A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Just was contiplating this morning on how much our governments have intruded into our lives by just how we could build a house in the 1950s with no regulations with help from your neighbors.
Today, you need heavy insurance, 7 licenced trades all with updated safety equipment as they expire and make sure they are using it on site as heavy fines are laid. 10 building and safety inspections along with engineered certified building plans. Forgotten, all your material must be certified and stamped.
One time, my boss was not in good standing with the building inspector and had to tear down the plastic vapor barrier as some of the writing was on backwards and he couldn’t read it. It was the correct type, the inspector was showing the power trip he had by being able to close the site down for anything if he truly wanted to.
It’s everywhere.
Australia has – for example – the world’s second-largest reserves of both Lithium and Cobalt…. but ask any miner how many hoops they have to jump through to get a mine to production.
We have been a prosperous country for so long that Australians imagine that prosperity “just happens”, regardless of the stupid things we do to hinder it. Red tape. Taxes. Power costs. Employment costs…… there are no free lunches.
Michael E. Mann – wrong again
Mark Steyn is as entertaining and incisive as ever. Really, Mannboys and mannbois.
Weaknesses of solar and wind, Myths and Questions that require an answer
Claim: Global Warming Could Stress Tropical Plants
My two tomato plants are loving it. The neighbors driving by are saying that when they are ready, they have step ladders as it is getting huge. Already have tomatoes growing…yummy.
A MUST WATCH: Environmentalist Michael Shellenberger on rejecting climate alarmism
This BBC clip shows What happens if social distancing has gone on too long?
See mass groups of drinking people in the UK completely ignoring social distancing. are human.
Humans need to have fun which means getting together in groups.
People will, if they have practiced social distancing too long, lose a little of their ‘fear’ of authority, give the cop a bird, and have fun.
It will be interesting to see if the BCC/UK picks up on the fact that HCQ in combination with azithromycin, when given to the covid patient early, reduces the patient death/serious organ damage by 71%. There is a doctor in the US who has treated 2000 patients with HCQ plus azithromycin, as soon at the patient started to show covid symptoms. He only had one death and almost no patients required ICU treatment.
Hydroxychloroquine provided a 66% hazard ratio reduction, and hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin 71% compared to neither treatment (p < 0.001).
Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Combination in Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19
You forgot the zinc. And the other doc who adds vitamin D.
Dave B
Hypothesis: Restrictions on Hydroxychloroquine Contribute to the COVID-19 Cases Surge
* This article can now only be found in archives. It has been wiped from internet.
October 18, 2016
Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review
Yesterday’s Scientific Dogma is Today’s Discarded Fable
“The above quotation is ascribed to Justice Archie Campbell author of Canada’s SARS Commission Final Report. 1
It is a stark reminder that scientific knowledge is constantly changing as new discoveries contradict established beliefs.
For at least three decades a face mask has been deemed an essential component of the personal protective equipment worn by dental personnel.
This article will describe how the findings of such studies lead to a rethinking of the benefits of wearing a mask during the practice of dentistry.
It will begin by describing new concepts relating to infection control especially personal protective equipment (PPE).
Covering the nose and mouth for infection control started in the early 1900s when the German physician Carl Flugge discovered that exhaled droplets could transmit tuberculosis.
The science regarding the aerosol transmission of infectious diseases has, for years, been based on what is now appreciated to be “very outmoded research and an overly simplistic interpretation of the data.”
‘masking at both 50% and 80-90% of the population but no lockdown beyond the end of May result in substantial reduction of infection, with 80-90% masking eventually eliminating the disease.’
Climate scam momentum update:
“36 countries that sit on the council of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (Icao) – the UN body responsible for aviation – agreed on Tuesday to ease airlines’ obligation to offset their emission growth until at least 2023.”
Airlines’ climate obligations postponed as UN body endorses industry proposal
We’re gonna need a bigger solar panel …
July 1, 2020: 100% renewable energy deal struck for the City of Sydney
“A new agreement with innovative renewable energy company Flow Power will ensure all City of Sydney operations, including pools, sports fields, depots and buildings, including the historic Sydney Town Hall, will be powered by 100% renewable energy.”
Fortunately for the City of Sydney that ‘green electricity’ travels through the wires also carrying black coal fired electricity. That should help when the sun doesn’t shine in Nowra.
Exactly G3, we were told that Sydney’s desalination plant would be run entirely on RE. That load of crock doesn’t get a mention anymore either.
Aussie Pete:
The same was said about the Adelaide plant as well. That might be right as it only puts out a pitiful amount of desalinated water, much like wind farms. In its defence the diesel generators there are mainly used to bolster the Grid at desperate times when there isn’t any renewables anyway.
If only they had a carbon (sic) tax the sea levels wouldn’t rise scam update …
11,000-year-old mine in underwater cave surprises archaeologists
Underwater caves in Mexico preserve one of the world’s oldest ochre mines
Clowns can be winners too:
A “break-through discovery that Antarctica’s ice sheets melted rapidly in the past” has earned a group of “geologists, glaciologists, climate and social scientists” from NIWA, GNS, and Victoria University, Wellington the PM’s Premier Science Award for 2019.
The Melting Ice and Rising Seas Team (cough!) predictably wrote – in an alarming ‘it’s worse than we thought!’ fashion – “climate change… could contribute” 1.4 metres of sea level rise instead of the meagre 1 metre in the IPCC’s 2013 report.
Paying obeisance to the Climastrological Hierarchy (whilst grovelling for more cash) the team reiterated in politically correct UN NewSpeak lingo: “Antarctica’s ice sheet has a stability threshold of 2*C of global warming”. Yeah whatever.
Armed with this “new evidence”, ie. it’s all happened before, the team was now “moving their focus to communicating with decision makers on how to avoid the worst impacts of climate change”. Guess that’s where the ‘social’ scientists come in to play: money for nothing and your chips for free…
Other winners were a female maths teacher (like, I mean, y’know, a REAL maths teacher?) and a 17-year-old student who designed a Trash-Bot to drive wheelie-bins to-and-from the kerb. Kiwi science at work eh, choice!
Anyone else unable to view the AEMO dashboard,? It tell me access is forbidden is it really down or are hey trying ro hide something.
no problems here.
Just worked for me, and also earlier.
Dave B
At #1 JoJo points out the over regulation of the building industry.
One significant cost in the last few decades has been the addition of new “skimming” features in the areas of:
1. Water efficiency.
2. Building temperature regulation.
3. Water heating “savings”.
The following are compulsory:
1. Tanks and pumps that fail after 12 months to “save” rooftop water. Made in China.
2. Compulsory awnings to deflect summer heat to reduce air conditioning costs.
3. Hot water storage tanks must now have an attached heat pump; made in China which lasts about 12 months.
In no way are these items creating efficiencies or “saving the planet” and cannot be justified from a basic community engineering perspective or an economic one.
Apart from the associated dams and electricity connection these things hurt us in additional ways in allowing politicians to control us with paperwork.
No benefit to the public, just more pointless subservience.
Meanwhile the failed hot water storage tanks and roofwater tanks go to landfill, love that word, after a year or so.
Living in the country we do all these things as a matter of course apart from heat pump hot water. This stuff must vary a lot stste by state. I dont see much of this mandated on new builds where i live.
NovoCastria is loaded with this stuff, all of it pointless, expensive and futile, but for one saving grace; the benefits to friends and relatives. China gets richer, local pollies can sell the land bought ready for the much needed dam and extra admin jobs on good salaries for those waiting their turn to move up the ladder to local government fame or state parliament.
I had to Google that to figure out what/where you were referring to.
AFAIK, even down here is RedDanistan, we haven’t gone that far
Newcastle, our real name, has too many links to unpleasant political problems that do nothing for us and lots for politicians.
The new name has no baggage attached.
🙂 🙂 KK
Don’t take Nicole to Newcastle!! or similar.
An old saying that is relevant in a couple of countries.
Had to laugh, an environmentally conscious friend determined to increase the value of his land by placing an approved dwelling among his various habitations found the two welded sea containers he thought would constitute a sound roof over his head did not meet insulation requirements.
Living in steel containers? Might be hot in summer, cold in winter and a bit echoey all year.
And yes, no point taking coal to Newcastle.
There have been plently of house built from shipping containers, but of course they need some serious insulation. We are the shipping container capital of VIC around our way , although generally just put on blocks for storage and left to rot.
I recently did a walk thro’ of a “open House”. Of a brand new build near us just to check out the construction and fittings.
