A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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[Snip] We welcome both sides of any debate Graeme! ]AD
Fitz is not a troll and I defend his right to comment.
The “Right to comment” only exists at the site-owners discretion, so in absolute terms, Gordo is defending a myth.
In relative terms, the Right is dependant on the commenter’s willingness to behave in an acceptable manner…. If you want to be a troll, no-one is stopping you from setting up your own site.
As for Fitz…. if he walks like a duck….
Tend to agree, I really dont see much troll-ism there, just a different point of view.
Agree Yarpos and ElGordo , Peter Fitz is just hopelessly devoted to the green cause and the ideology that goes with it which is totally opposite to most of us .
It pays to know what the left are up to .
Yes, it’s good to have his unalloyed antagonism prodding us out of a tendency to complacency; let’s face it, his is the point of view of the great mass of humanity we need to educate and persuade to our different point of view. And doesn’t he make it hard, like fighting a mule.
” just a different point of view.”
Based on brain-washed unthinking ignorance.
yes but thats the sort of stuff you always come back with, it falls on deaf ears
Any facts put to Peter always fall on deaf ears. !
I love that he comments.. its a bizarre sort of comedy relief
Especially the links he posts that he has a habit of not reading fully first which destroy his own argument .
How true that is.
His link to Carbon Briefs shows a massive number of new planned and under-construction…
exactly the opposite of what he was trying to show.
Very funny !
“We welcome both sides of any debate Graeme”
Now if only Peter could actually put forward something real that actually helped his arguments, rather than scientifically ignorant comments and links that say the opposite of his comments. !
We might be able to have a debate…
But he hasn’t and he can’t.
Outside of this contrarian bubble Fitz feels normal.
‘Of the 1,960 people surveyed, general concern about climate change was highest among 18 to 34-year-olds, with more than 81 per cent of respondents saying climate change worried them, compared to 67 per cent of those aged 55 and over.’ ABC
Our exclusiveness makes us vulnerable and I suggest we take the opportunity to quietly counter his arguments.
If “normal” means posting falsehoods and claims to authority that he cannot back up.
That might feel “normal” in the circles you frequent, Gordo, but I was always taught that a certain amount of honesty was essential to good debate.
The media bibles like the Guardian, SMH, Age and ABC have told the masses how to think, the young are brainwashed zealots.
Our responsibility is to find a way to educate them and in this regard I see myself as a practicing tutor. On the question of normality, all my friends and extended family are normal and I’m the village idiot.
Fitz has accepted the mantra and we should take advantage of that, open his mind to reality.
It’s been said;
“Our exclusiveness makes us vulnerable and I suggest we take the opportunity to quietly counter his arguments”.
The only “counter” is to use a shovel.
The shovel is good, but a fork maybe better.
I’ve seen you eat like that here on the blog, but surely we can do better.
El gordo
You win the internet today.
At least someone here realizes this is an echo chamber. I applaud Fitzys efforts here even though he knows it will get him nowhere.
While I do not ascribe to the religious eco zealots I can read opposing views to mine without ranting about lefty plots or self censoring. I do share certain opinions with a lot of millennials and I also accept that they will soon hold the reigns of government and industry.
You are losing the battle folks. There will be more intermittent energy put into our grid until such time that it becomes obvious that the Earth is cooling and we need to inject more CO2 into the atmosphere and there is nothing any of the contrarians here can do about it.
I am happy to accept that because the generation after the millennials will get the picture loud and clear…as Ian Plimer once said we have time on our side.
By all means continue to rant about the commie lefty plot to ruin our country because it provides me with a good dose of amusement and as the old saying goes laughter is the best medicine.
What did you say Jane?
There are plenty of new coal fired power stations coming on line over the next few years
All of those will last 40-50 years at least
There will be no drop in CO2 emissions for a very long time.
The only thing that will happen is the destruction of western civilizations unless they wake up to the fact that they are being CONNED. !
Your comments are a joke.. on yourself, you are just too blind to see it.
