How much have we lost in the last month?
Until a week ago there was something slightly sacred about post marks– it was a legal document, a historical record of the day. Something we could rely on. In a small way, USPS represents The United States: all decent nations have decent postage systems. All crooked banana republics don’t.
Then we found out some US Postal Workers were told to backdate stamps. It may not seem like much compared to losing the right to free and fair elections. But on any normal day, this is a big deal.
Everyone understands what a backdated post mark means. This story is an easy point to share with victims-of-gaslighting. “Did you know there are multiple reports in at least two states where postal workers have been told to stamp ballots with false dates?” “Don’t you think the media ought to mention this?”

It used to mean something |.. Image Urbanvibe14
Project Veritas has been investigating whistleblower reports.
In Pennsylvania Richard Hopkins, a postal worker, says that he heard one worker getting in trouble for accidentally datestamping one ballot envelope with the correct date — Nov 4 — when it should have been Nov 3. They has postdated all the other ballots picked up that day for Nov 3rd, thus laundering illegal votes and ensuring they would be counted.
He said “I’m nervous. I am nervous because this is a big deal.” But he is willing to testify before Congress.
Hopkins did the original interview anonymously, but at work he was implicated as the one who had spoken up. They called him in to “bring up old problems” and ask questions. Then they told him to he was placed on unpaid leave. And now he’s been hauled into the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General, quizzed and coerced without a lawyer, until he signed an affadavit that was so weak, the Washington Post generated a Fake News headline saying he had recanted.
Richard Hopkins says he did no such thing. And since he was wearing a wire, he has a record to back him up.
““I am right at this very moment looking at an article written by the Washington Post. It says that I fabricated the allegations of ballot tampering,” Mr. Hopkins said in a video posted on Twitter. “I am here to say that I did not recant my statements. That did not happen. That is not what happened.””
A fundraiser was set up for Richard Hopkins at GoFundMe, because he’s done the right thing and is being punished for it. But for no good reason GoFundMe shut down the account and issued refunds. Undeterred he has started a new fundraiser on GiveSendGo.
Hopkins deserves to be supported by every patriotic American.
The liars and the corrupt cannot win this battle. The truth must prevail.
You can donate to Hopkins HERE.
A second post worker has also come forward. The postmaster told workers to keep ballots collected on Nov 4th separate from the other mail.
There are others in Pennsylvania, Michigan:
O’Keefe said, “The new postal whistleblower’s testimony to us further confirms that post offices in different parts of the country are systematically sorting off late-ballots, so they would be eligible for counting.”
The Erie-based postal worker’s account lines up with the testimony of a postal worker from Traverse City, Michigan.
The Michigan USPS whistleblower said Wednesday there was a process set up for the post office workers involved in the bogus postmark scheme.
Presumably those who did backdate stamps don’t want to risk coming forward. It is illegal.
Think about the ugly choice all these workers had — to keep their jobs they had to break the law. Now some of them must be worried they might get caught.
“… the Washington Post generated a Fake News headline saying he had recanted.”
Andrew Bolt took this as fact, hook line and sinker, on the little bit of yesterday’s show I saw.
I emailed Andrew yesterday to challenge him on his comments that there is no real evidence to show there was fraud. I sent links to Dr Shiva Ayyaduri’s excellent analysis (the video Boris linked yesterday) and the audio file of the former Michigan State senator who spent 24hrs straight in a counting centre as an observer. I thought these two were a good representation of authoritative information.
The intro to my email was:
” Hi Andrew
On your TV show you have said a couple of times there is no evidence of fraud in the US election. Maybe you are acting under instructions from the “top floor”, I don’t know. You are normally more sceptical of issues that do not seem right.
But there is plenty of evidence, some minor some not so minor. ”
I got this reply : ” First sentence: false
Second sentence: false and offensive. So I stopped.
Andrew Bolt”
Either I struck a raw nerve or he has “a thin skin” and has a fixed position on the issue.
Anyway thank goodness we have independent, critical thinkers like Alan Jones to watch and listen to.
I have been a huge fan of Bolt but I am now disappointed in him.
One thing I will say for Sky News over the other MSM is the diverse range of opinions, as for Bolt on some issues I agree with him on others I don’t but at least I’m listening to someone who is free to use their own judgement and opinion.
As for why he believes there has been no electoral fraud in the states I could only guess at .
I too used to be a great fan of him until a few months ago when I noticed he was just waffling and sitting on the fence on a couple of important issues. Still, no one is perfect. In any case, I’ve stopped watching his show as it’s mostly boring and I have better use of my time.
Of interest – cranking up the pressure….
“We believe that every legal vote in the 2020 US election should be counted. However, fraudulent votes hurt everyone. EveryLegalVote is a data driven approach to aggregating suspected fraud information for the 2020 US election to help preserve the integrity of our electoral process.
That’s disappointing.
I note this morning the Herald Sun has an article about the US election that starts:
Officially called! Why do they write such rubbish?
It seems that tweet by the New York Times on 3 Nov about the media declares the winner seems to be true.
‘officially called’ by AP, Google, the Murdoch Press and the rest of the MSM.
they are destroying their brands.
These guys are good…..they lay on the sarcasm heavy as needed, but are laser-like focussed, and usually right on the money.
FYI, they are an unapologetically Christian news service, but dont shirk from making the big calls.
