A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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My latest to start things off. CLINTEL says wind is a contraption, boosts nukes.
Nice strong language from Guus Berkhout.
Yeah. I’d take Nukes 97% Capacity factor over Wind’s 30%, any day.
And, you get frequency and reactive power support as well.
I always believed and still do believe the nuclear option is the best one especially now that modern reactors are extremely safe. The main reason they are being shunned is because of the misplaced fear of the past and outdated old style reactors that had their issues but even they were very manageable apart from very few incidents. Many are still in existence today and are very safe. In time of course we will develop even better nuclear reactors but the latest designs of today are not a problem. As for the cost of building them, they are a tiny fraction of the current national debt. Hence, the federal government should build them. Of course they won’t because of a fear of voter backlash, which proves my other point that the real problem is not our governments but the voters. They are by and large brain dead and so get the government they deserve.
I’m not sure it’s the voter, so much as the “unfacts” that they are constantly bombarded with by one side of the argument.
The nuclear lobby hardly exists in Australia. Hence the voter only gets one side of the story.
Only coincidentally has it to do with making sense; the gang that runs the show gets what best suits its revenue stream and currently that is wind, solar and batteries and all the associated paraphernalia for frequency management to stop the grid falling over. Our role in this is to be prompt payers, nothing more.
🙂 🙂
Yep, we’ve been elevated from taxpayers to prompt payers.
The Howard Coalition Government (1996 to 2007) commissioned nuclear physicist to head an inquiry into Australia developing nuclear power stations, a response to the Howard Government’s Kyoto Agreement emissions reduction targets.
His report recommended small modular units, from memory fifty of them spread throughout Australia, but later Parliament voted to ban nuclear energy excluding the one existing facility at Lucas Heights in Sydney used to produce radio isotopes for medical (nuclear medicine) and commercial applications, used to be managed by The Australian Nuclear Energy Commission. Constructed and commissioned in the early 1950s the Lucas heights reactor has a trouble free track record, despite “Green Deceivers” attempting to fool the people that a container of radio isotopes that fell from a warehouse shelf accidentally was a nuclear event, but there was no radiation threat involved.
Australian Atomic Energy Commission was the administration centre for Lucas Heights.
In the late 1960s there was a proposal to build multiple Nuclear plants around australia to secure energy supply for industry and the future.
The change of Prim Minister to Gorton in 1970 and the development of large coal resources, stopped that plan in 1971
Some site work was done at Murrys Beach, Jervis Bay, and some foundations still exist.
Ironic , that Coal was a major factor in preventing Australia having a Nuclear generation capacity !
Australia’s opposition to nuclear energy was whipped up by the communists among us for the purpose of hindering Western nations in the Cold War nuclear arms race.
Atomic and Hydrogen bombs are made from the waste products from nuclear reactors.
They didn’t complain about Soviet nuclear power stations until the one at Chernobyl blew up.
I went through school and university with this physicist and equally qualified. His report made perfect sense. However as vice Chancellor of RMIT, formerly head of Kodak and Optus and then Telstra and on many boards, he is a politically correct person. And he refused to publicly recognize the obvious fraud in CO2 global warming. I caught him in a restaurant once. He just listened and did nothing.
Everyone is corrupted along the way by being politically correct, bowing to the crowd, feeding the chooks, taking the millions. It is a job killer to tell the truth and he has played the game. What price do you place on the truth?
He is following his dollars.
how long do you think it will be before this big battery spontaneously combusts?
(lets all the smoke out)
There’s mirrors to contain the smoke surely.
Don’t bet on it. The Belgium battery let out huge quantities of toxic smoke.
Well I never! Ain’t big tech wonderful?
A battery that uses smoke!
(/s just in case)
… all lithium batteries use great quantities of smoke. Look at Tesla cars: they regularly let the smoke out of their batteries.
These ‘NeverReady’ batteries, a `baby’s dummy’ for the populace, are becoming commonplace. When you’re a power scammer you need something to soothe the fractious …
You just have to look at the performance of wind and solar on over the past few weeks during a period of cold still conditions to see the unsuitability as a source of reliable power.
Just fire up the inter connectors and kick the can down the road , it will be fine. Cant wait for that EV mandate to really kick in.
Re EVs, I just learned that in the US the total energy content of the gasoline and diesel we burn in a year is a lot greater than the electric power we generate. This might mean that to go all EV we have to more than double our power generation. Woohoo!
There is no cure for intermittency. See my
US generation base is about 1,200 GW.
US Oil consumption is about 13 M bpd for transportation. That’s some 921 GW/ hr equivalent.
So, yes, you’d need to double US generation capacity if you want to charge equivalent EV’s in 24 hrs.
So, you’d need a larger grid to cut that charging time to something less.
The EV overall efficiency is some ~ 72% vs 30% thermal efficiency for IC engines. But. With EVs, You have to drag around giant battery packs, and power heat, lights, AC and perhaps hydraulics, so it might be a wash.
It has taken 120 years to get the US grid that the US has. And some 10 Trillion in funds.
Methinks moving to EVs is going to be “quite a challenge”.
Lance, …
…a typical EV (Tesla 3) will do approx 5 km per kWh used
So about 20 kWh per 100km
With petrol at 34,000Mj/ ltr ( or approx 9.0kWh/ ltr), that is equivalent to 2.5Lts per 100km
So the typical EV is needing only 25% of the equivalent petrol energy content.
Hence , for a similar total vehicle mileage, an EV based transport system would require 25% more electricity generation
What is it with the downvoting? Must be people dislike your using arithmetic.
Some people cannot face facts !
The problem here is the assumption of 72% efficiency. That’s about right between the wall plug and the wheels but you need to take it right back to the energy source which is at least 80 percent coal burning at 35% thermal efficiency and take into account all the electrical losses along the way the overall thermal efficiency of electricity is under 20 % compared with about 45% for modern turbo charged diesels.
Given hydrocarbons are less carbon intensive than pure carbon / coal this means EVs cause far more CO2 than Hydrocarbon burning ICEs.
Your math is wrong because your electrical comparison starts at the wrong point in the energy production system.
To help here are a few guidelines, distribution losses are up to 15%, each transformer loses 2-5% of which there will be at least 3, Transmission line loss is 10% and thermal efficiency of coal burning in Australia is 35-40%
Multiply it out
0.72*.85*.9*.98*.97*.95*.35=17.4% overall efficiency.
So ICE engines are more efficient than EVs by a fair margin.
“So ICE engines are more efficient than EVs by a fair margin.”
Calcs ok so far, but now put in the energy needed to distribute the petroleum to the bowser.
Firstly, let me repeat again that i am NOT arguing for EVs,..i am simply advocating for accurate data and realistic assumptions..
