How Georgia was won
(Just more baseless claims of voter fraud for the media to not report.)
The team in State Farm Arena in Atlanta sent home observers and the press, said they’d stop counting. But then those dedicated and democratic souls decided to work on for at least two more hours during which time they pulled four suitcases out from under a table and took them to the machines and processed them all night, all captured on the CCTV. What’s the penalty for fake ballots in Georgia?
At 10pm in State Farm Arena, all the other poll observers and Fox news were sent home and told the counting would resume in the morning. But after they left, a woman in a yellow shirt pulled a suitcase out at 11:02pm and took it to the counting desks.
We all know what kinds of ballots don’t come in official boxes and don’t need to be viewed by Republicans.
The question is — will the Democrats be able to win the Georgia Senate Runoffs if Republican poll watchers refuse to go home til the counting is finished?
The other question is — was there CCTV from all the other swing states and when can we see that too?

Suitcase of Ballots pulled from under the table in Georgia. US Election 2020. State Farm Arena in Atlanta
Here’s a shot of a man in a red shirt pulling a suitcase out at 11:05pm. The remaining staff keep processing til 1am.
The same lady that set that table up at 8am in the morning was the one who sent people home.
These machines can process about 3,000 ballots an hour. There are multiple machines and they worked for two hours in the dead of night. The operation goes on til 12:55am. It’s easily possible there were enough ballots processed to change the election outcome just in this one operation.
The whole description and video:
“It’s a ghost town” 5:40 mins
Watch from 9:00 mins to see first the women and then the man in a red shirt walk forward (top right) to the black table and pull out a suitcase from underneath it.
Don’t believe your lying eyes: Here is the Evidence
h./t Eric W & Kathleen.
Where’s the fraud? There are checks and balances to ensure that all votes are counted correctly regardless whether observers are present. Maybe the counters just wanted some peace and quiet for a few hours.
You DO NOT EVER EVER count votes in peace and quiet.
Peace and quiet is so much better if you want to run them through not just once but three times…
” … wanted some peace and quiet for a few hours … ”
Whatever your employers are paying you, it’s too much.
Observers are not a necessary precondition for vote validation. They have never sat in on every single vote cast. Observers were present for both Georgian recounts, with unchanged results.
It is NOT permitted, by law, to exclude them. If the are excluded, that is a crime.
Who says they were excluded?
Pole watchers were told to go home and that counting would resume the next day. Then, after they left, the few corrupt Dems who remained, pulled out suitcases full of phony ballots, and counted them for 6 hours.
You think M Seward, that the Reps would have gone home if the Dems had been honest and said “we’re going to keep counting”?
>”They have never sat in on every single vote cast.”
This is NOT about votes cast. These are ballots in suitcases – not votes. Ballots can be in-person, mail-in, whatever. Ballots only become votes once a number of criteria have been met – those criteria are legally stipulated.
A ballot is the paper that is then validated, or not, under the eyes of observers. There’s a whole bunch of protocols governing this which have been violated – where did those ballots come from? Were they trucked in from out of state? There’s already trucker witness to doing exactly that.
The ballot and roll book (electronic) must reconcile but if there’s no observers there anything goes. The ballot itself must be genuine but if there’s no observers there anything goes. All illegally.
Only then is the ballot fed into the DVS system in order for the vote on the ballot to be tabulated . Again, if there’s no observers there they can feed a stack of ballots in as many times as they like – all for Biden of course, maybe a couple for Trump here and there. Witness evidence of that too.
Once in the DVS system the principle of one person one vote is lost because DVS does not tabulate whole numbers – it facilitates fraud by fractional vote tabulation. But I digress from the issues raised in this post…..
High Level Block Diagram – page 8
What could possibly go wrong?
Dominion Voting
Election Workflow Automation
Dominion Democracy Suite™
* Everywhere Voting™
* Elector Management
* Real-time Voter Strike-offs
* Election Event Management
* Election Event Definition
* Election Event Designer
* Ballot Designer
* Results and Tally
* Ballot Tabulation
* Remote Voting – Internet, mail, fax
* Results Publishing
Dominion Election Workflow
Elector Management
Real-time voter strike-offs
* Every name on every voter list
* Real-time poll connectivity
* Minimize scope of fraud [Ha!]
* Client-server database synchronization
* Integrated with Elector Management
* Electronic poll-book
Election Event Management
Election Event Designer
* Create ballots
Results Tally and Reporting
Paper Ballots Tabulation
Is the mark a vote?
Ballot watermarking
Electronic Ballot Becomes Paper Ballot
Recreate cast ballot at the back-end
• Every electronic ballot -> paper ballot
• Used for auditing
• Ballot can be printed, scanned and
tabulated as any paper ballot
• Permanent record [Ha!]
