Whistleblowers reveal just how well coordinated Big Tech collusion is at the Senate Judiciary Committee
Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley (a new Republican Senator) were on fire today at the Senate Committee hearing titled “Breaking the News: Censorship, Suppression, and the 2020 Election,” Insiders had leaked information about two programs of the most insidious kinds.
Facebook has a program called Centra, which tracks the pages people visit, the links, and not just in Facebook, but across the entire internet. (Tucker Carlson wonders, if it’s even legal). Mark Zuckerberg says he’s not familiar with it. Hawley grilled Zuckerberg. When pressed to say whether there is some program that can do that, Zuckerberg evades answering. Apparently, Centra is run in order to spot “coordinated inauthentic behaviour” or astroturfing.
The second program is called Tasks, and Twitter, Google and Facebook use it which helps them coordinate their censorship. That way they can exile people together. Handy, eh?
Zuckerberg said they are just checking in with their peers. Josh Hawley got Zuckerberg to admit under oath that Facebook does have tools to track users, across platforms and accounts, all without their knowledge. Hawley pushed Zuckerberg to say how many times this tool had been used against Americans.
Josh Hawley Tweets at @HawleyMO:
Tucker Carlson wonders how is that different from what happens in China.
Ted Cruz grills Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter
This is worth watching. Cruz is relentless saying that Congress is effectively subsidizing Big Tech. They get a free pass through Section 230 — a special immunity from liability because they are defined as a platform, and not a publisher. Cruz drills down on the difference between a publisher and a platform.
Cruz: Was Twitter being a publisher when it censored the New York Post.
Dorsey: No. We have very clear policies on conduct on the platform. People choose to commit to our policies.
Cruz: Except your policies are applied in a partisan and selective manner. Did you block the release of Trumps tax material.
Dorsey tries to weasel out of the New York Post censorship by saying that they put a block on but then took it back when they realized they made an error. (Two weeks later!)
Cruz is savage on Dorsey and the idea that Twitter is not being a publisher.”. Twitter’s political position is that Voter fraud doesn’t exist.” At once point he baits Dorsey with quotes from President Carter and reports outcomes of legal cases asking whether Twitter would permit these or add a warning.
Dorsey claims he wants to embrace transparency. But Cruz wants to know how many times Twitter has blocked Republican and Democrat candidates in 2016, 2018, and 2020, and he wants the numbers in writing. Dorsey dodges the question, repeatedly, but Cruz keeps returning to it.
Excuses, excuses
Jack Dorsey says Twitter’s policies are designed to encourage “more speech”
Tom Parker, ReclaimTheNet:
Dorsey, throughout the hearing, claimed that Twitter’s controversial policies weed out abusive and misleading content from the platform, creating a safer space to express themselves, which according to him, promotes free speech. Yet, Dorsey didn’t address the danger in allowing Big Tech platforms to decide what is and what isn’t “misinformation” which is where the problem lies.
“What we saw and what the market told us was that people would not put up with abuse, harassment, and misleading information that would cause off-line harm and they would leave out service because of it. So our intention is to create clear policy, clear enforcement that enables people to feel that they can express themselves on our service and ultimately trust it,” said Dorsey.
“All of our policies are focused on encouraging more speech,” he went on to say.
Democrats wonder why Twitter lets conservatives speak at all
Chris Coons, US Senator for Delaware (D), wants even more censorship — specifically on climate change misinformation. He wonders why Jack Dorsey doesn’t have a policy on silencing climate skeptics.
I noticed that the Democrats media were extremely well coordinated worldwide. And many sites I thought were independent wasn’t.
The one thing the Democrats are good at is consistent messaging. Big data and the MSM are the propaganda arm of the DNC and echo their positions like any ‘good’ Marxist sympathizers must. They have to, since the messaging is so obviously anti-freedom, anti-American. anti-science and just plain irrational, it must be repeated over and over to get the gullible to believe.
(BTW, preview seems to be broken …)
[Thanks will check] Yes seems to be a bug with the “Preview” function I’ve emailed the host.AD
There’s a good reason I’ve been blocking javascript from facebook, googleanalytics, etc. I used to work for Google and know first hand what they capture and store. The business reason was for targeting ads, but they have definitely expanded the role of data collection to become much more than that.
