A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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On a previous thread, I noted that shortly after Twitter took down the New York post’s article containing Hunter Biden’s e-mails, Twitter crashed and was down for around two hours. The cause of this crash was rather mysterious at the time, but the crack reporters at The Babylon Bee got the inside scoop on what caused the crash:
Twitter Shuts Down Entire Network To Slow Spread Of Negative Biden News
Adding to that, guess who is the Facebook executive in charge of “election integrity on the platform”? … none other than Joe Biden’s ex-special policy adviser for Europe and Eurasia;
Friday Funny: Josh on the green tree deal
You’ve heard of ‘fake news’? Now we have ‘fake weather’
Do greenhouse gases trap heat?
Alan and Dean share a flat in London. Both of them are studying at a local university. Alan is studying climate science, while Dean is majoring in physics.
One morning Dean woke up late, and had to get to a morning lecture by 10:00. He had been to the gym the previous night, and he decided that he had time for a quick bath. He rushed into the bathroom and turned the bath taps on. While the bath was running, he ran to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Because he was rushing, he forgot to put the plug into the plughole. What do you think happened to the water level in the bath as he was eating breakfast?
When the bath started to fill, more water was coming out of the taps each minute than was going down the drain. So the water level in the bath began to rise. As the water level in the bath got higher and higher, the rate that the water was going down the drain got faster and faster. When the water was going down the drain at the same rate as the water was coming out of the taps, the water level in the bath stopped rising, and stayed at a constant level.
Dean heard Alan come out of his bedroom and go into the bathroom. He heard Alan swear loudly and yell “that’s amazing, come and look at this”.
Dean suddenly remembered that he had left the bath filling, and rushed back into the bathroom expecting to see water overflowing onto the bathroom floor. But the water level was only half way up the bath, and the water level was staying constant while water continued to flow into the bath.
“That’s incredible” said Alan, “the water is trapped in the bath”.
“Don’t be an idiot” Dean replied, “the water isn’t trapped, it going down the drain.
“Stop being a denier” said Alan, “the water level is staying the same, so the water must be trapped in the bath.
Dean pointed out that the water was still coming out of the taps, but the water level in the bath was not rising. “That means the water is not trapped” he said confidently.
“No” insisted Alan, “you don’t understand science. The water is definitely trapped in the bath. If it wasn’t trapped then the water level would be dropping”.
Who is right, Alan or Dean? If the water level in the bath is staying constant, while water is still coming out of the taps, is the water trapped in the bath?
Seasonal warming is large and very fast
Global warming is small and very slow
Are you afraid of seasonal warning?
No. It happens every year, and people are familiar with it
Are you afraid of global warming?
Yes. Some people think that it will cause a catastrophe. It is unknown and unfamiliar
For most locations on Earth, seasonal warming is at least 20 to 30 degrees Celsius
Global warming has already caused about 1 degree Celsius of warming in the last 100 years. If we reach the IPCC’s 2 degrees Celsius temperature limit then we will warm by about 1 degree Celsius more
So seasonal warming is about 25x bigger than warming by another 1 degree Celsius. And it happens every year
Seasonal warming of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius happens over 6 months
So the warming rate is equivalent to 5,000 degrees per century
The rate of global warming is about 2 degrees C per century
WHAT ??? Seasonal warming is 2,500 times faster than global warming
Seasonal warming is large and very fast
Global warming is small and very slow
Then why are we so afraid of global warming
Because the people who are supposed to be experts are telling everyone frightening stories
But do these “experts” really know?
Or are they just scaremongering?
Unscientific verbalism.
Why are you saying that global warming exists: as mentioned in another comment this type of stuff is “unqualified”.
From any scientific or engineering perspective CO2 levels do not control atmospheric temperature, and even if CO2 could do the thermodynamically impossible feats claimed for it, human origin CO2 is an insignificant component of the system.
Nicely argued, but the gullible believers would claim that the level is still rising. They would “prove” this by measuring the depth at the shallow and deep ends and claim that the shallow end will soon be further underwater, so Dean (and everyone else) should panic.
The problem as I see it is that they make up their “data” and abuse anyone doubting it. The HADCRUT dataset was examined by a student working for Prof. Ridd who found (among other things)
The global temperature 1855 to 1858 was based on ONE thermometer in the southern hemisphere (and that in the Tropics). From 1858 for some years an extra 2 stations in Australia were added. (Hardly the best location to pick up any rise).
2 towns in Colombia had a “warm” summer, both had 2 months where the average temperature was over 80℃. One had a month averaging over 86℃, now that is global warming.
An island in The Bahamas had a month with an AVERAGE of 0℃. I’m surprised the Bahama Tourism Dept. didn’t object.
One east african station reported its only reading in the last 46 years (and SURPRISE) it was a record hot day.
Then we have the constant reducing of old temperatures to try and manufacture a warming trend. Yes, it has obviously warmed up in Europe and Nth America in the last 200 years, but maximum temperatures in Spring and Summer haven’t changed much, it’s the Autumn and Winter temperature that have moderated, leading to a longer growing season and less cold weather.
And the CO2 level? The earliest reliable figure I see is from Aarhenius in 1895 who, whatever his other ideas, was a very good chemist. But Tyndall, Angstrom, Boltzman nor Einstein didn’t think that rising CO2 would cause temperature to rise. Only modern ‘scientists’ think that rising CO2 must be causing warming, so fiddling the figures is acceptable. Then they feed the Media with the thought that melting pack ice will raise the level of the oceans. Their level of ‘scientific knowledge’ hasn’t yet caught up with Archimedes, nor have any queried the failure of Malthusian projections, so it is little wonder that human sacrifices are on their Agenda.
Two errors in what you wrote. Giving credence to a fairy tale. Never write “greenhouse gas” in a way that is not qualified. The concept of “greenhouse gas” is unphysical nonsense.
The second error is that there has been global warming in the last century. Any change in temperature readings is an indication of a faulty measurement method, change in measurement method or deliberate data tampering. The temperature of the oceans is held between two tight physical constraints. 271.3K at the sea ice interface and 305K in the tropics. The only way the ocean temperature can change is by altering the ocean currents to redistribute heat between the two temperature extremes. Currents oscillate but require shift in land forms or orbital geometry to make much difference to the overall energy in the climate system. Neither of those happened in the last 100 years.
Take a few hours to wander through the temperature data on the moored buoys in the tropical oceans:
You will not find any chart with temperature scale hiigher than 32C – because it is impossible to exceed 32C. The only ocean connected water surface that is hotter than 32C are those land locked, like the Persian Gulf, that do not have TPW above 3cm; a conditions for storm burst that produces highly reflective clouds. Any open ocean water hits 3cm TPW above 24C. Above 27C and higher than 10 degrees latitude, cyclones form and every single event rejects a huge amount of heat and usually keep running until they end up as rain depressions over land, depositing a massive amount of precipitation in their wake; all energy taken from the ocean and deposited on the land.
If you see a temperature trend then look for the flaws in the temperature measurement or some major atmospheric event like a volcano.
In concept analysis this would be called an extended use of “trapped.” An analog would be if I said I was late because I was trapped in the store due to long lines. I was not literally trapped. I do not think there is a word for this case. Perhaps “delayed” is close.
In the heat case, trapped is very misleading, which may be why it is used.
I agree with you. I have tried to think of the best word to use, instead of “trapped”
“Trapped” is used because it is Alarmist
I think that “delayed” is quite good
Perhaps even better, is “accumulated”
What do you think?
Neither works well. Delayed does not suggest there is a fixed body of water, while accumulated does not include the constant flow. “Reservoired” works technically but is a very odd word in this context, calling a tub a reservoir.
Yes, David
When talking about things like energy systems, you need to use more than one word
“accumulations” AND “flows”
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean − neither more nor less.”
And don’t forget that the tap marked “natural water” was feeding twenty time as much water as the one marked “man-made water”.
