Is two million communists enough?
Today The Australian announced that a huge file has been leaked from inside China that has 2 million Communist Party members names and details on it. These are not necessarily spies, just potential spies who have some questions to answer. People do sign up to the CCP just to improve their prospects in China, but all CCP members also must pledge an oath that puts the party’s interests above all and “be ready at all times to sacrifice my all for the party”. That’s a pledge with a conflict of interest that makes their own company or country their second priority. Why do we allow it? See Sky News also.
Companies with CCP influence include bankers like ANZ, Citibank and HSBC, plus Boeing, Pfizer and AstraZeneca. The Covid vaccines will be made by companies with CCP members on staff, somewhere. Companies may be doing more information sharing with Beijing than what they expected.
Speaking of foreign interference it looks like Executive Order 13848 may be underway
The hints grow stronger.
Maria Bartiromo interviewed General Michael Flynn, who mentions that John Ratcliffe — The DNI — Director of National Intelligence — will report Friday. If the 2018 Executive Order — that was designed to deal with foreign interference in US elections– has been activated, then the DNI is a key player who has to report within 45 days which means by Friday. Flynn goes further saying that if the evidence is there, one of the things he would recommend is that “Donald Trump needs to trigger Executive Order 13848 and appoint a special counsel.” It’s potentially a lot more powerful than that.
Flynn also mentions that Donald Trump has several paths to Victory, explaining that Sidney Powell has four law suits pending at the Supreme Court. The evidence of foreign interference is at
Electronic Votes were flipped in Michigan says forensic investigator
At the time, Flynn wasn’t sure if the investigation on the Antrim County voting machine in Michigan had found evidence of computer votes flipping. But indeed it has — Michigan Vote Flip Happened Due to Computer Program, Not Human Error. Dominion voting machines told us it was “user error” when thousands of votes went to Joe Biden instead of Donald Trump. But the forensic audit suggests it was a deliberate computer flip. How many counties did this happen in, and can any court pretend this doesn’t matter?
The Judicial Swamp:
Speaking of courts, one person calling into a radio program says he is a clerk for a Justice on SCOTUS. He described anger and intimidation: “today was like nothing we have ever seen”. There was apparently much yelling behind closed doors as SCOTUS considered the Texas suit. Chief Justice Roberts was screaming “Are you going to be responsible for the rioting if we hear this case?”
If this is an accurate report, SCOTUS were afraid to do the case because friends of the accused might loot, pillage and burn. Roberts apparently screamed : “I will tell you how you will vote.”
Justice Clarence Thomas says “This is the end of Democracy, John.”
Bullies may have won that round.
The Intel Swamp
Flynn also talks about the failed culture in US Intelligence under the Obama administration. While the counter intelligence was focused on Donald Trump and Flynn, they missed the actual threats, of Swalwell, and of the Bidens. “This is dangerous stuff, we are playing with fire right now.”
Eric Swalwell pushed the RussiaGate hoax, but all along he was associating with a Chinese Spy:
A Chinese agent known as Fang Fang, or Christine Fang,…” developed a relationship with Russia hoaxer Swalwell, who began serving on the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and as a ranking member of its Central Intelligence Agency Subcommittee in 2015. Reports from a political operative and intelligence official indicate that Fang raised millions for Swalwell’s re-election in 2014 and helped place at least one intern in his Washington, D.C. office.” — The Federalist.
h/t Scott of the Pacific, Bill C. PeterS.
After 8 years of Obama and 4 years of Trump, the U.S. military intelligence is only an oxymoron.
Surely you are not saying the Chinese military are smarter than the American military? LOL. The American military would eat them for breakfast.
What happened to the billions in profits…
Went to buy off media and politicians in such a carefully slow way worldwide while pushing this Global Warming crap that only add more profits to Chinese companies as everyone else pollutes too much.
Great business plan.
It’s more a matter of focus, where the Chinese are highly focused on their goal of world domination while the US military has been focused on baby sitting failed states.
Certainly the US military would win today, but if the Chinese can keep up their current pace of subverting western wealth and intellectual property, this is only a temporary advantage. If the Biden administration does what it claims it will do, we will for all intents and purposes surrender and the Chinese will win this fight without a shot ever being fired.
A Biden victory would surely weaken the US to the point of self-destruction thus paving the way, perhaps by design, for China to come in and pick up the pieces. Let’s hope it doesn’t get that far.
I have been saying for years that modern war is not about bombs and guns. The military parades hide the real weapons. Read the 45 communist goals. Why would anybody want to move into a nation riddled with radioactivity, small pox and rubble? Turnbull committed us to submarines that would have been ideal in 1945. Modern warfare is cyber, economics, propaganda, show business, educational misinformation and gullibility. The socialists are winning and trying to eradicate the man who exposed them. Only Donald Trump acted. He surrended a very comfortable life and lots of money personally because as he has explained, his country needed him. So did the free world. Biden is crooked and senile. Harris is the plan in this modern warfare. I hope Trump protects us from this foriegn PLANNED takeover of the USA. It seems that Trump’s vote leads were far greater than America’s enemies (Democrats) had expected and panic forced errors that are obvious even if the foot soldiers (MSM) and others claim there is no evidence.
Harris had dropped out.
Biden was in last place.
The Democrats rigged their own primaries.
DNI says “Biden administration? we’ll see….”
“Speaking to Maria Bartiromo’s “Sunday Morning Futures” this weekend, Ratcliffe suggested that Biden may not be sworn into office at all when he was asked about the impact the hypothetically incoming administration’s cabinet picks could have on President Donald Trump’s policies for China.
““Well, these election issues – we’ll see who is in what seats and whether there is a Biden administration,” Ratcliffe said.
“”We’ll see … whether there is a Biden administration” — DNI John Ratcliffe
You wish. Why not ask India? With their Tibetan “mercenaries,” India didn’t have much trouble seeing off the Chinese troops in their recent border entanglements. India only fielded half the manpower … Oh. Must have been using better weapons …
Troops and shooting is still part of modern warfare. And it will remain part of it for a long time yet.
Think you mean 8 of Soetoro and 8 of Dubya before him.
And, praytell, what has Trump done to further those 16 years?
He’s had only 4 to scratch the surface of the damage they did.
You get a downvote just for that. Wish I could give you more.
We haven’t reached the end game, hopefully!
We haven’t reached the end game, hopefully!
This is a very interesting report about the Supreme Court and the Texas case.
Assuming the report is accurate, then Sidney Powell and Team Trump should not be holding many hopes of success.
I have been following him (Vox Day)on his YT channel called Darkstream. His latest video explains it’s not all over by any stretch of the imagination. He recognised years ago the SCOTUS and all other courts are a waste of time. They no longer represent in his opinion the rights of the people under the Constitution, and he believes they actually work against them. His ultimate view? Civil war followed by a break up of the union in about 10 years, perhaps sooner. I think he’s on the money.
There are two things that define a free society:
i) Democracy and a respect for the election process (that means accepting the result).
ii) The rule of law based on legal principles (e.g. a clearly defined constitution).
You appear to be rejecting both.
That’s a Slight misinterpretation of the Truth there Slarty: for an election to be valid it must be run Honestly, without corrupt “adjustments” .
Any corrupt election must be either corrected or rerun before validated declaration is possible.
Arty Verbalism to the contrary, corrupt results are Not only unacceptable they’re a serious marker that justice must be administered; vote rigging should be seen as Treason and when those responsible are located and isolated, in time they deserve Elimination.
I’m sure if there was any evidence of fraud whatsoever that the courts would not have rejected over 50 lawsuits from Trump. Many involved in the election process from William Barr down, have stated categorically it was not fraudulent.
Today in the Australian, News Corp flagship in Australia and a haven for Australian Conservatives, there is an editorial urging Trump to concede and go. That a paper as right wing as the Australian is condemning Trump says much about his behaviour.
If there are riots and destruction in the US, President Trump will wear the blame
Fair go Ian, the DNI’s report is due for release on Friday and Trump should concede and go on the preceding Monday; I’d suppose you can see that makes little sense –patience is all.
Trump has not lodged 50 lawsuits. Name them! Trump is not Texas he only agreed with them after they filed. Is it fair for legitimate voters to suffer under a commander and chief appointed by fraud? Even Biden explained in a senior’s moment before the election that the fraud was arranged. True there have been many suits. How many by Trump’s team?
Weren’t many of the law suits not actually heard as the courts deemed them to not be valid for various reasons, including the Texas one where they were deemed to have no standing to submit the suit.
They are not losses of the argument if the argument cannot be presented in the court.
Given the SCOTUS revelations of fear of stirring trouble with Antifa/BLM, it is hard to even get a case before the courts, regardless of the facts that could be presented.
If a tree falls in the forest……..
If a case fails to even pass muster to even be heard is there really a case, i.e. one with substance and evidence and not just witch hunt assertions?
As for Chief Justice Roberts alleged comments inside SCOTUS, it seems to me they were just a measure of how utterly absurd the Texas case was by any objective legal assessment and it simply did not pass any test to be heard. Even the two justices that disagreed with the decision apparently said they would not have found in favour of the plaintiff, i.e. they too through it was just so much crap. Maybe it was they who were being monstered by the threat of the mob? It sounds like things are so feral there that even the SCOTUS is not beyond being monstered by fringe political interests by one side or the other or both.
