A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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What is going on in Victoria? Last week there were an average of 20,000 CV19 tests per day, and about 200 new CV19 cases were detected each day.
This week only 13-14,000 tests per day, and surprise, surprise, only 130 new cases per day.
When our kids were attending school a few weeks back there was always someone in the house with a sniffle or scratchy throat, but ever since they’ve been back to remote learning and we’re working from home still all of those symptoms have disappeared. I imagine many Vic families are similar, so without much in the way of symptoms triggering them to go off and get a test, we’re seeing test numbers declining.
They did 20,000 yesterday for 113. Just like climate it depends which numbers you use.
Its gets better….
Whither go thou, Comrade Andrews?
The wind back continues…..maybe thats why with huge pressure showing that the white flag has started its trip up the pole at the Victoriastan Politburo?
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has removed its recommendation for travelers to quarantine for 14 days after returning from trips out of state or overseas during the pandemic.
I’d still stay the hell away from any vaccine they throw over the fence…..
Here’s one for you! 🙂
I love this…its soooooo laughably predictable. Calming down the sheep….
15 years normal development – down to months – of course its “safe”…..
Wanna buy a bridge?
Note yet again :
– no HCQ or Ivemectin, just the Bolshevik Collective obediently slavishly keeping the Globalist agenda 100% on message
“….vaccine vaccine vaccine….”
“….vaccine vaccine vaccine….”
“….vaccine vaccine vaccine….”
“….vaccine vaccine vaccine….”
Anyone wanna ( figuratively ) play vaccine russian roulette first?
Its 100% safe , right?
“A normal vaccine timeline is “around 10 to 15 years”, echoes Margie Danchin, a vaccine researcher at the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute.
“”And now we’re looking at a timeline anywhere between nine to 18 months.
“”It is going to be produced more quickly, but there’s still a lot of attention being paid to make sure they’re safe.”
“Indeed, Australian health authorities have vowed that if and when any vaccine becomes available, “it will go through all the necessary checks and balances“.
Consensus, consensus, consensus.
….Consensus, consensus, consensus.
A more or less common story of those who have a different view during those times that are associated with the mass production of consent, compliance, and consensus.
Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis[A] (German: [ˈɪɡnaːts ˈzɛml̩vaɪs]; Hungarian: Semmelweis Ignác Fülöp; 1 July 1818 – 13 August 1865) was a Hungarian physician and scientist, now known as an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures. Described as the “saviour of mothers”,[2] Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever (also known as “childbed fever”) could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection in obstetrical clinics. Puerperal fever was common in mid-19th-century hospitals and often fatal. Semmelweis proposed the practice of washing hands with chlorinated lime solutions in 1847 while working in Vienna General Hospital’s First Obstetrical Clinic, where doctors’ wards had three times the mortality of midwives’ wards.[3] He published a book of his findings in Etiology, Concept and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever.
Despite various publications of results where hand washing reduced mortality to below 1%, Semmelweis’s observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time and his ideas were rejected by the medical community. He could offer no acceptable scientific explanation for his findings, and some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands and mocked him for it. In 1865, the increasingly outspoken Semmelweis supposedly suffered a nervous breakdown and was committed to an asylum by his colleagues. He died 14 days later after being beaten by the guards, from a gangrenous wound on his right hand which might have been caused by the beating. Semmelweis’s practice earned widespread acceptance only years after his death, when Louis Pasteur confirmed the germ theory, and Joseph Lister, acting on the French microbiologist’s research, practised and operated using hygienic methods, with great success
Hi all,
just wondering if there is an update on OLR measurements to see if it is still trending up long term.
Ole’s site
does a weekly measurement and you can see how it varies widely by location but I have been unable to find the long term trend.
If, or more likely when, the world drops coal power in favour of renewables, then the observed global dimming will no longer be a problem.
This, according to science will contribute an average 1 degree C rise in temperatures.
