Hmmm. What one thing might unite the polarized sides of the USA?
Prof Kerry K. Gershaneck is a former US Marine who has worked in Thailand and Taiwan in academia and military intelligence. He writes that the West thought they defeated communism in 1990. They assumed China would play nice, but they were very wrong. Instead China studied the West and Russia, and is waging a Political War. There is a whole PDF book linked under that book image.
Democracies still don’t understand CCP’s political warfare: Kerry Gershaneck
The SundayGuardianLive
Prof Kerry K. Gershaneck

Political Warfare: Strategies for Combating China’s Plan to “Win without Fighting” by Kerry K. Gershaneck
China is an expansionist, hyper-nationalistic, militarily powerful, brutally repressive, fascist, and totalitarian state. It is essential to understand each word in that indisputable description. The CCP poses an existential threat to the freedom and democracy that India and the US represent. Failure to understand the nature of the CCP regime undermines our countries’ ability to fully understand the danger the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s) PW poses and to build our capacity to combat it.
Officials in democracies such as India and the US have been too easily deceived about PRC’s political warfare for several key reasons. When the Soviet Union collapsed around 1990, many in our countries naively believed there would be no more expansionist, totalitarian threats. They were wrong, of course. Chinese communists still quietly harboured plans for regional (and ultimately global) hegemony. As PRC rulers proclaimed China’s “peaceful rise”, they built massive economic and military strength and engaged in global political warfare operations to subvert the democracies.
Meanwhile, the US and other democracies dismantled their Cold War political warfare capabilities and foolishly assumed the PRC would join the community of nations as a “responsible stakeholder”…
All’s fair in love and political warfare:
From the CCP perspective, PW is total war—it is unrestricted warfare using every means just short of large-scale military combat. The PRC’s form of political warfare is generally standard worldwide: it uses the same playbook to achieve its political, economic, and military objectives globally without having to fight conventional wars. Tailored strategies and tactics, however, are adapted for each region and country.
It’s important to understand that PRC’s PW—this unrestricted warfare—is designed to get others to do what the CCP wants them to do. The PRC says unrestricted warfare means “the battlefield is everywhere” and there are no boundaries between “war and non-war, and between military and non-military affairs”. In essence, the PRC says that everything, legal or illegal, is permissible in order to achieve its ends. Specific examples the PRC gives of how to conduct its unrestricted warfare include biological and chemical warfare and terrorism, means particularly pertinent to note and consider in the Covid-19 era.
The list of weapons the PRC employs is long. It includes propaganda, psychological warfare, media warfare, disinformation, corruption, economic and sexual enticement, and coercion. It also includes active measures such as hybrid warfare, proxy armies, assassination, kidnapping, and brutal physical attacks. The PRC’s PW doctrine also includes concepts such as lawfare (using international and national laws, bodies and courts to shape decision making in the CCP’s favour), cyberattacks, terrorism, espionage, bribery, censorship, deception, subversion, blackmail, enforced disappearances (kidnapping, abduction), attacks by criminal gangs, and hybrid warfare.
The CCP’s Troll Factory and 300,000 workers:
A noteworthy recent addition to this list of PW weapons is social media warfare. The PRC uses social media to amplify its psychological warfare, intimidation, coercion, and propaganda. With social media, the CCP floods societies with propaganda and disinformation to weaken people’s faith in democracy and create political instability. In pursuit of social media dominance, the PRC has established a PLA cyber force of perhaps 300,000 soldiers as well as a netizen “50 Cent Army” of perhaps 2 million individuals who are paid a nominal fee to make comments on social media sites supporting CCP propaganda and coercion. In conjunction with the PLA Strategic Support Force, many of these so-called “netizens” use social media to intimidate and coerce multinational corporations, celebrities, foreign governments and organizations, and critics of PRC genocide and expansionism.
This is all part of the CCP’s totalitarian thought control.
In general, the PRC’s rulers wage political warfare for three key reasons: (1) to achieve regional and global hegemony; (2) to maintain absolute control over China’s subjects internally; and (3) to co-opt or coerce other nations into becoming vassal or tributary states and to destroy states perceived as adversaries.
Download a free copy of Political Warfare: Strategies for Combating China’s Plan to “Win without Fighting” by Kerry K. Gershaneck
Prof Kerry K. Gershaneck was a Visiting Scholar (Taiwan Fellow) at the National Chengchi University in Taipei over the past three years. He was also the Distinguished Visiting Professor at Thailand’s Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy and the Royal Thai Naval Academy. He is a former US Marine officer, and has extensive national-level strategic communications and counterintelligence experience.
Thanks for the heads up, otherwise I would have had to wait for Radio Free Europe, or Radio Liberty to broadcast it
Wouldn’t you prefer to hear it from Правда, Peter?
YOU will be waving your little red and yellow flag as the Emperor elect drives down the Pacific highway, Peter??
Driving on “Belt & Roads” to co-opt or coerce other nations into becoming vassal or tributary states and to destroy states perceived as adversaries.
Be careful what you wish for!
Sadly Peter is just one of a vast army just like him.
But those who are awake, see the danger the CCP poses to freedom across the planet, and are sounding the alarm.
The CCP has a suicide bombers mindset. Based on the speech given by the retiring Chinese general, it appears the CCP is happy to wipe out the entire US population using a bioweapon, so it can then have the land. No shots fired. And if it came to a nuclear exchnage, they calculated they would lose 50% of their population but still win. What do you do with something like that? Sic Sleepy Joe on them?
And then you have the other “soft” push with ‘cuddly” anitfa who appear to make up the more militant arm of things, plus the suit wearing CCP allied leftists in govts who are working to undermine democracy at every turn…..
This is what the mean by “total war”.
To get some concept of the difference, the West plays chess on a 4 year stop clock while China plays Wei qi ongoing for the last 40 – 50 years, the Emporer Elect, Xi, is only the current board master.
Strange how the far right denigrate and vilify those who they consider are of the Left. Of course I can only speak for myself but for my part I agree with many of the comments from those such as Peter Fitzroy and Gee Aye and disagree with many of the comments from those such as ColA and David Maddison .
I am a centrist who disagrees with both the rabid right and the loony left. In my opinion the Rabid Right is largely introverted, callous, lacking in empathy, obsessed with money, loathe to pay taxes, hates trades unions, blames the poor for being poor, utterly lacking in concern for the environment closed minded, unable to move with the times and to all intents and purposes is stuck firmly in the 1950s.
In contrast the Loony Left is unable to realise that grand schemes to leave the environment as it always has been are completely unrealistic, that not everyone can have as much money as they would like, that choosing to live off the State rather than working for a living is not acceptable, that trades unions are not the saviours of the working class, that Australia alone cannot solve global warming, that free health care is very, very expensive, that personal satisfaction is gained from working and to all intents and purposes is stuck in some Green wonderland.
As I said, I can only speak for myself and I agree with both sides on some issues such as being employed is good, realistically the environment has to be modified as human numbers expand, that trades unions are not always the workers’ friend.
We’re all in this together so why not work together instead of sniping?
not work together instead of sniping? I suggest you watch and listen to Mike Pompeo’s speech at CPAC, then come back here and comment.
that’s it is it? Mike Pompeo says some thing about other countries in a speech and that is a rebuttal of Ian’s comment? I think he deserved better than that or maybe you couldn’t be bothered.
Gee Aye, Ian, Great to hear you both advocating a polite conversation. We look forward to the change as both of you start listening and stop denigrating and sniping.
Let’s start with “denier”. Can I assume in polite conversations when other people use that, you will point out how derogatory that is to them? Or are you not that brave.
Yes. You can assume that.
Jo I had that conversation with you several years ago and since then I have not used the term denier and I have no intention of using it in the future. So, yes, you can bank on it.
Sorry Jo I didn’t state categorically that I will certainly point out to users of the term denier that it is offensive
Thank you Gee Aye and Ian. I’ll take your word for it. Good to hear.
I’ll be even more impressed if I were to see a letter to the editor of any major newspaper asking for them to stop using the derogatory term.
I am pleased to be called a sceptic. All wise people are sceptical. Then we seek evidence. I think the opposite of sceptical is gullible and that point is not used enough. Teenagers who are not skeptical would be more likely to investigate if they were being called gullible.
Denier is objecting to believing facts. I like to ask what I am denying. It is an opportunity to explain evidence. Then ask if people deny Vikings lived in Greenland? Did Hansen claim in 1988 no ice in the Arctic this cetuary? No snow in Australia this centuary? List some scietists and ask if it is credible to say the science is settled?
I think name calling proves inability to politely debate. It proves the name caller unable to handle rationale arguments. BELIEVER and Denier can expect reasoned responses.
All science is sceptical. Gullible is the opposite and can motivate objective research.
Who is Mike Pompeo?
Some American?
A politician?
I’m used to reading people say, in effect, that half the nation are clueless, while pointing at the ‘other side’. You’re the first one in a while to claim you are literally surrounded by clueless fanatics. Perhaps you should read Jo’s previous article about the new “upper class”. 🙂
I read it as him being part of the 80% or so that sits between the 10% at each end.
What if (as survey after survey shows) skeptics are half the population but only 10% of people who are skeptical are willing to speak against the sniping and denigration done by the 10% of ideological “believers”.
That would make us the majority, and you the fringe.
If that were the case in the last ten years we would have seen skeptical leaders win elections by landslides. Oh look… Abbott 90 seats. Trump (and against most media and nearly every institution). In most elections the Uniparty doesn’t let a skeptic run.
True interpretation if the what if is true.
Of course, by the same logic, the opposite could be the case (and transposing the sniping jibe to the other half).