“There will be more intermittent energy put into our grid”
LOL ! now that’s funny
That graph takes a bit of interpreting but the source with the flame has the biggest input.
Sorry KK, I assumed people would know the AEMO symbols by now.
GAS 100%
Anything else is coming from Victoria’s Brown coal, because there in is no wind there either.
NSW is currently 94& Coal and 5% gas, only 1% wind.
There’s a big difference between argument and politically inspired dogma.
AD says you’re not allowed to suggest that Graeme.
Not even to make a joke about it.
Or set up a tip fund for Jo.
Well, well well…
How the blog has changed of late.
It was the pandemic, its changed us all for the better.
As for welcoming both sides ?
Why do that when one side puts its trust in science.
The other in ideology ?
‘As for welcoming both sides ?’
We are looking at developing a Red and Blue team in class today, its all of us against Fitz and Leaf.
cheers el G. I’m up for it.
We each get to choose a wrestling arena. I choose mud.
“I’m up for it.”
Yet you never show us anything worthwhile to back up any of your wafflings.
You are basically just an empty sock !
because thats only your ideology
The Minnesota Strawman HCQ Study is in.
HCQ doesn’t prevent Covid!! Which is a strange conclusion to come to, as it is fairly well known, that it only can work once the virus is trying to reproduce, and is already in the cells. So HCQ is not some sort of throat filter, that can stop the virus getting into the body. The study didn’t take the next step, and check on how badly the different study group’s symptoms, manifested. That would be a useful outcome to study.
Maybe there have been some misconceptions, that HCQ stops infection, when what it does is mitigate the symptoms. And the malarial countries, with seemingly abnormally low rates of death, may just have high rates of asymptomatic people.
Well yes, the obedient MSM are doing what thier globalist masters want – a vaccine only lock down.
Its a pure power trip by the globalists which appears to be along the plan of “no vaccine = no travel/etc”
And I think what the globalists havent got through thier thick skulls is that people like Gates et al are private citizens, not govts and consequently have no power to tell other citizens what to do.
End of dicussion.
And in case you were wondering who controls…er….donates to the WHO
USA contributed $400 million ( top contributor)
Gates Foundation $327 million ( 2nd top )
This should make things a bit clearer.
Also wonder if WHO is heavily influenced by China…then would you trust the WHO for anything?
Logically, no.
I hate and despise the politics of race.
Candace Owens is particularly pertinent….
There’s an amazing YouTube Vid out there of am American Sudanese guy who is an FBI agent being arrested by two cops because he “fit the description ” of someone they were looking for .
The look on the cops faces are priceless after they handcuff him and remove his wallet to find his FBI badge .
Many cities in America have, or at least used to have, a “ride with a cop” program, where a citizen could take a brief bit of training
a ride for one night shift with an officer. One’s perspective on a job where you aren’t sure you’ll come home after your shift
can be quickly altered if you see the streets from their point of view.
Government…especially on the left, holds itself out as the solution to all problems, real and imaginary. They can even solve ‘climate
change’. But “they” have proven unable to keep the streets safe. That’s because public safety happens one interaction at a time with
the few implacable reprobates who refuse to accept civilization as the solution for anything.
It’s easy to cluck-cluck at a video like this.
Imagine a walk in the woods; the birds, the critters, the night sounds….the moon, the stars. Natural beauty and nature is your friend.
Imagine a walk in the same woods in a war zone; every noise you hear may be the last sound you register before a bullet goes through your head.
Being in a uniform that makes you a target in a riot zone for $50,000 a year pulling double shifts is tough enough that I’ll cut ya some slack.
While I agree overall with your comment, I feel I need to call you out on something:
Natural beauty and nature is your friend.
Like the saying goes, The Jungle is Neutral.
Nature is not your friend. Nature is apathic and will see you successfully eating the berries, or see you face down in the leaf litter being worked over by the hierarchy of scavengers. It does not care.
My sone got pulled over in Ringwood VIC becuase he fitted the description of a skinhead they were looking for. Had just gone to get a buzzcut. Took a while to sort he he was just a random 200cm citizen.