But,.. There are a number of problems here……
1) ..the statement was ,… “ we will need to double the electricity generation to charge all the EVs ?
,…so it doesnt matter how that electricity is generated..or how much CO2 is produced, ( it could be Nuclear, solar , or Wind etc)… it is simply a question of generation CAPACITY.
..and the only relevant calculation is how many extra kWhs would need to be generated to allow the EVs to travel the same distance as the ICEs
I dont know where Lance got the 72% eff figure for EVs from, but it is not relevant, since the accepted way of measuring EV consumption is to take the input power as measured by the charger station, (the “wall”) and divide it by the distance traveled.
That is where the 20kWh per 100km comes from and includes the 72% or any other figure for system efficiency.
So removing that 72% and the power station 35% eff you are left with just your distribution losses which would be .85*.9*.98*.97*.95 = 69%
More than your best ICE estimate
2) .. if you DO want to include how the Electricity is produced you must compare how the petrol is produced also ! ..Well to Tank as it is known.
Now , i do not claim to know the figure for energy required to get a litre of petrol in your tank,..BUT i have seen figures for the energy required just to refine crude to petrol, ….and in short that amounts to 0.8kWh per litre.
The full “Well to Tank” energy needed would be much more .
Consider that 1 litre of petrol would take the average ICE about 12 km, but the energy input just to get that litre produced, could take a typical EV 3-4 km…..IE 25-30% of the EV energy requirement is met just by not refining the petrol . ! AND obviously much more if you eliminate all the other energy consumed in the well to tank distribution costs.
So i will restate my previous estimate , that to power an all EV transport system would require approx 25% more electricity generation .
…and thats ignoring those EV /RE evangelists that will use RoofTop solar as a charging source .!
30% Thermal efficiency for ICEs is long gone, 40% efficiency is available now with Atkinson cycle engines and Mazda predict 56% with their Skyactiv X engines. OK, Promises, Promises but much of what we are told about EVs are promises too,
Better efficiency yet is coming with continuously variable electronic valves.
The ICE ain’t dead yet
Well, that’s just the start of things.
Avg US home has a 200 A service that by NEC can’t be loaded to more than 80% or 160 A max at 240 VAC or 38 kW.
A Tesla slow charger is a 60 A breaker for a 13 kW charger ( 8 hr charge). Fast charger is double that or 120 A .
At US avg residential rates of 0.13/kW, that’s about $13.5 / charge. Double that in California or Connecticut. Double that again during peak rate periods ( 2 PM to 7 PM in summer). Gee, the monthly bill might be a shock.
So with a fast charger, you can charge your car or run your house, but not both.
And, the local pad mount transformers aren’t rated for that kind of enduring load, as they are sized based on the average load of a residence at some 7.5 kW / house.
So, you get to replace the secondary distribution lines, transformers, switchgear, fuses, etc, then you get to upgrade the substations and secondary and primary transmission lines, and things get weird really fast, economically.
There’s more to this than the Greens will admit.
Further on, I’ve never seen a battery powered locomotive, tractor, excavator, asphalt milling machine, etc.
Battery powered train ..
The Fendt Vario battery tractor..
Battery excavators..
Getting the picture ??
. the technology does exist for most applications..
Even if they are not the ultimate in size or ideal for many applications, and definitely will not be the most cost effective…
Again the downvotes Chad, an avalanche. There’s an offended coterie at work here. Search your heart.
Those playing with colored thumbs are exposing their own limited knowledge and bias,
It takes a special kind of D1K to red thumb a FAaCT .!
Is the German model (wind energy) the answer?
The voters are brainwashed by the media and green activists
It’s hard for voters to find the facts these days
David you wouldn’t need to be told that the only problem with electric vehicles is the batteries.
But there is another problem with all vehicles, the dead, what you might call waste mass.
WE used to live an hour out of town about 300 km from Sydney. Almost 40 years ago we landed in Sydney with a very sick kid, near death. The surgeons brought him back to us for eighteen months, and after the first emergency passed I walked out of the hospital to see what a farmer from the back blocks could see.
Standing on the footpath what I saw was an endless procession of 30 hundredweights of tin carting one person.
It would surely be very difficult to devise a less efficient means of transporting people. Whatever the source of energy there is big room for improvement there.
It would be more efficient for each family to have a variety of cars, but we are not there yet. Having specialized cars is still a luxury., so you have to have a carthatwill do the biggest routine job. I can get 15 bales of hay into my 8 liter ICE suburban.
A trsiler behind a smaller more efficient car would also haul those bales !
Nuclear from France! Quelle surprise!
Ian and Fitzroy (among others) have inspired me…to ask a fundamental question, “Where do we get our information?” Once, while watching a program on the construction of the pyramids, the orator explained the copper chisels use by the stone masons were re-sharpened, heated to red hot state, and then quenched in water to harden them. I changed channels.
Another program showed a paleontologist walking in the desert of North Africa. He stoops down, picks up a small fragment of rock and begins explaining it is part of a shinbone next to the heel bone on some animal that died 120 million years ago. Was it really, or was he depending on my ignorance?
What do I know for sure? If I see a video of a riot in Portland, did it really happen? I was not there! I have no firsthand knowledge of the event. If it did happen, was the video shown really of the riot in Portland, or some other event in another time and place?
Is the information presented about Climate Change remotely factual or bent through the prism of ideology?
Growing up I thought if you heard it on TV or read it in the paper, it was true. Now I know better. News used to have some bases in fact, today news is fabricated from thin air to establish or reinforce a concept. Orson Welles 1938 “War of the Worlds” radio show caused some people to commit suicide. Today we hear of a killer virus that has killed millions. Later we learn that most of the dead died of other causes and the virus was the final straw. But we all changed our lives for the virus.
This fundamental question has caused me to hit the pause button and reevaluate where I get my information. When Simon Parks tells me, what is in a letter from President Trump to President OBiden less than 24 hours after it was placed on the Resolute Desk, my logic tells me Simon is not a trustworthy source. When I go from one source to another to another and every person is using the same words to describe the same subject in the same context, I wonder who provided the source material.
That is one of the reasons I enjoy this blog. It has a lot of foot notes (OldOzzie comes to mind, but there are many).
I must train myself to better evaluate news based on what I know not what I feel or think. I must not let my steel trap mind slam shut on a subject without logical consideration. We exist in a time of enhanced lies repeatedly presented as fact. Are we all unwittingly becoming members of the ant farm with our tv’s and smart phones?
One current acid test
“They have been one of my “sometimes” news sources, but now just got promoted to a “regular”. Why? Well, simple. Google demonetized them. That’s now the GOLD Standard for truth and honesty in political news. “If Google hates them, it must be true!” ”
In comments there
“That is so nice of google to find these little known sources of real news for us.”