“What if (as survey after survey shows) skeptics are half the population but only 10% of people who are skeptical are willing to speak against the sniping and denigration done by the 10% of ideological “believers”.”
Do only 10% of “believers” snipe and denigrate? I thought it was more than that?
Perhaps the other 90% of skeptics that don’t speak against sniping denigration are not particularly offended and/or don’t care what the “believers” think anyway
Ian, I had a conversation with a leftist once who started to get physically agitated when I pressed him on his climate beliefs as it became clear it wasnt scientifically definsible. Now, I can handle myself, and decided wisely that de-escallation was in order as he had literally became wild-eyed…and this was in the middle of an office…..
As to the constant stupid word game playing that the Left do, I just cut through it all and call them out using blunt & simple but succint words – they hate it.
Alls fair in this game…sometimes you have to play your Trump card….
Alea Iacta Est.
So true Jo,
I have a friend here in the USA who just get fired because she used the WRONG WORD (colored.) She is older and had not learned the Left’s newest list of ‘Wrong Words’ Her boss, who fired her said she was timely, a very good worker, learned fast but they had to fired her because she is ‘Culturally Insensitive’ They accused her of being ‘White’
She is NOT white, she is Blackfoot, grew up on a reservation and has a really bad case of PTSD from being raped, getting her head bashed in and left for dead by some blacks.
The fact that SHE can actually tolerate working FOR a foreman and crew made-up entirely of Blacks. Say more about her ‘Culturally Sensitive’ than he use of words. (And yes she has black friends as I do.)
Long story short, even in our small town in the middle of nowhere SOUTHEAST USA you can get fired for an innocent remark. Recently I have lost three long term gigs because someone decided I didn’t treat them royally and they ran to complain to management that I was ‘RACIST’ — NO other possible explanation — like SAFETY — is EVER entertained. ONLY hurt feelings and ‘micro-aggressions’ matter. They are RACIST and MUST BE PUNISHED! (No aplogies allowed either.)
My friend and I are lucky. We just lost jobs. WE haven’t had our businesses/homes burned down or been badly beaten although I have had several of my horses killed and livestock stolen in revenge.
Unfortunately ANTIFA & BLM do not seem to realize WE ARE the actual Silenced Majority and that they are nothing more than CANNON FODDER in the CCPs political war.
Just ask the Soviet agents sent to the USA or Willi Münzenberg what the ‘Rewards’ are. None survived…
“Perhaps you should read Jo’s previous article about the new “upper class”. 🙂”
I did.
You seem to be assuming that all here, except you and your fellow travellers are all “far right”. And it appears you claim we and others on the “far right” are guilty of vilification of the Left.
You have then appeared to be smeared us with all sorts of baseless claims.
This is the tactic of the Left, not the Centre, and in truth we have many on the Left falsely claiming to be centrists. The pendulum has abruptly swung far to the Left and we have a supposed conservative govt in Canberra nothing of the sort and now pushing big govt and Leftist policies. And we have Leftists claiming to be centrists.
Using a historical basis I would count most here as conservative but certainly not ‘far right’. As far as I can see, most here are quite sensibly questioning the complete removal of logic, science, free speech and debate which is rapidly occurring. And the Left, and only the Left, is doing this. The conservatives I deal with are quite happy to talk and debate sensibly, but those of the Left I deal with will have nothing of it and quickly devolve to name calling and claiming I am heartless and much else. In truth the conservatives are part of the problem in that they naively assume that the Left are like them, and then compromise with the Left, but always moving the political window to the Left, never back towards the conservative side. Which is why we have a catastrophic and wrong response to covid and climate change, with other catastrophic responses in other areas starting up.
I am quite happy to work with others and I am glad you share that, but you will find that most on the Left do not share that. If you don’t believe me, just look at the continual attacks on any who ask questions about our covid response, or on climate change, and the chilling effect on all of us of the terrible politically correct edicts we have permeating all of modern life. Until we can sensibly ask questions, and sensibly debate our responses on ALL issues then we are heading down the gurgler at a rapid pace.
“YOU will be waving your little red and yellow flag as the Emperor elect drives down the Pacific highway, Peter??
Driving on “Belt & Roads” to co-opt or coerce other nations into becoming vassal or tributary states and to destroy states perceived as adversaries.
Be careful what you wish for!”
My comment “Strange how the far right denigrate and vilify those who they consider are of the Left.” was in response to the comment above.
You write “You seem to be assuming that all here, except you and your fellow travellers are all “far right”.
Re-reading what I wrote I can’t see where you consider I assumed “all here are far right ”
Neither can I see where I claim commenters here are are guilty of vilification of the Left.”
You write “As far as I can see, most here are quite sensibly questioning the complete removal of logic, science, free speech and debate which is rapidly occurring.”
What logic is being removed? What science other than climate science which the right abhor. Free speech? Peter Ridd? Israel Folau? They contravened the rules set down by JCU and Rugby Australia respectively. Debate? Plenty going on right here.
You write “The conservatives I deal with are quite happy to talk and debate sensibly, but those of the Left I deal with will have nothing of it and quickly devolve to name calling and claiming I am heartless and much else.’
Naturally you would think the conservatives you deal with are quite happy to talk and debate sensibly as you all think alike. But I would imagine when you deal with the Left you find it difficult as I suspect you are not receptive to views different from your own and are not prepared to debate but only to hector.
Believe me, I am receptive to views – I have to be as I have worked at very high levels in companies and taken businesses through huge changes and huge improvements. And to do that you have to be able to listen to a variety of different inputs, and there is often no immediate right way, and one becomes adept at being able to grasp issues and work out the correct response. Everything is on the table, as one should not rule out ideas due to who is passing them on etc.
But those views/ideas need to be based on logic and science, not emotion and distortion. In a company if you follow lies and distortion then it becomes fairly quickly apparent as performance drops significantly, and companies, unlike countries, are far less patient with bad performances.
Your comments when I reread them do not specify who the “far right” are, but by inference when you refer to agreement with those espousing Leftist opinions on this blog one could reasonably draw a conclusion you believe that the rest of us probably fall into the “far right” category.
With regard to science, Jo has over the years provided a very convincing series of articles, and I have read many peer reviewed studies myself on “climate change” and “climate science” has virtually become a complete misnomer. Were this the financial area auditors would have had a field day in severely questioning the distortions and outright falsehoods that regularly pass without comment from so called climate scientists promoting the warmist view.
On Peter Ridd I have spoken with him personally at length. There is further judgement here but the most recent court case is a complete joke, where the now standard ignorance of law and leftist interpretation took over. Lets see how the High Court finds. Its funny how JCU could not find any fault with his questioning of the appalling quality assurance and standards of research – and did nothing about it, except trying to sack him. Shoot the messenger in action…
I would add that again that I am quite happy to talk with people, but when they point blank refuse to actually acknowledge that there is anything other than a catastrophist view of climate change, and yet they have a shockingly poor grasp of the actual science, then quickly resort to slander then I know where the hectoring is coming from!
I am happy that you and your fellow travellers are able to post here freely and we can engage – on The Conversation any who try to put out peer reviewed, but contrary to climate science diktats are banned. The SMH bans all my comments about renewables climate change and covid, not because they are factual, which they are, but because they are against the false narrative being promoted. Even on the Australian I have 75% of my comments rejected – those that get through are inevitably well received.
Welcome to the new reality where factually based views are banned…again, nothing good can come of it.
Ok, I’ll call your bluff… let’s debate Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) right here.
You should know that I can prove, right down to the quantum level and mathematically, that the CAGW hypothesis is unphysical, that it not only cannot happen as the climate catastrophists claim, but that they’re diametrically opposite to reality (a trait I see quite often from the left).
Will you get all wild-eyed and start name-calling when your cherished CAGW ideology is destroyed? Likely… I’ve seen it hundreds upon hundreds of times, from people ranging from liberal Joe Sixpack to liberal physicist. None have won against me, and some of the less ideologically-inculcated have become red-pilled as they realized they’d bought into a pack of lies.
so LOL@ does CO2 interact with the EMS in any way?
By “EMS”, I assume you mean EMR (ElectroMagnetic Radiation), yes?
And so it begins… another carcass soon to be left in my wake. LOL
The CO2 molecule (a triatomic covalently-bonded linearly symmetric molecule with an axis of symmetry along the nuclei and a plane of symmetry perpendicular to this axis) has two rotational mode quantum states, three vibrational modes (one with two degenerate states) and four fundamental vibrational mode quantum states at 3 radiation wavelength bands centered on:
– 4.25677 µm ({v3}; 2349.2 cm-1 wavenumber) {v20(0) -> v3(1)}
Wien Displacement Law equivalent temperature: 680.7 K, 407.6 C, 765.7 F
Asymmetric stretch mode; this mode is very IR-active, but the dipole moment oscillates parallel to the molecule’s symmetric axis, and therefore Delta_J = 0 Q-branch transition is forbidden (photon angular momentum is transferred to electronic mode degrees of freedom instead of rotational mode degrees of freedom, and since the resonant radiation for the vibro-rotational fine structure of the electronic mode doesn’t have sufficient energy to excite the electronic mode, it cannot be absorbed), making this very narrow-band. The radiance at this narrow frequency band is also minimal, falling at the minima between the Planck curves of solar (incoming) and terrestrial (outgoing) radiation. As discussed below, however, the CO2{v3(1)} vibrational mode quantum state is the main route for transfer of energy from vibrationally-excited N2{v1(1)} to CO2{v3(1)}.