Another short video that may be of interest . . . . .
“Canada Orders 37M SYRINGES in Prep for MASS VACCINATION From Corrupt MEDICAL COMPANY BD!!!”
Alan Moran’s article in the Spectator details the logic behind Matt Canavan’s recent call for Australia to repudiate the Paris agreement.
Parasites climate agreement is far more appropriate
Australia first!!
We, are irrelevant on the world stage on any issue regarding our impact on global climate even if it was true.
“CoviD-19: also a systemic endotheliitis
April 20, 2020
“This means that the virus not only triggers the inflammation of the lungs, which then causes further complications, but is also directly responsible for systemic endotheliitis, an inflammation of all endothelial tissue in the body which affects all vessel beds – in heart, brain, lung and renal vessels as well as vessels in the intestinal tract.
“The consequences are fatal: this results in severe microcirculatory disturbances that damage the heart, trigger pulmonary embolisms and vascular occlusions in the brain and intestinal tract and can also lead to multiple organ failure and even death
Hump Day Hilarity – How Science vs. Climate Science works
I’ve been thinking bit lately.
And so have you.
The singularity that we who participate here may have in common is that we spend some time thinking,
and setting down our thoughts, diverse though they may be, for others to comment on.
Most people don’t.
They simply slog through life one step at a time.
I was thinking about the founding of Australia, where the original convoy of ships was among the first every in South Pacific waters,
and the Americas, where the hazards were myriad.
The development of all of the colonial societies featured startling mortality.
But the pioneers persisted.
And the mortality is not a big part of the common myth of history.
As a species, we clearly have an ability to move forward whilst suppressing a pretty high level or risk.
After a few weeks or months of being suppressed, Americans are clearly ready to accept the risks and move.
Some of those who sit and think remain paralyzed with fear. They see risk. They may well be correct.
Perhaps they are the heirs of those who sat on their asses in London and transported the convicts to the South Pacific,
or granted untold acreages in the sylvan forests of North America to the useless fourth sons of Lords, hoping to profit
without much effort.
We could have stopped this thing at its source, killing almost no one. China was a bad actor, so millions died. We forget
that at our peril, for they will repeat the exercise in many spheres of activity, given opportunity.
We could have, as Jo has pointed out, quarantined hard and minimized. Some did. Good on them. As a species we are learning, slowly.
It remains to be seen if some nations can learn from the experience of others. Doubtful, methinks.
The US is prepared now to slog on. We’ll get sick, and some more of us we’ll die, and we’ll bleat about it endlessly and assign blame
wrongly now, perhaps rightly in history. We’ll move our economy forward.
The big question is whether or not our national will is sufficient to compete successfully with China. The next few years will tell.
Recent events have shown hw easy it is for a small event to trigger a national catharsis. Society needs a myth to sustain it.
There are those who still think climate change should center our activities.
If competition with CHina does, the world will be a better place. As to the sickness and death. We’ll tolerate those and slog on.
We always have.
Richard, There is something deeply gone wrong morally, in a nation, when an infectious pandemic disease, becomes a major political fracture line.
And even a source of dispute and tensions between races.
That is what has happened in the USA
I have lived in the USA. As a nation it has many admirable qualities and had many successes.
But it also has it’s dark side.
I’m glad I do not live there.
I think stress just brings out what was already there.
However – do *not* underestimate the damage done on the social and moral fibre of the west by the systemic cancer of the Left and Communism…
“Mr. President, you’ve taken step one: Declaring Antifa a domestic terrorist organization. That was a brilliant move. Now it’s time for step number two: Cut the head off the snake. We’ve got to move to aggressively cut off the funding of domestic terrorism.
“Those who provide funding are terrorists themselves. Who is providing the funding? There are many suspects.
Moe proof that our universities are no long about education:
The Conversation: “Climate Change is the Most Important Mission for Universities”
Awkward timing in retrospect. The most important thing in the world this week is MEANT to be “peacefully” protesting.
