A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Consistently with his refusal to let Australian troops help to prevent the outbreak of Wu Flu in Victoria and give the job to his friends, a move which cost more than 800 Victorian lives, his illegal signing of State of Victoria to the Chinese Belt and Road, our Great Leader Premier Daniel Andrews has now removed our Australia Day celebrations. Presumably we will be celebrating Chinese New Year instead.
It is part of the takeover of Western Democracies, educational institutions and military research by friends of China after the successful launch of the Wuhan Virus with the assistance of WHO and the continuing success of the UN Climate Change windmill project. President Kamala Harris would approve when octogenarian puppet Joe Biden steps aside.
When a government tells us ALL gatherings of ‘x’ or more people shall be illegal because of health concerns then prosecutes one group of people for transgressing, yet openly ignores a different group while refusing to explain why, then they shouldn’t be surprised when their constituents lose all faith in their ability to govern.
If Chairman Dan acts against Australia Day celebrations yet allows Chinese New Year celebrations then we will know who butters his bread.
Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada is training the Chinese Military in winter warfare.
He was trying to bring the Chinese Military on Canadian soil on one of our Military bases.
Nothing worse than having your own leader who spits in the face of our Military history and accomplishments.
This occurred just over 50km from where I live. The soldiers would not get a good welcome if they cross the border into USA!
You can bet any anti Australia Day protests will be approved by Andrews and supported by kneeling police
US President Trump has much on at the moment as regulars of the JoNova website are aware.
Yet, US diplomatic efforts, that is President Trump, have achieved another agreement in the middle east-
Israel and Morocco have agreed to full diplomatic recognition. 10December2020.
(This news was posted here by OldOzzie –
This is another example to add to the long list of Trump’s achievements in office. Doubtless this will be put down in their usual manner by the regular wokists on this site. When there was discussion on the UAE-Israel agreement a critic said the Palestinians are ignored, so they will rise up (or something). Those living under the PLO and Gaza dictatorships are indeed badly done by. Those regimes are to blame, their policy is-
No peace. No recognition. No negotiation.
No surprise that they are sidelined and ignored.
A related statistic, during the 8yr administration of President Obama, terrorism and conflict caused 4,127 Arab deaths, so far in the 4-years of the Trump administration the corresponding number was 531 Arab deaths. So for those who may think that data matters, and favor Arab right to life and freedom from terror and conflict, Trump has achieved again.
Can it continue? Looks like the SC of the US will not consider contraventions of the US constitution.
In Oz the High Court likewise on unconstitutional border closures.
When there is no law, there is lawlessness.
Yes. It seems constitutions don’t count any more.
In that case, where do $1000 fines for sitting on a park bench get their legitimacy?
Sorry, flip one red thumb to green – clumsy fingers
A video worth watching, and circulating. The remarkable power of autosuggestion.
Cure a Cough and Cure the Dread COVID?
Christina Herrin HeartlandTube
Dennis Buettner talk with Heartland’s Christina Herrin about a cure for a well-known ailment — the common cough — and why this is extremely important to stopping the spread of other viruses.
The Heartland Institute
32.8K subscribers
Christina Herrin, Government Relations Manager of Health policy interviews Dennis Buettner about a cure for a well-known ailment – the common cough – and why this is extremely important to stopping the spread of other viruses. Related Work:… – Repository of Dr. Miles Weinberger’s peer reviewed and published work.
Q. What did Australia learn from from the devistating bushfire season of 2019/2020 to prevent bushfires for 2020/2021?
Voters turn on PM over ‘pathetic’ response to bushfire crisis
Well, we built more wind and solar farms.
Q. How did that work out for Australia’s 2020/2021 bushfire preparation?
It’s Australia’s First Big Blaze of the Fire Season. How Bad Will the Summer Get?
“Last year, the country suffered catastrophic wildfires.
Now, it is watching as a scenic getaway burns.
What the rest of the season brings may depend on heat waves, winds and dried-out grass.”
The definition of insanity: Doing the same stupid thing over & over expecting a different result.
The blame by media and the leftist organisations our left leaning media support aimed at Prime Minister Morrison during the start of the 2019-2020 bushfire season and ever since highlights the unprofessional and deceptive commentators they are.
When a PM is away on leave or for other purpose the Deputy Prime Minister is in charge along with other members of Cabinet.
Fighting bushfires is not a Federal Government responsibility. In NSW, for example, the rural Fire Service is part of State Emergency Services and along with the State Government and Premier they are responsible for bushfires and related emergency matters. However, if circumstances require additional assistance the Federal Government is contacted by State Governments. In 2019 the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for Defence arranged for assets and personnel from The Australian Defence Forces to be deployed to areas identified by State Authorities.
