A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Smile and Obey…..Serf….
And apparently they will be monitoring video footage to make sure the serfs do as they are told.
The new normal? The new 100% unworkable.
When do we start singing stirring Comrade songs?
“That means a mere 12 passengers should be on any given bus, 35 people per train carriage and 45 on a ferry. These are all massive reductions not just on seating capacity but peak hour loads that are often standing room only.
“No dot, no spot,” advised TfNSW which has told bus drivers to leave passengers behind if more than 12 people are already on board.
Last year the NSW Premier replied to a question about public transport fares that the operating cost is double fare revenue.
The “massive reductions” in seating capacity and peak hour loads will result in a substantially increased loss for the NSW Government and taxpayers.
Add the negative impact on productivity of employees and related places of employment.
The more the pandemic chaos is revealed the more people could be forgiven for suspecting deliberate sabotage of the State economies, socialism globalism based negativity towards free market capitalism. And financial engineering for new word order objectives?
Of course though Daniel Morcombe was abducted and killed after being left behind by a bus driver… That apparently is now OK.
“When do we start singing stirring Comrade songs?”
“The working class may kiss my arse
I’ve got a bludger’s job at last – – “?
People without a mask can sit or stand where there are dots or crosses. People with a mask should be allowed to sit or stand wherever they want.
I predicted this would happen – once its on peoples phones, it sits there forever, potentially giving govt access to lots of data.
Dont forget – all apps get updated. Whats not to say a quiet update in the future wont dig further into your personal data and movement info etc? I work in IT, FYI.
History has lessons for us, we are stupid if we refuse to learn from them.
“When the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic hit its peak, the Chinese government was quick to make use of smartphones to track citizens’ movements and isolate those who might be infected.
“The tracking software has reportedly been collecting information such as location data on people in hundreds of cities across China, but no limits have been set by authorities on how that data can be used. Zhou Jiangyong, the Communist Party secretary of the eastern tech hub of Hangzhou, has stated that the app should be an “intimate health guardian” for residents that is used often and “loved so much that you cannot bear to part with it.”
Analysis from Israel saying the same thing, and singles out our Covid tracking app.
As I predicted, Covid was the trojan horse to introduce communist style tracking of people.
Dump your smart phone….
“Perhaps the greatest threat is yet to come in the form of a tiny addition to the operating system of our cell-phones allowing the government to trace all of our movements and every person we come in contact with.
Apparently in Melbourne, fare revenue on public transport ( trains and trams) is about 20% of the total cost.i.e. Subsidised to the tune of 80%.
Reportedly, over 400 people died as a direct result of smoke inhalation during last summers bush fires. One could wonder how this figure was arrived at, no mention of other underlying conditions. I can’t find a study, maybe it exists but is not public, maybe it is just a guestimate to keep the scare of climate change on peoples minds.
Maybe that’s a reason why the Greens want Death Certificates, all of them, marked with cause of death climate change?
And they’ll need to homogenize past death certificates all the way back to the time of Watt’s steam engine I imagine…
Why stop at James Watts’ era:
They could go all the way back to Bedrock and Fred Flintstone’s ‘carbon-heavy footprint’ days: wasn’t the suspension on his family car made from… trees! And his clothes… animal skins! And he worked in a quarry crushing… rocks! Wilmaaaaaaa!!!
Not even cartoon characters will be safe from the horde of homogenisers – we’re doomed! Yabba dabba doo!
It’s often fractional,
Let’s take the bushfires. About 10 Million people were exposed to smoke, let’s suppose on average that shaved a day off their (In Australia) 75 year (27375 day) average lifespan. 10 Million x 1 day= 10,000,000 days shaved off lifespans = 365 lifespans (Lives) lost to the fires without a single person dying from them.
Lies, Damned Lies and then there’s Statistics
but that isn’t how it is estimated.
Also, why bring climate change into it. Smoke pollution is a well researched cause of poor health outcomes. There were fires and they caused the deaths.
I’m just illustrating how things like PM2.5 and particulate pollution statistics can be abused. I would once again say .. name the 400 that died from smoke and hand over the death certificates.
Good idea, otherwise you would have to admit that PM2.5 from other sources, like diesel, would have to be counted as well.
best to pretend
“best to pretend”
That does seem to be your motto !
Do you have anything besides childish insults?
Good thing the admins protect you
Do you have anything except empty comments ?
