A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Solomon: New Declassified Texts Expose FBI’s “Media Leak Strategy” Used To Influence Election, Trump Presidency
“The text messages make clear that the senior executives and the Comey-McCabe FBI, those who had political bias were on first-name basis with reporters.
They had according to their own text messages a leak strategy and oftentimes they learned whether it was them leaking or someone else, they were creating a false Russia narrative, a narrative that they knew was blatantly false.
They knew they didn’t have a connection between Trump and Russia and they knew the Steele dossier was garbage and yet they continue today let the stories sit in public realm and create perception that for two and a half years hampered the early presidency of Donald Trump.”
From the Comments
I don’t know what else is there at this point, we are at complete banana republic, Supreme Court won’t look at the election fraud cases, County election boards have been busted destroying evidence. The military oath to defend from domestic threats has been exposed as a utter joke. The FBI clearly engaged in criminal actions and coverups of those actions. We have congress people on the security council that were busted F’ing Chinese Agents and are still on the council. It’s insane. Violence isn’t the answer….. I just don’t know what options remain, vote them out? We see how that goes.
Truly Old Ozzie – do you work for the illuminati – or something pretty close? This stuff is the ultimate conspiracy theory six-pack.
I don’t know what else is there at this point, we are at complete banana republic, Supreme Court won’t look at the election fraud cases, County election boards have been busted destroying evidence. The military oath to defend from domestic threats has been exposed as a utter joke. The FBI clearly engaged in criminal actions and coverups of those actions. We have congress people on the security council that were busted F’ing Chinese Agents and are still on the council. It’s insane. Violence isn’t the answer….. I just don’t know what options remain, vote them out? We see how that goes.
Why can’t you all grow up, put on the big-boy pants, and accept that Donald Trump electorally was a total loser, and that (a) the polls for months were saying that he would lose the six key swing states, and (b) President Joe Biden won all those states because he was more popular with a majority of the voters.
Not accepting that Joe Biden won the election is the total sore-loser position … there is nothing much lower.
If you believe the polls are accurate, you might be #BlueAnon.
If President* Biden won all those votes so authentically, why did they need to lock out the observers, hide the ballots under the table, stop people doing signature checks, not allow access to machines, shred the ballots, etc etc etc x 1000.
Are you just here to advertise the CCP and Dems preferred position by simply just repeating exactly what they would want to hear??
Except they didn’t. What happened in Texas and Florida? hmmm?
Just going to put this out there. When all these supposed electoral shenanigans took place this blog and others went full monty with all the stolen servers, mystery vans, krakens of various colours, and at that time myself and others pointed to the refutations of these.
They are out there still if you want to read them, but of course who would believe them because.. part of the conspiracy/vested interests/msm/swamp etc. Anyway, I’m not going to go to the effort of continually responding with all the evidence against fraud over and over again. I will though keep stating that there was no fraud and maybe link back to this comment.
happy meatball day everyone
Gee Aye. The false narrative against Trump stealing the election from Clinton was fully supported by yourself.
The full force of the FBI was used to find evidence, and it relied on a false dossier of information to entrap Trump colleagues in order to justify the attempted coup.
Now you trust the same people to tell you that the election was above board?
that is false. I never made that claim. On what basis do you think I would have made such a claim.
peddle you what-abouts somewhere else.
The tedium comes from your relentless dishonesty. You haven’t so much as addressed the voter spike which showed that the votes were fake and hence part of the coup.
which spike?
Tell me it is not these. Seriously is this it? I thought you had some statistical proof to offer.
There were no supposed electoral shenanigans. There was a coup. Which takes real shenanigans and we found out everything about them.
The coup was inherent in the scoreboard on the night. Tell us about your statistics handicap? If you understand the subject ask someone who does. You should not be basing your posts on your own personal ignorance and stupidity. If you don’t understand something ask.
Thanks Jonty. Well and truly falsified as you well know. Just keep bringing these tropes up over and over again, it is your time you are wasting.
No there was no falsification. Now do you have any evidence that Biden won or not?
Evidence? The accredited voting system showed that he got the majority of votes in sufficient states to be elected as president. You must know this?
Stop stalling Gee Aye. The coup was proven by the scorecard. The scorecard showed statistical impossibility. If you’ve got some evidence that Biden won lets have it.
You are talking nonsense. The president is Biden. If you have proof otherwise show it.
No-one is claiming that the coup was not successful. Don’t change the subject away from legitimate votes. Now lets have your evidence that Biden won or lets have your retraction. I take it that you don’t understand statistics or the laws of probability.
You need to reference this or this will keep going around in circles.
Here is my prediction. Your statistical proof will nonsense. You’ll claim that anyone who says it is nonsense doesn’t understand statistics. As a proficient R programmer who deals with massive data sets I probably should be affronted but I expect no less.
No I don’t need to come up with a reference. You need to come up with some evidence for your impossible hypothesis … Or you need to retract. Is your claim, in your defence, ignorance of statistical laws, or are you just a humble thread wrecker.
There is no hypothesis. Votes were counted and in many cases recounted. Vote counts were observed. Biden was ahead in sufficient states to get the majority of electoral college votes.
Yes circles until you put some meat on your claim it was impossible.
If it is Benford’s law then read this
You claim that there is no hypothesis. Another false claim. There are at least two. Clearly state your hypothesis so that it may be tested.
I have. Votes were counted and Biden won.
Jonty. This tedious to and fro is in an old open thread but it will go nowhere until you state your case. All I can do is state the obvious – Joe Biden is president due to getting the votes required to be president.
Of course not Jo – I am very centrists, believe me, but evidence based (I have two science degrees).
If there were electoral fraud of any stripe, then it was incumbent on those who claim there was to prove their case with state officials, with various state election tribunals, with various state administrative appeals tribunals, with various state courts, with various state appeal courts, with various lower-level federal courts, and then with higher-level federal appeal courts.
Why did nothing succeed in any of these venues? Why did a lot of Republican officials – despite Trump pressure – state unequivocally that their elections were fair and honest?
“If there were electoral fraud of any stripe, then it was incumbent….”
Stop right there. When people commit crimes of any sort, and particularly when people commit treason and stage a coup, this does not set up incumbencies or burdens on those who did not commit these crimes. You get an F for ethical theory here. Now of course it would be good if they were all hanged. But obviously the perpetrators, and we know who they are, knew that they had the fix in, over the legal system, or they would not have staged the coup in the first place.
It feels like Groundhog Day all over again.
But just to reiterate – for some months prior to the 3 Nov election, the polls were showing a modest but winning lead for Joe Biden in the 6-7 states that were going to matter … particularly taking back the “blue wall” of the Upper Midwest that Hillary Clinton lost through her own strategic errors. States like Georgia and Arizona were just cherries on the top.
And no – I don’t believe the polls were rigged to show a Biden lead. Firstly – polling companies work for everybody, not just Democrats, and secondly, there is no evidence to show that if one candidate has a lead in the polls it will encourage more people to vote that way – t could just as easily have the reverse effect, and motivate voters for the other candidate to come out more strongly.
I also believe Trump lost support for (a) his mishandling of the pandemic and (b) claiming for months that if he lost the election it would only be because it was rigged. The arrogance and narcissism of the dude was breathtaking – and I expect it turned a lot of voters right off.
There very nearly was a coup – but the other way. Trump attempted to overturn the certified votes of the people with every legal and extra-legal shenanigans he could think of and all this led directly to the storming of the US Capitol on 6 Jan when he (and his supporters) knew the end was nigh.
It was a close-run thing … and I trust American democracy can recover from it. But if you look at what’s happening, the signs are not good: Republican states everywhere are rolling out voter-suppression laws to kill the will of the majority the next time round. The Democrats are fighting back as best they can.
You have no evidence for your theory that Biden won. The coup is inherent in the scorecard. What you propose is statistically impossible. If you have an hypothesis its supposed to explain the data. Its not supposed to be impossible. Usually one invites all manner of hypotheses to the process. But you don’t understand statistics so you’ve locked in an impossible hypothesis as a conclusion. Just stop it. You and Gee Aye are a continual nuisance with your play [Snip]AD to win obsessions.
He is president. I saw the inauguration. What other evidence do you want?
I sure hope the USA can recover, but not in the direction you are thinking , and i doubt it will be via any existing democratic process, that seems to have been completely destroyed along with any “Justice” system there may have been. !
