A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Bad news for a vaccination as someone has re-caught this virus in 4 1/2 months.
Another knee jerk alarmist.
It is an indication of possible bad news but there is no information that nails it.
A vaccine might illicit an immune response that lasts longer than whatever happened in this instance.
There is also no information about whether this second strain could be dodging the immunity gained from the previous infection (ie it has mutations that have altered the virus in some way) or if the person had lost/never had much immunity and was easily reinfected.
Another head in the sand denialist.
If anti-bodies from a Strain X don’t protect against an infection from Strain Y, what strain will the vaccine protect against?
Thanks for your comment. You provided no evidence for your statement that the two strains differed in their antgenicity and no evidence to refute the possibility that a vaccine could cover all strains.
I never claimed that the possibility you accused me of denying is not possible.
I merely pointed out that you had not looked beyond the end of your nose.
how would you know what I have done? I’ve presented a simple analysis of the data as is. You’ve jumped ahead and had a guess.
I understand it was a different strain of C-19.
By locking down, we can prevent all virus’s.
This then makes finding a viable vaccine highly unlikely as the strain mutates.
Our bodies are amazing in how it tries to adapt and can add to a change in a virus by many different factors that can change this virus too.
Like the adaptation of infections to being more resistance to antibiotics.
The high rate of mutation is why there is no vaccine for the common cold and HIV. It is foolish to consider there will be one for C-19 and yet all plans assume one is definitely possible and will be available soon. It would be better to focus on drugs we know work like HCQ and ivermectin when used appropriately.
“ . . . someone . . .”
Reminds me of a Euclidean point.
A position without substance.
Much like a bureaucrat.
one person known on the whole planet. Does that say something about the virus or that one person?
I am so heartily sick of Daniel Andrews, who single handedly is responsible for taking Australia from 100 deaths to 500 in a matter of weeks. And he now demands total unfettered power without oversight from parliament. That’s a dictatorship. Please, no!
What about his new draconian mandatory manslaughter charge for chief executives which became law in July 2020? As the biggest employer in the state, surely he is accountable under his own law? 400 people and the firefighters.
At the same time every other state is fine and such infections as they are seeing in Queensland are directly traceable to Melbourne and Daniel Andrews. So it’s all Daniel Andrews utterly refusing to take any responsibility for his own actions. And caught out lying about who decided not to use the police and the army, he just twisted the answer around to say obviously what he said was wrong. Yes, I lied, but so what?
Why aren’t the four contractors being held accountable too? Who hires high risk biosecurity guards on social media with no experience and gives them no training at all? No care, no responsibility, from the top down. Prosecute the lot for those 400 people who have died and the hundreds more.
But they have a point, with public laxity like this, we may as well have been Sweden.
Perhaps politicians like Andrews and Biden should get a real job first, learn real accountability and responsibility before they demand total power?
And the other useless people are economists “Economists and health experts say there may be a better way.” Sure they do. Like Climate Change science, shut the place down and we will all be better off. No fossil fuels. Airships. Windmills. Solar Panels and an economy based on “Green jobs”.
When has an economist been right? Which ones warned about the GFC? And a bit like racing tipsters, if they really knew what was going to happen and how to make money, why are they working as journalists?
As in the US and UK, the communists (totalitarians like Andrews call themselves socialists and progressives and liberals) in our society seem out to wreck the joint. And the CCP could not be happier.
I see an object behind all these stuff-ups, which I have modestly (possibly?) entitled…..
Graeme’s Law
A failure by the bureaucracy leads to more regulation. More failure begets even more regulation.
Every time our public “servants” make a mess they always come up with 2 responses.
1. It’s not our fault, we are short of staff and funding (whatever the real case).
2. It’s the public’s fault for not behaving in the prescribed way, so we must have more laws/regulations/restrictions to force them to behave in the way we want.
“We were doing our best”
TdeF, Even though I added that bit at the end there, using that as comment on everything else he is doing, this is the way the largest percentage of Victorians is thinking at the moment, and most probably, a large percentage of every other Australian as well.