– 7.20357 µm ({v1}; 1388.2 cm–1 wavenumber) {v20(0) -> v1(1)}
Wien Displacement Law equivalent temperature: 402.3 K, 129.12 C, 264.4 F
Symmetric stretch mode; this mode is IR-inactive, it cannot absorb radiation since the molecule has no change in net magnetic dipole moment unless the molecule is perturbed via collision at the same time that it absorbs a photon.
– 14.98352 µm ({v2}; 667.4 cm-1 wavenumber) {v20(0) -> v21(1)}
Wien Displacement Law equivalent temperature: 193.4 K, -79.75 C, -111.55 F
2 degenerate bending mode vibrational states.
There is a narrow absorption band centered on ~2.7 µm, but it is swamped by the {v3} (asymmetric stretch) fundamental of H2O centered at 3755 cm-1, the {v1} (symmetric stretch) fundamental of H2O centered at 3652 cm-1 and the {v2 + v3} band of H2O centered at ~5000 cm-1, and thus has little radiance available to it except in extremely low humidity locales:
– 2.76785 µm ({v20(0) -> v22(2) + v3(1)}; 3612.91 cm-1 wavenumber)
– 2.69209 µm ({v20(0) -> v1(1) + v3(1)}; 3714.59 cm-1 wavenumber)
…the only one of those vibrational modes which has any appreciable radiance available to it, and which is IR-active is 14.98352 µm, and hence this wavelength band is the largest contributor to CO2 vibrational mode quantum state energy from IR absorption.
We’re just dipping our toe in at this point… do let me know if you need time to cogitate upon the above. LOL
A full day and no reply from Gee Aye… methinks he’s realized he’s up against a colossal intellect who would squash him like a bug, and he skittered back to the safety of the shrubbery. LOL
Does that mean I’m ‘awake to political warfare: to win without fighting’? LOL
Perhaps I’m being premature… shall we give Gee Aye more time to cerebrate before we call him down for the count and ring the bell? Sure, let’s do that… now how much time will he take to process the basics? Days? Weeks? Months?
This could be a lengthy process… leftists are not only not deep thinkers, they’re apparently not quick thinkers, either. LOL
Yes would have been a simpler answer. What response did you want from me to your post?
My office is 2 metres from an FTIR. I can hear the pump pushing the air through filters to remove water and CO2 to flush the chamber with the laser path so that the readings from the stage are nice and clean.
The time gap between this reply your reply to me were not that different and didn’t require me to mention plants, battles etc.
What has this to do with left and right? Do molecules absorb according to political persuasion?
Bwahahaha! The slightest slight, and Gee Aye comes running as if I’d rung the dinner bell. That won’t bode well for you in treating with me. LOL
You apparently have an overly-high opinion of yourself, and cannot stand even the hint of a hint that you’re not intelligent, Gee Aye. I’ll be sure to use that in future against you. LOL
Gee Aye wrote:
“Yes would have been a simpler answer.”
If you feel you must simplify the basics in order to comprehend them, that is your prerogative. LOL
Gee Aye wrote:
“What response did you want from me to your post?”
This sub-thread was a challenge to debate Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming. You responded to that challenge… or did you simply blindly stumble about, typing and mashing the ‘Post Comment’ button, and you just so happened to have replied to my challenge without any intention whatsoever of actually debating? LOL
Gee Aye wrote:
“My office is 2 metres from an FTIR.”
Translation: “My proximity to technology makes me appear to be more intelligent, to those who are less intelligent. Hence my technological appeal to authority.” LOL
I remain unimpressed by you, Gee Aye.
Gee Aye wrote:
“The time gap between this reply your reply to me were not that different and didn’t require me to mention plants, battles etc.”
Translation: “My fingers outran my brain. They do that often.” LOL
Gee Aye wrote:
“What has this to do with left and right?”
Translation: “Climate ‘science’ isn’t politicized whatsoever, with the hive-mind sheeple lining up on one side of the debate, and the sane folk the other! Whatever gave you that idea?” LOL
Gee Aye wrote:
“Do molecules absorb according to political persuasion?”
To hear the leftists tell it, they do. Of course, the leftists also claim a plastic toy potato has a ‘gender’. All things are possible in Leftist-Land. LOL
There’s an intellectual giant about, Gee Aye… best you run for cover before your meager intellect gets stepped on. LOL
“denigrate and vilify”, really Ian?
If I wanted to denigrate or vilify I would probably still be in moderation or snipped! (I don’t get enough practice at that sort of shitzer to be subtle)
You didn’t include sarcastic with denigrate and vilify? Was’t I obvious enough for you to recognise it? (Note to self – be more obvious so the slower ones can keep up!! 🙂 )
It was certainly intended as sarcastasm but I would have expected Peter to answer “YES!” Would you be standing next to him?
“How to spot a KafKatrap”
Many so-called centrist are actually very shallow thinkers, who never realize, they are being used as a ‘Useful Idiot’ by both sides, they call the Left and the Right.
You see the Left is the Right and the Right is the Left, because they both come from the same ideological stock. They only fight each other, because both want to control the rest of society, to the exclusion of the other.
But they are perfectly willing to unite, to undermine that same society, to create division and in the process to give away its freedom and enslave itself.
If you are not so shallow, as to repeat the slogans of the left or the right, that appeal to you, but use your cognitive learning skills to think clearly for yourself, you will soon realize that you are not a centrist, but in reality your views are polar opposite.
If you want to see the true colors of the political ‘left’ and ‘right’ in the USA it is easy.
We will start with a quote from Tragedy and Hope, 1966 by Carroll Quigley, member of Council on Foreign Relations, mentor to Bill Clinton.
Then we look at the Tea Party, a party NOT identical to the Republicans or Democrats.
In December 2009:
Tea Party Tops GOP on Three-Way Generic Ballot – Rasmussen Reports
Yet a few scant months later, in February 2010, Rasmussen Reports shows:
Tea Party Candidate Now Comes In Last On Three-Way Generic Ballot
The LEFT RESPONSE: (Democrat and Media)
First a bogus poll showed the Tea Party was ‘R@ci$t’
This poll was cited in all the major newspapers. By using a rigged ‘poll’ that was then blasted to everyone by the controlled media the Elite convinced the general public that the Tea Party was RACISSSsssst.
Tea Party Distinguished by Racial Views and Fear of the Future | Diane D. Blair Center of Southern Politics & Society
The TEA [Tax Enough Party] had the expected response: It is not the responsibility of the federal government! Since they believe in SMALL federal government and LOCAL solutions of problems.
This poll is a really beautiful example of HOW TO LIE WITH STATISTICS. By understanding the beliefs of the group you want to malign, rig the questions to get the expected response BUT assigning the reason for the response to an ‘undesirable’ belief not actually held by the group.
Soros then started the Occupy Wall Street Astroturf Movement to sweep-up the discontented unaffiliated voters and Reagan Democrats into the DEMOCRAT party using arguments stolen from the Tea Party.
Meanwhile Obama’s IRS/Admin. was weaponized against the leaders and even smaller donors as one commenter related. (Donate to the Tea Party? — Get an IRS Audit.)
EXAMPLE: The IRS Targeting of Catherine Engelbrecht [True the Vote & King Street Patriots]
Stunning Confirmation: Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Showing McCain [R] Staff Urging IRS To Target Tea Party Groups… — Sundance of the Conservative Treehouse.
The Republican (RINO) Response:
The Republican party was not to be left out and also attacked the Tea Party. From withholding funds and sabotaging Tea Party candidates (I witnessed this) to co-opting them into the ‘traditional’ party and betraying their promises to their constituents. (LOTS of grumbling about this esp at Sundance’s Conservative Treehouse.)
When their buddies in the Democrat wing of the Uniparty could not deal with the Upstarts, despite the Tea Party Demonstrations very little coverage by the Fake News. And FINALLY when they became too large to ignore…
Washington Compost: ‘Tea party’ protesters gather in Washington to rally against taxes, spending
The Big Boys stepped in to deliver the final blows:
How We Killed the Tea Party — Politico
Chamber of Commerce to Spend $100 Million to Destroy Tea Party
McConnell and the Iron Triangle vs. Trump and the Voters
As ANGELO CODEVILLA said in America’s Ruling Class
Since two thirds of Americans have NO political party representing them AND the Fake News operates as the Propaganda arm of the Ruling Class, two thirds of Americans have very little voice. With ‘Cancel Culture’ the little voice we do have is actively being extinguished since we had the temerity to pick a president that was NOT part of the Ruling Class in 2016. We were SUPPOSED to have a choice between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton aka Bad and Worse.
THIS is why Gee Aye, Ian and many others mistakenly believe they are in the majority. The voiceless and the fearful are not counted. Only those like ANTIFA and BLM who have the blessings of the Ruling Class and the megaphone of the Fake News are heard.
“I am a centrist”.
I dress to the left.
If you paid attention you would have seen that it is the Left who “denigrate and vilify those who they consider are of the” right. The left are the ones who de-platform people on the right. The left are forever trying to silence the views of the right. The right are forever trying to debate the views of the left. The right only denigrate and vilify the ideology and actions of the Left. The right attack ideas, the left attack people. The left continually label their opponents on the right as being “racist”, “sexist”, “white supremacist”, “denier” etc, to shut them down and avoid having to argue with them. The right criticize the left as being factually incorrect, ideological, impractical, undemocratic, unscientific and seek to debate the ideas of the left so as to seek the truth on any question. See the difference there Ian?
