BLM: Bidens Laptop Matters
The allegations about Hunter Biden are all fake news, debunked before they were made, but the FBI says they have him under investigation for money laundering. And they’ve been investigating him all year, but forgot to mention that.
Department of Justice (DOJ) official confirmed Thursday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden and his associates in 2019, focused on allegations of money-laundering, and that it remains “open and active,” according to Sinclair investigative reporter James Rosen.
The FBI has admitted they have the laptop and they interviewed Tony Bobulinski on October 23 for five hours. Nothing to see here.
Hunter only matters because of what it might mean about about Joe.
Biden Bus runs red lights to escape a Trump fan in a Hearse called the Democrat Cemetary Vote Collector
When censorship is running strong, people find other ways to get out the message. This a new artform called #Roadtrolling as invented by a Trump fan in Houston. Apparently the Biden bus (which doesn’t have Joe Biden in it) has been seen running red lights to try to get away from the hearse.
The side of the hearse also says:
“Collecting Democrat votes one dead stiff at a time.”
“Dig ’em Deeper, Bury ’em Cheaper Funeral Parlor”
“Clinton Foundation Suicide Limo Service – 1-800-HANG-URSELF”
It’s a Texas thing but I think this will catch on.
h/t Bill C
Good news but when Trump wins, he has to clean out the FBI and all the other alphabet agencies and make them great again (I know he’s been trying but the Deep State runs deep). Make them open, honest, unbiased and accountable again.
As for the Biden bus running red lights, it again proves how the Left think laws don’t apply to them.
Maybe Trump can finally do something to blunt the climate scare, which he has not done so far. He quit the Paris Accord on economic grounds. Attempts to surface skepticism were all blocked on political grounds.
I imagine the FBI middle managers have been keeping quiet about Bidengate because they did not want to interfere with the election, which of course is a way of doing just that by hiding the truth. Mind you when I used to confront Feds I used a powerful threat– “I will make you famous” — which often got results.
There was the video where Trump says to mask wearing democrat mayors; ‘It will get cooler, just you watch’.
I think US government agencies have been told not to feature climate scares on official communications. He appointed Will Happer.
There is a huge amount still to do of course. Cleaning out the FBI and the DOJ and CIA are just the start.
He appointed Happer but his attempt to get a climate science review was blocked by Whitehouse staff on political grounds, just like EPA’s Pruitt. Occasional comments are not draining the alarmist swamp. He allowed the ridiculous National Climate Assessment from 13 separate agencies.
Peter C, this is the video clip where President Trump says that:
‘It will get cooler, just you watch’. And rapidly.
Is a smart statement and supported by simple analysis of the last 2500 years. So why fight it? The alleged problem is going away quickly and Trump knows not to fight battles you do not have to fight. Trump will be right and all the fake scientists will be wrong. Not a bad result. And zero cost.
His promise to stop the flood of overseas H1B job takers is his smartest move. It pulls the rug out from under the Democrats and their presumed Millenial supporters. In four years the millenials have gone from activists new to university to graduates looking for jobs. It is expected they will not vote either way, but now they may well turn up and vote for their jobs. As will the middle age activists being pushed out of the work force.
I have taken the 22:1 odds for Trump winning the popular vote at 52%. Florida does not want socialism. Texas does not want invasion. New Mexico wants their oil industry. Both blacks and whites in Minnesota wants the rioting to stop. And New Yorks’ massive death toll is not Trump’s fault. He sent the Navy but Cuomo makes our Daniel Andrews look caring.
It is really possible that the Republicans take both houses and the Presidency. Who on earth would vote for crooked Joe Biden or extreme socialist Kamala Harris who is not a black American at all. Blacks can be just as racist as anyone else. It would not be surprising if the black vote swapped to Republican, just to save their lives and families.
