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Chinese scorn US Upperclass Woke self haters – “Baizuo” are phony intolerant hypocrites

The Chinese government understands the weakness of the West where national self hate has become a spectator sport.

When the US Government attacks the CCP for human rights abuses, the CCP just use all the Democrats own talking points right back at them and the Democrats can hardly disagree:

Tucker Carlson: Even the Chinese know America won’t survive with ‘woke’ liberals in charge

Here, for starters, is the Chinese government’s assessment of our democracy:

YANG JIECHI [TRANSLATION]: Many people within the United States actually have little confidence in the democracy of the United States, and they have various views regarding the government of the United States.

Many Americans don’t have confidence in their own democracy, he said. In other words, maybe the last presidential election was fraudulent. Suddenly China’s top diplomat sounded a lot like one of those right-wing White supremacist insurrectionists you’re always hearing about on CNN, the ones the Biden Justice Department has put in prison.

Tucker Carlson explains the Mandarin word “Baizuo” means a white liberal (in the wokest possible way):

The Chinese know our leaders well. In fact, they have a name for our self-hating professional class.

They call them “baizuo.” The rough translation from Mandarin is “White liberal,” and it is definitely not a compliment. Chinese state media describes baizou as people who, “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment, who have no sense of real problems in the real world, who only advocate for peace and equality to satisfy their own feelings of moral superiority, and who are so obsessed with political correctness that they tolerate backward Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism.

As Chinese state media notes, “former US [sic] President Obama was considered an advocate of baizuo ideology.”

So is “German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her decision to welcome more than one million third-world [sic] immigrants to Europe.”

Other observations about baizuo, as reported by Chinese state media, include the fact that they “advocate inclusiveness and anti-discrimination but cannot tolerate different opinions.” Baizuo’s political opinions are “so shallow that they tend to maintain social equality by embracing ideologies that run against the basic concept of equality.”

According to one scholar from Peking University, “baizuo are phony and hypocritical and will make the situation in the West go from bad to worse.” And so on.

And so, a communist superpower that harvests organs from political prisoners can silence opponents by repeating their own self indulgent attention seeking critics. And the so called “Leaders” of the most powerful nation on Earth can’t even defend themselves. What would Kamala Harris say — “We are the house of horrible haters. You’re so right?”

h/t Bill AZ and David.

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