You sound like me, in 1997.
There are several methods to determine facts.
In the end, however, none can overcome bias.
As an example, my bias is to look at the science, which always comes with caveats, which is as it should be. In this example, any statement which is declarative, should be treated with scepticism.
Care also should be taken with statements like “China is building coal power” without admitting that these new plants are more efficient and they also scrap the older inefficient ones, so there is a net loss in C02 emissions.
The good thing about this site, is that it wears it’s bias on its sleeve, it is tricker to evaluate information where you do not know what the bias is.
Your Bias is to look at science ? No your bias is you have faith in shonky consensus science even though your education tells you something is wrong you blindly believe anything that’s CAGW .
An example of this is the CAGW claim of the “Oceans becoming more acidic” , as a Biologist (?) and your work with Landcare you should know just how ludicrous this statement is but because it’s mandated by CAGW science it must be true therefore cannot be questioned.
A simple check of the PH scale shows this to be false and examining the latest ocean PH figures from 1964 till present expose the claim for what it is and that is not science .
The is pedantically picky so please pardon my possible presumptuous phraseology but it is pH not PH.
The lower case p is used as pH is an old abbreviation for a french description of the acidity of water. The French term is “puissance d’hydrogen”, which means “power or strength of Hydrogen”. The p is small because it refers to a word. The H is upper case as the first letter of a chemical symbol should always be capitalised.
Like PhD.
Same sort of thing.
? Robert ?
The value is less alkaline, would that satisfy you.
But to be precise and a pedant you are correct. But you do not see that sort of statement in Science journals, only in reportage.
The honest , scientific description might be..
“The Oceans are becoming slightly less Alkaline “
…but that doesnt cause as much alarm as “more Acidic”
Aren’t the oceans heavily buffered by calcium in shells and coral sands?
Less alkaline is in itself meaningless given the pH range of what is accepted as within normal limits but yes Peter you are closer to the truth for once .
And yes Ian it is lower case p.
If CCP is building these whack-a-do coal fired power stations, so should Australia.
And you should take your own advice with careful statements.
China is building multiple large HELE coal generators .600-700 MWH units at a reate of about 20 per year. But the ones it is shutting down are certainly less efficient , and more in numbers,..but also much smaller ,..10-50 MW each, so whilst their emissions per MWh may be reducing, the total net result is MORE emissions, not less !
‘ … any statement which is declarative, should be treated with scepticism.’
The problem we have is that natural variability has been reduced to noise value, the science is biased towards AGW. So on this thread I declare that when the PDO goes negative and the AMO drifts into neutral, global cooling has begun.
Fact can most certainly overcome bias! I have a strongly held bias that I can breathe underwater. But the fact is I cannot breathe under water. One of two things will happen, I will drown, or I will rethink my bias, i.e., learn. The true issue is when a person becomes incapable of learning. For instance, socialism has never and will never work. It goes against the basic nature of mankind. But there are still people that are unable to look at facts and CHANGE THEIR MIND, i.e., learn. One of the most challenging events in anyone’s life is when they come to realize they are wrong. But only at that point will they truly advance as a person. They begin to become wise, not just selectively educated.
China’s ” new plants are more efficient and they also scrap the older inefficient ones, so there is a net loss in C02 emissions.”
This statement is wrong. There is the incorrect assumption that the new ones have the same output as the old ones being retired.
The new stations are much larger as well as being more efficient and cleaner. The result is much higher emissions (so what? when it is holy undeveloped nation emissions) with the big increase of electrical power generation. There is no net loss.
China has committed to reduce emissions by year 2030, but refer to the “Hong Kong” clause.
Your mention of “War of the Worlds” is spot on.
Alien Orange Man Bad.
Stay home wear a mask be afraid.
Thought provoking post.
(But the Pyramids are totally ancient alien advanced spiritual power generators.)
I have actually seen highly qualified people in their field repeat something they read in a text book during their education that they simply accept as fact. They have limited ability to weigh evidence and truly understand. They have belief that whatever is in a text book is fact.
Climate Change is a religious faith. You should avoid vilifying sad soles for their faith in fairytales. Earth has a very precise temperature control system that I give some insight into at #26 below.
All of Australia’s measured global warming over the past decades can be attributed to measurement system errors. Like position of key weather stations in city centres; location changes for weather stations from rural post offices to airports servicing bigger aircraft more frequently and replacing LiG thermometers with fast response electronic instruments.
The BoM are now establishing a quality control system with history files (termed “metadata”) for each weather station. It is now quite easy to see what change at the station that caused a rise in the temperature. And the climate modellers are able to forecast temperature to 2 decimal places in 80 years time but are inevitably wrong at hind-casting temperatures 50 years back because they are constantly being updated through the process of homogenisation.
As the old climate modellers retire, there will be some young upstart with nothing to lose come out on the right side of history. That will build momentum over the next decade or two.
That is if the history has not been rewritten.
Tell me if this is wrong in the commentary on fake news.
When the BOM published their first “homogenisation” of our temperature data, Ken Stewart, presumably applying competence in Microsoft Excel and statistical procedures, ran their numbers and demonstrated that they were absurd.
So absurd that 1. The BOM was clearly not competent to do this work, and 2. They hadn’t even checked their work to discover the absurdity.
Then the same group of people set out again. This time they assured us that they were applying world’s best practice with a nice acronym ACORN-SAT. But where did they gain this competence. They lost me altogether with their changing of historical data, e.g. Marble Bar’s number of days over 100 degreees and Ruthergleen’s 100 years old minimum.
It looks like they never understood GIGO.
We demand an Audit and then a Royal Commission to look into BoM, but that won’t happen until we can prove CO2 doesn’t cause global warming.
It is totally wrong to compare temperature data from one location in a region with new data obtained from a new site some distance away.
It is also wrong to compare data from the same location after mercury thermometers have been replaced by electronic devices.
Wrong science and wrong statistics and to say that an audit of bom can only be called if CO2 is proven ineffective in causing global warming is even wronger.
Political reality determines that Morrison won’t call for an audit unless he is persuaded by evidence of malpractice.
Something might come out of this looming battle between the regional coal miners and the cafe latte set.
I was talking about the science.
Morrison has nothing to do with Science.
B’Frightening – Feds Arrest Twitter Troll Ricky Vaughn For Posting LOL Memes, Biden Administration Claims Subversive Election Interference Via Twitter
Posted on January 27, 2021 by Sundance
Well folks, for those few remaining Americans who did not accept we were entering the full Orwellian era, you can eliminate those remaining shreds of hope. As unbelievable as it might sound federal authorities in the DOJ have arrested the person behind the Twitter Account “Ricky Vaughn” for posting memes against the interests of the U.S. government.
