunday though, as a crowd of 1,800 came out to see him in Nashua, N.H., one of his biggest of the campaign…
Bernie’s biggest around 7,000:
11 Feb: Daily Mail: ‘We’re not going back!’ AOC riles up Bernie Sanders’ New Hampshire crowd and says Donald Trump is only in the state to challenge the Vermont senator
By Nikki Schwab
Ocasio-Cortez brought that up, boasting that the only reason why Trump was in the state was because he feared Sanders’ large crowds.
When Ocasio-Cortez turned the stage over to Sanders, like Trump does at his own rallies, the senator and 2020 hopeful took a minute to relish his crowd size.
‘In case you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of people here tonight,’ Sanders said.
The Whiitemore Center at the University New Hampshire fits 7,000 people…
While the Sanders’ event had almost every seat filled, there was empty space on the rink’s floor.
Sanders also boasted that there were ‘three times more people’ at his event than any of his Democratic competitors…
meanwhile –
10 Feb: NBC5: Thousands line up hours in advance for Trump rally in New Hampshire
Nearly nine hours ahead of President Donald Trump’s rally at SNHU Arena, thousands of people are lined up outside of the entrance.
Doors for the event aren’t scheduled to open until 3 p.m. Monday, however many have been waiting in advance and some camped out overnight in front of the arena entrance.
Trump’s October rally in Manchester filled the arena with 11,000 fans, with thousands of supporters watching the event on video screens outside…
TWEET: Stewart Ledbetter, NBC
Almost 9 hrs before President @realDonaldTrump is scheduled to appear at his election eve
#NH rally, a couple thousand supporters are already in line, in 35° rain, smiling and enthusiastic for tonight
10 Feb 2020
10 Feb: Fox News: Trump, looking to ‘shake up the Dems a little bit,’ hits ‘mumbling’ Pelosi in rally ahead of key NH primary
by Gregg Re; Fox News’ Andrew O’Reilly and The Associated Press contributed to this report
Huge crowds gathered in the overflow viewing area outside the packed Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) arena in Manchester, which can hold approximately 11,000.
Earlier in the day, Trump retweeted a post from ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl: “Cold rain, snow and lots of Trump supporters. Despite the miserable weather, there are already more people lining up outside the venue of @realDonaldTrump‘s rally tonight than you see at most of the events for the Democratic candidates. Some have been out here all night.”
At the rally, Trump remarked to applause, “We have more in this arena and outside this arena than all of the other candidates, meaning the Democrats, put together and multiplied by five. … We have never had an empty seat from the day your future First Lady and I came down the escalator.”…
Still, the marquee event has been Trump’s rally, and supporters started lining up for it Sunday. Images of bundled-up supporters camped outside the SNHU Arena in Manchester broke through the news coverage of the Democrats’ primary…
Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, the gift that keeps on giving.
Perhaps one of the funniest things I have seen in recent times is the ‘funny’ shown at this link.
Try her economic expertice
“AOC quotes “Milton Keynes” in presenting her economic manifesto”
AOC has a degree in economics IIRC!
The US is streaking to the lead in “The US – Australia Battle of the Hyphens” (IMO)
should have added that not only was Bernie’s rally at a University, it was billed as a concert:
10 Feb: NPHR Public Radio: N.H. Primary Countdown Blog – Part 2: Candidates Make Closing Pitches To New Hampshire Voters
“We are a multi-generational, multi-racial grassroots movement,” Bernie Sanders says as he takes the state at the Whittemore Center, a 7,200-seat venue at the University of New Hamphire in Durham…
The night is billed as a concert rally, with The Strokes the headliner band…
10 Feb: Pitchfork: The Strokes Announce New Album, Debut Songs at Bernie Sanders Rally: Watch
The Strokes played a set at Bernie Sanders’ rally in Durham, New Hampshire tonight (February 10). During their performance, the band played a brand new song called “Bad Decisions,” premiered a video for a new song called “At the Door,” and at the end, Julian Casablancas said, “Album’s coming out April 10.” Presumably, it’s called The New Abnormal…
The band also covered Talking Heads’ “Burning Down the House” and performed their classics, including “Someday,” “Hard to Explain,” and “New York City Cops.” Watch their performance at the Whittemore Center Arena below…
Bon Iver played during a (Sanders) rally in Clive, Iowa on January 31, while Vampire Weekend performed the following night in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Let’s actually pretend for a minute that Mayor Pete achieves the absolutely impossible, first to win the Dem nomination, and then to go on and win the presidency, and he has zero chance of either in my opinion.
On inauguration day in 2020, when (if) he actually becomes the President, he will be 39 years and two days old, far and away the youngest president in U.S. history, three and three quarter years younger than Theodore Roosevelt when he was sworn in after McKinley died from complications after he was shot.
Then comes JFK, Billy Jeff Clinton, and Ullyses S. Grant, with Obama as the fifth youngest.
Roosevelt nearly got me into trouble once.
My daughter in law appeared once on a TV quiz show, and at the time, and without my knowledge, she applied on my behalf for me to become a contestant on the (short lived) Australian version of Jeopardy, short lived because it was on Network Ten and run in the same time slot as the major news bulletins on the Commercials at the time, 6PM, so it didn’t rate very well at all. Tony Barber hosted it after leaving Sale Of The Century.
I received a letter in the mail asking me to turn up for auditions in Brisbane, and after working out how it came about, I turned up for the audition. There were around forty of us in all, and we had to sit for a written 50 question general knowledge test. (multiple choice abcd so they use a template to mark them quickly.) That narrowed it down to 16, and the rest were sent off home. Then they had four 4 person playoffs, and the four winners were the ones to get an invitation onto the show, one at a time.
I made it to the final 4, winning my playoff of a dozen or so questions done in front of a camera in the format of the show, so they could assess how you showed up on screen, but on the last question, the response was “I was the youngest President of the United States.” My response, in Jeopardy fashion was the question ….. “Who was Theodore Roosevelt?”
