A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Wake up World.
Lovely snow here in Washington State.
So your (white) global warming has finally arrived!
Is it early or on time?
The (UK) Telegraph reports on an online poll by Savanta ComRes for Conservative Woman that reveals the scale of misapprehension the UK public have about the pandemic.
“The public mistakenly think the average age of Covid deaths is 65 and that the virus is the UK’s biggest killer, a poll has found.
Laying bare the misconceptions around the threat from the pandemic, the Savanta ComRes survey, for Conservative Woman, also reveals that the majority of people – 52% – believe “long” Covid affects one in three when in fact it is around one in 20.
The median age at which people think coronavirus victims have died is just 65 when the real average is 82.4 years. Average life expectancy is 81.1 years, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The poll found that 41% think the virus has been the single biggest cause of UK deaths in 2020, when ONS data shows that, for September, it was the 19th cause in England and the 24th in Wales.”
We have been here before with a report from the 20 Aug Daily Telegraph with a heading “UK public ‘believe coronavirus death toll 100 times higher than it really is’
This was paywalled. It seemed unlikely to me so I investigated it further;…
In essence Full fact reckon the public over estimated covid deaths by 10 times, not 100 times. However an astonishing number of people DID believe it was far more than the median figure that full fact came up with, and that many millions have died. Well worth a read..
Have people been terrified and public life therefore been frozen through disinformation and a alarmingly misunderstood perception fuelled by govt scare stories?
This site has a series on the doomflu:
Indeed. Isn’t the mean age of death due to C-19 older than the mean life expectancy in most places?
What I termed the “croaking paradox” and haven’t felt sufficiently threatened to investigate since I am a decade short of those numbers.
Sigh. Deaths are more likely to be underestimated than overestimated.
See Excess Deaths. In countries with inadequate testing, there were spikes far above the norm in deaths which were listed as heart attacks, dementia, pnumonia, stroke, etc, Some of the excess is due to the fear and pandemic response. Some is due to undertesting.
We won’t know for years what the real death toll was, and we’ll never know exactly.
The timing os excess death spikes always either matched the peak of known covid cases and in the same cities where known covid cases were worst, or they preceded the known peaks.
See also How to ignore 94% of Covid deaths?.
We’ve been through this before. I know some people don’t like the numbers but it is what it is.
Well said Jo. I know some people don’t like the numbers, but it is what it is.
Sigh indeeed. You dont have to wait for years, next year max fo a detailed review. There are many EU countries that have experienced zero excess deaths though the whole cycle. Asserting under/over for something as clear as basic death count in adavnced counties smacks of looking away because it doesnt suit the argument
Does that data indicate that if you have CV19 you will live longer?
Unfortunately with CV19 data there are so many variables that almost every situation is unique.
Take New York for example: a very crowded situation with one of the richest locations on Earth.
Infirm people are sent to nursing homes where they’re kept on life support beyond what might be normal in other parts of the U.S.
When CV19 arrives they have little strength left and succumb.
The actions of gov Cuomo also boosted numbers.
Then compare that with Perth, in CV19 isolation.
The data from one spot on the world’s surface is hard to compare with any other.
To make things even more difficult there is poor access to figures going back a few years for total deaths.
We need to tread carefully with this data.
Yep, I fear the fear.
I myself am really afraid the glaciers might start advancing.
Only enlightened world governance can bring them to a halt.
For the children.
I am also concerned about the swirling mass of discarded facemasks forming in the Pacific.
Whales are at risk.
” swirling mass of discarded facemasks ”
Take a bow, Sir.
The BOM are repeat offenders with scare tactics on weather. I notice it with cyclones.
The UK business newspapers were reporting today that China has put a total embargo on Australian goods thereby removing at a stroke one third of all OZ exports. Is that correct?
Not entirely, coal is the real problem because Beijing say its not dark enough. Have you seen the fully loaded ships unable to unload? Damn them, we will not kowtow to a fascist dictatorship.
Do Oz businesses sell to China on anything but a FOB [funds cleared] basis? They’re nuts if they do.
Service industries like tourism and education have come to a full stop, with coal wiped out there is only iron ore left to trade.
Only Iron ore left to go
Western Australia provides 60% of China’s iron ore at the moment.
Can China source that easily anywhere else?
Brazils production has been down because of problems with dams and they didn’t manage the pandemic as well as Western Australia did. But it’s summer there now and production is increasing.
Chyna is the third largest miner of Iron in the world.
We should be alright, we can live off the one industry can’t we.
1 in 3 export dollars is to Chyna.
I was thinking of the lobsters left to die on the wharf. Surely they weren’t shipped on credit? If not some Chinese suffered a loss, if so some Australian needs to be sacked.
if so some Australian needs to be sacked.
That UN Australian would be the old gum flapper himself Scott Morrison. When his lips move business is destroyed.
That is total nonsense, the PM stood up to Beijing over Covid and they decided to punish us. In the new world order we are only a pawn, but under Morrison’s leadership there will emerge a new sense of nationalism, similar to the 1890s.
You should get out more.
Somehow I cannot see Morrison appearing in a painting waving a flag and the title “Liberty leading the people”.
Thinking about that simile I don’t want to see anything like it either.
The problem with China is that abrupt changes in policy aren’t always a good idea. Plans, supplies are disrupted, jobs are lost, production isn’t delivered when wanted. Also China is facing a few internal problems, swine flu, rust invasion’ of northern grain crops, and trouble with soya bean crops. Also they have had bad flooding in their prime agricultural areas. Hungry peasants aren’t, and never have been, good news for the rulers. Meanwhile they have problems suppressing dissent in Uzbekistan, Tibet and Hong Kong. If there isn’t any good news they might (with Biden in the White House) try a takeover of Taiwan.
Just to be clear, is this the Scott Morrison you are defending.
‘ … try a takeover of Taiwan.’
No, they are not experienced in adventurism, or heroic like the Americans, so they won’t be invading Taiwan. They treat their own people appallingly, under tight restriction, the princelings hold the mandate of heaven and won’t be giving it up.
Beijing has to apologise for the pandemic and reparations maybe in order, so they will be kept busy capitalising.
‘ … is this the Scott Morrison you are defending.’
Sorry sir, I don’t have the attention span for tripe.
Yes you do, you speak it fluently.
If China can’t use the coal we will have to use it here. Build some power stations and steelworks pronto.
… and don’t forget to extend the cement works first!
and a SMDS on NW Shelf gas
We already have steelworks and they are operating overtime, lets not get ahead of ourselves.
New light industries might spring up in western NSW, within renewable zones. This is part of Premier Gladys plan to decentralise, Sydney has reached full capacity.
Putting on my geopolitical hat, this is an attempt by China to force the price of coal down. The big winners would be BRICS members.
(will also post this during the week where appropriate…)
10 minute 20 second video from a Serbian who was there when his country’s election was stolen. He has since immigrated to America.
His message to any remaining American patriots….
Very. Powerful. Indeed.
Thank you for putting this up FF.
As you say, it is incredibly powerful and what he is saying will be applicable to most countries if the crazy “Reset” movement takes hold, which I think it will, especially if Biden gets away with it.
Poignant and powerful but there is an essential difference between the formerly socialist eastern european states and the US.
In the former, the vast majority of the population knew the government was oppressive, beholden and controlling but took it until it became to much. Once the state apparatus caved in, there was nothing behind it to offer further resistance (not openly anyway).
In the US, a significant portion of the population support the party and movements that are oppressive, beholden and controlling so, as demonstrated by the attacks on today’s Stop The Steal rally supporters, resistance will be met not only by the state but also by large numbers of the general population. Violence is guaranteed since the powers that be have proxy support.
Also this. I’d like to post the entire text but since it’s the weekend I trust all here to follow the link.
It is brilliantly written (and in the American sense of the word…we don’t use that word lightly at all…) and, to tell the truth, I have no idea how I missed it until today. It is, for a short essay, and IMHO, a masterpiece.
Speaking of his university experience
Says it all, really.
It’s surprising how many have missed the universalist meaning of Trump’s “MAGA” – ie. respect and uphold your country’s own sovereignty. Don’t subject your country’s sovereignty to the miserly tyranny of the EU, the UN, the Paris Accords, WHO, ICJ,or any globalist attempts to usurp any country’s own culture and governance.
Trump’s MAGA is a call to others to do it for themselves. It’s not an isolationast policy, not a claim for US world dominance.
You know what I LOVE now?
With this mainstream narrative going on, President Trump just marks his enemies and who they are.
Talk about ducks lining up for…Donald Trump Terminator President…
Love it.
