Giving up on science, the UN is competing openly now to be The Big Religion. The Rapture is next?
Earth to become ‘an uninhabitable hell’ as climate crisis heightens says UN
“The future of mankind looks very bleak” says the Earth’s Medicine Man. We can save you. Give us your money, your children, and your frequent flyer miles. Follow their plan, they can stop Fire! Flood! Earthquake! Storm! Tsunami! Your car causes tsunamis. Who knew?
The UN claims there’s been a staggering rise in extreme events in the last 20 years. Instead, the only staggering rise are the brazen errors in UN reports. As Roger Pielke and the GWPF say: The UN have a graph in their own report, Figure 5 page 10, showing that climate related disasters have declined by 15% in the last 20 years. As CO2 increases — the world becomes a safer place. :- ) Obviously the UN couldn’t use that to generate apocalyptic headlines. Better to compare it to the 20 years before. Inflation is your friend!
Benny Pieser says: It’s a shambles; a catalogue of errors”. “The UN should withdraw the report immediately and apologise for misleading the public in this way”. He is far too kind. The UN should be disbanded. There is no saving it.
As Pielke reminds us: The UN uses EMDAT which is not data about the climate but about human impacts.
EMDAT addresses human impacts. Therefore you cannot claim trends in numbers of floods using EMDAT. @NimaYaghamaie
Frozen out of International Headlines by a Chinese virus, the UN has gone full pagan witchery — to try to steal ten seconds of airtime in the lead up to the US election.
The UN-committee-of-doom compared death rates and dollar losses from the last twenty years to the twenty before that, because, yeah, world population has stayed the same, and the rise of mobile phones and The Internet did not make disaster reporting a professional hobby. Everyone, even tiny children, knew what a study like that would show.
So many people died, perhaps “more than once”:
…there were 7,348 recorded disaster events worldwide, during the last two decades. Approximately 1.23 million people died – approximately 60,000 per year – with more than four billion affected in total; many more than once.
The UN team know exactly what they are doing:
Although better recording and reporting of disasters may help explain some of the increase in the last two decades, researchers insisted that the significant rise in climate-related emergencies was the main reason for the spike, with floods accounting for more than 40 per cent of disasters – affecting 1.65 billion people – storms 28 per cent, earthquakes (eight per cent) and extreme temperatures (six per cent).
Plus today we find out Russia, China, Saudi Arabia join the human rights council of the UN. As Malcolm Roberts says “FLICK the UN”.
UN Hellfire Report or Words To That Effect [PDF]
EM DAT https://emdat.be/
Pielke, Roger (2020) Economic ‘normalisation’ of disaster losses 1998–2020: a literature review and assessment, Received 19 Feb 2020, Accepted 07 Jul 2020, Published online: 05 Aug 2020 https://doi.org/10.1080/17477891.2020.1800440
Image of Hell: Hortus_Deliciarum. wikimedia. Herrad of Landsberg.
I am currently reading Michael shellenbergers book ‘apocalypse never’
. It is very good, looks at the evidence and generally interprets it n a sensible fashion. One of his comments is on resilience and he points out rich countries are far more resilient to climate disasters than poor ones and wealth and infrastructure rather than climate change is by far the biggest factor in combating big weather events
He also mirrors much of the comment in this blog about Australian wildfires attributing it to a build up of wood and a failure to carry out large burns due to misguided environmental factors.
So you can interpret basic Kipcc evidence in a variety of ways depending on what outcome you seek
I made two requests of President Trump, after he was elected in November 2016:
1) Get the U.S. out of the UN;
2) Get the UN out of the U.S.
While neither has happened, hope springs eternal … … …
They are getting desperate!
Wealthy people are voting with their dollars and buying/building ocean-side mansions. There is vast gap between what they say and what they do.
Its a bit like the wealthy buying up melbourne real estate, cheap…..generally, wealthy people dont do stuff to lose money, so clearly they are expecting their boy Dan Dan to let people off the leash soon.
The UN appears to be a cross between ignorance and climate voodoo..”…whats next – cutting the heads off chickens to appease the climate “gods?
Why not? They might think it might work. They certainly are starting to sound desperate enough.
They’re including cyclonic storms in their assessments without any reference to the true origin of these storms. Cyclones are a risk but they need to understand that none of them are caused by human activity, they are all caused by solar activity and adjust their assessments accordingly.