My answer was incorrect, as they had it as JFK. Much to their astonishment I challenged it and said that Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest by almost ten Months. Luckily it was the last question, so they did in fact go off and check, and then got back to me that I was indeed correct, and they then had to change that question.
Everyone has (and still does as I’ve found out often enough) always assumed JFK was the youngest, and I suppose that stems from it being in our ‘time’.
Anyway, a week later I got the invitation in the mail to be a contestant on the show, six weeks off into the future, and then two weeks later the show got canned, so I missed out on making a fool of myself on National TV.
All good fun though.
meanwhile –
there’s a tradition that media cover the first votes counted in Dixville Notch N.H. switched from cricket (N.Z. vs India) to catch opening of Tucker Carlson repeat, and got 8 minutes of 3 people at a desk counting the FIVE votes. Bloomberg is not on the ballot in N.H.
what sounded like hundreds of cameras were clicking away.
result. one for Bloomberg from a Republican; two for Bloomberg from Democrats; one for Sanders & one for Buttigieg.
then Fox’s Shannon Bream had a panel of 3 and began asking them what did they make of the result? I went back to the cricket:
10 Feb: Time Mag: AP: 1,800 at the biggest Buttigieg rally in N.H.
(DIXVILLE NOTCH, N.H.) — Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg won the votes of a tiny New Hampshire community that barely hung onto its tradition of being among the first to cast ballots in the presidential primary…
Bloomberg received three write-in votes, one from a Republican and two from Democrats. The remaining votes went to Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders…
Bloomberg is vertically challenged.
The big question, for me, is: if he wins the Nomination and defeats Trump, would he be the shortest President since Madison, or out in front of the other 44?
Michael Mann is in Australia.
Tony Heller comments in the following video:
Patients who tested positive to 2019nCov must be enormously relieved to hear they definitively don;t have a case of 2019nCov.
Except the previously stable mortality rate rose from 1.96% to 2.36% … since Feb 6th.
“We don need no stankin exponential growth!”
I suppose, in fairness, that a person with no symptoms of illness is not a case.
It’s not fairness, these people were considered to be valid cases Thursday evening, but not on Friday morning. The virus is notorious for asymptomatic rapid spread. Treating it as not even a ‘new case’, even with a positive test, looks quite a bit like a crime against Humanity.
This is not good, because one of the distinguishing features of this one, that makes it more dangerous than most, is its long incubation time. To do redefine things in this way, is so counter-productive to the Chinese leadership and the Chinese people, that I’d get suspicious of Western smoke-blowing as a kind of reflex action. Not that I’m accusing Alex Lam of anything. Just saying that there is a lot of confusion out there. Its hard to reconcile this redefinition with extremist measures to stop the infection rates. Or alleged extremist measures.
In other news I heard that the Mongolians had sealed their border and closed their schools for a couple of weeks. Pretty good going.
meanwhile toay, Quinnipiac University put out a poll which had –
Quinnipiac: Sanders gets 25 percent of the vote among Democratic voters and independent voters who lean Democratic, while Biden gets 17 percent, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg receives 15 percent, Senator Elizabeth Warren gets 14 percent, former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg receives 10 percent, and Senator Amy Klobuchar gets 4 percent. No other candidate tops 2 percent…
Bloomberg tops Trump 51 – 42 percent;
• Sanders defeats Trump 51 – 43 percent;
• Biden beats Trump 50 – 43 percent;
• Klobuchar defeats Trump 49 – 43 percent;
• Warren wins narrowly over Trump 48 – 44 percent;
• Buttigieg is also slightly ahead of Trump 47 – 43 percent
Less than a week after President Trump was acquitted in the Senate impeachment trial and delivered his State of the Union address, the president’s job approval continues to match his highest approval number, with ***43 percent of voters saying they approve of the job President Trump is doing…
10 Feb: Rasmussen: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that **50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance…
4 Feb: Gallup: Trump Job Approval at Personal Best ***49%
same Quinnipiac 2 weeks before 2016 election:
20 Oct 2016: MSNBC: Clinton leads Trump nationally: poll
Hillary Clinton is leading Donald Trump 47 to 40 percent in the latest Quinnipiac University poll.
Bloomberg poll around the same time:
19 Oct 2016: CNN: Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 9 points heading into last debate
By David Wright
Clinton leads Trump 47% to 38% in a four-way race. Libertarian Gary Johnson received 8% support, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein registered 3%, according to a Bloomberg Politics poll released Wednesday.
Clinton made significant gains in the new poll among demographic groups that she has struggled to win over during the campaign…
6 Feb: Gallup: New High of 90% of Americans Satisfied With Personal Life
by Justin McCarthy
The latest figure bests the previous high of 88% recorded in 2003…
These results are from Gallup’s Mood of the Nation poll, conducted Jan. 2-15, which also recorded a 20-year high in Americans’ confidence in the U.S. economy…
The historical low of 73% was recorded in July 1979, as the effects of that year’s oil crisis took a toll on U.S. motorists…
It’s likely no coincidence that Americans’ heightened satisfaction with their personal life comes as confidence in the U.S. economy and their personal finances are also at long-term or record highs. That two in three Americans are very satisfied is reflective of this upbeat moment in time, and whether these sentiments carry through the coming decade will be something to watch…
so why would every Dem beat Trump?
If they repeat it often enough they hope it will happen just like last election Trump will win , the only question is by how much more than last time .
I have a suspicion that the voters will be more influenced by Trump doing what he said he would do, rather than the believers in the power of the waffling Press.
Trump doesn’t give a rats what the MSM say unlike in this country with our PM .
Trump does need the media anymore. Since they are unrelentingly negative about him, he has found a way to make them irrelevant. As far as I know he has not replaced Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Press Secretary). He does not give press briefings so the White house Press Core has nothing to do.
The two links below are a series of educational charts on CO2 and Climate Change. These charts are as unbiased as you can make them.