One of many things that i felt curious about was the ammount og full height glass windows throughout the living and bedrooms…very stylish, especially with no blinds or curtains to obstruct the lovely countryside views.
Being a local however, i know how cold it gets overnight here on the NSW south coast , so i enquired why this new build did not have double glazing.
The agents reply was .” Its all the new “E2” glass….which traps the heat just like DG glazing.”
!but my research tell me that E2 glass is designed to block the suns heat from entering , which is all good in the summer,…but not so desireable in the Winter when that sun is invaluable for warming the interior… and it does little for heat loss by conduction through the glass.
Why doesnt AU learn from other countries how to unsulat homes for warmth and heat accumulation. ?
Thought we had actually , our house is insulated everywhere plus double glazing. Quite comfortable year round and quiet. For most of OZ warmth and heat accumulation is really a major design goal, although it seem cold enough to us we dont have a serious winter.
The Dashboard is up Ian1946!
Become a member of Windwatchers Anonymous!
Everything is working at my end.
This was a reply to Ian1946.
Nice to hear your end is working GD.
Got it now using your URL. The one I have used for years just stopped working.
They lied to us about face masks, what else would they lie about update …
WHO Quietly Changes COVID Timeline following Republican Questioning
“The World Health Organization quietly changed its timeline of the coronavirus pandemic’s first days on Tuesday, clarifying that the Chinese Communist Party never informed the organization of the pandemic on December 31, despite previous claims to the contrary. ”
COVID-19 is close to losing its epidemic status in the U.S., according to the CDC
The percentage of coronavirus deaths in the country has been declining for ten straight weeks.
“There is a significant unaccounted for spike in excess US deaths this year, deaths which have not been attributed to Covid-19. Yale researchers believe a lot of the deaths are misdiagnosed Covid.”
“Yale Study Suggests COVID Death Toll In US Has Been “Substantially Undercounted”
WUWT summary to that
“In simpler terms, with all elective surgery cancelled for months, the delays in heart valve surgery, stent surgery, cancer surgery etc., might be the cause of the increase in deaths and they haven’t a clue if that’s the case or not.”
Meanwhile in factworld
Looking forward to a longer summer
Are you planning to visit Factworld in your holidays? I think you’ll suffer from severe culture shock, be careful.
“Nature” is fact world. ???? Really.. that must strain even your rabid belief !!
Your comedic routine continues.
BEST ??? all the worst urban based data available, combined and manipulated using “regional expectations”
Be VERY GLAD of the slight natural warming since the coldest period in 10,000 years.
All due to solar energy
Yes, a nice long summer would be good, wouldn’t it, last few have been pretty ordinary.
Noted that you choose to live in a nice WARM climate on the the coast of NSW.
Gotta love how they discount any data from before 1950, thus carefully avoiding the warm 1940s period.
Rather funny that you didn’t pick up on that FACT, hey Peter 😉
Is that based on pre, or post adjusted data Peter.
For those who would like a longer record showing how warming has affected Australia
Less snow more heat
Well that was a sad little propaganda empty space, wasn’t it Peter.
Not one fact anywhere.
A small localised study indicating urban response in the growing city of Adelaide…
A great display of the effects of urbanisation. thanks 🙂
Warmest temperatures in Australia were measured before 1910, (yes, they had Stevenson screens)
Everything else is just denial of this fact and smearing of “unfit-for-purpose” urban temperatures over vast areas where urban warming hasn’t occurred.
Well, there was snow in Woodside in 1995 (and before that a fair bit about 1944/45 from one old timer who spoke of looking from Lenswood towards Woodside with the whole area under snow).
But we haven’t had any real snow since the IPCC started predicting warmer times. I wonder where all that hot air is coming from?
It should also be noted that as soon as you see the name Dr Joëlle Gergis…
… you know pretty much what the study is going to say.
Its a “reputational” thing. 😉
It is what she derives her income from.
These conditions were common in Australia during the Medieval Warm Period. Can you find me some data on the MWP in Australia? Its a big mistake looking only at temperatures and ignoring precipitation.
Oh btw, Peter..
Did you ever find any empirical science showing that this slight but beneficial warming has been caused by anything human except urban heat effects and data adjustment?
Living as you do on the coast of NSW, you obviously enjoy a warm climate.
Yet you still feel victimised by it.
So sad.
That was published by the ABC weeks ago Peter
Weather changes Peter.
Climate changes Peter all by itself without any help from humans.
That applies in Adelaide Hills just like elsewhere.
The past two Winters have been bloody cold.
And last Summer we had no long hot heat wave at all……
As for the ARC is it very clever at putting out shonky smelly stuff.
Less snowjobs, more reality would be appreciated.
We shouldn’t automatically conclude that temperatures were warmer in Australia during the MWP.
So was I. Didn’t happen.
Or in Melbourne, any summer at all. Not for the last few years. Two days where the temperature soared to 37 in the afternoon and collapsed. The rest was freezing. Not a beach day in there. Thirty years ago 28 days in January were over 30C. This year, just a few. Not a beach day among them and we are told by the BOM we had the second hottest summer in history?
It’s starting to get very silly from the BOM. There is a total disconnect between their summaries and reality. And I now get my weather predictions from Norway. Much more accurate and detailed. It’s the site meteorologists prefer.
ABC/SBS, CSIRO, BOM, why do we have them? And why do they need an accelerating budget? The ABC now live in Sydney, the Sydney Harbourside Broadcasting Commission. The CSIRO do nothing, as for the last hundred years. And the BOM is fully automated. The SBS is for a 1970s publicly funded ethnic broadcasting in an internet world? It is the essence of an anachronism, at our great expense. The problem is that if you sold them, they would be worthless.
‘ABC/SBS, CSIRO, BOM, why do we have them?’
Freeze them financially and they will become leaner. We must keep the ABC and SBS alive until they tell us the truth about climate change, then we’ll decide what to do wth them.
BoM and CSIRO would then be in big trouble for spreading untruths, individuals could be culled at that point.
In this time of financial crisis, there is no cut in budget for the ABC but management is dumping 250 people and reducing service so they can pay the top people more.
The ABC would be broken up if it was privately owned, under media laws designed to stop media dominating government. I do not see why they are exempt in the first place.
It was originally a single radio station in 1932, the depths of the Great Depression, so I imagine it was a public service to keep the people fully informed and entertained during those grim times.
‘The ABC Charter, set down by Parliament, requires the Corporation to provide informative, entertaining and educational services that reflect the breadth of our nation.’
Those 250 people may have been dead wood or doing something no longer required. Over at SBS its a bit different, they have gone part commercial and shaved off their technical section. The Americans are running it now, but rumour has it that the BBC will put in a strong tender by the end of 2020.
The charter also requires impartiality. As when Leigh Sales called the Treasurer “Joker” Hockey to his face. And the abuse of the Prime Minister John Howard. Most conservative government ministers are unwilling to go on the ABC. Except Malcolm Turnbull, who stole a landslide election to setup his own Green party, TurnCoat’s Liberals. And hung on by a single seat because no one wanted him.
The abuse of the charter is clear. And their control of the media nationally means the government is afraid to touch them. So while all other media are limited by law, the ABC can and do what they like. The charter is a very bad joke. On us, the unwilling and unrepresented taxpayers. It’s Their ABC, accountable to no one.
Its an emotive issue and when you say ‘the abuse of the charter is clear’, its only from our perspective.
This biased story in the Conversation gives us a idea where the ABC is cutting.
The rot set in at BoM when John Zillman became the head honcho, he was a great defender of AGW and IPCC.
Beach day is pretty subjective. I cant thnk of a worse place to be once its over 30 than to out on the sand roasting.
I think we have different ideas about what facts mean. They use adjusted data.
I’ve noticed a few dodgy things there like
MMildura Airport.
They did not notice the move 10km from the PO to the Airport.
And they actually have one for Mildura PO, separately
Compare differences from regional expectations.
Ah! But remember the further away the more expert.
Now folks I am not going to provide links as I think it best you go look for evidence yourself, but do some simple look and see of images of famous dams.
The Hoover Dam and Three Gorges dams spring to mind as good comparisons.
Hoover Dam rather getting on in years, Three Gorges very young.
HD clean but obvious coloration of the concrete, you can almost see the pour process.
TG streaked by WATER marks, some of which were visible during construction!
Now do a little research about water and re-enforced concrete, commonly known as concrete cancer.
Why does the TG show water seepage marks?
I’m lazy Slithers.
Show us some links & nice photos please..
The structure of Hoover Dam is expected to last 10,000 years.
