As a public service for Australians watching our public broadcasters, here’s a point of view worth knowing about the riots in Louisville.
Besides, in the new world without police, Carlson tells us — Seattle has discovered that maintaining the peace is best left with pimps — and we wouldn’t want to hide that.
Meanwhile SBS News tonight said repeated that Trump would not accept the election results, but that this was a “successful tool” with some voters — as if he just invented the scare of mail-in ballot corruption to win. They wheeled out an expert who said that there hadn’t ever been mail-in voter fraud, or words to that effect “in history”. As if this election is just like all the other ones, and there were not so many undetectable ways to cheat with mail in ballots, the real question is “How could it not happen”?
And so it has: Charlie Spiering, Breitbart, reports that the WhiteHouse has a long list:
…there were nine people charged in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas with “vote harvesting” and mail ballots, a political operative in New York stealing and submitting absentee ballots, and a resident in Pennsylvania receiving seven separate ballots in the mail.
The Heritage Foundation has collated a list of over 1,000 proven cases of voting fraud. There are 170 examples of fraudulent use of absentee ballots, and many resulted in criminal convictions.
One anonymous operative explains how to steal votes
Jon Levine at the New York Post:
A top Democratic operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is no myth. And he knows this because he’s been doing it, on a grand scale, for decades.
“An election that is swayed by 500 votes, 1,000 votes — it can make a difference,” the tipster said. “It could be enough to flip states.”
The whisteblower — whose identity, rap sheet and long history working as a consultant to various campaigns were confirmed by The Post — says he not only changed ballots himself over the years, but led teams of fraudsters and mentored at least 20 operatives in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania — a critical 2020 swing state.
He copies the ballots, but can’t fake the envelopes, so his teams go door to door to convince people they’ll put their vote in the mail for them. Instead they steam them open, swap in the fake vote, and then spread them…
The tipster is a Democrat, but wanted Sanders, not Biden.
Trump v Biden/Harris may well be decided in Court, just as Bush v Gore was. Definately a curiouser and curiouser election coming.
Vote early, vote often.
Some lefty press on the election. Both sides gearing for a fight makes it likely.
Says the Dems are planning on how to keep the Supreme Court out of it. Dream on.
That is also why Trump needs to get the next Supreme Court judge in ASAP — to break any possible deadlock at the Supreme Court.
Meanwhile Biden says he’s on a “Harris Biden administration” ticket! As reported here
Trump to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court: sources
Like almost anything the left wing media comes out with at the moment, it is almost the polar opposite of the truth, as per Jo’s article. The refusal to accept any election result isn’t really a risk associated with Trump or the right. The real issue is that if Trump wins, no matter how big the margin of victory, the revolutionary base of the left will not to accept it. You think the riots in the USA are bad right now ? Just watch what will happen if Trump wins. Remember the riots when he won last time ? And that is why they are making such a big issue of preparing for this – not because of anything that Trump might do, but so they will be justified to riot when THEY lose.
Sorry. Fat thumb on iPad.
It’s good that this type of viewpoint is being aired by Trucker Carlson because it shows that the protests and anger of the mob are disconnected from reality in the case of Breanna Taylor’s death.
Candace Owens has a good outline of the facts on a Facebook post where she goes through the drug addled history of Breanna and her boyfriend and strongly pushes the need for clearer thinking rather than mob based activism.
The Uhaul truck incident seems to confirm that the riots are more related to the coming election than actual instances of mistreatment of the black community. We live in a very weird world.
He might like Trucker.
My next article presents statistics showing that on a per arrest basis whites are actually more likely to be killed by cops than blacks. Systemic racism is a parallel hoax to climate emergency. In both cases the goal is social upheaval.
The “prepackaged” grassroots protests goes back to at least the Occupy Wall Street movement. Forces opposed to the government and intent on its overthrow, within and without the US, are funding these riots. It is hard to drain the swamp in DC because most of the lower echelon, non-appointed employees are Democrats and about as easy to terminate as an Ivy League tenured professor.
If Trump prevails, heads will roll in DC. Ghislaine Maxwell is reported as being ready to roll over on a lot of powerful people to save her own skin (unless she gets “Epsteined”). US Attorney Durham’s investigation is rumored to be preparing to serve several indictments and the investigation of the Clinton Foundation has been subsumed by the Durham investigation, as well.
I am reminded of the old gypsy (or uncorroborated Chinese) curse, “May you live to see interesting times.”
KK, the problem is that Tucker is not reaching those on the left who only listen to CNN, MSNBC etc. We have evolved to ‘us’ and ‘them’. This has always been the case of course but never has it been so obvious with media outlets openly backing a political party or ideology rather than facts or truth. This applies to all media to some degree.
