When the hollering throng comes demanding strangers raise their fists, good people at dinner might agree, and take the path of least resistance. And if everyone did, it becomes another advertisement for a political terror group. “Look everyone supports us!”. But it only took one woman to refuse and the propaganda moment suddenly flipped.
If you can’t see the video, you can watch it here.
1) In a scene that played out several times Monday, a Black Lives Matter protest that began in Columbia Heights confronted White diners outside D.C. restaurants, chanting “White silence is violence!” and demanding White diners show their solidarity. #DCProtests pic.twitter.com/fJbPM76vb0
— Fredrick Kunkle WaPo (@KunkleFredrick) August 25, 2020
Is this the point the BLM groupies back up at least on this approach? In comments under this tweet, there are many droll comparisons of Brown Shirts and RedGuards. But even BLM supporters know this went too far:
@saletan Anyone who stages this kind of mob aggression is doing the Trump campaign’s work for free.
@LAppiah This is just bizarre. I sincerely believe white people need to take a big step back and consult black leaders about what is and isn’t helpful…
But others are saying the protest is full of “whites” and they can see a red hat.
These comments win the internet today:
@GreerMcVay said “I’m convinced these are right wing plants. I just don’t believe BLM advocates would do this.”
@RidgePlaysGames: This was a psyop. No one on the left is doing something this stupid and baseless.
Others take the mickey:
@MichaelTanuvasa How many of these kids have Parents they wont say this shit, too? Honestly they should be looting and burning stuff. Not pulling stunts like this. If you are going to alienate ppl with no plan at least wreck some rich peoples money flow
Funnily enough, apparently Lauren B. Victor, the women who wouldn’t accede, explained “It just didn’t feel right” though she could understand their anger. She revealed, “I’m very much with them. I’ve been marching for weeks and weeks.”
So these are BLM supporters harrassing a BLM supporter.
Civilizations need to discuss these moments, even if the ABC and BBC might not want to. Skeptics know that if people give in to bullies, the mob just asks for more. The new coercion-for-dinner event has gone viral on twitter, but word is only just spreading now into some mainstream news sources.
Good people need to be prepared.
Speaking of which, if you think the BBC is doing its own form of racism by banning the words to Rule Brittannia and The Land of Hope and Glory, you can sign the petition, and do your best to learn the words and sing these as often as possible. Teach the children.
Britain abolished slavery in 1807. Let’s celebrate that.
We had this in Melbourne years ago. Restaurant invasions, especially for people like Tony Abbott. Ruin people’s nights. A lot of fun for some.
And the virus spreading BLM march in Melbourne in the middle of a lockdown pandemic was only 10 days after George Floyd died. Aborigines and American blacks have nothing in common except color. This was just an instant #metoo excuse approved by Victorian dictator Daniel Andrews, the one legally responsible now for over 400 deaths. These are his people.
What is obvious is that the terrorist organization AntiFA, the black shirted Fascists have just put on BLM shirts as did their communist/socialist friends. And they are all white and could not care less about black people. In Hitler’s Germany, the blacks, the gays, the gypsies and the disabled were the first to go.
It’s all just an excuse to get in people’s faces and shout while maintaining they have a high moral cause. They don’t.
In downtown Chicago, Portland and Kenosha, the movement is Burn Loot and Murder, anarchy and a free pass from the Democrat governors who control the police and the democrats judges who let them all go.
Now CNN/MSNBC are starting to fret that this will hand the election to Donald Trump. That is their only concern. And they are right.
If it wasn’t for President Trump having access to the internet…
Both the media and Democrats would have decimated him as a Russian Stooge or spy.
They are amazingly bold. Look at what Adam Schiff said and what the reality is. They have no compunction whatsoever about lying and BSing as much as they can invent to injure their opponents.
There is a not so old Jewish saying “When they tell you they want to kill you, believe them”.
Jojodogfacedboy – Yes! The greatest thing about Trump is that he’s shown how good leaders can circumvent the corrupt power of the media. I am sure he deliberately baits the media into attacking him now. That’s sounds absurd but each time they attack and he walks straight through them, he looks better and exposes their agenda.
But, being the media, they just invent stories about their ‘quality journalism’ and warn anyone still paying attention about the dangers of the net. Dangerous for them!
I find it hilarious how the majority of the others leaders are watching what each other is doing to try and copy each other…It ends in failures as they try to keep this broken system going instead of standing back and start all over on the drawing board to accept no vaccine coming soon.
They fully expect everything will be like before.
This kind of behaviour is a mixture of intimidation, bullying, mob rule and group think; rather like Twitter. The ‘victim’ was even one of their own supporters! Imagine how intimidated you would feel if you had opposite views. For those commenting that there was someone with a red hat and they were all white, the red hat wasn’t a MAGA hat and there is further video of the incident showing someone marshalling the white supporters to the front.
The Black Panthers, also known as the Black Panther Party, was a political organization founded in 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale to challenge police brutality against the African American community. Dressed in black berets and black leather jackets, the Black Panthers organized armed citizen patrols of Oakland and other U.S. cities. At its peak in 1968, the Black Panther Party had roughly 2,000 members. The organization later declined as a result of internal tensions, deadly shootouts and FBI counterintelligence activities aimed at weakening the organization.