TT, …do you use a Brail keyboard ?..and a stand up desk ?
… otherwise i cannot understand how you manage to post such rubbish with your head stuck so far up your date !
Look Gee do you have evidence that Biden won or not? Or are you just going to be a pain in the ass and change the subject away from legitimate votes again, like you just did.
So don’t change the subject. Lets have your evidence. Whether it be under your loquacious and stupidly friendly Tilba iteration, or your moody drive-by Gee Aye version …. we don’t want excuses, or you changing the subject. What we are after is an hypothesis that isn’t impossible, and some evidence for that hypothesis.
What part of “He is president” is not evidence?
“What part of “He is president” is not evidence?”
Its not evidence that Biden won the election. Its evidence that the coup was successful. You keep changing the subject away from legitimate votes. Now do you have evidence that Biden won the election? No you don’t. So lets have your retraction. Your hypothesis was ruled out as being statistically impossible.
I may be old-fashioned, but I work on the legal principle that those doing the accusing have to provide the case against the “defendant”. It’s not China or Soviet Russia!
It’s very much incumbent – it seems to me – on those claiming fraud to do all the work to prove it – but not a single authority (political, administrative, judicial) was convinced that there was credible evidence to lead a case against the Biden win.
So I do indeed a coup was avoided – and it was a close-run thing … had the Republicans held a majority in the House of Reps, they could have colluded with the Senate. The US electoral system has huge weaknesses in it, but “electoral fraud” isn’t one of them.
LOL Yes I saw some of that “Statistical evidence” being trotted out during the Sidney Powell kraken days. It really was laughable and embarrassing.
The “statistical evidence” is that in all the swing states Joe Biden had a winning lead in the polls, and that lead is roughly what he achieved. I agree that reasonably narrow wins in six out out of seven swing states (not NC) was very lucky for Biden, but so what? Donald Trump did exactly the same thing in 2016, especially in the Upper Midwest.
Winning at poker by drawing to inside straights is not seen as a useful strategy, but it does have success sometimes.
And note that none of the states that expanded their mail-in procedures (specifically, a mail-out to all voters) flipped from Republican to Democrat – not one.
TT says:
“… there is nothing much lower”.
Really TT, just take a look at this;
Fresh off the table and spilt over the floor.
“best voting fraud machine in the history of this country” Joe Biden 2020
The correct sentence was “best voting fraud organization in the history of this country” I remember that clearly as day. From the time they still told him what the plan was.
The Exact Quote
Look here >>>>
Also …. Joe Biden tells voters “I don’t need you to get me elected.”
Learning About The AMO
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach
Then the Art is no substitute for real science. An Art is exactly what science should not be. But those who have made Global warming their entire source of income are looking very silly.
But what do they care? They are all rich and famous.
Google Scholar searches the science journal articles, not web pages, so 31,000 research papers at least mention the AMO. That is a sizable corpus.
Curry also has a nice analysis of the Mann handling:
The attempt by Mann and friends to attribute all climate conditions and events on the planet to CO2 over 120years is amazing. And transparently self serving.
Besides, as the oceans have 1400x the heat capacity of the atmosphere, we should be modelling the oceans to understand the weather, not the atmosphere. Science is about understanding the causes and osciallations in a giant body of varying heat 3.5km deep, so 350x the weight of the atmosphere and which directly receives 75% of the sun’s radiant heat would seem far more reasonable than this fascination with an alleged slight increase of infrared reflection only from land as the sole significant driver of our many climates.
Where would Europe be without the Gulf Stream? But let’s study CO2 and now volcanoes and their effect on weather in the North Atlantic.
Like Oxygen, highly soluble CO2 is in rapid equilibrium and that is obvious and proven. Talk to the fish and photoplankton. They all breathe. And it is simple science to attribute rising CO2 to a warming sea surface as 98% of CO2 is dissolved in the ocean. I read here a surface increase of 1.8C in just two years in the North Atlantic. But Mann would have you believe that somehow rising CO2 warms the vast oceans. How is a mystery. The first 3 metres of the ocean has more heat than all the atmosphere.
I am genuinely puzzled when someone disagrees without any statement. An argument would be preferable and the truth will out, so I can only assume this red thumbing means a political statement, not any logic or science.
Good effort by Willis and coupled with Judith Curry’s post we can safely say Mann is washed up.
Who Ate the Green Plate?
Reposted from Jennifer Marohasy’s Blog
March 5, 2021 By jennifer
Sleepwalking to Green Austerity
Guest post by Iain Aitken
However the Climate Change Emergency only applies to Christian democracies. Everyone else can do as they please.
This is official UN and China CCP policy. After all, why punish the innocent? The Climate Emergency, White Supremacy, the Patriachy, Black Lives Matter and sexism and Fascism and systemic racism and transphobia and islamophobia and historic slavery are problems only for Christian democracies. And they need to hand over the carbon indulgences, preferably in $US.
Luddite Andrews condemns state to energy misery
Nick Cater
After successfully botching the management of a pandemic, the Andrews government has turned its attention to botching the recovery. Last week, the Victorian parliament not only banned hydraulic fracturing, but locked it into the state’s constitution, effectively depriving Victorians forever of a source of an abundant natural gas. Ludditism has been set in stone.
Fear and distrust of “natural Magick”, as science was once called, has a long history. The coming of the railways in the 19th century, for instance, sparked a popular belief that travelling at speed could trigger insanity, turning seemingly respectable gentlefolk into screaming maniacs. The superstition was encouraged by those opposed to progress, the people who paradoxically call themselves progressives today.
Their respect for science falls away when it doesn’t suit their argument. Victorian Resources Minister Jaclyn Symes told the Victorian parliament that coal seam gas presents “significant environmental challenges associated with waste water disposal, groundwater contamination, and ground subsidence”. Not according to the CSIRO, which commissioned an independent study into fracking in Queensland and concluded that the risks to air quality, soil and water quality could be effectively managed.
He is doing the bidding of his Chinese masters. You will get belted if you are in the road.
Heard on the radio today the Steely Dan slipped on some steps and tweaked his back (was going to write ‘spine’ but he doesn’t possess one does he?).
Does this mean the drought’s over? It’s raining in Victoria? Whoops!!!
Neat play on words Greg but we are talking about a fellow human being who is in ICU.
I recall quotes about
“As ye sow so shall ye reap”
“By their actions shall ye know them”
With a bit of IIRC there
A ‘fellow’ human being?
Let us wish him a speedy recovery, a fair trial, and a just verdict.
” Britain the Climate Change Act (2008) …to achieve greenhouse gas emissions that were 80% lower than their 1990 level. ”
We’re the Brits, or any nation for that matter, actually recording their co2 emissions back in 1990?
“Britain is apparently sleepwalking into potentially the most radical economic and societal change in its post-industrial history – with no due diligence on the science behind the ‘climate change emergency’”
I was watching a discussion about rational decision making.
I think maybe ‘rationality’ is a conceit of modern alleged scientific society.
We’ve fooled ourselves into thinking we can operate outside of the the grand forces that produced us.
We got here without rational thinking.
There is no due diligence because it’s religion 2.0
We divined the entrails of frogs.
Perhaps our magic computer machines will guide us with ‘state of the art models’.
Turn it on a bunch of times and have a Seer (I mean Scientist) tell us the future.
Science is Real.
If they think rationally, the fish may be able to reproduce the aquarium.
Only last month the Biden administration delisted the Houthis of Yemen from the terrorist list, seemed an odd thing to do.
Today the Houthis bombed a Saudi oil refinery using missiles and drones supposedly supplied by Iran. Not bad for peaceful non-terrorist group.
They didn’t do much damage but sooner or later they will, and this will help Biden deliver on his promise of a slow economic recovery through oil price spikes. Neat huh?
Didn’t Biden give back 2 billion dollars to Iran?
I say it’s money well spent…
Doesn’t make sense to keep giving money and weapons to countries that want to kill you.
It does if you want them to disrupt energy supplies and drive up the price of fuel.
Biden promised a slow economic recovery and this may the simplest way to deliver it.