Let that sink in for a few minutes.
Literally all the guy did was post snarky memes poking fun of democrats and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election… However, the United States government has now claimed: “the defendant exploited a social media platform to infringe one the of most basic and sacred rights guaranteed by the Constitution: the right to vote.”
So what was 31-year-old Douglass Mackey’s (aka Ricky Vaughn), activity? He posted a funny and snarky meme on Twitter:
DOJ – […] Mackey allegedly tweeted an image that featured an African American woman standing in front of an “African Americans for [Hillary]” sign. The image included the following text: “Avoid the Line. Vote from Home. Text ‘[Hillary]’ to 59925[.] Vote for [Hillary] and be a part of history.” The fine print at the bottom of the image stated: “Must be 18 or older to vote. One vote per person. Must be a legal citizen of the United States. Voting by text not available in Guam, Puerto Rico, Alaska or Hawaii. Paid for by [Hillary] for President 2016.” The tweet included the typed hashtags “#Go [Hillary]” and another slogan frequently used by the Candidate.
You have to read the Press Release HERE and pick your jaw off the floor.
Worrying is the fact that the charge was raised in New York even though he lived in Florida
Douglass Mackey, aka Ricky Vaughn, 31, of West Palm Beach, was charged by criminal complaint in the Eastern District of New York. He was taken into custody this morning in West Palm Beach and made his initial appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart of the Southern District of Florida.
America (Future China Vassal) under JoeBama
As promised here is a selection of useful links again in case it was missed on the other thread
The New Book “Apocalypse Never” Shellenberger Slide Deck — Environmental Progress
Nobody expected ‘very left-wing’ Michael Moore to issue a film ‘critical of renewables’ – YouTube –interview with Shellenberger on Moores film-not the film itself's%20new%20film%20'The%20Planet%20of%20the,of%20renewables%20on%20the%20natural%20environment%20says%20E
A reality check on renewables – David MacKay – YouTube
Planet of the Humans – Full Documentary – Bing video Michael Moore
My reply to this used the bit-word and must have drawn the crabs.
[Yeah caught and returned AI.]AD
Are they also on Bitchute just in case?
What’s the betting that “Bit*****” drew the crabs?
Could it be that it contains the perceived swear word for a female dog?
…or an unreliable Aussie Ute ? .:-)
“So why do so many journalists, entertainers, athletes, professors, CEOs, scientists, and politicians join the cult that spreads the lies about humans and oil causing climate change? My guess is because they know that is how they get their bread buttered.”
The fact that they are left wingers may have something to do with it.
Because that’s their job. They are rewarded – careers, positive public accolades, etc – for their efforts to influence the rest of us. They don’t even need to be conscious of it. The owner’s architects have made the system that way.
The cat is among the pigeons on Wall St: There is open warfare against the big short sellers.
The catalyst is GameStop, a mall retailer of video game and “everyone” knows that they are doomed, that they will go the way of video rentals. Trouble is the company didn’t get the memo and new game consoles and the lockdown [my assumption a little] gave them a new lease on life. There were estimates that 140% of the outstanding shares have been shorted. It appears that a reddit group and other big players [including Musk] who have a score to settle pushed the share price up 135% O/N so it is nearly a 10 bagger this week.
This is the ultimate short squeeze. The same big money shorters copped a bath on TSLA too.
There is a little here:
If the total of outstanding shares = 100% how can there be 140% of outstanding shares? This could be 174% imaginary, it’s hard to quantify abstractions in a faked market. Maybe just look at their trade ledger’s income, assets and liabilities to see if they’re making money or not? Or maybe using trade data is not considered cool by traders now? But who can keep up with fiction these days?
Easy. It’s called “naked shorting” It’e where a trader, with the help of a complicit broker, sells shares he doesn’t own or hasn’t borrowed. I’m not a lawyer and can’t say is absolutely, positively illegal, but neither you nor I would be allowed to do it.
A very good explanation of what happened with the short squeeze trading and why the Big Boys freaked out.
And another very good explanation:
Sorry, my link was the same as Lance’s.
There are Covered Shorts and Naked Shorts.
Covered shorts mean you actually own shares that you are shorting.
Naked shorts mean you own no shares, but are shorting them anyway. Very risky.
If the covered shorts are called due, there is some protection because you do actually own them.
If the naked shorts are called due, then you owe the value of the shares + value of short call.
That’s how you can get “more than 100% of actual shares”. It is called insane gambling.
Better explanation:
Then there the calls that Nancy Pelosi bought.
There are Covered
Shortsput options and NakedShortsput options.Naked
shortsputs mean you own no shares, but areshorting them anywayoffering them for sale at an agreed price anyway. Very risky, you have no control over the price at expiry.You cannot “short” stocks you own, by definition. That is a simple sale. Writing naked puts is not illegal but your broker will be quick to insist on extra equity should the price go against you. Naked puts may explain the large short position, most of the “action” appears to be in the options. Buying puts is a cheap, low risk entry, the buyer carries no obligation to complete.
Well , that never worked with Tesla, who never made money until recently, and even now it is miniscule compared to their turnover. But their share price has multiplied year on year !
This is scary.
“Nearly 38 million call options traded today, *the most EVER* ”
Doesnt the Market usually suspend trading in this type of extreme situation ?
That happens where there is no obvious reason for a price jump. The authorities will suspend trading pending an answer to a question asking if the company knows of any reason for the price movement. If the co says there is a price sensitive announcement pending trading will be halted until that announcement is made. In this case the company should have done so voluntarily but usually the answer is in the negative and trading resumes.
Promised to dribble out some reference articles for Tony (and others) interested in Grid power, transmission, etc.
Might be of interest to some. I’ll cease and desist if these links are unwelcome.
Reactive Power:
John Kerry, the new Climate Envoy, on Biden’s eagerness to rejoin Paris.
‘Cause he knows that it is urgent. He also knows that Paris alone is not enough, not when almost 90% of all the planet’s emissions, global emissions, come outside of U.S. borders. We could go to zero tomorrow, and the problem isn’t solved.”
Meanwhile, in Australia, population 25 million and a few more, emissions every year in total are well exceeded by new emissions added to the China total for each year as they commission new coal and gas fired power stations in China.
And then consider the coal fired power stations built and being built in third world nations by China, belt and road diplomacy hooks.
Australia is releasing only 1.07% of the world’s greenhouse gases, but they tell us to put on sack cloth because ‘per capita’ we are filthy. We will not bow to oppression from China, Brussels or the US.
There’s no problem to solve
Its up to us to convince the MSM, science community and politicians, that there isn’t a problem.