Aussie PM Scott Morrison Backs ‘Straight Up’ Donald Trump: A Man of Faith
This reference is actually a huge damnation of universities. It presumes outfight, with no
proffered proof, that anthropogenic global warming is real. Ergo, all the courses must be
run with this as a central concern around which students should build for their careers.
It’s really paraphrasing the Dark Age when religion occupied the same position in all
learning because it was unscientifically accepted that Christianity’ in Europe, was a basic
truth of life. Today the same attitude is found in the more rigorous areas of the Middle East.
I wonder if the corollary of this means we will undergo anatomical change taking us back to
our supposed origin amongst the apes. Who would have thought 50years ago that what
was considered an enlightened population would ever allow itself to be ‘educated’ back
towards Stone Age levels of human intelligence?
Nobody could ever have imagined that
people who then were free in thought, supposedly educated to the highest standards ever
and free in action and ambition, that we would be able to be forced into believing a corrupted
ideology at the hands of our governments. But it’s worse because it’s not an ideology based
simply on faith. Climate Change, as it is now sneakily called, presents as being scientifically
based even when the science cannot be found to support ithe belief. Climate Change is a
religious belief calling for 100% faith in the face of a failed scientific basis further distorted
by even manipulated data fed through computers whose software cannot even produce
present conditions based on known collected past data.
For Universities to come out with the dictum given in this reference shows just how
illogical they have become. They require therapy from their own psychology departments. On
second thought, perhaps not. How distorted is reality on our campuses when the science
departments declare AGW as fact, even in the face of having no scientific evidence that
would pass as proof of that fact, But it’s worse again! These Universities don’t tolerate
contrarian argument based on fact – even from their own scientists. Indeed, such
arguments are seen as heresy and reason for dismissal to the extent of using the Courts
as a means of suppressing such inconvenient debate against the religion of the day.
The term ‘heretics’ is relevant.
One could argue that Universities as such, no longer exist. The philosophy behind the
ideas of having ‘Universities’ is dead. As this AGW position is required to permeate all
courses (resembling religion of old) , Universities could / should now be labelled as
institutions for propaganda development in youth by activist middle aged to elderly
professional mind benders. The term Seminaries comes to mind.
The absurdity of all this now is, ‘studies’ on environmental matters which could be expected to change
possibly with Climate are done in the thousands. All changes are then placed at the altar of
AGW. But proof that any climate change is anthropogenic is just taken as fact; it’s airily
taken as accepted fact and where possible never discussed further. Thus people are
given maximum scare stories. Good for cashing in on. Good for spreading the word for Gaia.
There is something of a commonality for Universities here. There is a question about the national interest
involving Universities, dependency on students from China, and funding. The same could be
said about Universities, Anthropogenic Climate Change positive output expression and
government and private enterprise funding. Universities have lost their way and the nation has
lost even more hugely.
Historically, the Universities were primarily built by Christians…. many of them motivated by the twin beliefs ;
1. That a created universe was orderly and consistent instead of random and accidental…. and consequentially, it could be understood if investigated methodically.
2. That understanding the creation led to greater understanding of the creator.
Disagreeing with someone does not justify denying their very real contribution, or repeating myths about them.
Doc… can you let us know what reference you just wrote extensively about?
Sorry for the separation without the reference
So many good points in that post Doc.
The main function of Universities in our current time is to keep the unemployable from cluttering up the youth job market for another 4 or 5 years.
They are businesses. They exist because the market is willing to pay… or at least willing to let ‘free education for all’ pay, for the services they offer. They are not gurus on the mountain top willing to share their collected wisdom to those pure enough to seek it, they give the ‘customer’ what they want, or at least what they think they want.
Yes there are some professions that do actively use the ‘wisdom’ of higher education – engineering and its variations predominantly – to add new blood to the stock, but even then it needs to be remembered that a degree is only another step in gaining, maintaining and utilising useful experience.
My lord and paymaster has a very active graduate programme, and we rotate grads in and out of our departments every six months. For the most part they are very nice people, but you still don’t leave them unsupervised because they have zero practical experience and in some cases will literally cut themselves on the items you just instructed them not to touch.
