Watch this:
Tucker Carlson asks whether the insane, unpopular idea to “defund the police” means getting rid of the current police and bringing in a new BLM-compliant “force”? Is this just The March through yet another Institution?
No one is allowed to say anything against this ideology. People are losing their jobs for the merest hint they they don’t wholeheartedly adopt an activist supporting role. But bullies thrive on grovelling obedience.
If the police are stood down and ‘ committees of public safety ‘ replace them it would be salutary to remember what happened in France in he 1790s. It all turned very nasty for anyone who went against the current thinking.
What is the modern equivalent of the guillotine? Maybe being thrown into Bristol harbour along with the Colston statue.
The french revolution was run by the Jacobins.
They are currently active in the USA i believe….
Jacobins lost their head after a time.
Napolean was the result and France has been in the [snip] ever since.
After following this situation for a day and reading the comments I begin to wonder whether the best way to sort this difficult situation out is to stand down the police for a while and see what happens. Reductio ad absurdum = follow things to their logical conclusion.
Much the same could be done with fossil fuels. Cut off the supply for a week.
The modern equivalent of the guillotine is a campaign to cut off your employment instead of your head.
That’s a bit alarmist, why would anyone listen to what the Tucker thinks ?
He makes total sense, and he provides EVIDENCE.
That is why you can’t be bothered listening.
You choose to remain Evidence-Free.
Let us pause for a moment AndyG55 and consider the magic that might be at work here.
Quick D: The Magic of Will Tsai
•Jun 30, 2017
Hmm… Who is the aforementioned Tucker fellow? First time i have ever heard of him..must be living under a rock of some kind and will have a look later tonight
“Love with your heart; use your head for everything else.” – Captain Disillusion.
ES, you wouldn’t be the first to discover Tucker Carlson at this time and say wow.
Indeed, I discovered the whole of Fox News through hunting out the truth about Trump. They have a number of really good reporters coming down on the side of sanity and commonsense. No other outlet bar Australia’s Sky News. But unfortunately at this point, nowhere to comment like here.
They also have a number of shills or controlled opposition propagandists who know just how to hook the unsuspecting.
“The technique of infamy is to start two lies at once and get people arguing heatedly over which is the truth.” EP
Aka Helegian Dialectic….
If you control both sides of the argument, you can steer the misinformation in any direction you want…..all is lies, its just a amatter of which one people go for.
Put another way – people get to vote for candidates.
But who picks the candidates?
You have the choice, but is it just 2 sides of the same coin?
“but is it just 2 sides of the same coin?”
Australian politics seems like that some times !
“but is it just 2 sides of the same coin?”
And is the coin protected by a decent Stevenson Screen?
Boris, what would Captain Disillusion advise us to do ?
Fortunately thanks to CD we have somewhere, a turf, a platform of some kind, with which to begin.
“Love with your heart; use your head for everything else.” – Captain Disillusion.
Yes, Lenin said the Bolsheviks will control the opposition, by becoming and leading the opposition.
There is plenty to marvel at…tonight i was checking out one of Dr V’s talks for some challenging logical confrontations…..BT (Before tucker)
“Pandemic Taught Us Humility – Can Give Us Purpose: Back to Village, Communal Therapy
•May 18, 2020”
If you (Environment Skeptic) have never heard of Tucker Carlson, the logic says one (or both) of you have been living under a rock. My money is on you.
Not in Australia. He doesnt have much of a profile here, unless you are of a conservative bent and have been looking around for credible commentary and interviews. If you just follow the lefty MSM here you would never hear about him.
Some of his interviews with liberals where he makes them try to explain how their stupidity will work in the real world are classics.
It’s got nothing to do with what Tucker thinks.
It’s all about what is decent and workable for the future.
Woke Won’t Work.
Now Tucker’s misrepresenting Elmo !
CNN uses mindless puppets to force their far left propaganda onto children..
Do you really think that is a good thing?
But mindless puppets, like you, is all the far-left have.
Puppets don’t have minds ,silly, the writers provide their’words.
They’ve addressed important issues like Aids and the birther myth
You should know as your masters are obviously pulling your strings. Oh, and providing not only your words, but also your ‘thoughts.’
“Puppets don’t have minds ,silly”
You make that patently clear with every comment you make.
Bazingbah !
You have no mind at all, do you !
Not even a neuron !
“the writers provide their’words.”
so.. mindless puppets
Thanks for the confirmation.
Why would anyone listen to what Tucker thinks?
I would say it is for the same reasons that rational people listen to what others think, whether they agree or disagree. To seek perspective.
What is the problem exactly?
Why would anyone care what you think?
He doesn’t.
Why? Why not?
I put it out there just in case somebody finds it supportive. And here I am made to feel I am among friends.
As opposed to say The Conversation, where I could tell I had been blackballed long before they announced that blackballing is their established policy. All for trying to draw attention to a few details on climate science. From memory it was after I drew attention to Sydney’s tide gauge that I was shut down.
By the way. Even though they don’t publish, they keep a record of everything you post.
Ted, look on the bright side – at least you won’t be blackballed now that that act has been deemed unpc!
George Floyds murder has been rightly condemned by all but their is little to support this is as a systemic issue. Following the 2014 Ferguson riots, many police forces were “reformed”. In 2015 the US experienced a reversal in the trend of decreasing violent crime. Homicides jumped, particularly in the African American community which saw an increase of over 15% in 2015 and another 12% in 2016. While the rate has declined slightly since then African Americans at ~13% of the population represented 52.4% of homicide victims in the US in 2018, the last year of finalized crime data in the FBI database. What will the next round of reforms cost that community?
Yet to be proven if anyone murdered anyone in that case
I saw no “intent” to kill, just to restrain a rather large drugged-up criminal thug..
… so possible manslaughter at the most.
If it turns out to be a heart attack, that would be accidental death / misadventure.
“…….why would anyone listen to what the Tucker thinks ?”
Anyone who has as much as a vestige of veracity, integrity, virtue and honour. Not to ignore anyone with logic and common sense.
It’s best not to respond to trolls who are clearly here only to antagonise people and disagree with everything. It’s a sport to them. Ignore them and I promise you, they will go away and bug somebody else.
You are correct Steve, but I just couldn’t resist pointing out a number of virtues that they obviously lack.
Evidence Please, your evidence please.
Alarmist???? your stupid frog ar$e is going to be boiled soon!
It’s already too late for our civilisation. We are so atomised and divided – thanks multiculturalism – that we are doomed! Most people are too stupid to realise their virtue illusions have been used against them to build this world of newspeak and false ideology masquerading as ‘goodness’ and ‘tolerance’.
We must draw the line in the sand soon or the cost will be so dear we won’t survive it.
I like to mock PC….PC after all is *political* correctness…aka….a steaming pile of bovine nonsense.
By its definition, it is heavily subjective and fails the test of natural justice….
Speaking of social engineering….
In the local supermarket…all these useless little plastic screens everywhere and look out if you fall foul of “Covid regulations”
Excuse me sir…may I have permission to breathe…
I like to stand right on the dot, and if anyone isn’t, I jokingly point at the next dot and wag my finger.
I once complained to a Coles employee (a good friend of mine), that the dot wasn’t big enough for both my feet.
Most people get the joke and have a bit of a laugh.
I find it interesting to watch the poor old Brits…..on the news do this exercise
Turn off the sound, then imagine if the main aim of the post-covid era is to condition people to have strangers intrude one their space by taking their temperature, roadblocks to check peoples ID and whether they can travel ( Citizen…your papers please!), and now everyone forced to wear a mask just to use the tube. ( for the Fatherland…comrade!)