It is a ridiculous racist presumption of Black Lives Matter that only White people are racist. No one cares what happened in Rwanda in 1994 then, 800,000 people? Or why? And in many countries like India, caste is embedded so totally in society that no one see it as racism, which is itself amazing. Or the Koreans in Japan. Or the Chinese in Thailand, Vietnam or Indonesia? Or the Uigurs in China. Or the muslim minorities in Thailand or Cambodia? Or Christians in Nigeria or Pakistan? BLM and AntiFA are false flag activism, fascism pretending to be caring socialism as in Venezuela or Cuba.
The weakness of Western societies is their Christian religion and their concept of guilt, their preparedness to apologise for history. And the idea that piles of money will fix anything. Reparations for history. No other society in history would consider such a thing.
And Donald Trump has an instinctive understanding of what is going on with BLM and AntiFA and Climate Extinction. He sees them as the socialist manipulation games they are.
My understanding is that he was only able to give 2 years notice of his intent to withdraw from Paris, and that the 2 years ends soon after November 3. So a Biden win would probably mean a cancellation of the withdrawal. True?
Further, he (Trump) couldn’t do any more legally until the 2 years had expired.
I live in hope that he’s re-elected.
Dave B
From Wikipedia:
Thanks David,
Nov 4 makes it sound like more of a done deal than I thought. But can a Biden win still stop the exit?
Dave B
Biden can sign the US right back in, and I don’t think there is a four year wait…
They could have been public back before dear Joe was selected – then they and the Dems (but I repeat myself) wouldn’t be in such a mess.
Trump should simply come out and state that the USA will follow China’s CO2 plan of a free pass to 2030, and emphasize that if the green mob wants faster action then they should go and talk to the Chinese, because China emits more than double the USA each year.
Some of the Biden clan should go to prison. That would make Harris president, should the H/B ticket win. I wonder if Mrs. Jill B. knew what hubby and son were doing?
_ _ _ _ _
I just returned from dropping our ballots in the locked box in front of the County Court House. I stayed in the car and did not have to wait.
One does not get a sticker that says “I voted”, but in the year of Panic2020, that would go unused, so no loss there.
[Washington State has had mail out ballots for 11 years.]
‘Road Trolling’. Its not just the hearse apparently. The Biden bus attracted a line of following vehicles featuring american flags and trump signs.
Package found!
They found the contents, a USB drive, but it is still a mystery who at UPS illegally opened it.
The twitter thing is brilliant. You have to love texas…
A couple of points the man in the video said that resonate with the general mood as Ive observed it:
1 – this was clear – that people want thier country back. They want to have a US flag on thier truck “without someone flipping them off” for doing so. This is opposite to leftist community organizer Obummer who seemed to spend his life running down the US and apologizing for the US being a great country.
2- MAGA is a fight that they are taking to the Left. It will outlive Trump.
3- they admire Trump being a fighter. The trolling of the Biden campaign bus is getting inside the leftists heads and repaying them for what they have done to Trump supporters for the ladt 3 years.
4 – That enough is enough. Normal people are sick of dealing with the Lefts agenda – no more.
It appeared the guy in video said the Lefties are just unhappy people unhappy at the world….
Its great people have thrown the gauntlet down.
As a separate thought, now all we need is Antifa declared a terrorist organization to let the military inside the US literally hunt down the Antifa foot soldiers and their financiers…should make a few billionaires nervous now…which us why they are packing it.
There is no doubt Antifa are a terrorist oriented organisation and like all things of the Left are the opposite of what they claim to be (i.e. they are pro-fascist when they claim to be anti-fascist) but in the US, there is no legal mechanism to officially declare a domestic group to be a “terrorist organisation”. However, authorities should watch them and ruthlessly prosecute them for their crimes. Same should apply to Australia.
However it happens…we know Antifa is just the thugs of the swamp, so lets drain the swamp…..
This globalism crap has to stop!
Canada is planning on bringing in 410,000 immigrants this year with 1.2 million in the next three.
They have no place now for them as many hotels are booked with them too.
Our government feels that we have too many old age people who need more care with a massive job opening in healthcare now since the government screwed up over the decades and we need lower wage labour pool.
