This is sweeping, cutting, geopolitical commentary of the highest order. The vulnerability of the West, the rot in the Intelligence community, and what he calls the Chinese plan to “Capture the Elites” of the West.
He talks about the failure of the West to protect Hong Kong — “this is the 1930s, and Hong Kohng is the Czechoslovakia of the modern era.” “We will rue the day…”
According to Bannon, “what makes this work is the slave labor model of China”.By keeping wages low they keep workers all around the world working as serfs. In a globalist world, when workers in the West compete with slave labor camps, in the end, they have to become them too. Trump broke that model.
“The greatest export China has is ….the serf state.”
Steve Bannon talks to Joshua Phillip from Epoch Times. I
It’s interesting all the way through.
You want to look at the decline of Britain, look at the failure in Hong Kong.
We didn’t defend it.
Bannon says Trump needs to appoint two special counsels, one on China, and the other on the intelligence community:
When this is done, what we will see is the rot in the intelligence community… They had the laptop from Hell for a year. They knew, and they said nothing.
Donald Trump was the first to single out that China is not the enemy, the Chinese people are not the enemy, but the Chinese Communist Party is.
The CCP policy, according to Bannon, is to capture the elites in the West. The CCP don’t want to fight on the military playing field, they would rather turn nations into tributary states. (Jo thinks that the CCP probably also recognise that the stronger the self-serving elites are, the weaker the West is).
In Davos, the most elite people in the world gather. They know about the problems in China, — the Uigers, the organ donation, the slave labor — they know it all, and they do what they were going to do anyway. Nothing.
What stands in the way of the unholy alliance between the CCP and the elites of the West are populist governments — and the Chinese people who want freedom and haven’t had a single day of it in five thousand years.
h/t Bill C
‘We didn’t defend it.’
Hong Kong belongs to China and how they treat their people is entirely their business.
The people of Hong Kong differ. By extension EG Taiwan is in the same predicament. So I guess the will of these citizens should not be considered.
Its sad that Hong Kong residents are losing their democracy, there is nothing we can do about that.
Taiwan is safe from military invasion and will retain their democracy.
Taiwan is not safe ! How can you even suggest that, when the CCP force them to be isolated by the world, and have declared they will take control of it by any means.
Its safe because an invasion of Taiwan would mean WW3, so apart from biological warfare nothing new is planned.
” …. invasion of Taiwan would mean WW3 …”
It would have with Trump as POTUS, not with China-Joe Biden.
What if all the major Western economies stood up to China in 2019 and boycotted Chinese products to get China to treat Hong Kong as per the agreement that was there at handover in 1997?
How long do you think China would have held out?
The UK should have been the key player to coordinate, and if needed, shame any nation that supported China’s deplorable record on human rights. Trump would have bought the US in. Japan, Korea, Taiwan would love to help.
The EU and UN were were than useless. They were too busy shaming nations for not installing enough wind and solar totems — they could have been helping $1.3 billion people rise up against tyranny of the worst kind.
Fine words Jo,
however there is a VERY powerful group you have not referenced — International banking and their Bankster mates. They will drive the China push regardless of what are any national population or politicians want. Money, power, and profit is all that matters to these people, they care not about wars, plagues, starvation, employment, or what ‘the will of the people’ wants unless they see a fat profit in it.
There speaks a troll knowing nothing of international treaties.
The “one country, two systems” principle expires in 2047.
‘Whether the Declaration has practical effect after the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong is disputed by China, which said it is a “historical document that no longer had any practical significance”, while the UK said that it is a “legally valid treaty to which it was committed to upholding”. (wiki)
In other words China broke the deal. Why shouldn’t the rest of the world help Honk Kong, if it can or do you think the rest of the world should not be concerned about the plight of the Uyghurs as well?
As for Taiwan being safe, you have to joking. If President Trump wins then I would agree with you to some extent but if he loses then China will move quite quickly because Biden/ Harris will not move a finger. There is a reason there was a big “stop the steal” march in Taipei recently.
I’m more concerned about the people of Puerto Rico.
Biden has people to advise him and the status quo should remain in place.
The people of Puerto Rico do not want to be a state of the US and be forced to pay taxes.
Yeah, apparently there is some ambivalence.
‘Puerto Ricans requested statehood on Nov. 3, 2020, with 52.3% of voters asking to change the island’s status from unincorporated territory to U.S. state.
‘This is the sixth time statehood has been on the ballot since Puerto Rico ratified its Constitution in 1952. Voters rejected the status change in 1967, 1993 and 1998.’
The Conversation
Yes EG, 2047, not 2020. I was very upset for the people of Hong Kong when the handover took place in 1997 and wondered if the CCP could be trusted to keep their side of the treaty. Well, we all know the answer to that, don’t we?
Remember they have history, the West forced them to sign the hundred year lease and when they got Hong Kong back Beijing agreed to the two systems operating.
It suited their interest at the time, HK was a gate way to the West, setting up shelf companies to commercially take over the world.
But with the street riots they are losing patience because it gives a bad impression on the mainland where 90% of the people want to embrace democracy.
I don’t suppose you count the Uighur and Christian Chinese in that 90%?
They deserve our help and world governments are going to ban products from Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.
All want to be free to cast a vote, so yes they also dare to dream.
There was no agreement ever signed with Moa or the CCP. The Taiwan ROC actually are closer to the signatrrees. The CCP was not even in the UN prior to Whitlam’s visit.
“What stands in the way of the unholy alliance between the CCP and the elites of the West are populist governments”
You cannot have a populist government without democracy. Government favours bureaucracy. The media has become the enemy of democracy as its traditional revenues that enabled investigation are removed. Media consolidation allows control by a few. Those few are in turn controlled by any government who wants to offer them easy money. Loss making banners are kept alive to manipulate the “democratic” vote by dictators. Roman trivia notice boards writ large eg Julius Caesar.
Who controls the ballot controls the outcome. Ballot stuffing is normal political behaviour. Honesty is unusual. Any system that allows vote rigging is spruiked by a corrupt minority to “win” an election. A pandemic, or even a nuclear war, cannot be allowed to change rules that force honest behaviour on voting systems.
Democracy has been hard won. Hundreds of millions have died to allow the existence of a free society. Nothing is more important.
We must not let the lure of cheap goods, from enslaved populations, rob us of our democracy.
Victoria belongs to the Victorians and how they treat the citizens is entirely their business.
Darwin belongs to Darwinians and how they treat the citizens is entirely their business.
Your next door neighbor’s children belong to your next door neighbor and how the parents treat the children is entirely their business.
El Gordo, you are a very isolated individual with little compassion for others.
John you are a very isolated individual with little compassion for others , there are laws about locking people up because you don’t like their heritage , there are laws about about parental child abuse and each state runs under their own plus federal plus international law .
China should have been called out by the UN and sanctions placed for their shocking treatment of the Uigers among other serious breaches of human rights .
And who lets the CCP get a free pass for any of their criminal behaviour? Why it’s the elites of course .
I am remiss in not making the point of my comment clearer.
I was not advocating for isolationism, rather the opposite.
El Gordo was suggesting that we stay out of Hong Kong’s issues whereas I was attempting to draw attention to his lack of compassion for others remote from Oz and extrapolating to those closer to home.
Perhaps I need to use the /sarc tag more often
Maybe ElGordo left off the Sarc tag too ?
Sarc is lies. Confusing. Would never hold in a court.
So el gordo if the CCP decides to execute or put into prison (same result) thousands of people in Honk Kong for not giving into the directorship’s demands, we don’t lift a finger? You are such an appeaser to the CCP it makes me sick.