Slightly O/T
USA polling suggest Biden is leading by a fair margin in a lot of states. However, given the antagonism and hate being spewed at Trump supporters I believe polling may be well off the mark. At the 2016 election Killary was a shoe-in…apparently. Until polling day when those who were to say so publically actually voted for the Trumpster. I believe that given what is happening in the USA today, there are a lot more people who are worried about openly supporting Trump, so the election result will be closer than polling suggests.
I can’t imagine Biden in charge of anything let alone being President of USA.
I have had the same thought, that Trump supporters may be harder to poll, especially polls by liberals. In fact they may on average be less willing to participate in polls than talkative liberals.
Trafalgar Group out of Atlanta did the best, using indirect “neighbour” data. And Rassmusen’s daily tracking poll of job approval — an indicative poll — gets 400 fresh data points into the three day average of 1200. It shows Trump leading Biden by two, then three, then four percent during September. Let’s see how Tuesday eves debate affects it.
The Old Gold Standard was Gallup. They didn’t poll in 2016, seeing it too difficult to predict. Anyone know what they’re doing this US Presidential election season?
Wal, those same polls in 2016 had Hillary Clinton winning over Trump by 97% to 3%.
Pollsters print what they are paid to print, not what actually exists.
This is spot on with even the BBC and The Guardian slipping into arguably ‘hate state’ by banning climate sceptics and lockdown opposition protestors from involvement or comment. They also stir up the mire by linking protestors to anti-vaccination groups, 5G theorists and the like without ever considering that their own camp may be full of much more controversial and unpleasant individuals.
The media has lost balance and neutrality because it is driven by where they believe the money is and not where truth may be found. It is very sad to watch it happening and I long for the days when balance will be restored and we can discuss issues rationally like human beings and not robots once again.
The Donald has been president for 4 years and the Democrats still haven’t accepted the fact.
Importantly, they still haven’t learned how he communicates.
He communicates “chess”-like; they play Tic-Tac-Toe.
In this case (not accepting the election results) he is making sure that the media pundits discuss the potential fraud of rushed** mail voting.
News writer Salena Zito made an interesting observation. Link: Atlantic
Here is the way it is expressed in an ‘Atlantic’ article:
“When he makes claims like this, the press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.
When I presented that thought to him, he paused again, “Now that’s interesting.””
_ _ _ _ _ _
**In Washington State, we have had mail-out/mail-in voting for many years; small beginning in 1991 and Statewide in 2011. There was a learning curve, but the system works. There are regular updates on the rolls, deaths, address changes (forwarding), and so.
But will voting matter in Washington – can Trump gain enough to swing the State?
I understand that in the USA (at least in theory) any public official can be impeached. Is this correct, an would it apply to State Governors or Mayors of major cities?
Yes, Graeme 3. Any official may be impeached for breach of Law or by Petition of the People in the case of State Legislators, State Governors, City Mayors and such.
There is a process in each State by which any elected official may be recalled or impeached.
Trump as distinct from past Republican Presidents is more of a thinker and a doer for the nation. Democrats of today as distinct from the past are clueless and destroyers. Take your pick Americans. It will be an interesting election and a test of the American psyche.
It always gets down to money and power. The Democrats know that COVID-19 will suppress more of their vote then the Republicans. More Democrats vote by mail than Republicans. And, if the Democrats need more votes on Election Day they will do what they did in California two years ago: commit voter fraud!
Although the Democrats don’t want Trump to get a third Supreme Court pick because of the effect it will have on the court for decades, the real reason they are apoplectic is that with a 6-3 conservative majority the Democrats prospects for winning in court and getting the presidency are slim.
If there is no clear winner the House of Representatives will decide who wins the presidency. The democrats majority will avail them not. Each state delegation gets one vote and the Republicans hold twenty-six delegations and the democrats twenty-four. In the Senate, each senator holds a vote and the Republicans, who hold the majority with 53 seats, will determine who becomes Vice President.
In my opinion, when the dust settles, Trump will emerge victorious. Regardless of who wins, the far left will continue to wage a campaign to undermine and overthrow the government. It is something right out of the Saul Alinsky playbook.
i do fear the left have become so unimaginably corrupted they regard the destruction of the American Republic (the system of) as mere collateral damage in their war of self preservation……..its quite depressing so much of the USA population dont know, dont care or are willing participants.
For a democracy there is nothing more sacrosanct than an individuals safe, anonymous vote and transparent system.
Mail in voting should be heavily shunned and electronic ballots permanently dismissed.
Australia should move fast to enshrine our, in person, pencil on paper voting system not only in law but more importantly in the very psyche of our people securing it as untouchable from any side of politics for generations to follow.