We’ll all get our way soon, and he’ll be gone, and we will all breathe a sigh of relief when he’s gone.
And Daniel himself, well, he’ll just crack a bottle of single malt, and chuckle so loudly to himself, thinking:
Thank heavens I’m out of all that monumental disaster. Hundreds of thousands of businesses now forced to the wall and into bankruptcy, owing billions, millions of unemployed, and most of them now long term unemployed. More homeless, people forced into rent stress they cannot repay, people with lost homes, still owing mortgages they can never catch up. Retirement funds exhausted of all their money. Tens of thousands of people infected, dead bodies in their hundreds, old people dying alone, not allowed to be with their families, a medical system in utter chaos ….. and on and on and on and on.
So then, why is Dan chuckling.
He took his retirement on arguably one of the best retirement plans in the Country, set up by all politicians, his indexed Premier’s salary making that retirement even larger, lurks and perks for life, free (first class) travel, an office, staff, speaking engagements, company directorships, retirement fund board member pay, and on and on and on.
But best of all, thinks Dan to himself, chuckling again.
I don’t have to lift a finger to fix any of it. That’s for all those other suckers to do.
What we need to do is to make him the person in charge of part of the WHOLE recovery process, every single part of it, answerable to every Minister in every portfolio in every future Government of the Victorian Parliament, and he doesn’t get to retire until it’s all back to normal, and that should be a job for (his) life.
But no, the people want him to go.
(and that’s exactly what Dan wants as well)
The Andrews government is giving Victorian public servants two pay rises this year. He looks after his friends. Teachers, firefighters (the feather bedded bored city ones). And hands out our money. Councils the same, pay rises and rate rises to pay for them and compensate for lack of massive fines revenue. So they can take Australia Day off while protesting.
Andrews also has decided that despite losing the Melbourne Cup, the Caulfield Cup, the Cox plate and the AFL Grand Final thanks to his arrogance and carelessness, he is still giving all employees the Grand Final Friday off on triple pay for restaurant employees for the AFL Grand Final. Another nail in the coffin for business.
Even though there is no Grand Final in Melbourne. His generosity with our money is only exceeded by his self serving arrogance. If we were at war, he would be doing a backroom deal with Tojo or Hitler. Or President Xi as he has already signed the state up to the CCP Belt and Road debt program, despite not having any constitutional legal authority to do so.
Will someone rid us of this appalling, useless and now lethal Premier?
And apart from the draft for conscription to fight in Vietnam, never in my lifetime has my life and ten of thousands of others lives been put in real and present danger by a politician.
If Liberals in Victoria were smart, they would be using the current circumstances to push a motion of no-confidence in the Andrews government. The circumstances are ripe to force a change and there may be enough independent and disillusioned Labor incumbents to carry it.
There is quite a lot of dissent in the Victorian Labor party making Dan vulnerable.
Instead of making it easy for Dan to roll over lockdown conditions, it could backfire and see him tossed out. If he believes in maintaining the state of emergency but he does not get it through parliament then resigning would be the appropriate course because he has lost what he must consider to be the only viable option for controlling the spread of the virus.
“If we were at war, he would be doing a backroom deal with Tojo or Hitler.”
Hi TdeF. Andrews has mirrored the treasonous actions of Marshall Petain of France and Vidkun Quisling of Norway in WW II, both of whom seized the opportunity to essentially stage a coup to become puppet leaders of their country, under Hitler’s ‘protection’.
Luckily, Churchill took the heart-wrenching decision against his former Allies, to destroy the French Fleet before Hitler could use it.
As you noted, Andrews “has already signed the state up to the CCP Belt and Road debt program, despite not having any constitutional legal authority to do so.”
Both Petain and Quisling were charged with treason after the War.
“If we were at war, he would be doing a backroom deal with Tojo or Hitler.”