The other thing is that the tap gets turned off overnight.
But, the bath tub analogy certainly gets people’s imagination: ten green ticks.
Blocking up the plug with hair might be the better analogy. The more hair, the higher the water level to increase the pressure and water flow down the plug until it equals the amount flowing from the tap.
One hair might make little difference but somehow, the raising water level strips more hair off of Alan to block the drain further.
Something not discussed much is how the water pressure at the surface needs to increase as much as at the bottom of the tub. Aparently, half the water pressure pushes back on the surface.
A good question from TonyB. How does Daniel Andrew’s Belt and Road deal manifest itself in Victoria?
Andrews has already issued hundreds of millions in “Green Bonds”, something which he is implicitly not allowed to do under the Constitution but not forbidden to do.
So I suspect we may see the relationship in his promised new ‘mega budget’ this week, which may involve huge borrowings from China to fund big capital works. Maybe a satellite launching facility in the Treasury Gardens?
That debt alone would make the State of Victoria a bonded commercial satellite of the CCP. And bring a swift reaction from the Federal government. Unserviceable Debt is the ball and chain which expands the Chinese sphere of influence. It will be in the fine print of a deal we have not seen.
This signing of deals without detail is a signature of his totally secret one man government. Like the secret deals with four private companies to provide the fake ‘security guards’, deals done without tender or oversight by the Chief Medical Officer who alone should authorize anything under the medical State of Emergency act. Who said a 19 year old Indian girl student hired over the internet without training or equipment or authority was a ‘security guard’. Where did all the money go? Why is no company being asked to account for this fake security? Why was the Chief Medical Officer even ignorant of this decision? Who decided this? We may find out this week.
It is under this Medical Emergency Act that Andrews rules Victoria like the nasty tin pot dictator he is but that power is actually given to the Chief Medical Officer Brett Sutton, not Andrews. So what Andrews has been doing is illegal, but there are no checks on his personal assumption of absolute power. Not by the Labor party, the non existent dysfunctional cabinet of sworn ministers who say under oath that they have no idea who makes decisions and not by the Governor or the Courts or the Federal government. Andrews is ordering the police around like his personal army. Warrants are not necessary. And Sutton has been mushroomed, ordered to report to the public service heads when he should be in charge.
We are in an unrecognized legal crisis where the Premier of Victoria is operating rogue miles outside the rule of law. It is already affecting the whole of Australia and killing our National economy. And the media are not picking up on it. Even the QCs and judges have publicly protested his specific Ombnibus Act in writing. And Morrison his Belt and Road. But Andrews continues this week to defy any checks and balances. He is simply not accountable to anyone at all. Which is why he didn’t want the army on his turf.
It is up to the Governor or the Labor party to remove this villain and his industrial Law which would jail any company chiefs for manslaughter, an Act of parliament on 4th July 2020 which is now threatening Andrews himself and his ministers and chief public servants, all caught lying to cover up 800 deaths. As intended, this wrong Act will brutally convict Andrews et al. without any connection to the deaths. He forgot to exempt politicians and public servants. This appalling Act has to be repealed.
Andrews has correctly calculated that most people assume government acts are benign, not evil. Like the devastating Renewable Energy Act 2001 (The RET) which is solely responsible for our massive electricity prices, in the name of saving the world from fake Climate Change. An Act which has been copied in the UK and is itself improper under Westminster tradition, legislating the obligatory theft of six billion a year from electricity bills by electricity companies for Green companies. It is why AGL wants to blow up Liddell.
Andrews needs to be charged for all the deaths. Maybe this week Judge Coate will reveal who really ordered the use of fake private ‘security guards’. Eccles knows. It’s a real life Goons show. They all know. And now the phone records may indicate Coate knows and she has amazingly reconvened the inquiry, possibly to interview Andrews.
Dictator Dan must go this week and the Chief Medical Officer put in charge of a declared Medical emergency, not a communist dictator. With only one new infection in Victoria yesterday, the state of emergency must be repealed. The entire functioning of the sworn ministers in cabinet has been subverted by one rogue individual who has played the warring factions in the utterly dysfunctional Victorian Labor party. The Governor needs to disband this government. Otherwise, why have a Governor?
Presumably you will keep an eye on this ‘mega budget’ and let us all know if this belt and road relationship becomes clearer?
And I would like to see the Auditor General investigate the allocation of these ‘contracts’ with the four companies who provided ‘security guards’. It is a prima facie case of negligence, fraud and theft and they should also be charged with manslaughter for negligence, as legislated by Daniel Andrews this year. There may well be more than one conspiracy to defraud involving Daniel Andrews as no one seems to have been involved officially in anything and the ministers learned what was happened from the press months later, according to their sworn testimony.
As for the Belt and Road, the State of Victoria has to demonstrate at least to the Victorian Auditor General that it even has the right to mortgage Victoria to the Chinese Communist Party or the State owned assets on behalf of the people of Victoria, like gold and coal and timber. We will not be sold up the river by one man acting alone. Where are the sworn ministers? Where is the Auditor General? Where is the Cabinet? All missing in inaction.
“Victorian Auditor-General’s Office
VAGO plays a key role in promoting confidence in the public sector. We conduct audits to ensure that public sector entities are transparent
and accountable to the Victorian Parliament and the community.”
Really? So why isn’t the Auditor General all over the ‘security guards’ contracts allocated without tender or presumably specification? Who is accountable for what is presumably hundreds of millions in expense resulting in 800 utterly avoidable deaths?
And the loss of the AFL Grand final, the entire Spring Racing Carnival and endless public and private functions while the people of Victoria were locked up under a quite illegal curfew and then an unjustified 5km limit and 1 hour limit outside, confined to their houses for 23 hours a day, living at best on Federal handouts. The enormous cost is now in the hundreds of billions. All the Federal money is flowing into a State completely and utterly shut down without explanation and not by the Chief Medical Officer who thought the curfew was a police requirement.
But Daniel Andrews has generously kept his unique gift to Victorians. We get a public holiday for the day before the AFL Grand Final, the day of the big parade through Melbourne. And waiters get triple time in the restaurants and pubs and cafes which are all closed by the same man. Words fail.
The Labor party could remove him in a day. So could the Governor. Why is it left to journalists to expose this criminal?
Well put. The Omnibus bill was passed but watered down. It was passed after the Government abandoned controversial sections that would have given authorised officers the power to detain a person if it was suspected they were going to breach emergency directions. The Belt and Road issue should be enough for PM Morrison to step in and block it. I believe he has enough executive powers to do so. He simply lacks a spine.
I found this in the mailonline from August that might be of interst to those from outside Oz who may not be fully aware of this intriguing matter
So Morrson was going to Introdce a law to prevent the deal and as yet the ‘roadmap’ setting out precisely what the deal will cover has not been revealed
That’s old news. Nothing is happening. It’s like his speeches on supposedly supporting coal fired power when in fact his actions do everything but support it. For example, Snowy 2.0 is still going ahead. It’s apparent now though it turning into a white elephant. PM Morrison lacks a spine to drop it.
Objection … PM Morrison is waiting for Donald to man-up and tell the world that CO2 doesn’t cause global warming.
Counter objection; Abbott was insistent on scrapping the carbon tax and he eventually did with the help of the Senate. He was relentless, unlike the spineless PM in office now.
He has scrapped the renewable subsidy policy, so its up to the market now.
The Paris Agreement allows us to continue giving foreign aid in different packaging and Hydro 2 is just another dam.
A bit more patience is required, soon as the Alliance leader informs the world that CO2 doesn’t cause warming then Scotty will come on board. Do you have verifiable proof that CO2 is a harmless trace gas?
The RET was a carbon tax, and Clive Palmer, in cahoots with Al Gore “protected” it from Abbott’s landslide mandate. That was all they needed.
That got all the Wind Farms and Solar Farms that we see around the countryside built, many of them owned by foreign institutions, with all the continuing subsidies that governments have guaranteed them.