The not government organisation Climate Council run by Tom Foolery used the bushfires for their climate emergency propaganda purposes. They claimed that the Prime Minister refused to meet former Fire Commissioners to discuss their concerns that the 2019-2020 bushfire season could become a crisis situation. Those retired Commissioners are members of the Climate Council.
During 2018 the NSW Government prepared for a possibly severe bushfire season 2018-2019, extra funding was budgeted and the Federal Government provided funding in addition. Additional tanker-fire bomber aircraft were chartered and other measures implemented, including purchase of a Boeing 737 tanker-fire bomber to be permanently stationed at the Richmond RAAF Base near Sydney for NSW but also to be made available to any other State Government if needed.
But according to Climate Council the Prime Minister made a big error of judgement by not agreeing to meet retired Fire Commissioners in April 2019? And he dared to go on leave for a family holiday while a bushfire crisis was developing? So did a couple of State Premiers who are directly responsible for State Emergency Services.
Even today some sections of the media mock our Prime Minister by reminding people about his bushfire season holiday?
“The definition of insanity: Doing the same stupid thing over & over expecting a different result.”
A perfect summation of soon to be ex-President Trump’s obsession with lawsuits of which all but one have failed. He is a sad loser
clearly don’t understand the layers of the legal system, and its political nature, or just disingenuous.
BoM: We know what we’re doing and can predict the carbon (sic) climate in 2050 …
BoM: In the coming decades Australia will experience ongoing changes to its climate. Australia is projected to see:
“Continued increases in air temperatures, more heat extremes and fewer cold extremes.
Continued decrease in cool season rainfall across many regions of southern and eastern Australia, likely leading to more time in drought, yet more intense, short duration heavy rainfall events.
A consequential increase in the number of dangerous fire weather days and a longer fire season for southern and eastern Australia.
Further sea level rise and continued warming and acidification of the oceans around Australia.
Increased and longer-lasting marine heatwaves that will affect marine environments, such as kelp forests, and raise the likelihood of more frequent and severe bleaching events in coral reefs around Australia, including the Great Barrier and Ningaloo reefs.
Fewer tropical cyclones, but a greater proportion projected to be of high intensity, with large variations from year to year.”
Australia’s weird weather baffling scientists
A climate watcher has said she is being “blown away” and “in shock” by Australia’s start to summer which is refusing to play by the rules.
Check your 97% BoM climate ‘science’.
You’ve been diddled.
The CSIRO is another taxpayer funded government department that produces deceptive information favouring climate hoax and crony capitalist opportunists.
In The Weekend Australian this weekend finance journalist Terry McCrann has an article published: CSIRO goes gaga with its GIGO analysis of renewable energy. It is worth reading.
The Daily Telegraph published a short note on the same subject: Renewables the cheapest. Solar and wind are the cheapest for of power generation in Australia after taking into account the cost of storage and transmission, CSIRO analysis released on Friday says. “By 2035 NEARLY 90 per cent of demand COUL BE met by renewable generation DURNG PERIODS THROUGH THE DAY, forecasts The Australian Energy Market Operator show.”
What happened to essential 24-hours every day baseload electricity?
McCrann observed: “What the breathless press release did not say was that the so called “proved cheapness” of wind and solar came with an asterisk – that the “costs” of coal and gas fired generators included a massive and massively increasing carbon tax imposed on them.” (Turnbull Government early in 2016 with Labor and Green support for the legislation).
The CSIRO media release is another example, I believe, of public servants paid to keep we the people well informed with facts and advice having been hijacked and are now used as a propaganda unit, as with BoM and ABC, etc.
The Great Reset: building back better, the latest tactic for new world order. And as exposed by Sky News Outsiders this morning, the plan is for us to become paupers stripped of our assets by the elite, controlled and managed and the centre of their operations would be European nations based.
Also check out: Industry 4.0 – “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. Our Federal Government is a participant, Germany is the leader.
And as you gather the pieces of the puzzle be very worried about the emerging picture.
The removal of Trump is integral to this plot by the powers that be; if their intended tyranny is to be beaten back then it’s now or never.
Before I forget, David Evans global cooling time line has proven to be accurate. Congratulations to him.
EG, can I be lazy and ask you for a very quick summary of David’s timeline?
