Watch this space. The Western Australian election is four weeks off and the new young Liberal (“Conservative”) opposition leader has just made this a “climate change” election and launched himself to the left of the Labor Party by suggesting the state can close all government run coal plants by 2025.
Epic loss coming. The opposition leader may even lose his own seat (Dawesville, in Mandurah, held by only 0.8%). The National Party and minor conservative parties could do well from the aftermath.
Aiming for political correctness in a politically incorrect state?
WA political landscape turned on its head as Liberals outline renewable energy policy
[ABC News] One major party is making the case that renewables are the way of the future, the other is warning they will cripple jobs and send power prices skyrocketing. …it is politics as usual in Australia for the past decade. Except in this case, it is the WA Liberal Party calling for coal to be tossed aside and wind and solar to take its place, with Labor blasting the idea as “reckless”.
The Liberal Party were on a hiding to nothing before this announcement. The local Labor Premier hit 90% approval at times in 2020 with his policy of closing borders, keeping out the virus, thus letting West Australians live like Covid doesn’t exist for most of the last year. The economy is booming.
Public polling has been next to non-existent, but at least one private poll has put Labor’s two-party preferred lead at 61 per cent to 39 per cent.
The new Opposition leader, Zac Kirkup, 33, has decided to burn off his base, just in case there were still supporters who might have handed out how to vote cards on election day. He is apparently trying to win over Green voters who may give him a token thumbs up but never vote Liberal, no matter what he says, because its against their religion.
The best outcome conservatives or skeptics can hope for is that the Liberals lose so badly they drop the young green Kirkup leader the day after the election (assuming he doesn’t un-elect himself first).
Former federal Liberal MP Dennis Jensen knows how to vote:
The vision of Hopey Change Ambition
This is the reasoning — it’s the past, the future, a rainbow colored vision! It’s not how you run an electricity grid:
“This is exactly in the vision of Sir Charles Court and Sir David Brand — it’s in the Liberal Party DNA to make sure we position WA for the future,” he said. “It is ambitious, but it is obviously something we need to do or we will be left behind.”
Left behind in what? A race to peak lefty fashions?
Apparently big subsidies for uncompetitive industries are now a part of the Liberal Party DNA too?
Mr Kirkup promised $400m of direct investment by a Liberal government into what he said would be the largest renewable energy project in Australia’s history.
Zak Kirkup has managed to make the Labor Party speak the same lines climate skeptics do:
The Labor leader sounds like Craig Kelly!
The plans were slammed by WA Premier Mark McGowan, who said they would be disastrous for the state. “All it would mean is many, many billions of extra debt, a huge increase in family power bills, rolling blackouts across the state and huge job losses,” he said.
“The time frame they’ve put on their policy is totally unachievable and everyone should be very fearful about what they’ve just put forward.”
The Greens hate it anyway:
The WA Greens said the Liberals couldn’t be trusted on the environment.
The New Energy Jobs Killing Plan:
Note the detail — the Liberal plan only involves government emissions, not private generators.
- Build a 1500 MW solar and wind energy project in the Mid West to power Perth, the South West, Wheatbelt and Kalgoorlie.
- In conjunction with the private sector, construct a further 4500MW of wind and solar energy by 2030 to convert water into over 250,000 tonnes of clean, green and safe hydrogen for export per year and to power a new green steel industry.
- Underpin our goal of 200,000 new jobs over the next five years and generate the next 50 years of jobs and prosperity.
- Cut power bills for households and businesses by partnering with industry to build the Mid-West Energy Hub, which will deliver cheaper, cleaner energy for WA.
Kirkup is evidently unaware that for every Green Job created between 2 and five real jobs are lost.
As well as this, there are millions of dollars raining for “investments” in retraining coal workers ($100m), a zero emissions Taskforce ($50m) an International Market Diversification Fund ($100m) and an Industry Attraction Fund ($100 to get businesses to go to Collie, the town where the coal power is based). Plus $50m for the Critical and Strategic Manufacturing Fund (which means PPE and “fuel security” or something like that).
Send your thoughts to the doomed WA Liberal Party: WA Liberals and Zac Kirkup @zrfkm, #WALibs
A commenter at the Australian reckons this is all a clever plan by Scott Morrison
I reckon this was all Morrison’s idea: Scomo to Kirkup: “Hey Zac, you take this radical climate change plan to the WA election – billion dollar renewable projects, dead coal industry, zero emissions targets, the full monte. You get smashed at the polls. Six months later I call a federal election and say: West Australians have categorically rejected radical climate action – so it won’t happen!”
