With 200,000 and 138,000 Votes For Biden suddenly appearing at 4am in Michigan and Wisconsin, they are not even trying to hide that something very wrong is going on. But since the media collective were able to suppress the biggest political scandal since Watergate in the last two weeks, presumably they will try to do it again. The best thing anyone can do right now, is share the message asap.
UPDATE: See below for the two explanations that have been sent in or found about MI and WI.*
The way elections are normally called, Trump has already won (listen to Rudy Guliani), but the media are working hard to keep the Biden case looking as though it is on top.
The strange appearance of 200,000 votes 4am in the morning:
As Rudy Guiliani says, in many states it was impossible for Biden to win by the usual methods the Television networks have used for all past elections. But whoever it is that decides these things held off announcing states that Trump had won. The Trump states were delayed or not declared, Biden states (like Arizona) were called with many votes yet to be counted. In key states at critical moments the counting of votes were stopped. In the dark of night suddenly 200,000 pure Biden votes appeared. What are the odds? 200,000 people in a row did not pick any other candidate?
China will be very happy
Gateway Pundit and @Trollasaurus
Same thing happened in Michigan, 138,000 votes appeared: 96% of them were for Joe Biden. Steve Bannon talks to an expert who says this has never happened on this scale ever before. He also said, unlike previous elections they didn’t have data on absentee numbers, or the usual metadata in advance. They didn’t expect votes to be added at 4am. They were told it would be the “next day”.
Perhaps this is why Biden could stay quiet and not campaign in the last few weeks?
Vote counting with step jumps:
How many voters do instant group-voting — However many are needed to get the blue line over the red line.

….Click to enlarge. Source: Fivethirtyeight
Throughout the evening last night, Big Tech prevented President Trump’s tweets to be shared and the media all night never allowed VP Biden to ever be behind. Florida and Texas were in the Trump corner very early on but the media would not call these big states for Trump. This prevented President Trump from being seen as the clear leader in the race. The media did however, call Arizona and Virginia for Biden even though in Arizona the Republican leadership says they still have a lot of votes to count. Wisconsin was another story.
One county, Brown County, where the President is ahead by 14,000 votes only 50% of the votes are counted. Why was this stopped? The other three remaining counties to count are all counties where President Trump is in the lead.
Last night President Trump was ahead all night in Wisconsin but the vote counters slowly continued counting and then stopped once VP Biden took the lead. Currently FOX News shows VP Biden up by 11,085 votes with 5% of the votes remaining.
Exit polls show Trump won over the undecideds (54% DJT to 40% JB). This was a much bigger win in Exit polls than in 2016 (45% DJT to 42% Hillary).
Twitter are shutting down these messages and in the last 30 minutes @trollasaurus has been suspended. Trumps Twitter account is littered with deleted posts with “security messages”. Is he the leader of the free world or is Twitter?
Trump wrote this, but Twitter censored it. Why is this message so dangerous?
Last night I was leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances Democrat run & controlled. Then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted. VERY STRANGE, and the “pollsters” got it completely & historically wrong!
It’s all about managing expectations, and as long as Democrat voters think they have won there will be riots in the streets if they get anything less. Joe Biden has apparently said he will announce he won “by 5pm” and start to set up a Cabinet and assume the title President Elect. They told us the election would look like a Trump win on the day, but a Biden win later. Twitter and Facebook warned us yesterday that they would be tagging and deleting any posts that claimed a victory before it was justified. Nancy Pelosi warned us the House will decide the winner if no President is decided by January 2. The polls have been saying “Biden” relentlessly for months.
Many honest people are going to believe Biden won legitimately, and once “gripped” they may never let that go…
Steve Bannon interviews Rudy Guliani (and others)
UPDATE: Found the interview here: https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1324012340149395458. This is from today, after the 4am vote dump, and was the most detailed description of what was going on in depth in the counties of Wisconsin and Michigan. Listen to Rudy Guliani at 13 minutes and onwards. It’s the best commentary I’ve heard on the election. Make sure you listen to it.
If you can’t see it below, follow the link above. It really is extraordinary. (Can someone copy it?)
Richard Baris LIVE https://t.co/rIPrV7FiLE
— Jack Posobiec
If you copy anything from Twitter or youtube, do your best to screenshot it or download it. Keep the back up.
Read how fishy it sounds when Fox even calls Arizona when Republicans only need 61% to swing the state and the ballots coming in are from Republican friendly areas. ht/ Bill C
Did Fox think 98% were counted?
“New York Times editor Patrick LaForge tweeted, “An error was found in the data feed from Edison Research (used by @nytimes and other news organizations) for Arizona results – 86 percent of ballots have ben counted, not 98%. NYT has not called the state for Biden, though he still leads.””
UPDATE: More information
The sudden appearance of 200,000 votes in MI is claimed to be a typo. Perhaps it was? It could have been a decimal point error, and was apparently corrected, which sounds plausible. President Trump has apparently launched lawsuits against the incident (and no doubt a thousand others). Perhaps there’s more going on, perhaps not. That doesn’t explain why tweets asking about this were censored (the answer could have been resolved so much faster, surely?).
But no one has any specific answer for the Wisconsin dump which also happened in the early hours before dawn. Politifact and USA today just say generically that more votes came in from Pro-Biden city seats. It still needs explaining. John Hinderaker also points out that there has been an 88% turnout. The turnout for Trump in 2016 was only 67% and the highest turnout in the last 18 years was about 75%. No state in the US recorded a turnout over 80% since 2002. Gateway Pundit has seven wards where they claim there are more votes than registered voters.
Perhaps the Michigan error was a decimal point typo. (h./t Gee Aye)
Caroline Wilson, county clerk for the central Michigan county of Shiawassee, told AFP by phone, “I added an extra zero accidentally,” thereby reporting 153,710 votes for Biden instead of 15,371.
The central Michigan county only has 55,612 registered voters.
When Biden’s 153,710 votes were lowered to 15,371 votes in a correction, 138,339 votes were removed from the Democrat’s total tally without any changes to Trump’s numbers.
Though graphs posted on the Detroit Free Press prove nothing at all:
An hour-by-hour update from Associated Press data shows that there was no point in time when Trump did not post an increase in votes.
Note that they provide an “hour by hour” graph (clever wording isn’t it?). That just spreads the leap at 5:04 across the whole hour. Naturally other votes would have been counted from other places in that hour, which adds in Trump votes and dilutes the effect. The sharp upturn in that graph from 5:18 – 6:18am is the largest rise in the graph.
When Trump/Pence spoke, I agreed with their analysis even giving Biden Nevada. There were 95%+ of votes counted in Michigan and Trump so far ahead as to win there. Wisconsin similar.
This looks like underhand tactics as Jo says.
Sad. Geoff S
Nonsense. The count in Michigan is still only 92% complete so far (see NY Times). Biden is 0.7% ahead with only absentee ballots to count. 70 counties are still to report those, but Biden is winning the absentee ballots so far by at least 2:1.
Slarty, 2:1 is possible. 96 to 1 is not.
When I recorded Michigan vote from Fox Tally last night Trump was leading 53.37% to 45.01% Biden with 68% of vote counted, an 8.31% advantage with less than one third of votes to come in. Like Michigan with Trump there having a 4% advantage with 90% votes counted, a magical turn around overnight. Defies credibility.
Michigan, with its 16 electoral votes, was one of three “Rust Belt” states that delivered Mr Trump his surprise election win four years ago, thanks largely to his support among white working class voters.
Hillary Clinton barely campaigned there, believing it to be a fairly safe Democratic state. It had gone blue in each of the previous six elections, and Barack Obama had beaten Mitt Romney by 10 per cent in 2012.
Mr Trump’s margin of victory was a razor-thin 0.22 per cent, representing just 11,000 votes.
He has spent recent months feuding with Michigan’s Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer over her handling of the pandemic.
The count so far shows Mr Biden leading by a margin of 4.2%.
Correction on Michigan %:
Michigan 16 electoral votes · 99% reporting
Biden 49.9% 2,684,200
Trump 48.6% 2,617,062
But how many votes are legal? Judicial Watch found 140% of eligible voters in San Diego on rolls. That was the worst but many places had more voters on rolls than eligible citizens..Why was auditing rolls avoided? Why have postal votes with s ignatures that don’t match been allowed? How many dead people voted? How many people voted in multiple places? How can courts judge this fraud?
Richard I’ve seen Cory Bernardi get a hold of seven dodgy ballots, 6 voters were 120 years of age and one was 150 years young .
That 140% is voter turn out saying if 100,000 people voted in that state/county/etc. in 2016, then in 2020 140,000 people came to vote. This has been happening in most states but also the amount of people that voted in general from last election has risen its suspected around 150 million voters have placed their ballots this year. The 140% seems a bit exaggerated but it certainly is possible.
Judicial Watch was auding voter rolls NOT votes! Perhaps 70% of the 140 % voted but how many of that 70% were legal? Why don’t Democrats want rolls auditted? I think they have leads into dead voters and people who have changed residency. Similar information on illegal immigrants.
You are completely wrong about what voter turnout is. Voter turnout is the number of votes, compared to the number of registered voters. Over 100% is theorerically possible due to same-day registration and provisional ballots, but in practice this simply does not happen.
It has absolutely nothing to do with the number of voters in 2016.
Why do people with no information insist on giving their OPINION as fact??
I heard a woman say today that she went to vote for Trump and was told she could not vote because she had already voted. She hadn’t. Her partner had the same experience. Trump warned of this potential every time he mentioned opposition to postal voting. Trump favoured absentee voting. Proof that you applied! Clearly votes were stolen and ‘arranged’ to create this inexplicable otherwise increase in Democrat votes. Socialists cheat in Australia. For example, we closed many institutions and put ‘clients’ in groups of about 6 in residential homes. A carer would call in one day a week. My contact told me that he was voting ‘through the carer’ for the ALP as they were told that would be better for him and ‘them’. He was from the country and told me he wanted to vote for the National Party. He had been brain damaged at birth but lived at home with his parents until orphaned. We have fraud in Australia! This American election is a huge fraud on the whole world. There will be millions of people like the woman I quoted above. What can they do? What happens when Hunter’s laptop exposes Joe? Oh! Richard remember Hillary’s emails! The MSM will protect and keep criminals out of jail.
Nothing surprises me in the USA electoral processes.
Getting to be a citizen is erratic & tiresome.
Getting on the voting role is hit & miss influenced by local power brokers and prejudices.