Most of the MSM will rot on the vine now….no one will ever trust them again.
Old Soviet Russian saying:
“They pretend to give us the news, and we pretend to believe them”
I concur with much of what Bolt says – not all. He does seem to be overcome by emotion on some topics. Bored me crazy with his repetitious moaning about the condition of Melbourne.I don’t watch him anymore.
Maybe Andrew Bolt will take notice of this guy. He is only the head of the Federal Election Commission.
He doesn’t mince his words!
Is Bolt too lazy to read things? He only does 4 shows a week for Fox. I think his talk back radio has gone.
I have believed him on Pell’s innocence. Maybe he is closed minded on that too.
I have stopped watching him. He is way off on this.
Don’t forget for variety
Michael Smith News
Tip of the Spear
Catallaxy Files
Bolt is a fair weather friend of Trump. He needs to grow some balls. That Whistleblower video will not play – censored already.
Operating Software Vulnerabilities[edit]
In a July 13, 2019 article,[44] Associated Press reporter Tami Abdollah reported that “the vast majority of 10,000 election jurisdictions nationwide use Windows 7 or an older operating system to create ballots, program voting machines, tally votes and report counts.” Windows 7 reaches its “end of life” on January 14, 2020, meaning that Microsoft will stop providing technical support such as patches to fix software vulnerabilities. For jurisdictions that have already purchased systems running on Windows 7, ES&S said it will be working with Microsoft to provide support until jurisdictions can update. Windows 10 came out in 2015. Though ES&S is testing a new system it’s unclear how long it will take to complete the process — federal and possible state recertification, plus rolling out updates — and if it will be done before primaries begin in February. Kevin Skoglund, chief technologist for Citizens for Better Elections, said county election officials point to Election Assistance Commission and state certifications as “rock-solid proof” their systems are secure, but don’t realize vendors are certifying systems under 2005 standards.
Electronic Voting is used by the lazy and incompetent. If there is ANY connection to the internet it is open to hacking. If it is connected to other machines on an internal network it is open to local hacking. If any machine connection eg a bus or comms port can be connected to a password override device it is open to local hacking. If EProms can be “upgraded” without an audit trail it is subject to hacking.
Then we get to the database used. Was a secure interface used with an audit train for password access? If not, access cannot be reliably traced.
Finally we can look at “scripted input checking”. Load in 10,000 odd known votes and see what the software reports as a result. It should match without error.
In May 2010, Dominion acquired Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold Election Systems) from Election Systems & Software (ES&S). ES&S had just acquired PES from Diebold and was required to sell off PES by the United States Department of Justice for anti-trust concerns.[4]
In June 2010, Dominion acquired Sequoia Voting Systems.[5]
In 2014, ES&S claimed that “in the past decade alone,” it had installed more than 260,000 voting systems, more than 15,000 electronic poll books, provided services to more than 75,000 elections. The company has installed statewide voting systems in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia.[citation needed] As of 2019 ES&S claimed a U.S. market share of more than 60 percent in customer voting system installations.[2]
Own the voting machines and you own the election results.
I guess the word came down from Rupert that The Donald was a goner and it was time to curry favour with sleepy/creepy Joe with the possibility of getting KRudd off everyones’ back
If people dont come forward, the swamp wins.
There are enough good people who will. God admires honesty.
There is enough doubt now that all postal ballots should be ruled inellegable.
Morning Original Steve,
I guess you meant inelegible, but maybe not.
A bit of artistic licence never goes astray!! LOL.
Perhaps, maybe you had a Democrat ghost-writing it, in-between filling out 20 or 30 ballots!!
Reformed Warmist of Logan
(should have been ineligible.)
Early morning spell check, now back on line….
Looks like they are coming in Steve.
Whistlebowers form Dominion are stepping up.
‘God admires honesty.’
Yeah but we are dealing with the law, which as you know is a beastly business.
Judge Stephens slammed the argument as “inadmissible hearsay within hearsay.”
It will only take a pattern of enough people coming forward and it then cant be ignored.
It also appears that some judges are part of the swamp, which doesnt help….
I think Trump will be vindicated, and the Left needs to get its tiny brainstem around the fact that it will happen.
Reading through some online comments, it seems nore than quite a few US citizens are ready for a fight, however it comes.
Some are resigned to Civil War 2 as a way of clearing out evil from the land. Obviously no one wants this….much better for a court to fix things.
‘ … clearing out evil from the land. Obviously no one wants this….much better for a court to fix things.’
The devil is in the detail, or legal definition of each and every aspect. The looney right couldn’t organise a raffle.
So true. Problem is there is so much censoring going on across ALL MSM outlets very few people actually know what’s actually going on wrt the US election. The world as a whole is already moving on and taking for granted Biden will be sworn in as the President of the US. It will take some dramatic event to break through the dual walls of deception and ignorance. So far it’s not happening. We shall see if it does in good time. If it doesn’t then we better get used to the idea of Biden as POTUS, and move on to the next stage of the war against the people of the West driven by evil forces working behind the scenes to instigate the Great Reset that’s ready to be rolled out as soon as Biden is sworn in as POTUS. We will have to come up with suitable ways to work around the Great Reset at the personal level given our leaders have sold their souls to that evil cause.