TAFE did a good job of this before the system was crippled
good morning
6-4 Sir Richard Dearlove, who was head of the MI6 from 1999 until 2004, said he believes that Covid-19 is man-made. He cited an ‘important’ report from Professor Angus Dalgleish of St George’s Hospital, University of London and Norwegian virologist Birger Sorensen which claims the virus was manufactured in a laboratory.
In the report scientists claimed to have identified ‘inserted sections placed on the Sars-CoV-2 Spike surface’ which the virus uses to attach onto cells and observed they were ‘significantly different from any Sars we have studied’.
get it straight, you guys. 6-1 Israeli geneticist, Dr Ronen Shemesh, who is working on treatment for COVID-19, said in his opinion the virus was more likely created in a laboratory than evolved naturally in nature.
“There are many reasons to believe that the COVID-19 generating SARS-CoV-2 was generated in a lab. Most probably by methods of genetic engineering,” he said.
go back to work, folks.
Global carbon dioxide levels at record high despite coronavirus lockdown
Good find…
The rate of CO2 increase did not go up while our emissions quadrupled. It did not go down when our emissions dropped, some say by 20+%. Surely this means that the steady increase is not due to our emissions.
The warming oceans are liberating the bulk of CO2 into the atmosphere.
yet another indicator that whatever humans choose to faff around with in regard to their own CO2 generation, it amounts to effectively zero in regard to global trends.
Lancet, New England Journal retract Covid-19 studies, including one that raised safety concerns about malaria drugs
Thanks Rick,
The paper published in the Lancet appears to have been based on invented data by a politically motivated small group. Their study was seized apon by the media to rubbish Donald Trump.
Now it has been exposed. The alleged trial was sufficient for the WHO to suspend their hydroxychloroquine trials and the Australian ASCOT group also suspended recruitment to their trial, pending ethics examination. The trial has since been quietly resumed. The Mainstream Media do not seem to be much interested for some reason. I would have thought this was a major story.
The “study” was a meta-analysis, always a very carefree type of research that often overlooks confounding factors from each source.
Tony Heller at mentioned this faux study today (amongst other gems of colossal incompetence) but be aware, he references the Grauniad: keep a pinch of salt handy.
Meta analysis is the analysis you have when you are not having an analysis.
Borrowed data: with various levels of reliability and hidden compounding factors.
The Lancet concern is covered in today’s The Australian.
“Former UK Spy Chief Claims Coronavirus Escaped from Chinese Lab”
Victoria continues to report a persistent 8 new cases per day, the rest of Australia just 4. Why?
Each day the Vic DHHS daily report indicates that about half the new cases are linked to returned travellers, including those in quarantine. Are all the returned travellers being quarantined in Victorian hotels? I thought our borders were closed, yet in 24 hours there are planes arriving in Melbourne from Doha, Dubai, Bangkok, Jakarta, Auckland, Madras and London. Sydney has arrivals from Hong Kong, Auckland, San Francisco, Singapore, Doha and Dubai.
And the good news:
Back in early April there were 305 people in hospital with CV19, with 93 of them in ICU and 37 of those being ventilated.
Yesterday just 23 people in hospital with CV19, 4 of them in ICU, 2 ventilated. There were an estimated 2023 intensive care beds in hospitals across the country that were fitted with ventilators when the crisis began. The federal government has set a target of having 7500 ventilators available for use. That’s quite a stockpile. Another forecast from the experts that was fortunately wrong?
The VIC DHHS site used to trumpet the ventilator stats (nunbers in place , and thousands on order) That has quietly dissapeared, and if you search the site you get no mention of ventilators at all. Not the must have accessory du jour it seems.
How quickly things change in the world of politics.
“G7 + Australia, India, Russia, South Korea… Minus China”
FC Friday
“Medical Researchers Giving Climate Scientists A Run For Their Money”
The Guardian: “Sunny coverage of UK heatwaves forgets risks, say climate experts”
“Unlike most of the rest of the world, Belarus protected their old people, and simultaneously protected the rights of young people.”