Pacific Gas & Electric Co (US, California, costs in USD )
Renewable Energy Cost Estimating Guide for Interconnection of Renewable Energy Sources
Interesting and worthy of more study. Thanks Lance.
Technology giants have become powerful rivals to governments, but there are doubts over the benefits for society of their monopoly positions, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin told the annual World Economic Forum, on Wednesday.
“Where is the line between a successful global business, in-demand services and consolidation of big data – and attempts to harshly and unilaterally govern society, replace legitimate democratic institutions, restrict one’s natural right to decide for themselves how to live, what to choose, what stance to express freely?” Putin wondered.
“We’ve all seen this just now in the US. And everybody understands what I’m talking about,” he added.
The Russian leader was apparently referring to the crackdown by Big Tech corporations like Twitter, Facebook, Google, Apple and Amazon, mostly on Donald Trump and his supporters, during the recent presidential election in the US. The companies, which, according to some critics, sided with Democratic candidate Joe Biden, blocked President Trump’s social media accounts over accusations of inciting violence, with the same being done to many pages of groups and individuals who’d backed him.
However, one-sided bias claim voiced by some might be an overestimation – the accounts of Democrats supporters were also subject to restrictions, but on a much smaller scale.
Conservative Twitter-like platform Parler was also forced offline, and now there are calls to block the Telegram app as well.
These events have shown that Big Tech companies “in some areas have de facto become rivals to the government,” Putin said.
Billions of users spend large parts of their lives on the platforms and, from the point of view of those companies, their monopolistic position is favorable for organizing economic and technological processes, the Russian president explained. “But there’s a question of how such monopolism fits the interest of society,” he stressed.
Perhaps declare the internet a Public Utility and severely restrict FCC Section 230 protections for Publishers and Censors of 3rd party content.
That would render Twatter, FakeBook and Gurgle worth a great deal less if they are constrained.
The Internet is a public utility – if you can afford a few dollars for a domain name, you can have a website available to the whole world; I have done it myself for a small business, and a travel-photo blog.
And if you value “free speech” then Section 230 presents a real dilemma … if protections for platform owners were removed, then the free expression of ideas (from either left or right) could be cut enormously.
And outside of the really big players, thousands of smaller forums, and news sites with comment sections, might cease to exist, since they are not willing or not able to moderate and filter every post.
I can’t offer any solutions – it’s complicated … but if people want Twitter or Parler to operate unfettered, without the threat of libel suits or criminal prosecution, then I guess you have to accept that they have the right to moderate and censor too – they are private | public companies, and not subject to the First Amendment.
Between Putin’s speech and that of Xi Jinping I can’t recall ever seeing a greater demonstration of hypocrisy on the international stage.
You got that right SS!
QLD Premier’s father runs genetic data storage company – TOTT News
It has been revealed that Annastacia Palaszczuk’s father is the head of a gene-data storage and sequencing organisation, shining further light on ulterior motives for COVID-19 testing.
And for eugenics.
I don’t like politics, I don’t like political talk, I don’t like knowing their ‘issues’, I don’t want to know what they said to each other, or directed at me. I don’t even want to vote for them any longer, they are not worthy of such contemplation, let alone my considered decision to vote for one disgusting gang of lying-dealing creeps over another gang of same.
In passing I watched a TV report on Biden’s energy policy this morning. His policy removes all doubt that the USA is headed down the road to industrial and economic ruin. Biden will turn the USA into a demolition site. They’re not going to build-back anything better, just a giant heap of destroyed innards of modernity, governed by Venezuelan-style junkyard politics. Not even a half-decent banana republic from it, just a wretched Orwellian-style s___hole will be what remains, with plains of broken windmills for as far as the eye can see. I would never have thought the USA could approach the demoralized state of the USSR during 1989, when no one even bothered to show-up to serve the state any longer, as no one believed in, nor cared about the Soviet State, once the bread was gone from the bakeries, and shop shelves were all empty.
That once very far-fetched outcome is now foreseeable in the US. The vandals in the White House and Capital Hill are making maximum efforts to eliminate and demoralize the people who do show-up to make them not care, and replacing them where possible with the most incompetent, unsuitable, narcissistic corrupt people they can get in place.
I would never have thought elected Western Democratic Leaderships could be so blatantly counterproductive to a country’s best interests, the opposite of what I’ve seen Western Democratic States working towards during the first 50 years of my life. But now it’s government policy to burn Rome down, the place we live in, and give free bread and circuses out, until all the bread is gone, and no one bothers to show up anymore, because no one believes in the system, and it can’t be remedied in any way via further participation. Even threats and punishment won’t work at that point.
So it looks like the last 20 years of my life will be an endless procession of political fiddling while Rome burns with ever new, improved, greener and cleaner free ‘energy policies’, rolled out to rousing fake-applause. And when no one shows up anymore to protect them, that’s when the ‘politicians’ will burn too. So go ahead, demoralize and defund the Police, give the National Guard a concrete slab to sleep on, they’ll show up to sacrifice their lives to defend your Constitutionally lawful decision to burn Rome to the ground, the place where they grew up and live.
The worst this is that even after it collapses the destruction of ordinary people’s spirit of honesty and integrity will remain compromised.
As an example I’m familiar with is Slovakia. It was partly subjected to similar during its relatively long enough communist time, long enough for 3 generations grow through it. Now that ‘freedom’ has come, even good people who are honest are ‘compromised’. How so? because to conduct your life in such a way to make a living you need to cost in the corruption. You need to forget your integrity on a daily basis. The system is still corrupt and everyone is tainted by it to a lesser or greater degree. The more ambitious you are the more tainted you will need to be.
It’s the only way to force globalisation and a single central form of world governance on the people. The template is the EU Commission position over the rest of the EU nations. Without destroying the US economy and impoverishing people into a state of obedience and dependency on the State, the elitists know the people will not voluntarily surrender their nationalism and nation State position to such a non-democratic and isolated, unresponsive body to whom their own position in life is of no consequence.
The biggest companies in the world are joined at the hip by politicians seeing previously undreamable ultimate power over not just nations, but the world. That’s the drawcard for so many looking for a UN position post politics. It’s the reason behind sending excessive funds to the UN – which Trump resisted – that buys them positions. The big companies see the same formerly undreamed of positions for maximisation of profits and maximum power and choice over workforces ie the lowest and cheapest common denominators for location, profit and control.
Just look at the Democrats latest attempts to control antidemocrat political expression and thought, and the total lack of empathy for all those whose jobs they are shutting down. Take your choice. Be sacked and shutup even when your mortgage lapses and you are on the street with your family. Or go to gaol simply on the strength of your political expression or activism against your own destruction. Or, the Democrat favourite, simply throw an absurd accusation against anybody and break them by forcing them into multiple Court hearings while they linger for years in gaol awaiting a hearing to discharge them.