Ian, you’re only a a centrist of the left. In your opinion the Right is largely introverted (the right is more open to debate than the left), callous (let’s compare the death camps of the leftist countries with any you can find in Western countries. How callous is China’s genocide of the uighers?), lacking in empathy (see previous comment), obsessed with money (the left hate anyone with more money than them), loathe to pay taxes (the left love taxing people), hates trades unions (the left love trade unions who they use as a vehicle for their ideology), blames the poor for being poor (the left love the poor – they create so many of them after all), utterly lacking in concern for the environment (Leftist countries have by far the worst environmental record) closed minded (the left are open minded as long as you agree with and parrot everything they believe), unable to move with the times and to all intents and purposes is stuck firmly in the 1950s.(the left run on 19th century Marxist ideology)
Rules for Radicals — Alinsky
Quadrant also agrees!
Summed Up by : –
The China question is the greatest challenge of our generation. If we’re to answer it successfully, we must better understand China, who they are and how they play the game. To see the world through their eyes is not to blur our own vision, but to see with greater clarity. If we fail to appreciate the way they see the world, we will be navigating in the dark.
I started this essay with the Roman poet Phaedrus circa 370 BC, so let me finish with the Chinese philosopher Confucius circa 470 BC, who said, “He who cannot describe the problem will never find the solution to that problem.”
So this is why they are purging foreigners within their borders then. The Tibetans, the Muslims, and now the Uighurs. They’re going full German with their race superiority.
If you want real racism look to the Han Chinese.
Article by Yuri Khlystov of the Laowai Career Center — Hangzhou & Beijing.
Given he is supposedly trying to place non-Chinese in China I would expect a bit of a whitewash. BTW Yuri doesn’t have a stellar rep. with those he recruited:
There is plenty of other articles on Chinese Racism on the net (Just not HAN Chinese)
This is from Foreign Policy Mag, so the problem must be great.
China’s Racism Is Wrecking Its Success in Africa: The expulsion of Africans from their homes in southern China is causing a diplomatic storm.
PF isn’t a denizen of Danistan, is he.
Pleased to see that you listen to reliable sources of information PF.
40 reds – just for pointing out the obvious
Gee Aye will be jealous
42 reds now Fitz.
Don’t worry, as I don’t red tick anyone.
I prefer to argue the case presented.
I just don’t know, if I can be bothered to do so at this time.
So I will just post my experience.
I will say that none of us are infallible.
Preconceived supposition has allowed my judgement to be clouded at times.
I have been wrong many times in my premise or theory, and have at times, foolishly stuck to it.
I try to keep an open mind now.
It allows my ignorance to be exposed.
And.. The advantage of that…. is then I can learn.
Stay well my friend.
When China behaves as the west has for centuries, it is declared a danger to the World.
[SNIP 18C unpermitted speech – j]
What about those Opium Wars Eh? Fentonel as payback?
But I kinda feel that hypocrisy has to happen in 1 person, in 1 lifetime, or it is just social evolution.
The question is, are they a Peril now?
Oh yes I would consider it payback in SPADES!
2nd dot. This argument does not follow if it implies blame on Japan.
Yes Japan had a role but it was not to support communism.
The communist movement has been successful in conflicts where it can make a strong verbal case without actual involvement of resources. The liberation of Greece during WW2 is an example where nationalist forces had heavy losses, communist forces received much allied aid but did no fighting, that came later, they would have won without intervention led by Churchill.
In China, as you say, after the Japanese had to withdraw, the nationalists were weak from casualties, the CCP dominated.
Things get murky when you get to The Triads, the Chinese equivalent to the Mafia.
The Triads had been around for ages.
And the Triads were used as a partner in the Opium Trade. “Opium trade was originally dominated by the Dutch, but was soon taken over by the British due to British rule in India and the foundation of the East India Company.” They also had skills (blackmail) and networks that would be very, very useful to the CCP. Whether they were recruited by the CCP because of their skills and knowledge, is NOT something that would be ‘Open Source’ However you look at it, they are still very very active WORLDWIDE but NOT in CHINA
How Chinese gangs are laundering drug money through Vancouver real estate
My cynical side, looking at what the Triads DO say they are cooperating with the CCP.
OK, third dot is in moderation.
Continuing the information about the Triads. From one of the sources in that comment, when the Triads were kicked out of China they moved into Southeast Asia. “The Golden Triangle is second only to Afghanistan when it comes to producing opium.”
“The Golden Triangle is the area where the borders of Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar meet at the confluence of the Ruak and Mekong rivers” (WIKI)
The information below is rather interesting given the connection between the Opium wars, the British East India Company, banking and the City of London.
J.P. Morgan in China: Local expertise. Global resources. A commitment to China.
SEE: Lessons of history: China’s century of humiliation
China Picks at the Scab to Keep the Wound Fresh
“….The current Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, is the first of the “heirs” to take power. As the son of a communist general who fought the Japanese and the Nationalists, he is a princeling, a member of the new hereditary aristocracy. A passage from an essay by the Australian defense analyst Paul Monk is very telling on the subject of what President Xi intends for Asia’s near future:”
So Fentonel as payback? Oh YEAH!
And don’t forget Intellectual property theft:
Put China’s Intellectual Property Theft in a Larger Context (A good explanation of China’s theft of patents and trade secrets by multiple means.)
The USA is NOT the only target either.
I appreciate your bringing these issues up. I’m posting this here so my post doesn’t interrupt you string of posts creating a discontinuity. The issues you bring up are difficult to put into perspective because they have been subject to historical revisionism for at least 50 years. The narrative as it exists now is apologetic to both the incompetency of the FDR administration’s foreign policy, and the machinations of Mau, during the period. This revisionist narrative was not always the case.
Prior to the late 60’s the narrative correctly factored in that the Japanese constitutional monarchy was locked into a death struggle itself against socialism both at home and on the Asian Continent. Japan was originally in continental Asia (circa 1895) to prevent China, which was already heavily infiltrated by Marxism, from overtaking the Korean peninsula. If China and their Marxism, made Korea a vassal state of China, then it would put Japan in a militarily un-defendable situation because the distance between Kyushu and Korea is only 125 miles. historically things that happened in Korea also got exported to Japan.
Some misperceptions caused by the FDR and Mau apologists:
China was a cohesive nation state.
Manchuria was a legal province of that cohesive nation state.
The KMT was anti-communist.
The Manchurian Incident was planned and executed by the Japanese Government.
That the secret societies controlling the Japanese Army were all right wing extremist groups.
That the secret societies such as the Black Dragon Society, The Cherry Blossom Society, The Imperial Way Faction, were not socialist in nature, and had communication with the USSR, and the CCP.
That Mau needed the Japanese out of Continental Asia to complete the “revolution.”
That Mau set up Chiang Kai Shek to be defeated by the Japanese.
That Mau really played FDR.
That the Marco Polo Bridge Incident was not a false flag operation planned by Mau.
That the Rape of Nanking was not caused Cherry Blossom founder Col. Hashimoto.
Much more…..
To make a few corrects,
It should read: It is overlooked-That the secret societies such as the Black Dragon Society, The Cherry Blossom Society, The Imperial Way Faction, were not socialist in nature, and had communication with the USSR, and the CCP.
It is overlooked “That Mau needed the Japanese out of Continental Asia to complete the “revolution.”
It is over looked-That Mau set up Chiang Kai Shek to be defeated by the Japanese.
It is overlooked -That Mau really played FDR.
That the Rape of Nanking was not caused by Cherry Blossom founder Col. Hashimoto.
It was a historical term and I added ‘hypocrisy ‘, clearly not condoning it.
And if China (CCP) actually cherished liberating people in the process — instead of squashing them with a boot (like Hong Kong), we would welcome them to it. Instead….NOT.
So Harley, you think China is now acting as the shining example of governance that promotes freedom, liberty and personal responsibility like America has been for centuries? Do you think that China will save the world from a tyrannical dictator hell bent on taking over the world as America did in WWII?
I don’t know about you, but I doubt they will save the world from themselves.
There’s a good reason China has no illegal immigration problem and it’s not because they’ll shoot you on sight if they catch you illegally crossing the border in either direction.
Although, with the Socialists now in control here, America is no longer that shining beacon either as our society is rapidly declining under our own tyrannical leadership. It seems that all of the illegal immigrants coming across the Southern border haven’t figured this out yet. Maybe they should take their chances and illegally immigrate to China instead?
One of the Big Lies told about China by the Left is that it is a “developing country”. Hence the enormous leeway given to them in certain matters including no CO2 emissions restrictions (not that CO2 is a problem).
Those who have been to China will realise it is NOT a developing or Third World country and many of its cities are ultra-modern, even more so than anything the West have to offer.
Plus they are expansionist and totalitarian and with the successful coup against President Trump and the weakening of the US by the biological warfare of the China Virus and a client US fake President, there is nothing and no one to stop China.
They are far more aggressive and powerful and determined than the USSR ever was and they have many spies and industrial espionage agebts embedded in the West, often invited by weak Western governments under the guise of education, industrial or military cooperation or “friendship”.
China has its ultramodern cities, but get into the 3rd tier cities (like Wuhan) and the countryside and you will realize that China is a third world country. Otherwise I agree with your summary.
Scissor… can you help as DM doesn’t. Since you agreed with him you agreed that it is the left that lies by calling China developing. Who on the left says this? Is it the UN? And no one on the right says it (you just implied it and I assume you are not a leftie)
Gee Aye, if it wasn’t accepted by the Left as a “developing country”, it wouldn’t be eligible for CO2 emmisions exemptions would it?
who though? who on the left? And who on the right says otherwise? Why is the word of the left the official word?
I’m allowing you the freedom to use your left and right.
I doubt your offer will be accepted
Gee Aye, you should know that the left and right are not equal in function or size.
Similarly, male and female brains are functionally different while retaining significant similarities.