That failure shoots them through their feet. They can pray to the Sun to try and reduce those storms but that’s a futile gesture. The Sun is now winding up on the new SSC 25 so we will get what the Solar Wind induces.
By not understanding these are solar-generated, there is nothing we can do about them. “The risk” can only be controlled by whoever possesses the Sun’s Remote Control. I know they haven’t got it. That makes their risk assessment awry. We can’t argue with Sol. Ever.
Using religion and politics to command the climate is not new
A Climate Change Act was first presented to the English Parliament on 11th Jan 1662.
“The Fast to be observed in Westm. Abbey, and the Bp. of St. David’s to preach.
¶Whereas His Majesty hath been pleased, by Proclamation, upon the Unseasonableness of the Weather, to command a general and public Fast, to be religiously and solemnly kept, within the Cities of London and Westm. and Places adjacent:…”
Samuel Pepy’s comments on this order to Fast for more ‘seasonable’ weather on Wednesday 15 January 1661/62
“This morning Mr. Berkenshaw came again, and after he had examined me and taught me something in my work, he and I went to breakfast in my chamber upon a collar of brawn, and after we had eaten, asked me whether we had not committed a fault in eating to-day; telling me that it is a fast day ordered by the Parliament, to pray for more seasonable weather; it having hitherto been summer weather, that it is, both as to warmth and every other thing, just as if it were the middle of May or June, which do threaten a plague (as all men think) to follow, for so it was almost the last winter; and the whole year after hath been a very sickly time to this day.”
The fasting and Praying obviously worked as the following year there was a harsh winter and the Thames froze over in London. I suggest all UN staff and disciples start fasting and flaggelating now, as coincidence tells us this will change the climate.
Greta says “how dare you!!!”
Q: Why are the number of reports of disasters increasing?
Let’s see…
1. Governments always want more funding for their wasteful ineffective programs.
2. Governments get more funding when they claim more disasters.
A. Governments are reporting more disasters so they get more funding.
It appears you simply start recording minor floods that were ignored previously and viola! catastrophe is a coming.
Funny how weather events are now climate events to push this global agenda.
Keep changing the names and disasters to try to get it stuck in people’s minds…
Mind you, they are doing a hell of a good job indoctrinating our kids.
You know the you can’t discipline us or we go to the many government agencies and report abuse.
Parental Indoctrination…hmmm.
By any sensible method of assessment, the United Bloody Nations has dug its own grave.
For heavens sake Australia; Give it the flick.
The recent economic refugee situation in Europe has devastated the place.
I’m surprised to see such a charged comment from the Dalai Llama.
That comment would be interesting to read but the link is useless. A search in a new private window using duckduckgo reveals – that the Dalai Llama has lost his marbles. His comments have been getting worse over recent years, but he is 85. Can happen to the best of us.
UN Job well done; fake scientist & scammer David Attenborough, idiot grandfather Charlie & gullible Dad William …
Prince William heartbreak: Duke of Cambridge ‘struggling’ after Prince George devastation
“Prince William opened up about the time Prince George found an environmental video so distressing that he begged his father to turn it off.
The young royal was left so saddened by a Sir David Attenborough documentary about extinction, he told his father: “I don’t want to watch this any more.”
Child abusers by any other name.
Besides population increase and more reporting a related factor would be the increase in the growth of cities with associated hard surfaces.
Just as with the natural risk of earthquakes, rather than wringing their hands over economic development the Japanese use it by employ engineering to mitigate the effects of seasonal downpours, for instance in Tokyo.
Some of the larger quakes are Solar triggered. See Quakewatch.net.
UN marxist ties the CCP flu to failed UN doomsday global warming …
“Emergencies do not happen in a vacuum.
They are made worse – and sometimes more likely – by poverty, lack of water and sanitation, [global warming], population movement and weak health systems.”
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: The Ethiopian at the heart of the coronavirus fight
“Dr Tedros became a member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which was in the vanguard of the 1991 overthrow of Ethiopia’s Marxist dictator, Mengistu Haile Mariam.”
” … Reacting to the international political context after the demise of the Soviet Union the EPRDF/TPLF dropped all Marxist references in its political discourse …”
All climate alarmists need to urgently evacuate to Mars.
Climate problem solved 😉
Women to Venus, peace on Earth.
Now that is a solution with real promise.
