Rudy Guiliani goes through the smoking gun evidence of crimes in Georgia. Bt the most important five minutes is the last where he serves up a scathing but inspiring message to the Republican state governors and representatives. Yesterday the Pennsylvania representatives caved in and indicated they would not overturn the crooked election results. Later, after being called “cowards and traitors” by Trump, 60 of them put together a plea to Congress to fix things. They know what they should have done.
““For these reasons,” they wrote to the state’s congressional delegation, “We the undersigned members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly urge you to object … to the Electoral College votes received from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.””
It is the duty of the State legislators to get the election results right. They can do it at any time. So hopefully this is just part of the process in psyching themselves up to do the right thing.
Trumps team have put in 700 Affidavits so far.
“They’ve debunked the theory…”
Rudy Guiliani names and explains the layout of the room. What seems most surprising to an Australian (me) is that the observers are supposed to stay at a table on the far end of the room. I’ve been a poll worker in Australia counting votes, and when I did it, the scrutineers were looking right over our shoulders. They could see everything.
Highlights of Guiliani:
There are five counting machines and they count 3,000 ballots per hour which is 30,000 potential votes in a state that was won by 10,000 votes.
I know how you fix crime, you put the criminals in jail.
As well, another 96,000 ballots have no return record — they don’t match up with the records of the ballots requested and sent out. These should be discarded. Take 30,000 and 96,000 votes away from the Democrats and Trump is ahead by 120,000 — like he was on election night.
There’s a Pullitzer prize for the media. Where are they? In the tank with the Democrats.
On Republican state legislators: The Democrats steal with impunity and the Republican are too scared to do their duty. They’re afraid of what the Washington Post, or NBC, ABC is going to say.
“We don’t fix it for next time, next time it gets worse.”
The state legislators can be the sole regulators of elections. The State can take back the power if there are indications of fraud. Guiliani exclaims “We don’t have indications, we have overwhelming evidence!
“I don’t expect us to be dishonest, just courageous.”
Professor Eastman sums up the constitutional situation.
1. Does the legislature have the power to take evidence and produce a finding of fraud. Yes.
2. Can the legislature call itself into session: Of course.
3. Can the remedy be awarding the electoral votes to the aggrieved party. Yes it can.
“It’s time for patriots to stand up. How do you want to live your life. As a patriot American, or as a snivelling little coward.”
For those of us fed up with corruption and cheats — there’s still a lot we can do, some of it even from overseas. We can send messages to state representatives (the whole world cares about the US democracy). Everyone can hassle the newspapers, mock the journalists, or send friendly messages to any friends and family you can get away with. Just saying “here’s something you might not know…”. It’s an effort, but in an information war, every bit helps. We have to get around the media, and when people find out what’s being hidden, they will be shocked.
Red-handed and caught in the act,
Hidden ballots on camera, a fact,
Is how they were able,
From under a table,
This election to be hijacked.
— Ruairi
“It’s time for patriots to stand up. How do you want to live your life. As a patriot American, or as a snivelling little coward.”
hmm … It is interesting to be faced with this in real life.
Weirdly, I have studied small scale conflict for a living most of my life.
Joe Biden has provided an insight to the danger in this situation.
“why don’t we when train cops to shoot people in the legs”
or “just ratchet the shotgun and they’ll run away”.
Demonstrating a laughable ignorance about violence that in my view is class based.
The Left thinks it’s about posturing.
Like the movies.
The Left believes humanity can evolve beyond violence with ‘violence interrupters’ replacing cops.
Many on the Right, often from direct experience, understand the true meaning of Samurai-isms like
“if the blade is drawn it must kill” … of course meaning when the terminal point has been reached.
I hope the sheltered, spoiled ignorance of the Left does not create necessity.
Hmmm, Aye, funny world – ONLY it isn’t hilarious. I am “watching” the Magnificent 7. Long time since I last saw it and do not recall ever seeing the beginning. I couldn’t but help seeing our Society being portrayed there – trying to make an honest clean living and being plundered regularly by the Bandidos …. you know what I mean. and then here and now, reading your comments. Yes. Whereas I was too busy working / studying for a Living with little time to look over my shoulder ( why/ what for, should I have done ? ), Others took to reading / writing daft books or watching similar films: Seems like THEY are now trying to re-enact those events TODAY, who is Chico? Anyone care to tell us who of the 7 represents someone in our Society today?
Ah Yes, reckon I can see Steve McQueen quietly in the background shaking a shotgun cartridge, listening as if checking the load.
Who in America is sitting quietly checking the load in his shotgun cartridge (evidence of fraud) before slipping it into the breech (court system).
Hopefully more than one person/brief.
Magnificent Seven inspired of course by the Seven Samurai (Kurosawa).
There’s lot’s of Toshiro Mifunes and Steve McQueens around.
Trained by their own government.
Hardened by Deep State adventures
De Oppresso Liber.
Seems to me there are more Robert Vaughns..
We’re having a hard enough time just finding ammo these days. Even 0.22 is hard to find. If you find it, buy it.
Here is the Magnificent Seven theme … In all its magnificence.
Yul Brynner
Don’t smoke.
Has an evidentiary hearing been scheduled in Georgia? There is so much going on it is hard to follow.
This whole post election fraud coverage has been a campaign of conflicting news. However, I would say the Trump camp has been more consistent in their claims of fraud. The MSM change their story every day with claims that “All Trump’s cases have folded”, then sheepishly admitting recounts have been ordered and declarations of winners have been postponed. By January 21 next year we should have an official winner but either way, many Americans will have doubts.
You’re not following the beeb then? I’m trying to get AWAY from it all -not just the bbc but our ITV isn’t much better. Whether you watch or Listen and then Commercial radio has those annoying Corona adverts …. or it’s about funeral plans & cremation. What is the world coming to? Those who doubt are intrinsically deaf. blind you can be told. ….
David, The Epoch Times has the best news summary if you want to follow the state by state election news court events etc
It’s a democrat site I believe but the state pages just have links to all the cases, there’s no editorialising.
This vision no doubts absolutely proves ( and would do so in a court of law) that.
Fraud has been committed
It is of a magnitude to have changed the result of the election.
It also is clear that there is other states that have had similar late night closing of vote counting followed by mysterious unobserved early morning vote counting of a magnitude to affect the vote and the result in those states as well. Wisconsin, Michigan,and Pennsylvania had similar mysterious occurrences that if CCTV had been available would’ve looked like the scene from Georgia.
The fact that the Democrats can think that they can still claim “ nothing to see here” shows how protected they have become by the MSM and the social network.
There appears to be some undertone of fear on the part of those who should be doing something about it.
For example: The mayors appeasing the protestors/rioters. The police kneeling before an angry crowd of Antifa. The complete fear of anything Islam.
They are cowards, and because of it, the angry mob gains confidence and takes control.
Give and inch, take a mile. This is it in a nutshell.
Another culling of the names of those eligible to vote in georgia? More people getting eliminated from the voting process, just because they voted for the other person? Soon, every voted will have to be a registered republican. And american Republicans prove to be sheeple. After all, some injected the bleach.
What don’t you understand about the concept of a return record for a postal vote?
You must be drinking the cool-aid the idiot talking heads on the left push to try and convince you that election fraud remedies somehow disenfranchise Democratic voters. What you need to understand is that there’s a big difference between disenfranchising a voter and cancelling illegal votes which disenfranchised all voters, Republicans and Democrats alike.
If these ballots were legit there would no need to pull them from under the table after observers had gone home. They could have processed with other legit ballots.
Very important post!!
The legislatures have the power
Literally, the plenary power required to decide, absolutely and unilaterally, which presidential electors are appointed. The Supreme Court doesn’t have it. The voters, legitimate and fraudulent, don’t have it. Only the state legislatures do, no matter what the Fake News and the fraud-defending lawyers try to tell you. From The Tree of Woe, Alexander Macris explains the legal and historical truth of the matter:
[There’s a hotlink that doesn’t come it is]
What does “plenary power” mean? Plenary power is the most powerful authority that the Constitution grants to any branch of government.
According to Wikipedia, plenary power is “a complete and absolute power to take action on a particular issue, with no limitations. In U.S. Constitutional law, a plenary power is a power that has been granted to a body or person in absolute terms, with no review of or limitations upon the exercise of that power. The assignment of a plenary power to one body divests all other bodies from the right to exercise that power, where not otherwise entitled. Plenary powers are not subject to judicial review in a particular instance or in general.”
So, to summarize:
* The US Constitution grants the power to direct the manner by which presidential electors are appointed to the state legislature.
* This grant of power is plenary, e.g. complete and absolute. The state legislature’s clearly expressed intent must always prevail.
* The grant of power is exclusive to the state legislature. The state courts cannot overturn the state legislature on these matters.
Based on the above, there is no question whatsoever that the state legislature can appoint the presidential electors if it wants to. And, historically, state legislatures have done so dozens of times – in fact, 7% of all presidential electors in US history have been directly appointed!
The state legislatures have the duty and responsibility to take matters into their own hands and address this unprecedented assault on the electoral system and the U.S. Constitution.
Please, RTWT
And to trolls and half-wits, don’t comment if you don’t watch the ENTIRE vid by Rudy and then read this ENTIRE post PLUS the second link I’ve provided.
THEN we can talk about your objections. And they better be RATIONAL.
Should’ve made clear; this is despite what any governor or election board or Sec of State has said or ruled, the legislature can call themselves back in session or the governor certainly can, to do the above.
Nonetheless, if push comes to shove, this can and should be done.
That plenary power they have is nothing to be sniffed at.
And any governor that doesn’t like it can go pound sand.
Fuel, who exercises the plenary power? If its those aligned with the establishment than they msy choose not to exercise those powers.
Sadly, all too many people who purport to “know” that Biden has won will not bother to attempt to check the actual cases and watch the full video of the testimonies and the case statements.
Case in point was at a gathering tonight where someone I know who is a CAGW sceptic and generally conservative just cannot get past “Orange man bad” to check the facts. They stated how they had checked things and couldn’t see anything in the Trump cases that could affect the presidential election result but when I pressed for details, they admitted only seeing the MSM reports. They had no clue about the issues like section 77 of the Pennsylvania electoral code vs the US Constitution and no idea of the content of Guiliani’s statements – only the footage of his hair dye bleeding with his sweat in what passed as coverage by our TV networks.
That is a damn shame.
To see the light on the GlowBull Worm-Must BS but not be able to get over his TDS seems to me a contradiction.
But, on the brighter side, it does show that there is a glimmer of hope. At least he still has some rational bones left in his body.
Advice? Keep hitting him with smaller statements of facts from other jurisdictions, like the films in Georgia that Jo posted yesterday. Things like that and stay away from things closer to home.
Oh, and start reading Vox at least 2X/day. That’ll keep you up to speed.
This person was a CAGW sceptic before I was.
I was a mild warmist, too lazy to take much attention to the whole debate, until Al Gore released “An Inconvenient Truth”. At that point the warning lights flashed as I couldn’t believe Al Gore could be so right about ANYTHING which led me to take the red pill of discovery.
Sadly, this person, after listening to me
1) explain the Pennsylvania electoral act 77 constitutional violation
2) discuss the lack of verification of mail in votes in the Georgia recount
3) and the disparity in Republican senate vs Trump votes in the swing states only
and state that they knew nothing about these issues (let alone the others) still couldn’t bring themselves to consider Trump having a chance even if there was something to these issues. They kept putting it on the polarizing nature of Trump bringing out the masses to vote against him.
When I then brought up the counts being stopped with observers and media sent home, yet the count suddenly restarted in the early morning, it was dismissed as debunked hearsay and the affadivits were dismissed as being made by discredited rednecks.
Quite sad when a normally intelligent person cannot get past their bias (which was openly admitted when I brought up “Orange man bad”) to even consider the evidence that is available. Only a victory by Trump can persuade people like this that the US election was massively frawdulent (as opposed to “Oh, they always have fraud in their elections but not enough to affect the outcome). Sadly, our media has poisoned the populace to the extent that there are many with this mindset.
Mindsets, it’s amazing how the human mind can be channeled according to the environment.
A very interesting book on this described in incredible effect observed in relation to alliances taken during the French revolution.
Analitik – You describe otherwise-intelligent people I know. It is impossible to discuss the subject with them. They laugh at the idea that Donald Trump is entitled to his day in court, even though Al Gore had his day in court in 2000. If Donald Trump does not prevail via the legal system, then the media (non-)reporting ensures that these people will totally believe that no suggestion of fraud ever existed outside Donald Trump’s imagination. We live in a sad and increasingly disfunctional and dangerous world.
Point 3 is the lethal blow against those who maintain “nothing to see here”.
About postal voting, for privacy, and for counting purposes, your vote and the envelope are separated. That means kept in separate piles. After the first check, there is no.way to verify one against another. No, the question is, what do you consider, when discounting a ballot? Pick one at random? To throw out? The person voted with all intention of having their vote count, you wish to disenfranchise their right just because they have a different opinion then you do? Illogical in a representative democracy. The representatives have to know your opinion.