It could be lack of a spine but perhaps he’s playing a long game letting things get really out of hand and giving Victorians/Australians a lesson in extreme left political systems, only then he might come in as a saviour boosting his voter base in what is a left wing biased state voter and governmental state.
Then again Morrison is the man that wouldn’t rip up the Paris agreement and is now pushing an all natural gas powered future because of “emissions”
A Trump a Trump my country for a Trump!
You answered your own concerns. PM Morrison most definitely lacks a spine otherwise he would have continued to push coal and begun proceedings to exit the Paris Agreement immediately after being made PM.
Well either that or he is fake and he really does believe in the CAGW scam. It’s one or the other.
True, its like being part of a big Whodunit except the consequences are very real, the Premier in the Cellar with a Chinese whisper?
Reminds me of the Doonsbury cartoons of the invisible US president…
Remember that being Prime Minister here is more like being the House Speaker in the US than being President – Morrison’s powers are far more limited and his position is answerable to the coalition House members so he is not free to ignore the opinions of the globalist, centrists like Frydenberg and Hunt who remain as ghosts of the Turncoat’s reign. In house politics provide a very real drag on policy change under the Westminster style of government.
. ..and thats where Tony Abbott came unstuck.
‘It’s one or the other.’
Not so fast, Scott Morrison is a lukewarmer. Which is why he wants industry to build gas fired power stations with the aim of supporting unreliable renewables. The green/left despise him for this.
Lukewarmers like appeasers are up to no good.
Judith Curry and Bjorn Lomborg are lukewarmers for good reason, its rational.
The rise in CO2 follows temperatures, we know this from paleo climate history, but we cannot convince the catastrophists who have been severely brainwashed. What we can say with confidence is that within a couple of years we’ll know if the yellow orb is all its cracked up to be.
You wrote,
He doesn’t believe in anything except saying and doing whatever it takes to gain or stay in power.
You wrote,
He doesn’t believe in anything except saying and doing whatever it takes to gain or stay in power.
‘PM Morrison most definitely lacks a spine otherwise he would have continued to push coal …’
Ummm … he does support coal and gas.
‘Perhaps one of the more striking examples of resolution took place in Australia’s 2019 national elections where the center-right Liberal-led coalition Prime Minister Scott Morrison retained power despite all the opinion polls predicting an easy Labor victory. The opposition Labor party’s election strategy to make climate alarmism and anti-coal legislation the key issue badly backfired in what was widely dubbed a “climate election”. One Australian commentator remarked: “How to lose the unlosable election: be anti-coal”. Forbes
… and to add further weight, lukewarmers are not against hydrogen replacing fossil fuels if its economical.
Big delay times as to development. Being the simplest molecule going around it has problems with containment. Feasible. But our natural advantage lies with fossil fuels so go with it as it covers little area for maximum output.Scrap the AEMO and put the sword to the privatisers.
‘Scrap the AEMO and put the sword to the privatisers.’
NSW should buy back the poles and wires they sold to Chinese consortiums? What would replace the AEMO?
cause and effect, same in USA as in universe
“But don’t worry unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.” -Hunter Biden to Naomi Biden, 1-3-19 email
He could predict seasonal bushfires in summer, but he couldn’t predict a La Niña summer …
November, 2019, abc: We predicted this bushfire disaster and were ignored, says former fire chief | News Breakfast
10 September, 2020: ‘Of one thing we can be certain, the fires will return’: Greg Mullins’ global warning
29 September, 2020: BOM declares a La Niña, signalling wet spring and summer likely for northern, eastern Australia
Score Natural climate change – 1
Failed doomsday global warming – 0
Greg Mullins is a global warming fool.
If the unthinkable happens and Biden is elected it will be the end of Western Civilisation, not only the United States.
The Left have had this planned for a long time. They had not planned that Trump would win the election they rigged in 2016.
Let’s hope and pray Trump wins again.
He is the only leader with power standing up for the US, the West in general and who understands and is against the Left and their evil plans.
I do believe it will make little difference to the end game but yes re-electing Trump would postpone the inevitable demise of the US. If Trump is re-elected, he ought to focus on ways and means to destroy the Democrats as a party once and for all by exposing them for what they have recently become; the enemy of the Western world. They are doing the job that the old Soviet Russia was doing during the cold war but the Democrats are doing it more effectively.
PeterS, I don’t agree that the demise of the US is inevitable.
If they can somehow overcome their staggering public debt (which is not the worst in the world per capita) they can survive if that is combined with a return to the US’s foundational principles.
Of course, they will need to have state and federal leadership such as Trump who believes in the foundational principles of the US. The problem is, how to reverse the Leftist indoctrination inculcated into at least two or three generations. Trump and others like him could do that.
Also, the power of a free market economy under the right conservative leadership like Trump can generate enough wealth and therefore tax revenue to pay off the debt.
Another advantage the US has, unlike any other country in history is rights guaranteed by the constitution. The First and Second Amendments can help ensure those rights and the constitution are maintained – by the power of the people.
I think the immediate concern will be a US cimmunist federal govt. I think the next civil war will likely start once people realize they have effectively a Stalinist leadership who will strip them of thier guns. Then it will be on….
The US is much more robust than it seems. AntiFA is no more a movement as Biden insists than the Roehm’s Brownshirts in Germany or the Mussolini’s Blackshirts in Italy. Most people do not want government in their lives at all, but if it came to a major conflict, the vast proportion of people would these anarchists stopped. Allowing riots and civil unrest seems to be a major motivation in standing down and then removing police protection so AntiFA can run riot and create the conditions needed for revolution. That is the socialist dream. The same dream behind Climate Change and Wu Flu. Disruption and takeover.
It is what AntiFA is trying to do. Neither Lenin and Hitler could suceed using the democratic process and really came to power with the support of the military. But as long as the military are loyal to the Commander in Chief and support the rule of law, there can be no civil war but you can have major civil disturbances as currently in 50 big Democrat cities. As for Hollywood and celebrities like Streisand, Midler and Cher, as Ricky Gervais pointed out, they are rich dropouts who have convinced themselves their opinion matters. It doesn’t.
President Trump is clearly now campaigning on law and order, which is extremely desirable. While the Democrats are campaigning against it. And Biden’s absurd defence of AntiFA is just not credible to anyone. Burn Loot and Murder in the US is just an excuse to riot and a patently white organization, not a black one.
In Victoria Andrews is using his police to intimidate everyone. And it is likely why he didn’t want the army on his streets. The reconvened inquiry may well show this. Then the question is when he will be charged with manslaughter and fraud. The others will all turn Queen’s evidence and argue they were following orders. Much like Germans after the war.
Very well stated TdeF.
Andrews ushered in the Victorian workplace manslaughter laws.
He expected it to apply to everyone else, so he must accept it applies to him.
“If your friend in DC can help, we would be extremely grateful,” Mohamed A Khashoggi emphasized
The Guardian changed their language policy a year ago. It just gets worse.
‘Newspeak’ is the language of the totalitarian state in the novel 1984 by George Orwell.
Orwell explained that Newspeak was created by the totalitarian regime in 1984 to meet the ideological requirements of English Socialism (Ingsoc). Newspeak was a controlled language of restricted grammar and limited vocabulary, meant to limit the freedom of thought and self-expression that could threaten the ideology of the régime of Big Brother and the Party.
And now, in their confusion thinking that 1984 is an instruction manual and not a novel, The Guardian is implementing their own version of Newspeak, with an edict of ‘’language changes’’ issued to their journalists and editors when writing about climate change matters.
1.) “CLIMATE EMERGENCY” or “CLIMATE CRISIS” to be used instead of “climate change”
Climate change is no longer considered to accurately reflect the seriousness of the overall situation; use climate emergency or climate crisis instead to describe the broader impact of climate change.
However, use ‘climate breakdown’ or climate change or global heating when describing it specifically in a scientific or geophysical sense.