# # #
Lots of pictures.
I especially like – “Recreate cast ballot at the back-end”. Introduces a degree of flexibility doncha think?
>”A ballot is the paper that is then validated, or not, under the eyes of observers. There’s a whole bunch of protocols governing this which have been violated”
Organic Law of Georgia
Election Code of Georgia
Chapter V. Election Monitoring and Media
Article 39 – Domestic and international observers
Article 41 – Rights of observers
1. An observer shall have the right to:
a) attend and observe sessions of election commissions:
b) be present at the polling place at any time during polling day, move without restrictions within the precinct territory and observe all stages of the polling process from any point in the precinct in a free and unhindered manner;
c) replace another registered representative (if any) of the nominating organisation at any time on the polling day;
d) take part in the inspection of ballot boxes before they are sealed and after they are opened;
e) observe the registration of voters in the lists of voters, the issuance of ballot papers and special envelopes and the certification thereof, without
disrupting the polling process;
f) attend the procedures of counting votes and summarising results;
g) observe the process of mobile voting;
h) observe the vote counting under such conditions in which ballot papers may be visible;
i) observe the process of compiling summary protocols of election results and other documents by the election commission;
j) address the DEC chairperson with an application (complaint) regarding issues related to the procedures of voting and polling, whereby the applicant requests a response to identified cases of specific violations;
k) request a voter to show how many ballot papers and special envelopes he/she has in hand;
l) appeal the actions of an election commission as defined in the legislation of Georgia;
m) observe the ballot box, the placing of special envelopes into the ballot box, the opening of ballot boxes, the counting of ballot papers, and the drawing up of protocols;
n) review the summary protocols of polling and election results drawn up by election commissions, request and receive the copies of such protocols from the relevant election commission.
# # #
Seems clear enough to me, but then I’m not a Georgia election official.
>”Were they trucked in from out of state? There’s already trucker witness to doing exactly that.”
>”Again, if there’s no observers there they can feed a stack of ballots in as many times as they like – all for Biden of course, maybe a couple for Trump here and there. Witness evidence of that too.”
I’m NOT saying in either of these instances that they are necessarily Georgia events. Both have occurred elsewhere.
It is not improbable then that either occurred in Georgia too. And with the observers excluded there’s no proof that anything like this did not occur. There’s definitely suspicion.
In any case the election officials have violated the law that prevents such occurrence. Not just the Election Code but also the law regarding public officials. Example is Raffensperger:
Pearson v Kemp
Defendant Brad Raffensperger (“Secretary Raffensperger”) is named
herein in his official capacity as Secretary of State of the State of Georgia and the Chief Election Official for the State of Georgia pursuant to Georgia’s Election Code and O.C.G.A. § 21 2 50 . Secretary Raffensperger is a state official subject to suit in his official capacity because his office “imbues him with the responsibility to enforce the [election laws].” Grizzle v. Kemp , 634 F.3d 1314, 1319 (11th Cir. 2011). Secretary Raffensperger serves as the Chairperson of Georgia’s State Election Board, which promulgates and enforces rules and regulations to (i) obtain uni formity in the practices and proceedings of election officials as well as legality and purity in all primaries and general elections, and (ii) be conducive to the fair, legal, and orderly conduct of primaries and general elections. See O.C.G.A. §§ 21 2 30(d), 21 2 31 , 21 2 33.1.
# # #
Not even close
For reference only
DVS Election Facility Schematic
Detroit MI – as for Georgia×900.jpg
By Patrick Colbeck, poll challenger.
Electronic Poll Books
Election Official Station
Adjudication Station
Tabulation Station
Wireless Router
‘Poll Challenger, Dominion Contractor Say Voting Machines in Detroit Were Connected to Internet’
>”These are ballots in suitcases”
‘Georgia Governor: Container Video Is ‘Concerning,’ Wants Answers From Secretary of State’
Kemp, a Republican, described the footage that was presented by President Donald Trump’s team at a Georgia State Legislature hearing Thursday as “concerning.” He called on Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger to address the video and Trump’s lawyers’ claims.
Election officials later said those weren’t “suitcases” per se but are containers used for ballots.
Two election officials in Georgia, including state voting systems manager Gabriel Sterling, told a fact-checking website that what workers were doing in the video is not unusual at all, saying that the workers who were told to leave were involved in a different process—while those who stayed behind were involved in scanning ballots. However, they did not explain why the containers were wheeled out from underneath a table at around 11 p.m. when poll observers and other workers went home.
The officials also did not say why the containers allegedly filled with ballots were placed underneath the tablecloth-clad table or who placed them there.