‘Global temperatures will come off the current plateau into a sustained and significant cooling, beginning 2017 or maybe as late as 2021. The cooling will be about 0.3 °C in the 2020s, taking the planet back to the global temperature that prevailed in the 1980s. This was signaled (though not caused) by a fall in underlying solar radiation starting in 2004, one of the three largest falls since 1610 when records started. There is a delay of one sunspot cycle, currently 13 years (2004+13 = 2017).’
To add further clarity, we are talking about the end of global warming.
The mechanisms on the ground, La Nina will be accompanied by the PDO (going negative next year, and dragging the AMO into neutral.
Essentially we are returning to the 1950s, its not a climate emergency.
Don’t tell David Attenborough – he’s presenting us “The Truth About Climate Change” tonight on the ABC
Thank you Analitik, I will avoid watching it.
I have the increasing suspicion that Attenborough is reverting to his childhood. He was born in 1926 and bought up in the upper middle class when they were enthusiastic for Eugenics ideas about superhumans and the overbreeding by “the unfit”. Even after the war when he went to University he would have found these ideas entrenched as part of the admiration for communist ideology. Then into the BBC environment. I recall the story by one chap who found people in the BBC despondent, even in tears, about the death of Uncle Joe. His comment about it being a good thing but too long delayed led to some not speaking to him even 6 months later.
I have a lot of DVDs “starring” A.D., largely for the brilliant photography, but haven’t bought many recent ones.
Ok thanks EG, much appreciated.
Perhaps the problem with only small temp drop is that it will lost in the BOM’s increased use of inland hotter measuring sites, homogenisation and UHI effects.
Natural variability should overwhelm AGW to a great degree, turning the world upside down. They won’t be able to fudge another hiatus.
So I believe that global cooling has begun and we should all focus on weather signals to prove the point.
el gordo
You congratulations for a wrong climate prediction?
From November 2020 UAH (latest) temperature data:
The UAH 13-month moving average shows no down trend since the 2015/2016 El Nino influenced peak. The 13-month moving average in November 2020 was about the same as at that peak. Both peaks are the highest peaks in the 41 year record of the 13-month UAH moving average, since 1979. There is no apparent cooling in those data. Sorry to disappoint you.
Climate change takes time, but if we are wrong about all this then it simply means that all humans are ungodly and deserve to burn in a hell of their own making.
Trump Approves Filing Retooled Texas-Style Election Challenges: Giuliani
Epoch Times
“We move immediately, seamlessly, to plan B, which is to bring lawsuits now in each one of the states. We had them ready. They’re just a version of the one that was brought in the Supreme Court. So last night, the president made the decision,” Rudy Giuliani said
Trump’s team is going to file suits or has already filed in the four states as well as Arizona and Nevada. The suits will incorporate allegations in the complaint filed by Texas.
“If the state doesn’t have standing, surely the president of the United States has standing. And certainly the electors in the states have standing. So they will be bringing those very cases right in those courts, starting today,” Giuliani said. “And let’s see what excuse they can try to use to avoid having a hearing on that.”
“This is outrageous what they’re doing. The American people should have the benefit of hearing these facts … The facts have been kept from them,” he continued.
“Not a single court decision has had a hearing yet. They haven’t heard from a single witness. They haven’t looked at a single tape. They haven’t listened to a single recording. There are thousands of them. They haven’t even bothered to look at the tape in Atlanta, Georgia, which is dispositive. It shows an ongoing voter theft of 30,000 votes, enough to change the election.”
Well, that is what would happen when it doesn’t affect you …
“We Hadn’t Really Thought Through the Economic Impacts” ~ Melinda Gates
“Further, her comments provide a perfect illustration of the core problem all along: most of the people who have been advocating lockdowns in fact have no actual experience in managing pandemics.
To many of these, Covid-19 became their new playground to try out an unprecedented experiment in social and economic management: shutting down travel, businesses, schools, churches, and issuing stay-at-home orders that smack of totalitarian impositions.”
Incomplete modelling – where have we seen that before?
By 2030, you will own nothing and be happy.
The World Economic Forum has a video of the socialist hellhole they have waiting for your grandchildren …
Also consider United Nations Agenda, all of them are puzzle pieces, but in particular note for 2030;
Agenda 30 – Sustainability.
Agreement signed circa 1990 by the Keating Labor Government Australia.
Travis, that video is from 2016, and it seems to be a twitter post from a “suspicious” entity not related to the WEF. I dont doubt it is what is going on but the source has been tainted and could be a setup or fake. Sceptical as ever….
We Are Not SAM campaign creator Rinat Strahlhofer, an ex-telecommunications insider who’s now intent on exposing the truth about the industry, said people would be shocked to discover the truth about smart phones.
“Telcos have been getting away with certifying mobile devices as safe for years because the test is rigged,” Ms Strahlhofer said.