The world of CO2
– N° 1 Earth’s atmospheric composition
– N° 2 Natural sources of CO2 emissions
– N° 3 Global anthropogenic CO2 emissions
– N° 4 CO2 – Carbon dioxide molecule
– N° 5 The global carbon cycle
– N° 6 Carbon and plant respiration
– N° 7 Plant categories and abundance (C3, C4 & CAM Plants)
– N° 8 Photosynthesis, the C3 vs C4 gap
– N° 9 Plant respiration and CO2
– N° 10 The logarithmic temperature rise of higher CO2 levels.
– N° 11 Earth’s atmospheric composition in relationship to CO2
– N° 12 Human respiration and CO2 concentrations.
– N° 13 600 million years of temperature change and atmospheric CO2
The World of Climate Change
– N° 1 600 million years of global temperature change
– N° 2 Earth‘s temperature record for the last 400,000 years
– N° 3 Holocene period and average northern hemispheric temperatures
– N° 4 140 years of global mean temperature
– N° 5 120 m of sea level rise over the past 20‘000 years
– N° 6 Eastern European alpine glacier history during the Holocene period.
I would think that most visitors to JoNova site understand the importance of CO2 and all its benefits. I therefore don’t think these charts are of interest since the opinion here is clear, CO2 is good and not evil. However we live in our bubble and the rest of the world isn’t so informed.
So if you need some helpful charts to better explain what CO2 is, this is the place to go. These step by step guides start at the beginning and are ideal for beginners. No propaganda, no tricks, only facts. The data is drawn from Scientists and institutions like NASA, GISS, NOAA and IPCC. YES the IPCC also provides data that is correct.
This is my small contribution in helping to put a more balanced view the hysteria over Climate Change.
Having all those charts in the one place is great.
Your contribution in helping to put a more balanced view the hysteria over Climate is much appreciated.
Thanks for that summary.
Terence M
Thanks Terence, I like to think of it as a small contribution to putting things back into perspective. Hype most often backfires on everyone.
The ABC have discovered past fires…..before *gasp*….climate change(tm)!
“This summer’s horrific bushfires have felt more intense than ever, the threat more immediate and encompassing — but fires are not new in Australia.
“They have shaped our continent for thousands of years — and there are lessons in history to help us face the risks of the future.
“”We are the fire continent of the globe, so it’s not surprising that we are so concerned about the future of fire as we go into hotter times,” says Tom Griffiths, an Emeritus Professor of history at ANU.
“”The answers are always going to be local, ecological and historical.”
“Professor Griffiths says the British settlers reacted to bushfires with astonishment — back home, fire had been something for warmth and cooking, not land management.
“”They didn’t know the power of the element that they had unwittingly unleashed,” he says.
“He says the first record of this astonishment was Black Thursday in 1851, where “virtually the whole of the newly established colony of Victoria was alight”.
“1939 and 1961 changed things
“Those fires, which followed a hot summer and a long drought, killed 71 people and led to a royal commission conducted by Judge Leonard Stretton.
“Judge Stretton wrote in his report that it appeared “no one cause may properly be said to have been the sole cause”. He did find, however, that the fires were “lit by the hand of man”.
“Bill Gammage, a historian at the ANU, says one of the remarks the judge made was that “Europeans have not lived long enough”.
“”In other words, we haven’t been in Australia long enough to understand fire,” Professor Gammage says.
“”That was a problem in 1939 and I’d say it’s a problem we still have.”
The solution is easy when there is climate change to fall back on. Essentially there is nothing to be done locally. The global population has to be weaned off fossil fuels to prevent bushfire in Australia. Declare a climate emergency as the scapegoat for the complete incompetence of State Governments managing the state controlled parks.
I think the 1961 fires were the Dwellingup fires, and I don’t believe anybody died as a direct result of these fires. Somebody had a heart attack during the fire. The 1939 fires did kill many.
WA hit 50% renewable contribution over summer
Ugly monstrosities blighting the landscape, a small coal fired power station (hidden away) would be better.
Actually the small suburban gas peaking plants are difficult to spot in the suburbs. WA has good supplies of gas at reasonable prices.
How are the cherries Peter?
Now let’s look at the real facts. For the last 12 months, the energy mix was:
Coal: 47%
Gas: 40%
Wind: 10%
Solar: 0.3%
“How are the cherries Peter?”
Moldy and rancid. !!
Fitz this is basically a regurgitation of when it supposedly happened in Victoriastan and SA last year .
While you were wetting yourself with excitement glossing over the details I don’t suppose you actually paid any attention to the devil in the details ?
Lowest consumption days , perfect conditions for solar and wind – exactly how often does this happen ?
Wow we can operate half a state on renewable power for a few hours a few times a year after spending billions of dollars if we have perfect conditions and the power demand is low !
I’m not sure that’s something anyone in their right mind would think is either a step in the right direction or some miraculous feat of engineering achievement.
Hi Peter,
your point is? The article specifically states that this ‘milestone’ was reached at exactly 11:30 am, WTF was providing the load for every other second for every hour, every day, (forever)? The live generation data has big black, brown and red bars on it (, renewables will never be able to provide the load we need for a functioning society. If the hypocritical greens (they are sooooo concerned about emissions) would allow nuclear in Australia we wouldn’t need the useless and expensive renewables at all.
More reasons to larf at PF, RE, and even the NEM fools..
The largest contributor. (at that brief moment in time ) …was supposedly Roof Top Solar.. At 5741 MW ?
But.. RT Solar is not part of the grid supply
And RT Solar generation is not known and cannot be measured by the NEM.
All they can do is ESTIMATE approx how much power might be generated from thos panels.
So how do they pin such a precise figure on it ?
That 5741MW is close to the total amount of RT Solar installed ( panel rating) so it certainly will not be anything close to any surplus that domestic users might be feeding back to e grid.
So the data is utter bollocks !
Extinction Rebellion is protesting in Perth for the week. Mighty tempting to go and heckle.
In Case You Haven’t Seen This!
Leader of the House (Congress) Nancy Pelosi ripped up her copy of the State of the Union speech just as Donald Trump finished his delivery. I suppose that she was making a point that she thought is was a lot of lies and garbage.