They can terraform the desert to their heart’s content…
D’you think that’s why Dear Elon is building spaceships?
Heh. I just had a thought about the arguments and fights they could have about how it was back on Earth! 😀
Should we tell the emigrants that the `snow,’ the white stuff across the Martian desert during its winter is actually dry ice (frozen CO2)?
Meanwhile, Australians vote for other citizens to represent them in our parliaments, to be the voices of the people and to look after our best interests.
Some are honourable members who care and do their best, in my opinion most are more interested in a parliamentary career with well above average remuneration and privileges who go along with whatever their party demands of them. And those parties are influenced and even controlled by unelected people/organisations. Consider the union movement and business interests like the renewables industry creating wealth for their shareholders based on taxpayer subsidies and otherwise unnecessarily high electricity pricing claimed to be saving the planet from what astute people realise is natural weather and climate, Earth Cycles.
And further afield the manipulators that dominate in the United Nations and associate groups or organisations, member nations signing treaties and parliaments creating complimentary legislation supported by regulations with compliance costs. Economic vandalism undermining the economy for decades past, and now the COVID-19 pretence that at long last our politicians understand the need for national security measures including manufacturing – wasn’t that abandoned after the UN Lima Protocol/Agreement was signed in 1975? Didn’t UN Agenda 21 – Sustainability, add to the undermining of commerce and industry? Much more.
How many years have people here commented on articles that expose the deception and crony capitalism based on taking advantage of the warming problem that doesn’t exist?
When Christopher Monckton revealed the seriously bad flaws in UN climate modelling he was banned from attending IPCC gatherings, when the hacked emails between climate modelling manipulators (climate gate 1 and 2) were made public around the time of the Copenhagen Conference the UN dismissed them as irrelevant and were allowed to get away with it.
And here we are again debating the latest UN based propaganda, so they continue their agenda while we show our frustration and our politicians ignore us.
Sounds of desperation? COVID-19 government responses have squeezed borrowings so far one might expect, if it goes on much longer, governments are going to be forced to cut any fat they can, and cut costs of production similarly. Seems the warmist movements will be first cabs off the rank to find it hard to turn a dollar for propaganda, windmills and solar panels. The UN engendered fear based hysterical pontifications seem to increase in direct proportion to the withdrawal of funding and loss of action threats. Governments are going to have the choice: Save the planet, maybe open the ‘science’ sometime in the next millenium, or save themselves, their budgets and their supporters in the near term.
Has anyone else ever noticed that when you put a group of like minded people together their views tend to become more extreme? It happens so often I’m just wondering why groups like the UN don’t have mandatory diversity of scientific opinions within their groups. I hesitate to say it, but I think it works much like closely related animals breeding together-mutations and defects that are normally rare combine to cause major defects. If it happens in nature with breeding, maybe it happens with ideas as well. And I think humanity has stumbled on this grain of truth with the push for diversity, it also stops stupid incestuous ideas developing within closely related groups of people with ideas.
We all know how much we can rely on scientific forecasts. Here are a few from the 1970’s; how did they work out?
Harvard biologist George Wald: Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.
Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University: Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years. Between 1980 and 1989, some 4 billion people, including 65 million Americans, will perish in the “Great Die-Off.”
Denis Hayes, Organizer of Earth Day wrote in the Spring 1970 issue of The Living Wilderness that “It is already too late to avoid mass starvation”.
Peter Gunter, Demography Professor, North Texas State University: “Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions….By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine.”
LIFE MAGAZINE, January 1970: Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence that in a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half.
Harrison Brown, Scientist, National Academy of Sciences: Humanity will run out of copper shortly after 2000. Thereafter, lead, zinc, tin, gold, and silver reserves will all have been depleted by 1990.
Kenneth Watt 1970: The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be 4C colder for the global mean temperature in 1990 and 11C colder in the year 2000.
The Club of Rome started this CAGW nonsense. I remember arguing with other students (Macq Uni) in the early 1980s that Ehrlich and his rabble should be put to account about their doomsday scenarios, and the non-scientists laughed at me. I just hope that they eventually used some common sense, but I doubt it
Article on German online Deutsche Welle site citing Terry Hughes as saying 50% of the reef is dead since 1990 so recovery is compromised.. Maybe to counter recent Jennifer Marohasy posts.
The UN is creating the hell but blaming the climate.