Biden Admin ‘Alarmed’ Houthis Engaging in Terrorism After Removing Them from Terrorist List
Two weeks after removing Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi insurgents from the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations, the Biden administration pled with Houthis to stop launching terrorist attacks against civilian targets in Saudi Arabia.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Monday the Administration is “alarmed by the frequency of Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia,” and understands the Saudis face “genuine security threats from Yemen and others in the region.”
“Escalating attacks like these are not the actions of a group that is serious about peace,” Psaki said, to unintentionally comical effect, given both the behavior of the Houthis and their constant threats to accelerate their attacks even further.
The escalating attacks Psaki referred to was the drone and missile strike against civilian oil facilities in Saudi Arabia on Sunday. The Saudi military coalition intercepted another armed Houthi drone on Tuesday, this one targeting Khamis Mushait, a major commercial hub and one of the largest cities in Saudi Arabia.
U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price on Monday called upon the Houthis to “demonstrate their willingness to engage in a political process.”
“They need to quite simply stop attacking and start negotiating. Only then will we be able to make progress towards the political settlement that we’re after,” Price said.
Price called the Houthi drone and missile attacks against Saudi targets “egregious,” “unacceptable,” and “dangerous,” noting they endangered both Saudi and American civilians working at the targeted facilities.
“We are and remain deeply concerned by the frequency of Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia. Attacks like these are not the actions of a group that is serious about peace,” Price said, hitting the same talking points as Psaki.
The Houthis do not generally present themselves as a group that is “serious about peace.” Their motto is “All@h is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse the J@ws, Victory for Isl@m.”
Apophenia is more noticeable in the US than Australia, it might be a cultural phenomenon.
No, just ignorance posing as insight. The definition of Woke.
It wasn’t noticeable before the invention of the interwebs and social media.
Not so sure. You wonder if aircraft would have succeeded without the rapid development of WW1 and WW2. The steel and train barons would have seen to that. Not a lot of steel in aircraft. In the mad rush, the Wright brothers were wiped and their patents ignored.
Now we have the internet barons. They want the huge Asian markets, so the US has to appease everyone while Joe Biden hides in his basement.
It’s rather silly to imagine that “steel and train barons” would have been any more effective at stopping the development of air transport, than the horse, bullock and sail industries were at stopping steam or the internal combustion engine.
The fallacy in in thinking that successful industrialists only ever see themselves as one-trick performers. The foolishness of thinking that super-successful mining and metal-refining businessmen would not have recognised the opportunities posed by new, lighter metals? Or that transport entrepreneurs would have disregarded improvements relevant to their own industries?
There is no magic boundary between one industry and another. Nor is there any supernatural power that permits one industry to deny another the ability to develop…… other than offering a product/service that is more attractive to the buyers.
Not stop, delay, defer, defund. Buy time.
Henry Ford was nearly stopped cold by ALUM and their 1895 patent. Their business concept was small volume, high price, exclusive cars for the rich and he was refused approval to build a car at all. Their patent nearly stopped him but he took them on in the courts and gained public support, which changed everything. It was a risky venture.
A lot of technology is pushed to the back for a generation or more because of funding. Some forgotten for half a century. You cannot challenge the existing system. Society is anti change. Luddites and vested interests. Always.
And when the richest people in the country and their banker friends see you as a threat, it’s hard to progress. Aircraft were dangerous toys at best until and even during WW1. As for cargo, that was not even on the drawing board.
The idea that people want technological change is what is silly. Or that successful businessmen want it either. So funding does not exist. Change often happens more often by serendipity and a lot of change happens as the necessity of war research. In our parents time it was WWII. In our time, it was the cold war, the space race and a bit of luck when Steve Jobs was fired and went to work for a phone company while Apple nearly went out of business.
I doubt the world would have seen the current battle for anti virals and engineered vaccines without the biological weapon which is Wuhan flu. This is another cold war. Otherwise the money would not have been available and not on the scale of today. And the pharmaceutical giants are still massively suppressing super cheap prophylactics like hydroxychloroquine.
Yes, I had to look it up. It’s a relatively new word.
“Apophenia is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between seemingly unrelated things. The term was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia”
Therefore, the West must now be in an advanced phase of shizophrenia.
Not really, its just that in a liberal democracy we can all see it displayed. None of this conversation could possibly happen in China, it comes with prison time.
I have a conspiracy theory which tops everyone else.
After the visual recording of UFO by the US Navy, Rubio slipped an inquiry into the Defence Budget on Aerial Phenomenon. If the inquiry comes out in June and says nothing to see here move along, then the twittersphere will go into meltdown.
On the other hand if they say these craft have agility and speed beyond our comprehension, it may have an impact on religious belief.
Are there not religions and philosophies that postulate that everything is related in the ultimate meaningful way?
‘Seemingly’ seems operative.
Seems the history of science stands on the perceiving of meaningful connections not previously known to be connected.
Doctors and academics are like firearms.
It is important to keep them pointed in a safe direction.
(Is that a meaningful connection of unrelated things?)
Sen. Roy Blunt (R) will not stand for reelection. Another RINO bites the dust, another man whose only skill in life is getting elected.
From Breitbart: He praised his long history in elected office, which he described as “fourteen general election victories, three to county office, seven to the United States House of Representatives, and four statewide elections,” adding, “I won’t be a candidate for reelection to the United States Senate next year.”
I wonder about people who are praised for longevity rather than achievement. Bit like Obamas 8 years vs Trumps 4 years, or most of the seat warmers in the Oz Senate.
Why is it racist to wonder what colour a baby’s skin will be?
I saw a black family in New Orleans with several children. One had white skin. We chatted and the white child was equally loved. All other characteristics were black, facial shape, brown eyes and dark hair. Not Albino!
I had wondered about Archie’s skin colour and surely Harry was aware it was possible. So what, that is not racist it’s genetics.
Megan is the person being racist if she believes an honest question about potential skin colour was judgemental!
The Queen is a hard nosed old bird. She will have the DNA.
I can honestly say the colour of the new prince’s skin did not even cross my mind. My wife reckons it would have been something that passed through the Duke’s mind and ended up on his lips, which he is apt to do; an open book, not bad in a modern woke world.
I enjoyed Megan as an actress, not so much as a royal.
But the real question that nobody dare ask is …is Harry really Charles’s son ??
Just how “Royal” is his bloodline ?… Dare they ever have a independent DNA check ?
Maybe there is more to Harry leaving the “Firm” .. than just a petty wives tantrum . !
Have a look at James Hewitt photos compared to Harry and Diana stating he was the father in a diary.
Looks nothing like Charles, Alfred E. Neuman would be a closer match.
I used to subscribe to that but if you look at male relatives on Di’s family side, some do oddly look like Harry – hair colour and all. So now I’d put it at less than 50% he’s not Chaz’s.
The odd thing about Megan (and her IMO ‘dubious’ baby skin colour story – hence Harry being unwilling to elaborate) is that she is clearly the one obsessed with skin colour. The amount of skin whitening products and/or pale skin tone makeup she has on most of the time means she almost matches Harry instead of Oprah.
It’s not racist to wonder. The implication is that it mattered and no one is claiming that.
And no one even mentions Harry’s bright red hair, but that would be racism and more, Dianaphobia.
Exactly. She makes it sound as if a darker coloured baby would only be allowed in the “Coloured Persons Only” section of the palace. I’m certain the Queen would welcome such a great grand-child as a symbol of the diversity of the Commonwealth.
Meghan seems to spend most of her time complaining about everyone else. It might be possible, just possible, that she is the one with the issues.
Someone has been doing their research
Very creepy
First – who cares what a c list self-absorbed actress has to say – yawn.
Second – Her allegation of a racial query is non attributed. If she cant name anyone then she just dreamt it up. Name and shame and defend your allegation in court or shutup and stop telling lies!
Third – who cares what a washed up c list self-absorbed actress has to say?
Forth – I didnt (and wont waste time) watch the tedious interview but have seen that idiot media’s headlines.
Fifth – who cares what a washed up c list self-absorbed actress has to say?
I plan to create videos of why climate hysteria has taken over the world. This is my first video. This deal with science and data.
Comments please!
I think you have used a synthetic voice which unfortunately has no variation. So although the content might be interesting it is marred by the tedious voice over and I could only listen for a few minutes.