You could say the same about Afghanistan and it is up to them if they want to shoot girls in the head for the effrontery of going to school. If that or the CCP treatment of Hong Kong, the Uighers or whoever is ‘their business’ then the Nazi’s were just going about their business in murdering 6 million Jews just for being Jews in Germany and other lands the conquered. so WTF was WW2 about.
What you are implying is that ‘elites’ can do whatever they can get away with. Stuff that.
That said there are smart ways and dumb ways to deal with elites running amok. Dumb ways end up being counterproductive and give the ‘elites’ a free kick.
It wasn’t about Nazi mistreatment of its own minorities … the rest of the West either turned a blind eye to its internal affairs, or tried appeasement.
Quite a few notable figures were pro-Nazi – believing it was a strategic buffer against the Soviets, and Communism more generally.
WWII didn’t start until Germany invaded countries that had military treaties with Britain and France. Even the US didn’t enter until after Pearl Harbor.
I watched this interview about 6-7 hrs after it was posted…
Steve Bannon is a huge asset to any administration as well as a national treasure, as is Gen. Flynn.
(BTW, the latter was also interviewed by Epoch about a week earlier. Everybody here should look that one up as well. AND save them to some personal hardware before they get memory-holed.)
Stop and think for a minute or two what these men would contribute to the second Trump term, especially if they were working in concert. Great for America and the Western world writ large, not so much for Russia, Iran and especially China.
This is why this election fraud MUST be exposed to the general public AND an accurate vote count must be realized, come what may.
If this election steal stands the United States will never have another fair election. A Biden/Harris administration will see to that as their first order of business.
Leaving aside the cost of living/purchasing power calculations which show China just behind Switzerland and ahead of the USA, no one is forcing anyone to buy goods from China. You want a $5 t-shirt, or $500 computer, then you are supporting slave labour.
PF, what you are looking at and comparing is the effect of China’s devalued currency. America after WW2 allowed Germany and Japan to resuscitate/develop/redevelop their economy by runningi a devalued currency. China has been allowed to do the same, but has needed for some time to allow their currency to appreciate to a more level playing field.
No Murray – Purchasing power is calculated in local currency as is cost of living.
Unfortunately Peter you are so right. I argued for the past forty years that every time you buy a cheap shirt someone at Bradmills loses their job. Now we do not have a choice and Bradmill doesn’t exist. There will always be those who need the lower skill jobs, not everyone can be a brain surgeon, but those jobs went to China and those people went on the dole.
Indeed … very true, and hundreds of other Australian firms in textiles, clothing, footwear, manchester, electrical goods, tools, and much more.
It’s very hard to wander through Bunnings and K-Mart and find many things not made in China. I even saw Chinese apricots in Woolworths this week. Don’t we grow perfectly good apricots?
An iMac costs more than 500 smackeroos and they are made in China.
And the Goracle is major shareholder, so it’s a win-win for chinese labour and the environment.
And I got a bumper sticker of an apple logo so I can virtue signal 24/7.
OMG my hand was shaking but I just gave Fitzy a green tick for the first time ever
Also means choosing or not to buy Chinese brand vehicles (the utes are so tempting but what do you support) and even Western, Japanese, Korean brand models manufactured in China.
That is the problem now; often it is impossible to buy certain things unless they are made in China. People went for cheaper goods and so we lost manufacturing ability. The loss was exacerbated by the high and ever increasing cost of electricity.
The real loss is the amount of money we have to spend on residential land and macmansions due to our clapped out planning regulations which are still written in the language of the quarter acre block and stand alone houses with presecribed setbacks etc. This forces us into cars for even local shopping, eliminates local village like shopping/transport hubs and favours large monoliths and template fast food outlets to dominate. It is just an expensive cultural style that is satisfying at a trivial level (yeah burgers and fries are yum….occasionally) but it drives down wages and feeds us peasnts into the leite’s clutches economically.
Live in a more convivial area with trees in the streets, parks a short walk away, corner shops or avillage hub in walking distance people easily using public transport and cities not so CBD obsessed and the cost of living drops so people can afford to and are happy to buy local.
The entire universe is modular as are most large life forms with individual/community integrity and survivability being a core kpi. Be it COVID or similar virus, unfettered trade or other uncontrolled phenomenon, indviduals/communities will come off second best through the lack of control of their environment bethat economic or physical.
‘Free’ (unfettered) trade is just a free pass to the slavers and exploiters, to the autocrats and thug lords. Now why might that turn out to be a crap deal for the rest of the population, eh?
Autocratic economic thuggery is not ‘free enterprise’ it is just defacto slavery and stifles the ‘free enterprise’ of others without the head start like migrants and the young. It is the mechanism for ‘e pluribus unum patricium’ (apologies for dog latin last word there).
Autocratic thuggery is forcing high immigration policies and high density living on the populace without a vote.
Just ask the people of Australia whether they want a suburban McMansion and a car — or an apartment, no garden, no car and a park around corner. Why not have both kinds of suburbs and see what the free market does. We know what most people will choose, but neither political party will offer it.
Australia has almost the highest immigration rate per capita in the West. That creates the long travel times, traffic congestion, and unaffordable housing.
Ask the people…
re macmansions vs units etc and free choice for both I totally agree. I was trying to say that the elites in the form of the developer lobby working with the local and state governments have ended up with a shortage of new land for development, and not just urban fringe land, or options to supply the market with alternative options to low and high density in a restricted supply vdemand system. I am referring to townhouses and terraces with modest open space/gardens options whose popularity in older, inner city areas is reflected in their pricing, i.e. people pay a premium for them. Location, location, location as they say. Their proxility to the old strip shopping ‘villages’ is another big drawcard. In Perth I refer to Napoleon St Cottesloe, Bay View Tce in Claremont, Leederville and South Fremantle as exemplars. There are similar places in all our captials.
One planning change that could make a huge difference wiould be to favour such medium density within say 200 or 400 metres of a village shopping hub as well as residential over commercial ( say 2-3 stories max) to address that market for young people or migrants just ‘starting out’. The elites don’t like that sort of rational approach because it favours small, even mum and dad developers and not the spivs and scumbag elite who like to built high rise trash.
Imagine the result if you could restrict food or fuel supply such that only the better off could afford it.
There is not a true ‘free market’ in those circumstances rather there is a restricted format supply which tends towards a high profit margin / lower financial risk to financiers model targetting investors including foreign investors.
Very good post and I agree wholeheartedly.
Living in a near suburb of Melbourne (not hard core, more like Mount Lawley / Leederville), there is essentially only high-rise near stations, and single dwellings turned into two (sometimes three) townhouses, which is insufficient density increase in my view.
I can walk to three old-fashioned shopping strips as well, or catch a bus or a tram.
The option you talk about – medium-density blocks with good amenity – just don’t get built, and the block sizes are generally sufficient.
Part of the problem is the execrable examples from the 1960s through the 1980s – ugly plain brick things that are now often a blight.
But these things can be solved … single dwellings and high-rise are not the best model at all.
We’re fifteenth ranked between Singapore and Italy on this table and there was I thinking our numbers dwarfed those of other countries.
These figures are fifteen years old since which time nett australian immigration would be nigh on four million. So taking just that fifteen year interval with a 2020 population of twenty-six million that is 4 / 22 /15 * 10**6 giving 121,212.21 which squeezes us into position three on the 2005 figures vying with United Arab Emirates for second spot behind Qatar’s unreachable 269,614.5
It’s a pity I couldn’t find more recent numbers, particularly since Merkel’s 2015 fugue but it’s clear australia leads the anglosphere.
I live in a leafy suburb but not far from Inner Melbourne … the density is a bit low, and there are a lot of houses around here on 750 m2 or so where just one or two (old) people live.