It’s also depressing to think that Americans would fall for the leftist nonsense and their destructive agendas of which there are many, for example their climate change policies. I will wait with much anticipation with the hope the Americans by and large are not that foolish and instead re-elect Trump purely based on the fact the alternative stands for that other demonstrably destructive and IMHO evil side. Trump is by no means perfect, but for the love of God, Biden for President? As we all know he’s just a stooge and will be replaced if elected. Let’s hope reality has already bitten enough American voters.
It’s depressing that so many Australians (especially Victorians) fall for leftist nonsense as well so I wouldn’t single out Americans in this regard.
True but the topic of discussion was the USA.
The great thing is though, is that the Democrats and their media have convinced the public – the low-information public, anyway – that it is too dangerous to go out and vote. Those on the right, who have also been looking at the unconvincing plague reports and noting the economic disasters being imposed on them and the tyranny of the oppressive, useless restrictions, are not so scared. They can reason – ‘I can go to the supermarket – so I can use the same precautions to go and vote in person.’
So CNN/ABC/PBS watchers fill in their forms (if they can be bothered, not exactly stimulated by Joe Biden’s ‘lid’days), and don’t go out to vote. If those postal votes don’t get confirmed, they don’t get counted.
The democrat leadership have realised this too late…
I’ve seen claims of military personnel ballots that were voting for Trump being intercepted and with held , still trying to verify it .
There were a small number of discarded military ballots cast for President Donald Trump that were recovered in Pennsylvania.
Also, U.S. Postal Service officials are investigating trays of mail discovered in a ditch in Greenville, Wisconsin, which included absentee ballots.
U.S. Attorney: Military Ballots, Cast for Trump, Found Discarded in Pennsylvania
Democrat Insider: Anti-Trump Postal Workers in GOP Neighborhoods Throw Mail-In Ballots in the Garbage
RicDre, there were 9 ballots 7 for trump and 2 for biden
History shows that Republican elected judges are personally bound to the law as written. Their personal integrity is very important to them. They have conservative values. Democrat appointed judges often overrule the constitution and become lawmakers. They have emtional values and believe in loyality over fact. Their role, in their minds, is to make laws for what they see as a better world. Government makes laws not judges. If this election goes to court, even now it will be 5:3 ‘fix the rolls’. Voter fraud is rampant in USA. Americans should be emphatic about roll credibility and postal integrity. Judicial Watch and other history proves fraud. For example, 140% of eligible voters on the roll in San Diego. In Virginia, one of 5 states that have ID and the only state that requires photos, driver’s licence renewals found thousans of illegal voters. A popular cheating method was duplication by voting in 2 and sometimes 3 states. Different addresses. Take Markle’s advice, “Stop the hate speech!” That would leave the newspapers almost blank and most media off air!
“Judicial Watch and other history proves fraud.”
Here is a classic:
Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts
Published Dec 12, 2016
Nice try, the article said a TOTAL of 338 additional ballots in 248 precincts. Almost all were only 1 or 2 ballots out. Maybe you should have read it first.
“Meanwhile SBS News tonight said repeated that Trump would not accept the election results…”
Another anti-fact, Trump has said no such thing.
The ‘Meme Scream Media’ is just repeating the lies from the Demonic-rats, believing everyone is too stupid to check and find out otherwise.
Meanwhile Biden is hiding in his bunker again as some records of FBI Agent On Mueller Teams admits operation Crossfire Hurricane was based on “supposition on supposition” and Mueller gang used Gen. Flynn prosecution to “get Trump”! Mueller team now seeing MISCONDUCT AND ABUSE described in new Dept Of Justice filing! Back then some of the Mueller Team analysts had taken out insurance just in case they are sued for misconduct and abuse.
Trump’s reply on all this news — “A three year HOAX. A failed COUP!”
More at
The cheating is not new. It will be more prolific with mail in voting but it was always there. And as the publicly funded review in Michigan proved, it was all the Democrats stuffing the boxes and they still lost.
So it the Latinos and the non college educated others and the disenchanted black inner city voters prefer Trump, it will be a rerun of last time.
California still hates Trump, but the blackouts may change that. And Seattle and Portland hate Trump, but the riots may change that. And the big Democrat cities but this was all foreseen in the Federation that the big cities would dominate, so there is the Electoral College. It has never been one man, one vote in Federations. Similarly in Australia where a senator in Tasmania represents 16x fewer people than in other states, which is how the Green have gamed the senate despite only having one Green in the House of Representatives. And city vs country is the same bias. Because the crowded cities could not exist without the country. No one has food or petrol or even manufacturing and processing. They have all fled the city, if not fled America entirely.
Consider Florida has been the key in many elections, like the Bush vs Gore election. However the collapse of Venezuela and the destabilization of so many countries by Cuba is still continuing and the people of Florida and along the Southern border of the US do not want open borders or socialism. Florida will not be determined by a few chads this time. It will be a landslide.