“Chris Coons, US Democrat Senator for Delaware, wants even more censorship of climate skeptics.”
This is the sort of carp one gets by allowing JD’s from Yale to consider science a topic they know something about.
My first actual science class was in 9th grade; therein we learned that science advances because it encourages skeptics.
Coons must have skipped or flunked 9th grade. I’ll assume flunked.
Coons is the moron that Mark Steyn made mincemeat of years ago when he appeared with Dr. Curry in a Senate hearing on GlowBull Warming.
He is the very definition of a “Party Hack”.
How old is Coons? Chances are he has never taken a real science course.
IME, age is no barrier to ignorance when it comes to Climate Science (& Renewable Energy)
Agreed. Today, science as most here know it not taught in schools, anymore. Coons graduated from high school in 1981 so he may have some hard science, but the 70’s was a pot smoke filled haze for education in America, and 1981 was prior to the reforms and higher standards pushed through by Reagan. Has been all down hill since RR.
How many of the commenters here have never taken a real science course? It doesn’t seem to stop them pontificating on scientific matters so why should Coos? BTW I did TAKEa real science c course and have a PhDin a real science subject
“science advances because it encourages skeptics”
… I was taught that one too.
I was also taught that censorship was a tool of tyrants and didn’t really work.
And it won’t work in the end.
Slow motion, generation long train wreck looks unavoidable.
This is one hell of a situation.
As I have said here and at Anthony’s: DO NOT, under any circumstances, participate in YouTwitFace. Do NOT use anything having to do with Google, including an e-mail account or Chrome. Big Tech tracks everything you do, and at least in the case of Google especially, gladly turns it all over to the US Government (and probably others) without being asked or having a warrant (US law, supposedly; anymore, I’m not even sure what US law exists, based on recent events … ).
If there are conservative (US connotation) alternatives, then let your conscience be your guide. As for me and my house, we will continue to stay away from cell phones, and most other ‘tech’ stuff that can track you.
If seventy million users suddenly ditch their YouTwitFace stuff, and the revenue stream starts to dry up, you might see an effect, but I’m doubtful if Big Tech would take notice.
OK, rant over; we now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging … … … … …
Mr Vlad, what do you recommend for a replacement for G-mail?
Proton mail.
Greetings, Mark D. :
Well, point-of-fact, I do NOT have a good replacement for mail. As our lovely hostess and the mods know, I am with Yahoo, and that is certainly NOT much better than G-mail (two peas in a pod, if I’m not mistaken). I was employed once at a place that had me use G-mail as our ‘default’, but I made absolutely certain that I only did company business and official things through it. But, at the same time, I kept noticing that the strangest ads would surface throughout the experience (e.g., once, I was thinking of taking a flight to see a relative, and when I would search flight information, not through Google, but on the office computer, for the next several months I would get these ads that offered airfares and travel times, and ‘air miles’ credit cards to San Jose [California] …).
As most of us are not financially well off (I’ve been out of work since my position was eliminated, about 16 months ago), I am using a ‘free’ e-mail service, but I do know that there are some conservative pay-e-mail hosts out there. It seems to me that once I saw an ad for a ‘Ronald Reagan’ host e-mail service. It was tempting, but economics dictated otherwise.
I know my ‘better half’ has used hotmail for quite a while, and does not see anything that would cause a raised eyebrow, as I saw with the San Jose ads showing up after I did a search for some flights. Funny, if I did a search on my home computer, with my Yahoo e-mail open, I never did see any air-miles credit card ads and what-not.
I will maintain my rant that Google, and perhaps a few other places, are desperate to get you into their web (no pun intended), whose end is to be able to control you completely. Google wants to be your cell phone (you do NOT need one, trust me!), your browser, your search engine, your computer (“Chromebooks”), your everything. Stay as far away from Google as you possibly can, in every respect that you can.
I would be hard pressed to think of something more evil than Google, but I’m sure there’s something … … …
you know you can block all trackers. Most browsers have a little symbol next to the address bar.
If you require absolute security, privacy and especially if you’re involved in treasonous activities, do like Hillary did; get your own domain, a static IP address and setup an email server in your bathroom …
I’ve given up the idea that balanced news presentations exist anywhere in the modern world.
Until recently I read the Saturday paper and listened to what could be found on the car radio.