I would like to see far more medium to high density plans around here … hopefully to stop the endless sprawl 40-50 km out from the city centre.
Whatever those people think they save in initial house price, they will pay 20 times over in terms of long commutes and loss of quality living.
And peak oil is not a distant unreality …
M Seward said at #
Partly but not wholly right. The theft of the land and the replacement of a rational tax system of Land Value Tax (the natural source of government income) with current inflationary and punitive taxes on working people, and the producers within the economy is the first and largest theft the elites have gotten away with.
While you read them, consider “What is it which gives land it’s value?”
That is not as simple a question as it appears to be.
Jo in her answer above this, claims the high immigration rate makes for unaffordable housing. It does but only because the tax system is inflationary and punitive.
If you can read these three books, do so at your earliest opportunity:
GEORGE Henry: “Progress and Poverty”
GEORGE Henry: “Social Problems”
GEORGE Henry: “The Science of Political Economy”
Download them from
When you have read those, feel free to explore more titles.
If you don’t support slave labour those slaves die of starvvation.
Closer examination would show you that overall we are doing the best that has ever been done.
I fear that may not last.
Yes, Michael Shellenberger in his book puts forward a good case for supporting sweat shops. These workers have come off farms that can’t feed them. They are barely literate or not at all. The sweat shop provides money which allows them to eat everyday and learn skills which can be transferred to better jobs with more pay. The sweat shop is a stepping stone to a better quality of life than the one they had in a desperate rural environment.
The left are fighting against the CCP.
Look at how Sea Shepherd with great Admiral Watson at its head defended the reefs of the Spratly Islands. Greenpeace and WWF were there standing side by side to stop this demolition and militarization of the South China Seas.
I laugh at the idiots wearing their Sea Shepherd hoodies and their Greenpeace donations. They have been recruited into Antifa and Extinction Rebellion as their confusion over what they actually stand for just morphs into anger against everything.
“The left are fighting against the CCP”?
So what is AOC’s crap about the Great reset all about?
You should read a bit more…:-) It’s called irony… Did you see these fools at the Spratley Islands at all?
Yes, I eventually noted the irony too. The way I see it is if China ever took over the West, the left here would be the first to go to “retraining camps”. The CCP will have no bar of the left as they are an uncontrollable rabble who won’t abide by any rule.
The Left betray their own country for some glitz and thrills. The CCP won’t let them riot or talk smack once the takeover hits. Their usefulness will be over with.
Correct. The CCP will stuck a bullet in their head ( and anyone elses heads ) if it suits them, such is the scourge of communism.
However, the Elite invented communism – Marx was funded by the Elite to write his manifesto.
The Elite created communism so they could control both sides of the struggle. There is a cartoon from 1912 showing the Elite of the day congratulating Marx on a job well done…which makes sense if the Elite have set the whole thing up.
On another matter – one thing I heard was the Left in the USA want to blame Russia for the whole of Govt hack , not China.
It seems the anti-Russia/punish Russia agenda that Hellary wanted to run with will be rebooted under Zombie Joe if he gains the poisoned challice of ill gotten gains….
I was thinking about why the Left hates Russia so much, the best I can come up with is that Russia is now a very christian nation and the Elite hate Christianity….
G’day OS,
I reckon the left has been bought, and is controlled by the CCP, so they’re using Russia as a convenient scape goat.
Dave B
Right. Russia needs Putin as his stewardship gives his country stability. There has been some odious events committed by the state from some level and much deserves condemnation, but in general the Russian state has been poorly treated by diverse elements in the West. I personally do not agree with the proposition that Russia is expansionist or militarily aggressive.
When US and the western nations switched over to China for products, the quality was very good and quite comparable at a much lesser cost. This then gave China power over the quality which has been falling off the cliff terrible as the years evolved.
Now we’re dependent on products that can’t be trusted in performance and quality.
Now it takes months for replacement and the quality is still falling as we have no other choice now.
In the past, the manufacturer would be liable and fix the problems in short order.
Today, good luck. It is buyer be ware.
I’ve had products that getting the exact piece was made by a different company within a couple months of reordering and the quality was crap.
They turned planned obsolescence into an art form.
The Japanese post war resurgence into a consumerist economic giant was phenomenal. Made in U.S.A became made in Usa .
Interesting that under the Great Reset plan (sometimes called Build Back Better or the New Normal) the plan is to do away with obsolescence: “This also made the breakthrough of the circular economy easier. When products are turned into services, no one has an interest in things with a short life span. Everything is designed for durability, repairability and recyclability.” In otherwords no choice and a single supplier presumably Amazon. Sounds like East Germany on steroids but at least you get durability.
Yes but going down a service orientated world would mean continual payments even when the service doesn’t change. It will end up being a far worse situation than we have now once it’s all controlled by one monster organisation. George Lucas I think recognised the risks of such a society in THX 1138; “Let us be thankful we have commerce. Buy more. Buy more now. Buy. And be happy.”
‘Twas ever buyer beware.
My new Apple computer was “Made in China”. Shipped from China.
So too the one I bought 15? years ago.
The innards of the computer are state of the art technology. Where were they made? I don’t know. But a big American corporation organised it.
If you bought a small or medium sized Caterpillar bulldozer, chances are it was made in China. By a big American corporation.
This kind of activity brought to China the most rapid economic development the world has ever seen. Because everybody believed that it was in everybody’s best interest that China should develop quickly. Trump’s call on the matter is based on the recognition that China is now a developed economy, and should be no longer entitled to the concessions that have been allowed there to date.
China has shown by its miliarisation of the South China Sea that the world’s confidence has been misplaced.
So, where do we stand with America? Go back 30+ years, Australia needed a satellite put up. The satellite was made in the US. It surely included technology that was embargoed under US law from ever falling into the hands of communist nations . But our good mates Bob and Paul got their good mates the Chinese communists to launch this satellite.
So it blew up on launching, and everything was lost. Which scenario do you think most likely?
1. To ensure the security of its technology the US built a dud satellite and set it to blow up so nobody would know.
2. The Chinese swapped the good satellite and substituted a dud set to blow up so nobody would know,
3. The US and China colluded to blow it up for a bit of fun at our expense.
4. It just blew up by itself.
It is unlikely that the Americans have forgotten how far they can and can not depend on the Australian electorate,
The “unrestricted warfare” that china embraces, is what Australia also confronts, and we are losing. They play us for the fools we are, with very few of our institutions, and politicians, having the character not to sell us out.
Everyone has a price, come on man!
Our polies are so brain dead they won’t see it coming when China send 200 warships to our shores. They’d be “Duuurrrr! Isn’t that pretty”….
Its not the fault of the politicians or those who voted for them, democracy makes us weak. You are correct in thinking they treat us like fools, but thankfully our centre right government should be able to steer a safe course over the next four years.
I think Morrison is saying the right things regarding national security and standing up for Australian autonomy. I expect the Labor Party would do the same. Nonetheless we are weak and complacent.
Thats the new post modern spin on Hong Kong I guess..
Hong Kong existed “independently” for a short while due to the UK desire to invade China and push opium…
For some odd reason China objected to this..
Then the UK forced the Chinese to sign the Chuenpi Convention.
We have identified the problem and we have identified the main players but what do we do about it. It is becoming obvious that President Trump will be defeated by cheats and a pawn of the deep state will be installed. RINOs will be defeated in 2022 by the Trump army. Trump will still be the leader conservatives need and he will use the new media to win in 2024. Biden will have no respect because everyone knows he is illegitimate.
Trump has not been defeated by the cheats yet ! He has certainly taken a lot of hits, but he is still shooting.