I will give it another go this evening if you will acknowledge you have seen this post, as otherwise I would be wasting my time
I’ve seen your post
Analysis of vitamin D level among asymptomatic and critically ill COVID-19 patients and its correlation with inflammatory markers
Vitamin D deficiency markedly increases the chance of having severe disease after infection with SARS Cov-2. The intensity of inflammatory response is also higher in vitamin D deficient COVID-19 patients. This all translates to increase morbidity and mortality in COVID-19 patients who are deficient in vitamin D. Keeping the current COVID-19 pandemic in view authors recommend administration of vitamin D supplements to population at risk for COVID-19.
The Brits were talking about this, I’m unaware if they have actually done so but it hardly matters, they are stuck with an “excess of caution” and were going to make a hopelessly inadequate amount available. You need many thousands of IU a day to lift levels to “good”.
That’s worse than nothing, it might give a false sense of security.
From the linked to study.
Study included either asymptomatic COVID-19 patients …..(Group A)
Or severely ill patients requiring ICU admission…….. (Group B).
The mean level of vitamin D (in ng/ml) was 27.89 ng/ml ± 6.21 in Group A
and 14.35 ng/ml± 5.79 in Group B, the difference was highly significant.
Vitamin D optimum is at 60 ng/ml or 150 nmol/L which requires Vitamin D supplements to achieve. The incidence of Breast cancer and prostate cancer and other common diseases are reduced by 60% at that level and there is general improvement of all body functions. Balance, brain functioning, alertness, feeling of well-being, and so on.
Vitamin D is sort of miracle worker in the body. Our cells have evolutionary protection for virus attacks, cancer, and so on. The problem is the cells need Vitamin D to access the biochemical instruct to build the biochemical producing modules and apparatus the cell in question needs to do it job.
Vitamin D is sort of a super chemical from the body and patient’s standpoint.
Vitamin D is required by our cells to access their copy of our DNA (Every cell in our body has a copy of our DNA in it. Vitamin D is the only biochemical path by which our individual cells can access that that DNA.) to get instructions to build chemical producing modules and cell equipment to do stuff like protect all cells from virus attacks, and getting common cancers, and so on.
Evolution has developed systems our cells and organs from getting attacked by viruses, by cancer, and so on. The subgroup of people who dominate our hospitals and old age homes are the severely vitamin d deficient.
Vitamin D is like money for the body. When the body is low, the most important tasks are done and the cancer protection tasks are postponed until there is sufficient Vitamin D (summer or never).
82% of the US black population, 69% of the US Hispanic, and 42% of the US general population is Vitamin D deficient. (Same levels to define Vitamin deficient as the covid study)
Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D deficiency in US adults.
This is another study that shows Vitamin D blood serum levels determines where a person does or does not have sever covid symptoms.
Patterns of COVID-19 Mortality and Vitamin D: An Indonesian Study
Vitamin D Insufficient Patients 12.55 times more likely to die, blood serum 25(OH)D level from 21 to 29 ng/ml
Vitamin D Deficient Patients 19.12 times more likely to die, Vitamin D blood serum level less than 20 ng/ml
Vitamin D ‘normal’ for this study is 25(0H)D above 30 ng/ml.
For Vitamin D status, cases were classified based on their blood serum of activated Vit. D 25(OH)D levels:
(1) normal – serum 25(OH)D of greater than 30 ng/ml,
(2) insufficient – serum 25(OH)D from 21 to 29 ng/ml, and
(3) deficient – serum 25(OH)D of less than 20 ng/ml.
* Not necessarily. I have achieved that level without supplementation by gardening without a shirt. I trust my body, it would NEVER raise D3 levels dangerously high naturally.
Depends where you live. And how long and how often you take your shirt off. I would be like a blood sample.
Does not work if you are dark skinned. Does not work if you live in the UK and work inside. Need sun from 10am to 3pm to get the UVB. Sunlight alone does work.
In Canada it is impossible for five months of the year to make significant vitamin d.
4000 UI/day will get a large man to 40 ng/ml or 100 nmol/ml and a small women to 60 ng/ml or 150 nmol/L. (What I am saying is just repeating what the US lead vitamin d research team has recommended. They recommended 4000 UI/day per person for the entire US population to stop covid and stop cancer.
There have been no adverse effects from taking Vitamin D supplements of less than 30,000 UI/day. The maximum recommended daily 4000 UI/day to 8,000 UI/day based on body mass.
The maximum daily tolerable VItamin D level is 10,000 UI/day.
The problem with Vit D is that the double blind studies for specific illnesses have not been done. So (in the USA) if I want to have such a blood test, I have to pay for it. That is also why it has not been stated as a proper treatment.
I talked with my “doc” {nice lady about 8 years out of a Physician Assistant program} about this last spring. She says go ahead with up to 5,000 units per day; more and you ought to go for the test.
Here (central Washington State) cold and wind part of the year and intense sun, with elevations starting at 700 m., cause me to cover up almost all the time when outside. A bucket hat is high style.
Supplemental vitamin D can worsen a magnesium deficiency because it uses up magnesium to convert vitamin D to it’s active form. When I first started taking vitamin D it made my limbs feel heavier – less magnesium available for energy production in muscle.
I agree. Our bodies need Magnesium for biochemical reasons…
Deficient means our bodies do not work correctly because we are deficient.
Almost everyone is magnesium deficient because ….
The minerals in the soil where we grow are food have been lost to the sea overtime. That is a fact that is has not been made public.
And it appears, the Medical industry recommended Magnesium RDA is too low.
Roughly half of the minerals.
That explains why we are Magnesium deficient & Zinc deficient. We are also Calcium deficient.
“Subclinical magnesium deficiency increases the risk of numerous types of cardiovascular disease, costs nations around the world an incalculable amount of healthcare costs and suffering, and should be considered a public health crisis.
That an easy, cost-effective strategy exists to prevent and treat subclinical magnesium deficiency should provide an urgent call to action.”
Magnesium Deficiency Cardiovascular Disease and Public Health Crisis
Subclinical magnesium deficiency: a principal driver of cardiovascular disease and a public health crisis
Lakshmanan et al collected daily food records for 1 year in 34 men and women. They found that the mean magnesium intake was 323 mg/day and 234 mg/day in men and women, respectively (around 4 mg/kg/day).
Despite this level of intake, the overall patient population was in negative magnesium balance (−32 and −25 mg/day, respectively).21 Moreover, 75% of women consumed less than the RDA (300 mg/day) and only one out of the eighteen women were in equilibrium.
Considering that the average intake of magnesium in the USA is around 228 mg/day in women and 266 mg/day in men,12 a large percentage of Americans may be at risk of negative magnesium balance.
Indeed, ‘Only American diets containing more than 3000 kcal/day may provide 300 mg or more magnesium’.21 Another long-term study lasting 50 weeks found that somewhere between 180 mg and 320 mg of magnesium/day is required in order to maintain positive magnesium balance.22 And since many individuals may be consuming below 320 mg/day of magnesium, this poses a major public health threat.
The data are consistent around the world that magnesium intake may be inadequate. Indeed, the intake of magnesium in Germany was determined to be only 200 mg for women and 250 mg for men.5 23
can you explain this statement? The sea is filling up with our soil minerals and someone is keeping it secret?
I’m sorry, I thought that was so obvious I wouldn’t need to mention it.
G’day William A,
I can’t reconcile the first and last sentences in this extract:
” There have been no adverse effects from taking Vitamin D supplements of less than 30,000 UI/day. The maximum recommended daily 4000 UI/day to 8,000 UI/day based on body mass.
The maximum daily tolerable VItamin D level is 10,000 UI/day. ”
In the words of someone more famous here in Oz, than I: “Please explain.” I suspect the first is true, and the last is the highest “officially” tested. True?
I’m still taking 10,000 IU per day, with its cofactor, iron, four days per week and, at last test, was at 60ng/ml which I hope to maintain with the same intake.
( You’ve used “UI” as the unit consistently, where I’d use “IU” for “International Units”??)
Dave B
Hi David.
I wrote a long response to answer your question. That response is at the end of this thread however.
This is the specific answer to our question.
Bruce Hollis is in charge of all Vitamin D research in the US. I have included a link to a lecture Hollis gave on the results of the Vitamin D prostate test which he has involved with at the end of this thread. He also led the woman Vitamin D pregnancy study which studied both infants and mothers.