It’s been over 15 years since I was last in Shanghai but back then I noticed you could walk down one main street with super ritzy sky scrapers and high-end fashion stores selling Gucci, Christian Dior, Prada etc but only a 5 minute walk away were appalling run down streets full of shanty shops selling used cardboard boxes and kids of primary school age laboring away sewing etc. When I later asked my local hosts why these kids weren’t in school, they denied such a thing existed and made sure I knew not to raise this again.
Also, living in Shanghai then was the equivalent of smoking 2 packs a day I reckon.
Yes the CCP is more dangerous than most realize.
Chinese Communist Party database leak reveals infiltration into Western companies
This is why it’s so important to have political leadership who can’t be bought.
This is why it’s so important to have political leadership who don’t cheat on their spouses, before and after marriage.
This is why we need a judiciary that cannot be compromised.
This is why it’s important to have business leadership who don’t engage in virtue signaling.
This is why it’s important to have universities that value academic freedom and free speech.
This is why swamps need to be drained.
This is why you need election integrity.
This is why free market capitalism must be strengthened.
This is why the public sector must not be allowed to prosper at the expense of the private sector.
This is why private property rights must be held sacred.
This is why we need cheap and abundant energy.
This is why need stable electrical grids.
This is why we need energy independence.
This is why free nations must protect their constitutional rule of law.
This is why all free nations’ sovereignty must be protected.
This is why nations need borders.
Agree and reminds me of the philosophical preference to focus on individual character to improve society over socialism. When individuals are honest, ethical, not greedy, trustworthy, etc. Then no need for as many laws that over govern the majority for sake of the few.
100% agree and simple mathematics prevents me from agreeing even more so. But football coaches can demand 110% of course.
One of the things I noticed about many Chinese in China was, even though they were nice enough to me, they had utter disregard for people less fortunate than themselves. Charity is a foreign concept to those immersed in the communist system. The very system that is supposed to share the collective wealth (everyone equal) encourages an attitude that results in the exact opposite.
“This is why we need a judiciary that cannot be compromised.”
Perhaps you should write and tell Donald Trump that as he certainly does not agree with that as his actions have so clearly demonstrated
Antithetical to the facts Ian.
Directly opposite to the facts eh TedM? ~~Did you forget Trump trying to get Georgia election officials to change the vote? To get Pence not to change certify Biden’s victory? Oppose the facts?. Yeah sure. Your facts maybe.
“..Oppose the facts?. Yeah sure. Your facts maybe.”
Um, did Trump actually compromise the judiciary, Ian?
(Poor Ian, just another Leftist suffering from TDS. Always worth a laugh)
Thank you Dave. Your list is a great start for a post here or a book. Or maybe both.
Helping to install Biden as US “president” was China’s greatest achievement, from their point of view, toward achieving their goal of global domination.
They also have a huge and highly compliant and unquestionning and uneducated slave army of useful idiots in the West to assist them.
Along with an Elite clique of socialist billionaires that control Big Tech and the lamestream media.
You know The Borg from Star Trek? That’s what the Chinese Communists are most similar too.
China helped install Biden? But 80 million people voted for him.
And if you belive that I’ve got some land to sell you.
Does it have a bridge on it?
1/ “China helped install Biden?” 2/”But 80 million people voted for him.”
Which Klem? 1/or 2/ ?
Thanks for that; I misread the comment assuming that nobody could be so dumb as to believe that all those “votes” were legitimate.
My interpretation, yes jumping to conclusions, was that the Chinese software had “helped” with a few votes.
Not to mention Chinese PRINTERS.
A major reason why they do not want scrutiny of the actual ballots.
Under the Biden regime, watch the Chicomms invade Tawain, stop the West from transiting the South China Sea and continue their establishment of Africa as a slave and resource colony.
Of course, there will be ongoing “cooperative” agreements with weak or corrupt Western leaders such as the Belt and Road Initiative, which is already established in many Third World countries and is ideal for China to generate debt for equity swaps.
I hope that doesn’t happen. Taiwan falling could be the start of the next great depression.
No, No Scissor, The Great Reset!
“You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.”
China throw money around like confetti, also they’re not opposed to using female operatives to provide their services for influence. And from what I’ve read of Hunter Biden, they gave Hunter whatever he wanted at whatever age and for whatever purpose, and they filmed it for him.
They are definitely ruthless. They have a clear minded purpose and they are going full speed ahead to attain it.
From the Australian
China will remember who was on its side
A senior Chinese diplomat in Canberra has blamed the Australian media and “totally ridiculous” security concerns for the breakdown in Australia’s relationship with China.
Addressing an audience of business people at a Chinese Lunar New Year dinner, China’s deputy head of mission Wang Xining said the rising power would remember who was on its side during the bilateral dispute.
“History will prove that it is wise and visionary to be China’s friends,” said Minister Xining in the first lengthy address given by China’s embassy in Canberra since he spoke at the National Press Club six months ago
Mr Wang also delivered a warning to those “people in Australia [who] choose to make enemies to sustain a living”.
“Those who deliberately vilify China and sabotage the friendship between our two countries … will be [cast] aside in history,” he said.
“Their children will be ashamed of mentioning their names,” he said, according to a transcript of the speech posted on the Embassy’s website.
The combative speech – given on Thursday night at Ruby Chinese, a restaurant in Dickson that was once owned by the father of movie star Jackie Chan – is the latest public intervention by China’s Canberra embassy since the already strained bilateral relationship spiralled to historic depths last April after the Morrison government called for an inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus without forewarning their Chinese counterparts.
H/T ColA above and Quadrant – The China Question: The Greatest Challenge to Our Generation
It was the Roman poet Phaedrus who coined the saying, “Things are not always what they seem.” You’d be forgiven for thinking he was talking about Australia’s relationship with the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
In Quadrant last September I contended that a nation’s foreign policy is an outward expression of its values: a reflection of its people, who they are and what they believe in. I argued that the starting point to addressing the China question lay in a clear understanding of who we are as a nation.
We also need a clear understanding of China. If we’re to successfully navigate our way through the myriad complexities of the Australia–China relationship, we need to try and see the world through Chinese eyes. When we do, it is obvious that China is playing an entirely different game from the one we’re playing.
More than most countries, and certainly far more than Australia, China defines itself through the lens of history. The Chinese interpretation of their national story shapes their view of the world and, in turn, their foreign policy.
In addition to devastating natural disasters, China bears deep scars from man-made trauma. What’s worth noting, however, is that China’s teaching of its historical trauma accentuates stories of foreign powers egregiously injuring the Chinese people, yet masks stories of China’s self-inflicted injuries.
This has led the PRC to become more assertive and its diplomats more aggressive as China’s international status has risen. Beyond ongoing border disputes with India and of course its precarious relationship with Taiwan, the PRC’s deepest ill-will is saved for Japan and the West, in line with its historical grievances.’
The chess versus wei qi analogy applies to Australia and China, and is reflected in divergent views of our relationship. To Australia, the relationship has problems that need to be fixed. To the PRC, the relationship poses a threat that needs to be arrested.
It sounds like a threat to me.
Fortunately for them, we have plenty of ignorant, stupid, useful idiots to support the Chicomms.
The second principle I advocate to guide our approach to resolving the China question is to stand firm in the face of coercion.
When the PRC seeks to punish Australia with unfair trade sanctions, we must not back down. There is something unique in our DNA; we Australians are a warm, friendly and humble people, but put our backs against a wall and we become fiercely defiant. Where the PRC adopts coercive tactics, we should call them out for their bullying behaviour. Where possible, we should initiate proceedings against them through the World Trade Organisation or other relevant international institutions. This is why we need a rules-based system.
Defiance is important for two reasons. First, we cannot gift the PRC a psychological advantage because they will use it against us, time and time again. History shows that if you capitulate to a bully, you will be bullied again. Second, since the PRC is playing a global game in which we are being used as a proxy for the West, any acquiescence on our part will only strengthen their resolve to change the existing liberal-oriented rules-based international order in their favour.
The US has over 800 military bases throughout the world, but China is an expanionist, hyper-nationalistic military state etc. I know what I think ..
800 … hmmm,
wonder which one was more likely to reduce that number.
MAGA Guy, or Diversity Bomber Biden?
How many of those bases are in countries that were part of Axis powers in WW2.
That’s a nice headline, but it’s not quite as you’ve stated.
The vast majority of those 800 bases are in the US. So the term “throughout the world” is misleading at best.
Further to my previous comment I refute all your denials and would say catagorigally that the US is one of the most agressive powers the world has ever known.
G’day Geoffrey,
“… one of the most aggressive…”? A bit strong methinks.
How about ranking some of the big ones, say: Rome, Islam, the Mongols, Hitler, even modern China? v USA.
I’d be interested in your ratioale as well as your ranking.
Dave B
David, you are having to go back in history a very long way to make your comparisons. Yes history is important and should not be forgotten. But what really matters is the here and now, and I still believe that the USA in this modern day is the most agressive power on the planet.
Geoff W
“…the US is one of the most aggressive powers the world has ever known….”
Actually the truth is the OLIGARCH (European Central bankers, cabal, elite or whatever..) is AGGRESSIVE and uses American Wealth and Blood to fulfill THEIR GOALS. They use the bought and paid for media to convince the public.
Lots of history starting in 1913 (Federal Reserve Act and Income Tax Amendment) but I will only mention this part.