Hi TdeF. Andrews has mirrored the treasonous actions of Marshall Petain of France and Vidkun Quisling of Norway in WW II, both of whom seized the opportunity to essentially stage a coup to become puppet leaders of their country, under Hitler’s ‘protection’.
Luckily, Churchill took the heart-wrenching decision against his former Allies, to destroy the French Fleet before Hitler could use it.
As you noted, Andrews “has already signed the state up to the CCP Belt and Road debt program, despite not having any constitutional legal authority to do so.”
Both Petain and Quisling were charged with treason after the War.
If the actions taken in Melbourne had been enacted in China there would be widespread condemnation. As a Brit looking in, with a sister in Adelaide, there seem to be worrying traits around the democratic process and free speech. In this latter respect SNP leader Sturgeon (distinctly leftist) is trying to force through changes that seem to emulate the Aussie clampdown on not being able to call a spade a spade in case offence is caused.
Black Summer Bushfire Season Whitewash
‘The independent inquiry was led by former NSW Police deputy commissioner Dave Owens, and the inaugural NSW chief scientist Mary O’Kane.
‘The report noted greenhouse gas-linked climate change had “clearly played a role” in the conditions which led to the fires and supported their spread.’ ABC
Despite their suggesting a greenhouse gas-link, not one of the 76 recommendations included reducing CO2 emissions. (that I noticed)
I wonder if this was so they cover off on the political speak but try not to make foolish recommendations.
Anything that comes from government or its agencies pays homage to the Church of Climate Change. It is the same sort of PC action as paying homage to traditional owners for government gatherings.
I have actually heard the Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, state “I cannot change the weather”. At the time I thought – but isn’t that what all the solar panels in Queensland are supposed to do. Clearly she appreciate the reality of what a few million solar panels can achieve.
The same goes for reducing the bushfire risk in NSW. A few million more solar panels and thousands of wind generators will not reduce the fire risk. Any recommendation for more intermittent generators would be a completely inappropriate recommendation in a report targeting reduction in bush fire risk.
As far as I know, I do not think the report will be publicly available until the parliament votes on the recommendations. Would like to see it if anyone has a link.
Morning all,
I found this section fascinating. Might explain the absence of any useful numbers about National Parks. It’s on the page numbered 5 in the report, or 35 of 466 when loaded into “Books”, and item number
” Caveat
The Inquiry did not have powers to compel witnesses to attend interviews, or to require agencies to produce documents. All meetings with stakeholders were carried out and information was provided by agencies in an open and cooperative way.. Agencies and stakeholders were asked to provide information and/or answer specific questions in an informal manner, and where required, further information or clarification was sought. ”
I’ve not completed reading even the first 100 pages, so will reserve further comment for now.
Dave B
Arson wasn’t a major factor, most of the fires began with lightening strikes. It was extremely droughty and tinder dry, according to BoM the water moisture was well below average and in some places unprecedented.
The inquiry doesn’t mention a large blocking high off the Queensland coast pushing warm north westerlies along the Great Dividing Range.
Premier Gladys is going to build infrastructure, a massive piping project for water security, with the intention of drought proofing NSW.
It sure beats the billions being spent uselessly pumping water uphill in an attempt to make windmills look sensible.
And we have another unused desalination plant if she wants a second one?
You are 100% right!
I can’t find any reference to a “massive piping project” in NSW. Unless you’re referring to some unspecified project west of the Divide, then that’s a rather rose-coloured portrayal of what Gladys is offering. I don’t see any big piping project anywhere out to 2038.
The only (minor) piping project is to take water westerly from Lostock Dam (which is a tiny 20GL mainly irrigation dam to the south of Barrington Tops that currently supplies the Paterson River users) over the range to top up Glennies Creek Dam (283GL – half the size of Sydney Harbour) which runs into the Hunter River above Singleton and already supplies that town. They can connect Singleton to the Lower Hunter water supply, but that just puts more strain on that already stretched supply. Glennies would seldom have enough water to support the Lower Hunter supply in the other direction either. Even now after the rain it is only 39% full. It’s just the government rearranging the deck chairs to appear to be doing something. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. No new water storage there.