Marxist ideology was the group’s platform.
No change apart from brand.
As the well known jingle goes – ‘They’re all in this together’.
Yes, all the rioters are wearing red maga hats.
Orange man bad.
Reminds me of the Cronulla riots, and they blamed Alan Jones.
All the rioters were sporting Human Nature tattoos.
“Britain abolished slavery in 1807. Let’s celebrate that.” 100%
A fact that is carefully ignored by all BLM – and equally as carefully ignored is the fact that slavery in Africa started centuries before Europeans landed in Africa – African tribes making slaves of other Africans. When will BLM recognise and apologise for that ?
The first Europeans were offered slaves and ivory in exchange for Trade Goods – so it’s time that BLM supporters accepted full responsibility for that.
True. It’s all a scam. This is nothing to do with Slavery.
Ireland lost a million in the potato famine in 1850-1865, a quarter of the population. Irish lives matter. Russian lost 30 million in WW2. Cambodian lives matter. Even Chinese lives matter, but all we hear about is an excuse for rioting. Slavery two centuries ago is just an excuse. Rwanda was racist genocide. Where was the outrage?
This BLM idea started in South Africa, a generation after Apartheid ended. And then you have Zimbabwe, a beacon to the world for what can be achieved when you start with a first world country and hand it to black warlords. It’s not about Black lives. It never was.
It is a dog whistle to all the extremists in a free country in which even the last President was black, his father Kenyan. Trump’s mother was Scottish and his wife an adult Slovenian migrant and his son in law Jewish. Kamala Harris’ father is an economist from Jamaica at Harvard and her mother a cancer specialist biologist from India. Racist country? Hardly. It’s all a lie. And an excuse.
If you want institutionalized racism, go to India. BLM is not about racism. It’s to legitimize AntiFA with a fake cause.
“…If you want institutionalized racism, go to India…”
Or Malaysia.
Not so good in Singapore either…
“ This BLM idea started in South Africa…”
The idea may have started there but the actual movement calling themselves that began with the Travon Martin trial in Florida a few years back.
Which, of course, was all built upon a hoax. Zimmerman was innocent as the day is long and St. Travon guilty as hell. But those two race hustlers Al Sharpton and Ben Crump parlayed it into wads of
On that point about who does what the most, in the US far more blacks are killed by other blacks than by the police. How come BLM doesn’t look in the mirror?
Over a million European slaves were abducted from Europe by North African and Turkish slave traders between 1530 and 1780. This caused the depopulation of coastal towns from Cornwall to Sicily and even as far as Iceland.
No one seems to care about that. And they certainly don’t teach that in the Marxist indoctrination centres euphemistically called “schools”.
It was mostly white Europeans that abolished the institution of slavery, not Africans or anyone else, with the exception of Philippines in 1574 and Japan in 1590.
And the perennial slave trade from the Slavic white peoples of Eastern Europe, which gave us the word slave. Not a black man to be seen.
Slavery was what people had before cars, horses, donkeys, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, flush toilets, gas fires, non stick shiny surfaces and machinery and supermarkets.
Now there is a generation which cannot see why slaves ever existed, or the classes of people who did this work. And the role of women in families, especially since contraception became easy. All are now deemed appalling in hindsight, but how much choice did anyone have?
And death stalked every family and a plague or war every twenty year. Now they are both rarities and a new generation thinks history was all someone’s fault and white male privilege. That’s ignorance fostered by activist teachers and universities.
Those who know their biblical history, know Joseph was sold by his brothers to the slave traders and on sold to Egyptians. This was about 1500 BC.
Abolition of slavery took effect in the 1830’s not 1807. Slavery was still tolerated within the British empire as a few salient cases attest.
“@RidgePlaysGames This was a psyop. No one on the left is doing something this stupid and baseless.”
I tend to agree. I have met a lot of people who are lefties who are well meaning and decent people.
Within the more militant factions though, its another story. I agree its a bit too nazi to be not a wond up. I think too eventualky the plan is to provoke decent people to react honestly in self defence ( likely with a firearm ) and then it will be on.
Heres the thing though – the professional agitators appear to be demonic – these people care not for the deliberate destruction of people and property. For them it seems its not about a cause, its about sowing destruction, and if it takes a good man in legal self defence to remove one of those operatives from this world, then while its sad,they will have brought it upon themselves.
Yes you are quite correct, here is one of those agitators
The comments are fun to read.
Yes there are left wing demonstrators but so too are there right wing demonstrators. Leaked documents show police knew far right extremists and not Antifa were the real threat at protests (here). As Trump warns of leftist violence, a dangerous threat emerges from the right-wing boogaloo (here)
The right wing press, which dominates in Australia, seldom reports these
Only the Murdocracy is fair and balanced, all other news organisations in Oz are centre left.
I’d agree with that. Sky News and Murdoch are about the only balanced reporting out there now.