Even the journo’s are starting to mention globalism more frequently these days, without delving into the depths of what this means to the peoples of the world. That’s negligence of an extreme order, or taking a position and forcing these issues on the people without information of what achieving the end result means to their existence in achieving powerlessness.
Conspiracy theory? That’s simply another means of shutting one down, even when outcomes become apparent. Elites don’t want revelation until they are totally in control of outcomes. Whoever thought the USA, within a month of an election, could become a past democracy and see the government turn to deliberate destruction of its own economy and aim to reduce human freedoms to a level that surpasses that of the Soviet Union? The government even persists with troops – it despises – guarding its Capitol buildings. Unbelievably we see a return of the enforcement ‘principles’ used in the USA McCarthyist era of the ‘1950’s. Personal destruction is guaranteed simply by forcing people to defend the totally defensible in a law court and having activist justices to find against such a person. This forces them to a higher Court to get justice. It’s a means of shutting people down from conversations the elites don’t favour. It’s even too much for the Chief Justice of SCOTUS to get himself involved in after he did the ‘Pilate’ job on the election complaints!
If US cuts of sources of fossil fuel supply, it will start to put serious pressure on prices.
The Toyota Hilux was Australia’s top selling model in 2020. However it is a puny 2700kg compared to the top three sellers in the USA.
For F-series around 3000kg depending on options.
Cheverolet Silverado around 3500kg.
Dodge Ram as much as 4400kg.
These monster need a lot of fuel.
Some people think SUVs are the vehicle for the ages but utes/pickups/crewcabs are the top sellers.
Imagine a crew cab where the entire crew need to pedal. That will reduce the riff-raff entering DC to protest.
The Biden Administration has been in place for just eight days – isn’t that a little quick to make very large and damning assessments? There is a real possibility that they will be more professional and effective than the Trump Administration was, but it’s very early to make a reasonable judgement yet.
The challenges are huge – whoever occupies the White House. And not everything is the fault of federal government, and nor can they solve everything.
I suspect you will enjoy 🙂
Great work Zoe.
You could not make this up, this is akin to vote changing.
done Zoe. Posted!
A thing of beauty. I love the way they put so little effort into hiding it 🙂
Great job. You nailed it.
Plenty of dissident channels have been subject to this type of stuff in reverse over the last few years.
I’m right with Willis on this one.
Good job 🙂
Old soviet saying:
“They pretend to give us the news,
And we oretend to believe it.”
Appears several large social media company employed chinese communist censors to help target conservatives during the election and for establishing crushing censorship afterward.
Birds of a feather…
Chinas main export appears to be misery…
China: “We can start a company, and make misery”
China: “We will always be busy … making misery”
I’m may not be funny. Oh well 🙂
Thank you! 😘
knockout Sen. Cruz video today:
1-26 T. Carlson video
The NT government has just signed the deal for the big solar farm to be built on the Barkly Tablelands and an extension cord then laid to Singapore.
Absolutely idiotic.
It’s Green energy so it must work and be good for everyone , no doubt it will be able to provide enough power to run 100,000 Olympic sized swimming pools or some such !
There’s no problem to solve
It doesn’t have to work. It’s simply a way of getting ‘carbon credits’ for whoever funds it!
So far this summer, no really hot spells across Australia to put the electricity grid under pressure.
Per AEMO this Jan, wholesale electricity prices show Vic lowest at $23/MWhr, Qld highest at $41.
For Jan 2020, Vic $143, Qld $67, NSW $152, and Jan 2019 Vic $250, Qld $94, NSW $117.
Financial year averages for Vic: 2021 $41/MWh, 2020 $74, 2019 $110.
The Vic Default Offer (VDO) for domestic customers (the max allowed price) varies quite a lot by location.
For 2021:
United Energy distribution zone in Melbourne, usage 24.0 cents/kWh, supply charge 98 cents/day.
Powercor area in western Vic, usage 22.4 cents, supply charge 129 cents/day.
In 2020 the max VDO rates were:
United energy 29.3 cents/kWh, supply charge 92.4 cents/day.
Powercor 26.4 cents/kWh, supply charge 126 cents/day.
So usage prices are down in 2021 reflecting lower ex generator prices, but supply charges are up reflecting higher network costs.
For a household using 5,000 Kwh per year, United Energy cost $1,533, Powercor $1,915.
If using 8,000 kWh, United cost $2,239, Powercor $2,782.
Retailers offer discounts off the VDO rates, typically 10-15%.
Are higher network costs simply retailers clawing back some of the excessive FIT being paid?
If someone is profiteering on 42c/kWh FIT it is fair for them to pay network costs because without the network they couldn’t sell their PV generation.
So, what do we think has caused the cost of generation in Vic to drop by 65% ($110 to $41) in 2 years ?? it all that extra Wind and Solar that has been installed. ??
Or is it just Market 8ull5h1t ?
And in reality, even if the cost of generation was ZERO .., the consumer would still be paying over 20c/kWh !!
PS do we know what caused the Blackouts in Sydney on Australia Day ??
There appeared to be enough generation capacity available .
Chad, it’s not the cost of generation, rather the spot prices – with surplus supply due to additional solar and wind, the last bidder in sets the price for that time period that all generators receive. The “ruinables” are still receiving RET certificates that sell for round $40/MWh in addition to the wholesale prices.
OK, so effectively the Wholesale cost , and hence the retail price is determined by the capacity availability, more than any changes of generation technology. !
The much touted “ 2 c/kWh cost of Solar .. (even if true ?) , or 8 c/kWh of Nuclear, is hardly relevant . providing there is sufficient dispatchable capacity available !.
No grid issues in WA, which as usual is just cruising along at the 2000 MW level with plenty of spare gas peaker capacity at reasonable prices to cope with the periods of hot weather. Thankfully we aren’t connected to the “National” grid.
Looks like there is no lawful basis to find DJT guilty of inciting anything at all.
Impeachment is NOT a legal process requiring proof to legal standards, it is a 100% political action with the only rules being “what you can get away with”.
Just another bit of information I hadn’t come across before . . . . .
Be wary of low grade chains of evidence and reasoning. The virus has been isolated. It’s been fully sequenced. So follow the chain of evidence carefully for that claim. I suspect it may depend upon one CDC old quote from early 2020 which lives on like a zombie. PCR tests can be abused (like any test) but they work if done correctly (see WA and nextstrain/global). There appear to be very specific claims now about the abuse of the test in some places in the USA. Please stay carefully accurate with claims. And collection of your DNA could have occurred with practically every medical test done in the last ten years if “they” whoever that is, so desired, so Covid testing is not a new or necessary tool for genetic collection. Pay attention to vague and global allegations that are not backed up with names, details, data. Even the opinions of some highly qualified docs is just that. Opinions.