As part of the Vitamin D supplement research, any documented Medical side effect in the US medical system, from taking supplements Vitamin D is recorded and investigated by his panel.
The first record case of any Medical side effect from taking daily Vitamin D supplements is for a person that took 30,000 UI/day. That person got mild calcification which was treated. There only known side effect from taking Vitamin D supplements is Calcification and mild calcification.
Hollis’ research included a study that gave different amounts of Vitamin D supplements to patients to determine their individual response.
Bruce Hollis noted that there is no medical reason to take supplements greater than 10,000 UI/day. His recommended is a daily Vitamin D dosage of 4000 to 8000 UI/day depending on weight. Hollis is part of a group of Vitamin D researchers who have recommended that the entire US population should take 4000 UI/day.
This is good lecture from another long term Vitamin D researcher. Heaney states the same facts as Hollis, as to what Vitamin D does in the body and what Vitamin D deficiency means. Humans need Vitamin D (85% of Vitamin D is used by the cells for daily/hourly operation to enable our cells to build apparatus that produces biochemicals to respond to organ/cell issues.
As Heaney states, Vitamin D is only used once in the cell and then it is destroyed, to enable the cells to build apparatus to produce biochemicals.
Haney specifically states, that the body’s internal systems/organs do not work correctly when Vitamin D is lower than around 60 ng/ml or 150 nmol/L.
Vitamin D Overview Lecture Robert Heaney
Vitamin D, Sunshine, Optimal Health: Putting it all Together
Sounds all very right. But the thing is that many of us knew all this BEFORE we had even heard of Covid-19. Then when Covid-19 came about, suddenly everything we thought we knew went down the memory hole, and we had to learn everything all over again. To get a firm grip on reality you could simply go for studies prior to February 2020 and all the answers were there. Okay not the Ivermectin solution. But pretty much everything else.
The Guardian
With a picture of a dry lake/river bed.
I always have a problem with Global Warming of 1.5C over 120 years creating lethal conditions. How? Where? And water moderates the tropics, which is why you have very high humidity and tropical storms and torrential rains. So what’s new? More humidity?
When you consider the annual temperature range of the tropics is 12C, temperature zones 40C and arid zones 80C, 1.5C is nothing. Without instruments you would not even feel it. It is the variation from one side of a room to the other. Armageddon tired of the insanity of Climate Extinction. The only thing wrong is everything.
And where are our devastating Climate Change bush fires this year? What’s changed? Nothing to do with Green legislated fuel load then.
Is “global heating” the new PC phrase? I have noticed it popping up quite a bit recently.
“Warming” wasn’t scary enough. “Blistering inferno” might come next.
I live in the tropics, we haven’t had a tough summer for years. Why do they write this rubbish?????
Don’t know where you are precisely, but colleagues in Darwin advise that the place feels significantly hotter over the last decade, and that it’s affecting plant life too.
yeah, I guess they will be evacuating Singapore and KL any day now based on this advice from that report.
Singapore and KL have a significantly different climate to Darwin. I didn’t make any claim to scientific data in my anecdotal comment … I am just relaying what people living and working in the Top End have told me … and two of them work in the landscape gardening field, and they have good experience.
And Hanrahan didn’t make any claim to scientific exactitude either.
Not sure he ever does. If tdata doesn’t accord accord with his experience it is the data that is wrong.
Why do people keep bringing Penny into this.
She’s still recovering from her Christian exposure experience.
It’s amazing what anonymous letters can do to your image.
The end of the old Republic.
“The political structure of how a country is governed is always an artificial structure created by powerful and influential people. If they’ve no interest in the welfare of the ordinary person, they’ll create and brutally enforce a system that’s designed purely for their benefit, though it’s usually masked behind a fancy name containing a combination of the words like democratic, peoples, republic, socialist and free.
Within that type of system, there’s no possibility of peaceful change and since it’s organised purely to satisfy the greed, which is insatiable, of its creators, it’ll progressively reduce the people to an abject level of poverty. The poor wretches in the picture above are Venezuelan, once known as the richest country in S. America because of its oil reserves, are what always results in living under such a system.”
Read more at –
I can’t wait for the state of the union live speech…
Joe’s state of the union live speech
Will we see who is holding the puppet strings?
More evidence that Biden is just a puppet on a string.
No speaking unrehearsed or uncoached.
Yeah. He can’t even remember the name of the Secretary of Defense.
Dangerously senile. Unfit.
He doesn’t even remember the name of the Pentagon.
Resource for those interested in learning about grid power systems.
12 lessons in all. Something for everyone. Penn State Univ.
Excellent article Lance although the maths would probably be too complicated for anyone under 30.
Linked chart is NOAA’s National Centres for Environment Prediction data for the Nino34 region:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhCQ8JK1w3s8nVsGD
This is after countless gigatonnes of CO2 have been added to the atmosphere. This region is trendless – showing slight cooling for the current record. The large excursions high align with strong El Nino’s and the low ones, like present, align with La Ninas.
This data set interpolates moored buoy data with satellite data. It is a more reliable dataset than UAH, which has a high bias over the tropical oceans.
In case you are wondering, the warmest part of the oceans remain as they were last week, last month, last year and during the depths of the last ice age – controlled to a maximum of 30C with a little overshoot where convergence to the warm pools is affected by the presence of land:
For those familiar in AU with “The Quadrant”, I should like to introduce a university publication from a conservative point of view. Imprimis. Very well worth a look.
It is from Hillsdale College in Michigan, USA. They do not accept government funding or influence.
Hillsadale requires all students to study Classics, Constitutional Law, Ethics, and Critical Thinking.
An example is here:
Their online presence is here:
“New Wizard of Oz removed the ScareCrow”
Poster’s comment
“Guess it offended to many people without brains. “
Pepe Le Pew cut from Space Jam sequel.
Coldest Feb in 30 years but it was caused by global warming,… they want to say…
And your reason is?
Global cooling. As in Australia simultaneously. Melbourne is freezing. I am waiting for winter. It can only improve.
Look at Prof Weiss’ graph at 12.19. Two cycles only, the De Vries cycle and the PDO. Amazingly good fit to the last 250 years and the peak, the pause and now the fall are all on schedule. The planet will drop 1.5C by 2030. Now that’s simple proven science. Blind Fourier analysis and a perfect fit with the two biggest cycles, the Sun and the induced ocean cycle, the two great sources of surface heat for planet earth. The air weighs nothing in comparison. Without water, it’s an insulator. So it’s all about heat from the sun and stored in the water.
I’m sorry but your “simple proven science” is a model
I doubt you are.
No, it’s a complete and simple explanation which fits the facts far better than any complex climate ‘model’.
And the two cycles and their frequency were obtained by blind (Fourier) analysis of the raw data, that is without any atmosphere or ocean or solar or radiation model at all. If it is a model, then gravity is a model. You know something is right when it simply explains everything. This is the principle of Occam’s razor. The simplest explanation is usually right.
And CO2 goes up when the oceans get warmer. Nothing to do with humans. And you know that’s true too.
Gravity is not a model. It does not explain what gravity is or why it works or how it works. It is not an analogy. There is just a simple formula which explains everything you see from a falling apple to the Solar System.
We can calculate the complex temperature patterns for the last 250 years with very high correlation simply by using the two biggest cycles in temperature. So that’s not a model. It fits the facts perfectly. And it also means everything else, including CO2, volcanoes, bushfires, manufacturing, cars, trucks, jets for the last 250 years has been irrelevant.
Climate models begin with a fairy tale and head further into fantasy. They are such drivel.
Earth’s energy balance is controlled at the tropics by convective cloud limiting heat uptake and the poles by sea ice limiting heat loss. It is no accident that the average of the 30C maximum and the -2C minimum of 14C just happens to be the global surface average temperature. No “greenhouse effect” needed. And certainly nothing that involves CO2; the devil gas.
I am constantly amazed at how many people accept the utter trash of Climate Change being caused by CO2. It is incredible that so many people actually believe this drivel.
Irrelevent – Climate Change is synonymous with Burning Fossil Fuel.
Climate science is the Humpty Dumpty of science – it will mean whatever they want it to mean! No correspondence entered into on the religion.
English translation of French court documents re prosecution of purveyors of Covid 19 abuse.…
“President Trump on Mrs & Mr Markle”
I have a somewhat different take.
