A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Ross McKitrick: The flaw in relying on worst-case-scenario climate model
As well as highly unlikely future economic and emission growth assumptions the so-called RCP8.5 scenario, like all the IPCC ‘scenarios’, assume an unverified and unlikely climate sensitivity number of ~3C per doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration while empirical evidence suggests ~1.7C and that number assumes all the supposed recorded warming has been due to CO2 forcing which is also unlikely.
It is also possible that without the assumed warming effect of human CO2 emissions the natural cooling trend that marked the LIA would have continued in which case the timing of Industrial Revolution was very fortunate.
Yes, again.
As was said in the original comment:
“CO2 forcing which is also unlikely.”
In fact not only unlikely but the hard science is that human origin CO2 does not influence atmospheric temperatures.
Politics has a lot to answer for.
This is interesting, it happened during the Gleissberg Minimum.
‘Perth was warming particularly fast between 1900 and 1915 (at over 2.0 degrees Celsius per century), when the CO2 level was at about 300 ppm. And all of the other cities were not warming at all.’
Is that yes no, or no yes?
It’s a maybe.
I don’t really understand your question.
I was saying that MCMLXVIII comment at 1.1.1 is based on the idea of CO2 forcing and that, as he suggested, the idea of CO2 forcing is not real.
From your linked material I suspect that you believe that global warming is a non event but am not sure of your position on human involvement.
Do you believe that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas?
Do you believe that humans are not responsible for most of the increase in CO2 level from 280 ppm to over 400 ppm?
I am a global warming skeptic. And I am also a skeptic about many other things. I try to be scientific, and look at the real evidence. We are not being told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Climate scientists and Alarmists ignore actual real temperatures (they mostly use anomalies). Name another branch of science which doesn’t use real measurements.
I believe that the average temperature of the Earth has probably risen by about 1 degree Celsius in the last 100 years.
This is not surprising, since we were in the Little Ice Age before that.
A little warming will not destroy the world. It will cause some problems. But it will also have some benefits (less people dying from cold, lower heating costs, more crops and plant growth (CO2 is plant food), it will be better in many colder places (ask the people who live in Russia and Canada), etc, etc).
I am fairly sure that humans are responsible for some of the rise. Not just CO2. Also land use changes. Urban Heat Island effect (UHI). And many other reasons.
I believe that the Earth is a wonderful place, and not in immediate danger from global warming. We are more at risk from Alarmists trying to save the planet. They will end up destroying it.
CO2 is not pollution. It is an essential gas needed for all life on Earth. The are many other real types of pollution. They are a bigger problem than CO2.
I am not sure how much of the warming that we have had is caused by humans, and how much has other causes.
I am not panicking. Panicking is the worst thing that people can do. It is probably a good idea to SLOWLY reduce our reliance on oil, gas, and coal. Note that I said SLOWLY.
If Alarmists would stop using immature name calling (calling people “Deniers”), then they might achieve more. They have achieved very little so far, apart from making many enemies.
I am a climate optimist, as well as a skeptic.
O.K. Sheldon,
You say;
“I am fairly sure that humans are responsible for some of the rise. Not just CO2.”
Still at it.
And by using the term “greenhouse gas” you are confirming that you don’t understand the atmospheric physics relating to CO2 between 10 and 14,000 metres AGL.
CAGW is a fabricated imposition on the new class of slaves here in the modern world.
Sorry, Kalm Keith
/sarcasm on
I only understand the atmospheric physics relating to CO2 below 10 and above 14,000 metres.
/sarcasm off
Please explain to me what I don’t understand.
You don’t have to understand the atmospheric physics relating to CO2 to see whether the temperature is increasing, decreasing, or staying the same.
Just to make it clear
I believe in AGW, but I don’t believe in CAGW
I think that we agree on many things
But as a skeptic, I have to automatically disagree with you about most things 🙂
Please explain,
0bviously you don’t even understand the behaviour of CO2 up to the 10 metre mark and above 14 km.
Basically InfraRed radiation from the ground ocean etc upwards is the final miserable remnant of energy that arrived as UV from the Sun.
Apparently that excrescence, IR, is absorbed by the air which includes the dangerous CO2 by about 10 metres agl. Adding more CO2 just reduces the height from 10 to maybe 9 metres.
Any excess IR absorbed by CO2 in this initial rough and tumble just above the surface, must immediately be shared with surrounding atmospheric gases by contact transfer.
This warmer, less dense parcel of air then rises by convection to reach progressively cooler altitudes.
As Will indicated, the temperature at about 14 km corresponds with a critical temperature for CO2 and at this freezing temperature it relinquishes the famous “photons” which head straight for the even lower temperature of deep space.
The idea that CO2 does some sort of magic heating that creates atmospheric warming beyond its place in science is baseless and a con.
There’s only one lot of IR coming from the surface and it cannot be changed by CO2 levels.
[snip double copy]
According to the Stefan–Boltzmann law, the Earth would have an average temperature of about -18 degrees Celsius if it had no atmosphere.
But we have an atmosphere, and the average temperature of the Earth is about +15 degrees Celsius.
Why do you think the average temperature of the Earth is about +15 degrees Celsius, rather than about -18 degrees Celsius. An increase of about 33 degrees Celsius.
You said, “This warmer, less dense parcel of air then rises by convection to reach progressively cooler altitudes.”
What replaces the warmer, less dense parcel of air when it rises? It doesn’t leave behind a vacuum. It must be replaced by air from somewhere else, at some temperature. That new air then gets warmed, and so on ad infinitum. (Does this mean that it is turtles all the way down? – do you understand what I mean by that?)
What you need to remember is that in the mid 60s, Perth moved its main temp measuring site from Mt Eliza, a cool site above Perth CBD that received early cooling sea breezes in summer, to East Perth then out to Mt Lawley, a lot warmer site. There has been research done that shows the results of these moves have been an increase of 1-2 degrees.
Thanks, Graeme#4
I am sure that things like station moves affect the temperature history.
But according to my graph (based on GISTEMP gridded temperature data), Perth has been warming more or less constantly since 1890.
Perth doesn’t show a “step” change in temperature around the mid 60’s.
I don’t know what sort of “homogenisation” and “data cleaning” GISTEMP does. It is possible that a “step” change could get “smoothed” into a constant change.
I don’t fully trust GISTEMP (or any of the other temperature series). But I also don’t think that they are totally wrong.
In the end, I have to use somebody’s temperature data. I don’t have the resources to reconstruct a temperature series from raw data.
When I look at the temperature history, I try to spot inconsistencies or other problems.
I know that there are many potential problems (e.g. station shifts, when the time of day that readings are done changes, etc).
I also use actual real temperatures a lot, rather than just temperature anomalies. For some strange reason, climate scientists and Alarmists think the actual real temperatures are not important. In my article about Perth I used both actual real temperatures AND temperature anomalies. They both show important different things. Why ignore actual real temperatures? Is it because actual real temperatures makes global warming look less scary?
You might find this aricle interesting. It shows actual real temperatures, and populations, for different countries.
Sheldon Walker – what is the source of the temperatures used in the links?
Temperature anomalies come from the GISTEMP gridded temperature data (Land-Ocean Temperature Index, ERSSTv5, 1200km smoothing).
Actual real temperatures come from a commercial weather website which collects temperature statistics. Just for fun, I spent about a week downloading actual real temperature data for over 24,000 locations on the Earth.
This was a huge job, and the only reason that I could do it is because I am a computer programmer. I wrote a script to automate getting the data from the website. I couldn’t just download a file. I had to read over 24,000 webpages, and extract the data from each webpage.
I think that most of us admire the graphs and the work that you have done.
That’s good.
What you then do by interpreting things according to the IPCCCCC code of operations is sadly not real science.
Incidentally, are you aware that the earth has been cooling for the last 7,000 years or so and that proof of this is available in the incontestable drop in sea levels of a minimum of 4.5 metres over the same period?
The lost ocean water has has been fixed to the icy poles and stays there because it is getting colder, not hotter.
My outline above in the previous comment is real science.
To your work;
“I had to read over 24,000 webpages, and extract the data from each webpage.”
At one minute per page that would have required 13 weeks of full time effort if you worked 30 hours a week. Highly commendable.
But maybe the computer did all the work.
I made my computer do most of the hard work. But it still took time to read each webpage.
I actually read the webpages for over 36,000 locations. But I eliminated the ones that didn’t have all of the data that I wanted
– yearly and monthly average temperatures
– yearly and monthly average high temperatures
– yearly and monthly average low temperatures
You can see the over 36,000 locations graphed in this article:
I also did a lot of quality control. I ended up with just over 24,000 high quality locations.
For each location I had
– the name of the location
– for countries like America, the state name
– the country name
– the region e.g. Europe
– the latitude of the location
– the longitude of the location
– the elevation of the location
– plus all of the temperature data
At 10 seconds per webpage, 36,000 webpages = 360,000 seconds = 6000 minutes = 100 hours = over 4 days
But I didn’t run my computer 24 hours each day. I ran it in stages so that I could restart from where I got up to, if I got any problems.
It took me nearly a week to extract all of the data.
I analysed the temperature data with respect to latitude, longitude, elevation, and are of country, in this article:
Kalm Keith, I disagree with most of the things that the IPCC says.
I believe that IPCC stands for “International Panel of Climate Clowns”.
I find it hard to believe that you think that I agree with the IPCC.
Alarmists have been calling me a “Denier” for over 10 years. That is one of the reasons why I created my website. To show Alarmists what the truth is.
I see a lot of effort has gone into this but there’s a flaw in the thinking when you “believe” that atmospheric CO2 levels can create temperature anomalies.
You also quote stuff related to Stephan and Boltzmanns equation that is produced by someone else. It’s a travesty when that equation is used to justify something unjustifiable.
Your computer work is valuable: don’t diminish that by relating it to junk science.
It’s valuable in its own right.
I try to use my actual real temperature data to show people that a little warming won’t cause big problems.
The IPCC and Alarmists are worried about a temperature rise of 1.5 or 2.0 degrees Celsius.
Most locations on land warm (and cool) by about 10 degrees Celsius every day.
Most locations on land have a temperature difference of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius between winter and summer. Most people prefer the warmth of summer.
The 20 or 30 degrees change between winter and summer takes place over about 6 months.
That is equivalent to 25 / 0.5 * 100 = 5000 degrees Celsius per century (for the 6 month period).
Global warming is happening at less than 2 degrees Celsius per century.
Seasonal warming is 2,500 times faster than global warming. But Alarmists claim that global warming is faster than anything that humans have ever experienced.
Most people go on holiday to warmer countries. It is nothing for somebody to increase their average temperature by 20 degrees in 24 hours. And they stay at that increased temperature for weeks with no problems.
Many people retire to warmer climates, like Florida. Why? Because it is nicer, and they enjoy living there.
The average temperature in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is about 8 degrees Celsius.
The average temperature in Miami, Florida is about 27 degrees Celsius.