2.) “CLIMATE SCIENCE DENIER” or “CLIMATE DENIER” to be used instead of “climate sceptic.
3.) Use “GLOBAL HEATING” not “global warming
Don’t worry about the weather, the greatest concern we face is committed socialists and totalitarians using Climate Alarmism to take power.
Emergency? After at least 32 years of this living 6 metres above sea level, can someone tell me what and where the emergency is? And we have had so many cold years in the last decade. Or is it about lost caribou, again? Maybe melting sea ice? Penguins? Surely someone can tell me what the climate emergency is and where it is occurring?
They will just point to whatever natural disaster of the year is , and breathlessly claim its “unprecedented” and clearly proof of whatever they claim. In a well connected world its easy to collect disaster news and even easier to misuse it.
Take 5 seconds or maybe 10 to think about what the concept of “greenhouse gas” means. If water vapour causes the planet to heat up, why does the the positive feedback stop at some point to prevent all the water boiling off – that simple test of logic invalidates the concept. The attached charts verify how effective water vapour is at rejecting heat:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNg2_DukRksyuhIkZ8
Water vapour provides a strongly negative feedback. More water vapour increases heat rejection. Note how the northern hemisphere changes with the season, showing a distinctive kick up at 3cm during the boreal summer compared with winter.
Ocean surface warmer than 24C with TPW higher than 3cm will produce storm clouds. Any ocean surface warmer than 27C at latitudes higher than 10 degrees and with TPW higher than 3cm will produce cyclones. Cyclones have high level, highly reflective cloud able to blanket ocean surface so effectively that the surface can be cooling with the sun directly above. Brightest spot on the planet on 20 July 2020 – cyclone Isaias in mid Atlanting rejecting 80% of TOA insolation.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNg20rmI6ZbdeTV0c9
It is physically impossible for an ocean surface on earth to have a surface temperature above 32C. That is easily verified by examining the temperature from the tropical ocean buoys:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNg3BfNHAwMVyLa3zQ
The buoy data in the linked chart in the previous post was from only those on the equator in the Pacific. There is an array of buoys across the three tropical oceans that can be monitored here:
There is a whole lot of interesting weather information recorded at very high resolution. None of the temperature charts have scales exceeding 32C. Reality trumps drivel.
This linked paper discusses the moored buoy network:
It includes some reasonable temperature history that shows no trend.
This is probably the most valuable surface temperature data available. There is no single country agency homogenising this data. The fact that there is no upward or downward trend in temperature is revealing. This is the sort of program that needs support rather than paying huge sums of money for playing with meaningless computer games.
We are now well into testing stage for CMIP6. It is becoming clear that the models need more tunable parameters each cycle to be able to hindcast accurately while still having the ability to forecast the required target temperature by 2100. It is no wonder they are running warm because as we get closer to 2100 and the temperature does not change they need to keep increasing the sensitivity to CO2 to get their target warming. By CMIP12, the CO2 sensitivity will need to be infinite to get target warming. I wonder how many more CMIP rounds will occur before someone says enough is enough; the models are clearly WRONG.
Perhaps you could help me with a problem: At the conclusion of the 2009-10 La Nina the temperature spiked and then fell again with the back to back 2010-12 event.
ENSO must have been in neutral, yet temps jumped up for no apparent reason.
Roy Spencer’s satellite data shows overall warming this century and the plot you linked too has both land and sea. The land is very noisy and can cloud the real picture. The ocean buoys do not support a warming trend. The satellite data takes a lot of fiddling to even arrive at a number. The data processing has been through a number of revisions. I expect Roy could extract whatever answer is required. He would be laughed out of town if he did not have a warming trend.
The MODIS satellite SST data I look at on the NASA earth observatory site has negative warming from Jul 2002 to Jul 2020. In fact the area average has cooled by 0.2C due to a cool pool in the North Atlantic, which is apparently the result of global warming!!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNg3GJZzfUccCa6osu
This makes the cooling appear much worse than it is because there is less sea surface where the cooling is high.
The moored buoy data shows the 2015/16 El Nino but there is no trend this century or last century since the buoys went into operation. This is stated quarterly temperature data but actually monthly for one of the more reliable buoys:
I will be using the buoy data as my main reference in the future. The satellites are good for the full picture but taken with some skepticism for trends.
Thanks for that Rick, the cool pool in the North Atlantic might be significant.
The general chatter on the cool pool is that it has been created by ice melt (freshening) which is weakening the AMOC. In this scenario too much warmth pulls the plug on the conveyor belt.
Blood type and C-19 infection.
See link for rest.
Some blood types have a poor tolerance for alcohol.
Probably a similar thing.
KK that only becomes a problem when you have too much blood in your alcohol stream.
So if yourr a bit sozzled…does the grog in your bloodstream nuke the virus in your blood?
Also heard a great quote….watching a panel of polticians being interviewed…the interviewer called the greenie voting areas “the lentil belt”
And to top it off, the greenie pollie, after going bright red, tried desperately to correct him by calling his voters “environmentally conscious voters”…which just made it worse..
I guess lentils grow well in BS thats so thick on the ground..
Seriously funny….
He was trying to avoid claims that lentil eaters might release natural gas which, as we know, is
12, 25, 28, 45, 76or 116 times more potent than CO2 in causing global warming.See previous comment about “The Science” adjusting figures to make the threat look bad.
“The affluence of incohol”?
How about the music hall song Campbeltown Loch,
Campbeltown Loch,I wish you were whisky…….I would drink you dry.
Yes, I’ve had that problem. Fortunately, I cut myself while shaving and my eyes cleared up.
Boom boom!
Hey I’ve rediscovered Sangria and it’s opened up a whole new world of drinking enjoyment. On a bright, sunny afternoon I can sit back with my wonderful wife and dream of Spain.Recipe following.
‘It estimated that on a business-as-usual approach, temperatures are likely to reach 5C above the pre-industrial average by 2095 – in 75 years’ time.
‘Given the aim is to limit warming to just 2C, 5C is something you don’t want to have to contemplate.
‘It means frequent year-long droughts, southern Europe looking like the Sahara desert, and billions of people migrating closer to the poles to find hospitable areas.
‘Catastrophic.’ Jericho/Guardian
From this vantage point an increase of 5C seems highly unlikely.
5°C eh?
Does that mean the East Antarctica will be up to 6°C warmer than today(?) because the latest research seems to indicate that’s what happened during The Medieval Warm Period. A period that the GBR and penguins survived.
So 5C in 75 years. That’s 1C every 15 years. It’s been 32 years since this rapid warming was announced and so we should be 2C warmer by now. Except that is not true. So why does anyone believe these stories?
Remember when the ABC’s tame physicist and Tom Jones impersonator, Robyn WIlliams announced 100 metres by 2100. So we should be 20 metres under water by now. But it’s not true, not even slightly true. Go to the beaches you remember and work out how much the sea has risen since childhood. Try 0.
This is not a new story. We have put up with this utter rubbish for decades now. What Climate Change? Where in Australia, for example? Where is our rapid sea rise? Our mass extermination? Really, who cares about the long term viability of Polar Bears in a world which never stops changing? They are Brown bears with translucent fur, a recent adaption. And you could not feed one. Perhaps for a day.
this is a very interesting article by Dr Mike Yeadon
It covers herd immunity and the composition of SAGE which appears to be comprised of people of little direct relevance to the subject they are being asked to advise the UK govt on, with numerous mathematicians and modellers but almost no one with experience of viruses. A very sceptical and scathing article
A very interesting read and thought-provoking. Thanks Tony.
Tonyb, thanks for that.
Mike Yeardon has produced a well written article.
He is as qualified and experienced as any to comment on the topic of lockdowns. He describes his thinking and shows the data that support his position and recommendations, to my mind consistent with the Great Barrington Declaration.
There can be no other interpretation than that the UK is getting worse. But what else could be expected?