I think Charles knew as soon as Diana was pregnant that Harry was not his – I’m not certain there was much horizontal dancing going on in the marriage. I’m sure the DNA tests were done to confirm this.
As soon as William reached his majority – and pumped out a kid or two to ensure the Windsor bloodlines – Harry was on the outer, especially as he had hooked up with a POC – will their babies be dark-skinned?? The horror!
And Harry was no angel beguiled by a foxy lady – he’d been around the block once or twice himself. He wouldn’t have seen Meghan’s past as a “warning” – but rather attractive. She is little different to many other beautiful women of her age and style.
As soon as they cemented the marriage, they made plans to get out – there was no real future there … even though Harry (I believe) made efforts to be a good, hard-working junior royal. And his tours of duty in Afghanistan, plus his work for injured and disabled veterans – certainly have given him pretty good cred.
Anyway – they moved to a mansion in Santa Barbara, joined the Hollywood aristocratic class, and presumably will live happily ever after.
The Oprah interview was compelling … but a lot was not talked about. Oprah was a good choice – being the nearest thing to American Royalty.
In Brisbane there is Prince Charles Hospital.
Later another wing was added, known to staff as “The Carmilla Wing” – Prince Charles’s bit on the side
LOL that’s very funny.
I can’t believe that horse-faced sheila has the potential to be Queen of Australia.
Please bring on the republic as soon as Liz pops her clogs!
What was compelling about it then?
I haven’t watched it but I could bring myself to read your summary.
mmmm that was a pretty mind boggling assessment
It’s not as if the Queen is not familiar with difficulties when one child is in the line of succession and one is not. Or with American divorcees. Edward VIII was good mates with Adolph when his brother was trying to save England. As James Delingpole observed, if you think Churchill was a racist you should look at the bloke he beat.
I think you think you know more’n we think you know.
And another amazing thing “O, H & M” have achieved –
There is no love lost between Piers Morgan and Jeremy Clarkson but seems those two are singing from the same sheet on this
Victoria has launched a Truth and Reconciliation Commission – to take three years to investigate the impact of colonisation on the state’s Indigenous People. Five Commissioners will be appointed.
Being a moderate centre-left type I can hold two views simultaneously: (1) yes, it is important for White Society to shine a light on the past and find ways to assist a still-disadvantaged people, even in Victoria, and (2) this is a virtue-signalling move probably forced onto Daniel Andrews by the ALP Left, and what can it really achieve, and at what cost.
I worked in Aboriginal Affairs for 20 years and do know what it’s like, and there is no doubt (if you visit places like Framlingham and Lake Tyers) that there are still Aboriginal people in this state who do it tough.
There is no doubt that the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, and also into the Stolen Generation, were hugely important and did achieve a lot, but this one? I dunno.
There are people in Australia, who are “doing it tough.”.
We should be helping such people, regardless of race. Playing the politics of race and racial guilt does not help those in need. It benefits politicians, bureaucrats and professional race-baiters, but not those in need.
Believing that things done by people long dead, to other people, also long dead are valid causes for current grievance, is the cause of those continual, ugly and never-ending conflicts in the Balkans and the Middle-East. Every major cultural group on the planet, can point to historical conflicts. When do we stop?
Or is is only certain racial elites who get to claim that their inherited grievances trump all others?
Personally I am thinking of launching law suits against assorted Scandinavian countries for the pillage and destruction of my Celtic homeland, the the British for the pillage and persecution of my Celtic homeland and , oh yeah, that kid in primary school that teased me for being a Ranga.
I’ll be in on that class action for exactly the same reasons. Isn’t it odd how every other ethnic group/skin colour group is untouchable these days, but it’s open season on red heads with freckles?
The modern term “ranga” with its sub-human implications would be cause for outrage, laws and law suits if a similar term were to be applied to those of a darker skin hue. Your ABC would be doing a special investigation to pillory the perpetrators; the Racial Discrimination Commission would be going into meltdown, but hang on . . . it’s just about red-haired white folks, so that’s OK. Nothing to see here.
I find this intriguing….
Andrews allegedly “falls down stairs” and in critical condition
Hunt “in hospital” after vaccine…but its not related…apparently…
2 key players, hospitalized close together…..
Is someone cleaning house?
Makes you wonder…..
This appears to be somewhat exaggerated … he is in a trauma ward with broken ribs and damaged vertebrae – bad enough, but not critical.
It doesn’t make me wonder … it just makes me wish people would not spell “coincidence” “conspiracy”.
Why does my heart
when I hear the words
and Reconciliation
They Make me think
of Orwell,
1984 Ministry of
and down the memory
of what us cits
know, but guvuhmint
says ‘No’
A new survey says that 77% of Japanese people do not want any international visitors to attend the alleged 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo.
I appreciate that the Japanese are among the most xenophobic people on the planet, but still, if you do not want international visitors, then what right do you have to still hold the Covid-affected games?
It seems to me you open them up to be at least semi-normal, or you cancel them altogether. There is a strong element of have-your-cake-and-eat-it going on here for the $$$, it seems to me (and I love the Olympics – both summer and winter).
There are good reasons not to have the Olympics in Japan, Covid being high on the list.
However, you have to have some feeling for the Athletes who have worked for years to compete this year… i feel some form of Olympics should take place somewhere this year or many of those competitors will have wasted years of building up to this .
I realise it is only sport, but it can do a lot to lift worldwide morale.
I agree with all of that – and I really feel for the hard-working athletes who might only get one chance at glory, or at the very most, two.
My point though was about the Japanese … that they believe they have the right to run a “normal” Olympic Games (with all the TV money) but can also exclude all international visitors to the country, and the stands will be filled only by locals. Well – barleys to that – that is xenophobic nonsense!
Yes, i understand , seems ultra Nationalistic,..
….but if that is the only practical/safe way to have a fully representative event, then that is what should happen.for the athletes and the reputation of the Olympics.
It is no different to the NRL and Cricket etc , season that we have just lived through , with heavily restricted spectator attendance, and travel restrictions.
..And, the Japanese will lose big time financially, without the international visitors.
Ultra nationalistic indeed.
Japan could let in Australians, New Zealanders, and South Pacific Islanders. People from Taiwan, Iceland and Greenland.
Why…a virus with a 99.5% recovery rate?
Business as usual….
Just in. I am not sure what to make of this yet. The Fact check article is a bit ambiguous. Trump may not have ordered it but has she been arrested? Hiliary’s deleted emails are said to have been retrieved. That might provide justification.
Awaiting further reports.
One would need to believe in Santa to believe the headline but….
I do believe that at the level of guys who get in harm’s way there is loyalty to Trump. The CIA should not expect the Marines to be with them for example.
BTW has anyone heard of the Podesta Bros. lately?
What QAnon nonsense … HRC has not been arrested, and Trump can’t order a ham sandwich from the Navy, let alone initiate any other action.
Is it necessary to regurgitate such stuff?
Reading about the cov19 “vaccones” apprently may disable type 2 microphages and trigger broad autoimmune conditions. Am digging for more info.
Star Wars Hits ROCK BOTTOM Deletes Video After Fan BACKLASH & Demands To Fire Kathleen Kennedy
“Star Wars New Character is A ROCK!”
You would think the Mandalorian would have shamed them into action. A simple space based spaghetti western becomes a huge hit, but no, they continue to destroy the asset they bought and also started work on dismantling the Mandalorians cast. Ah well. I must be getting very old , I remember when Disney was about entertainment.
Biden truly looks barely alive at this point. His skin is taut, his eyes are squinty, and he once again shows an inability to articulate even the most basic points.
Hmmm … those squinty eyes – where have I seen those before?
Jill Biden, the Meghan Markle in the WH, is egregiously guilty of elder abuse
The millions of Americans who were paying attention throughout the 2020 election campaign all became painfully aware of the fact that Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities were slipping and slipping fast. His wife, as the person closest to him, should have been the one to call the campaign quits in order to reduce stress on the man.
Instead, apparently so anxious to become the First Lady by any means necessary, Mrs. Biden continued to push her failing husband’s campaign forward as if he were mentally qualified. Of course all those around him knew as well that he was in the throes of dementia; it was impossible to miss the signs.