As in Australia too, the Labor left has abandoned the unions which founded Labor. And in the US, the Democrat left have abandoned the Unions. In particular the Police Unions representing 750,000 active police men and women and their families and friend, but also the massive car unions and factory based manufacturers, few of whom are in the big Democrat cities. And the massive death tolls mainly in the big cities have changed people’s minds about their progressive leaders. Rudi Guiliani did a great job. De Blasio is presiding over a total collapse of quality of life which is bringing even leading Democrats out of their bunkers and apartments to complain. Democratic Governors and mayors are very unpopular at the moment as they praise BLM and defund the police and wreck their states. Power was to be cheaper and more plentiful. It is neither.
So it seems likely that Hiden Biden will lose big time. By a margin even bigger than Hillary’s. And despite postal votes. As Hillary advises though, Biden must never, never concede. The plan now is to lose to a red wave but pull victory from the courts, especially the Supreme Court refusal to confirm the election result. That last hope will vanish today with the appointment of a conservative new Supreme Court judge, giving Conservatives 6:3 and the election result will now certainly be confirmed, regardless of Hillary’s advice. It was their last hope.
And a word on those absurd polls. We have the same in Australia. The Australian Newspaper Newspoll allegedly proved that 62% of Victorians approve the great job Premier Daniel Andrews has done in the avoidable and culpable deaths of 760 people.
I do not know a single person who thinks so. And that’s talking to many people from many walks of life.
Premier Daniel Andrews and his universally amnesiac ministers know nothing, heard nothing and should be arraigned on the mandatory manslaughter charges he has legislated in July for uncaring corporate bosses. They all denied knowing, even though video evidence is that they knew long before they read about it in the papers or saw it on television, as claimed.
And not a single responsible person has any idea who demanded so called ‘security guards’ instead of Australian soldiers.
And by ‘security guards‘ I mean ones like the 19 year old female Indian student who was hired over instagram or the like, given no training or equipment or rules and did not return the next night because she was bored sitting in a chair playing on her phone like every one else. It’s a novel definition of both ‘security’ and ‘guard’ and one not questioned by anyone in power. None of them knew anything about it. Not a clue. All very complicated and distributed responsibility. All innocent and ignorant parties.
So all those people died for no reason anyone can fathom? And one knows why there is a still an 8 hour curfew or even whose idea that was?
The Victorian Governor is there for such occasions and should force an election. I have no confidence in anyone in the Victorian government. They are all lying including the Department chiefs. But we all know. We all know who did not want Australian government forces in his private country of Victoria. DanielStan. The one he has illegally signed up to the CCP Belt and Road.
That is not a true representation of what was actually asked. This is from the actual Newspoll article:
There are really two questions that need to be asked:
Did the Victorian government manage the hotel quarantine well – there would be a near universal NO.
Were lockdowns necessary to arrest the rapid spread of the second wave in Victoria – that gets 62% support, maybe even higher.
Dan threw the Health Minister under the bus yesterday and she resigned today. More in disgust of the State cabinet process than anything she did or did not do.
It came out yesterday that the Premier and Ministers involved in the hotel inquiry had each engaged three QCs to brief them and look after their interests. This was stated as being very unusual practice. It shows how concerned they are over personal liability for the 750+ deaths in the second wave.
I do not know how long Dan will last. As Andrew Bolt pointed out a fish rots from the head down. There is no doubt the Andrews government is on the nose.
An appropriate, but possibly brave, outcome from the inquiry into hotel quarantine would be a recommendation for the Premier to resign. He admitted the bungling incompetence of the government he has lead for a long time. There is no way out of this mess for him. He is clearly the leading clown in a bureaucratic circus. He was a rabbit in the headlights yesterday as the dots were joined; his incompetence was exposed. No one could ever take this person seriously again.
This is the ‘gotcha’ moment”
Who could hold their head high after that?
The inquiry only needs one recommendation – remove Danial Andrews from the Premiership. Remove the source of the rot.
Denial Andews.
Denial Andrews.
Agreed, except that the media story was 62% of Victorians support Daniel Andrews. That is a very different statement.
All his ministers know Daniel Andrews did not want the Federal Government on his turf. There were no ‘private security guards’. That was a fantasy! They hired anyone off the internet and called them ‘security guards’.
Nightwatchmen and students are not security guards managing people, a deadly joke. Certainly not people with the authority and training, size, uniform and respect to deal with a pandemic lockdown with surly and often unwilling internees. Only trained Police and Army people could possibly have done it, but Daniel did not want it. And why central city hotels? Who decided that was a good idea? Every hotel in Victoria was empty, so why Bourke and Lonsdale Streets? Even getting people in an out of the hotel was difficult.