Especially for the lazy people, by request!
look and compare the water marks ob the image immediatelt above the caption ‘Who Built’ nice clean concrete no water stains, then look at this OFFICIAL photo taken from the same spot
notice the water stains on the dam wall where the hoover is still sparking clean.
Thanks Slithers !
Laziness triumphs again !
I found this one some time ago.
Those water marks were there when the dam was being constructed!
Is the silt supposed to plug them?
I just remembered “Mr Crystal”.
Works a treat on concrete tanks.
Link to that
And for anyone with concrete tanks their little book in the first pot you buy is one hell of an education on keeping them going.
I don’t get a “spotter’s fee” for that
Collect a lot of rain in a tall container and let it stand a while. That is how small silt can be, gets everywhere especially in still water it settles where it wants to settle.
Lake Erie Wind Turbines Lethal Threat To Migratory Birds
I very much enjoyed the C-19 discussion in the last thread.
The refusal to even trial a possible effective treatment for early stage C-19 as per the protocol suggested to Trump by Dr Zelenko and also promoted by others such as Dr Ban is disgraceful. (Not Trump’s fault, he supports the treatment. It is the fault of the Left and the Deep State.)
Many videos involving both Ban and Zelenko have been removed by YouTube. I also couldn’t find Dr Ban with Google.
The Left are preventing us from learning the truth.
The Left treat Orwell’s “1984” as an instruction manual, not a warning anout thr Left. Orwell was a modern day prophet.
It is Trump’s “fault”.
Anything he says he supports will be automatically castigated by the left/MSM/deep state so by publicly saying HCQ could be a game-changer, he destroyed any chance of its efficacy being evaluated in an impartial manner.
Afternoon David,
I’d forgotten the chase I’d done to find the podcasts. To summarise, I had to do a search (I use duck duck go) with “dr ban g truong podcasts” as my subject. And then on to #44.
May this work for you. At last. Sorry for my imprecise shorthand earlier.
Dave B
David here are more than 150 published papers from clinical trials. Obviously not included here are on going trials.
and this
who is refusing?
I specifically said as per the protocol of Dr Zelenko. Please refer to yesterday’s thread about all this. Nobody is testing that specific protocol because that’s the one known to work and what Trump’s experts were promoting. And because Trump was promoting it, the Left say not to use it and sabotage the trials. Because orange man bad.
I will happy to be corrected if you can find me a specific trial as per the Zelenko protocol.
no one? What rot.
Which clinical trials are following the protocol of Zekenko?
almost 500 trials and none of the variables cover that method?
Gee Aye, as far as I am aware, there is not a single trial that is using the specific protocol of Zelenko.
This was all discussed yesterday but basically C-19 is two stage disease. Stage 1 is viral and seemingly treatable with Zelenko’s protocol. Stage 2 is pneumonia and your own body killing you with a “cytokine storm”. His protocol is not designed for that but once that happens you are in serious trouble. Following his protocol the infection is stopped at stage 1.
Nearly all clinical trials either exclude zinc (220mg zinc sulfate daily), use an inappropriately high dose of HCQ or initiate treatment in stage 2 when it is far too late.
HCQ doesn’t kill the virus. It is a zinc ionophore which transports zinc across the cell membrane. Zinc is what does all the work of stopping viral replication.
Please find me a clinical trial designed to replicate and test Zelenco’s protocol. As I said, I don’t believe one exists.
It was disappointing to see that the 13th rocket launch by Rocket Lab in NZ was a failure. Everything was going well, right up until it wasn’t.
Some video and commentary here:
Have been looking at the basis for the ACT Gov. 100% Renewables claim.
They have contracted 639.9 MW nameplate capacity of wind/solar, and in this document confidently state:
In any user grid, there are two issues to consider:
– can the contracted suppliers consistently provide the peak power needs of the customer
– can the contracted suppliers consistently provide the overall base load needs of the customer
The ACT’s June monthly electrical demand is about 290,000 MWh. The winter demand curve generally has a morning peak of about 470 MW and evening peak of 520 MW, with occasional demand spikes above 600 MW. Minimum base power demand is about 250 MW. The following is a summary of how the ACT’s contracted renewables energy suppliers that have registered with the AEMO (613 MW nameplate) performed for the month:
Total power generated: about 90,000 MWh – 31% of target
Morning peak covered: 1 in 30 days
Evening peak covered: none in 30 days
Dispatchable output < 250MW: 493 hours (20.5 days equivalent)
Dispatchable output < 50MW: 126 hours (5.3 days equivalent)
Dispatchable output < 10MW: 32 hours (1.33 days equivalent)
Dispatchable output < 1MW: 12 hours
In summary, the ACT renewables:
– only gererated 31% of required power for the month
– failed to cover 59 out of 60 peak consumption periods for the month
– could not maintain a consistent, stable minimum base load of 250 MW for the month
– sourced more than 90% backup power from the grid for 170 hours (7 days equivalent) for the month
So, how would the renewables perform if we tripled the ACT renewables portfolio in an effort to cover peak demand – that is 1,839 MW nameplate capacity using 400,000 solar panels and 558 wind turbines:
Total power generated: about 270,000 MWh – 93% of target
Morning peak covered: 19 in 30 days
Evening peak covered: 14 in 30 days
Dispatchable output < 250MW: 198 hours (8.25 days equivalent)
Dispatchable output < 50MW: 49 hours (2 days equivalent)
Dispatchable output < 10MW: 18 hours
Dispatchable output < 1MW: 11 hours
So even after tripling the ACT renewables portfolio to 1,840 MW, it still needs non-renewable backup for its entire power needs at unpredictable times.
Just for comparison, here are the performance figures for Unit 1 at Bayswater Power Station with nameplate 660 MW capacity.
Total power generated: about 388,825 MWh – 134% of target (82% capacity factor for the unit)
Morning peak covered: 30 in 30 days
Evening peak covered: 30 in 30 days
Dispatchable output < 250MW: nil
One of Bayswaters four 660 MW generating units comfortably covers all of the ACT's power needs for June 2020 with a good safety margin and cover for unexpected demand spikes up to 660 MW.
These figures are based on dispatchable outputs downloaded from the AEMO SCADA database, using 15 minute intervals. They are easily verified.
So a theoretical 400,000 solar panels and 558 wind turbines located across SE Australia still need up to 100% backup from other sources to maintain 24/7 peak usage and base power reliability. Why bother with more renewables with our changeable weather patterns and common wind stagnation periods – just transition to nuclear at an equivalent capacity to current fossil fuel sources at the earliest possible timeframe with pumped hydro as unexpected/peak backup utilising excess base load from the reliable generators to achieve zero emissions and be done with it.
Well compiled documentation Rowjay. Hope you don’t mind if I copy and paste it.
Thanks for the short study; it’s very revealing. It’s worth noting that more and more CAGW alarmists are coming to the conclusion that renewables are not the way to go but nuclear is. If it continues it will be interesting to see which major party will be forced to promote nuclear first. There is no guarantee it will be the LNP. PM Morrison better keep up with the times if he wants to continue his mantra about how important it is to reduce our emissions. I personally don’t give a damn which way we go; nuclear or coal. Let’s just get on with it and do whatever we can to keep our economy alive. If we are to be serious about that and at the same time want to believe in the nonsense about emission reductions then going nuclear is the only viable option. It’s certainly would reach that goal far quicker and at a far less cost than renewables. Alternatively, we could just expose the myth about emissions reduction and get by with more coal fired power stations like so many other nations are doing. As I keep saying I don’t give a damn which way but it has to be one or the other or both. The moment of truth about the “king having no clothes” is fast approaching.
I am a huge fan of nuclear but the decision to use coal, gas or nuclear should be based purely on economic criteria. You can build coal power stations right on top of coal mines but a nuclear power plant might be more appropriate for areas away from coal mines.
My concern with supposed “greens” accepting nuclear is that they only support it because they believe in the falsehood of anthropogenic global warming.
Whichever method of reliable power production is chosen it should be based solely on free market mechanisms, not a belief in AGW.
I’ll even accept that there are exceptionally rare circumstances under which solar or wind power is appropriate but only for small scale installations such as a remote telecommunications facility or a farmer’s bore water pump or even an outback farmhouse where it would be hugely expensive to bring in constant supplies of fuel for generators.
I’m also a fan of Nuclear electrical power generation, but I’m pretty sure that the way we will end up going is more coal fired plants.
Besides the economics of it all, a new coal fired plant would take a lot less time to put in place from the thought bubble to actual power delivery, and that’s if both were starting off from the same point.
