Texas trumps the other states and launches a suit that goes straight to the Supreme Court to get four naughty states to clean up
It makes so much sense (which is rare — like winning lotto in the world of politics and law and on the same day). The corruption in the swinging states is not just a problem for those states, it’s a problem for the whole nation. The US as is currently known, will cease to be the US if the Presidency can be blatantly stolen. Texans are fed up, and they want the Supreme Court to sort things out. Not surprisingly, there are rumors other states want to join Texas. Fraud hurts all the other states, but Texas got there first.
UPDATE: 8 states now in too. h/t Old Ozzie: Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, & South Dakota have all announced that they will be joining Texas in the suit https://t.co/5PKbv0KyFV.
Kris Kobach at Breitbart says that if Texas wins, the four states must figure out who their electors will be within strict constitutional rules. They could try to toss out the suspect ballots and see what’s left in the tally. They could pick 50:50 for the electoral college, or they could pick the electoral college voters themselves. Whatever their constitution allows.
Texas Sues: Looks Like A Game Changer
Mark Wauck at Meaning in history:
14th Amendment, Section 1
… No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Once again, if individual states are allowed to flout this provision, then our social compact–the US Constitution–is effectively a dead letter. This is certainly the lesson of the struggle for equal civil rights for all persons. That struggle led us through a bloody Civil War and much else since then. The justices all understand that.
Texas, as an equal member of these United States, has a right to expect that the SCOTUS will enforce the Constitution as against all other states. To do otherwise violates the nature and purpose of the Constitution. As a remedy, Texas is asking that the Supreme Court remand the appointment of electors in the four states back to the state legislatures of those respective states.
Texas has drawn a line, whether most of the country understands that or not–and if the justices attempt to dodge or finesse these issues they will do so at great risk to the Union. The justices have to be able to sniff the scent of secession in the air.
The legal basis:
Kobach: Texas Case Challenges Election Directly at Supreme Court
Kris W. Kobach ,Breitbart
The Texas suit is clear, and it presents a compelling case. The four offending states each violated the U.S. Constitution in two ways.
Firstly states have to obey the constitution:
First, they violated the Electors Clause of Article II of the Constitution when executive or judicial officials in the states changed the rules of the election without going through the state legislatures. The Electors Clause requires that each State “shall appoint” its presidential electors “in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct.”
In the early years of the Republic, most state legislatures appointed their presidential electors directly, without holding a popular election for President. That would change during the early decades of the nineteenth century. But the constitutional principle remained the same. Regardless of whether a state appoints its electors by a vote in the legislature or by a vote of the people, it is the state legislature — and only the state legislature — that sets the rules.
The second constitutional violation revolves around the equal protection clause — the same one used in Gore v Bush. All counties need to be treated the same. All voters too. It’s not OK for poll watchers to be tossed out and it’s not OK for poll workers to fix up problems with some votes but not others.
h/t Bill C Shepard
The Suit: https://t.co/O3iEBQKq13?amp=1
Will Senator Ted Cruz agree to argue this one as well? After all, Texas is his state …
Was watching him last night say he would love to be involved .
Ted Cruz is a great debater . .
But now 9 states joining Texas to sue the 4 swing states….
“Louisiana AG Jeff Landry announced earlier this afternoon that Louisiana is joining in on the Texas lawsuit filed yesterday against the states of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania over irregularities and lawlessness in the conduct of the 2020 election.
“Allen West told Steve Bannon, “I think you’re going to see ten states sign on to this petition and lawsuit. I know as you said Louisiana just came on board.”
Seems as if the Texas application to the Supreme Court maybe Trump’s last hope as SCOTUS has rejected a major bid by Donald Trump’s legal team to challenge the election result in Pennsylvania. Looks as if that court is not convinced of Trump’s claims of fraudulence
Except that is not the case:
This is about the PA case that Cruz was going to present. The Texas case is a different, but overlapping case, and today, SCOTUS has demanded that the states being sued by Texas respond to the suit by Thursday. No fraud needs to be proven as the Texas case is about constitutional law.
Breathtaking. SCOTUS might like this because it avoids the nasty fraud issues which are bearing down on them. Never rule on substance when you can rule on procedure.
That’s the whole point of not focusing just on the voter fraud itself but on the procedures and transparency, whereby the electoral officials and others prevented Republican officers from monitoring the counting. Not only was such blocking illegal it ought to be sufficient reason to disqualify the whole electoral college votes and move to the next step as per the 12th Amendment.
Yes. Systemic election fraud is more properly handled by a special council, for example, Rudy Giuliani. Just in case Biden is inaugurated, let him try to fire 2 special councils investigating actual criminal behavior. Let’s make it 3 and start up another looking at Biden Inc.
What comes around goes around, right?
Do you mean a special person (counsel) or a special collection of persons (council)?
It is a mis spelling in CO2’s comment.
Special Counsel ie, a specially appointed prosecutor.
NOT Council.
Trump had the highest number of votes as president EVER, increasing from 2016 ~63.5m 10 million to 2020 ~73.5m.
The absurd notion that Joe Biden had over 80 million votes and was somehow the most popular presidential candidate in American history, I find, is the most stunning AND QUESTIONABLE point of all. (Obuma 2008 ~69.5m, 2012 ~66m, Dillary who campained a hell of a lot more than sleepy Joe 66m)
Everyone watched Trump campain his heart out, everyone saw the massive support rallies and the ground swell of people forming highway convoys all over America (MSM were forced to show them because of shear numbers!).
Where was Joe’s crowd?? NOTHING, NADDA, ZIP, ZERRO!!! (though I understand his basement was pritty crowded!)
Jo, where are the stats? I want to see where Bidden got the extra 14+ million votes from? Which states and how many? was it a fair and reasonable distribution?
Jo I stumbled onto this;
might be a starting place
“Jo, where are the stats?”
The stats you require were not supplied. The actual number of popular votes is immaterial as it does not take into account the increase in eligible voters since 2016 or the large turnout at this election. Looking at the percentage of the popular vote shows Biden got 51.3% and Trump 46.9% which is less than what he got in 2016.
“Jo, where are the stats?”
The stats you require were not supplied. The actual number of popular votes is immaterial as it does not take into account the increase in eligible voters since 2016 or the large turnout at this election. Looking at the percentage of the popular vote shows Biden got 51.3% and Trump 46.9% which is less than what he got in 2016.
So Ian is showing how voter fraud can happen by double posting! Thanks Ian!
Wow, this puts the US Supreme Court in a no choice situation where before they had the choice of accepting involvement or rejecting their involvement.
They are stating why should other States not following their Constitutional Obligations and they are following and fulfilling their Constitutional Obligations.
SCOTUS has docketed the case !!
It makes me wonder what is happening behind the scenes. It appears Ted Cruz is active in getting a hearing before the Supreme Court. Who came up with this idea. Is it something the Supreme Court wants to have before them. They have about a week to decide if there will be a College vote and who can participate.
The count in Texas took 3 hours to decide a clear winner – Trump. California took less than 2 hours to have a clear winner – Biden. Ohio, the usual swing state, had a clear winner in 3 hours of counting after Trump overtook Biden and just kept gaining.
GA, MI and PA all had Trump a clear winner on Election Day but took days of finding Biden votes to get him over the line. Wisconsin found a big bag of votes that had 143k for Biden and 25k for Trump in the wee hours on the day after the vote. That was enough to just get Biden ahead of Trump.
The targeted states all have odd counting irregularities.
For those who haven’t seen your charts here’s yesterday’s RickWill post featuring them:
“California took less than 2 hours” –but apparently they are still counting !!
Just wondering when the impeachment process of Joe Biden will commence.
Republicans must have heaps of evidence to proceed against him & are probably still mining for more & more evidence. Democrats will not have much time on their hands for actually governing. It will be very entertaining.
All the dirt is just the ammunition to use in mid term elections & will end up controlling both houses.
Having read the first 50 of the 154 pages of the Plaint (and still reading) it seems to me that Texas have made an incontrovertibly powerful case that election officials in the four states, prima facie broke their own laws and acted ultra vires. This would serve to render their election results invalid, something which SCOTUS should, based upon the evidence, be able to find in favour of.
My only question is why has Nevada not been included ?
Having lived in Texas in the early 90s what they are now doing to fight Democrat election corruption brings a warm glow and makes me proud to have been ‘part’ of Texas, even if only for a couple of years.