Everyone has covered for Andrews. Including and especially the ministers who knew all about it and denied everything in court. They denied knowing anything at all about anything, despite the fact that some had spoken about using private ‘security guards’ in television interviews months before. They are all in it together, liable for prosecution under 760 charges of manslaughter, under their own punitive laws, promulgated July 2020. Making a mockery of their own laws, they all lied or forgot. No one was in charge. No one made decisions. And if someone did make a decision, no one knows who it was or why it was made. Unbelievable.
So would they break ranks and drop Andrews in the deep end? No. Not one. To a person, no one knew anything because they would be in the dock with him. Until Daniel Andrews cowardly blamed them all, especially his Health minister. So she has resigned saying he made statements which which she disagreed. You can guess which ones.
Now the 760 manslaughter charges question is whether she will squeal? Fascinating. And she is not up for perjury charges. It was just an inquiry, not a trial. I would say it’s 50/50 whether ministers admit lying to protect their boss and themselves. Of course refusing the Army was Andrew’s absolute insistence. And the curfew.
Andrews will not resign regardless. He has absolute power, no parliament and he will tough it out. But will he be charged under his own laws? And when will the no confidence vote be brought by the insipid Liberals? It might be a surprising event. Many old scores could be settled.
Now Andrews rejects calls for his own resignation. ““No, I will not,” Mr Andrews said when asked whether he would resign.
“I don’t run from problems and challenges. I’ve got a very important job to do, and that is to continue to get these case numbers down, and then to begin the biggest recovery project that our state has ever seen,” he said.
Someone who officially does not have a clue what’s been going on for six months and directly or indirectly caused the deaths of 760 people is perhaps not the best qualified to guide the recovery from a health disaster and National financial disaster over which he presided, allegedly in complete ignorance.
Or does he mean his private, illegal and cosy contract with the Chinese Communist Party after 25 trips? Who needs guidance from such a man? If he won’t go, the Governor should dismiss him. Which is the sole reason for having a governor in Government house in each independent state.
And with Andrews attempt this week to pass a law which allowed him to appoint anyone he chose to be able to arrest without warrant, imprison without judicial oversight and indefinitely on the opinion only of the appointed officer, was Daniel Andrews trying to form his own army? Were the police refusing to follow his orders?
This unbelievable stuff is out of the Adolph cookbook! Even his own side of politics was appalled, as was every judge and lawyer. And most of the population. The man is quite mad with power and it has to end. No wonder he didn’t want the army in town.
TdeF, there are whispers that the people being quarantined were Chinese, if so it explains why Dan “belt and road” Andrews didn’t use the army or police.
If you can convince people that C02 is a poison and then fund the mainstream education and media systems of the western world to drive such a fallacy often not knowing what it is, what is just more spin and propaganda to maintain power?
Effectively eliminating doctors being able to prescribe treatments to a running pandemic with clearly proven efficacy for months. First saying masks didn’t help and travel was OK which failed ages old sense, knowledge and quarantine education. Idiocy promulgated by the UN and our Health Department, TGA and bed fellows. Why?
Trash rag regardless, The Guardian now blowing off on Trump addressing the UN and not mentioning human rights, environmental, international trade, treaty and norm abuses by the CCP via Xi.
That is if we suspend belief on whether or not they intentionally released what they made and triggered the apocalypse or was it even grander and planned centrally? The curious coincidences of comments by Gates since 2005, Fauci in 2017 and then Event 201 and the entanglement of both the WHO, US government and global institutions in “that Wuhan lab”. Bat soup was a much better, plausible alibi apparently.
You could write a book on all this, but it just shows how utterly corrupted, biased and useless the media have become and are not challenged nor accountable in any way.
The same underlying plutocracy owning the dialogue through their social media and big tech tentacles infecting the proletariat with dogma and foment division by striking down anything that does not align to the ideology. No tactic is too dirty, so what is a little bit of peaceful protest when Black Lives Matter or the Climate Catastrophe is nigh? Nothing to see here, move along.
The taxpayer funded ABC and SBS parrots and reinforce the lies, spin and stupid and erect guardrails on the mainstream ability to think, seek or connect the dots. Their rapid supplicant dogs on social media tearing down and eviscerating dissenters.
Having seen the trialling of CCP style authoritative lockdowns in this so called free country has proven it to really be just a cooperative feudalism sharing some logistics apparatus, but are we citizens, tenants or prisoners?
Defended by the leftard press, all this is news papered over and the elected, responsible perpetrators are laughing in peoples faces with finger pointing and absent minded postures and platitudes, and it is OK. We are doomed.
The message I have taken from all this, and the fake news, like the schadenfreude of our PM just now reinforcing to the UN of the need for a farcical investigation into the “zoonotic origins” of the virus, is no different than the pandering to the leftards and extremists in the recent energy policy. They are one. So what me worry?
“Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical auquatic ceremony!”