Hi Ed. Are you okay? Are you disputing this story., conceding?
Morning Jo,
Trump needs to solicit & receive the aid of all Republic State Legisla-tures (however RINO./Rep. In Name Only) they may have been in the past, and most of the conservatives on the Supreme Court, if he is to be successful in reversing this banal “Premature” and fraudulent result.
If he loses, America is the only real loser.
The Democrats policies, if even only semi-implemented (they have a different position on fossil fuels every other day), will have the effect of at least a 2 year recession, affecting even us minions in Australia.
You can’t continually moronically recite “Keep It In The Ground”, without any consideration on all the follow-on effects.
I hope he wins, but dread he may not. I’m putting my money where my head is & not my heart, and have just last week converted 2/3’s of my super to cash. Biden & Harris’s socialist experiment will know no bounds.
Warm regards, reformed warmist of Logan
Everybody (well, everybody who’s interested in the truth) knows the Post is Jeff Bezos’ vanity blog. That’s the only reason he bought it.
I’m sure you guys have to have something similar, or perhaps it’s like the BBC down under?
Geeeze, even Sky has some guy who thinks America has a Parliament.
Good God!
I understand from that, that America doesn’t?
Apart from fraudulent postmarks with the wrong date, an additional but not widely reported problem is having no postmarks at all or ineligible ones.
Bear in mind that the following article is from the far Left NPR. This article was written before the election so they were probably concerned that the Left would lose votes otherwise they wouldn’t have bothered reporting it.
The focus on ballots is pointless. Once they’re in the box that’s it, there is no way to separate good from bad. The issue is the return envelopes and if they have been discarded it’s over. All Trump can really do is force the nation to confront the issue and ensure it doesn’t happen again.
I think the view is that if the fraudulent or invalid votes cannot be separated from the valid votes then that entire batch of both valid and invalid votes has to be discarded.
Yeah which means another election, that would be a big ask. Has anything like that ever happen before?
We’re talking about admitting failure of the entire US election process. There would be extreme reluctance to go that way, far more likely to sweep it under carpet. While quietly making sure it doesn’t happen again.
COVID would be cited as the excuse for ‘mistakes’ in processes being made.
It’s like bailing out the banks – Too big to fail.
Binny, no it doesn’t mean another election. Either thousands of tainted votes must be discarded or the state legislatures must appoint delegates to send to the House for the House vote in early January.
If States feel that their votes can’t be certified their electors can’t be certified either. If neither man gets 270 certified electors then the House vote becomes the decider. And it’s not congressmen of the House, it’s the State delegates send specifically for this purpose that matter. Which Reps will win.
And, as I said below, each state sends just one elector, regardless of population. It will then be a Trump win, 31 to 19.
Thus avoiding democracy all together! How cool!
Which party fights to allow unverified mail in ballots, no voter ID, no cleaning of rolls, and keeping rolls open even on the day of the election?
I would rather have a complete re-election with only paper ballots allowed than send this to the House in January. For the sake of the nation, the country would be much better off if the election was done properly and both sides knew it to be fair.
Unfortunately that is my take as well Binny’
Needless to say, I hope I am wrong!
The other issue with the software counting equipment reallocating votes could go somewhere though.
Being the automatons they mostly are, except for their Billionaire Socialist controllers, many of the Left voted by mail-in votes (as distinct from absentee votes) because they were told to be terrified of COVID and because they are mostly mindless drones they just followed orders.
Conservatives, being independent thinkers, were sensible but not terrified about COVID and mostly voted in person.
Trump knew all along that mail-in voting would be a disaster and would be used to fraudulently swing the election. He was right, as usual. The Left have no morals whatsoever.
Agreed and this is now a skirmish and there will be “casualties” who get caught in the (figuratily speaking) crossfire or can be sacrificed to ” the cause”…
The puppet masters up the top no doubt are watching with amusememt.
But eventually you work your way up the chain…which I think many have rat holes in New Zealand…
Yes COVID has been a Godsend for the left. They knew the only way they could get their hands on enough ballots to roll Trump was a universal ‘mail out’ to flood the country with ballot papers.
President Trump was brilliant in changing into being a constitutional problem of needing a authoritized chain of command which then most of the dumped votes fail or fraudulent. Taking far more time than allotted to certify this election. Making certification impossible for this election and having to move this to the house.
This gave him this election while the media is still spinning their wheels for counting votes which now fraud and tampering with votes with the individual states are being investigated and could take time going up through the levels of courts.
I agree Trump would officially win the election if the fraudulent votes could be removed but the Deep State and Leftist corruption in general runs deep.
I am not convinced that the US legal system is not sufficiently contaminated with dishonest hard core Leftists for there to be a fair challenge.
The Left have has 12 years to plan for this, ever since the (fraudulent?) election of Obama and the unexpected election of Trump who won despite a rigged-against-him and highly propagandised (by the Left via social and legacy media) election.
The constant media attacks did help him get elected greatly…
It made everyone tune it out!
The amazing drop in viewership on mainstream media was that constant attack day after day. It also made the media totally corrupted in the propaganda it generated.
If it cam from mainstream, you knew it was bullshit.
Just remember that they didn’t have to contend with three Trump nominees to SCOTUS until anmost the last minute
I have a real good laugh that my idiot politicians and media is still drinking from the CNN coolaid for information.