There was nothing fishy going on in the Nevada count. Biden was ahead soon after counting started and stayed there. Trump made up ground as the count progressed but Biden had a convincing win. The clear winner on the day was Biden.
I do not know if Nevada changed voting procedure unconstitutionally but it does not have the counting irregularities of the four defendant states.
Aren’t there are allegations of out of state voters in Nevada?
Nevada seems above board but Arizona is officially now a contested election.
There is this which I previously posted in another thread:
Here is a test that was done by a journalist in Nevada on how lax the signature checks for mail in voting was. Eight out of nine (88.9 %) ballots were accepted, even though the signature was effectively that of the journalist rather than the voter.
I say “effectively” because to keep the experiment legal, the journalist signed the voters’ names in his own hand-writing and then the voters copied his version of their signature. This meant that the voters lodged their own votes legally, just not with a signature as they would have normally signed it.
>”Arizona is officially now a contested election.”
Arizona Supreme Court Upholds Lower Court Ruling Affirms Joe Biden’s Victory in Arizona
Gateway Pundit
“Governor Doug Ducey signed off on the results.”
“On Tuesday the Arizona Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling and affirmed Joe Biden’s victory in Arizona.”
Daniel McCarthy Announces Arizona Legislators Invoked Article 2, Section 1 – Meaning Arizona is Officially a Contested Election
Gateway Pundit
“Arizona Republicans on Monday called for the decertification of their state’s false election results.”
Arizona House Majority Leader Warren Petersen released a statement Sunday night ahead of Monday’s press conference: “The election should not have been certified with the number of irregularities and allegations of fraud. Especially troubling to me are the allegations surrounding the vendor Dominion,” Petersen said in the press release. “It is imperative that a forensic audit occur immediately of the equipment and software. Upon any showing of fraud the legislature should immediately convene to decertify the vote.”
“On Monday Arizona businessman Daniel McCarthy (R-) told the patriotic crowd that legislators invoked Article 2, Section 1 meaning — Arizona is officially a contested election!”
# # #
So what is the status of Arizona now?
State-of-play seems to be AZ Supreme Court has dismissed AZ Legislature.
This can’t be good (to say the least). I’m sure we will hear more from the Legislature in due course.
From comments under the Supreme Court article:
Michael Myers – “I understand their lawmakers has said this is now a contested election. This ruling means nothing, hopefully though Texas et al will amend their lawsuit and add AZ.”
>”State-of-play seems to be AZ Supreme Court has dismissed AZ Legislature. This can’t be good (to say the least). I’m sure we will hear more from the Legislature in due course.”
From Ren Jander, J.D, in a related post:
“Art. II, S. 1 of the Constitution of the United States, which assigns PLENARY authority to the Legislature in Georgia (and every other State) as to the choosing of Presidential Electors… “at any time,” before or after any election”
# # #
Seems to me the Legislature will have the last say on this.
>”Seems to me the Legislature will have the last say on this.”
Can Arizona’s electoral votes be changed? Some Republicans pushing for special session to give votes to Trump
By: Nicole Valdes, abc15 Arizona
Arizona’s eleven electors by law, are required to vote for the candidate who won the most votes. All eleven votes will go to former Vice President Joe Biden on December 14 unless legislators step in.
“It would be an extremely divisive political thing to do,” added Barnes [GOP strategist].” Republicans have a very thin majority in the state legislature. The very bare minimum 31 out of 60 in the house and 16 out of 30 in the Senate. That means they can’t just do whatever they want to do in this regard on a constitutional manner without the cooperation from Democrats, and Democrats are not going to cooperate.”
Nasty Fraud like this:
How many electoral college votes are these twenty-eight states responsible for? It’s straight to a House Vote perhaps and pray the Usurpers have not thought ahead and bought enough reps to prevail in that forum.
Dominion Took Over Georgia Voting Machines Remotely During 2020 Election
Gateway Pundit
Michigan House Chairman Tells Dominion CEO to Appear or Be Subpoenaed
Gateway Pundit
Congratulations, Jo, for keeping us up to date with news from the States that is otherwise not getting through to us.
There are many items on YouTube about the US elections, including this Texas law suit.
We are about to see whether the US Justice system at the Supreme Court of the US is interested in restoring the integrity of the presidential election process, or more interested in allowing it to be smashed resulting in the ultimate demise of the Federal Constitutional Republic of the US.
Biden should have to explain his reference to the ‘fraud bfore the election. I think it was a senile slip!
Agreed. Like the truth beats facts utterance.
Inauguration Committee Fails to Pass Resolution Acknowledging Biden as President-Elect
Gateway Pundit
Doesn’t Quid pro Joe in the Ukraine that Joe proudly admitted on video prove he is a felon and not allowed to be president?
Nice idea however the operative but missing word in your dream is CONVICTED!
The US just keeps getting nuttier and nuttier. Texas has to prove that each state law is unconstitutional, an impossibly high bar. The Supreme Court will not hear this case. Original jurisdiction only applies where states have territorial or water rights disputes.
I think you have missed the point and I’d suggest you read the Complaint as filed by the Texas State Attorney general (I have) – Texas don’t have to prove that each state law is ‘unconstitutional’, that’s not what is being argued.
In very simple terms each state has election laws made by it’s own legislature and those laws can only be changed by that state’s legislature. Election officials have to conduct elections in complete accord with the existing laws. In one state the Court was asked by Democrats to vary the laws and it obliged despite not having the lawful power to do so – such changes could Only be made by the legislature. The election was conducted, in breach of the prevailing legislation on the sy so of judges who did not have the power to permit it. That could derail every vote which was counted under the judges rules and curiously these were predominantly late votes for Biden.
In other states the very conduct of the election was in breach of the States own laws when it came to counts, chain of custody, refusal to allow legitimnate observers to watch what went on despite this being enshrined in the State’s own law as well as Federal Law.
In 5 major cities in Wisconsin the Democrat Mayors and election officials broke state law by setting up around 500 ‘drop boxes’ on the street that anyone could, unchecked, leave a ballot in.
This was in direct contravention of the State Law which set out that any such box stationed away from the County or Town Clerk’s office had to have an election official stationed there at all times, without that any vote put in such a box was invalid and could not be counted. They were all counted ….. (See page 37 of the Plaint)
Don’t you ever read? It’s not about proving that each state law is unconstitutional. It’s about proving those states violated one or more of the federal requirements for elections (i.e., equal protection, due process, and the Electors Clause) and thus arise under federal law.
Exactly. Individual states made variations to allow people to vote without exposing themselves to COVID-19. Everyone has a constitutional right to vote without fear or prejudice.
People who feared contracting CoViD-19 at a polling center had ample time to apply for absentee voting forms. Mail-ins (mail-outs is a better description) were totally unnecessary (except to perpetuate fraud).
You’re getting it wrong yet again, the state laws specifically prohibited postal ballots unless requested in writing by a registered elector. State officials broke that law when they illegally sent ballots to All registered voters despite not being requested.
That ultra virus act was compounded when 36 hrs before the election only some 2.15m ballots had been sent out even though there were well over 3 million registered electors.
That act alone invalidated that states entire election ‘result’.
Try reading the Plaint then you wouldn’t keep making wildly inaccurate and misleading claims.
And this presumably breaking the law invalidates the election result?
Seems to me too that Texas is hitting SCOTUS with a classic pincer manoeuver to force to look at at least once case.
They are damed if they do or damned if they dont.
By the way, how does the SCOTUS decide if its worth looking at a case? What criteria do they use?
Should be able to find the answer here: https://www.supremecourt.gov/filingandrules/rules_guidance.aspx
I don’t have enough free time to study the docs.
Your not paying attention Simon, Texas are saying in short, if you allow this fraud to be accepted you will cause the breakup of the union.
That statement aged well!
LOL. Also, we are seeing through these discussions who are on the dark side and who are on the side of truth, justice and the American people, so to speak. God save the American people because the left certainly don’t want to.
>”Original jurisdiction only applies where states have territorial or water rights disputes.”
No, it is simply “disputes between the states”:
See comment # downthread
Really you didn’t bother to look at the Supreme Court of the United States WEBSITE?
Here is a comment from elsewhere that encapsulates the main argument of the case:
My guess is that the Supreme Court will decline to hear this case. Their position will likely be along the lines that the “ship has sailed” that other courts have concluded or that Texas doesn’t have standing for complaints of the election processes or other states.