More popcorn please!
Go ahead punks…..make my day…..
Heartland has kindly posted my “Crisis in climate science piece”:
They added nice section headings but left my name off! Will seek fix.
That is standard operating procedure for Heartland, learned from the time they were founded by, and worked for the cigarette industry
Don’t be stupid. They often publish my stuff correctly. Heartland is great!
Re this nonsensical cigarette argument, the issue was second hand smoke, which is still very much an issue. Have you been reading crap like Merchants of Doubt?
Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity.
The planetary “epicycles” of the modern age.
Ptolemy and Copernicus are smiling in their graves.
David, please go read a basic chemistry book on the solvency of gases in water at different temperatures. This was basic science stuff at high school back in the Sixties.
O.K. MV, you’ve had your gotcha moment, but I got there before you about a year ago.
After identifying a misconception of basic science I was summarily dismissed and shocked by the action which made it clear to me that “Science Communication” is not about science but about “Communication” above all else.
Lesson learned: do not discuss science with a communicator.
Good morning Keith.
Actually, this kind of unscientific claptrap was being debated here at JoNova nearly a decade ago, back in the days of the “Steffen-Boltzmann Effect Oven”, the “Tropical Flop Spot”, and other pseudo-unscientific crap.
So you are right – never debate “science” with a “communicator”. That alone was worth a thumbs up.
MV, speaking of communication, can you frame a coherent point? Your statements border on gibberish.
It’s interesting that you mention the S-B equation and the hot spot.
Two of my pet peeves : people who simply plug values into the equation without any comprehension of the origin or means of application; and the less said about the hot spot the better.
To be fair, it may be that people may be taking a lead from Lord Christopher Monckton and not realising that he isn’t examining the basic science, just the UNIPCCC version of stuff which he picks apart mainly from a mathematical perspective.
I have admired his public stance and even had a photo taken with him.
Sorry MV, but what are you talking about? I personally believe that ECS is a nonsensical concept because climate is a far from equilibrium system. However, my article is about a crisis in the community that takes ECS seriously. Your statement is meaningless in that context.
My apologies, David.
I wasn’t having a shot at you, but rather at the concept of ECS. I’m sorry it came over to you as a personal attack.
As to the overall meaning of my “gibberish” post:
The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere at any given time is completely independent of the efforts of puny Man. As the oceans warm they give off CO2 and there is more in the atmosphere. As the oceans cool they absorb more CO2 and there is less in the atmosphere. This is completely in accordance with the Gas Laws.
Solar activity is cyclical, like just about everything else in life. Around 1700 the sun went retrograde ( a Grand Solar Minimum) and the Earth, and therefore the oceans, cooled and absorbed CO2. Great for fish, not so good for land-based life. That cycle lasted 150 years.
Around 1850 the sun started to become active again, solar output increased, the Earth, and the oceans started to warm and exude CO2. Consequently, atmospheric levels started to go up. Great for crops, not so good for fish. That cycle ended in 2004 when the sun went into another Grand Solar Minimum.
Now we do it all over again. Last time millions of people died because nobody knew what was happening, or what to do.
This time billions of people will die because some people know exactly what is happening and have spent the last fifty years ensuring the rest of the population don’t know, and so won’t be able to do anything about it.
That is where we are now, and ultimately why things are the way they are.
I think you need to examine the past climate history. The sun went “retrograde” (to use your expression) about 1620 when astronomers noticed the reducing number of sunspots. There was also a series of volcanic eruptions, which would have increased cooling.
This was about the time of the start of The Little Ice Age. Life in Europe continued getting more and more miserable, especially in the 1680’s to 1710 (the year of the Great Freeze). Thereafter things got slightly warmer (althought 1740 was a very cold winter in the UK, possibly elsewhere)** and the northern european climate turned nasty after the Hekla eruption in Iceland in 1783 through to the Tambora eruption effect in 1815/16 (the year without summer). Both London and Paris had hot summers in the 1840’s. The Mt. Blanc glacier receded from 1838. Glacier bay (in southern Alaska) was surveyed as melting from the 1780’s.
The notion that Europe and North America started warming in 1850 is nonsense and that date was selected to suit someone’s pet theory.
**certainly there seem to be cycles in the source of 99.9% of the Earth’s heat
could have? Volcanoes throwing dust into the atmosphere or a negligible change in solar energy… hmm which one to choose
Importantly, the Little Ice Age began around 1250 AD in the Northern Hemisphere, but didn’t impact the Southern Hemisphere until 1300 AD. This might explain why the SH exited the LIA in 1900.
‘hmm … which one to choose …’
Volcanic eruptions cause temporary coolness for a couple of years, which would exacerbate any cooling process which had already begun.
‘This time billions of people will die …’
No they won’t, international trade will prevent that happening.
In the 1990s, the Heartland Institute worked with the tobacco company Philip Morris to attempt to discredit the health risks of secondhand smoke and to lobby against smoking bans.
I’m not surprised that you like this site, you especially would like their ethics, given that they align with yours
I view the secondhand smoke scare as on a par with the linear no threshold radiation scare and the climate change scare. Ethics calls for resisting these bogus scares.
Are you a smoker David?
Why do you ask?
Because it is common for someone to defend their past behaviour that is shown to be harmful by refuting the evidence.
What evidence?
Its been interesting talking to people, explaining how ad the corruption in US politics is and how they may hsve to build more gaols to hold the thugs responsible.
It also is clear how we need to have another McCarthy event , to remove any communist or hard core socialist in media and govt in order to remove the rot. Then go after social media and regulate them.
I’ve found the past week quite depressing as some quite intelligent people I’ve spoken to totally accept the MSM position that Trump has no foundation for his electoral fraud claims and is just a sore loser.
They also buy into CAGW scam and kept telling me the transition to renewables was essential and merely required more political will. When I tried pointing out that it is currently technically impossible (totally leaving out the economic costs to even approach feasibility) they admitted they didn’t have technical knowledge of the requirements but were falling on what they had read/seen/heard from the MSM.
There are lots of intelligent alarmists, so don’t be depressed. Just another unhappy fact about the world, of which there are far too many to be depressed. I tend to laugh at alarmism.
I have been
debatingarguing AGW with the same group of hard core liars on line for years. Maybe these are the self-anointed ones but I find they use all the deceitful tactics, ad homs, appeals to authority, shooting the messenger etc and are contemptible people. They hate us.60
Arguing with activists is easy. Trying and failing to get friends to be open to the idea that they are being misled is much harder to come to terms with
The is not fix for stupid…..
…no fix…
Apparently, the Georgia recount will not be validating mail in vote signatures (the envelopes are available), there will be only be one observer per 10 counters allowed and the count must be completed in around 3 days.
Either the Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, is a blatant Never Trumper or he is setting things up for the state’s assembly to reject the election results.
If he violates a judges order…go to gaol….
What judge’s order? As secretary of state, it’s his responsibility to set the terms for the election process (just as the Pennsylvania secretary of state was the one who tried to get the law changed to extend the deadline for receiving mailed in votes)
Tonyb I dont really have an answer to that from sources other than my weekly wool market report. Wool price picked up somewhat from its covid drop. It is pretty much only the Chinese active in the market so if the Chinese pulled out of wool now there would not be a price.Chinese pulled out of barley for a while but Aussie farmers just planted something else.The chinese did something stupid on a load of live lobsters recently. So I say that they have not stopped buying everything, just some things. If they did stop trade with Australia totally it would be a real problem, but it would probably be a real problem for China too. Chinese own most of Australia anyway so they would also be hurting their own companies. If the UK would just get out of European market Australia could sell them lots of stuff, and buy stuff too, just like we used to not many decades ago.
You need to click on the reply tag on his post
I will travel all the way down under to reply…..
China is mercurial and has the power to severely punish countries or individuals that punish it so hope they do not carry out their threats.
Yes, I look forward to a new trade deal between the UK and OZ. in the meantime to support your country I buy OZ wine rather than that from the continent.
The EU are currently threatening to turn off the power interconnections and curtail the energy flow between the continent and the UK unless we capitulate over fishing rights.
Industrial grade tantrum by the EU…poor babies…diddums….
Cool…tell the continentals to stick to solar, cut the interconnectors, fire up the oil and gas power plants, get the fracking going, bring the north sea gas fields back on line and the EU can get lost….no skin off the UKs nose….
All good but it takes time to ramp up
Meantime you have no energy
Mad Macron flexing his Political Muscles …
An interesting summary.
Taking this a little further …
Morning all.