For generations if you were from the wrong racial back ground, voting was seen as a threat to local power brokers.
And MOST IMPORTANT there is no national American Electoral Commission to set national rules and operating procedures.
Instead there are more than 52 state based electoral bodies which supervise local city & county electoral bodies.
The ‘opportunities’ for ensuring a shonky ‘democracy’ are endless.
And you Jo, smell a ‘coup’ ?
Duhhhhhhh ?
Listening to someone on the US who was previously involved in politics, he said one of the tricks he had personally seen that the Dems pull was like going into nursing homes and “harvesting” votes of people who had things like bad strokes and couldnt even sit up in thier chair…..but apparenty they can “vote”….
I went to bed thinking Trump was a done deal, and all of a sudden the Dems are stealing the election like they promised they would
But here is the thing that the stupid Dems dont get – if the people dont accept the outcome, unelss the dems want to “contain” everyone who disagrees with them ( or maybe bring their chinese mates to do it ), without a mandate you have a stralemate between the people and the “govt”.
They know this, so abolishment of the 2nd Amendment will be next, to disarm everyone so “Grandpa Xi” can harangue the US popualtion without restriction through his Dem lap dogs….
But…… this should make you feel a bit ill….from both sizes?
The fix is in?
“Chinese ‘love’ Trump’s Mandarin-speaking granddaughter
“DONALD Trump’s granddaughter Arabella has sung for “Grandpa Xi” and “Grandma Peng” in Mandarin capturing China’s hearts. Watch the video here.
“In a video that Mr Trump showed Mr Xi during their stroll through the historic Forbidden City, his granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, greets “Grandpa Xi and Grandma Peng” with several Mandarin ballads and a recitation of ancient Chinese poetry.
If anyone here can get ahold of Lou Dobbs Tonight (BTW, he’s second only to Tucker for telling the truth on ANY faux news show) get to the segs where he’s talking to Ms. Dillon, the head of the Republican legal team (I think it was after the mid-show break, but don’t hold me to that) on all the lawsuits the RNC has, and will file based on this sort of election interference.
If anyone out there can save all episodes of Dobbs and forward them to Jo, I think it would be appreciated.
It was Fox News that first called Arizona for Biden when all the so-called left-wing media were too cautious. That is hardly a sign of a media coup.
ohhh get wrecked jonova
love ya slarty lol
It was some other group that accidentally told Fox that 98% of counties were counted when it was really 86%.
yeah they found another 500000. I wonder if anyone will try to stop counting there?
gee you are still an ass. Why does this bother you non American so much?
and the republican vote is gaining…
No. Point missed: voting is not fair or democratic. It is rigged.
and biased?
it is interesting not only for America its about the whole world we want to knew where we heading too.New World Order UN and so on.Do you think all that problem we have now did come out from no where.President Trump was holding back War and Sozialism .Do you knew how to live in a socialist country do you knew to survive with wife and children through a war no you never had a war over there and why should your son and daughters fight in a war when problem can be disolved in a way with manners.Voting is never fair but it comes to the individuals. the whole world looked to America but with Biden every country is better off not to look to america.
He read the paper sheet from above, you know. 86 read 98 that way.
How come media companies are calling election results? Isn’t there an independent electoral authority for the USA? It seems not. Something for the Trumpster to fix.
you are free to call results and everyone is free to listen or not listen to it. It doesn’t make it official.
No its because the media companies are so far up thier rear ends they think they run the place.
Very foolish thing to think.
The number of people I know who have dumped Farcebook, Twit and Pootube is huge. They get it.
Gab.com is a conservative alternative to Twit and doing well.
Fox is unreliable. They called the midterms too early while the left coast was still voting. An act of bastardry. The young Murdochs are globalists.
This coup is shocking. I hope the forces of the Right/righteousness prevail and this Leftist coup is defeated. This evil is the reality of today’s Left.
…which is it appears is why the 2nd Amnedment exists for exactly this reason, if its a coup….
It helps a lot to find votes when you know how many votes you need. I’m reminded of the “hanging chad” debacle in the Bush/Gore Floriduh vote count.
The real problem here is that all this conspiracy theory nonsense (not to mention the libertarian “Live and Let Die” approach to Covid) makes climate sceptics look like a bunch of nutters. Sadly, this has all done enormous damage to real climate scepticism over the last year or so.
Did 200,000 votes appear suddenly in Michigan and 138,000 in Wisconsin or not? Yes or no.
Note to readers, Slarty has made only 22 comments here. Concern Troll? Please don’t take the bait.
These magic jumps may well be contested in Court.
What is the source of those first two graphics that show this jump?
“Slarty” is also northern English slang, the meaning of which I can’t repeat here.
except it was a data glitch and the full data, when accessed shows no anomaly and no one scrutinising has raised a concern.
oh yeah and this
note the story attached
So after the fact, they redrew the graph. It’s only two lines…
Did the Detroit News report that the Hunter Biden Laptops were verified as his, exposed Joe Biden, and that the FBI had had them since December?
Looks like “No” to me. https://www.freep.com/search/?q=Hunter+Biden
So it’s a Democrat propaganda rag. If there are hard questions to ask, we know they didn’t ask them.
yes… you get it now. A data presentational source redrew the line. The voting was completely normal. So many comments about nothing aye.
Go to the official count and find out for yourself and meanwhile nice try at a diversion.
factcheck is better than snopes right??
And Wisconsin had the same human error at the same time. Just bad luck…
Not at the same time actually. Check again.
markx. Your comment is awaiting moderation.
get used to it
Has anyone looked at the other ballot choices in these huge dumps of Biden votes? The same jump should show in the senatorial or other items . If these “all Biden votes” were only voting in the presidential election it would be further indication of skulduggery.
there was no data dump
Good point!
Heard Greg Sheriden on Credlin today and he commented on how “lucky” Biden must be because the Republicans held their senate seats, gained house seats and no governor lost his seat! How does that happen when the President is losing his position.
Very fishy indeed.
TRump was right to slam on the brakes…..
Sadly for the Left there is no such thing as objective reality. To them, reality is whatever you want it to be. So whether it be one’s gender, supposed anthropogenic global warming, or voting data, they just make it up to suit their evil objectives. They have no guilt at all about this, and for the Sheeple who follow the decrees of the billionaire socialists, not even any consciousness that this is happening nor would they care or even understand that it’s wrong. The Left hate truth, reality and honesty.
The left plays on the emotions of gullible minds to persuade them to accept as necessary what an objective mind would otherwise reject as insane.
Sure but there are about 51%
objectiveinsane minds. Fix that.10
Or conversely, you could reverse the current situation and create uncertainty and confusion.
To the red thumb:
Either you saw this in yourself and didn’t like it or you don’t believe it. If it’s the former, I suggest counseling, but if it’s the later, I suggest you read the Democratic party platform and the Bernie/Biden manifesto and try to identify policy positions that are not supported by some sort of shallow emotional argument, most of which are also disingenuous, hypocritical and outright lies.
In addition to emotional manipulation, you should be on the lookout for language manipulation. For example, making intrinsically unfair progressive tax rates more ‘fair’ by making them more progressive (the specific language used for this came from the original Bernie manifesto).
The great beacon of America, lit by our founders, replenished by Lincoln, is now flickering out.
The smothering grey cloak of statist democratic socialism is descending upon our land.
Resistance is reforming on historical lines; it is not hard to see the Confederacy on our electoral map and
absent four rogue counties adjacent to the Federal see in the Commonwealth of Virginia the conformance is perfect.
Suggestions that the generic US internal migrant has left a high tax, high regulatory, expensive government with underfunded
pensions for the “sun belt” and may have voted along those lines can be defended.
Our politics will be brutally ugly for a while as both sides know the winner got the most ballots but probably not the most votes.
The well of comity in a capitol where all won power from the voters under fair and transparent circumstances is dry.
One side may hold out their hand and say “just politics”. More that usual the other side will say “f**** You”. Things like rape accusations
in a judicial hearing will not soon become unrung bells, and may require the retirement of the participants to heal.
As modeled in California, once the voting process can be captured, and ballots separated from the voters who nominally cast
them, the party in power mysteriously never loses again, despite execrable performance at governance.
COVID provided the opportunity to extend this abuse to many states, and the left took advantage. Ballots without live voters
have their own non-random tendencies. Razor thin majorities were provided in state after state by these ballots. One cannot say with
legal certainty that the counts were not legitimate, but one who claims that the changed process will not mean a less competitive future
has not been watching. There is, or course, as little fraud in American politics as there is gambling in Rick’s Cafe; and there is an iceberg tip
database of hundreds of convictions to prove the point.
America once had competing parties operating under a single national myth. The reincarnated Confederacy still believes in this patriotism.
Since we in the south are deplorable racist knuckle dragging trogs, we have to express our values simply, so I’ll use NASCAR mode;
pledge, pray, sing, fly, race.
The left fools all of their voters, real and imaginary, with three culture destroying myths.
First is a systemic racism, that robs people of color of all agency, requiring all society to be reformed and reconfigured by enlightened liberals
to redress a full panapoly of grievances.
Second is history’s largest ever scientific fraud, anthropogenic climate change, a non-existent “existential’ threat based on fraudulent and modified data
that justifies full control of the economy.
And third is the big lie that the left really, really, really cares about people so they should be fully trusted because of how much they care, and excused from being held
accountable for governmental outcomes, which are invariably due to forces beyond their control in any case. Why else generations of Democratic control in cities with the highest cost of living, worst housing,
poorest schools, most violence, and most homelessness and unemployment?
Are their flickers of hope remaining?
A few
The left has made promises within their disparate elements they’ll not keep. Again. Using somone else’s moral authority and electoral muscle for one’s own goal
is the leftist way. It even has a name. Intersectionality. Will “wait til next time” be good enough again this time?.
The mask was off a bit. It will go back on quickly, but we saw overt censorship, blatant lies, support for unspeakable stuff. SOme folks may have noticed.
The new Confederacy has a good selection of able young legislators and administrators, and GOP has a majority of the statehouses and governor’s offices. Actuaries tell us the
left will have to rebuild pretty much their whole roster in the next few years. The folks who emerge form their politburo may not be as capable as nor have the gravitas of the current folks;
and certainly won’t have the long history that undergirds the power of a Schumer, a Pelosi, a Feinstein, or a Biden. The next level of seniority is mostly in the Congressional Black Caucus.
And finally, we have a Supreme Court that may remind Washinton that powers not specifically granted tot he federal government are reserved to the states.