But it might be a stupid plan by the Gas and Oil industry.
Watch Western Australia: It’s a small islanded grid with no interconnectors to rescue it
As well as being a showcase for how to destroy a conservative party, WA is headed to be a Renewable Energy debacle too. Current coal generation is about 30%. Four years to go!

WA Electricity generation Q4 of 2020: AEMO
The South West Grid serves about 2 million people, has about 6 GW of total generation and generates about 18TWh per annum. It is permanently “islanded” by ocean and deserts, and there are no interconnectors across Australia.
In the past, this has saved the WA grid from stupid experiments because it was too small to mess with. However the grand solar power experiment has run away with itself and about one in three homes have solar panels. As subsidized green power policies pushed up electricity prices, West Australians, predictably, had little choice but to add solar power as the only legal way to keep costs down. Solar PV spread across roofs everywhere is within ten years will be the largest single generator on the grid. Too bad when those cloud banks roll in…
The Duck Curve (below) continues to grow a fat belly and a wildly big dinnertime tail. The lunchtime demand has fallen to record lows averaging about 1.5GW. But the dinner time peak is still 2.5GW. Meaning a whole coal plant or many gas turbines are required to sit around unprofitably all day so they can be ready to rescue the grid every night as the sun goes down on all the solar rooftop panels.

The WA Duck Curve as solar PV eats away at lunch time demand but causes wilder ramp up demand for dinner as it shuts down.
The Muja Coal plant in WA is state government run and currently producing 850MW with units C and D. But units C are already planned to close by 2025. The D units are two 227 MW turbines, which were (or are) expected to run for decades.
There is a privately owned coal plant in WA called Blue Waters which was built in 2009. It has two 208MW turbines. The owners have written off the value of the asset to $0 from $1.2b because of the rapid forced rise of intermittent renewables which have eaten away the profitability for reliable power.
Unlike many other “renewable stars” the one reliable renewable source — hydro — isn’t coming to rescue the green plans. The last big viable hydro plants in WA closed a billion years ago when the Darling scarp eroded into low hills. There is no hydro industry to speak of, and probably won’t be until the next continental uplift.
He obviously has a death wish. To ensure a 100% election loss he may as well call for the cessation of all miming, & beef production as well.
Where do the Liberals find these retards?
There appears to be a global madness set in.
I consider it a spiritual sickness – the lack of discernment and headlong dash into self destruction…its not natural, but has to be supernatural.
This goes far beyond the climate science hoax. Apparent truth has too many sides making it too difficult for many to discern what is and what is not true. The result is that too many gullible people belive that the only truth is what their political masters tells them it has to be.
The sickness is mainly exhibited by the fact most voters support one or the other major party and expecting a different result. That’s just anoth4er way of saying most voters are insane. The buck actually stops with the voters given they have the power to change things via our democratic system, unlike countries like China where they don’t have a choice. Stupid is as stupid does.
Are you saying all lib voters should vote lab and all lab voters should vote lib. That’ll work.
G’day PeterS,
I have a problem with your use of “our democratic system”. While I think it’s not too bad, it is flawed in my view at the Federal level for the House of Representatives in that it is compulsory to vote for every candidate. I object to that as it forces me to allocate a vote to every person I consider to be unsuitable for the position, even if I consider them to criminal or traitor.
And we are all in the same boat.
Dave B
I always put those types you are referring to dead last.
Then I choose the infill.
Our politicians hate leadership and are together as a fellowship group and don’t care who gets voted in. Any person who shows any incentive to be a leader is demoted, discouraged or tossed out.
This is why in any crisis, they have no clue what to do and just follow what other governments have done.
Hang on maybe its as suggested a clever plan by Scomo to show Australians how crazy the renewable path really is, after all people would surely wake up when the lights go out or they can’t go to work and forced to stay at home…………..errr forget it.
It is a good opportunity for one of the smaller states to take the pain of a total, extended grid failure.
South Australia was rescued by the Heywood Interconnector quickly blackstarting their grid back in 2016. And since then, it has kept their grid up, along with the Torrens and Pelican Point gas plants being forced to stay online, preemptive load shedding (unannounced and unreported rolling blackouts) and the new, large, has/diesel peaking plant so we haven’t had the proper demonstration of a renewable future.
Western Australia’s closure of it’s coal plants would provide irrefutable proof of the inadequacy of any renewables + storage “solution”
C’mon mods!