Ahhh Belarus, run by Alexander Lukashenko who has served as the country’s first president since 1994…
Former Communist prior to the fall of the USSR.
Who runs the last dictatorship left in Europe.
No one there would dare contradict old Alex !
And Tony Heller is silly enough to actually believe the statistics on Corona virus for Belarus ?
But then he’s biased having lots of ancestors who come from the part of the world.
It pays to double check your sources Ian.
I would doubt most of planet before I would doubt Tony Hellers logic and honesty
You mean his blind ideology.
And blind to his beloved Belarus being run by a dictator.
Not even ‘sciency’.
Just cr@p.
Jo Maybe another thing to watch for
“Another Piece Of The Twitter Cheating Puzzle”
Can anyone give us a quick lesson on the types of nuclear generation plants operating now – the technology is never spoken of in Australia but I sense that it will be necessary to embrace it in the future. Wind and solar are just not up to maintaining a stable baseload in our climate, and with our ever-changing weather patterns, I also sense that we will be relying more on de-salination plants in the future to provide potable water for an expanding population. So if the insistence on shutting down our fossil fuel economy continues, then nuclear technology must be in the mix, and it would be good to know about its engineering aspects without getting too emotional to start with.
Wiki is always a good starting point to get a overview at least..with links for more details..
Here’s a link to the appropriate page on the World Nuclear Association website which is a good entry point for current commercial types with links to others
The world-nuclear link gives a good summary – thanks
[Snip] We welcome both sides of any debate Graeme! ]AD
Ha ha ha ha ha.
So in the best tradition of debate, Graeme’s comment is deemed to be unworthy?
what was his comment?
It was a bit of frivolity aimed to humiliate Mr Fitz.
“aimed to humiliate Mr Fitz”
Mr Fitz is more than capable of doing that…. all by himself.
Actually it was aimed at trolls on the blog in general.
Not specifically Peter Fitzroy.
Yes , not a good way to start a thread,..especially an “Open” thread.
If if was so unacceptable,.. It would have been much more sensible to remove any indication the whole post ,..and PM the poster as to why.
Now we just have multiple posts questioning the bias of the admin.
from personal experience I expect either that G3 was PM’d or he knows full well why it was removed. Plus, I don’t see him complaining about it.
‘ … multiple posts questioning the bias of the admin.’
Not a problem, G3 was only letting his hair down after the pandemic. The admin is doing a good job reminding everyone that they are on the world wide web.
“Sir Richard Dearlove, who was head of the MI6, a role known informally as ‘C’, from 1999 until 2004, said he believes that Covid-19 is man-made.
“He cited an ‘important’ report from Professor Angus Dalgleish of St George’s Hospital, University of London and Norwegian virologist Birger Sorensen which claims the virus was manufactured in a laboratory.
Earlier this week we received an internal email from senior management informing us that the company was now in a position to allow us employees to regain access to our work sites.
HAZZAH! I hear you all cry.
Very exciting, if not for the fact that myself and nearly every other member of our department would have read this email at their desk at their work site.
Not to say there hasn’t been some changes made over the last few months – none of us can travel interest without jumping through multiple hoops and we have our weekly meetings via Skype despite the fact we are all physically sitting within 20m of each other because we are no longer allowed to have more than 6 people in the meeting room – but ‘Lockdown’ is a subjective word.
You say ‘Lockdown’ and think of us all sitting at home surrounded by hand sanitiser like good little text book studies, where muse on the fact I haven’t stopped going to work and complain that the work canteen was no longer accepting cash.
Your Lockdown May Vary, and by extension, your analysis of Lockdown effectiveness is subjective.
Video by Paul Watson highlighting the hypocritical approach by the media (and other groups) over BLM protesting vs social distancing.
And is anyone else sick of the BLM propaganda filling up Channel 10’s ad breaks? I guess they are short of commercial, PAYING ads to show so they are using the allotted time displaying their “The Project” wokeness.