Almost not worth while really.
will never happen, so no problem really
will never happen (not with the current useless technology), so no problem really
which countries are going to drop coal fired? Not Germany, Poland, Belgium or The Netherlands in the EU. Not any country in Asia, and few in Africa. Possibly the UK whose policies make ours look almost sane, yet they had to call on coal fired this week. And the cost of electricity has risen wherever the ‘renewables’ idea has been adopted (HINT SA, California, Germany, Spain, the UK).
If you really think, without any proof, that CO2 is causing (measurable) Global Warming then what are you going to replace those cheap sources of electricity from coal fired? More costly “renewables” with diesel backup? More costly “renewables” with OCGTs (extra cost & emissions)? Or more costly “renewables” with very costly storage?**
The USA has managed to reduce emissions by fracking and CCGT, along with lots of nuclear (except in GREEN California where despite imports their reliance on renewables has resulted in backouts. The plain fact is that if you want a continuous stable electricity grid it has to be based on coal or gas fired plants or nuclear. Intermittent supplies are a nuisance and expence. Just virtue signalling by those who believe in the Fairy Godmother or Easter Bunny, and want others to pay for their fantasies.
**And if batteries are realy going to become real cheap soon, why not wait until they are cheap?
It will certainly happen in my lifetime.
And off course, horse owners said the same things about cars, back in the day.
Evidence please.
With horses, there was a viable alternative. Not so for thermal, dispatchable generation.
Plus market forces displaced the horse, not subsidies.
Again getting history wrong:
Use of “horse power” in urban locations was a major environmental problem. The introduction of motor cars and increased use of liquid fossil fuels actually resulted in significant reductions in the amount of horse manure. Horses were the problem.
Not to mention the vast tracts of farmland used for the agistment and growing of feedstocks for the millions and millions of horses, eh?
However, in suburbia the milkman, baker, rag & bone, etc. all had horse-drawn floats and carts…
… and the roses and rhubarb were well nourished.
And then came the internal combustion (and battery) powered vehicles.
masterful false equivalence
doubtful that it will happen in our kids life time, unless the world is powered by wishful thinking
You don’t have to chase a tractor around a field at 6am to hitch it to a plough.
And you get the ploughing, harrowing, etc. done so much more efficiently.
This is the real agenda…..taking away freedoms, and never returning them.
Re-ordering society….because..*they* know best whats good for us…..
By the way – they are not in this to lose. Be very aware of that.
We are fighting for our kids & grand-kids freedoms – now.
We need to push politicians *hard* to start opening up the country.
This game is within the global warming game.
You need to watch this:
He makes a strong argument.
Do you think all Australian internal borders should be opened?
Yes, on the proviso that there are super tight biosecurity protocols for aged care. We also need use of ivemectin and HCQ rolled out, with priority for elderly/vulnerable people.
The bulk of the population are low risk for this thing. Infections span all age groups.
When you look at covid as being a tool to trash and rebuild society, anything we can do to take away the Elites toys, we should.
I think the key moment in Tucker Carlsons comment was when he said Biden would keep the mask nonsense going even if he won. That gave the game away….
A comment on masks – masks make sense if youre *sick*. Otherwise they serve only as a symbol of oppression and forced servitude. Healthy people might get sick , but will get over it…big deal.
And lets not forget a special mention of Victorias own Brown Shirts that have a tinge of blue to them. Clearly its only a few who are badly behaved, but it breaks the publics’ trust….maybe they only recruit mouthbreathing thugs these days?
I cannot speak for the Americans, but Australia should hold course and go for elimination.
So el gordo, if Australia goes for elimination and by some miracle succeeds, how do you keep it that way other than having Australia completely separated or should that be quarantined from the rest of the world? Will Australians be happy with that in the long term?
They will accept that this very large island is a great tourist resort and there is no need to travel overseas. Australia should take in wealthy overseas travellers who are Covid free.
We also have a quarry and food bowl.
and be ready to rinse and repeat everytime a social media virus frenzy grips the world.