Same, Victoria, Australia, a woman carries a sign saying- Dan, Hoot to Boot. A group of police pounce, she is contravening health regulations!
Fact, when government is given a power, or allowed to take a power, it will not be given back.
Well, yes, a bit like the old advice of never holding a witch hunt…er…enquiry unless you know the outcome before hand.
These panels appear to be be “stacked” with the “right” people to get the “right” result the Elite wanted…..
China’s ambassador to Canada has warned that Ottawa’s granting of political asylum to democracy activists fleeing a national security crackdown on Hong Kong could put some 300,000 Canadians in the city at risk.
“We strongly urge the Canadian side not [to] grant so-called political asylum to those violent criminals in Hong Kong,” envoy Cong Peiwu told a video news conference marking the 50th anniversary of ties with Canada.
Cong said the granting of asylum constituted interference in China’s internal affairs, and would “embolden those violent criminals. If the Canadian side really cares about the stability and the prosperity in Hong Kong, and really cares about the good health and safety of those 300,000 Canadian passport holders in Hong Kong … you should support … efforts to fight violent crimes,” Cong said.
His comments came as more than 60 MPs and senators signed a joint statement calling on the Canadian prime minister to create a safe haven for Hong Kong residents by offering them permanent residency. Some half a million Canadians have already emigrated to the country from the city.
10-12-20 “Abdurehim Gheni’s older brother Ablikim Gheni was sentenced for 5 years and 6 months in August 2017, Ablikim Gheni’s oldest daughter Patima was sentenced for 6.5 years in March 2019, and Abdurehim Gheni’s youngest older brother Mijit Gheni was sentenced to 16.5 years in May 2018,” reads the letter, written in Chinese. “Abdurehim Gheni’s wife’s older brother Turghun Hamit was sentenced to 16 years and six months for ethnic separatism in May 2019, and her younger older brother Adil Hamit was sentenced to three years.”
Gheni said: “Being Uyghur is itself a crime now … They were just normal people who harbored no anti-China political sentiments.” He said he believes that his older brothers, who are teachers, were detained and later sentenced simply for being Uyghurs who were proud of theirheritage. “I’m just one typical example of Uyghurs [and what we’re going through],” he said, noting that authorities in the XUAR are believed to have detained an estimated 1.8 million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in a vast network of internment camps amid a three-year campaign of extrajudicial incarceration in the region.
I clicked preview and it posted. This is a better link to the senator,
There is a new political party being formed in Australia, the Australia First party. It is being started by an Ex special forces soldier. He see’s what is going on.
In this video he talks about 28 names of high level persons named as paedophiles in the Woods Royal commission into institutional child abuse, these pedo’s are running our country. The names were sealed for 90 years by John Howard and include at least one former prime minister.
Senator Bill Heffernan on the commission.
This commission cost the tax payer $14 million. On the day the senator addressed the legislation, no politicians turned up and he sat alone.
Currently watching the Bathurst 1000…
Im not a rev head, however enjoying the pinnacle of human endurance, advanced technology and advancement of our overall society through innovation – all powered by infinitely renewable fossil fuels…..
The more CO2 the better…..
The fuel they use is mostly ethanol, probably a great deal more fuel used just to get all the gear and people to the track
Shell E-85 (same as you can buy from the bowser) at 5 litres per lap
E85, from the Bowser ??……where ?
Yes, it is hard to find, however it is out there. Also I said it was Shell, but I forgot they changed to BP a couple of years ago. The E85 fuel a Supercar uses is the same that you can buy, if you can find it. Some versions of Holden’s Commodore V8 were able to run on it (from around 2010 or so from memory).
Many Liberty servos
Back in the US “fuel crisis” of the 1970’s it was time for a big drag racing carnival in the Los Angles (IIRC) area.
The city mayor started out all “sign of the timesy” on the fuel use until he was reminded of the fuel used in the jetting about by the then resident football team.
Sounds right , drag racings roots are in California with the NHRA HQ being in LA and the first and last race of the championship normally held at Pomona. Given the current Newsom madness , they like so many others must be considering relocation. Its been a thing for a few years now.
A lot of folks are wetting themselves with excitement about the qualified news that BoJo has taken the UK out of the EU trade deal negotiations . . . kind of, after much pointless faffing about for months.
Not so fast — he hasn’t said that explicitly; he has still left the door half open for further negotiations on a deal before the ultimate December 31st deadline, having just overridden his own latest cut-off of October 15th after which No Deal was supposed to be automatically triggered, no ifs or buts. Just another of his broken deadlines that was a meaningless promise. With Boris at the helm nothing about Brexit is certain until January 1st. Boris the loose cannon is perfectly capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory right up to the finish line. Goodness knows what goes on in that man’s head under that unruly mop.
There are always rumours floating about, the latest being that he will allow the EU Human Rights Commission to control that aspect of UK law. Given their track record, that would effectively mean open slather on illegal immigration because nobody could be deported even if they commit murder or rape or terrorism. The UK fishermen are still fearful that he will sell them out at the 11th hour as a sweetener for a deal as well— and why wouldn’t they be?
Is this all a Boris negotiating tactic and not a real position?? The practicalities of one or both sides giving ground on their basic principles, and of getting a deal ratified in time by the UK and EU parliaments are pretty much unattainable beyond this late stage. Boris says the EU would have to make fundamental changes to its position before the UK would even look at a deal; the EU says that all changes must come unilaterally from the UK side.
Boris seems unable to utter the letters W-T-O and make a clean break so that everyone knows where they stand, instead continuing to fudge around the reality of No Deal. He constantly refers to an “Australian-style deal” (when Oz effectively has no deal with the EU), using that phrase as his code for No Deal/WTO.
But it ain’t over till the fat lady sings and the blond man learns to comb his hair, and finally comes right out and says in plain English that there will be no “deal” and then tears up the toxic, dangerous Withdrawal Agreement for good measure.
Boris is probably refering to the AU/UK Free Trade Agreement which has been under negotiation since mid year.
No, the context was that he was discussing the type of agreement that Australia has with the EU as opposed to Canada’s (which is much more inclusive).
No, he has repeatedly referred to Canada-style and Australia-style agreements with the EU. In this case he’s referring to the individual, targeted agreements Aus has with the EU for things like mutual recognition of professional qualifications and food quality standards, agreements quite miniscule in their scope.
Aus has no agreements for zero tariff/zero quota free trade with the EU. Years of negotiations have yielded nothing because every time we get close to an agreement on a class of products, some EU nation vetoes it to protect their wine or their cheese or whatever.
yes I guess its much more likely that he was talking about something that doesnt exist
I believe that EU was insisting on the right for EU countries to fish in UK waters. Is this is true, the Boris has every right to talk away from any EU deal.
Someone posted a link yesterday to Cairns news on the great debt reset.
Here is a vid on the link that was attached. Bill Gates (our great medical professional) warned that the next virus will get our attention, could it be COVID-21 that was in that article.
FoxNews—Two Recipients of Emails on Hunter Biden Laptop Computer Confirm They Are Genuine
[Host Bret] BAIER: “Mike, one clarification. You said that the May 2017 emails, that two sources have verified them to Fox News. So are we saying that they saw them contemporaneously at the time, that kind of verification?”
[Reporter Mike] EMANUEL: “Yeah, one of the sources was actually on the email chain. There are a variety of people on the email and so we reached out to one of the people and that person responded back and said yeah, this is a valid email, I was involved in the communication, I can verify that that was the communication at the time. We went back and asked some more questions and that was kind of the limit of what the source was willing to say, but that source and another source who came forward with the email —“
Video HERE
According to Guliani, they have the emails from Hunter Biden’s lawyers wanting the lap top back! That is before the story broke on the New York Post. The phone call from the Post spooked them. While pencil neck Schiff says it is a Russian plot, where have we heard that before?
A video on some of the technical details of molten salt power reactors. Kirk Sorenson of Flibe Energy discusses the technical choices which have to be made and the candidate materials to make a successful molten salt power reactor.