That point here is the fact that we are not even having the discussion on whether or not we will even accept having nuclear power plants. First they have to instigate that discussion, get ALL sides to agree, then have a study or two by relevant Government bodies (eg House or Senate Inquiry) then put it to the people, then a further inquiry or two, and then feasiblity studies, and then a plan, and then the process of constructing one of them begins.
It can only happen after ALL of that, and more is done.
Realistically, I cannot see that happening in my lifetime, here in Australia.
Even if both plants (coal and nuclear) were started on the same day, the coal fired plant would still be delivering power many years before the Nuke is completed, and the coal fired plant could take anything up to five to seven years, if everything fell into place without a problem.
We can wish and hope all we like, but until it’s acceptable, it’s still just thought bubbles.
I don’t disagree Tony.
It is impossible to make a serious infrastructure decision in Australia today.
No dams. No proper power stations. No major urban roads.
It took 50 years just to decide on a second Sydney international airport.
Tony and David, I agree with much of what you both say but I say again I don’t give a damn which way we go. I just want this nation to break the stranglehold one way or the other and get on with reality and not continue the nonsense with renewables, regardless of whether CAGW is real or not (of course its not but that’s another issue). Also the cost of nuclear is trivial in the scheme of things when compared to renewables. If I was given the choice though I would most definitely go with coal given I believe CAGW is a scam and a hoax, it’s the cheapest solution, the quickest way forward and the fact we have an enormous amount of coal at our disposal. But if the government is to continue with the mantra that emission reduction is necessary then nuclear is the obvious choice.
Isn’t it funny(?) that China, Japan and India are all going for coal fired electricity? Along with about 50 other countries.
It’s something I’ve been pointing out for a long time. It’s the biggest elephant in the room yet hardly any politicians on either side and much of the public notices it. Whenever I point it out at a BBQ or dinner with others they look stunned or they look at me as though I have gone nuts or telling fibs. It goes to show how well the propaganda worked. When I repeat it to the same people after a while they still have the same reaction. It appears facts don’t matter any more, just fiction. It shouldn’t be a surprise really since no government, state or federal is willing to tell the truth.
Peter S
If you have “feelings” “you don’t need no stinkin’ data”
“More voted informal than for The Greens in Eden-Monaro as Bandt says result sends message on climate change!”
All though it makes perfect sense I really cant see nuclear getting a run. All it takes are a few noisy protesters and Adam Bandt waving hands while muttering about Chernobyl and Fukushima (not relevant but great FUD generators) ,overlayed with basic NIMBYism, and it’s hard to imagine a nuclear plant getting built anywhere in OZ. Hopefully I am wrong.
No more noises than a leading politicians announcing a new coal fired power station. They will be crucified by the left either way. Actually, the ALP would be more likely to promote nuclear than the LNP for one reason; they are more daring when it comes to major changes. Last year the AWU announced it would be interested in nuclear. The Nats welcomed such a move. I’ve yet to see any major business leader coming out to support nuclear. Perhaps they exist but I suppose they have no spine.
I’m not a fan of nuclear when we have 300 years of coal in the ground. We just keep shutting them down when they are working well.
And brown coal. We have huge reserves for our own use, as we are not allowed export it. The Victorian Government stopped the export of $300Million of brown coal. The AGE ran a campaign against it. Our brown coal is brown because it is 2/3 water. The crime was squeezing the water out and making it BLACKER.
And we have not even been allowed try fracking. There have been fewer fracking accidents (none) than nuclear! Then that’s just science for you. We have people terrified of giving a nose swab to save their lives.
And why should we have to buy and refine uranium when coal is FREE? All this stup*dity about wind and solar being free. coal is FREE. So is gas. And there is almost no cost in harvesting.
Ever heard of the Ranger mine in Queensland?
What a lot of people don’t acknowledge is that it is really easy to store coal and gas – just leave it in the ground until you need it.
Ummm! No
NT on the other hand
I always associate Kakudu with Queensland for some reason
What about small modular reactors? There are many efforts going on around the world to produce these. They could replace diesel in many islands of the Pacific and reviews a distributed power system in larger countries such as Australia. One of the huge costs is the poles and wires. My calculations show a 200 MW power station would replace all of the Canberra renewable nonsense. It would be constant no variation. The Greens though fight that tooth and nail because cheap pollution free dispatchable energy is the last thing they want. It is their nightmare.
Hi Rowjay,
Please contact me I am an analyst/programmer skilled in sequel and I have all the data from the AEMO beginning 2010. I have done quite a lot of work on exactly the same sort things you’re writing about. Not specifically the AEMO though. Outages from wind are amazingly large up to to 40 hours in 2019. I am sure we could help each other. First Contact [email protected]
message sent to Rowjay. :- )
I was in a hurry I meant not specifically the ACT 100% con.
Whether it be supposed anthropogenic global warming or the refusal to test a promising, cheap and simple treatment for C-19, the Left’s war against science and truth and the human race itself is the same.
In both cases the end result is something that is hugely expensive. In the case of C-19 the cost is human lives and the economy. In the case of “green energy” it is the reduction in the quality of life and standard of living and damage to the economy bought about by “green” energy.
See #42 as an example
Thanks Ian. I do remember when that disgusting Green creature Turnbull banned in can light globes.
Their hate wasn’t wasted for one half the year and they consumed very few resources to manufacture, unlike their replacements and they were much cheaper.
Stupid spell checker. It’s meant to be heat not hate and incan, not in can.
Fluro’s and Halogens were pricy, but LEDs are more so !
Have you experienced a replacement of amodern LED car headlight unit ?
A recent article told the tale of a Tesla owner having both LED units in a short space of time , just out of the 3 yr warranry.
Cost $5600 to replace !
(And they were supposed to be more reliable than conventional Halogen globes ?!
Ahh !..should have said ..
“ both headlight units FAIL “
Lies, damned lies and statistics…..
Question to all — how do we test here in Australia and can we trust the numbers?
“Huge COVID case-counting deception at the CDC
Jul 2
by Jon Rappoport
“The Atlantic, May 21, has the story, headlined, “How could the CDC make that mistake?”
“I’ll give you the key quotes, and then comment on the stark inference The Atlantic somehow failed to grasp.
““We’ve learned that the CDC is making, at best, a debilitating mistake: combining test results that diagnose current coronavirus infections with test results that measure whether someone has ever had the virus…The agency confirmed to The Atlantic on Wednesday that it is mixing the results of viral [PCR] and antibody tests, even though the two tests reveal different information and are used for different reasons.”
“So here is a takeaway I find nowhere in the Atlantic article: COMBINING THE TWO TESTS WILL VASTLY INFLATE THE NUMBER OF CASES.
“I’m not talking about categories like “rate of infection” or “percentage.” I’m talking about plain numbers of cases.
Atlantic Ref:
And this is worth a read too . . . .
The weather report for June, designed to help the semi-detached avoid unnecessary stress.
sorry, should read
Peter Roughly 40% of the BOM’s weather stations are reporting shonky data
Because the sites do not meet the BOM’s own siting guidelines
BOM’s Mt Barker situated in a neighbours front garden is a classic example
Go look at Ken Stewart’s posts here :
So the fact that BOM reports that Mt Barker in June was slightly warmer than average is completely meaningless.
It has in fact been bloody cold this Winter.
Turning to rainfall the BOM’s rain gauge is not accurate either.
It is close to a fence, trees and a two houses.
But the BOM still recorded that rainfall for 4 months out of 6 in 2020 were wetter than the average.
I’m not sure what this actually ‘rainfall measurement’ means.
Do the houses, the fence & the trees increase or reduce the amount of rain
That falls in the gauge ?
Perhaps Ken can enlighten us.
“An Italian infectious disease doctor believes the coronavirus has become less dangerous — and could disappear on its own without a vaccine.
“Dr. Matteo Bassetti, the head of the infectious diseases clinic at the San Martino hospital, said the virus appears to have become less potent, possibly due to genetic mutations, the Sunday Telegraph reported.
““The clinical impression I have is that the virus is changing in severity,” Bassetti told the outlet.
““In March and early April the patterns were completely different. People were coming to the emergency department with a very difficult to manage illness and they needed oxygen and ventilation, some developed pneumonia.”
Well surprise, surprise. The story tellers at the Bureau of Meteorology tell us that June was the equal seventh hottest on record. They must be restraining themselves. I’m sure they wanted to tell us if was the “hottest eeevvveeerrr”.