Its like watching complaint sheep being herded. Its scary to watch how easily people just fold….the perfect sc*m.
The UK had 290,000 cases, 25,000 deaths….5% death rate. Hmmm….
I walked up to one shop and some random bored shop assistant was out the front with non contact thermometer and she said I could come in if I had my temperature taken.
I said I felt fine, she said “Nein!” and gave me a hard stare ( well, not actually…but you get the idea…)
I said, “Enjoy your slavery”. She was a millenial, she blinked…I don’t think she understood…lack of life experience I guess….you get that on big jobs…*sigh*
Maybe if I’d raised clenched fist she’d have joined in…..they seem to like that….
Actually..sorry…my maths is rubbish….13% death rate.
But no comment from HM gov about any co-morbidities in the death figures.
“Love with your heart; use your head (Or a suitable Stevenson Screen?) for everything else.” – Captain Disillusion.
Of course, Captain Disillusion did not need Stevenson Screens, nut what if he did?
Of course, Captain Disillusion did not need Stevenson Screens, *but what if he did?
Good info on co-morbidities and CV19 deaths
Study here :
“Oxford University’s Medical Sciences Division is one of the largest biomedical research centers in Europe, with over 2,500 people involved in research and more than 2,800 students.
“This is the largest study on COVID-19 conducted by any country to date, and therefore gives the strongest evidence on risk factors associated with COVID-19 death.
“* Among the 17.4 million adults in the sample, there were 5,707 deaths in hospitals attributed to COVID-19.
“* Key factors related to COVID-19 death included being male, older age, uncontrolled diabetes and severe asthma.
“* A deprived background was also found to be a major risk factor: this was also only partially attributable to other clinical risk factors.
“* People of Asian and Black ethnic backgrounds are at a higher risk of death and, contrary to prior speculation, this is only partially attributable to pre-existing clinical risk factors or deprivation.
Only to be erased by the “Wind of Change”.
(C) Harold Macmillan 1960
That’s right Fred.
We must be courageous! Courage is the antidote, courage can’t be quantified by our enemies. But make no mistake we are at war. A war, of which, we aren’t allowed to articulate.
Start waking up your families, because when it’s too late, it’s too late, very quickly.
I think you have misinterpreted what was merely a facetious comment on the ephemerality of lines drawn in the sand.
I am in the UK and I am aware of what has been happening here, from the Notting Hill race riots of 1958 onwards.
All societies reap what they sow.
As my 80 year old father said recently I kneel for no one but God, me, no one also and may God help them if they try to make me!
There was a rant on Q&A.
not to mention no one challenging them on the complete myth about being classified as flora and fauna.
Climate deniers have been pilloried for far less than this gross deviation from reality.
Native people were never classified as flora and fauna, they were never classified. Prior to 1949 only British citizens were counted in the census, Americans, Chinese, Afghans, Aborigines whoever were not included. From 1949 previously British citizens and people born to British citizens were counted as Australian citizens. In 1967 anyone born in Australia prior to 1967 were included as Australian citizens, post 1967 only people born to Australian citizens are automatically citizens.
Aboriginal people were counted in the census prior to 1949, at least counted in the first census (except for those in remote areas), and they were citizens.
Prior to 1967, Aboriginal people were not counted for constitutional purposes; they were not included in the populations of states and territories for the purposes of allocating federal seats in Parliament. Nor were they counted for the purposes of calculating certain Commonwealth grants. The 1967 referendum allowed removal of section 127 from the constitution, which allowed Aboriginal people to be counted for these purposes. It didn’t exclude them from being counted for other purposes prior to ‘67.
It was put in the Constitution so that any Aborigines who weren’t given the vote in their state were not counted in the census to determine the number of seats in the lower house. It was a way to force WA and Queensland to allow them to vote.,British%20subjects%2C%20including%20Aboriginal%20people.&text=This%20Act%20was%20not%20repealed%20until%201971.
Yes R.B., that agrees with what I wrote.
There were people of aboriginal descent on the electoral rolls here in SA from the early 1990’s
(Along with women )
That was carried forward after Federation.
And people on the rolls were counted in the census…
Yes, aboriginal people voted in the 1800’s and those enrolled to vote stayed enrolled after federation.
There was some restriction on aboriginal’s whose heritage/race make-up was more than 50% aboriginal getting enrolled not long after federation, if they weren’t already enrolled.
That restriction didn’t apply to Aboriginal people who served in the military. They were allowed to vote regardless of heritage calculations.
There were various voting restrictions in part, and easing of restrictions at points before 1967.
Big thumbs ! I meant 1890’s
Fact Check Verdict
This ABC Fact Check verdict must be correct because they would have tried to justify it as “true” if they even had a slim hope of spinning it that way.
It could have been worse, after all the bounty on Bushmen in the Transvaal was only lifted in 1953.
If you believe you were ‘flora and flora’ before 1967 you have clearly elected to be a mushroom. In your case I feel sure we can make an exception. Now, just how do we classify a fungus for a census?
I can no longer stomach Q&A. So many of their “guests” are ignorant and the the others are deluded liars!
The Wokey Horror Show; grounds for defunding in itself as it demonstrates an abandonment of balance week after week.
One has to wonder about the intelligence of the Leftists talking about defunding the police.
What sort of idiots are these guys? Have they ever been in a city where the police are corrupt or non existent? I have and still remember running for my life from people intent on robbing and beating me up.
Its been seen countless times before. Business in those cities will collapse and people will leave when they find that they are being robbed, beaten up or worse by ganglords who will take over.
Or are they well aware of this and only too happy because they will be the ones in control??? (or so they think – criminals have a nasty habit of saying one thing and doing something else)
Funny how every State that has been run according to Lefty ideology has had a brutal police force.
Exactly. A bit like the communist system supposedly being a workers paradise. It always turns out to be little better than slavery – working with antiquated equipment at “mighty tractor factory”.
Yes, but this is the sad fact of communism – IE Collectivism where the collective is more important than the individual and in socialism. It all sounds good until one realises that it’s the Mighty state run Tractor Factory (The collective) that is important, and the 1000 individual workers that die in slavery conditions making the actual tractors aren’t. That’s socialism, sacrifice of the individual to the collective. It’s why we don’t hear about the ***** on ***** crime, they are the workers in the factory, the thousands dying in order for the collective to exist.
It’s also important in a historical context to understand that socialism/communism eats it’s own. Socialists and Communists don’t tolerate activists so historically, the activists and thugs leading these protests WILL BE the first against the wall when the revolution comes. Tucker is right, defund the police is about “Self determination of policing” where ****** police ****** and ****** police ******, one rule for one ethnicity and another for another ethnicity, it’s a demand to install apartheid.
This is a dangerous moment in American history, American Politics needs to be strong – on law and order and utter equality before the law to survive it, but I’m not seeing a lot of that with Nancy Pelosi and Co prostrating themselves before BLM ideology. Trudeau dishonoured the whole of Canada by willingly prostrating himself before his new overlords. We need to be careful to avoid the overflow of stupid into out own communities and make sure that -one law for all- is sacrosanct.
One final thing
Jo, I understand if my passionate views on this topic mean this post will never see the light of day but the way I see it we could well be on the path to a new apartheid. I’m a third generation Australian, I can call no other country home – I’m indigenous to this land as any aborigine and I care about what sort of a society my kids and grandkids will have to live in. I for one don’t welcome my new overlords.