Unfortunately for her, people have edited the speech into short segments, each followed by Nancy ripping up the speech, so that it looks like she is expressing displeasure about each of the statements:
1. Trump honours the last of the Tuskagee airmen (African Americans),
2. Military Family reunions
3. Young Woman (African American) gets scholarship,
4. Honouring family of deceased veteran (in the line of duty)
5. Baby born at 21 weeks gestation survives and is strong and healthy,
6. A person is awarded the Presidential medal
7. Lowest minority unemployment; Hispanic, African American, women, veterans, disabled Americans,
8. Pro American agenda; pro worker, pro family, pro growth, pro American,
9. strong State of the Union.
The optics are very bad. The Democratic Congresswomen in White (including Nancy), could not even clap for increased employment for women!
Nancy wants all such edited videos removed for Twitter and YouTube. So far, to their credit Twitter and YouTube have refused.
poison chalice!
5 Feb: BBC: David Cameron rejected offer to head COP26 climate conference
David Cameron turned down an offer from Prime Minister Boris Johnson to head the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in November, it has emerged.
The idea was discussed with the former PM, but Mr Cameron thought the job should go to a government minister…
Former Foreign Secretary Lord Hague was also involved in discussions but will not be taking on the presidency either.
Downing Street has refused to comment…
The United Nations-led COP26 talks are the most important since the Paris Agreement to curb global warming was secured in 2015…
10 Feb: ClimateChangeNews: Marshall Islands, Suriname, Norway upgrade climate plans before Cop26
The three nations account for 0.1% of global emissions. Norway says 9 February was the deadline for new plans before climate talks in November
By Alister Doyle
The Marshall Islands, which says its 53,000 citizens account for a fractional 0.00001 percent of global emissions, says it will work to curb the Pacific islands’ vulnerability to storms and sea level rise while developing solar power to break dependence on diesel fuel.
Lacking land for solar power, it said it may place floating panels on lagoons and install panels in novel places such as on schools, basketball courts, hospitals, and at airports…
Suriname says it will step up climate action especially in electricity, road transport, agriculture and forests – sectors that account for 70% of the country’s emissions. Overall, it says that it is already a “carbon-negative country” because its tropical forests soak up carbon dioxide as they grow…
Norway. Western Europe’s top oil and gas producer plans to cut emissions by 50-55% by 2030 below 1990 levels, in line with a European Green Deal outlined by the European Commission. Norway is not an EU member, but usually matches EU goals, which are currently for a cut of at least 40% by 2030…
Norway’s emissions were 1.1% above 1990 levels in 2018 and Norway has failed to meet previous targets with domestic action. In 2010, for instance, the government pledged to cut emissions by 30-40% by 2020. It will only meet the goal by buying emissions quotas abroad…
Anyone seeing reports that bird flu has started again in china ?
10 Feb: ClimateChangeNews: Campaigners urge African Union to stop fossil fuel proliferation on continent
In a communique, African civil society called on leaders meeting in Ethiopia to ‘rapidly initiate a transition to clean and safe renewable sources of energy’ for all
By Chloé Farand
In a communique (LINK) on Monday, African organisations and community groups said they “noted with concern the continued and deliberate proliferation of coal, oil and gas in Africa”…
In 2018, nearly 70% of energy investments in Africa went to fossil fuels, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). However, African countries only emit about 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions and need to use more energy to help end poverty…
Francesca de Gasparis, executive director of the Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute (SAFCEI), said Africa had “immense opportunities” to create community-centred, accessible, affordable and clean energy…
Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest energy access rate in the world, with about 600 million people lacking electricity, according to the International Energy Agency…
4 Sept 2019: WSJ: Pope Francis to Push Climate Message on Africa Trip
Pontiff to visit countries hit hard by cyclones earlier this year
By Francis X. Rocca in Rome and Gabriele Steinhauser in Cape Town, South Africa
His climate advocacy is linked to his concern for the poor and economic justice, said Francesca de Gasparis, executive director of the Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute (SAFCEI)…
Francesca is an old CAGW pro:
LinkedIn: Francesca de Gasparis, Executive Director at SAFCEI
SXSW Eco Advisory Board
SXSW Eco Feb 2013 – Dec 2014·
SXSW is a conference with an international audience of thought leaders and decision makers and is a three-day event that serves as the platform to evolve these critical matters towards actionable and profitable solutions…
The Green Belt Movement 8 years: Responsible for running of the Europe region office of the Green Belt Movement. Strategic development and lead on international policy (forests and climate change), fundraising, communications, and programme development and reporting…
Projects and Funding officer The Gaia Foundation May 2003 – Apr 2004
A couple of weeks ago I saw an article saying India was offering to build nuclear plants in Africa.
10 Feb: CarbonPulse: German prosecutors reissue warrant for Briton suspected of masterminding EU ETS fraud
German prosecutors on Monday reissued an arrest warrant for a British businessman suspected of masterminding a €125 million tax fraud using the EU ETS.
11 Feb: CarbonPulse: Switzerland to source 5 mln UN offsets after chemical firm discovers unreported emissions
Switzerland will buy 5 million UN carbon credits as part of a plan to cover recently-discovered chemical plant emissions that have potentially been discharged for decades.
11 Feb: CarbonPulse: Gucci buys half a million forest carbon credits from Cambodia
Italian luxury clothing and accessory producer Gucci has bought 500,000 forestry carbon credits from Cambodia, local media reported, citing a government spokesperson.
11 Feb: CarbonPulse: Ireland’s carbon price plan at risk from election stalemate
A three-way tie in this weekend’s Irish general election could have a major impact on the country’s carbon pricing programme, with the party (***Sinn Fein) leading in the yet-to-be-finalised vote count having campaigned against the existing government’s planned CO2 tax increases.