Pravda on the Yarra is so left wing I’m surprised Lenin hasn’t asked for a refund……
By way of one example, I posted a few comments on “the Pr****t” website once supporting general firearm ownership by decent, normal people….I got howled down by Leftie-bots who appear to opposed firearm ownership on the basis that normal people shouldn’t have access to guns…presumably only those “special” people ( like pre-approved leftie thugs ) can have access to guns…..
It should be pointed out that one aim of socialism appears to be the general disarming of the population….Stalin disarmed his population, as did Mao and Hitler….easier to do bad things to people who cant defend themselves. Thankfully the US framers of the Constitution had seen things happen in europe where power and people were systemically abused, so they made sure people could always defend themselves with arms from all risks.
“Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.”
-Heinrich Heine
We are in a period similar to that in the USA now I think. The Left extremists have embarked on idealogical book burning and trundling mock guillotines outside peoples houses with a clear intimidation of the population. It will only take one person acting in reasonable self-defence to unleash hell upon these idiots by the silent majority.
We are dealing with anarchists of the left and right, the US is on a slippery slope to becoming a failed state.
‘We are in a period similar to that in the USA now I think.’
That depends on the outcome of the election and pandemic.
Your obsession with having an armed populace is misguided and dangerous, there are random actors living out fantasies, like that young fool across the gap. He is a right winger.
Yeah funny how we had no issue with an armed population in wartime….
Its just common sense. The media has trained the population to become victims. I suggest that people trained in the use of firearms and with a bit of common sense should have no reason not to own a firearm.
More people die from car crashes every year than guns, I don’t see the same hysterical outcry over cars. If you want to reduce deaths, restrict alcohol.
I do see a left wing saturated media wetting its pants over guns, as socialists love a disarmed population. The reason the Left is trying riots to bring down America from within is because it knows it cant invade it externally.
As Ive said before, the bulk of the US population is ticked off, right wing owns lots of guns and can shoot. The left gets confused about which bathroom to use.
How do you reckon it will play out?
Payback from years of enduring PC and all that is corrosive about the Left, will come back to roost on them like a 10 tonne chook landing on them…..
I missed this bit:
“Your obsession with having an armed populace is misguided and dangerous, there are random actors living out fantasies, like that young fool across the gap. He is a right winger.”
Yeah I think you should re-think comparing myself being a legally obliging middle class licenced firearm owner, to a clearly unhinged individual with murderous fantasies. I’m not even within 1000 lifetimes of hard drugs and mental delusions of that guy.
We are nothing alike.
That comparison is poorly misinformed and frankly dumb, EG, even for you.
Tsk. 2/10 must try harder.
I did say random actors, even if we took away all the guns they would find other ways to cause mayhem. Think of the pre pandemic knife wielding religious zealots in the UK or bombers at large.
Armageddon is a fantasy, the future is not as bleak as you portray.
Taking it a step further, a random actor at the Wuhan Institute (undoubtedly a social misfit and disgruntled employee) released the virus into the fish markets.
… and I will try harder sir.
Or further left than that.
Fair enough. That’s your opinion. I think Murdoch papers, well the Australian as its the only one I read, cater predominantly for well right of centre Conservatives. I also read both the Guardian, too left, and the Australian Financial Review, which I think is the best paper in Australia by far. But of course they’re only my opinions
Good catch Ian, the AFR is greatly respected and published by Nine Publishing.
Talk about turning things up-side-down. What next? The ALP is an extreme right wing party? LOL.
Don’t laugh…from a Marxist view…yes.
Che when he took over cuba, was a brutal chap.
The marxists after the takeover started executing each other because they “werent marxist enough”
Funny…we never see that in right wing politics…only the rabid left….they eat their own….they are a weird bunch.
Right wing Aussie media??? What? Hardly. Fascism is also actually rooted in leftism, the father being frenchman “Gentile”. He aimed to move from family ties/commitment/duty to submission to “state”. Just not quite as far as Marxism does.
Conservatism at heart is right to own property, and small government to defend minorities from the mob..Liberals, traditionally right of centre in Australia, seem to be more centric and sucking traditional labour policies these days. Evidence by federal handouts going on by the billions.
These lockdowns are driven by fear alone.
Anyone who bothers to study history will soon understand that nations built on fascism. communism, na.ism, etc. have the same lack of regard for human life and dignity, morals and ethics. Sure they may differ in certain aspects regarding property ownership and the like but for all intents and purposes they are all the same thing.
Mussolini’s dad was a communist thug, a brute of a man, fascism came naturally to Benito.
Nonsense Ian. If it wasn’t for continuous leftwing violence you wouldn’t get this kick back.
Sorry..should read
“these people do not care about deliberate destruction of people and property….”
“Britain abolished slavery in 1807. Let’s celebrate that.”
That’s your high water mark?
I can see why the protestors have got you upset. Don’t they know that a beneficent white democracy ended their bondage? They may be racially profiled, demonised, segregated, targeted and poor, but they are not slaves, the ingratitude!
With a little casual reading you’ll find the RN set up a blockade to enforce the ruling, which was fairly successful as the British slavers were the most prolific traders.