No more papers: finally gave up after the huge expenditure of energy and wokeness associated with the resurrection of the Sir John Kerr event in 1975. ABC radio and local newspapers pushed The Book which exposed how the Queen was involved: Wow, big deal. Tirath Khemlani must be laughing his head off.
Hasn’t the world got more pressing issues to report on?
Europe is collapsing, Canada is a socialist paradise and the U.S. can’t vote it’s way out of a paper bag because it’s governance is worm ridden and untrustworthy.
But hey: Harry and Meghan just have to be the grauniads most important news, just ahead of the Queen and Phil and then Harry and William. Forget all those rubber dinghys that just beached on England’s shores.
KK, it’s not over yet. If President Trump wins, there is a chance of saving the United States. And despite Canada’s, Australia’s and Europe’s strong commitment to self-destruction, he might be able to save them as well either through direct influence or weakening of the UN of whom those countries are all fanatical followers.
Former Prime Ministers Rudd, Gillard and Turnbull are associates, globalists.
Yes indeed. Two of them are responsible for the Australian government’s intention to take a look at the influence News Corp has on Australian politics
So is Australias present prime minister.
I am the same, I no longer listen to ABC Radio national,or any other radio except ABC Classic FM.
Last year I tuned into an episode of the Philosophers Zone after being away for more than a year. I was astounded to hear a discussion on free speech where the ‘philosopher’ guest said that of course it doesn’t apply to extremely important issues such as “vaccination”, “climate change” and the “holocaust”. Then they spent two minutes pushing the approved climate science narrative.
I shouldn’t have been surprised but it was so outrageous I went to the trouble of writing to the host via their website.
He wrote back to which I in turn replied, but it was obvious he saw me as a just another right wing sceptic.
From the beginning I couldn’t stomach Amanda Vanstone’s “conservative” radio… She’s mediocre and unable to think
“From the beginning I couldn’t stomach Amanda Vanstone’s “conservative” radio… She’s mediocre and unable to think”
She must have fitted in seamlessly then with all the other “Conservatives”
The scary thing about Dorsey is that he’s so cool under pressure. And no matter what Senator Cruz says, he’s going to continue censoring conservatives, including the President of the United States.
Here are some observations of Dorsey’s habits.
As for Zuck, he seems more android than human.
Jack Dorsey. all those ice baths, all that fasting, an ascetic who hates life can be dangerous.
From the little I’ve seen of these two I do not think Dorsey is cool under pressure. He might be good at hiding his emotions but like Zuckerberg I think they are both appalling in this environment. They are both probably extremely good IT people but they do not come across as good “executives”. They do not seem to be on top of the issues under discussion at the hearing.
I suspect they have very little to do with running their respective companies.
Likely (IMO) that the bureaucracy of their one world government will have hit the upper limits of “the Peter Principle” well before they get to sorting out the boss of the whole show
Zuck clearly has aspergers so dont try and read too much into him, the other one is a long haired git
I think ol’ Dorsey bears more than a striking resemblance to Rasputin.
OK then. How many up-votes do I get on that one?
As tragic as the attempted or actual coup of the United States is, at least it demonstrates to those who may still have had doubts, the utter ruthlessness and outright evil of the Left. Or at least that of their Billionaire Socialist controllers. Some of their useful idiot followers might just be profoundly ignorant rather than purely evil.
The Useful Idiots of the Left are followers of a hippy psychopath, an android who is still trying to understand what it means to be human and a control freak.
The Useful Idiots of the Left are so ignorant, stupid or brainwashed, or all three, that they fail to understand why socialism is being promoted by the super mega rich Elites. Superficially, if you didn’t understand what it was all about, one might think think socialism was against the interests of the mega rich and powerful. But followers of the Left never ask questions.
I switch off this computer when not using it. Which IIRC would have been where I closed down last night.
When I opened this site this morning I had the “Rudi” thread showing as the latest.
Hence the “Open sesame” test which got me here.
I tried cleaning anything “Jo Nova” out of cache yesterday which made no difference.
Is it possible that there is something being retained somewhere else?
Using Firefox.
