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Could it be true? A sting operation by Trump and Intelligence watermarked ballots to catch voter fraud

UPDATE: So it’s fun to imagine. File this under “movie script” at the moment.

Could there be a counter-coup against the Bidens?

Knowing that the Democrats were likely to cheat, did Donald Trump find honest Intelligence Agents who were still prepared to work for their President and their nation and keep a secret? Did they manage to watermark ballot papers with QFS blockchain encryption codes in a way that will allow them to catch and prosecute voter fraud? Steve Pieczenik says “arrests are coming”. “It was Trumps initiative”. “He’s been brilliant”. Apparently, they set the trap and waited for it to spring. I supposed we’ll know pretty soon if this is attention getting hype or one of the biggest stories in years.

I’m watching this with red flags thinking: this is exactly what we all want to hear. Too good to be true? I’m also thinking that there must surely still be some patriots in intelligence, and that Trump and everyone have known for months that they would use mail in ballots to cheat. Could they have kept this a secret? Will the evidence actually stick? Can they really identify the chain of corruption at the top, or will this just catch a few low level moles? If it is true, will anyone get prosecuted that matters? Would the media report on it if they did? Could they bury this like the Hunter Biden laptop? Did anyone leak this to the Dems, and if so, could they have still cheated but protected themselves?

But it’s sure a story worth discussing. (Would make a great movie script).

Watch this video. Keep your skeptical hat on.

This is an interview by Owen Shroyer  of”Info Wars”, an odd choice to release the biggest political story in decades (if it’s true) said by a guy in a Hawaiian shirt. (Why?)  But, this is Steve Pieczenik, who has worked was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker.[2] He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.[7]

The original video is found at this Banned.video link. (When the Youtube below gets banned).

A photo search confirms that it is definitely Pieczenick. Who, while having a remarkable background has also made some dubious claims and hyperbolic headlines. He also claimed a “counter coup” in 2016 saying then it “threatens to indict and convict the President of the USA as well others who were involved in the corruption “cover-up of the Clinton Foundation.” But we all know how many actual convictions occurred in that case.  Of course, we also know that the Deep State has some grip over the FBI — how many months did they have the laptop of Joe Biden’s son, full of incriminating evidence, and do nothing?

h/t Analytik

If this is true,

Some of the claims:


Commenter Richard Illfeld reminds us that even real fraud doesn’t stop people being elected:

In most cases, even if a court takes the case and finds fraud, it will make no difference. The case of Senator Al Franken is instructive. He was eventually, many months in, found to have been seated with fraudulent votes. The court decided it had not the power to unseat him, nor order a new election, these being legislative issues. It could only suggest the legislature reform the process to avoid such fraud in the future. He served two full terms in the senate. This has been the general pattern except where there has been a criminal conviction of the candidate.

The US Supreme Court is an appeals court. There is unlikely to be original action there in any case.
A case will have to raise a constitutional issue to arrive there.

State courts are highly variable. SOme are elected. Some are appointed. Some are judicial and honest, some often overturned.

If there is a promising, large scale avenue, it MAY lie in the fact that, claiming “COVID” necessity, state courts and governors made ad hoc changes in electoral procedures, close to the election and outside statutory requirements.

There is no doubt this happened, in fact it happened in every state where there is a dispute as mail-in ballot and extend forms and terms of voting and counting were added by governors, courts, and sometimes election commissars.

The GOP will argue that all votes under these provisions are invalid. The perps will argue that the emergency forced their hand and generic state law allows them some freedom of action in an emergency. The case law cited will be thing like voting after floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes. It will be noted that other states somehow proceeded without issues.

Vote dilution, which is unconstitutional, happens if large numbers of invalid ballots are accepted.

A special case will occur if the court finds that a disputed process can’t be audited because the evidence was improperly preserved. This claim is likely in Nevada and Pennsylvania.

There will be statistical evidence proving that certain suspect classes of ballots drove turnout to improbable levels and had improbable splits. This is true, and we will all know that it is the proverbial looks like, walks like, quacks like, is, but a court will not find this “proof”. Vote counts larger than the population of a district will be suspect, but a quick look could not find a case prior where a court could specify a remedy for this.

To my mind, therefore, the only likelihood for success is a credible whistleblower, strong physical evidence such as security camera footage, or a truly exogenous event we can’t anticipate. The court will split the baby; note that all kind of awful things happen and reccomend we make better rules so that they don’t happen next time.

This is why vote fraud, especially in certain well known locations, has been persistent for generations. It is generally treated as a civil matter without penalty.

There is fraud, and then there is fraud.

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