State officials also claimed poll observers were not necessarily sent home for the night and were free to come back to the State Farm Arena. This claim has been disputed by GOP officials, including state Republican Party Chair David Shafer, who wrote Thursday that the notion observers were there and watching is “untrue, as the video shows. Our position is unchanged. Ballots were counted unlawfully and in secret.”
“Even had state monitors been present, the law still requires that ballot counting be open to partisan monitors and the public. But state monitors were not present, as the @GaSecofState now acknowledges and the video shows,” Shafer wrote.
Full article at Epoch Times
# # #
Both Kemp and Raffensperger are Republicans – NOT Democrats.
But I’m betting the workers illegally handed a window of opportunity were Democrat aligned.
‘Firm That Conducted ‘Audit’ of Georgia Voting Machines Has Long History With Dominion’
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger failed to disclose that the company, Pro V&V, had a preexisting relationship with Dominion that dated back years, in his Nov. 17 statement announcing the results of the audit.
Raffensperger also included an impressive description of Pro V&V in his statement, but again failed to disclose the firm’s relationship with Dominion, nor did he address the fact that Pro V&V appears to be a very small and private company that operates out of a single office suite.
Full article at Epoch Times
NEW VIDEO Shows Anti-Trump Georgia Ballot Counter Ruby Freeman with Piles of Ballots, Walking Past Boxes of Ballots, Working Alone in Cubes WITH NO GOP OBSERVERS IN SIGHT!
Gateway Pundit
CROOKED GEORGIA ELECTIONS SUPERVISER Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots from Beneath Table IS IDENTIFIED — IT’S RUBY’S DAUGHTER! (Video)
Gateway Pundit
More on the Suitcase Vote Scam, the Elections Supervisor and that Strange “Pass” Between Mother and Daughter That Was Also Caught on Video
Gateway Pundit
Timing of Large Georgia Ballot Dump for Biden Appears to Coincide with Timing of Mother-Daughter Duo’s Election Fraud Scam
Gateway Pundit
‘Anti-Trump Democrat In Georgia ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Caught Running Same Batch of Ballots Through Tabulator THREE TIMES! VIDEO)’
Gateway Pundit
Seriously do you think about what you write! No change on the recount DUH! you mean they recounted the extra votes.
If that is the case Simon, why does the Law require them?
Think of all the money (they have to be paid) saved if you don’t need them and just get all the pre-printed ballots direct from China.
You’re continuing to dig yourself in deeper and deeper. Foolish you. You’re not even amusing any more — just an [Snip]AD.
Go back to China. Your lack of knowledge about how democratic elections work has shown you up.
Credibility? You have none … kiddy.
The law doesn’t require observers. The law stipulates the right of an observer to observe anytime anywhere unhindered.
Also the right to make a complaint regarding issues related to the procedures of voting and polling, whereby the applicant requests a response to identified cases of specific violations.
(see upthread).
“Observers are not a necessary precondition for vote validation.”
This would be true if those on the left demonstrated common decency and professional ethics. What happened is that the left weaponized hate making these idiots think that the ends justified their cheating means.
Well der… The fraudulent ballots were added to the piles in the video after counting, of course recounting is going to show the same results as the fake ballots are STILL THERE!!
Is Dominion Voting Systems mostly owned by China?
If so, what is the FBI, the NSA and the CIA doing?
If so, the US Presidential election is a joke.
are you a troll trying to muddy the efforts of and discredit this blog by adding ridiculous far fetched theories?
Probably not but you achieved the same outcome (though no one outside of this blog noticed so you are ok- stay cool)
Looks like you are on the side of voter fraud, be it widespread or not. At least we know where you stand.
In Oz the scrutineers have hands on access to ballots. If an AEC official discards a vote as informal, scrutineers from all parties can ask to see it and challenge if they see fit.
I think this is great and means that “A pox on both your houses” scrawled across your paper actually gets read by officials from both parties. I have done it at state level.:)
Simon must be right. You’d think the people who stayed there would be aware they were on CCTV. But probably not because they would be amateurs. And deliberately blocking it would give their game away. Most likely just an act of brazen “she’ll be right mate”!
You forgot the sarc tag!
Simon, the checking after the scanning is just counting the ballots that are left after the envelopes are thrown out which is useless. At that point you’re just going to get the same answer from checking later what the ballots say relative to what the machine scans say.
The point in time to do the checking is when the observers are present and the envelopes are being opened. Not after the machine gives the result and there is just a ballot to compare it to.
WTF! Just the fact that people stayed behind is bad enough.
Has anyone done a basic reconciliation of people voted on the day + return envelopes = total votes counted.
You know the sort of thing that banks and business normally do every day.
the voice over said “stay behind”. That’s it.
Do I have to say it?
It is VISUAL evidence, as it is occurring. There is no better evidence. They were cautht “RED HANDED” breaking the law. And we can all witness it as it occurred. It doesn’t get more damning than that!