I care not who casts the votes of a nation if they’ll let me make the count.” – George Creel, 1922 (not Joseph Stalin!)
It is not obvious to me.
Why is Trump still launching a new case at SCOTUS? What about the changes at the Pentagon? Why the Christmas eve holiday? What did happen in Frankfurt in November and where is Gina Haspel?
Even if Trump is not reelected, the work he is doing since polling day will heavily influence the government over the next term.
Nobody will be able to bury MAGA and get away with it.
She was in Frankfurt at the time of the server raid, when she was injured and airfreighted to Gitmo. Look her up in DDG, follow the link with the uniformed soldiers and if Gurgle gets shitty with you, then good luck …
Are the elites really that elite?
What is the substance of power for a Clinton or a Zuckerberg?
Or a Clooney or a Lebron James?
It seems the alleged elite mostly control the ‘narrative’.
This power seems very powerful at the moment, but in reality is quite fragile.
They are easy marks for ridicule.
Silver for the Mistress
Gold is for the Maid
Copper for the Smithy, cunning at his trade
But, says the Baron, sitting in his hall
“Iron cold, cold iron, is Master of them all”
Have things changed?
What is the substance of power? Money – but in quantities we could not dream of. That cane turn a man and woman.
But I always defer to Bob Dylan: Money doesn’t talk – it swears.
Not real power, it is a currency in it’s self.
Yes their power is illusionary but the masses are easily tricked into believing in such illusions. Books have been written on the madness of crowds. Still there are limits and that’s the stuff of revolutions, of which many books have been written as well.
You would get this Peter – all my research over the years points to the Elite practicing a form of very nasty occult practices, aka satanism. This is the ( temporarily allowed by the Almighty ) power behind them.
Humans arent smart enough to really create something so evil as crushingly evil as the NWO – for that you need an entity with a near immortal memory and super human cunning. Its what I am sure is paving the way for the rise of the Man of Perdition, what some know as the demon poossessed head of the anti-christ/Beast system.
People poo poo this, and start rabbitting on about “the big sky fairy”, but its going to bite everyone on the collective rear end if they dont start to consider that regardless of what you might previously have thought, Christians know that its very real.
If you wanntch how bbrokenn and corrupted and depraved the whole plannet is gettinng, how you cant reason with people, how people lust after bad stuff rather than what we know is right, how no one stands up for whats right, but rather would do bad stuff, it cat last. In the OT when ancient Israel went rotten, it went into captivity. God handed them over to invaders and they became slaves because they rejected God and His laws, that woudl have kept them safe and prosperous.
The Swamp in the US is a black cesspool of everything thats wicked and corrupt.
The swamp hates Trump because Trump tried to clean it up. The election was so blatantatly stolen and corrupted, but having a seared conscience, the swamp critters say there is nothing wrong.
Is God about to turn America over to captivity?
Correct on all points Steve.
Let’s see what happens to Taiwan over the next 4 years as well. They are vulnerable as and now that China has seen the amount of pushback over Hong Kong and the South China Sea they will be emboldened especially with a spineless creature in their back pocket.
It’s obvious. Once the West has crashed and burned predominately by it’s own accord, China will have no problem taking over Taiwan.
Beijing seeks peaceful unification with Taiwan.
‘The ancient Chinese strategist Sun Tzu said: “The best of the best is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” According to his classic book, “The best way to engage the enemy is to use strategy; the second best is to use diplomacy; the third best is to fight the enemy head-on; and the worst of all is to besiege enemy troops in a walled city.” (The Diplomat)
Subversion isn’t peaceful elGordo.
Taiwan has a vibrant democracy and Beijing is powerless, here is a bit of history.
Many many years ago Mel Gibson saw the rise of China and tried to warn us .
China, like all communists, relies on people lacking the critical faculties to know the truth.
“As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. …he will refuse to believe it… That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.”
–Yuri Bezmenov [1983]
The Japanese had a military feat,
At Pearl Harbour by sinking a fleet,
But now the Chi-coms,
Without battle or bombs,
Have taken the U.S. elite.
Plus the global elite.
Anyone who cosies up to the Chinese CPP does well as long as they turn a blind eye.
Covid has provided a great example of how readily oppression becomes the response of choice in the face of a threat. It makes administration easier and no doubt saved lives but it would be nice to think that a well informed society could achieve the same result without oppression – like Taiwan for example. The wealthiest per capita country on the globe but also culturally homogeneous.
… then tell everyone you can about cholecalciferol
Two events that support Bannon’s analysis:
Both Hong Kong and Taiwan provide a contrast to China that the CCP dictatorship do not like.
The release of the virus has been fortuitous for Biden. It “legalised” mail-in ballots that, in whatever way, enabled his win at the ballot.
Bannon has a good understanding of East Asian history and culture. When he says that East Asia, (with exception of Japan) have never been part of the Westphalia nation/state tradition he is absolutely correct. Most westerners, do not have such understanding, so therefore do not properly analyze what is happening. The Great Reset, wrapped up in the climate scam, global socialism, and with CCP leading the way, is the most dangerous threat to face the world since WW2.
Trump is actually the first western leader to have some understanding and to develop more effective policy for East Asia since Teddy Roosevelt.
Most with their Euro-centric perspectives simply did not understand how things operated in East Asia. This was how we got a Communist China as we have known it in the first place.* China, since at least the Taiping Rebellion, was not a cohesive nation state. It was a mess of dozens of tributary states and vassal kingdoms, ruled by mafia type war lords and bandit gangs. Elite Capture has been the name of game there for centuries. Because of the oppressions of the surfs and uneducated, it was also a breeding ground for socialist exploitation since at least 1850. Mao was the perfect storm.
*Many in the west have the misconception that since the Nationals were opposed to Mao and the Red Chinese that they were anti-communist and pro democracy. Actually, the Nationals and CCP were allies until 1927. They were both socialist, as were most of the vassal state’s elites. The schism between Mao and Chiang came because Mao allied with the robber gangs in the south to establish a more cohesive area of power and control. Chiang realized that he was losing control. The schism wasn’t about ideology, it was about who would be boss. They were both supported by the USSR. Mao just needed the Japanese (The monarchy being anti-communist) off the continent or neutralized.
Well said Dave in the States.
Why would the Chinese have to do anything when you have Democrap and Republican US Congress and Senate members passing this Pork
‘Obama, Clinton, W. get millions, YOU get $600’: Thread goes through COVID relief bill line-by-line and it’s HILARIOUSLY infuriating
We have written about some long-a*s threads but this one may well top the list. Luckily, it’s also one of the best threads we’ve written about … maybe ever. Oilfield Rando was good enough to go through the COVID relief bill and pull out the more ridiculous parts of it …
When you’re done reading this thread you may well need a stiff drink.
Take a look:
Yes, the CCP are a very patient lot, we are not. They will wait for the West to implode, then they will have a cake walk picking up the pieces. Russia will be there too to share the spoils. Australia will most likely be just another province of China. Alaska can go back to being part of Russia, plus perhaps Canada and the eastern half of the US. China can take the rest. I hope I’m not around when something like all that happens. Of course, it’s not the only scenario. Another one is China also implodes and Russia with a temporary alliance with Europe comes in to take the lot. Only time will tell. So much fun making such hypothetical projections. Let’s just take things one step at a time. I look forward to Trump staying as POTUS after Jan 20 to delay whatever evil scenario eventually plays out, which I’m convinced 100% is inevitable going by how mankind has always misbehaved since the beginning.
From Thread Below more on China and Biden
Space Race II: Biden Advisors Want ‘Cooperation’ with China
Before I tell you what a hare-brained idea that is, let’s give a fair shout to the fools trying to sell it.