BBC only ever mentions ***Sinn Fein campaigned to stop the pension age being increased; however…
6 Feb: Irish Times: Election 2020 fact check: Do carbon taxes reduce emissions?
Mary Lou McDonald made series of claims about measure in RTÉ leaders’ debate
On Tuesday night’s RTÉ leaders’ debate, ***Sinn Féin president Mary Lou McDonald made a series of claims about carbon taxes. She said that “carbon taxes in and of themselves do not reduce emissions” and then that “we have carbon taxes already, they haven’t shifted behaviour and they haven’t reduced emissions. In fact all of the evidence moves in the other direction”…
Sinn Féin did not respond to a request for evidence for these claims. The party’s manifesto is slightly more nuanced, stating that it is against “carbon tax increases in the absence of viable alternatives”…
Prof John Sweeney, professor emeritus of geography at Maynooth University says the current tax equates to five cents per litre of diesel or petrol, “and this is unlikely to dissuade drivers from driving as usual to any significant degree”. He says that a price of €200 per tonne should be the aim for 2050. “This would be a challenge, but a dose of realism is needed.”…
10 Feb: Bloomberg: Catastrophic Fires Released Billions of Tons of CO2 in 2019
By Laura Millan Lombrana, Hayley Warren and Akshat Rathi
Last year’s mammoth wildfires in the Amazon, Indonesia, and the Arctic Circle triggered a global conversation about the environmental and economic consequences of climate change…
They’re also releasing billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, potentially accelerating global warming and leading to even more fires…
Total carbon emissions from forest fires in 2019 weren’t anomalously high compared with previous years’ counts. They rose last year by 26%, to 7.8 billion metric tons, the highest since 2002, according to the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED). But overall they’ve been declining since the beginning of the century…
Emissions from fires increased last year from 2018 and 2017 levels, “but it was still a fairly average year,” says Mark Parrington, a senior scientist at Copernicus…
11 Feb: IEA: Defying expectations of a rise, global carbon dioxide emissions flatlined in 2019
Despite widespread expectations of another increase, global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions stopped growing in 2019, according to IEA data released today (LINK).
After two years of growth, global emissions were unchanged at 33 gigatonnes in 2019 even as the world economy expanded by 2.9%. This was primarily due to declining emissions from electricity generation in advanced economies, thanks to the expanding role of renewable sources (mainly wind and solar), fuel switching from coal to natural gas, and higher nuclear power generation.
***Other factors included milder weather in several countries, and slower economic growth in some emerging markets…
The United States recorded the largest emissions decline on a country basis, with a fall of 140 million tonnes, or 2.9%. US emissions are now down by almost 1 gigatonne from their peak in 2000…
karma hits Larry Fink and his CAGW virtue-signalling:
11 Feb: Reuters: Climate activists invade BlackRock office in Paris
by Lucien Libert and Thierry Chiarello; Writing by Matthieu Protard
PARIS: Dozens of climate activists invaded U.S. asset manager BlackRock’s office in central Paris on Monday, calling for the fund to pull out of fossil fuel investments.
Green activists from the campaign groups Extinction Rebellion and Fridays for Future managed to enter the building and to reach the fourth floor, where they graffitied walls.
“This company has a lot of influence in many sectors and we are trying to convey what we are asking for, we want to change this capitalistic system”, Emilia, a 15-year-old Fridays for Future group member, said.
Activists wrote tags such as “I want to live” or “Murderers” on the walls and blocked the entrance with ropes and rolling office cabinets before riot police arrived.
“We condemn in the strongest possible terms the violent intrusion and acts of vandalism in our offices,” BlackRock, the world’s biggest asset manager, said in a statement.
BlackRock Chief Executive Larry Fink warned company boards in January to step up efforts to tackle climate change or face increased wrath from investors concerned about the impact of unsustainable business practices on their future wealth.
In his annual letter to CEOs, Fink said his firm would exit investments that presented high sustainability-related risk, including thermal coal producers, as it participated in what he described as a “fundamental reshaping of finance”.
Extinction Rebellion last month targeted energy group Royal Dutch Shell’s headquarters in The Hague and McKinsey & Co’s London office, and staged a demonstration at a Brussels car show at which 185 protesters were detained.
when will business realise they either stand with the CAGW sceptics or be destroyed?
10 Feb: NationalScotland: Michael Gove silent on who will replace COP26 Glasgow chair
The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster refused to be drawn on who would take over as president of the “COP26” climate talks after former minister Claire O’Neill was sacked, saying he was waiting, like everyone else, for the announcement expected later this week.
Pressed on whether he would like the role, he said: “I am very happy with the job that I have and there are many many other people who could do the job of Cop president better than I ever could.”
A number of high-profile figures in the Tories, including David Cameron and William Hague are said to have turned the position down…
As the leader of the industrial revolution, which powered the change in the climate, the UK has “a responsibility to lead a green industrial revolution as well, in order to show we acknowledge our responsibility, our debt to the planet and our debt to other people”, he said.
As he answered a question on what he thought would be a successful outcome from the UN summit, a member of the audience at the Green Alliance conference called out there was a need for more than “recognition of the need to act” which had already been made 20 years ago.
He went on to say that a successful outcome would be if “the acceptance of the need to act leads to action which is irreversible, accelerating and inclusive”.
compare how theirABC treats solar as compared with coal seam gas:
11 Feb: ABC: Minerals Council NT backs world’s biggest solar farm in the Barkly
ABC Rural By Matt Brann
Plans to build the world’s largest solar farm in the Northern Territory have received support from what seems an unlikely ally — the Minerals Council.
The council’s NT executive director, Drew Wagner, said Sun Cable’s proposal to build a $20 billion solar farm in the Barkly region could create “massive opportunities” for the mining sector to provide the necessary raw materials.
“They’re talking 22 million solar panels — bring it on,” he told ABC Rural.
“Every single solar panel, and its connections, and its mountings, and its brackets, all get materials from the mining sector.
“There are 24 different minerals in these solar systems — minerals that we have the opportunity to mine here in the Northern Territory.”