That’s why I advocate a none of the above options, I don’t want to settle for yes or no, when there is another more logical option. Or, neither candidate meets my requirements.
“The person voted with all intention of having their vote count”
Do you mean the dead person or the person who lives in a post office box or the one that lives in another state or the one of 500 votes with very similar scribbles as signitures or just the Democrat scum that stole or made up the ballot.
You may be right it could be a real vote for either canditate. You can’t have 1.4 million ballots sent out and 2.5 million counted, that my friend is FRAUD.
True. That is why they had all the mail in votes separated from the in person votes in Pennsylvania, so the lot could be discarded as tainted if the evidence of frawd was strong enough. While “unfair” to those who mailed in votes in good faith, including them all is “unfair” to the much larger number who validated their identity and then voted in person
Completely O/T…
4 days ago, the Epoch Times posted on BlewToob a great interview with Amanda Milius, the director and producer and driving force of a wonderful movie called “The Plot Against the President” that chronicles the 4+ years the Deep State/Swamp tried to take Donald J. Trump out, first as a candidate against Hitlery Clinton and then as President.
If you have Amazon Prime you can rent it for $3.99 (US$, at least here) and there are other sites that also have it. I’ve “bought” it (means I can see it whenever I want to) for $14.99. It is VERY Interesting and fast-paced. If you’re not quite familiar with US politics and somewhat familiar with the Intel Community (IC) you may get a bit lost, but it’s still well worth it.
Anyway, I’m set to watch the interview now. If she reveals a way to get the movie on DVD I’ll pass that along.
(The Epoch Times is a GREAT channel with which to subscribe, BTW.)
good wrap up of the election-
Fox News looks like it is the first legal media to be moving in Trump’s direction.
Biden will need to be in jail before their ABC in Australia accepts that Trump won.
Fox News has been part of the blackout during this U.S. election where evidence of lawlessness is rampant in the Dem counting centers. Black, brown, Asian, male and female Republican Poll Watchers are testifying across multiple states under threat of perjury, because they have filed affidavits to not being allowed to check signatures of mail in ballots, watch duplication of ballots, or check vote counts of the Dominion machines when see ballots run through multiple times. And, now in Ga. the shown counting of hidden ballots with the room cleared of Poll Watchers and Media. This is just the tip of the iceberg as you know.
Most telling is testimony of Dominion machines hooked to the internet, ACLU workers in the room with Dominion machines using laptops on the internet checking voter database names in lieu of City Clerks doing their jobs. A Poll Worker even testified her electronic poll book was wrong for the district, so Dominion took control from online and switched it to the correct District, and also changed the tabulator to count the corrected ballots. Latest is video of USB drives sneakily being handed off by Dem Poll Workers in the same room with Dominion machines. Yet the MSM says the machines were secured by air gaps, and Fox News is going along with it in line with the MSM and progressive gusts on their programs shilling that everything is fine, Biden won. . Even Tucker Carlson has been staying away from these stories early on. The Ga. video was just too big to hide, so they were forced to cover it. But still, most of Fox’s news anchors have smirks on their faces and much doubt when fraud is mentioned, or now shown, because they just don’t care to know what the hell the is going on. They are purposely not looking.
Glad I have OAN available or fellow citizen testimony would have been a total blackout. Fox News is a sellout, and they chose sides with the establishment to run interference against Patriots trying to stop the lawlessness associated with this election. Scary times, because when Fox News sells out, that tells you how deep this goes to get rid of Trump and bring in a Globalist Administration.
Red-handed and caught in the act,
Hidden ballots on camera, a fact,
Is how they were able,
From under a table,
This election to be hijacked.
My brother told me that in Las Vegas he requested no ballots but was sent four. All his neighbors the same. He just binned em. But how many others were sent in and counted? How many voters voted four or five times?
He also told me he was harassed by poll workers because he was registered as a Republican when he went to really cast his ballot.
My understanding is that in PA the legislator’s terms have expired, so there may be no legislature to call itself back into session. An odd problem indeed, as there should always be a legislature.
Well there should at least be an Executive Government.
In our system the legislature can be sacked by the Regal of Vice Regal power. That happened in 1977 when the Governor General (Sir John Kerr), sacked the Whitlam Labor Government and called an election. In the interim period there was no parliament. The opposition leader was appointed as the interim Prime Minister. In Australia the Prime Minister is the Chief Executive Officer.
The arguments have still not settled after more than 40 years but the action was legal and necessary.
The executive will be the State Governor
Vote Fraud by Software , Ware County GA.
100 pre defined votes for Biden and 100 pre defined votes for Trump “counted” by Dominion Tabulator.
Result: 118 Biden, 82 Trump. 18% vote shift to Biden. vote spread went from Zero to 36 votes out of 200 total votes.
Now, what do you think happened in all the other 158 GA counties? Enough to swing an election?
First things first.
Brian Kemp is the Governor of Georgia.
Harrison Deal is Brian Kemp’s daughter’s boyfriend.
OK. Now that’s said, here’s the story:
That’s no an accident
It’s not even a hacked car, given the description.
[link from above right here^]
#HarrisonDeal car exploded (witnesses heard the explosion over a mile away). Vehicle left as molten metal, engine block ejected 50-60 yards away. That’s not an accident. That’s a car bomb disguised as an accident.
– Land of the Free
“Neither gasoline nor diesel explode in a manner resembling movie effects. They ignite and they burn, to be sure, but they don’t explode. So whatever made the Deal car explode so violently, it wasn’t anything that one would normally find in a civilian automobile or truck.
However, I doubt the engine block could have been ejected that far and I haven’t seen that in any of the eyewitness accounts.”
A warning to Gov. Kemp?
“Nice daughter you have there. Shame if anything would happen to her…”
(left unsaid…”don’t mess with accurate recounts…”
“about that Chinese money we know about…”)
As always, RTWT…
If you choose to comment in the negative you had better read BOTHl carefully..
Cars dont just explode by themeselves…too many fuel safety systems.
Its appears to be a message to Kemp.
Seems the Deep State is panicking.
When you carry out what appears to be a very public hit like this, its Dealy Plaza all over again….
Except for Teslas
Maybe this is the *exact* reason that a recount should take place – to make sure the thugs who set this up cant intimidate people.
If you think about it, if someone organizes an explosive hit on someone related to recounts in broad daylight, its an act of desperation.
This is what the true face of the deep state…… Evil….
When Australia refused to go into Iraq, the Sari Club in Bali ( a known Australian hang out ) got hit with what appeared to be a low yield tactical nuke ( a Davey Crocket equiv likely ). A military doctor reported loss of power moments before the blast, which is the signature of an EMP.
Sorry but the residual radiation (fallout) would be obvious in the investigation – the cleanest nucs are the multi-megaton fusion ones, not low yield pure fisson devices.
Low yield nukes dont produce much radiation, which is why its hard to detect.
A SADM will use a hugh efficiency plutonium core and produce maybe 10-50 curies of fallout which will dissipate quickly.
The shock wave tore skin off people, pulverised concrete pillars and knocked out power briefly before the main shockwave which is likely an EMP. And when you look at a photo of the cloud after detonation its a classic SADM shape.
The damage caused is interesting too…you would need tonnes of C4 or equiv to generate such a blast, something you cant fit in a small van.
Your high efficiency, low yield SADM doesn’t exist . – a high efficiency fission explosion requires boosting of the pit which increases yield so you can have one or the other but not both.
But even then,there are still significant amounts of fallout produced as the radiation from the fissioning will irradiate surrounding materials.
Fraudulent votes recounted are still fraudulent votes. Most Dem cities have separated the mail in ballot envelopes with signatures from the ballots and mixed them in with all other ballots cast on Election Day. Supreme Court Justice Alito did order the Pennsylvania mail ballots to be separated from the other ballots before Election Day, but I’m sure there will be much human error in not doing so.
What is needed is a Forensic Analysis of the ballots and Dominion Machines. Experts can tell if different ink was used on the same ballot, or the same ink on the same 100 ballots, the difference in the quality of paper if completed ballots preprinted and came from New York to Pennsylvania as alleged. Machine forensics can also be completed, and in Michigan I think a Judge just ordered this on 20 machines.
Sone recounts have been completed to verify a Biden win, so it will take Forensics ordered by the courts to allow experts to look at the ballots and Dominion machines in multiple states. With the media blackout of evidence and Dem Judges holding most Dem state court majorities, this has been hard to come by.
In reply to:
“100 pre defined votes for Biden and 100 pre defined votes for Trump “counted” by Dominion Tabulator.
Result: 118 Biden, 82 Trump. 18% vote shift to Biden. vote spread went from Zero to 36 votes out of 200 total votes.”
You are missing the logical issue of finding even one Dominion Vote Tabulator that shifts 18% of the tabulated vote from Trump to Biden.
Computer and sensor ‘failures’ programming ‘errors’, in an electronic device that shift 18% of the ballots from Trump to Biden are impossible. The finding of a single evil Dominion Vote Tabulator; should have brought immediate high level, high profile, lots of agents, big well funded investigation(s), involvement of the FBI/CIA; as that is foreign direct interference into the US election….
That is evidence of a conspiracy using programing and programmers to directly interfere/change the US 2020 election results. That takes money and it involves Dominion.
A High tech criminal interference into the US election that is organized and that the FBI/CIA do not respond to…. (The FBI physically removed evidence from one whistleblower and then threaten the whistleblower. Just like the FBI’s response when they got Hunter Biden’s computer. Ignore and hide the evidence and then the Left threatened and forced the owner out of business.)
I see evidence of violence, in the US, which the Democratic party is promoting and election cheating that involves programmers and a foreign company and FBI/CIA involvement, as a line that has been crossed. I do not trust the Democratic Party. I do not trust the Chinese Party.
A ‘party’ loses its soul becomes evil when it does evil things. Evil parties are led by puppets. And Biden looks like a puppet. This stinks in a different way. Different red flags.
In other countries (Canada, Australia, UK, and so on) promoting violence to shutdown whistleblowers who had hard evidence of a massive election interference, would result in massive firings in the corrupt government institutions and almost certainly criminal charges.
Is that statement correct?
“You are missing the logical issue of finding even one Dominion Vote Tabulator that shifts 18% of the tabulated vote from Trump to Biden. ”
Um. This test was run on an Impounded Dominion Vote Tabulator in Ware County Ga.
An Actual tabulator used in the 3 Nov election. It was impounded for forensic analysis.
That same exact Dominion Tabulator was the Tabulator that showed an 18% vote shift. It was not a theoretical exercise.
It was an actual test of an actual Dominion Vote Tabulator actually used in an actual election.
Am I missing something?
Everyone seems to be missing some salient facts:
President Trump declared a National Emergency and issued E.O. 13848 on 12 Sep 2018 having jurisdiction on election fraud and the consequences thereof. Including prosecution for Felony and up to Treason, asset seizure and forfeiture, etc.
On 20 Sep 2018, he issued E.O. 13849, empowering the US Treasury and State Dept to impose sanctions on Banking, credit, assets, import, etc, including forfeiture, seizure, arrest, prosecution.
He set a trap 2 years ago. That trap is slamming shut as we speak.
He recently consolidated all US Special Forces under single command. None of them answer to the Pentagon. All of them answer to the Sec. of Defense and he answers to the President. We remain under the National Emergency declared in 2018. Those forces can be deployed instantly by Presidential Direction without conference with anyone. Let that sink in.
Things are going to “hot up”, and that, right quick. Be patient. It isn’t over until Noon on 20 Jan 2021.
This will be an interesting few days or weeks. Interesting doesn’t begin to describe things.
William, have a read:
E.O. 13848 12 Sept 2018
E.O. 13849 20 Sept 2018
Hi Lance, you write “He recently consolidated all US Special Forces under single command. None of them answer to the Pentagon. All of them answer to the Sec. of Defense and he answers to the President. We remain under the National Emergency declared in 2018. Those forces can be deployed instantly by Presidential Direction without conference with anyone. Let that sink in.”
Do you have any links to back that statement up.
I would like to explore this further.
SecDef Esper fired/replaced, SecDef Chris Miller takes his place.
Special operations forces restructured and now report directly to Acting SecDef Chris Miller.
Thanks, Lance.
E.O 13848 & National Emergency Declaration
“On September 12, 2018, by Executive Order 13848, I declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States constituted by the threat of foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in United States elections.”
Further on:
” September 12, 2018
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,
I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”
Did Giuliani show video of the ballots being put under the table at approximately 8am-8:30am?
The video shows them being pulled out from under the table near 11pm. But we need to see them being put under the table before voting closed to prove the claim. Was it shown and I just missed it?
That is actually irrelevant. See my comment #14 below.
It’s not irrelevant to the claim being made. The lawyer presenting the videos of the room being cleared and votes then being pulled out from under the table made the claim the table was put in place that morning but didn’t show who or when the votes were put under the table. Why not? Were they genuine ballots put under the table at 10pm delivered by ballot workers or USPS workers? Or were they fraud ballots put under the table before 9am by Dem supporters? Without that video evidence, which they must have in their possession, they’re just showing the appearance of impropriety. Put the nail in it with the arrival of the votes as claimed rather than just the claim.