Something different that I discovered yesterday. A Dr John Campbell clip.
A short section of this is fascinating:
15:36 Vitamin D free supplies in Scotland and England over winter
2 million people
no doses announced
18:35 COVID symptom tracker ap
19:44 Numbers starting to decline
29 mins in total, dated Nov 10.
Can anyone provide more details? Please? Especially about dosage, and targeted recipients. Does the regime set out to achieve specific blood levels or merely give an arbitrary amount?
Could it be a test set up to fail?
Dave B
Here is the story, scroll down to foot of link
This was announced last week and I have heard nothing further that suggests it will go beyond the vulnetable two million identified in the article.
Current govt advice is 10 micro grammes daily but there are suggestions that should be increased to 20 or even 50micro grammes. There might be more in the Sunday papers tomorrow , if so I shall post it here
Thanks Tonyb,
I’m glad they’re doing something, but am concerned they’re not doing enough. Sounds to me like they’ve not read significant recent findings, nor recognised that it’s vitamin D blood levels which are significant, nor that high doses of the vitamin are necessary to achieve, and sustain adequate levels.
The reference I’ve used to establish my target (50 ng/ml) and intake (10,000 IU per day), and which has been around since October is:
If I were in the UK and about to start on a vitamin D regime I’d take a single dose of 50,000 IU immediately, then 10,000 IU per day until I could get a blood test result. Then adjust my intake to reflect the result, using the tables given in the link.
If you are worried about the high numbers, carefully read the section on the history of that research in the same doc.
Something I found elsewhere is a reference to “cofactors”, checkable in Wikipedia. Iron is a cofactor of vitamin D, which means that each requires the other to achieve its own peak efficacy, so I’m taking iron tablets as well.
And I agree with John F Hultquist below about zinc, and I’m using quercetin as my ionophore.
But I’ve found that the official “recommended dose” of vitamin D, while adequate against rickets, is inadequate against COVID-19.
Hope this helps.
Dave B
In the Sunday papers the first groups appear to be health workers on the front line and those over 80. Then it will be reviewed. Not a great deal about dosage levels. Even less about blood levels.
My older sister has just been advised by her doctor to take more vitamin D over the winter, the Doc gave her a prescription for 2500i.u of vitamin D3.
I’ve asked her to query taking vitamin K and zinc with the Doc. He said she could if she wanted to but they should not really be needed. She’s getting them anyway.
In the USA, we can buy a D3 supplement as a pretty golden softgel.
It has 50 mcg (2000 IU) and claims that is 500% of the recommended dose. Other countries may have other recommendations. An additional 400 IU are in a standard mult-vit.
People can get a bit more from food, usually not a lot.
My medical contact (physician assistant) suggests staying under 100 mcg per day, without doing tests. Annual visit is in early December when I will discuss this more fully with her.
[ Others do take a lot more ]
Meanwhile, one also needs Zinc and a “Zinc Ionophore”.
There is Zinc in the multi-vit-mineral pill. There is a Zinc ionophore in red onions. I raise onions, so that’s easy. Grocery stores usually charge 2X for red compared to a standard sort. There are other ionophore sources.
There is much on the web about this combination. Just search it up.
Lack of Zn is important for vegans, not in our house, we eat plenty of meat, the primary source. Cheap C supplements are useless and if you eat your greens and a little of dairy products [no need to buy extra cheese] you don’t need them.
I have watched a lot of presentations re D3 over many years, [It has reversed Mrs H’s osteoporosis] and have seen many of Dr Campbell’s.
For dosage, think of a number and double it, the daily recommendations are woefully inadequate. They were settled upon as the amount to prevent rickets in children. For example I have been giving Mrs H 5,000 iu/day for many years. I have a tan from gardening without sun screen so rarely take them myself.
On line, a 360 tab bottle of 5,000 iu can cost less than $A20
With Jo’s OK I will provide a link.
“Returning to tiered restrictions in England [after the lockdown] will cause coronavirus cases to rise, scientists say.”
Mandatory masks from mid-July – no noticeable reduction in transmission, failed to stop resurgence.
Second National LockDown very early November – the pre-existing plateaux in cases is now a rapid resurgence.
Despite increasing cases in London, the Hospital deaths have remained steady in the teens per day, for week after week – we were assured it would travel up the age ranges and cause devastation.
What do experts know? Anyone that says they know anything or can control this virus is a fraud.
Yup. If you look at deaths / million in sweden ( no lockdown ) and the UK ( lockdown ) you find the UK death rate is higher.
Lockdowns are about compliance, not science….
Hey, thats catchy…
C’mon guys. In places where restrictions were done properly AND with borders closed the rate of infections fell after a two week delay like clockwork.
Many low grade “single variable” country by country graphs are junk because they ignore all the other variables and the delays. They ignore that in many places restrictions were put on so late that people were voluntarily doing it before it was mandatory. They ignore other places where compliance was low. They ignore that the second waves started in young people who weren’t compliant and took weeks to spread to older folk who were. There can be a ten – twelve week delay in the start up of infections in 20 year olds before we see the hospitalization and death rates rise in older folk.
One variable epidemiological studies are the junk science of the medical world. Nations that drink more coke are richer than those which drink less.
Jo wrote “country by country” but what follows that sounds exactly like the State of Washington USA. Missed the start in an elder care facility, then had no idea what to do. And this in the home state of Bill Gates and the University of Washington medical folks.
The virus was loose in the Puget Sound (Seattle) region a few weeks before officials got a clue.
Too little – too late – too sad.
Do you still believe in the tooth fairy as well, Jo?
Tooth Fairy? You’ll need to give me some evidence.
You did this on purpose didn’t you. Staying with the very rarely though.
Evidence, how Jo, tooth Fairies where one of the first victims of the million animal extinction by 2030. This list has been growing daily and the rate is increasing to 110,000 a year, Santa, Easter bunny, gremlins this is a truly horrifying event we are facing, what will we tell the children?
That’s the problem with you deniers, always wanting bloody evidence. Well as it so happens I have it right here on my lap top……………seen my lap top anywhere?
How about a bit of basic blogger etiquette here?
Jo posted a comment. Fine. Some, including me, disagree with it. Also fine. But if you’re going to give someone a thumbs down, like someone just did to Jo, at least have the cojunes to post a reply stating why.
Giving a thumbs down while remaining silent as to why, is cowardly, and has no place in intelligent discourse between reasonable people.
Must of missed this.
A/ The thumbs are for if you agree or disagree. Unless you are still living in Roman times.
for sh1ts and giggles and to induce an irrational response as you try to deflect blame.
B/ Nothing is hidden from the host or the mods.
C/ “Do you still believe in the tooth fairy as well, Jo?”, brings zero, zilch, Nada to the conversation, a little snipe from the side-line while claiming some sort moral high ground speaks more about you then a thumber.
D/ By your logic, green thumbers should also explain their reasoning. This will make these comments sections thousands of comments long and dilute (flood) the threads comment section.
E/ The host has put this in the public domain and is not immune from critique or opinion.
F/ The host very rarely comments on a comment to her comments, which is appropriate as it could damage the brand.
G/ Some people, without naming names would see your comment to the host as the perfect opportunity to frame you
H/ He who lives by the thumb dies by the thumb. (the mere mention of thumbing I believe should induce a hail of thumbs to slap you back to reality, its a very narcissistic view, which is the purpose of thumbs, likes etcetera).
I/ No idea who done it though:)
GM recalling Chevrolet Bolt EVs due to fire risks amid federal probe
My first thought was that the Chevrolet Bolt is the new Ford Pinto except that you had to run into the back of a Pinto to get them to burst into flames but the Bolt will spontaneously burst into flame while sitting in your garage.
Don’t forget the Canyonero
Meh. Tesla beat GM to spontaneously combusting EVs long ago
This topic came up in another forum and one of the eternal apologists [who doesn’t actually own an EV] posted about a recall of BMWs which had had some spontaneous fires.
There was a slight difference though, BMW sells 2 million cars a years and these few fires happened over a period of years and all the other ICE brands had no problems. Fire appears a risk to all EV manufacturers and higher energy density batteries will exacerbate the problem.
Another reason not to buy a BMW, as if I needed one.
I’m surprised and saddened that I’m feeling a sense of loss and depression at the thought that Trump may not win the 2020 election.
When leftists said this about Hillary, I laughed. Now the shoe is on the other foot, I feel that pain. Even more illogical is that I am an Australian.
However, maybe not so illogical, is that the USA election results do affect Australia. With China’s incursion into the South China Seas, Australia needs a strong ally in the US.