What can we do about this.
Leftist governments don’t want to remove ALL law enforcement, nor do they care about ‘brutality’ committed by police officers. In fact, they want MORE law enforcement and MORE brutality. They just want to make sure that the brutality and oppression is directed solely at their opponents and enemies.
In the same way, BLM and their ilk don’t want to end inequality or racism, they just want to replace one culture with another and ensure that those being oppressed and brutalised have a different coloured skin than their own. They’re just trying to reverse the order and I guarantee it won’t be any better than the system we have now.
Power won through violence pretty much ensures that the people who assume power are violent people.
What, the whole of the USA ??
The most violent areas in the US – the relatively small number of counties that make the majority seem far more violent than it actually is – are already the site of constant conflict between ethnic gangs. It is these gangs that drive up the US homicide rate and make much of the news.
Such areas are already hostile to a Police, quite possibly the reason why the four officers present at the arrest of George a Floyd were as concerned about the crowd as they were Floyd himself…. and why thee needed to be four of them for one arrest.
So what do we anticipate if the Police are removed from these areas entirely ? Think Mogadishu.
Black Hawk down?
NYC cops fight back against their leftist overlords. Skip to 2:25 for the nitty gritty. Note especially the attitude of the DAs.
What is in store if something isn’t done?
Kow-Towing to the mod NEVER works !
mob not mod !!
Jo (the mod) could punch out the mob any day!
Minneapolis ……. Mogadishu in Minnesota.
Here is an interesting video from a few years ago by Jonathan Roth a
Canadian Journalist who attended the inauguration of DT. Could he be right?
Even he doesn’t seem to think so. He’s just talking his book. He gets paid to say bugger all – just like most media commentators.
However, they’d better get used to the fact that Donald Trump will win in November. Not just win, but romp it in.
That’s what the communists, the anarchists and the progressives can’t deal with. Their ideology is extreme and dangerous. That characteristic is now on display for all to observe. Donald Trump will have a field day with them.
Antifa is now a terrorist organisation in the USA. Fund it and you’ll go to prison. For a very long time.
You’d better believe him.
And Australia needs to follow suit.
Biden’s campaign, and other Democrats have allegedly been donating to organisations which pay bail for people arrested for ‘protesting’. I’m not sure if this is true, but I would not be surprised if it was.
Millie Weaver has produced a video about an undercover investigation that readers here might want to see.
I’ll believe that when I see Soros prosecuted!
It’d be nice to see the ADL, AIPAC, AOZ and all the rest register as a foreign lobby group not able to fund election candidates.
Yes, I imagine something will come up in late October to cause more mayhem. They’ve got no other strategy left except violence. Unfortunately they seem to be desperate, and have nothing to lose, so this is another problem.
I think Trump may win, and I think most rational people will be put off by the behaviour of the Democrats over the last few years, but there are also lessons to be learned from other elections or referenda where people thought a certain person or view would win in a landslide. Complacency is not a good thing.
I’n not sure the democrat congress has managed to do anything of significance. Meanwhile Trump builds the wall, to protect the USA for (among other things) COVID-19, seems almost Phophetic in hindsight.
Now Pelosi is submitting her soft underside to BLM thuggery. You could not get a starker reality. Democrats submit to mob rule, Trump (R) for law and order, and equality for all and Mitt Romney (R) for where ever the wind is blowing. I hope for our biggest ally’s sake that the population choose law and order over anarchy of the mob next election and return not only Donald Trump but a strong Congress that won’t bow to the mob, including the dropping of weak vacillating RINOs like Romney.
Watched two thirds of it. Interesting.
Utterly Insane!
I like Tucker Carlson but I don’t have time to watch 25 minutes of video. However I agree with the headline.
What does No Police lead to? It leads to anarchy and LOSS of services and collapse of Free Enterprise, which is something we should not want to lose.
The Mayor of Chicago possibly realises her error a bit too late.
Will Walmart fix the damage and restock their shelves, or will Chicago residents loose their stores? It all depends on whether Walmart thinks they can rely on Law and Order in Chicago. If they don’t think that Law and Order will prevail the stores will remain closed. More job losses and the Chicago residents catch a bus out of town to buy food.
This is true.
No society will be prosper if property cannot be secured.
I rarely watch anyone on Youtube. This was worth sharing.
Here’s a follow-up video from Tucker Carlson:
Tucker Carlson: Defund the police movement distracts from the left’s policy failures with the poorest Americans
The Cancel Culture strikes again:
Zuckerberg Group: Journos Should Ask Fox News Board Member to Criticize Tucker Carlson
There’s an episode in Shaun The Sheep where the goat mesmerizes the sheep into becoming zombies and gradually destroying the farm. The BLM & Antifa rank & file are no different. Their script role is provide by Saul Alinsky & other Marxists. These puppet masters tell them what to think & when to think. The destruction of free society is the result.
If Milwaukee wants a hint of what’s to come if they de-fund the police, try this one for a starter. Its on the internet and shows what can happen and what we should not wish for.
“1923 | Victorian Police Strike & Riots
The 1923 Victorian Police Strike is one of Victorian history’s most remarkable and strangest strikes because it provoked the worst public riots ever seen in Melbourne, let alone Australia.
What makes the riots even more extraordinary is not only the senselessness of the violence, but also that it was reported that rioters included members of the police force, with some reports of dissenting officers attacking one another in the streets, at times using firearms.
What had caused the police to go on strike were tense relations between officers and the government that had been lurking in the background for quite some time. Relations had long been strained for more than 20 years after parliament had abolished police pensions.”
Is there a vaguely familiar ring, or am I imagining something?
You could add Germany: January 30th, 1933
and Germany: 9-10 November 1938
Another video worth watching is Candace Owens on the George Floyd story:
This is one brave lady.
Be careful what you wish for.
Reform of British police into a bastion of PC touchy feely wokeness.
Some sad truths about the modern police
8th June 2020 Godfrey Bloom
My serving police officer friends believe the Police Service is now unreformable. Like the NHS the institutional rot is too deep. Disbandment & a complete restart is the only option. Tinkering around the edges will never dislodge the politically correct stranglehold on the institution nor its managerial incompetence.
The original concept of the police, envisaged by Robert Peel, was a body of men recruited & trained to deter crime by their presence on the streets. Without fear or favour & the support of the law abiding population as a whole. Policing by consent, that is consent of the law abiding citizen, not the consent of the wrong doer.
The policeman was of the community, a fellow citizen with powers of arrest. Backed up by the principles of English law in all its majesty. Laws made by parliament reflecting the electoral will.
The system worked very well for over one hundred years. It was internationally accepted the British police were the finest in the world. Nobody could make that claim today. So what went wrong?
With a clear strategy & promotion system we can turn to recruitment.
The quota system has been a disaster. The only sound promotion system in any organisation is meritocratic. The colour of a policeman’s skin, gender or sexual orientation is irrelevant. So he or she needs no preferential treatment. Merit alone is the deciding factor.
The drive to accelerate promotion to university graduates, women, ethnic or sexual minorities has been disastrous.
The classic example is Cressida Dick, whose gender, sexual orientation & membership of Common Purpose has shielded her from consistent operational failure. But there are no shortage of other failures in other Chief Constables across the spectrum. Judged on merit she would have been side lined long ago. Even now the Metropolitan Police follow an arrest strategy in direct line with her political prejudice. Eco demonstrators left alone to disrupt London for days, libertarians arrested immediately in Hyde Park for peaceful demonstration. Ethnic minority ghettoes unpoliced, white working class communities harassed at every turn. No wonder faith in the police has hit rock bottom.