People cope perfectly well when they move from Minneapolis to Miami. Their average temperature goes up by 19 degrees Celsius permanently, if they decide to live in Miami.
Alarmists ignore all of this evidence.
You can lead an Alarmist to evidence, but you can’t make them believe it.
A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest – lyrics from The Boxer, by Simon & Garfunkel
Kalm Keith
You said, “You also quote stuff related to Stephan and Boltzmanns equation that is produced by someone else. It’s a travesty when that equation is used to justify something unjustifiable.”
I have used the Stephan and Boltzmanns equation to build a simple but sophisticated spreadsheet model of the Earth’s temperatures.
Rather than just work out just the average temperature of the Earth, I work out the temperature for each latitude.
And not just the average temperature for each latitude. I work out the full daily temperature cycle for each latitude.
Then I improved the spreadsheet model by adding a simple equivalent of the Greenhouse Effect. I increased the strength of the Greenhouse Effect until the average temperature of the Earth was about +15 degrees Celsius.
From my spreadsheet model, I have worked out how much “back-radiation” must occur to bring the average temperature of the Earth to about +15 degrees Celsius. And I can work out the value of the ECS (Effective Climate Sensistivity) for my simple spreadsheet model. It is within the range of the real ECS calculated by climate scientists.
Do you think that what I have done is a travesty?
That’s it, you’ve just confirmed that you know nothing about the basics of thermodynamics and that you are all about sciency sounding posts.
Maybe you and Zoe could talk to each other and see if our local CFACT representative can use your work.
“Back Radiation” 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Kalm Keith
You seem to be claiming that all IR photons they get captured by a greenhouse gas are quickly converted into warming of the atmosphere (all of the gases, oxygen, nitrogen, etc).
When a greenhouse gas captures an IR photon, why can’t it then release an IR photon in any direction.
I believe that you are the one who is doing “junk” science.
Most scientists agree with me.
I read the article called “The Surface Energy Budget” by Wim Röst recently (on It was the best, most logical article that I have read in a long time. Wim talks about the importance of evaporation and conduction in cooling the surface of the Earth. I have always believed that evaporation and conduction are important. But even Win acknowledges the part that “surface radiation absorbed” and “radiation straight into space” play.
It is because all of the IR photons can’t all escape quickly (because of absorption and back-radiation), that evaporation and conduction are so important.
Have you read Wim Röst’s article?
He is a slayer Sheldon ie Photons don’t exist and energy cannot move in all directions. e.g You can’t shine a torch to the sky in when the light will make it to a star
I am not totally opposed to some of the ideas put forward by “slayers”.
I can explain the Earth’s temperatures using the Greenhouse Effect, but I can also explain the Earth’s temperatures without using the Greenhouse effect (by concentrating on evaporation and conduction).
I suspect that reality lies somewhere in the middle.
Even if the Greenhouse Effect exists, evaporation and conduction are still very important.
I used to be indecisive, but now I can’t make up my mind 🙂
Ridiculous, and just to confirm that Gosh Yes has joined in 🙂
Very sciency.
Not making up your mind is a healthy state. Just try not to lose your mind like the slayers.
I have an open mind.
I am willing to consider the good and bad points of any theory.
I believe that is what a skeptic should do.
I think that I have achieved the correct balance. Alarmists call me a “Denier”, and Kalm Keith thinks that I am an “Alarmist”.
Kalm Keith
You said, “Incidentally, are you aware that the earth has been cooling for the last 7,000 years or so and that proof of this is available in the incontestable drop in sea levels of a minimum of 4.5 metres over the same period?”
What has that got to do with the price of fish?
Just because we were cooling in the past, doesn’t mean that we aren’t warming now.
In fact, it makes the warming now more significant. Why aren’t we still cooling?
“I think that I have achieved the correct balance. Alarmists call me a “Denier”, and Kalm Keith thinks that I am an “Alarmist””.
No: just a waste of time.
You can think what you want to.
I am enjoying myself.
I believe that sitting around moaning, and expecting other people to solve the problem of global warming, is NOT going to work. I have made my own Plan B, to save humanity, and the earth, should the Paris Accord, and our politicians, fail us.
And the bonus is, my plan is lot cheaper than all of the current plans. A few statues of me, in major cities. A few honourary degrees (I have always wanted a PhD in Global Warming Contour Maps). And the proceeds from auctioning the names of popular cities (more on that, later).
My plan is so cunning, that (as my friend Baldrick would say), you could put a tail on it, and call it a weasel.
Coronavirus Pushes New Zealand into First Recession in a Decade
CNN: “The pandemic didn’t solve climate change. This week’s disasters are proof”
What CNN are over looking is that we unexpectantly were given cost/benefit analysis of co2 mitigation and we have real world results in hand. Climate change action does nothing and cost a bunch. That should be the end of the whole thing.
Brilliant comment! Nailed it.
China Accuses Australia of ‘McCarthyism’ for Espionage Concerns
To me, it seems like our politicians are creating more problems by opening schools far too early.
Not at all ready in organization, staffing or safety equipment considering just a month ago, the funding was being available.
Just in time for a big increase in virus infections as the PM jumps bad in on September 23.
Nothing will be going back to the same old.
No doubt another lockdown is coming into play.
Biden calls Trump a “climate arsonist”, trying to make climate a campaign issues. Let’s hope he does.
A true fool.
I agree but let’s wait and see how the election results pan out. They will be a gauge on the how foolish or not Americans are, state by state.
James Howard Kunstler
“You heard it here first: Joe Biden will call in “sick” to the presidential candidates’ debate on Tuesday, September 29, and within days the Democratic Party will be obliged to replace him. Enough said for now. Wait for it…. “
The dumbest thing i find with the vlinate lie is that its a “crisis” that doesnt exist but the climate weenies run around with thier hair on fire…..stupid ++
Kamala Harris basically gave away the plan , namely that Biden is camoflage for Harris to be Prez…..Biden is the sacrificial anode…
Its really only a comment on a % of them isnt it. Same as myself and a few here who live in VIC and didnt vote Labor, but here we all are. Some of the commentary gets a bit galling when they say “Victorians” this and that, when really what they are really talking about is some Melbournians and very few in the regions. Thats life, we all get the broad brush at some stage.
Trump is on to it.
At his campaign speech in Fayetteville, North Carolina he referred to the Paris Climate Agreement, which Jo Biden says he will re enter after Trump has taken the USA out of it. It would cost trillions of dollars says Trump and ruin this country.
A Joke in bad taste.
Televised National Press conference by Joe.
‘Vote for a Democratic President.
Vote for Joe Harris.
err, Vote for Kamala Biden.
Oh darn it the teleprompter is on the blink.’
/sarc off.
I’d pay a lot of money to be able to hack Biden’s teleprompter and write even more wacky ideas knowing he will read whatever he sees. If Trump is a Climate Arsonist then Biden is a Climate Howler. Trump never sounds that smart to me but he has a sense of humor and drives leftists crazy, which are two good traits. Hidin’ Joe Biden, whose mind is slidin’, is making Trump sound like a genius, in comparison. This campaign seems to be aimed at a 100 IQ, or lower.
Interesting new book by a British professor examines why we cast democracy aside so readily in the face of a hugely overblown health threat. Good summary of contents in the link
My own polling of the situation indicates that governments did what the vast majority of people expected them to do under the dire threat of Covid19. The severity of the threat was clear by late January after China took such drastic measures to prevent the spread of the virus. I would say it is a great example of democracy at work, where the majority rule.
Taiwan provides the best example of controlling the virus by effective border controls. Victoria’s second wave provides a good example of the effectiveness of lockdowns:
Enforced lockdowns would not be needed if there were no dingbats in society but there are plenty of examples where dingbats have shown their willingness to host the virus and infect others. A few regret what they have done after they end up in hospitals or they lose an aged relative that they infected.
It gets down to how many people need to die before individuals take responsibility for avoiding the virus so they do not become infectious. Without broad individual responsibility the government needs to step up to achieve what the majority of the population expect.
Err, thanks Will but no green thumb this time. You have been very good abouit providing us with inside information from an Emergency Department and Nursing homes.
Yes I agree that the majority support the Government reaction.
I would agree with that also if we were well informed. However I think we have been lied to over and over again.
The lockdowns have worked, at very great cost but were likely unnecessary. The vast majority have acted very responsibly. We could have been out of this 6 months ago.
The “dingbats” seem to be ethnic communities. We are not allowed to know about that.
Yes ok. But who are these individuals? Not the protesters for Civil Liberty, who pose no threat as far as I can see.
We, the majority, expect that the Government will take fair and reasonable and sensibly targeted responses to control the Virus. That has not happened and can never happen until there is some freedom of information about what is actually going on.
Thanks Rick Will.
Ask around and see how many people believe that lockdowns are a good idea in the circumstances. In Victoria, even the second round of lockdowns. I saw six casual interviews of people outside exercising on Sunday and all six had the view that they had done a good job by following the rules and could see the benefit of their effort.
Dan Andrews no longer defends open allegations that he is a liar. The fact was apparent to me years ago. What has come out now is his thorough incompetence. But a democracy gets the government they vote for. I noted a number of Green T-shirts in the ranks of the protesters. I doubt those people voted for Liberal representative.
Point is, lockdowns is not an antonym of democracy; lockdowns are not undemocratic. If the majority of people consider lockdowns are a necessary evil, like taxes, then who is to argue against the power of the people.
Yes it is an example of democracy at work. I probably wouldn’t call it great. It is an example of how democracy can gets things wrong, especially if the voters are misinformed.
Problem is that the virus now is a pussy for the bulk of a population. The recent CDC report that shows 94% of “covid deaths” are in fact caused by underlying health conditions.
As such, lockdowns are *not* required due to lack of lethality. The Victorian situation is a pure power grab, the virus is the trojan horse used for this purpose…
Don’t be silly Steve. There were no flu deaths before this year. THE CDC cause of death list — over 100 items — did not include flu. People die from major organ failures, accidents and homicides. Whether the flu contributed to the death is a guess that CDC did using computer models. The death certificate may not have mentioned flu at all. The estimated flu deaths in the US were a computer model guess not supported by a list of names of actual victims. Doctors believe the estimates were much too high. I believe CDC changed their methodology for Covid but I’d expect the estimates to be too high, as usual.
It wold be rare for influenza to kill anyone with no other health issues or no genetic weaknesses, even though those problems may not be known at the time of death. People who died with Covid are very unlikely to be perfectly healthy people before getting that infection. Don’t say that Covid did not kill 94 percent of the claimed deaths unless you don’t mind sounding dumb. You can certainly claim the death count is a wild guess, likely to be overstated, because “flu deaths” always are.
The ongoing enquiry into the Victorian hotel quarantine debacle has just confirmed my view that those ‘experts’ making the decisions on our safety are woefully incompetent and unsuitable for the overpaid positions they occupy. Anyone who has sat in on a meeting at even the lowest level of government would know that minutes are meticulously kept, so there is no doubt over what passed between the participants. The arse covering now occurring is monumental, with people claiming sudden memory loss or even flat out lying. The bozo’s who have pretended to know what they are doing are going to get out at the earliest opportunity and preserve the fat benefits they have stolen from the taxpayer when they all should be decorating the inside of a correctional institution. Absolutely shameful.