While Biden’s transition team “declined to comment” on the alleged president-elect’s plans for cooperation (or not) in the new space race, former astronaut and Biden advisor Pam Melroy told POLITICO prior to the election, “It’s very important that we engage.”
“Trying to exclude them,” she said then, “I think is a failing strategy.”
Biden would seem to have numbers — if not sense — on his side:
In short, cooperating with the Soviets in space bought us no relief from Soviet expansionism on Earth.
Now we’re supposed to believe that cooperating with Communist China — flush with American dollars and far more technologically advanced and adept than the Soviets ever were — will buy us even more peace on Earth?
Standing in the way of any such Panglossian effort to team up with Beijing in space is the “Wolf Amendment” legally blocking NASA from working with Chinese commercial or government agencies. The Wolf Amendment (named after its author, former Republican Virginia Congressman Frank Wolf) has been included in each year’s spending bills since 2001.
Currently, there’s a push to eliminate the Wolf Amendment, on the shaky grounds that it prevents NASA from examining Moon rocks recently collected by Communist China in their most ambitious Moon launch yet. But given how quickly private American companies like SpaceX are gearing up for even more ambitious Moon (and even Mars) projects of their own, opening our doors even further to Communist Chinese espionage over a few rocks seems worse than rock-headed.
From the Comments
Le fromage grande • 3 hours ago
And by “Cooperation”, they mean give them all of our technology in return for campaign donations just like The Clintons.
P.S. Is it just me or does it seem like every headline Starts with “Biden Advisors…” or “Biden Administration Officials…”? They never start off with “Joe Biden is going to do this or that.” Who is actually running the show? We know it ain’t Joementia.
Thе Gеnеrаl • 3 hours ago
Wun Dum Tool says:
To cooperate with honorable China, drop pants, bend over, grit teeth.
(And no lube!)
Ric Grenell to Newsmax TV: Dems ‘Hoodwinked’ by China
The China consulate in San Francisco should be the target of investigations and scrutiny, because of concerning ties to Democrats in that city, according to former acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell on Newsmax TV.
“Democrats in California, in San Francisco in particular, have been hoodwinked by Chinese spies and those in the consulate who are trying to leverage the relationship,” Grenell told Tuesday’s “Spicer & Co.” “So, we’ve got to get to the bottom of this.”
Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., are all from the area and potentially compromised by Chinese intelligence and operatives, according to Grenell.
“What do all three of these individuals have in common – who have been pushing the Beijing line? They’re all from San Francisco,” Grenell told host Sean Spicer.
“It’s a scandal; it’s a crisis,” he added.
Yes, “co-operation” with China is in reality a one-way street. Anyone who thinks otherwise must have the intelligence of a rock.
BREAKING: Trump Kicks Back $900 Billion COVID Relief Bill with These Demands for Congress
President Donald Trump on Tuesday evening said he would not sign the $900 billion COVID relief package that passed both chambers of Congress on Monday. Instead, he wants them to up the direct cash payment amount that Americans will receive and to cut out the unnecessary spending.
“Throughout the summer Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump said, referencing the more than 40 times Republicans attempted to pass a relief package.
According to the president, Congress began negotiating a relief package that has taken “forever.” The bill that passed both chambers of Congress, Trump says, “is much different than anticipated. It really is a disagree.”
Trump referenced the bill, which is more than 5,000 pages in length, that members of Congress failed to read before passing.
“It’s called the COVID relief bill but it has almost nothing to do with COVID,” he explained in his address. “This bill contains $85.5 million for assistance to Cambodia; $134 million to Burma; $1.3 billion for Egypt and Egyptian military, which will go out and buy almost exclusively Russian military equipment; $25 million for democracy and gender programs in Pakistan; $505 million to Beliza, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama; $40 million for the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., which is not even open for business; $1 billion for the Smithsonian and an additional $154 million for the National Gallery of Art; … $7 million for reef fish management; $25 million to combat Asian carpe; $2.5 million to count the number of amberjack fish in the Gulf of Mexico, a provision to promote the breeding of fish in federal hatcheries; $3 million in poultry production technology; $2 million to study the impact of downed trees; $566 million for construction projects at the FBI.”
US Media Indicted After New Proof of Chinese Propaganda Efforts to Stem Pandemic Publicity
evidence has come out to show those efforts. ProPublica teamed with the New York Times to filter through leaked documents and emails from the Mainland that detailed the various methods the Chi-Coms used to stem the flow of information about the emerging pandemic and to massage their appearance in dealing with the outbreak.
The Chinese control over its social media networks is well known and there is little surprise to learn how the authorities would work to contain the flow of information on an explosive subject. But what also ends up getting revealed is how this effort also managed to manipulate the messaging here in the U.S., as our media complex ended up complying with the dictates from the Chi-Coms on the progress of the viral outbreak. This result should test negative for journalism in the country.
One email unearthed from the Chi-Coms reads:
‘’All Cyberspace Administration bureaus must pay heightened attention to online opinion and resolutely control anything that seriously damages party and government credibility and attacks the political system.’’
Fortunately OldOzzie, Trump has sent the whole lot back to Congress with the demand that citizens only should get $2,000 and illegal aliens nothing, restaurants need to be supported and they should get rid of the rorts.
See here
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Ron Raffensperger, the Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China – How Close Are They to the China Government?
It appears Secretary of State (SoS) Raffensperger has a brother, Ron. Ron hates President Trump and the two Republican Senators running for office in Georgia. Ron also works as the CTO for Huawei Enterprise Storage Solutions based in Shenzhen, China, a China government owned company.
More Stealing Elections: Iowa Dem Is Trying to Get the House to Overturn Election She Lost
Democrats have excoriated President Donald Trump for pursuing his constitutional legal challenges after all kinds of irregularities in the election. “An attack on democracy!” Democrats have screamed.
On the contrary, it’s exactly the recourse he is afforded according to the process.
Yet, while Democrats have attacked Trump, they’re pretty silent when it comes to condemning Democrat Rita Hart’s effort to overturn her election defeat in Iowa’s Second District.
According to Townhall, in Hart’s case, she didn’t challenge the result in a court of law, like Trump. She didn’t legally allege any irregularities in the count. The original count and the recount supported that the Republican Mariennette Miller-Meeks won by six votes and she was certified the winner by the state.
But now, Hart is asking the House of Representatives to decide the election and overturn the certified result, to get the “result we need.”
A Couple of Items from the topic referenced above
‘Obama, Clinton, W. get millions, YOU get $600’: Thread goes through COVID relief bill line-by-line and it’s HILARIOUSLY infuriating
– Small business are going to hell but rest assured that the screwworm program will still get its $5,000,000,000
– Another $809,000 for the under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services. They’re expected to pay one other person out of that. Bureaucrats got it made.
– Seriously.
While Americans get $600 of THEIR OWN MONEY BACK. – The Office of Codex Alimentarius? These bitches work in the Hogwarts office? Anyways, $4.8 mil for the wizards
– Five former Presidents will get $4,400,000. You got $600
– Welp reckon we’ll go back to buying all our IT stuff from China, what could go wrong?
– $818,192,000 for the Smithsonian
– LOL $153,242,000 for National Gallery of Art salaries and expenses, another $23.2 mil for facilities.
DC has absolutely no skin in the game, not an ounce.
WSJ – Hunter Biden’s Family Name Aided Deals With Foreign Tycoons
Business dealings of Joe Biden’s son are at the center of a federal tax investigation and loom over the start of his presidency
Hunter Biden ramped up business activities with European and Chinese tycoons as his father exited the vice presidency four years ago. For him it was a potential path to income; for the tycoons, the Biden family name promised to burnish their reputations.