Haven’t been commenting here for a fair while — was disappointed with the COVID-19 alarm (particularly the belligerence of some of the commenters) — but will point out that holding down shift while hitting Firefox’s “Relaod current page” button gets the latest. Without doing this, I get some odd relic from a cache. Might be something up with the http timestamps coming out from Jo’s web server, or a proxy server somewhere in the middle.
you da man. This works!
time stamps? Certificates?
Cache was used for old timey slow internets (like dial-up)
You can disable the cache on any browser if you always want to load directly from the host server.
Shut down and restarted. Still comes up at “Rudi” which wasn’t where I closed so not just remembering that.
Robert – Thanks. I’ll try that next time and report.
Thanks a lot – it works!
Had to use it again when I got to this thread to bring up all comments.
I’ve checked with Jo and she thinks Cloudflare is the problem. She tuns it off but it turns itself back on later. I suspect the root cause is that Cloudflare checks certain anti-spam databases and stops further activity once it detects that your ip-address is blacklisted on one or more of the databases. Mine is on 3 of the databases out of some 80. I’m with Telstra and it’s a common issue that blocks of their ip-addresses are mistakenly flagged as spam. I’ve been thinking of using proxy server to see if it gets around that issue, but then again they might suffer the same issue.
Opening Jo on my Mac and it’s all up-to-date. On the iPad, about 24 to 36 hours behind. ToM
“… Centra is run in order to spot “coordinated inauthentic behaviour” or astroturfing.”
Irony of greatest magnitude.
Our government pushing electric cars and Chevy has a problem with recharging could catch fire.
Solution, set recharging at 90% in computer consol. This effects 50,000 volt cars.
Perhaps a better solution is to recharge at 200% and burn up all of them.
Obviously the big tech computer machine has turned on us.
It’s time for Dave to make his way to the control center and shut HAL down.
This is the scene in which the HAL 9000 is shut down.
A few years ago I built a time machine and went back in time to 1969.
I told them that in the 21st century that there was no space travel, but that Rolling Stones were still touring and Keith was still alive.
I also told them that there was a bad flu from China and they should cancel Woodstock.
They laughed.
I looked for Bill Gates but couldn’t find him.
I failed.
I am sorry.
John Smith, I lived and worked in Singapore in 1968 and 1969 during the Hong Kong Flu pandemic. Estimates vary, with some research saying between 1-4 million people died of this strain of flu. Adjusted for today’s global population of about 8 billion, this means an equivalent of 2.2-9 million would have died. However, I do not remember any global lockdowns and country bans of flight travel, and I traveled extensively throughout Asia as part of my job. Papers and news were all about the Vietnam War, Apollo Missions and Singapore modernization under a brilliant Lee Kuan Yew. Lucky we did not have the internet in those days, just the Straits Times. The music was great in those days with the record shops selling the likes of Led Zeppelin and CCR on vinyl. Wish I could relive those days, no mobiles, no GPS, pretty secretaries to type your reports, making your own decisions in the field without your boss checking on you- ha ha!
It’s difficult to believe Zuck didn’t know about Centra since it’s the essence of his censorship and control operation.
Centra also explains how when Facebook deletes a conservative it is basically impossible for them to start a new account (or at least keep it for very long) because they will have left many traces of their past activities and the AI bots will detect it and identify similar patterns with any new account.
I’ve noticed many conservatives and other free thinkers leaving FB, YouTube and Twitter and migrating to platforms that support free speech. The legacy social(ist) media can then be devoted to its intended purpose of brainwashing and issuing instructions to the useful idiot armies of the Billionaire Socialists.
Given the vast majority of people are either too busy or too lazy to look elsewhere and instead continue to watch the parrot shows and propaganda news on TV, Foxtel, etc. then I suppose society will continue to slide downhill. It would then be so easy for a draconian leader to come in and gives us what we need; a big spanking to wake us up.
The old drop and roll technique
Now i appreciate some here (GA and SF) will decry this based on a one liner response but what this people and other lurkers need to understand is Biden is just the front man once he is gone they will do this at the next election and the next just like Hugo Chavez but remember,
First they came for the Communist
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionist
And i did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Have a read of
And remember that owning two pairs of shoes gets you on the list
But I have been speaking out!
The problem is that there are 70+ million voters whom are idiots and they don’t want to hear.