We only get what we can stream. I have never found a reason to ever look at 10,7 or 9 except if they have rights to a sporting event we might interested in. We watch the ABC or SBS occasionally just to see how far lefty indoctrination is going these days.
Watched a series called Almost Australian in which Miriam Margolyes, does a tour around Oz in a campervan discovering the place and its characters, following her becoming a citizen. Miriam is a bit of a Kumbaya lefty at heart as you would expect, and probably why the ABC supported the show.
It was hard to know if she was briefed on different points of view or she really was so naive/stupid on some topics. Some examples:
– talking about the troubles/struggles of indigenous people, she interviews womens groups and trans groups and some kids , but males 14 to 40 are noticeably absent, as is any mention of the extent of existing support and why it appears to fail
– talking with miners and expressing concern and disapproval for environmental damage and lack of “sustainability” When they point out she arrived in a campervan and lives in a Colorbond house it seels like a great awakining. God know where she thought all the materials came from.
– talking with people with a native wildlife sanctuary she was thrilled to see a Koala (fair enough) but thought their work was critical to their survival (the bushfire meme) and was oblivious how widely distributed they are and how they rest pest levels in some location
Overall it was entertaining and there was some good stuff on Asian communities arriving, working hard and building success. Just surprising how clueless she was in her comfortable lefty preconceptions.
She also hammered the Climate Change meme at the young son of a farmer that she visited. I found that very off-putting
Yes I forgot that one. He seemed well grounded though, he wasnt buying it
As Britain’s ‘experts’ fight to be a part of our government’s attempt to achieve a new world record for telling the most readily identifiable lies told in three consecutive months, it is getting impossible to keep a score. Our test track and trace system has been up and running since last Thursday said Johnson earlier this week. But what does ‘up and running’ actually mean? Does it mean the system is doing something useful, because, if it does, the people trying to do that something useful say that they cannot do it until September? I guess our PM will break the world record all on his own well before September at this rate, because all the scorers have to do is count the number of times his mouth opens.
It’s sad that the people telling lies are not exercising their brains in any other way. For example track and trace throws up many different kinds of individuals, like the ones who have been exposed to high risk on several occasions but have not tested positive and are not infecting others according to the track and trace data. What kind of person might that be? One who has natural immunity to some viruses from previous exposures to earlier outbreaks perhaps? Is that possible? Who knows? “We do!” shout the track and tracers, “we have always known … but you just didn’t listen to us Mr Johnson, did you? You have been far too busy trying to break that world record for a liar all on your own“.
With all the stuff we still don’t know about this epidemic I am still kind of siding with those who say blanket lockdowns are the wrong thing to do. You must target action and protect the most vulnerable by isolating risk and you do that by tracking and tracing as always was done prior to the decimation of our once effective public health departments without adequate planning and effective implementation, one of a serial number of neglects of government responsibility in the UK for perhaps four decades.
As was drummed into my head from a pretty early age – if you are going to do something then do it properly. It’s just a pity that Johnson and Gang have never learned to do anything properly except maybe tell lies and even that is now unquestionably debatable.
The USA has the Donald, and for all his personal idiosyncrasies seems to be associated with the movement of that country forward and in the right direction.
Britain has Boris.
What does it feel like over there having your chief balancing the country that straddles a giant fence?
Sometimes people are so busy watching the waves that they miss the change in the tides.
The number of people engaged in quiet civil disobedience violating the lockdown rules far exceeds the numbers of protesters and rioters.
And our economic numbers are proving that New York and LA are no longer the centers of gravity of our economy; the buildings as symbols
of power still exist but the activity has dispersed. I think we’ll not pass legislation to rebuild them; the guilt argument is shopworn and
the economic argument is no longer valid. They will, as they claim to wish, be able to defund their police, and other civil services as well.
A retired head of MI6 says the SARS-CoV-2 virus is manufactured:
He cites this study:
and also says that it had to be rewritten toned down in order to get published.
The full paper can be read here and is a real eye-opener:
SARS-CoV-2 binds to more than just the ACE2 receptor; it can get into cells just by bumping into the cell wall, too.