Our business community will be OK with a divided, even paralyzed government. I’m not sure our allies overseas shouldn’t be concerned. And its barely possible that the South will rise again.
Thanks for that outline Richard.
The AOC meme is now fully realized.
The background to the rise of AOC was described in great detail after she came into the public arena and the gang behind her was off the planet and truly frightening.
How AOC can be reelected when voters can see what she really is makes me very apprehensive.
All sense and reason has disappeared.
I don’t want to leave this world without some hope that my children will have a better world than I came into, but the madness has been building for 50 years now and it looks desperate.
Europe is stuffed, the African continent is stuffed and now the USA is about to be Liberated as well.
The Great March surges onward.
Does the opposition also vote for speaker of the house like here in Aus? If so I say help the Dems on by nominating AOC and vote her in. Force the issue before the next mid terms – let them crash and burn.
The only difference between Nancy Pelosi and AOC is fifty years.
I think America is still great. A Democrat President cannot change that.
But when President Xi owns the President, it can.
“President” Xi? You’re giving him too much credit! haha
I wish that was credible David. USA may have been invaded by electrol fraud, the cunning way communists fight modern war. Socialism will make it impossible to be voted out (Communism) and their philosophy, meaning well as they see it will destroy freedom. They believe their stupidity is fair. Watch the Middle East, China, North Korea. The companies Trump b(r)ought back, that created jobs and ventilators etc will leave. Trump had medicines produced back in America. ANZUS will be useless against China. NATO will fail. UN will take control as they did WHO for their masters in China. China continues to attack Australia now, with our lobsters. Biden’s USA has fallen to AGW and Russia will take the enrgy market in Europe . Americans will pay more for everything including energy and health. Free everything is very expensive. I fear for my children, granchildren and the whole world’s freedom. Biden’s unfit mentally and if Harris doesn’t get him for that her FBI will use Hunter’s laptop. Strange that the FBI did not act on that indisputable evidence in Jan or at least Feb.
It looks as if the republicans keep their senate majority, only reduced by one so all is not lost.
We are all screwed if Biden gets in. All of what you say, but also the APAC is in for a tough time. China will flex their muscles unchallenged in the South China Sea, and what about Taiwan’s future?
Biden will be held hostage by the left factions either with a threat of Amendment 25 or impeachment because of the laptop, so it will either be a proper Harris admin or a Biden admin with a Harris style.
Unlike Victoriastan, perhaps Americans habve the backbone to remove a completely corrupt system and start over.
It will take unfortnately another civil war to rout the corrosive left from your innards….such is the grip of power.
I would also suggest any light blue beret wearer is not your friend.
Beautiful Richard. Too late though. America the beautiful is now but a figment.
Regardless of who wins the fact that it’s so close is shockingly revealing. It appears the American psyche has shifted towards socialism. It’s really a sign of a decaying Western civilisation at the grassroots, namely the people. Democracy in action.
Remember, most people watching CNN etc have no idea that Hunter Bidens lap top was real, that it exposes impeachable and criminal offenses. Half the population have heard “Trump-hate” for four years.
It takes a lot of propaganda to get millions of votes. Gotta hand it to them. There is no doubt that millions of Americans did vote for a man in the early stages of some kind of dementia, who did almost no campaigning, and got almost no crowds to turn up.
I know all that Jo. The point is people need to take care and responsibility to know and understand the facts before voting. Otherwise, we might as well make things simpler and let the MSM elect the President. You follow?
Sorry to say:… but they DON’T take care and responsibility for their own actions, do they? Just look at the MSM TV Lifestyle progs etc to see the number of “poor Craiters”who are ‘featured’ ie exploited…. ( Isn’t politics “fascinating” in sofar as there are so many facets to any side or argument) … well, I take Life more seriously than the frivolous nature of some but long ago found that a simple fence / Dyke has more than 2 sides: There’s a top/bottom, inside/outside, fron/back and then the dyke has stones which each have their own “agenda” – to fall or stay and lock !! …
This shocking global move toward socialism has been promoted by the billionaire socialists, largely through social media, and secondly, the deliberate Leftist strategy of the “long march through the institutions” of Rudi Dutschke, and especially through the education/indoctrination system where critical thinking, traditional moral values and real history hasn’t been taught for decades.
The close vote in America, the re-election of a communist in New Zealand, the third time election of a Marxist in Queensland and the likely third time election of the communist Daniel Andrews in Victoriastan in two years are all of great concern.
The Left is extremely powerful and extremely embedded and it’s not clear how we can escape their evil. At least in the US they have the Second Amendment to reset the Constitution if things really get out of control. The rest of us have no such guarantee of freedom.
Aye, for sure. But the funny thing is: WHO gives these billionaires their funds? the common pawn is manipulated into parting with the cash. without all those Pawns, NO CASH…no nothing no progress. Funny how the N Hemi developed the way it did compared with Equatorial and Southern Countries ever did. ….. another topic for argument ??
“Billionaire socialists.”
An oxymoron if I ever heard one.
No doubt the dems would say they are shocked that half the population, to them, appears to be racist bigots as they are now standing so far to the left of the central line that anyone on the other side is extreme right compared to them
there is no doubt that there is now a very substantial chasm, with no longer a central line with one party just to the left of it and the other just to the right.
From where I am sitting it is difficult to see how that chasm can be reconciled. The left have been much cleverer at their march through the institutions, with the right not realising what they were up to, or even to show how liberal they were appointing many from the other side into public positions of power.
Mind you with the supreme court with a right wing majority and the houses cancelling each other out, Biden, if he prevails, is likely to find his power is severely curtailed.
No. There will be “retraining” camps. The SUPREME court will be washed out and complicit once there are 19 justices.
Michigan will almost certainly be contested. That the difference is running about 10 thousand out of 5 million is enough for a recount. The glaring evidence of dirty tricks makes it imperative.
PA says no final count until Friday, staying at just 64% all day so far.
So probably Friday at the earliest and maybe several weeks to find out who won.
Why is PA so slow in counting? Do they have to print more ballot papers?
No idea. The huge mail vote is labor intensive compared to voting machines so maybe they did not want to hire temps to open and log the mail. On the other hand I once worked for PA briefly and saw real corruption. Maybe they are waiting to see if they are the deciding state so they can get bought off. But now suddenly PA is up to 84%. Gremlins? Trump has a 6 point lead!
By my count if Bidarris get Michigan they do not need PA, but Mich should be contested.
They allowed mail in ballots for days AFTER the election. With the current totals and expected taken into account now that the count is up to 87% there would need to be a 73%+ remaining count to go Biden for him to ‘win’ the seat.
In 1980 in Pennsylvania the Daily Number was scammed and it came to light owing to the unusual betting patterns. Also the numbers that came up were “666” because balls had been weighted.
Hahahahahaha. David; it is lost. Trump has been cheated out of a win. Time to get over it and move on
Um….no…every seat that mysteriously swung to Biden should be contested…..
Smells like a rat…walks like a rat…chances are….
Bingo. How can there possibly be corruption in a system that, by design, waits to “open” and “count”
“Batches” of ballots only once it is know how many votes are needed to ensure the outcome? And that
allows these votes to be received after the polls close to live voters. We are truly fortunate that the
integrity of our government prevents any fraud from occurring. They are as honest as scientists.
I strongly disagree. i am not trying to start any fights, just voicing my opinion. it has been proven that in some states, likely including Michigan, mail in votes are being counted later and in a way that may make the results look as if there was voter fraud. and if someone was going to commit voter fraud, they would do it gradually, not in such a sudden manor that, as we have already seen, raises so many eyebrows.
Biden Harris 2020 🙂
1. They wouldn’t be stopping observers if there was nothing to hide.
2. Big number fraud might happen if they realized late at night that little number fraud wasn’t going to be enough and they panicked. Yeah?
If the Senate stays Republican then even if the Dems steal the election the President will be powerless. The President alone has very little power. No Kings.
And yet, without control of the House Trump still achieved so much in the last two years. Trade deals. Peace agreements. (Others can add more to this list).
Obama issued executive orders. He chucks out skeptics and installs his own people. That’s a lot of damage that can be done by a Chinese puppet.
I’m not sure powerless is the right word. Reduced power maybe but like Obama they can use executive orders.
This is how it works from a constitutional point of view ( a cut and paste from another site)
“Under the Constitution the state Legislature always retains 100% exclusive legal right to appoint its electors directly, and it should not hesitate to do so whenever it thinks their state’s election result is lacking in credibility, or if the margin of victory looks smaller than the margin of problems, or if their election rules weren’t followed faithfully.
Times like these are why the founders put Pres Electors solely into their hands. (not into judges hands, or crooked county election board officers, etc). They are the check and balance (not Scotus). Just like with impeachments, the standard is up to the sole judgement of the legislators, who in turn answer to their people. When the legislature abandons its right to override, the big-city machine knows there is effectively no ‘controlling legal authority’ over their hustle, even when it’s an open secret.
Republicans control both houses of legislature in MI, WI, PA, GA, AZ. They are the only ones who actually have the power to stop a steal, override a fraud, or fix a big failure. They just need the guts and conviction to do what is their right and duty to do. And we have to have their backs when they do.
imo the Speaker of the legislature should announce:
– The state’s Pres election result may not be credible, or that their election laws were changed or ignored. Margin of victory is too small with mistakes/irregularities too large, for any confidence in the end result with such high stakes.
– Will review of ballots, reporting, chain-of-custody, application of legislatures rules, and ask for everyone to document (where possible) or testify to things that are fishy, don’t add up, etc
– Legislature will meet to review it, and will exercise its right to appoint the electors directly if they judge the results are not credible, mail-in system or ballot custody/progeny fails integrity, etc.”
I do not think we want legislatures controlled by one party overturning wins by the other party. That could get out of hand very quickly.
You say you do not want the ‘situation’ to get ‘out of control’. What are you talking about? Is this reality to strange to acknowledge?
There is enough money and there is sufficient technology to do evil things. What we are seeing is an evil ‘plan’, a wreck your country plan.
This is not a ‘conspiracy’. A couple of dirty politicians and corrupt reporters.
Hundreds of thousands of Biden votes suddenly appearing is only one of the outrageous, treasonous activities that have taken place in the US in the last 10 years.
Clinton while working as secretary of State, has a private server and her staff destroy phones and wipes the private server clean to hide what they were doing with support from the FBI and department of ‘justice’. That is organized treason.