Watching the western world actively decaying before our eyes and it sitting back being too comfortable, hubris laden or shackled by political correctness to call it and deal with it is breathtaking in itself. It seems it has lost the ability to manage the integrity of its ideals and it arms and abets its aggressor.
I do wonder if prior failed civilisations would not be looking down at ours now and reminiscing. However, enjoy it while it lasts like me, by doing some nice gardening…
No gardening in Melbourne today – it is just above freezing where I am.
In the sun here is pretty good, but the wind and clouds over sun is another matter.
Make quick dashes outside with the secateurs
A proposal about the media which has real merit is that journalists have vanished. There was a time when newspapers were huge business. Journalists were famous and professional and had long careers. They were respected. No longer.
Radio, television and in the 21st century, the internet have slowly eaten into their earnings, destroyed jobs and undermined reputations. Many people who call themselves journalists are now just entertainers, hacks, kids and extremists. Everyone is a journalist. The Wikipedia editors, the kids on the millions of blogs, Twitter, Facebook, viral emails. All destroying any vestige of journalism. There is no reporter any more. One group photographs and record the burning and looting and others show just the peaceful side and they label riots as democratic protests.
It’s true in science too where one photograph shows the Great Barrier Reef dead and as Dr. Peter Ridd says, one meter to the left it is green, alive and fine. Even the BOM has become sensationlist, presumably to chase fame and funding when most of the weather reporting is fully automatic anyway and the jobs are dying. So they upgrade a Cyclone to category 5 without explanation, except that it is now policy to create weather news.
And every hot day is proof absolute of CO2 driven Climate Change, instead of being just a hot day. And cold days are ignored.
There are few reporters left. And very few journalists. You have to choose who you read if you even want to get close to the truth. Maybe it has always been like that but now teenagers are running the news. They cost less. It’s as simple as that.
And then you get late night television comedians in the US. Who now fancy that they are the voice of the people, not just the sleepless. They have become simply abusive. And as for Hollywood, as Ricky Gervais said, most do not have the high school qualifications of famous dropout Angry Greta Thunberg. Some like geriatrics Bette Middler, Barbra Streisand, Jane Fonda and Cher are just very grumpy old women looking for attention.
The Chaser crew are providing the same “colour” here with their Planet America and Climate Challenge nonsense They are getting close to Wahleed Aly in hubris as well as for providing single sided, divisive slanted viewpoints.
Micallef manages not to mar his show; every week chancing the Scylla and Charybdis of woke contumely that is the ABC takes some acumen.
You’re right, the chaser crew was entertaining once, a long time ago.
Hyperbole aside Meglort, you’re right about the decay of the West, much like Rome we are choking on our own decadence and folly. I remember – before the (badly) Labouring party screwed up our electricity supply I was paying 18C kw/h now its 45c – for what? fighting a imaginary problem with a stupid solution. Oh well we can always watch the Kardashians or post asinine shite on InstaTok, TickBook, FaceGramme,SnapTube or YouChat. Ah well – such is life.
[Slight edit.]AD
Vote rigging is a game two can play at – why don’t the republicans do it too ? Beat the democrats at their own game….
TdeF: ‘should be arraigned on the mandatory manslaughter charges he has legislated in July for uncaring corporate bosses’.
This is quite plausible, though just under standard manslaughter. Perhaps we could also extradite his CCP friends in China who quite deliberately sent us the virus.
China ALP – always there to destroy your wealth, life, and family.
As for surveys in Andy’s favour, Hillary was 98% to win.
The ABC, SBS. Risible.
ABC and SBS, in their current role as advocates against the views of a half the population, have cast aside their role as a state broadcaster in a democracy. They are free to hold their views, as private entities, or else they must fairly represent views of majorities and all large minorities. Half the population should not be required to fund an organisation that operates directly against their own perception of their interests. No-one asked for Pravda-Australia.
I would be surprised if half the population supported their ABC, even the people who vote Labor. They are very poor value when everything else is free and between the ABC and SBS we Australians pay $1.8Billion a year for ‘free’ television to a group which is unaccountable to anyone and keep demanding more money. Television, radio, websites. If they were private, their reach would be illegal many times over. And in the internet age, why?
It beggars belief.
Morrison could probably organize subscriptions to Netflix or Prime or Foxtel for the whole country for less than the bill from the ABC with $1.6Billion. And people could watch whatever films, music, shows, politics they wanted, not just the extreme left ABC.
Or we could just talk to each other, read proper books, host imaginative family costume parties, go swimming/biking/walking/birdwatching, visit your Dad, grow some lettuces and/or learn to play an instrument. And go to bed nice and early, to be up with the sun, happy to see another day begin.
I’m not joking. Netflix etc won’t replace replace real life – we were idiots to let tv suck us in for so many years.