This mob in the restaurant are conceited anarchists.
What’s the go Peter?
Are you trolling for a response?
Is destroying towns and shops is acceptable to you?
Where are the goal posts for you, what is acceptable and what is not?
White slaves were taken from Europe from the 8th century by black and Arab traders. In the 15th to 17th centuries white slaves were the most widely trafficked of any race.
Some 2 million white people were taken from english
coastal towns including the one not 3 miles from me.
Many of the white women were taken for harems
The men were put to working in a variety of mines. The British destroyed Algiers one of the epicentres of hire slavery in 1820 . Some 20000 royal naval personnel over a century are thought to have died suppressing the trade of black slavery, often carried out by the black chiefs of a variety of African countries. It cost some 2 billin pounds in today’s money.
You might find the book ‘whitegold’ to be of interest which traces the nature of the white slave trade.
You can do no better than look at greater Zimbabwe to see the nature of the black slave traders.
No country has a clear conscience about slavery which started in Mesopotamia some 8000 years ago. The British however probably have most to be proud of in stopping this vile trade which unfortunately continues to this day with black and Arabic traders heavily involved in such countries as Mali.
Here’s some trivia for you TonyB. Julie Bishop (you know, our ex foreign minister) was recently featured in an episode of “Who do you think you are”. One of her ancestors served in that Royal Navy blockade off the west coast of Africa in the early 1800’s. At the same time Prince Harry and Markle were apologising on Britains behalf for “colonialism” or something. The inference being that slavery was part of that colonialism because it was at the same time when all the BLM stuff started. The bloke doesn’t even know his country’s proud history in preventing slavery.
When Meghan and harry appear on tv it takes me 0.6 of a second to locate the remote and turn the channel over.
I feel like I should join the mob as I was born in England which has a history of serfdom:
As I, like most people, do not have any privileged royalty in my ancestry, does this allow me to be a victim of the past injustices of my forebears?
The British Isles also had to suffer through invasions from Romans, Angles/Saxons/Jutes, Vikings, French/Dutch/German and several others.
But, as a 70 year-old, middle-class, white male, I am apparently the cause of this unrest.
So it was the taking white slaves that spurred action? If not for white slavery, the others would still be enslaved? Have I followed your argument correctly?
The point as you very well know, is that hardship, terrible conditions, brutal short violent lives, slavery, serfdom, being owned by someone or being perpetually in debt to a land owner was the norm even in Europe. C
Social Conditions were utterly different in the past and we can not impose our modern day sensibilities onto the attitudes of a very different society hundreds of years ago. Australia is a good example of the very extreme and harsh attitudes whereby people could be deported for stealing a loaf of bread,let alone for more serious crimes.
Slavery, serfdom, whatever you want to call it was an unfortunate part of the human condition in which all races played a part since the dawn of time.
Black slaves didn’t suddenly occur due to white slave traders, they had been traded by their own people for thousands of years and many of the worlds great wonders from the Pyramids to the wonders of Rome were built by slaves.
White on white slavery was also severe. Thousands of my fellow countrymen were trafficked in the great slave markets of Dublin by the Vikings.
WE should be doing all we can to prevent modern day slaver running at 100 million souls a year fuelled by Arab and Black slave traders rather than protesting about inequities from hundreds of years ago at a time when unfortunately they had been endemic for thousands of years.
Are you off your meds again, lad?
Your mind is like a thixotrophic substance, hard as rock one moment and slush the next.
Of course they deserve everything coming to them, after all they made insurers pay for damage done to inoffensive piles of fired clay. I read that 2 of them have paid with their lives, and one was severely injured – I’m guessing that the commentators here will be jubilant at that news. Pray tell, how many protesters need to be killed to make amends for a graffiti attack on a brick wall. Is it 1, or 2 or more?
Of course those lazy ex-slaves deserve it, after all, it their forefathers had traveled north when they have the chance, they could have evolved white skin and attitude just like the Vikings, and so let the sins of the father be passed to the son.
Holy Mackerel; you are so far off your reservation you’re arguing about something that didn’t happen.
The rioters destroyed 30 shops the first night of rioting. I’ve not heard what they’ve done since then.
The three that were shot is because they decided to attack a kid, who just happened to have a loaded pistol. They picked on what looked like a soft target, a kid.
so its 2 dead for 30 shops is that right? is that you maths?
The kid who came from interstate? The kid who despite shooting dead 2 people with an automatic weapon was not deemed a threat by police. That white privileged kid?
You are right, those rioters deserved to be killed, you can’t rebuild brick and mortar, but those families will rebuild their lives.
Greg – if that is indeed tier name, your support for non living (Iwas going to say non sentient, but that would include the US government), is admirable
Brick lives matter!
What a brick.
Slavery takes many forms. Globalization plus an authoritarian government enables the “slave like” wages that provide our phones and computers etc.etc. Time to re-shape what passes for “fairness” on the planet?
It may take a little while for utopian socialism to gain traction, but at this point we can begin to formulate ideas on what an ideal world might look like.