He doesn’t want NSW wonder boy Matt Kean to get all the “renewables” glory. Pity none of these career politicians ever come with a STEM background. Just like the other States , WA seems to have learnt nothing from the SA fiasco.
Maybe we could send or lend Matt Kean to the WA Libs on a permanent basis. That would solve a number of problems. Kean is a goose so should be happy with the duck curve. I should add that Jo’s eloquence is masterful as well as highly entertaining.
The last big viable hydro plants in WA closed a billion years ago when the Darling scarp eroded into low hills. Love it.
Some time back my scepticism morphed into cynicism, then to despondency and now despair – where to next?
We all have bad days.
What you need is Victory Gin. With it …”You can carry at least half your morality about in a bottle”.
If you can’t get any try Soma.
Fixes everything.
Error report.
You drink the Gin and take the Soma tablets.
Things do sometimes go belly-up if you’re not paying attention.
You sit on the couch eating popcorn (and drinking gin if you like) waiting for the big finale when it all comes tumbling down and the winners all panic on finding what the prize is that they’ve won.
Hopefully he wins and the Liberal Party of Australia can finally be fully exposed as the sticking anti-Australian filth they truly are and have been for some time.
They are not ‘liberals’ in the traditional English sense at all.
sticking should read stinking but either word will do for the false ‘conservatives’.
Plus it would truly demonstrate how incapable renewables + storage are without a whopping great interconnection and masses of gas peakers to provide “firming”
What’s the difference between the Australian Laba Parti and the Australian Libl Parti.
Not much really: voters, workers, retirees and taxpayers will be abused about the same whichever mob is the electoral victors.
There was a time when the devious stuff was hidden from sight, but now, they work brazenly to enrich their lives at our expense, no attempt to cover up.
Very few Liberals believe in man made climate change – what are they thinking? They had little chance of winning before now there is none. What will I do with my vote now. Stupidity reigns.
G’day NFA,
I sort of agree with you, but I would have to put the Greens last regardless. I’d hate to give them the balance of power, or worse, an absolute majority.
I still hope I can find a way to deliver a formal vote, but that hope is also fading.
Dave B
Seriously, if Labor have the better policies – and surely they do this time by a country mile – then vote for them and tell everyone why. The more the Lib loses by, the more chance that someone in the Libs will start to understand. I wrote to Anthony Albanese a while ago, telling him he would have my vote if he stood up to the greens on fossil fuels. I meant it, and I still do.
Their “policies” mean nothing; they have no conscience, they’ll tell you one thing and do the opposite.
Look at Morrison, on the one hand he won’t commit to a “carbon level” for 2050 while in the background “Somebody Else” is organizing for the hills to be covered with wind and solar “renewables”.
There’s money in them thar hills.
Ethical doesn’t come into it.
Brenda, while the Libls mightn’t believe in Climate change they certainly believe wholeheartedly in Money and how to get it.
Vote independent
It would be ‘illuminating’ to watch the ANZ run their ATM’s and Branches, let alone their Head Office, on so called renewable energy.
When do they get investigated for being right and proper holders of an Australian Banking License?
Which country controls the ANZ?
Does anyone know?
Irrelevant. No major business today has a nationality. Like accents they have become “mid Atlantic” or in our case “mid pacific”.
Maybe I do Twiggy a disservice. We’ll see.
HQ is in Melbourne if that is any help
Unfortunately lunacy is becoming bipartisan in Australia. NSW with Matt Keane is just as crazy if not worse than WA. At least the Libs in WA have no chance of being charge.
Let me express your statement in appropriate speak.
So which lunatics are in charge in South Australia?
Good point ! I forgot about the mad Marshall of SA. How do the Liberals get infiltrated by these conservative imposters.
I have had renewable believers argue that there is no problem with that duck curve, they cheer it because there is plenty of PV generation.
They’re nuts!!!
No, they are ignorant and mathematically illiterate and revel being so.
So has anyone explained to the dimwits pushing this insane plan, the destruction it will bring?
Tar and feathers…..maybe the new prize for monumental stupidity…..
If one nation has a number of candidates running in WA I would suggest they would finish ahead of the Libs. I’m always fascinated when conservative leaders ( or more accurately leaders of conservative parties like Turnbull ) will never attract green voters or the Labor left by adopting green policies. Those types of voters will always want the genuine article not a cheap copy.
leave the great
pretenderconservative Turbull alone.After all he kept his Australian Liberal Party eye on the prize.