Each attempt to speak since Inauguration Day has been an embarrassing disaster. And there is the not-Dr. Jill to step in to complete his sentences when she should be making the announcement that we all know is coming. She must be waiting for the Democrats to implement that 25th Amendment they had hoped to use to get rid of President Trump. She should be very, very ashamed of herself for allowing poor Joe to suffer the indignities of encroaching dementia in public.
But in the end, no person is more reprehensible than Jill Biden. From the moment Joe decided to throw his hat in the ring, she should have put a stop to it. She of all people knows that the bulk of her family’s wealth is ill-gotten, via massive corruption and selling out to China, Ukraine and MNBA. She knows exactly how depraved Hunter Biden is; she knows all about his many perversions, how many girls and women he has used and abused, some of them within her family. While much of it has come to light, soon it will all become common knowledge. Still, she thought Joe should be pushed into the campaign, certain that our wholly corrupt media would cover for both Joe and Hunter — and indeed they did and continue to do. But that won’t last.
At this moment in time, Jill should be a bit nervous at how quickly so many Democrats are turning against the execrable Andrew Cuomo, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street, for good reasons.
Joe Biden’s mental capacity is diminishing before our eyes
The worst kept secret in Washington, D.C., is that Joe Biden is suffering from serious age-related cognitive decline. In January, although some people predicated he would remain in office for up to two years before he was gently ushered out to make room for Kamala Harris, I looked at the man and thought he was going to be retired by June. Lately, though, Biden looks as if he’s heading for an April or May retirement. On Monday, he had his worst public appearance yet, when he was unable to remember either the name for his Secretary of Defense or the Pentagon.
Dan Bongino, the former Secret Service agent, after hearing that Democrats want to remove the nuclear code from Biden’s reach, told Sean Hannity that he’s hearing from his sources that Biden “is in real significant trouble”:
I have no compassion for this man who’s always been a buffoon and is now a dangerous and demented buffoon who, while he still had some mental capacity, nevertheless allowed the greatest con ever to be run against the American people; namely, knowingly placing in the White House a man who is losing the never-more-than-marginally-competent mind he once had. In a just world, every Democrat who knew about his sagging mental abilities would be prosecuted for fraud – and the American people would get an election do-over.
This was the only way they could get Kamala in power. She could never win an election on her own.
My goodness … sometimes the misogyny of the Right can run deep and wide:
– Hillary Clinton
– Michelle Obama
– Elizabeth Warren
– Nancy Pelosi
– Kamala Harris
– Dr Jill Biden
Can’t get enough of it, it seems. And I love the hypocrisy in those links. Firstly, Donald Trump was far from “a very stable genius”, and second, the real elder abuse is the writing off of President Biden by the Rightwing Twitterverse – without any clinical knowledge whatsoever.
I could have added Meghan Markle as well.
Wow that quite a list of talent you put up Tilb
You honestly saying they are all honest, competent, ethical women who are victims of so called misogyny? seriously?
and of course any conservative woman who sticks her head above the parapet are treated with respect arent they?
women dont get a free pass, just because they are women, criticizing a women or calling out BS is not misogyny. Get over youself.
Of course I’m not saying that women get “a free pass” just on the basis of being women, but women find it a hard row to hoe when they enter traditionally male-dominated domains.
Just look at the criticism some of these high-profile women have received:
– Hillary Clinton (“kankles”)
– Michelle Obama (“Little Michael”)
– Kamala Harris (“Heels-Up”)
– Elizabeth Warren (“Pocahontas”)
– Jill Biden (“not-Dr”)
I’m sure we could go on and find many more examples. Women are attacked on their looks, appearance, age, dress, sexual orientation, relationship to their partners, and much more. Men are not similarly attacked.
Even AOC was attacked for dressing nicely! Misogyny is alive and well, it seems to me, all over politics – especially against Democratic women.
Pocahontas ? , Warren earned that nickname for claiming to be of Indian heritage and stupidly agreeing to a DNA test . Turned out Trump had more Indian blood running in his veins didn’t it ?
As for running down women why not start with yourself .
Biden’s mental capacity is diminishing before our eyes
The worst kept secret in Washington, D.C., is that Joe Biden is suffering from serious age-related cognitive decline. In January, although some people predicated he would remain in office for up to two years before he was gently ushered out to make room for Kamala Harris, I looked at the man and thought he was going to be retired by June. Lately, though, Biden looks as if he’s heading for an April or May retirement. On Monday, he had his worst public appearance yet, when he was unable to remember either the name for his Secretary of Defense or the Pentagon.
Dan Bongino, the former Secret Service agent, after hearing that Democrats want to remove the nuclear code from Biden’s reach, told Sean Hannity that he’s hearing from his sources that Biden “is in real significant trouble”:
I have no compassion for this man who’s always been a buffoon and is now a dangerous and demented buffoon who, while he still had some mental capacity, nevertheless allowed the greatest con ever to be run against the American people; namely, knowingly placing in the White House a man who is losing the never-more-than-marginally-competent mind he once had. In a just world, every Democrat who knew about his sagging mental abilities would be prosecuted for fraud – and the American people would get an election do-over.
She is guilty of all that, but also of helping to perpetuate a fraud on the American people. Of course, the American people seem complicit in this.
I am living the nightmare of watching my life partner die before my eyes. My Lady is a few years further down the abyss than Joe, but he is following, there is no possible doubt.
What I do know is that the “specialists” who say to get your partner doing puzzles etc “to keep the mind active” are talking sheet. That is torture. My Lady who worked full time and ran the house in her “spare time” now sits and watches. She still feeds the dog in the morning but little else, the dog is her constant companion. They are so non judgemental.
What I’m trying to say is that by pushing Joe to do things that are beyond him is abuse in the extreme.
Hanrahan, sorry to hear about your Lady.
Sorry to hear that and can only agree with the comment. We have friends going down that path and feeling pretty useless being unable to help much apart from just being around when wanted.
Thanks Jo.
You have it about right Yarpos. I did not write to garner sympathy for myself, I’m pragmatic about life. I was trying to make the point that doing things, anything, can be hard work for dementia sufferers and it just gets harder. I suspect that they are bullying Joe, that he would prefer to remain in his comfortable, familiar basement with his dog.
Has he always had a dog or is that just an artefact, collected to demonstrate that he isn’t “germaphobe” Trump?
All the best to you and your wife Hanrahan, it’s not an easy thing to go through and I’m reminded of it every time I open an exit door here with the now unused key bolt that had to be fitted to every door to stop the wandering .
‘Weekend At Biden’s?’ Handlers Shut Down Yet Another Q&A After Public Appearance
For the third time in as many days (the previous two detailed here), President Biden’s handlers abruptly panicked at the prospect of him answering a question from the press.
Today’s debacle takes place in a DC hardware store as double-mask-wearing Biden stares blankly at the store owner during his polite introduction, then becomes distracted by people on an upper level of the store.
As the owner tries to address Biden again, Biden’s handlers suddenly become agitated and one is repeatedly heard saying, “come on press, let’s go, we’re gonna move out.” “Let’s go you guys, come on let’s go,” she repeats herself as one of the reporters tries to ask Biden about “the crisis at the border.”
What are the handlers so afraid of?
Biden’s gaffes – or put more gently ‘senior moments’ are mounting and the world is starting to notice.
It has been 48 days since President biden took office and he has yet to hold a formal press conference, and as Sara Carter reports, even the most liberal White House partisan reporters are growing restless.
Will the real president of the United States please stand up?
There’s no evidence that Joe Biden is actually serving as president
Can anyone just tell us who the hell is running our federal government right now?
You literally get censored out of existence for suggesting that anyone other than Joe Biden won the election last November. Yet there is no evidence today — four months later — that Mr. Biden is actually serving as president.
If only he sent out a daily tweet instead of sitting quietly at his desk.
It would be better wouldn’t it? If he did? You don’t think the President should communicate directly with his constituents?
That he is not twting means either that he is so incredibly busy,
or, it more likely another and sad reason.
Ms McCarthy is being too kind to (not)DR Jill.
ATM no one knows who actually runs the WH but be assured that the whole time J had her hand up Joe’s back moving his mouth she was NOT doing it for Harris, Pelosi or Schumer. SHE wanted to run the country a la Nancy Reagan. [I am not calling Nancy evil but Jill? Prolly so]
The attached video of a lecture of Bruce Hollis (It is entitled Prostate cancer… …. however the lecture includes a concise overview of the Vitamin D research ….. Any side effects? (Only mild calcification and calcification). Hard evidence from a dozen studies (including the nurse’s study which is long term) that it stops most of the common cancers. Supplements of 4000 UI/day and greater Caused people to lose weight and gain muscle mass without exercise.