She said it was not widely known that the international telecommunications industry conducts safety tests about the heating effects of mobile phone wireless radiation on a plastic dummy called ‘SAM’.
Or, also known as a Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin:
During the test, which has not changed since the mid-nineties, the SAM plastic head is filled with liquid to see if it heats up one degree Celsius within a 6-minute call. SAM is based on a 100kg, six-foot tall adult male military recruit with a five-kilogram head.
If the liquid heats under one-degree within that time, the phone is deemed “safe” and ready for sale.
“The problem is that only 3% of the population fit the profile of SAM. Most people, such as women, children and the elderly, have smaller and thinner skulls than SAM, which means they will absorb substantially more radiation,” Ms Strahlhofer said.
Out of all the concerns that you have raised about emissions Joseph, this may be the only one that could have legs.
BTW, I note that a field strength meter that can measure emission levels can be purchased for less than $20. Can I suggest that if you are really concerned about RF emission levels, you buy one of these and measure the levels yourself. Actual measurement data always supersedes beliefs.
Can I buy a homogeniser to go with that and, you know, ease the mind?
Haven’t researched the prices of homogenisers lately Serp. May be available from the BOM as they seem to use them a lot.
That’s so unexpectedly encouraging Graeme#4 . . . . .
If you purchase your own field strength meter Joseph, then we can have an interesting discussion about field strength measurement techniques and the results of your measurements. All some good sciencey stuff. Otherwise it’s all just assertions and beliefs, which are not really worth any discussion.
A back of the envelope calculation – 1 litre of water heated up by 1C takes 1,000 calories or 4,200 Joules. 1 Joule is 1 Watt for one second.
The maximum RF output of a mobile phone is 0.6W according to Google. So that would generate 0.6 x 360J in the 6 minutes, assuming it was on full power all that time, i.e 216 Joules. So you could barely heat even 50mls of water by 1C in that time.
It looks like a pretty easy test to pass.
What am I missing?
The water in a persons body is not found in 50ml lumps try heating 0.005ml with 216 joules, and heating the water in a human cell may not kill you, it only takes one cell to be damaged for it to mutate and then you have the start of a cancer. I worked for a company that designed and built microwave components back in the 80’s, the highest technology of the time could not stop leakage from any component. Even then there was literature that showed the Russian research recommended safety levels 10 times lower than those recommended today and those guys knew a lot about weaponizing microwaves.
Thanks for the input. I did a lot of research a few years ago into the impacts of ISM band radiation on parts of the human body. It’s worthwhile looking at the international standards for emission effects on humans as it varies widely depending on the frequency and parts of the body affected. The most impacted body parts are those with fluid, such as the eyeballs and brain.
I don’t disagree Stuart. I am an electronics engineer and familiar with safety standards (though not these particular ones in detail).
My point was that the test seems, on the face of it, ridiculously easy to pass. However I haven’t looked at the standard in detail.
Their ABC is going full retard on climate change , radio or TV doesn’t matter it’s like a propaganda campaign complete with footage of fire , floods etc etc .
They admonish Scomo because he was kicked out of speaking at the latest woke fest and praise the likes of China for their hard work and dedication to the green cause .
Time for Scomo to grow a pair and defund the ABC .
Have been watching how slowly the corona virus data updates from Sweden. Unlike other countries they do not count the dead each day but report deaths slowly over weeks. Back around the 28th of November the death toll for for the 26th was posted as just 3 but each time it updates the numbers for the 26th go up. Now the 26th shows 57 deaths. A couple of weeks ago when i said Sweden’s daily death toll was 40 times what it was in September, a bit over 1 per day, it was not obvious and i got a lot of red thumbs. Now most data sites like “worldometers” etc show it had a seven day average daily death toll of 57.
Last weekend these sites and the official one below showed a total death toll of 7067 now it is shown as 7514 an increase of 447.
That is a little under 64 deaths per day so it appears to be still going up but the rise has perhaps slowed a little.
Sweden has lost a lot of its freedoms with no end to the restrictions in sight.
The most interesting part of the data from Sweden is the death toll for the 20 to 29 year old age group. Instead of just increasing as you might expect from a cumulative toll, it goes up and down. It has gone from 9 to 12 then back down to 10 and up to 11 and again 12. then back down to 10 and does it over. I have seen it up at 12 then down again 4 times since the end of October. It is showing 10 now.