It will slowly dawn on them that the US government already told them that President Trump is in another 4 years.
You see how they don’t listen even to us.
As an employee of Australia Post anyone exposing corruption like this would be brave but I’d consider a duty to their country, many would disagree and the last 4 years of Trump has exposed that, many of us agree with Trumps actions but many don’t and they still believe everything the MSM dishes up.
I fear like the USA Australia has too many citizens that have drifted way to the left.
The simple reality is the Left just doenst work. Its rubbish with money and it destroys everything it touches.
I am hoping that peopel wont have to learn the hard way.
Part of the problem too is that unlike the WW2 generation who saw what was required to stop evil, the generations that follwed have been allowed to become fat, dumb and lazy in terms of truly grasping what s required. The Left also made sure history was dumbed down so no one learnt why the Left is bad, pushed God out of schools, so morality became “relative”, and enouraged all forms of evil to flourish unchecked.
The Left knew to tyake down the west, militariliy it couldnt do it, so it set on a course to rot out our spiritual, moral and legal foundations, corrupt our children and destroy our sense of right and wrong. In a word – push evil as “normal”.
Maybe we will see another civil war in the US, but maybe , unfortunately, its required.
I too hope we don’t have to learn the hard way but the reality is we’ve gone too already. As you implied most have become fat, dumb and lazy, and the left have taken much advantage of all that to build their evil empire. Trump comes along to upset their plans a little bit for a little while but obviously it would or could not last. He is just one person against a whole army of evil ones, plus he can’t remain as acting President forever. So, it’s pretty clear to me at least we will have to learn the hard way, as always throughout history.
History is not told so much in schools these days.
Youtube have videos with UNI students being asked some general knowledge questions.
Who was Adolf Hitler?
Can you name 1 concentration camp?
When did WW2 start/end?
Who was Mao Tse Tung?
Lots of other questions as well. Some sudents seemed reasonably well informed but I found it staggering the number who had no knowledge of Hitler, even when the interviewer told them about WW2 and the extermination of the Jews.
If we don’t acknowledge and learn from history, we will keep repeating the same mistakes!
Original Steve
I agree with everything you said, particularly your second last paragraph. I call it the diminution of responsibility and have been going on about it for years. It’s a thimble and pea trick. You can promote morals and ethics and appear to be very decent and virtuous but without responsibility it is meaningless.
It’s not immediately evident and generally people just don’t think about it. Only one green thumb is proof.
If the Left in America (or anywhere) can commit such illegality when out of power, imagine what they’ll do if the unthinkable happens and they get into power.
Past lessons from the National Socialists and the International Socialists should be instructive, which I guess is another reason why the Left are opposed to the teaching of real history.
Looks like FoxNews is really taking a hammering. Go woke, go broke is the only thing to say.
Well done to all the US ex FoxNews customers for letting then know who really pays the bills.
The question I would like to know is what flips conservative commentators, politicians, senior public servants and organisations suddenly to the Left?
Might it be that this was the whole purpose of Little Saint James Island (and similar) islands was? To gain blackmail material on targeted individuals?
The infmaous “lolita express”?
I doubt its the only operation running that performs the same function….
Thank heavens that President OBiden never got caught up in any of that sort of stuff in China.
If you postdate – then you are using a later date – I can see the fraud here
Here is the quote:
In other words, they actually stamped an earlier date, Nov 3, on the ballot envelope instead of the correct date, Nov 4. So to your point, he should have said they predated the envelopes. In any case, it is a federal crime for a postal worker to knowingly stamp the envelope with the wrong date and fraud if it is done to allow a ballot to be counted that was receive after it could legally be counted.
Like the four seasons clusterf**k, this is another example of the competence of the Trump team. It should have said predate, but it did not. It should have said how many votes were in this alleged fraud. The Hill goes through every single case, and tallies the numbers of votes affected, and they are saying that even if the votes were given to Trump it would not affect the outcome.
Trump is toast
Post means after.
They post dated the envelope; they dated the envelope after they received it.
They dated the envelope with the date before they received it.
They posted dated an envelope with a predated stamp.
It was written correctly, but it wasn’t written clearly.
This is unbelievable. Organized corruption and treason in the government.
‘Treason’ is actions like mass breaking of election laws. Treason is an organized attack on the state.
In reply to:
“Hopkins did the original interview anonymously, but at work he was implicated as the one who had spoken up. They called him in to “bring up old problems” and ask questions.
Then they told him to he was placed on unpaid leave.
And now he’s been hauled into the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General, quizzed and coerced without a lawyer, until he signed an affadavit that was so weak, the Washington Post generated a Fake News headline saying he had recanted.”
In Canada, threatening a postal worker ….. from doing their government job’s responsibility.
In Canada, all government employees are required to sign a form stating it is their official responsibility (if they do not report the illegal action, they will risk their job and risk criminal prosecution) to report any known illegal activity to a long list of options, including police for an serious criminal activity such as election fraud, and all ever Canada government regulated company must included a certified guaranteed whistle-blower protected line that has the power to investigate senior officials, officially. … That is run by companies completely independent of the government who in this case would have immediately call a half dozen Canadian agencies, including multiple police forces.
In Canada, Ordering a worker of the government to do an illegal act is illegal…. …. A high level organized plan to do illegal actions, to interfere in an election .. …Would result in instant firings in the Inspector General’s office and the start of a massive investigation.