Congressional Record, February 9, 1917 — J.P. Morgan interests buy 25 of America’s leading newspapers and insert their own editors (There’s our buddy Banker J.P. Morgan again…)
Samuel Prescott Bush
“…[F]ather of U.S. Senator Prescott Bush, grandfather of former U.S. President George H. W. Bush, and great-grandfather of former Texas Governor and President George W. Bush and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush….” (WIKI)
Knowing that as a background,and that bankers makes lots and lots of wealth lending fiat funny money to the governments on BOTH SIDES during wars, read Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Military-Industrial Complex Speech, 1961
Those U.S. bases are there under the blessing of the countries hosting them. A handfull of student union activists protesting against them doesn’t represent the sentiment of the nation – in spite of how the MSM depict it.
Our politicians are convinced we must defeat racism in order to achieve a multicultural paradise. All of them. That is the fundamental fault, the rest follows.
Convince a population they’re racist and there is no need for war, you win automatically, they will lie down for the foreigner. China (and others) know this, and manipulate with it.
We try and think about the issue but constantly trip on that fundamental point of racism, its all too difficult, we are civil people and not racist we tell ourselves constantly, daily, we even know some foreigners and they are lovely and so that’s that. We retire from further challenge, and mow the lawn and go to the club for a chicken schnitzel with salad and chips when Paul Murray comes to town.
Meanwhile China is racist, hyper-nationalistic, and they have no problem with it. And nor they should. They have a healthy mindset, strong and committed. We should look and learn, be the same, unashamed of nationalism and our race. The notion of racism should be meaningless, as it is in China and Japan. But no.
The center right is the main proponent of this weakness. Constantly pleading with their accusers that they are not racist and that they are the true multicultural advocates. The modern left not so much, they are racist and nationalistic, and open about it, just against white people and their own country.
This is a fairly complicated issue, but I’ll give it a go.
I have one friend in Shanghai and one near Kobe in Japan. They have worked in both places for a long time. The virulence and openness of the racism in both countries still shock them. Attitudes towards people not like yourself are still quite stunning to their eyes, even when (perhaps especially when) the differences are really slight.
They also find the monocultures in both places rather dull and sterile – like a field of wheat rather than a luxurious garden.
I may be a minority here, but I really like the great multicultural mixing-pot life in Australia (in Melbourne for now). There is something quite special about it, and I believe Australia has done the multicultural thing really well – going right back to the waves of immigration that began after about 1900 (and of course we also had substantial Chinese immigration in the decades of the gold rushes before that).
I don’t understand why the multicultural experiment in Australia is seen as such a threat by so many – although I am the first to admit that we are quite well off, and snack high up the food chain … I have never had a job denied me by a recent immigrant, etc.
But it seems to me the best cities in the world are the ones with a buzzing mix of people from all over … and the dullest are those where one “race” dominates to the extent that minorities are tiny and basically oppressed.
A nice mix of people is great as long as they MIX! The problems arise when those with ulterior motives start playing’ “Let’s You and He Fight” games.
I do entertainment for children’s parties. One of the real benefits is the variety of people I meet AND THE FOOD…. drool
We have done parties for Latinos, Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Lebanese (Double drool) Hindi, Buddists, Muslim…
For what it is worth I have very rarely seen any real racism except for those poisoned by the Fake News and even then it is usually controlled.
We interact with about 4,000 to 6,000 different kids a year. Oh and I have not gotten the flu since I started taking Vit. E, D3, C & Selenium in 1981.
My brush with what I think was Covid in the winter of 2019, manifested as ‘Asthma’ and then a bacterial pneumonia. A steroid and an antibiotic killed the problem in a week but I have had a chronic shortness of breath ever since along with the month or so of loss of smell. Given my age & comorbidities Covid should have flatten or killed me. It didn’t come close.
If the medical industry ever gets it’s act together I may get tested to see if I have the antibodies to confirm whether or not I actually had the disease.
Interesting versus boring hey? I travel to go to different places, not where everyone is the same wherever you go. How dull that would be. Multiculturalism causes conflict. Unavoidable. It works for a while, until there’s too much, people form collectives and fight.
Pay attention to your friends observations of how racist people are. They’re right, they are, and it can not be defeated. You’re being fooled by propaganda, which utilises your civility to manipulate you.
In Quadrant, Harry Lee write:
It is useful to focus on key current matters.
The CCP, or any Chinese government, must feed and control 1.4 Bn people, on a piece of real estate that is extremely poor in requisite natural resources. And China’s military power is exceedingly weak -it simply cannot project sustained force over-long distances, esp over water.
So, the main threat from China is from its agents infiltrating the institutions of all other countries. Any Chinese government will want to dominate decision-making in all other countries as to control of flows and prices of its imports and exports.
Obviously, the CCP infiltration of Australian institutions and local Chinese communities is well-advanced.
These are key matters that our pro-Western politicians and other interested pro-Western parties should focus on.
It is obvious that there is a dominant pro-China/anti-Westernist faction in the ALP.
I think this is all conjecture, and I would like to see some evidence. The reality is that China is our biggest trading partner – in terms of what we export, and what we import. However for China we are a tiny slice of what they export to the world.
If we want to keep those lattes coming in the beautiful cappuccino strips all round this country, we need to deal with China in a mature and civilised manner – as a key trading partner and a big part of our GDP.
A whole range of things about China are pretty abhorrent to Australian eyes, but if we wish to continue our standard of living, we hold our nose and get on with business.
We cannot solve ANY problems (dogmatic “risings”) with an illegitimate government. Our own government is a criminal, organized Mob.
Don’t let talk of China distract you from understanding that.
For example, covid19 was not the problem — our RESPONSE to covid19 was the problem.
Exactly Harry, we stupidly listened the Chinese controlled WHO / Big Pharma / Corporate-University influence — and let the virus in.
Once in, only a few countries were able to correct that mistake. Imagine if all the world had just shut the door in early Feb last year. We’d all still be flying back and forth to each other with no lockdowns, no Covid, and open doors.
All Chinese bioweapons should be left in China.
I disagree, I think if the world had shut the door in early February, it would have made no difference at all. Governments would have found another excuse to justify lockdowns, social distancing and masks. And the MSM would have supported and promoted thier governments totalitarian actions.
This won’t end until we stand up and vote these Leftists loons out of office.
Stop voting for the Left, folks.
Klem, others, where do people get the idea the left loves lockdowns? They hate the idea they can’t use their frequent flyer points, head out for coffee, do their yoga class and show off their fashionable coiture. The left (to use a huge generalization) are more extrovert socializers than the right.
Sure a few have revelled obscenely in their camera role. That is real, but it’s not “the left”. It’s just a few individuals.
Dan the mans big mistake (after stupidly letting the virus in) was not to lockdown fast enough. Late lockdown = long lockdown. Horrible.
COVID may well be an escapee from a bio-warfare defence project- but whose project?
Did the Obama administration, during Obama’s first term, start such a project in cooperation with the CCP, involving military researchers in both countries, weaponising coronaviruses and developing biological countermeasures?
The virus was spreading in November and maybe even October of 2019. (Think Thanksgiving, Christmas, New years holidays) This was BEFORE we were even aware of the problem.
US intelligence warned in November that coronavirus spreading in China could be ‘cataclysmic event’: report
Are you referring to the US?
I think that statement is true of most if not ALL governments. Some just hide the fact better than others.
Just ask Mack Horton, the Australian Olympic swimmer, who was critical of his Chinese swimmer competitor for alleged drug taking. He encountered a storm of protest in all forms of communication. However, the most unsettling for he and his family was the local (Victorian) CCP stooges who targeted his parents house in suburban Melbourne. That’s what sort of reach the CCP/China have.
Tactics like loud noises in alley’s next to homes at 3am to destroy sleep of people who criticize China.
Still unable to resist the allure of the fruiterers’ apostrophe Jo.
Finally the message is just starting to come through; to a few. Governments have loss all credibility. For example, they have made up their mind that we MUST reduce our emissions at all costs to avoid a (mythical) CAGW. When people have suffered a enough pain to demonstrate their disapproval of the government decision then the governments might start changing their tune. Failing that the pain will continue to increase until it reaches a point where voters stop voting en mass for parties that cling to the CAGW scam. Failing that, as I suspect will be the case, the pain will have to become so unbearable that the people won’t be able to do a damn thing at the ballot box leaving them with no other choice; civil unrest on a massive scale.
However, I suspect another path might unfold. The globalists are very clever. They will engineer things so that the people will end up begging them to take complete control of their lives, even to the point of losing all their freedoms and possessions. The Great Reset is just a preview. How would they do that? I can think of many ways. The recent pandemic is just one way; just make one up that’s a lot worse, real or not, and people will be begging for their governments to introduce permanent lockdowns given most people have been conned into believing they work. Another GFC 10 times worse would be another way. The whole financial system could be engineered to collapse and people will be begging for governments and the central banks to take over the private sector thus introducing a form of socialism on steroids. It’s so simple, and now with a greater reliance on electronic fund transfers, purchases and trading (speculative or otherwise) it’s becoming far easier as well to trigger such an event. There are still more ways.
Can you explain why “globalists” (not actually defined) stand to benefit from a collapse or even a retraction of the Western capitalist system? After all, that is where they derive their wealth from, and have for about 400 years now.
“Can you explain why “globalists” (not actually defined) stand to benefit from a collapse or even a retraction of the Western capitalist system?”
First WE DO NOT HAVE a capitalist system and haven’t for decades if not a century or more.
Second I will add a Mother Jones Article: Dwayne’s World He was the CEO of Archer Daniels Midland Co. one of the dozen companies that control 80% of the world’s food.
E.M. Smith (Chiefio) who has a degree in economics explains the situation better than I can.
Since most people do not have training in economics I am going to reproduce it here.
I will add that Transnational corporations WANT a one world government with ONE set of laws and NO borders to muck up their transfer of products and workers.
I will also add another bit of information:
The Network of Global Corporate Control
This article lists the top 35 asset management firms from that study.