We should look at the upside if they follow through with the plan. Just imagine, every evening as the sun starts to set, the grid will go down and in the morning when the sun rises, the grid power will return in a continuous cycle until the panels reach end of life after ~20 years, after which time the grid will go down permanently due to lack of funds in a bankrupted state to purchase replacement panels from China. Good luck with that guys.
The upside being that you won’t need to worry about border closures to stop people coming in.
Apart from a stupid vote for Whotlam in 1972, I have always voted for the Libs. Not any more. The WA Libs policy has surrendered itself to the Greens for ever. What a laffing stock!!!
When coal powers most of the industrial economy, we are meant to virtual signal by going woke. Kirkup…you are a fool!
Bizarre. The only possible use of this policy announcement might be to goad the Greens to be even wackier – but such a stunt shouldn’t be used during an election campaign and not by the Opposition Leader!
The conservative independent candidates start looking good.
As long as every single gubmint orifice is powered by solar and wind then I will vote for him.
It’s A Brave New Australian Liberal Party World
If we had an actual that was interested in doing its job instead of being proxy-politicians for Europe, flogging the policies of international Socialism…they would be bringing this madness all into sharp focus.
They would be asking Morrison..Kean and the rest of the idiot politicians…to spell out to the Australian people the exact reasons why they ….Morrison especially…want Australia alone to top itself.
They should be made to tell us with details why Australia must be the only nation on the face of the earth to be forced by its government to commit suicide as a first world nation….for an hypothesis that has never been proven and must never be questioned.
They must tell us why Australia must be the only country on the face of the earth to be forced by its political leaders to be 100% dependent on the most undependable element of the earth system….the weather…why they mandate that Australia must try to survive with only weather-dependent intermittent electricity and weather-dependent props….forever.
Above all they must tell us how the crippled Australia they mandate, can be competitive in a world where every other first world country…every single competitor…will have multiple alternative sources for electricity forever…in huge hydro…nuclear…and/or access to those technologies from neighbouring countries via multiple interconnectors.
Morrison must explain how Australia will remain prosperous enough to maintain our first world health system…to fund the PBS …to handle coming pandemics…to provide jobs, to get taxes….to pay pensions…how we’ll power dodgy diesel submarines and power a military to secure our borders…to remain free.
Before the next election we should demand answers to all these questions…and we should have spelt out the scenarios at their milestones for us to clearly see…eg with their plan, what will Australia look like in 2025….2030…..and especially in net zero 2050.
Specific questions should be asked…eg will long haul flights be history by 2050…as many aviation experts have suggested…when will they wind down…so people with parents and relatives OS can make plans accordingly.
We owe it to our children to demand this before voting.
Here are a few simple questions they could ask:
1. Can you manufacture wind turbines and solar panels without using any fossil fuels or any fossil fuel by-product?
2. If there is no oil being refined where will our plastic and rubber come from and how much will it cost?
3. If every ICE car is replaced by an EV how much extra copper, lithium, cobalt etc will have to be mined?
4. Can you manufacture an EV without using any fossil fuel or by-product?
5. How much additional electricity generation is required to power these EVs, and how many additional solar panels or turbines and batteries will that require?
6. What total battery storage would be required and how much would it cost to provide 100% of power for the whole country on a cold, windless, winter night?
7. How will EVs be transported to Australia? Electric ships?
Just make sure your election is honest. The only reason for the green agenda in America is because of the stolen election. The scary thing is if they think they can win elections while pushing a green agenda, does it mean that the fix is in?
It is until the power starts to fail and services are disrupted.
In Australia, we’re looking at the same bleak scenario but we have more time to avert the coming disaster. At the moment, though, we are also walking headlong over the cliff with both major parties pushing for net-zero emissions by 2050.
We are truly fvcked.
Their Great Reset.
Build back better with a new green deal, and forget the climate hoax.
The Inevitability Of Gradualness – by the time it’s completed it’s too late for opposition.
Relax, they know what is best for us.
The way rolls, polls and counting happen make it more difficult to fix anything.
Rolls are effectively managed and dead people dont stay on them, everyone one votes so its hard to have more votes than voters. Mark/sense card readers are used in horse race betting shops not for elections. All processes and procedures are consistent across States. We arent the greatest democracy in the world but we do OK.
A perfect illustration of what the Biden administration is currently inflicting on the working class of American citizens
It’s winter here in the UK
“Weren’t we told wildfires were caused by heatwaves?”
downloading some warming co2 for you as I type.