So in your estimation we should open all borders and go for herd immunity? I have no objection, as a natural isolate and living in the bush, but its not my call.
We should not forget that this virus was designed in a lab.
I don’t know how this is playing out in the USA, but from over here in Australia the desperation of the Democrats is becoming painful to watch. Nancy Pelosi called trump supporters enemies of the state.
Bette Midler called the first lady, Melamia Trump, an illegal immigrant who can’t speak english!
Now Kamala Harris has followed up with threats to round up all the trump supporters (I am not sure what she intends to do with them?)
Meanwhile the speakers at the RNC are offering a better America after the election. Which would you choose?
Yeah clearly the Dems have no issue with prison food…assuming they make it that far…
Your average American has a solid , biblical sense of justice and a tough pioneering heritage. Swamp creatures like Pilosi would be wetting herself coz the ramifications of losing, after not stopping the riots and the venom the Dems spew forth…yeah…well…..wouldnt want to be her….payback could be bad….
I’ll have to admit, I did find it a little surprising to hear Melania refer to her husband as having become the forty threest president . . . . . .
I’m pretty impressed really , giving a speech in a second language is pretty good going especially at a high profile event like that. I did a short farewell/thank you speech in French years ago, not sure how big a goose I made of my self as they were very polite. Made my brain hurt.
“Nancy Pelosi called trump supporters enemies of the state.”
And she’s right, Trump supporters are enemies of the Deep State and that is what scares her the most.
In both the 2001 and 2010 movies, Dave Bowman says: “Something’s going to happen. Something wonderful.” My hope is that “something wonderful” will happen in the 2020 US election. That “something” being the silent majority expressing its displeasure with the socialist-dominated democrat party leadership by (a) re-electing President Trump, (b) maintaining control of the Senate, (c) maintaining a two to one majority of the state governors, and (e) reclaiming the House of Representatives by a margin sufficient to send Nancy Pelosi and her botox-frozen face packing. If my “something wonderful” actually happens, maybe, just maybe, the rank and file democrats will oust their current hard-left leadership and replace it with a less radical, less virtue-signaling, less socialistic crowd.
But I take heart that even if that doesn’t come to pass, the people most closely watching the 2020 Presidential election are the President Obama left-overs and has beens that fear that if President Trump wins, prosecutions of the people who committed illegal acts during the coup against Trump will begin and snowball into a swamp-draining, every-man-for-himself, free-for-all.
That quote from Harris is not true. It was taken from a satirical web site.
I note that Morrison has finally borrowed a set of gonads from some unlucky donor and decided to pull Dangerous Dan, the Unis and perhaps Twiggy Forrest into line. He might even clip the wings of Carr, Rudd and Keating in their pro-China activities. Here’s hoping.
The Federal government and ONLY the Federal Government will decide matters of foreign policy and foreign relations, as should always have been the case. This is dependent upon the Australian Foreign Relations Bill passing successfully through parliament. Expect Labor to block it for all they’re worth. The Go8 unis are not happy either; the Confucus Institutes and Chinese student numbers might take a hit. Oh the humanity!
The Bill will complement the Defence Trade Controls Act, Foreign Influence Transparency Bill (FITS bill) and the Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011.
Those champions of democracy and free speech (cough) — the universities— are “increasingly concerned at the danger that – in the name of security – Australia may be inadvertently threatening the very democratic principles it holds dear.”
And here is Dan’s position on foreign relations, like it or not:
Andrews agreed on Shi’s opinions about developing China-Victoria relations, expressed that Labor Party of Victoria attaches great significance to cooperating and communicating with China and is willing to make relentless efforts to this end.
Andrews has been working with the Chinese since 2012 when he was in opposition.
Now if we can just get Darwin Harbour back too.
There is still hope the CCP will clean themselves up on some issues.
I had harsh words for CCP provincial governors about their blind eye for bat buffets in March.
Now we hear via SerpentZA’s Chinese connections that a public health campaign has been rolled out across the country directing people not to eat wild animals nor bats specifically.