Mr Wagner said the vast majority of the world’s solar panels were made in Europe and Asia, and he encouraged the NT Government and Sun Cable to look at opportunities to create a more holistic solar project.
“We have the raw materials, we have the knowledge, we have the capacity,” he said.
“Lithium in the batteries, copper in the wiring, gold in the connectors, silver in the systems, rare earths, they are all current or future commodities in the Northern Territory.”…
Speaking at a business breakfast in Darwin this week, NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner said his Government was “aggressively pursuing” renewable energy projects.
“The Territory has the best sun in the world,” he told the crowd.
“Sun Cable will be the world’s biggest solar farm [covering] 15,000 hectares and 22 million solar panels, and a power line all the way to Singapore…
“We are aggressively pursuing renewables. It is how you tackle climate change and create jobs.”…
Sun Cable’s CEO, David Griffin, said it would be some time before the company could confirm its solar panel supply chain.
“There are currently several competitive sources of solar panels from Asia [and], given the scale of the project, it is possible the panels will be derived from more than one source,” he said.
“As Drew Wagner noted, there is currently no material volume of solar panel manufacturing in Australia…
11 Feb: ABC: Santos coal seam gas project in Narrabri splits town as government announces $2b plan
7.30 By Peter McCutcheon
Photo: Santos’ coal seam gas proposal has already faced opposition around Narrabri. (ABC News: Chris Gillette) “This is a NO GO region for coal seam gas” sign.
When Scott Morrison announced a $2 billion energy deal with the NSW Government to get more gas into the east coast market, it reignited a division that has split the residents of the north-western NSW town of Narrabri.
“Narrabri has become almost a touch point for this debate,” Tony Wood, the director of the Grattan Institute’s energy program, told 7.30…
“I know of people that were neighbours and relatives that don’t speak to each other anymore,” local businesswoman and councillor Ann Loder told 7.30…
The project is still being assessed by environmental authorities in NSW, but opponents fear the new deal with the Federal Government will be used to push the project through the approval process…
Opponents of the project in Narrabri are suspicious of the timing of the landmark gas deal between the Prime Minister and NSW Premier.
“My message to Scott Morrison is that he needs to come out here and talk to us,” Ms Loder said…
“There’s enough science out there to convince the majority of people that it cannot co-exist, coal seam gas extraction and agriculture cannot co-exist.”…$2-billion-government-plan/11954262
If this was a minor infection why is the Chinese government making such a huge attempt to stop it spreading any further ?
Well it seems, sadly it is NOT a minor infection !
Whisteblower Miles Guo reveals the real severity of the 2019-nCov epidemic in China
369 6 17:39, 10/02/2020 :
“Miles Guo, the renowned whistleblower revealed that the Chinese government has been covering up the real severity level of the 2019-nCoV epidemic, particularly the death toll in a news conference with Steve Bannon on Feb. 6.
Miles cited Dr. Li Wenliang, 33, an ophthalmologist, who first raised the alarm to the world about the severity of the coronavirus. After being reprimanded by government authorities for speaking out, Li suddenly reportedly contracted the coronavirus, despite the fact he knew of the dangers of infection and was taking every precaution, and then he died.
In the interview, Miles stressed that if the Wuhan provincial governor and the Central Committee had listened to Li and Dr. Xie, there would not have been such a disaster.
Bannon also commented on how the CCP has suppressed social media and information and presented misleading reports on the real situation in China.
Miles went on to denounce the infection rate and death toll officially announced by the CCP, laying it right put that “It is wrong.”
He cited the capacity of crematories in Wuhan as an example. As reported by social media, there are 49 crematories in Wuhan alone that have been kept operating 24 hours a day, thus, they cremated 1,200 bodies every day. And they have worked on full capacity for 17 days. So he concluded that the mortality rate would far exceed the number updated by authorities. At 17 days cremating and estimated 1,200 bodies a day would be about 20,000 in Wuhan alone.
Miles indicated that insider information exposed that the confirmed cases have reached 1.5 million from all over China and the death toll is 50,000 as of the date of the interview, Feb. 6.
He also emphasized how Chinese propaganda kept hiding the truth from its citizens and the Western world including: the number of quarantined cases, the number under observation, the confirmed case, death toll, and so much more. But the fact that the Chinese regime has built two quarantine centers and turned 10-11 convention centers into quarantine and emergency centers in Wuhan that can accommodate up to 1 million sick people could reflect the severity of the disease outbreak in the area.
What Miles said is naturally unconfirmed, but looking back at what happened during the SARS virus outbreak, which brought much of Asia to its knees after Chinese officials successfully kept news from the rest of the world for months, denying there was any problem, the information revealed by Miles should be taken seriously.”
A further issue is the number of people who left Wuhan in the days before it was put in lock down by the Chinese government. The estimated number is 4 million. Most of these went to nearby places in the adjoining provinces. But some went to Hong Kong and others flew overseas.
BTW, the best source I know for up to date information is Chiefio. :
IWUWT is not as upto date or as accurate !
Gave you a green thumb for readability.
I give you a red thumb for continuous fatuous nothingness.!
UK taxpayers pay for this:
Patricia MacCormack, professor of continental philosophy at Anglia Ruskin University in England argues for human extinction.
From: quoting Cambridge Network:
‘In its final chapter, The Ahuman Manifesto looks at developments since entering the age of the Anthropocene, including the “capitalist enslavement of human and nonhuman organisms to the point of ‘zombiedom’”. It goes on to argue that we’re already “apocalypse citizens” and that a gradual phasing out of human life should be embraced.’
Does the general population realise how crazy our institutions have become?
Mad professors are growing exponentially.
An excellent illustration of modern “weirdness”.
Another recent ABCCCC broadcast featured an interview with the obligatory “Professors” who discussed “lingual sensitivity”. It seems that there’s an untold story of how our tongues respond to the stimulus offered by different foods and beverages. Imagine the research opportunities in all of the world’s best restaurants!
When is she going to escape from her zombiedom enslavement NB ?
That would solve our problem of having one more dopey dumbnut academic !