Trump assured us of that. I doubt a Biden administration will be so dependable.
I’m also dismayed by the rollover of the Australian media, except for Sky News, to show support for the unelected Joe Biden.
Unfortunately, Sky News presenter Andrew Bolt has already rolled over for Joe Biden.
The last time I witnessed this behaviour was when my Labrador rolled over for me to rub his tummy.
Is that what you are doing, Andrew?
The media Propaganda is so convincing.
It is just another identified enemy that President Trump will mark in his book.
They don’t realize that President Trump is in power. When this breaks, probably in his swearing in, they can be Charged under the Logan Act.
I’m depressed because a presidency under Biden/Harris will almost certainly force Australia into the Paris Agreement.
As for Bolt, he’s probably heard the word from Rupert that Trump is out of favour now so his media empire can go back to supporting the Republican establishment who have always hated Trump
Australia has been in the Paris agreement since 2016.
A Harris Presidency will further strengthen our commitment, already one of the most fanatical in the world, to even more unreliables. The Left and their Socialist Billionaire controllers are salivating at the thought.
I should have phrased it, “force Australia to abide by the Paris Agreement and a 2050 zero emissions target”
Morrison already has us locked into the Paris Agreement. Funny thing is, our CO2 emissions are way below any arbitrary targets, unlike other signatories.
Result? We don’t have to do anything to comply with the ridiculous Paris Agreement. We have already complied.
The Greens won’t tell you that, but that is the truth.
Problem is our idiot leaders make the mistake and we pay the price.
Same reply as per
‘Biden/Harris will almost certainly force Australia into the Paris Agreement.’
You mean any hope of us getting out of Paris has now been dashed.
Again, Same reply as per
GD, I’m an American and sad to see you sharing in my loss and depression. I know what you mean about understanding how the other side felt after Trump won.
I thought about that and decided it ain’t the same.
There are annoying signs all through my neighborhood that say “SCIENCE IS REAL” “LOVE IS LOVE”
Maybe your lucky enough to not have these in Australia.
Besides the utter hypocrisy, I think maybe these demonstrate a certain weak mindedness of modern affluent societies.
We’ve been encouraged to see things from both sides, but is there not a limit?
Masons I used to haul bricks for used to say …
“a piece of paper will lay there and let you put anything on it”.
We are not paper.
The anti-Trump meltdowns were pathological.
Our concern is not.
Trump didn’t cheat they did.
No matter how much they lie our side has not burned and looted.
AFAIC they created a situation where empathy and understanding are defunct.
Plus, I came back to Jonova because I was concerned about what I was seeing about the loss of freedom in Australia.
Your feelings are not illogical.
What is illogical is George Floyd protests in Austalia.
I thought Trump was going to win it 28-22 in the House subsequent to the election not having been certified as laid out by Jojodogfacedboy a couple of days ago although I supposed it would be difficult to find anybody in the DOJ to advance the case considering the ninety-six percent Democrat infestation in DC.
Anyway GD we’ve had four good years and mid-terms are an opportunity for pushback; moreover, one must always remember that something worse could have happened.
This is the House of Representatives. The Whitehouse made this announcement very carefully worded that President would be in office this term under the Constitution. Law! Whatever media spin doesn’t matter. He is President by this constitutional clause.
With the media full blown Biden elect. They are giving him fantastic information on any dissenters who thinks he’s leaving. That would be a nasty mistake to think he is.
Never give up while there is still hope.
Thanks New Chum,
I might feel more confident if I thought the legal challenges would be tasken seriously and with due respect for the law. I feel that might not happen.
What happens if Georgia and other states just declare their election counts valid, despite contrary evidence?
There was also a raid by the US Army on the servers in Germany through which the votes were channeled
“Sydney’s sky gets the message – Trump 2020”
When driving along the badly corrugated dirt roads of the outback you have to feel sorry for the locals. You also have to wonder what those locals think when they hear about $billions being wasted every year trying to control climate while they have to put up with glorified BMX tracks. I am not saying that every single road should be sealed, but I do think roads between villages and towns should be. I’m sure that dollars invested in roads would be a better return (tourism) than dollars wasted on “renewables”.
I just had to pay $10K to have my road fixed because the local (amalgamated) council decided to stop maintaining many local roads on any excuse they could find, mostly dodgy excuses, but what can you do about that! I had to do it otherwise the trucks could not come in (you could get in in a 4wd or high clearance car). They are proposing a wind farm next door with 230m high towers. It is a stupid money wasting idea. It is all part of the UN BS NWO. I think pray is as much as many of us can do. I actually dont want the road sealed, or mobile phone coverage made available (cant get it here yet) because it keeps people away, and I dont have to answer the damn thing.
Well they are making it hard to rebuild after the fires in rural areas….the UN plan us to drive people out of the country, into cities…
I don’t know if you have seen the amazing discoveries vids, it may not be your cup of tea.
This one is on the UN, the formation and who runs the show.
It has a religious back ground but I find it very well researched and presented. I have been watching a couple from this mob.
worth a look
The UN has always been an occult organization…ive heard of christians being booted out for praying…any other religion but christianity appears to be acceptible….which is interesting if you think about it.
Why do they fear christianity so much?
Notice Dan the Dick(tator) is building social housing for the Plebs.
The march begins. The chook and the NZ skeleton leader should follow shortly.
‘Why do they fear christianity so much?’
They have a long history of plundering weaker civilisations.
Christianity is not a civilisation.
All civilisations have a history of plundering weaker civilisations.
Read what he wrote, the UN is not a civilisation.
Your beef if you have one is with the Roman Catholic Church, this entity is beyond defending. Christians “the people” are majority decent human beings, be nice if some of that rubbed off on you El chapo
Fat chance.
Would you consider having a couple of boarders, Jane?
I don’t eat much and Boofhead the cat is house trained.
If they build that wind farm, then you’ll get a well built and maintained sealed road as they will need that for trucking in the towers, nacelles and blades and then for maintenance.
Plain Jain let them put in the new roads etc then object to the windfarm .
Yes, the UN plan under Agenda 2030 is to drive people out of rural areas and have them live in high density in “compact cities” with little to no private transport but mostly public transport or highly taxed or restricted personal transport.
Australian Governments of all varieties are fanatical subscribers to all decrees from the UN.
And self driving EVs lock down freedom of movement perfectly.
The NWO are a bunch of sick individuals and must be resisted….
The Hyperloop is back in the news. The YouTuber “Thunderf00t” frequently busts pseudoscience claims and has done so before with a number of claims about Hyperloop. Even though he has a generally pro-science attitude he is also a bit of a Leftist and also believes in AGW so I’m not a huge fan for that reason but he is correct about Hyperloop.
I now try and not give links to legacy social(ist) media platforms but he has no presence on alternate free speech video sites like Bitchute.
Here is his latest video in response to the recent announcement about Hyperloop.
Here are earlier videos On the topic:
Elon Musk has four COVID tests in one day. Two came back positive, two negative.
See link for rest.
Note that the 4 tests with variable results are the rapid antigen ones
I see the government is quietly getting ready to effectively make the Covid vaccination effectively compulsory.
This is a documentary done in 1966 by the John Birch Society on the march of socialism.
It is an hour and half long, you can see it all happening again.
Birchers are weird.
Its always the messenger with you isn’t it. This is your go-to site is it.
The following foundations have provided at least one grant of $5,000 or more to support the work of CMD since its inception in 1993. Those listed in bold are recent funders.
American Legacy Foundation
Bauman Family Foundation
Careth Foundation
Carolyn Foundation
Changing Horizons Charitable Trust
Courtney’s Foundation
CS Fund
Deer Creek Foundation
Educational Foundation of America
Ettinger Foundation
Ford Foundation
Foundation for Deep Ecology
Foundation for Political Management
Funding Exchange
Richard & Rhoda Goldman Fund
Grodzins Fund
Helena Rubinstein Foundation
HKH Foundation
Litowitz Foundation
Marisla Foundation
Mostyn Foundation
Open Society Institute
Park Foundation
Public Welfare Foundation
Proteus Fund
V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation
Rockefeller Associates
Rockefeller Family Foundation
Rockwood Fund
Stern Family Fund
Schumann Center for Media and Democracy
Sunlight Foundation
Threshold Foundation
Tides Foundation
Town Creek Foundation
Turner Foundation
Wallace Global Fund
Winslow Foundation
Open Society Institute, well we know this lot don’t we
Turner foundation (Ted Turner)
Tides foundation
The donors are literally a list of globalists
He who writes the cheque makes the rules.