Biden’s son gets bought out by China and other foreign powers. The US agencies doing nothing. That is organized treaon.
Manmade dangerous virus released. China and friends have some miracle protection against virus. China is the only country in the world with positive GDP growth post covid.
Control of internet searches about covid and control to hide dirty Democrat activities, such as Democrat/China control of internet company and so on, fake news stations, making up evidence to attack the President, FBI changing documents to attack the President.
The ‘Democratic’ party is a puppet with lots of money, that is attacking the US to incapacitate the US, not to make the US a better place.
They are using Trump as the excuse to do what they are openingly doing.
So tragically right William.
Look people, the folks who do fraud have been doing it for years. The keys is to break the
tracability of a ballot to a real voter.
If you vote in person, you sign a registrars book, your signature is matched to your registration, and you vote.
The count matches the number of voters.
Absentee votes are requested by registered voters, signed, returned, the signatures compared, and the registrart book marked….in a few states
you can show up in person and reverse your vote.
In the new, modern, left wing Democratic system ballots are sent to all addresses of registered voters, and registeries are awful by design,
They are accepted back, often in drop boxes without postmarks, or with fuzzy postmarks, often without matching signatures or with an acceptance process that doesn’t
match signatures. If a few extra ballots are slipped in, or a few are gathers from nursing homes…well, the terms are ‘harvesting’ and ‘stuffing’.
Once these “ballots” are stacked at the precincts or in the counting house they are magically transformed into “votes”, and the existance of a voter in the background is
presumed. So you can count and recount and recount again …no change.
The old way; a legal challange process of going to a precinct and proving that the count of votes matches the number of sigs in the registrars book is over. There is no way to know that “voters” cast the votes. And somehow, like temperature adjustments, all these batches of harvested ballots always cause numerical; moves in one direction.
And that’s how its done, and why this election, likes the last three or four in the far west, is a valid as our temperature record, by the same people for the same reason.
When one is reasonable in dealings with dishonorable people one gets screwed. Got to start playing defense.
Well put.
A codicil is forget to mention is that this kind of fraud can have nominally honest artisans all up and down the line. Three of four people that include a couple of zealots at the Post Office that have access to a postmark stamp and a delivery vehicle can put many thousands of ballots into the system, that all others could in their minds cvouch for simply by looking the other way. We know this methodology from court convictions, not the fever swamp of imagination. It’s much more subtle than extras in the trunk of the supervisors car which we had last election in Florida.
Richard, all this would have been great 20 years ago. Too late now. The funny thing is how the rest of the world will react and / or survive.
That lieing freak shifty schiff. I can not fathom how he was reelected after lieing about everything and wasting millions of our money. Then again we are talking about the democrats with a money laundering [snip] running for president. China Biden. Him and Hillary sold our asses to China years ago. So much corruption on the left and very sickening. I dont want my children growing up with communism. They are a using our kids in public schools with this SEL all propaganda manipulating our children so it will be easier to persuade and control them. Separating them from family and church and very anti American. Most parents don’t realize that their children have undergone a psychological evaluation without their permission and this information was shared with private companies. Bill gates owns one of them. Luckier publishing now lucist trust I believe. Many teachers have been fired from their jobs this year trying to expose the child abuse going on with sel. America better wtf because Satan (democrats)raising your children and teaching them that your a bad parent and have done horrible things and america is horrible.It maybe to late to save Good bye America it was a good run while it lasted!!! If we’re ever allowed to vote again I will vote red across the board just as I did this time. Well known fact dead people always vote democrat!!! Thanks to the democrats base those usefull idiots are helping them destroy America! This plan was set into motion 50yrs ago. Imple.ent slowly so no one will see their real agenda!! Destroy America from within. Isnt what the dnc has been doing all these years considered domestic terrorism especially after funding and inciting these riots? Dnc should be labeled a terrorist organization anti Christian anti family anti American anti procreation and anti constitution.
Jo, if you lived in Canada instead of safely across the ocean in OZ, you’d feel a whole lot differently about Mr. Trump. I’m hugely sceptical of CAGW, but if I had to give in to the craziness of the Democratic Party and the climate-change zealots it would be worth it to see the end of the most incompetent and destructive presidency ever.
What do you count as incompetent and destructive?
Peter. One for each: Incompetent in being incapable of digesting intelligence briefings unless digested to simple singe-page summaries. Destructive in jeopardizing alliances with close allies (e.g. stopping steel imports from Canada (even from U.S. majority-owned companies!) on the pretext of national security), while fawning over enemy dictators like Putin and Kim Jong-un. “Canada has taken advantage of us”. Whiney too. Right.
Stephen, Fawning? Not remotely.
No other leader has got South and North Korea to even talk. That he alternately belittles “little Rocket Man” and holds a hand in friendship is just his style. No doubt exactly this unpredictable but sort of welcoming approach that made him a business giant putting his trade partners off guard but keeping a door open while telling them their real place.
Sorry to hear about your steel industry. Trump won by saying “he’d put America first”. If only Trudeau would do the same for Canada.
Here in Australia our greatest security threat is closer than the USA is. That helps make priorities clear.
There is not a single thing in your comment that is true.
Donald’s foreign policy has had a few hiccups, but overall its been highly successful. The world is drifting towards isolationism and there is not a thing we can do about it.
Trump came to power with the promise of bringing the jobs back home, so he told the American companies in Canada, Mexico and China that the game is over. Brilliant.
In the new world disorder I think we should bring back the old Empire, the motherland needs our help again.
yeah, focusing only on trade with China has allowed China to continue to abuse their people and to extend their regional reach and threat (hi Taiwan friends). But since China is your thing, I guess that is something you are happy with.
Donald has been hard on China, hence the trade war, which is understandable. He has also reduced US exposure to foreign wars.
Taiwan is not under threat from the mainland and how they treat minority groups in their country is entirely up to them. Beijing is aware of our Judeo-Christian perspective, they have created a different sort of fascism.
China has done nothing but become more bold while the MIA president focused on tariffs. He did nothing “tough”.
Bwahh haha. Tariffs aren’t tough? Right You’d prefer carpet bombing. Noted. Fool.
Beijing is inscrutable and Donald exposed them for what they are.
W.hat has Russia or Putin done to be called “enemy “? Russia was ignored by previous administration s and punitively addressed even though the Soviet had been dismantled.
I would have thought that the political scene in Canada was more than enough to keep you fearful.
How can you say Trump is a bigger threat than what’s been happening at home?
In one term, Trump has reshaped the financial structure of the USA so as to create jobs and a dignified future for the former social security dependent group ignored for 8 years by OBiden.
Outside the U.S. there’s now dialogue in parts of the middle East. I’m sure there are many in Europe and Britain who would be keen to get Trump as their leader; they couldn’t be worse off and may actually benefit biggly.
Kalm. I’m not denying that a lot of good things have happened during the Trump presidency, including most the of the things you’ve mentioned. I think another Republican candidate for president could and would have done as much and more without all the chaos and vitriol, and a second term would have been a slam-dunk, given the current Democratic party line, if a truly capable person had been in charge. Pence comes to mind. Just to be able to survive in his position for so long is a testimony to the man’s intelligence, when it seems every second other close aide in the last four years has resigned or been fired, then proceeded to write a tell-all book outlining chaos central. As for our own P.M., I’m not a great fan, so not going to offer a defense there.
‘ … if a truly capable person had been in charge.’
He is quite capable and has reinvigorated American democracy, which was being swallowed up by the swamp.
So you think the “tell-all” accounts of that awful Orange Man’s management are believable, even when written by somebody Trump has fired?
Does nothing about that give you cause for scepticism?
Steve. If there was just one, I’d be more sceptical. I’ve followed the goings-on of every president since (and including) Nixon. How many tell-all books were published by their presidential aides after resigning or being fired? Any? How do you account for the presidential turn-style? Were they all secretly incompetent turn-coats? Is Trump a lousy judge of character?
‘Is Trump a lousy judge of character?’
Maybe, but hes damned effective…..I can live with that.
Hes done more to drain the swamp than anyone else.
We all make mistakes in judging character (else divorce lawyers would be out of business). It depends more upon how you correct that misjudgment.
Tell us how good the judgement is of your man in Ottawa and his friendship with Castro of Cuba?
Or his picture taken here after a bit of makeup
And the Canadians voted him in a few times. And his Dad. Canadian Political Royalty. Did Castro attend the funeral of Pierre Trudeau? It seems like Yes.
Ask the Cubans of Little Havana in Florida in what manner was Castro larger than life and how remarkable a leader?
Obama decided not to send himself or Biden to Cuba for the funeral owing to the backlash that such a thing would cause. But his heart would be in it.
Cheesyman, the only thing Donal Trump has been destructive to is the deep swamp that infests the U.S. government at all levels. Those swamp creatures that have open hostility to the working taxpayers that feed their insatiable greed.
Carguy. I think your expectations were too low. With a compliant senate, and a right-leaning supreme court, a better Republican candidate could have done far more, with less blow-back. Now we’re looking at at least 4 years of Democratic rule, and the return of the climate agenda instead of consolidating what’s been gained. I’m just disappointed in 4 years squandered.
But that’s the problem Stephen. Trump is the only Republican who is too rich to buy off and too famous not to care what people say about him.
The RINO’s wouldn’t even let him build a wall. What did he get elected for in 2016?
Trump didn’t have control of the House, because he threatens the status quo, the deep swamp, which includes many in congress, some who have been there for nearly 50 years.
Stephen, it needed an outsider with a serious badass mentality to take on the swamp. A “better” career politician would not have had the guts to do it as they are held captive by the political classes where everything is wrapped in a cloak of decency and respectability while committing every shady, immoral deed under the sun (cite the laptop). It is an extremely dirty world they operate in. And you will remember Trump almost faced more resistant from a “friendly” congress under Ryan than he did with Pelosi. The conservatives among the political classes are either career politicians who chose the “conservative” side as they knew they would never be accepted among the progressives (Malcolm where art though?), but are anything but conservative and either will not act or can be shamed into not acting very easily.
Remember when Biden let slip a week or so back–“we have built the biggest voter fraud organisation ever constructed”. The media referred to it as a “freudian slip” and then buried it.
Pfeiffer asked what Biden would say to people who haven’t voted yet or don’t have a plan to vote.
In response, Biden gave a three-part answer:
He first encouraged people to create a plan by going to IWillVote.com, a site hosted by the Democratic National Committee.