Poor old JC went to his doom thanks to the chanting of a mob even after Governor Pilate had found no evidence of any wrong doing. He caved in to executing him for political reasons and because he was under instructions from the emperor to maintain order, or just not upset the local power brokers. Plus ca change.
Methinks this is a scam operation by elements within the Republican Party and its big end of town backers to maintain their grip on internal, power to raise funds ostensibly for Trump’s 2024 campaign and to monster more ‘moderate’ Republicans to to etheir line or just disappear. In a words it is just BS and the 50 or so to zip scoreline evidences that. But of course that fringe of the GOP might be the only honest people in the country and all the rest are crooks.. just like elephants may actually be able to fly with those big ears tof theirs.
You are thirty years out of date. The Big End Of Town (Tech Giants, Bankers, Gates, UN, CCP, etc) support Biden.
Not necessarily the whole big end of town, just those with mates in the GOP who make a motza out of a made for mates health system, pharmaceuticals industry, firearms industry and others. Probably some bankers and real estate developers too but not all. There is a swamp for sure but both parties swim there as it suits them. Not sure if the UN and the CCP are actually ‘big end of town’ though. They have their own agenda’s no doubt.
Jo, “thirty years out of date”, commenting to Ian above, is right.
Once, I looked at every day. Since early this year there was virulent anti-Trump hysteria. There were other defects in management of their site. Maybe Rupert is being eased out, whatever, the credibility has gone.
Barr made no such statement.
Do you accept fraudulent votes?
Truckloads across state borders.
Unfolded postal votes.
Scrutineers being denied viewing.
Dead people voting.
People who have left county.
Underage voters.
People being sent muliple votes.
Voters unallowed to vote because their name had already voted.
More voters than people living in a county??????
All good points. The only fault with them is that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever as the courts and those involved in the election have consistently stated
Who are the real owners of the Canadian-based “private” company, Dominion Voting Systems?
If anyone knows, please pass it on. Thank you.
It must be out there somewhere and I missed it.
A lot can happen if one is not paying attention.
Dominion Voting Systems is owned by Staple Street Capital (NY), which is owned by UBS Securities LLC, whose 7 member Board contains 3 sitting Chinese National citizens.
UBS Securities became a subsidiary of UBS in 2015.[4] The latter company increased its share to 51% by acquiring additional stake from China Guodian and COFCO Group.[5] Beijing Guoxiang Asset Management’s stake in UBS Securities is now (as of 2019) owned by sister company Beijing State-owned Assets Management.[6]
Dominion licenses to use software from Smartmatic, a Venezuelan owned and controlled company. Dominion Server locations are in US, Canada, Serbia, Spain, and Germany.
All supported on stat decs Ian.. Multiple truck drivers. There is not one point I raised that has not been substatiated. Where were the witnesses in court? Technicalities have denied hearings. CCTV footage alone proves improprietry. Fear of harrasment is a dispicable way to judge. SCOTUS arguing loudly suggests their bland comment was driven by fear of repurcussions. That is not justice. When the witnesses get to present their evidence under threat of imprisonment if they lie. Law can earn the respect it needs. SCOTUS has inadvertantly opened doors for Sidney Powell and others to avoid their ruling on Texas.
No Court has looked at the evidence. No court has heard a single witness. They have refused to hear the cases on procedural excuses. No evidence has been allowed to be presented thus all the evidence still stands waiting for anyone brave enough to assess it. Thus no-one can state there is no-evidence only that they have refused to look at the evidence.
Ian, denying evidence is not the same as refuting evidence.
That you don’t know the difference, or don’t understand the difference, is telling.
The true issue here is your failure to see beyond your ideological bubble.
That is the definition of willful ignorance.
What evidence Lance? Allegations made on social media and repeated at sites like this is not evidence. Evidence is a term meaning formal, pre-qualified information that has a rigourous pedigree as to sourcem credibility etc. Junk evidence is how innocent people get convicted. There is heaps of dumpster dived standard allegations flying around but it does not seem to make it to court and the courts respond as they should. The Trump was cheated thing is unsubstantiated to any reasonable test of evidentiary quality. Allagations of some nefarious act is how you do 1 to 5 years in China before you even get to trial. It seems to me you might be the one in the ‘ideological bubble’.
The level of cheating was astounding and went far beyond simple voter fraud, even as that alone was likely to be enough to flip the election, at least according to the 1000 or so depositions made under the threat of perjury, which BTW is called evidence.
The media and big tech covering up truths that would harm Biden amounts to illegal campaign contributions. The constant drumbeat of hate against Trump and his supporters coming from the same factions covering up inconvienient truths poisoned the hearts and minds of many. These factors also contributed to the illegitimacy of the election.
How can a legitimate election be held when harmful truths about one candidate are suppressed by the media and big data while they spread inflammatory lies about the other? In an ethical world, they’re supposed to be honest and neutral. Clearly, this was not the case.
So apparently, at least according to the red thumb, 1000 sworn depositions are not evidence of significant election fraud, yet a demonstrable lie from a single malcontent ‘whistle blower’ is sufficient evidence to justify an impeachment hearing.
Does anyone else see what’s wrong with this picture?
In reply to M Seward below… It’s a bit long, but from the Oxford Dictionary of English:
Law information drawn from personal testimony, a document, or a material object, used to establish facts in a legal investigation or admissible as testimony in a law court:
signs or indications of something:
evidence /ˈɛvɪd(ə)ns /
▸ noun [mass noun] the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid:
the study finds little evidence of overt discrimination.
without evidence, they can’t bring a charge.
there was no obvious evidence of a break-in.
▸ verb [with object] be or show evidence of:
the quality of the bracelet, as evidenced by the workmanship, is exceptional.
call someone in evidence Law
summon someone as a witness.
give evidence Law
give information and answer questions formally and in person in a law court or at an inquiry:
the person concerned may refuse to give evidence.
in evidence
noticeable; conspicuous:
his dramatic flair is still very much in evidence.
turn King’s evidence (also turn Queen’s evidence) Law, British
(of a criminal) give information in court against one’s partners in order to receive a less severe punishment:
in exchange for not being prosecuted he agreed to turn Queen’s evidence.
turn state’s evidence Law, US
(of a criminal) give information in court against one’s partners in order to receive a less severe punishment.
– ORIGIN Middle English : via Old French from Latin evidentia, from evident- ‘obvious to the eye or mind’ ( see evident).
Dave B
Incorrect Ian. Was watching an interview with the guy who invented the QR scanner. He reckons too many people speaking geek to obsfucate, including Dominion, and it’s actually quite simple.
Each American still owns their ballot for 22 months.
The machines scan and take a copy of each ballot. This is saved in a file and why some dodgy f$%#ers seem desperate to wipe the machines clean (of evidence)
Legit mail ballots have folds/creases (like a pattern or QR code) and indentations from pens used by humans
Illegal ballots have no folds/creases nor indentations because machine copies ink the ballot evenly.
He can program a computer to take the files of ballots and look for those ballots that have zero markers of actual handling and postage.
He reckons it wouldn’t take long to do – a few days.
It just needs and honest person in the judiciary who still has balls and a concern for election integrity to order the handover of the files…and there’s your evidence.
Technical experts in the company I work for use similar technology – scanning images and using image recognition bots. Only takes around 2000 images to ‘train’ a bot to differentiate actual ballots from fake, mass printed ballots.
Then of course there’s the removal of people who are clearly dead, underage, votingcout of state. Once they’re removed? In at least three states those illegal ballots are more than Biden’s margin of victory.
BTW: Justice Roberts has form siding with leftists. If the account above is correct he has neutered the SCOTUS out of fear of mad lefties on the rampage (which the national guard would sort in no time given the go ahead). If true, he has prostrated the SC to the Marxists of BLM and the ANTIFA cowards who like harassing old women. If the account is true he is either compromised and in the very least unfit to hold such an important judicial position.
This is probably the video you were referring to.
The courts have not stated that at all. Most have ruled “no standing” based on fear or bias, not on the merits of the assertions of fraud, which are backed by over one thousand afadvits, extensive video evidence, many facts showing foreign interference, a demonstrated clear capacity to commit fraud built into the Dominion programing, very strong statistical evidence that said fraud capacity was in fact enabled and operated, constitutionally illegal state legislative actions clearly enabling fraud. Zero of these assertions have been ajudicated in court.
You have contradicted yourself. You can’t have a Democracy and a Constitutional Republic at the same time. They are two completely different approaches to forming a government. The founding fathers of the US Constitution understood what it meant to be a truly freedom loving nation of the people, not a nation run by a bunch of career politicians or the army. You simply have no idea what the American dream was all about when the Constitution was formulated in the beginning. It now has bee ripped apart by even the highest court in the land. In effect the SCOTUS has reneged on their obligation to upheld the Constitution. It’s now up to the POTUS Trump to reset things back to the way it supposed to be. Whether he does it or chickens out at the last moment only time will tell.
Rule of law?
Lawyers have been threatened, repeatedly.
Evidence concealed with gag orders.
Complete lack of transparency.
Some cases of evidence being outright destroyed … machines being wipes before any examination was possible.
Courts refusing one after another to even look at cases, based on sometimes lack of standing (i.e. no injury has yet been suffered) and then sometimes “latches” (i.e. too late you suffered injury but should have tried earlier).