The dealings got the younger Mr. Biden a discounted stake in a private-equity firm in China and consulting arrangements with a Romanian property magnate and overall allowed him to maintain a globe-trotting lifestyle, according to interviews, documents and communications reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. A Chinese energy tycoon gave Mr. Biden a 2.8-carat diamond, and entities linked to him wired nearly $5 million to Mr. Biden’s law firm, according to an investigation by Senate Republicans.
These arrangements now loom over President-elect Joe Biden. A federal criminal tax investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings is under way, with findings potentially trickling out in coming months. His business ties to well-connected people in China and other places could add to scrutiny of foreign-policy decisions taken by the Biden administration over possible conflicts of interest. All are likely to provide ammunition to Republicans.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa), who has led the Senate Finance Committee whose Republican staff helped investigate Hunter Biden, has said he would continue to look into what he says are possible counterintelligence and criminal concerns related to Mr. Biden’s business dealings.
Stolen Election: What YOU Must Do Before Jan. 6, 2021
Without any doubt whatsoever, the election Nov. 3rd was an attempted fatal shot fired directly at We The People using rigged electronic voting machines and human resources. Make no mistake about it. I’ve been at this for decades like many others I know. The global power elite were never going to allow Donald Trump a second term.
However, their century long quest to destroy this constitutional republic was in jeopardy. The Overall Picture: “According to our records President Trump entertained 1.1 Million supporters at events from Labor Day till the election. Joe Biden entertained less than 2,000! Trump’s events this year were even bigger than 2016 and he contracted COVID which kept him home for a couple weeks. Trump absolutely crushed Biden in rallies – it was as if Biden knew he didn’t need to campaign.”
They cheated big time and got caught. Since Nov. 4th, they’ve been rubbing our noses in it with the help of gutless cowards in state legislatures and judges. Forget the whores in the MSM and that includes FOX. Forget the ‘know nothing’ screeching sycophants in the Hollywood crowd who are only driving away fans. Forget the filthy dirty traitors to this country in elected offices who have NO integrity and NO honor. Anyone who has examined all that has been exposed since Nov. 3rd cannot come to any other conclusion: Donald Trump did not lose the election. The cheating is massive, the evidence is clear and overwhelming.
Timing in life is everything as the old saying goes
The drop-dead date for DNI Director, John Ratcliff and Trump’s Executive Order dealing with foreign influence in our elections was due Dec. 18th. Dud so far. Ratcliff was informed by intelligence agencies (none were listed by name) two days before the mandated date they would not be ready with their report due to conflicts in trying to protect Communist China. How very convenient.
“McConnell, who formally recognized Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as president-elect and vice president-elect on Tuesday, reportedly told colleagues that an objection “isn’t in the best interest of everybody,”
It’s not in your best interests which means China. It’s not in the best interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the tech giants and globalists. It doesn’t matter to Mitch McConnell the election was rigged. It doesn’t matter to Mitch that we will NEVER again have free and fair elections in this country if we lose this fight. Our glorious republic WILL be dead in less than two years after Kamala ‘Mattress’ Harris takes over from China Joe.
Must see: Trump surrounded by disloyal liars.
Easy to watch – very well presented. I expect Tiffany could get on any mainstream media.
Some background –
Essentially Chinese but anti CCP.
Once Great Britain only had to hand over the New Territories when their lease expired in 1997.
They had possession of Hong Kong Island in perpetuity under the Treaty of Nanking, 1842. Also Kowloon Peninsula and Stonecutter’s Island were similarly acquired in perpetuity in 1860 under the Convention of Peking.
Handing over much more than was necessary was seen by the Chinese as a sign of weakness of the West and a Litmus test that the West would not stop China’s planned future territorial expansions such as the South China Sea, essentially handed to them by Obama. And Taiwan, which will likely be given to them if the unthinkable happens and Barris becomes fake President.
The problem with the elites is that they see themselves as the only source of truth and wisdom that therefore their biggest threat is democracy. This is why the elites love China, because the model of totalitarianism provides them with protection against the people and the power to enforce their will against the wishes of the masses.
From a general public perception the elites are far from a source of truth or wisdom. This is a group that seeks to reject the biology of our sex and enforce a destructive and divisive culture of racial identity and privilege, where people’s rights and place within society are based on their ancestry and skin colour. They also seek to enforce false doctrines of science based on beliefs that the world must be powered by low density and irregular energy sources from the sun and wind and where the human diet must be moved away from rich protein sources.
What the elites will never understand is that democracy is the people’s choice to make their own decisions. This includes decisions that limit immigration or recognise that humans are born as female or male, or even that all humans are born equal and should be treated equally by law, rather than by a judgement of ancestry of who was here first or second or third, etc. If society says they want to graze cows and eat meat or they want to burn coal for energy and accept a slight warming, this is the people’s will and the elites need to accept this will rather than try and change the system to impose their barbarism and control. If people don’t like our democracy my advice to them is to do the rest of us a favour and move to North Korea or China.
It’s still up in the air….
Time will tell if any one of them is the correct one.
Three unique perspectives and predictions on the state of the 2020 election.
I think I linked to Dr Jerome Corsi and Bill Still earlier but it fits in this thread. His take is that the evidence of The Steal will be so overwhelming that Biden will concede to prevent great damage to the swamp. That would be the best possible result.
Yes, I linked to the same video in a previous thread titled “Cancel Culture intimidation affect lawyers and judges, whole court system”. I said back then and still say, it sounds too good to be true but let’s wait and see.
It is speculation. Such an outcome be necessary but a consequence would be that the highest placed perpetrators would go unpunished.
Lots of middle ranking and minor conspirators could be charged and jailed.
I think the idea was not to prevent great damage to the swamp but to ensure that America is not greatly weakened during a possible period of national danger due to external challenges (eg the CCP).
I sooo hope this is true. Cant wait!
This goes right to the heart of where Joann mentions this in her text:
I just love my sport, so anything gets my interest, and come Olympic Games time, I’m ready for anything.
The ABC (me too, me too, look over here) cashes in every time, even though they will never ever get the broadcast rights, but under the guise of the national broadcaster, they will pinch anything they can to cash in as well.
And one time they had a winner for me, and as quickly as it appeared for a one time play, (late at night no less, so accentuating the fact that quite literally no one watched it ever) and then disappeared.
However, I watched with ever widening eyes as the (independently made) program played out, and it had such an effect on me that I remembered most of it, thankfully, never having seen it again.
Many many years later I tried to find that video, and eventually (thankfully in fact) it showed up at the YouTube site.
Luckily at the time, August of 2008, (I mentioned the effect it had on me) I actually made a Post on it at my home site, and here is the link to that Post, well worth reading in fact, and again, note the date, August of 2008.
One short scene of around five minutes detailed a young lady working at the new state of the art (monumentally humungously huuuuuuge) Daimler Benz Chrysler factory. It followed this young lady for those five minutes. She was just so overjoyed that she got to work in that factory ….. for $8 a day. (yep, you read that right) around 20 times less than auto workers are paid in the Developed World, and she said, much much more than any workers in China were paid.
She caught one of many many many company supplied buses to work, and if she could have run from the bus to work, she would have she was so excited. It was amazing, and this is the mindset here. Incidentally, every one of the short five minute scenes in the doco detailed that mindset.
The whole doco was jaw dropping unbelievable really.
However, other than that young girl, and virtually all of it in fact, the one stand out, the single most jaw dropping thing was the last on screen writing before the end credits rolled, and this doco was made in 2008 remember, and that last line said, incredulously that by 2020 China would have ….. 140 Million cars, something that at the time, no one could possibly believe.
Okay, so here we are now in 2020.