The second part of Biden’s answer began with the “voter fraud organization” clip.
He then described ways people can find help if they have trouble voting.
Biden, Oct. 24: But one of the things that I think is most important is those who haven’t voted yet, first of all go to IWILLVOTE.com to make a plan exactly how you’re going to vote, where you’re going to vote, when you’re going to vote. Because it can get complicated, because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote — particularly people of color — to vote. So go to IWILLVOTE.com.
Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration — President Obama’s administration before this — we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won’t be counted, it can’t be counted, we’re going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it’s going to overwhelm the system.
You see what’s happening now, you guys know it as well as I do, you see the long, long lines and early voting. You see the millions of people who have already cast a ballot. And so, don’t be intimidated. If in fact you have any, any problem go to — and I don’t have the number but it’s 833-DEM-VOTE… Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them, they’ll answer the phone, if you think there’s any challenge to your voting. Go to 833-DEM-VOTE, dial those letters on your phone. That will get you the assistance that we have already put in place.
When Biden used the phrase “voter fraud organization,” he was referring to the systems put into place to help people who have trouble voting. He wasn’t admitting to voter fraud.
So if you believe that, you are happy that someone who cannot clearly explain something as simple as that, becomes President of one of the most important countries in the world ?
Yep, the woke totalitarians are on the march here in the US.
Intolerance will not be tolerated.
Diversity with the exception of politics.
But aren’t you guys in OZ way ahead of us?
Don’t you nearly get arrested if you challenge the narrative of the UKNOW 19, (soon to to be 20 and 21)?
The Trans Tasman Bubble will be open for business by Xmas and I suspect we’ll be taking in UK refugees later next year.
Do you guys want Bruce Springsteen?
Do you theys want Bruce Springsteen?
Nope…just build a 10 foot chain mesh fence around CA and let them all the whiny celebs rot.
Cut their power from outside the state and tell them to use thier windmills only.
Let their self=-appointed brown shirt police force, Antifa, go beserk and burn everything to the gorund like the juvenilke delinquents they are.
And forcibly turn back anyone who tries to escape.
JOb done.
Its how you deal with perpetual children…make them face thier own stupidity.
Aren’t we the ones having to face the stupidity?
That’s why I’m reading JONOVA.
A last ditch attempt to find sanity.
I came here years ago when I began to educate myself about climate science.
Feels like that was a mistake.
Turns out it’s not about science.
Turns out the ministers of diversity and inclusion are anything but.
Participating here feels like I made it to the last redoubt of the zombie apocalypse.
I’m afraid I’ll wake one morning and they will have gotten Jo.
We hope not.
No thanks.
I mentioned Biden’s “freudian slip” above. Here it is –I’m surprised You Tube has not taken it down. If someone knows how to save it or put it on Bitchute , let us know before it disappears.
I have downloaded this clip, no doubt many others have as well.
In it Joe does appear to be lucid, perhaps this means he agreed with what he was reading out.
I will find out how to put the clip on Bitchute if necessary.
This is just further evidence of the Left’s success in reaching ‘critical mass’. By that I mean they have now taken control of pretty much every organisation/institution that might once have held them to account, or at least exposed their misdeeds.
They obviously control the MSM and this ensures that, even if we know or strongly believe that foul play occurred (i.e. the Bidens in Ukraine), the matter is either played down or simply not amplified and ‘beaten up’. This means they can claim the people are not interested in the matter and go on to simply make stuff up to discredit it.
Likelwise, the Left pretty much controls the judiciary, the FBI, the education sector (esp the universities), the NGOs, the UN and WHO, etc, etc).
Between them, then can ensure that dodgy dealing is ignored, denied or their opponents discredited, without fear that their lying and cheating will be exposed or stopped by the law.
But, while the sad and worrisome march by the USA toward elite socialism and intolerance is bad, my principal concern here is China. Without the US to oppose China’s march toward world domination, Australia is left utterly exposed and enfeebled. My belief is that Australia will be the first Western nation to be attacked openly in any shooting war, to produce an early symbolic victory but also to gauge the West’s appetite for military escalation when one of their allies is attacked.
Just like Steve says above.
We’re r00ted!
The left is now just too big.
They can openly just get away with anything now.
This is not just ….. ‘us’ rolling over and accepting it. The snowball has completely rolled over us, and covered us up totally.
We’ve lost, or more correctly, we were wrong to even think we had a chance of making a difference.
There’s just no point to it any more.
I agree Steve. Australia is an ideal test case for global domination by the Elite socialists.
It’s not so small as to not matter, but not so big as to be able to militarily attack China, although our military is highly capable and would give them a run for their money in the best tradition of the ANZACs.
Australia has Elite socialists strongly embedded everywhere, in government, the “education” system and in corporations, the masses are utterly dumbed down after decades of Leftist indoctrination in “schools” and we are utterly without leadership at every level.
Plus we are weak because of massive debt plus the shut down of most industry except the export of rocks and the export of educational services (although that is now closed as well and the Chinese were once the best customers).
Plus Australia, all political parties, are fanatical signatories to virtually any decree dreamt up by the Marxists in the UN, such as the global warming scam.
In short, Australia will be a pushover and Marxist dominated Europe, neutral Japan, hostile Indonesia and regrettably a Marxist Harris lead America (after they get rid of the demented puppet Biden) won’t do anything as they themselves will allow themselves to be dominated by the Chinese.
Given that the chance of the sudden appearance of 200K & 138K votes overwhelmingly favoring any candidate is improbable these bundles of votes need to be sequestered for impartial forensic analysis.
too late; they’ve been presented in such a way that their provenance is indeterminable.
A judge will have to buy statistical evidence, hear from a whistleblower, or find a technicality.
Taint likely.
Did I miss something? There were always going to be huge wads of posted votes hitting the count at some stage. Those are different from the ‘ask for a postal vote’ type, and they were always going to be exceedingly Democrat. I’m sure they were stuffed and fudged as much as possible, but it was usually stated how, and when, the different votes would be counted. So in different states they were always going to be there at some stage. But 100% of a count is pretty out there.
Ross P mentioned that the Reps control both houses in all the contested states (?), and it is the state govts that run the elections? Or is it totally weird, and done by the individual counties?
Republican allies break with Trump, say take time to count all the votes
Their comments came after the president urged that ballot counting in some states be stopped and baselessly claimed a “major fraud on the nation.”
WASHINGTON — Some Republicans are not falling in line behind President Donald Trump’s attempts to falsely declare victory and seek to halt some vote-counting in the presidential race, with several GOP leaders expressing rare public rebukes of the president.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., a Trump ally who usually avoids criticizing the president in public, told reporters Wednesday that “claiming you’ve won the election is different from finishing the counting.”
“There’s just no basis to make that argument tonight,” former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said on ABC News. “There just isn’t. All these votes have to be counted that are in now.”
Christie is a Trump ally who spent seven days in the intensive care unit after catching the coronavirus, potentially from the president, while helping him prepare for the first debate with Biden.
“You have to let the process play itself out before you judge it to be flawed. And by prematurely doing this, if there is a flaw later, he has undercut his own credibility,” Christie continued. “So I think it’s a bad strategic decision, it’s a bad political decision, and it’s not the kind of decision you would expect someone to make tonight who holds the position he holds.”
Ohio Gov. Mike Dewine said on Fox News Wednesday evening that while “I am for Trump…if it ends up being Biden, all of us will accept that.”
“We believe in the rule of law,” De Wine said. “Every vote has to be counted. We as a country accept election results. We believe in counting all the votes.”
“Stop. Full stop. The votes will be counted and you will either win or lose,” Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger replied to Trump on Twitter. “When the results are confirmed, we must accept the outcomes with respect for our democracy.”
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who spoke at a recent Trump campaign rally, said in a tweet that “taking days to count legally cast votes is NOT fraud.”
well duh
Gee Aye; “..well duh..”
You expected them to be reasonable? I sure didn’t. I’m frankly surprised.
The tragic coup against the United States (hopefully it will be attempted and not actual, the election result is not official yet) ought to be a wake up call for conservatives everywhere.
The Left, mostly drones who mindlessly follow the billionaire socialists as their useful idiots, work tirelessly to fulfil their evil objectives.
When conservatives remain silent on any issue, the Left ratchet up the pressure even more. They nearly always get what they want, including an attempted or actual coup of the United States.
There is simply no way Trump could have lost a fair or honest election.
C’mon folk be kind to the pasture farmers. With all this rain it is hard for them to keep up with your demand for straw to clutch at.
Gee! Eh?
What rain?
Said with as many facts as he could muster.
With an higher degree, and yet this is as intellectual as it gets?
Twitter are at it again – #trollosaurus has had his account suspended.
I hope Trump finds a way to win otherwise the swamp has succeeded.
Post World War 2;
reorganisation, hard work for everybody, thrift and self discipline.
Late Sixties:
We’ve made it, relax.
Early Seventies:
Social Security is embedded in our society as a wonderful means of inducing voters to, well, you know: Vote for More. Thrift, self discipline and indebtedness to society are “old ideas” and all the jobs can be done “overseas” somewhere “backwards” and uneducated.
And the decline accelerated.
Man Made Global Warming and death by incineration due to CO2 levels became the new control meme. The “Compassion” industry has seen the demolition of all the sacrifices made in Europe post WW11 and “sharing” has become mandatory. Good luck with that.
Thanks for the U.N. Sponsorship of bullish Bushfires where even firechiefs Will throw away concern for fire stupidity victims so they can be part of the team of expurts pontificating at the next U.N. Sponsored conference on climate/fire in Tahiti or Paris.
But hang on, some of us are still moving: bring on a disease.
Gotcha, Kovid19; decades of toil and effort gone in a shutdown worthy of a Goebelles.
Ostraylya, a country which once had jobs, sensible vaccination, world best education, water in dams, cheap electricity, reward for effort, low crime rate and well managed bushfire risk.
Now we have deceit, misdirection and mistrust at every turn.
Poor fella my country.
One of the ways the Left stir up racial tensions is the way they define the essence of a person by their race and not their character.
This view dominates the Left and us known as “critical race theory”. Here is an interview with US conservative academic James Lindsay on the topic as well as other related issues. “Woke Utopia and the end of the West and a new cult”. https://youtu.be/dE8p-mcFdNg
Dr Ben Carlson, black US conservative said:
“it is mostly with the progressive movement who will look at someone like me, and because of the color of my pigment, they decide that there’s a certain way that I’m supposed to think. And if I don’t think that way, I’m an Uncle Tom and they heap all kinds of hatred on you. That, to me, is racism.”