This short video is on the great reset, this is what is planed for us.
Christians are going to have a real problem with this, everyone is going to have a problem with this.
This is 27 mins long, it is no longer an if, maybe, this is being done now and behind closed doors. Your climate change battle is lost as it has been from its inception.
Warning, this video may contain adds. Just skip at the 5 second mark.
I’ve come to the conclusion some time ago the elite controlling the Great Reset push have evil intentions, whether they realise it or not. The main signature for that is their reliance on the need to act on the so called climate change catastrophe they claim is unfolding. Their “solution” is far more frightening and dangerous than any perceived (read mythical) climate change catastrophe. The other signature is the need according to them to vaccinate everyone. No thank you, not this time around. As for “The Link” ge*&%&&#^%!
“As for “The Link” ge*&%&&#^%!”
Got to leave a few more letters in for me to get your point.
LOL. I didn’t want to make it too obvious for obvious reasons 🙂
It gets better…after creating the current mess with its virus, now the Establishment appears to be warning us the run down power grid might let us down…but its a nice little earner….cha-ching $$$$$$
Those pesky humans that pollute their mythical “Gaia”- take that..and that….etc etc etc…yawn….
“Air conditioners could send Australia’s power grid into meltdown this summer, as roughly one third of the workforce do their jobs from home, experts have warned.
“According to research company Roy Morgan, more than 4.3 million Australians are working from home as employees and employers continue to take a cautious approach to coronavirus social-distancing.
“But warmer weather has come with a warning that increased use of air-conditioning in homes could lead to more blackouts and higher electricity bills.
“”Air-conditioning is what drives our maximum demand in Australia,” said Peter Dobney, the former founding chairman of the Energy Users Association of Australia.
“”We can expect higher prices, in fact, I think that’s a certainty.“
Laughable; the WEF is a joke populated by geriatrics with bizarre fixations; I watched up to the clip of Soros saying that Trump is a danger to the world.
Serp, these Geriatrics (not all are) own everything, these are the 1% that control everything, fund all the crap going on in society. Heed the warning, listen to what they tell you as this is the future of your kids and grand kids they are destroying.
Laughable, at least one of the members is an adviser to Morrison, I am not laughing, I am listening.
Watch the rest up to the AI, Musk is not a geriatrics. Got to this site and look at the mind map. Remember a mind map, you start with the result you want to achieve and work out from that.
The wef seem to set the agenda, thick headed govts seem to just follow their directives.
What is happening in Victoria is a test run. Although I think if they try it again, people will tell them to get lost, which is why they may go a much heavier virus next time….
Remember the weather underground, this video is about the group and its ties to the BLM movement.
Informative and rather well done, this is part #1, the second part is on the George Floyd incident and things are not as they appear.
Weathermen 2, all for Floyd.
Warning, these video should not contain adds as this Chanel is demonetised.
The second one requires a sisn in to verify one’s old enough; pass on that.
Not a sign in at all, you just click on I wish to proceed. Obviously the clip contains footage of the death of Floyd, hence the warning.
Though it was all over the MSM so nothing new here.
This video may be inappropriate for some users.
I understand and wish to proceed.
AI, genetic engineering, big pharma, worldwide money beast for decades have been gradually linking and accelerating their often covert ops. They use mass media very cleverly, chemical poisons cleverly, synthetic biology cleverly, governments cleverly. -r. Following is evidence of this:
As biotechnology and genetic engineering have developed in recent years, China’s national strategy of military-civil fusion has highlighted biology as a priority. It was thought that the PLA would expand and exploit this knowledge, though research on gene-editing, human performance enhancement, and more.
PLA’s medical institutions have emerged as major centers for gene-editing research and other new frontiers of military medicine and biotechnology. The PLA’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS) was placed directly under the supervision of the Academy of Military Science, which itself has been transformed to concentrate on scientific and technological innovation.
9-15-20 Tucker Carlson: This genome (PLA pair of bat viruses possibly serving as template/backbone, according to Dr. Yan, for Sars-Cov-2) is presumably in the possession of world virologists, so why are they saying nothing?
Dr. Yan: It is because of the big suppression coming from the Communist Party government and also their friends in scientific world. So also the scientific world work together with the Chinese Communist Party don’t want people of the world to know this truth. at 2:03 of video:
9-17-20 “Nor did the tech companies explain how they would know more about disease transmission than an MD, PhD virologist like Dr. Li-Meng Yan. Within a few hours of her interview last night,” Carlson said, “a video of the segment reached 1.3 million people on Facebook. So Facebook suppressed the video, presumably on behalf of the Chinese government….The (Facebook mostly AI) fact-checks were all published months ago, many months — in January, February, and March, and they had nothing whatsoever to do with what Dr. Li-Meng Yan said on our show? What does that have to do with the interview we did last night? No one will tell us that. The truth is, and you know it if you’ve watched carefully, experts have been wrong frequently throughout this pandemic … They have changed their prescriptions many times.”
LET’S BE FAIR: US big pharma and genetic engineering industry which is heavily enterenched now in universities and offering grant money in developed countries of the world have a big stake in the game. -r
5-27-20 Chunying Hua, the Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson, posted a set of “24 lies and facts” cards on Twitter. Although Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are banned in China, Chinese diplomats and state-owned media are proactively telling China’s story on those platforms.
Ansa Biotechnologies Develops a Faster and More Accurate Process for DNA Manufacturing
“DNA read, write, and edit are the core pillars of synthetic biology,” said Seth Bannon, the frontier investment firm Fifty Years’ co-founder.
“Currently the ability to write DNA is the main bottleneck in the synthetic biology industry,” he added. Bannon also explained that Ansa could help accelerate the whole synthetic biology industry by enabling longer, faster, and high-quality DNA synthesis with their fully enzymatic process. Using Ansa’s innovation, companies can now have DNA made based on their specific requirements at an unmatchable speed and scale.
Right now a thirty-year-old chemical method is used to manufacture DNA molecules. However this process has limitations on the length of molecules that can be created. In comparison, Ansa’s biologically inspired DNA synthesis process can make long molecules without the risk of errors, which can lead to patching genetic material pieces together. Currently, Ansa is also offering synthesis as a service rather than just selling bioprinters, that enables any researcher or scientists to manufacture their own synthetic DNA.
Arlow said that the reason why they’re developing their business as a DNA synthesis service is to oppose printer making. He explained that the service allows the company to properly examine the synthetic DNA orders for biosecurity before manufacturing them. The researcher added that other companies such as Nuclera (a Cambridge, UK-based company) and DNA Script (a France-based company) are directly selling bioprinters to research labs.
I dunno. When’s SarsCov3 coming out?
FBI accused of withholding test results that may shed light on attempts to kill critic of Putin
Leftists lose their minds over the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Language warning
The real reason is the backup plan to disallow the Federal election using the failure of the Supreme Court to validate it. The planned postal vote delays are crucial. In the impasse the constitution creates President Pelosi. And if Joe Biden gets elected, he goes home and you have President Kamala Harris. There will be rioting in street, this time in celebration.
This option is now closed off with a fair (read non progressive and conventional) constitutional expert and the Supreme court is about constitutional matters and appeals.
Also at stake once again is the infamous Rowe v. Wade decision because it can be overturned simply because the Supreme Court had no business ruling on abortion as it is not a constitutional matter. The left of politics, as in Britain’s brand new Supreme Court (Creation of Tony Blair), wants to legislate from the bench. Who needs parliament? And the multi billion dollar abortion drug industry is threatened even more now than by just the appointment of Kavanagh.
What was never made clear is that Kavanagh’s accuser Christine Blasey Ford made her fame and fortune in Palo Alto (Silicon Valley) from consulting and many papers on the abortion drug RU488. So she had a massive financial motive in accusing him. And she told a lot of provable lies, all designed to prevent the hearing and the confirmation. She was not punished. That would be sexist. Like Victoria’s Afghan community, where punishment would be racism.
It seems any means to an end is the Progressive way. And there is no democracy if their candidate does not win. They are threatening everyone with unending violence if sleepy Joe Biden is not handed a victory. It’s all due to that racist, white, slave owning, partriachal George Washington.
Well said TdeF.
According to a USA today convoluted fact check at the appointment goes to Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.
I’ve seen the Pelosi story debunked elsewhere which is why I went looking and came up with this.
However, Pelosi or whomever is Speaker of the House is third in line for presidential succession in the event that the President and VP were both incapacitated.
See #31. Unfortunately it lobbed in the wrong place. This happens if you zip to another web site while writing a comment. The location of the comment is lost.
Now how could anyone red thumb a comment which simply refers the reader to another location? Obviously I have collected a fan club of illiterates who red thumb everything.
Australia successfully launches rockets to edge of space for first time… well it’s not only not true but it’s a joke. It looks more like a school project. How embarrassing to show this t the world. Will North Korea be worried? LOL.
Australia launched its first satellite into space in 1967 using a left over Redstone missile donated by the US military who had been doing tests at Woomera, SA. It was called WRESAT.
The US offered to donate a bunch more Redstones as well for civilian rocket and space research because it was too much trouble to take them home. The Australian Government declined the offer however because they could see no future in space research. Not kidding…
I wrote an article on WRESAT in Silicon Chip magazine.
That’s typical of Australian governments. They not only lack vision they speak with forked tongue or are clueless to the real world. They might as well govern us from Mars. Totally useless. Then people still believe the government in Victoria is doing the tight things. I have to say Victorians by and large must be the dumbest lot in the world. I hope to be proven wrong at the next election where the Victorian government ought to be wiped off the political map for proposing a bill to introduce N.zi style laws to arrest people and keep them in jail indefinitely without charging them simply because someone else who isn’t a trained person dobbed them in. If that bill does get and the people don’t protest en mass then Victoria as far as I’m concerned can go to hell.
But there is an opposition party that would be all over this removal of rights, plus civil rights groups and constitutional lawyers and the federal government
The noise from these groups should be deafening.
Get back on your leash, put your muzzle back on and submit, is that really asking to much, you know for the “collective”.
How long do you think it will be before the majority of us pleb’s realise there is no one looking out for us, we have to look after ourselves/each other, this has a long way to go, going by the document from you will notice The Australian population at 23 million in 2017, their forecast for 2025 is 15 million, wonder what happened here, must be CO2.
Quote by Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace: “It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.”
H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” And, “The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it.”
Same “government wisdom” different field.
“The secret code breakers of central bureau: how Australia’s signals-intelligence network helped win the war in the Pacific”
David Dufty
As usual negligible government recognition, particularly for the biggest contributors, even banning US awards.
And typical forethought on the future of sig-int and code breaking
Not sure here, it asks me to sign up to facebook or amazon, not going to happen.