(Is it just me or does that cartoon bat look upset at not being on the menu any more?)
Anyhow, must give credit where it is due if we want to see any more progress.
Xi is currently conducting a major purge, as dictators must do regularly. He is under pressure from within the Party due to the succession of disasters plaguing the country. The natives are getting restless. There are 2 major factions going head to head. Expect lots of officials, military officers and party elites to suddenly be charged with “corruption”. This has not been reported by our MSM, naturally.
I find Mallam can talk some sense. Does covid equal climate??
I hope my Australian friends will take note that renewables can save us all according to the Daily Telegraph
“Storm Ellen’s winds of up to 79mph set record for highest ever share of wind power to grid
National Grid ESO said that wind turbines supplied 59.1 per cent of Britain’s power on Saturday at 1am”
Ok. So it was a weekend. And it WAS 1AM. And it was the middle of Summer.
But just imagine how much power the Weather Gods can bestow on us if we pray hard enough and make sacrifices of ever greater amounts of money.
As is well known, Solar is already a huge success in our famously sunny UK climate and we just need to increase the wood chippings being shovelled into Drax power station and the weather gods will do the rest.
Evening all,
The SMH Latest news today includes the following (headline and link):
” Craig Kelly accused of pushing ‘dangerous’ COVID-19 conspiracy theory
The Morrison government has refused to publicly rebuke Liberal MP Craig Kelly for attacking the ban on the controversial COVID-19 treatment hydroxychloroquine. ”
I picked out the following par as a reasonable example of the flavour of the article, not exactly supportive of Mr Kelly:
” In a speech now being promoted on social media by conspiracy theorists – including celebrity chef Pete Evans – Mr Kelly claimed on Tuesday evening that “groupthink” and the “complete abandonment of reason” were driving a “war” on hydroxychloroquine. ”
Maybe some of those naysayers will have to try to publicly defend their negativity. I wonder what they’ll try to use to support their rather tenuous position, or will they just follow the standard propaganda line and either ignore any challenge or merely throw more dirt?
Dave B
New confirmation that climate models overstate atmospheric warming
Victoria again showed the
worthfolly of a future reliance on wind power.Six wind plants (all six in the North West of the State, so all in the one area) with a total Nameplate of 960MW (370 individual wind towers) all rolled back to zero at around 6AM in a space of 20 minutes, and stayed off line for the next nine hours. At the time they stopped, they were delivering 620MW, so that was a substantial loss, the full 960MW in fact is the real loss here, the equivalent of two large scale coal fired Units failing, and if that had have been the case, you would hear about in a very loud voice. A loss of this nature when they are generating at a high rate would most probably be caused by winds being too high in fact, so, to prevent damage they automatically shut down.
Combine this with Macarthur wind plant, the (not for long) largest wind plant in the Country, and with a Nameplate of 420MW, being off line as well, that’s a loss of 1380MW from wind power, just in the State of Victoria. There must be something going on at Macarthur, because it has been delivering ZERO power since early Tuesday, off line for almost three days now. Wind plants are up and down on a regular basis, but to be at ZERO for (another, as this is a regular occurrence) three days is strange to say the least.
Thank heavens for those ten coal fired Units in Victoria, with nine of them on line and delivering 4450MW from an (online) Nameplate of 4330MW.
Yep, wind is sure replacing coal fired power all right, eh!
PostScript – Thank you Robber for bringing this to my attention.
Problem is we are accountable to our politicians laws and decisions and they are not accountable for their mistakes and corrupt policies.
For the last several days whenever I access it is noted as not secure. The message in view site information is
“Your connection to this site isn’t secure.
Don’t enter any sensitive information on this site (for
example, passwords or credit cards). It could be stolen
by attackers.”
Is this a recent effect or did I just not notice it till now? No other site that I access has this note. Obviously this is detrimental to giving any support to the site.
Can you send me a screenshot? Thanks. I’ll email you. Thanks.