I’m a bit hard of hearing. Did you say this evidence is “quite substantial”?
It might not prove fraud on its own but it proves irregular behaviour and counting rules/protocols not being followed. Now why would someone clear the room, say counting is ceasing, and then produce ballots from under a table and go right back to counting after observers leave?
The burden of proof in these matters is less than beyond reasonable doubt. This is significant.
Someone quoted the sedition clause somewhere. Something about martial law being applicable if/ when states are unwilling or unable to uphold the constitution. Given (my understanding that) how elections are meant to be run is defined in the US constitution then… Martial Law it is.
I was thinking of stocking up (here in Aus) on all the necessities again, when it occured to me that maybe Republicans in the US should carry TP around with them, if it goes to martial law, – just in case Democrats start shitting themselves.
Remember that Georgia has had two separate recounts with no change in the result. The Georgian Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is a Republican and has repeatedly said there has been no evidence of fraud. So has the US Attorney General William Barr. Court cases challenging the election are currently sitting 1-43 against Trump.
So if it is all so innocent why has the GA Govvernor reacted the way he has?
No nothing to see here it’s just a figment of everyone’s imagination if they see suitcases with ballots in them being counted after everyone is ordered to go home .
Simon do you actually believe the election was totally on the up and up ? No problems anywhere ?
According to Facebook this video “could give the wrong impression” , which is about all you need to know isn’t it , as Jo says don’t believe your lying eyes .
Yeah I’d really really like to know what the ‘right’ impression is. For people pulling ballot out from under table cloths and counting them after the observers have gone home.
No one like peace and quiet as much as someone doing something illegal.
Recounting manipulated ballots does NOT validate anything.
“I’m not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different than yours.” – The Cheshire Cat
Recounts also count illegal ballots. Regarding the Dominion machines, the paper trail from people using the touch screen to vote is generated by the same machine that could have easily switched the vote.
The left had to do too much cheating this time (they didn’t do enough the last time) and got caught. In prior elections, their cheating was more subtle, not nearly as wide spread and not subject to the level of scrutiny it’s getting today.
Hopefully not OT but in this video it appears the democrats are buying votes from American Indians .
Yes it’s illegal but it doesn’t appear to matter. What else have they done that’s illegal? By what we all have seen so far, a lot. This is all not going to end well given it’s all coming out for all to see, at least for those who are interested in fair and legal elections.
It was like a mini trade show, with good loot.
There are only so many USB sticks, rubiks cubes and charging cables one needs.
But rather than a speaker evaluation, you handed in your vote for a prize.
Clever in cabalistic kind of way.
This article gives a different view from that heading this article.
Some extracts from the article are below;
“A star witness for the Trump campaign was unable to back up claims that fraudulent ballots were “injected” into the vote count in Georgia when questioned during a hearing on Thursday.
Retired Army Col. Phil Waldron, who was called to testify at the Georgia state Senate hearing by President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, could not confirm allegations that a video showing bags being “pulled from a table” by election workers contained fraudulent ballots when questioned by Democratic Senator Jen Jordan.
“Are you trying to say that, in the video, what you saw were ballots that were somehow not lawful, that weren’t real, that weren’t actually cast by registered voters in the state of Georgia?” Jordan asked Waldron during the hearing.
We do have affidavits of people who trucked in ballots from out of state into other states,” Waldron replied.
Jordan then asked Waldron to clarify if he was claiming that truckloads of ballots had been moved into Georgia.
“Not into Georgia,” Waldron admitted.
“So, your opinion is based on the fact that there are affidavits of other people from other states who have alleged that they trucked in ballots to other states?” Jordan asked. “Your testimony is saying that, ergo, these ballots in this video must have been trucked in from other states and are unlawful?”
Waldron replied that a “full forensic audit” could be used to verify if fraudulent ballots had been trucked in, while refusing to say whether there was any reason to believe they had been.
“If these were extras that were just trucked in, somebody just brought them in… you would expect then that the number of ballots would exceed the number of registered voters who had requested ballots and/or who had voted in person, correct?” asked Jordan.
“Underneath the, you know, within the margin of error,” Waldron replied. “I haven’t seen in Georgia, so I can’t testify to that, but we’ve seen in other places where ballots were segregated, separated and discarded, or not counted. And then other ballots were injected, and those were by affidavits that have been acquired by the, uh, all the legal teams.”
You are missing the point.
The veracity and breadth of the digital evidence is not going to be trotted out in an awareness session like this. Thinking so is childish.
Waldron was simply being prudent of the right and need to know.
Of the report, either it is dumbed down for simpletons or they do not understand the legal system themselves. It is a complicated world out there.