Hmmm! I didn’t get that
Maybe you have accounts with either/or
MP Very allergic to accounts with things like those
pretty rational decision really. Its one thing to do a one launch with other people gear and quite another to sustain a program. For 1960’s Australia it seem quite sensible really. How many other countries in the 15-25 million population range do you see running space programs? Even the US couldnt sustain its capability fo a couple of decades for a variety of reasons.
Video clip posted by Tony Heller with Oxford Professor talking about the efficacy or otherwise of PCR testing for C-19.
Please comment if you agree or disagree.
Also see
The video is correct but does not mean much.
All countries now have testing regimes near commensurate with the spread of the virus. All countries have a death rate converging to near 1%.
Sweden – 240 cases per day last week and steady – 2.7deaths /day 1.2%
USA – 40,000cases/d – 2%
Brazil – 30,000cases/d, 771deaths/d – 2.6%
India – 93,000/cases/d, 1157deaths/d – 1.2%
EU – 33,000cases/d, 270deaths/d – 0.8% but the case rate is accelerating. go back 20 days and there were 20k/cases so death rate closer to 1.3%
Australia 40cases/day, 6 deaths/day – 15% but Australian cases are falling rapidly go back 20 days cases were 123 so death rate more like 4.8% –
I expect Australia high death rate is tilted by predominance of aged care home infections so that has pushed the death rate higher than other countries.
The virus kills about 1% of the people who contract it. The effort to identify cases has improved throughout the world during the year. All countries have death rates converging toward 1%.
There is a view that some people have developed immunity through picking up very low initial dose that gives the body time to develop immunity before the infection is debilitating. Obviously the more the virus spreads, the greater the probability of that occurring. Obviously wearing masks reduces the risk of high initial viral load.
My son has now been working in Covid wards for almost 3 months – mostly on night shift. He has managed to avoid the virus but he treats his mask as used toilet paper as soon as it is on his face. He said it is easy to get slack with PPE and many of the nurses at his hospital have had the infection. The only near death case amongst medical staff at his hospital was a young doctor. During his 7 night shifts at the peak of the hospitalisations he was writing 2 death certificates a night. His youngest death was 72yo. But plenty of younger people had near death experiences.
A village in Indonesia has a novel penalty for people refusing to wear masks. Rather than a fine they get to dig graves for those dying with Covid.
What a good idea. Maybe also for those who wear their (often dirty and ill-fitting) masks below their noses!
Wool face masks – an article in “Beyond the Bale” on this – reusable too
Very good Ian. I’ll pass though as they don’t quote prices and I now have a good stock of various masks. 🙂
“CDC Just Reversed Its Controversial COVID-19 Testing Guidelines ”
Only 36 claimed influenza deaths whatsoever in the 2020 flu season in Australia.
Figures for influenza deaths in Australia:
2014 189
2015 222
2016 273
2017 1181
2018 148
2019 902
Reference: Review of the 2019 influenza season in Australia and what to expect in 2020, Ian Barr, Deputy Director WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and
Research on Influenza
Number of claimed C-19 deaths to date in Australia.
Amount of economic and social destruction caused by influenza. MINIMAL
Amount of economic and social destruction caused by C-19. MAXIMAL – at the level of nation destroying.
Although I agree in general with the idea there has been a massive over reaction, you are comparing an open state with the outcomes of a highly restricted state so it does seem a bit apples and oranges.
If you go to the WHO flunet site and compare 2019 flu season with 2020, you will notice in March that the flu numbers crashed and the Rona took off. How does a lock down get rid of one virus and increase the other at the same time. Does not make sense.
We have yet to hit 2019 flu deaths, 2017 was a bad flu year, no destruction of society required.
Comparing deaths to a virus in 2020 while the most draconian antisocial restrictions in the experience of any broad population with a virus deaths from a previous year with NO social restrictions is beyond laughable.
And yet 2020 flu down and the Rona up at the same time.
Chuckle chuckle
“Review: Climate Hustle 2 Movie coming on Sept 24th”
“Dissent in Hungary”
Morning all,
Some ideas. I’ve been trying to clarify what happens to an individual when first exposed to the Covid virus, and have developed the following table to summarise what I’ve read, relating vitamin D blood levels and viral dose levels with the disease response.
The individual I’m assuming is aged less than 60, and apart from vitamin D level, would be considered healthy.
I also assume the non-use of hcq and/or zinc prior to exposure.
These are my views, not peer reviewed, and very broad brush.
Vitamin D v Severity of infection = disease level
….less…..x….20-30….x….30-40….x…..>40…..x ng/ml
……..?……..x…..Low……x….None…..x….None….x low viral dose (1)
.Moderate?x…..Low……x….None…..x….None….x medium ” ” (2)
….Severe…x.Moderate..x….Low …..x….None….x high ” ” (3)
. . .
None = No symptoms, not infectious, positive test(?), no residual virus
Low = Mild symptoms, no hospital, residual virus(?)
Moderate = Moderate symptoms, hospital, ICU(?), significant residual virus
Severe = ICU, possible death
(1) Single short exposure of low density
(2) Single short exposure of medium density, or multiple of low
(3) Single heavy dose or multiple
. . .
I consider that the above table is applicable for any subsequent exposure to the virus, with a big “but”…
i.e. I assume that any infection, however small, uses some of the vitamin during its suppression, so an individual exposed a second, or more times, will reduce their blood levels of vitamin D, by an amount I’ve not seen mentioned so far; and
The half-life of vitamin D is 2 months (4); so
Regular replenishment of vitamin D is required to achieve and then maintain a safe level.
. . .
The trap I see from this is that someone could survive an initial exposure from the upper line of the table, but become susceptible to a second attack from a lower line, because they’ve not taken action to replenish their blood level, and so present with a more severe case.
(4) Dr Mobeen at 27:50 in
I assume that the half life given by Dr Mobeen is for a normal healthy person, and should be considered shorter than that in our current pandemic situation to allow for the non-symptomatic recovery from minor infections.
Dave B
Worth a read: AEMO’s 2020 Electricity Statement of Opportunities
The expected reliability outlook has improved for summer 2020-21 and across the five-year outlook, due to lower forecast peak demand.
In summer 2020-21, expected unserved energy (USE) is not forecast to exceed the reliability standard, nor to exceed the Interim Reliability Measure (IRM), in any NEM region.
Although expected USE in Victoria has declined substantially since the 2019 ESOO, some risks of load shedding remain.
Due to fire damage incurred on one of ElectraNet’s static VAR compensators in July 2020, the transfer capability between Victoria and South Australia will be reduced in both directions for the next 12 months.
New South Wales’ reliability outlook after the Liddell Power Station retires has improved, as a result of the committed augmentation of the Queensland to New South Wales Interconnector (QNI) in 2022-23 and the development of local new renewable generation (900 MW).
Declining minimum demand could lead to issues with managing voltage, system strength, and inertia. It is creating near-term operational and planning challenges for sustaining a reliable and secure power system that must be addressed.
Urgent action is required to ensure all new distributed PV installations have suitable disturbance ride-through capabilities and emergency PV shedding capabilities.
The NEM continues to see the connection of large amounts of new VRE (varible renewable energy) capacity, with an additional 4,300 MW of new capacity forecast to be operational this summer compared to what was available last summer.
Watching Sky news “Agenda” program and Joel Fitzgibbon is explaining how the 1000mw from Liddel will be replaced without the need for Scomos gas fired idea.
Joel seems to think 500mw of battery = 500mw of coal fired power in his equation, and that right there is the problem NSW face in the future .
When and not if the power goes out because conditions just weren’t right for a few days but who could have seen this coming ?
Liddell Power Station has 4 generator units of 500 MW capacity, so 2,000 MW design capacity.
Why the discussion about replacing with only 1,000 MW from gas fired generators, apart from gas being a faster response to back up wind and solar unreliability?
And why construct a gas pipeline to the coal rich NSW Hunter Valley where Liddell and nearby Bayswater share a coal mine and water storage?
I’m sure he claimed the 1000mw was because of its age it was running at half capacity , no idea if the capacity factor is correct it was the claim about like for like with battery and coal .
I understand from Tony’s comments that Liddell Power Station continues to deliver a high CP output, it is now approaching 50 years since commissioning and maybe AGL have reduced preventative maintenance, but the generating capacity would be in excess of 1,800 MW from 2,000 MW Installed Capacity.
And the fools at IPCC reckon that Batteries are the answer?
Batteries do NOT generate anything?
Denis, Liddell never achieved 2000MW. The coal mills were undesigned. At best it could do 1800MW when all new. The powerstation had from the start a terrible avsilablity record. No better than 86%. The reason is a/ unions b/ poor standard of equipment c/poor maintenance and d/ poor management. AGL do not run all units because of maintence cost. I think on average the power produced is only equivalent to 1000MW. If about $50M spent on it could be brought up to 2000MW or even over. Get the unions out and with automation run time could be upto 95% for each unit. Non-engineer do not understand avsilabilty and run time. For solar avilabilty compared to capacity is only about 16%.
Liddel PS output for the last 3 months:
Month, Capacity factor, Average MW, Max MW, Min MW
JUNE 2020 : 49.3% : 985 : 1,590 : 556
JULY 2020 : 55.6% : 1,076 : 1,598 : 620
AUGUST 2020 : 38.5% : 745 : 1,126 : 307
August generation was down because the wind started to blow for the weather-dependents, and I assume Liddel output was cut back. But it is fairly clear where the 10,,, MW number came from.
1,000 MW!
The subtle changes occurring in the NEM are a little more obvious when you take an overall perspective over the last decade or so:
Open the link and then select ALL.
You will note that in 2010 the solar, shown in yellow at the top, is hardly visible but now is making an impact. You can see that the brown coal generation falls after 2016 but the black coal lifts to compensate. Now the black coal is back to where it was in 2016 before Hazelwood closed.
Now select 7D. Compare the minimum demand for each day with the midday demand minus the rooftop solar. On 5 of the 7 days, the minimum demand on the grid generators was at lunchtime. Rooftop output is always dispatched unless the local system is on overvoltage. The wholesale price is often going negative and that is making it harder for coal generators to make money. There is a limit to the amount of energy they can sell at negative price and still make money.
The peak price in all of the regions for September presented little opportunity for coal plants to recover the losses from power sent out at negative prices:
The peak price is much the same as the average price. And remember rooftops are always dispatched and the marginal cost of grid scale WDGs is minus $40/MWh.
In these circumstances, a battery makes economic sense. Owners get paid at least $40/MWh to charge it and it can be discharged at maybe $60/MWh during the evening peak, giving $100/MWh income on each cycle. Mot enough to pay for it but it also earns income from the FCAS it provides and that is a growing requirement as more WGDs get connected.
If all states end up with rooftop solar where SA is now then adjustable demand from some form of storage will be essential to grid stability. SA lunchtime demand is under 400MW while rooftops are pumping out 967MW. WDGs are curtailed at 700MW and the Heywood interconnector maxed out at its temporary limit of 400MW. Gas is running Unger direction to keep the system stable. Price dipped to minus $528/MWh and is now minus $234/MWh. Hornsdale battery is being charged to smooth demand but getting paid up to $500/MWh to take load.