From Chrome/Google. They tell you if a site has a security certificate, if Chrome trusts that certificate, and if Chrome has a private connection with a site. When you go to a site that uses HTTPS (connection security), the website’s server uses a certificate to prove the website’s identity to browsers, like Chrome. Anyone can create a certificate claiming to be whatever website they want.
To help you stay on safe on the web, Chrome requires websites to use certificates from trusted organizations.
Get same Not Secure note on Microsoft browser.
On Safari, this site’s header contains the words “Not Secure”.
same for firefox on Windows
For what it’s worth, people can be assured that there is no risk about payments or credit cards as none of that information is taken or held by this site. It’s all handled through the banking websites or paypal.
Thanks for the feedback Counter. :- )
My connection (Firefox) isnt using https , but then again I dont recall if it ever did as its hasnt complained.
I don’t know what antivirus Counter is using, but I get that warning all the time with Kaspersky. Sounds like he/she might be using the same. The warning appears for many reputable sites though.
It is a recent effect after the major transformation made to MS Edge about a month ago when the warning first appeared for me. I believe it is a combination effect of Kaspersky and Edge in my case. Unless you plan on stupidly divulging your bank details and passwords, which is not something we do in comments, then it is of no consequence.
Kaspersky errs on the side of caution when it rings the alarm bells. When AndyG posted photos of graphs on whatever site he used, Kaspersky started blocking them a few months back because that site suddenly started using some sort of counter on views which Kaspersky considered to be of concern.
I use McAfee for antivirus but I think that you are right about the MS Edge change being the culprit as that is biggest change lately ie. last month or so. I only noticed this about a week ago no idea how long before that it was there.
When accessing the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) forum also displays not secure (though not all the time). However after using their Home key it of course displays the same page but it is now secure. Just a few minutes ago I went to No Tricks Zone via WUWT and they are not secure. Of all the sites that I visit these are the only ones. One I follow is Sargon of Akkad daily on youtube. He has been demonitised by youtube for being evil I guess which is why I read his stuff and he is secure.
The Jo Nova Home key does not make the site secure.
As far as posting confidential information in the email, secure or not you are truly done. I have no idea what so ever if the donation system is compromised by this or is independent but some will not risk it. Some trying to make a donation using say a credit card will see that message and be deterred and that is of consequence.
What size the hill of August? Got your boots?
but seriously you will need boots!
Albanese has enunciated the revised China doctrine which is that Xi has moved it to the Dark Side implying that there can be no shame in Dan gracefully withdrawing from the BRI.
Now Andrews has to tell Tim Pallas that the China money is no longer for the taking two months after Standard and Poor put a warning on the state’s triple-A credit rating.
At Spring Street somebody needs to find today’s contact number for Tirath Khemlani innit?
Maybe The Age newspaper office has the contact details in their file The Age Tapes?
Tape recordings made secretly of Whitlam Labor in hotel room based negotiation to illegally (bypassing the Loans Council that was needed to approve all foreign borrowing by governments and private sector) secure a huge billions of dollars loan.
Socialism with Australian characteristics.
‘Corona cash spared 2.2 million from poverty: The government’s extraordinary income support measures have virtually eliminated poverty in Australia, according to new research.’ Oz
Where did earth’s water come from? Comments are lively and informative.
Dr John Anderson cites new pro-HCQ study:
Belgium Low-dose Hydroxychloroquine Therapy and Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: A Nationwide Observational Study of 8075 Participants (International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 24 August)
Dr. John claims no-effect studies used too high a dose.
Belgian study didn’t employ zinc. If it had, maybe its results would have been better.
The link is:
“Lower mortality in HCQ-treated patients as compared to supportive care,
Lower mortality is irrespective of symptoms duration”
Thanks for the full link.
‘Hong Kong could face a fourth wave of Covid-19 infections in the autumn and winter season, and while disruptions to normal life could persist for another six months to a year, even a speedy return to normalcy would merely be a “pyrrhic victory”, a leading infectious disease expert warned on Saturday.’ SCMP