Do you think we should step back from rampant globalisation?
or we could just accept the utopia that Gates and Soros want to force on us.
That would be a big mistake, Soros studied under Karl Popper at the London School of Economics and they were against totalitarian societies.
Reading between the lines, his utopian vision is centred on technocracy run by bureaucrats and supranational governments, but of course we see the dream imploding in Europe because of open borders.
The idea that a new American Revolution will open the doors to the dissolution of the US Constitution is fanciful.
Thomas Sowell, a Black American Economist, wrote some relevant books worthy of reading. He cuts to the quick of liberalism, race, poverty, etc, very effectively. Quite readable.
“Black Rednecks and White Liberals”
“The Vision of the Anointed, Self Congratulation As A Basis For Social Policy”
“The Quest for Cosmic Justice”
Indeed Lance, a hero.
Jo in Jan 2011:
One way to remove much foreign internal interference against Australia….its about time.
“Govt seeks powers to tear up foreign agreements that are not in Australia’s interests
“The Morrison government will next week introduce legislation to parliament seeking the power to tear up agreements with foreign powers seen to be going against Australia’s national interests.
“The plan would cover agreements made by all federal, state and local governments and universities.
This mooted legislation is intended to wipe out Dan’s BRI and the university Confucius Institutes and to attempt to compensate for the irresolute FIRB. I expect a big push back by the PRC’s silent partners in our legislature; don’t be surprised if this gets pushed to a committee for further investigation and subsequently just dies. The Chinese consulates will have been calling in all their favours since this was first mooted.
The video is very similar to the one below except today the left are already more violent than the youth of the day prior to Germany’s decent before the war. It could mean this time around things eventually will be far more violent. I wish we were allowed to arm ourselves. We need to be before it’s too late.
History doesn’t repeat itself, its fantasy land. You and Steve have a lot in common with far right christians.
Christians are not far-right and I take offence at your insinuation. I gather you hate Christians, much like the extreme left do.
Please define “far right”?
It seems anyone who is even a mm past centre, to the Left, is defined as “far right”
Its a lazy labelling exercise….you need to be more specific.
Far right is fascism like Mussolini or neo-azis. If you had a scale of 1-10 from centre (0) out to extreme right wing (10), I’d be maybe a 3.
The issue of gun ownership isn’t a right wing thing, its a right to own firearms thing.
“far right” means “far-kin right” the “kin” is silent. Think of it that way and you will understand Oz media lingo.
el gordo; you’ve made some strange replies in the last several months. Is your account compromised? Is this the real el gordo who’s been on JoNoa’s for years?
It seems you’ve changed dramatically recently.
I’ve noticed that too and he’s not the only one displaying symptoms of cabin fever eh Peter Fitzroy.
I’m slowly moving back to the left to give Fitz and Leaf a hand, they are struggling.
There you go attacking Christians again, Christians I know are decent compassionate people and I for one will stand with them and their values against you and your lack of moral fibre.
The church well that’s another thing and is not reflected in the believers of faith.
What is happening in America is different to Australia
US christians take seriously Exodus 22, Luke 22, Proverbs 24, Nehemiah 4 and the right to self defence.
Matthew 18:20
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
God is wherever a few people get together with the intention of finding a way forward from a difficult situation, while bearing in mind the guidance available from the Bible and ten commandments.
I was raised in a fairly strict christian milieu, but lost my faith when I witnessed a fleet of UFO.
An unusual reply to my comment, which quotes a sentence from the Bible.
I first heard that when I was about 11 years old and my interpretation remains unchanged.
Through the miracles of modern computing I was able to trace the passage and locate it again.
I do not like the big, strict type of church that you seemed to have been involved with because like CAGW and CV19 it is sadly, all about power from the top.
God is all about resolving an immediate problem or building a better world: not about control or blind obedience which is what has brought us to our current state of oppression.
No point in mixing memes, the experience convinced me that we are not alone. If man is made in the image of god, then there is probably more than one deity.
I like theology.
‘The accounts of Paul’s conversion experience describe it as miraculous, supernatural, or otherwise revelatory in nature.’ wiki
I agree: not good to “mix memes” like “herd of UFOs” and religion.
We might get confused.
What is your interpretation of the virgin birth?
I don’t have any faith in “virgin births”.
That’s not my red tick.
For those of us who have studied the real history of 1920-1950 (not the re-written by Socialists history), and have spoken to real people who actually lived through that time period, it is amazing that day by day we see a repeat of that history and no-one seems to give a damn.
To borrow Martin Niemöller’s famous quote and apply it to today …
First they came for the Conservatives, but I was too afraid to speak or do something
Next they came for the Christians, but I was too afraid to speak or do something
Next they came for those not “for” them, but I was too afraid to speak or do something
Then they came for Me, but there was no-one to speak for or help me.
Yes history does have a lot to teach us, except for ignorant people of course who believe history never repeats.
Pity Biden chose the progeny of a slave owner to be his running mate for VP. Lucky there is no statue of her or it would need tearing down and dumping in the harbour by this lot, because BLM.