• They are upgrading Dungowan Dam near Tamworth which was at critical levels 6 months ago and is still only about 20% now.
• They are raising the wall on Wyangala by about 10m to supply the Lachlan Valley.
• They are talking about building a new dam on the Mole River on the Qld border, but that’s still in the assessment phase.
• There appears to be no more talk of flooding the old open cuts near Singleton to act as giant reservoirs for the Hunter system. (Most of them naturally fill with saline ground water anyhow.)
At least there is some action on the water front, but nowhere near enough.
Word on the ground definitely mentioned extensive piping of water, so I looked and found nothing, but my source is adamant its happening. Thanks for the clarity.
Hope your source is right. Maybe talking about the revised Bradfield?
Not the New Bradfield Scheme, its Queensland water.
The general idea is that water will always be available because the dams are linked by new infrastructure in the form of pipes and pumps.
I always assume that politicians and senior public serpents are lying unless there is contrary evidence. Therefore -serious question- how reliable are Andrews’ C-19 death figures? Is there proof that the mostly elderly people in nursing homes died because of C-19 as opposed to natural causes? I’m not saying they didn’t, I just want to know if the figures have been verified by honest people. I never trust communists like Andrews who is clearly promoting lockdown to extend his dictatorial powers and most of his moron followers are loving it.
This is a discussion no one wants to have…its something people find hard to contemplate.
Question – does govt lie to us?
Answer – yes, every day. Repeatedly. Many who work govt mean well, but the politicians….hmmm…
OK, so is “dying with covid” the same as “death from covid”?
However, the govt in Victoria has very sneakily not released any info from those who have died from pre-existing co-morbidities. The US CDC to its credit does release such info.
So this information is kept hidden deliberately I think. That and an article I saw in one major paper that said if an elderly person in a nursing home was diagnosed with covid, they were often sedated and not admitted to hospital. This is a pretty horrible way to go.
“Bring out yer dead……”
But it *does* keep people frightened and how fortunate that Victoria has put the entire population effectively under house arrest and banned political rallies to call for Andrews to be thrown out….
“Bring out yer dead……”?…not quite…
I have tried garlic cloves attached to my face mask and it is the only thing that works. The same can be done with hats using garlic instead of hanging corks to dissuade flies..:)
Actually, garlic also helps dissuade flies too as a bonus in my early research.
Other work i am doing is using glad wrap as an alternative to using perspex face masks. In my research, a coathanger and some clothes pegs offer a reusable face shield construct so that fresh gladwrap can be used when the old glad wrap loses its optical qualities by simply stretching some fresh glad wrap onto the coat hanger frame with the said clothes pegs..
Just another researcher doing his/her stuff….:)
original steve
I think you would enjoy the UK web site lock down sceptics
There are often pieces about Australia but the best one at the moment is a member of the UK Government advisory committee stating that lockdown was a disastrous global mistake.
In answer to your question, dying with covid is not the same as dying of covid. 5000 deaths were removed from that column in the UK a few weeks ago in recognition of this and others are trying to get to the bottom of who was definitely killed BY covid. Unfortunately vulnerable care homes were not protected and very many of the deaths occurred there.
If you were under 65, had no already life threatening illnesses, the chances of dying with covid were tiny, not that you would know that by the hysteria being engendered which itself will mean tens of thousands more deaths through cancer heart disease and diabetes than would otherwise have happened.
Over the last 6 weeks the nu8mber of flu deaths has excee3ed covid deaths by 5 times, not that you would know that by the hysterical media and hysterical govt
Currently the third article down is a scathing article about your very own emperor Dan
Why are you letting this man become a dictator? Truly frightening the powers he has accrued to himself in a democracy. This is pure hysteria .
“What it is like now”
Six year old child has head shot off by black neighbor.