For years we have been told police lack resources, yet with the Coronavirus neurosis we suddenly see thousands of police often in groups of three, patrolling for the first time. Where have they all been when we report rural crime & shoplifting? We see police making no attempt to social distance from each other as they harass citizens for the same behaviour.
Prime example – ignore all the warning signs because of his ethnicity, allow him to bully you into promotion with the race card, and what happens?
…believe the Police Service is now unreformable. Like the NHS the institutional rot is too deep. Disbandment & a complete restart is the only option.
Well… Seems Pat Mills and John Wagner were RIGHT on the money.
(and if you don’t get the reference, you need to read more drokking comics, creep!)
In a bizarre way I can see the sense in defunding the police. The cops will allow BLM protestors to openly contravene social distancing obligations while enforcing those rules with the rest of us. In Perth, the police happily admit they didn’t intervene in a BLM protest rally because to do so would have “likely caused trouble”. So the police here will surrender to threats of violence from the left. They’re not exactly value for money at the moment.
Yes, wielding their bloated sense of grievance as a waddy against state power is so easy in this bizarre, and preferably brief, era of identity politics.
A bit of perspective on the BLM issue.
“Origins of the violent racist organization behind the riots. ”
Things may well get much worse prior to becoming better.
The leftist minority are the squeaky wheel and gets the MSM attention (naturally) so everyone gets convinced that the next elections will go their way.
But as Brexit, the US 2016 election and our own Federal election last year show, there is a largely silent majority who don’t side with the hard left on indigenous/persons of color rights, climate change, LGBTQ, wealth redistribution and other SJW agenda. The MSM’s one-sided reporting is scary but maybe that works for conservatives by galvanising a contrary reaction at the ballots where people can express their true opinion without being hounded as being unjust, uncaring and unworthy for not agreeing whole-heartedly with the leftists.
“Defund the police” is the headline”.
But the substance is something you will recognize in OZ as well as the US.
The progressive left is — and now I am going to use a word that need to disassociated from its most recent
and most evil practitioner — facist.
The essence of the program of the left is a series of entitlements, based on social status; race is the lever
and “the moral equivalent of war” is the fulcrum but imposing a political orthodoxy and distributing the spoils of
the economy authoritatively by a universally acknowledged authority which subsititutes its value set for all other judgments
is the goal. One does not need the false glory of “the people’s ownership of the means of production” to accomplish this;
‘crony capitalism’ is just another name for facism.
The quaint concept of ‘Equal Rights’ is dead and buried tihe Martin Luther King, as is “equal justice under the law”,
or “all men are create equal”. The Left is creating a new heirarchy.
Ostensibly, this is to redress past grievances; in simple fact it is insistence that you listen to and obey them rather than
the traditional structures and customs of society. Your mark of pigmental privilege is being treated as once was a yellow religious symbol some were
forced to wear; somehow they are immune from their flaws. The abasement, social ostracism, and consequences in the workplace should be familiar to students of history.
The Universities and media are the Sudetenland of our democracies occupied by these forces. Do we remember what came next? Are we willing to stop it this time?
Nothing has changed, politics is still thuggery at base.
“war is politics by other means….” Carl von Clausewitz
There are two other facets to this.
One is political, the “Bl**c faces in high places” bargain some community leaders make with the progressives-
they support the agenda and deliver the votes, they get a dollop of power in return.
The third and tragic facet I call being Bl**k in a bubble”. If you are an intelligent and competent person who wishes to make your
way in the business world, seeking the career satisfaction and economic security we used to suppose were universal goals, your way is
now littered with potholes. Will you get your job on merit, or by quota? Will any supervisor have the guts to evaluate you fairly,
allow you to screw up and get yelled at when necessary, and praise you appropriately. Will your advancement be on merit and fit your
capabilities and achievement of the moment. And will you face a new “bubble ceiling”, because at the highest level we can’t be sure you really
ran the gauntlet necessary to qualify you for the top spot. So we will have almost no bl**k heads of corporations, but lots of such faces
where appointment is political and the best bl**k face available will do.
A certain type of person is absolutely infuriated reading or hearing this thought. I rarely come across anyone willing to present evidence or discuss.
But this isn’t my thinking especially, or new; I remember a famous sportscaster telling us when I was in college “It will be relatively easy to hire
the first bl**k manager, but it will be hell to fire him.” That was a very long time ago, and we are still arguing about why a certain bl**ck quarterback
isn’t playing as if he was key to a super bowl. Or why a wh**e quarterback who has won super bowls needs to make a pubic apology for commenting.
At least you aren’t given a couple of shots in golf based on pigment. Yet.
Until it became convenient to distinguish between enemies and an “enemy of my enemy”, the close relationship between Socialist and Fascist (National Socialists) was rarely challenged.
Both are authoritarian systems ruled by small political elites, with government control of Production, Distribution and Exchange. Semantics arguments about “ownership” fail when you understand that it doesn’t matter who is the titular owner of a business, only who controls it. As Hitler (allegedly) said, “It doesn’t matter who owns business, as long as they do as they are told.
The Left are not heroes fighting fascism. They are thugs fighting other thugs over which version of leftist theory they force upon us.
Moving forward with the law of unintended consequences, mass forced retirement in a number of urban
polices forces will push public service pension funds into insolvency. per the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.
Higher taxes, higher out migration, a dead heat on a merry go round.
The Wildcard!
The United News Channel – Lifeforce – Kim Goguen – The Manna World Holding Trust
2 Videos below:
8 June UPDATE: The United News Channel – Life Force – Kim Goguen – The Manna World Holding Trust
Here’s a Youtube video just updated: KIM POSSIBLE – for the record 7 June 2020: – 46 minutes. It is about the UNC – United News Channel launch and much more.
– Kim gives a short comment on a false UNC facebook page and the slander-&-disruption games. The UNC does not have a facebook page and never will.
– Kim outlines the UNC – United News Channel.
– Kim briefly mentions an upset that has recently happened with Thomas Williams of T.H.I.. – – ( just move through that bit ).
– UNC is about 5 days from launching.
– Website being built: – will launch in a matter of days.
– Set up for the brief period until the website and channel gets going:
– Set up for the brief period until the website and channel gets going:
– Tank & Kim talk about Life Force, Life Force Studios etc.
– ( I do not know if this is the correct spelling of the address ).
I will leave this for you to follow if you want to, to dig into if you want to, to connect to if you want to, and to spread if you want to.
9 June UPDATE: The United News Channel – Lifeforce – Kim Goguen – The Manna World Holding Trust – 5 mins only.
I guess you’ll want to know who Kimberley Ann Goguen is, and what is the Manna World Holding Trust.
Probably not but thanks for the invitation.
Watch it. You WILL be surprised. More than surprised:
Rep. Gaetz Questions Witnesses During Judiciary Policing Hearing –
1.28 sec: “If you believe that we should defund the police, would you raise your hand?”
*No hands go up*
A Must Watch
Crime SURGES as Rewarding Bad Behavior Become the New Norm
I believe the reason they would become a political party is because just a week ago Antifa was designated a terrorist organisation. But BLM have exactly the same agenda, so this is an avoidance measure for them.