Since March I have been stuck in the Southern Hemisphere (no offense) and the U.S: Consulate has ignored my request at the close of the Dem Convention for a mail-in ballot. Four years ago I ordered a ballot and sent it in what I deemed a timely fashion. But while the losers were screaming for faithless electors to help China impose a Carbon Tax, I got scolding notice that my vote for Libertarian Gary Johnson was trached because it needed to be there a month before election day. Mail ballots were ordinary things in 1945 according to that year’s Dictionary of American Politics. Libertarians, however, seem to be no such animal to today’s bureaucrats.
As I watched the Tucker Carlson YouTube my personal outrage grew until at the end of the show I was as angry as I have been since after conceding defeat Al Gore and the democrat party tried every trick in the book to overturn the 2000 Presidential election results. After I had calmed down (it took a while), I decided to get the BLM perspective of the Breanna Taylor event. To that end, I did a Google search for “BLM view of the Breanna Taylor incident.” I found a statement made by Sandy Hudson, the Co-Director for BLM Grassroots [see–]. Ms. Hudson was quoted as saying:
“I am feeling really angry. I’m feeling a sense of despair. I’m feeling really frustrated, but I’m also feeling unsurprised. I never really thought that we were going to see justice from the system because over and over again, the system has made these types of decisions denying justice to Black people.
“We don’t often hear about the cases that affect Black women but Black women are also treated terribly at the hands of the police. This [Breonna Taylor case] is a Black woman who was sleeping in her home and then 20 shots were fired into her house and the system has decided that does not merit a further investigation in a court of law. That’s absolutely appalling. For those of us who live in this world as Black women, God, I can’t even tell you the pain to hear over and over again that your life isn’t worth these very basic things.”
I’m doubtful, but I have to admit she may be correct when she says: “…because over and over again, the system has made these types of decisions denying justice to Black people.” More about that later.
I don’t know what Ms. Hudson implies by the word “further,”, but in the sense that Ms. Hudson claims “…the system has decided that [the firing of 20 shots into a house] does not merit
furtherinvestigation in a court of law” she is wrong. First, courts of law don’t investigate, they adjudicate. Second, a Grand Jury is an arm of a court whose purpose is to determine if sufficient evidence exists to indict someone for a violation of the law. So an investigation did take place, and based on the evidence from that investigation a court did indict one of the police officers. Maybe it’s just me, but somehow I feel Ms. Hudson would be satisfied only if (a) the Ground Jury indicted all three officers with the crime of murder at some level, (b) the resulting jury trial found all officers guilty, and (c) the judge imposed the maximum penalty under the law. That’s BLM justice in a nutshell.As to the particulars of the Breanna Taylor case, if Tucker Carlson and the Attorney General of the State of Kentucky are to be believed, Ms. Taylor picked a bad example to make her point. BLM said the raid was a “no knock” raid; the Attorney General of Kentucky said it wasn’t–the police had a warrant and knocked and identified themselves before any shooting took place. The first shot came from within the residence and was fired by the ex-boyfriend of Breanna Taylor. Police returned fire and as a result Ms. Taylor died and bullets went into a neighboring dwelling. I have a question for Ms. Hudson: “What would you do if during the lawful exercise of your duties someone started shooting a gun at you–duck, give them a medal, check to see what the color of his skin was before you responded, or heaven forbid, call the police, who in Ms. Taylor’s world would only make the shooting worse?” Bottom line, in the Breanna Taylor incident, if you believe the BLM account of events, your anger is directed at the police; and if you believe Tucker Carlson and the Attorney general of Kentucky’s account of events, you’ll feel sadness, not anger—at least towards the shooting participants. However, that sadness will not extend to the rioters who burn private property and shoot police for no other reason than they are the police. You’ll feeling nothing but anger towards the rioters.
There’s no doubt that going back to pre-civil war times, blacks in this country have not been treated the same as whites. Furthermore, it’s undoubtedly true that in parts of this country such feelings still exist. However, some would argue that the descendants of the African American slaves living in this country have a better life than the black people who still live in Africa. So to the degree that it’s true today that blacks in this country are not treated the same as whites, there is some justification for wanting and even demanding equal treatment–especially equal treatment under the law. However, if it’s true that blacks in this country on average have a better life than blacks in Africa, then it’s also true that in a very real sense this country is beneficial to blacks. In any event, I’m still waiting for the rationale that says that tearing down the foundations of this country is good for anyone–including black American citizens.
Final thought. In a fight for the survival of a country, at some point the moral issue of who is right and who is wrong is to a large degree moot. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, millions of Americans immediately volunteered to fight the Japanese and many Japanese signed up to fight the Americans. I doubt if many of the American volunteers sat down and considered that our embargo of Japanese trade may have justified Japan’s actions or that many of the Japanese volunteers signed up because they believe Japan was morally right. On both sides the population decided that their country was under attack and by extension their individual wellbeing was under attack; and independent of who was morally right/wrong, they decided to fight for their survival. Maybe that’s what the BLM crowd is doing—i.e. maybe BLM believes this country treats them so unfairly that they are fighting for their very survival and violence against the government is the only way to win. As the Japanese and the Germans learned in the Second World War, such action does not come without risk.