Worth a look if you’re at all interested in nuclear power.
This is the reactor type the Indonesians signed an MOU for a couple of months ago.
One of the interesting points that was made is that a molten salt reactor has all the major components: fuel, moderator and coolant in thermal and chemical equilibrium so there are no driving forces to unwanted behaviours if the reactor control fails for any reason.
I haven’t yet caught up with all the latest of the Chairman’s nonsense presser today, but note that in country Vic where I live we still can’t have indoor church services, as per after the first lockdown. Outdoor ones only up to whatever number has been plucked out of the air. Fantastic! That’s really great for our little parish of Marysville where most of our parishioners are older and the weather cold, wet and windy. Dandrews doesn’t care one jot for real people, only on keeping control (having lost control of the most important thing, the virus, that he should have been doing). Our care and attention to hygiene details has received a huge kick in the face from him. I am ropeable.
Annie…see the stats below – if Victorians werent agry already, they will be when statistically it can be shown that lockdown countries like the UK and USA have higher death rates tham Sweden.
Interstingly, if you look at countries of similar populations as Australia, you find we actually have a **higher** death rate by miles.
Ive already provided these stats pearlers to the Pravda on the Yarra in the vain hope it will provide even more pressure to get rid of the OberFuhrer….
Funnily enough, I believe pressure behind the scenes may have made Andrews an offer he cant refuse…hence his new found enthusiasm.
One thing I will say is Victorians need to exert HUGE pressure on him to trash ALL restrictions, otherwise you will have a choker colar that can be pulled tight in the future in a whim….doubt it not.
You have to crush this nonsense to be fully free of it. This is a high stakes power game.
Look at it this way. The longer the lockdowns remain the worse things will get for Victoria and hence Andrews. I would not be surprised to see criminal and financial law suits drowning him and his government.
Dont understand why there is a difference between the number of people that can go to a wedding vs a funeral. There must be a reason, as Dan is guided by “the science” but it escapes me.
Andrews has said he is not going to be pressured by Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt because Hunt is not an epidemiologist. I didn’t realise Andrews was an epidemiologist.
I don’t suppose the news that celebrities are urging people to vote while posing in bikinis will be condemned by the left as sexism or exploitation of women or something similar
Hmm…I finally pulled stats on covid deaths :
The assumption is of course that reporting is accurate, and lets assume each country has innacurate reporting to some degree and we know in the USA ( and likely the UK and Oz ) that doctors are being pressured to put COV19 on death certs even if it wasnt the cause of death.
Country Deaths Deaths per million
Peru 33,577 1,049.63
Belgium 10,327 904.13
Bolivia 8,407 740.5
Brazil 152,460 727.84
Ecuador 12,306 720.31
Spain 33,553 718.11
Chile 13,434 717.28
Mexico 85,285 675.84
USA¹ 216,873 662.88
UK¹ 43,203 649.78
Panama 2,529 605.48
Italy 36,372 601.87
Sweden 5,910 580.37
Algeria 1,827 43.26
Afghanistan 1,481 39.84
Lithuania 110 39.43
Mauritania 163 37.02
Australia 904 36.17
Bangladesh 5,608 34.76
Pakistan 6,621 31.2
So fantastic – Australia rates next to Afghanistan & Pakistan which are 3rd world countries, for covid death rates……
I’d hardly call that an achievement.
That is a bit like a one-armed fisherman indicating how big the fish was.
How about giving us the other end – perhaps including Sweden?
Sweden is in the stats above.
would you prefer it higher? not sure what the point is
The point to note that Sweden and its lockdowns recorded lower deaths that that of the UK and USA.
Then if you compare Australia to Bangledesh you find that despite first world medical gear, we have simialr death rates.
And no, I dont prefer it to be higher, that would not be cricket….
Nothing in the Covid circus has been consistent or medically rigorous thus far – it reeks of political.
This is also why I suspect the OberFuhrer is madly backing down as fast as he can….this information ( above ) is now mainstreaming and the very hard questions are being asked behind closed doors and so much bad press from arresting pregnant women etc is now rapidly coming home to roost…..that and you watch what appears to be the CMO now distancing himself from the top office, after the now-sacled health minister taklinga chunk of his political “flesh” with her when she left.
The OberFUhrer is a survival-driven political animal, and is acting accordingly…watch him take the credit at the end as reamians of the economy smoulders around him…..
Prior to the Vic outbreak, Australia had recorded only 102 deaths which placed it on the same per capita level as NZ (22 deaths).
BTW, only 30 had died in Fed controlled nursing homes before the Vic outbreak.
Remember the big boot in intro cartoon in Monte Python?
This paper has about the same effect as the boot on the renewables religion. An analysis of the costs of renewables compared to the
actual delivered. A little nugget for the Green nutjobs, who really can’t handle lots of information. From 2011-2018 the world expenditure on solar and wind generation capacity was $US3.66 Trillion (yup $3,660 Billion). The total increase in share of wind and solar to world electricity production went from 0.5% to 3%.
Looks like we’d all be bankrupt long before there was significant penetration of electricity generation by wind and solar. (free download)
“WEF Covid-19 Great Reset: “Today’s consumers do not want … goods and services for a reasonable price.” ”
Sounds like “Get woke go broke” has passed them by
No…in simple terms – the Elite are delusional and actually dangerous in believing thier own stupidity.
All that money and they are as mad as rabid dogs…funny, no?
Uh oh….coukd get ugly in the US if Buden…er…Harris wins…its unlikely but still…
“After Biden took the Democrats’ presidential nomination, his presidential campaign joined Sanders’s team to compose a document titled the “Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations.” The leftist proclamation derides the U.S. as pathologized by “systemic racism,” makes 85 mentions of “climate” while describing “climate change” as a “global emergency,” and calls for “restorative justice” to benefit “marginalized” demographic groups.
“Levin said, “Most people haven’t taken time to read the 110-page communist manifesto. I don’t think Biden’s read it. It doesn’t much matter. They’re going to implement it. Every aspect of this culture and society is going to be turned on its head, and I don’t mean it in a good way.”
““It is the most radical, extreme document in American history,” added Levin. “They’re going to destroy our energy sector. They’re going to destroy our healthcare sector. They’re going to destroy our school. They’re going to destroy our suburbs, and they’re going to do it as fast as humanly possible.”
There is talk that the US is on the brink of becoming a failed state, no matter who is returned to power, what do you think?
Don’t agree, but do realise that the far-left forces and foot soldiers want the USA to fall from its position of power and influence.
But most citizens oppose the left.
The election will test the theory that most citizens oppose the left.
In regards to the idea that the US is becoming a failed state, its difficult to gauge but I would say not.
A Democrat victory would lead to universal health cover, which should go a long way to restore the health of the nation and prove its not a failed state. They would probably adopt the Australian model.
It’s all part of the Great Reset I posted about some time ago. Certain people with lots of money want to reset the current capitalist system because they are hungry for more money and power. What better way than to intertwine the climate change scam with the pandemic to instigate a reset based on a Marxist agenda? It’s a perfect storm brewing.
One of the architects of global warming based on the climate change hoax, Maurice Strong died in Communist China where he was granted asylum when the Canadian Police listed him as a person of interest. His cousin was a very close girlfriend of Communist Mao Zedong of China. Join the dots, new world order, control and management of people, capitalism with CCP approval …
A reset or maybe not.
‘So right now, she explains, we’re in the middle of a cycle very similar to that of World War II — but without the war — which will come to an end in 2026.
‘It’s a complete and total revolution, not a reset, it’s a replacement. Everything will change,’ says Jessica Adams. (UK Mail)
Biden will apply his well known energy and focus on real achievement. His track record speaks for itself.
Hunter can’t wait.
But he will be disappointed, and a hard drive will be his greatest regret and mistake.