You were the one who used the phrase… “best to pretend”… as an insult
Now you pretend to be upset… oh dearie me. !
Peter FitzRoy does little more than “pretend” when he posts here.
I have a VI meter which automatically screens comments on pages I visit and he is the only one to have reached 9.9.
Well below that level the meter activates an automatic VIR response.
The accuracy of the meter has been confirmed by other contributors here giving him multidecadal numbers of red thumbs. Most recently I believe he got 30 but that’s very low compared to his record.
I know, nobody is perfect, and we absolutely must respect the right to free speech, but isn’t there a limit?
Before you go on about the possible effects of PM2.5 Peter, it might be wise to revisit the Harvard Six Cities study yourself and see what it really says, not what the U.S. EPA claimed it said at the time of its release. The EPA implemented some dangerous tests on a number of humans in 2012 in an effort to prove that PM2.5 could kill and were correctly condemned for their actions. So I will say it again – there is NO proof that PM 2.5 particulates kill to the extent claimed by the EPA at that time.
Early deaths in the cold highlands of New Guinea was a well known issue.
People had two choices: have a fire in their hut or suffer the cold.
it is part of the bushfires royal commission and is the result of estimates obtained by examining hospital admissions from regions affected by smoke and fire. It is not rocket science and there are write-ups on the web. I can’t see your difficulty Sambar.
Gee Aye,
Recently we had an unprecedented few months of smoke over our region.
It was the direct result of misguided administration of the environment over many decades.
In the past year there have been serious fires in Greece, California and Australia with much heartache.
All avoidable, but the powers that be had other priorities.
Preventive maintenance must be done on an annual basis and there’s no other option.
dig this, sports fans:
Ringleader of synthetic viruses, coordinator between Baric, Shi Zhengli and USAID–Peter Daszak
Sudden jump in positive results in Washington State.
May have been a well intended desire to screen your workers!
Overall may be as quoted earlier a ‘not so novel corona virus’. Would make more sense of the Washington State figures staying below %10 of those presenting for testing.
David – at what point do you think that it would it make economic sense to make public transport in Melbourne free? The cost of administering the fares collected, doing away with travel cards, etc. would not be insignificant.
As soon as they pay of the billions they wasted on Myki
Media reports that Hydroxychloroquine suddenly dropped as a research project by WHO. Could this be to try and embarrass someone at the behest of a well known source country, or what?
No doubt. All funding to WHO should be suspended until this idjut is sacked.
The fact that he’s still in place says that it’s business as usual in the WHO; I guess his star is hitched to that of Xi Jinping who must be feeling some anxiety that this latest China vs The Rest of the World escapade is orders of magnitude more difficult than usual and particularly galling being called to order by the Australian cockroach.
The BBC World Service last night had an item on the dropping of testing of hydroxychloroquin as a possible treatment for Covid 19 by the WHO.
They didn’t interview a doctor from the UK but a Dr Gaetan Burgio from Australia, who according to his web page works at the John Curtin School of Medical Research.
No mention was made as to why HCQ is OK for malaria, lupus etc, but is regarded as risky when used for Corvid 19, where it could have benefits.
No mention was made of its use as an enabler to get zinc into cells where the zinc IIRC is the main factor in inhibiting the development of the virus.
All the interviewer said was to keep repeating the word ‘fascinating ‘ in response to the doctor’s comments.
However the Guardian has an article with the following quote:
Dr Gaetan Burgio, an Australian National University infectious disease specialist , said given the lack of proven efficacy and the potential serious toxicity on seriously unwell patients, he also believes hydroxychloroquin should not be administered to patients outside of clinical trials.
However, he said there was no reason to stop Australian clinical trials as a result of the findings from overseas so far. “In my view, as the patients are a well controlled clinical setting and thoroughly monitored, there is no reason to halt them”.
It seems that the BBC are not very thorough in their reporting.
Simpler than that – the Elite are 100% vaccine focussed, which makes me very uneasy. Its almost a religious thing.
My suggestion – stay the heck away from it…..especially if its RNA-based.
RNA can manipulate DNA, so the RNA vaccine is effectively illegal genetic engineering – of you. By them. For who knows what.
No way.
Classic media beat up. The Orange Man mentioned it as a prophylactic drug, the media harp about the danger of giving it to already sick patients. Seems people are more interested in game playing than finding the truth.