It seems that when sunspots are quiet,
Extreme groups go berserk and run riot,
Forming gangs on a street,
To harass and browbeat,
Gentle folk but they always deny it.
It looks like this is the current version of the protest business model – the protestors appear?, get great footage and sell / lice stream it to the newsies / social media whilst getting paid by Note that they cleverly catered for both sides of the news markets with pictures of fires put out by loner with a fire extinguisher and fires destroying white businesses. Then there are the cashed up vultures waiting to pick up businesses for cheap…
Its just business – adapt or die…. Forget the police – call the FBI , would not be surprised if Trump is proceeding along these lines already … ASIO should be involved here?
Funny how masks make it harder to identify people…. PS – masks don’t protect you – Cov19 is 0.1 – masks stop 0.3 , iff they are fitted properly, etc.
if this is a Psy-op Trump wins biggly
Doesn’t the second clip show a “stage manager” or “director” running into the clip giving instructions on where the activists should stand?
Surely, the victim is not an innocent bystander. More likely an actor playing their part on a stage.
This stuff is written, produced and directed … no “real” people involved.
And the activists have an inside channel to broadcast this heads-up to the likes of BBC, ABC, etc.
There’s probably an easter egg in the clip that automatically removes it from MSM news feeds.
AI is getting really clever these days …
it wasn’t ‘Britain’ that abolished slavery Jo.
It took years of battling and exposing those within ‘Britain’ who profited from the slave trade by those who really were concerned about such human trafficking and the appalling conditions on the slave-trading ships.
Just as 21st century Australians must keep their eyes on what is happening around them and fight for what is right, not just for themselves but for all Australians – always keeping their political representative up to the mark.
I think the matter is summed up in the commandment:
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”
Do unto others as they would do unto you, but do it first.
Betty said “it wasn’t ‘Britain’ that abolished slavery Jo. ”
Jo wonders which nation forced the UK parliament to pass the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act of 1807?
“The Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade was formed in 1787 by a group of Evangelical English Protestants ”
the decisive moment came when the Chief Justice** in 1772 ruled (reluctantly) that a person could not be a slave in England as that was against Common Law. Obviously that raised the question how a person could be a slave anywhere under British law. This was resisted by those with interests (mostly) in the West Indian sugar trade, which was very profitable, and often under Royal License, and the claim that those dependent on slave labor should be compensated for loss. The sugar trade became far less profitable in the 1820’s due to cheaper sugar from slave plantations in Cuba and other ex-Spanish colonies, and made it possible for the UK Government to end slavery under British law. They went further and tried to blockade the transport of slaves from Africa.
Regarding the Horrors of the slave trade I note that a retired captain (from Liverpool) of slave ships was so insensed by the claims of the Anti-Slavery Advocates about the death rate that he appeared before the Commission of Enquiry with his records, challenging those claims with records of around 3% mortality. Certainly it had been much higher about 80 years before when the Royal Africa Comp. (which shipped slaves to America) was contemptuous of the South Sea Company trying to also do so (with the higher death rate eliminating any profit). Indeed the South Sea Comp. wound up sub-contracting the business to the Royal Africa Co. (before embarking on financial speculation).
**Lord Mansfield found it also to be unsupported in England by the common law (he made no comment on the position in the overseas territories of the British Empire, which often had royal statutes).
Hi Jo
Well I never thought I would see the day when a mob could feel so emboldened as to behave like this in a free country. Live long enough and you will see it all I suppose.
Actually we have seen this stuff before in the USA. If you have seen Leah Remini’s scientology series you will have seen how they used these same tactics back in the 1990s. Target your perceived threat, send a mob to confront them, harass and get right in their face until they react. Once they react physically you can then get them charged with assault and bring all the force of the law to bare on the target. We saw this during the riots with various tattooed man buns getting right up in the face of the police, always with a camera filming every moment. Any physical reaction by the police and the media story is, peaceful protestor attacked by bad cop. Propaganda victory achieved.
Notice at the back of the mob yelling at the woman in the restaurant was a person with what looked like a very expensive camera filming the whole thing? Not the sort of gear you would think to take to a potentially violent protest. That suggests that it was staged as a media stunt to provoke an angry response from the target. Of course when the woman refused to play their game they end up looking like the cos-play morons that they are. Planned stunts can backfire.
If in that situation just be aware of what they want, a reaction they can use to show what poor little victims they are. If they do make physical contact with you, you have the right to defend yourself, but again don’t lash out, keep cool and eventually they will move on seeking what they want from someone else. Unless the police start to do their job and break up these mobs then they will continue to feel entitled to use these tactics.
It’s all too obvious that the Democrats are complicit in the riots. The tactic is to riot and burn the country for as long as Trump is in office, which is basically holding the country hostage to force people to vote Democrat, after which time they will implement socialism and end the current system.
Slavery was made illegal in England in April 2010. The 1807 law applied to the empire, I suppose in 1807 it was obvious to everybody that people in England couldn’t be slaves so there was no need for a law against it.
see the judgement of 1772.