Steve Bannon, former chief strategist to President Donald Trump, has revealed Joe Biden’s son emailed a shop owner who had his hard drive in an effort to get it back. The revelations come as the New York Post this week released an expose detailing links between Joe Biden and his son who was paid at least $50,000 a month to sit on the board of a Ukrainian energy company who allegedly set up a meeting with the then-Vice President. Information regarding Hunter Biden’s relationship with the Ukranian energy company was sourced from a collection of emails recovered from a laptop that was allegedly dropped off at a repair shop in 2019 and later given to the FBI. It was a water-damaged MacBook Pro and the person who dropped it off never paid for the service and didn’t retrieve it or a hard drive on which its contents were stored – according to the shop owner who said he repeatedly tried to contact the customer. Sky News host Sharri Markson said the owner of the repair shop in Biden’s home state of Delaware says when he did not hear back from the FBI, he made a copy of the hard drive and gave it to Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. Emails on the laptop revealed that Hunter Biden had planned to introduce his father – the then-Vice President – to an executive at Ukrainian energy company Burisma, a company where Hunter served on the board of directors. Publicly, Biden has said he’s never spoken to his son about his overseas business dealings. These emails seem to indicate otherwise. In one message sent by Vadym Pozharsky in April 2015, he wrote: “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent (sic) some time together. It’s realty (sic) an honour and pleasure.” In response to this news, Facebook and Twitter both censored the article from the New York Post, advising they were “limiting the distribution” of the story on their platforms until a third-party contractor can “fact check” the article. Mr Bannon told Ms Markson, “Hunter Biden’s lawyer has come to us both with phone calls and with emails saying, ‘hey, I’ve got to get the hard drive back’.” “This is not some Russian intelligence operation; they admit it’s their hard drive,” Mr Bannon said. “We have the emails from the Lawyer, if we need to release them, we’ll release them.”
Sky News
Nasty stuff going on in France
A Charlie Hedbo situational reboot?
“PARIS — The man suspected of beheading a French history teacher who showed his students cartoons of the prophet Mohammed was identified as an 18-year-old Chechen, who had been granted a 10-year residency in France as a refugee in March. The murder was described by President Emmanuel Macron as an “Islamist terror attack.”
What happened:
Jihadist Terrorist Beheads a French Schoolteacher on the Street;
But New York Times headline says-
“French Police Shoot and Kill Man After Fatal Knife Attack”
Worth noting,
Twitter had no problem with the post by the murderer showing a photo of him demonstrating the severed head.
NO PROTESTING: Woman fined $1,652 for walking ALONE carrying a sign opposing Victoria Premier
This has now gone too far. The Governor should now step in and sack the state government.
Unfortunately the Governor of Vic does not have the authority to dismiss the state govt. except in the following exceptional circumstances:
when the Legislative Assembly passes a motion of ‘No Confidence’ in the Premier and Ministers,
when the Premier has advised the Governor that the dispute resolution process provided for in the Constitution has failed to resolve a deadlock between the two Houses of Parliament on a particular Bill.
SO does that mean a Premier can tell the police to fine people or put people behind bars for no reason at all? If so then we need to give more power to the Governor via the people.
The Premier can tell Police whatever he wants. If he did tell the police to fine people or put people behind bars for no reason at all or gives them any instruction that is not based in law and in fact violates law then the Police should dismiss the instruction.
On the point of powers of the Governor, if the Premier and his party pass a law allowing the police to fine or imprison people for no reason then the Governor should not sign of on that law. All legislation has to be ratified by the Governor.
Given the lack of ability for the Governor to call an election, perhaps they should have that power like the Governor General does federally.
Yes but in this particular incident the woman wasn’t inciting anyone to break the law. All she was doing was asking people to toot their horns as a signal of approval to give the Premier the boot. In that case all I can see is the police overreaching and acting outside the law making an unlawful act to fine the woman. I’m not expert on the laws but I can’t see it any other way. I hope she takes it to court and if the fine is dropped then it would be nice for the police to be told not to do it again.
Under the current state of emergency directions issued by the Chief Health Officer, there are only four reasons we can leave home:
1. Shopping for food and other essential items
2. Socialising or exercise in a public outdoor place (with groups of up to five people from a maximum of two households)
3. Permitted work
4. Caregiving, for compassionate reasons or to seek medical treatment.
Protesting is not listed and does not qualify under socialising or exercise. You may get away with it if you go for a jog wearing a T-shirt with a message on it. But carrying a sign is being interpreted by police as being out for the purpose of protesting.
I’m not saying that is a reasonable position taken by police. Just answering why they’re able to stop her protesting.
In the UK there is increasing dissent about lockdowns. The current pandemic ranks 8th in terms of excess deaths out of the last 27 years according to Dr Yeardon.
I suspect that if I did the research I would find the average 70 year old would have seen 10 or 20 worst years of ‘excess deaths’ than today.
It is not being callous to say that unfortunately people due and you have to weigh that against other deaths from say untreated cancer or heart disease and the implosion of the economy.
Do you know of any work in Oz that places Excess deaths in 2020 within a wider context?
Her argument was she was also exercising. It can be argued there is no law against holding a message board at the same time. She was alone so she was not forming a protest march of any kind. So, in effect the police have slapped a fine on her for daring to exercise her right for individual free speech. That sort of action is only ever seen in dictatorships like China.
The exercising argument is worth a try. I guess it would come down to whether she was on the move or standing with a sign for traffic. That would support or not support the notion of being out for exercise or being out to protest.
Was the sign incidental to her being out for exercise or was it the purpose of her being out. Was she within 5km of home and was she out for less than the permitted time.
The pub test suggests the cops are being excessive issuing fines for individuals who show displeasure with the govt, while otherwise complying with distance from home, time, gatering numbers, and leisure requirements. It does seem like a “thou shall not criticise the govt” move more so than a covid compliance issue.
Hi Tony,
Any of this info help?
Stats for 2020 are to June 30. So doesn’t cover the period of this year where the vast majority of covid related deaths occurred (July – Sept deaths due to incompetent quarantine).
I’ve just finished reading “The Good Cop” by Justine Ford
Might be interesting to hear his opinion on current Victorian policing
The Governor General forced an election to held because the Whitlam Government was unable to muster the numbers in both Houses of Parliament to get a money supply Bill approved, so the Government effectively had no access to finance government business including paying public service employees. On that basis the GG asked the PM to accept caretaker mode and call a new election as soon as possible. The PM refused and then the GG called for the Opposition Leader to form a caretaker government and call an election. The Whitlam Labor Government was defeated by a landslide vote.
I understand that State Governors have the same constitutional law power but there must be a trigger and right now the Andrews Labor Government of Victoria has the numbers it needs to govern.
The Governor of Vic would have the same power in a situation where supply was being blocked in the Legislative Council per my above 2nd scenario being, “when the Premier has advised the Governor that the dispute resolution process provided for in the Constitution has failed to resolve a deadlock between the two Houses of Parliament on a particular Bill.”
However, we don’t have that situation and the Governor doesn’t have the power to simply dismiss the state govt.
So a successful vote of no confidence would be enough for the Governor to act, but how is that going to happen if there is no government?
These are already exceptional circumstances and the government is being run without parliament and even without ministerial oversight. Ministers said they were not even being briefed. Her majesty’s government in Victoria is completely dysfunctional.
The simplest way is for the Premier to be removed as leader by his own party. That may happen soon.
A few days ago there was a no confidence motion on the floor of parliament but it of course was not supported by Labor who control the numbers in the Legislative Assembly.
Yes, his own party should remove the Premier but they lack the courage or integrity to do so. The fact that they passed the “Omnibus” bill which included giving powers to “authorised officers” (not police officers) to detain people they simply suspected might be going to breach emergency directions shows they do lack integrity. Fortunately the bill was defeated in the Legislative Council.
It’s a strange day when you have to rely on the Green vote to defend democracy.
Shows how bad the legislation was.