1. The commentary is speculation.
2. They are not suitcases.
3. They do not store ballot containers in the middle of the floor- gee I wonder why?
4. This is not a court of law.
5. This is not the raw FOI vision – it is cut so possible context is missing that tells a different story to the voice over. for instance, all the “say behind” statements are accompanied by cuts.
6. Be sceptical
“This is not a court of law” , wow really there is no getting anything past you is there ?
Ballot containers are shown to be stored in a different area , plenty of eye witnesses verify that counting was suspended till the next day but as soon as the floor was cleared by Republican scrutineers and other volunteers including a news crew the counting continued .
The counted ballots came from under that table or whatever it is and not from where the ballots are normally stored .
There are 14 hours of video to go through they only selected some but will have gone through the whole lot by about now so let’s see what tomorrow brings .
first words with no evidence
Does strike me as a bit odd. All this was done in a room covered by surveillance cameras.
I would speculate that the people on the vid would probably have known that the cameras were running.
And they were doing whatever they were doing in full view of those, with seemingly no effort made to hide what they were doing?
Seems an odd way to run the election heist of the century doesn’t it? Especially when their “opposition” are already known to be a cult of pathological and desperate litigants??
The headline is correct.
The Dems were caught on camera. Whatever it was in the suitcases was fed into the voting machines without observers present.
1. We know the Rep observers were told to go home so whoever was left was not Republican.
2. We know they lied – they said they would stop counting.
3. We know the suitcases were moved to the voting machines and we know they kept counting.
So go for it.
What possible reason could non-Republicans have for removing Republicans with lies and then opening non-standard boxes in a non-standard situation on a night when there are trillions of dollars of power fame and fortune at stake.
All thoroughly debunked already. But I see you’ve moved on to the drunk conspiracy theorist. That’s going to go well
Perhaps a bit discourteous professor.
You like to have the last word.
Debunked on Facebook and elements of the radical far left but that’s it .
It’s not often I agree with you Leaf. In fact, I don’t recall a single time but you are certainly correct this time. It’s hard to believe this is the same Giuliani who cleared the mob from New York. Even a dummy can see what was pulled out from under the table were official sealed ballot boxes not “suitcases” as claimed by Giuliani.
Should the boxes be genuine, the crime is worse- it implies fake ballots in correct boxes, thus a higher level of planning in the fakery.
Why assume those ballots are fake? -That the boxes were not situated where clearly visible, -that the counting (double or triple) of the contents could not be done until observers were well out of the way.
Doesn’t lokk like a’table’ to me, rather like a shelf unit where a processing centre might store batches of votes that have been vetted and store short term for counting and are the being puleed out for counting, batch by batch. So the FRAUD is ?????
This whole Trumpinspired voting fraid thing reminds me of Hunter S Thompsons “Fear and LOathing on the Campaign Trail, 1972” where a bunch or Repblican ‘operatives’, targetting a Democrat candidxate who happens to own and operate a pig farm decide to accuse him of being a pigf^&%$r. ‘We can’t accuse him of that’ says one of the adults in the room. ‘The hell we can’t and lets watch the SOB try and deny it’. Thats about the level of this ‘voter fraud horsedung. This manure is way worse than the Green Blob CAGWarmista crap and that is saying something. Trumpis a monstrous fraud IMO.
what the table, the box, or the contents were is irrelevant. what is relevant is the watchers were told counting would stop, even if it wasn’t said directly, I imagine it was said in a deceptive manner. if it was a misunderstanding, it was not made clear to them what was going on. these people signed an affidavit to that effect, so without some proof that these watchers are unreliable, it must be taken as evidence of wrongdoing.
lets say that the people doing the counting there, those four, were asked to stay back and count votes by some organiser who wanted to up the output rate etc (they do seem to be very excited about it and there work rate did improve), did they know the law? did they believe the republican watchers left of their own accord? i doubt it.
Georgia also has the interesting result of Trumps count going backwards twice.
The first time was at 4 hours 35 minutes into the count. Successive counts increased by 9,120. They were apportioned MINUS 16648 to Trump and PLUS 25,659 to Biden.
The second time was 6:23 into the count when successive count increased by 650. This time Trump managed MINUS 53,219 while Biden gained 58,243.
This data comes from the NYT feed, which I believe comes directly from the counting machines.
Voting closed at 7pm in Georgia so the first fudge was around 11:35pm and the second 1:23am. Even with the fudges, during those periods it was not enough. It was not until 26:16 hours after counting started that there were successive counts that went backwards. The first was down 3,242 and the second was down 1,366. These were not enough to alter the 3 decimal places of the vote proportion but I assume they were not subtracted from Biden. Biden went ahead 6 hours later.
I think there was probably a raft of changes needed to swing the vote to Biden in Georgia. After 26 hours of counting, I expect they had a good idea of how the mail-in votes were falling so made minor adjustments on the second day of counting to ensure Biden scraped in. There appears to be no counting anomalies after 26:16 hours in.