Always nice to see privilege defending itself against equality, even when it is as shallow as Fox
Anyway where is another view of the odious Tucker Carlson
I would not advise that you read it, privilege is very fragile that way
Says he who is scared witless of a little essential natural trace gas. Koala Bears Lives Matter Too!
BTW there’s a spelling mistake in your link, it should read: thegrauniad.con
Glad to see your innate victimhood still live and well, Peter.
Sad to see you have so little self-worth, that you think you just don’t matter.
And yes, racism does exist in the USA.
… a large percentage of b***k people are highly racist.
Also, thanks for showing everybody that CNN will stoop to using mindless puppets to push their putrid hatred.
But that is their M.O.
… said the elitist to the deplorables.
From the Guardian article.
‘In one incident Carlson said that letting low-income people immigrate to America “makes our own country poor and dirtier”.
It makes sense, but taking it further, the children of those immigrants will spruce themselves up and become part of the cultural fabric.
” the children of those immigrants will spruce themselves up “
Only if they are allowed to overcome the victimhood imposed on them by the far-left racist socialist tendencies of the culture they are in.
Sorry…. but one of the common results on non-assimilation is that the first generation born in the new country and not finding it the land of milk and honey, blame the hosts instead of their own failure.
The classic Australian example is Ned Kelly. Australian-born and ranting about the oppression of the Irish, when there were more Irish-born Police at Stringybark Creek than in the Kelly gang. The irony continues in that Kelly was sentenced by an Irish-born judge and hanged in the same year that the Irish-born leader of the Eureka Rebellion, Peter Lalor, was elected Speaker of the Upper House of Victoria’s Parliament.
More modern example? The ethnic Lebanese gangs who instigated the Cronulla riots.
See – I told you so, all attack no logic.
For example – New South Wales are going to have mental health nurses at police stations
Meanwhile in the USA (and the reason behind the defund movement)
Police with Tanks – Failed state right there
How else are the police meant to serve and protect the majority of the population against a mob of mindless racist hooligans intent on utter destruction.
Yep this b***k racism, expounded by the far-left media will certainly lead to failed socialist type states.
It is very interesting that you actually support that mindless destruction of life property and society
It says a lot about you.
“all attack no logic.”
Again, Peter is getting introspective.
Look hard at yourself, Peter, see just how ugly the far-left is.
“to have mental health nurses at police stations”
Great idea.
Many incidences the Police have to work with are dealing with people with mental or drug issues.
Take for instance the George Floyd incidence, both mental and drug issues involved.
Peter, all you did was post a link to someone else’s hit piece. You didn’t add anything to it, and you didn’t identify why it was so correct and Carlson was so wrong.
The only point I can see in the article is that Carlson described white supremacy in America as a hoax. Which it is. A few individuals does not make the statement true any more than a few radical Islamists make them all radical; it does not.
Then you come back and complain about “all attack no logic”. Your statement is vapid, void and without substance.
Please defend your beliefs and explain yourself. Else you’re nothing but a drive-by sniping troll, and we’ll need an /ignore feature installed.
Mr Cavanagh,
I was making a point, which I amplified later in the thread, that Mr Carlson represents privilege, and is completely removed from those who feel that their police force is an existential threat.
Please look up the statistics on a percentage of population basis of deaths and incarcerations for various segments of the American population, while you are doing that also reflect to the size of the American prison system, again on a population basis, compared to any other country.
To suggest, that BLW is just an ideology (as Jo does), while arming your police force with tanks, speaks of the privilege enjoyed by Mr Carlson, and by extension people like yourself.
I beg you to look with the eyes of those in the streets, remembering that they consider the BLM movement more important than the risk of catching Covid-19.
Now I should not have had to go to this level of detail, but, obviously, you needed it.
“represents privilege”
No, he represents REALITY, backed up by facts.. you should try it some time.
Stop trying to use your basic hatred of progress, civilisation and people who have actually done things and earnt their way, trying to put “names” on things that exist only in your hate filled mind.
BLM is an ideology of racist hatred. That is a FACT that cannot be denied.
The fact that you support their thuggery and looting and society destruction shows you as having a deep racist ideology and self-hatred have no place in modern society.
Thank you for going to that minimal level of detail, it exposes YOU as everything that is wrong with the racist leftism that is destroying US society.
Please stop bringing it here.
This is a answer to your 3 posts
What Facts? I’ve posted links to support my point of view, something missing from your argument, and here is another one
How do you square the use of tanks against looters?
As to AntiFa – who is the leader?, is there a web page? a Facebook page? is there a gofundme page? Since you claim more knowledge the me, I will wait for your answers
What Trump as done has tried to ban a definition (Antifascist ), and by calling it a terrorist organisation is even more stupid than the exhortation to inject bleach
Your victimhood continues to shine like a sickly green light.
Do you really think looter and destruction should not be stopped ?
Do you really think police shouldn’t have the best protection they can get against thugs provided with brick missiles etc
You seem to really worship anarchy and mayhem.
Perhaps you know it is the only way your sick ideology can win. !
And yes AntiFa are as close as you can get to a home-grown terrorist mob.
But you knew that didn’t you.
Worshipping terrorism.… must be a Peter Fitzroy thing.
“The news media became more likely to cover black men’s fatal encounters”
Media coverage…… wake up, Peter. !
Black on Black death far outnumber anything else.. where is your outrage. !
It seems the b***k community need to get their act together so they don’t get involved in so much crime. Wouldn’t you agree? or not agree?
But they have to start taking responsibility first, rather than blaming every problems on other people.
But you wouldn’t know anything about responsibility..
Victimhood doesn’t allow that.
“The news media became more likely to cover b***k men’s fatal encounters”
Media coverage…… wake up, Peter.
b***k on b***k deaths far outnumber anything else.. where is your outrage. !
It seems the b***k community need to get their act together so they don’t get involved in so much crime.
Wouldn’t you agree?…. or not agree?
But they have to start taking responsibility first, rather than blaming every problem on other people.
But you wouldn’t know anything about responsibility..
Victimhood doesn’t allow that.
An observation I have Peter that might help. If certain people engage with you and you engage back everyone else tunes out. Don’t be fooled by the thumbs… they are added gainsay without the comment being read because no one is interested in back and forth of this kind.
Not engaging with certain people means – mostly – real replies from people who genuinely want to engage and not just disrupt. Trust me, there are smart people on this blog but you’re not attracting them.
“and not just disrupt”
You mean like you and Peter.
That is the only reason either of you is here.
“Since you claim more knowledge the me”
I’m sure you know a lot about AntiFa, and their leaders and operations.
Trying to DENY the FACT that they are tantamount to a fascist terrorist organisation shows your deep support for them.
You “out” yourself.
Thanks gee aye, I will take your advice.
“Mr Carlson represents privilege, and is completely removed from those who feel that their police force is an existential threat.”
Sounds fair enough to me.
Family not short of a bob or two.
Private School education
Good start in life.
Certainly more privileged than most childhoods.
“and incarcerations for various segments of the American population”
So you are saying that laws should be applied differently to b***k people to reduce the number of crimes they commit.
Is that right… you are calling for racist laws… correct !
Why are you saying that normal respectable people should not be protected from rioters and looters ??
The absolute violence and thuggery of your AntiFa mates, required solid force to combat it.
Slavery is a touchy subject Jo
And Possums. Possums have had a tough time too. Nothing on world of meters about Possums so far. And they are mammals. Time to widen our perspective.
My favourite Possum.