In Canada. The party that initiated the organized plans to do illegal actions to interfere in any official election, would be banned.
And almost all party officials, that were in anyway connected to the illegal action, would be banned from any future political activity in Canada.
In Canada, the law does not protect a corrupt party. Corruption of the legal system is treason. Treason must be punished by banning the political party.
What a load of flatulent greenhouse gas emitted with this fantasy:as the Biden win the claims are becoming more fantastical – “Pennsylvania postal worker Richard Hopkins, who claimed ballots were tampered with, has retracted his statement. He has admitted to investigators that he signed a false affidavit.” Furthermore, Ohio’s state secretary Frank LaRose, who is a Republican, said: “There’s a great human capacity for inventing things that aren’t true about elections. The conspiracy theories and rumours and all those things run rampant. For some reason, elections breed that type of mythology,”
Please Jo, stick to your field of expertise, science, you are doing yourself, and your cause no favours by sticking with Trump’s paranoid, delusional narcissistic view of his dark alternate universe!
Except that he denies recanting his claims.
Best to use a non-Google search engine like DuckDuckGo to find the truth. You will find this and other links supporting the fact that his claim wasn’t withdrawn.
A postal service worker in Pennsylvania is disputing House Democrats’ claims that he recanted allegations that his supervisors ordered employees to back-date mail-in voting ballots after Election Day.
Democrats on the House Oversight Committee said in a statement on Tuesday that Richard Hopkins, a postal worker in Erie, Pa., retracted his story during interviews with investigators from the U.S. Postal Service’s office of the inspector general.
Hopkins claimed in an interview with the conservative group Project Veritas last week that he overheard supervisors discussing backdating mail-in ballots received after the election on Nov. 3 so that they would still be counted in the state’s vote tally.
Videos of interviews with Hopkins have received millions of views and attracted congressional attention. Hopkins also set up an online fundraiser that had generated $130,000 in donations until it was taken offline on Tuesday.
“Project Veritas Releases Full, Unedited, Audio of USPS Whistleblower Coercive Interrogation…”
Richard Hopkins claims he overheard supervisors discussing backdating, but did not witness any illegal backdating, so he’s got nothing. The affidavit, was written by Project Veritas, guess James O’keefe forget to mention that. You can bet your bottom dollar he will not repeat this in a court of law, because perjury will get him 5 years.
“Please Jo, stick to your field of expertise, science, ”
You are naive.
Global Warming, or death by incineration due to CO2 levels in the atmosphere, is Not about science.
CAGW is a political construct based in a few dislocated fragments of science.
CAGW is totally about subjugation of the working class.
ITs purpose is to create an artifical crisis to allow suspension of constitutions and due process , to shove the world into the demonic One World Govt.
I have seen in the NWO writings that those who resists will be given a “benevolent death”.
Now doesnt that mentaility resonate with the current hysterical lunacy of the Left right now?
The Left ( a.k.a. Dems, demons and MSM ) are declaring Sleepy Joe as the leader, people are calling for Trump to be deposed by Pence using the 25th ( which really is tr****n ) – but in short they are hysterical because Trump could well declassify a whole bunch of stuff that exposes the rats to pure sunlight and expose thier evil.
Watch as things get even more loopy. Trumpo will stick to his guns. I suspect teh Left will start rioting to distract people. Dont rule out a direct attack on the White House by the Left..w.hich is why they have a steel barrier around it.
Interestingly, I get the distinct sense the US public deep down are just itching to put down the Left forever and just need the excuse…..
CACGW is just a cover. The real agenda is the Great Reset. If it goes ahead the CAGW scam will be the least of our worries. We will lose everything and end up as slaves for the evil masters, at least for those who remain alive after the culling by the next man-made pandemic. We are at a critical juncture here. If Trump fails to remain President and doesn’t proceed to arrest and charge all the leaders of the criminal cult, and shut down the big corporations that produce so much fake news and propaganda (including “our” ABC) then nothing will stop them from achieving their wet dreams. This is our last chance and I suspect Trump knows that.
In case socialist YouTube censor the above video it is available on free speech platform BitChute.
Conservatives, Classical Liberals and other independent thinkers must learn to use BitChute and other platforms supporting independent thinkers.
Leave the legacy social(ist) media, owned by the Billionaire Socialists, to the Leftist drone armies.
Note to members of Leftist drone armies:
The Billionaire Socialists would like to thank you for your support of the US election fraud and your contribution to the destruction of freedom and Western Civilisation in general, wherever you may be.
Unverified nonsense. Veritas indeed!
and stupid as post marks were irrelevant to the counting process.
“and therefore would be rejected.”
And were they?
There is no evidence that they weren’t
That would be true if the law was followed but why would the postal workers be asked to commit a federal crime for no reason?
They weren’t. You need to do better than heresay and anonymous people on videos. Courts don’t respect junk evidence.
“They weren’t.”
I’m glad you agree that the laws weren’t followed.
Backdating the dates on the envelopes proves that those laws weren’t followed. To prove the rest, one would need access to the ballots and their envelopes which is why you would file a lawsuit, to get access to the needed evidence.