Graeme No.3
The British government in 2009 thought it necessary to make a new law specifically outlawing slavery. The BBC has an article which explains it better than I could:
“The slave trade was abolished and outlawed in the 19th century. Once that happened, a slave-holder could be prosecuted for a range of offences including false imprisonment, assault and, in more modern times, for breaching specific employment regulations such as health and safety.
“In 2004, Parliament created a specific offence of trafficking someone into the UK for forced labour.
“But if a criminal forces a victim already inside the UK or from the EU into servitude, they cannot be prosecuted for trafficking. So the 2009 Act set out to recognise forced labour as a crime on its own – making it theoretically easier to bring prosecutions.”
The act came into force in 2010.
Here is Hansard of 1807.
As well as the impassioned pleas to abolish slavery are two interesting snippets.
The first being that it was ‘African princes’ who instigated the trade and were highly complicit in supplying their own people in exchange for merchandise. Also that Jamaica had A 20 year period free of hurricanes but then had an extended period of ‘successive hurricanes’
I was wondering why the left simply don’t/won’t/can’t debate and my best guess is that they’ve never been exposed to a real debate. They’ve had their uni lecturers and school teachers simply demand thought compliance in order to pass exams, but being presented with differing sets of arguments and being allowed to figure for themselves isn’t a skill they been allowed to develop. Shows like Q&A reinforce this crooked idea of debating where a majority of celebrity nods wins. Indeed, if a debate looks like breaking out the moderator immediately throws to the ‘comedian’ to derail the line of thought.
I’d go so far as to say that real debating is carefully kept out of the public arena.
Also, we often do our deepest most insightful thinking when feeling low – when we’ve got the blues. That’s why they want to pump us full of happy pills.
why do you limit debates about things to sides defined by a political spectrum that forces people onto a continuum that does not exist. Free debate does not have such constraints.
I didn’t mean to classify all debates as political. You can have a perfectly interesting debate about whether Italian girls are prettier than German chicks. But, you’d still need to explain why Italian hotties might trump German spunk-rats and provide examples and perhaps refer to evolutionary biologists findings about sexual attraction etc. But if the ‘debate’ just consisted of someone shouting through a megaphone “Italian babes are the HOTTEST” on the pretext that because you say so, that’s the end of the debate, well, that wouldn’t be a valid argument in my book titled “Deano’s Rules of Wadda Debate Akchually Iz”.
You can sort of understand people burning their cities down when politicians take everything and you have no choice.
Voting doesn’t work as all these unvoted departments still exist directing the voted politicians.
The media today is so corrupted that any protest is automatically about racism. No matter what is being protest about, the media will spin it to be very different.
Media spun the professional players on pay dispute to be about racism in sports but they wanted profit sharing in players contracts.
The violence of anarchists is continuing and the BLM excuse is just a cover. People are not burning down their cities. Violent fascists have found an excuse in the awful violent inner city lives of black Americans. No one cares about black lives, especially the blacks looting the place. No one else does this.
And leftist politicians think it is a great idea, violent revolution. Just like Climate Change the utterly ridiculous ‘renewables’ fantasy. Of course it doesn’t work. Climate Justice is just unbelievable rubbish.
The debilitation and destruction of Western democratic societies starts with their power supply and ends with burning the place down. Look at Zimbabwe and incredibly rich Venezuela. A decade ago first world countries now utterly wrecked and impoverished and starving in the name of racial justice and socialism. And our Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews signing up illegally to a private deal with China who paid him back with a virus?
Where is the accountability for such out of control politicians with our money? Windmills, solar panels, health security. All cash for power hungry politicians like Andrews who blame the people idi*t enough to elect them. He has assumed total power, unaccountable to parliament and now unaccountable to the Federal government, a law unto himself. Who cared that he had no legal power to do so?
The big political change in Australia is that the Unions in their own Labor party have woken up that the progressives behind crippling the country have zero interest in jobs or national security or even the Unions. Whether it’s progressive Liberals like Turnbull or blatant communists like red Gillard or comrade Andrews or avowed communist Bandt, compliant Union leaders who support them have become the useful idi*ts in the world lurch to communism. And the new Progressive Liberals are no better. Like never Trumpers Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Flake in the US. And closet progressive McConnell.
And a really st*pid power supply is just the first essential step to anarchy. The richest oil country in the world, Venezuela, now has no electricity, no health system and no petrol and the Cuban army in the streets. A destitute prison and a dream result for China, Russia and Cuba.
I’m not racist, I treat everyone equally as I have no reason to treat anyone any differently. It is the persons attitude or demeaner that I do judge to trust the person.
What has been shown in many American cities is passive people will move away from areas where they feel their family could be in danger. It just happens that most of the more violently are in areas of bad governance from politicians.
And the other idea is that black communities have no responsibilty for their own actions. While predominantly white fascists are burning the place down, the blacks are openly looting the stores. And murder rates have doubled and tripled.
Now how is that a cry for racial justice? This is almost entirely black people m*rdering black people. Two years ago police were driven out of Baltimore and murder rates doubled. That’s not racism, that’s endemic violence in a tiny part of society being portrayed as someone else’s fault and a direct result of now ancient slavery and lack of opportunity. It isn’t.