The BOM is sounding like an empty vessel. The longer they act that way the less credibility they will have. At some stage they will have to change their name to avoid the embarrassment of being labelled as fake artists. Then again the ABC is already there yet is still being funded by our taxes. Go figure.
UAH has Australia as 3rd warmest June in 42 years.
But it jumps all over the place, June 2019 being 13th warmest and June 2018 being 36th warmest.
So.. totally meaningless. 🙂
Far be it from me to defend the BOM but in fairness Roy Spencer reported Australia as being 1.2°C above average. Personally I think a world, or even a continental, average temperature is something of an absurdity, but who am I to argue with the scientists?
Spenser should examine closely Ken Stewart’s check on the BOM’s weather stations.
Garbage in = Garbage out
he is using a different data set
Good catch leaf and going on from there we can observe what will happen to world temperatures when La Nina clicks into place around September.
Also, the Mt Pinataubo eruption in 1991 shows up quite clearly
So what ?
He can cross check against what the BOM weather stations show
And then cross check to see which of them are shonky.
Or is he locked forever into his satellite readings that only started in 1979 ?
consistency is good thing when looking for trends
looking at some brightly colored thing because someone else thinks its a good idea, sounds like work for the someone else.
Roys measurements cover the troposphere,
And don’t have resolution to the city site level. Two completely different measuring systems. You could compare regional anomalies which i believe he done in the past. As far as him being “locked in” to the satellites, well thats what he does, but he is constantly comparing his measurements to other anomalies from various data sets.
You are exactly right. There is no such thing as an average temperature for Australia or the planet because it is a meaningless and totally artifical construct useless for predictive value. And itself not able to be predicted. And they are only measuring the temperture at ground level, a temperature which drops 1C for every 100 metres, so they are not even measuring air temperature.
At best an ‘average’ air temperature is a ground level construct which can be used to maybe flag global changes but when you consider that the heat capacity of the oceans is 1400x that of the thin layer of the thin atmosphere we are measuring, we are looking at 0.001% of the story. It is useless for predicting the weather and is not the cause of anything. The oceans and the sun are the weather, not the air. It is simply the vehicle. El Nino, La Nina, the Indian Dipole, Arctic vortices, the Caribbean and Gulf stream, Humboldt current and so many more. All unpredictable by ‘climate models’.
Imagine a world with air and without water. There would be no weather, no clouds, no rain, no life on earth. Climatologists predicting the weather by measuring the air temperature under 10 metres are looking at nothing, the artifact, not at all the cause. And a world 3/4 covered in uninhabitable, unmapped, unpredictable and massive deep water, it is all fantasy science.
We were supposed to have a drought in the South this year, the certain prediction of the BOM. How many BOM scientists does it take to be completely wrong? All of them.
And while experienced people can follow weather patterns and predict the near future, the idea that they can predict months ahead is nothing more than fantasy, as has been demonstrated this year alone by our own BOM. Why then should we expect that anyone can predict years ahead? Trends can be discerned, but then you get oscillations like La Nia/El Nino, oscillations which dominate our weather. So when the ‘Climate models’ are completely wrong, they always blame the ocean oscillations which they cannot predict. Which is an admission of total failure.
We are being fed nonsense called Climate Models with no reason to believe in rapid changes in a tiny 100 year period are predcitable. After all, in the 1970s the world was heading into an ice age, regardless of increasing CO2. Why should we believe the predictability has improved?
So when is the next ice age? (the last one was a mere 10,000 years ago when New York and Europe were under kilometers of ice)
Even year to year, the climate models have not predicted a thing and certainly cannot predict the biggest events in climate. Professor Carl-Otto Weiss on the other hand, can show the entire last 2500 years with amazing accuracy, all based on a single De Vries solar cycle and the PDO, Pacific Decadal Osciallation, an induced ocean cycle. Climate models are rubbish if the water and sun are not the major factors, not CO2. On a clear desert night, the tiny CO2 blanket is clearly not a blanket worth having and its effect imperceptible. So it is a fantasy in practice. That is obvious.
As for bushfires, CO2 is almost constant over a decade, so how can it cause bushfires? What increases rapidly is fuel load until there is a hot summer. It’s not rocket surgery. The idea that CO2 causes Climate Change causes bushfires is beyond logic, make believe. And everyone knows it. Even the people who push the idea.
In fact I have to say that over 30 years of this, I have struggled to find any actual science in ‘The Science’. Conjecture, correlation equals causation, pretend peer review and the whole business of fake news, like Polar Bears mass drowning. Even concepts like a ‘world’ temperature are nonsense.
Climate Change is a socially engineered piece of UN orchestrated propaganda, fake science promoting useless windmills based on random wind and obviously 50% useless solar. And pushing ‘free’ when nothing is free and Green jobs when there are none and a drop in the price of electricity, which is appallingly wrong.
It’s near impossible to find any actual truth in man made CO2 driven Climate Change. And none worth knowing and not a valid prediction out of thousands. I can only hope it dies quickly. Al Gore will retire a billionaire, so maybe that’s the only real achievement.
Yes we might as well talk about the average temperature of the solar system for all it’s worth.
Now that’s really easy to measure. It’s just radiation. About 2.7K. (Or -270.45C) 60C colder than the freezing point of oxygen, nitrogen and 10 degrees colder than the freezing point of hydrogen. And just below the freezing point of Helium at -268.9C. Every element would be solid, including all the gases.
It’s a great day when people red thumb five facts of nature. And demonstrates convincingly that the red thumbers are ill*terate, ign*rant, lazy and simple. The last is neither a compliment nor an excuse.
You must have confused the poor little
vacuum brains-ah- dears with RS — Real Science.10
When you start to see what we called (in a previous working life) “bullseyes or nuggets” surrounding and isolating your data points during a modelling exercise, or worse still seeing these features where there were no data points, it indicated that an over-reliance was placed on a least-squares modelling algorithm. It also indicated that the modelling algorithm used did not match the data type being modeled. I see alarm bells ringing when looking at the temperature anomaly plots from the above link.
Theoretical Climate maths !
All on a computer screen !
Who’d ever a thunk it’d be financed by us ?
Positive test results down 90% in USA since April
“By Jessica Hill / [email protected]
Posted Jun 14, 2020 at 6:53 PM Updated Jun 15, 2020 at 7:39 AM
“The state Department of Public Health on Sunday reported progress on the rate of positive tests and the number of patients hospitalized with COVID-19.
“The state’s seven-day average for positive tests has dropped by 90% since April 15, the department reported, while the three-day average of hospitalized patients has fallen 70% in the same period.
Some real figures
Good luck USA !
“Compare and contrast US daily new COVID cases with daily COVID deaths”
One data diddle highlighted
Virus-Panic-Digital Lockdown
This IMHO has been the real objective of COVID19 – control.
Have you ever noticed no matter what happens, some form of control always comes out of the stuff?
We’re never left alone by the elite…they are always putting stress on the population.
If its not economic ruin, its death by virus. The Elite can go jump.
Govts are the lapdogs of the globalist puppet masters.
“COVI-PASS will determine whether you can go to a restaurant, if you need a medical test, or are due for a talking-to by authorities in a post-COVID world. Consent is voluntary, but enforcement will be compulsory.
“Through the magic of Internet meme culture, most Millennials will be familiar with the famous opening scene of the 1942 film, “Casablanca,” where two policemen stop a civilian in the “old Moorish section” of Nazi-occupied French Morocco and ask him for his “papers.” The subject is taken away at once after failing to produce the required documents. The cinematic exchange has been used ever since as a popular reference to the ever-encroaching hand of the state, which is now on the verge of attaining a level of control over people’s movements that puts the crude Nazi methods to shame.
“A British cybersecurity company, in partnership with several tech firms, is rolling out the COVI-PASS in 15 countries across the world; a “digital health passport” that will contain your COVID-19 test history and other “relevant health information.” According to the company website, the passport’s objective is “to safely return to work” and resume “social interactions” by providing authorities with “up-to-date and authenticated health information.”
“These objectives mirror those that Bill Gates has been promoting since the start of the COVID-19 lockdown. In an essay written by Gates in April, the software geek-cum-philanthropist lays out his support for the draconian measures taken in response to the virus and, like an old-timey mob boss, suggests the solutions to this deliberately imposed problem.
Here is the opening scene of Casablanca you refer to:
I like that movie a lot. However, it now reminds me of how the world is becoming more like Casablanca. The only problem is there is really no where to go to escape the increasing draconian laws being imposed on us unless one is prepared to become a hermit and live in some extremely remote jungle or the like.
A very good report on Coercion (torture) courtesy of the wonderful virus.