[this web site is behaving very strangely]
“A since deleted tweet posted by Matt Mackowiak, a conservative commentator and chair of Texas’ Travis County Republican Party, appears to show that during one results update in Michigan, Joe Biden received 100% of newly counted votes. Attached to the tweet were two election maps appearing to show election results from earlier in the count and one from later. Mackowiak said he took the screenshots early this morning. Mackowiak acknowledged the posts were inaccurate. He has since deleted the tweet, explaining, “I have now learned the MI update referenced was a typo in one county.”
So nothing happened on the ground in the vote count and no republican on the ground had a probel,. It was the online display for public consumption, not the actual votes that jumped and when they realised the error they fixed it. As did the guy who first reported it – he admitted to the error – and yet this site soldiers on regardless.
What a sight!
Yes Gee Aye, obviously despite being asleep I have no excuse for not reading your comments and adding notes to the post.
You are well connected with reality aren’t you?
And so where there two typos in two different states at the same time?
In the absence of cut straw I have a fine collection of plastic ones collected from a recent trip to the coast. You can have them as I know you like that kind of thing.
wisconsin… someone asked the election officials and again no one on the ground observing has had anything to say about it because nothing happened to the official count.
“From 3:26 to 3:44 a.m. in the Associated Press election reporting stream, the vote for former Vice President Joe Biden jumped by 149,520 (9.2% of Biden’s total votes) and Trump’s vote jumped by 31,803 votes (2% of his total votes). Milwaukee County accounted for most but not all of that jump.”
I don’t think anyone else has the gall to call this fraud. That jump in both candidates votes mirrors other urban area proportions of dems to GOPs
Over 82%. Wow, Milwaukee County must be almost as full of Federal employees and lobbyists as the District of Columbia. Totally credible…
I have a house in Travis County Texas. Austin women lawyers argued Roe v Wade to stop Wallace Dixiecrats from forcing women into involuntary labor of unwanted childbirth as was occurring in Ceausescu’s Romania. The Libertarian plank on this was copied by the Supreme Court as Roe v Wade. Austin is the San Francisco of the Southwest. We are willing to put up with a lot of fiscal restraint, but individual freedom from coercion is key. Republicans that same year were bombing Cambodia, imprisoning Timothy Leary and trying to amend the Constitution to force women to reproduce at gunpoint per “race suicide” and similar eugenics theories. Republicans only imitate Libertarians so they can shoot hippies, bully women, crash the economy and lose elections to Luddites. I am selling the house and looking for something in Florida.
Trump could still take Nevada and rescue the chestnuts from the fire but seeing his demeanour while he listened to Pence and then left the stage I understood there to be no fight left in him yesterday; maybe after a good sleep he’ll wake up and remember his own advice never to give up.
As to Steve of Cornubia’s words about an attack by the PRC surely the Victorian BRI MOU has set the stage for an internal bloodless conquest; I’m ready to watch the other states line up once the Belt and Road money begins pouring in after all our exports have been long choked off.
Tucker Carlson today is worth watching . Good guests with a lot of insight into possible fraud.
Peoples, you are missing the point. Whether it be hook or by crook, the fact remains America has shifted towards socialism with open arms. I and many others were expecting, or at least hoping the opposite would happen and more people would wake up and see through the BS from the left and give Trump an thumping victory. I should have realised that was just a dream. The reality is more and more people are going to sleep, not waking up. Oh well, let’s see how it all pans out longer term regardless of who wins this time. It doesn’t look good at all. The American psyche has gone to s….
Peter, we agree with you, but this is not news. 60 million Americans’ voted for Hillary.
We have been talking about that critical point where more people in a State “Vote Themselves the Treasury” for years.
In this case, it appears the voters did recognize the importance of voting (hence the turnout), but corruption now is so deep that bulk votes can be dumped (on top of the already documented ballot harvesting) — especially when supported and covered by the “free press”. That is a new low, and a critical development. If the government can be chosen by suppression and cheating how does any honest leader ever win in the US again?
If the Democrat vote was real, why do so many states in the US not have basic ID checks, why did they send unrequested ballots? Why was so much metadata withheld this year?
The Dems bully people to keep the Trump vote silent. They cheat on the polling, They hide the scandals in the press, and they do ballot harvesting. Even on top of all that, they still possibly had to do strange “vote count stops”, possible dumps, and declared victory even when Trump was ahead (what did they know?)
I might be OT but I just felt the need to make the point that even though most of us expected voter fraud for some time (extent unknown), I mistakenly believed that most people would see through the BS coming from the left and overwhelmingly returned Trump with a landslide. I stated a long time ago this election would be a major litmus test for the American psyche. We now now it’s turned for the worse regardless of the extent of voter fraud.
I posted a link to this article on Facebook. People complained that could not get access so I copied it to 4 pages of jpg and posted again. This time Face book came back with a critique from independant fact-checkers and the post was banned. We are living in the soviet union.
how embarrassing. Maybe check your sources first.
Red thumb error. I actually agree with you . .
It’s a great shame that facebook can get away with such actions . .
A leaked zoom call from far-left leaders EXPOSES their terrifying Election Day plans – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83CumMPE4_s .
Top Coup Experts Training Left with Revolutionary Tactics Ahead of Election – https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/02/top-coup-experts-training-left-with-revolutionary-tactics-ahead-of-election/ .
HI Kim… new to this are you?
Sorry, Did you find errors in the linked information?
Gee, are you new to this?
I found no corroboration of the claims that it was real.
You found nothing? How unusual!
Remember Amendment 8 that the Reagan Administration and Vatican exported to Ireland? It was repealed by a comfy 2/3 majority and the lesson ignored by girl-bullying, Comstock Law, Republican National Socialists. For the next four years, Luddite communists will be busily working to outlaw all forms of functional electric generation. My question is: which is more important, generating electricity or bullying women and shooting hippies over sumptuary pseudoscience and eugenic theories?
Gateway Pundit and @Trollasaurus
one admitted the error – ie no fraud and the other is suspended from twitter for rule breaking.
You skeptics crack me up.
Gee Aye, and you believe everything you are told by newspapers and TV stations that hide the most important information in this election.
What did Trollasaurus say that was so bad? You have no idea, because you haven’t even read his account. I did.
But Twitter doesn’t suspend your socialist friends, so that’s OK?
And you are unskeptical about everything else. At least GP admitted their error as did the commenters once it was posted, although they seemed confused still.
Some sort of socialist derangement syndrome.
Yeah funny how when you take the socialist social media, mysteriously you break “community standards” but on same socila media outfits like antifa get a free ride with little or no censorship …care to explain that one?
hit a nerve there, SDS indeed
The math will come later, but I’d wager the performance comparisons of 2016 and 2020 fall into two pretty discrete buckets in the various states depending on whether or not the rules
were changed late to permit mail-in voting. We’ll be able to identify and quantify fraud without being able to “prove” it and it will be frustrating as hell.
Hi Jo
Based on the votes made on election day Trump won all but 1 state, a landslide in anyone’s language. Based on the mail-in and pre-poll vote Biden won all but 2 states. How has it become acceptable that so many votes can be made prior to election day? How many of those votes were cast before the Biden laptop affair came out and how many would have voted differently if they waited until election day?
Mail-in voting was supposed to be for those unable to physically get to a polling booth on election day but has now become a new way to tilt the result left. How many of the lazy mail-in voters would have been bothered to turn up on election day if they were required to provide evidence of infirmity in order to vote by mail? 0.
And how is it that most states were able to count the votes on election night but in these critical states, run by democrats, the count is taking soooo long? Is it a deliberate play for national attention by local politicians or is it serious incompetence? I’m not ready to call shenanigans yet but there does appear to be some questionable goings on in these key states.
“”I found a box of 500 ballots – none of the names were on the roll” ”
Known as an “FOT delivery” around here?
(FOR = freight on rail, FOB = freight on boat, FOT = fell off truck)
“Fox News Circles The Wagons and Fails – Guy Benson Accidentally Exposes Scheme: Contracted Fox News Pollster is also Fox News Decision Desk Narrator…”
At this point, given that gun sales for the last 6 months have broken all-time records and the consensus is that over 70% of Americans expect violent trouble after the election, it is almost impossible not to expect civil unrest and maybe even civil war or perhaps the breakup of the United States into Republican and Democrat enclaves.
With very similar sentiments and divisions in Alberta and British Columbia and some groundswell supporting an application to be admitted to the United States, it is not beyond reason that any violence in the US would spill over to Canada.
I reckon you are right. Mark my words.
Rick this violence thing is a beat-up, American radical movements lack a leader, so any flare-ups will be treated as law breaking. Trust me, Canada won’t get any spillover of violence or refugees.
A Biden presidency would see the UK out in the cold.
Time for another truckload of Democrat emergency ballots:
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink ….. former Goldman Sachs executive speaks;
Malcolm Turnbull savaged for US election comment
Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull is being slammed online for taking a swipe at Donald Trump after he tweeted “count every vote” on Wednesday night.
Voter f*aud, really, Joe?
Logically, the ‘coup’ attempt is a good news story in disguise. I can see a good scenario for us.
The US military, logically have a plan to defend the US for all attacks, including sneaky or not so sneaky coup attempts. We all know it is a fact that the fake media and the internet giants are going all out to push propaganda and to hide stuff during this election.
It is a fact that the US military have independent high-tech medical laboratories in the US to protect the US from a foreign biological attack. The US military absolutely would know whether the virus is or is not man made.
Logically, if it is a fact that HCQ is a covid cure….
… the US senior military leadership would know that fact also. Hiding a covid cure. at a time of a pandemic and the virus is man-made, would from the US military’s standpoint, be treason and in your face evidence of a mass conspiracy. Evidence that the US government is rotten and the US is under attack. This attack is evidence of a deep system failure, that logically can be corrected.
The US response to a Chinese sponsored coup attempt/mass conspiracy, and a biological attack on the world, logically would be to regain control of the US and start to undo the propaganda concerning the virus.
The US election results would logically be delayed, to allow time for media releases about HCQ and the HCQ cover-up.
Then there would be news releases about the Vit D def. issue and the Vit deficiency cover-up.
The US democrats (all) would logically be replaced by competent non-political military personnel, for the new temporary non-political US governing body. Same later with republicans. Trump would continue as a figurehead president only. The new non-political US governing body would remain, until the US-China issue which will not be declared is resolved.