If the Heywood link was out today all grid scale WDGs in SA would be completely curtailed to keep the grid stable.
There is no future for grid scale WDGs unless batteries are installed. Rooftop solar will simply displace them from the market place. Something I think is inevitable. If there are going to be WDGs they are better placed at the load than some distant field.
Great info thanks Rickwill , it just goes to prove that the renewable industry when on Grid scale is more a parasite and new roof top solar as we know has a curtailment function for those few days when conditions are just right .
Rick, it looks like that curtailment of SA’s wind and solar was up to 1 GW for some hours on Sunday. That is getting serious for many i suspect.
Is this a “record” of some sort ?
PS.. i dont think there are enough batteries available to soak up that level of surplus ?
Conclusion is only valid for sunny days.
And until technology is improved, the batteries will rapidly degrade with the frequent deep cycles needed to justify their existence.
To the shock of many, the Australian Federal Government has few powers to reign in the dictatorial tendencies of Daniel Andrews.
About the only thing the Feds can do is to threaten to withdraw funding but then Andrews would probably secure funding from the Chinese, with or without the permission of the Feds.
The dictatorship Andrews has established in Victoriastan proves that democracy in Australia is indeed very weak.
Victoria is certainly slowly becoming more like some Orwellian state. If it continues down the current road and the people of Victoria don’t rise up and protest en mass then as far as I’m concerned Victorians must be the dumbest lot in the world for allowing all of it to happen right under their noses, often with much approval.
Yes “Victorians” they are all in it
I guess you would lead the charge on the riot squad shields then?
No, I’m in another state. Besides, I wouldn’t do it even if I lived in Victoria. I’m just analysing the situation of an oppressed state and trying to figure out whether the people are asleep or awake. If asleep then there will be little reaction. If awake then I expect some form of reaction on the part by many. If things improve markedly on the virus front as it appears to be occurring, I expect Andrews to relax the lockdowns and crackdowns soon thus avoiding any possibility of a reaction from the public.
Let’s see what the premier says on the twenty-third of September at his Board of Inquiry into the Hotel Quarantine Program; fingers crossed he’ll say “today I’m resigning from the Victorian Parliament” but more likely for that outcome we’ll have to dwell on the no confidence motion in a couple of weeks.
There’s such malevolence afoot as if ways are being canvassed of keeping the population locked down until election day 2022 in order to brag to other international despots about how premier Andrews recreated Hoxha’s Albania; WEF approved for sure.
PeterS DO NOT lump all Victorians in with the Labor/Greens idiotic mindset, the 2018 state election had 35% voting for the Coalition and 42% for preferred party vote which is WAY OFF ALL Victorians!
And even the ones that voted Coalition wasted their time as they are no bloody opposition to Commo Andrews at all!, right now the only potential experienced saviour for Victoria is Jeff Kennett who in 1992 got back control of this state after it was run down to third world status by yet another Labor Commie imbecile John Cain and back then I thought “no one will ever forget Cain” but 18 years later here we F^%in are!
Also don’t forget it was “right wing nutjobs” like myself a few years ago that witnessed the decline of democratic freedoms in this country with the illegal use of powers and force by VicPolice during protests that wanted to suppress domestic terrorism and highlight the real threat of extreme left politics within our political system but once again here we f&^%in well are!
As menial a background I have somehow worked out our elected officials have,
– Circumvented parliamentary democracy.
– Responded disproportionately to a perceived threat.
– Made a declaration of emergency that violates the Vic charter of human rights.
– Section 7.2 limits of those rights must be, reasonable, necessary, justified, proportionate.
– If the proposed over riding of those laws fail on just one requirement it fails and is no longer law.
– Vic human rights 7.2E any reductions must account for any less restrictive means to achieve the purpose of the limitations
Vic government have no confidence in their actions, people don’t know any Covid fines that have been challenged legally have been reviewed and withdrawn by government.
But I digress, trust me that there are many in this state that are appalled, angry and ashamed of the apathy others have given to what is a total destruction of their basic human rights, I’m not afraid of a fight but get sick of being one of the few that show up to be fodder for the scumbag MSM or some kid with a badge that wants to pop their “pepper spray” cherry without regard for the consequences.
I’m not going to leave and be like another migrant that was too weak or lazy to fix their home and let it decline into years of chaos only to take the same parasitic mindset to the new one, no I’m staying and anyone that wants to fix this Marxist mess is welcome to join whatever may come.
Points taken. I was really referring to the majority. Same applies to the whole nation wrt the federal government. As far as I’m concerned both major parties are useless.
Not only useless, but Troughers who are totally unconcerned with the running of the country and any negative impacts their actions may create.
As I said once before at least, all they are interested in is their careers and their pensions. They have little regard to our nation. If they do care they ought to be ashamed even to show their faces in public. They have no shame because they are heartless as well as being clueless. The matter on emissions reductions sealed my decision as to which party has the right attitude to looking after the interests of the nation; neither. What really disappoints me more is how the people keep giving either major party majority rule expecting a different result. That’s insanity. Our democratic system of voting allows us to force a change in policies by not giving either major party majority rule and making them change their tune by at least one other party coming to the table. Most voters are like robots. They vote according to a major party line. Wake up Australia and use your brains when voting. Otherwise, just shut up and put up with the BS coming for LNP or ALP ruling in their own right.
Too few Australians understand our Federation of States formed from the colonies and each retaining sovereignty via the Constitution, constitutional laws.
The Commonwealth of Australia, much like the United States of America, Federal Government has limited powers over the State Governments on internal affairs, and even though interstate borders are required to remain open for citizens and commerce etc., states can close them for emergency purposes, apparently. Maybe not, the now scheduled High Court legal challenge funded by Clive Palmer will be interesting.
As for Federal Government, Prime Minister, threatening States/Victoria with withdrawal of funding, that would be political suicide for the Federal Government and the compliance by meek and mild citizens who accept strictly police enforced lockdown and penalties, and some even praise Chairman Dan (battered wife syndrome?) for it. Any State Government threatened with funding withdrawal would quickly retaliate with ABC/MSM leftist backing and irate citizens support. Consider the WA anger when GST distribution was reduced in accordance with the GST Agreement provisions, WA had increased mining revenue at the time and that was offset by reducing GST payments which were redistributed among the other states and territories.
As always, politicians manipulate voters and the left leaning media back the politicians up, and the sheepeople are fooled.
The goings on in both VIC and QLD should be enough to trigger a structural review of Australian governance.
The remedy for bad management is in the next voting.
The big question is: how many voters are aware enough to make a difference.
I dont really feel like voting for more of the same with a label change
A structural review is needed and a confirmation of what and are not human rights.
We need more discussion on this detail to get the public aware.
‘The dictatorship Andrews has established in Victoriastan proves that democracy in Australia is indeed very weak.’
Strongly disagree, we are a disciplined democracy.
‘Victoria is certainly slowly becoming more like some Orwellian state.’
Nonsense, within a few weeks it will slowly get back to normal.
‘ … the sheepeople are fooled.’
That is elitist.
You have been saying “a few weeks” since March, your man Slomo stated at the very start, there is no going back to normal, is Slomo lying?
I will put my money on the sea level rise before your return to normal, at least that is guaranteed to happen eventually.
There will be a semblance of normality, but we’ll still have to be aware of cluster outbreaks which can be easily mopped up. So no, the PM is not lying.
I’ve said from the outset that it’ll be over by Xmas.
It’s a fuster cluck of the highest order, and if it’s not over by Christmas there will be an uprising from the plebs that will make Eureka look like a Sunday school picnic.
There is no pandemic here.
Agreed about the lack of pandemic…its appears to be a tightly coordinated con of the highest order, with police appear to be used basically as paid muscle to enforce the illusion of a non crisis…..its become a farce. What they are after is fear and forced obedience. I suspect many of them seem to enjoy throwing thier weiggt around . Its hard to see where marxism stops and the poluce begin… or is there no differenxe between the 2?
Its a test to see how far “they” can push people. Although i think if they tried another “pandemic” your families’ well being coukd literalky depend on avoiding any vaccine for it, as based on thier writings, the vaccine could be orders of lethality worse than the virus. Ponder that.
It is a pandemic but a very mild one compared to past pandemics. That I have no doubt about. If anything it’s very much like a normal flue outbreak we see almost every year, perhaps a little worse. The problem is the continuation of the lockdowns for too long in many countries that has led to a major impact on their economies and hence the livelihoods of ordinary peoples, while the rich and the politicians have not suffered, and in some cases have actually increased their wealth and/or power. That IMHO stinks. The Great Reset group is just one example how some are using this pandemic as an excuse to take us to the NWO to solve the mythical climate change “problem”, which of course is a hoax and a scam.
The problem though is it’s already too late. The damage has been done. Many small businesses have gone to the wall and never to re0open. People’s livelihoods have been destroyed. There were significant increases in suicide rates in past pandemics. It’s too early to tell if the same pattern is repeated today since the analysis has not been conducted yet. We are likely to know the official figures next year. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to believe suicides have increased as a result of the heightened fears of the virus. The only question remaining for now is by how much. Evidence is piling up the lockdowns are of no value after the initial and understandable instant response by most countries at the very early stage. Victoria is earning the international reputation of being a police state. Although somewhat of an exaggeration as North Korea for example of course is far worse, it’s no excuse to how the Victorian government has been mishandling the whole situation while acting as some sort of dictatorship enforcing draconian laws. Either Victorians are a very patient lot who are willing to wait it out expecting things will get back to some sort of normality, or they are on the most part fools. Not sure which.
So what I’m gauging is that you and your right wing mates here want a revolution to destroy the left. Any excuse, a pandemic that is not a pandemic will do nicely. Weird.
‘ … It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to believe suicides have increased …’
el gordo you don’t know me. I’m a Christian and I don’t belong to any far right-wing group nor follow them, no more than the far left-wing ones. If you bothered to remember what I’ve said about them, they are in effect the same types. We use the words right and left because of historical reasons. The differences between them is like splitting hairs. The people who belong to them don’t have a clue as to why they differentiate themselves when in fact they use virtually the same tactics when in power to destroy people’s freedoms. So stop using straw man arguments.
I’ve done my research on suicides for past pandemics. There is ample evidence yet none is needed since it’s common sense to believe suicide rates increase when fear is pushed onto the public. For example, suicides even happened due to the CAGW hoax if you care to have noticed.
‘There is ample evidence yet none is needed since it’s common sense …’
Evidence is required, otherwise your argument has no strength.
‘Lifeline received 1000 daily calls from Victorians for the first time ever this week, but there has been no increase in the number of people dying by suicide during the coronavirus pandemic.
‘State Coroner John Cain on Thursday released fresh data on the number of suicide deaths between January 1 and August 26, showing there were two fewer suicides in Victoria compared with the same time last year.’ The Age
‘We use the words right and left because of historical reasons.’