Its the old world order, irrelevant conspiracy theories. Do you know anything about climate change.
Do you even understand what you write?
You addressed a comment I made with a link. What I cut and pasted was from your link by following the hyperlinks within it.
I know nothing about climate change, but everything I know I learned from you.
Absolute straw man.
Charter boat, what charter boat.
You are totally obsessed with these far right conspiracy theories, which have a strong base in Christian thinking, I thought you would read my link and come to your senses. Apparently not.
Your link is as solid as you are.
Obviously I read far more of it then you, even the links within it.
How are they far right, MSM tell you that Karl. You linked to a far left group???????
I see, anyway its very boring so I won’t be splitting any hairs.
Hi, It would be interesting to compare the death rate of covid 19 plus flu/influenza deaths year on year. I ask this because it is suggested that influenza deaths are well down and I suspect the MSM/politics ect have been combining and misrepresenting the two stats as covid.
If they tell this mighty tall tale with the US Elections so convincingly, do you actually trust anything else?
Like climate change and all that other crap they lie about.
Discounting the fiasco in Victoria caused entirely by the Premier, the combined Ciovid 19 + influenza death toll for 2020 is less than for influenza alone in most previous years.
The whole thing is a great big con to facilitate the establishment of a Totalitarian State, and has been right from the very start. The current push is being managed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and has been in the making for the last ten years.
However, the driving force are the Deep State Neocons. To understand why it is happening you need to realise that the world is now cooling very rapidly, and this will accelerate over the next few years.
The Neocons are working towards complete control within the five English speaking UKUSA Pact countries (UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia) while the rest of the world goes to hell in a handcart, with billions dying.
It’s all quite simple, really. Shocking, but simple.
Someone put this on a post way back, with a breakdown on flu, notice the numbers in March after house arrest.
The the World Health Organisation Flunet, link at bottom of page.
Australia had 30,568 flu notifications in May 2019 and 228 in May 2020 – a 99.3% reduction.
The winter flu season is upon us so flu numbers should be rising. Australia had 57,938 flu notifications in June 2019 and 89 so far in June 2020 – a 99.8% reduction.
Per 100,000 population, the flu notifications were:
Jan 2019 : 27.3
Jan 2020 : 27.9
Feb 2019 : 28.7
Feb 2020 : 28.7
Mar 2019 : 44.9
Mar 2020 : 23.6
Apr 2019 : 74.8
Apr 2020 : 1.2
May 2019 : 122.3
May 2020 : 0.9
June 2019 : 231.9
June 2020 : 0.4 (so far)
The May 2020 per capita rate was the lowest since 2007 and the June 2020 per capita rate so far is the lowest since 2004.
Looking at 66 other notifiable diseases excluding influenza, Australia had 24,437 notifications in May 2019 and 15,762 in May 2020 – a 35.5% reduction.
Australia had 21,059 notifications of these diseases (including everything imaginable including hepatitis, salmonella, typhoid, meningococcal, chlamydia, syphilis, measles, dengue fever, malaria) in June 2019 and 7,616 so far in June 2020 – a 63.8% reduction.
The only disease that’s increased quite sharply comparing those two months with last year is Ross River virus, presumably because they didn’t order a lockdown among the mosquitoes.
Globally with influenza, the World Health Organisation’s FluNet monitoring has 11 countries that have updated to week 24 ending 8 June 2020 (Australia, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Iceland, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, United Kingdom). Last year from week 14 to week 24 they had cumulatively reported 20,649 positive laboratory influenza tests. This year from week 14 to week 24 they had cumulatively reported 1,574 positive flu tests – a 92.4% reduction.
H/T to whom ever
‘ … the world is now cooling very rapidly …’
‘The whole thing is a great big con to facilitate the establishment of a Totalitarian State …’
Rubbish, its a WMD released by a misfit into the Wuhan fish market. You aren’t taking this seriously.
‘This year, only 152 foreigners visited Bali in the three months through September, a stunning drop from 1.8 million last year, according to the statistics office. Domestic air passengers also fell 90 per cent from 2019.’ SCMP
This is the WHO Flu Net.
Takes a bit of trial and error to get what your after.
You have to run 2 tabs (for ease of comparison) 2020 V 2019 (2017 was a bad flu season).
No such thing as Flu anymore as in March we had 2 virus, Flu and Covid, we got put into solitary confinement and the flu went to Zero while the Rona went to the moon, well matched the previous years flu numbers.
Good article by Dennis Prager. The Left don’t have a broken moral compass because they have no moral compass.
See link for rest.
The left – those who want affordable health care, a living wage, equality etc etc, don’t have a moral compass? So inform me, what is the moral compass of the right?
those who want affordable health care, a living wage, equality etc etc, don’t have a moral compass? So inform me, what is the moral compass of the right?
By affordable you mean free, a living wage is attainable, wage means paid for your labour, everyone has the right to seek employment you mean money for nothing.
All men are created equal, you just want to be more equal then everyone else.
There is no left or right, there is only us.
welcome back Peta
MP – could you give me the steps by which you got to this position. I was asking what is the moral compass of the right, not an unhinged attack on my question.
However I’ll take your answer as that the right does not have a moral compass, because if it did, you would have stated it.
You listed your moral compass, none of which are morals nor a compass, they are demands. Why would I reply with morals when you don’t start with them?
Did I get the Peta part right?
The Left have a moral compass, universal health care, gun law reform and drug law reform are required to prove the US is not a failed state. This is clearly the moral compass to enter a brave new world.
Now Victoriastanis have partial freedom of movement I think I’ll leave Melbourne and visit the old Hazelwood Power Station, if anything is left of it.
I’ll take some pictures or video and put it on YouTube and Bitchute (I haven’t fully migrated to Bitchute yet but my YouTube videos are mostly technical or nature oriented so aren’t subject to political censorship of conservatives). I also have some pre-destruction video of Hazelwood at: (50sec) (46sec) (15sec)
Happy Dance, Happy Dance, Happy Dance….She’s outta here…
Nancy Pelosi lost her seat!
I dont think that is how it reads.
Read it before you post it.
It was Hawke Government rhetoric from the 1980’s that coined the phrase and idea that Australia is or should be a “clever country”.
However, whilst we have some extremely smart individuals, including many on this blog, I can see no evidence that as a whole we are a clever country because of the extreme stupidity of many or most of our actions at a policy level.
Just a few issues, none of which could be considered clever things to do:
*Agriculture is being shut down because the government prefers to empty irrigation water into the sea. And Greens and other leftards want to shut down animal production. Dams are close to impossible to get built. No vision for large scale irrigation.
*Industry is being shut down due to expensive gas, electricity and feral unions plus unreasonable regulations.
*One of the world’s most fanatical beliefs in anthropogenic global warming and fanatical commitment to unreliable and expensive weather-dependent electricity production.
*Rocks (minerals) can be sourced cheaper in Africa from the numerous Chinese colonies there. And Greens want to shut down the coal industry.
*Tourism for overseas visitors is very expensive as it is for locals. It is cheaper for locals to holiday overseas.
*Tertiary education is currently a good export earner but comes at the cost of extremely dumbed down degrees which are impossible to fail thus damaging Australia’s reputation long term.
*Commercial fishing has been made difficult or impossible by excessive regulations hence large fisheries imports, many from disgusting fish farms in Third World countries or polluted waters.
*There are severe restrictions on exploring for oil and gas.
* Nuclear electricity production and nuclear submarines are prohibited.
*We have some of the most expensive real estate prices in the world due to lack of policies conducive to decentralisation.
*The welfare system is unsustainable and many choose a life on welfare, especially some new immigrants who will never work as they have no employable skill.
*High levels of immigration from some people who will never assimilate or work and contribute nothing but trouble.
*Foreign borrowings by government are massive and it’s difficult to see how they can be repaid.
*There are more and more regulations affecting every aspect of economic and other activity and Nanny Statism is out of control.
*The government has a fanatical commitment to implementing virtually every decree from a corrupt and incompetent and Third World oriented UN which actively works to destroy Western Civilisation.
*Mismanagement of C-19 plus refusal to allow possible treatments such as HCQ. Economic destruction as a result of massive government spending and forced shutdowns.
*A public service which is afraid to give independent advice but merely state what the government wants to hear. All appointments at a senior level given to government sycophants.
*Australia has no worthy leader like Trump and we have little hope but to become a third rate Western-style country such as Venezuela.
*The government, even supposedly conservative ones, spend without constraint.
*I’m sure I have missed many issues in this short list…
An excellent summary, David.