I was used to feeding a family of brush tailed/tail possums and one evening i had forgotten to do so. Asleep on a couch i found two talons/claws.razor sharp keratin arresting both of my shoulders and a Brush tail Possum looking down squarely in the eyes (MIne) saying as if…where is dinner? Quite a wake up call
I was *accustomed to…
Peter’s innate victimhood come to the fore, yet again
You don’t have choose to be a victim all your life, Peter. !
Why should pointing out that the guy had a privileged journey from birth to employment indicate that I (or PF) identify as a victim?
I am working class, left school at 15 BUT I am well spoken (thanks to David Davis of BBC Children’s Hour) with an adequate vocabulary.
My speech is my one privilege, but it has assisted me in moving “uppards”.
Peter this is hubris. We are not American.
It’s not our fight.
But he wants to bring it here. !
There are a lot of people on the far-left that have this “we are victims, so we are going to rebel” mentality.
Bill, but it’s our civilization.
If the US and UK fall to mob bullying and a tribal cult, exactly how long do you think Australia will last?
Ji I am reading a book : ‘Dispatches From Pluto’ by Richard Grant
That is Pluto in the Mississippi delta.
It’s an informative and amusing read.
And it deals with the whole issue of race in America.
The nation we call the United States of America is extraordinarily diverse and different.
The people of the Mississippi are American but not like anywhere else in the USA.
And as I read i know this is NOT my civilisation.
And neither are any of the other 52 states “My” Civilisation.
I remember the time we went and stayed in Orange county to see Disneyland.
The motel was 250 meters from the front gates.
But the motel said “Don’t walk there.Get the bus” !
But we’re Aussie – we walked.
And discovered that there were footpaths on the side of the road to get there.
Yes the USA is different.
I’m pleased that Australia are allies and that we get along.
But I am convinced that we should let Americans sort their own problems/
And that they will respect us and do us the same favor.
Bill….. The same set of lies and poor policy is being used to divide Australia and create a form of inherited aristocracy with more rights, access to more things and more voting power per capita.
It is our fight in a very real sense.
Peter think about how many people were at the protests last Saturday – 30,000 nation wide.
And how many were not at the protests ~ 23.5 million.
Our elected leaders see this very clearly.
Bill in OZ…..since when did the US gain 3 more states?
“ And neither are any of the other 52 states “My” Civilisation.”
Further, you can’t avoid the BLM movement….it’s already here.
“and is completely removed from those who feel that their police force is an existential threat.”
Peter means the criminal elements of society… right Peter!
Not necessarily. I have worked with colleagues who were stopped, questioned, maybe searched because of their choice of clothing.
Look like a “Teddy Boy”, “Hippy”, “Mod”, “Foreign”, etc., etc.?
Me? No problems. Polite explanation of my being out and about at 2am.
No questions, no search.
“Good night, Officer. Hope the rain holds off for you.”
And off I go, with my drug haul undisturbed in my briefcase.
Red Thumb? You don’t approve of actual events? Wow!
(Well, to be honest, the “drug haul” bit wasn’t true. My briefcase contained computer listings of programmes – as I spelled it in the ’60s – and test results. But the Police Constable did not investigate any further because of my demeanor.)
Experienced computer programmers were then few and far between and dress codes were lax. So, although I was a “Grey Suited Grafter”, many of my colleagues were not. And they suffered the consequences – Stop and Search.
Please click on the Red Button below if you wish to confirm your stupidity.
So… an article claiming that the police have ‘tanks on our streets’ does not show a single photo of a tank.
Would it not be LOGICAL to show a photo of a tank? I mean they are rather large, relatively slow and hard to hide. Surely SOMEONE would have a photo.
Oh well. Maybe the authors don’t actually know what a tank is and were simply writing an attack piece devoid of logic or proof. Maybe.
Do you know what a tank is, Peter? Just wondering. I mean you correctly identified that most of the Democrat run states (aka where the riots are) are ‘failed’, so I assume you have a bit of basic Industrial Military Complex knowledge.
With the pallets of bricks readily available to protestors, looters and AntiFa thugs, some sort of armoured protection vehicle seems like a good idea.
Water cannons with indelible red or green dye wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Seems these are what are what may be being referred to.
“included 30 mine-resistant vehicles worth about $700,000 each”
Protection from planned supplies of brick projectiles seems like a good idea.
red thumb thinks police shouldn’t have protection from brick missiles.
Interesting !
“During the pilot program, police time-on-scene was reduced by an average of 45 minutes, not only supporting first responders to appropriately recognise and respond to psychiatric incidents in the community, but also freeing up officers to serve the community in other areas”
And this is bad? How?
As for “Police with Tanks – Failed state right there”, I would tend to agree.
Any violence on the part of protesters, spray them with indelible dye. Round them up at leisure.
Should encourage peaceful protests.
Lot’s of bashing of the left here – and deservedly so. Unfortunately, much worse is yet to come. The only language they know is hatred and the only means they have to express it is violence. Left-wing terrorism’s main objective is to destroy capitalism and all forms of Western democracies. I just wonder when the rest of the population will wake up to that fact and what they will do about it.
The PM is right onto it, drawing a line in the sand.
‘Prime Minister Scott Morrison has accused Black Lives Matter protesters of putting at risk Australia’s road out from coronavirus and has warned for no further demonstrations to be held.’ SMH
“The PM is right onto it, drawing a line in the sand.”
You mean like this:
LOL. What’s he going to do? Send in the army? No way. Your forget it’s a state matter so it’s up to the premiers to pull their fingers out and do something. Of course PM Morrison could “defund” the states by withholding some of the GST to force them to act but of course he’s not going to do that, especially since he is letting the ABC off the hook so many times.
The PM will shame the organisers of these rallies, traitors in a time of war against an invisible enemy, but a promise that they can have their gathering once the football gets back to normal crowds.
You have no faith in our quietly unassuming leader, who has brought us through the drought, bushfires and pandemic, the final obstacle being the devastating floods on the horizon.
A corona virus infected person was at the Melbourne BLM matters protest last weekend.
Ohhh Well…
It will be a long time till Victoria gets the virus score to zero..
And here in SA the BLM mob have cancelled their protest till a time when it is safer..
The problem with the left here is the same as the problem we have with them in the realm of climate change —
Their policies – which they insist with the fervor of the righteous must impact our lives — and do with seriously adverse economic
consequences — are at odds with the data.
Their world is built on a web of lies. When one deals with the left, one is not reasoned with, one is imposed upon.
This does not necessarily characterize them as individuals; it does define them as a political force. The individual snowflake can be a thing of
beauty, in an avalanche it is an immediate danger to life and limb.
CCPV* is precisely as real as CAGW, and supported by precisely the same type of lies, by precisely the same type of people, to precisely the same end.
The poor who will suffer if the goals are realized are the same as well; and a similar broadening of the arguments has begun. Removing a statue of Cristopher Columbus in Boston
is clearly an antidote to hypothetical police violence against the pigmented. Tomorrow, lets have a rally against smallpox.
I actually much prefer the marches against pipelines; one goes out in the countryside, gets some fresh air, and although a few turtles are scared and bushes trampled there is a lots less looting or crime of opportunity.
Well, we probably had ten million people in the street, including nine million college age kids who weren’t in school or working because the leftist governors told them they couldn’t. The other 320,000,000 Americans were united for about 30 minutes in disgust after seeing the Minneapolis video.
Since then we’ve watched the contemporary PC Cancel culture at work. To me one of it’s defining features is a total lack of self-awareness.