Good to see that even the WA liberals are now woke
Oh how that hurts Peter but you could have added the liberal opposition leader from Vic (whatever his name is) plus the NSW liberal govt , hell I don’t think there is a non green state liberal government or opposition is there ?
We don’t even have a non-green Federal government.
Fitz, the bed-wetting Liberal leader is going to lose big time. Yes, it’s good for a Labor supporter that the WA Liberals are now woke, but it’s bad for small business that McGowan will be in charge for another four years, propped up by the mining industry which he is trying to destroy.
The NSW Liberal leader is also woke.
Maybe Pete Evans can help?
I’d like some special roast chicken.
MAGA party? So SCOMO is a replicated Orange Man 😀
Make Australia Great Again!
Bring it on!
I just linked to this crazy Liberal agenda at Don Aitkin’s blog.
Here’s what I said after repeatedly pinching myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.
“The WA Liberals have now gone barking mad on steroids.
Their new crazy leader wants net ZERO emissions by 2030, while the Labor Premier sounds like Craig Kelly at his best and on a very good day.
And the most highly qualified nuclear physicist ex FED Liberal Dennis Jensen will vote Labor before the Liberals in the very same clueless Liberal Leaders electorate.
You couldn’t make this stuff up and Scott Morrison must be smacking his chops and thanking the Labor Premier for writing and endorsing the material for his upcoming FED election”.
The ‘Wokeness’ disease seems to be highly infectious, but perhaps it reflects what’s been happening in our education system? After all, Zac at age 33 would be a product of this, a process which would have indoctrinated him with the now-fashionable pseudo-religious cult of “Anthropogenic Global Cooling – Oops! – now Warming/Climate Change/Disruption/Weirdness/Crisis/Emergency/Whatever-is-today’s-fashionable-politically-correct-name-for-it”!
So, Mr Kirkup thinks that the way to win the election is to go ‘progressive’ with so-called ‘renewables’ in order to ‘Save the Planet’ from those dreadful ‘carbon [sic] emissions’ that are actually ‘greening’ the planet?
And pigs might fly!
In the meantime, how about being genuinely progressive with technology that will ‘solve’ his imagined non-problem about rising atmospheric CO2 levels driving us all to some imagined disaster? Why not have something that really will ‘fix’ the non-problem and lead by a positive example. Perhaps Zac might risk checking this out:, and present the taxpayers of W.A. with something really will ‘Save the Planet’!
And, Oh Dear! With some positive side-benefits too …..
If he goes with this then he might actually save the election as well as saving the planet ….. (Otherwise, I agree with Jo’s voting preferences!)
Zac hasn’t seen snow in Perth so alarmists must be correct!
Good thinking Harves! Snow perhaps in Marble Bar? Now there’s a thought.
Meanwhile, in Germany ….
In 5,000 years archaeologists will be doing two things:
1. Wondering how a civilisation with such a wealth of natural fossil fuel resources collapsed in the space of 100 years.
2. Uncovering all these strange broken edifices on cliff tops and wondering whether there’s a link to Easter Island. New millennium, different cult.
Is this Kirkup serious? Is he reading from the ‘conservative’ book of Boris Johnson? Are the WA Liberals seriously in that much disarray that they choose a leader with 0.8% lead in his own electorate and will completely ignore the basic tenets of the party to appease the lunatic fringe, yet in the same breath intone the States former conservative leaders as though they wouldn’t have shredded him in the party room for those ludicrous views? All this after he forced Andrea Tokaji to resign because she wrote an article before she was a candidate which asked the question why some people think there’s a link between covid and 5g?
She maintains she doesn’t believe that, merely included it in her essay at the start of covid because of the theories being bandied about! She was dumped as toxic for heretic views and yet here’s Kirkup talking like Sarah Hanson-Young! What a free kick to McGowan and his private pollsters.
I think if you look just below the surface of any of the LNP governments or organisations in Australia you will find a woke, “lefty” underbelly. NSW with Matt Kean is a perfect example. We only just got rid of Turnbull at Federal level but there are plenty of his disciples still lurking around. If it wasn’t for a handful of electorates in Qld , Bill Shorten would now be PM. In Victoria we have Michael O’Brien as the opposition leader. After the last election, lamenting the LNP loss, he thought the reason they lost was because they weren’t bullish enough on Climate Change. Not that they ran a hopeless campaign and didn’t target Daniel Andrew’s blunders. Scott Morrison is disappointing and Angus Taylor is still the “Minister for Energy and Emissions Reductions”. So for me, that says it all.