China has 275 million cars, double that 2008 prediction.
Only now are we beginning to understand the mindset of the Chinese, be that politics, attitudes, or just the people, but this doco showed all of that, back in 2008.
Here’s the link to that documentary on YouTube, and it goes for 52 minutes, and if you don’t think you have that time, then make time, because your jaw will also drop, and keep in mind this is from TWELVE YEARS ago now. That part about the young girl starts at the 17.15 mark.
The dilution of the “one country, two systems” agreement down to meaningless symbolism was predictable from the handover back in 1997. Back then I asked friends and relatives what would stop China absorbing Hong Kong back into the general fold with all the other provinces once they felt the financial benefits no longer outweighed the glaring disparity to those across the border. I was assured that Hong Kong would transform China rather than the other way around, politically as well as economically – a notion I felt was always naive.
Ever since the handover took place, the only leverage that I could see for the UK to see that the “one country, two systems” agreement was followed would have been to offer immigration rights to all those who were Hong Kong citizens at the time of the handover and their descendants as long as they were not felons according to UK law. This SHOULD have been done at the time of the handover and recent discussion of offers by Commonwealth countries along these lines should be carried through, CCP protests be damned.
China does not deserve Hong Kong’s best and brightest.
But that was before Xi went feral and established his rule for life.
The removal of the special status for Hong Kong was always going to take place when China felt it was appropriate – the 50 year transition period was never enforceable. It would have happened wherever Xie was made President for life or not – just like China’s economic end game hasn’t changed under his leadership. Timelines may have shifted slightly and supporting policies (Belt & Road, Spratly Island bases) may have differed slightly but the essence of the CCP is what it is.
I never cease to be amazed at how Leftist “activists” think they’re the “champions of the downtrodden masses”. The reality is that they’re the imbecile slave army of the Elites. The Billionaire Socialists are laughing all the way to the bank.
In reply to: “What stands in the way of the unholy alliance between the CCP and the elites of the West are populist governments”
Stop talking Political Mumbo jumbo. The time for talk is over.
Obama talked on and on and on. Obama care did not solve the US health care problem. Biggest line item deficit in the US budget is caused by a super corrupt health ‘care’ industry, that is enabled by super corrupt congress/FDA/Washington system that was been taken over by special interest groups. The corruption is right in the institutions.
Any idiot can spend a country to death. The US is spending itself to death and is under attack by the Chinese and the Dems have become a rogue party.
Last year the US because of the covid fake response, spent twice as much as the entire US GPD. (See Rand Paul link below.)
Civilization is Over.. …. if the all that protects US citizens and other Western countries from the Chinese advanced biological attacks and advance propaganda attacks and takeover of our companies and the stealing of all of secrets is a bunch of idiot elite, celebrity, politicians.
The age of politics is over. The Chinese and the Dems have killed that silly time. The US people are going to get the truth. And the US military is going to counter Chinese propaganda.
The US Milt will in the first quarter of 2021, stop the covid attack and will secure the US borders. That real action, to solve a real problem will get the US public on side with the end of the Washington elite.
No drama, real results. No bragging. No threats. And the start of the CIA trials. The US problems will start getting solved.
The Chinese have released a second designed strain of Covid. The change made has the spike protein and the change was made to …
Because the two super vaccines that were 95%; used the covid spike protein and suddenly the spike protein has 7 mutations.
Sunday 20 December: Borders begin to close
It began with the Netherlands, but on Sunday many European nations woke up to the implications of a variant of the virus that spreads with greater ease.
The new strain of coronavirus triggered a wave of countries to ban UK arrivals. Belgium, Canada, Germany, Ireland and Italy, all announced the move as did India and Hong Kong.
The Kentucky Republican further explained the country’s fiscal situation, noting the nation brought in $3.3 trillion last year and spent $6.6 trillion. The deficit was a “record-busting $3.3 trillion,” he said, explaining there is no more coronavirus bailout money and that such extraordinary spending habits have been “going on for decades.”
P.S. Rand Paul is going to help the new government address the China problem. Rand Paul will have a higher security clearance than the Trump in the new government.
William, well said but scary.
So what has changed? political mumbo jumbo has been happening for decades. The only way to stop the talk is for someone like Trump to take action, and failing that the people to revolt. Otherwise, just sit back and listen to the talk by the appeasers, scam artists and traitors as it will go on and on, unfortunately.
‘The Chinese have released a second designed strain of Covid. The change made has the spike protein and the change was made to …’
Hi, el gordo
This is the link.
The Chinese must have assumed the US Milt were asleep or paralyzed. This release of a second strain of covid that changes the spike protein in a way that makes the brand new vaccines ineffective. So the public is going to be super mad. And then the US milt is going to fire congress for 2020 US election felonies and failure and tell the US people the truth about covid and then cure covid using medicines that have been around for decades.
That is going to get the US public’s attention in a good way.
Who will the US public believe concerning covid origins? China where covid never was a problem? Or the US Milt who suddenly stop the covid problem in the US and then the other western countries?
The Chinese decades of propaganda will be undo; by a couple of Chinese deadly man made biological weapon attacks, on the world.
This is where the spike makes first contact with the surface of our body’s cells. Any changes that make it easier for the virus to get inside are likely to give it an edge.
“It looks and smells like an important adaptation,” said Prof Loman.
One mutation called N501Y alters the most important part of the spike, known as the “receptor-binding domain”.
This is where the spike makes first contact with the surface of our body’s cells. Any changes that make it easier for the virus to get inside are likely to give it an edge.
“It looks and smells like an important adaptation,” said Prof Loman.
The other mutation – a H69/V70 deletion, in which a small part of the spike is removed – has emerged several times before, including famously in infected minkWork by Prof Ravi Gupta at the University of Cambridge has suggested this mutation increases infectivity two-fold in lab experiments.
Studies by the same group suggest the deletion makes antibodies from the blood of survivors less effective at attacking the virus.
Prof Gupta told me: “It is rapidly increasing, that’s what’s worried government, we are worried, most scientists are worried.”
Seems a bit strange that WHO has not mentioned any such thing.
It is almost as if WHO was a Chinese puppet. To bad the Chinese plan failed. If the Chinese not gone over the top they would have won the economic war.
This is a link to a paper that discusses covid mutations that make it resistant to antibodies.
Have had a read of the two references linked by William A. Thanks for those. Appears that this “new” variant has been around since October in the UK, and seems to have evolved there.
“The Chinese have released a second designed strain of Covid.” No evidence for that statement.
In fact haven’t seen anything to date that this is not somewhat normal behavior for that kind of virus. They mutate in the wild subject to evolutionary pressure, say, treatments??
Yup, at some point they will evolve such that current vaccines are ineffective. Common cold does that on an almost yearly basis so its not like this is exactly unexpected news. Actually shows that other measures like behavioral change, masks, distancing, lockdowns are still important, to reduce the virus circulating and reduce the opportunities for mutation and spread. Countries like the UK and US have failed at that big time and that’s a worry in terms of other mutations popping up.
If the possibility of the covid vaccines being sterilization agents, and given the Elite wanting to decrease the global population by 90%, it would make perfect and evil sense for the Elite to be so hysterical in trying desperately to convince the global population to take thier baby stopping shots…..
I cant prove it, but it makes perfect sense.
IMHO I wouldnt touch the vaccine, regardless.
So, you are basically doing a rehash of the position taken by kooky, often violent groups around like the Taliban who apply the same to things like smallpox and other vaccination programs as an excuse to kill aid workers. Sad.
You can’t make assumptions like that Neo.
I’m no anti-vaxxer but these Covid-19 ones have been developed so rapidly that I am very uneasy about them. I also have a problem with the ethics of using material from aborted foetuses; quite disgusting.