Lets go back to global warming. You can lose your job in many places for having the wrong view, or be attacked, or socially ostracized, or otherwise rejected.
But there is nonetheless a community around the data that CAGW is essentially fraudulent.
SO is the epidemic purported here, but it is orders of magnitude more dangerous to speak out. But drip, drip, drip goes the empathy as the excesses of the exploiters erode the legitimate sympathy among the population.
There are a couple of different waves heading toward the American shore. The left hopes to ride a wave of sympathetic momentum to success in November. But they know, as I do, tat under comparable circumstances in 1968 they were swamped by the backwash of ordinary folks reconsidering things and lost in a landslide, much as the climate has not moved the needle in the US when thought about.
So they will be loud, louder, and loudest with new weekly demands, no matter how outrageous, keeping people in the streets until November. Their stock in trade is emotion, not reason. And soon their cause will encompass their other grievances.
And with luck, reduce itself to the cities, the celebrated, the idle rich, and the earnestly intellectual as the rest of the country gets down to the issue of rebuilding an economy.
IF (and who knows) the election becomes supporting the cause vs. earning a living, the left is toast.
Open letter to President Donald Trump from Archbishop Vigano
That’s a very interesting read and a powerful endorsement.
Yes, and it makes a very different point to the one made by the very un-Christian” Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde, who oversees the church and the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, and who whined to CBS last week that she wasn’t informed in advance that the president would visit the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church.
Whinging that, in her un-Christian view, President Trump’s visit was a “symbolic misuse of the most sacred texts of our tradition”, she seems to have forgotten the underpinning teachings of her Saviour.
Never mind. She is forgiven. Sin no more, Reverend.
Hopefully the Rev Budde is familiar with John 8:11
That letter from Archbishop Vigano is tremendous. Thank you very much. It’s what I’ve been looking to find for quite a while.
I had a look at your site Anne. Good work!
The first response to my endorsement of the Anne Stallybrass comment was a red thumb!
I was expecting a green from Anne. I suppose some one else saw the comment, and either knows about Anne Stallybrass or they clicked on her blog. I hope it was the second option.
As Oscar Wilde said:“There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”
Anne takes a certain view.
If you support her, you earn an authorities red thumb from those to whom tribe matters more tgan evidence and logic.
Our friend Leaf has already made it clear that his mind works that way. Draw your own conclusions.
We have gone one step further than the Americans. We have an actual political party siding with the protesters, warts and all. The Australian Communist Party has made a profound statement on their web site. So much BS.
ACP statement
I am amazed that so many Australians here have an ‘opinion’ that they ant to blast out
About the unfortunate various crises happening in the USA.
I have lived there and have family living there.
But I am reluctant to express any views on the situation.
It is such a huge diverse country with the differences so marked
That generalisations smack of hubris.
I think Aussies ( and other non USA residents ) should but out.
And let Americans sort out these problems without foreign interference.
By extension, everyone should “but out” on everything except their own field of expertise.
JoNova therefore, would be a very short blog – as it would be limited to microbiology, and none of us would be encouraged to comment.
To you point about generalisations – is there any topic where generalisation has no place?
We like to see your comments.
They show the far-left brain-washed ignorance on basically every topic you comment on.
You personify rabid leftism.
That’s a good idea, so when are you going to adopt it?
There is one exception to my argument, and you sophocles encapsulate it – that is making a completely insane comment. Well done
Insane comments here are mostly from YOU, Peter.
You just aren’t sane enough to realise it.
Sanity, realism, and rational thought processes are not part of you being you.
On this occasion I think that Peter Fitzroy is correct
By extension, everyone should “but out” on everything except their own field of expertise.
Oh, not so, not so.
We are all perfectly entitled to debate aspects of,say, off the top of my head, CAGW, as long as we stay within the bounds of Science as it is generally accepted in other disciplines.
I agree with Bill in Oz. Mainly, I have lived and worked in the pleasant and comfortable parts of the UK.
My wife has lived and worked in the pleasant but impoverished West and North West.
We lived in North Wales for 8 years and I learned how less well-off others are in the UK. Voted Plaid Cymru.
Thus, I wouldn’t even make generalisations on the titchy UK, let alone the vast mass (mess?) that is the USA.
Before I visited Jo’s site, I had no idea (there’s an opening for a snide remark, Andy) that Climate Science was political!
And that one had to be “either a little Liberal or else a little Conservative”. Well, “A plague o’ both your houses!”
Hi Fred,
Good that you have discovered Jo’s blog and remember you commenting previously.
One of the tricks of the situation is that if you miss relevant earlier posts then you may be missing the full picture.
My own view is that Andy’s comments are just providing some context concerning comments you may have missed.
Things can easily be misleading when Peter F and Bill of Oz actually write something that sounds decent, logical and useful.
Unfortunately the longer term context of earlier comments gives better ground from which to make judgement on the current posts.
Unfortunately we are part of the US Alliance and butting out may have ramifications.
Yes you emotion, opinion and anecdote justifies demanding silence of others.
To achieve the new world order,
Each country must open its border,
Then disband its police,
So each breach of the peace,
Will bring maximum social disorder.
CO2 is racist.
The Sierra Club told me so, so it must be right.
If you like Tucker, try this:
Both Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino (both appear on Fox) expect (and supply) evidence to support arguments, and don’t ignore or try to silence the “other side” – if you oppose them and have evidence, they can and have changed their mind on some issues.
Dan tends to “deep dive” what even Tucker either misses or covers lightly.
Video podcasts from Dan Mon-Fri (US time, so Tues-Sat here) about 1 hour long.
He tends to show things like the hypocrisy of the MSM and Democrat “leaders” by showing you what they want flushed down the memory hole (ie, what they said last week/month/year which is now the opposite of what they are saying). He has some good sources, in large part because he was NYPD for 2 years and also Secret Service for 12 years (inc protective detail for Bush and Obama).
Dan’s coverage of the Flynn scandal was/is some of the best I’ve seen – if you see what he has dug up, you will be in no doubt as to why DoJ dropped the case against Flynn. HINT: they accused him of lying to them about a question their own hand-written notes show they didn’t even ask him, they had a special side-deal in the plea bargain that wasn’t disclosed to the court (legally should have been), failed to provide exculpatory evidence in their possession to the defense team (legally required to), lied about having said evidence – it just goes on and on.
Why they might have done it is also covered.
Thank you. It’s really nice to get good links here, especially seeing the increasing difficulty of getting them via giggle or metube.
Anne, Here is something worth listening to
I’ve stated it at the point where the older Connelly starts.
You can watch from the start if you want..
(hope you can cope with the Irish accent)
Turns out the conspiracy theorists were right!
Captain Disillusion explains…
“The Unbearable Loneliness of Being Right on the Internet – Live at Skepticon Australia 2017″
•Nov 30, 2017
“Captain Disillusion creator Alan Melikdjanian frantically lectures a skeptical audience on how to never make any mistakes as a YouTuber.
Recorded at City Recital Hall in Sydney, Australia, during Skepticon 2017. Footage courtesy of Think, Inc.”
In the main…
“How To Always Be Right.
Don’t Make Any Mistakes Ever
Find Subtle Ways in Which You Are Not Wrong.” -Captain Disillusion.
“Stick To What You Know.
“Don’t Make Any Mistakes Ever
“Find Subtle Ways in Which You Are Not Wrong.” -Captain Disillusion.
USA imploding; 5 months to the election and anything can happen.
Will it be; BLM vs the rest or back to Dems and Republicans.