Exposing the Financial Core of the Transnational Capitalist Class
(BTW I very much dislike large corporations.)
Maybe you had to be around the agricultural sector to have picked up that Trump had the world’s agricultural consortia in his sights as well
It is now clear that the Covid-19 pandemic has been a deliberate act to undermine capitalist society. We know that Canadian representative to the UN, Maurice Strong, was instrumental in setting up the UN IPCC in order to destroy capitalism by demonising fossil fuels, the source of its success in providing cheap, reliable energy. Further he ended his days in China and his sister was a comrade of Chairman Mao’s.
40 years have passed without capitalism collapsing so the Communists have created the virus to push it over the cliff. In the same way that people were ostracised for speaking out against the climate hoax, now anyone who speaks out against the pandemic are also condemned particularly in the compliant media. With the climate fraud, academics where sacked and researchers could not publish anything that did not confirm the global warming hoax. Now doctors are deregistered if they dare speak out about alternate methods of treating the virus.
A computer model was devised to invent the fictitious Greenhouse Effect and computer models continue to churn out alarmist predictions about the climate. Similarly, epidemiological computer models have been used to predict a disastrous pandemic, eg our own Chief Medical Officer predicted 150,000 deaths from a pandemic when the past year saw 909 Australian deaths attributed to the Covid-19 virus and only 2 deaths from influenza when the annual rate for the later is usual 1000 deaths – something awfully wrong with those figures.
Now we are being lied to with the offer of a supposed vaccine which is not a vaccine. It does not contain a suspension of attenuated or killed Covid virus, it is an experimental injection for which the long term consequences are unknown. As the Wuhan virus was released on the World in order to cause economic collapse, what is behind this experiment? In January 2020 the World Health Organisation stated that the Wuhan virus was not transmissible between humans, obviously to cause the maximum disruption before action could be taken to combat the virus. Why would we now believe in anything from the ‘experts’? Why has the WHO not been disbanded ?
Some evidence of this?
And guess what – one of the reasons it has not collapsed has been the rise of China as a cheaper, efficient producer of just about everything. China has a HUGE stake in the continued success of Western Capitalism … they gain absolutely nothing from its collapse.
And that without even mentioning the $3 trillion is US bonds they hold, and which they prefer not to collapse either.
Paranoia is truly rife.
Well Tilba, someone in China ordered all the synthetic viruses destroyed on Jan 2 2020. Then they told the West, that it was not spread human to human and “was just the flu”.
They stopped domestic flights from Wuhan but allowed international flights out.
How do you reckon we should interpret that.? China being helpful?
Not only did they allow international flights but the initial outbreaks occurred almost exclusively in western financial hubs, New York and London etc. and industrial hubs that dominated markets that China had failed to penetrate like robotics in northern Italy and California. What a coincidence.
And somehow China managed to kill off the virus in a few months despite not having a vaccine until without providing evidence of development or trials Sinovac suddenly appeared on mass.
Oh yeah, LOTS of evidence.
The important feature of Covid-19 is *multiple* *separated* HIV features showing up in a SARS-Related Virus.
This information was first mentioned in a paper from India:
Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
The authors were viciously harassed and it is now labeled as Withdrawn.
But truth has a way of making itself known. Another set of researchers, this time in France confirmed the results.
The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade
”….we identified a peculiar furin-like cleavage site in the Spike protein of the 2019-nCoV, lacking in the other SARS-like CoVs.….”
That is as close as scientists are going to get to saying this virus does not look natural. They are aware of what happen to the Indians and are not about to step over the politically correct line.
Don’t forget about French virologist Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel prize in Medicine in 2008 for his discovery of the HIV virus as cause of the Aids epidemic. He publicly stated this about the WuFlu Chinese virus…
And now a Czech Microbiologist Says #Covid_19 Virus Was Created In A Laboratory
Apr 6, 2020
The video has English captions and is 20 minutes long
Last you have a paper from South China University of Technology:
The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus
Within the paper the authors say
Therefore there is great likelihood the virus came from a Wuhan laboratory and not a seafood market.
EXCLUSIVE: Virus researchers uncover new evidence implying COVID-19 was created in a lab
Preliminary study results suggest virus was produced in lab cultures using human cells.
May 16, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A team of Australian scientists has produced new evidence that the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is optimized for penetration into human cells rather than animal cells, undermining the theory that the virus randomly evolved in an animal subject before passing into human beings, and suggesting instead that it was developed in a laboratory.
I have several more pages of information but the most telling are these:
France Banned Over the Counter Chloroquine Days Before First Western Scientific Report on Pandemic
So where did the CoVid come from? Here is a possibility.
The first is an Australian paper published June 22, 2010
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry
The authors are certainly interesting. Sure sound like Aussie names don’t they? /SARC
Along with all the other Chinese is China’s top virologist on bat-borne viruses is Shi Zhengli.
(Note that in the USA Fauci as well as the Chinese funded this study. He also helped fund the BSL-4 lab in China and under Biden is AGAIN funding the Chinese lab.)
Shi Zhengli was also present at the BSL-3 biowarfare lab at the University of North Carolina for the research culminating in this paper:
“A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.”
It was Electronically Published on November 8, 2015
Key word ‘generated’
key word is ‘chimeric’
Shi ZL is the SAME Professor Zhengli Shi mentioned in this Daily Caller article:
EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Expert [Richard Ebright] Says Virus Could Have Leaked From Wuhan Lab
Botao Xiao is the lead author of the paper South China University of Technology:
The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus (now also withdrawn) and no doubt one of the targets of Shi’s vitrol. ”Shi now tells those who share the concerns she once had [of the virus escaping from her lab] to “shut their stinking mouths.”
Tilba Tilba, you fail to recognise that in a Communist society no one owns any property. Thus labour has no monetary value. Workers simply have to take whatever food, clothing, etc, that the bureaucrats allow them. The Party can manufacture goods with basically slave labour and sell to capitalist nations at a price that undermines that nation’s own manufactured goods. This results in the closure of manufacturing industries as has happened in Australia, leaving us dependent on the whim of the Communists.
Ignorance is truly rife.
China is gaining control of every industry in the world, using cold war techniques.
China controls the world media, using advanced cold war techniques. Companies and the Democrats can be bought and bribed.
China steals trade secrets. China is trying to steal oil and gas from other countries.
“Any [People’s Republic of China] action to harass other states’ fishing or hydrocarbon development in these waters – or to carry out such activities unilaterally – is unlawful,” he said.
“The world will not allow Beijing to treat the South China Sea as its maritime empire.”
CAGW is a not so sneaky plan to make energy very expensive and unreliable in our countries…. while China continues to build coal fired power plants.
China Built Three Times as Much Coal Power in 2020 as the Rest of the World Combined
South China Sea dispute: China’s pursuit of resources ‘unlawful’, says US
I think Rupert Murdoch would be fairly surprised to hear that. “China controls the world media” is just of one of those Lunar Right talking points that is meaningless, no matter how often it is regurgitated … where is the proof of this?
I would look at the corporate state more, rather than the Democratic (or even indeed the Republican) Party.
China is part of an enormous globalisation mix based on the converging needs of powerful capital in the West wanting better profits matched with extremely cheap labour in the East.
Those nations who love liberty,
Should beware if they want to stay free,
That they do not submit,
Unprepared, bit by bit,
To the sway of the C.C.P..
au contraire
Sun Tzu continued,
“Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.”
One thing I’ve been expecting for some time is the rise of neo-Nazism or some other similar monster. The harder the left push their agenda more likely my expectation will be fulfilled. As they say, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, just as in Newtonian physics. I suspect this is also so true in the political sphere.
“…I’ve been expecting for some time is the rise of neo-Nazism…”
Well you do not have to wait. It is alive and well in the USA only called BLM, ANTIFA, Cancel Culture….
Two commenters I know, whose Moms suffered through Nazism, are horrified by what they are seeing here in the USA. They keep pointing out all the parallels to pre-Nazi Germany and it is very worrying.
One actually came to the USA from Germany so she has a lot of information you do not get except from the survivors.
It’s very simple… to win against the likes of China, cut them off. Incentivize companies to produce products in America, not in China. Put an import tax upon products coming from China sufficient to ‘level the playing field’ in terms of end-consumer price, given that they’re using essentially slave labor to produce and thus their costs are less. Force them to play on that level playing field… they cannot, and thus they’ll fail.
The cheaply-made products coming from China will be left on the store shelves in favor of the better-quality American-made products, given that they’re the same price due to the import taxes.
This globalism that the leftists have been pushing for decades doesn’t build America up, it tears it down… our workers are forced to compete with an authoritarian government using essentially slave labor, subsidized by our own money flowing there to purchase their cheaply-made products. Thus, our workers suffer, their wages stagnate or fall, their purchasing power falters, thus US companies feel economic pressure to produce more cheaply by moving to China… a self-reinforcing spiral that ends with American workers being the same sort of ‘essentially slave labor’ as the Chinese workers are.
End it. All it takes is the political will to do so. Trump had that political will, whereas the Democrats are stomping on the accelerator pedal to speed along that destructive-to-America process.
That’s got it.
Not just the USA – but all of us in the West need to lay down rules for China.
The way the trade imbalance is working out, piles of cash build up in China. Then, when it comes back in our direction, they’re buying assets instead of our products and services. And if they can’t buy an asset, they’ll lease it eg. a port in Greece that they’ve taken control of until 2050.
The end result is a Thugocracy that grows more powerful, more threatening – and a West, ever more compliant, afraid of displeasing the new master.