If some Americans despise the Liberty and Opportunity available in America, then there are 195 other nations they can move to where they can get less of both.
In 1974, Muhammad Ali returned from Zaire S.A. after beating George Foreman for the World Heavyweight Boxing Title. Sometimes referred to as the “Rumble in the Jungle”.
When asked what he thought about Africa, Ali responded: “I Thank God my grand daddy got on that boat”.
The particulars in that case were the police had a no-knock warrant but claimed they knocked and identified themselves. there are conflicting eye-witness accounts whether they did or not. Not surprisingly none of the police had their body-cams on at the time, given that it was a no-knock warrant this is negligent at best, if not suspicious. Also the shot was fired by her current boyfriend who had a gun permit – he was initially charged, but all charges against him have been dropped – casts much doubt that the police did in fact identify themselves. The police was after her ex-boyfriend, who lived 10 miles away, and was alredy in custody, a fact not known by the 4 police conducting the raid due to poor communication. Anyway you look at it, it was a major stuff-up by the police. As to your diatribe “there is some justification for wanting or even demanding equal treatment” WTF! the constitution states all men are equal, its not “some justification”, ITS A FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT, or are arguing that they can’t demand equality because Africans are worse off? if so the KKK applauds. Then can always go back right? that will leave only real (white) patriotic Americans!!!!!!
In a fight for the survival of a country – are you’re talking about the Civil War? ‘cos that was the last time survival was at stake. Finally morality is never moot – unless you’re is a sociopath. Comparing BLM to Nazi Germany and Imperialist Japan is sophistry.
I guess ABC, SBS et al missed this?
Scott Adams
“Scott Adams
Sep 26
It’s starting to look as if everyone except the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in 2016. #Simulation”
Our news services simply repeat US propaganda all the time anyway.
Trump is a topic that should only be resolved by a conviction and prison. Sorry, but despite the fact that very rarely old DT actually gets something right doesn’t make anything but what he is and has been since he first contracted bone spurs. Even a stopped clock occasionally get something right, depending on the style of clock once or twice a day. DT is remarkable in being unable to do so more than once or twice in four years. There is no statistically high chance that he can win this election if significantly more than 50% of the electorate decide to vote. Last time he lost the popular election by a slim margin and only “won” because of how electoral votes are used. Even some of his “supporters” now outright hate him. Unless he can keep a lot of people from voting, he’s toast. DT knows that once he loses the protection of office there will a dash to see who jails him first. So, unless he wins he can expect that his living conditions, diet, and haberdasher (in the US sense of the word) will be changing.
Regarding “mail fraud.” The US election systems have employed mail voting for decades – in fact for more than a century. As regards trickery, consider that Edgar Allen Poe may have been killed by election racketeers who used to charmingly shanghai men off the street, force them to get drunk, force them to vote, change clothes and rinse and repeat. If you resisted you would be beaten until you complied. And that was before 1860, so please let’s hear no more twaddle about”mail-in” fraud. US elections have always been littered with graveyard votes. It’s just that this may be the Federal election where some idiot makes it an issue.
Fun FACT. Since Labor Day, President Trump has entertained more than 240,000 supporters at his rallies and speeches. During the same period, former Obama Vice President Joe Biden has entertained around 84 supporters at his events (mostly media hacks).
And exactly what charges will he be prosecuted on to send him to jail?
The last two sitting US Presidents were a tired George H. W. Bush in 1992 and Jimmy Carter in 1980. Does anyone think Biden is as energetic as Bill Clinton or more optimistic than Carter?
Before the virus crisis in February, Trump polled 43% job approval from likely voters who were black. We’ve only gotten back to near those numbers in the 30s in September. (Of course, none of these numbers imply a mass black voter switch; such habits are hard to break, speaking from personal experience.)
Trump is neither dour Carter nor tired elder Bush. Since Biden reminds us more of these losers, I cannot imagine other than a Trump victory, based on the past 50 years old US presidential elections.
It looks like that ‘idiot’ may in fact be Sleepy Joe Biden:
Biden’s Texas Political Director Accused of Illegal Ballot Harvesting At Texas Supreme Court
The Joe Biden campaign’s Texas Political Director has been formally accused of helping to run an illegal ballot harvesting operation, according to two separate affidavits filed Monday at the Texas Supreme Court.
Maybe this ‘expert’ needs to watch the latest Project Veritas video:
Texas County Commissioner Arrested For Voter Fraud In Alleged ‘Ballot Harvesting’ Scheme in Dem Primary