And our problem of being bothered by such BS
“Climate science does an about-face: dials back the ‘worst case scenario’ ”
Gee, the “Safe Space” gets a bit over full of the un-earned moral superiority of indignant virtue signallers once a dose of reality wafts in……..
Do you reckon the 7:30 Report will doorstop Penny?
& just for fun:-
– the “mild mannered reporter glasses” don’t quite succeed in pulling off the air of cred!
[Off topic and moved. h/t Peter F – Jo]
That interviewer is acting like an ABCCCC clone, butting in to contradict constantly.
Another look at the End Of The World
Another look at the End Of The World. Isn’t it great to see temperature tracking CO2 so closely?
” … We’re gonna need a bigger hockey stick!”
“Too much climate research money being spent on science… AEUHHH???”
Neither China Light & Power who own EnergyAustralia or AGL are investing much capex in their Latrobe Valley brown coal generators in Victoria. Thus stoppages and breakdowns. These guys are maximizing cash in and minimising cash out.
What is the mechanism that is controlling aussi climate at the moment? Looking at the BOM forecast maps for the next 4 days, and feeling wonder at the difference from the whole last 2 yrs, when a low pressure system never got a look in. And now Lows are in totally in control, and effortlessly bumping Highs way off to the south.Can you call it a ridge when it is low pressure?? How is this happening? I guess we’ll never know as it was pretty hazy why the highs had control. IOD may explain the lack of moisture, but how does that explain the unending high pressure systems?
Anyway here is a perfect illustration of the L s being in total control!
Sounds kind of odd doesn’t it. You’d expect the highs to follow the lows, or to expel energy into them, and not be pushed away from them. WXCycles is your man on this subject.
If you got good rain make the most of it, we’re going back to an El-Nino like pattern and path for lows in the SW Pacific.
Surface pressure and Low path pattern in the SW Pacific:
The Low pressure system magnet:
Ultra dry air keeps dropping to low levels and moving north over central Australia -Humidity at 6,000 ft level:
Last night
10 days from now:
However, the long-term forecast is for BOM Magic-Data™ to continue to get colder in the past, and for the nearer term to rapidly become the hotterest and most catastropheriferic ever. Yesterday evening I listened to a gender diversified 20-something liberated one from BOM saying how a newly formed cyclone in the eastern Coral Sea was a “SEVERE” one. And of course that was the opposite of observational reality. It was a weak Cat-1 (at most). As you see here there’s no CDO deep-convection within the core, because there’s low moisture wrapping in all around it, and the result is the upper-level outflow is very weak.
Satellite at ~1:10 PM local today.
Sea surface temp
Strong cyclones need a copious continuous supply of humidity, and this one is being choked by a lack of it, plus the sea surface temperature can barely even support a Category 1 cyclone’s strength! So how was a “severe cyclone” ever supposed to develop in those conditions? It’s a perfect example of what a “severe cyclone” isn’t. What is wrong with these people? A trained money could have glanced at the key prevailing atmospheric and oceanic conditions and seen in under 15 seconds that a severe cyclone would not develop. The conditions are so obvious that you don’t even need a computer model to show you the trend.
So why on earth are these alleged ‘professionals’, being paid by taxpayers? It’s clearly got nothing to do with excellence in ‘forecasting’ or their ability to tell the truth.
And why the continuous rush to tell lies? Whence the allergy to telling the truth? They are as bad as the media’s endless mad rush to make every report a sea of en-echelon lies. Apparently lies have become the ‘weather forecaster’s’ predictive tool of choice! So this fresh-faced young woman (and her unaccountable supervisor/manager) rushed to destroy both her reputation, and BOMs!
Why?! Why do it? Why do you want to look like incompetent fools all the time? But people see you can not be trusted just to do the jobs you were employed to do! Dead wood! Too busy being sycophants and slaves to ideology fanning media opportunism with BS. For what though?
Just to justify your parasitism of the taxpayers? But wouldn’t just doing your jobs properly ensure that the taxpayers did not see you as useless parasites that have to go? Duh!
I’m interested in the Great Attractor, what can you tell me?
When that SSTA is strong (it is currently restrengthening) it has a large standing Low parked above it. That Low has been sucking up almost all Tropical Lows forming within the South Pacific during this Summer. It’s been pulling in literally dozens of small and also larger lows, and cyclones from around the Solomons and Fiji source areas.
It faded for about 2 to 3 weeks, which allowed a weak ‘cyclone’ near FiJi to finally slowly drift into the northern Tasman, but this large low is coming back next week. Practically every tropical warm-core low is being pulled into it down a broad trough leading back toward Fiji and the Bismark Sea area. Every low is funneled down the trough thus no NQ monsoon this year. Despite perceptions we have had nowhere near enough rainfall this wet season, so far.
This is what the SSTA associated Low will be doing next week:
This pressure display shown here is particularly sensitive, it shows the smallest pressure changes in detail, so troughs full of long lines of micro-Lows can be seen getting sucked in to it one after the other. Dozens of them. The only Lows that don’t get sucked in are cold-core. . Everything else in the pacific basin is going into it (except for the cyclonic escapee already mentioned).
The result is it’s replicating moderate El Nino air flows and conditions in the South Pacific basin, minus an actual El-Nino.
Plus all moisture goes towards it, as well, which is ruining the northern wet-season. The monsoon trough is completely absent this year. This ‘great-attractor’ is eating the wet season.
10 day cumulative rainfall forecast:
You may have another scoop, note the rainfall anomaly at Adamstown, Pitcairn Island.
It has all the hallmarks of a global cooling signal.
Good find Gordo, interesting WX, it went a bit haywire of late.
I’m guessing the increased viability was due to 0.0% humidity levels arriving.
There may turn out to be a global signature of NET rising maritime visibility levels in late 2018.
viability = visibility
Pitcairn Hot Spot?