Care to wager how long it takes for the Left to acting like spoilt children and start attacking the supreme court justices because they dare to do their jobs and act as impartial judges when reviewing vote counts?
I second the motion, complete bonkers. Nothing unusual is going to happen, there will be an orderly transition if that is required.
Mr Astley, have you given any thought to writing film scripts?
In reality there will be a quiet, non-violent change of government if Biden wins.
‘Democratic challenger Joe Biden leads US President Donald Trump in the popular vote by 3.5 million.
‘But the presidency will be decided by the Electoral College, the results of which now depend on the four key states.’ SCMP
WE AMERICANS ARE IN A SITUATION LIKE 1860 with Abraham Linvoln forced to fight and save the Union. Or Andrew Jackson in 1824, prepping for 1828, states former House Speaker and history professor, Newt Gingrich.
FIGHT LIKE HELL! And hope for the best, he advises.
I was going to quietly retire in Central Europe. Instead, I’m weighing joining in the Good Fight and working for one of the dozen new Congressmen or Women in Washington.
Glenn Greenwald last weekend, points out that Dems pointed out Biden’s cognitive decline. But since the primary season, even noticing it it has been taboo! Short 2 minute video:
A one minute of dark humour: a parody of “Weekend At Bernies” an ‘80s classic reborn as “Weekend at Biden’s”
Investigative reporter Greenwald points out that ONLY the Corona Virus crises made the media censorship of Joe Biden’s mental decline — keeping the voting public ignorant — possible.
Yet YOU want to be put in charge of the single most influential and leading nation in the world? THIS IS MADNESS. INSANE.
History is Continuous – not Episodic
Methinks the American coup happened earlier in history than most people realise. In fact the ‘glasnost’ policy the West enjoyed – till recently – with the East can be traced back to Vladimir Lenin.
Whittaker Chambers in his book “Witness” (1952), wrote not only about his own involvement in the Soviet underground operating in America, but went on to expose the State Department official, Alger Hiss, as a spy for the Soviet Union. It seems the State Department was riddled with people sharing such sympathies.
Please make the effort to watch Jeremy Lee’s “NWO: Seduction or Solution” (found here http://www.alor.org/).
Jeremy gives us an historical overview of world history over the last 150 years – and not the disjointed version we are usually fed.
It might also wake the West up to what we are really facing.
Fox: Tucker Carlson – what the left want to impose on America;
That’s what it’s all about. Brilliant insight!
Jo, surely you’ve seen enough American elections to know not to expect an honest election in the USA.
Forget the Village People, Trump the Fraudster should be humming along to this little Aussie classic by now:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8Dk0vUuucIQ
And then we also see voter turnout of 90% in a state where the average has always been in the 60’s and occasionally hitting 70. It apparently translates into about 900K previously non-engaged people registering to vote on election day. If it walks like a duck….
Looks like Trump is gonna be ok.
He’s got the angels onside now.
(How could they resist such a call?)
Clearly another case for Sherlock Holmes. He would sort it out, join the sordid dots, flush out the corruption and stay alive, just as he did in the 1943 movie: Sherlock Holmes in Washington.
Not epic times. The agony is real.
Not epic times. The agony is real.
Here’s something from left field. I give it as read with no confirmation.
I learned today that in the USA state legislatures (the lower house in that state) have plenary power. This means that despite an apparent popular vote, if the state legislatures decide that there is enough evidence that electoral fraud has occurred they can decide to give the electoral college votes to the other candidate, the one who was cheated of the election in that state.
Why am I telling you this? Well the states where there are indications of electoral fraud are notably Wisconsin and Michigan with some evidence in Pennsylvania as well.
I looked into what the lower house mix is in each of those states and this is what I found:
Winsconsin: Republican 63 : Democrat 34
Michigan: Republican 58 : 52
Pennsylvania: Republican 109 : Democrat 93
Of course a decision like that by the lower house can be challenged for its constitutionality and could be overridden by the US Supreme Court.
“William Bradley, Born March 1902”
Died 1984 so I guess you’d call him a stinking voter since?
“Margin Of Fraud”
Legal bomb Pensylvania
I can’t remember now where I read this, so I can’t give credit to the author… even though I’d like to.
‘The Second Civil War’.
I hope it doesn’t come to that.
Trump was silly in lodging fraud complaints in certain states before the count was completed. While I am not a Biden supporter, I agree with his statement: “LET ALL VOTES BE COUNTED” (ie: Democracy… like it or lump it). Only THEN do you lodge complaints (with supporting evidence, which the Trump camp has, as yet, not provided) with the state (NOT FEDERAL) courts, and let the legal system do its work. Remember…the US Election is not a federal one…it is 50 state elections, combined to form the overall result using the Electoral College System, and the President has no power to intervene in these state court’s decisions. Yes, he can lodge a complaint, but he is powerless to influence the resultant decision. In the initial stage, the Federal Court is irrelevant…it must wait on the decision of the state courts. I think a bit of reality is needed here….CALL IT A COUP WHEN ALL THE EVIDENCE HAS BEEN CONSIDERED, AND ALL VOTES CHECKED, AND NOT BEFORE
Fox news is a joke now its owned by Disney; enough said.
Also Paul Ryan is on the Fox advisory board and he hates our president so don’t take much of the new Fox news as trusted like it used to be with the exception of Hanity, and a few others.
Baaah baaaah baaah.
I’m having a climate change sheep moment.
For many years I’ve been part of skeptical community here and elsewhere that watches as every year, temperture records present and past
are fraudulently posted, the “theory” is brilliantly confirmed, millions of idiot journalist words are written to support the lie and billions
in public funds are spent to destroy a perfectly functional power grid. We sit here smugly knowing the truth, confident that telling the
truth will eventually save the day, watching a great place like California deteriorate to feudal status where the forest burn, the power flickers,
the middle class migrates out, and the overlords sit on their estates telling us how wonderful they are, confident we will continue to pay for their ecxesses.
Is it any wonder they can conjure up a needed 100,000 votes to flip Wisconsin at midnight, with theoretical impossible participation and voter totals over 100% in some precincts
(mail-in voting + time-of-vote registration = imaginary voters). We’ll do little more than cluck cluck and bitch on our web sites, but otherwise play along. They’ve been
lying to us and stealing our money for years. The process of selling climate change has been neither a dry run nor a little brother to election fraud; it is an integral part of the system of how one gets a public to accept big lies and strips all authority from those who might stand up and say the emporer is naked. They are not repressed, generally, that
calls too much attention to counter argument. So they are treated as bleating sheep, non-sentient creatures of no-consequence.
I’ve been thinking of how to Fight back. I look at Jo’s investment and feel guilty for sitting on my butt. I want to stay legal but be effective. And I’m very frustrated. I am assuming that most of the fellow-travelers of evil were just like me, but they have gone astray because they stopped asking questions, especially those to which the answer is obvious from the world around them; they have found it easier to follow the tv-dinner thought patterns of a pre-packaged narrative rather than do their own cooking. In a way, it’s the same problem faced as a college teacher, but the fact of grade-giving at the end of the term gave me far more attention that i’ll ever get from my fellow sheep, and the classroom then did not have evil media 24/7 spouting the BIG LIE.
I have no answers yet. Because at the heart of its philosphy the Western left hates ordinary hard-working people, hates acheivement outside of state sanction, and cannot abide dissident though there are many chinks in its armor. For us to become China a lot of folks will have to be purged, starting a few years go. If there is a time of weakness to shine light into the darkness, and expose the absolute corruption of spirit demanded by progressives this is it. For the worst result of the night fraudlently obtained was the outcome of the sentate race in Michigan — if this is the outcome of a majority of he voters democracy is vastly over-rated. Something bad happened here.
I live – for the moment – in Minnesota..
The concept of the magically appearing ‘Magical Mystery Ballots’ around the US right now is no mystery to me. Minnesotans and Washington State election veterans are no stranger to this scam..
Washington State: Gregoire v. Rossi – 2004 / Minnesota: Franken v. Coleman 2008.. Hmmmm… In fact, the same ‘consulting firm’ was involved in both races..
This is a part of the Organized Crime of Voter Fraud in the US. Just another page out of their poorly perfected playbook..
This time however, it is a national folks, and it has been tracked, and anticipated for some time by the Trump team..
People will go to jail for this one.. ..or, sing like canary’s to stay out of jail..
Yes, I said ORGANIZED CRIME.. I would rather deal with the Don Corleone’s of the world, rather than any of these interconnected criminals, and people and their slimy Marxist approach to OUR political system, and OUR great country.. ..and their assault upon OUR US Constitution and OUR Bill of Rights..
Thanks Robert!
Yes indeed Robert I remember the Franken “win” very well. One has to wonder how many other political races have been manipulated over the years.
I live – for the moment – in Minnesota..
The concept of the magically appearing ‘Magical Mystery Ballots’ around the US right now is no mystery to me. Minnesotans and Washington State election veterans are no stranger to this scam..
Washington State: Gregoire v. Rossi – 2004 / Minnesota: Franken v. Coleman 2008.. Hmmmm… In fact, the same ‘consulting firm’ was involved in both races..
This is a part of the Organized Crime of Voter Fraud in the US. Just another page out of their poorly perfected playbook..
This time however, it is a national folks, and it has been tracked, and anticipated for some time by the Trump team..
People will go to jail for this one.. ..or, sing like canary’s to stay out of jail..
Yes, I said ORGANIZED CRIME.. I would rather deal with the Don Corleone’s of the world, rather than any of these interconnected criminals, and people and their slimy Marxist approach to OUR political system, and OUR great country.. ..and their assault upon OUR US Constitution and OUR Bill of Rights..
Slow vote-counting in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin is thanks to Republican lawmakers
Nov 05, 2020
If you’ve been staring at slow-moving vote counts in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, wondering why the hell these states can’t get their acts together and come up with a count, you should know who to blame: their Republican-controlled legislatures.
In all three states, Republican lawmakers refused to allow mail votes to be counted or even processed ahead of Election Day, guaranteeing delays in their results. This is yet another example of Republicans choosing what they think is in their partisan interest over what makes sense—something we can see from the list of states that allow ballots to be processed or even counted ahead of Election Day.
Florida counts its mail ballots early. So do Kentucky, Montana, Nebraska, and Texas, among others. North Carolina and Ohio don’t start counting until Election Day, but they allow ballots to be processed starting more than two weeks before then, allowing them to quickly count votes on Election Day. And processing those votes—opening the envelopes, flattening the ballots themselves, checking them against voter lists—is the more time-consuming part of the process.