Or just maybe it was dropped for reasons that the WHO stated. The WHO is not alone in not recommending HCQ for at risk populations. Its called benefit / cost ratio and it is not favourable in people over 70 with co morbities. I knew this many weeks ago after a bit of reading. No point in giving it to people under 60 who are healthy as CCP virus usually produces mild symptoms at its worst.
Storm in a teacup…nothing to see time to move onto real issues. Personally I am sick of all the BS theories about this stupid virus. We have an economic disaster in the making, China has threatened to burn our economy into the ground,the US has collectively lost it’s mind and all the peanuts here can talk about is an old drug with a dubious CBR.
The WHO did something honest ?
And not corrupt ?
Not likely.
Media reports that Hydroxychloroquine suddenly dropped as a research project by WHO. Could this be to try and embarrass someone at the behest of a well known source country, or what?
Talk about sensationalizing the news. While reports had 34 people who died from the major Spring and Summer fires, the Royal Commission has now found 450 people were killed by the recent bushfires. Really? People with preexisting conditions largely, conditions which led ultimately to untimely deaths.
This makes the distinction with Wu Flu and natural death a doddle. We will need to dramatically upgrade our Wu Flu death total. There are for example all those people who were not treated in a timely manner by the health system and died prematurely as a consequence. Or is it fake news to justify another Royal Commission into why the legislated backburning was not done?
I have yet to see why they have decided to shoot thousands of horses in the Bogong High Plains to save some species of frog. It seems the Greens decide everything, even which species should be encouraged and which eliminated. A sort of animal kingdom racism. And all Victoria’s rocks must be protected from rock climbers in case someone had written something on one at some time in the past.
And the bushfires caused entirely by Climate Change means Climate Change is responsible for far more deaths than the Wuhan Flu. This is Green science.
Andrews Animism innit? There’s four world rivers been assigned the rights of persons so I guess Arapiles has the right not to have pitons hammered into it just as a river has a right to flow to the sea. Or summat; it’s daft however you frame it.
Its green voodoo is what it is.
Bring on the Climate Nuremberg Trials…..
Thank goodness we have the omniscient Greta Thunberg now on CNN’s panel of medical experts on its Facts and Fears town hall. Clearly for someone with little education, she is an expert on everything and they wheel her out to deal with all the horrors that the world presents, and it’s suggested on the following link, that as she can “see” CO2, as claimed by her mother, perhaps she can “see” the virus as well. She’ll scare it away with a “how dare you”. (needless to say, but sarc.) ToM
Can someone please explain how the clean up of Hazelwood is costing $500 million (or is it $750 million according to Peter F on another thread)? I have read there is some asbestos in there but it did not seem a problem when blowing up the towers –I could not any water being used to control it’s spread.
Is there a huge kick back to the unions to account for the massive figure? /sarc
“Is there a huge kick back to the unions to account for the massive figure? /sarc”
Its a large project in Australia, further crippled by being in VIC, it has to be at least twice the cost of doing the same thing in another country.
And now for the bad news: Covid19 death rates in less developed world for young are shocking!
I sure don’t know what to make of this:
So much for the safety of being young! This is the dreaded second wave. Donald Trump is absolutely right to lift the drawbridges.
The virus has mutated. Forget herd immunity, by the mathematics of Darwinian selection, the virus has adapted to the herd.
This happened in 1918/19. The virus was perfectly adapted to the trenches of WW1 and infected men 3x as often as women and when it reached Australia, 90% of all deaths were men aged 20-50. The trench herd.
However as it spread to optimize its numbers, the virus found an unprotected far larger herd, everyone else. The second and far deadlier wave of H1N1 was everyone and people died within 24 hours of the infection.
So by sheer selection and continuous mutation, we now have a far less selective virus, matching the herd.
As it keeps mutation, health authorities must watch for the benign mutation. It will be in those people who get sick but either not very sick or recover quickly. We need to isolate this one. It is the one which will finally displace the killer and the sooner the better.
And we still don’t have an immunity to the corona viruses, which is why we have a number of inoculations every year for what was originally, the Spanish flu.
If a more benign version of the virus evolves, perhaps people could be deliberately infected with it if a vaccine proves not to be possible. It might provide protection against the more deadly strains.
I don’t think there is a more benign version, Dave.
It’s just a virus that bats had and someone thought it would be great to isolate in a lab.
Now we all know it was much safer isolated in the bats in the first place because they don’t bite.