That is true, its meaningless in the modern era, with the majors morphing into a one party state. Political ideology is in a state of flux, but I see the emergence of splinter parties hoping to get a foot in the senate and continue to hold the balance of power.
El Gordo says;
“you and your right wing mates here”.
I don’t read the papers much but did buy one a few weeks ago to get behind the headlines which shouted “school suicide cluster” or similar.
Seven students and two others.
You don’t need to be a genius to understand what’s happening. Students seeing distraught
parents dealing with loss of jobs/destroyed small businesses and the like are Not going to fare well.
Later, if work becomes available, we will all face the massive debt repayments on the future money borrowed to pay current jobseeker/jobkeeper support.
To describe our politicians and mercenary and visionless is understating the situation immensely.
That was Kiama, there is another cluster in Griffith. Suicide is a first world problem.
The government hasn’t borrowed $150 billion, they have printed money to save lives. Medium size business should survive and prosper, but some very small business may take a tumble.
Politicians are restrained by the party system and political cycle, but I’m confident that the PM will be coming out with his vision to get the economy moving again. Infrastructure is a key word.
Then we can count the cost. Weak governance on all fronts that typifies the modern political set. ScoMo has found himself helpless and vaccillating on the Federal/state issue, but any action would see a voter backlash, particularly threats to withhold monies. I have no confidence in this country and I’m withdrawing from the contract.
“we are a disciplined democracy”
Things like this sure suggest that be true!
“Gut-churning performance from Victoria Police – hang your heads in shame.”
Troublemakers need to be censured. Australia is heading towards elimination, are you supporting herd immunity?
Based on swedens success, it would be sensible.
Like the chicken pox parties in thd 1970s, just let peopke get it, and then get on with things. The linger we play pandemic make-believe, the more damage grubs like Fearless Leader does to our democracy….
Herd immunity or not, the evidence is piling up to show the extended lockdowns are of no value.
Elimination is impossible even if the current lockdowns were permanent, which of course can’t happen unless you are one of those who wants to see our economy crash and burn sooner rather than later.
Elimination is possible and our economy can bounce back in good working order. Obviously some small businesses, travelling close to the margin when the pandemic hit, cannot survive even with government largesse. Others will see opportunity and buy them out for a reasonable price.
In NSW, outside the cities, life is pretty much back to normal. Good agricultural season, no crash and burn, we are laughing.
In NSW, outside t he pale things have been normal except the conforming rituals of “distancing” and so forth. Mindless stuff when we have had zilch contact and infection.Good crops to be sure but some ominous black clouds are in full view.
Then how come we haven’t eliminated all other forms of virus by using lockdowns? You are clueless.
Also, if you bothered to check the virus related death rates of Sweden they have followed the same pattern as any other country where lockdowns are still being implemented. This is proof that extended lockdowns are of no value this far out from the start of the pandemic.
‘NSW’s overall death rate has fallen in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, as physical distancing and other restrictions protect the vulnerable from more than just the new virus.
‘Mortality data shows COVID-19 has not triggered a rise in fatalities unlike dozens of other countries that had less time to prepare or failed to curb the spread of the virus.
‘The number of deaths from any cause in May and June was significantly lower compared to the same period last year, according to NSW Health.’ (SMH)
Taiwan gives clear demonstration that elimination within any community is possible. Seven out of eight Australian States and Territories demonstrate it is possible.
The issues in Victoria are the result of an incompetently woke government. Victoria’s high level of immigration has resulted in large minorities not being well assimilated. Many do not even comprehend spoken or written language of Australia. It does not surprise me that Queensland, the home of one-nation, was responsible for ousting Electricity Bill, supplies reliable electricity to the rest of Australia and will now host Victoria’s AFL Grand Final. Even with Labor running Qld it is light years more effective than the woke Labour/Green in Victoria. Qld Labor is a little closer to its roots than the woke version in Victoria. The State is spending tens of millions of dollars to find out who made the decision to use private security guards to police hotel quarantine. That gives some idea of the competence of ‘management’ in the Victorian government.
Just think, without Queensland, Electricity Bill would be pulling the strings in Australia right now.
The hope for Victoria is that memories of 2020 linger at election time in 2022. Then there is always the hope that Dan falls on his sword this week after his aversion to truth gets exposed.
What are you talking about? Taiwan just had several deaths. If we are going to be selective then we could say the virus has been eliminated here by choosing a suitable area. In fact we could go one step more and say we never had a pandemic here if we choose a certain town, of which there are many.
I would not equate a total of 7 deaths, the latest in March 2020 as ‘just’. But you are welcome to declare any nonsense as fact.
Sure some place have been smart/lucky in avoiding the pandemic completely.
So Much for ‘Green Jobs’: Wind Turbine Manufacturing Work Goes to Communist China
To a place with cheaper industrial energy prices and labour costs and lower environmental/safety standards – foot and planet/shot/self.
(0.08 v 0.19 EUR/KWhr 2019).
Well the United Nations list China as a developing nation, check the 1975 UN Lima Protocol/Agreement that developed nations would allow transfer of most manufacturing industry to developing nations, including know how free of charge.
Paris Agreement emissions (read CO2) reduction? Not for developing nations like China where the annual increase in emissions exceeds all of Australia’s annual emissions.
And then the “wealthy”, read were wealthy developing nations buy the manufactured products and add wealth creation profits for military build up and trade threats backed by might.
There is a post up at wuwt on how the LIA started, a chicken and egg debate on sea ice, but this from Javier in comments is worth a thought.
‘Solar activity has a recognized lag of ~ 20-40 years (Eastoe et al., 2019; Kobashi et al., 2015). The timing is correct for the Wolf Minimum that started about 20 years before the effects they see.’
The gradual movement into the LIA, solar forcing?örer_Minimum#/media/File:Carbon14_with_activity_labels.svg
Thanks El gordo,
Do you have solar activity vs temps since 1800?
Not to hand, but until then …
Its also worth considering that the Centennial Gleissberg may only be an artefac.
I’m surprised that our US contributors have not mentioned the predictable passing (she had cancer 3 times and a number of falls) of Ruth Ginsberg, long-time liberal Justice of the US Supreme Court.
The Democrat supporters are going into meltdown, with those of her own political persuasion using a lot of profanity against her for not resigning while Obama was still in power when they could have easily replaced her with another left-leaning judge to keep the scales of justice tipped solidly in favour of the Democrats.
Apart from the long term implications of the balance of power shifting in the SCOTUS, the more immediate effect in this election year is to thwart the plots of the Dems to use the court to overturn a Trump victory by way of the postal voting scam which would ultimately end up in the Supreme Court. A left-leaning SC could be expected to uphold all sorts of Dem post-election skulduggery, and that was apparently an integral part of their grand plan to unseat Trump if he won outright on the day. They would just keep finding additional Democrat mail-in votes for weeks after election day, with the extended cut-off for postal votes varying from state to state. Now they are panicking because they no longer have a compliant court.
Mitch McConnell, Republican and Senate Majority Leader, is pushing for Ginsberg’s immediate replacement before the election. There is apparently precedent for doing that and also precedent for not doing that, depending upon the exact circumstances, so get ready for the fireworks.
Our American friends can fill in more details, but that’s the bones of it.
I don’t know what gives people the impression the Democrats are trying to win, they have done nothing to give me that impression, as a matter of fact it appears that they are doing everything they can to lose and push Trump to win.
The next potential President has openly stated, that the rioting “will continue, must continue” no matter who wins, its about the destruction of the USA, its about a reset, the phoenix rising from the ashes.
We are very short of time to push back.
The rioting/burning has stopped as they said they were going to take the demonstrations rural, now the country is burning and Antifa have been caught starting fires in the rural area’s.
” ………… a matter of fact it appears that they are doing everything they can to lose and push Trump to win.” Then lets hope that they are successful in such an endeavour.
Either way there will be hell to pay.
You raise a very interesting point, one that I’ve tried to figure out myself for some time. I’ve put it down to pure stupidity on the part of the Democrats and the left. Perhaps I’m wrong and there’s a more sinister agenda going on. Perhaps they know they can’t win so they are just venting their anger, much like a chess player who knows they are going to lose the game so the player smashes the board game. If that’s the reason then be on the alert for a civil war.
They don’t care if they lose, they have openly stated they want chaos, BLM have declared themselves a Marxist organisation who’s aim is the destruction of USA. (west)
Go nto BLM home page and click on donate
You will go to this site, the Democrat donation page.
So who funds BLM.
BLM are against old white male corporations, yet nearly their entire funding comes from this group. These funders are not “woke” they are members of the WEF, Davos, CFR, comity of 300, Club of Rome and dozens of other secret societies who’s aim is control of everything, yet they double speak that they want equality for all, when they mean, all that’s left. Their wealth could pay off world debt and they would still be billionaires.
Thats the thing with the globalists they back both sides of every debate, protest and war. They want chaos and will get it, Trumps supporters are a far more tolerant group then the democrats so in my view for a guaranteed sh!t storm the dems must lose or have an unknown result. Their will be civil war, but sooner if the dems lose. Trumps boys are well trained and well armed, Dems will be spray and pray. (to whatever god they follow)
The BLM and Antifa want the death of all white people as they continually state, because Whites abuse the minority races.
Anglo Saxons are the minority race at 20% of the world population.
Then civil war is very likely regardless of who wins. We shall see. I hope not but I tend to agree with you.
Sorry, Ginsburg not Ginsberg
One reason to fill the empty position on the Supreme court, is that the court is now balanced with 8 judges. If the SCOTUS has to decide matters relating to the election or even the outcome, it would be very inconvenient if the court was hung at 4-4. RBG would recognise the power of that argument.
Yes, technically when the SCOTUS is hung, its decision defers to that of the referring appellate court immediately below the SCOTUS, but the Republicans in particular will be pushing to avoid that outcome. McConnell is full steam ahead for a new appointee and I believe Trump already had a short list of candidates selected well before Ginsburg’s death.
According to reports, Ginsburg’s final request was that her position not be filled before the election. No surprises there. Only 6 weeks to get a new judge appointed before the election, so it will have to be rammed through. The wailing and gnashing of teeth in Washington will be audible in Oz.
you know that the record of the SCOTUS shows that there is rarely a complete split along perceived political alliance. It is not as if everything that comes before the court can be or will be seen through the lens of personal politics.
Which is why each side wants to stack the deck beyond a 5:4 majority leaning.
Let me clarify- I didn’t mean split 50:50 I mean that the left and the right, for want of more nuanced terms, do not often vote in opposite directions or as a block. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen and it is not an important factor for certain decisions but for the vast majority of decisions the interpretation of the constitution is constrained and is not a left/right matter.
Even Joe Biden confirmed that Trump should nominate the replacement (its sort of his duty to so anyway)
Joe announced in meaningful teleprompter tones the “the people vote for the President , the President nominates the SCOTUS members” It seemed to escape him that the people voted in 2016 and their is an encumbent President.