Well worthy of a thumbs up.
This a good summary and explanation of a large number of matters that should raise “red flags” in people’s minds about the US election.
Congratulations (or not) UK on your new PM. Short may she reign.
Boris’ sometime girlfriend Carrie Symonds, has already begun restructuring her cabinet by axing Boris’ Chief Advisor Dominic Cummings (the driving force behind Boris’ Brexit moves) and his off-sider Lee Cain after her faction won a Downing Street power grab. Arguments that don’t hold sway in the Cabinet Room can easily be victorious in the bedroom.
Boris has enthusiastically taken up his new role as mail boy/gigolo/mouth piece, leaving the running of the country to his green zealot paramour. The useless blonde lump apparently believes Carrie is the unelected leader the country needs in a time of crisis with never-ending Covid lockdowns, Brexit teetering on the brink and numerous trade deals to be negotiated. He owes a lot to Carrie: she taught him to wear matching socks, to wear his pants with the fly to the front, to put the correct shoe on the correct foot and all that kind of useful Prime Ministerial stuff — even to comb his hair more than once a week.
Her takeover accounts for his sudden lurch to the Green Left, his eager embracing of the Biden “win” and his fervour for a UK Green New Deal, which green lunacy he is also trying to ram down Australia’s throat as part of a free trade deal.
Carrie is pulling his strings and his man-bits. Watch Brexit and a rational energy policy slip away.
Whist I was no fan of Cummings’ shambolic “strategies”, at least they were more rational than the girlfriend’s, and he did begin to take on the Whitehall swamp creatures fairly successfully. Add Carrie to his long list of enemies and to the enemies of the British common folk.
As so often I am in general concurrence with everything you’ve set out but deplore your use of the genitive apostrophe following non plural “s”; Boris’s, Cummings’s, Pythagoras’s and &c is the go.
agree Serp.
Gee aye and Serp:
Thi’s i’s an online scientifical blog for u’s unscientifical types’s like me. It is NOT a Thesis’ Paper for a PhD on the English language.
As’ such, beowulf can stick his’ – or her – apostrophes’s wherever he – or she – like’s’.
the evil you walk past is the evil you condone
That is a very wise aphorism professor and very pertinent to the discussion in general, but does it belong here in a discussion about possessive apostrophes?
It’s a bit different for someone’s name. The idea that ‘s is not needed is sensible if the s at the end denotes a plural noun and the extra ‘s is redundant. It is needed for singular nouns only and presumably plurals which do not end in an s. A person’s name however is not a noun or more exactly is a Proper Noun and is neither singular nor plural. So Boris’ is right.
There is a further distinction though on whether the s is silent or not. So the French Dechamps needs Decamps’s for the possessive or genitive.
The rules are supposed to be logical, not arbitrary, like all laws. And so unlike all the endless Climate Change laws and taxes on a premise of man made CO2 levels which is neither proven nor true.
Well sorry if I’ve offended you. You do realise that officially it can go either way? Plural or not, names ending in S traditionally don’t have another S tacked on after the apostrophe if it sounds clumsy. We used to get a whack for that at school. “Pythagoras’s” would be a definite NO NO. In vernacular I would tack on the extra S to most names, but not in the more formal written form.
Given enough time I’ll probably come around to putting an S behind any name like you. I’m a rebellious splitter of the infinitive and I’ve also mostly abandoned “whom” for “who”. Thankfully English is a work in progress, ruled by common usage, not stymied by a bunch of self-appointed academic referees like French.
I agree.

Borises girlfriend is the same as Boris’ girlfriend.
The ‘ replaces the es.
That’s the funny thing about the present goings on, its always the women.
Mugabe was alright until he got his new wife, according to Zimbabweans that’s when the Tyranny started.
yeah… the rapists excuse
Had your little #metoo moment, back to figuring out which bathroom to use.
The Great Reset
If you want pretty much the full story on what is happening with “The Great Reset”, who is behind it and why, take an hour off from blogging and go to There you will see featured the video – Plandemic Indoctornation.
It is a professionally produced as very well presented documentary explaining just what is going on, who is behind it, and why. As usual, it ultimately all comes down to money and power.
Nice to hear from you.
From 2003.
speech for former Gov of Colorado, Richard Lamm (D) in 2003. VERY scary stuff. It is also the modern DEMOCRAT party platform verbatim!!
I have a plan to destroy America
by Richard D. Lamm
I have a secret plan to destroy America. If you believe, as many do, that America is too smug, too white bread, too self-satisfied, too rich, let’s destroy America. It is not that hard to do. History shows that nations are more fragile than their citizens think. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and they all fall, and that “an autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.” Here is my plan:
1. We must first make America a bilingual-bicultural country. History shows, in my opinion, that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two competing languages and cultures. It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; it is a curse for a society to be bilingual. One scholar, Seymour Martin Lipset, put it this way: “The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy. Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Lebanon all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with its Basques, Bretons and Corsicans.”
2. I would then invent “multiculturalism” and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal: that there are no cultural differences that are important. I would declare it an article of faith that the black and Hispanic dropout rate is only due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every other explanation is out-of-bounds.
3. We can make the United States a “Hispanic Quebec” without much effort. The key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity. As Benjamin Schwarz said in the Atlantic Monthly recently, “The apparent success of our own multiethnic and multicultural experiment might have been achieved, not by tolerance, but by hegemony. Without the dominance that once dictated ethnocentrically, and what it meant to be an American, we are left with only tolerance and pluralism to hold us together.” I would encourage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture. I would replace the melting pot metaphor with a salad bowl metaphor. It is important to insure that we have various cultural sub-groups living in America reinforcing their differences, rather than Americans emphasizing their similarities.
4. Having done all this, I would make our fastest-growing demographic group the least educated. I would add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated and antagonistic to our population. I would have this second underclass have a 50 percent dropout rate from school.
5. I would then get the big foundations and big business to give these efforts lots of money. I would invest in ethnic identity, and I would establish the cult of victimology. I would get all minorities to think their lack of success was all the fault of the majority. I would start a grievance industry blaming all minority failure on the majority population.
6. I would establish dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties. I would “celebrate diversity.” “Diversity” is a wonderfully seductive word. It stresses differences rather than commonalities. Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other–that is, when they are not killing each other. A “diverse,” peaceful or stable society is against most historical precedent. People undervalue the unity it takes to keep a nation together, and we can take advantage of this myopia.
Look at the ancient Greeks. Dorf’s “World History” tells us: “The Greeks believed that they belonged to the same race; they possessed a common language and literature; and they worshiped the same gods. All Greece took part in the Olympic Games in honor of Zeus, and all Greeks venerated the shrine of Apollo at Delphi. A common enemy, Persia, threatened their liberty. Yet, all of these bonds together were not strong enough to overcome two factors … (local patriotism and geographical conditions that nurtured political divisions …)” If we can put the emphasis on the “pluribus,” instead of the “unum,” we can balkanize America as surely as Kosovo.
7. Then I would place all these subjects off-limits–make it taboo to talk about. I would find a word similar to “heretic” in the 16th century that stopped discussion and paralyzed thinking. Words like “racist”, “xenophobe” halt argument and conversation. Having made America a bilingual-bicultural country, having established multiculturalism, having the large foundations fund the doctrine of “victimology,” I would next make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws. I would develop a mantra –“because immigration has been good for America, it must always be good.” I would make every individual immigrant sympatric and ignore the cumulative impact.
8. “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.” –Noam Chomsky, American linguist and U.S. media and foreign policy critic.
I’m going to love seeing how the MSM (ABC and SBS, in particular) spin the violence by Antifa and BLM mobsters against Trump supporters after today’s Stop The Steal rallies. The attacks occurred when the rallies finished and the Trump supporters dispersed as they headed home.
Well, Biden had already stated that Antifa is “just an idea” and has openly supported the BLM movement so I guess they can take cues from him
His script writers, anyway
So the ABC did their best to spin the attacks by the BLM and Antifa mobs as being mutual acts of violence rather than the cowardly assaults of gangs against small groups of people who had an opposing point of view.
Pathetic use of our taxes (as usual)
A cheerful note for today…the Cherry Stall is open! Yippee!
Berkeleyearth might be dodgy, but in a future Royal Commission it would be useful data.
With the US elections, something finally makes sense.
All year we have read inexplicable rants from Pelosi, Clinton,Schumer and news anchors, sworn enemies of Trump, on what to do if Trump does not concede and refuses to leave the White House. I wondered why? Trump boarded up in the White House? Who controlled the Armed Forces? After all this has never been a concern in my lifetime and the transitions have been simple and peaceful. It was a great puzzle. Why was it an issue? It seemed unhinged.
The only explanation is that the comprehensive election fraud would be discovered and Trump would have ground to refuse to accept the results of the election. And that has proven to be true.
So it seems the Democrat insiders knew full well of the comprehensive organization to cheat in the Post offce, mail in fraud, dead people, duplicate people, dumped votes, backdated votes and especailly software updates delivered on the very night of the election (how field tested were those and why on earth was it done?). Now Trump and his lawyers have real cause to dispute the close results.
Of course the Democrats fully expected to swing Texas and Florida and succeed easily this time in a landslide with the proven Democrat fraud in Michigan last time being only the tip of the iceberg and their many willing helpers in the US Postal service. They did not even bother to campaign in Arizona, as they were so confident, against all reason.
But they had to shut down the counting on the election night and suddenly discover huge numbers of votes in the morning, making it clear to the world that something happened.
Don Trump Jr. used this quote from Stalin “Joseph Stalin — ‘Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything'”
It seems now that ultimately computers count the votes. So big Tech has had its revenge.
But thinking back, we have been told about this situation all year. And all the top Democrats were aware of it. This confirms that the election result was the subject of well known fraud, approved from the top. Like all the attacks on Trump and his people, including criminal behavior by the FBI, CIA, Justice Department, Clintons and Biden himself. In fact they have to get rid of Trump. Their survival depends on it.
Despressingly true TdeF.
But what about this:
Trump has also known about this all year. What had he planned to do about it? What is he still planning to do about it?
Thinking a bit further.
First job was to win the election (fair and square), which Sidney Powell said he did in a landslide.
Second is to expose the election crimes. That has not yet occured although Sidney Powell says she is ready to do so.
Will that be enough? What if the rogue states simply declare their votes valid and press ahead to declare the election. Then Trump has limited time.
Like all crimes, you have to let them happen. I think the loss of Texas and Florida was devastating for the Democrats and the plan fell apart. It’s just too obvious now. Like Labor parties around the world, ‘whatever it takes’, the ends justify the means are the controlling ideas.
Except to all our journalists. Matthew Knott (Washington Correspondent for Fairfax) wrote today:
“Trump didn’t concede defeat yesterday but didn’t put up a fight either. Rather than someone playing to win, he looked like he was going through the motions – and running down the clock.”
I don’t know how long he has been in Washington, but has he learned anything?
Firstly none of our media has mentioned the “Stolen Election”.
Secondly Trump is not a quitter, from what I have seen. He may have had to let the crime happen but I don’t see him giving up what is rightfully his, ie a second term as President.
Therefore I expect that something is going to happen. I am just not sure what it is going to be.
The left conveniently forget that during the first debate Biden said in answer to a Wallace question that he would not claim victory until after the sates had all certified their counts. Now they are demand Biden sees the intelligence briefing !!
Also can you remember Hillary Clinton publically saying to Biden –“Under no circumstances should you conceded on election night”
It must be a bit of a worry, to put it mildly, for them to the 200,000+ people came into that Democrat stronghold –Washington DC to show their support for President Trump today. Even more so when the Democrat storm troopers ( Antifa and BLM thugs) went a violence spree among the crowd afterwards. You not see the latter on MSM.
Sky newses, newss, news’s latest on the One nation bill 100% rejected by all political parties.
Was there ever any doubt about the outcome?
As I explained on the previous unthreaded thread, the three major political parties, Labor, Liberal and National, basically became one entity following the 2016 General Election. They have largely voted in unison on everything of note ever since.
Now, following the 2019 General Election, they control 146 of the 151 seats in the House of Representatives, and 61 of 76 seats in the Senate. Unfortunately they are now impervious to how the independents and minor parties like PHON, vote. Pauline can stamp her foot all she likes, it’s not going to make any difference.
As I read the tea leaves, there are only two possible ways out of this mess for us now, and both are about as likely as the Second Coming.
In short, we are screwed.
“In short, we are screwed.”
Nah. She’ll be right!
Writing in The Bulletin Magazine during 2006 when Kevin Rudd was the new Opposition Leader for Labor journalist Max Walsh claimed that there had been a “corporate-style takeover” by the Union Movement of the Australian Labor Party and that union trained executives were being handed safe Labor seats. The objective is to take control of our nation by controlling the governments.
Many claimed that Max Walsh was wrong based on the ALP having always been joined with the unions. That’s true, but not completely controlled by unions.
In the same period A Liberal MP Malcolm Turnbull was rising in status and became a Cabinet Minister in the Howard Liberal-National Coalition Government 1996-2007. There is a website (stopturnbull) that covers his life history from high school years, a timeline of events. One of many claims are that he chose to become a Liberal MP despite being a Labor supporter because he believed the Liberals provided him with a more secure political career path based on his work history and wealth. However, he was determined to wreck the Liberal Party (and Nationals) and to merge like minded left leaning Coalition MPs with Labor and the Greens to form a major governing alliance.
On the Labor side the like minded fellow travellers, globalist socialists, were on the same mission and while later to become Labor Opposition Leader Bill Shorten was an AWU executive he organised the establishment with union assistance of the foreign activist group GetUp in Australia. Turnbull and his leftist faction calling themselves “Black Hand” used GetUp to get Tony Abbott, beginning when Abbott was Coalition Opposition Leader in 2009 and continuing (relentless negativity) even after he became Prime Minister.
Recently on ABC former leaders Turnbull and Rudd joined with GetUp to claim that the Murdoch Group media are too powerful, and since the Greens have joined this attack. For many good reasons their claims are ridiculous and petty, self serving nonsense. But the political alliance is worth thinking about.
The “Great Reset” agenda is another example of leftist manoeuvring, and soon former Labor PM Julia Gillard will be one of the presenters at a seminar here to promote Great Reset … not highlighted is the plan to steal our assets and turn us into welfare dependent paupers. Excuse, global warming of course, save the planet by locking us up like Chairman Dan Labor did in Melbourne and country Victoria based on COVID-19.
Renewable energy is another of their wealth creation businesses based on a climate emergency scare campaign, they increase their wealth and we become poorer, including the economy and economic prosperity.
Memoryvault is right of course, and sadly, most Australians are blissfully ignorant and unaware of what is happening to their nation and to their way of life.
Charles Hugh- Smith lays it out at ZH :-
“All the PR being spewed about The Great Reset is the final frantic flailing of a system that’s drowning in its own excesses. The 50-year long era of the few enriching themselves as the expense of the many has ended, for the same reason eras of extreme exploitation always end–the elites got too greedy and overshot the economy’s ability to sustain their rapidly expanding share of the income and wealth.
Put another way: the elites have cannibalized the system so thoroughly that there’s nothing left to steal, exploit or cannibalize. The hyper-centralized global money control has run out of rope as the cheap oil is gone, debts have ballooned to the point there is no way they’ll ever be paid down, and the only thing staving off collapse is money-printing, which holds the seeds of its own demise.
Allow me to summarize the only way The Great Reset envisioned by global elites can actually manifest: The Martians arrive towing huge meteorites of pure lithium and gold, and rather than incinerating the global elites, they hand the global elites the meteorites to further their concentration of wealth and power.
Short of that science fiction, this sucker’s going down. The Great Reset has already run its course after 12 long years of artifice, fraud and trickery. So global elite shills, lackeys, factotums, toadies and apparatchiks–prepare for your Wile-E-Coyote moment of truth.”
You are absolutely 100% correct about The Great Reset, Farmerbraun.
Unfortunately it is merely a distraction to keep everybody’s attention away from what is really happening.
By the time The Great Reset falls flat on its face and people wake up to the real intention behind everything, it will already be too late to reverse it for most.
“Isn’t it great that the Chinese have agreed to pay all solar and wind farm, dismantling and repatriation for recycling, costs. That is such a big help in keeping solar and wind costs so low ?”
I’m not at all hopeful about a rational future. Trump or not Trump– not going to matter with everything having been white anted and undermined. They’re down to indoctrinating kindergartens, so there’s not much else left to do. 4 generations taught what to think, rather than how to think. There’s only a bunch of stupid, old, white farts, squeaking about facts. That’s so early Twentieth Century.
I could still get joy, going to woke sites, and going 170% woke.
“Don’t talk to me in that foul, racist, colonialist, patriarchal English sewer tongue. You call yourself woke! Only address me with my Inuit title!”
At least it stops us stupid, old, white farts from making nuisances of ourselves elsewhere.
Besides, I’m running out of places to get banned from.