What it should be like in Victoria-
citizens armed for protection against police state.
That is almost beyond belief.
The world has gone mad.
If you check out the incident that Lucky cites it indicates that this is not a one sided issue.
The perpetrator seems like the kind of person who would have been “in care” fifty years ago.
The Mr Blake shooting seems to have so far unexplored aspects.
Why did he keep walking away when obviously he was being asked to stand still. Perhaps police were concerned he had a gun in the car?
The intervention between the two ladies arguing didn’t seem to feature in the incident and yet it is always mentioned in media reports?
It’s a sad world.
There are figures to show that the rate of deaths in nursing homes per month in VIC is the same now as it had been for the last two years, about 1400 per month.
That has big implications for the usefulness of the “Data” that is being used to drive government action.
The Shut/LockDown is not only destroying lives and businesses, it is removing any trust in an important group coming through society:
# school students, have lost a year. Online classes? Don’t be stupid, that’s just a political nominal “fix” to take the heat off pollies: it doesn’t work.
# university students, the same.
# young people looking for work. Good luck with that; the economy is destroyed.
All to deal with a non event contagious pandemic that, in Australia, has regularly been outdone by past flu deaths, road accidents and suicides.
True, countries around the world are putting up large numbers of CV19 deaths which “may” be real, but the many variables driving these deaths may have more to do with poor or absent public immunisation programs and sanitation than the lethality of The Virus.
A major decision like lockdown requires a cost benefit analysis, and that has not been done in Australia.
Australia’s mental health has been trashed: just ask Noel Pearson what he thinks of our government.
Message to Daniel Andews and his government from our Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell.
Javier makes a forecast on global cooling.
‘For it to become really interesting the annual temperature should get down to 0.13° anomaly. That would be a “back to the Pause” temperature. Perhaps by 2025-30 if the short trend continues.
‘To consider that substantive cooling might be taking place the annual average temperature should get below –0.1° anomaly that was 2008 UAH temperature, the coldest year in the Pause. I don’t think there is a very good chance of that, but who knows.’ (wuwt)
It would require back to back La Nina.
If we look at the Maunder Minimum, Surely all we can expect is a drop of around one degree over 100 hundred years? I don’t believe that even if we are entering a cooling phase, then the expected temp drop will be significant.
If we look at the Maunder Minimum, Surely all we can expect is a drop of around one degree over 100 hundred years? I don’t believe that even if we are entering a cooling phase, then the expected temp drop will be significant.
If we look at the Maunder Minimum, Surely all we can expect is a drop of around one degree over 100 hundred years? I don’t believe that even if we are entering a cooling phase, then the expected temp drop will be significant.
Sorry Mods…
We cannot detect the solar fingerprint during a strong La Nina, but a decade of La Ninas is another matter, particularly if its coupled with a negative North Atlantic Oscillation. There is debate on whether the NAO is linked to solar activity.
It seems certain that if temperatures fall sharply next year and then bounce back to its original height, then CO2 must be causing global warming.
What has Trump ever done for the US?
Nothing, obviously, except for:
They left out the biggest achievement — keeping Crooked Hillary away from the seat of ultimate power, whilst simultaneously dragging the ball and chain of the treacherous Deep State, Trump-deranged Democrats and a totally hostile, activist MSM.
How about this one!
Public servants held to account! If only we had some one like that.
And how about this one . . . .
“* US stock market continually hits all-time record highs. Dow Jones up 190.60 to 27,930.33 Aug 21, 2020. Historically, the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached an all time high of 29569.58 in February of 2020.
The Federal Reserve’s trillions have contributed to creating the biggest bubble ever. Quite an achievement!
The Federal Reserve doesnt operate under the control of the President. I know, surprising isnt it?
Is ‘The End of Times’ upon us?
The ship of state is faltering, well the federation is gone in all but name.
From the top, the rich using private planes to emigrate from Victoria flouting all rules, down to school children having violent tantrums destroying property.