Today is the safe-harbor deadline where all states are required to have certified the results of the election. Only Wisconsin has not.
The President’s attempts to uncover election fraud should be pursued and be allowed to proceed. Even with that, unfortunately, there will be a climate alarmist in the Oval Office on the morning of January 23rd.
I meant January 21st…
Sorry Mike,
You lose…
Docketing just means that it’s been filed in the system. It doesn’t mean that they will hear the case.
Posting of Documents. Electronic versions of all documents filed with the Court (except those containing sealed material or otherwise exempt from el ectronic posting) will be made available to the public without charge on the Supreme Court’s website at http://www.supremecourt.gov.
(a)Filings that initiate a new case at the Supreme Court will be posted on the Court’s website only after the Clerk’s Office has received and reviewed the paper version of the filing, determined that it should be accepted for filing, and assigned a case number.
(b)Subsequent filings from represented parties that are submitted through the electronic filing system will be posted upon electronic submission to the system. Such filings will initially be noted on the docket as “Submitted.” Once the Clerk’s Office has received and reviewed the paper version of the document and determined that it should be accepted for filing, the docket will reflect that the document has been “Filed.” If a document is not accepted for filing, the docket entry will reflect that it is “Not Accepted for Filing,” and an electronic version of the document will no longer be accessible.
(c)Paper filings from parties not represented by counsel will be scanned by the Clerk’s Office and posted on the Court’s website once the Clerk’s Office has reviewed the filing and determined that it should be accepted for filing
Explaining the Supreme Court’s Shrinking Docket
Ryan J. Owens
David A. Simon
William & Mary Law Review
In recent years, the United States Supreme Court has decided fewer cases than at any other time in its recent history. Scholars and practitioners alike have criticized the drop in the Court’s plenary docket. Some even believe that the Court has reneged on its duty to clarify and unify the law. A host of studies examine potential reasons for the Court’s change in docket size, but few rely on an empirical analysis of this change and no study examines the correlation between ideological homogeneity and docket size.
A. How the Court Chooses to Review Cases
# # #
This is about “review”. Don’t know about a hearing in the first instance such as STATE OF TEXAS v. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, STATE OF GEORGIA, STATE OF MICHIGAN, AND STATE OF
>”This is about “review”. Don’t know about a hearing in the first instance such as…”
Supreme Court Procedures
The Constitution states that the Supreme Court has both original and appellate jurisdiction. Original jurisdiction means that the Supreme Court is the first, and only, Court to hear a case. The Constitution limits original jurisdiction cases to those involving disputes between the states or disputes arising among ambassadors and other high-ranking ministers. Appellate jurisdiction means that the Court has the authority to review the decisions of lower courts. Most of the cases the Supreme Court hears are appeals from lower courts.
United States Courts
# # #
The State of Texas Complaint against four other states is obviously “disputes between the states”
ArtIII.S2.C1.2.4 Controversies Between Two or More States
Boundary Disputes: The Law Applied
Modern Types of Suits Between States
Cases of Which the Court Has Declined Jurisdiction
The Supreme Court and Disputes Between States
Charles Warren 1940
William & Mary Law School
“…an arbiter in disputes between the states of our Union”
Cases of Which the Court Has Declined Jurisdiction
In Alabama v. Arizona,29 where Alabama sought to enjoin nineteen states from regulating or prohibiting the sale of convict-made goods, the Court went far beyond holding that it had no jurisdiction, and indicated that jurisdiction of suits between states will be exercised only when absolutely necessary, that the equity requirements in a suit between states are more exacting than in a suit between private persons, that the threatened injury to a plaintiff state must be of great magnitude and imminent, and that the burden on the plaintiff state to establish all the elements of a case is greater than the burden generally required by a petitioner seeking an injunction in cases between private parties.
Has the Supreme Court been bought and paid for too? Seems that while the evidence of fraud keeps piling up the courts are running faster away. Are there any good men and women left?
Ummmm, nope, I didn’t
U.S. Supreme Court throws out Texas lawsuit contesting 2020 election results in four battleground states
It’s not over until the fat lady sings, and that’s on January 20th.
Its an interesting juncture – if SCOTUS trashes the court case from Texas, you might as well put a 20 foot wall around the US and let it self destruct, because SCOTUS would be ignoring all the evidence of what I call “electoral piracy” and the US has effectively ceased to function as a country. Game over.
That said, it also shows you how damn corrupt the whole systyem has become ( I’m sure other countries arent great either…. ) but the ugly reality is when the court case goes Texas’s way, Trump will start to clean house agressively.
Point of order – it appears *many* Republicans are just as corrupt ( and have thrown Trump under the bus ) as the Dems….although the Dems get special mention for thier ugly communist core and blatant lawlessness, which will ensure many are banged up for years.
To clean up this systemic mess will mean a HUGE number of politicians and public officals going to jail, and/or in some cases, many of those engaged in behaviour of a traitorous nature could well face capital punishment, maybe a line in the sand that just has to be drawn?
Couple of interesting articles on this FYI:
Hey, maybe Trump will get some personal value out of stacking the Supreme Court??
Doubt it though, he has fwarked up everything else and really should be giving thought to handling imminent bankruptcy……yet again. 
The Grauniad! Nobody capable of independent thought will follow those links. See if you can find corroborative views somewhere untainted by woke dogma and post that.
The gruniard aka Old Red…..
The supreme court currently sits 6 – 3 in favour of the republicans. Using your logic, the democrats must have previously “stacked” the court 6 – 3 in their favour. Did you complain then?
‘None of the three Trump-appointed judges dissented when the Supreme Court dismissed a Republican bid to have the key state’s results overturned.’ SMH
…nd Tramp lawyers join the suit:
This morning we read, courtesy of Breitbart:-)
Of additional ‘Deep State’ and Chinese election interference.
A Chinese Spy Infiltrated a Number of Democrat Campaigns
UPDATE: Not only did the spy fundraise for Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell, she was also sleeping with him.
ooh just like Maria Butina in 2016
It is most amusing that Swalwell was a big spreader of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
Now, he has shown himself to have been influenced and indebted to a spy working for China. Ms Fang Fang was very active, had affairs with many Dem party politicians.
Full Story on Axios
but as pointed out on RedState – Explosive Report Reveals Chinese Spy Bundled Donations for Russia Truther Rep. Eric Swalwell
You’ll be less than shocked to learn that this effort targeted Democrats almost exclusively because China knows where their bread is buttered. The CCP operative in question also engaged in sexual relationships in an attempt to peddle influence.
Regardless, what you’ll eventually get now is a denial from Swalwell that he knew what was going on in relation to Fang and his campaign. Instead, he’ll claim to have had no knowledge of this person’s dealings and that their actions were of their own accord. Of course, the FBI gave him an easy out by providing him with a “defensive briefing” which allowed Swalwell to “cut ties” and drop the issue. If it’s President Trump, the FBI tries to entrap him and then sets him up to be hounded by a special counsel for two years. If it’s Eric Swalwell, he gets a briefing and is allowed to walk away without further questions. See how this works?
It seems that Google has downgraded Jo Nova’s site in the past few weeks. ‘jonova’ used to get the site on the first page. Now it is only on the first page if ‘joannenova.com.au’ is requested. I wonder if the recent information about the American election has led to this change, because on my computer, it certainly is a change.
Fran change your search engine to DuckDuckGo – jonova comes up immediately
Leave the Evil Empire – Google behind
I just used ‘jonova’ in Palemoon browser with a starting page of using ‘google search’. The result was, jonova’s web page at number 1 position on the first page of results.
I used ‘jonova’ in Firefox browser with a starting page of using ‘google search’, The result was, jonova’s web page at number 1 position on the first page of results.
These results come from Australia.
Climate Heretic
Oh I use mainly DuckDuckgo as my main search with adblocking software.
Climate Heretic
She came up on the first page when I just tried it, but in the second spot, after a DeSmogBloog entry on her.
PS: I should have mentioned that I am in the U.S. The down-rating may not be occurring here.
I think that is “a badge of honour” these days among serious bloggers.
“a badge of honour” maybe but remember these are the actions of totalitarian Techno-Fascists – no dissent allowed.
Fran, re Google downgrading JoNova site: same experience – see #11 downthread.
Link to comment #11 downthread
Update (1515ET): Just twelve hours after it was filed, the US Supreme Court has officially put Texas’s lawsuit against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on the docket, meaning the case will be heard.