Victoria suffered greatly from its immigration enclaves in trying to reduce spread of Covid. Serious issues with recent immigrants from sub-saharan countries. Large families, multiple family gatherings and poor English language comprehension created ideal conditions for rapid spread of Covid.
The latest rules on family gatherings specifically address these issues; only 10 people from two houses on any day.
These particular immigrants bring their affirmative action shopping practices from their home countries – basically anything belongs to you if you can take it. There is little respect for property of others; I see, I want, I take.
I expect the current Covid issues will dampen immigration for some time. Australia’s largest pool of recent immigrants are from China. They have enclaves but generally in high socio-economic areas. They place high value on education and typically end up in well paid health care roles. Curent relations with China are turning cold so that mat dampen that source. Also China has a VERY serious ageing issue.
You are absolutely correct with your observations of property ownership in such cultures. The same applies to Pacific Islanders. One of the (many) reasons such peoples don’t progress (by Western standards) is because all property, including money, is considered communally owned, even things in their homes. So if a community member has something in their home another likes, they just take it without consequence. Also, their homes are considered “open house” for community members, 24/7. There is no possibility of progressing materially when there is no hope of actually acquiring personal possessions or assets because they are subject to expropriation by the community. It is a form of voluntary socialism and fails for the same reason as enforced socialism.
Just heard on a video discussing election betting that some UK bet shops have stopped taking big bets on Trump. Looks like they have finally got around to analysing their risks on the election.
Not surprised. I just managed to get $2.75 on Sportsbet. Not bad for a two horse race.
I also managed to get 7:1 on Sir Dragonet for the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday, but that’s a 24 horse race! I just wish I had bet on Trump last time, 14:1 in the previous two horse race against another Democrat criminal lawyer. Or is that a tautology?
You think you’ve got it tough. Consider this unlucky sign language interpreter who gives up trying to decipher Biden’s speech:
“I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilise truinanationovadaprezur”.
I can’t begin to tell you how long I’ve been waiting for a President to lead an effective strategy to mobilise that. And folks still vote for this???
But they are Law Abiden people
Someone already thought of that.
Very funny and scary at the same time. This demented individual might have access to the nuclear button?
Yes, it’s a Texas thing. We mastered the art of mudslinging 100 years ago.
But this is a great one. Too bad it isn’t in my town.
Here it comes….push back on officialdom….
“”Shutting down the economy and society for an unspecified period of time can have large economic and psychological costs,” note Guglielmo Briscese, Nicola Lacetera, Mario Macis, Mirco Tonin for VOXEU, an economics website. “Extending the lockdown after creating the expectation that it would end by a certain date, however, might reduce people’s acceptance, trust in public authorities, and ultimately reduce compliance with the rules.”
The other thing is money laundering is just a publically palatable topic, if what is allegedly on those laptopsis true….
Assuming the material on the laptops is apparently so toxic no one wants to touch it…and because its allagedly B*den involvement.
I have heard of social media agressively censoring this story to protect the Left.
“Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who has been detailing the contents of the laptop in a series of videos, now claims (via his video blog as well as interviews with Newsmax and the Washington Examiner), that in addition to a treasure trove of information on how the Biden family got rich by selling access to the former Vice President around the world, the computer also contains child porn – nude and sexually-suggestive photos of underage girls – as well as texts indicating Hunter had been accused of illicit activities with a minor.
That video was nearly 10 mins. of tedious time! I’m glad I wasn’t in the vehicle with that driver who was endlessly fiddling with the camera and tailgating. I did wonder if I had been magically transported to Dubai; it all looked so similar.
Hope springs eternal but the FBI are really good at covering things up by over-prosecuting some matters and under-prosecuting others. After all you can miss quite a lot of evidence by turning a blind eye.
And who’d have thought that Orwell’s 1984 would turn out to be a text book for internet entrepreneurs.
Is that tiny sign on the rear of the hearse “basement pick ups a speciality”?
I keep up with Breitbart. Even President Trump does. Fearless reporting.