It is curious that we have people happy to lock us all down and try to induce a guilt complex in those unhappy about it (‘you don’t care about killing granny’) but who, at the same time, approve of full term abortion, ie, the murder of a fully human being.
I am sure Ron is very proud of his son
This is priceless. Turns out an Georgia Election official in charge of voting systems is complaining that a woman voted using his home address:
Won’t see this anywhere on MSM.
Well here is something to make most us wonder what is going on. The key reason I took notice is the guys involved are not cranks but are very knowledgeable in their field –esp Dr Yeadon.
“And I am not a lone nut in considering this or contemplating the possibility. Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg both warn that the Pfizer vaccine will likely impair our ability to procreate.
The vaccine* contains a spike protein… called syncytin-1, vital for the formation of human placenta in women. If the vaccine works so that we form an immune response AGAINST the spike protein, we are also training the female body to attack syncytin-1, which could lead to infertility in women of an unspecified duration.
* This link no longer takes you directly to the above article as WordPress has since suspended Health and Money News for violation of “Terms of Service.”
Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg are not some fringe medics with pet theories forged in fevered imaginations.
Dr. Yeadon was former Head of Research and vice-president at Pfizer and Dr. Wodarg is an MD, PhD, epidemiologist, lung specialist and former Chairman of the Health Committee of the Council of Europe.
Professor Sir John Bell top UK Covid advisor and member of SAGE startled his interviewer when he said:
these vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population…say 60-70%. ”
The last line of the article sums it all up. “The Chinese people haven’t had freedom for 5 thousand years.” And it’s an odds-on bet that they won’t get it for another 5 thousand years. It is the nature of Chinese culture that the bullies rule and the serfs work.
When/if the CCP collapses it will simply be replaced by warlords and robber barons who will rule every bit as ruthlessly as the CCP.
The only way to neutralise China as an international threat is to totally isolate it; don’t trade with it, don’t allow their investments, don’t accept Chinese migrants or “cultural exchanges,” and don’t allow them to participate in any international events like the Olympic games or other sporting events.
Keep Chinese influence out of our culture, our economy, our technology and our finances. Supply it with nothing and buy nothing from it. Our economy will adjust to life without China and things will normalise without its influence or money – to do otherwise is to sup with the devil, as is now obvious to anyone with half a brain.
Hard to argue with that, great comment.
While it’s very hard to disagree with this at a human-rights level, it’s pretty challenging economically. The asymmetrical nature of things is hard to ignore.
China takes a huge percentage of our products (minerals, fibres, some foods), and there are few alternative “new” markets available to us.
Conversely, what we import from China is a tiny part of their total exports … they wouldn’t even notice our blockade.
It would therefore depend on how much of a reduction in the Oz standard of living that people would be willing to accept, in order to force the CCP to change its ways.
Not too much, I expect. And people are pretty used to cheap stuff in K-Mart and JB HiFi. We might just have to “accommodate” China – and apply whatever pressure we can.
Looks like China might have a bit on their plate at the moment .
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife helped buy the presidency for the increasingly frail and feeble former Vice President Joe Biden by improperly influencing election officials as they strategically flooded left-wing activist groups with more than $400 million during the 2020 election cycle.
Those groups, in turn, gave huge grants to election administrators in order to create “a two-tiered election system that treated voters differently depending on whether they lived in Democrat or Republican strongholds,” Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a public interest law firm focused on religious freedom, wrote in a new report.
Part of the lesson here is that not all privatization is good. Some things need to be done by government alone.
“This privatization of elections undermines the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), which requires state election plans to be submitted to federal officials and approved, and requires respect for equal protection by making all resources available equally to all voters,” according to Kline.
And this illicit collusion between pro-Biden funders like Zuckerberg and government officials that outsourced election administration to the activist Left helped Democrats prevail in battleground states. It may end up installing a puppet of the Communist Chinese in the White House in the terminal stage of the rolling coup attempt against President Donald Trump that began before he was inaugurated.
This year there was “an unprecedented and coordinated public-private partnership to improperly influence” the election in swing states, which “effectively placed government’s thumb on the scale to help these private interests achieve their objectives and to benefit” Barack Obama’s former vice president, according to Kline, a former attorney general of Kansas.
Biden, an underachieving, sleazy career politician from Delaware with no notable achievements despite a half century in office, has claimed victory and the transition process is underway even though President Trump continues to contest the election.
cross posted at
We could never be sure of support from Europe if China tried to isolate Australia with their ‘denial of access’ tactic in their asymmetric warfare strategy.
As Bannon says Europe and the ruling elites who meet at Davos know and therefore tacitly endorse the horrors of the Chinese Communist dictatorship….and they all know CAGW is a hoax…that’s evident from the way they live…so there’s no question IMO that they see all the moves through the lens of Fabian Socialism strategy that has as its end game , a world where all of us are in the position that the Chinese people and the Uigher slaves are in now.
Fabian Socialists never reveal who will be running things after they succeed in divesting most of us of all property and individual power…but someone will be of course …and in the view of the gnomes of Europe who will soon be making demands on Australia that will be suicidal for us …if Biden is inaugurated…they will be the rulers of the Great Reset .
China though…is unlikely to let the Europeans run the world…so can anyone see anything but massive conflict…or will it just be wholesale capitulation by the faltering democracies…if…without Trump….there’s no one left in power in the US with the judgment and courage to fight for democracy?
The cohort with all the power in the West …with the power to control the information flow and therefore the narrative…the power to make or break politicians ….is the on-air MSM.
Television journalists have the power to confront all of the policymakers…to ask them inconvenient questions designed to reveal the truth about CAGW…Socialism…the decline and deliberate destruction of education…open borders…the tech monopolies….political corruption etc …and they militantly don’t ask…either for protection of their own lucrative gigs…or retention of access…or because they’re just lightweight people who prefer to have some group do their thinking for them that will give them the opportunity to strike what they see as a noble pose …on TV.
And the group ready and chafing at the bit to do that thinking and indoctrination for them…. will always be the Socialists because free-thinking individuals are anathema to Socialists…especially in positions of power….a danger to be eradicated at all costs.
So the institutions will always try to ensure courageous free thinkers cannot prosper in serious MSM jobs.
For all of the big the Marxist/Fascist CAGW hoax as nothing but a means to an inevitable Global Socialism ends and eventually Communist Chinese domination …there are many subordinate questions that…if asked of the powerful and wannabe powerful policymakers…on-air for all to see….would reveal to voters the policymakers’ lack of evidence…lack of knowledge…absence of concern for freedom…their real motives…their hypocrisy …their malevolent intent etc.
But the questions are never asked.
IMO television and exposure of Big Tech/Big Finance tyranny are the absolute key to unleashing the commonsense and resistance of ordinary people ….the only force that en masse can counter the rush towards Global Socialism….provided there’s a critical mass of them who are still able to think clearly.
Bannon’s exactly right that the PRC is using the East India Company’s tactics against the West.
The policy has been ongoing since the Korean War trade sanctions were circumvented by the UK business leaders who formed the, at the time clandestine, 48 Group Club in 1954 and now ramifies throughout all Britain’s power centres. The elites in the UK were keen volunteers for capture and there wouldn’t be a country in the world that has not been similarly infiltrated.
And now Xi, leader for life, cock a hoop over the success of his virus release has gone feral and is turning the screws on the perceived more vulnerable Australia. It should give us encouragement that Trump has awarded Morrison a Legion of Merit Hoppy badge in acknowledment of his pushing back against China. Trump’s being inaugurated next month is definitely in Australia’s best interests.
this is quite informing