Trump is listening to his new friends. This is a multi-step plan that is going to go all the way, in a nice way. A win that is a win for whole country, not for Trump.
The plan is brilliant. First provide evidence that there has been there has been an organized, massive interference of the 2020 US election, and it is all in one direction. Also prove that the judicial system is not capable of addressing, the largest election fraud in US history. The evidence is in your face.
The ‘problem’ has got worse year by year. The Hillary server issue, cover-up and evidence destruction, the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden issues that were completely ignored by the US system, and so on, the Democratic party has become a rogue dangerous, corrupt, party who have corrupted the FBI and CIA and DOJ, in a way that is treasonous. A rouge party is above the law, because it controls the institutions. It threats people. It uses the law as a weapon.
There is not a person in the US who does not believe that there was a massive amount of voter fraud, in the 2020 US election, now. People no longer say what they really believe, that say what is ‘politically’ correct.
The Supreme court is going to rule in favour of the plaintiff, Texas. That is not best solution for the country, however. That will not fix the problem. There is more to come.
Supreme Court Formally Dockets Texas Election Case Against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania And Wisconsin
Yes, it’s just the start not the end. The way I see it is that during the late hours and early morning after the election the Democrats realised the swing to Trump was so great they had to push harder to switch votes from Trump to Biden in a number of key states. It got so out of control they didn’t realise at the time the smoke from the gun was in effect smoke from a M134 Minigun. They have tried to cover it up ever since and now the wheels are falling off for a number of reasons. Time though is still short but it’s not out of the question Trump will eventually prove that massive fraud did take place, especially if some on the dark side start singing to save themselves from going to prison once they realise the wheels are about to fall off. The MSM are silent on all this, which in itself proves thy are no longer interested in true journalism, only fake news, including those who use to be considered conservative, such as Sky News.
The American people have plenty of time, its called the second amendment
I know but hopefully the SCOTUS will agree with Trump and reduce Biden’s electoral college votes down to below threshold of 270 to use the 12th Amendment to win legitimately instead. Failing that there is the Insurrection Act et al. to allow the military to do the fighting for them, or with them if necessary.
Trump has voiced the possibility of Martial Law. I was very concerned about this possibility, but in retrospect you’ve pointed at the alternative.
Perhaps Trump is in effect saying “don’t take matters into your own hands with the 2nd, we’ll handle this the lawful way”.
Trump has already written his EO, and the US is under a state of emergency declaration. Everything is in place for the military to take over, where the FBI and CIA have failed.
Also, Trump has spent 300 million upgrading Guantanamo (for some unknown reason).
Thats interesting…maybe the pollies who may wind up there need ensuites with thier cells?
As I said Trump is not interested a civil war if he can avoid it. If he can’t it won’t be his fault, but the fault of the left who will fire the first shots, unless in the unlikely event he decides to step aside and let Biden take over. Then it’s up to the people to decide if they want to take matters into their own hands as per the 2nd Amendment.
I was told as a child ‘don’t start a fight if you don’t know how to’ if the left want to go down that path they’d better up their game from what I’ve seen or it’ll be some very harsh lessons indeed.
As a general comment, I suspect while you have many thugs like Antifa, they will be no match for 75 million ticked off Americans who, unlike Antifa, love thier country and will do what it takes to protect it.
Protecting your family because you love them is a powerful motivator, whereas Antifa appears to be all about destruction and loathing of the USA.
I see a difference of opinion between the 2 sides….
These are the four states that found just enough ballots to get Biden across the line:.
Georgia had a big step for Biden about 4 hours into counting but that was not enough. It took two days of finding Biden ballots to get him over the line:
Michigan had the 100% Biden jump at 10 hours into the count but took another 3 hours of finding mostly Biden votes to get Biden across the line:
Pennsylvania kept finding Biden ballots in little piles where there were no Trump ballots to eventually get Biden across the line after almost 3 days:
Wisconsin found a big bag of exclusively Biden ballots at 8 hours into the count that was decisive:
This is one case that may get traction.
This comment I read distils the current situation so well. Of course, it still remains to be proven in the SCOTUS. We shall see soon enough.
“The wheels are coming off. Trump’s inspired massive MAGA tsunami turnout forced them to cheat so big they lost their minds in a fraud frenzy. Their Unconstitutional legal moves alone are dooming them.” https://twitter.com/MajorPatriot/status/1336323933893582851
There’s nothing suspicious about the count in Pennsylvania and Georgia, at your links.
Trump was easily leading in both up to the (legal) midnight cutoff.
After midnight (apologies Clapton), the fraudsters got busy.
There is no reason Trump had to stay in the narrow margin lead. If the later ballots were from an urban area there is every reason to suspect Biden would get a lot more votes. There us no sudden jump in the Biden total as seen in Michigan and Wisconsin.
By the way, J.J. Cale wrote After Midnight, and Cocaine, but his versions were not hits like Eric Clapton’s cover versions were.
In Georgia, at 6.5 hours into the count, around 1:30am, Biden gained 136K votes to Trumps 29k over a 2 minute interval. That looks suspicious to me.
If I was an observer, I would like to know the reasons behind it.
With Pennsylvania, over a 7 minute period from 9:15pm (2 hours into the count), the count for both Biden and Trump swung wildly by hundreds of thousands of votes. My understanding is the the NYT feed is linked directly to the counting computer. It is the only state of 10 I have looked at that does this. Then, as the count progressed into the second day, the counters kept finding bags of votes that were almost exclusively for Biden. It looks suspicious. Particularly compared to other states.
Florida had some step increases but they were never exclusively for on candidate:
Ohio also has some step changes and I assume their postal votes were pre-counted and gave Biden an early lead:
All states show rapid changes in the count but there are only 4 states of the 10 I have looked at that have exclusive counts; meaning where one candidate gets all the votes in a counting interval. For example at 23 hours into the Georgia count Biden goes ahed 9385 while Trump goes behind 124. Again in Georgia at 40 hours into the count Biden gains 3016 while Trump drops 1875. This appears odd to me as a distant observer. The nail in the coffin for Trump came 70 hours in when Biden gained 3496 while Trump lost 1473; more than odd, probably suspicious.
Jo, your blog’s attracted some attention.
I had been able to just type “j” in my browser’s Google search box and the assist added “jonova” which brought your blog to the top of the search list.
Not any more.
Your FB page comes up bottom of first page but blog not in first 5 pages.
So I made a search for “jonova blog” and after that just typing “j” the assist returns a search with your blog third on first page.
First is Desmog blog’s Joanne Nova page.
Second is your ABC Unleashed post.
I’m guessing over the next few days your blog will be shunted off that search too.
>”I had been able to just type “j” in my browser’s Google search box and the assist added “jonova” which brought your blog to the top of the search list.”
I’m sure I did that yesterday. If not was two days ago.
Pennsylvania’s Response Ordered by Justice Alito Reflects Fear of the Defendants About What Might Be Coming
As a general matter, it has always been my view that when you begin a legal argument with a “The Sky is Falling” pronouncement, where the “warning” tells the Court nothing that it does not know already, you are actually insulting the intelligence of the Judge — or in this case the Justices — by wasting time with useless theatrics.
This was my reaction to one of the sentences set forth in the opening of the Response filed by the Pennsylvania state defendants to the Emergency Application for Injunctive Relief filed by Congressman Mike Kelly and other Plaintiffs earlier today.
JoNova’s Site is the first place I saw this. JoNova has transitioned from a Climate News Site to a First Class World News Site during the pandemic. The fact that JoNova is over the target is attested by the flack coming from Google attempting to downgrade JoNova’s site in the past few weeks. DuckDuckGo gets right past this. JoNova’s flood of information about the American election has led to this terror in the Web’s control freaks.
>”JoNova has transitioned from a Climate News Site”
NZ news:
Judge to Coromandel: Think again on climate change
Justice Matthew Palmer – “Decisions about climate change deserve heightened scrutiny on judicial review, depending on their context” and in his decision declared: “The evidence about climate change is not disputed so I do not need to traverse it fully. However I accept the expert evidence demonstrates unequivocally that anthropogenic climate change is occurring.”
# # #
One one-eyed Judge has spoken – case closed.
If the election results of several states are ruled invalid, does that mean the entire election is ruled invalid and the president and VP are decided by One Elector per state?