That’s really interesting Rick. Have you got a link to where you found that out?
I posted the NYT JSON feed not long after the election for some of the swing states. This is Georgia:
The voting results start about 1/4 of way down the file. There is line-by-line updates.
You can view each state by changing the state in the link above.
I found the anomalies by visually scanning the data looking for where there are unusual jumps in voting proportion. I have retained the data in text files so I could analyse them more thoroughly by importing to Excel. Others have been doing that. It was some of the data Trump held up during his address.
and yet after 3 recounts, Georgia is still Biden, Karkens are failures
Yes PF, they are just recounting the same ballots, not checking the ballots for non-compliance.
nothing gets past you now does it. a recount includes a validation phase.
It is lost.
In Georgia, after the original mail-in in envelope has its signature “validated”, it is
saved apart from the ballot (or illegally discarded).
There is nothing on the ballot itself to indicate that the ballot is valid.
The validation phase for mail-in ballots is moot.
“..validation phase”
How does that work ?
Peter: What do you think Globalism/Communism has on offer for you?
You do know you are simply “a useful idiot” don’t you?
You have to understand there are many people today who prefer socialism/communism to Western capitalism. There are various reasons but they all have one thing in common; foolishness.
and you are confusing capitalism with democracy
I wasn’t talking about democracy you fool.
You didn’t answer my question: What does it offer you personally.
I’m sorry, I do not understand your comment. How does your communism/socialism play out in a democratic system
I understand that, but Scotch is a good remedy, tho if you don’t speak Scotch then gin and tonic or beer would be good alternatives.
Mozart is a good example, but unlike America, he’s been decomposing for two hundred years; USA just a couple of decades.
But they still have one thing in common: the stench from both is disturbing.
The solution is obvious.
Yours in blog clogging.
In a blog a few days ago there were graphs of the count in about three key states. Georgia could have been one of them. In the early part of the count in all three states, the graphs showed Trump ahead, getting about 55% of the vote to Biden’s 45%. In the early hours of the morning after, all three graphs showed Biden getting about 100% of around 100,000 votes which put him ahead of Trump. Thereafter, Biden stayed ahead by getting about 50.1% to Trump 49.9%.
I can’t find the particular blog, but if Georgia was one of the graphs, it would be interesting whether the jump in votes for Biden on the graph coincided with the time observers were sent home, and cases of votes were pulled from under tables
It’s moot. The jump in votes has been shown to be statistically unlikely to be real. If it happened at more that one location is would be statistically impossible and thus clearly rigged.
Not unlikely, improbable verging on impossible.
here you go Maptram
Maptram there was a spike at that time .
Nothing will happen. I give up.
sounds good
Too late; it already has. The cat is out of the bag. They now just need to catch it, and they will.
Hold on there Tim with all the new evidence and whistleblowers coming forward just grab some popcorn and sit back and watch .
Thank you Jo!
You have taken us on a hell good ride covering the US Elections.
The mainstream media is certainly blindsiding everyone with their fake news coverage.
This also gives us a good look at the collusion of our media in the all for one, one for all banding together. And sinking together on their own titanic propaganda.
A huge majority of Canadians have been drinking this CNN coolaid propaganda and will be shocked and outraged that President Trump stole this election from Biden and fail to understand that the mainstream media lied to them.
yeah this.
The old ballot boxes under the table trick.
I can’t believe that some posters don’t see this action as fraud ( I thought they were being sarcastic). This footage is almost as damning as if there was a confession. I suspect if one matches the CCTV footage with the report of the count on TV you will probably be able to see the number of votes for Joe Biden that occurred during this period.
I suspect that the Democrats will be desperately wiping CCTV from other venues in other states as I suspect this video from Georgia is a template that was used in other states and other counties.
If this video can’t get any response from the judiciary then it’s all over. This is not just evidence , this is proof.
Obviously they didn’t listen to Maxwell Smart. 🙂
Galactic gravitational mechanics.
Our star has has phased into a part of inter-galactic space where reality is reversed.
Left is right.
Freedom is control.
Science is religion.
Oz is now the ‘Land Down Over”.
This thread is a PRIME example of what happens when trolls are conducting a successful high-jacking.
Really deplorable…
Fuel Filter
If the trolls have YOU posting complaints about THEM, then they have accomplished their “mission”.
Use your comments for explaining, not complaining.
This was a very important article and the good comments are obvious.
I particularly liked:
“Galactic gravitational mechanics.
Our star has has phased into a part of inter-galactic space where reality is reversed.
Left is right.
Freedom is control.
Science is religion.'”
That comment above was obviously written by someone from another planet, proving this web site has readership BEYOND Earth !