It’s interesting that Palaszczuk’s father is running a genetic company. I did not know that. Worth watching.
I think it would be good to get it out on the table. Some say the virus hasn’t been isolated, or at least not in the way that we understand the meaning of the word, while you, and others, say it has been. What I would like to see is the evidence put before us, from both sides, in a way that would allow a proper assessment. There is a group saying the PCR test was based on a sequence that was not a sequence derived from that which was the result of the isolation of the virus which we are told is the one that is the cause of COVID 19. They are so sure of their information that they are formulating a class action lawsuit. Maybe that would be a good place to start. Invite them here to present their evidence. I can imagine that they would be very thankful to be shown just how far off the mark they are. It might clear up a lot of things for a lot of people. Interesting times.
Joseph, the full 29,000 base sequence has been published many times (since January, Eg here, here, and in Nepal even.).That took a 2 second search. The differences in the sequences have been tested by hundreds of labs all around the world and complied into Nextstrain. Follow the link. Each dot is a different lab result. Imagine how many people would be involved to fake that?
The medical world is riven with corruption, but it also has hundreds of thousands of doctors around the world who are mostly trying to solve problems with the limited tools and the education they have. (Not like climate change where only a few hundred people are involved). Doctors all over the world say largely the same thing. Same disease, same overcrowded hospitals. Same need for Oxygen, blood thinners. Same three step process, same incubation length. Same pattern of week one, week two, and long long covid recovery (or not). Same high risk groups.
To be sure, we can find a couple of thousand docs who disagree (who it seems, almost never work in ICU’s with actual patients). Lest anyone think I’m arguing from consensus — my point is to get people to be skeptical of all camps, but to also ask themselves what it would take to create fakery on the scale we are discussing. If the test was fake and this was just the flu, why are doctors in ICU’s all over the world saying the same thing?
Ask yourself “who benefits” if the Western democracies are polarized — if say, fake information were fed to both sides. Sure there is propaganda that is pro vacc, pro lockdown. But there is also propaganda through other channels that feeds distrust and polarization. And both sides avoid mentioning “borders”. The Right has been tricked into ignoring something it has campaigned for for decades. Lockdowns don’t work if the borders are kept open. Close the borders. Bah!
So focus on the evidence people provide. Pick the right battles. The virus is real, it’s bad, it has a dreadful hospitalization rate. Long covid is awful. (Who benefits from the spread of this virus?) To prevent lockdowns, fight for borders and antivirals and Vitamin D. Fight corruption. that won’t let cheap drugs save people if there is an expensive drug to use.
Has anyone seen this report about legal action filed by the Concerned Lawyers Network?
Here’s a report about the action.
A chicken and egg argument. Is there no pandemic because of the measures taken? It will be hard to disprove this.
That should be easy enough. The total disregard, even banning, of cheap treatment options in favour of high profit vaxs is criminal. There should be trials in the Hague.
Thanks Sirob, I hadn’t seen it. It will keep me occupied for a while!
I would like to see this aspect of the CV19 “experience” expanded.
At the moment we have little available data that is trustworthy and this makes me suspicious.
A brief example; while looking through the U.K. Official data for Total deaths, I was shocked at what I found.
The experience left me with the feeling that this was just a newer rort structured like the global warming thing.
When data is hidden or unavailable it’s a sign of corruption.
Received a wonderful email showing an old bushie with a mob of cattle behind him and he’s saying:
“Good Morning Australia, What the f… are we offended by today?” ToM
Modern day Aussie standard setter..
natural treatment SARS 2; etc.
meet Ivan Osipov, Dr. Alexey Alexandrov of FSB
This is now beyond stupid. You can see a couple of globalists asking how could they further strip away peoples’ dignity?
So what next…nappies and masks?
Do you get arrested for letting one go in a crowded space?
How the public serviuce works
This is prophetic. And from 2012. It’s the beginning scene of the series The Newsroom explaining why America’s not the greatest country any longer… But it can be. ToM
Fascinating 5 mins.
But you can tell it’s fiction, the host didn’t interrupt the speaker.
Dave B
I have been working on a climate control system. I managed to do some testing just before the Covid lockdown in 2020. It has taken me a while to get the results together.
I set up a surface temperature control system trial over a small area located at 0N, 156E. The system is primarily based on reflective shutters that I can use to block sunlight on the surface. I also have a separate element of the control whereby a Carnot type pump can spray out liberal quantities of chilled water if the temperature deviates high for a set period.
For this 16 day trial I had the set point at 30C. The system is based on AI so there was a little time involved in it learning the process. The temperature got to 31.5C in the first day before it started to work well but the rest of the time was near perfect. I was pleasantly surprised by the stability of the control system.
The linked chart shows the system response during the trial:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhBad9ph_ewh61igZ
I am seeking funds to develop this system across the three tropical oceans.
A great feature of this system is the minimal number of moving parts and all energy for the operation comes from solar collectors. I expect it will be very low maintenance. Al components are corrosion resistance and there appears to be no limit on component life. The most important feature is the system works completely independently of CO2 concentration so solves Climate Change.
Rick, Please explain in a little more detail your hypothesis and/or your objective, and then estimated funding.
“Delingpole: ‘Trussst Usss! We’re Not Evil’ Claims Davos WEF Great Reset Promo Video”
“The World Economic Forum wants you to know that there is nothing sinister about its globalist masterplan — aka The Great Reset — for a New World Order. It says so in a promo video, released to coincide with its annual Davos summit (which is taking place online all this week).
In the video, the WEF admits that some people think that the Great Reset sounds like ‘some nefarious plan for world domination.’
But nothing could be further from the truth, the video goes on to insist. The Great Reset is simply “an opportunity to build a better world.”
If people think otherwise, it claims, it’s all the fault of the ‘broken system’ and the ‘pandemic.’
It’s not surprising that people who’ve been disenfranchised by a broken system and pushed even further by the pandemic will suspect global leaders of conspiracy.
So says the WEF. But could there be a more plausible explanation for people’s concern about the Great Reset: that they’ve started to do their homework and don’t like what they’ve discovered.”
You can test your dis-belief at
This is the absolute best video on Covid 19 I’ve seen , its with Dr Lee Merrit who has one of the best medical bio’s you can get and she lays out what many sceptics have suspected or known.
Thanks for that video, Yonniestine.
The doctors freedom alliance, notably professor Dolores Cahill and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi and others have explained the cytokine storm or auto immune attack that will most likely occur when another corona season returns next year or the year after.
There will be many deaths that will not be connected to the vaccine that primed them to the autoimmune response since it will happen long enough after that it’ll be brushed off as “another more deadly virus”. Convenient for more vaccines and fear.