And the headline now “Kamala Harris: ‘Joe Biden and I Are About to Work to Get Rid of that Tax Cut’”
Now why would you be pushing that in Texas three days before an election? Pelosi at least is about the Corona virus and how Trump is responsible. Cuomo says Trump is responsible for every single death. Seriously, who in the world believes that?
And why would a Vice President be announcing policies and priorities ahead of the putative President?
Why aren’t the Democrats making sense? Or have they lost already?
Do the Democrats get together and work out how to alienate people?
This week a promise to get rid of all the oil jobs. And tacit support for the rioting, looting and arson in the Democratic voting black inner cities? Violent gangs of white people demanding Black lives matter. Promising to ban fracking, the most dramatic way to reduce CO2 as demanded by Climate extremists. The fake stories about how Trump hates the armed forces and has no respect for them. The Russian impeachment. Censoring the Biden corruption and Tara Reade stories. And promising to remove jobs from all the police forces and their families, millions of voters.
And really a proposing a rapidly decaying octagenarian hiding most days in his basement as a brilliant future President and energetic unifier to lead America? Have the Democrats gone completely barking mad?
I don’t know what they are on, but they are all on the same stuff.
Then it might be another deadly Chinese brain virus. Which is why they don’t want big rallies.
And demanding the removal of status of Abraham Lincoln, of all people, as an emblem of racism and white supremacy? They could always change Washington, DC to Mohammed Ali and appease two groups at once.
Maybe rename it “Scrubbington” or “Moh’s Place”.
The Dems never recovered from the JFK assassination, and split over his enforcement of the court ruling barring blacks from schools, etc. George Wallace sundered them further, and his supporters evidently went Republican. The election map changed ever since and it became easy for intellectuals of the looter persuasion to reprogram that party. The upside is that the Libertarian party formed at that time, so we who believe in trade, not bombings nor prohibitionism, are having a rollicking good time exploiting the friction to cause the legacy parties to repeal bad laws. We do this by helping them defeat each other, kind of like artificial selection.
Almost like they are trying to lose isn’t it. Guaranteed Chaos.
I don’t know who will win the election.
The Democrats will win the popular vote, as it is fully bought and paid for in several fully authoritarian districts.
Trump will win the electoral college, in terms of votes legally cast by eligible voters. This is very likely.
He will almost certainly win the popular vote and elector vote in over 75% of America’s counties covering 90% of her territory.
The polls are wrong because they poll likely voters who are willing to talk to them and tell them the truth.
Many of the Trump voters this year will have been unlikely voters, unearthed by the GOP “ground game” or disgust with burning forests,
“defund the police”, “looting is reparations”, statues are racist, fracking will stop or another of the left wing excesses that happened to trigger their pent
up need to express themselves at the ballot box. They were unpollable. Some other chose to lie to the pollters or avoid them altogether, sensibly fearful of the consequences
of a cancel culture.
Many on the left believed their own lies, and chose to think they were coasting to victory, or that intimidation euqualled persuasion, or simply paid no atention to the inferior classes.
The more stories about the Biden corruption were supressed, the more they gained credence, and the more venal the floggers of false information on the left looked with respect to everything else. This may be the best outcome from this election; total public distrust of and disgust with the formerly mainstream media, now clearly seen simply as the probpaganda wing of single viewpoint. False in one thing, false in all….I’ll spare you the Latin version which leaves a bad taste in my mouth ever since I hear that jackass Blumenthal use it.
The post election legal battles may be quite something; my guess is that the vote will be close enough that they matter, my hope is that the will not.
I think to many of the left have crossed the line from competitive to evil. They will see, win or lose, their own tactics returned to them.
Is is always the case that the left feels free to call for a boycott, or a stock sale, or a firing if a business does not conform to their political norm. The public institutions they have inhabited, funded by all, which they have claimed to be immune from such pressure, as well as business they support, will face “back at ya buddy” pressure they are ill equipped to meet. In the same way the left has lost the ability to debate ideas, they have lost the ability to compete for resources in a fair marketplace.