That’s not true, the original bat virus is probably capable of eliciting an immune response without causing disease.
I suspect its simple stuff like poor nutrition and appalling living conditions i.e. 3rd world mortality that’s driving it.
Our rates of death dropped markedly in Australia as we got sewers, decent water, proper food and good medical care.
Comment. “as we got”.
Reality: “as we made”.
There ain’t no free lunch.
Tide, over at WUWT W Eschenbach has been looking for evidence of a second wave in data from Florida and Georgia, states which have relaxed restrictions early.
If I understand the post correctly there seems to be no evidence of a significant second wave, but of course the data is necessarily sparse as yet.
Did not Hell’s Gate – oops slip o’ the tongue, I meant Bill Gates – release anti-Zika mosquitos throughout Brazil a year or three ago? You remember Zika, that *virus* which had women all around the planet freaking out with fear…
I fully expect Dan Andrews of Victoriastan to be elected a third time. His trick is to allow massive union rorting plus heaps of “free stuff” to the Sheeple. All the morons will vote for him.
So do I; notwithstanding that belief I live in hope that his and the treasurer’s enlistment, attemptedly in confidence, of their state in a no longer “friendly” CCP’s BRI will see the pair of them off soonish.
If Victorians elect a communist Dear Leader, we should seal off the borders with NSW and leave them to it.
A bit of nasty for a bit will wake them up.
Although apparently China may send lotsa moola ( i.e. as Maggie Thatcher would say “spending other peoples money” ) to bail out Australias Venezuela….
yes because it will be a 100% vote wont it?
Another day and still no new cases.
Only one (1) person in hospital.
Yet La Presidente Jacindarella has extended our incarceration (under Panic Level #2) until June 22, the longest night of the year. Never fear, just be kind. ¡$#@&!
As far as I can see NZ has 4 problems.
Volcanic eruptions
La Presidente
You cannot do anything about the first.
The second you can blame on Australia.
You cannot do anything about the third except, maybe, stop your rugby team stomping on the Earth.
You cannot do anything about the last.
I think you will have to wait for Man Made Global Warming to start and when enough of Antarctica has melted, move (or better send La Presidente) there.
You forgot the. “Linguige beerrier “. ! 🙂
Aw sheet bro, doncha moyne ‘Koy-woy lung-gwuj’ eh?
Here’s a fascinating series of videos by an Australian guy reproducing the Antikythera Mechanism using the same tools, materials and techniques that the Ancient Greeks had.
Thanks David. Have saved the link for the series. Will be fascinating to watch.
Watching SBS this evening. Prior to the evening indoctrination (aka news) there was the current version of Mastermind. This is a sad reminder of how much we have lost, with the general knowledge questions dumbed down to popular culture and not too much history beyond recent memory.
Then during the so called news , they were promoting a later item talking about the sectors that may lead job growth in the governments moves to restart the economy. The graphic they used to talk over featured wind turbines and universities.
Think I might go for a walk and let my wife enjoy it in future.
How much better would it be if our parents had built windmills instead of coal fired power stations.
“How much better would it be if our parents had built windmills instead of coal fired power stations.”
I suspect people will say exactly the opposite in a couple of decades !!
If they have the right to “say” anything.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Yeah but notice the subtle programming that goes on by leaving such graphics where it can be soaked in.
I recall reading articles by effectively the father of propaganda, Edward Bernays, who basically laid the propaganda framework the Nazis used.
The news , or any mass media, is carefully set up to subconsciosly tell a story, often those being influenced ( programmed ) by it arent aware its going on….
Off topic on this thread.
Recently our Chinese Ambassador implied there would be reprisals against us for our view that there should be an inquiry about covid 19.
Beef exports were cut and a 80% tariff put on Victorian barley, a warning that the silk road is bumpy.Thermal coal sales were reduced.
Now China really does not need a lot of barley right now, because the majority of its pigs have died from swine flu or been slaughtered to control this pandemic’s spread.
Now, they could have just told us that they could not use the barley because of a swine flu outbreak, which has raged for two years, but, I suppose, that would not sound like they knew what they were doing with disease control.
So they have used a face saving device by blaming us for the decision to punitively break the free trade agreement. A propaganda ‘win win’.
Same with coal. Their economy is down, who knows by how much, so they don’t need as much electricity and have no where to store coal anyway. Also petroleum you cannot give away so why not make electricity , where possible, with that.