Despite banning coal and coal-gas fired power stations, nuclear energy, your governments will secure the nation’s future and restore manufacturing industry.
With UN treaties and agreements to support the politicians of course.
What could possibly be wrong with this?
Total retard. Obviously there has been no engineer near these plans.
Big question – where is the power coming from when the sun is not out and the wind does not blow, which is the majority of the time…
This idiot does not deserve govt, in fact he needs to be committed to a mental institution so severe is his delusion.
They know, they understand, but stopping national prosperity is their objective.
You can bet that he will exude a smug certainty (like Kean)that his plans will work because a) wishful thinking b) all he hears are attaboys!from the meme driven non thinking cheer squad behind him.
The biggest joke of them all is that most Australians continue to vote as if there are two major sides to choose from.
Astute observers can detect that they have for all intents and purposes merged into a globalism socialism cooperative.
I’m not sure that the energy source figures are a yearly average for WA’s SWIS grid. It’s more like 40% coal, 40% gas, rest renewables. And with gas peakers for the peak periods, mainly in summer. So far it’s a reasonably stable network, coping well with peak times in the hot summers. And for a low domestic cost (for Australia) of only A$0.26/kWh. Plus there is adequate power for industries and water desalination plants, so no water problems.
Unfortunately, once Labor is again returned in March, I can see them moving to shut down coal and introduce more renewables, thus upsetting the delicate energy balance and driving up energy prices.
As for wacky Zak, I don’t believe that he discussed his proposal with many of the WA Lib politicians, so I’m guessing that he will be gone after March.
According to the AEMO the last 3 months in WA has had 23%wind, about 3% other(solar), gas 35%, coal 38%
Over the last 12 months the percentage of wind has increased as new installations have come on line…. Coal actually varies a lot more than would be expected, but gas is the major swing production.
Prediction: Both wind and solar installations will have longer useful lifetimes than anticipated. Coal will be retired, though not as quickly as some would like. If the mega-installations in the north actually happen, changes in transmission lines will alter wholesale electricity pricing in SWIS.
The south of Australia is generally good for wind so they can achieve 30 – 40% power factor with the Roaring Forties coming from the west. The old sailors would stay well south after rounding the Cape of Good Hope [the Great Circle route] to achieve good speed before doing a lefty north to the Indies. Without GPS some misjudged and splattered themselves on the WA coast before turning north.
Similarly SA, Tas and Vic get the winds out of the Great Southern Ocean. But don’t expect much further north. Go to and there is hardly a whisper in Qld ATM and this isn’t unusual, our winds are predominantly from the SE, but the coastline runs SW so the wind generally blows parallel to the coast. Afternoon sea breezes don’t power wind farms.
It wouldn’t be pleasant anywhere on the Atlantic ATM. There is a massive low that would be a devastating storm if it were in the tropics.
There is a lot of rain over large areas.,-21.912,4,i:pressure,m:eYNafEi
OT – Sydney school headmistress blasted for telling students to think about how they dress affects others.
WTF was wrong with the Cheltenham Girls School telling her students not to wear skimpy clothing during an upcoming casual dress day because it could endanger the career of male teachers? With all the angst going about for any hint of male impropriety, this seems an appropriate call for students to consider their teachers.
But the “me too” crowd consider this to be intrusive of the students’ rights and that the headmistress is sending a message that wearing skimpy clothing is “asking for it”. She had even been accused of being misogynist in making this statement.
What rot!!
Tasmania is the only state that could probably operate 100% on renewables (Hydro + Wind + A bit of Solar).As for WA, well I wish that state would secede, and do the rest of Australia a great favor. They would survive on their mineral exports, and would not need any support (perhaps McGowan would see himself as the new Prince Leonard of Hutt River Province).
The WA Greens say this on their website:
We are in a climate emergency. Scientists are telling us that this is the critical decade. We have to halve pollution by 2030 and get to zero emissions as fast as possible or we will face the catastrophic consequences of irreversible global heating.
The WA Libs are to the left of the Greens on climate and energy policy.
This is a total joke.
Greens: net zero by 2035
Libs: net zero by 2030
My strategy always is to vote for minor parties starting with the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers and to fall through to the LNP. That way our local reps only get in on preferences – it sends the message.
I can tolerate the Nationals, but I’m not voting Liberal with their current policies.
Kirkup has seen too many Mad Max movies and now that’s the kind of future he wants to bring about.
He’s trying to lure the inner-city green voters. You know, the chardonnay set that would never vote Liberal if their lives depended on it.