I’ve about had it frankly. Some time in the now not so distant future, these 70+ million will start asking themselves “what happened?” and all that I’ll say is you 70 million idiots didn’t listen. I’ll be too old care about it anymore.
I can understand 80 million people putting up with being called a rayyycist however, I would expect them to speak up when foreign entities are staging a political coup if not you better give that statue back to France.
My comment was initially directed at the coup cheer leaders both here on this blog and elsewhere they may think they are safe and snug when the UN NWO rolls into town but I suspect they will be rudely surprised they are not. Even a useful idjot runs out of usefulness
Yep Biden plans to roll up social media when he takes office. Its too much of a loose Canon.
Yes really useful idjot
He must be keeping this as a secret that he only shares with you and Rob.
Yes useful idjots are kept out of the loop
Biden is planning nothing – he is geriatric puppet providing a centrist veneer to the left wing backroom controllers. Expect Komrade Kamala to replace him within 6 month of inauguration if the Democrats manage to continue to cover up the electoral frawd.
More fraud in Georgia covered up by BIG TECH
Biden’s margin of victory in this batch of votes (99.9%) bested Bashar al-Assad’s 2007 margin (97.6%) and Raul Castro’s 2008 margin (99.4%). It matched Kim Jong-il’s 2009 margin (99.9%).
— David Shafer (@DavidShafer) November 18, 2020
Try posting this info on TWITFACE and see how far you get
“Try posting this info on TWITFACE and see how far you get”
Here is how far he got:
Twitter has flagged a tweet from Georgia Republican Party Chair David Shafer for being a disputed claim about election fraud.
This link contains the tweets by David Shafer as well as the dispute from Dave Wasserman:
LOL, thats gold.
I never have had nor will i ever have twitface accounts so could not check for myself.
Thankyou very much
Their great weakness is their censorship. They deal with that via massive spying – all the digital data. Basic principle is to ensure that the quality and accuracy of the information that they have is extremely poor and is diluted, and conflicting. GIGO – Garbage In -> Garbage Out.
If necessary create a new Google id. etc. – new device log on. Answer the surveys with bad and conflicting answers. Dilute the information – make your devices family devices. Change your advertising profile information. Use multiple devices. There is absolutely no legal requirement for you to give them accurate information so just give them garbage information. And “don’t feed the beast” – Democratic Capitalism – vote with your wallet and patronage.
Once again you wont see this information on BIG TECH or their parroting MSM, this is drop and roll in action.
3 Senate Democrats sent a letter to the owners of Dominion Voting Systems citing problems incl. vote switching
Big Other Things
“Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know show that a statement in The Lancet authored by 27 prominent public health scientists condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin” was organized by employees of EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit group that has received millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
The emails obtained via public records requests show that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak drafted the Lancet statement, and that he intended it to “not be identifiable as coming from any one organization or person” but rather to be seen as “simply a letter from leading scientists”. Daszak wrote that he wanted “to avoid the appearance of a political statement”.
The scientists’ letter appeared in The Lancet on February 18, just one week after the World Health Organization announced that the disease caused by the novel coronavirus would be named COVID-19.”
Link at
And a positive view
“Money Well Wasted”
Failed @JustinTrudeau bid for UN seat cost more than $2.4M, equivalent of $23,000 for every General Assembly vote. https://t.co/A6n2vavfPe #cdnpoli @KentThornhillMP pic.twitter.com/v1aTNrnRFE
— Blacklock’s Reporter (@mindingottawa) November 18, 2020 ”
the letter in question appears to be at
https://www.warren.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/H.I.G.%20McCarthy,%20&%20Staple%20Street%20letters.pdf dated Dec. 6, 2019
That and the election coup might be the reasons why this announcement was made just recently:
Let’s see of they finally manage to smash the cartel and drain the swamp at the same time.
I’m go from optimism and back to despair on the US election situation but here is something to help the optimism ( I hope !!).
This is an article about the taking of the servers from Frankfurt.
Make sure you read the comment by “Kermit”. He talks about a Cray supercomputer (decommissioned in 2014) which they called the “Kracken” . So it seems that Sidney Powell’s comment about releasing the Kracken was not aimed at Trump supporters, but to those behind the coup to tell them that Team Trump had the “goods” on them. Well, I hope that is right !!
Somehow I don’t see the Casablanca quote ever playing out for the Demonrats.