Article: “Is it Torture?”
Yes, interesting how she also quotes the WEF.CH web site as the very public globalist playbook hidden in plain sight. She also comments they want a vaccine-only “solution” for this.
If someone forces a medical procedure on you and you refuse consent, its assault.
She’s good at tying things together.
She does a sort of three part series on “the medical mafia”, eye opener.
Part 1 below.
Here’s the vid on “is it torture”
In about the next 24hrs Australia’s total government debt (fed, state local) will hit $1,159,000,000,000.
There was a time that politicians, public serpents and even the Sheeple understood and cared about the debt. No longer. Even our supposed conservative Federal Government is spending without restraint.
Assuming 25 million Australians, the debt amounts to $46,360 per person. But a vast majority of people are net tax consumers, not net tax generators.
Taking into account the number of people who are too young or too old to work, welfare recipients and public serpents who are all net wealth consumers, it doesn’t leave many people left to pay taxes to pay off the debt. Not that anyone except myself and a few others even cares about the debt. And this is before personal debts are also taken into account
Consider also the deliberate destruction of our economy from “green” energy not to mention feral unions, unreasonable regulations and taxes, a slovenly public service that obstructs every good thing or the utter lack of vision by most politicians and the Sheeple.
It’s not going to end well.
Data source:
The Federal Government never needs to pay off any of its debt denominated in AUD. It just creates more money to rollover bonds as they fall due.
The only problem with creating money is potential to force price inflation. That is close to impossible in the present circumstances (maybe with the exception of toilet paper and masks). Even footballers, of all codes, have taken a substantial pay cut. Well trained airline hostesses are replacing untrained security guards in Melbourne (not sure if the hostesses actually take a pay cut but I suspect so).
Aging populations lose the propensity to spend. Eventually interest rates go negative and people with savings pay their financial institutes a fee (negative interest) to look after their savings; fundamentally a fee for capital guarantee.
Each person born creates an obligation on society and the government. People are educated by society and most go on to produce more than they consume. Some are able to save so much that they can fund their own retirement. Others will call on the government to fund their retirement or part fund. Savings for retirement are funded from two sources; government debt or net international savings. Australia does not have net international savings so all retirement savings is funded from government debt.
All EU countries have negative interest rates. In Denmark, house buyers are able to get housing loans at minus 0.5%.. Japan has had negative interest rates for 4 years. When there are negative interest rates the debt becomes an earning asset.
The world population reached peak children (under 18yo) around 2000. So globally, the average age is increasing. Many countries have shifted from net spending to net saving; usually when the average age is over 38. There is a global glut in savings. The only means of avoiding deflation is for government to create ever more money. The last person living in Japan will be very wealthy unless they open up to immigrants. Sure that person will be faced with a huge government debt but the debt is that person’s debt; it will disappear when they die. All the Japanese savings in other countries can just be written off as there is no longer an obligation. Singapore is in a similar situation as Japan with regard fertility rate but the last person there will probably find it hard to defend their borders.
A retired friend cannot understand how it is possible to have negative interest rates. He hates the thought of his living expenses eroding his capital. He said he would withdraw all his money if interest rates go negative. When I presented the picture of him backing his BMW up to the back door of the bank to load it with cash, probably within sight of some dodgy spectators, and he might have quite a following on the home trip. He would not sleep very comfortably with all that cash stuffed into mattresses throughout the house. Not because of the lumps in the mattress but the threat of some dark figure willing to do harm to him to part him from his cash. A small fee for a bank to protect his savings seemed appealing.
“A small fee for a bank to protect his savings seemed appealing.”
mmmmm so appealing, cause thats what banks do or at least try to tell you they do.
I am not defending the debt, in fact the interest liability is a burden on financial year budgets that reduces the revenue funds available for governing the nation/states.
However as a percentage of GDP the debt in Australia is much lower than in many other developed nations, and Australia has a huge unrealised wealth of minerals and energy in reserve as well as income earning exports such as farm produce.
When the Howard Government sold gold bar reserves for a good profit they were criticised for not maximising profit, meaning to wait or speculate on the gold price rising further. Treasurer Costello pointed out that Australia’s in the ground known gold reserves are very high by world average.
Australia also has other assets including the original $60 billion Future Fund that now well exceeds $200 billion after paying public service pension liabilities since creating during the Howard Government years. Future Fund income removing the need for provisions to be made in financial year budgets to pay those pensions.
All is not lost, and wait and see the economy recover from the hibernation during the pandemic, and imagine the collapse without the Federal financial support lifeline.
That’s roughly $45,000 each for every man woman and child here.
Paid off that’s 4,500 a year each for a decade. Never mind: our betters will induce inflation to lighten the load.
just a slight GST adjustment and you are there
I have previously posted links to a paper written by Euan Means on energy returned for energy invested for different electricity generating technologies. This link is a blog post from EM dated 2016, which provides some detail on calculating ERoEI:
The paper presents the concept of the energy cliff with charts showing where different energy technologies sit on the cliff. Figure 5 in the paper has the following description:
It is worth noting that high altitude kites have not got beyond small scale stage. They would need to be flown at high altitude to get anything near dispatchable output. Low altitude kites would still need buffering.
ERoEI is a useful concept but a simpler substitute is the price paid for an object as reflecting the energy that went into its creation without that price being subsidised. It should be clear to most that unbuffered wind and solar intermittents need subsidies to make them a viable investment. Their buffered cost would require enormous subsidies. While their peak output was a small proportion of the total demand the cost of buffering was a small component but as their peak output becomes the major portion of the total demand the cost of buffering becomes overwhelming.
Australia is literally being led over an economic cliff as the country seeks to power economic activity from ambient intermittent energy sources.
ERoEI really should be the definition for money – there is discussion of this in the comments. The problem with your simpler definition is that our money (fiat currencies) gets distorted by government/central bank polices (which includes subsidies)
From Wikipedia, here is the criteria by which the Presidents were chose for Mr Rushmore.
I think there’s room there for Trump for Making America Great Again.
If Trump doesn’t win the next US election it will be the end of Western Civilisation throughout the world. The Left will completely take over, more so than they already have, and they will do what they always do. Destroy everything. The Leftist riots in America and parts of Europe are just a small taste of what they will do.
Even if he does win he will only be there for another 4 years. Then the decline accelerates.
Yes David it’s a genuine worry.
Has anyone noticed that the ABC and SBS news continue to tout John Bolton’s accusations of Trump’s guilt WRT Russian bounties being placed on US servicemen in Afghanistan, despite the absolute collapse of Bolton’s credibility?
Of course you have to have the stomach to watch the ABC and SBS news to hear this inanity (I do to try and get a “balanced” view of the news)
I switched over to watch the pyramid story on SBS last nigh and caught the end of the SBS news. They had some good footage on flooding in Japan not shown on Channel 7. I guess the footballer exodus from Victoria filled the available air time on Channel 7. Also there were 3 Richmond players with injuries that took up 10 minutes or so.
Other than this accidental viewing of SBS news, I can stick my fingers down my throat if I need to vomit rather than watching the ABC news; either way is effective though.
I watch with the emote at hand, ready to mute the dumbnut garbage on ABC..
Last night had a big proportion..So the TV was mute a lot.
Just watching the press conference by the Victoriastan government and notice we have a new logo , ” Staying apart keeps us together” .
127 new cases overnight and now NSW is shutting the border .
It is fascinating insight into the thought process, AND hypocrisy, of State premiers. A few days back NSW Premier was calling for QLD to open borders with NSW – at 1:03 in:
Now NSW has closed borders with Victoria.
Same thing in the US with Cuomo resisting Federal requests to close down NY when CV19 was rampant there. Now NY has closed borders to a number of States with fast increasing infection rates.
Kevin Rudd in 2009:
Kevin Rudd in 2020 has just paid AUD18M for 46 Seaview Terrace, Noosa:,+Sunshine+Beach+QLD+4567/@-26.3986631,153.112869,274m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x6b936bd417bad3b7:0xc08ba746871c4aee!8m2!3d-26.3987501!4d153.1135899
This is essentially on the beach south of Noosa Heads. Storm surge is already near the property given that it has exposed beach frontage, indicating waves come to the property line.
Why has no one from the ABC thrown his 2009 comments back at him.
“Queensland is at the highest risk from Australian states from projected sea level rise, coastal flooding.”
Because the projection is based on the IPCC’s RCP 8.5. This nonsense was removed from the State Planning Policy at my instigation. (I have not heard that anyone else made the same request.) There was a change of government and it was put back in.