The world average death toll per million is shown as 206.6. Sweden’s death toll is 3.6 times worse than the average, 21.2 times worse than Australia and 148.4 times worse than New Zealand. Australia would have done far better if the Victorian mess had not happened but would also have done a lot better if the lockdown there had started earlier. It would have ended much sooner having to come down less to get to zero after not also spending the time to rise so far.
70 has actuals on excess deaths across EU countries, which takes out matters of opinion about what is counted. Sweden vs the rest makes interesting viewing. They are doing OK, especially 2nd wave OK.
Yarpos the most recent end of that Euromomo output is model derived not real data. They explain what can make it go wrong and The combination of how Sweden reports it’s data and how the virus behaves is almost exactly what it takes. See text quoted below.
Despite that sliding the date on the map (Map of z-scores by country) back to week 47 clearly shows Sweden doing worse than all of it’s immediate neighbours. I suggest waiting a week or two will show that the suppression strategies and the herd immunity strategies are not much different to each other and have both failed.
Sweden reports with a very large delay. It does not report daily but in sporadic backdating batches on weekdays only. The virus itself is not regular but shows a weekly cycle and two or three peaks over the year. All perfect for that model output to produce crap at the recent end.
Thanks Siliggy. I’m glad you are watching that data.
I watched the Netflix Documentary The Social Dilemma last night.
I fully recommend it to everyone. It offers some amazing insight into how they are set up to control you, and it was done by former insiders explaining what goes on.
Thankfully, there aren’t enough hours in the day for me to ‘be on’ any of those social media sites, and after watching this, I won’t be using any of them in the future either, other than using Google as a search engine, and oddly, I’ve found a clue about Google. We are told to keep the search parameters short, just a word or two. However, I’ve found that I can enter long sentences for specific things I’m looking for, and I get much better results, and they are always different from the results using the shorter search parameters.
Watch that Documentary, and then extrapolate out what you see with what happened in the recent election.
Jesse Morgan affidavit concerning mail-in ballots
Texas: fears of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus as justification to disregard election laws, which the Constitution grants only to the various state legislatures.
Texas argued that by weakening laws intended to curb fraud, the officials in the four states denied citizens in Texas — and other states — equal protection of their vote. Dershowitz said he believed the argument was valid. Retired Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said Friday’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to turn away a lawsuit from Texas and 17 other states challenging the election results in four battleground states on the justification that they didn’t have standing to bring the suit indicates [perhaps very subtly, or even from fear that] the court just didn’t want to get involved.
there are penny-ante and even 5 cent elections. we are so fortunate
Listen to this US General talking about vaccine distribution. He states that to be where they are with vaccine quantities, they had to start manufacturing in May (WTF). Listen to the media asking stupid questions. Forward to 20:00
This video is a little insight into what’s coming and what is being hidden from you, listen to the doctors.
Every post gets moderated?
guantanova bay. Just working on the chain gang
Further to the above, Operation Warp Speed started on May the 15th.
Finding the Evidence for Fraudulent Votes.
Computer Expert Jovan Hutton Pulitzer says that he can scan the physical ballots and determine if they were fraudulent. And he can scan more than a million ballots per day.
“The Trail is there we just need access.”
He says he can use a number of different techniques; The legitimate votes were folded and placed in envelopes and posted. He can machine scan the ballot papers and detirmine if it was folded or not. He can also detect which paper supplier and printer produced each of the ballot papers. He says he can determine if the ballot filled in by hand or printed.
Hopefully the lawyers will get him on the job.
Yes, his methodology is the absolute clincher; you’ve got to wonder what sort of pressure will be brought to bear upon him –in china he would be told “we kill your whole family!”
The Statistics button on the right hand column has not been working for several days.
I would expect that the traffic has gone up a lot due to the extensive posts on the US election Frowed. However I am unable to check at present.
I suspect the Cloudflare caching is confusing the plugin counter.
Cloudflare itself says numbers are three times higher than normal. Though I wasn’t using Cloudflare before the election. But it’s suggesting 15,000 readers a day.
Snipped and moved from the most recent thread: The only day that matters.
America is an amazing story that just keeps coming.
“In the heading there is a message of hope that something good and useful can happen before January 20th to save the USA from its present path and begin a restoration of values that were once appreciated and widely held.
Have only recently become involved with FB but while skimming this morning came across this from the U.S.
Probably O/T but it is an example of something great that happened in America and like the heading of this thread it shows that even difficult change is possible.”
Let’s just see WHO is inaugurated on January 20, after all the conundrums since the Election. No matter who it is, America is going down the gurgler, unless it stands up to China (unlike our local batch of Neville Chamberlains). If Biden is elected, then hello Gilead (AKA CCP). If Trump is elected, then the world has some chance.