‘Multibeam bathymetry and bottom imaging has shown there to be hundreds or volcanic structures in a 9500 square kilometer area around the Pitcairn Island area. East of the main island, there are several active volcanoes that are only just below the surface, less than 500 meters deep.’ wiki
The communist regime in New Zealand now requires that every rental property must have a heat source in the lounge (must be a heat pump) and an extractor fan in the Kitchen and Bathroom.
We already have a wood burner. Our landlord asked us what we would like (we are long term tenants, and are on good terms with each other), a wood burner, or a heat pump?
We said a wood burner would be nice, he agreed, and said he prefers them anyway.
So now after spending a fairly large sum to install a wood burner which heats the entire house amazingly in winter without any annoying drafts or beeps, he must install a heat pump. Where there isn’t any space for one. And when we cook, we open a window, and thats fine by us too.
They’re so caring.
It just means our rent will increase.
11 Feb: AmericanThinker: The Folly of Global Climate Forecasting
By Trevor Thomas
It was particularly warm in Northeast Georgia this past week — no doubt thrilling the earth-worshipping faithful. We’ve also been very wet. After the latest round of rain, temperatures returned to a more winterlike feel. On this past Friday, there were a few murmurings of small amounts of snow on Saturday morning. Of course, any amount of snow in Georgia is news, but as late as Friday evening…most forecasts were making little of the potential snowy event.
According to the Friday forecasts, most of north Georgia was only going to get one-half inch to one inch of snow, and temperatures were going to warm into the mid-to-upper forties by Saturday afternoon. Thus, any snow that fell was supposed to melt quickly. We were paying special attention to these forecasts because we were traveling several miles for a karate tournament on Saturday morning…
We were barely thirty minutes down the road, and we started getting nervous.
The snow was quickly piling up and the traffic was slowing down. It was as if we were headed to a global warming conference and Al Gore’s plane had just landed!…
Contrary to the forecasts that were only hours old, much of north Georgia saw five to six inches of snow, and the temperatures never rose past the mid-thirties. Roads all across the area were closed…
Climate science has become such a joke that the “faithful” are now being led by a child…
It is becoming increasingly clear that anthropogenic climate change is nothing more than, as Australia’s Ian Plimer put it years ago, “the new religion of First World urban elites.”…
11 Alive is an NBC affiliate in Atlanta, Georgia; snow plows have already cleared some of the roads shown:
Youtube: 6m29s: 9 Feb: 11 Alive: Georgia snow invites cheers, tears and a lot of photos
Some enjoyed it. Others had trouble driving in it. Just about everyone took a photo or video to remember the rare snow moments across parts of Georgia.
11 Feb: Aljazeera: In Pictures: Rare snowfall delights Iraqis
Iraqis young and old said it was the first time they had ever seen snow falling in Baghdad.
Residents of Baghdad rushed to have snowball fights or take photographs Tuesday as the Iraqi capital woke carpeted in white by only its second snowfall ***in a century.
The last recorded snowfall in the city was in 2008, but it was a quick and mostly slushy affair, and prior to that, it had been a century since Baghdad saw any flakes…
“Snowfall may continue until Wednesday given the very cold weather,” said Amer al-Jaberi, media head of the Iraqi Meteorological Centre. “This cold wave came from Europe,” he told the AFP news agency…
Iraq has been hit by a succession of extreme weather events in recent years.
In 2018, chronic water shortages sparked a health crisis in the centre and south but the following year, heavy rains caused deadly flooding and significant damage to homes and crops.
Blistering temperatures then hit the north triggering wildfires and scorching crops.
***Experts say Iraq lacks the funding or infrastructure to cope with climate change and the desertification of once productive land…
1 Feb: BBC: Kashmir avalanche: ‘My baby’s toy torch saved me from death’
By Farhat Javed, BBC Urdu, Neelum Valley
It was the remote valley’s heaviest snowfall ***in a century…
VIDEO: 19s: 11 Feb: BBC: Time-lapse as snowstorm hits Turkish coast
Time-lapse footage shows a snowstorm sweeping in from the Black Sea and hitting the town of Hopa in Turkey on Sunday.
The video was shot by a resident, Sefa Yasar, who said: “It was a bit scary but at the same time it was a natural wonder.”
11 Feb: Novinite: Unusual Cold Weather in Turkey: Temperatures Dropped to – 40C
Turkey’s eastern provinces are struggling with record colds. In some places, temperatures dropped to minus 40 degrees Celsius and snowstorms hindered the search for 13 migrants who disappeared in the Van City area, Sabah newspaper reported.
Eastern Turkey is usually the coldest part of the country in winter, but even for these areas, the reported values are unusually low…
In Ağrı, Turkish Red Crescent workers left a ton of food for wild animals in rural areas…
“The winter has been harsh for the last one week and animals can barely find food,” he said, noting that bad weather that almost continue for six months in a year posed a challenge for animals, Daily Sabah reported.
11 Feb: BBC Weather: Hurricane force winds to ravage Europe as severe gales thrash continent
By Svar Nanan-Sen
BBC meteorologist Helen Willetts stated there are red warnings across Europe due to Storm Ciara. Red warnings are the highest level of warning. Ms Willetts also outlined there was an increased risk of another avalanche in Turkey due to a large amount of mountain snow…
(BBC Weather forecaster) Carol Kirkwood said: “For Northern England, there are weather warnings for ice and also for snow on higher grounds. And across southern England is going to be wind, gusts of winds of 60-70mph.
“When you hear the word snow, you know it’s going to be cold. The wind coming in from the west and northwest pulling in colder conditions across our shores.”…
12 Feb: UK Express: UK snow warning: Barrage of snow to last until MARCH as Polar blast unleashes -7C freeze
BRITAIN is set to be blasted by heavy snow showers until March, new terrifying weather maps have indicated.
By Luke Hawker
11 Feb: UK Express: UK snow forecast: Britain blitzed by up to 37cm of snow in just 48 HOURS – latest charts
A BLIZZARD of snow is to blanket the UK in 48 hours weather charts confirm, with up to 37 centimetres in some areas, making valentines day a white out in many areas.
By Brian McGleenon