People can demonstrate now but it’s voting day that matters.
Right now it’s reputation in the world as the leading democracy is in tatters.
And the country is split like like a dead tree about to fall.
It’s going to take a long time to heal . . .
It’s as clear as day that the rabid left will do anything and everything to try and bring down Trump. Even if he wins a second term they will not give up. If anything they will very likely double their efforts. Mayhem down the road I’m afraid.
At the moment Biden is eight points in front, but polls can be deceiving.
Democracy is robust and divisive, its only natural and the US should survive this tumult of pandemic and riots.
Not as bad as it may appear, as the MSM distorts everything.
EG, about 80% AGAINST “defund the police” – that’s MASSIVE, and pollie-muppets thast think there’s votes in it are dead wrong. Those numbers are also about the same for black voters too.
As I keep saying, it like here – the rusted on left and right will never change, the moderate middle decides, and they like Trump at this time. We’ll see come November…
Its all about MAKING NOISE.
The Problem is Bigger than Black Lives matters. The problem is this new state of mind, ‘Woke’.
The US universities are woke and the US Democratic party is Woke. The following is an example of Woke. Woke happens when suddenly you realize, Climate is a Crisis, and we need to spend all of our money, now on stuff to fight climate or maybe climate change. (Woke is not detailed.)
Logic, facts, and real crisis/issues for our country, and so on are set aside.
Suddenly, while fighting a pandemic. There was Woke and it was instantly determined that during the worse economic downturn in the last 40 years ..
…there is an urgent need to start riots and fights in the country, about an issue that will be used by the Democrats in the Fall election (Bonus). And that the rioters shall burn down the few businesses and services that are found in poor black areas.
Justice and countries, require logic and reason to function. Random Revolutions just for fun, with no plan, no leaders, is not a good idea. Chaos is hell.
The Democratic party have weaponizing protestors and are supporting defund police campaigns.
….which has resulted in planned, attacks on the Police Force, in addition to the 24/7 attacks on the president.
Sort like treason.
Is this woke illogic thing actually a form of juvenile dementia?
The World Has Gone Mad.
It looks like we are living in pretty interesting times. That is one huge wave of dogma sweeping in. This feels like a very big push. I’m sure The Pute, and the Chinese, are rolling on the floor, laughing uncontrollably. Simply, Triumph by Human Resources. Who’d of thunk it?
Votes are going to be interesting. Forget opinion poles. In the present climate, folk are definitely not going to be letting on what their thinking is.
And everyone take a breath. We all forget the automatic rejection by a new generation of the previous generation’s ideas. It’s the way we are. (At least since teenagers were invented in the 50’s) Trump could get booted out, the left can run roughshod over our civilisation, and I guarantee their children will be very unhappy. (Well thinking about it, they aren’t showing too many signs of having much of another generation!) I guess it’s possible to destroy a lot of history, making things more difficult. The dogmatic will give that a shot.
Just ordered a new book- ‘The Precipice’- supposedly the author rates rogue AI, the most likely total catastrophe of the next era. He rates climate doom rather low.
There are some (trial ? ) AT’s making comments here on JoNova.
But on who’s behalf ?
That is the question.
And, they’re very short on RAM.
Now ABC is questioning BoM weather warming …
I’ve lived in the Adelaide Hills for 20 years.
Never has there been snow at Stirling, or Lobethal or Mt Barker.
And I’ve stayed at Burra in Winter..
To see snow on the ground in those places is amazing
There has only ever been just a dusting of snow on the peak of Mt Lofty..
So the question is : Why did South Australia go through such a cold spell in the 1900′-1910 period ?
PS 5th day in a row of frosts this morning…It’s a long cold winter this year here.
….were there were no Stevenson’s Screens that were applied to gather your data? I wonder….
“A Stevenson screen or instrument shelter is a shelter or an enclosure to meteorological instruments against precipitation and direct heat radiation from outside …”
If you see snow, don’t believe your lying eyes …… unless you are looking through the fabled “Stevenson screen”
At least life behind a Stevenson Screen is more tolerable than outside where a thermometer might struggle with the elements. Life is good for thermometers these days thanks to the Stevenson Screen
Eh, but it’s coooold outside.
Just like fake climate change (FCC), the mindless masses latch onto the hypocritical inconsistent drivel put out by BLM no doubt in order to give themselves some psychic income by way of the cancerous vacuous virtue signalling.
Just like FCC it all falls apart upon closer and historical inspection and history dictates what comes next. The USA will look like Venezuela before this time next year.
A good article on the topic is below:
“The USA will look like Venezuela before this time next year.”
Mainly those parts where socialist memes rule.
Simple just rewrite or erase sections of history. That is well under way.
Nay Rocket Red
T’is the NEW Gretta inspire religion of the Sacred Earth.
Nonsense like all the others.
But it seems to fill an empty hole in the psyche’s of all the believers.
It staves of the depression that comes of purposelessness.
Off topic but a useful reminder that the decarbonization juggernaut’s momentum appears undiminished since interested parties may “pre-order Judith Brett’s insightful new Quarterly Essay, The Coal Curse“, (or not).
Mostly not.
That entire publishing house depends on it’s ideology for survival.
Good luck with that…
[1] Opie and P. Opie, The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1951, 2nd edn., 1997), p. 403.
I first saw this poem posted here on the blog by ROM, who unfortunately no longer posts. He still lives but is not very well.
I was reminded of it by Gee Aye, who gave some advice to Peter Fitzroy.
A slightly different version was often quoted to us by my mother many years ago:
“There was an owl lived in an oak
The more he heard the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard
Why not be like that wise old bird?”
Regards to ROM if you are in touch. I’d been meaning to email Beththeserf to ask if any news of ROM.
Our Nestor.
If you want to see what happens without police, do a search on Seattle’s ‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone‘.
The inmates are now running the asylum.
Here is just an appetizer.
The funny thing is, take these, whatever they are, away from their mummy and daddy they have no idea what to do.
Honestly, you can’t make this #$%^ up
Btw, if you really want to see what is happening in US politics, including the scandle(s) of the democrats, the above website is the place to go. Be prepared for things you have never heard about.
A real comedy show !
300 millions Americans are laughing.
Would that we all had Tucker’s ability to see the truth.
They better stay the hell out of my neighborhood. My neighbors all have guns an practice with hem regularly.
All lives natter.
Black Lives Matter – well what about these ones then?
Statistically, by a massive margin, the biggest threat to a US black person’s life is another black person.
The only sense I’ve heard on the whole matter – from a black ex-cop, it really is worth watching.
Soundcloud rapper Raz Simone and his entourage have claimed the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) as their territory
Seattle “Autonomous Zone” Now Has A “Heavily-Armed” Warlord As Crime Spikes 300%
The racist math exam that’s been getting teachers in trouble for decades | Mic Check
Liberal Sociologist – Math is racist
BLM and its actions has the support of the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa. Oddly enough, the ANC actually RUNS South Africa – and its police and armed forces. Huh?
BLM might have had supporters that did not know they had the support of an entire “African National Congress”(ANC) Perhaps these supporters had no clue of it and were simply content to be there for a seemingly worthy cause, like those who want to save forests and …the….
….the “THE AUSTRALIAN greater glider (Petauroides volans), a pretty marsupial species whose awkward gait has earned it the rather dubious honour of being named one of the clumsiest gliding possums in the world.”
Sure i could not resist the opportunity to save Petauroides volans
Australian possums and those that are in New Zealnd want your support bro.