There is no evidence that this was done and none that anyone was directed to do it and even less evidence that it was only votes for one candidate.
and they haven’t – all except on of the cases judged so far have been thrown out, sort of 20-1 against the Trump team. I’m wondering where they will have their next presser, maybe next door to the Four Seasons Landscapers
and the 1 is not about votes
It varies state by state Leaf, as you well know.
which is what you should tell the one who wrote about Michigan that I critiqued.
Tell them YOUR truth, mate!!! You have a right to it… Screw THE truth and what’s right and wrong…
Gee Eh!
So Michigan controls what happens in Pa?
IIRC there is a name for that tactic
I didn’t comment on the PA thing as it is a flimsy anonymous word of mouth claim.
If by “word of mouth” you are implying they were just repeating hearsay, then no. They were actual witnesses to what occurred. that’s not “flimsy,” it’s “testimony,” which is ALWAYS verbal.
Additionally, counter to your implication that it is hearsay, which is not accepted as testimony, they filed affidavits, which are legal documents acceptable in a court of law. And there were LOTS of them.
Funny how you saw nothing and want us to accept your word that those who actually did see something shouldn’t be paid attention to. What nerve you have!
Let’s see what the court says shall we?
Are you not familiar with the concept of “sworn affidavits” as “evidence?” That’s ;what they are for, and that is what you should be telling Gee Aye, not me. He’s the one trying to downplay the significance of the enormous amount of evidence we have.
‘Russian collusion’… ‘Trump says white supremacists are good people’ … ‘Trump says virus a hoax’…
proven false nonsense … the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN (just to name a few), indeed.
When in doubt in doubt attack the messenger.
Orange Man Bad Denier.
97% of ‘legitimate journalist’ agree.
Deja vu all over again.
‘In philosophy, truth by consensus is the process of taking statements to be true simply because people generally agree upon them. … People can believe an assertion and espouse it as truth in the face of overwhelming evidence and facts to the contrary, simply because they wish that things were so.’ wiki
Which just goes to show that philosophy is basically subjective and hence useless for determining objective conclusions.
It gets worse.
Presidential Imposter Biden has appointed Michael “hockey stick” Mann as his climate advisor.
Tony Heller talks about it. Please give viewing preference to the free speech platforms BitChute and NewTube.
If the problem is in the Dr Shiva link title (which I didn’t notice) then you can take that out as the post will work via the SDA link
Re the post – I guess that would be a “feature that would sell”?
GA you are an incompetent fool blinded by your hatred of democracy.
You state courts don’t respect junk science however an affidavit is evidence the courts respect.
The affidavit states they received ballots on Nov 4 and back dated to Nov 3 to give the illusion they were received by 8pm on election night.
Your lone hand attempts to defend the indefensible with one line irrelevant comments is admirable but also foolish and for rather embarrassing.
Do you have a legal argument to support your position rather leftish gibberish?
Have you been hacked Craker?
I wrote “evidence” not science.
An affidavit is not evidence and without any other evidence it is just hearsay.
The 12 thrown-out court cases is evidence enough for me.
You spelt my name wrong….
Affidavit definition:
A written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court.
Once again incompetent fool do you have a legal argument or are you stuck in a non return to zero leftish gibberish loop?
Sorry Craker24 – how could I leave off the 24?
Yes, an affidavit is admissible in court and to lie on one is to purger yourself, but an affidavit itself is then considered on its merits. This affidavit makes claims that have no substantiation. None. As it stands it is an affidavit of hearsay.
Whoops. Oh Dear Professor.
I blame the education system.
(perjure oneself be perjured)
wilfully tell an untruth or make a misrepresentation under oath; commit perjury.
You’re still spelling his name wrong so your case is dismissed.
“An affidavit is not evidence and without any other evidence it is just hearsay.”
An affidavit is sworn testimonial evidence and the rules of evidence generally require that it relate to what the person directly saw or heard, unless a hearsay exception applies.
One day you guys might actually look to do some research instead of baseless assertions (hint – use the internet)
“The Trump campaign also sought to temporarily stop counting some ballots in Detroit. It cited a Republican poll watcher who had said she had been told by an unidentified person that late mail ballots were being predated to before election day, so they would be considered valid.
The judge, Cynthia Stephens, repeatedly asserted this was hearsay, but Trump campaign lawyer Thor Hearne sought to argue that it wasn’t – despite it having been someone who said they heard about something they weren’t personally involved in. He pointed to a vague note the poll watcher produced – which said “entered receive date as 11/2/20 on 11/4/20” – as evidence.
Stephens: So I want to make sure I understand you. The affiant [the person who makes an affidavit] is not the person who had knowledge of this. Is that correct?
Hearne: The affiant had direct firsthand knowledge of the communication with the elections inspector and the document they provided them.
Stephens: OK, which is generally known as hearsay, right?
Hearne: I would not think that’s hearsay, your honour. That’s firsthand personal knowledge by the affiant of what she physically observed. And we included an exhibit which is a physical copy of the note that she was provided.
The two later returned to the point, after Stephens reviewed the note, and Stephens echoed Judge Diamond’s exasperation.
Stephens: I’m still trying to understand why this isn’t hearsay.
Hearne: Well, it’s, it, I –
Stephens: I absolutely understand what the affiant says she heard someone say to her. But the truth of the matter … that you’re going for was that there was an illegal act occurring. Because, other than that, I don’t know what its relevancy is.