Sporting personalities carry on carrying on with a slap on the wrist if caught.
The Black Economy doing well until caught when they try flee the law, (The drug supply industry needs a government subsidy)!
The Moral society that appeared to exist when I grew up had flaws and cracks have always been present.
The breakdown of civil society is around me where ever I look.
The Structure of the system with checks and balances with a fifth estate to look out for malfeasance and PUBLISH has gone.
The Judiciary has become suspect, freedom of speech a lost cause.
How can we as a society get back on to a steady course with this blight (Sars-CoV-2) caused by the inevitable march to be the best in the world what ever the cost.
Indeed how can a steady course be proposed when there are so many divergent demands with causes becoming akin to religions.
Both Vic and WA seem to be using the myth of a “dangerous” virus, to crush peoples rights.
As someone wisely said, its not really the Feds you have to watch….the States are just as dangerous in destroying our liberties.
But it seems WA has created a state of guilty until proven… who cares…..lock em all up.
Is WA being run by Jacobins?
Its a bit like pre-crime from “Minority Report”. Its one thing to play to a audience of scared and ignorant people, its another to abuse their trust.
How do tell if someone is a “potential criminal”? – that’s just nuts.
“Last week, WA Premier Mark McGowan said he would like to see potential criminals entering the state being forced to wear the bracelets.
“”If we think someone is a flight risk or a potential criminal or a former criminal, well they’re the sorts of people they would go on,” he said.
WA ….back to being a rough penal colony….
The fact that a lot of states are now behaving like Victoria, should concern people.
Speaking of Jacobins…..
“The Society of the Friends of the Constitution (French: Société des amis de la Constitution), after 1792 renamed Society of the Jacobins, Friends of Freedom and Equality (Société des Jacobins, amis de la liberté et de l’égalité), commonly known as the Jacobin Club (Club des Jacobins) or simply the Jacobins (/ˈdʒækəbɪn/; French: [ʒakɔbɛ̃]), became the most influential political club during the French Revolution of 1789. The period of its political ascendancy includes the Reign of Terror, during which time well over ten thousand people were put on trial and executed in France, many for political crimes.
“Rioters in Portland, Oregon, brought a guillotine to a violent demonstration overnight Saturday into Sunday, according to the Portland Police Bureau.
““Someone rolled a mock guillotine with a stuffed bear into the street (photo). The bear and multiple U.S. flags were burned. Paint balloons were launched at officers, as well as green lasers,” the police said in a press statement early Sunday morning.
— they executed kings in France during the french revolution…
“Amazon founder Jeff Bezos was targeted on Sunday by activists, who set up a guillotine outside his Washington DC home and called for an end to the “exploitation” of the company’s employees.
“In front of the guillotine was a sign reading: “Support our poor communities not our wealthy men.”
:Footage from the scene shows demonstrators outside the residence saying: “It is still exploitation, and when they become threatened, and we have no voice, the knives come out.”
“The domestic terrorists decided to bring a homemade guillotine into a residential neighborhood, and put a teddy bear in the drop as the (assumed) first victim.
“About 250 terrorists were allowed to march through the residential streets of Portland while they made their way to Penumbra Kelly Building, where several public safety offices can be found.
“Hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 Treatment, Actual Usage in the USA”
You have to wonder what would have happened if Donald Trump had not recommended HCQ? Based of course on what he was told. And no one was told to drink fish tank cleaner. That smear was beyond belief.
The deep state, media and Hollywood hatred for Donald Trump has translated into tens of thousands of lives lost by refusal of almost trivial and long approved treatment with a common cheap drug, a little zinc and common antibiotic. The loss of lives is now blamed on Donald Trump. These people have no morals, but we know that from demands for full term taxpayer funded abortion.