We need to tell the CCP: you’re not going to buy any more of our Productive Assets, you have to spend it on our products and services, otherwise enjoy swimming around in your useless pile of cash like a Scrooge McDuck.
Tariffs can be useful here – the Globalist mantra that they’re a big no-no, was swept aside by Trump, but who else has learned the lesson?
from my 2013 notes:
As of 1 May 2013, the highest monthly minimum wage in China is 1,600 yuan ($265.64 US Dollar). The lowest minimum wage was .1,010 yuan ( $165.62 US Dollar ). US minimum wage is ~$1250/month @ $7.25/hr. That is what American workers are competing against. Now Biden and the Left wants a $15.00 minimum wage. I am sure that makes China VERY VERY HAPPY!
Raise Wages, Taxes and Energy costs — Say Bye Bye Manufacturing!
PeterS wrote:
“One thing I’ve been expecting for some time is the rise of neo-Nazism or some other similar monster. The harder the left push their agenda more likely my expectation will be fulfilled.”
Any ‘neo-Nazism’ will arise from the left, not the right (and an astute observer will see exactly that happening right now… the digital ‘book burnings’ being the latest such example).
At the time in Germany, there were two political parties, both socialist… one globalist, one nationalist. During the Night of Long Knives, Hitler had the political head of the globalist socialists killed (I believe his name was Gregor Strasser, IIRC), which opened the way for the nationalist socialists (Nazis) to rise to power.
The Nazis were slightly to the right of the globalist socialists, but by no means right-wing on the modern political scale.
How much was the night of the long knives about murdering the anti-banking wing of the party?
Yes now you mention it, this is pretty strange that the left has gone full nazi on every deeper level. Love of corporatism. Book-burning. Never seeing violence in the Middle East they do not approve of. Nothing left in their thinking to do with being a high-wage nation. A new love of everything coming out of the secret services.
You will note what type of socialists we currently have in the US… globalist socialists… they are to the left of the Nazis (nationalist socialists). So the ‘neo-Nazism’ you speak of will arise from those leftists who realize that globalism merely destroys the middle class in favor of countries such as China, which uses essentially slave labor to produce… essentially consigning the middle class to the same sort of ‘essentially slave labor’ as they currently have in China. US worker wages stagnate or fall as cheap Chinese products flood the market, thus their purchasing power is eroded. US companies will feel the pinch to produce more cheaply by moving to China, reinforcing the downward spiral in US worker standard of living.
Those on the left who realize this will go nationalist socialist in opposition to the globalist socialists, but they cannot quash their socialist tendencies, and thus they will act nearly exactly as the Nazis acted. In fact, they already are.
It should be noted that while the nationalist socialists (‘neo-Nazis’) are bad enough, the globalist socialists are a whole other level of bad… they’ll kill billions to satisfy their ideological bent, without batting an eye.
waiting for the “why would I believe anything from that information source” comment.
Definitions Gee,
That is what you are arguing about.
I certainly agree that crony capitalism = fascism.
The problem is crony capitalism IS NOT CAPITALISM!
And yeah I very much dislike crony capitalism too.
Crony capitalism is NOT based on producing a great product at a reasonable price via COMPETITION and bargaining with the customer but is instead based on BRIBING POLITICIANS.
Capitalism when done correctly is investing capital (wealth not fiat funny money) to produce more wealth aka goods and services in a Win-Win for everyone involved. At it’s simplest it is a barter system.
As an example: I raise sheep and goats, give the manure as fertilizer to my neighbor who raises veggies and then I trade him some lamb chops for some canned tomatoes. Everyone wins and no one loses. (Of course the US government now says that is illegal so the Ag Cartel can get all the profits. <= Crony Capitalism at work.)
It is when a third party using COUNTERFEIT wealth (Fiat currency) gets into the act that they muck up the entire system by stealing the wealth (labor and production facilities) and BRIBING the politicians and judges and law enforcement.
Just as an added example of how things are mucked up, over three decades ago when I started my small business I added up all the overt taxes I was paying. That was 64.5% of my income. When you added in Reagan's 1/2 of the cost of bread is tax, you are looking at a 'take home' of ~20% after all the taxes are paid.
So where do those taxes go?
“100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt … all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government.” -Grace Commission report submitted to President Ronald Reagan – January 15, 1984
and it aint socialism.
Well, this new iteration the leftists are trying is a hybrid… globalist crony capitalism for the wealthy, socialism for the rest.
That means low taxes and favorable treatment for the wealthy, high taxes and low standard of living for the rest.
Of course, what with the wealthy being the fascists, they’re in no way going to get rid of themselves… and the socialism proffered to the hoi polloi won’t incentivize them to get rid of the fascists, either. It’s a win for the wealthy, and a big lose for the rest.
And of course, the leftist politicians profit as well… the wealthy pump the leftist politician’s coffers full, the hoi polloi vote for more freebies and thereby vote for the leftist politicians.
Of course, that means we get the worst of both fascism and socialism, meaning it’ll all collapse into a smoking heap in short order after being fully implemented… but the leftist politicians don’t care… they’ll merely offer more freebies to the hoi polloi, offer more tax incentives and government grants to the wealthy, and carry on as though all were tickety-boo… at least until the money runs out (or becomes worthless), whereupon they’ll retire to some foreign country sans extradition treaty with the US, where they’ve pre-purchased a villa complete with servants.
I don’t think this fellow is all that very awake to modern warfare either. The war of the oligarchy against the public encompasses every field of knowledge. Everything is weaponised. Cosmology for example. The Big Bang theory is not science, its a demoralisation campaign fought against small children. The CCP is a nasty threat sure. But they’ve only become really threatening since they have now teamed up with the international oligarchy. But its still a matter of the oligarchy versus the rest of us. If we fail to recognise this, we will just be cornered into another world war and nothing to show for it afterwards. Like the last lot of global conflicts. They are pushing us into blaming the CCP for everything on the grounds that its too politically incorrect to blame other obvious criminals. Prior to the rise of the CCP the Soviet Union only became threatening thanks to the efforts of the oligarchy. Now that the oligarchy have turned against the Russians they only pose a threat in the make-believe rhetoric of the Democratic party. Back in the day the bigshots founded and teamed up with the Soviet Union just as they are now teaming up with Beijing. If we neutralise the CCP our enemies will still be with us. If we neutralise the oligarchy then Beijing won’t present much of a problem.
You are voicing one of my suspicions.
Up thread I went into the funding of the Japanese war on Asia, the Opium War, the Triads, the CCP and the part the Central Bankers/City of London/ British East Indies Co. played in the mess.
Central Bankers = Oligarch
The Financiers (Bankers) now control the TransNational Corporations too.
This really made my go HMMMmmmm
J.P. Morgan in China
Local expertise. Global resources. A commitment to China.
Let’s start at the beginning, you say;
“The Big Bang theory is not science”.
But it is not clear what you mean by that.
Could you explain that statement.
China is only doing what the west has been doing for 500 years, this is true, just like Carthage was only doing what Rome had been doing for hundreds of years, trading on the Mediterranean sea, but after 100 years of wars which Rome always won even allowing Carthage to abandon their seaside city and build a new one inland, Rome eventually sacked Carthage, burned it to the ground and killed 90% 0f it’s citizens because they wouldn’t stop doing what the Romans were doing.
This China-Western cold war is going to become a hot war no matter how we dance around it, eventually what one side want’s will be unacceptable to the other. The question for each side is when do they begin the hostilities. For China it is better to delay and build their technological capabilities for the west it is better to strike early and hard and destroyer Chinas inferior offensive capabilities before they can.
Taiwan is the tipping point, all we can do is hope that neither side goes nuclear.
No matter what the CCP does, there will be the Neville Chamberlains of the West (eg: Australia) that will try to appease its obvious expansionist doctrine. Today’s politicians have not learnt from history…I weep for the future of humanity.
I must say some of China’s recent dummy spits with Australia seem so clumsy and poorly thought out, it leaves me wondering what they’re really up to. They aren’t stupid. Driving nearby nations together into a coalition against China might just be phase one. Perhaps the next step is to start playing favorites with selected countries to generate bad feelings and dis-trust among those members.
Remember – China holds grudges and is very patient so taking decades to achieve an outcome wouldn’t bother them. It’s not like they have elections every few years to worry about!
Jo Nova
Thank you for all you do.
cross posted at
Left and right, like black and white, yet no grey?
There is an evolving pool in the middle, many have changed their opinions, current event has accelerated this.
That’s something that can only be welcomed, as that leaning, is towards factual information, (not fake news) which can only enhance a stronger scientific understanding.
“Left and right, like black and white, yet no grey?”
That is the Fake News at work dividing us.
Here is one of FBI Director Wray’s ‘Far Right Terrorists’
There are more than one first hand reports of a Leftist girding their loins and grabbing their courage in both hands and going to a local Trump rally to see for themselves what it was all about.
They are shocked to find the crowd is a mix of all colors and nationalities. The people are not only happy but warm and welcoming to ANYONE even those of the left.
I saw this here in my little town when I volunteered to hand out literature during the 2018 election near a polling place. The volunteers for both parties had a great time together but there was one poor woman who upon seeing my Trump tee-shirt made a WIDE detour and acted as if she was in fear for her life.
Good grief I am barely 5″4 and over 70!
I am also an Independent and according to the silly little on line quizzes, a centralist.
You are on top of things. Bravo.
“Here is one of FBI Director Wray’s ‘Far Right Terrorists”’
She looks extremely dangerous.
Is she doing that for her grandchildren?
“The CCP poses an existential threat to the freedom and democracy that India and the US represent.”
I got as far as “India”.
Yes. It’s hard to accept that “democracy” might have gone AWOL from the U.S.