Again , deflect us from examining the real reason, economic decline, and feed us another reason, we are not obeying them.
The Chinese are not immune from the Hog Cycle. read down a bit for the explanation.
The corollary is that when their pig population grows back, they will demand barley to feed them and the price of barley will rise.
Best we learn from the Chinese and obtain secure long term contracts with responsible countries, not China.
Once burned,twice shy.
I’d love to be able to put up a big sign:
…….Sold Out
Dave B
But barley is malted for beer.
No beer for the poor working men of China !
Now that could cause a revolution !
sadly its just commodity they can get elsewhere
I was reading the other day that the Chinese brewers prefer to Oz product for quality, but that doesnt mean much when Xi and Co want to pull the pain levers.
Shouldn’t evolution dictate that C-19, or any virus, evolves to a less lethal form? Natural selection will surely act to propagate viruses that don’t kill their hosts and can go on to infect more hosts. Lethal viruses are a genetic dead end aren’t they?
But if the virus is very infectious
And there are lots of victims
The process takes a long while
Viruses have a ‘use by date’ in general Bill
Sadly both are strategies, as with ebola. Being instantly lethal attracts attention and panic. Being a silent delayed killer spreads further before notice. Being not a killer at all is the most successful and the ultimate destination. But all are strategies and all will be explored in the drunkard’s walk of evolutionary selection.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
WA now has its own version of the Ruby Princess saga, with a sheep carrier docking with six suspected cases amongst the crew. Seems an email went astray between WA Dept of Agriculture and the WA Dept of Health.
Quite different to the Ruby Princess in that no one got off the ship before being tested and having the test result, and those testing positive were taken to quarantine.
Thanks for the update. Interesting that apparently nobody thought to tell the WA Premier.
Tonights news made out the email was from the Feds to WA. Whatever the case you would think after all that has gone on that the public servant involved would have picked up the phone in line with the urgency of timely action. But no, just a fire and forget email.
Reminds me of the time that busload of ABC journalists and some Green Party politicians took a wrong turn and ended up in the river , I notified the authorities straight away but after a few hours the bus sank and no one turned up .
I’m starting to think I wasted a good stamp .
First we had live sheep exports with protests. Then the prospect of meat exports. Now the worst possible compromise, sheep cruise ships. Bah!
The crew must be tested before the ship leaves it’s home port in the Middle East for Australia.
I hope that WA is billing the ships owners for the costs of having these crew members in quarantine in Perth.
Agreed. International travel will require certification or vaccination, as used to be the case for most of the last hundred years. It is only in the last thirty years that immigration ignored health completely as a requirement. Compared to the nuisance of checking for m*slim terrorism, it was trivial and critical and far more deadly. Britain has been losing a couple of jumbo aircraft full of people a day through a single virus.
And the story itself would be interesting. Was this picked up in routine testing of crews or was someone sick? There are no fast voyages, perhaps the fastest being from Singapore. So the virus would likely make itself known in a crew of even ten people. Is this what happened? Did they self report?
Australia has this huge advantage of being an island and another reason Australia, unlike the UK, needs to stop illegal immigration by boat. There are many other killer diseases like tuberculosis which can make a reappearance without testing of migrants or even transients.
Documentary “Planet of the Humans” taken down by YouTube under claims of a copyright breach.
Another article (from a conservative USA web site) about how horrible the USA’s CDC experts have been almost along the lines of Barret “…Let me count the ways…”
Especially the part that the action plan was based on career experts in blood diseases and not respiratory viruses. That’s echoed by the UK CV-19 vaccine trials claiming CV-19 is disappearing quickly that their trials are likely to be invalidated (meaning no vaccine ever for CV-19?). As the article notes, CV-19 is following, nearly precisely, the same path all other respiratory viruses follow including being killed by sun light. Which makes it even dumber to “lock down” people inside CV-19 breeding zones called houses and apartments.
Yet, in the US, some States are declaring lock down until a 100% effective vaccine is developed. Thus, what we’re now seeing is the confluence of the worst of medicine (Fauci, Brix, WHO) with the worst of the political class (governors of VA,MI,NY,CA OR, IL and WA) to create vast killing fields where excess all cause mortality will be orders of magnitude greater than the Wuhan. The fabled “second wave” will likely not be CV-19 but “related” due to the destruction of peoples lives and livelihood for no good reason.