When did so many Americans lose any sense of decency, fairness and even respect for the office of President? Sure, the Democrats lost an election. It happens. That does not make Kathy Griffin a heroine for what she did. Sense and even humor is utterly gone in the savagery of Carrey, Streisand, Midler and eighty year old speaker Pelosi. Trump’s children, his wife, his friends, all are targets of vicious personal attacks by media and celebrities. His security adviser was jailed on made up charges and falsely pleaded guilty only because the FBI threatened his son. He was not even read his Miranda rights when interviewed, something which is in every movie. Biden personally suggested this action. Why isn’t anyone in jail? Including Biden.
It’s almost beyond belief, especially compared with nominating both Clintons and Biden and Obama for sainthood. Nothing could be further from the truth and everyone knows it. Everyone.
Its almost beyond belief but it is getting worse!
Nancy Pelosi Calls President Trump, Republicans and Trump Supporters: “Enemies of The State”…
More rumours circulating about Kim Jong Un and his health and no that’s not a euphemism for Daniel Andrews .
The latest video of him walking, (Sorry No Link) has him seriously overweight, fluid retention is my guess.
Kim Jong-Un in a coma. Sister takes over. Maybe, maybe not, just like his “death” a couple of months back. That sister of his looks like a nasty piece of work too.
Message to the Chief Scientist – Dr Alan Finkel
It turns out in the news this morning that the Chief Scientist, Alan Finkel has already rejected the call of the “leading climate scientists”.
Hopefully my message was some comfort to him.
You have to give it to our ABC for maintaining a consistent anti-Trump bias in its reporting.
The sheer lack of reports on the Republican National Congress is in stark contrast with the almost glorification of Joe Biden through detailed but vapid reporting of the Democratic National Congress (although they somehow managed to miss the nomination of Bernie Sanders by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez).
What coverage they have given of the RNC comes with tags like “breach of the Hatch Act” and “prime-time spectacle” and how it featured “‘racist’ and ‘reckless’ gun owners”.
No mention at all about endorsement from black republican politicians and celebrities.
I guess Auntie feels obliged to take its cues from mainstream US MSM like CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post
sorry that should have been Convention, not Congress in both cases
Kamala Harris and AOC craft crazy climate law
By David Wojick
The beginning:
Kamala Harris did not mention climate change in her acceptance speech, but she did not have to. She talked a lot about justice and justice is now code for climate. Thanks to Harris and AOC, the strange beast of “climate justice” is now a big part of the Democrat’s agenda.
In fact the team of Harris and AOC has now codified the concept of climate justice. Just before the convention they jointly dropped the Climate Equity Act into the Senate and House hoppers.
The Equity Act does not mean that everyone gets their fair share of climate. The stated goal is for the Federal Government to adjust its investments and regulations to favor those who are supposedly most involved with climate change, or something like that.
The proposed law is so incoherent that it is hard to tell what it is for or what it does. That it would cause an enormous amount of confusion is certain.
The problem is that the central concept in the law is extremely unclear. Harris and AOC have continued the “war on climate” theme that AOC used when proposing the Green New Deal. Thus the Climate Equity Act is about something called “frontline communities.”
Apparently these so-called communities are on the frontline of climate change, or the frontline of stopping climate change, or some such. It is very hard to tell.
There is a lot more detail in the article.
Please share this.
Gotta love the BoM and the precision of their weekly forecasts.
For Aug 31, near home, they are forecasting 8-13C and 0-0.4mm.
For Aug 23, they forecast 7-12C and 1-3mm. actuals 6-12C and 20mm.
its a prediction, not a promise
I feel for people trying to plan their livelihoods around BOM forecasts
You mean like walkers, including bush walkers, and bike riders? I know how they feel…
BoM’s prediction was good for south east Australia a week in advance, it was very snowy over the weekend.
“write us a line on the stuff you are linking to” says admin.
i already went to school 8 times over. how many times you gone to school?
New York City. Now with all the shops boarded up , restaurants and strip clubs closed, I wonder how long before the UN finds it just too difficult to meet there and moves to more appropriate digs in Geneva or some such tawdry alternative. I am guessing the move would be executed with greater urgency and competency than any previous UN initiative.