Yes, there is ample evidence of vote count integrity not being ensured due to scrutiny being denied. Maybe that’s enough but I doubt a judge is going to throw out an election result because of “maybe” without good evidence that the lack of scrutiny resulted in fraud. Other evidence is likely needed and there is other evidence with statistical anomolies and affidavits of dodgyness. But just show the darn video if it supports the claim and nail it.
The counting process is illegal and thus the votes should be discarded forthwith, not months down the track after a length trial to prove voter fraud was committed. Time is of essence.
Yes, time is of the essence. So show the video that supports the claim and backs up the likelihood that denied scrutiny permitted voting fraud. Don’t have to try it as a fraud case. Just has to support the notion that the election was compromised by observers being prevented.
Maybe this is why they haven’t shown the ballots being put under the table.
This video claims the vote counting was closing up and that the CCTV video shows the ballots getting boxed up and being placed under the table at about 10pm. Then the supervisor gets a call to say they need to keep counting. So the ballots are taken back out and counting started again.
I don’t know if it is or isn’t fraud but it if the timing of near 10pm is correct then Trump’s lawyers would have known that and it’s dumb of them to pretend they hadn’t got to that part of the video yet.
I didn’t want Biden to win and it seems there has been some dodgy procedures going on. But evidence like this presented by Giuliani and the team really annoys me because it just makes everything else they claim seem ridiculous. Credibility is important and making claims when they surely know the answer they pretend not to have gives me the irrits.
But hey, maybe the video linked in my comment is bogus. So why hasn’t Trump’s team shown the real timing?
I’m afraid what they showed on that news station was so piecemeal that I couldn’t say what was going on. They sure didn’t “demonstrate” it.
I would need to watch the video unedited with the time stamp shown to be convinced of what they claim.
The video is too chopped up with closeups (not showing the time stamp) to know what was happening or the timeline of events.
Greg, yes it is hard to know for sure either way from that report. But it should be easy for the Trump lawyers to refute it with the time stamping or releasing the full video for us to view.
Why haven’t they and why did they miraculously not see the votes being put under the table but instead said they haven’t had time to go through it?
I want this to be proof of fraud. But my wanting it to be that doesn’t make it so and I also want Trumps legal team to provide proper evidence and not omit what they likely know doesn’t support their claim.
I want the truth and not either Trumps lawyers version of events or some news service version of events. I want the actual truth.
Same here Strop. Which is why I didn’t refute the video and call it BS.
Truth is; it didn’t demonstrate that they were put there at 8pm and pulled out again at 11pm.
They have the video; as they edited it. They could easily have put 20 minutes segments up linked to the article showing both time slots.
I don’t trust either side. If they claim to demonstrate something, I want it demonstrated. Not claimed, not edited, show it full length.
So it’s ok to count votes with no scrutiny? They would be discarded on those grounds alone. Now they’re attempting to say that whatever we saw was legit, so now need charge with a crime.
They’ve identified the man in red. He has ‘history’ and interesting connections as does Ruby Freeman, who I understand is layering up.
Ah, lawyering up. If it’s all legit and easily explained, then why does Ruby Freeman need lawyers?
Presence of Observers is mandated by election law.
ANY denial of relevant access to observation of the process is a violation of election law.
From a procedural point of view, violation of the election law renders the election at that place, under those conditions, invalid.
Strop, please show how excluding Observers is NOT a violation of election law.
Further on, show that the boxes of ballots under the tables that were shown retrieved in real time were NOT placed there unlawfully.
The security video footage plainly shows the ballots being retrieved after the observers were sent away. That enough invalidates the vote count at that time and location. Because it is a violation of law.
Sophistry isn’t a substitute for video evidence of procedural violations of law.
So, let’s play that game. Why don’t you or others show video evidence, time stamped and date stamped, proving the boxes of ballots WERE delivered properly, timely, and with chain of custody….. otherwise there is zero evidence those ballots were lawfully delivered. As well, demonstrate that each of them was validly requested, validly signed, validly validated, lawfully counted, not unlawfully recounted or duplicated, and not compromised by software intervention. By your own logic, if you cannot do ALL of these things, then all of those ballots were “illegal”.
Lance, I’m not arguing against any of your points. Yes, republicans are entitled to scrutinise the votes and obviously these votes were counted without scrutiny.
Yes, election law allows for scrutiny and scrutineers cant be denied.
Of course I would if I had it. Trumps team has it. So let’s flip that. Why don’t Trump’s team show the video of the ballots being placed under that table earlier that day before voting was closed?
I can only assume Trumps lawyers are not doing so because it doesn’t support the claim. Which is disappointing both from my anti-democrat perspective and also from Trump lawyer team credibility aspect.
I’ve been wanting to show that video of the votes coming out from under the table as proof of fraud to Trump hating friends but I’m waiting for the video showing the votes being put under the table because it’s important and without it it’s likely I’ll just end up looking like a goose given the counter information out there.
Lance has nicely explained how the onus of proof works, that the process has to be shown as legal all along the line, otherwise the resultant ‘votes” are invalid.
Strop claims to want evidence to put to people who will not accept evidence.
It is not necessary to show the origin of those ballots, who carried them in, in what boxes, who paid, masked or fingerprinted, origin interstate or China, and when. To invalidate that vote only requires showing the double or more counting. There being no observers would be sufficient as evidence alone to wipe those votes.
“Counter information”? None.
To stop looking like a goose, stop talking like a goose.
Lucky, you’re reversing the burden of proof. Trump’s lawyers are suggesting the ballots coming out from under the table were fraudulent ballots. That claim needs to be proven.
It’s not up to the investigators to prove they weren’t fraudulent when the investigator is saying they were legit ballots and placed under the table at 10pm when the voting was being packed up. The investigator is saying those ballots had already been through the process and were there to be counted through the machines. That it was simply a case of them being packed up at 10pm but then brought out again an hour later when counting continued.
What I’m saying is that it should be easy for the Trump lawyers to show the ballots being placed under the table and at what time if it is different to that.
I have been suspicious that the Trump lawyers have only been making accusations about the timing of the votes being put under the table and they have not shown the corresponding video, which they obviously have and could easily do. My guess is they’re not showing that video because it matches with what the investigator says and doesn’t support the Trump lawyers claim.
Silly statement. I want the evidence which they have which will prove their point. It should be easy. I expect they’re not producing that part of the video because it doesn’t support the claim. I want some integrity in the accusations and not to conveniently show what is clearly suspicious activity and then conveniently omit what perhaps negates that suspicion. Otherwise we just look stupid when the other side produces the exact evidence you have already as a counter argument. Full disclosure please. Like science, look at everything and form a conclusion, don’t just look at what suits the narrative.
From what I understand it is not law that observers must be in place. It is only law that observers can’t be denied if an observer is wanting to observe.
In this instance, the observers left voluntarily. They were not prevented from observing.
You can argue they left because they had been falsely told that counting had stopped. But that’s a different matter to your suggesting the votes are invalid simply because they were not observed.
I haven’t heard Trumps lawyers suggest the votes that came out from under the table were counted more than once. I think the suggestion is they were simply faked votes hidden until the opportune time to count them. Does the video show the same votes being passed through the machine multiple times?
Here’s my position. I want fraud to be proven. I want the election result to go Trumps way. But I also want claims made by Trump lawyers to be backed up by the evidence that we know they have in their possession. Otherwise this is all just pie in the sky stuff and we’re just as pathetic as the Dems over the last 4 years. I don’t want Trump’s to make claims and omit the evidence that doesn’t support the claim. I want the legal team to act with the same integrity they claim to want to have in the election.
I want to be able to trust what they say and the fact they won’t show the video that would back up the claim makes me doubt that trust.
If you’re happy to accept any sort of claim that supports your preferred result without questioning it then it’s you who is the goose.
“the burden of proof”
Wrong- the onus of proof, in this case, is to show that the entire process accords with law. Any one transgression should fail the process. The particular one we are talking about is the feeding of ballots several times each to the count.
“From what I understand it is not law that observers must be in place.”
I understand the opposite, anyway, there were removed by fraud. the supervisor said, “closing”. For whatever reason, fake burst pipe, no break was scheduled,some observers were harassed, what they were able to see was inadequate and complaints were ignored. Only the Republican observers were harassed. There are affidavits made under penalty of perjury by observers.
“Does the video show the same votes being passed through the machine multiple times?” Yes.
“the observers left voluntarily. They were not prevented from observing.” Wrong.
They were told to leave, “closing”, fraud. About one hour later counting by a small team resumed. Observers were not informed that counting was taking place. Such a secret resumption of counting is prevention of observation. This period coincided with the sharp upturn in the number of Biden votes.
On top of that there is the evidence of one of the counting team, Ruby Freeman, who made such a hilarious confession (on Twtr?) that, yes, it is hard to take seriously. It is being followed up, she has now gone quiet and is “lawyering up”.
On the matter of the votes being stored under the table and supposedly being fraudulent votes, the burden of proof now lies with the accuser. The investigator has supposedly shown those votes had been through the process and were only put under the table at 10pm when counting was packing up. Trump’s lawyers have been suggesting otherwise. So the onus is with Trump’s lawyers to show that the ballots were put under the table earlier that day because the alternate has been “proven” apparently. This should be easy because they have the video evidence. The fact that Trump’s lawyers won’t show that makes me think the investigator’s version is correct.
My understanding is from reading the codes and legislation. Yours?
I haven’t seen anything that indicates it is compulsory that voting must have observers (poll watchers). Only that poll watchersare permitted. Some states don’t even allow partisan poll watchers. The legislation even talks about conditions under which poll watchers can be removed if violating their conditions. Doesn’t seem to say that counting can not happen without poll watchers.
Yes, the poll watchers left when told counting had ceased. No, they were not removed. But same effect. Yes, this looks dodgy which I have said before. But it’s separate to the point of why Trump’s lawyers won’t show the video of the votes being put under the table.
Clearly the observers were too far away to be able to observe properly and one says he was thrown out when complained. Irrelevant to this matter of the timing of the votes being put under the table and why Trumps lawyers won’t show that video and timing.
Excellent. This should be what Trumps lawyers should be concentrating on and not dumb claims about the timing of the votes being put under the table.
However, I don’t recall Giuliani’s video pointing out the same ballots being passed through the machines multiple times. This was a separate claim by Ms Carone who testified at a hearing.
Wrong. They left voluntarily when told voting had finished. Yes, this is dodgy as if trickery to get them to leave.
Hey, I agree there is a lot of dodgyness going on. I’m just saying if the votes were put under the table at about 8:30am like Giuliani claims then show the times tamped video and put this to bed. They have the video.
Otherwise we just have to accept what the investigator said and it casts all claims by Giuliani as lacking credibility if they make an obvious claim like this that lacks credibility. Giuliani’s team needs to act with complete integrity so we can trust all their accusations and not have them so easily blown over.
Maybe they came in with the table.
Yes, maybe. That would be dodgy and the Trump lawyers could show that happening in the videos they have.
All the discussion on voter fraud can be considered to be moot. The real issue is that the counting transparency was intentionally denied by deliberate actions in key states where the election result was altered by illegal means. There is ample evidence to indicate that is the case. That alone ought to be sufficient to discard the electoral college votes afforded to those states. Failing that the whole election ought to be disqualified and the 12th Amendment triggered.
Just to make myself clear, it’s not so much the actions of altering the counting of the vote that is key to disqualifying the election result. That would take a long time to prove, perhaps months, which of course is too late. The real issue is that the counting was in too many cases not monitored properly as per the law. Thus, the counting ought to be disqualified in those states, if not for the whole election. That should be able to be proven in any court in a matter of days as it is a much simpler case to prove given the evidence. It should be easy enough to prove that the counting was conducted illegally and thus the results thrown out. It doesn’t matter what the result of the counting was. If such a conclusion of illegal counting is not found to be true in a court of law then I’m afraid the so-called Republic of the US is dead, and they can dispense with the counting of votes and just declare the victor based on tossing a biased coin to select one candidate alone.
Yes Peter,..100% agree.
It is not the “scale” of the vote irregularity,…it is the simple fact that an irregularity, or legal non conformity, occurred,……… that voids the entire process.
Inhibiting or restricting access to legal observers is fundamentally wrong and illegal.
If the various legal authorities do not see that,.. then the country is royally screwed !
A minority off Georgia legislators want to overturn the result in Pennsylvania? Good luck with that
Yesterday the Georgia Governor ordered signature verification on ballots and today it’s been discovered the paper work that travels with the ballots seem to have gone missing .
Behind paywall.
Get the right avatar this time Peta. To quote you “Hoist by your own petard”
Small Footprint
December 6, 2020 at 6:16 am · Reply
It is covered by all the major news outlets, but even the Daily Mail thinks it is a dead duck.
/verify my statement by “ supreme court Pennsylvania” into google
December 6, 2020 at 8:15 am · Reply
Maybe you should try a different search engine; for instance.
Peter Fitzroy
December 6, 2020 at 8:18 am · Reply
This is an answer to the statement that this particular news item was being ignored by MSM. I’m showing that even google will prove that incorrect
Chuckle Chuckle
To my knowledge Georgia and Pennsylvania are different states, but you may disagree
Was not the point of this exercise.
Are you in the US and if so did you both vote?
At Noon, 6 Dec 2020, US Supreme Court Justice Alito CHANGED the date for PA to justify their position from 4 PM on 9 Dec, to 9 AM on 8 Dec.
This is important because 8 Dec 2020 is the closure of the “Safe Harbor” for certification of Electors from the States.
That means the PA Electors are “in dispute” and thus subject to nullification by Supreme Court decision in days ahead.
That means Nobody might obtain the magical 270 votes in the Electoral College and then the Election heads to the House for a vote of the states, 1 vote per state legislature, there are a majority of Republican legislatures, so the outcome goes to Trump in that circumstance.
It could be the whole election needs to be thrown out and start again.
Or, only the states that have the dodgy voting machines needs to be thrown out and re-done.
Dont forget they only need to prov a single instance of electoral fr*ud by the Dems and DJT wins by defualt.
Meanwhile, DJT is purging the deep state from the Pentagon and making what seems to be war preparations with china.
If they “throw out” the whole election (or even if Biden cannot reach 270 Electoral College votes due to some states abstaining), then a “Contingent Election” will decide who becomes POTUS. If that is gridlocked, then it goes to the Supreme Court. There is no possibility of having a second general election.
If Trump starts a war with China, under war time powers I believe he could suspend the election…
If Trump starts a war with China (or any other country) in order to enact wartime powers, then he isn’t worthy of the support of anyone let alone libertarians/conservatives.
Of course the Usurpers are too dumb to have looked ahead and bought enough representatives to win a House Vote.
At Trump is leading by 5 with 73 undecided; better to get the 270 than risk the inevitable skulduggery a House Vote invites –I can hear my screams of outrage already.
You can’t have scrutineers looking right over counters’ shoulders during a pandemic.
Rudi has coronavirus now, because these morons are incapable of social distancing.
Yes they can, and by law they are in their rights to do so. The obstructions that were committed by the officials were illegal and so the counting is invalid. It just needs the courts to make that correct decision, otherwise there is no transparency and so the whole election process is a fraud. That would mean Trump is entitled to ask the SCOTUS to disallow the Electoral College votes and go to the next step in the 12th Amendment for electing the next POTUS, and failing that he is entitled to use the Insurrection Act of 1807 and its amendments since then to call in the military and start fresh elections.
At Noon, 6 Dec 2020, EST, S.C. Justice Alito CHANGED the deadline for PA from Dec 9 to 0900, Dec 8.
Good discussion:
If PA doesn’t comply, then PA Electors are in dispute, miss the Safe Harbor deadline, and may be eliminated from consideration.
Expect similar on GA, MI, WI, perhaps AZ and NV as well.
Things just got VERY interesting.
Simon, you’re really clutching at straws there. Put a panel of glass up if that’s a concern, or whatever. But setup the voting count however you have to to maintain integrity.
There was glass separation where possible. The problem was though that many Trump supporters refused to wear face masks or social distance, which effectively deterred other observers.
Irrelevant. The law still demands that they be given access to oversee the counting process. They were refused to have access so the counting was conducted illegally. End of story.
Simon, that is BS and the most pathetic excuse i have heard to date !
You will have to up your game if you plan to win any discussion here.
There is a slim chance that State Legislatures will use their plenary powers to put things right, but I don’t have much confidence. The swamp is too deep and the number of honest men/women too few.
However it is too soon to give up. If there is a plan, it is not completed yet. What hope is there?
Yesterday, yes it was only yesterday but it was two posts back, Anton posted this;
The story is that the Trump team has obtained a dominion voting machine, the actual machine, which was used in a small county in Georgia. According to the story a few votes on the machine were flipped from Trump to Biden;
Obviously 13 votes would not change the election result. But, the implication is that a central control was spreading these changes across the state and across many machines. That way the changes are harder to detect. The requirement was to change a big win for Trump to a small win for Biden.
Extrapolating from that;
1. The machines were connected to the internet. In fact they had to be in order to transmit the results to the news centres on election night.
2. The machines could be manipulated from an external source.
It is a small clue. It supports the theory of the CIA Frankfurt server using the Hammer and Scorecard software. If that is true Trump still has a card to play.
Also, where is Gina Haspel?
Peter, I have looked at so many sites my head is swimming. One however mentioned that Gina was detained at the 305 military intel facilities in Arizona . I’m presuming her bodyguard is in Gitmo.
As I explained earlier, the counting of the votes were carried out illegally due to lack of proper supervision brought about by deliberate tactics on the part of election officials to obstruct said supervision. That under the law ought to disqualify the electoral college votes. The next step is to use the 12th Amendment, then if necessary the Insurrection Act of 1807 and all the subsequent amendments and additions to enforce a new set of elections. Of course the next step alone would lead to an escalation in violence from the left so that in itself might force the hand of Trump to go directly to the final step of applying the Insurrection Act. I’m not sure if Trump has this as his main agenda though. He might call it quits after deciding it’s not worth the angst and cost of a civil war that would result from all that.
The Burden of Proof
The faith in fairness has been shattered beyond recovery, and the assumption of anything like a shared consensus seems more and more like a naïve pretense when it isn’t just a cynical hustings gambit.
By Roger Kimball
December 5, 2020
any people, including some good friends, believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election fair and square.
Many others—and I place myself among them—believe that something is rotten in the state of Denmark, or, to be more specific, in the cities of Milwaukee, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Detroit, not to mention Maricopa County, Arizona. I think what happened was so rotten that I regard the election as illegitimate.
What proof, you might ask, do I have?
Quite a lot, in fact, and I’ll get to some of it in a moment. First, I want you to behold the evolution of the Narrative about voter fraud in the 2020 election. At first, the memo came down and said, “There was no voter fraud.”
Still, all that static meant that the Narrative had to receive a tweak: “Yes, of course there was voter fraud, but there is always voter fraud. There just wasn’t widespread voter fraud.” George Stephanopoulos tried a variation of that on Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota. It did not go well for George.
As more and more “anomalies” surfaced, the Narrative had to shift again. A couple of weeks ago, the line became, “Maybe there was pretty widespread fraud—it’s a big country, after all—but it was not so serious as to alter the course of the election.”
I thought that an odd response because—speaking of “after all”—Biden’s margin of victory varied between thin and razor thin: some 11,000 votes in Arizona, about the same in Georgia, 20,000 votes in Wisconsin. Biden’s margin in Pennsylvania is 80,000, but that, too, is thin when one considers that around midnight Trump was ahead by some 700,000 votes. What happened?
I think I know, but let’s check back in on the Narrative here next weekend. Now the voice of the Narrative is saying, “Maybe be there was widespread fraud, and maybe, just maybe, it affected the outcome in some places, but it is too late now. The electors meet on December 14, and to persist with any challenge would be to disrupt the process, which is sacrosanct.”
Ah, the process! When Donald Trump won in 2016 there was incredulity followed by hysteria followed by resistance weaponized by the strong arm of the actors in the Justice Department, our intelligence services, and deep-state bureaucrats. That has continued for four years.
Now the nearly 74 million people who voted for Donald Trump are supposed to acquiesce calmly to a process that appears to be thoroughly rigged.
What happened?
In 2016, the deep-state machine did not do much to rig the election because it assumed that Donald Trump could not win. Hillary was a shoo-in, so why bother?
In 2020, they knew that Trump could win, so they intervened beforehand to make sure that he wouldn’t.
I believe that is what happened, which makes all the talk about “respecting the electoral process” and the “voice of the people” ring hollow.
My simpel approach is this – if the election is in dispute, trash it and start again.
Its like a doctor asks for a medical test, and it turns out all the testing machines are not calibrated properly and the result could be questionable. Now assume its a test for cancer.
Would you push ahead with the result? Sure as heck I wouldnt.
Interesting too – as many GOP and Dems are now starting to show how tainted they are ( georgia is just representative ) – there is a growing push for a Patriot based party and people dumping the 2 party system. This would freak out the deep state even more, as thier power is based on what appears to be corrupt politicians on both sides of the fence and controlling the outcome.
A Patriot party is a wild card.
As it goes on and Trumps legal team get closer and closer to exposing the rot, I’m expecting something desperate from the deep state – a war, a nuke somewhere, a real nasty bug being released. But I sincerely hope not….
They can’t have another election until all other legal avenues have been exhausted including the 12th Amendment to ignore the electoral college votes and move to the 1 state 1 vote approach, in which case Trump will very likely win. If Trump even fails at that step then he might exercise his executive powers via the Insurrection Act of 1807 et al, to call in the military and martial law to stage a new round of elections. I prefer he go down that road to execute his own version of a great reset to flush out the swamp once and for all, rather than allowing Biden to become POTUS who will for certain execute the Great Reset being pushed by so many evil globalists to expand the swamp all over the Western world.
I agree. It will be the great reset of a permenant nature.
That boot Budens wearing…could it be covering an electronic detention/tracking bracelet?
Just for giggles to lighten up the mood.
Regarding that “vaccine” and many Londoner’s view of it:
a catchy tune……no pun intended
The only real way forward that I can see, is for Trump to declare marshal law. Voluntary step aside have the military step in and oversee another election. No campaigning just set a date ASAP and do it – Fully run and controlled by the military, with scrutineers from both parties.
Yes that would be his last option to apply the Insurrection Act of 1807 and all the subsequent amendments and additions to enforce a new set of elections controlled by military personnel. However, he might instead call it quits after deciding it’s not worth the angst and cost of a civil war that would most likely result from all that. I hate to be in his shoes trying to decide which way to go. Time will tell.
I’d reckon the chance of Trump deciding anything is ‘not worth the angst’ and calling it quits is fairly remote.
As far as civil war goes it’s a two way street – The Dems can say OK ‘you don’t believe us? Lets do it again so there can be no doubt’
I can’t read his mind so I won’t be so confident as you are that he will jump one way or the other. To preserve to integrity of the Republic though I would hope he would do whatever it takes to expose the fraud, stay as POTUS, arrest all those responsible and charge them with treason.
Giuliani? Giuliani you say… the (Borat 2) film star? Really, Jo, why you listen to this sleeze?
I hear he has now tested positive for COVID-19:
Trump and his retinue really, really, truly should have been reading your Blog way back at the start of this Pandemic:
Instead, Trump paid no attention to you so that now even the Head of his own Pandemic Taskforce is critical (watch out Dr. Birx a “You’re Fired” Tweet from Trump is probably already winging your way):
On Sunday, Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus task force co-ordinator, criticised the Trump administration for flouting guidelines and peddling “myths” about the pandemic.
“I hear community members parroting back those situations, parroting back that masks don’t work, parroting back that we should work towards herd immunity,” Dr Birx told NBC.
“This is the worst event that this country will face,” she said.
But then, you listen to him, you listen to Trump… the wannabe American Fuherer desperately trying to overturn an election result!
Thanks for showing that I am no minion of Trump. Bravo.
Now explain to us how Biden’s response would have been any better? He didn’t want to close the borders. He wouldve listened to Fauci (that’s what Trump did). Biden has said not one word about antivirals being useful like HCQ Ivermectin Bromhexine, zinc, etc. But Trump has, and he’s been right.
Trump is not captured by BigPharma, but the Dems are.
Trump is not captured by China, …. ” ” ”
The US would have been better off if everyone wore masks, yes. But it also would have been better off if Docs had used more HCQ-D-Az triple therapy, which Trump supported but Big-Pharma does not. It would have been better if Trump had been allowed to build The Wall. If Trump had been told and allowed to close the borders properly. They could have isolated NY etc and not let it spread to the rest of the nation. Trump wanted to do that.
Here’s the thing, for all the lives saved from the US wearing masks. Possibly a hundred thousand were lost because they didn’t support triple cheap therapy. But hundreds of thousands were lost because they didn’t shut the borders fast enough — something Chief Medical Officers deserve to face criminal investigations on.
Biden would have (if he could have) locked down states — but lock downs only half work with borders open and we know the Dems haven’t said a word about closing borders. Fake Lock-downs with no borders are hugely expensive without the possibility of extinguishing the virus. So we could expect that under Biden the toll in the US would be about the same as in Europe — well guess what — that’s just how it is anyway.
In other words, Biden is no better than Trump on the Virus, just different. But for Democracy Hiden Xiden is like sulphuric acid. He’s a permit for crime and corruption, for distrust and breeding hate, for riots and violence.
What Biden would have done better. Is have the full backing of the media.
Few old people dying in nursing homes? No biggy happens all the time.
Apart from trashing your ‘rule’ of no ad Homs , you continue to trash the facts.
Trump has regularly ignored experts:
Covid, USA with 4 pc of the population has 19 pc of deaths, Biden will listen to Fauci.
The wall doesn’t work.
The Middle East peace deals will lead to a Palestinian uprising.
Like the deniers’ claims against AGW, the election fraud claims all fail due to NO evidence.
More evidence for you to pretend doesn’t exist here Melissa.
Fauci’s advice has been incompetent, flip flopped, and late. He is the problem and if Biden follows him, it just shows how hopeless Bidens judgement is. Trump shouldn’t have followed him, but Biden has the advantage of watching Fauci’s advice fail fail and fail and yet he still gets it wrong.
Biden would have approached it for what it was, an emergency! Not something that will magically disappear because he wishes it..
Exactly. You have no material reply to my points at all. Nothing.
A TON of those deaths came from states like New York where The Angel of Death Andrew Cuomo
MANDATED Wu-Flu positive patients were put in nursing homes with the elderly who already had co-morbidities.
Nobody knows how many thousands of deaths he caused, but it was surely in very high thousands (like 8-9+) and those are only the ones documented until his hand-picked commissar for “health” put an iron curtain on releasing the numbers.
Other states did that as well, like Michigan, although not in the same numbers.
On top of that, nation-wide, the numbers have been “cooked” by attributing deaths by Wu-Flu to any and all who had co-morbidites.
For example, there were even cases where folk died in auto accidents of their injuries, were tested post-mortum, and if they were positive their deaths were chalked up as Covid, not, well, you get the picture…
Pelosi Wants Her House Election Losses Overturned by Perkins Coie – Democrats Forgot About the House When They Were Packing their Suitcases
Democrats, Represented by Marc Elias, Challenge Results in Two Close House Races
Democrats are challenging the results in two close House elections in Iowa and New York — and are represented by Marc Elias, the same attorney who led the party’s nationwide efforts to expand vote-by-mail.
According to multiple reports, the Democrats plan to appeal to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the House Administration Committee to certify at least one of the candidates as the winners — even if the Republican candidate appears to have more votes as counted by state election authorities.
Under the Federal Contested Elections Act, the House can step in and certify a winner in close and contested races. The Democrats last did so in 1985, when the House Administration Committee declared Rep. Frank McCloskey (D-IN) the winner of a close race in which his Republican challenger, Richard McIntyre, was certified as the winner by state election authorities. Democrats used their House majority to seat McCloskey and Republicans walked out of the chamber in protest.
Politico reported this week that Democrats, led by Elias and Perkins Coie, have a similar plan for a contested House race in Iowa, where Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks has been certified as the winner of the 2nd congressional district race by six votes over Democrat Rita Hart.
The Wall Street Journal likewise observed in an editorial Saturday: “Ms. Hart’s campaign said it will bypass an Iowa court appeal and ask the Committee on House Administration to intervene. The House has final say on its Members’ elections and the Supreme Court has held that courts can’t intervene in those decisions under the Constitution’s Article I.”
In New York, Republican challenger Claudia Tenney is leading Rep. Anthony Brindisi (D-NY) by 12 votes. Marc Elias and his Perkins Coie law firm are leading Democrats’ legal challenges in both elections.
Politico omits two other key facts about Elias. One is that Marc Elias was responsible for hiring opposition research firm Fusion GPS, on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, to produce the fraudulent “Russia dossier” on then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016. The “dossier,” compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele using a sub-source once suspected of spying for Russia, was the basis for the “Russia collusion” hoax that dogged Trump’s presidency.
The other important fact about Elias is that he led many of Democrats’ lawsuits throughout the 2020 election to expand vote-by-mail and lower safeguards against fraud. He boasted openly about his efforts:
Elias has styled himself as the defender of voters’ rights, but he is leading efforts to overturn two democratic elections in states where the voters appear to have chosen Republicans.
I would love to see them try this. After all the calls from the media about this being the most secure and clean election ever (Russia decided to take a holiday, apparently), I cannot think of a more inflammatory action that the Democrats could take than the challenge the validity of the House races where the Republicans flipped the seat.
Many thanks for the updates Jo. The useless lazy media is pretending that the election is over whereas many sites are saying that the game is still afoot.
The leaderless anti Trump cohort seem to be telling me that 700 people have spontaneously all made false statements. I understand that a proven false affidavit carries a potential 5 year jail term. If this is true then what are they intending to do about it.
If nothing, then the affidavit process and its attendant penalties will have to be removed from the statute books as having no legal standing.
This surely would be preposterous, therefore they have no option but to pursue prosecutions in order to prove the falsehoods.
This situation seems to me to be the legal equivalent of holding a tiger by the tail.
I’ll watch with interest as the entire US legal system attempts to deal with it.
You raise an interesting point. If Biden wins then all those witnesses ought to end up in prison or else as you say a precedent would be set that would make the relevant law useless and defenceless in a court of law. Of course Biden might pardon them to demonstrate his willingness to have “peace”. That would IMHO be a fake on his part but would work for him and his agenda to carry out the Great Reset ASAP.
It’s all maybe a bit academic but I think an interesting by-play to the main game. Trouble with a Biden pardon is that he would have prove guilt first otherwise what would he pardoning.
Yes that’s true but Biden might consider that a small price to pay for the much bigger picture, namely the Great Reset, especially if he manages to get the ball rolling with much haste to divert people’s attention away from the election fraud. He also will deploy “memory holes” to rewrite history and if anyone disagrees they might end up in harms way. To my way of thinking the US is at the most critical juncture of all time, evermore so that Pearl Harbour. So much is at stake right now. The West will fall sooner than I anticipated if Biden wins.
As stated before, if the US legal system fails to solve the issue to Trump’s satisfaction he has the right to go down one other path. He will have to decide whether it’s worth the angst the risk of a civil war to go down that path, or just call it quits possibly to fight another day and allow Biden to be POTUS. Only time will tell what he decides.
I’d love to see a MSM headline “BIDEN PARDONS 700 SO AS TO AVOID SCRUTINY” What chance that?
There may be no false statements but so far, according to the courts, there are a lot that are a combination of irrelevant, moot, misinterpretation and unverifiable.
According to state courts with democrat elected judges.
and all the other courts too.
Whatever un named courts you refer to are called “Inferior Courts” subject to the US Supreme Court.
Do look that up.
I’ve pointed this out to people several times (well not the 5 year bit as I wasn’t sure of the length of the term) when they say those making the affadavits are “making it up”
The other sign of the legitimacy of the claims is the lack of legal action by the Democrats and Dominion for slander. In an society as litigious as the USA, countersuits are almost always launched by the defendants immediately if only to try and force an out of court settlement. The lack of any reports of countersuits demonstrates that the last thing the Democrats and Dominion want is any more scrutiny into the claims being made by the Republicans.
In fact, I would have expected the Democrats to launch slander suits as soon as the allegations were made even before the Republican cases were lodged.
‘Trump Team Begins Forensic Examination of Dominion Machines in Michigan’
Epoch Times
Remains to be seen whether the team has the system analysis smarts and IT skills to corroborate the videos and witness accounts of multiple ballot feeds and deletions/flips and from reverse engineering the data.
My analysis from Dominion Functional Requirements, Dominion Voting – Election Workflow Automation, DVS Election Facility Schematic, and DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS presentation following jayman begins here.
Main points:
* Nothing from DVS information or States requirements that details the system function or State requirement that prevents multiple scans of the same ballot.
In fact, the DVS information explicitly states that poll tabulation is “completely repeatable”.
* Dominion Democracy Suite™
– Elector Management [EM]
– Election Event Management[EMS]
EM and EMS are entirely different systems.
* Conclusion
There’s a total disconnect between Tabulation Station and Electronic Poll Books.
“Real-time voter strike-off” in the Poll Book cannot occur at the Tabulation Station.
Obviously, voter strike off in the Poll Book is a separate manual (but real time) process to manual ballot in-feed to the Tabulation Station machine.
It must be assumed that elector ballots taken to the Tabulation Station have already (or maybe later) had the corresponding elector/voter struck off the Poll Book
The fraud potential is huge.
Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling
If only cranks find the tabulations strange, put me down as a crank
Patrick Basham
To say out-loud that you find the results of the 2020 presidential election odd is to invite derision. You must be a crank or a conspiracy theorist. Mark me down as a crank, then. I am a pollster and I find this election to be deeply puzzling. I also think that the Trump campaign is still well within its rights to contest the tabulations. Something very strange happened in America’s democracy in the early hours of Wednesday November 4 and the days that followed. It’s reasonable for a lot of Americans to want to find out exactly what.
First, consider some facts. President Trump received more votes than any previous incumbent seeking reelection. He got 11 million more votes than in 2016, the third largest rise in support ever for an incumbent. By way of comparison, President Obama was comfortably reelected in 2012 with 3.5 million fewer votes than he received in 2008.
Trump’s vote increased so much because, according to exit polls, he performed far better with many key demographic groups. Ninety-five percent of Republicans voted for him. He did extraordinarily well with rural male working-class whites.
Trump grew his support among black voters by 50 percent over 2016. Nationally, Joe Biden’s black support fell well below 90 percent, the level below which Democratic presidential candidates usually lose.
Trump increased his share of the national Hispanic vote to 35 percent. With 60 percent or less of the national Hispanic vote, it is arithmetically impossible for a Democratic presidential candidate to win Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico. Bellwether states swung further in Trump’s direction than in 2016. Florida, Ohio and Iowa each defied America’s media polls with huge wins for Trump. Since 1852, only Richard Nixon has lost the Electoral College after winning this trio, and that 1960 defeat to John F. Kennedy is still the subject of great suspicion.
Midwestern states Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin always swing in the same direction as Ohio and Iowa, their regional peers. Ohio likewise swings with Florida. Current tallies show that, outside of a few cities, the Rust Belt swung in Trump’s direction. Yet, Biden leads in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin because of an apparent avalanche of black votes in Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee. Biden’s ‘winning’ margin was derived almost entirely from such voters in these cities, as coincidentally his black vote spiked only in exactly the locations necessary to secure victory. He did not receive comparable levels of support among comparable demographic groups in comparable states, which is highly unusual for the presidential victor.
We are told that Biden won more votes nationally than any presidential candidate in history. But he won a record low of 17 percent of counties; he only won 524 counties, as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008. Yet, Biden somehow outdid Obama in total votes.
In Levin interview, elections EXPERT says alleged Biden victory not IMPOSSIBLE to believe. BUT…
“Something very strange happened in America’s democracy in the early hours of Wednesday November 4 and the days that followed,” wrote pollster and election expert Patrick Basham in his explosive op-ed for The Spectator just over a week ago.
It’s a sure way to get the entire media focused on destroying you but Basham spoke up anyway. And tonight he’s speaking even louder, when his interview with the great Mark Levin airs.
“If we are to accept that Biden won, against the trend of all these non-polling metrics, it not only means that one of these metrics was inaccurate this time, for the first time ever,” he tells Levin. “It means that each one of these metrics was wrong for the first time and at the same time as all the others.”
“It is not statistically impossible,” he says, “but it is statistically implausible.”
Levin’s interview with Basham airs in full tonight, but the clip released from it is already MUST SEE.
Watch: 6 mins worth watching
NEW – #Georgia has a Chinese website featuring Governor
who is asking for investments via a video message.
Guiliani was passionate but went overboard with his “bank heist” comment.
The ballots under the table were in proper containers.
They were not in “suitcases” as some have claimed, including here.
There is no evidence that a single ballot in those boxes was illegal.
There is no evidence that a single vote from a ballot in those boxes was for Biden.
We have no idea what was in those boxes other, than ballots for someone.
The boxes were not hidden, because there were cameras that would see them entering the room, and later coming out from under the table to be counted. All ballots have to enter the room before they are counted. What does that prove?
Where is any evidence that even ONE of those ballots from any of the boxes under the table was an illegal vote for Biden? There is no evidence. Case closed.
If nearly all the mass media can ignore everything about Hunter Biden that Guiliani revealed to the New York Post, then they can ignore 700 affidavits too.
Just seven more days until the electors vote, and it appears they will be voting for Biden, whether we like it or not.
I don’t like it at all. I do my best to keep others informed about Hunter Biden and evidence of 2020 election fraud with my politics blog http://www.Election but that doesn’t counter the lack of coverage in the mainstream media.
I picked the name “Election Circus” in 2016 when the mass media began attacking candidate Trump … and the circus never stopped. It’s now a three-ring circus with enough evidence to convince me of massive election fraud, at least in several large cities.
But the politicians and judges who who are empowered to do something about the election fraud seem like cowards.
As a libertarian since 1973, I think it became more obvious than ever in 2020 that politicians are good at spending our money, reducing our freedom, and ignoring state and federal constitutions whenever they feel like it.
thanks for the sensible comment. I tried accessing your web page but it is not loading on my system – its is being flagged as an insecure connection.
That’s because I type with two fingers — both thumbs — using a mirror, and I’m half blind in one eye, and can’t see well in the other. My blogs are free with no ads. I recommend Jo Nova to lots of people, although she is tough on Michigan where our election fraud is more sophisticated than she claims, so why not type these here?
Finance & Economics
Climate Science
“There is no evidence that a single vote from a ballot in those boxes was for Biden.”
There’s evidence that the vote count shifted from Trump being well ahead to Trump loosing by several thousand votes during the time that the observers were told that the vote counting would stop and they should go home. That certainly indicates that most, of not all, of the ballots in those boxes were for Biden since the video evidence shows those ballots being counted during the time that the vote count shifted.
Fraudulent or not, those involved went directly for those boxes knowing they were there. It’s not like they were just discovered after the monitors left and whose tilt to Biden just happened to be standard deviations away from the averages accumulated across the rest of the state.
My guess is that those boxes contained the ‘harvested’ ballots.
If those boxes contained votes from Atlanta it would be no surprise that almost all of them went for Biden.
It is the job of the people in the room to take envelopes out of the boxes, do some checking to be sure it is a legal ballot (I believe they check off the name in the poll book, but could be wrong), use automated signature matching software, cut open the envelope and then feed the ballots into tabulating machines.
That appears to be exactly what they did, on camera.
That they continued working after 10:30pm is no surprise.
But convincing or telling the press and watchers to go home early is not legal — but will not overturn an election.
There has to be proof of illegal votes, or proof of tabulating machine errors, sufficiently large that it could change who won the Georgia electors. And even that might not spur cowards in the legislature to act.
Suspicious behavior is not a crime.
But taking ballots out of boxes and putting them into a vote tabulating machine was not suspicious behavior.
That was their job.
” … but will not overturn an election.”
This is why they chose this route to cheat, as it seems to have worked in a way that will be virtually impossible to correct even as the results it achieved were statistically improbable and are accompanied with hundreds of affidavits, sworn under the penalty of perjury, attesting to cheating.
Why are you surprised at their tactics? Morality and ethics are no longer important to the political left. All means are on the table to achieve their ends of enslaving Americans to a Socialist Swamp (i.e. the ‘SS’).
CO2 sez
“Morality and ethics are no longer important to the political left. All means are on the table to achieve their ends …”
That was ALWAYS true of leftists … but they trind to hide their bad character under the disguise of fairness and equality ,,, umtil Donald Trump showed up ,,, and “inspired” them to reveal their true, horrible “we’re smarter than you, and we couldn’t be wrong” character.
>”There has to be proof of illegal votes, or proof of tabulating machine errors, sufficiently large that it could change who won the Georgia electors. And even that might not spur cowards in the legislature to act.”
Plenty of witness evidence to be studiously ignored (20 folders in Nevada alone). But what if, as it is increasingly looking, the Dominion Voting System was intentionjally set up to actually facilitate fraudulent ballot tabulation?
DVSs Dr Eric Loomer has made statements that indicate his confidence that his system enables exactly that. Intent is criminal whereas incompetence is civil.
>”Suspicious behavior is not a crime. But taking ballots out of boxes and putting them into a vote tabulating machine was not suspicious behavior. That was their job.”
Was their job to also, as CCTV shows in more than one State, to feed the batches of ballots through the tabulation machines multiple times?
>”Suspicious behavior is not a crime. But taking ballots out of boxes and putting them into a vote tabulating machine was not suspicious behavior.
Missing a step in the process.
Gets more than suspicious if those batches of ballots are not struck off the electronic Poll Book (in same room as tabulation) BEFORE they get fed into the tabulation machine.
Richard C.
The claim is that the boxes were being left there until the morning …until the people working in the room were asked to continue working past 10:30 pm. “Suspicious” boxes do NOT prove a single fraudulent vote was contained within those boxes.
How do you know the ballot envelopes were NOT checked against a poll book to be sure the signature was the name of a registered voter before they were opened and the ballot was removed?
We don’t know either way and this is the problem. The law requires that we must know. That this knowledge was purposefully concealed from the observers demonstrates consciousness of guilt where they knew the obviously hidden ballots would not pass scrutiny. There can be no other rational explanation for what happened.
“Fraudulent or not, those involved went directly for those boxes knowing they were there. It’s not like they were just discovered after the monitors left ”
Kalm Keith
So what?
Someone put the boxes under the table, and must have known the ballots in the boxes had to be fed into the tabulating machine. And they were. That was the job of the people there. Doing their job after 10:30pm is not illegal.
Where is proof of even one illegal vote from any ballot that had been in any of the boxes?
Exactly GD, how could anyone question your comment.
BREAKING: Justice Alito MOVES deadline in Pennsylvania election suit to BEFORE ‘safe harbor’ deadline!
UPDATE: Justice Alito has just moved response deadline up from Wednesday at 4pm to Tuesday at 9am on @MikeKellyPA emergency application seeking to have #SCOTUS declare that PA mail-in ballot system adopted by legislature violated the state constitution.
see for a good overview of what this might mean.
Likely PA Electoral ballots will not be considered. We’ll see on 8 Dec 2020 at 00900.
Justice Alito Advances By One Day and Several Hours the Deadline for Pennsylvania To Respond — My Speculation as to Why
By Shipwreckedcrew
At this point I have not had a chance to look closely enough at the interplay of the dates with the legal issues involving the election in general and the allegations of the Kelly complaint in particular. But I’m confident that the issue of what remedy might be afforded to a prevailing plaintiff in a post-election challenge to the validity of ballots cast in Pennsylvania has been studied by one or more Justices’ Chambers.
Justice Alito was certainly concerned about available “remedies” when he ordered that any “late” mailed-in ballots be segregated from other ballots while the Court considers the Penn. Supreme Court’s extension of the statutory deadline for receipt of mailed-in ballots.
The alteration of the response date seems to suggest that the Court will take whatever action it is going to take on December 8, and doing so on December 8 is important to the determination of the matter by at least one Justice. Accommodating that Justice’s anticipated vote would explain why Justice Alito felt compelled to make the change on a Sunday morning.
Who that Justice could be or why resolving the case on December 8 might be important remain mysteries to me.
I’m disappointed. I logged on to see if there was a new Kraken. Where is today’s?
This one was chopped, crumbed, spiced and deep fried days ago.
Gee Aye today’s Kraken
An admission of election fraud by Ruby Freeman, DemocRAT vote counter who said, “I know for a fact that Georgia voted for Trump by the largest numbers and if we didn’t do what we did, he would have won Georgia.” Read it below..
fake??? but fun to read – no one could be that stupid
couldn’t you find the original? Btw what is a democrat vote counter?
My Goodness Gee. Do you bother to read these at all?
As stated in the link, this is a screen shot that someone captured before it got deleted. Now the entire account is deleted.
What is a democrat vote counter?
A volunteer counter at a Democrat polling booth… How hard was that to figure out?
wow. They let them count their own votes. That’s a bit unusual.
>”wow. They let them count their own votes. That’s a bit unusual.”
Are you suggesting the only way votes can be fairly counted is to find completely non-partisan officials who do not vote to do the work?
About impossible in Dem-heavy urban-weighted counties.
A person…. who volunteers…. to count votes…. at a Democrate polling station.
A person, could be anyone…
It’s likely to be a Dem, but it may not be as well.
That’s why they have watchers. Watching the counters.
OMG ***pulling my hair out***
OA >”fake???”
I don’t think so but possible. The problem with large scale scams like this is that there’s always loose lips somewhere.
Let’s bring RUBYFREEMAN_GEORGIA’s (purported) Facebook post out into the sunlight (transcribed):
rubyfreeman_georgia I posted this on my Facebook page and wanted to share this with the Instagram community. I am so proud of my baby because today we did something that change history and we decided that we will not be silent and let evil control this country. I was shocked, hurt, and deeply upset to see how many people support evil, racism, and ignorance while counting many ballots for Donald Trump. I was almost in tears seeing how very few people wanted to support a black women because the first female Vice President or an excellent man named Joe Biden while counting the ballots. Thank god my baby had a plan and today we put that plan in action after those Trump supporting and Fox News though [Sic] they won and left the building. My baby knew how racist Georgia was and we knew how the vote was going to go so we resorted to Plan B and now you see the results of my brilliant baby. Joe Biden is now the winner and I’m looking at all of Georgia with a side eye because i know for a fact that Georgia voted for Trump by the largest numbers and if we didn’t do what we did he would have won Georgia. I’ve see and I notice many black names who voted for Donald Trump and that really bothers me because y’all the reason he won. My baby told me “It’s gonna be our own community who gonna make Donald Trump win” and she was right because Donald Trump won and it’s very sad. I was very nervous about Plan B but I’m glad we did it because it saved the country and I will pray for forgiveness. I people find out what me and my baby did we could be in a lot of trouble and possibly jail so I would like to ask everyone to delete all the pictures, videos, and live streams of me and the special ballots. The ones we [Ends]
Ruby Freeman & daughter Wandrea “Shaye” Moss:
‘CROOKED GEORGIA ELECTIONS SUPERVISER Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots from Beneath Table IS IDENTIFIED — IT’S RUBY’S DAUGHTER! (Video)’
Gateway Pundit
Ruby made a post on Facebook on Nov 3, “Look at my Baby giving that look to the employees. Mommie is so proud of you. Supervisor of registration.”
Lends credence to RUBYFREEMAN_GEORGIA’s (purported) Facebook post previous.
OMG Is this woman real. Was she a vote counter?
“I know for a fact that Georgia voted trump by the largest numbers”
Please call her to give testimony, given that tweet.
That has the ring of deliberate misinformation about it, unless she was so confident that her daughter’s activity would not be noticed.
We live in strange times.
>”That has the ring of deliberate misinformation about it, unless…”
That was first blush but it’s blown up since then:
“I Won’t Be Able to Be Interviewed – I Need an Attorney” — Georgia’s Ruby Freeman Lawyers Up, Cancels Interview
Gateway Pundit
“This is bigger than me”
Congressman Introduces ‘You Must Be Alive to Vote Act’ Bill; It’s Not Only Not Silly, It Needs to Happen ‘Yesterday’
At first glance, the name of Texas Republican Rep. Brian Babin’s proposed “You Must Be Alive to Vote Act” legislation appears obvious, if not downright hilarious.
But given the post-election cluster in which we now find ourselves, there’s nothing funny about “YMBAVA” — and it must be passed by Congress and signed by the next president of the United States — if not the current president — posthaste.
Babin’s proposed legislation comes as at least a portion of the 74 million voters who supported Donald Trump not only believe a substantial number of dead people “voted,” but also that the Democrats helped make it happen, while some on the Left claim that dead people voting is “extremely rare.” (Of course, they do.)
Jo >”Rudy Guiliani names and explains the layout of the room. What seems most surprising to an Australian (me [Jo]) is that the observers are supposed to stay at a table on the far end of the room. I’ve been a poll worker in Australia counting votes, and when I did it, the scrutineers were looking right over our shoulders. They could see everything.”
Yes, I noted similar re in-person voter strike off in NZ except that not only are observers looking over officials shoulders, the voter is standing directly in front observing also.
Big difference to the US room layout Guiliani describes. The voters have cast ballots elsewhere so no voters around to see their name struck off the electronic Poll Book which is on DVSs Elector Management (EM) system and no observers watching this process closeup either.
After voter strike off (problematic – see below) the ballot batches go to the Tabulation Stations on DVSs Election Event Management(EMS), an entirely different system, where there’s no observers watching this process closeup either.
I can see no part of the process in that layout and systems that prevents an official simply rocking up to a Tabulation Station with batches of pre-printed non-voter ballots and feeding them though tabulation multiple times. Whether observers are in the room or sent home makes little difference.
Too many instances now evidencing exactly that happening, or as Guiliani puts it, “a bank heist pulled off in the middle of the night”. Not just the night though.
# # #
Dr Eric Coomer’s public utterances back this up. Their Dominion Democracy Suite is no more than a Dedicated Election Fraud System (DEFS).
>”I can see no part of the process in that layout and systems that prevents an official simply rocking up to a Tabulation Station with batches of pre-printed non-voter ballots and feeding them though tabulation multiple times.”
What I am getting at here is that voter strike off at the Poll Book Station is bypassed because EM and EMS are entirely different systems.
Think of it as the Elector Management system (EM) and electronic Poll Book being outside the room, bypassed, redundant, and not part of vote tabulation at all.
And this neglects the internal manipulation at the Tabulation Station that observers will never be able to see except for forensic analysis of the entire tabulation data dump.
Another Question – Why do Elena Parent/Jennifer Jordan of the Georgia state senate have their hands on ballots?
So now we know why some who are in the legislative state body are screaming to shut up and stop the recount!
I don’t think exposure of the full extent of this fraud (if that ever happens) will be a result of recounts or court cases.
Exposure will be in the court of public opinion i.e. expert crowd sourcing in the public domain – no State or Federal Courts, no SCOTUS. The judiciary aren’t the experts here (besides, think 20 folders of evidence in NV “have little value” – Judge James Russell).
There are too many systems and IT people in the US for this to slip through. It is really only just beginning. I think it will really heat up after the forensic examination of Dominion Machines in Michigan.
Just my speculation of course – could be wrong.
>”There are too many systems and IT people in the US for this to slip through”
This guy for example:
‘More suspicious voting data arise in Virginia’
By Maker S. Mark American Thinker
Maker S. Mark (a pseudonym) is an active manager with 30 years experience in asking questions and solving problems in business I.T. and operations.
When IT experts really rip into the DVS system and source code (Green Party has already won access) it will all blow wide open.
And there’s no time constraint on this.
Have Your Say in Georgia
House Speaker –
Majority Leader –
Both Republicans
Exclusive: The FBI Is Investigating Voter Data Theft In This Key 2020 Election Battleground
On the morning of November 5, as the 2020 election hung in the balance, Arizona federal agents raided a two-story house in Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, a county that had become a key battleground in the presidential race. The agents were looking for evidence of a cyberattack on an unnamed organization and stolen voter data. They left with eight hard drives, three computers and a bag of USB sticks. The resident of the property, a 56-year-old IT expert named Elliot Kerwin, was served the warrant. He is not yet facing charges and was unreachable for comment at the time of publication. There is no indication that anything other than voters’ information, which can be acquired for a few hundred dollars in Arizona counties, was taken from the affected office.
The warrant, discovered by Forbes this week, reveals investigators have been looking into a computer intrusion at an unnamed “victim office,” which occurred from October 21 to November 4. At the Kerwin residence, they were looking for any evidence within the seized computers that showed they’d been used to access the IT network at the office, as well as “protected voters’ information” and any indication that it had been disseminated to other people.
Of the 15 county recorder’s offices contacted by Forbes about the investigation, only one, Maricopa County, confirmed voter data had been stolen, noting that a federal investigation was under way. The Maricopa County Recorder’s office, which is just 30 minutes’ drive south from Kerwin’s home, did not confirm whether or not the investigation was the same as that referred to in the search warrant.
“Analysis by the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office IT Security indicates an unauthorized individual gathered publicly accessible voter information from our website,” a spokesperson said. They didn’t specify what voter information and declined to comment any further on the nature of the attack. The data trove could be significant; there were more than 2.5 million registered voters in the county for the 2020 election.
Another perspective
Report: FBI Raided Maricopia County Residence to Retrieve Evidence of Cyber Intrusion into Voting Systems…
Considering what the past several years have revealed about the FBI; and considering the recent evidence of the FBI purposefully burying information from within the Hunter Biden laptop for over a year; it seems entirely possible this Arizona FBI effort was more intended to hide the reality of election vulnerabilities and intrusions, as opposed to investigating them?
How sad is it that we carry such unfortunate perspectives in our mind?
The FBI now more closely resembles, essentially, what we previously called Soviet-era “state police”. FUBAR.
First Fight! Then Win!
Watching President Donald Trump campaign in Georgia Saturday night I was reminded of a few things.
In hearing his slightly more subdued tone of voice you could detect the battle scars of the last four years. Years he literally gave to the nation, free of charge, donating his time, attention, problem solving and other skills to accomplish the single most successful first term presidency in American history.
It hit me all over again—here’s a man who had zero reason to do this.
Unlike his opponent who found it necessary to run a grift selling access to his office as vice president, Donald Trump needed nothing on his first day in office. That financial and political independence gave him an advantage. He owed no interest group, lobbyist, or deep state plot any loyalty. It’s why he was a danger in 2016. And it’s why after having spent four years trying to destroy him, they produced nearly 2 million counterfeit, unverified, non-transparent votes in four to five cities and stole what by every other metric was the greatest re-election in the modern era.
I was also reminded of something else—the disturbing silence of re-elected Republicans.
For the past three weeks the DC professional class has had whispered conversations with each other about Giuliani’s hair dye, Sidney Powell’s spelling errors, and some publicly pondered the seriousness of some of the witnesses being presented.
You know what they weren’t whispering about?
The theft of freedom.
He did everything in his power, physical strength, and sleepless nights down the stretch for America. The voters rewarded him with nearly 11 million more votes in 2020–from the most diverse corners of the electorate.
And the man who couldn’t draw twelve flies to rotting fruit, couldn’t read his teleprompter, couldn’t keep truth and plagiarism separate, wouldn’t campaign and did zero oppositional media supposedly thrashed him in five cities known for abject corruption.
It never happened legally.
There is zero mandate for Biden.
But Republicans have to grow a spine and start focusing on out-thinking and out-working their opposition.
And the time to start is today!
All this fraud doesn’t happen without a major amount of organisation. Who specifically do you think was involved in organising all this?
what fraud?
Biden visits his voters
Biden’s hair plugs
If you look closely you can see the hairline fractures…..
Oh wait, that’s something else.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
You clearly do not read any of Jo’s articles, GA.
I read them but that doesn’t mean I automatically believe them. Do you?
Go back on every article she has written on “the fraud – every single one – and every theory, piece of evidence, deposition etc has either been completely debunked, was not accepted in a court of law or has been quietly forgotten.
GA: I guess you must feel exactly the same about the four years’-worth of (fake) Russian interference claims in 2016’s election. No?
what about…
good try
It’s heart warming to observe your persistence and loyalty.
138,000 Kids Suddenly Added To Santa’s Nice List In Middle Of Night
I think we are going to find out the CIA helped the Dems organize the 2020 election fixing based on evidence found on the seceded Frankfurt CIA server which the 305 Military Intelligence Battalion are currently analyzing.
Based on my reading of all of the tea leaves. This is going to be all sort of settled in early January.
I see lots of flip charts and regular updates with flip charts in our future for 2021. And I see fixes to our problems coming. An end to political fighting in the US. And Trump is going to help a lot, by changing himself. A kinder and better man.
And, the most interesting human-interest story of 2021, will be Trump’s makeover, that will be due to his friendship with a new WH Milt aid.
OMG you have tea leaves! You must be right.
Oh and I see the US Military flew one of their planes and a group of Milt investigators to Toronto, Canada to discuss what is going to happen to Dominion. Serious questions and a large group of senior US Military investigators. Serious stuff and the Canadians understand that they are going to absolutely, 110% cooperate. Government and company.
A US military investigation into a foreign/CIA 2020 US election fix is not something you want to get in front of or really be involved with at all. Kind looks like the real thing. Time will tell. And hopefully we start to hear official good counter intelligence that helps and punishes the other side. Sneaky good weapons, that makes people happy by solving our problems.
Like the way Justin Trudeau cooperated in the investigation of SNC-Lavalin?
yes I believe you. I really do.
>”All this fraud doesn’t happen without a major amount of organisation. Who specifically do you think was involved in organising all this?”
Goes way back, nothing new. In Philly Dem “ballot stuffing” is considered a “time honoured tradition”.
But this time it’s a multi-State multi-county ballot-stuffing + electronic operation. By far the bulk of election officials in parts of the swing States that matter (urban/cities) are Dems – hence harassment of Repubs.
So there’s obviously some coordination or at least collusion – especially where money was involved in Georgia State purchase of the DVS system (US$100m+) by Repub RINOs and NeverTrumpers – or just plain corrupt crooks.
In short, to answer your question directly: The organizing is trickle down through the Dem machine with DNC at the top. Remember, they effortlessly shafted Bernie Sanders. And Biden’s VP pick Kamala Harris got 2% of the DNC vote.
And DVC has numerous Dem connections e.g. gets VERY close to Nancy Pelosi. Doesn’t take a genius to join those dots.
And I’m not ruling out, given performance over the last 4 years, Deep State involvement e.g. FBI/CIA.
That goes way back too. John F. Kennedy wasn’t around for long, neither Robert.
>”So there’s obviously some coordination or at least collusion – especially where money was involved in Georgia State purchase of the DVS system (US$100m+) by Repub RINOs and NeverTrumpers – or just plain corrupt crooks.”
‘Corrupt Georgia Elections Official Gabriel Sterling is Unhinged #NeverTrumper who Tweeted Out Nasty Attacks on Donald Trump’
Gateway Pundit
Sterling is one serious piece of works:
The [man] doth protest [and deflect] too much, methinks – Hamlet by William Shakespeare
RC (NZ),
I don’t think it’s driven centralized control, but is the predictable consequence of the many useful idiots on the political left, many of whom have the power and money to keep the truth buried.
The media provided cover by weaponizing hate against Trump and his supporters. As a result, the useful idiots considered that the ends justified the means, legal, moral, ethical or not.
We see the same thing in climate science where the media keeps telling people that CO2 caused climate change is an existential threat and once more, the many useful idiots think the ends justify the means.
In fact, we see the media interfering with the truth about all of the ‘America last’ issues pushed by the Socialists, none of which could ever stand on their own merit. We can only hope that the hate wears off and the useful idiots realize what they’ve become.
50% chance of getting this one right. Republicans or Democrats. …. Republicans or Democrats ….. ummm, pub rats?
>”All this fraud doesn’t happen without a major amount of organisation. Who specifically do you think was involved in organising all this?”
Already replied to the question but there’s another very important aspect to this:
‘The Same Organized Fraud That Took Place in Michigan Took Place In Georgia on Election Night – Republicans Were Removed from the Counting Area and then Massive Spike in Biden Only Votes is Recorded’
Gateway Pundit
There’s two ballot timeline graphs in that post, one Michigan one Georgia.
The Georgia timeline with a massive spike at 1:36am has the CCTV footage of suitcased ballots pulled out from under the tables superimposed and the timestamp corresponds to the spike.
The Michigan ballot timeline shows another massive spike. The article explains:
“In Michigan on election night suitcases were reported being shuffled into the arena in downtown Detroit around 4:30 AM in the morning on election night on November 4th. Remember President Trump was hundreds of thousands of votes ahead in Michigan on election night at this time as well. Then early in the morning these suspicious suitcases and coolers full of ballots were carted into the center.
Like Georgia this took place at 4:30 AM right before shift change around 5 AM. . New GOP observers were set to comin in at 6 AM. Republicans were told there was a break in voting so they could clean the room for coronavirus. That’s when the spike occurred in Joe Biden votes.
The spike took place around 6 AM — when GOP observers were pushed out of the TCF Arena.
The next day, Republicans were prevented from entering the arena and suddenly tens of thousands of votes for Joe Biden were added to the counts stealing the election for Biden.
All these instances of criminal election fraud went for Joe Biden.”
# # #
Obvious now that both of these spikes were panic moves by the Democrats – and a massive overreach that was never going to go undetected.
>”All this fraud doesn’t happen without a major amount of organisation. Who specifically do you think was involved in organising all this?”
‘Review of Late-Night Ballot Counting in Atlanta’s State Farm Arena Shows Mysterious ‘Man In Red’ Receiving Numerous Calls During the Ballot Heist But from Whom?’
Gateway Pundit
From article:
Tonight we have uncovered another observation of events that night. One of the other individuals who stuck around moved from his regular station and moved to another cube where he held numerous calls with someone as the ballot counting went on. Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer points out where this mysterious man in red placed himself:
[See composite image]
According to the composite, the man in red makes two phone calls on Election Night at 10:58pm which then triggers the removal of the ballot cases from under the table covered in black material. Within a couple minutes four boxes of ballots are wheeled out from under the table.
The unique thing about these ballots is that they had already been pre-processed. They had already been taken out of the envelope, unfolded, inspected and placed in a pile for scanning (If they had ever been in envelopes in the first place). During this entire process the man in the red shirt receives numerous calls from someone.
Apelbaum says:
Apelbaum also estimates between 12 and 24 thousand votes were likely tabulated during this time.
We’d like to know who the mysterious man in red was talking to and what they were talking about as the steal was taking place in Atlanta.
This Crisis Demands a Constitutional Analysis of Voting Machines
There are constitutional rules on how prisons are operated, how zoning laws must be drafted and what rights members of the LGBT community must be accorded; however, there are no rules regarding modern voting machines, as well as the hardware and software used to tabulate votes.
Clearly, some constitutional rules should apply to these machines because they control our most basic rights, which includes the right to vote and the right to have it counted honestly.
It must surely be considered unconstitutional for a municipality to utilize voting machines that allow poll workers to switch a vote if they thought a mistake was made. Poll workers cannot be allowed to hack into the machine’s hardware or software and reverse a vote just because they thought a voter hit the wrong button.
Consequently, the idea that there must be constitutional rules regarding both the hardware and the software used in voting machines is not far-fetched, and indeed, its implementation is now obviously long overdue.
Millions of Americans have been closely following the president’s legal challenges to the 2020 election. The reams of evidence the president’s team have compiled indicates severe problems with the hardware and software used to cast and count votes. The focus has been on several swing states, but the problems might be prevalent across the country.
It seems possible to not only change votes, but also to disregard votes and create large batches of phony votes out of thin air.
How else can we explain systems that mail out ballots to dead people? Or that mail out six ballots to an address where two people reside? Or that allow an envelope with a signature to be separated from the actual ballot before the signature has been meaningfully examined – by representatives of both political parties?
How else can we explain a system that awards a massive batch of almost 600,000 votes to former Vice President Joe Biden while simultaneously adding a mere 3,000 votes to President Donald Trump? Witnesses have testified that this is exactly what happened in Pennsylvania in the wee hours after Election Night 2020. Does anyone doubt that such a system is highly suspect, if not totally corrupt?
Indeed, such a ridiculous ratio of votes favoring one candidate over another is prima facie evidence that the system which produced this result is too easily tampered with, either physically or via the internet. Any teenage hacker can attest that almost all computer systems are vulnerable.
Are Americans blind to this reality? There have been numerous examples of computer systems of our largest and most secure institutions, such as banks, municipal governments and even the Pentagon being hacked. Accordingly, if our voting systems are connected to the Internet, they can easily be hacked, and our precious votes can be manipulated. It should not be constitutionally permissible to transmit voting totals across the world wide web.
The bare facts are suspicious, to say the least. More than 74 million Americans voted for President Trump, 12 million more votes than he received in 2016, and more, by far, than any presidential candidate of either party has ever gotten. And we are supposed to believe that Joe Biden, a mentally impaired senior citizen who didn’t campaign, who rarely left his basement, about whose candidacy virtually no one was enthusiastic outside his immediate family, smashed all records by getting 81 million Americans to vote for him, 12 million more than voted for Barack Obama in 2008? Actual live Americans, voting legally, and only once? While millions of those same voters didn’t vote down-ballot, so that, apart from the presidential race, it was a good year for Republicans? I don’t believe it
Well said OldOzzie. As you suggest, many millions of votes must have been fraudulent. Biden surely could not have got more than Obama. At least Obama had the sort of charisma that appeals to his moron voter base plus he got out to campaign. The fraudulent votes were not just the tens of thousands that are being contested in just a few states.
Biden is a senile, dementia ridden, failure. 47 years of Nothing but imprisoning minorities for small crimes.
Wanna see him beclown himself? Well here you go. Gibberish, hairy legs, truth over facts, etc. Senile. No doubt.
President Trump got 12 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016?!
Are we supposed to believe that Donald Trump, liar, con-artist, egotist, who thinks he know more than anyone on any topic, who sacks advisors who don’t agree with him, who allowed COVID-19 to run rampant for the sake of playing partisan politics, who got into the role as a reality TV ‘star’ seeking more publicity …. got more votes than Obama did? And more votes than he did first round?
I don’t believe it. Clear evidence of fraud right there.
(There goes that argument)
[Think you can make the same argument without the name calling?]AD
Name calling?!
Please elaborate. Nothing there but factual statements. Unlike this: “Biden is a senile, dementia ridden, failure.” Which you did not have a problem with.
Go on, put it up. Mine is a very pointed counter-argument, if this blog has any integrity left.
Accusations about Trump have been knocked back in the US Senate and on this site – perhaps ‘egotist’ could stand.
Accusations against Biden are proven by observation of recent vids, I do make the exception of ‘failure’ however, he has been successful at enriching his family, and getting a 50% cut for himself by selling access to dictators and oligarchs.
An interesting conclusion from the big data dump about Covid in Europe, on ‘Whatsupwiththat’.
“As to face masks for the general public, evidence from Belgium, France, Spain and the UK suggests that they have no beneficial effects. Indeed, it’s not implausible, given the data, that requiring the public to wear face coverings actually helps to spread the virus.”
Remember Ruby Freeman? She and her daughter/boss, were at the heart of the voting “issue” in GA.
Now she says “This is bigger than me. ….. I need a lawyer”
How “quaint”.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Third Suspect from State Farm Center ‘Suitcase Scandal’ Identified as Ralph Jones, Sr. – Who Was in the News for Shady Deal with ATL Mayor Keisha Bottoms
On Sunday night we uncovered another observation of events that night.
One of the other individuals who stuck around moved from his regular station and moved to another cube where he held numerous calls with someone as the ballot counting went on. Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer points out where this mysterious man in red placed himself:
According to the composite, the man in red makes two phone calls on Election Night at 10:58pm which then triggers the removal of the ballot cases from under the table covered in black material. Within a couple minutes four boxes of ballots are wheeled out from under the table.
We now believe the man taking the calls and organizing the massive “suitcase” scandal that night is Ralph Jones.
Ralph Jones is the registrations chief at Fulton County Government
Michigan Board of Elections Orders County Clerks to Delete Vote Data
Michigan Republican legislative leaders were not happy on Friday when they learned the Board of Elections (BOE) ordered county clerks to delete election-related data from government computers.
That raised the ire of state Rep. Matt Hall (R) and state Sen. Ed McBroom (R), chairmen of their respective oversight committees, who indicated the memo violated an order by House Speaker Lee Chatfield (R) and Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R) for election data to be preserved.
Chatfield and Shirkey issued a directive on November 6 “which served as notice of the Michigan Legislature’s plans to conduct an inquiry into the general election,” a release from Hall said.
“Because of that inquiry, Detroit city clerk and BOE offices were directed to preserve certain materials, including relevant electronic information. The inquiry also demands all surveillance video recordings that were taken at the TCF Center in Detroit from Nov. 3-5 be kept,” it continued.
“Our work is about restoring confidence in our elections process. We are making sure that we have access to relevant and needed information as the Legislature performs its inquiry into what happened and that the information hasn’t been deleted in the face of that inquiry and litigation that is still out there,” Hall said.
“It is concerning this memo went out after a letter was delivered asking these entities to preserve evidence. As a result, we want an assurance that this information is being preserved.”
Hall and McBroom said they are requesting “immediate clarity” to ensure the election data is being preserved in accordance with the directive from Chatfield and Shirkey.
DeKalb County Cannot Find Chain of Custody Records for Absentee Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes: ‘It Has Not Been Determined If Responsive Records to Your Request Exist’
DeKalb County responded to an Open Records Request from The Georgia Star News to produce the ballot transfer forms that formed the critical chain of custody link in the absentee ballots deposited in the near 300 drop boxes in the state and transported to county election offices in a letter received on Friday that said the county did not know if such records exist.
Earlier this week, the Secretary of States’ office told Breitbart News that it did not know how many of the 1.3 million absentee ballots cast in the 2020 general election were delivered by mail vs. drop box, but the counties should know.
The Georgia Star News filed an open records request on Tuesday for all “ballot transfer forms” from the Nov. 3 General Election in DeKalb County. But there is no way to determine the chain of custody.
The open records request reply, received from Assistant County Attorney at DeKalb County Dexter Q. Bond, Jr., stated, “it has not yet been determined if responsive records to your request exist.”
The ballot transfer forms that remain unknown in DeKalb are a part of Georgia’s new Election Code implemented this past summer.
The DeKalb County response was unusual in several ways.
DeKalb County elections manager fired for errors found in ballot audit
Updated: November 20, 2020 – 11:34 AM
DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. — DeKalb County fired an elections manager on Friday after a series of errors as the county ran a state-ordered audit of ballots cast in the presidential race.
A county statement said, “ It has come to our attention that a DeKalb VRE manager, who is now a former employee, failed to follow our established protocols and blatantly disregarded the required processes we utilize to account for and record all legal and verified ballots.”
Next..? “Well, it’s too late now!”
Sharyl Attkisson
>THE EVOLUTION OF A NARRATIVE: Next..? “Well, it’s too late now!”
“This case represents well the phrase: ‘this ship has sailed,’” – U.S. District Judge Linda Parker, Michigan
People are coming out pointing out Bill Barr’s conclusion there is no election fraud is very odd in the face of the avalanche of evidence.
Barr said that ‘to date’, the fraud was not widespread enough to overturn the election. However, this doesn’t mean that there was not enough fraud discovered, only that insufficient wide spread fraud has been proven in a court of law, and unfortunately, on that specific point, he’s correct.
Accusations, even when supported with a preponderance of evidence, don’t count since any defendant, even a political party, is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. A favorable SCOTUS ruling that flipped just one state would necessarily result in Barr changing his position.
Rudy Giuliani said he is “getting great care and feeling good” Sunday night after President Trump announced that his personal attorney had tested positive for the coronavirus.
“Thank you to all my friends and followers for all the prayers and kind wishes,” Giuliani wrote. “I’m getting great care and feeling good. Recovering quickly and keeping up with everything.”
ABC RN World Today had a segment at noon ridiculing Giuliani for not wearing a face-mask and speaking “untruths”. It made no attempt to analyze or report on his evidence.
Nasty defamatory assertions from our national broadcaster. Someone else must have thought so too as I could find no link to it on today’s homepage.
Last night’s Channel 10 news claimed Trump’s Georgia rally was full of “lies”.
I soooo hope they all end up with heaps of egg on their faces
In regard to Rudy Giuliarni and his positive test result for C-19, note that he said in October that he had been taking HCQ for prophylaxis against C-19 so hopefully he’ll only have mild or preferably no symptoms, as long as he takes zinc and Azithromycin as per the Zelenko protocol.
The ABC (Australia) are evil and nothing but a taxpayer funded Leftist propaganda organisation.
In the following quote 1) Biden is not “President Elect” and 2) there is plenty of evidence for fraud.
Also they referred to Trump as “Mr” and shoukd have called him “President”.
Oh the humanity
Biden has sufficient certified electoral college votes to be declared president. Rogue or faithless electors will not change the election result.
New claim: Constitution does not require hasty Electoral College vote, check fraud first
by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist
States rushing to brush aside President Trump’s legal challenges to begin picking electors by Monday are being advised to slow down in a new advisory that says the only date the Constitution mentions is Jan. 20, Inauguration Day.
Citing language in the famous Bush vs. Gore Supreme Court decision, the advisory said that while federal law sets two days in December for moving forward with the Electoral College voting, the Constitution doesn’t.
“The Supreme Court has ruled that the law does not actually require states to appoint Electors by that date in order for those Electoral Votes to be counted by Congress when determining the winner of the presidential election,” said a new white paper from the Amistad Project of the nonpartisan Thomas More Society, which is challenging the votes in several states.
What’s more, the document claims that in the five states it has filed challenges to the election results, enough violations took place to force the legislatures to take over for the electoral system.
Memo to Simon….Electoral College votes (which are state-based, not federal) are not finalised until December 14, when they declare their results. They can change the result if they so wish, no matter what the formal vote was. Yes, Biden MAY become President (unfortunately), but it is NOT decided until December 14… and, if voting fraud can be proven, the election may not be decided for months. The US electoral procedure is a complete mess (thanks to the Constitution), but it must be abided by (for all its faults).
The Georgia Ballot Underground Railroad
I heard a lot of questions and answers about this event over the past few days, but, the obvious who/why/what/how questions that I haven’t heard from the Clouseau style DOJ investigators who are combing the ground for/against evidence of fraud are:
1. Who was Ralph Jones talking to on his cell phone? A hint, it was a political call!
2. What other ‘work-related’ phone calls/texts came in and out of the room?
3. What triggered the ‘special’ midnight count and who authorized Ralph Jones to restart it?
4. Why did the count stop at 10:30 p.m. and resume 30 minutes later after all but five of the workers left?
5. What was the net gain/loss for each candidate from this late night ballot count?
Politics aside, if we get the answers to these questions, we will be able to easily confirm or deny most voting fraud claims. If we don’t, this event will enter the history books as the defining event of the 2020 elections.
>”….the obvious who/why/what/how questions that I haven’t heard from the Clouseau style DOJ investigators who are combing the ground for/against evidence of fraud are:….”
Deep State sees no evil here – move along.
38 thoughts on “The Georgia Ballot Underground Railroad”
Is there a source for the claim that Fulton had been planning to stop counting at 1030?
Had they announced this beforehand ? If so when?
Remington dossier , December 5, 2020 at 6:41 amReply
Hi Remington,
All the statements regarding the voting activity came from the county officials. The source of the 10:30 p.m. counting stop statement (see below) came from Robb Pitts, the Fulton Commission Chairman.
“They planned to stop scanning absentee ballots at 10:30 p.m. and pick it up back in the morning. No official could explain before press time why Fulton was stopping its count of absentee ballots at that time, only saying that was the procedure.”
Nov 3, 2020 By Ben Brasch, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Based on the footage from the room it is also clear that they followed the 10:30 p.m. shutdown procedure. As you can clearly see the crew is prepping to head out, that is, until one of the two supervisors (the bald guy with the red shirt) gets a phone call at 10:58:05 p.m and is instructed to resume the count.
Yaacov Apelbaum , December 5, 2020 at 3:07 pm
More than 35 losses in election-related cases have made one thing painfully clear: President Trump’s barrage of litigation is a pretext for a campaign to undermine public confidence in the outcome of the 2020 election, which inevitably will subvert constitutional democracy.
Federal judges appointed by presidents of both parties, including by President Trump himself, have rejected the Trump legal teams’ factual assertions and legal claims, more than one in scathing terms. called the public statements by the lawyers a “gusher of false and unfounded allegations.” Even Attorney General William Barr has stated that there is no evidence of widespread election fraud.
A license to practice law is not a license to lie to the public on behalf of a client, whether doing so endangers one individual or the entire body politic.
>”A license to practice law is not a license to lie to the public on behalf of a client”
What lies, exactly.