No. It means those states revert to the constitutionally specified method of the state legislators choosing the slate of electors.
Only if the entire election is deemed to be non-resolvable would it be thrown to the house, as with three candidates, none receiving a majority of the electoral votes.
Those Founder guys actually had a pretty good idea of what they were about.
The state legislature (House & Senate) have the options of either directing the electors or not submitting them at all if they deem the election illegitimate.
In the first case, the votes would swing to Trump so he could win Presidency directly if enough states chose to do this.
In the second, they would just be taken off Biden’s count so his vote count would need to drop below 270 for the Electoral College vote count to be insufficient to determine the Presidency. In this case, it goes to the House of Representatives as a Contingent Election with each state providing a single vote, decided by that state’s representatives – Trump is likely to win if this takes place since more states have a Republican majority than Democrat.
o.t., news of Understanding China Conference of Nov 2020 https://balance10.blogspot.com/2020/12/understanding-china-conference-of-nov.html
Why post that in this thread ?
There is a .”Open” thread running right alongside this one .
PS.. i would not trust any article that states..
Which is so obviously wrong !
I learnt long ago to pass over the dinn, rob posts without examining them.
Thanks Jo,
Not a manoeuvre I’d even considered, and the timing is exquisite.
I’m left with the question: what now with the EO?
Dave B
If President Trump wins his rightful position I would like to see a huge series of prosecutions for the tens of thousands of people involved in this fraud, from the individual that illegally voted under someone else’s name, all the way up to the Democrat leadership itself.
Also, we should see a lot of them “singing” to save themselves from going to prison. Once the avalanche starts it’s impossible to stop. We are not quite there yet but it might be close. We’ll shall see.
The singing should start from the first sub poena. The CCTV from the tally room should be enough to get that started.
I saw some reference to secession. In my view only madness could bear with that. But I was shocked by the 70% (?) support in Australia for the state border closures in response to the CV19. Section 92 was placed in our constitution to guard us from the petty wars that abound in history. Yet here we see 70% of the people ready to leap towards such a war.
You’d be surprised. Queenslanders have long wanted a large fence put up along the New South Wales border. And everyone wants to fence the border along Victoria to keep them locked in.
QLD already have a partial fence up , ever been to Hamilton gate or Hungerford etc .
Who do they “sing” to?
The FBI?
The DoJ?
The CIA?
The MSM?
They’re all in it together. They’re all crooked.
They can be cleaned out…even if Gitmo has to quadruple in size to hold those who richly deserve to be there….
Well, do keep in mind Federalist Paper No. 28 …… Alexander Hamilton:
“If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government…”
Assuming the SCOTUS fails to follow through and do the right thing to reject the states that are allegedly invalid, and then apply the 12th Amendment, I think that Trump can do one better on behalf of all the constituents by applying the Insurrection Act et al., to stop the rot and hold fresh elections. It gives them a better chance, albeit slim, that the bloodshed of a civil war can be avoided.
Louisiana has joined in, too
Statement by Attorney General Jeff Landry
Louisiana Joins Texas In Motion Against GA, MI, PA, & WI After SCOTUS Denies Trump Ally’s Bid To Decertify Biden’s PA Win
I’m no expert but I have read quite a few suits related to this election and this one seems heads and shoulders above rest. The rest are amateurish in comparison.
that really says something about the last month!
and says a lot more this month. Wait until we get to next month. Go back to sleep and we will wake you up when it’s all over.
Um, I’m thinking this video ought to go a bit viral.
Apparently, China has “undue influence” over US Elected Officials, Wall Street, and Big Tech. They prefer Biden
You don’t say?
Now that’s real scary if true. It actually could mean the NWO is already in place without us knowing about it.
and Trump managed to become POTUS unexpectedly and they have been trying to remove him ever since to continue with their plans at full speed. Oh dear!
Good video.
By logical extension, our MSM might actually already be controlled by the CCP. It would make perfect sense given what they have been reporting and not reporting. I would not be surprised now after seeing that video given China’s experience in fighting wars, such as:
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
.. and many more like these quotes from Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Clive Hamilton has documented massive CCP covert influence in Australia (Silent Invasion) and the world at large (Hidden Hand).
His researches leaves me unsurprised to read that Xi thinks world domination by the PRC within this decade is inevitable and with Trump removed who knows how much sooner; the abuses practised in Tibet and Hong Kong will become the norm anywhere the PRC sees fit.
I’m sure that Mr. Biden would never have been offered plexual seasures by the Chinese on any of his frequent trips to the homeland.
Such behaviour would be unbecoming in a former VP.
China has excellent videographers and superb technology in that field.
It remains unclear if Mr. Biden’s plexual seasures could rise to any occasion, whatsoever.
That said, “How much Wood would a JoeCuc Chuck if a JoeCuc could chuck Wood?”
Well, Your Honor, I Never seen a Platypus like that one. It were a Whale, I tells ya.
Highly evocative of Fmr VP O”Biden.

Made in China, wonder if that came via Twitter or Facebook, guess it made it through the great firewall of China.
Thought Tucker rolled over a couple of weeks back, I take it his good again?
Not really, it simply bookends his interview with Bobulinski.
If this suit is successful what are the possible scenarios? As Richard said above, if various state’s elections are ruled invalid they have to appoint Electors to vote. So which states are likely to be overturned and how many are needed to return the election to the rightful winner, President Trump?
Good question but let’s not get too hasty. I’ve seen that question answered in different and conflicting ways on other forums. Rather than trying to turn this into a discussion on US Constitutional Law, which even the experts hotly debate, let’s just wait and see how it all plays out. It’s not that simple. It’s all well above our pay rates.
The Texas’suit is now, surprisingly, even subject in German newspapers.
The German papers are covering this issue because it is the end of Democratic party. Biden is going to be disqualified.
The election cheating is all in one direction in every state.
That is a big deal. The states where there has been in your face cheating (sudden jumps of pure Biden vote counts that impossible to explain) cannot be ‘awarded’ to Biden and will not be awarded to Biden.
The cheating is so big it is not going to be analyzed cheat by cheat. And because the entire 2020 US election fix has been captured in detail on the CIA Frankfurt server which is currently being analyzed by the 305 US Military Intelligence Battalion. (Germans are aware of this.)
So the cheat is so big and the evidence on the server includes emails where senior dems use Dem tough talk which is swearing and talking like idiots and bragging about the election fixing. It makes them sound like silly old evil anti americans. And because they have been in the party for such a long time, the party itself will be finished when the emails are made public.
Step 1. Biden is disqualified as a candidate because of massive cheating all in one direction.
Step 2: Charge the dirtiest of the CIA first in Milt court for interference in a US election, to get fast convictions and people going to military prison, and to make the Dem memos talking about the election fixing public. And then fire the rest.
I suspect we are still just seeing a tiny amount of an orgy of evidence pointing to widespread voter fraud and illegal electoral procedures. They just couldn’t help themselves given they saw Trump winning by a landslide even they underestimated.
Panic in the swamp command centre eh. It beggars belief that an enterprise on this scale coordinated over four or more states can remain secret much longer; not that my surmises are often correct…
Is this today’s Kraken?
Go back to sleep.
I wonder why the Texas SG is not a part of this?
maybe this
>”..asked the justices to disenfranchise millions of voters”
Rubbish. The wayward states did that. Texas followed the law.
And “No one is above the law” (Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment statement).
Most non fox aligned commentary in the US is saying that the Supreme Court decision rejecting the bid overturn the result in Pennsylvania will mean that this one is also doomed.
except in Fantasy Land
If you look in the mirror all the time you see the same old thing day after day.
But then, it can feel very safe to be surrounded by thousands of “educated” “educators” and “Senior Fellows” and breaking that mirror would expose you to the real world.
There are still many good and competent academics in Australia but they’re being drawn down by the nouveau elitists.
Break that mirror; escape to freedom.
why did you write that? Will you admit you are wrong when the case never makes it to court or just write some more impish mumbo jumbo?
I wasn’t talking to you.
And as I said, there are still many good academics here.
Don’t you count yourself among them?
I know but you did respond to someone responding to me with a cryptic opinion about something you failed to convey.
How do you rank academics? how does an academic achieve the rank of “good” – what other ranks are there? Is this an international system? How is it different to the old methods of number published papers, number of citations, and the ranking of the journals which publish your work?
Take your time
Gee Aye,
Sorry, I’m getting old and frail.