Perhaps the West will learn from this. Even with China, weekly, trying to increase Western fears with false reports and conjecture. Politics. Again.
More politics?
Sheesh, give the politics a break.
lets us all talk!
Sorry i automatically went into parody mode at the merest mention of politics…i was getting emotional 🙁 ..that stupid cough..
The Epic Hand Washing Parody
•Mar 25, 2020
Super intense emotion….Quarantine Song
•Premiered Apr 21, 2020
Never cleaned so hard before…
Less government.
Less government!
Less government?
Less government!!!
Less government.
Finally , some perspective that shows how this went very badly wrong:-
This is what happens when people, programmed by incessant MSM fearmongering do – basically attack each other.
There is on occasion a need for masks, however I think this is actually scary.
Ironically, if everyone else had masks on, what do they have to fear from someone without a mask?
The lack of logic is what you’d expect from a panicked mob.
“At least she wasn’t lynched.
“In a striking example of the mob mentality at work, a woman was recently chased from a supermarket in Staten Island, New York, because she wasn’t wearing a mask. A now-viral video (below) of the COVID-crazed patrons hurling profanities and screaming at the woman was posted to Twitter Sunday night after user “McAuley” found it on Reddit.
Staten Islanders with masks drive out non-mask wearing person in grocery store. #Coronavirus
— McAuley (@McauleyHolmes) May 25, 2020
Since April 17, an executive order signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo — who killed nursing-home residents by requiring that their facilities accept virus-positive patients — has compelled New Yorkers to wear masks in public in situations where social distancing is impossible. As a consequence, stores in the state require patrons to wear masks.
This is where things get a bit silly – from a directive from a hockey association regards training – bear in mind hockey teams have 11 players….
“Two separate groups of 10 people maximum can train on one hockey pitch at any one time (half field per group). These groups must remain at least 10 metres away from each another at all times. This total of 10 participants includes any coach, manager or team official involved with a training session. No other individuals will be permitted access to the field of play (maximum of 20 people per field of play).
“An individual can only interact with 9 other people during the training session. Under no circumstances are people to switch between groups during a training session. people are to remain 1.5m apart and no contact is permitted
My apologies to all who have been put out by my comments in response to VIs.
I have switched off the Vapid Intrusion meter and will no longer respond to it.
Again, my apologies, freedom of speech is essential.
Whatever that means.
Another decision by a judge that confounds belief but enforces the green rule while seemingly overstepping the law itself .
In Victoriastan the law says that vicforests is exempt from the green menace but judge says otherwise .
A very wise wizard indeed
Who needs to be sent back to his own legal practice in the boondocks.
‘Amid Beijing’s botched response to the outbreak, China’s elites are increasingly critical of ‘ridiculous’ Xi Jinping and may look for a new leader.’ Oz
This one making the rounds about how 6 feet isn’t far enough “Reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2” in Science:
Epidemiological data is subject to author/study bias, conjecture presented as facts, assumptions regarding outcomes, as well as confounding facts which always plague studies of this type. This article has all of them. For example:
1. CV-19 was widely spreading weeks before WHO took note or China reported
2. CV-19 spread to regions having the greatest air traffic (South Korea, Japan)
3. CV-19 follows well known patterns of respiratory viruses which would imply the nations in (2) were likely to be much further along the “curve” than others.
4. Confounding issue of UVC, especially outside sunlight, is lethal on all these viruses yet ignored in their “outdoor” analysis
5. Ignoring studies which conclude even on virus particle can infect a person – i.e., “viral load” is simply assumed
6. Infections via the eyes is not even cited
7. Making compounding assumptions (go thru and see how many you can find) including asymptomatic “spreaders”.
8. 100% no proof cited or offered as to any trial, ever, proved curve flattening via any interventions outside of total quarantine as in pet import restrictions
One could go on. Every paragraph rests on conjecture styled upon presumption resting on presumptions and even their conclusion is based on conjectures (“likely”, “suggests”, “may lead to”).
Yet — their abstract simply states “Masking and testing are necessary to combat aymptomatic spread of aerosols and droplets”. And this is what is reported as science based conclusion whereas it’s really rubbish disguised as science.
Maybe …
Siempre que te pregunto
Que cuándo, cómo y dónde
Tú siempre me respondes
Quizás, quizás, quizás.
How did Vietnam avoid even a single Corona virus death? Ignored WHO and China advice, and strict quarantines.
More, here: