Weekend Unthreaded

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214 comments to Weekend Unthreaded

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    Something new to me from the ABC:
    Wind turbines shut down at 40C, so they don’t overheat. Poor things.
    Perhaps those magnificent batteries have a similar disposition to not working when it’s hot.??
    The other thing the ABC seemed to find surprising in the same article is that solar panels don’t produce too well under cloud.

    Dave B


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      Graham Richards

      Solar panels don’t produce under cloud generally, however I have noticed that under those wispy clouds which don’t blot the sun out altogether the wattage being produced does increase a bit. Please explain!


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        Kalm Keith



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        There are two factors – one is cloud SWR dispersion, refraction. The other is the efficiency gain when cooler. Solar panels drop output by 0.7%/C. They are rated at 25C.

        So a balmy day of 15C with high, whisky cloud will improve output from efficiency gain by 7% and hardly any reduction from loss of direct insolation at the peak. If you keep a panel in cool shade and then expose it to direct sun it will give maximum output that could be higher than its rating. Peak performance under high, whisky cloud will not match that measured in direct sunlight but the average over a day could be better because a large portion of the sky is acting as a dispersed source of solar energy.


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        Solar cells don’t like the heat either.

        A problem in the glaring sun in the tropics.


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          Graham Richards

          All very puzzling! One revelation though is solar is even less reliable & more inefficient than first thought.


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        Tarquin Wombat-Carruthers

        Dominion software?


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      The interconnected electricity grid does not need reliable baseload power station generators.



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    Gary Simpson

    Photovoltaics perform best at around 26 deg. C. Beyond that, efficiency decreases.


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    I have somewhat of a revelation in my thought process on Earth’s thermostat.

    It is quite easy to understand how sea ice regulates heat loss from an ocean surface. Ice is solid and low thermal conductivity. It isolates water below from the atmosphere so dramatically reduces heat loss from the water below. A metre or two of ice can have a temperature differential of 30C:
    Amounting to a 60% reduction in radiating power. Sea ice forms at 271.3K.

    It is not quite so obvious what happens in the atmosphere but clouds form when water vapour solidifies at 273.2K. Once the precipitable water reaches 38mm the atmosphere moves into daily cloudburst mode. That results in persistent, thick cloud that is highly reflective. These clouds are so reflective that they can cause the ocean to cool under the midday sun:
    The reflection of insolation as the sea surface temperature increases is so significant that the SST, in open ocean, can never exceed 32C. Basically the sky turns dark during daylight hours for long periods of time. It is a very power temperature regulating process directly linked to the formation of ice (cloud) in the atmosphere.

    So the phase change of water to ice on the surface and in the atmosphere provide precise, and very powerful controls on the energy intake and loss from the oceans.

    The conditions for life are entirely dependent on the properties of water and its distribution over the surface and in the atmosphere. No “greenhouse effect” needed.


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      Peter C

      Thanks Rick,

      It is not quite so obvious what happens in the atmosphere but clouds form when water vapour solidifies at 273.2K.

      Not all clouds are ice clouds. Clouds are highly reflective, especially thick ones.
      Your theory about temperature regulation controlled by water in its various forms is persuasive.


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        Agree that not all clouds are ice. Condensate is not as reflective as ice though. Cloudburst results in the thick, highly reflective cloud above tropical waters. During cloudburst, the air column becomes saturated well above the level of ice forming so the reflective component is predominantly ice.

        The OLR radiating power of the tropical atmosphere typically equates to 250K (240W/sq.m). So persistent cloud is mostly above the ice forming level.

        All the data I can find confirms the temperature regulation mechanisms; no “Greenhouse Effect” required.

        The role of radiative gasses is important because it is solidification and precipitation above the level of free convection that produce the convective available potential energy that drives cloudbursts. If the atmosphere did not lose heat through radiation, the water vapour above the level of free convection would not condense/solidify and there would be no potential energy available to drive the cloudburst.


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    With all the news here at this site about the rort in the US election, (and rightfully so too, as it’s the only place where you’ll see ANY news about it at all) this looks suspiciously like my saying ….. Hey, look over there, but hey, if I can do it, then so can the ABC, and I see that David at Comment number 1 also mentioned this same news article about the power grid getting stressed in the heat.

    You might even think that the journalist who wrote the article would actually go and try to find out ….. WHY, when he wondered about the grid having not enough power to cover those large highs in power consumption.

    Overall, the article is just plain flat out slackness and laziness really, making false assumptions, pointing the finger in the opposite direction, and not bothering to actually check his facts, or even attempt to find answers to the questions he poses.

    Let’s then look at a day of (absolutely) huge power consumption, and drill down into what actually does happen.

    Look at the image at this link, the Load Curve for power consumption and generation from the day when power consumption was the largest for the last year, Friday 31Jan2020, and in fact, the largest day’s power consumption in Australia’s history.

    Sometimes, these graphs look similar in shape, and that’s because they need to be sized to fit the same size page, so people who don’t know all that much about what they are looking at might think, well that looks pretty much normal, like every other day really.

    So, what I have done is to add some things to graph (with approval of the site’s owner) to add some context.

    The first thing to look at here is that left side vertical axis, the total power generated scale, and here I have circled that upper number 40. Now, the average for this scale is a maximum of around 28. (28,000MW) Some low days are around 24, and some high days in Summer are 32, but look at this total here, and that 40,000MW the high line across the page on a day when the Maximum power consumption was 38,600MW at around 4PM.

    I also added the line across the page for the Base Load, on this day, 21,600MW, and the year round average is 18,000MW, and that’s the LOWEST power consumption gets down to.

    I have also added all four renewables here, both of solar, wind, and hydro, and as you can see, their high point does not even reach the low consumption point for the day, and manages just 26% of all generated power.

    Of most importance, we have the evening peak when residential power consumption is at its highest, when everyone gets home from work and school, and all the home power items get turned on, and I have indicated that with the mouse at 6PM, (18:00) and the vertical line up the page. Now go across the page back to the left side vertical scale, where I have circled the totals for both power consumption, the top one, and the four renewables the bottom one, and as you can see that gap at that time of most power consumption is 26,500MW. ALL of that is power from fossil fuelled sources, and while fossil fuels delivered 73.5% of all power generation across the whole day, this gap at 6PM sees fossil fuels delivering 70% of all generated power for consumption.

    Okay then, look now at those four renewables, and as you can see, hydro is the largest of those suppliers, and here we have a renewable power source, hydro, which actually CAN be ramped up and down if, and when that is needed.

    Okay, so now look at this second image at this link, for the same day, everything the same, only with Hydro power removed, with hydro supplying 11.3% across the whole day, but ramped up as high as it is needed to deliver at that evening peak, and here, again, I have circled both totals at that 6PM time. Now the difference is 32,600MW and those three renewables of green choice are only delivering 8.7% of all generated power, at that 6PM time.

    So, when we have days of MONSTER power consumption, the go to power plants for delivery of REAL power for WHEN it is actually needed are those fossil fuelled plants, the coal fired giants and the additional gas fired plants as required.

    Take them away and what will you have?

    Nothing is what you’ll have.

    It doesn’t even have to be a day of high power consumption, just normal days, because without coal fired power, there is no grid. Generation MUST match consumption, and if generation is lowered, then everyone goes black.

    Okay now, normal transmission of election results continues.



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      You must be wrong Tony, the woke NSW Minister for Environment, an accountant, says 100 per cent renewables is our future electricity supply.



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        And so does ‘financial journalist’ Alan Kohler in the Australian. The world has no choice, it seems. Or we will get dreaded Global Warming. He worries about the unavoidable CO2 output from making steel and concrete. And stops short of wiping out agriculture. He does not mention the refining of metals, which is all about turning oxides into metals by turning the oxygen into CO2, but then he is a ‘financial journalist’.

        Global warming. Not Climate Change. No pretending here. The very same Global Warming which ended the last ice age a mere 10,000 years ago, in the forgotten time before economists who know everything except that no one predicted the GFC. They should stay on their own turf where they can at least pretend to have some casual experience in their world without science. I wonder how many financial journalists believe everything they are told? Might I suggest, all of them?


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          Glaciation are hemispherical phenomena. They are not indicative of global cooling but rather shifts in the annual maximum and minimum levels of insolation in calendar time and in latitude.

          The reflectivity of ice provides a positive feedback so there is less energy uptake on the ice sheets but ice formation requires evaporation from oceans so it is energy intensive in that regard.


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        And however much you ay not like it, it will be


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        Australian 2050 “Back to Nature” Power Grid:

        Mandatory sleep from dusk to dawn to cut electricity use

        Renewables only:
        Wind turbines and solar panels
        backed up by nuclear powered fans and nuclear powered spotlights.

        Free candles

        Free battery flashlights

        Free towels to wipe sweat off face and elsewhere

        Free antiperspirant and deodorant

        Wood stoves subsidized by government


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        Having an old style grid based on large centralised geneators is soooooo last century. The “transition to renewable energy” will see us smoothly transition to a smart, intelligent, agile and virtuous energy system sourced by sunlight and breezes and managed via wishful thinking.

        There seem to be enough greedy entepreneurs and short sighted engineers to do the individual projects , the interesting part will be orchestrating the whole mess when they realise they have run out of rainbows and unicorns


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      Tim C

      You forgot two very important points Tony:
      1. Unicorn Farts
      2. The Greens will amend the laws of physics in the Senate

      These will guarantee that intermittent DC “renewables” will be able to power an AC grid.


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      Tony,, i dont know if you are aware of, or saw the link i posted last week, ..to this new LCOE analysis of US generators.?
      It is interesting in that it raises the concept of “Firm Generation”. And “Imposed Cost” Of RE generators, as well as reporting LCOE’s where Solar and Wind are more costly than Gas, Coal, or Nuclear !


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        Chad, yes I saw that thank you.

        When I started doing all this thirteen years ago now, I noticed that there was something ‘fishy’ about those LCOE numbers. The very first one I looked at was suspect on so many levels, so I thought ….. ‘this can’t be right.’

        So, and thanks to search engines even in those days back in early 2008, I went looking for all I could find, inputting different text into the search engine parameters, and then searching down not just Page One of all those links, but following many pages.

        I ended up looking at so many LCOE’s from so many different sources.

        Now, what I found was that ….. NOT ONE of them ever agreed with the next.

        There were so many different things to input from all the different sources of power generation, and each one of them could be ‘fiddled’, depending on the result you wanted to see, and it looked to me that with some of them, when they didn’t get the desired result, they (and it became obvious after a while) just changed the numbers they input for that parameter to make it look even worse.

        Far and away the most blatant error (and the use of that word is my being polite) that they made was that they gave every power plant the same lifespan, and 30 years was the most common, not that any renewable of choice, solar or wind could last that long, and with the average lifespan for coal fired power being 50 years. The other common one was Capacity Factor, and I saw wind quoted as high as 55%, with 40% the average and solar up around 35% at times. Then there were different quotes for financing, and then not taking into account the Government fronting up half of the construction cost, and then not taking into account the Government guaranteeing and paying a set amount for every MWH of power generation. Then understating the output (grossly in some cases) from coal fired power, then adding on CCS. (and grossly understating its cost and not factoring in the correct power usage of that CCS)

        There were a myriad of others and at every point LCOE was a device to make renewables look attractive and coal fired power distinctly unattractive. What they were relying on was that no one knew enough about it to go and actually seek out the real facts.

        I learned very quickly to discount any and all versions of LCOE.

        The same, umm, mistakes are still being used to this day, only now they have become even more sophisticated with more false factors to input.

        LCOE is one of a number of arguments they use to detract from the fact that renewable plants just do not deliver on a reliable and constant and HUGE power levels.



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    Have there really been record high temperatures on Oz in the last couple of days? And, if so, does it matter?


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      el gordo

      Its a ‘beat up’ by the MSM and BoM to convince us that global warming is real and happening now.

      Sydney was unusually warm and the night time temps broke the record for November, its a global cooling signal and I can prove it.


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        Greg in NZ

        Watched the 6pm news tonight purely for the novelty factor: the breathless presenter claimed Sydney’s hot day broke an 80-year old record. So it was just as hot back in 1940? Shame she didn’t inform her viewers that Tasmanians were to be blessed with SNOW on their first two days of ‘summer’, Tue & Wed.

        Likewise, a southerly is forecast to drop snow to 1,200 m tomorrow in the South Island. Still waiting for this ‘global warming’ thingy to arrive…


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          Kalm Keith

          Here in NovoCastria, we’ve had two days in a row of 39°C which is about 101 or 102 Fahrenheit.

          Back in the 50s and 60s we used to get maybe 10 days in a row over 100F. Max was about 107F.

          Didn’t notice so much in the later years because they had started to invent fans and primitive air conditioning.

          No abnormal heat wave so far in 2020.


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          Greg in NZ said:

          Still waiting for this ‘global warming’ thingy to arrive…

          Mate, it’s that White stuff. White Global Warming.

          Turn yer thermometer over, you’ve got it upside down.


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      Richard Jenkins

      Look where thermometers are placed. Night temperatues are expected to be hotter by anyone who thinks even if the atmoshere is cooler. Many trucks and cars amongst concrete create huge amount of heat compared with an occaisional horse and cart. If night is high it is NOT climate change.


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    A few regulars and visitors have complained about Jo’s blog becoming too political etc but I digress, from the outset of debating a global warming hypothesis it became very clear that trying to avoid the global political implications was near impossible as it turns the two have a very long history, if people feel they need a good dose of science simply go through the archives here and get information from highly qualified sources that have probably been forgotten.

    While the threat of climate change is non existent the threat to Western Civilisation is very real and happening right now, the difference between future generations experiencing the opportunities we had versus a type of dystopian slavery hinges on Trump winning the election and the movement that follows it’s a critical moment for democratic systems globally and this cannot be understated.

    If people think that sceptical or alt right platforms are small time echo chambers then why is there a concerted effort to censor or ban them? and why are there paid trolls attempting to undermine them?, make no mistake that your voice carries more weight than you realise especially when many combine as one and this is what the enemy fears as they’ve felt the wrath of the righteous in our recent history and that’s why they’ve chosen subversion this time around.


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      Those that claim that Jo is getting too political over the US election issue should take a look at the Biden/Harris policy on all things to do with “climate change” and they will see the reasons for her concern and diligence on this issue. Jo has distilled the essence of the election frauds into this one blog site and its relationship to so many icons of the left, including climate change, are clear to see.


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        “Jo has distilled the essence of the election frauds”

        What frauds are these? So far there are none, repeat none, that have been substantiated. Perhaps there are some but best wait until they are irrefutably proven before making definitive claims


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          Give it time….you will have your pick to choose from…


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            The `enlightening’ then will be marvellous fun to watch 😀


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            Tim C

            well the Republican’t Party has launched 38 cases to date and has not provided one iota of fraud, which is why they keep getting laughed out of court. Big sizzle, tiny sausage.


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              The MSM are predominately left wing, so they wont report whats going on….


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              The Trump team have only participated in 4 cases, there are more to come more . Other cases have been bought by concerned citizens groups such as the Thomas Moore Society. The MSM doesn’t differentiate between groups.


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              “Big sizzle, tiny sausage.”

              Anything definitive from Mrs Trump on that? 🙂 I thought it was just small desk syndrome??


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          David Wojick

          Irrefutively proven is an impossible standard. US Courts go with a preponderance of the evidence. I think we already have that.


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          Ian, perhaps there are some but best wait until Climate Change and AGW are irrefutably proven before making definitive or specious claims, such as the science is settled.

          If you understand science you would be aware that it is never settled. Else all funding would dry up. So it is in the interests of persons who make money from the scam to perpetuate it and try to settle it down – but stubborn nature will not be beaten down.

          Please advise us on the method by which climate and temperature and storms are measured and compared. Measurements are integral to the understanding of science and engineering. And what is the ideal temperature, the ideal winds, and ideal number and intensity of storms, which by the way were of biblical proportions 2,000 years ago when Noah built an ark?

          At the moment I get a screen saver automatically on Windows which appears to be Port Campbell in Victoria and the 12 apostles, which shows that the sea shore was much further out many many moons ago. What washed away the land to create and reveal the 12 apostles a long time ago (and still is)?

          How were the famous White Cliffs of Dover in the UK formed/created? Man made warming? Or just natural warming? Climate change has been with us for ever and ever, but man made – no – please explain what effect man has had on the formation of the 12 apostles and the erosion of the land at Port Campbell. These examples were around a long time before coal was burnt.

          Also Chicago used to be under a glacier – how did that disappear? Man made warming? Not man made cooling.

          So many questions that go unanswered by those who think that a chaotic system should suddenly be frozen (pun intended) in time.

          And please don’t just claim that such and such ABC expert says so.

          Have you ever heard the expression – the experts disagree? If they were expert then they would not disagree. Either for or against.

          Maybe I am just too empirical in my outlook.

          Learn to pronounce
          based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

          Empirical evidence
          Empirical evidence is the information received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and documentation of patterns and behavior through experimentation. The term comes from the Greek word for experience, ἐμπειρία. Wikipedia

          Note that a scientist does not have to have a uni degree to be a scientist. Anyone who practises the scientific methods is a scientist. Or that is how I understand this from the science council.

          Our definition of a scientist – The Science Council …
          Search domain sciencecouncil.org/about-science/our-definition-of-a-scientist/https://sciencecouncil.org/about-science/our-definition-of-a-scientist/
          A scientist is someone who systematically gathers and uses research and evidence, to make hypotheses and test them, to gain and share understanding and knowledge. A scientist can be further defined by: how they go about this, for instance by use of statistics (statisticians) or data (data scientists).


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          Richard Jenkins

          If you pass grade 2 you know that something is wrong if more people vote than live in a county.
          The question is can a person who can not see evidence of fraud be promoted to grade 3?

          If you play snakes and ladders with 2 dice and your classmate rolls 20 you know he is a cheat. If he continues to roll >12 with 2 dices seek discipline.

          More voters than people has happened in many counties. Judicial Watch have been demanding voter roll audits. Why would anybody object? Perhaps they endorse cheating.

          Can any honest person even think there is NO EVIDENCE?


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      John R Smith

      For me, it’s hard to separate politics from science in the climate issue.
      The people that claim “science is real” don’t know squat about science.
      Many of us here are interested in science but are faced with watching it being murdered by effete, spoiled, vacuous, faux educated, seriously crazy people.
      We are forced to talk about IT.


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      This blog should concentrate on science not politics. We don’t need no stinkin’ politics. There is absolutely no politics involved in the climate change crisis. It is settled science. And unsettling science too — Earth is doomed in 10 years, according to perfesser Greta “thundering” Thunberg, perfesser Alexandria Occasionally Coherent and their mentor Al “the climate blimp” Gore, who previously invested the internet, in his spare time. I’m building an ark. What are YOU doing to protect YOUR family?


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        I’m hoping humour like this is not forgotten during dark times. 🙂


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          Don’t be daft Yonnie; you know where this is going. Sometime in the near future those who want to be funny will be provided with the official book of State approved humour, The Little Red Joke Book, all unofficial humour will be prosecutable (exceptions made for humour aimed at enemies of the State).


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        robert rosicka

        If you really believe science and politics are seperate there should be no problem with a Biden government in America and an Adam Brandt led Green government here in oz .


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        An ark ???? I’m digging a dam, I thought we were going to have droughts.


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        well we moved to 300m ASL and are self sufficient for water, and electricity if we have to be, have enough food to ide out a likely natural disaster and can dispose of zombies if things get desperate. That will have to do.


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    Peter C

    I am being censored by big tech Ie Google.
    The first thing I noticed was that I did not get some emails from the IPA.
    Then I changed my search engine to duckduckgo. Overnight it was changed back to Google with no input from me..
    does anyone know a good alternative to gmail?


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      Keep changing back to Duck Duck, I had the same interference at the start.

      To quote: How Dare They (Google)


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      We are living within a pervasive propaganda machine. Google, Twitter, Facebook ABC SBS BBC EU UN, kids at school – Social Justice Curriculum straight out of ‘1984 and Big Bro,’ the Globalist User Handbook. ‘Never let up, never let up, never let up…’


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      I know people who use hotmail. I believe it has become Outlook.com. It is a Microsoft server.

      I use bigpond. I have remained with it because there is effort involved to change it. If I eventually get fed up with Telstra, they will still support the email for a small annual fee.

      I have a gmail account that I do not use. I find Google intrusive. They connect things without my knowledge.

      I went to DuckDuckGo for search engine a week ago. I found Google searches were becoming slow.


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        Fuel Filter

        Try “Proton Mail”. It costs a bit, but it’s secure as you can get. TONS of options to choose, deep encryption to use if you desire, multiple accounts, etc, etc.

        I use it for sensitive things. It’s not as easy to use as, for instance, gmail or Hotmail for two examples. But it’s secure as you want it to be.

        I pay something like $79/ year (US$) and I have had it for about three months or so. Have yet to plumb the depths of it (time factor, really).

        You can give it a shot for virtually nothing.


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      Another alternative search engine is https://www.startpage.com
      Worth a try especially the Advanced Search option. Not the fastest search but appears to be quite thorough.


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      Kalm Keith

      It’s time.
      To change.
      More work. 🙁


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      Anything thats not gmail…its the Borg.

      Gmx.co.uk is good.

      Hushmail for full encrytption.


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    James Murphy

    I just read that Victoria is banning financial institutions from running school banking programmes. I really cannot tell If this is a sensible idea, or another way of ensuring people are kept ignorant by Dear Leader Dan.

    I remember being part of a banking scheme when extremely young, I think we were encouraged to deposit money on a regular basis, but don’t remember being taught anything specific about banks, but it was a long time ago, so I cant be sure.


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      Yes saw that last night. What a dreadful idea encouraging kids to save for themselves when we should be teaching them that Dan will provide.


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    One of many articles I’ve come across that question the use of PCR tests to determine infection.

    “Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid test are not fit for purpose. So what do the MSM do? They ignore it.”



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      Kalm Keith

      What’s the difference between between Global Warming and The COVID19 pandemonium.

      Nothing: they’re both there to control, fleece and enslave us.



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      Climate change is bunkum…as is the covid circus…

      Its about power and politics, not science.

      Thats why no matter what the evidence presented thats contrary, the power agenda grinds on.

      The alleged vaccine requirement to travel is likely a control mechanism, again…nothing to do with science.

      Like the tax file number… sure… you can refuse to play thier game but cop punative penalties if you dont. Not really fair though…


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      Just looking at the data from Portugal from “worldometers”. It seems that the number of “new cases” has doubled since October 31. The total number of deaths has doubled since October twenty. So if this Judge is correct then false positives kill you faster than covid does. because that is only 11 days.
      Now we could assume that these people who died from false positives would have died from covid two or three days later anyway. So we must just learn to live with false positives and get on with life. However with much testing still occurring in Australia and hardly any false positives we should conclude that the lack of deaths is directly related to the lack of false positives. So we know false positives are lethal.
      But how do they spread?


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        A lot to consider . . . .

        And I am curious as to why there are so few positive results in Australia if there is any truth in the argument claiming a high percentage of false positives resulting from use of the PCR tests. There should be more positives showing up here if that were the case, and I’m wondering which test is being used, and at how many cycles. Do you happen to have that information?

        Jo, maybe an in depth PCR test page is in order.


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          Ooops sorry oops Joseph. That should have been total cases that doubled since Oct 31 not new cases. Did not stop you from getting the gist though. I think there are other reports floating around the news sites about that Judgement. Some mention the Judge suggesting that it would have been OK if there had been a second test to confirm and or a doctors assessment. So part of an answer to our mutual curiosity about the lack of false positives here could be that other methods are used to confirm the tests. Perhaps symptoms or more tests or different types of tests. I don’t have an answer but even if the false positive rate is much lower you would still expect some and i did notice one mentioned in Vic during one of those daily briefings.


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        Kalm Keith


        A very positive comment.


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    In Canada, we have 70% of Canadians dislike President Trump as our media only gives their hated perspective of him and the media never lies attitude. So, Canadian perspectives are warped by what the media produces and much of it is propaganda. Getting facts is very fuzzy and slanted.

    How many healthy people have gotten virus and passed is hidden by the sensational numbers of people getting it.
    Since this Pandemic has started, only 165 healthy Canadians have passed in the 9 months that it has been here. Meaning, that in virus deadliness, it is minor comparable to the flu infections.
    Our hospital beds have not increased as before this Pandemic, our hospitals were overflowing with patients. Not quite to capacity yet but the news and Politicians have everyone in lockdown mode.

    I also enjoy every ones perspective here. I get some idea of the persons personality by what and how they write their messages. Love ya Jo.


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      I used to listen to the CBC program “As It Happens” here in the US as it was carried on many of our US Public Radio stations, but when it took a Hard Left Turn (along with our US Public Radio stations) I stopped listening to it.


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    el gordo

    ‘The regulation of atmospheric temperatures by the oceans also gives us a lot of time to determine if global warming is truly a threat. Currently, we only have about fifteen years of ocean temperature data, but in fifteen more years we will have data over a “climatic” period. If the ocean warming trend in 2035 is still less than one degree per century, we have very little to worry about.’

    Andy May / WUWT


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    el gordo

    Weather extremes are a global cooling signal.

    ‘On Sunday, Observatory Hill in Sydney reached 40.5 degrees after observing a high of 40.8 degrees on Saturday. The last time Sydney saw back-to-back days this hot was in January of 1960, over 60 years ago.

    ‘On the same day, Melbourne only reached a top of 18.6 degrees. This was over 20 degrees below what Sydney experienced despite only being about 700km apart. Elsewhere in the Melbourne area, one of the lowest maximums registered was 14.5 degrees at Ferny Creek. The hottest maximum in Sydney was at the Airport, at 42.6 degrees. The difference between these two temperatures is just shy of 30 degrees.’


    There is that magical 60 years, as discussed in paleo climate history, a cyclic phenomenon to be found is ice cores and shallow sea cores. Also, the 1960s saw a fall in world temperatures.


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      Peter C

      Just to be sure that I understand you el Gordo.

      Sydney had two hot days and on the same day Melbourne was quite cold. You suggest that these are weather extremes. The last time Sydney had two such consecutive hot days in November was in the 1960’s, which happened to herald the onset of a mild cooling period.



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        el gordo

        Of course its only weather, but my hypothesis is that blocking highs caused by a wayward jetstream is a global cooling signal. This creates weather extremes in midlatitudes.

        It would be worthwhile to find out what the AMO and PDO were doing in the early 1960s, also the solar connection. By turning the clock back another 60 years we have a Gleissberg Minimum.


      • #
        el gordo

        The PDO was fairly neutral from 1900 to 1925, then it became positive around the end of WW2, when it turned negative until the great climate shift of 1976.

        Meanwhile the AMO was negative from 1900 to 1925, then went positive until 1960, prompting the start of the mini ice age scare. The AMO remained in a negative state until 1995, then went sharply positive and gave ammunition to the AGW alarmists.

        The cyclic nature of these large oscillations allows us the opportunity to forecast climate change with reasonable confidence. We still can’t measure the influence of Sol.


        • #

          So above average temperatures are a signature of cooling and the more above average days, the more the cooling? It all makes sense now.


          • #
            el gordo

            We should be looking for extremes in weather, anomalous behaviour caused by blocking high pressure. Unseasonal weather is fleeting, but climate is slow and if the AMO goes negative then we are back in the 1960s.

            Scroll down to the AMO and PDO and tell me what you make of it.



            • #
              Small Footprint

              But we are not, El gordo. Like it or not there is way more CO2 lingering in the atmosphere, way more H2O, way more methane. The oceans are on average, warmer, summer lasts longer, I could go on, but you get the point.


              • #
                el gordo

                By coincidence the oceans of the world began to warm around the time of the great climate shift of 1976, but as the oceans are only warming at a rate of 0.4°C per century there is no need for alarm.

                Summers will become shorter when the NAO, PDO and AMO click into negative gear.

                I wasn’t aware that there is more water vapour in our atmosphere, do you have a link? Its just that the climate scientists are finding it hard to model.


              • #
                robert rosicka

                SF what’s the problem with more CO2 in the atmosphere ? It can only be beneficial to plants and trees and think of the extra food we will produce .


              • #
                el gordo

                Got it, all the water vapour action is taking place in the stratosphere.

                ‘More limited data suggest that stratospheric water vapour probably increased between 1980 and 2000, which would have enhanced the decadal rate of surface warming during the 1990s by about 30% as compared to estimates neglecting this change. These findings show that stratospheric water vapour is an important driver of decadal global surface climate change.’

                WMO Public


              • #
                Small Footprint

                El Gordo, have you thought about how much energy is required to heat the oceans by 0.4C – and since everyone here uses WUWT they posted a good article about the physics behind that. Suffice to say that even an 0.1C rise in the ocean average is equal to a 2C rise in atmospheric temps


              • #
              • #
                el gordo

                ‘Weather patterns are shifting as the western Indian Ocean warms faster than the east, increasing the likelihood of more frequent and intense dry spells for south-eastern Australia.’ SMH

                Its a global cooling signal.


              • #
                el gordo

                My feeling on why the western Indian Ocean is warming, El Nino adds heat and la Nina doesn’t take it away, according to this scientist.


                To slightly bring down SST in the western Indian Ocean we need a decade of la Nina activity.


          • #
            el gordo

            This recent paper touches on the solar signal, they are looking for natural variability fingerprints in Europe.



  • #

    The media’s propaganda in the UK that the Russians did it is sort of falling apart but the mainstream will never admit any errors.

    Refreshing to see news that isn’t slanted for a purpose.


    • #

      Sadly the UK media often repeats the scurrilous nonsense about Russian’s trying to influence the US 2016 vote, or that President Trump is a Putin’s stooge, that idiotic American MSM journalists blather on about.

      However the UK establishment (especially the left and center-left) are too close to Russian oligarchs and Putin. So much expensive property holdings and finance goes through the UK.
      Two, of a very few reports, that are not so pro-Russia by the UK media …
      See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43574268

      It is amazing that the UK media is so quiet about Russia’s involvement in UK’s domestic affairs, even the Russian poisoners murdering for political reasons in the UK was quieted relatively quickly.


      • #
        Richard Ilfeld

        Rather odd the the evil and omnipotent Rooskies were so effective in 2016, yet
        so invisible in 2020, when the person they supposedly benefited was in power to protect their

        Just might be total codswallop, live every single thing the left has asserted for many years.

        As in many shady circumstances, both the perps and the victims “know” what really happened, and know what they
        have to say in the daily struggle sessions or faux woke society now fancies in the social circles you’ll find in 25 mile
        circles around our largest cities and universities.

        There will be a reckoning.

        There is a reason, in the US, that gun confiscation is given a high priority by the left; the potential oppressors do not expect the population to
        go along quietly. That’s another thing we all “know”; those statues that were torn down were part of our cultural memory of the years 1861-1865.
        It is easy to see the echoes of that period in our current electoral map; nor have the divisions of that period yet been settled.

        If Waltzing Matilda is the unofficial National Anthem of Oz, the Battle Hymn of the Republic is, in truth, that of the US.


        • #

          I was intrigued by the playing of the Battle Hymn of the Republic by our organist at the end of the service. The tune is used for a hymn, but even so! 🙂


          • #

            I hummed loudly along with it…


          • #
            Kalm Keith

            My favourite hymns include “Morning Has Broken” : apparently written by a slave owner and later appropriated by Cat Stephens, and for angrier times such as those we are living through at the moment, Bread of Heaven: guide me oh thou great Jehovah.

            Men of Harlech may be needed soon if we have to March on Canberra to save ourselves from the self serving management team running our once formidable nation.



  • #
    Deplorable Lord Kek

    General McInerney says Kracken is nickname of 305th Mil Intel

    -confirms frankfurt cia server seizure, thinks it did not go down without incident.

    -says 305th is Powell’;s source (as evidenced by affidavits).

    -says judicial, legislature, intel, DOJ, FBI involved and POTUS could trust 305th on this, indicating pre-planning.

    -confirms it is Treason

    -says 305th dd not find traces of DOJ, FBI, CIA within election network on friendly side, did find them on bad side.

    -servers found in frankfurt maybe shown as evidence to Supreme Court

    -people will talk a ballot forger will not want to be charged with Treason.


    Timestamp at 41:40

    >”The Kraken” is the 305th military intelligence battalion.
    >Sidneys’ source is from this military battalion – along with other sources he doesn’t want to talk about

    Also straight after the kraken talk, he talks about the servers being seized in Germany inside a CIA facility.

    >”I’ve heard it didn’t go down without incident”
    >Initial report says US soldiers were killed in that operation (but he hasn’t been able to verify it).


    • #
      Fuel Filter

      I just saw that as well!


      IF this is accurate, it is HUGE!!

      Have three other links that I won’t publish here that maintain that this is only part of what is going on behind the scenes.

      Arrests, interrogations, all sorts of stuff that is WAY under the radar. No way to corroborate any of it thru “normal” ways and means so I’m not going to go out on a limb.

      But I’ve had these docs, posts, a long vid for about 7-8 days now. Just going to see how it plays out.


    • #

      I listened to that and am deeply disturbed. I have felt a “constitutional crisis” [whatever that means] has been inevitable in the US for 4 years. If the CIA and Army are shooting it out it looks as if it is here.

      We, down under, could hardly live further from Washington so I could easily be in error but I have the impression that the Marines are the Praetorian Guard, that they are garrisoned close to the WH and anyone [CIA specifically] who wants to oust Trump by force while the legality of the election is in question will need to convince the Marines first.

      The Dems assume that the military will do as Biden* demands. Will they do so without clear authority?

      *or his proxies.


      • #
        Richard Ilfeld

        Read the Constitution.
        Read the proclamations of Democrat Governors.
        We have a Constitutional crisis.


        • #

          The plan is to destroy the US constitution by the communist uprising underway in the US.

          I have heard rumours of “black” flights rounding up the communists who are in govt.. ..

          Mind you, if its as bad as I think, expect harsh justice to be dealt out. That said, if the republic is under attack from within, the response will have to be brutal and rapid…


        • #

          Not just the Democrat Governors – the RINO Governors are just as bad


      • #
        John R Smith

        There’s CIA and there’s DIA.
        Brennan CIA.
        Flynn DIA.
        DIA has a subway stop.
        CIA has a secluded campus.
        DC has a subway.
        No subway stop in Georgetown.
        Fire fight between DIA and CIA?
        I don’t know, but totally possible IMHO.


    • #

      General McInerney is a crackpot.
      If there was a server farm in Germany, and if there was a secret “attack” on that server farm, the general public would be the last to find out.


      • #

        Perhaps the public are the last to know about it and everyone else already does 🙂 Having said that I do agree this sounds too odd to be true. If it is true and Trump has the servers then things should get moving along quick smart soon enough. Otherwise, what’s the point of it all?


  • #
    David Maddison

    Here’s something uplifting.

    Jazz on the bagpipes.

    They said it couldn’t be done.



  • #
  • #
    Fuel Filter

    Another wonderful essay by Victor Davis Hanson. I’ll quote three graphs to give you the flavor contrasting the WWII generation with the Boomers and the so-called Millennials:


    “Their achievement from 1941 to 1945 remains unprecedented. The United States on the eve of World War II had an army smaller than Portugal’s. It finished the conflict with a global navy larger than all of the fleets of the world put together. By 1945, America had a GDP equal to those of Germany, Japan, the Soviet Union, and the British Empire combined. With a population 50 million people smaller than that of the USSR, the United States fielded a military of roughly the same size.

    “America almost uniquely fought at once in the Pacific, Asia, the Mediterranean, and Europe, on and beneath the seas, in the skies, and on land. On the eve of the war, America’s military and political leaders, still traumatized by the Great Depression, fought bitterly over modest military appropriations, unsure of whether the country could afford even a single additional aircraft carrier or another small squadron of B-17s. Yet four years later, civilians had built 120 carriers of various types and were producing a B-24 bomber at the rate of one an hour at the Willow Run factory in Michigan. Such vast changes are still difficult to appreciate.

    “Certainly, what was learned through poverty and mayhem by those Americans born in the 1920s became invaluable in the decades following the war. The World War II cohort was a can-do generation who believed that they did not need to be perfect to be good enough. The strategic and operational disasters of World War II—the calamitous daylight bombing campaign of Europe in 1942-43, the quagmire of the Heurtgen Forest, or being surprised at the Battle of Bulge—hardly demoralized these men and women.”

    and one more…

    “Growing up with a father, uncles, and cousins who struggled to maintain our California farm during the Depression and then fought in an existential war was a constant immersion in their predominantly tragic view of life. Most were chain smokers, ate and drank too much, drove too fast, avoided doctors, and were often impulsive—as if in their fifties and sixties, they were still prepping for another amphibious assault or day-time run over the Third Reich. Though they viewed human nature with suspicion, they were nonetheless upbeat—their Homeric optimism empowered by an acceptance of a man’s limitations during his brief and often tragic life. Time was short; but heroism was eternal. “Of course you can” was their stock reply to any hint of uncertainty about a decision. The World War II generation had little patience with subtlety, or even the suggestion of indecision—how could it when such things would have gotten them killed at Monte Cassino or stalking a Japanese convoy under the Pacific in a submarine?”



    (parenthetically, I completely disagree with his assessment of FDR, whom I loathe. He did more to advance the cause of Socialism in my country than any other President until The Pretender Barry Soetoro took power, among other awful actions and inactions.)


  • #
    The Depraved and MOST Deplorable (and still asleep) Vlad the Impaler


    Saw this on a T-shirt at this past weekend’s gun show in Casper, Wyoming:

    Begin quote:


    L – Liberty
    G – Guns
    B – Beer
    T – Trump
    Q – Bar-be-que

    End quote.

    May we all pray that sanity prevails, and very soon,



  • #

    Jo, observing web site delays, the main header page of each yopic comes up fast, but the comments section takes a long time to render.

    Does it make calls to a slow database over a slow network link? That could explain things….

    Is your provider throttling your site at all?


  • #

    It is November 30. You have three months, quite possibly less, to get your financial affairs in order in the hope of maybe protecting yourself a little from what is coming.

    If you do nothing else today, open a GoldPass account at the Perth Mint. It is free, and is is much the same as opening a bank account. Just why you should do this will become self-apparent in the fullness of time.



  • #

    “Disappearing” comments again, Jo?
    It seems not much has changed here in eight years.

    [MV you have no comments caught by any of the filters if your missing something please email Jo.]AD


  • #
    robert rosicka

    Voting machines in Venezuela burned in fire ! Coincidence?
    Also not totally sure of source.



  • #

    What a difference a day makes. Yet another defeat , the 38th, for Trump.

    Yesterday’s headline shrieked “HUGE? Followed by;

    “Tonight on the news we heard about the case Trump lost in PA, but not the one he won, not the remarkable explanation by Judge McConnell, and not the extraordinary, historic move by the State representatives to overturn the resulta and never ever the long lists of election fraud.”

    Today the facts are;

    “Pennsylvania’s highest court has thrown out a lower court’s order that was preventing the state from certifying dozens of contests from the 3 November election.

    In the latest Republican lawsuit attempting to thwart president-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the battleground state, the state supreme court unanimously threw out the three-day-old order, saying the underlying lawsuit was filed months after the law allowed for challenges to Pennsylvania’s year-old mail-in voting law.”


    • #
      David Wojick

      So people had to sue months before the election? Curious, but this is all about procedure.


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)

      Sean Parnell, co-lead plaintiff:

      “It’s not over. This was not unexpected. Stay tuned.”


    • #

      Anyone know if military air traffic into Gitmo has gone up?

      The swamp are desperate to use what ever putrid means to put in their hellish NWO, so either Trmp wins, or its a new technocratic Dark Ages. However the NWO would have calculated the reaction by the populace, so they are expecting a big fight…which may explain why so many FEMA camps.

      This is slowly turning into another battle for Stalingrad….it will be historic, however it spins.

      I am praying that good prevails, because evil when its off the leash, has a demonic blood lust that can never be satisfied….


  • #
    dinn, rob

    11-28 Russia 27/437= 6.2% increase/day https://www.themoscowtimes.com/
    Argentina 7/127= 5.5% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/argentina/
    India 40.5/415.5= 9.7% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/india
    Brazil 42.9/487= 8.8% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/brazil
    Italy 27/760.6= 3.5% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/italy
    :these last 4 countries each increase/day is average of last 2 days
    USA 168/5082= 3.3% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us
    security at key pathogen labs:
    8-2O-2020 On April 21, 2020 a UNC researcher wearing full-body protective gear was bitten on his/her index finger while weighing a mouse infected with a genetically altered form of the SARS-CoV-2 virus adapted to grow in mice. In contrast to the 2016 mouse mishap, the researcher bitten this spring was told to self-quarantine at home for 14 days, records show. The local Health Department was also notified about the incident. UNC officials declined to be interviewed and did not answer questions about the incidents sent to them in writing. Research at UNC’s biosafety level 3 labs has come under scrutiny in the past because of controversial coronavirus experiments its scientists have done with partners at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. https://www.laboratoryequipment.com/567317-Near-Misses-at-UNC-s-BSL-3-Lab-Illustrate-Risk-of-Accidents-With-Coronaviruses/
    The dedicated staff is trained regularly to the use class 4 PPE and to work in conditions of maximum safety and security. The facility is also exploited for training purposes during biosafety training courses designed and implemented for the benefit of medical doctors, lab staff and technicians from different countries of the world. As L. Sacco University Hospital at Milan is one of the two national reference structures for the response to medical emergencies related to infectious diseases, the staff of the BSL4 laboratory is often involved in exercises at national level. http://climvib.eu/the-laboratory/bsl-4/
    4-5-20 According to guidelines from the “Oce of the National Health Council Oce of the National Administration of Chinese Medicine” (ONCONACM) 7 , procedures that do not propagate biological material (e. g. the cultivation of pathogens or production of viruses) such as antigen tests, sera tests, RNA extraction and samples inactivation, can be carried out in the BSL2 lab with BSL3 individual protection. Departments of laboratory medicine in Chinese hospitals generally carry out lots of diagnostic tests using biochemical or immunological methods, or molecular biology, microbiology and cell biology techniques, with clinical diagnostic testing in the same facility; here a high number of clinical staff is present at the same time, making it potentially dangerous for an infectious agent to be handled. In this case all of the personnel would be required to wear BSL3 protection due to pathogen transmission risks, which might present a logistical and financial burden, especially due to the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) during outbreaks. https://assets.researchsquare.com/files/rs-33080/v1/91b2be99-8a87-47a9-94cb-8a6be5a534ec.pdf


  • #

    A snippet from Sunday’s “The Philadelphia Inquirer ” that succinctly summarises Trump’s attempts to alter the election results.

    Please note these are not “Ian’s lies”. Ian is only the messenger.

    “Had Kelly and the suit’s seven other Republican plaintiffs been forthright in their concerns over the constitutionality of the mail-voting statute, the court found, they would have filed their legal challenge before the new law was used in a primary and general election and would not have waited only until after it had become apparent that their favored candidate had lost.

    “It is not our role to lend legitimacy to such transparent and untimely efforts to subvert the will of Pennsylvania voters,” Justice David N. Wecht wrote in an opinion concurring with the full court’s terse, three-page order.
    “Courts should not decide elections when the will of the voters is clear.”

    Justice David N Wecht is spot on and hopefully his comments will be recognised as entirely appropriate by Trump and his supporters


    • #

      they wont. Trump has a new mantra for when not in office to replace birther.


    • #
      Alice Thermopolis

      This 16 minute Zoom interview was posted on Nov 26th, but still worth a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9QPgDlpT9o

      PA legislator Frank Ryan is clear and compelling about the options.

      He blames the PA Supreme Court for creating the mess. No way it is going to reverse course now. Ryan suggests US Supreme Court will have to take the case.

      Thanks to:
      November 29, 2020 at 2:32 pm
      Excellent video from ‘Zooming in With Simone Gao’ interviewing PA legislator Frank Ryan following the Hearing in Pennsylvania this week. He clearly sets out the issues to be dealt with, the problems involved in doing so and possible options to make it happen.
      Thoroughly recommended!

      Anyway, we’ll know at the end of today (US time) whether the legislature – Senate and House – pass their joint resolution de-certifying the PA election.

      Madame Futoro: It’s a full-moon night. The resolution will pass with the support of both Houses.

      The legislature represents the “will of the people”, not the judiciary or a dodgy election outcome.


      • #
        Alice Thermopolis

        AFR today – 4 hrs ago – 9.42am
        Pennsylvania state senator leaves Trump meeting after testing positive
        A Pennsylvania state senator abruptly left a West Wing meeting with President Donald Trump after being informed he had tested positive for the coronavirus, a person with direct knowledge of the meeting told The Associated Press on Sunday.

        Republican state Senator Doug Mastriano had gone to the White House last Wednesday with like-minded Republican state lawmakers shortly after a four-hour-plus public meeting that Mastriano helped host in Gettysburg — maskless — to discuss efforts to overturn president-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the state.

        Trump told Mastriano that White House medical personnel would take care of him, his son and his son’s friend, who were also there for the Oval Office meeting and tested positive. The meeting continued after Mastriano and the others left, the person said.

        The person spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private session because the matter is politically sensitive.


    • #

      Well that’s the judge’s political declaration, now where’s his judgement based on evidence?

      “. . . when the will of the voters is clear.” What a pathetic joke. Sounds like it was pre-written a week before the case was heard.

      Here is evidence of the will of the PA voters being subverted on a huge scale. This evidence was given in affidavit:


      Re: #25
      Firstly, Biden is NOT President Elect; not just because CNN & MSNBC & your ABC say he is; not because the dual fools Morrison and Boris treat him as such; not until the election is won, and it is not won until the Electoral College says it has been won on December 14th, but the results are supposed to be in by December 8th or the “safe harbour” provision kicks in whereby Congress can get involved.

      Secondly Team Trump has not lost 38 cases. As at 5 days ago they had only launched 3 cases since the election. There may have been another since, but they certainly did suddenly spring 38 cases, so how can they have lost 38? A case is not lost until all avenues of appeal are exhausted. A lot of the cases I’m assuming you are referring to were cases brought by private individuals BEFORE the election, which were ruled moot because they were no longer relevant. Nothing whatsoever to do with Team Trump and not connected to rampant vote fraud, but lumped in together by the likes of CNN because it makes the numbers sound worse.

      This is all just a side-show. The PA lower court Justice was also acting ultra vires — beyond her power, beyond her jurisdiction — when she issued the initial injunction to halt certification of the PA result. Regardless of who had won that case it would ultimately end up at the SCOTUS to decide. None of this matters other than to expedite the progression of the case to the SCOTUS. A quick dismissal at state level in fact suits Team Trump because they don’t get pointlessly bogged down in a lower court for days and weeks. It has even been suggested in legal circles that they might be deliberately sabotaging their own cases as a ploy in order to race to the SCOTUS. That’s where the real action will play out. One successful ruling in Trump’s favour there has knock-on implications in the other contested states with the same legal issues. The dominos would fall.

      We are still waiting to see if the PA legislators take back their constitutional power to appoint Electors to the College from the Sec of State as well. If they do, Joe is toast in PA for that reason alone.

      For those who keep screaming that there is no evidence — the cases thus far have been decided on legal technicalities, not on the basis of the abundance of evidence available. Some lower court judges have even dismissed cases without hearing any legal argument or evidence whatsoever, based purely on their political prejudices where they give waffling politicised judgements that bear little relation to reality.

      In the similar case brought in Michigan where evidence WAS allowed, but which was also dismissed on technical grounds of timing, the Justices of the Michigan Supreme Court were so impressed by the mountain of evidence of vote fraud that they took the highly unusual step of requesting that the Great Lakes Justice Centre re-file the case so the court could make evidentiary findings in that regard.

      The justices described the evidence of fraud presented as “compelling”, even though they made no ruling on it because the case was already moot. So much for “no evidence of fraud”.

      From the Michigan GLJC case it was alleged:
      • Ballots were counted even though the voter’s name did not appear in the official voter rolls.
      • Election workers were ordered to not verify voters’ signatures on absentee ballots, to backdate absentee ballots and to process such ballots regardless of their validity.
      • Election workers processed ballots that appeared after the election deadline and falsely reported that the ballots had been received prior to Nov. 3 deadline.
      • Defendants used false information to process ballots, such as using incorrect or false birthdays. Many times, the election workers inserted new names into the QVF and recorded these new voters as having a birthdate of 1/1/1900.
      • Defendants coached voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. Election workers went to the voting booths with voters to watch them vote and coach them.
      • Unsecured ballots arrived at the TCF Center loading garage, not in sealed ballot boxes, without any chain of custody and without envelopes.
      • Defendants refused to record challenges to their processes and removed challengers from the site if they politely voiced a challenge.

      Add that to the PA allegations in the video above. All of these allegations were corroborated by numerous affidavits under penalty of perjury from many individuals involved in the vote oversight/counting process, including from a former Attorney General and a former Secretary of State. This Michigan case was not a Team Trump effort, although Guiliani was collaborating with them.

      In a law court judgements based on evidence should beat biased political statements, and hopefully this principle will be recognised by Biden and his supporters.


  • #
    dinn, rob

    minks and sars-cov-2:
    11-7-20 Ordered Farms to Kill 17 million Mink. https://www.thestreet.com/mishtalk/economics/denmark-to-kill-17-million-mink-after-covid-mutation-found (Minks have sickened and died of the virus in Netherlands from June 2020, in various European countries all the way to Greece, Poland, Spain, in US, ,Faroe Isles, South Africa, Switz.
    MOSCOW, November 13. /TASS/. A coronavirus mutation which is presumably transmitted from minks to humans is dangerous since it has a different spike construction which may affect the work on vaccines against the coronavirus, Melita Vujnovic, World Health Organization (WHO) representative in Russia, said in an interview. https://tass.com/world/1223235
    5-27-20 Mink on at least three farms have tested positive for the virus. Authorities suspect feral cats may be spreading the virus between farms. The virus at two farms appeared to be closely related and three cats at one farm had antibodies to the virus. Officials initially believed humans had spread the virus to the minks, but genome analysis suggested the transmission went the other way. https://wildlife.org/mink-may-have-spread-coronavirus-to-human/
    The American mink (Neovison vison) was introduced to Italy for the fur farming industry during the 1950s. The first feral mink were observed in the 1980s in the northern regions of Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Emilia Romagna. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Location-of-mink-farms-in-Friuli-Venezia-Giulia-NE-Italy-indicated-by-black-dots-and_fig1_297167861
    The American mink Neovison vison (Linnaeus, 1758) is native to North America and is now established as an invasive species in South America, Europe and Asia (Dunstone 1993). Several studies have demonstrated that the American mink can have a serious impact on native species. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/11250003.2013.804126


  • #
    el gordo

    Jennifer Marohasy calls out Terry Hughes, reckons he is not objective.



  • #

    Expert witness Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia, supports Sidney Powell’s complaint of electoral fraud.

    See section 15 of the affadavit where he states:
    a. The counts in the disputed states (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia) show electronic manipulation.

    b. The simultaneous decision in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia to pretend to halt counting votes was unprecedented and demonstrated a coordinated effort to collude toward desired results.

    c. One to two percent of votes were forged in Biden’s favor.

    d. Optical scanners were set to accept unverified, un-validated ballots.

    e. The scanners failed to keep records for audits, an outcome that must have been deliberately programmed.

    f. The stolen cryptographic key, which applied to all voting systems, was used to alter vote counts.

    g. From around 4:30am EST on Nov 4, many jurisdictions favoured Biden by 80%.

    h. The favorable votes pouring in after hours for Biden could not be accounted for by a Democrat preference for mailed in ballots. They demonstrated manipulation. For example, in Pennsylvania, it was physically impossible to feed 400,000 ballots into the machines within 2–3 hours.

    i. Dominion used Chinese parts, and there’s reason to believe that China, Venezuela, Cuba interfered in the election.

    j. There was a Hammer and Scorecard cyber-attack that altered votes in the battleground states, and then forwarded the results to Scytl servers in Frankfurt, Germany, to avoid detection.

    k. The systems failed to produce any auditable results.

    His credentials

    1. I am 59 years old and have been a resident of Temecula, California for one year. Previously, I resided inthe Washington DC metropolitan area for nearly forty years. I have personal knowledge of the contents of this Declaration and if called as a witness, I could and would testify competently as to their truth.

    2. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a Master’s degree in Electronics
    and Computer Engineering from George Mason University, a Ph.D. degree in Management of Engineering and Technology from Cal Southern University and a Doctoral (Ed.D) degree in Education from George Washington University. I have advanced training from the Defense Intelligence Agency(DIA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), DHS office of Intelligence & Analysis (I&A) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

    3. I am employed by a large defense contractor as a chief cyber security engineer and a subject-matter expert in cyber security. During my career, I have conducted security assessment, data analysis ands ecurity counterintelligence, and forensics investigations on hundreds of systems. My experience spans 35 years performing technical assessment, mathematical modeling, cyber-attack pattern analysis, and security counterintelligence linked to FIS operators, including China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia. I have worked as a consultant and subject-matter expert supporting the Department of Defense, FBI and US Intelligence Community (USIC) agencies such as the DIA, CIA, NSA, NGA, and the DHS I&A supporting counterintelligence, including supporting law enforcement investigations.

    And the New York Times has previously stated Dr. Keshavarz-Nia is brilliant with an ability to sniff out fraud.

    Navid Keshavarz-Nia, those who worked with him said, “was always the smartest person in the room.” In doing cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I., he had spent decades connecting top-secret dots



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    • #

      China is showing its true face to the world. Markets will adjust accordingly to perceived risks of dealing with a toxic party.


    • #

      What has the CCP done to pi$$ you off, el gordo? Up to a couple of months back, you were quite convinced of the benevolence of Xi’s direction of the CCP


      • #
        el gordo

        It was tongue in cheek, the benevolent dictatorship is fascist to the core and the pandemic has exposed their inscrutability.


    • #
      Alice Thermopolis

      When did this dispute begin?

      A lot of folk in the political class seem to be suffering a bout of collective amnesia. Let me try and help them understand the situation.

      It began when a minister of the Australian government made provocative statements a few months ago about the origin of covid-19 and demanded an international investigation into the matter.

      A country of 24 million people should think twice before taking on a country of 1,400 million people – that just happens to be its largest trading partner and source of 50% of its export revenue.

      In China they call it “death by a thousand cuts”.


      • #
        el gordo

        Thank you Alice, personally I would rather die on my feet than my knees.

        Have you heard the latest, Mr Morrison is very angry with Beijing over a disgusting tweet and have asked them to take it down. Obviously if they don’t then its going to get very nasty.


      • #

        what would you suggest? just take their BS and fold?

        we are not “taking on” anyone , we are standing our gound in the face of a country behaving like a petulant teenager that didnt get the adulation they thought they deserved


        • #

          Don’t blame China, they did not export this virus that we imported it.
          It is a massive fail by our beurocrats starting with diplomats in China who must have known about it September 2019. I was getting horrific vids on my phone dated November 22.
          As someone who’s main income is agriculture I am more than horrified with our border security fail and universities that insisted we let it in.
          To cover their failure they pick a fight with China hoping the public will forget who’s fault it really is.
          I hate to have to say it but I am on the Chinese side.


          • #
            el gordo

            Somebody at the Wuhan lab produced a weapon of mass destruction and released it into the fish market. To save our mining and agricultural exports we’ll have to deal with the Beijing fascists, but we won’t kowtow.

            The pandemic opened up a can of worms and now a propaganda war has begun.


          • #
            robert rosicka

            GF you’re right it is all our fault , we should be thanking the CCP and banging our heads against the ground until forgiven .

            Sarc off .


            • #

              RR it is our fault, I could not care less if the Chinese killed as many of their own people as they like, others are doing that every day. I and many other farmers and Vets are shocked that border security that prides itself at keeping virus, insects, and disease that may infect our plants and animals couldn’t or wouldn’t keep one out that kills people.
              Governments job is to look after it’s people, ours failed us at every level.


              • #
                Kalm Keith

                Well put.


              • #
                el gordo

                Our government has battled drought, bushfires and pandemic successfully, I blame China for the bad blood.

                If we hadn’t called for an inquiry into the origin of Covid-19 then we wouldn’t be in a trade war with Beijing, its a fascist dictatorship.


  • #

    Andrews certainly seems to have messed with peoples minds. We shopped Sunday instead of our usual Monday and as a result saw more people out and about. Still quite a few wearing masks all the time, even when driving their own cars. Bit sad really , you have to wonder if they will ever feel comfortable.


    • #

      The problem is when you inflict sufficient trauma on people, thier brains try to adjust to “the new normal”( now where have I heard that rubbish before? ) and even the weird becomes “normalized”.

      Another point – we need to challenge people who bleat this rubbish about the Big Lie of “the new normal”…its nothing but brainwashing.

      The faster we pull people up parroting nonsense, the sooner the mass hypnotic effect is shattered.

      Trauma Based Miond Control works through inflicting sufficient trauma, and while the brain is briefly disoriented, insert the suggestion, then when things go back to normal, the suggestion is retained. What has happened in Victoria appears to be exactly that.

      So….the UK people are being brutalized a second time to soften them up and force the sick agenda on them to make sure it “sticks” – clearly the first attempt didnt work. People need to resist.


  • #

    I still don’t get the BOMS temperature reporting from our AWS. Over Saturday I watched the temp get to a max of 39.7. Yet the temperature officially reported by the BOM the following day was 41.3°C. I went back and looked at the log of 30 min temps and nope, no 41.3 and nothing even close other than the 39.7. Where did the 41.3 come from? I see this happen all the time, the reported temp vs the 30 mins log. I’m guessing there is a spike in there somewhere that doesn’t get logged on the 30 min one (or reported there either) – and that’s the one that gets reported. But is a spike a real temperature or just an aberration?


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      when Adelaide ‘made’ its all time record high temperature I was checking the figures. They were reporting every 10 minutes, yet the “record” wasn’t in them. Apparently it was a sudden spike in between official readings.
      Oddly enough Adelaide airport (about 4 k.m. West of the City site) didn’t report any jump, nor did stations to the South (Noarlunga) and North (Elizabeth).


  • #

    The ABC have added to the credibility on “clean Energy generation today.
    This morning ABC news radio reviewed the AEMO reports of blackouts across the country during this weekends hot spells. They chose to seek expert analysis from that well known energy expert . Adam Bandt MP !
    He totally refuted the AEMO comment that fossils provided 80% of peak power, and further claimed that RE sources prevented much wider blackouts !
    There should be a regulation to prevent this kind of dumbness being put to air !


  • #
    Greg Cavanagh

    Since it’s an open thread… While searching for more details on the CIA raid in Germany, I accidently found this interesting tid-bit.


    Dated July 10, 2014. Obama’s era.

    The German government ordered the CIA’s top officer in Berlin to leave the country Thursday in an extraordinary escalation of a conflict between the two allies over U.S. espionage.


  • #
    el gordo

    Inner city green types should be ashamed of themselves.

    ‘A comprehensive study on greenhouse gas emissions that people in Australia are responsible for was published online by the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF). This is no longer available on line but the underlying paper can be referenced.

    ‘The report showed carbon dioxide equivalent emissions per postal code (zip code) a person is responsible for at the final point of consumption. Contrary to expectations, the findings revealed that emissions are greater per person living in inner city high density areas. The annual per capita in the inner city high density areas came out to average 27.9 tonnes and in the outer low density areas 17.5 tonnes.’



  • #
    el gordo

    The 2019-20 Northern Hemisphere winter was one of extremes and a very strong polar vortex emerged out of the chaos.



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    David Maddison

    Thoughts on this?


    Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020

    A Quantitative Analysis of Decisive Vote Updates in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia on and after Election Night

    Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020A Quantitative Analysis of Decisive Vote Updates in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia on and after Election Night

    Vote Integrity

    Nov 2540845

    Executive Summary

    In the early hours of November 4th, 2020, Democratic candidate Joe Biden received several major “vote spikes” that substantially — and decisively — improved his electoral position in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia. Much skepticism and uncertainty surrounds these “vote spikes.” Critics point to suspicious vote counting practices, extreme differences between the two major candidates’ vote counts, and the timing of the vote updates, among other factors, to cast doubt on the legitimacy of some of these spikes. While data analysis cannot on its own demonstrate fraud or systemic issues, it can point us to statistically anomalous cases that invite further scrutiny. 

    This is one such case: Our analysis finds that a few key vote updates in competitive states were unusually large in size and had an unusually high Biden-to-Trump ratio. We demonstrate the results differ enough from expected results to be cause for concern.

    With this report, we rely only on publicly available data from the New York Times to identify and analyze statistical anomalies in key states. Looking at 8,954 individual vote updates (differences in vote totals for each candidate between successive changes to the running vote totals, colloquially also referred to as “dumps” or “batches”), we discover a remarkably consistent mathematical property: there is a clear inverse relationship between difference in candidates’ vote counts and and the ratio of the vote counts. (In other words, it’s not surprising to see vote updates with large margins, and it’s not surprising to see vote updates with very large ratios of support between the candidates, but it is surprising to see vote updates which are both). 

    The significance of this property will be further explained in later sections of this report. Nearly every vote update, across states of all sizes and political leanings follow this statistical pattern. A very small number, however, are especially aberrant. Of the seven vote updates which follow the pattern the least, four individual vote updates — two in Michigan, one in Wisconsin, and one in Georgia — were particularly anomalous and influential  with respect to this property and all occurred within the same five hour window.

    In particular, we are able to quantify the extent of compliance with this property and discover that, of the 8,954 vote updates used in the analysis, these four decisive updates were the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 7th most anomalous updates in the entire data set. Not only does each of these vote updates not follow the generally observed pattern, but the anomalous behavior of these updates is particularly extreme. That is, these vote updates are outliers of the outliers.

    The four vote updates in question are: 

    An update in Michigan listed as of 6:31AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 141,258 votes for Joe Biden and 5,968 votes for Donald Trump

    An update in Wisconsin listed as 3:42AM Central Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 143,379 votes for Joe Biden and 25,163 votes for Donald Trump

    A vote update in Georgia listed at 1:34AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 136,155 votes for Joe Biden and 29,115 votes for Donald Trump

    An update in Michigan listed as of 3:50AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 54,497 votes for Joe Biden and 4,718 votes for Donald Trump

    This report predicts what these vote updates would have looked like, had they followed the same pattern as the vast majority of the 8,950 others. We find that the extents of the respective anomalies here are more than the margin of victory in all three states — Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia — which collectively represent forty-two electoral votes.

    Extensive mathematical detail is provided and the data and the code (for the data-curation, data transformation, plotting, and modeling) are all attached in the appendix to this document[1].


  • #
    David Maddison

    Imposter President Elect Biden has appointed John Kerry as his “climate envoy”.

    He owns six homes, at least one of which is a waterside mansion.

    He owns twelve cars.

    He owns two yachts.

    He owns a private jet.

    But he wants to tell other people to take the bus so they don’t pollute the planet.


  • #
    Kevin a

    MAJOR VICTORY For GOP, Judge Rules Mail in Voting Likely Unconstitutional, Trump May WIN Or BLOCK PA


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  • #

    Request for Jo and admins to consider:

    Do not allow new posts on threads that are two or more days old.


    • #

      It would be better to change to a full “Forum” style with a topics index, and threads with posts in chronological order…
      ……and a easy search engine.


      • #
        Kalm Keith

        Are you sure?


        • #

          Yes Keith, I’m sure.
          The exchange between Travis and Jo started out as comments #26 and #27 on 29/11/2020. They have progressively been renumbered and moved downwards for two days now, so they are still near the bottom and are now comments #46 and #47.

          This is neither in order as posted like on Catallaxy, nor nested as it is supposed to be here. It is a mish mash of both.

          I don’t really mind or care which method is used, and I’m not complaining. I’m merely pointing out an inconsistency that seems to have crept in when Jo was having, and correcting, the page loading speed problems.


          • #

            Comments can be orphaned from the nesting if one comment is deleted from within the nest. It breaks the subsequent numbering and they fall to the bottom of the post. I’ll check the trash and ask the mods.


        • #
          Kalm Keith


          The system, when it’s working, is O.K. but there have been unusual problems for quite a while now.


      • #

        If you mean like Catallaxy Files, no, thankyou. I find it difficult to follow. I like Jo’s nested system.


        • #

          No Annie, I don’t.
          See my explanation to Kalm Keith above – assuming it ever comes out of moderation.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      If that’s going to be implemented it would be better to make it a month.


  • #


    [Morning MV.]AD


    • #

      Morning AD.

      I was just interested to see if new comments were appearing at the end, where they are meant to be, or still being buried up above the little tete a tete between Travis and Jo.

      It seems the thread is still obeying the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics:
      “The more things change, the more they stay the same”.


  • #

    Yesterday attempts to protect YOUR savings by amending the Banking Act were defeated by the combined vote of the Liberals, Nationals, and Labor. You are now an “unsecured creditor” to the bank, and any time they feel the need your bank can just take your deposited funds and use them to meet their other obligations.


    Coupled to the Cash Restrictions Bill 2019, already passed by the HoR, you and your family are now perpetual financial slaves to the government and the banks.

    For heaven’s sake get yourself a GoldPass now from the Perth Mint and transfer at least some funds into it. It is quite obvious McGowan intends for WA to go it alone by introducing a gold-backed cryptocurrency.



  • #
    el gordo

    This has legs.

    ‘Nationals senator calls on PM to tear up agreement with NSW and instead build a coal-fired power station in the Hunter Valley.’ Oz