That comment was incorrect because the person is not an academic.
The person I was intending the message for was someone else. Mental laziness but understandable that I should make that error as they both write similar types of comments.
Poiter it’s not the quantity of what’s published it’s the quality or are you saying if I’ve published 100 papers everything I write must be true ?
Worse than science by consensus !
So, Comrades…..reduced to cheap shots from the sidelines.
“Fully of fury, signifying nothing…”
Shakespeare had you lot summed up perfectly.
Pity…a waste of 2 good brains.
Comment is for our 2 main resident lefties….
You mean the fake news.
Tying to post a reply but get the message duplicate post but the supposedly duplicate post is not showing in the comments
Happens to me occasionally but the comment always ends up going through .
BOMBSHELL: Hunter Biden Email Names Kamala Harris, Others as Key Contacts for ‘Joint Venture’ With China Energy Co.
Here is the actual email. Mr. Bobulinski is one of the cc’d recipients, along with Hunter Biden and two others.
Sen. Harris is specifically named in the email, along with several other prominent Democrats and one Republican.
The list, included Harris, D-Calif.; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.; Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.; New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo; New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio; former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others.
In regard to President Trump taking his rightful place for a second term I oscillate between episodes of elation when I see some legal action that might work even within an utterly corrupt legal system; and despair when I think the Left are going to succeed with the biggest election fraud in US and possibly world history.
Well put David.
The last few weeks have been exhausting for me, having to ride through this, but as you say, the outcome could go either way.
Through this uncertainty recent developments are enormously encouraging and I hope will lead to one out the biggest upheavals in modern history and see a reboot of western democracies. That’s the possible good news.
The U.S. has had a bad year but Europe via the EEU and Britain have had decades of exhausting crisis that has to end soon or else.
The CV19 mask, whip and lockdown mania exhibited by Politicians has crushed too many innocent bystanders and despite the obvious harshness of the disease for those who catch it there’s serious likelihood that it’s been magnified out of all proportion, to enable politicians to establish a pattern of control based on suspension of personal rights.
Media control and distortion of “news” is rife at the moment but the good news was seen in the massive rally turnouts for Trump leading up to the election.
It means that there’s a sizeable U.S. group who would be very upset to be made to feel they were denied a free and fair election.
G’day David,
I’ve found these words useful, but think I’ve got to do the work myself:
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.”
Can’t claim precision for the last bit, but the concept has helped me often.
Dave B
BREAKING. Eight More States Join the Texas SCOTUS Case [Taking A Deep Breath]
Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, & South Dakota have all announced that they will be joining Texas in the suit https://t.co/5PKbv0KyFV
— Sam (@SunshineSt8Sam) December 8, 2020
I’ll leave the law to Roger [Thank you] but the “equal treatment” condition would justify this complaint.
Just as giving certain voters preferential treatment within a state is unconstitutional giving one state the green light to change election results clearly diminishes the value of the other states’ votes.
Momentum is certainly building. I noticed also Trump has halved to $17 in UK betting for the first time in weeks. $36 was on offer at one point.
Oops – apologies too fast – UPDATE. I’m not feeling good about this story because of lack of corroboration and some other strangeness.
The SCOTUS only denied emergency injunction relief, whatever that means. The suit is still pending before the SCOTUS.
Lots of confusion. See
Jenna Ellis: PA SUIT, “The Supreme Court only denied emergency injunctive relief.”
Some of those states have definitely joined Texas Ozzie. I’m not sure about the whole lot tho.
Missouri is confirmed. Tweet by Missouri’s Attorney General, Eric Schmitt
Arkansas too. Tweet by their Attorney General, Leslie Rutledge
CCP has infiltrated the USA in high places, governments, businesses, universities, everywhere with often well paid informants and influencers who are obviously unpatriotic and dangerous;
Their ABC has it covered with the headline:
It goes on down the page:
Why did the ABC report feel it necessary to add that?
The Usurpers have comprehensively failed by the look of it even down to the Electoral College refusing to endorse the preposterous “Office of the President-Elect” signage. We await their next move.
And it’s an indictment of the press in this country that except Jo Nova and Michael Smith there has been a blackout on coverage of anything informative which runs against the CCP-Biden cabal.
It is a brilliant move by one of the most significant states, a state the Democrats were sure would turn blue.
Like Australian States, these are independent states that they have legally ceded rights to the Federation, mainly on international matters and taxation. So the Governors and even Mayors control much of the system, especially education, health, police, as in Australia and all such Federations.
Legally it is the United States, not America. Established by the Constitution and its amendments, it has a Court which oversees disputes which impinge on the rights of members states for matters which affect them all. And the Supreme Court is the right place to start. And a complaint from any member based entirely on the Constitution is dynamite. This is what has always been needed and ratification by the Supreme Court is necessary, so it is not just a parallel issue but in the path of succession. Supreme Courts are increasingly interventionist, as was found with Tony Blair’s newly created Supreme Court in the Brexit matter. And despite the turncoat behavior of Governor Kemp in Georgia, other Republic governors may join this suit if it looks like it is going to be heard. No one wants to be first on the beach, but it would look bad not to join.
With Rudy Guiliani in dire straits now with Wu Flu, the one lawyer feared by the Democrats, Ted Cruz is the one Donald Trump openly considered for the Supreme Court. And for the Republicans, he seems a future President in waiting. This could establish his claim.
So what will happen? These are exciting times. And the Constitution provides another pathway for a corrupted or contested or incomplete or delayed determination. The judges may not accept the verdict of the Electoral College, which is why the Democrats feared a constitutionally fair court.
The Supreme Court may be fighting for their survival against a socialist and communist Democrat party which is against the existence and power of the Court and openly wants to stack the court and rewrite the constitution itself, firstly on gun control but where does it stop?
Plus always the chance of unfaithful electors in closely contested states, especially where massive computer fraud has been clearly established. I am personally aghast at the story of changing the software in the Dominion machines the night before the election. You do not use a real election to debug software, so there would be a reason. In an electronic world, the very process of fair and honest counting of votes may have finally been utterly compromised with computers. This was not possible in previous centuries and is now a real concern for the court, a real and present danger for democracy itself.
This is far from over. Obama’s appalling recent suggestion to send in Navy Seals to eject Donald Trump from the White House starts to make as much sense as their previous fears that he would not leave. It was never clear why they openly had such fears, as if they were preparing the public for an openly corrupted election which would justify Trump staying where he was.
While inferior courts have stymied previous challenges, such as the Arizona one where the illegality of the voting was not disputed and the objection overruled as being simply too late, there is at least one significant State Supreme court going to hear an appeal which could upset the election. There will be a rush to confirm Biden with the Electoral College, but this will count for nothing if the Supreme Court finds the Presidential election unconstitutional. You would expect they will want to rule on this and no one can tell the Supreme Court what to find. It’s game on.
If it is proven that China influenced the US election in 2020 to try and make Biden the POTUS then our PM Morrison better pull his finger out and investigate what’s happening in Victoria wrt the Chinese belt and road initiative with great haste.
The Andrews Labor government is surely finished now that the triple-A credit rating is gone and the federal government has put the Foreign Relations Bill in play which will choke off the Belt and Road cheap money.
I know Morrison doesn’t have the spine to do it but if it is shown what Victoria has done is wrong then he should do what Trump will most likely do and put those responsible in the dock for treason if we have the constitutional law to do so.
What exactly did Victoria do that was wrong?
Trump is finished.
Morrison is the best leader Australia has had since Howard.
Disagree. Tony Abbott was a far better leader.
And Trump has not given up.
Another Churchill.
Abbott has integrity and fought the good fight, but there was a coup and he was history. By comparison Morrison has the support of the whole party and the electorate, which should give him a decade as leader.
Trump is finished.
ever the optimist
Abbott stood by his principles and paid the price. Morrison is tap dancing around issues to avoid confrontation (from either side) on any matter which is at all controversial and has stayed in office.
It is arguable which is the “best” approach given the realities of a crossbench in the Senate, deep factions in the Coalition and a media pushing heavily towards the left.
Abbott stood by his principles and paid the price. Morrison is tap dancing around issues to avoid confrontation (from either side) on any matter which is at all controversial and has stayed in office.
It is arguable which is the “best” approach given the realities of a crossbench in the Senate, deep factions in the Coalition and a media pushing heavily towards the left.