There are indeed some excellent comments that explain.
I am not sure about the one that you refer to.
Jo can you please request IQ tests for all commentators from this point on, as who in their right mind could look at that video and still maintain there is no evidence.
Obviously their TDS is so high they can no longer seperate reality from fiction, all they contribute to this blog is fake news.
This is an abuse of free speech and I have no idea why you allow it.
There are lots of trolls and it doesn’t all get through. Yes, there is an IQ bar.
They brought out some great replies which I have enjoyed reading.
Those who disagree are testing our resolve and trying out the only excuses they can think of.
We are over the target. Good news.
“ We are over the target. Good news.”
That phrase comes from WWII ETO bomber crews enduring German flack.
The entire quote went something like this:
“We know we’re over the target when the flack gets heaviest.”
Now isn’t that a wonderful provenance?
“Now isn’t that a wonderful provenance?”
Perhaps not, but an appropriate metaphor given the idea with flack was to throw as much explosive in the air as possible and hope you hit something compared to the troll’s tactics of throwing as much BS at the wall as they can and hoping some of it sticks.
“This is an abuse of free speech…”
That may be true but to disallow it is a reduction of free speech. As has often been said, the only cure for free speech problems is more free speech not less free speech.
It’s separate not seperate.
And in asking for an IQ test you could well find you’ve been hoist with your own petard.
Watching the full frame version on YouTube it seems much clearer that whatever was going on was well rehearsed and prepared. It is surely suspicious enough to be not only investigated but the main news item of any nation that is proud of its democratic history and electoral integrity.
Consider some of the difficulties of the Trump legal team.
They do not have police powers. Hence they cannot question the people in the video. They may not even know their identity.
Police could quickly question the election officials, obtain the names of the people involved and then question them. The Trump legal team do not have those opportunities and hence they are limited to the video evidence unless some one comes forward.
They will get there eventually if Trump remains as president. Trump has signaled his determination to recast the whole election system in at 45 minute speech that he called the most important speech of his presidency. CNN decided that the speech was not worth showing.
Kamala Says Biden Will Be ‘Kept Comfortable’ While A Discussion Ensues About Whether To Keep Him Alive
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In an honest and heartfelt talk with reporters, Kamala Harris discussed some of the tough decisions they now have to face in light of Biden’s ankle injury. Harris is assuring the public these decisions will be handled with the utmost sensitivity and compassion.
“I can tell you this,” said Harris. “Joe will be kept comfortable. He will be resuscitated if I wish, and then a discussion will ensue between me and my doctor about how we should move forward in the most humane way possible. In the end, this must always be the woman’s choice, and I will make this choice privately between me and my doctor.”
One reporter pointed out that Kamala’s statement was remarkably similar to what Governor Ralph Northam said about babies who survive abortions.
“Yeah, that’s no coincidence,” said Harris. “Joe Biden’s existence is inconvenient for me and my presidential ambitions. I owe my career to the right to choose, and I will exercise that right whenever I can!”
Harris then threw back her head and cackled for five minutes straight, causing all the reporters in the room to nervously join in.
The New York Times went on to praise Harris for her tremendously sensitive treatment of such a difficult issue.
White House fires Pentagon advisory board members, installs loyalists
The board firings come less than a month after President Donald Trump pushed out Defense Secretary Mark Esper.
The White House removed nine members of the Pentagon’s Defense Business Board on Friday and installed people loyal to President Donald Trump in their place, including presidential allies Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie.
The firings marked the latest effort by the Trump administration to clean out the Defense Department in the final weeks of the president’s term.
Members of the board received a brief email from Joshua Whitehouse, the White House liaison to the Department of Defense, that simply said, “if you are receiving this e-mail, your membership on the Defense Business Board has expired or is coming to an end.”
Besides Bayer, the other board members who were let go are Arnold Punaro, Atul Vashistha, John O’Connor, David Venlet, Paul Dolan, Scott Dorn, David Walker and David Van Slyke.
Besides Lewandowski and Bossie, the other new members are Henry Dreifus, Robert McMahon, Cory Mills, Bill Bruner, Christopher Shank, Joseph Schmidt, Keary Miller, Allen Weh and Earl Matthews.
Megyn Kelly dishes on Fox News, claims Biden wouldn’t be called ‘president-elect’ if Roger Ailes were in charge
Further to
redress above
December 5, 2020 at 7:10 am · Reply
here you go Maptram
Jenna Ellis from the Trump team and Eric Trump both tweeted out charts showing the timing of a large data dump for Joe Biden is the same time the mother – daughter duo in Atlanta began messing with ballots in secret.
Jenna Ellis tweeted the following:
Look at this picture from the Georgia video… HUGE SPIKE for Biden during the same time the suitcases of ballots started to be scanned. FRAUD.