Antarctic sea ice is a bit on the high side.
It looks like the Antartic sea ice peaks about 25-28 September ie just after the equinox.
Fo to Charctic El G. More fun with all the clicking
Interesting the arctic is second lowest (or close)while the Antarctic is higher than the 95%. The lowest year in the arctic was 2012. Go to Antarctic and click on the 2012 graph and see what you see
There is variability and in both hemispheres its ocean currents that determine the amount of sea ice.
‘The satellite record reveals that a gradual, decades-long overall increase in Antarctic sea ice extents reversed in 2014, with subsequent rates of decrease in 2014–2017 far exceeding the more widely publicized decay rates experienced in the Arctic. The rapid decreases reduced the Antarctic sea ice extents to their lowest values in the 40-y record, both on a yearly average basis (record low in 2017) and on a monthly basis (record low in February 2017).’
Claire Parkinson 2019 (
Ocean currents, albedo and salinity. More fresh water run off the continent gives more sea ice.
All that said, Antarctic variation remains very tightly constrained.
Something to do with angular momentum.
Just thinking of suitable course materials for the coming ‘White Privilege’ seminars. If they win.
Covid is heat tolerant, self-healing and very resilient in lab tests.
‘Hungarian team finds virus particle withstands being probed by a nano needle 100 times, possibly making it the most physically elastic virus known. Meanwhile, French scientists find it can replicate in animal cells after being exposed to temperatures of 60 degrees Celsius for an hour.’ SCMP
Latest Pointman
“What’s ahead of you in the run up to the 2020 election.”
Bloomberg is spending $100M of his own cash to support Joe Biden in Florida.
I am being bombarded by republican hopefuls for election funds. They have my email because I once emailed the Whitehouse.
This story shows the difference in spending between Trump and Biden for advertising in the swing states:
The US presidential election is like a black comedy. Two old men both struggling to talk coherently. Not sure if Trump is doing it to show his disdain for the media or if he is just struggling. With Biden, a Weekend at Joe’s might be more appropriate. I have been looking at where they insert the key to wind him up. He appears wooden and breakable. One feature of the Covid distancing is that he is able to have a teleprompter for all his interviews but he is even struggling with that.
Not only it matter who wins the election but how. If there is any sign of illegal behaviour in the voting and counting of votes, all hell will break loose and civil war is not out of the question. Tempers are already running high and it won’t take much to set the whole place on fire, metaphorically speaking.
a long article investigating big money’s attempt to censor and discredit ‘planet of the humans’. It backs up the movies’ claims, and goes into detail on several billionaires’ attempts to ‘clean up’, through the production of renewables. Renewables are a ‘green fields’ industry, and with government backing, will make certain folks a lot of money. it discusses divestment and green washing.
Within the article is a link to well worthy of study; thank you Furiously curious.
Interesting. The situation of interminable delay is quite different to who is in line for succession. This logic hinges on the fact that Pelosi also would also be ineligible as of January 3rd because she is up for reelection, something not mentioned before. So it’s all in the precise timing of events and covering any hiatus. This could be hair raising. The total instability of this is not something the Supreme Court would want, even if it is hung 4:4.
In response to Serp at #11.1.2 on the issue of a hung election and the possibility of President Pelosi by default.
The three statements are
The 20th Amendment says terms of senators and representatives end at noon Jan. 3.
If a federal election were delayed, then no vote would take place to reelect or remove Pelosi from office.
So Pelosi’s term would end on Jan. 3, and if no federal election takes place, she would have to leave office, just like the president and vice president.
The 20th amendment to the U.S. Constitution says the terms of the president and vice president end at noon Jan. 20.
A lack of resolution of the Federal election would invalidate Pelosi’s job (and many others up for reelection) before removing the President.
Again it’s hard to see the Supreme Court allowing pandemonium to happen in a pandemic ( I wanted to write that) as the framers of the Constitution they interpret would not want to see orderly succession frustrated through the action or inaction of the Supreme Court judges.
Clearly my besotted fan is just red thumbing every comment, even without content. Usually there are about 3 or 4 of them.
IIRC not all senators are up for re-election so what about Pelosi?
In the Congress, the body which confirms the members of the Supreme Court appointed by the President, About 1/3 are up for election for a 6 year term. Mostly Republican.
Including the special elections in Arizona and Georgia, Republicans will be defending 23 seats in 2020, while the Democratic Party will be defending 12 seats.
Democrats will need to pick up only three or four seats to gain a majority, depending on which party wins control of the vice presidency.
Nancy Pelosi is currently speaker of the Congress and has no say over the appointment of Supreme Court justices.
All U.S. congressional districts, including the 12th Congressional District of California, are holding elections in 2020.
And up for reelection is Democrat Nancy Pelosi, who was first elected in 1987. The opinion is that she will retire if the Democrats lose control of Congress.
And the Republicans need to win 16 seats to regain the house. Most opinion makers say this is impossible, but you have to think a Trump election was also impossible.
The current assault on the history, culture, cities of America though could be game changers. There are riots in over 50 cities. This has been stealing headlines for all year while the Democrats have said nothing until the last two weeks. So Trump is not the problem. Antifa and BLM riots and the assault on America and the rise of extreme socialists like Kamala Harris are the problem, supported by the Democrats.
As for the polls, you have to love their % error quotes. It’s statistical rubbish, not only the polling but the idea that the mean is what matters when it is the difference which matters, doubling the uncertainty.
And Pelosi is desperate. Her only way to stop the appointment of a replacement judge is a direct result on Donald Trump somehow, like impeachment which has been raised again.
It looks Pelosi and the house Democrats have run out of options. And the new appointee is likely to be female, so fake sexual assault allegations will not work. Women must be believed. Only men tell lies.
So Max Maxine and AOC and Michael Moore are all demanding people take to the streets. So it’s more non violent Burn Loot and Murder protesting, in the name of justice?
Thanks TdeF for researching properly what I did not.
Think they took the mercury out of the vaccines? Think again!
I had thought it had been removed too. How it can be in a vaccine, without being labeled as being there, is explained during this interview. Quite an eye opener!
‘VR 2020 Updated Exclusive Interview’ There’s a time limit on the free viewing but it lasts for another 18 hours.
One hour and 56 minutes! Please no.
Can you give us a summary?
Peter C,
It’s not the 1 hour 56 minute interview. It’s the 41 minute interview above that one and the explanation begins at 8 minutes 50 seconds. I think it’s better to hear his explanation but will give a condensed version later if necessary. I think you’ll find it worth the listen.
Ok, thanks. It has 5 hours to go.
I watched about 20 minutes. There is some disturbing stuff there about vaccines, especially when given to infants.
Glad you got a chance to watch it. I got to it a bit late myself.
I did manage to see a few of the interviews and they were all very good, very revealing.
““Return To Eden” by Marijn Poels, Now Free Online ”
I would have said myself that they are over it.
Yes there is a second wave of infections, but the mortality is minimal this time.
Its a huge joke now. I cant take it seriously any more, Im done…. I have yo be careful not to laugh out loud.
And many people i know think its a con too. The tide will turn very soon. Britain is being done over by these grubs to maximise milking the economy and maximixibg fear. Once the CDC report came out about 94% of “covid deaths” are actually due to pre existibg co morbidities, the game was exposed…..its done.
This is why in Victoria they all of a sudden are winding things back to maintain the illusion *before* the sc*m is common knowledge. Better to maintain an illusion while retreating so they can run the sc*m later, than be caught out and exposed. Besides…they got thier “thugs r us”/ DIY Police State legislation through, tested all the Soviet style road blocks, harassed pregnant women, and trashed freedoms.
2 years from now Id hate to be a cop….they will be asked to do the most awful things to possibly innocent people.
This is how communism works…occult-driven ritual population abuse…its a religious war against humanity….
Dans a bit like the IPCC, continually having to adjust towards reality
I thought it would be more accurate to say continually trying to avoid reality but sometimes hitting a brick wall thus bouncing back slightly towards reality only to move away from it again.
I agree entirely with your first line OriginalSteve; I’m still being careful cos these young coppers are targeting skips.
The mortality in the UK is 1% or a tad higher; 20 deaths/day to 1600cases/day if you go back 20 days for cases. Mortality is around 1% everywhere. The UK currently has 4k cases per day so they will be up to 40 deaths/day in 20 days.
The hospitals in the UK will be starting to see the influx. Also UK is running out of testing kits so they will no longer be getting an accurate account off cases.
People think Sweden is past it – they have 240 cases/day and 3 deaths/day and it is only early autumn. The population is still restrained in movement. There is no way of knowing where Sweden is until they permit large gatherings and open visits to aged care homes.
The big changes over the course of 2020 are the ability to test; willingness of people to front for testing; use of PPE in the community as well as hospitals; keeping the virus out of aged care homes and some increase in immunity across populations that have already had high exposure..
Time for some WuFlu realism?
A study published 3 July 2020 from the University of Santa Catarina in Brazil revealed that SARS-CoV-2 particles were found in human sewage at the end of November 2019 appears to be source of the claim made around 20:18 in the linked video; the chain of evidence would have to be unimpeachable.
cue up tomomason to remind you the PCR test has too many false positives.
Then there’s the Apollo Bay wastewater test which found covid present in a community without any recorded case; I’m going with the slithers-tomomason bloc Gee Aye (but shall not adopt the leading lower case nomenclature).
PCR tests and UK’s rise in ‘cases’, the majority are in probability false positives.
Part of the reason for so many false positives is that the individual human microbiome varies so much. Even identical twins are quite different.
No wonder there are so many false positives with this much biological ‘noise’ about, biological ‘noise’ that is quite unique for each individual.
and thousands of these positives have been sequenced and each and every one of them is a descendant of the outbreak virus. So your rate must be of the order of 1/10^-6
Hi Gee Aye,
Of course they sequence up as positives, yet those poor people never every actually had Covid-19.
MSN won’t even look into how many people test positive and some days later t5est negative. it is an inconvenient truth not to be published.
I sent a detailed document to Jo about PCR test how it works, and the pitfalls of using an Indicator as a diagnosis.
You are so wrong about PCR, for example. The denaturing process is used to denature the Human DNA into RNA in the sample to be tested.
Regards. tomomason
Oh so we have now a science test that does not have error Gee Aye, that does not require error bars in the analysis of it efficacy (sounds similar to the climate change mantra to me).
Your assertion “and thousands of these positives have been sequenced and each and every one of them is a descendant of the outbreak virus. So your rate must be of the order of 1/10^-6”
“Descendant of the outbreak virus” — would that also include every case that is asymptomatic but presume to be infected? — AKA a probable false positive!
In addressing COVID-19 nearly all international health organizations and national health ministries have treated a single positive result from a PCR-based test as confirmation of infection, even in asymptomatic persons without any history of exposure. And this is usually a gross error!
This is based on a widespread belief that positive results in these tests are highly reliable. However, data on PCR-based tests for similar viruses show that PCR-based testing produces enough false positive results to make positive results highly unreliable over a broad range of real-world scenarios.