Trump Attorney Jordan Sekulow: MI, GA, PA and WI Are Required to Respond to Texas Case by Thursday
Gateway Pundit
Jordan Sekulow: I can already report now the Supreme Court has put on the docket the parties: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. When you look at the states that were named they have to now respond by Thursday at 3 PM to this bill of complaint. And they have to respond to very specific items. So the Supreme Court is not just considering what Texas filed today they are now going the next step which is we want a response from the states named… Again I think this is very clear. This is the case we’ve been talking about to reach SCOTUS. This is the outcome determinative case. 62 electoral college votes at stake enough to change the outcome of the election.
“This is the end all, be all case”
“This is the end all, be all case”
I hope so. Then Trump can get down to business and put people responsible in the dock. I don’t mind if he spent all his time doing it for the next year. It needs to be done to flush out the traitors once and for all.
I sometimes wonder IF:
all of this was designed to expose embarrassing things with an appearance of “losing”
while actually “going for the jugular” via Constitutional challenges,
While simultaneously getting the Media to broadcast all of it,
then sitting back to watch the guilty eat each other hoping to be jailed last, whilst the courts grind on.
Just a vision I had. Alcohol induced, most likely. But one must wonder a bit………
Trump’s a showman, has had NSA/CIA / FISA access for 4 years, set up bear trap EO’s 2 yrs ago.
I wonder if his sense of irony and humor could possibly run that deep.
Oh well. I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
A very complicated and obtuse way of going about things. Winning the election in the first place would have been a better plan.
No it would not simply because it would not involve a sting operation to flush out the traitors. Don’t waste your time trying to out think Trump. He is well above our pay rates.
oh gawd
He did.
The state of Pennsylvania has replied to the Texas lawsuit, arguing that it doesn’t actually address Act 77 – a 2019 statute which allows voters to cast mail-in ballots for any reason.
Pennsylvania also argues that Texas doesn’t articulate how ‘massive disenfranchisement’ of voters by tossing out the results of the election ‘would accord with the Due Process Clause, which requires the counting of votes cast in reasonable reliance on existing election rules,’ and that the case at hand wouldn’t result in a ‘circuit split’ – when two or more different circuit courts of appeals might rule differently on the same legal issue (and is one of the factors the Supreme Court uses when deciding to take cases).
PA is also arguing that Texas, or anyone, has had since 2019 to object to Act 77, which violates the ‘doctrine of laches.’
Too funny.
US Supreme Court rejects Republican challenge to Biden’s Pennsylvania win
Reuters via RNZ
Jenna Ellis:
Or as Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft puts it: The case was NOT thrown out of court.
Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption:
The Impact on U.S.Government Policy and Related Concerns
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs
U.S. Senate Committee on Finance
Majority Staff Report
Even though almost all of the Committees’ records are from U.S. agencies and U.S.
officials or persons, Democrats have repeatedly misconstrued the facts of this investigation and
have smeared it as a Russian disinformation campaign. In doing so, they conveniently have
ignored their own long history of meeting with Telizhenko and his yearlong work for a Democrat
lobby shop. If Democrats are concerned that Telizhenko presents any risk of advancing
disinformation, it is notable that the Ranking Members have not expressed any curiosity about
his work with the Obama administration or Blue Star Strategies.
The records acquired by the Committees also show that Hunter Biden and his family
were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign
governments across the globe. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, in particular, formed significant
and consistent financial relationships with the corrupt oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky during their
time working for Burisma, and their firms made millions of dollars from that association while
Joe Biden was vice president and the public face of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy.
Rosemont Seneca Thornton, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, received $3.5
million in a wire transfer from Elena Baturina, who allegedly received illegal construction
contracts from her husband, the then-mayor of Moscow. Moreover, Archer’s apparent receipt of
money for a car from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan while Vice President Biden was in Kyiv is
especially concerning in light of the timing. And finally, Biden and Archer’s work with Chinese
nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections that
accelerated while Joe Biden was vice president and continued after he left office.
The Chairmen’s investigation has faced many obstacles from the minority and from
executive agencies that have failed to comply with document requests. Accordingly, there
remains much work to be done.
from Pages 85/85 of PDF
And finally, Biden and Archer’s work with
Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections
that accelerated while his father was vice president and continued after he left office.
Biden and Archer found willing partners in Chinese nationals connected to the
Communist regime. Their work in China began at least in 2009, with the creation of Rosemont
Seneca Partners with Heinz, Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson. Then, several years later,
Biden and Archer formed BHR with Bohai Capital and received their business license approval
in China shortly after Biden visited China with his father, Vice President Biden.
Hunter Biden’s connections and financial associations appear to have accelerated
significantly after he associated himself with Ye Jianming, who had deep connections with the
Communist regime and PLA. However, that didn’t seem to have any impact on Hunter Biden,
who made millions from the relationship. Indeed, Hunter Biden and his family, to include James
and Sara Biden, associated with other Chinese nationals such as Gongwen Dong. In one case,
the three of them went on a $100,000 global spending spree after Gongwen Dong and Hunter
Biden opened a joint account. In addition, Hunter Biden received millions of dollars over a
period of years from Gongwen Dong’s companies. According to records acquired by the
Committees, many of these transactions involved potential criminal financial activity.
The records acquired by the Committees show consistent, significant and extensive
financial connections among and between Hunter Biden, James Biden, Sara Biden, Devon
Archer, and Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime and PLA as well as other
foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds. These connections and the vast amount of
money transferred among and between them don’t just raise conflicts of interest concerns, they
raise criminal financial, counterintelligence and extortion concerns. The Committees will
continue to evaluate the evidence in their possession.
How much do all these trips cost??
When Vice President Biden traveled overseas on Air Force Two, he was often
accompanied by members of his family.125
Hunter Biden joined his father on a number of trips
and, as the son of the vice president, he could enroll as a protectee and receive armed protection
from the U.S. Secret Service (USSS). In an effort to determine how much of Hunter Biden’s
scheduled travel occurred as a protectee and whether that overlapped with his private business
dealings, the Committees requested and received documents from the USSS detailing Hunter
Biden’s scheduled travel as a protectee.126
The Committees found that Hunter Biden scheduled travel as a protectee after joining
Burisma’s board in May 2014.127
The Committees also determined that Hunter Biden declined
USSS protection after a scheduled July 8, 2014, trip to Michigan City, Ind.
At this time, the
Committees have not determined why Hunter Biden declined USSS protection after July 8, 2014.
a. Hunter Biden, USSS protectee
According to USSS records, Hunter Biden enrolled as a protectee starting in January
2009, after his father was elected vice president.
He remained a protectee for about 4.5 years,
and records indicate an extensive amount of scheduled foreign travel as a protectee. Although
the majority of his trips were domestic, the Committees identified nearly 70 trips that Hunter
Biden scheduled to foreign countries while he was a protectee.130 Hunter Biden, here identified
by the USSS using his full name, Robert H. Biden, scheduled foreign travel as a protectee to a
wide array of foreign cities:
Hunter Biden scheduled hundreds of trips while he was a protectee. He was a Burisma
board member while a protectee. Whether Hunter Biden conducted additional private business
dealings while a protectee is unknown. Further, the Committees do not know why Hunter Biden
declined USSS protection, and whether or not media scrutiny was a factor for Hunter to decline
protection in July 2014.
After I’ve stopped watching Sky News for about a week, I decided to see what they are saying. They are saying Trump is a whimp and about to admit defeat, the sooner the better. As someone stated before, Sky News has gone over to the dark side along with the ABC and the rest of the fake news media.
Easy – just keep hunting around for the news that makes you happy.
I’m just wondering why you feel the need to do a drive-by comment on nearly every comment on nearly every thread? One might suspect someone was paying you to do this or just have too much spare time? Wonder which it is……
GA is just bored.
That’s why I am here. Why are you here? Go back to sleep.
Try Sky at Night. They are of the right!
I have looked at them for brief moments lately but they are left wingers compared to what’s happening on Fox News right now.
Sky news “Outsiders” ..Credlin, A Jones,, C Smith, etc ..are still on this case…or at least keeping an open mind on the outcome and reporting much of what is being done
For sure Bolt has been shut up,…for whatever reason, but Sky is the only main stream outlet giving any airtime to the Trump manouvers..
Others all seem to have adopted the phrase ..” Trumps Unsubstantiated allegations of fraud”….