Hearne: Right. I would say, your honour, in terms of the hearsay point, this is a firsthand factual statement made by Ms Conoron, and she has made that statement based on her own firsthand physical evidence and knowledge —
Stephens: “I heard somebody else say something.” Tell my why that’s not hearsay. Come on, now.
Hearne: Well it’s a firsthand statement of her physical …
Donald Trump’s new political action committee will raise funds for future Republican election battles – including, perhaps, his own.
Trump’s new ‘Save America’ fund could bankroll a 2024 campaign
Stephens: It’s an out-of-court statement offered where the truth of the matter is [at issue], right?”
WP was the source of this transcript
if the maker of the previous representation is not available, it would generally fall under an exception to the hearsay rule.
Using the internet Poiter who is in front in the US election ?
When “election is certified, and we can have a post mortem, I expect we’ll
find evidence that will satisfy most scientific types that it was as much a fraud as
anthropogenic global warming. To buy global warming you have to understand the data sets themselves
are the fraud; they show warming but are a lie. So with our votes, the count can be accurate of votes
themselves fraudulently cast.
This is the kind of question I might ask. Given that there was a black candidate for the senate from Michigan, was there a significant difference
in the ballot splitting of nominally black folks who voted in person, vs. nominally black folks who voted by mail. (Yes, early suggestions are
that there were many more ‘straight tickets’ voted by mail).
Once the election is certified, and those in office are beyond legal reach, I believe we’ll find out that the voting patterns in states that changed their rules, because COVID,
vis a vis their history, are different that the changes in states that kept their rules the same.
Now American demographics and attitudes are very fluid, so these result probably can’t be dispositive.
Still, consider. It’s not that the polls were in error, or that some were more in error than others, it’s that all were in error in the same direction. In 1968, 72, and 76 (I went and looked) the polls were’nt very good, but they bracketed the election, that is there were errors on both sides of the result.
And vote count “discrepencies”?
I don’t think there is much argument that a majority of Americans no longer have faith in our institutions; in the long run it is as damaging to the republic if they are warped in ones favor as if the are warped against one. And warped they are.
By the way, similar research after the last election established at least 8,000,000 invalid registrations in the US. NOTE I did not say fraudulent, i said invalid.
these will happen over time due to natural causes. If you mail ballots to every registration address, you are sending out enough ballots than might be returned
improperly to cover the margins of victory in those states did such mailings. If you also fail to validate signatures; and assume a returned ballot must be valid……
well those temperatures from the 1930’s keep changing too, and it’s the same folks.
So these 8 million invalid registrations identified last election , were they deleted? Or were they sent to the Democrats for this election?
This Election will NOT be certified.
This was President Trump’ s backdoor in the constitution.
This is why they were very careful in saying that President Trump will be in the Whitehouse by constitution and NOT he won this election.
Off Topic. I usually watch Blaze TV every morning to catch up on what is going on. However this morning I have found that the loading circle is just going around and around with no success. Has anyone else had this problem?
Here it is, 1984, in it’s full glory. Mallam Baker takes a close look at a new Hate Crime bill before the Scottish parliament, and thinks it’s sentiments will probably filter down to England. This bill could prosecute people for things said in their own homes! Get used to it guys, everything is so white anted. There would be no defence to someone claiming they had been abused, in any situation. A claim is all that is needed.
Off topic, and maybe it has come up earlier, but I’ve just read that the NSW parliament has unveiled an Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, and it has bipartisan support, to create Renewable Energy Zones, (“which are the modern day equivalent of traditional power stations.”) with about 60 new solar and wind farms across the state, more than quadrupling clean energy generation! “NSW is in a unique position to benefit from emerging low cost technologies like wind, solar, batteries, and pumped hydro……putting the state on the path to becoming one of the lowest cost, lowest carbon regions in the world.” Firming may even be provided by hydrogen generators! 4 out of 5 NSW coal fired generators providing for 75% of NSW electricity, are scheduled for closure over the next 15 yrs.
Big business is so riddled with woke uni grads that there is no resistance to this push. And also renewables will be a huge boom for mining interests (I think I saw that for just Britain to go significantly over to electric cars, that country alone would require world copper production to double!)
Also capitalism is in such bad shape, you can forget manufacturing in the west, so why not get onto the Govt tit, and suck on renewable subsidies. There’s nothing else doing. (When aged care is touted as an industry, I’m ready to give up!)
Until Covid, age care was a rapidly growing business with high profitability. Covid provided a glimpse into the reasons for its profitability and many of the practices that underpinned the profitability are inconsistent with diseases prevention. So profitability not so good now. Numbers also taken a bit of a hit in Victoria.
All Richard needs to do is release his recording, why the silence ?.
Done – see #14.1.1
Another Furphy
Evidence not there, its been hacked by the socialist billionaires !.
EP you need to change your screen name , you have never ever been interested in evidence only consensus!
Just breaking: Richard Baris the pollster has been terminated on Twitter along with his wife and his business. He’s just a numbers guy. They are coming for everyone now. If you don’t tow the narrative you’re out, No warning. Nothing.
All clear. He is back on Twitter
Once they have their joe biden pawn in place, it’s time for ‘The Great Reset’
“At the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), we engage with business executives, experts, and policymakers to help make Change that Matters. In 2021, the event will focus on the Great Reset, and key topics will include climate change, sustainability, social justice, and the pandemic. ”
Here is the state of play.