Are you sure they passed the bill in its original from? According to the news I read the Omnibus bill was passed but watered down. It was passed after the Government abandoned controversial sections that would have given authorised officers the power to detain a person if it was suspected they were going to breach emergency directions.
The Legislative Assembly (where Labor has the majority) did pass the legislation in its original form and it then went to the Legislative Council (where Labor doesn’t have a majority) and it was defeated.
That’s what I’m referring to when I say Labor passed the bill, because the lower house did pass it. As opposed to it being passed by both houses in total to become legislation.
The Labor MP’s all supported it. The two houses of Parliament ultimately didn’t pass it.
Subsequently it was amended (watered down) and was passed through both houses.
It will be interesting to see if this fine is overturned. Please keep us advised.
Do you know if there is a crowd funding platform that would enable us to help pay these silly fines, or even better to challenge them in court?
Kamala Harris questioning Amy Barrett (Trump’s nomination for the Supreme Court) at the Confirmation Hearings asked, “Do you believe that climate change is happening and that it is threatening the air we breathe and the water we drink?”
Seriously! Is that really where the “debate” has gotten to? Threatening the air we breathe and water we drink. When did climate change become about pollution or contamination?
The conflation of alleged global warming with real pollution has been a deliberate strategy for some time now. You will see it everyday on the local news. If you think about it doesn’t make logical sense, but to the casual observer it is effective propaganda.
I might add that Obama conflated CAGW claims with dirty air and dirty water often. This is not a Kamala original idea. It is the Democrat Party playbook. Conflating AGW claims with naturally occurring weather events is also common place. This is done deliberately because to the shallow thinker this is misconstrued as evidence or proof of the underlying AGW claim. Moreover, it is confirmation of their own biases, further deluding themselves.
Before Biden’s Corruption and Ukraine, There Was Serbia and Iraq and ‘Colour Revolutions
So the Biden family was engaged in a corrupt web of international graft? Surely, they aren’t alone. The collapse of the Presidential Debate Commission into scandal has exposed a web of corrupt Trump hating bipartisanship sinecures steelmaned by the Deep State.
This piece at Zerohedge sums up the investigatory findings at RevolverNews: a web of NGOs, rich foundations, and US government agencies have been running destabilisation campaigns, with George Soros at its Center for 20 years. Therefore, the Biden’s political play for international wealth.
Who else die and does the same thing? Selling out the USA to foreign interests?
Check it out. The Deep State Swamp Waters are stinky and manure filled :
Thank you, Mr President Trump! Without your audacity and courage, libraries of corruption and treason would have remained shuttered for maybe decades. Now to fill up the prisons with the guilty!
Donald Trump goes on epic rant against the corrupt Deep State on Maria Bartarromo’s “Sunday Morning Futures” program — the only Sunday morning news and interview show worth watching.
The FBI must be radically rebuilt, after it’s newest and most consequential failure to move on the Biden Laptop crime family nexus. And in Trump’s new term, trust busting the HiTech censors who tell Congress one thing, reassuringly, and then act evil and oppositely, later, cannot be trusted!
It was righteous rage contained by Don — I shouted out “YES!” by the end. Video to be posted online at the FoxNews YouTube channel, for easy viewing, and yet to come.
FoxNews has posted the above video interview with Don Trump, Jr, online, together with this newsmaking story.
Who told WHO What and When?
John Cullen, is the one that has been uncovering discrepancy’s in the reporting of covid, also the involvement of the deep state, USA.
John Cullen- Who told WHO What and When
His latest post.
You may have to paste the link into your browse, I had to this morning. That segment commences 35min
So, who did release the covid alert, not china or WHO?
Oct 17, 2020 at 8:30 AM
John Cullen Investigates – Who told WHO What and When?
Excellent interview about Hunter Biden’s emails.
Thanks David.
22 mins.
Dave B
Yes. Revolver News interviews, where Steve Bannon tells us that he’s the mastermind behind the Biden Laprop revelations rollout!
Printed background story “Steve Bannon Behind ‘Roll-Out Plan’ For Hunter Biden Emails, Says ‘Multiple Stories From Multiple Media Sources’ About To Hit”
What a difference to what’s happening in Victoria. It appears some people in other parts of the world have had enough of the lockdown nonsense. Victoria reminds me now of the movie V for Vendetta. Note the irony of the letter V.
The October 17th, 2020 Freedom Protest March at Dundas Square in Toronto, Ontario
“digital censorship is now out in the open”
Looks like BOM is rewriting the past in regards to Rainfall now as well
Alarmists worried that the final recommendations for the Royal Commission into the bushfires won’t address the urgent needs to tackle emissions and prevent dangerous climate change .
Oh for the good old days when we didn’t have disastrous bushfires. Before Climate Change.
One of my earliest memories, as a tot of 2 years, was of a bushfire at Shoal Bay, Port Stephens.
As Trump would put it: that was many, many many decades ago, before crimate change was invented.
Has The Dictator of Victoriastan stuffed up yet again ? Turns out the New Zealanders that arrived in Melbourne were mainly shearers and all had proper work permits etc in place .
And despite the fact that Chief Medical Officer Brett Sutton said he knew nothing about these people and did not agree and as was not even at the conference, his agreement, his presence, his emails are all documented and matters of fact. Is there no one who will not lie for Daniel Andrews, even when it is clearly a lie? What hold does Andrews have on all these people? Are they being threatened somehow? When a medical doctor tells outrageous lies in public, he is telling us something and no one is listening. It is very worrying.
“If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law.”
“If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law.”
Qupting Churchill to be banned in Victoria?
“Qupting” = “quoting”
Of interest…the French apprear to be playing dirty….the Elite arent happy it seems….
Why doenst Britain just tell Macron to go for a long walk off a short pier?
“Emmanuel Macron reacted furiously to Boris Johnson’s claims that trade talks are “over” between the UK and EU. Mr Macron has played hardball in the talks on fisheries, insisting on Thursday that French fishermen would “not be sacrificed” for the sake of a deal. However, if the UK leaves the EU without a deal then French fishermen could faced being banned from British waters.
“In response, the French President has signalled the EU would launch a devastating energy embargo against the UK unless Boris Johnson gives in on fisheries.
“Following the EU summit in Brussels on Friday, Mr Macron told French radio that if the UK does not allow French fishermen in its waters, the EU would have to block the UK’s energy supplies to the European market.
Can COV19 be spread via blood?
“Testing various sites could lower false-negatives
“Using real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), investigators detected COVID-19 RNA in lung wash (14 of 15 samples; 93%), sputum (72 of 104; 72%), nasal swabs (5 of 8; 63%), lung biopsy (6 of 13; 46%), throat swabs (126 of 398; 32%), feces (44 of 153; 29%), and blood (3 of 307; 1%). The 72 urine specimens all tested negative.
“Twenty patients had two to six specimens collected at the same time. Viral RNA was detected in single specimens from six patients (respiratory specimens, feces, or blood). Seven patients shed live virus in respiratory specimens, 5 in feces (2 of whom did not have diarrhea), and 2 in blood.
So it may be possible that blood-borne transmission of COV19 has taken place :
“Safer Care Victoria is contacting 243 guests who went through the state’s hotel quarantine system and took a blood glucose level test between March 29 and August 20.
“The health body said testing devices intended for one person had been used across multiple guests – potentially putting them at ‘low risk’ of contracting viruses including hepatitis B and C, as well as HIV.
What ! ….bad enough at any time,..but in a “quarantine” situation !,…. that it total incompetance !
Did Dan hire a complete team of “gibbons” to perform these tests ?
I think this is seriously funny….people running around with thier hair on fire…about a virus strain,..thats on a ship…miles off shore…..if its that dangerous, turn it around and send it away.
Typical fear mongering by the media…..must be a slow news day….
“Coronavirus Australia live: Fears for new virus strain on ship off Queensland
“Queensland Health is testing crew on a cargo ship off the Sunshine Coast amid reports it could be carrying a strain of COVID-19 never seen before in Australia.