Capt. Louis Renault: I am shocked, shocked that there is gambling going on in here.
Waiter: Sir here are your winnings
I think instead they would shoot the waiter after taking the money.
Yes that seems to be the current theory and why some states are deleting the ballot images etc in short you will never find the fraud by recounts you will however know who won if you got your hands on the “Kraken”. I read somewhere the servers they found in Frankfurt shows Trump won 410 college votes. Will be interesting to see if this is true.
Little bit about the Kraken in this video.
Video in moderation, try changing the s in bitchute for a c
Its about the Kraken
Guard, Guard………..this is false imprisonment
Just now
“Stunning Interview – L Lin Wood on Howie Carr: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail”… ”
At the same time social media reserves the right to publish misleading or worse information themselves. A couple of days ago President Trump tweeted that he won (the election). On the tweet, twitter put a message in bold red letters along the lines of “Official results say otherwise” as they have done on many of President Trump’s tweets. The twitter addition is either misleading or worse, as there have been no official results as yet.
watch this
Amazing. Either we are witnessing the biggest soft coup in history or there are a lot of people who are making things up and there is no coup. I would find the latter even stranger than the former, especially given how the DemonRats and the MSM have been behaving over the last 4 years.
We are on the other side of the planet to the USA and therefore well out of frag range
Then watch this
Thanks Crakar24,
Important videos.
Be Patient, Trust Trump and his team.
Problem not seeing recent updates back again
Only see 6 comments now.
After posting my comment I now see 66. Very odd.
Former PM Gillard is scheduled to address a seminar on the leftist’s Great Reset agenda soon in Australia.
One of the panelists will be sportsman Adam Goodes, but his relevant qualifications are a mystery.
The leftists are plotting to base their Reset on the COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions, in other words, look people that kept you safe and we will use the same control and management to continue to look after you. After all, why do you people want to own homes and have other assets, we can make your carefree paupers and welfare dependents. And take complete control over the lives of you and your families.
Dont sell Adam’s skillset too short, he is aboriginal which is enough to be on the panel for diversity and quota reasons in addition he has been oppressed all of his life he understands how good it is to be oppressed and will explain why we should embrace it. Adam himself wont be oppressed anymore of course he will be in the elite class forcing sorry giving the oppression to others, clear enough for you?
OK so the story so far containing verified and unverified information.
Obama stole election from Romney, this was tweeted by Trump way back in 2012
Trump beats Hillary (2026)
Democrats win mid term elections through voter fraud, Trump says nothing but signs an EO to crucify cheats at the next election (2019)
Vote fraud in 2020, a person who served in Carter and Reagan admins says this was a sting operation by Trump the day after the election
Reps entertain the Dems with recounts and affidavits (Stat Dec’s) meanwhile
US raid CIA HQ in Frankfurt seize HDD’s showing the vote fraud
Powell declares she will release the Kraken
Its reported the CIA computer was of Cray architecture and nicknamed…….you guessed it “the Kraken”
Ukraine want to arrest Biden on felony charges, now thats a coincidence
Rep lawyers states from Biden down will go to jail, Twitface will be shutdown as per EO and rebuilt based on free speech etc
Lawyer claims many people have died at the hands of those responsible for vote fraud and all is being revealed to the people as the week progresses as it is they how must decide who their president is.
Rudy G has now stated the votes from 28 states went to Germany and Spain to be counted (this is were the EO kicks in)
Read this to understand the level of sh@t humans we are dealing with:
Wayne county has two Dems and 2 reps, the two Reps refused to certify the vote due to election fraud, then reversed their decision and certified them……now they have rescinded the certification and filed affidavits staying they and their children were threatened by the Dems.
They wont go quietly to jail
wow… 2026. Is your rage blurring your vision.
And your evidence for 2012 – a tweet.
What is your profession again?
You dumb little sh$t read the first line of my comment, then read it again and try and understand. If his site supported braille I would use that instead
Your rage is showing.
Excellent reply, had a good chuckle. (no offence GA)
Got it. All unverified
Got it. All unverified
Update: it has been reported the votes are collected by the machines on site, that data is then sent to Germany and Spain (magic happens here) then sent back to the USA.
Can some one who speaks leftist gibberish please translate so everyone can understand. TIA