Refusal of media to even discuss the issues.
Multiple procedural violations (e.g. kicking out scrutineers) have happened but then get simply ignored.
Lies coming from public officials (e.g. water leak that never happened) are allowed to stand, with no consequence.
Are these rule of law? I had some different concept in mind, not like this.
I have respect for the election process … if only the people responsible for that process had actually followed it … but they did not. That’s the whole point of having a process.
Disturbing if true.
David, over 1000 people asserting fraud have done so on the record, under oath.
Zero if those repeating the false mantra, ” zero evidence of fraud” have been under oath.
BTW, the evidence supporting the sworn testimony is overwhelming.
David and David A:
The forensic data security analysis on Dominion voting machines in Antrim MI is out.
Basically, the Dominion machines were designed for Fraud. Further, the server log files were manually deleted. Vote cannot be certified.
The cybersecurity team stated:
1.) ASOG’s bottom line is found on page 1: We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.
2.) Item 6: The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.
3.) Item 15: Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years, but all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing.
4.) Item 16: Likewise, all server security logs prior to 11:03pm on November 4, 2020 are missing. Other server logs before November 4, 2020 are present, therefore, there is no reasonable explanation for the security logs to be missing.
2nd link to forensic audit report
People should keep on top of for daily sitreps. Todays is sobering reading and related to this topic.
There is a general sense of the US internally moving into a war footing. In terms of chinese influence, I wonder if chinese troops may move across the border from canada and mexico as a take down move.
I know that conspiracy theory. I’ve read it somewhere before. It goes along these lines. War footing on two fronts, external and internal. If still POTUS, Trump uses the Insurrection Act against the internal front to engage in his own form of a great reset for the US, which will then allow him to scare off any attempt by China to attack the US under the misapprehension that Biden would become POTUS and allow for a quick conversion of the US to a communist state whereby elections are forever cancelled.
Nice in theory but like the vast majority of conspiracy theories it’s not very likely but not impossible. Time will tell.
You have to try and construct a picture from what bits of info are floating around. The DNI report on the 18th will be interesting.
It basically may boil down to having to use extreme actions to rout communists and NWO flunkies out of govt. It all comes down to whobare Trump loyalists and who are NWO loyalists. I can potentially see arrests and flights to Gitmo.
If someone said to you years ago people like Sor*s would appear to fund organizations to bring down the US and corruptvthe election, people would have called it tin foil hat stuff…
Now also ask yourself, why would you have chinese troops in Canada? Why,logically, do you put of all things, foreign troops hostile to the USA on a border in “friendly” Canada? The answer logically is to pour in as a coordinated internal war likely run by the Left, starts.
This I think also is why the developed micro nukes to deploy against troops in a small area ( like along a border ) but to limit radiation. The “Davey Crocket” low yield micro nuke has existed since 1955.
The Australian novel “Tomorrow when the war began” suddenly looks more plausible here. The 1980s novel “Red Dawn” also looks plausible too. I think sometimes novelists have info available to them that is of opportune nature.
I try to do the same but I like to follow someone who has far more knowledge, experience and intelligence to piece things together as best as possible. He might not always be right in his thoughts and beliefs about where things are heading, and he openly admits to that, but I do believe he is more in tune with reality and not so poisoned by all the conspiracy theories blasting the internet. I don’t always agree with his opinions but most are on the money. To the point, he’s a realist like myself. In his words “History does not proceed in a linear manner. That which came before does not always accurately predict that which comes next. And so it’s absolutely vital to be patient about this sort of thing”. In other words, rather than focusing on conspiracy theories to predict what happens next only to get it wrong virtually all the time, it’s far better to just wait and see what actually happens and act accordingly.
By all means watch the signs like the Canadian example you noted but don’t jump to conclusions too hastily. Just keep the conclusion in your mind and watch how other events unfold to see if they reveal what actually is occurring rather than trying to pre-empt it. Too often people a premature with their predictions. Patience is a virtue I came to discover the hard way. It is well worth having.
That person I was referring to above is Vox Day at
I agree Peter, if a scientist knows that the only absolute in science is that one never has an absolute answer, then in the dismal sciences that involve human behaviour, we could all be less certain of our limited information assumptions.
However the statist overreach appears desperate, extreme, and somehow both panicked and very potent.
If President Trump is to triumph over this, his response must likewise be somewhat extreme and potent.
If China DID decide to start a shooting war, I doubt they would target America directly, at least with actual Chinese troops in the early weeks. They must first neutralise potential threats close to home, so my guess is that Taiwan and Japan would be early targets. Australia would soon follow, not because we are a military threat (we essentially have no military), but to ensure China has access to our resources, prevents America from staging from our northern coast and to secure an early but important ‘PR win’ for the Chinese people against the West. It would be a strategically-useful victory without a high cost and would energise the Chinese people.
Meanwhile, because China couldn’t hope to fight on too many fronts, Russia would attack Europe and keep the European/NATO troops busy. Those Russian warships have been ‘mistakenly’ probing the North Sea and the channel for a reason …
China’s strategy for the US will be insurrection via their covert agents, along with reliance on mass social unrest as a result of political interference, i.e. the Democrats will be busy foiling the people’s appetite for war, via their conspirators in the media.
My best guess.
CIA hit squad? I doubt it. They missed. And how did the target know to set up a camera in their house at just the right time to catch the attempted hit? “Only Storm Troopers are so precise.” LOL
If you read the article it was the door security camera which was filming as her daughter was standing on the doorstep.
Thanks. But the more important point is that they were very noisy and they missed. I doubt it was CIA, but would NOT put it past some Democrat lunatic.
And I guess you could still blame our alphabet agencies, who should know these people are at risk and should be protected.
PS – I ran it by a friend who’s a retired L.E.O., and after a bit of critical evaluation he concluded…
“To me it looks like more like something a crack head would do,”
….which is what my main objection to saying it was the CIA was.
NOTE – I’m not questioning ALL of what the article asserts, just the worst of what I think is wrong with it.
PPS – I think we need to find out if Hunter Biden can account for where he was then.
China isn’t about to attack the US. They need the citizens disarmed first for a start. 2nd amendment will come under attack in a Biden Administration.
China more likely to move on Taiwan if America too weak, compromised, distracted with internal conflict.
China militarised those islands for a reason with tun wars and refuelling. They also have huge naval capacity. They’ll blockade and bully all nations in the indo Pacific to get the advantage.
For eg, they want to fish the Antarctic and NZ keeps getting in their way. No doubt the CCP will discover ‘problems’ with NZ milk products and agricultural produce, even block NZ shipping in the South China sea until NZ stands back and it’s open fishing slather in the Antarctic. That’s our future. Being bullied into submission.
Taiwan is China’s ‘speak of it never, think of it ever.’ thorn in the side. They cannot have this affront on their doorstep, a thriving non-communist society allowing their indoctrinated and down-trodden citizens another P.O.V. Taiwan incorporated into the communist state of China has always been a main goal.
That should read above, militarised Islands with run ways and refuelling. I recall also securing deep water ports via debt trap diplomacy. That would be for the huge navy.
That would be the Port of Darwin and the Port of Melbourne.
Please tell me I’m wrong.
Sorry, but the above comments imply there are Chinese troops is Canada?? That would be fake news then.
Perhaps Neo, yet the story was that at some point this was planned, but the Canadian military pushed back and said nope, not going to do it.
Rebel News has a pretty good reputation, I thought. According to them, Canada is getting all too cozy with the CCP.
Are you saying they aren’t there for that?
Actually this is no surprise but the extent of the interference is a surprise and all these companies with influence by the CCP like the ANZ for instance I wonder if the CCP get them to refuse funding for coal mining etc.
Full Royal Commission must now be called upon to investigating any CCP involvement in all decision making by both state government and large businesses. If this is not a case of a national security emergency then nothing is and we might as well put up the white flag and surrender to the CCP.
Imagine if the West did to China what they are doing to us? They would launch their nukes in a heart beat. I’m not suggesting we do that but it goes to show we are fools for allowing it to go as far as it has been for so long. Where is ASIO? Why aren’t Australians being put on trial for treason?
ASIO’s brand new building in Canberra had to be re-vetted and redesigned because the CCP had managed to get a copy of the plans and had probably inserted data gathering devices into the structure – even before ASIO had taken up residence.
Where’s ASIO?
They’re under the bed (with the reds) in most of the greenies’ bedrooms.
when they built the new hangars for some new planes they found “devices” hidden in the concrete walls, a guy that works for me started dating a Chinese chick from TINDER. She started asking all these questions about his work so he put in the security forms and the guy said “yeah we know about her, thanks for the info” LOL
They are everywhere and whats worse we let them all in and greeted them with open arms
The CCP are certainly very happy with their client, Daniel Andrews, ruler of Victoriastan.
He is still determined to implement China’s “Belt and Road Iniative”, the true purpose of which is to allow the Chicomms to take over critical infrastructure although mainly in Third World countries as in Africa and Asia. The Feds even had to introduce a special law to try to stop him despite the fact it is already illegal under the Constitution for states to enter into foreign treaties.
He no doubt has CCP members advising/controlling him.
Never once did he make any connection or suggestion about the origins of the China virus despite hundreds of daily press conferences during the peak of the virus spread caused by his mismanagement.
And life continues to get interesting…this now trending across the web….
“Did you know the voting machine company Smartmatic accused of vote switching and foreign interference in 2020 US Elections is also accused of smuggling biometric census database of Indians to Taiwan to create a parallel database for rigging Indian Elections through their voting machines.
Such truths were suppressed by social(ist) and the legacy media during and just after the election. Only now are they sufficiently confident of a Barris win to allow such information out.
Hiden/Barris, I like it! And to think they/them are the ‘Person’ of the year according to Time-out magazine. Repeat after me: War is peace… (not).
You misspelled Hiden/Bare@ss.
No issues. Fixed it. No charges.
Disgusting as it might appear.
The trouble is that the ordinary person is well aware of the threat of china but the elite of the west seem to have a blind spot and have welcomed them into the heart of our institutions, universities, corporations, power companies, communications.
From chinese students poaching information to well placed co executives, the threat is immediate and pressing. All not helped by the general public, whilst being aware of the dangers, continue to buy Chinese products, either because they are cheaper or quite often because our elite have shipped production offshore and the consumer has no alternative.
Add to all this is that china gets a free ride on trade and an ever freer one of carbon emissions.
The west has collectively lost its mind.
The is in effect a dirty war taking place inside the US between US patriots and the NWO/UN/Chinese factions.
This is why Trump has a special forces praetorian guard now and has replaced what may be NWO people in the military. If Scotus is also rotten then the only option Trump has to preserve the constitution is in effect open warfare against the NWO insude the USA, similar to what Lincoln did when he arrested whole state parliaments.
People need to be ready fir a very rough time. The years of communist infiltration are about to be brought forward.
May God bless the rule of law and righteousness and orotect America from her enemies….
It’s not just twp years of communist infiltration. The Left have been at war with the United States and the Western World in general for the last 50 to 60 years. It’s Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions”. It increased massively during the Obama years.
An interesting video (6 mins) about the vote switching in real time.
The Chinese leader Xi Jinping, has completely changed the direction of Chinese foreign policy and global strategy since coming to power. If you assume that the Coronavirus was deliberately released by China, the scenario we see playing out today all makes sense. This new strategic direction saw China provide huge loans to many smaller countries and island nations in our region and the virus will now create an inability for those nations to repay these loans, which effectively gives China total control over these countries. In the case of Australia, where we haven’t indebted ourselves to China and where we have restored economic activity by eradication of the virus, China is now trying to bring us down through trade sanctions. You can be sure that this would not be the case if we had a failing economy from the virus. China is also using the climate change religion to facilitate a demise of the west as it’s second main weapon, whilst excusing itself of any such destructive measures and even gaining endorsement from other nations, obviously due to it’s financial leverage. Watching Fiji recently attack Australia over our climate policy and yet make no mention of China is an indication that they are simply following instructions from China and are now pumping out Chinese propaganda to try and force us to commit economic suicide, in the face of resistance from the LNP to take the big leap off the cliff.
And wrt the US election, China had to get rid of Trump, who was awake to China’s plans and was not party to this takeover. Without the virus Trump remains president for two simple reasons. Firstly, there would be no mail-in voting, removing the fraud opportunity and secondly, the USA economy would still be going gangbusters and it would not be possible to roll him in positive economic conditions.
Under a Biden government, China gets the USA back into the climate suicide pact, restores the trade imbalance and continues on with BAU towards world dominance. The only questions that remain unanswered are, who inside the USA are doing China’s bidding ?. From the outside it seems that the leaders of the Democrats are all part of the Chinese CCP. We know that Biden is being paid by China as Mr 10% and we know that all of the new leadership hopefuls are all staunch Marxists. It’s all very scary indeed !
Added to that Serge, the Three Gorges Dam is full again (or is it really just a continuation of earlier rain). Not good news going into winter.
Excellent summary!
I totally agree,from what has been happening in Canada and PM Trudeau’s actions in destruction of our economy.
As JoJodfb says;
Excellent summary.
more movement close to home
Yes, a Chinese fishing plant in a place where there are no fish, and is coincidently the closest part of PNG to the AU mainland.
Is that spelled ‘Phishing”?
Latest from Tony Heller.
Tony Heller reviews the year with a lot said about China.
Note the NewTube link. He is being censored on socialist YouTube. Leftists can’t handle alternative opinions. Conservatives need to wean themselves off YouTube, Twitter and Facebook and use alternatives.
The Year Of The Rat
I am normally against most government expenditure but one genuinely useful service the Australian Government once offered was Radio Australia, a shortwave service that was enormously popular in Third World countries and which prmooted Australia’s point of view.
The Government claimed shortwave was obsolete but it wasn’t and isn’t in Third World countries. They don’t often have the infrastructure to receive Radio Australia via the Internet.
Now the CCP has taken over Australia’s abandoned shortwave frequencies.
See link for full article.
Yeah. Radio Free America was deep-sixed years ago. Did a ton of good in the world.
Well at least we still have the BBC World Service.
Sky News link bust,%20they%20missed%20the%20actual%20threats,%20of%20Swalwell,%20and%20of%20the%20Bidens.%20%20%22This%20is%20dangerous%20stuff,%20we%20are%20playing%20with%20fire%20right%20now.%20%22
List of CCP Members Embedded Within Multinational Organizations is Released
The massive data-file [Download Here w/ Caution] was offered to all major international journalists and media organizations. All of the major U.S. media outlets did not want the data. As a consequence, media outlets within Australia and the U.K. are leading the release.
NOTE: At the same time U.S. media were refusing the leaked information they were simultaneously criticizing a U.S. executive order blocking CCP members from visas’ longer than one month in duration, by claiming no-one had any way to know who was a CCP member. In essence, the U.S. corporate media did not want to know.
140 works
Dinesh D’Souza Tackles Big Picture Issue of SCOTUS Decision Against Texas
Dinesh D’Souza is an intellectually honest patriot of temperate disposition. In this brief video D’Souza provides a short encapsulation about how the Supreme Court decision against Texas doesn’t make any sense. If the Supreme Court will not take up a state’s right to stop wide-scale election fraud in another state then what exactly is SCOTUS role in the framework of a three co-equal branches inside our constitutional republic.
If SCOTUS continues to deny their institutional responsibility to defend the constitutional framework of the republic, then why the hell are they empowered as ‘co-equal’.
Some on the supreme ct may be pre-Trump appointees, so….
One Rule for the Peasants – One Rule for US
Hmm: Amazon’s Employee Cafeterias Look an Awful Lot Like Indoor Dining
And while many mom and pop restaurants are no longer allowed to offer indoor dining, it sure looks like Amazon is above the rules once again.
Pictures allegedly show employees dining indoors at an Amazon cafeteria. The diners appear to be practicing social distancing, with some seating areas closed off in an apparent effort to encourage the practice. But if Amazon can offer indoor dining, why can’t restaurants?
Hi Jo, I read all your articles and don’t comment much, especially in papers like the Australian because most of my comments are rejected because of my views. Thank you for bringing the truth to us, it is a brave person who does that in these times.I stopped watching any TV news and reading any Australian news papers about two days after the US election. The change in the so called “conservative” presenters and journalists was amazing, like someone had flicked a switch, I’m sick of the constant propaganda from the media, politicians and climate lunatics. This is not about Trump, it’s about right and wrong, good and evil and he is the only thing between us and a very unpleasant existence. If he does not prevail we are all in deep trouble. Thank you for standing for common sense.
Whoops: Sounds Like Obama Admitted the Quiet Part Out Loud
Colbert asked him if he missed being president and he acknowledged that he did.
“I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man or front-woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating,” Obama quipped.
Yeah, but choosing Biden as the front-man was not smart.
As Obarmy said – never underestimate Biden’s ability to f… something up.
Thats why Biden is a “disposable” front man….whatsher name… Harris is the real planned puppet….
“Nothing in policis happens by accident, If it happened that way you can bet it was planned that way”
– Franklin D Roosveldt
Obama chose Biden for the same reason Biden chose Harris. They both act as a shield against removal for cause.
He just ADMITTED it! Obama accidentally lets everyone in on what’s really going on with Joe Biden’s ‘presidency’ (watch)
C’mon, we all knew, but to hear Obama SAY IT OUT LOUD … wow.
Watch this. – Listen, carefully.
He said no such thing.
so your deaf as well as blind?
my deaf what?
He certainly did! Listen more closely.
There is also evidence that 90% of military votes were switched from Trump to Biden. (See the military cheering, when Trump appeared at the Army-Navy football match.)
Military votes had to be remade and duplicated, because they will not go through the machines. But that duplication process was not observed. In the few that were observed, the poll-worker switched the vote from Trump to Biden.
The military might not like their votes being stolen, when they find out. And the military have bigger guns than Antifa, BLM, or the Democrats.
You can bet that a vast majority of military votes would have been originally for Trump before they were fraudulently altered.
I’d like to see this evidence. Why hasn’t it been the subject of criminal proceedings?
Why? Why would anyone bother to appease you, you were shown video evidence of vote fraud in Georgia and still you deny there is any wrong doing. How dare you (say with a Swedish accent) come onto this site and demand anything.
Georgia video is so long defunct. Keep up.
Also comprehension crakar. “I’d like to see this evidence”, is not a demand so nothing to appease.
Long defunct? Did you mean debunked? How do you debunk a woman outing the same ballots through the counter 3 times? You are nothing more than a Chinese Marxist appologist
err… yeah. No evidence means Chinese. got it.
But he didn’t say the clincher:
“I shouldn’t be here.”
At least Greta knew that she should have been home and at school, not at the United Bloody Nations.
So, strictly speaking, not a Greta clone.
There were several poll-watchers who said this, but this one is typical.
Here is another video.
At 1:45 she is saying that military ballots were all on unusual envelopes, and they all had the same birth date.
At 5:30 she is saying the duplication process was not observed.
Here is another video regards military ballots.
See 2:20 for her military comment – all Biden votes.
astounding testimony of an election backroom in Delaware Co., PA
JustTheTweets: Dec 10
One anonymous whistle-blower was OK to impeach the President of the United States but, 1000′s of sworn affidavits of election fraud is not enough to investigate?
Jo – This one Tweet sums up the Corruption of the US SCOTUS – They do not want to want to upset their friends on the Washington Social Circuit
America is now the “New Venezuela” – “Your Vote is Worth Nothing”
Vale America
24 hours to go (from the -10 UTC line) and the result is confirmed, and all Krakens are like the Piltdown Man
If Executive Order 13848 comes into play due to The Kraken then tomorrow’s Electoral College vote (it’s not the Presidential Confirmation) will be inconsequential
Correct. If Trump implements martial law, Gitmo may fill up that quick they will be able to have a communist party branch meeting every day….although numbers may fluctuate….
and the difference between Gitmo and a Gulag is? Bye Bye democracy – that is what you are advocating
Executive Order 13848 makes no mention of martial law being applied – that is a strange inference by OriginalSteve
The actual relevant section of the order (within section 3b) reads:
Martial Law would be required in event of courts or civilian law enforcement refusing to uphold a lawful directive.
If you really watch closely what sgoing on and realize that the rot is deep within not just the FBI and DOJ and therefore likely within local law enforcement as well, you need a military option as well to get things done. This is a practical consideration , but, not preferred.
I think its worth noting how dangerous things are right now. Maybe it doensnt look it, but if I was living in the US near any major population centre I’d be moving out. The next 4 weeks are going to be decisive in whether America and freedom survives, or whetrher globally we enter a forced communist nightmare of the type we saw in Victoriastan, or worse. Maybe people havent really grasped how nasty it gets when communists rule with no oposition. My uncle escaped from communist Hungary as a child with hs family. Believe me, you want the US to survie and beat its internal enemeies.
If the deep state is that determined to stay in power, then democracy is lost in the USA. There would be enough elements in the military (including National Guard units in states with Democrat governors) loyal to the immediate chain of command that an attempt by Trump to implement martial law would fail.
LOL, people are being banned from big tech left right and centre, the MSM produce nothing but fake news, judges throw out cases because they are rayyycist and good old Peter Fitzroy appears to be completely oblivious to these facts and compares a Gulag to GitMo.
Perhaps Peter thinks all the stupid anti western comments he has made on blogs over the years will get him procure him some favors when Chinese tanks come rolling down the main street of his town, i wish him all the best.
They won’t bother with tanks. They’ll give the troops bicycles, same as the Japanese did at Singapore in WW2.
People will be so scared, they’ll surrender immediately. So there’s no point in wasting expensive tanks.
Just imagine when the core language for the University of Western Australia becomes Mandarin Chinese.
Probably no big worry for our resident CCP poster, almost certainly fluent in KowTow.
They do have an airfield near Perth.
F&^# off Fitz
It would be a very dull homogeneous blog without the likes of Gee Aye, Ian, Peter Fitzroy, Simon et al nagging at us to come to our senses.
They contribute nothing and the °
Sorry, was in the process of changing that.
Apart from Gosh Yes they are only here as blog cloggers and detract from discussions.
It has been a vexxed issue and the subject of much onscreen and offscreen “discussion”.
In the end it’s Jo’s blog.
I reckon I’m richer for having both sides of the story in front of me be it climate , politics whatever .
The important date is not tomorrow but early Jan –Jan 6, I think. Tomorrow really means very little except a MSM talking point.
Trump and all of his supporters must wait until Jan. I have found more info. concerning who knows what and what is going on.
The Plan is the US Milt’s plan. Not Trump’s. It is best and only option now; from the US Military’s standpoint. The US Milt worked out all of the covid details this summer. The technology required to design and manufacture Covid and the fact that the Chinese have used the same technology to genetic modify their own people; for political purposes….
…Is proof that China has advanced biological technology that can defeat the human immune system and make biological changes to humans; and that China has used that technology in the US.
At that time, the US Milt started to develop what became the Plan.
The US Milt has hard evidence (this triggered the activation of the Plan) that China has genetically modified US citizens for political purposes (Oct, 2020 discovery). It is not clear, when the genetic modification was done, when they visited China or in the US.
People after the biological genetic tampering changes, act and feel different. The purpose of modifying the people biologically is to make them act and feel different. These changes cannot be undone. This new advance biological technology which the Chinese have used on their people and the people of the countries’ they occupy, could terrorise a population and can be used to control a population.
Independent of the 2020 US election the US Milt was considering triggering the Plan and if necessary; they would and did consider other choices to led the state at time of war; Trump is/was the best choice for a number of reasons and it is believed that will Trump accept his role in the plan when he is informed.
What helps make this possible, is real events that force the change and the fact the change is a solution/not a temporary change, …. The ‘war’ time temporary government (a group of smart young Americans, who have security clearance and who have been screened to exclude political or ideological biases, a system that uses analysis to find help the team and states, find the best solutions, and an AI)… … is exactly what a group of congressmen and Trump have suggested 40 or 50 times is the obvious, no brainer solution to all of Washington’s problems.
Lastly, this is a complex war with China that will not be declared a war by the US. The US is going to help China work out its problems, in a respectful, logically way. There is no violence or need for it in the Plan.
And the US Courts says no evidence
I, Gregory Stenstrom, hereby declare as follows under penalty of perjury: 1. The following statements are based on my personal knowledge, and if called to testify I could swear competently thereto.
Yes, the US courts no longer seem to regard signed affadavits as evidence for the election at least.
I’d love to see this applied to civil rights and tort suits.
In other words, the courts don’t recognise the rights of individuals who expose a fraud but do recognise the rights of states to commit fraud. In a sense the SCOTUS has backed up that stance taken by the state courts and in effect ripped up the Constitution of the US and have gone back to being a Confederacy. So much for having a civil war in the first place. The US is a union in name only. It’s now more like a Confederacy of States. It reminds me of the history of Greece where the major cities were not a nation but each were in fact quibbling and sometimes fighting each other. It took a common enemy, the Persians to bring them finally together. The end of the Persian wars led to the rise of Athens as the leader of the Delian League. I wonder if the same sort of thing will happen with the US. Will the states combine together and fight a common enemy from outside, or will they continue to go the current way allow the union to crumble with the outside enemy(ies) picking up the pieces? Only time will tell.
Is America still a democratic republic?
The Texas decision is not the end of the world for Donald Trump’s legal team
Roger Kimball
The amusing and perspicacious commentator known as Ace of Spades added a bit of hot sauce in his response to the news of the Court’s ruling. ‘The ultimate Friday Night News Dump,’ he wrote. “The Constitution is repealed; America is no longer a democratic republic.’
It saddens me to say that I believe he may be right about what economists call macro trends across the fruited plain.
For reasons that I have rehearsed repeatedly, I believe that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. The rigging was successful. Because of it, Joe Biden appeared to have received more votes than Donald Trump. Those extra Biden votes, I believe, are illegitimate. Maybe ‘irregularities’ (a nice six-syllable word for ‘fraudulent’) with the Dominion voting machines accounted for some of the Biden ballots. But most were from the tsunami of mail-in ballots, all 90 to 100 million of them. This was no squalid two-bit voter fraud. It was a planned campaign. Maybe China has a role
Please understand, the fradulant mail in ballots likely worked hand in hand with the Dominion voting machines.
Another organisation is linked in an advisory capacity with the UN.
See Michael smith link
The united nations has be instrumental from the start with this globalisation by stealth and miss information, all well documented, take our involvement in outlining the miss information of the climate debate, IPCC, a non-scientific propaganda machine, the damage and cost incurred after the world heritage listed GBR, again, under the auspices of the UN’s misinformation and doggy science agenda. I could/we could go on and on.
The UN should be defunded.
Another organisation is linked in an advisory capacity with the UN.
London, 11 December: Western environmentalists are being controlled and used by the communist regime in China, states a new report from the Global Warming Policy Foundation.
According to author Patricia Adams, a long-time observer of the country, Beijing has co-opted western environmental groups through a combination of sticks and carrots.
“Like all western NGOs, green groups are only allowed to operate in China so long as they bite their tongues and toe the party line. But Beijing is also able to influence their behavior through funding bodies like Energy Foundation China, a US-based body that distributes money from American billionaire foundations.”
This two-pronged approach means that western greens have effectively become mouthpieces for President Xi.
“They praise the scale of Chinese ambition on climate change, while paying lip-service in criticizing China’s massive coal expansion. Meanwhile, the greens turn a blind eye to the obvious; China does not honour its international agreements and has no intention of reducing fossil fuel consumption, quite the opposite. While the world has awakened to China’s abuses, western environmentalists are silent,” says Adams. “China plays them as useful idiots.
The Red and the Green: China’s Useful Idiots (pdf)
Like the Aborigin*l hatred of Australia day, Climate Extinction/Change/Global Warming is all made up. It always has been. After 32 years of Western Guilt over man made Global Warming and no sign of any long term disaster, the fact that 95% of all CO2 is natural is just ignored. So if there is a problem, it is not our fault. And half of that CO2 is Chinese, but they are victims, being a destitute third world country who just put flags on both sides of the moon. How many countries have put a flag on the moon?
We should pledge to follow China’s lead in the drive to decarbonisation on a 2 year trailing basis. As their carbon emissions change, proportionally to 2015, so should ours
I do not think people really understand the way China works. The Chinese Communist Party is not just a political party, it runs every aspect of life and business in China. To get anywhere in business, you must be a member. Good looking, qualified, capable, multilingual accomplished people have to be allowed out of China and they go as members of the Chinese Communist Party. It is the ticket to university, good jobs, finance, careers. I would suggest that almost all of the people overseas are members with the exception of the Hong Kong Chinese who have been fleeing China since 1999.
So when you meet these people, it is a given. And you hire them because they are good, intelligent, qualified and hard working. But you have to be aware they have two masters. Such people are in IT, R&D, Business, Banking, every aspect of life.
My own experience in starting a business in China last century was that the Australia House Chief left the room and such a person took his chair and said it was illegal to take money out of China. So if you do get paid, it is only with the permission of the Chinese Communist Party. You only run a business with their permission. And in my case there are two accountants, one the company accountant and the other the Chinese Communist accountant.
People have a strange idea that the Chinese government is just another political party. There is no opposition. There are no elections. And the rule is absolute.
Now they have discovered two million spies? Of course.
And two million members? No 200 million. Two million would be just the number of overseas agents in jobs across the world, all reporting regularly to the Chinese embassy in their city. For their part they can be entrepreneurs in their own right. It’s a form of Communist Capitalism. But under President for Life Xi, the extremist communist view has become the dominant one. And Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is my biggest worry as he is clearly doing the bidding of the CCP. And they use guilt to dominate the West in Virus, Coal, Gas, manufacturing and just now cancelled Australia day. And the Aboriginals are happy. Who’s kidding now?
It is why Andrews did not want the ADF in Melbourne, capital of his private country and a friend of the CCP and signatory to the Belt and Road contract. The only army he will accept in Victoria is the Chinese army.
And to answer the question ” is there anywhere China doesn’t have CCP Party members?”. No. They’re all members, even the students.
Testing, Testing, CCP.
A year and a half ago.
Chinese warships arrive in Sydney Harbour
Three Chinese warships sailed into Sydney Harbour on Monday in an unannounced visit, on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the visit – which will last for four days- was not unexpected and was part of an ongoing programme.
Published 3 June 2019 sectionBBC NewsSubsectionAustralia”
It’s amazing that the Supremes thought a bunch (800,000) of illegal aliens had “standing” in the DACA case but Texas and 18 other states didn’t.
It depends on the detail in the Constitution and amendments. There is likely a lot about aliens and who is a citizen and who is not and how you change this, but little or nothing about the rights of individual states to question voting ‘procedures’ in other states. It has to be pitched differently so that a specific Section of the Constitution or Amendments obviously applies. That is what the Supreme Court has said.
My contribution is that if it can be shown that substantial domestic votes were counted overseas, that is not voting in other states as such but tallying votes physically outside that state geographically. Their defence of State procedural autonomy would then be irrelevant. Voting was not confined to that state or even to the geographical borders of the United States of America! This is surely anaethema to the political independence of the United States. Geographical and independence is the entire basis of the writing of the Constitution in 1787 after the long War of Independence and so a matter which must be addressed urgently in the modern context of internet operation. Really, servers in Germany and Serbia? Who thought that was legal just because it was now possible? And what was the argument? Cost saving?
So after manually tallying votes for 200 years, it seems some States contracted this out to overseas countries, a potentially illegal development which strikes at the heart of American Independence for which they fought. That argument by any State would have standing and require an urgent response in the context of the current election. The votes of these states would be invalid under the Constitution because they were not in fact tallied in those states under their principle of autonomy within their geographical borders or even in Washington but overseas! That is outside their control or anyone’s oversight.
Of course the defence of the offending states would be the principle of laches again, but it could still be decided that the election was prima facie illegal and therefore invalid. And once invalidated, a remedy is needed.
Article 1 of the US Constitution
“Section 4: Elections
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”
As the Supreme Court found, this alone would invalidate complaints by any other state about such Manner of holding election. What it does not address though is that the election process could be moved out of that State to any other and still be even valid. There is an implicit assumption that the elections are regulated to be held within the territory of that state as the legislature has no power outside that state.
And far worse, the State legislature may have been totally unaware that the tally of voters was conducted in Europe. It is unlikely that the legislators would have the ability to prescribe this even if they were aware of it. So this power to control elections within the state does not apply to votes tallied overseas. And while a domestic recount might still be possible, there was a move in many states to clear ‘servers’ completely and a physical hand recount may be impossible.
If Trump’s team can prove substantial state votes were tallied in Europe, even Eastern Europe, those tallies are likely invalid. The defence of State autonomy is completely gone. Such votes would be declared invalid. Plus whoever authorized this action would have to explain why they did not seek the permission of the state legislature to allow tallies to be taken outside the United States. Possibly because it would have been refused.
And the way the Federation work, President Trump is responsible for the defence of the United States against enemies, largely foreign. That is why he was impeached, for action in Ukraine.
If Trump can demonstrate that the State operation of Federal elections have been substantially taken overseas, he can act in many ways. The seizure of election servers in Germany and Serbia should not even be possible. And this in a Presidential election. What are they doing there?
Such shenanigans impinge directly on the current President and his current job and that of all successors. How can they defend the country when forces overseas potentially control the election of the President? And how can that be remotely necessary or even valid for State based elections? How can they legislate the removal of electoral responsibility to another country? And if not, how can such State based voting be valid?
And Serbia as a close Russian ally, it makes nonsense to impeach a President for Russian influence and States have votes tallied in Serbia? Why was this done? Under whose authority?
Good question, under who’s authority.
The offshoring of vote recording and tabulating is fraught with so many issues that it stinks of either serious neglect of duty or deliberate corruption.
And who knew? And for what reason was it done? Cheaper computers in Serbia and Germany? None of it makes sense.
Good one.
Another interesting article . . . . .
Let’s see who has the temerity to suggest we move to China’s GPS.
I can see it being added as another option along with GLOSNASS but I can’t imagine pure Beidou devices outside China
I can if say Biden becomes POTUS. Many politicians in the past have called for the disbandment of the current system and move to the European system to save money, LOL. Now that China has their system it would not surprise me one iota if a future POTUS decides to move to theirs. Of course Trump would never do such a thing.
Brexit has crashed the UK out of Galileo development obliging them to devise one of their own; Carrie Symonds will decide apparently.
The MIL in the US wouldn’t let them be dependent on a navigation system outside their own control.
The word is 120k CCP troops stationed in Canada. Trump sent a sqn of jets to Alaska to shoot em up the[Snip]AD if they invade lol.
Also wonder if the recent middle East peace deals play a role in all this?
What an odd thing to write, even if it is hard to read from under my rock
nothing odd about it, i suggest you get a better rock to hide under
true. The last rock you sent me under – the one about Texas getting a hearing at the SCOTUS disappeared for some reason. Do you know anything about this?
Texas got a hearing at SCOTUS however SCOTUS deemed they have no standing, please do try and keep up again!
you know what a hearing is?
stop wasting electrons with your mindless drivel
That would 120 troops, not 120k. Howell Woltz sort of misplaced the decimal a bit… (the troops are stationed as part of China’s ownership of the port of Vancouver)
And, FWIW, the logistics footprint of 120k soldiers (10-20 DIVISIONS, depending on force structure) would be more obvious than elephant nads on a chihuahua….
Zero chance of even todays media overlords hiding that…
AND, unless they’re on bicycles, at 10 troops a vehicle, that’s 12k+ vehicles trying to keep out of sight!
That’s a relief, but prompts the question of how many CCP troops are “minding” Darwin harbour?
Can you provide corroboration for that crak? Sound an awful lot like complete tosh to me.
The thing is, 120k troops, and their equipment are rather hard to conceal.
Saying we’ll just weed out the traitors, and ship them to Gitmo, is just dumb. You’d easily double Cuba’s population. You’re looking at at least 50% of the workforce. Actually way more, thanks to HR. And don’t think about those who have gotten into positions of authority in the last 10 yrs. Who is left to do anything?
Spouting conspiracy theories is too easy,
Unfortunately the left, and the CCP, also have a practical, and pragmatic side. They start with building foundations. And it looks like they have done a reasonable job of it.
But do we really want the smell of napalm in the morning? Xi and the Pute are rolling on the floor, wetting themselves.
Trump actually got 8.8% of the vote in DC in 2020. Leaves about 90% of the swamp to drain – like you say, well beyond the capacity of the upgraded Guantanamo Bay.
The stories, fairytale or not, is that it will be used for the ring leaders. Barracks being upgraded to make it more pleasant for the national guard and maybe better segregated for controlling virus spread.
And I think this is the anti-post of the day….
Why Gitmo ( or worse ) – for the very bad people.
The rest can rot in prisons for all I care…..if its a large scale clean up, so be it.
Generally you have a hard core of extreme leftists, then once those are removed, the rest slink off to find new rocks to hide under.
If the USA did split, most of the hard engineering and technology knowledge would be in the red states, I think the lefties would moan about not being able to get a latte until they startved to death….and thats exactly how it will go.
Kind of like the king of France kicking out all the protestants, but the protestants had all the banking and engineering knowledge, and then france collapsed. Whoops. The Left are sufficiently thick headed and arrogant to repeat the mistake.
But seriosuly, why would most sane people want to love among those whose height of achievements appears to be climate change fantasy and 50 different bathrooms to choose from?
My response was to Furiously Curious
That’s OK OS. Us older guys were able to work that out.
Recent news coverage often suggests that Americans are not paying much attention to President Trump’s claims that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from him.
A new Fox News poll released Sunday suggests otherwise.
“Sixty-eight percent of Republicans believe the election was stolen from President Trump. Among Trump voters, 77% think he actually won. And, so do 26% of independents and even 10% of Democrats. Overall, 36% of voters say the election was stolen from Trump,” the poll analysis said.
China continues to execute their plan to take over the western countries, including the US. A evil plans use evil technology.
The UN (China’s puppet) has just declared that all countries should declare a Climate Emergency. Good countries like New Zealand suddenly, like good puppets, declare climate emergencies.
This is what I have heard.
China thought they had complete control over the US so they went too far and they got caught. This is a big deal for the US Milt. The Chinese are acting as if the US is now defenseless. These are Biological acts of war in the US.
The US Milt have announced they have evidence that China has been genetically modifying their own soldiers.
I heard Oct this year the US Milt found hard evidence that the Chinese had modified the genes of specific people in the US for political purposes. The evidence involved senior dems which makes sense as the genetic modification changes the people for political reasons. This is evil technology. It could also be used on a population. This sort of use of evil advanced biological technology is not going to be allowed. Period.
If that is true, it is very likely, the Chinese have also modified other people in other countries for the same political purpose.
Keeping the use of genetic modification for political purpose secret, is a very important objective for the Chinese. They do not want this info to get out officially.
In 2021 the US Military is planning to start issuing propaganda to counter the Chinese plot to take over the US and the other western countries.
I ask again as I’ve asked several times before. When is PM Morrison going to either defund the ABC or fund a parallel broadcaster to provide balance? Having such a left wing propaganda machine as the ABC to continue with their ideologue against the very government that funds it is an embarrassment to anyone with half a brain.
You’re exaggerating Peter;
it would be an embarrassment for anyone with even a quarter of a brain.
True. I was just being generous. Besides zombies of the left don’t have much brain matter in operation; just enough to move their muscles.
ABC Act of Parliament, voting numbers in both Houses of Parliament, left leaning and far left ABC protectors and beneficiaries.
Another important reason for President Trump to drop the hammer with the EO. Amazing this gets reported in the Guardian
Freudian slip.
uick read this before it gets deleted
read that crak. You should probably head for you shelter now and not surface again until Jan 22nd. There a good lad.
“2024, I’m not interested right now. Lets do this one first. I don’t want to go four years forward, I wanna go four weeks back. We never give up. And we caught tremendous cheating, tremendous fraud, and you’re going to see it…. We have a very interesting period of time, it’s going to be an incredible six weeks, and you’re going to see a lot of action. That I can tell you. You’re going to see a lot of action. We’ve had a great four years and one way or another we are going to have a great four years because this next four years is gonna be very very exciting. We won’t talk about beyond that, but I really think we are going to be victorious. We have tremendous things happening.
We’ve caught people doing things that you’re not allowed to do – totally illegal – totally illegal. And what we need is a judge or justice with courage, with what it takes, with wisdom, we need someone with wisdom to set it right, because people know, they just did a poll where 79% of the people think something very fishy went on, and you can’t have a system like that. When people think that you can’t have a system like that. And we won’t allow it.
So WATCH. You are special friends, have a great time. Enjoy yourself. We are going to have six incredible weeks, WATCH this six weeks, a lot of big things are gonna happen.
This quote comes from a gab post
There is a video of a casual speech his gives at a gathering and the quote above is in the video.
The audio on this link is a lot better than one above:
Not sure what is happening to the one above but I get the sound of siren over the top of Trump.
He is clear there is a lot to come.
Thanks for the improved link Rick. I’m not used to using Gab.
A bit of Monty Python to liven things up. Yes things are dire. But have a laugh when you may.
I Like Chinese:
Well, that was different!
Loved it! Very clever, but maybe a bit close to the truth!
IT’S HAPPENING: President Trump Issues Warning – Swing States that Found MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, which is all of them, CANNOT LEGALLY CERTIFY these votes
Donald J. Trump
Swing States that have found massive VOTER FRAUD, which is all of them, CANNOT LEGALLY CERTIFY these votes as complete & correct without committing a severely punishable crime.
great that you include the caps. KUTGW
Some people really need them.
Yes, ‘OldOzzie’, I’ve been following this 2020 election story for several weeks now and it seems President Trump has been laying down the necessary legal groundwork for all of it since at least 2016, if not earlier.
Judging by various things he’s said and done over the last 4 years – particularly the very specific wording of the September 2018 Executive Order – Trump’s pointed reference to the illegality of certifying elections still subject to protest isn’t likely to be idle chat. The warning almost certainly carries legal weight in the context of that earlier Executive Order, which established a still-extant nationwide state of emergency.
The various state officials (useful idiots) certifying clearly fraudulent ballot counts, while studiously ignoring the irrefutable evidence of fraud presented to them, are playing a very dangerous game. If Harris takes the White House (Biden, of course, being just the mule), all those state officials will be rewarded for their cooperation in ‘the steal’, as will all the complicit judges, house members, and senators.
But let’s suppose Trump isn’t quite as stupid as so many globalist/socialists think he looks.
Let’s suppose he retains the presidency.
Let’s suppose he enacts all the provisions of the 2018 Executive Order, and possibly invokes the Insurrection Act as well.
In this case, as pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood is fond of saying, “all lies will be revealed”, which will be very bad news for all the soft-coup collaborators. And that’s because the actions of American citizens before, during, and after the 2020 election, if shown to be against the Constitution of the United States, in particular under the far-reaching terms of the 2018 Presidential Executive Order, will be adjudged treasonous.
And treason is still a capital offence in the U.S.A.
And, strangely enough, the federal rules surrounding the methods of execution for treason are rumoured to have been recently broadened to allow hanging, firing squad, electrocution, and the gas chamber. Just a coincidence though … I suppose.
President Trump Quietly Issued Another Executive Order – This One Concerning the Military
What went unnoticed on Saturday is that Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe joined President Trump today at the Army – Navy football game.
So the CCP is so scary that it will take over the US, just by existing?
Oh and by the way to join the CCP you have to be chinese first – westerners not of chinese heritage need not apply
There are some 92 million members of the CCP. The numbers wanting to join are massive. Only one in ten get the nod.
The list that’s been released and that we’re discussing here is just the Shanghai list. It has some 1.95 million members.
If so many of those on the Shanghai list have infiltrated western institutions, think about the numbers on all the other CCP lists in China that haven’t been leaked, that have also infiltrated western institutions.
Shanghai is merely the tip of an iceberg.
There are 232,000,000 registered party voters in the US – and your point is?
You are dense to a point of imbecility.
Or a running dog.
and you are a poo poo head
Oh my goodness, do grow up.
That’s racist.
Don’t tell Daniel Andrews, his obsequiousness to the CCP bespeaks a fellow with his heart set on ascending all the way to the Politburo.
Sounds like the comment you’d expect of a CCP running dog.
Are you?
of course I am, Comrade, and I enjoyed your presentation at the last meeting.
Was it just the personal relationship with Trump that got John Ratcliffe invited to the Army-Navy football match or a verbal report on the election fraud due for formal reporting this Friday away from prying eyes?
Appears to be some groundwork being done on Chine spying; something the US media appears unwilling to look into right now.
Maybe Trump felt Ratcliffe needed reassurance that there was a lot of support for the right side of politics. Particularly with those who can make a difference when push comes to shove.
The CIA is being cut off:
Will we see the Trump card on Friday 18th?
Perhaps or perhaps not. Let’s just wait and see. So far it appears Trump will do whatever it takes to restore the Constitution. I could be wrong but I believe he will do whatever it takes but there is still the small possibility he will chicken out in the end and throw the towel into the ring. We simply can’t know for sure what he will do so let’s be patient. He has over a month to act (or not act as the case may be). I need to get some more pop corn again….
ARTHUR CHRENKOFF: Gone in 60 Weeks. “The mission is now accomplished and Joe is not strictly speaking necessary any more, though it would be a tad unseemly to remove him too soon.
UPDATE: Jim Bennett emails: “My theory is, Kamela will want Joe to stay for two years and a day, so she will be eligible for that second full term in 2028. She wants the 10-year presidency, second only to FDR. And after all, Joe’s just window dressing. No harm in keeping him around longer. Also, blame him, not her, for the red tide of the 2022 elections.”