I hate to say it, and it saddens me deeply, that at this stage the election looks like a win for the Elite billionaire socialists and their army of useful idiot followers.
There has been an orchestrated campaign at multiple levels to commit election fraud in favour of the Left. It has been going on a long time but got a boost when Obama created the “motor voters” and was ramped up even further after Trump still managed to win the 2016 election despite it having been carefully rigged against him.
So far this is a victory for the Elites and their Deep State operatives and so far unbeknown to them, a loss for their army of useful idiot followers who thought being ruled by and told what to think by billionaire socialists would somehow help them.
It will be a real test of the American legal system if there are any non Deep State operatives left in it, to get this situation sorted with honest recounts and invalidation of votes where fraud is detected.
So far this is looking like a huge tragedy and the beginning of the planned destruction by the Left of America and Western Civilisation in general.
God bless Donald Trump and the Republic. Trump 2020!
Disappointing that both Paul Murray and Andrew Bolt support the apparent Biden result yet ignore the obvious ballot fraud in Michigan and Pennsylvania.
It’s disappointing to think that many of Trump’s achievements, such as the return of manufacturing to the US, the USA’s energy independence, Black and Hispanic employment at record highs, and the peace deal in the Middle East, could be unraveled by a clueless, socialist pro-China, pro-Iran, Biden administration.
Thankfully, the US Senate is still controlled by the Republicans. Unfortunately, not all Republicans support Trump’s policies.
The fractured result thus far in the USA should make conservatives in Australia eternally grateful that Scott Morrison won the last election instead of Bill Shorten.
However, while Morrison is strong on China, he is weak on the Paris Accord and the climate hoax. Where once he took a lump of coal into Parliament, decrying the scam, he is now spruiking for every energy source except coal.
I scoffed at Bolt’s analysis last night. His guests Latham Roskam etc disagreed. There have been irregularities galore going on. Nothing surprises.
I watched Bolt for a bit and then changed channels. It seemed to me he was acting under instructions from the boss, so his views on the topic were not worth listening to.
To his credit Alan Jones did not “listen to the boss”
Remember in 2016 the Democrats asked for and got 3 state recounts –Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin ( I think I have those right).
Now the Republicans are looking at recounts they do not like it.
A couple of things for those who like maths puzzles :
Trump up 110K with 93% reporting
Over night
Biden is 20K up with 95% reporting
2% different in reporting
In order for Biden to get 20K over Trump with added 2% reporting
Wisconsin would need 20 million votes for Biden to get to 20K
The math doesn’t add up”
https://www.lucianne.com/ Scroll down a bit on this page to the table.
If it wasn’t for the double standards of the Left they would have no standards.
Ross, i could be wrong but….if that 130,000 biden gain is 2%, that would suggest a total voter count of 6.5 million ?
Not that would need ALL those votes to be for Biden, AND for the voter base to be much bigger than expected (5.5 millio)
All highly unlikely !
Anyone else seen reports that the Trump administration had placed watermarks on ballots?
Only in unsubstantiated twitter commentary. But I’m keen to hear if there is anything more …
Dennis has found an interview on it in the next thread at #19.
” Is he the leader of the free world or is Twitter?” There would be nothing free about any world that twitter led Jo, although I certainly get the point you are making.
Touche. Ted.
Good point.
Scott Atlas- I’m disgusted and dismayed
As a principal advisor to Donald Trump, it is quite clear that via Scott Atlas, the complete lockdown that has transpired was not the original intention, that was undoability orchestrated for political purposes.
So, an insight to what trumps policy actually was, the follow-on vid is also worth watching and highlights the mask fiasco
Scott Atlas- I’m disgusted and dismayed
Freddie Sayers caught up with Scott Atlas, a healthcare policy academic from the Hoover Institute at Stanford, who has become the latest lightning rod for the controversy around Covid-19 policy and his support for a more targeted response.
First published at 03:33 UTC on October 21st, 2020.
A group of medical experts from around the country are speaking out against misinformation surrounding the coronavirus. The doctors gathered on the Supreme Court steps in the nation’s capitol Saturday morning to inform Americans not to be afraid of …
If Trump does get re-elected a top priority should be to completely overhaul the US electoral system. It needs to have a non-corrupt central Federal authority that establishes exacting standards and procedures for all state electoral bodies (as happens in Australia with the Australian Electoral Commission) since currently each state has their own procedures and some are way below any reasonable standard of impartiality, voter eligibility, resistance to fraud and voter identification. There should be severe penalties for election fraud such as mandatory 20 years minimum to life in prison.
“Caroline Wilson, county clerk for the central Michigan county of Shiawassee, told AFP by phone, “I added an extra zero accidentally,” thereby reporting 153,710 votes for Biden instead of 15,371.”
Caroline Wilson, county clerk for the central Michigan county of Shiawassee is MIND-BOGGLINGLY INCOMPETENT!
Trump delivers remarks as vote count continues
Thanks Jo. A very good analysis. It is hard to get the truth about what is going on – only OUR ABC seems to be running a fairly continuous up date but you don’t have to wonder how they keep reporting the situation!! The matter of the late votes arriving etc is never mentioned and everything is turned towards a Biden victory – which of course may well eventuate but even the “calling” is biased towards him.
lol votes are not “appearing” they are postal votes being counted. Man people are so dumb as to how this works.
Given that observers are not allowed in, the votes could well be “appearing”.
You could be easily fooled by graph that looks like Biden magically got vote dump and if that fits your narrative of vote fraud then you’re probably convinced something fishy was going on. In fact if you actually look more in depth for example at Wisconsin graph, behind blue line there’s also vertical red line. It were votes from Milwaukee that were being published, where Biden won by landslide. How about you show Kansas graph? It’s very similar to this but in Trumps favor.
I think everyone by now noticed that:
A) Biden wins cities and Trump wins rural areas
B) Rural area vote results come in much quicker than votes from large cities, because of volume of votes and time required to count them
C) Everyone knew absentee and mail-in votes were predominantly in democrats favor in part to Trumps campaign against absentee and mail-in ballots
How about you give some facts instead of conspiracy theories from sources that spread misinformation. That’s the problem with people in this nation right now, they can’t distinguish truth from falsehood.
If your best source of information is Rudy Giuliani then you need to get yourself checked.
IF Biden got so many votes in city areas why have they hidden the counting process from GOP observers so often and in so many states?
Why have they taken so long?
Why didn’t they count them in advance?
ANS: Because counting them in the dark, for days, waiting for more to come in with backdated postmarks, gives an advantage doesn’t it?
So you still have no good explanation for the dumps in the early hours of the morning which no Republican was allowed to verify?
Which states the counting was hidden from observers? Let’s take Pennsylvania for example because we hear about it quite a lot. Trump camp and Trump himself claimed observers were not permitted to watch ballots being counted/processed but Trump lawyers had to admit in court that indeed GOP observers were already observing vote counting and were permitted to do so, the judge was Republican by the way.
Why counting took so long? Different states have different rules, lets take Florida and Pennsylvania for example. In Florida mail-in votes were counted as soon as they were received and we got Florida results fairly quick. In Pennsylvania on the other hand, mail-in votes were not only not allowed to be counted before Nov 3, but were not even allowed to be taken out of envelope. While Dems made an effort to change that process before election to allow for faster processing GOP actually blocked it. So this is why Pennsylvania was taking forever to count those votes. You ‘ANS’ is not based on any facts just your own narrative. You can easily fact check all of this. While you’re fact checking, let me know % of Democrats vs Republicans voting via mail or absentee ballots. This might shed some light on late blue surge of votes.
I’m not quite sure what you mean by ‘dumps’ I think you might be referring to vote #s being published by commission. If you’re speculating that somehow bipartisan election commission rigged the numbers, that’s again, only baseless speculation to fit your narrative that somehow election was rigged.
I honestly don’t know where you’re getting your misinformation from but please please fact check before misleading other people, unless that’s actually your goal to mislead.
Word games. Republicans were watching with Binoculars from 100 ft away or shielded by sheets of card.
“They were allowed in the building”. So. What.
Excuses. Excuses. Why was Alaska stalled for days?
Why did they stop the counts in MI for hours on Weds night? So they had time to do big ballot drops because they hadn’t planned to need large fakery, just small fakery. If the count had continued MI and other states like GA would have had to be called as unwinnable for Biden.
As for PA, since the AG already knew who was going to win before the election, why would anyone trust changes in voting rules?
feel free to provide stats of your own. None here. Why didn’t Biden voters in MI vote down ticket like in other states where mail votes were counted earlier?
I see, you won’t do any research on your own, too ignorant, but that’s all right.
Listen, all parties both Republican and Democrat were allowed to watch the counting process. If you’re referring to Michigan, some were not allowed in because there were already enough people in to watch the voting process – actually at 2x allowed capacity at TCF center. It would be funny if they let every person inside, but don’t think that’s realistic or safe.
Why was Alaska stalled for days? – again, you did 0 research. Alaska counted all in-person votes so far and they won’t start counting mail-in votes until Nov 10. This information is out there, if you did simple google search you could find it too. I’m under the impression that you think there’s some kind of universal system of rules across all states which is absolutely not true.
“As for PA, since the AG already knew who was going to win before the election, why would anyone trust changes in voting rules?” – so first you’re asking me why PA had issue with delayed vote counting and then when you find out it was GOP that didn’t want it, all of sudden questioning early vote counting initiative… I can’t understand your logic here, I mean I can, you’re just going with your narrative and doesn’t seem like any facts might change that.
“None here” – exactly, because everything you write is NOT based on factual evidence, just pure opinion and repeating conspiracy theories that were already debunked. I think every sane person would take facts over opinion. For my part I don’t have any opinions here, just facts – and they’re out there for everyone to see, just google and find credible source instead of believing someone on a basis “he said, she said” – you don’t know that person, you don’t know what they’re agenda is or if they get paid to say things certain way.
I’ll give you couple more facts:
290 for Bidden – 214 for Trump; according to multiple media outlets including Fox News which is heavily GOP leaning.
Trump is only the 3rd president in history to lose popular vote twice (so far over 4mil and counting in 2020). Who were the previous two?
[Huh. Media outlets are now the authority for legitimate vote counting. Who would have known? Fox News “heavily GOP”? Really? Wake up. Would you want your president to have won by cheating?]ED