These issues of racial justice and climate justice are fake. The greatest racist genocide in the world in recent years was black on black in the brutal slaughter of a million Tutsi people by the Hutus in Rwanda and the whole world looked away. Not their problem. Black Lives don’t matter.
The media says that it is racist to say “All live matter”.
It takes away from the narrative that the media is promoting for sensationalism.
Our politicians in Canada is creating a massive mess with wanting to open schools with very little thought to actually change the system. Adding billions of more dollars with much more teachers, nurses in every school and using the same bus system packed with kids that also go to different schools and having all kids wearing masks. They need 2 masks for school. With updated ventilation too.
I have no idea how the schools will get all this ready and hired in such a short period of time. So far, they say they will need an extra week to open.
I can’t see this a viable time to be ready.
Interestingly, a black US university professor pointed out the lower economic and academic multi-generational US black population vs Nigerian immigrants and their offspring. Playing the victim card has a large contribution to MAKING you a victim – something Aboriginals and our BLM movement need to acknowledge.
It interesting how many high performing black people were first generation immigrants. General Colin Powell explained how he grew up in the Bronx but his father would kill him if he did drugs. His father was Jamaican. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii but his father was Kenyan. Kamala Harris’ father Jamaican. And the congresswomen who form the ‘gang of four’ in denouncing America for racism are migrants or children of migrants. Of course they can see the hypocrisy in what they are saying.
Support for the idea that American Blacks are entitled to Burn, Loot and Murder is utter rubbish.
And the idea that the tiny 5% of CO2 generated by human activity is extra and special and somehow builds up in the atmosphere is science rubbish. Has no one heard of equilibrium?
South Australia is self destructing. To everyone’s great cost. Anti mining, anti nuclear, they will spend all our money building ancient diesel submarines. Again.
Cut them off. Make them earn their keep. Stop giving SA twice the GST of Western Australia. It’s stealing from everyone else. And use the submarine money to build coal power stations. They at least will work. And use the rest to put in a HVDC system like China, not this useless interconnector nonsense from the last century.
And Michelle Obama was descended from slaves, but was a law graduate from both Princeton and Harvard. It’s all about choices. There is no god given right to riot, burn, loot and murder. Almost everyone had an incredibly tough background in the 19th century. Life was horrible, by today’s standards. And no one had electricity.
And his father kept slaves. Maybe Kamala owes repatriations to Jamaica
Kamala’s mother is Tamil Indian.
Why are we suppose to be responsible for what others did in the past?
And yet some people believe we should give compensation for their actions.
They are not “passive” when they vote with their feet. They are, however, sensible.
If one calls attention to the fact that one is restructuring one’s neighborhood
to be safer and more prosperous, one is likely to be inhibited by government. They
also know that the first to act get a good price, the later not so much. We have restructured
a very many places into and out of poverty in the past couple of centuries in America, and
race has been a factor in moving both ways. Cultural compatibility has always been more important
than race in neighborhood and town formation and prosperity.
Around that
“Minnesota v. Derek Chauvin et al: The Prosecution’s Dirty Little Secret”
“Just-released blood report reveals George Floyd died of drug overdose”
Via Tip of the Spear
I found this a good summary
And is there any mention of this in the lame stream muddlea?? of course not!
The other autopsy conclusion quite apart from toxicology was that George Floyd had Wu Flu.
On video he was saying he could not breathe even when in the backseat of the car. Couple lung damage with heart damage with amphetamines and fentanyl, this huge violent career criminal was a disaster waiting to happen and almost unrestrainable, even wearing handcuffs. But his underlying fatal health problem was likely Wu Flu.
I heard a former police officer explain that the knee on neck restraint is often used and does not choke the person restrained.
GMAB. This has nothing to do with deprivation. BLM is a collaboration between black thugs and the hard Left. It’s all being done in bad faith. For example (as a black guy pointed out to the journalist in a video [don’t have a link handy]), in the Portland riots most of the youngsters were whites, obviously middle/upper class.
It’s interesting that you should embrace a narrative like that, which assumes these people are acting out of genuine needs, rather than just acting. In my not-so-humble opinion, this reflects a general infirmity of mind (not just yours, but of lots and lots of people). This is one of the many things that makes such nonsense effective.
Ah. but you see it’s all about corporates and their marketing problem. They need to put people into little boxes and to minimise the number of little boxes. Just think how much business the tailor making Mao suits has in Mao’s communist China. It’s the same with the corporates in the west. Google operates on stereotypes, on people being in little boxes. Likewise with Hollywood and with many corporations. That’s how they ensure their profits. It makes their job easier. That’s why the left, the ABC, the BBC try to force the people into little boxes. However that’s not what the real world is like nor wants. So they try to wag the dog. They try to adjust externals rather than internals.
Note that in the video practically all these kids are white. (I think there may be one black in the middle, but I’m not sure.) Probably spoiled brats, as the poet said, “filled with passionate intensity”.