Needless to say, there has been no evidence that this sea level rise is happening, and it looks like Rudd knows that. Storm surge could happen of course, if a cyclone reached that far, and came ashore at the same time as a HAT (highest astronomical tide), but the probability is reasonably low.
During the late 1940s or early 1950s Noosa was demolished by a cyclone and ocean surge, the sand spit dwellings were swept away.
More from Kevin Rudd …
A Retweet on
Good find RickWill.
Rudd’s name can be added to all the other climate change catastrophists that have purchased seaside properties or near to seaside/water.
Obama, Gore, Flannery, Turnbull, Gates.
It reminds me of the first modern Superman movie where Lex Luther bought cheap desert land as his fiendish plan was to cause California to slide into the sea and he would have the new waterfront land.
Similarly, the catastrophists scare people away from seaside property, the prices drop, and then they buy them cheaply.
Look all good socialists he had a lazy $18 million laying around with which he purchased the property.
I meant to say “Like all good socialists…”.
Ruddles need to confess his own stupidity..
Perhaps by saying aloud on TV or radio
Eighteen million times
“There is NO global warming
There is no sea level rise “.
Curious that e SBS & ABC & Guardian & Age, have not propagandised about this change of heart by Ruddles.
Of course not, they didn’t go after Gillard when she bought by a beach.
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian (always a vocal critic of border closures) now closing the NSW/VIC border…. HYPOCRITE!
Premier Gladys has my support, keep the mexicans out I say.
hmmm… she never stated an opposition to all border closures or closures per se.
As long as the masses are thinking “borders and diseased Victorians” and not “incompetent government and Ruby Princess) its all good.
The pandemic was a novel experience and human error bound to happen. All around the world its possible to see where the authorities have made a bad call, like putting spillover Covid cases into aged care facilities.
Gold is it real of fake?
The recent scandal out of China in regard to 85 tons of gold that turned out to be copper plated gold raises all sorts of questions about finances in China which will un-doubtedly unfold as the impacts reverberate through the financial markets.
How does that affect the value of your hedge against inflation, those small gold bars you squirreled away when gold was less $ and is now more $ per ounce.
Is your gold Australian, American, African, or Chinese gold-plated copper?
Here is the explanation and a method to answer the burning question, is it fake gold and why you should check your stash and how to avoid being stung by fake gold offers!
OK a little data first up. Gold bullion is a carefully weighed commodity. A ‘Fine Gold’ bar, ingot, weighs in at 453.59 grams, note the preciseness of that value as it is important.
Eighty-five tons of gold bars in ingot form as used by banks, government and Jewellers therefore represents a lot of gold bars!
Now as the weight of a gold bar is so carefully controlled the process to use copper bars and then gold plate them to be used as fake gold bars has to have been a rather significant engineering and production process requiring factory set-up specifically to make the copper ingots the right shape and weight for the plating process to be done. Strange to say one such Gold Factory is in Wuhan and used to be run by the PLA person who now is top person in Kingold.
Note that right weight and shape does not mean the right Volume!
The bar has to have the right shape, after all a picture is better than a thousand words, and weigh the exact amount 453.59 grams and in this way, you can therefore check your stash!
How the bank that accepted those 85 tons without proper testing is a mystery we will probably never resolve.
But with a factory geared up to produce that many tons of fake gold why stop at eighty-five tons?
Eighty-four tons of copper and one ton of gold will deliver a huge profit margin! They probably did not need that much gold anyway!
They can produce ingots of any standard size and with care not to flood the market make huge profits as people flock to buy gold to self-insure against inflation and monetary collapse.
Here is how to test your stash using kitchen implements and an envelope or calculator.
Find a container with a pouring lip, like a milk jug. It has to be of suitable size to accommodate your gold bar(s). Carefully fill it with TAP water until it is just overflowing, don’t get wet or make a mess. Weigh a dry container like a cup that will fit under the lip of the Milk Jug.
Carefully insert your gold bar into the milk jug and catch the over flowing water in the cup. Weigh the cup that now has a VOLUME of water that was displaced by your gold bar. You did know that water by volume of 1 litre weighs 1 Kg.
If the weight of the water in the cup should be the same as the weight of your gold baris the same.
If your gold bar weighs one ounce then the displaced water should also weigh one ounce, BUT only if it is pure gold!
If your cup now contains more than the stated weight of the gold bar you have either made a serious measurement error, or it is not pure gold. If your water weighs less then your gold bar is made of Uranium!
Now there are a few tricks that can be played upon the un-aware regarding this method. The containers must be clean and dry. An application of some grease on the lip of the milk jug will cause a larger than normal meniscus and therefore deliver a smaller volume as some water is suspended over the entire surface of the jug. A container a lot larger than the ingot will also induce measurement errors as will salt water instead of tap water!
Who you going to trust?????
Gold is a useless store of wealth. You can never trust a third party to store your gold as you are then dependent on the third party remaining viable; bullion dealers have a bad record regards security. If you hold it yourself then you are exposed to someone finding out and ransacking your property looking for it. It is bought at a premium and sold at a discount; typically 5% loss in wealth right there.
Money in bank deposits up to 250k in Australia is government guaranteed. The number of ADIs is currently 141. So a healthy sum can be held under government guarantee. During the GFC the guaranteed limit was raised to AUD1M to avoid a run on the banks.
A term deposit in Australia does not earn much but even 1.8% is keeping up with inflation these days.
Yes, but a word of caution, the protected money is the amount held in bank accounts of all the banks under the ownership of the holding company.
Make sure that if you have more than government guarantee in any one bank group that you move the excess to another group.
“Gold is a useless store of wealth” mmmmm as history demonstrates.
For everyday emergency purposes you need it in coin size.
Ingots not so much unless you have a hacksaw, a set of scales and save the swarf.
I seriously doubt it will be much use for the everyday emergency but nevertheless its readily available in very small sizes (1 gram/100th oz) if that is a percieved need or people want to accumulate slowly. While cash is still a thing we keep a small stash of SHTF money in small denominations for the everyday emergency.
The gloomier Americans say the best metal to accumulate is lead
S African Kruger Rand ?….
1. Gold is a useless Store of Wealth.
Do not agree. Jo has written about Fiat currencies before. National currencies are suspect. By comparison Gold is not infinite. The total store of Gold is being added to constantly but it is limited. It is an internationally respected currency.
2. You can never trust a third party to store your gold as you are then dependent on the third party remaining viable.
Two options;
a. You can keep your own physical Gold. That has its own problems of storage and security.
b. You can open an account with the Perth Mint. It is guaranteed by the WA government. Not perfect but maybe the best available.
I have opted for 2b!
I place the Australian Federal Government guarantee above the WA State Government.
How do you know you do not have paper gold? What is the cost of ensuring your gold is not paper? Can you be certain that your gold was not involved in this swindle:
What is the buying premium and the selling discount?
Cheapskates. Why didn’t they use tungsten which has an S.G. similar to gold?
Rumours about that lurk have been floating for years, but no bank wants to find out as they would have to wear the loss.
Being China they probably never expected it to be seriously checked. I am guessing a layer of courruption has broken down somewhere.
Someone must be particularly dumb.
A copper bar of the same weight as a regulation gold bar would be more than double the size.
…..very easy to spot if you are dealing with these things regularly.
Ditto a copper bar of the correct size, would weigh less than half a real gold bar.
Oh Dear, were you asleep during that lesson or did not do physics/chemistry at school?
What is the definition of ONE GRAM. One cubic centimeter of water weighs One gram!
there is a one to one relationship VOLUME to Weight defined by Water!
The modern method of testing ‘Fine Gold’ relies upon a spectroscopic analysis, they seem to have forgotten that you can check specific gravity by using the amount of water displaced!
Go Back to school Chad.
My latest post explains this.
Weighing the displaced water only gives you a measure of VOLUME for the object imersed.
EG, if you weighed 10gms displaced water, that would suggest 10 ml of volume for the object.
But 10ml of gold would weigh 193gms ! …not 10gm
So, which “latest post” is it that you explain this magic system ??
Err, NO !
…if you do that you will be making a BIG error. !
The weight of water in the cup will only tell you the VOLUME of your gold bar..NOT the weight of it
You can simply weigh the bar on the scales anyway !
But then you know the weight and the volume you can calculate the DENSITY of the bar (gms/ml) and compare it to data for genuine gold ( 19.3 Gms/ml)
A word of advice before you dig theis hole any deeper..
You could blame this ludicrous statement on a “cut and paste” copy from some other fool..