I examined the GA video of those mysterious ballots. Watch the woman in purple. She appears to feed the same ballots through twice!!! It appears she does this three times! There is nothing “normal” about this!!!
Not sure if it has been mentioned but there was a vote dump in GA at the time of the magic suitcase theory was being played out.vnearly 24k votes, over 98% to Biden.
The low IQ trolls it’s spelt
BenBC – Ruby Freeman / Shaye Freeman Moss USB Transfer Breakdown
Fulton County Is At The Center Of Georgia’s Election ‘Dysfunction.’ Here Are Some Of The Key Moments
The Morning Briefing: Taking Bets on the Jill Biden/Kamala Harris 2021 Hate Match
Forget the fantastical fraud numbers — something like fourteen hundred kajilliontybillion have voted for Biden now — did anybody really vote for this drooling moron? Seriously, I’m embarrassed to live in a country where even a hundred people might vote for the demented husk that is Joe Biden.
I get that Democrats are low-info, gullible voters who laughingly operate under the illusion that they’re the intellectual Illuminati of the Republic. They can be talked into voting for anyone.
Like Hillary Clinton.
But seriously, this guy?
Biden’s mental fragility has been on display for a long time. Now we’re seeing how physically fragile he is. Over the weekend, we were told that he was injured while playing with his dog. As with all things Biden, it gets weirder and makes less sense once he opens his mouth on the subject:
I’m still convinced that they’re covering up for the fact that the dog was making Biden fetch.
Let us be clear about one thing: Joe Biden isn’t going to be president, even if he’s inaugurated.
There will be the guy that looks like Joe Biden hanging around the Oval Office but the only decisions he will be making will involve which Lego kit he wants to play with that day.
The country will actually be run by whichever female prevails in the background: Biden’s wife Jill or the woman who would be his vice-president, Kamala Harris.
Harris is the reason that Biden is going to need a food taster. She’s a nakedly ambitious witch who would probably prefer that Gropey Joe doesn’t even make it to the Inauguration balls on January 20th. Half the country still thinks that she broke his foot.
She’s going to have to get past the Keeper of the Biden Basement, Dr. Jill.
Mrs. Biden did more than anyone else to keep the Village Idiot at home during the campaign and minimize his chances for embarrassment. She knew she had a shot at being Edith Wilson 2.0 and she wasn’t going to let her husband ruin it. When it was finally time to get Joe out of the basement, Jill was by his side for every interview, making sure she was able to get Joe away from the camera as soon as he went off on a tangent about elves massaging his buttocks or something.
Ever since she was tapped to be Biden’s running mate, the Democrats and the media have been playing along and pretending that they like Kamala Harris.
They don’t.
Were she more popular with Democrats, Harris wouldn’t have much trouble pushing Biden aside with some mystery illness and becoming president. She’s not going to have a lot of party support in the battle to be Biden’s background brain.
Jill Biden brings something to the table that’s more appealing to the Dem establishment: Big Labor in the White House. The National Education Association — the most evil labor organization on Earth — will be calling the shots as long as Dr. Jill is the Number One puppet mistress pulling Joe’s strings. That’s something that means more to the party than Kamala’s personal ambition.
That doesn’t mean Harris won’t prevail, but If I were a betting man I’d go all-in on the missus.
Here is the Edison-NYT data for Georgia from 11PM 12-3 to 1AM 12-4
Vote counts which are not whole numbers not (integers)
Total votes going down (negative votes!), but only Trump got negative votes.
Evidence. Facts. Proof
Here is the Edison-NYT data for Georgia from 11PM 12-3 to 1AM 12-4
The Georgia election chart showing the vote count spike on 11-4 at 1:34am
Time-EasyRead Trump Biden T-Change B-Change Delta T-B Change Size % to T % to B
11/4/20 1:34:49 2350341.25 2220794.88 29114.81 136154.98 129546.37 162759.00 17.89% 83.65%
So…to date has anyone actually made a proper legal submission to an actual court regarding the alleged “ballots in daH suitcase” event?? Or is this just more huffing, puffing and whinging from the losers??
I mean its a pretty serious allegation, but one that should be easy enough to investigate and determine since the alleged perps were considerate enough to have it all videoed. 🙂
The post above says ‘whinging from losers”. Perhaps this is to divert attention with an insult rather than consider what is at the least very strong evidence.
Apparently the Blonde with braided hair was secretly being filmed earlier pocketing a USB .
I just hope that, by December 14, there is enough evidence of fraud, particularly in the swing states, to make the electoral colleges of the 50 states change their results (if necessary), so that Trump is the victor. Up to now, I always thought that USA was a Republic, and not a left-wing Totalitarian State (here comes the Handmaidens Tale).