Gee, time drags slowly on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Still five minutes to Beer o clock.
The Bar is open here at my place
Mine too Peter C and the beer is cold .
Memory vault it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere !
Malcolm Turnbull Tweeted thus:
Back in early August Biden in one of his signature flights of incoherence addressed those squeakworthy facts:; perhaps there is a missing Biden twin who understands this cryptic language.
When it comes to a House vote how will the single representative for the vote splitting states Nebraska and Maine be determined?
I don’t rightly know. If it ever comes to that Nebraska is in the middle and should vote Red, while Maine is far East coast and should vote Blue.
However I hope that Trump has a better plan than a House Vote.
Victor Davis Hanson talks about the US election and Trump’s prospects.
Released 6 hours ago.
How sweet to be a voter in the new Biden-Harris regime! Apparently, the following criteria are acceptable:
1. You are entitled to receive an absentee vote application irrespective of whether or not you requested one.
2. Democrat-run vote-counting centres can sign off in the late night of the election, but then welcome the arrival, in the early hours of the next morning, of very large numbers of ballots, all of which favour their party.
3. In Democrat-run states, Republican scrutineers can be ordered from, or barred from observing, the vote-counting, or are located deliberately so far from the process as to be ineffective, with zero right to challenge that ruling.
4. In certain Democratic-run states, there is no requirement for a voter’s signature to match the one that is on his/her record.
5. The date on which an absentee vote was mailed can be stamped at a date earlier than the election so as to qualify as a valid vote.
6. Many electoral rolls contain the names of former voters who are no longer with us.
7. Dead people’s votes are acceptable, irrespective of how long ago the “voter” passed away.
8. Voting machines can reverse the vote intentions of citizens.
9. You need not be a current resident of a state in which you cast your vote.
Given all of this, can you understand why about 73 million US voters feel that the election is bogus?
Another back to back La Nina forecast.
“November 2020 sees an unusually strong La Niña in the equatorial Pacific with temperature deviations down to below -3°C and with unusually long duration until NH summer 2021,” Snowfan writes. “If the current NASA forecast is correct, a multi-year La Niña could develop into 2022, just like in 2010-2012.” Notrickszone
As I get older, grumpier and more disillusioned with politics here in Oz, I’ve found one that I reckon I will get involved in. Australiaone with Riccardo Bosi. Spent a lot of time reading the web page and I like what I read. Small steps added together become a journey.
Riccardo is a very honourable man and a heck of a nice guy to boot.
But he insisted on making all the same mistakes that just about everybody does when starting a new political movement here in OZ. Consequently AustraliaOne crashed and burned in its very first election outing.
I very much doubt he can now make like the Phoenix and rise from the ashes.
The pandemic has unified the country to a great extent, the government under Morrison should theoretically remain in power for another decade.
I noted your earlier commentI ‘running out of places to get banned from.’ is precisely how I ended up here. Utopian socialists are misunderstood by the left and right, so its getting to the point where I may spit the dummy and become a blog refugee once again.
I would imagine utopian socialists are misunderstood because they are stark raving bonkers. I got banished from one forum only, and that was because I found out the blog owner was doing something particularly unsavoury behind everybody’s backs, and I let him know I knew.
Morrison will stay in power until –
A) – Morrison openly starts stealing everybody’s super and channeling it to his rent seeking developer mates for useless “ruinable energy” schemes, instead of doing it on the sly like he is now; or
B) – The full implications of the Cash Restrictions Bill 2019 are unleashed on the public; or
c) – The full implications of the various amendments to the Banking Acts made in 2018 are unleashed on the public.
At that point there will be rioting in the streets, and people will be looking to turn mainstream politicians, especially Morrison, into ornaments hanging from lamp posts. Whichever comes first.
I was aware of A, but thanks for mentioning B and C. It sounds like stuff I should catch up on.
We trusting voters have little idea of what’s really happening in the darker corners and that’s not democracy.
Good morning Keith.
The Cash Restrictions Bill – or to give it its full name – Currency (Restrictions on the use of Cash) Bill 2019, allows the government to place limits on what you can do with the money you have honestly earned and paid taxes on. It includes provisions to send you to jail for up to two years if you fail to comply.
There is a misconception that it only applies to amounts over $10,000. However, if you read the Act itself, that amount is mentioned only once, right at the start, where it defines something called “the cash payment limit” as “$10,000. Thereafter it only refers to “the cash payment limit”.
Right at the end of the Act it spells out that the Minister can change parts of the Act by simple Regulation, meaning it doesn’t have to go back to Parliament for another vote. He can make the cash payment limit anything he likes all the way down to $1.00.
This Bill, including the above provisions to send you to jail, was passed by unanimous vote in the HoR by Liberal, National, and Labor members, on 24/10/2019, and started its way through the Senate a couple of days later. It only went on the backburner when some awake people started kicking up a fuss.
Since then it has sat with the Senate – for over eight months now – neither voted on nor lapsed, a first in my lifetime.
Interestingly, the Bill was nonetheless listed amongst current legislation in December. It also has a start date of 1/1/2020.
If only rules and regulations were straightforward, but we now have politics working to protect the banks and endear politicians to the banks.
All the voters get out of this is: screwed.
Thanks for the info.
Most people think that their deposits at the bank are safe – covered by the Deposit Insurance Provisions, so that if the bank fails your money, up to $250,000, is guaranteed by the government. In 2018 that was quietly all changed – again with the full support in parliament by Liberal, National and Labor members.
Prior to 2018, your money was always your money, simply “deposited” at the bank for safekeeping. Now, your money at the bank is an unsecured loan to the bank, to do with pretty much as they like.
So, if the bank runs into strife, it can simply use what used to be your money, but which you have now “loaned” to the get themselves out of trouble. This is called a “bail-in” and has already happened in a couple of European countries.
The Deposit Insurance is not payable, it only applies if the bank actually fails – that is, goes bankrupt. Why should the bank go bankrupt when they can simply grab some or all of “your” money, that you have kindly “loaned” to them, to bail themselves out?
And since you were only an “unsecured” creditor, they don’t ever have to pay it back to you.
Do you like the new avatar? Better than the hatchet through the head? I used the skeleton for a while after Marilyn died and I lost 20 kilos. It turns out that alternating meals between Maccas, KFC and Dominos doesn’t really constitute a balance diet.
Sounds like a perfectly balanced diet to me although it is missing something green , VB would have fixed that .
Good morning Robert.
Funny you should mention VB. Marilyn and I considered VB a health food up until I parted company with my gall bladder in 2007. After that I couldn’t handle beer.
Then, earlier this year Number 1 Son introduced me to Asahi Dry which goes down rather easily. I immediately added to my diet as a much needed vitamin B supplement.
The things you have to do to stay healthy.
I chased up some of this Scytl stuff.
That last claim seems self contradictory … if you delivered the ballot electronically, and afterwards you accept it back again electronically, then for all intents and purposes you have provided online voting. However other than make note of their disingenuous claim on that, it probably isn’t relevant to the USA where the mail in ballots went physically as paper through the USPO.
The first claim is the most relevant, in as much as they provide reporting services. Take the data and present it in a nice readable format … although it seems odd that they claim not to do any counting, tabulation or tally whatsoever. I mean, most reports do provide a summation, and that would be tallying … but again it’s kind of disingenuous but perhaps not so important.
They also claim that all of the servers they use are physically inside the USA. The same data could easily have been going offshore by some other method … but then it’s reporting data and lots of people are interested, so you would expect copies to be going out to many news organizations, right around the world. It’s entirely possible that the same data stream ended up going to Germany (and other places) based on it being an election night report.
Hello Tel,
Didn’t know you were one of the crowd here.
How goes things over at the Liberal Party Admiration Society?
It has been a bit like that. No response for quite a while.
ENSO Enigma Humiliates Potsdam
Polynyas and all that.
I agree with Memory. In my opinion, banks are a necessary evil in our capitalist-based society. It is clear to me that the banks and the government are colluding, so that banks will be able to survive anything that threatens their existence. As for superannuation, anyone who thinks that this is a way to secure their future must be living in Disneyland.
So true. Fiat currency drives inflations, and booms and busts. Inflation steals wealth from wage earners and savers, and gives it to borrowers. It turns everyone into a speculator by default because inflation steals wealth from their bank balance.
Very fast trading is a form of rorting the sharemarket. It rapidly buys and shares so that shares in Super are constantly being plundered.
Our government allows this because supposedly it “provides the market with liquidity” . i.e. It’s a false market .
How do they get away with all this stuff.