That would deflect the ridicule from you,… but may land you with a plagiarism label !
Are you being obtuse, or just plain dumb. the weight of water gives you the volume of your gold bar. Of course you have to multiply by the specific gravity!
I did not spell it out quite right, so sue me. and how about defamation as well, regarding the cut and paste comment.
Obtuse ??
?..”Did not spell it out quite right”..?
Try to explain this,…then tell me who is the dumb one . !
So the weight of the water is the same as the volume of the gold bar easy to see where I was going. Open your mind a little!
Some back of envelope math should tell you if your bar has the right weight for that volume.
Stop digging that hole and Put your shovel down before you burry yourself !
I am well aware of how to verify the density of the gold bar,..hence my correction of your post.
But you are totally confused in what you are attempting to explain…..
The WEIGHT of the water can never be the same as the volume of the bar….they are totally different units.
The VOLUME of the water is the same as the VOLUME of the bar.
Initially you made an incorrect statement, which you could have simply admitted and moved on rather than deny and throw insults back
When I went to school the volume of ONE cc of water weighed One Gram. so what I was trying to say and yes got wrong was that having displaced that water by weighing it you establish its volume and back of envelope math can tell you how much the ‘Gold’ Bar’ should weigh!
Here is how to test your stash using kitchen implements and an envelope or calculator.
Find a container with a pouring lip, like a milk jug. It has to be of suitable size to accommodate your gold bar(s). Carefully fill it with TAP water until it is just overflowing, don’t get wet or make a mess. Weigh a dry container like a cup that will fit under the lip of the Milk Jug.
Carefully insert your gold bar into the milk jug and catch the over flowing water in the cup. Weigh the cup that now has a VOLUME of water that was displaced by your gold bar. You did know that water by volume of 1 litre weighs 1 Kg.
If the weight of the water in the cup times the specific Gravity of fine gold(19.32) should be the same as the weight of your gold bar.
If your gold bar weighs one ounce (take care that is probably a Troy Ounce), your sum, of Volume of water times SG should be the same as your ingot, BUT only if it is pure gold!
If your ‘cup’ Calculation is more than the stated weight of the gold bar you have either made a serious measurement error or it is not pure gold, if your water volume times the SG of Gold is less, then your gold bar is made of Uranium!
Now there are a few tricks that can be played upon the un-aware regarding this method. The containers must be clean and dry. An application of some grease on the lip of the milk jug will cause a larger than normal meniscus and therefore deliver a smaller volume as some water is suspended over the entire surface of the jug, this gives the measurer a reason to short change you when buying your gold ingot. A container a lot larger than the ingot will also induce measurement errors, as will salt water instead of tap water!
I apologise for my poor documentation. In my defence, I was interrupted when composing the document.
However, the response of ‘Chad’ to shout out how wrong the statements were, when he could have inserted the missing bits and got some green thumbs.
Lock-down Sucks.
Stefan Molyneux had been deplatformed on YouTube. The electronic version of book burning is gathering pace. I don’t agree with everything he says but he is certainly worthy of attention.
I have experienced censorship with websites promoting renewable energy, post facts that are not supportive and off you go.
Like a lot of conservatives he has had to move to Bitchute.
On the subject of censorship I recently received a Facebook ban for posting a meme critical of socialist hero (and psychopathic killer for the rest of us), Che Guevara.
I recommend everyone start up a Bitchute account.
Stefan’s Bitchute channel is at:
[David, somehow this ended up in the spam filter]ED
Competition is good. I’ve used Bitchute before and will now on go there more often. Thanks. YouTube still has lots of good material but who knows for how long.
Like a lot of conservatives who have been censored on YouTube, Stefan Molyneaux has moved to Bitchute.
His channel is at
[David, somehow this ended up in the spam filter]ED
He is only off Youtube , not dead. If he is actually valued by enough people , he will do OK.
In The Australian today another solar business has gone into receivership.
And despite the cost of solar getting cheaper.
In Victoriastan the state government is advertising new subsidies to take up solar.
Please help me complete this list of climate catastrophists that have waterfront or near to waterfront properties.
Obama, Gore, Gates
KRudd, Flannery, Turnbull
Leo with his little Island
David Suzuki, snap frozen America.
Here’s an interesting article about Suzuki and his properties.
Virtue massaging pays.David Suzuki charges $30,000 for a one hour speaking engagement and requires strict pre-screening /monitoring of audience questions…’It’s not easy bein’ green, tra la.’
Saw him speak years ago here in. Newcastle.
Have mentioned this before.
A disgusting human being.
All Hollywood, the gutters will flood first.
On the list, Leonardo Dicap…
If the Chinese develop a working vaccine, one that is effective against covid 19 would you take it?
You first 🙂
And Bill Gates?
Chiefio refers to Windows as “the original computer virus”
Windows is the worst O/S ever made yet is the most popular. Bill Gates was so good at marketing to pull it off. Imagine what he could do with a vaccine for the world. I wouldn’t trust him at all.
Windows was a “Market starter” .hhere ware few options in the early ‘80s
The alternatives at the time were even less attractive, and Gates had primed the user base with DOS, such that everyone was keen to get to something else.
Windows expanded the PC market beyond the “Professional /Geek “ user base into the home market.
Where were you in 1977 when I had my first personal computer. I progressed to a ‘Rair Black Box’, then Aussie made ‘Labtam’ before the IBM ‘Starter system’ was launched.
An operating system called CPM was alive and kicking until big blue entered the market with a product that was slow could not do multi-threading and contained a hook placed by Big Bill. and that was 1983.
Prior to that personal computer IBM had a system called Display Writer a CPM machine that was slow and did not do multi-threading.
Red for yes
Green for no
Can’t invent the rules after the first comment/thumb.
Another attention-seeking attempt at a green thumb.. So sad. !
If the Chinese “said” it was effective, you should certainly be the first to trial it. 😉
Your fellow “comrades” would never steer you wrong, would they.
No no and heck no…..
I wouldn’t trust anything from Herr G*tes and the CCP and what appears to be a heavily CCP-influenced WHO….notice it all appears to be one big circle…hard to tell where each bit starts and finishes….
We dont knowingly buy any food products from China, so the idea of a vaccine is laughable really.
Its unlikely that Australians would rush to be vaccinated because of our natural aversion.
‘Amid the current call for improved country-of-origin food labelling, the latest findings from Roy Morgan reveal that the proportion of Australians 14+ who are more likely to buy food if it is labelled ‘Made in Australia’ increased from 85% to 88% over the last two years.
‘In contrast, only 6% of Australians say they’d be more likely to buy food labelled ‘Made in China’ (almost unchanged from 5% in 2013). This minority group tends to have quite distinct attitudes to food, especially when compared to the much larger, Australian-made brigade.’
Roy Morgan 2015
Ah yes, the green cuckoo in the liberal nest depriving us of incandescent light globes, the first step along the path of accelerating deprivation which is to be our lot sooner than we thought unless the populace rises up and expels the mountebanks and spivs that are contending for total control.
“NHS fantastic apart from keeping people alive”
Don’t I remember something about “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you”
From WUWT: “Hypothesis: Restrictions on Hydroxychloroquine Contribute to the COVID-19 Cases Surge”
Worth a read.
Don’t miss this comment IMO
Epoch Times: Miami-Dade Mayor Says Protests ‘Had a Lot to Do With’ COVID-19 Surge in Florida
Yes…we had the same problem in DangerousDan-istan recently….
Although sometimes I wonder if it wasnt set up to kick off the mess all over again
If we keep uppermost in our minds the simple reality that part of the victorian fiasco may be engneered and deliberate, to get people so desperate for a solution they will offer both backside cheeks for a vaccine to be just rid of the “mess” that just seems to keep occurring…..
Problem-Reaction-Solution at work.
Lest we forget – the globalist agenda is *vacc ine only* …not hydroxycholoquine or anything else.
The globalists have spent decades turning vacc ine manufacturers into ( very wealthy ) earthly “saints” who will ride into every “problem” with a syringe full ‘o “goodness” to solve the problem ( they likely created…)
Call me skeptical…but its the same pattern over and over….any alternative solutions get crushed….need the sheep “on tune” to demand the “solution”….
Speaking of science , here we are – back at the beginning . Maybe we’ll try to stick to the known facts this time.
For the record
Chiefio’s listing of posts there on corona virus
His summary of the state of play is worth reading IMO
This is worth a read (I’m a fan of Niall Ferguson despite his globalist tendencies)
America and China Are Entering the Dark Forest
Another key statement (context will make sense once my other post gets released from moderation)