With U.S. Senate Runoffs Near, Georgia’s Not Prosecuting Its Unprecedented Number of Double Voters
By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
December 13, 2020
More than 1,700 Georgians were singled out for illegally casting two ballots in 2020 elections — including last month’s hotly contested presidential race — but their fraudulent votes weren’t canceled out, according to state election officials. And so far, none of the cheaters has been prosecuted, raising concerns about continued fraud as Georgia prepares to vote again in twin U.S. Senate runoff elections next month.
The majority of double voters were Democrats who cast an absentee ballot either by mail or drop box and also voted in person on Election Day, officials said, which is a felony under state law.
The highest share of offenders were from Fulton County, which includes Atlanta — many of whom were allowed to cast a second ballot by poll workers, officials said.
Hundreds of workers assigned to county poll sites were recruited and trained by the Democrat-run Georgia chapter of the ACLU and a minority-owned temp agency run by Democrat donors, according to documents obtained by RealClearInvestigations. Most of them were young and inexperienced.
The Senate run-off election in Georgia is due to take place on the 5th of January.
If Trump’s attempt to reverse the 2020 election scam is successful, it’ll be partially because the massive voter fraud has become widely recognised and condemned. In that case, the run-off in Georgia will, this time, be conducted under strictly legal and constitutionally correct conditions. So, no problem.
But if Trump’s attempt to correct the presidential election debacle fails, then the same fraudulent methods will be employed again in Georgia and the Democrat candidates will automatically win. The Dominion machines and the partisan vote counters will make sure of it. They simply can’t lose!
But if that’s the state of play a week into January, then America will no longer be a constitutional republic anyway and the rest of the argument will therefore be moot.
I predict that within a year of a Biden/Harris victory, democracy, personal property, and human rights all over the world will become a rapidly fading memory as the fake ‘climate crisis’, the fake ‘pandemic’, or whatever new scare campaign they can think of, will lead straight into socialism’s “Great Re-set”.
Centralised, unrepresentative, global government will have arrived.
But at least voting in elections will be one less thing for us to worry about.
“Dominion is owned by communist China, which also runs the tech giants, the left-wing media and most of the Democrats in Congress
““Dominion’s Parent Company Arranges $400 Million Placement 1 Month Before Election: SEC Filing” – The Epoch Times:
“A filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) shows that UBS Securities LLC arranged a private placement of $400 million with Staple Street Capital III, L.P. on October 8, 2020.
“Staple Street Capital, a private equity firm located in New York, purchased Dominion Voting systems on July 17, 2018, for an undisclosed amount.
“The securities firm that arranged the transaction, UBS Securities LLC, is a division of UBS Americas Inc, which ultimately falls under UBS Group AG, a company listed on the SIX Swiss stock exchange.
“Three of four board members of UBS Securities LLC are Chinese according to Bloomberg, at least one of whom appears to reside in Hong Kong.
“One of them is Ye Xiang, a Chinese national who also served as a board member of the Beijing-based UBS subsidiary.
That bloody ANZ Bank. They’re always on the woke and left list.
Jo asks:
That’s just the number that were on the list currently under discussion. That is the Shanghai list only. It contains the names of the CCP members who are on the Shanghai list.
There are some 92 million members of the CCP. The numbers wanting to join are massive. Only one in ten get the nod.
If the Shanghai list has so many members who have infiltrated western institutions, think about the numbers on all the other lists that haven’t been leaked, that have also infiltrated western institutions.
Shanghai is merely the tip of an iceberg.
This particular fraud involves the “Obama Motor Voters”.
See link for rest.
If and when the time comes I can see American patriots signing this type of song as they march against the tyrannical left as they gain more control:
I have an idea. Given the Democrats pushed the line that Russia helped Trump win the 2016 election how about Trump ask Russia for assistance to fight a war against both China and the Democrats? Then Russia can take over China and the US takes back their own country. LOL.
Actually India can have a slice of China too since they hate each other. Japan can have HK.
If any country were to have HK, it should be Taiwan.
I know it was last century but Nanking is still a massive sore point
Russia helped the US during the war of independence, Putin has refused to acknowledge Biden’s win, Russia currently has the entire black sea fleet sitting off the coast of UK, could history repeat itself?
I have no idea but it would be nice if those two large Christian nations would combine forces and take down the CCP.
The Channel must be cramped.
It’s a big channel
It’s a small channel when you consider the amount of shipping in it. Only 20 miles between Dover and Calais.
Wow crack, we really are right into the big boys toys stage of WWIII then?
Can Trump somehow create a circuit breaker and stop the Election process until the evidence of Election fraud is heard?
This is becoming spectacular theatre despite the clear rockiness in the outlook.
The guidance from Alito was a masterstroke, the bullies may have won “this round”, but POTUS now knows the path for his next approach. Simply finesse.
Sharri having the opportunity to drop the truth bomb on the chincoms thankyou for highlighting in the lamestream that the virus was a chimera, is the sweetest irony.
Watching the patriots singing, filling DC as marine one flew overhead and the standing ovation at the football brought tears to my eyes.
Allegations of Cuomo being a perp, direct links of Xiden to the CEFC in documented evidence…and “I had nothing to do with it”, on National TV. Ouch.
Would it surprise us if MILINT analysis of the WuFul Vax showed it laced with malicious payloads and it takes Fauci, Gates and Big Pharma down with crimes against humanity?
If you are that desperate and lemming like that you would take the putrid thing then it is Darwin Award territory anyway.
The slime ball in front of the WHO sounds like is in a bit of bother too from old acts of fascistic slaughter in Ethiopia.
It’s all happening folks and we have been told for a few years that the military was always going to be required, the degree of which perhaps is entropy.
From hints dropped the 10 days may no be isolated to the CONUS.
It all reminds me of this great Sun Tzu quote:
“He who relies solely on warlike measures shall be exterminated; he who relies solely on peaceful measures shall perish.”
We are truly living through a momentous slice in time, stay safe.
Great summary as always Jo.
Outstanding interview with Sidney Powell.
On free speech video platform NewTube.
I think this video is banned on YouTube because Leftists can’t tolerate alternate opinions.
Epoch Times Exclusive: Sidney Powell by Wild_Kraken
cross posted
Facebook Has Dozens of Ex-Obama and Ex-Hillary Staffers in Senior Positions
See link for full article.
IMHO the best and most lucid summary of what has taken place in the U.S elections and subsequent efforts to reverse and rectify the obvious frauds associated with the decisions to use various voting machines.
Exclusive: Sidney Powell on 2020 Election Lawsuits, Supreme Court….
No surprise to observe that the heading “COMBATING THE CLIMATE CRISIS AND PURSUING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE” launches the farrago.
But for real stupefacience the section “BUILDING A STRONGER, FAIRER ECONOMY” is the nonpareil given that Trump spent four years doing precisely that.
Roll on inauguration day.
The David Maddison comment to which this was a reply has vanished!
I was referring to headings in the document to which he had linked at
Maybe the preceding makes a trifle more sense now.
I found the comment at; my reply has been kicked over to a different thread –little wonder I began to feel confused…
Note to self: Add all but two Supreme Court justices to cull list for when civil war starts.
You think I’m kidding? The tree of liberty must, at times, be watered with the blood of tyrants… and those who are so cowardly that they enable tyranny. The Supreme Court has, in their refusal to take up the one court case which is and has been within their purview from the Supreme Court’s inception, certainly demonstrated that they deserve inclusion on that list.
The cowardly Supreme Court justices are worried about rioting? They’ve disfranchised half the populace and given the green light to this sort of election fraud becoming rampant in the future, in the process destroying our representative republic and turning American into a third-world banana republic… they should be more worried about how long they’ll live when the patriots start cleaning house.
Aloha! To take a name of a famous Aussie rock band … AC/DC … Joe Biden swings both ways with the CCP! If Joe was a member of the CCP, which there is no evidence he isn’t, he’d be hailed as a hero for helping to take down the evil American Empire! Yet then he’d be disappeared and executed for making billions and not giving Xi his cut! Whether the Democrat Party in America or the CCP they’re both The Mafia and in America the FBI and CIA are Democrat Party Capos(il capodecima)! One thing Trump did was to bring into the open the enemies of We The People and they are many! Many more than any of us before Trump came to office ever realized! Deep is now a major understatement!
you allow for almost infinite possibilities here.
no evidence he isn’t a triceratops that had plastic surgery. No evidence that Donald Trump isn’t a member of the CCP and the KKK
“you allow for almost infinite possibilities here.”
So you have evidence he is then?
You allow for limited possibilities! Come to think of it as a former resident of Venezuela I think Biden more resembles Maduro. None of us in Venezuela ever believed there was a fair election in Caracas either. So there are no elections by popular vote in China so yep, Biden is a Maduro since there are still a few voters left in Venezuela who believe in military juntas! That was unfair of me to say Biden is in the CCP since China pretty much tells its disenfranchised citizen-slaves … 你他妈的去死吧
Yo creo que Biden soy un Maduro porque el soy un mas bastante, mas feo criminal. Como se dice … ah … Maduro Jr! Todo soy lideres corruptos! Por ahora digo mahalo nui loa …
KKK: “Serving your racial needs”. Hey Gee Aye, you belong to this trash group…just admit it, you are a racist