Most of this doesn’t depend on Trump to win or lose. TDS caused them to take off their masks, and we have seen the monsters beneath.
“The polls are wrong because they poll likely voters who are willing to talk to them and tell them the truth.”
No one suspects the polls are intentionally wrong. Even the pollsters themselves are now warning “Pollsters Warn of Flawed Election Day Predictions: ‘People Are Going to Be Shocked’ by ‘Shy,’ ‘Hidden’ Trump Voters”
Now if you knew that, saw it last time, missed the result by miles, wouldn’t you consider it might happen again?
The prediction are fake. They know it. It is as much public opinion manipulation as everything else and as it was last time. And it didn’t work last time. So why are they doing it? The same reason Nancy Pelosi says they have it in the bag. Manipulation.
This time though the polling companies will blow their businesses up by being so wrong, so they are warning there might be a little problem.
If you do not ensure that your polling matches the result, if you deliberately or knowingly give a completely wrong result, you are no better than horse tipsters in the Melbourne cup. So it is either deliberate misinformation or deliberate deceit. The Pelosi comment is the reverse of what she would say if she really needed voters to vote Democrat.
Bookie odds over at Paddypower are almost exactly the same as last election. Indeed, I could donate to the Trump campaign then hedge that by betting against him. If he loses, I get my money back and then some. If he wins, then I’d get to watch him thrash some outfits I despise and rights I value–which is different from winning. The Dems appear to be betting on collectivized social pressure as in the 1955 Solomon Asch experiment–but also alluded to in Zamyatin’s “WE.” If God’s Own Prohibitionists are using the way that skews bookie odds to turn a financial edge, it at least indicates some facility with probability and hedging strategies. I support neither party, but seek to discern their exploitable strategies
I saw an article the other day which referenced an exercise the Republican party did. They rang up registered Trump voters and purported to be from a polling company. 40% of the Trump voters said they would vote Biden.
The Democrats have so poisoned things by their attacks on those who question them that there will be significant blowback on them in the vote.
Agree with you that the Left has now moved into the evil area with their policies. Defunding the police is just complete idiocy and shows they are quite happy with a crime wave…pity the poor people on the end of it getting robbed mugged and raped.
Addendum to #17. I would submit that this morphing of definition of “politically opposed” to “evil and unpatriotic” is the source of much of our geographic sorting;
It is happening in numbers not seen since the thirties– you know, when the US really did have “climate refugees”.
As a Libertarian I want voters to listen closely to everything our adversaries say about each other–and remember it when they see LIB: Jo Jorgensen on the ballot. All changes for the past 49 years have come from our platform–except Misanthropic Global Warmunism and Socialized Sickness, which were communist and econazi. With us on the ballot voters can confront the entrenched Kleptocracy with a three-party problem. Their only way to remain in office is to copy our planks and policies. We WIN whenever they discard coercion and replace it with freedom. Like Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand, we handcuff their Withering Hand and put it to work improving the lot of the citizenry with great leverage. Law-changing spoiler vote clout lets us WIN rather than hire politicians.
When the slaves were set free in America the slave owners formed the democratic party which is an oxymoron.
Their attitudes do not seem to have changed much and it would appear that they think they have a right to rule.
It will give me great pleasure to see Trump win.
“Hunter Biden under FBI investigation for money laundering”
More likely an investigation was “opened” to give them cover for sitting on the info in the laptop, to cover it up.
Since the US election is not voter-compulsory, and nobody has any idea how many US citizens registered to vote between 2016 and now, it is ludicrous to try and predict an outcome. Biden will win the popular vote by at least 2 million, but I am hoping that Trump will attain the majority of electoral college votes in the key (battleground) states. Whatever the result, it won’t be a landslide victory for either Party. However, if Biden does become President, look forward to a “New Age McCarthyism” in American politics (ie: House of Un-American Activities, Version 2.0).
Tou Trump people are a bunch of losers…
Tou says?