We know from other sources that Fauci funded the research at Wuhan because it was illegal in the US. That various foundations and the usual suspects such as the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, Gavi, world bank, Johns Hopkins, Rockefeller foundation, etc have been writing and planning these very scenarios a few years before.
Many of these groups and individuals have a vested interest in these vaccine companies as well as some have a historical connection to eugenics associations. So not only are the CCP implicated but so are these groups and the vaccine companies within the west.
Each group may have its own incentives to gain benefit that may not necessarily be fully shared by all the players.
One thing she did imply or, take for granted, that raised my eyebrows was that no one will be called to account.
Which means that she thinks the treason is so deeply entrenched in West’s body politic that we just have to live with it.
Thanks, Yonnie for the link to that video. It confirms that I won’t be rushing to get vaccinated before I’m forced to.
I do, though, worry for my 90-year old Mum who is living in assisted care in Melbourne. The facility is run by the benevolent Wintringham group. They have had no cases of Covid. That has been a great source of relief for my family.
However, I fear that once this roll-out of the vaccine becomes more widespread, she may be offered or forced to take it.
My Mum is 90, she is very frail, but she isn’t on any medication other than some drops for her eyes.
She should not need to be forced to take a chance with this unproven, fully untested toxic cocktail.
Unfortunately, being an avid ABC watcher she is liable to put her hand up for the first jab.
I fear it could kill her.
I sent my UK family info but the older members have all had shots, including my 98 year old mother. I’m not their keeper but it really worries me.
What do people think of the AstraZeneca vaccine; I’ve been trying to find out more.
Germany have now ruled that it’s not to be given to those over 65 Annie .
Pfizer or AstraZeneca RR?
The EU is getting very uppity over the latter; they delayed their orders on behalf of all countries and now blame the (happily no longer EU) UK for problems of supply! They have refused to publish the contract to show the true situation.
My reply is in moderation RR.
Watched half of her vid so far.
Excellent explanation of the background to everything but especially vitamin D and treatment as opposed to the supposed “vaccine”.
Yes; CV19 can be deadly.
Yes; A treatment or pretreatment IS available but carefully hidden behind the need to keep the 69 billion dollar vaxine business going.
Sometimes the ugliness that exists within humanity is hard to believe.
Here’s a very informative interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr and Dr David Martin.
It’s primarily concerned with how Fauci has been using federal grant money to farm out to various universities and drug companies. The resulting patent ownerships include him personally as well as other private companies. There’s plenty of illegal conflicts of interest.
Dr David Martin has digitised patents in 168 countries for banks to help banks value the patents and allow them as collateral for business funding. That’s how he is able to find who owns which patents. His allegations are that Moderná and Fauci have illegally registered many of their patents.
I’ll probably repost this to the next open thread so more can see this.
Thankyou Yonnie. I’ve forwarded it to our offspring.
When will our tinpot dictators go along with allowing us to have HCQ/Ivermectin? I take Qwercetin each day, along with VitC, VitD, Zn, VitK2.
Actually, Jo should watch that video with Robert F Kennedy and Dr. David Martin. It’s really explosive information that has far reaching legal implications for everyone.
Jo, you ought to watch it.
I’ve wanted to understand what the mRNA does and she is the first person in my experience who has explained it clearly.
A vaccine used to be an attenuated infection to train the immune response for the real thing so it’s a violation of product description rules to describe the mRNA concoction as a vaccine when what it’s doing is setting a bunch of switches on our physiological motherboard. End Times innit?
So the Biden administration has de facto annulled all existing legislation on immigration. They’ll be sending limos to meet the caravan.
We can all head for the US and work without a green card? Say we’re from El Salvador should do it.
None of this Biden channelling Merkel stuff can be true and we’re not out of the fourth week of the decade which is displaying promise of bizarre wonders beyond nightmare –only another fourteen hundred and fifty-odd days more of Joe’s first term so try and learn to love it.
I said some time ago I’m looking for another country if things get too bad here. Well I think I found one more possibility. Texas is going to hold a referendum to find out if the people there want to secede from the union and form their own Republic. If they go ahead and eventually do it, which will take a while, I will add Texas to my list. If other states join the new Republic I will review them too and if appropriate will add them to my list of possible destinations if and when I pull the plug here in years to come.
“Bright Green Impossibilities”
As that well known Irish travel direction says
“Well firstly you can’t get there from here”
Fair’s fair in publishing. right?
“NYT Climate Action Book Review: “How to Blow Up a Pipeline”
Looks like a “red thumber” on duty
Remember how the media all ‘predicted’ that the markets would tank if Trump got elected in 2016 …. and they didn’t.
Then remember how last year Trump predicted that the markets would tank if Biden got elected … and they have.
It was just a minor correction.
Just another piece of info that will be swept under the carpet by the Oceania News.”War is Peace.’ ‘Truth is Lies.”
That was a reply to Harves.
Texas a republic? Verrry interesting. Reminds me that WA has, for decades, been trying to secede from Australia. I say…LET THEM! Also reminds me of when, in Canada, Quebec wanted to secede and form their own republic. They were told that…fine, go and secede, but don’t expect any help. Quebec would have to start from scratch and create their own Constitution, laws etc. Not surprisingly, the Quebeccans backed down (as would the WA secessionist morons). I would expect that Texans, when faced with reality, would do the same.
Oh, you don’t know Texans.
Constitution, laws etc.
But they do have all of those.
‘Reminds me that WA has, for decades, been trying to secede from Australia. I say…LET THEM! ‘
Not a good idea, that is our quarry. Half of the people who live in West Oz were born overseas and by coincidence half of the electorate in that state want to secede.
Morrison has gas down as a transition fuel, gas power stations to support renewable hubs, but the Alliance leader says that is out of the question.
“And gas is primarily methane. The fact is methane is 20 times [more] damaging, if not more, than fossil fuels.” John Kerry
Just shows the limited knowledge of some people in powerful positions !
Too little too late or the start of a reckoning for the shonky election ?
This unholy mess…
‘Before the second-ever Catholic president even set foot in the White House, he gave Pope Francis his word, promising he would work with the leader of the global church to address the crisis of climate change. On the first day in office, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. made good on his promise, signing an executive order for the United States to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement, renewing a commitment that his predecessor had reneged on.’
American Magazine
How to get past hewtube censorship.
Warning to those that hate ads but it’s worth it .
Tropical low may become a cyclone and reach Perth, SST along the coast overheated.,-20.82,2120/loc=115.592,-24.323
Here they argue that Covid-19 was designed, but not to be used as a weapon of mass destruction.
In the dead of winter Germany saved by fossil fuel.