Too many time people are being told they are positive when they are asymptomatic (and probably uninfected), the PCR test is NOT a good enough test for reliable diagnostic assessment, the world needs better!
Lets just clarify this a bit.
1. Your PCR test is positive.
2. You have no symptoms (and no history of symptoms)
3. So you are told you have COVID-19 but are asymptomatic.
4. So you ask “How do you know I have COVID-19? Just from a PCR test?”
5. As Gee Aye says “thousands of these positives have been sequenced and each and every one of them is a descendant of the outbreak virus.” (What even when they are asymptomatic ?)
6. 3 weeks later, after some ‘quarantine’, you still do not have symptoms but still PCR test positive.
7. Your told “That because you have COVID-19 but are asymptomatic.”
8. What? I don’t have symptoms but because an unreliable test shows me as COVID-19 positive, so you must be COVID-19 asymptomatic carrier/spreader/infected whatever.
9. Medical records now marked as a COVID-19 positive treated case!
NO NO NO! It is called BS.
Note –
This is based not only on Gee Aye arguments but also personal experience of the UK’s NHS idiots.
I have for more than a month tested positive (3 separate PCR test) but have NEVER shown any symptoms what so ever. As I’m in the older age group everyone seems to believe I’ll get it real soon. I’ll wait and see, in the meantime you can carry on believing your “thousands of these positives have been sequenced and each and every one of them is a descendant of the outbreak virus.” BULL$HIT.
THanks for making no attempt to back up your nonsense science about false positives being inevitable due to the human biome.
Gee Aye
‘THanks for making no attempt to back up your nonsense science about false positives being inevitable due to the human biome.’
Thanks for filling the blog with spurious certainty about PCR when it does not exist, and for the phraudulent nonsense statistics.
My point is that your argument are fallacious at best, however I seek to find why there are so many false positive PCR test results, something you are to dumb to even acknowledge, and now try and deflect from it. Maybe you still have not got the point and I need to rub your presumed authority in it some more.
First YOU have to acknowledge the problem — false positives exist (they are often cloaked in the ‘asymptomatic’ labeling.
Second that the many false positives (especially for so called asymptomatic patients) may be due to some other part of the human biome microbial mass, and it needs more research.
You, Gee Aye, have written NOTHING to dispel this notion except hide behind a phraud of spurious statistics (just the same tactics as the half-wits who believe in man-made climate change).
You still have not come up with any evidence that your spurious assertion “and thousands of these positives have been sequenced and each and every one of them is a descendant of the outbreak virus.” is true and not just feature of assigning the meaningless label ‘asymptomatic’ to them (i.e. probably not infected).
All your pompous bluff and statistical nonsense is there just to hide the obvious truth about false positives in PCR testing, the meaningless ‘asymptomatic’, and COVID-19 ignorance.
We already had science that does not require error bars, its called climate science.
Millions of tests and thousands sequenced as being part of the original SARS-CoV-2 set.
mmm that makes it about 1000:1 for false positives to positives.
Here is how the false positives occur.
polymerase 1 is a trimmer of DNA It snips bits off. The melting process renders these into bits of RNA
polymerase 3 fuses bits of RNA into cDNA.
This uses ANY and ALL bits that fit! you need a CGTG set to make a SARS-CoVB-2 complete set, here is a few to chose from.
You now have a false positive.
LOOK UP Polymerase 1 and Ploymerase 3 actions in the PCR test process.
Where did thois spare parts come from?
Why from the HUMAN DNA in the sample that was denatured in step one!
Also of note is this publication from The Royal Society, where they have identified some mutation of COVID in
Prof. @carlheneghan explains the PCR test.
A positive test, in an asymptomatic person, doesn’t tell you if they have an active infection, or if they had it two months ago.
Yet msm and Govt. induce panic, by reporting all positive tests, as “infections”
Here is an inconvenient truth Al Gore should perhaps be questioned about.
“The finding by Mitchell A. Pavao-Zuckerman, an assistant professor from the University of Maryland’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and colleagues from the University of Arizona, University of Madison-Wisconsin, and the Nevada Center of Excellence appears to contradict previous theoretical work and modeling studies predicting solar power installations would decrease temperatures around them by intercepting some of the sun’s potentially warming energy and converting it into electricity.”
“For this study, the team defined the heat island effect as the difference in ambient air temperature around the solar power plant compared to that of the surrounding wild desert landscape. Findings demonstrated that temperatures around a solar power plant were 5.4-7.2 °F (3-4 °C) warmer than nearby wildlands.”
And so apart from making poor people poorer via higher energy bills solar is not only presenting us with a huge waste disposal problem but also making the planet even warmer.
That pesky thing called unintended consequences knows no bounds when it comes to greenfingers.
That’s interesting. Here is the study
“Mass Noun, A Tyranny Of Experts”
“Thomas Sowell has forthright things to say about the increasing (Tyrannical) role of ‘experts’. ”
Link via
“Philosopher Jose gassett called those specialising in tiny areas ‘ learned ignoramus’ ‘
‘In his 1930 book The Revolt of the Masses, Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset addresses what he considers to be a strange byproduct of the prevalence of specialization in everything, specifically the intellectual sphere. “Previously,” he writes, “men could be divided simply into the learned and the ignorant, those more or less the one, and those more or less the other.” Now, however, a new kind of person has emerged, “an extraordinarily strange kind of man,” who cannot be called “learned for he is formally ignorant of all that does not enter into his specialty,” yet at the same time cannot be considered “ignorant because he is ‘a scientist’ who ‘knows’ very well his own tiny portion of the universe.” Thus, Ortega y Gasset says that the only fitting name for such a person is a “learned ignoramus.”’
I would suggest those who have wildly overstated covid 19 but especially climate change are such people who do not see the overall picture but merely one piece of a large jigsaw
Tonyb ”
“Yet Another Reason Not To Buy A Tesla”
Can anyone get a politician or an energy bureaucrat to explain how it makes any sense to subsidise “free” solar electricity?
In the last week large solar delivered an average 760 MW and rooftop solar 1595 MW according to OpenNEM.
But that solar generation peaked at 6,400-8,800 MW around midday and delivered zero to meet the evening peak demand of 25,000 MW.
The consequences of that variability are that coal generators must vary output from 11,800-17,000 MW, gas 500-3,200 MW, and hydro 400-3,500 MW on a daily basis.
Wind contributed 500-3,700 MW, again unrelated to demand.
So without some very “BIG” batteries or pumped hydro, the dispatachable generators – coal, gas, hydro, – must have sufficient capacity to meet peak demand that is currently around 25,000 MW but in summer reaches 34,000 MW.
Anyone who bothers to have done their own research on the climate change issue as most of us here have done fully recognises it’s all a hoax and a scam. Those who don’t bother to study it, such as the vast majority if the politicians both in government and opposition together with the vast majority of the public, are clueless and follow each other over the cliff believing in the nonsense. It started a long while ago by the architects of the delusion, such s Al Gore. It’s a sign of the collective madness syndrome on which many books have been written. Why such illogical crowd behaviour happens has been studied and examined for some time. Regardless of the causes, the outcome is always the same. Crash and burn. The Tulip Mania was a classic. Given we don’t have champions to expose the myth far and wide enough (not even Trump is doing a great job of it) we just have to learn it the hard way, as before. There is still some hope provided the public wake up to it soon enough and vote accordingly. Time will tell if that happens but so far it’s not looking promising.
We still have to prove that world temperature is a ridiculous concept.
Failing that, I’m counting on a strong La Nina and quiet sun to drop temperatures below the line and stay there. Amen I say unto you, if it bounces back to the plateau after a couple of years then the lukewarmers have it.
I disagree. Tulip Mania was a short lived thing that flourished without government influence or help. Only after the crash the government stepped in and adjusted previous contracts so those facing bankruptcy could escape with only a minor penalty.
A better choice would be the South Sea Bubble where a government founded and approved company was involved in speculation in government bonds. The government was struggling to pay its debts and it saw a way of relieving itself of them by persuading the public to convert them into shares in the Company. Various members of the government (and both the Commons and Lords) took huge bribes paid from the rising share price.
The few sceptics were ignored or had counter arguments printed against them (e.g. the higher the price went the better off everyone would be). One or two of those sceptics also made fortunes including the Duchess of Marlborough who pointed out early that 2+2 could never make 5. But people of all walks of life rushed into the shares believing they would make fortunes. When the speculative bubble burst there was a deep recession. The moribund South Sea Co. survived another 130 years merely servicing government bonds when it was dissolved and the Chancellor (William Gladstone) took on the debt directly (it was finally paid off around 2010).
We can only hope that the end result of the AGW mania come renewable energy etc. disaster isnt so lasting.
Manias aren’t always caused by governments and I didn’t say the Tulip Mania was caused by a government. Sorry if I gave the impression it was.
That is not quite true. When wind generation is high, the price goes negative and the wind is voluntarily curtailed to avoid paying to export energy. It is the combination of demand and generation that sets price and wind is responding to price.
If you look at OpenNEM you will see there is a faint orange dotted line that shows curtailment. It occurs most days now.
The only generating source that is not responding to wholesale price is rooftop solar.
As long as Australia can keep buying low cost solar panels and wind turbines from China, courtesy of Australia’s low cost coal, iron ore and bauxite, then WDGs will continue to displace coal generation. And the system needs storage to remain stable.
Correction – it is NEMLog that displays curtailment as seen here:
Not that I’m a boxing fan, but this interplay between a boxer and President Donald Trump is priceless.
Oh Sugar.
One rule for us plebs, no rules for the rich and famous.
‘Lord Alan Sugar and wife jet set in from the UK and do not have to go into hotel supervised quarantine. They are famous, rich and can be trusted to self isolate for 14 days, somewhere in Australia!
Oh Sugar.
One rule for us plebs, no rules for the rich and famous.
‘Lord Alan Sugar and wife jet set in from the UK and do not have to go into hotel supervised quarantine. They are famous, rich and can be trusted to self isolate for 14 days, somewhere in Australia!
Anyone stupid enough to vote for Dan Andrews once or twice is stupid enough to vote for him a third time.
Some of the protesters have the woke swagger about them and I think they will resent being man-handled by the police. Maybe more Green but that goes to Dan anyhow. Could end like the Melbourne city council with Green dominating.
I haven’t been watching closely, but is there a bit of a drop in US street violence? Is Portland still chugging along, or did the polls cause them to rein it in? If it has eased up, it’s a fairly telling moment.
A magnificent pic of the Ivanpah solar steam plant.
A shame Tom Clancy passed 7 years ago. This would be the basis of a super novel:
The bio-science has been proven to work (along with various safety issue regarding what mRNA sets out to do).
A Brave New World indeed. One wonders if Drs. Fauci and Brix chat about these things over lunch. Better: What Would Putin Do? Surely Trump would more easily be controlled by the Kremlin with a chip…call the book: The Sum Of All Our DNA?
Promise of things to come?