Biden 290 Trump 217 with NC (15) that’s 232 with GA(16) still in play and heading to a full recount.
Biden leads GA by 17k votes however 17k votes where flipped by a “software glitch” the hand count will correct this error not sure what happens to 33.5k votes that were lost and the 16 college votes will go to Trump making it Biden 290 trump 248.
Then there is the basket case in PA, aside from the mail in ballot issue if a recount was conducted trump would win due to the 220k vote flip giving trump a 400k vote lead, not sure what would happen to 917k votes that have been lost.
So it’s now Biden 270 trump 268 and game on in AZ.
Of course incompetent fools that can’t stand the idea of the deplorable great unwashed having a say in who is in charge will resort to stupid one liner comments on this blog and violence and rioting elsewherek n
If courts declare certain state elections invalid (due to fraud) and neither party can get 270 electoral college votes then under the Constitution each state has to appoint one single “elector” no matter what the state population is and then they’ll vote for President and Trump will win 31 to 19 since 31 states are Republican and 19 are Democrat.
That’s under the provisions of the 12th Amendment.
Democrats don’t recognise the constitution if they did America would not be in the mess they now find themselves
Are you happy there are no Republicans that would doublecross Trump. There is a subspecies of Republican known as a Homosapien republicanis nevertrumper.
Dr Ezekial Emanuel is a member of President Imposter Biden’s coronavirus task force and says he wants to die at 75 and he wants everyone else to die at that age as well.
Socialism, are you loving it yet?
See link for rest.
Trump campaign’s case in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania:
The case focuses on 592 ballots that have not been counted in a county where the president is behind by 130,000 votes, and in a state where the president is behind by 46,000 votes.
From Turley:
Alaska — Trump’s and the Senate seat has flipped Democrap -> Republican.
Yesterday: North Carolina — Trump’s as of yesterday.
Pennsylvania: Evidence: 2.6 million votes of mail-in votes without signature validation. Invalid.
680,000 votes cast in two counties Alegheny(?) and another one. without being seen by Republican and Democrat `scrutineers’ together. Invalid.
There’s a lot going on in Georgia and Wisconsin. Check out Trump’s team sites.
The MSM are making big fools of themselves.
Here is a simple reminder to use when you are in a debate with a Biden fan.
Both Biden and Wallace have short memories.
Karl Rove, in his own words from his Wall Street Journal Opinion Piece:
“This Election Result Won’t Be Overturned”
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is correct that Mr. Trump is ‘100% within his rights” to go to court over concerns about fraud and transparency. But the president’s efforts are unlikely to move a single state from Mr. Biden’s column, and certainly they’re not enough to change the final outcome.”
“There are only three statewide contests in the past half-century in which recounts changed the outcome: the 1974 New Hampshire Senate race, the 2004 Washington governor’s contest, and the 2008 Minnesota Senate election. The candidates in these races were separated, respectively, by 355, 261 and 215 votes after Election Day.”
Yes, but those disputed results related to honest counting errors, not massive fraud.
Never has there been an election with widespread, systematic fraud like this one.
“Why President Trump Deserved to Lose :-)”
“For those not aware, Ms. Straughan is a Canadian pundit. She used to publish videos regularly but hasn’t for a long time. This new, hilariously cynical video is superb:”
The clip has 10k thumbs up and <1k thumbs down. Surprising considering it should be regarded as politically divisive. Maybe its circulation has been confined to specific groups.
“All crooked banana republics, don’t. “
That should be
“All crooked banana republics don’t. “
Take out the comma and insert it into
“But on any normal day, this is a big deal. “
to give
“But, on any normal day, this is a big deal. “
They used to teach usage of commas in schools.
And it is pretty naive to expect an honest election in the US. US politicians do everything they can to fiddle the results. The Bush-Gore election of 2000 (I remember it well – I was living in the US) was far from the first dodgy election.
I used to respect your comments and analysis re climate change which is your expertise. Stick to this instead of drumming up conspiracy theories about voter fraud. In any election there is always voter fraud on both sides. For example dead people voting. I am a right wing climate sceptic conservative but am pleased to see the end of a lying, arrogant bully
Doug,, Trump certainly has his faults, but we are going to need a lot of “ bullying” and worse if we have any chance of a megga fork up of the current economic stability that the western world is founded on.
The proposed Democrat GND plan will see us all on a path to the same condition as Venezeula !
^^^should read….” if we are to avoid a megga fork up”….
I always tell people that Trump is an easy hate being repugnantly narcissistic, a self promoting, gloating braggart and , indeed, a bully. Yet those may be the very traits that we’re needed by an outsider to break through first the opposition within party he was to run for and then to overcome the infinitely more organised Democratic machine combined with barely hidden bias of the media and the bureaucracy of the Federal government..
Take the time to objectively assess what was done and what wasn’t under the Trump administration (so far) and reflect on how much worse things would be if Hillary had won ,as she almost certainly would have done against any of the other 2016 Republican candidates. Even now, Scott Morrison has started talking about emissions reductions with Joe Biden – imagine where we would be along that path if those sorts of discussions had started 4 years ago.
were needed – stupid autocorrect