Which is an odd and unnecessary use of the word “unsubstantiated” !
Jordan: ‘Instinctively Everyone Knows’ There Are Problems with Election — Trump Should Not Concede
Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Tuesday on Newsmax TV’s “American Agenda” called on President Donald Trump to not concede the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden.
Anchor Heather Childers said, “I know that you agree he should not concede.”
Jordan said, “No course not and you remember this is a president gets things done. This is a president who does what he told the American people he was going to do, accomplishes what he was elected to do and this is just one more example of him getting something done that’s valuable important to the country.”
He continued, “He should not concede. Everyone knows, instinctively everyone knows there are problems with this election. I mean you can look at the fact you know 75 million people, 75 million people, he increased his total by ten to 11 million. We won 27 out of 27 toss-up states. He increases his votes with Hispanic Americans, African-Americans. State legislatures that Republicans control we kept all those plus, increase those numbers. You can just go down the line, he won 19 of the 20 bellwether counties. He won Ohio by eight, Florida by three yet somehow he doesn’t win. So we know we need to look at all this. There is a number of lawsuits that are pending, the one that was filed in Texas today regarding several states. Let’s see how that all shakes out. Let’s get to the bottom of this for the well being of the country.”
It is always nice to see a good support act.
While everyone is lining up at the bar to get a couple of drink refills and chips…
It can be interesting to watch the roadies setting up the stage for the headline gig:
Dunno about invasion. But they might be preventing some people from leaving.
Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell Screamed About Russia for Four Years — But He Was Cozy With a Chinese Spy
That hasn’t stopped Swalwell from accusing Trump of collusion anyway, nor has it slowed him down from casting Russia — but not China — as a dangerous foe.
Swalwell sits on the House Intelligence Committee. He is in a position to know that by intention, by skill level, and by sheer economic might, China is a far more dangerous foe than Russia could even hope to be. He is in a position to know, for instance, about China’s insidious Thousand Talents Plan which has successfully recruited some 7,000 American and other Western scientists to work in some capacity to advance China’s military technology. Russia has no such program, and could not afford one. China has reportedly spent about $2 trillion on the TTP.
Has Swalwell deliberately deflected attention away from China, and toward Russia, because of his past association with an accused Chinese spy? It’s a serious question that demands a serious investigation to obtain a serious answer.
Another damp squib pretending its a Kraken:
“Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel,called Mr Paxton’s motion “a publicity stunt, not a serious legal pleading”. The Michigan issues raised in this complaint have already been thoroughly litigated and roundly rejected in both state and federal courts – by judges appointed from both political parties,” Ms Nessel said. “Mr Paxton’s actions are beneath the dignity of the office of attorney general and the people of the great state of Texas.”
https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/world/us-news/us-election/2020/12/09/texas-supreme-court-election/?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=PM Extra – 20201209
I don’t know about everyone else , but I would like to say thanks to Jo for helping us aussies keep up to date as to what is going on in the USA . The MSM are too busy advising “nothing to see here”….
Not just Aussies, OG. We in the old country are being starved of info. The BBC is playing for Biden (aka the CCP) so we get nothing. SO a big thanks also to Jo!!
Georgia governor’s alleged close connection with China; Chinese state-run firms owe $7 billion deb
I’ve been watching Fox News in the US for a little while today and they are going hard on both Democrats and Republicans who are allegedly involved with Chinese agents. It’s making the Russian allegations on Trump from the Democrats way back look like child’s play. They are talking about election rigging, corruption, spies, etc.. Surely the stories are exaggerated because if they are not then something big will be going down soon and it’s not just about the elections.
Small but tasty.
Thank you Jo.
Good man! It’s Christmas so we should all give generously to our magnificent news scout – a box of chocolates from everyone would not go amis, I am sure.
Planning to…need a good choice of chocs this year!
They know whats coming…would they leave if they were sure Gitmo Joe was going to be Dear Leader?
“More than 1,000 Chinese spies have fled the United States following an investigation into industrial and technological espionage, US officials have claimed.
“The Chinese citizens involved had been posing as researchers while concealing their links to China’s People’s Liberation Army, said John Demers, chief of the US Justice Department’s National Security Division.
So good to take the TARDIS back to the 1950s to see just what McCarthyism was like. Substituting “Russian” for “Chinese” makes no difference. The Americans are just doing what they do best; accuse without facts. I’m sure that there are/were Chinese spies… but so what? Of course there are no American spies existing in the world….oh no, of course not, America is above reproach (yawn).
I would suggest, instead of just spouting off about Joe McCarthy, you buy yourself a book on the Venona decrypts and see just how many USSR spies there really were in the U.S. government at that time.
Better yet, buy Diana West’s masterful book, “American Betrayal” and read it carefully.
If you don’t care to do either than don’t throw around slurs just because that’s what you’ve been taught to do since Grade school.
P.S. Excellent summary. This is a world changing event and the team involved in fixing this problem, are 100% on our side. Zero politics.
Three more states have joined the Texas supreme court case. More will join.
In reply to:
“Some wonder, if something this big is going down, why keep it quiet, which is a very fair question. “
It is too early to lay down all cards down. This is a strategic release of info, that gives time for the media, public, and Dems to gradually all wake up.
If Trump had not won the election, the US Military would have been in very difficult position. The info on the Frankfurt server when it come out in Military court, starting Feb. 2021, will unequivocally disqualify, almost all Democratic candidates, including Biden.
The Dem emails which are on the Frankfurt server connects them with the ‘plot’ to change the 2020 US election results. In the US, any candidate for any US elected position, will be disqualified from holding said position, …
… if they write multiple memos (using stupid Dem tough talk which is swearing and ranting about stuff and making jokes about the 2020 US election fixings) about election fixing…. …. And those emails are on the same server, that has the software and all of the data and results, that calculates how much 2020 US election fixing is required, and the same server has a record of payments for CIA 2020 US election fixing services…
So, the dirtiest CIA officials, those who got the payments for the 2020 US election fixing and their bosses who also write emails to senior dems talking about the 2020 US election fixing along with attachments of CIA stuff and dem campaign analysis… ……because they are having fun think about their evil plot and the senior CIA evil plotters, thought the emails would give them protection and leverage against the senior Dems and they are stupid.
All of the best emails, are going be evidence in Military court which will not be televised but will provide a complete transcript and non-classified evidence and will allow reporters in the court.
The Dem party after almost getting exposed by the Hillary server. Hillary used a private server while she was the secretary of state for pay for play and other illegal stuff. Her staff after they got caught destroyed their phones and whipped the server.
So, after Hillary’s near disaster, it was decided that all Dem discussions concerning the 2020 US election fixing should be kept on the Frankfurt CIA server, as the same server has the CIA plotter emails. The special Frankfurt has a small classified ‘box’ that is connected between it and the other server connections which hides it. The end of the Dems is going to be due to their need for IT services and the outrageous emails.
Now the way forward is clear.
The Military are going to talk to Biden and some senior Dems very late in the plan (January) and show them the evidence that is going to come out in Military court in Feb 2021.
YouTube has now announced it will be deleting all content that suggests that there was fraud in the 2020 US election.
This represents a massive amount of material and is an obscene assault on the US democratic process and transparency in elections.
I never cease to be amazed how the Left are unable to tolerate alternate opinions or the truth. They are just ideas…
Get used to the Orwellian nightmare if the Left get into power in the US, they are already heavily embedded in most other Western countries.
Video by Styxhexenhammer(preferably watch on BitChute):
Some very , very very senior people are literally fighting for their lives. Treason is serious doo-doo.
It would be nice if some time in the next 4 years or so , those who “procured” the Benghazi elimination of J Christopher Stephens were brought to book.
UPDATE: 17 States Join Texas in Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania Over Fraudulent Election
MO, AL, AR, FL, NE, ND, OK, IN, KS, LA, MS, MT, SC, SD, TN, UT and WV.
Gateway Pundit
Electoral College votes:
Biden 306
Trump 232
Four states 62
306 – 62 = 244
Biden 244
Trump 232
Neither reach 270 but Biden beats Trump.
Continues here
Yes, there is a special significance to 270.
Apart from that, if those 306 and 232 figures are correct, and those four states together have 62 votes, then-
the new Biden vote becomes 306-62= 244, and
the new Trump vote would be 232+62= 294
U.S. Supreme Court throws out Texas lawsuit contesting 2020 election results in four battleground states