Vitamin D is required by our cells to access their copy of our DNA which is in every cell, to get the blueprints to build biochemical producing modules that produce biochemicals to stop the common cancers, stop type 2 and type 1 diabetes, to stop periodontal disease, depression, and so on.
Our body has develop biochemicals to protect the body from the chronic diseases such as cancers and virus attacks. These are repeat threats for all humans which evolution found a solution for. The human body changes when Vitamin D levels are increased as all of the cells can produce the biochemicals that they want/need to respond to attacks such covid or breast cancer or prostate cancer, or depression.
Almost the entire US population is Vitamin D deficient. The US population’s average blood serum level is 27 ng/ml 75 mmol/L. 80% of the blacks in the US have a blood serum level that is less than 20 ng/ml (50 nmol/L).
Bruce Hollis is in charge of all Vitamin D research in the US. As part of the Vitamin D supplement research, any documented Medical side effect in the US medical system, from taking supplements Vitamin D is recorded and investigated by his panel.
The first record case of any Medical side effect from taking daily Vitamin D supplements is for a person that took 30,000 UI/day. That person got mild calcification which was treated. There only known side effect from taking Vitamin D supplements is Calcification and mild calcification.
Hollis’ research included a study that gave different amounts of Vitamin D supplements to patients to determine their individual response.
Bruce Hollis noted that there is no medical reason to take supplements greater than 10,000 UI/day. His recommended is a daily Vitamin D dosage of 4000 to 8000 UI/day depending on weight. Hollis is part of group of Vitamin D researchers who have recommended that the entire US population should take 4000 UI/day.
Hollis’ Vitamin D pregnancy study, found a remarkable improvement in the health of both mothers and babies and a large reduction in the need for caesarian section, when the mother’s Vitamin D deficiency was corrected.
As Hollis states in his lecture.
The US Medical industry forced ‘Vitamin’ D research to be treated as if Vitamin D was an unknown dangerous cancer drug which is criminal.
Vitamin D is a special chemical that our cells need to access their copy of our DNA.
The woman’s breast cancer study found a 68% reduction in the incidence of breast cancer for those patients that had a blood serum level greater than 60 ng/ml (150 nmol/L). The prostate cancer study showed evidence of reversal of prostate cancer which was caused by a gene that had been activated by the vitamin D which is known to stop internal inflammation which is how early common cancers grow.
There is 20 years of ‘research’ that shows that incidence all of the common cancers can be reduced by roughly 70% raising Vitamin D levels to above 60 ng/ml (150 nmol/L). The early Vitamin D studies were latitudinal studies that which showed the incidence of of the common cancers was directly related to how much UVB is available in the location where the people live.
The US Medical industry makes money producing drugs to treat chronic illness. Vitamin D stops chronic illness by enabling the body to produce specialized biochemicals. There is an obvious conflict of interest. Which explains why this ‘research’ is not known by the public.
There is a linear relationship between the level of Vitamin D in the blood serum and the incidence of the common cancer. Vitamin D is like money. When money is short the cells cannot produce the chemicals that stop cancers from growing and the body produce less muscle which explains why there is remarkable reduction in falls when Vitamin D deficiency is corrected in the elderly.
The US women’s group Grass roots health, raised the money themselves for the Vitamin D research as the Vitamin D researchers could not get money for research.
Results of a Prostate Cancer/Vitamin D Trial: Effectiveness Safety Recommendations by Bruce H Hollis
It is interesting the correcting the Vitamin D deficiency reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes by more than 50%.
Incidence rate of type 2 diabetes is >50% lower in Grassroots Health cohort with median serum 25–hydroxyvitamin D of 41 ng/ml than in NHANES cohort with median of 22 ng/ml.
Higher serum 25–hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations have been associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
If you have any specific questions or suggestions as to what to do to about the populations Vitamin D deficiency I would be very interesting in hear about them. I would like to go down to San Diego to talk to researchers to get material and dirt on what is going on.
Move to sunny Australia – we have plenty of sunshine here, and most people spend a lot of time outdoors. The downside is the greater risk of melanoma.
“Think Dr. Seuss is bad? 12 more children’s books that deserve immediate canceling”
Soon to join the trade in illegal weapons – the trade in illegal children’s books?
An introduction to that zero emission world (/s)
“got an email from a supplier that due to resin shortages, expect shortages in all resin products, from PVC conduit to romex and all manner of fittings. nearly everything thing we use has a resin based component so it is somewhat concerning, for those interested i found an article that sort of highlights the causes. “
Here we go into disaster country. Energy Australia to close Victoria’s Yallourn coal-fired power plant by 2028
“The coal plant is due to operate until 2032 but is under immense earnings pressure amid a rapid fire fall in wholesale energy prices.”
“The 1480 megawatt Yallourn station in the Latrobe Valley supplies 22 per cent of Victoria’s electricity.”
2020/21 average electricity price in Vic is $38.31/MWhr, with Jan/Feb/Mar $20-25/MWhr.
Back in 2015/16 the Vic price was $59, since then annual averages $66, $92, $110, $74/MWhr (2019/20).
On the accompanying channel nine news broadcast we were told that a four hundred and fifty megawatt (surely megawatt hour) battery is to be installed.
On what published advice the mountebanks and charlatans have again dudded the Victorian public through their bent Labor comrades we will never be told; after all as anybody who frequents this site must know any such advice is criminal nonsense and the public servants accepting it on our behalf need prosecuting.
Q. How do you charge that battery?
A. With excess generation by ruinables.
Q. ?????
It’s midday, when that “excess” generation should be at its greatest but SA is drawing 31 mW from its batteries, not charging them.
G’day Robber,
Here’s the ABC story, with its opening paragraph:
” Energy Australia will close the Yallourn power station in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley in mid-2028 four years ahead of schedule and build a giant power-generating battery instead. ”
Somehow they forgot to describe their (magic) “giant power–generating battery”.
Dave B
And not to be outdone The Australian reports: Origin weighs closure of NSW coal station
Origin’s Eraring plant, the biggest in Australia (2,880 MW), is also due to close by 2032 and Mr Calabria said it will consider a range of scenarios for the facility as the market keeps changing. “You’ve got a market now really shifting rapidly and like all generators in the market we’re running that plant differently today than we were six months ago,” Mr Calabria said.
NSW wholesale prices per AEMO: 2020/21 $50/MWhr, prior years $72, $88, $81, $82, $68.
Finally, a minister speaks up in The Australian Thursday: ‘Higher bills, blackouts’ from Yallourn closure.
“Energy Minister Angus Taylor has warned the early closure of the Yallourn coal-fired power station in Victoria could lead to higher electricity bills and more blackouts, and demanded energy companies build new dispatchable generators in time for the plant’s shutdown in 2028.”
Victorian Energy Minister Lily D’Ambrosio said the closure of Yallourn was part of a trend of “old, coal-fired power stations creaking to a stop around the world”.
EnergyAustralia will contribute to a Victorian government-led $10m support package for 500 workers at the plant. The company will build a 350MW (??) battery as a partial replacement to the coal-fired power station which could provide power for up to four hours at a time. <Presumably that means the battery could provide 80 MW for 4 fours. (Yallourn capability 1,400 MW 24×7.
When will they ever learn? Replacing reliable generators with intermittents means also investing in dispatchable generators for when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow.
A grid run by greenies and economists what could possibly go wrong ?
We await news that Health Minister Greg Hunt’s infection that has him hospitalised is unrelated to the jab he got days ago.
Personally I’m doubtful there would be any connection, I’m swinging to be in favour.
G’day H,
The ABC sys he’ll be back at work soon, after a bacterial infection:
Dave B
Yallourn coal fired power station confirmed to close , bring on the blackouts next hot summer we get and of course prices to rise .
Sorry David had it covered !
Now scheduled to close in 2028 instead of 2032 … I think your concerns over the “next hot summer” are unwarranted.
Meant next hot summer after closure , Liddell is going as well and Queensland and Tasmania can only produce so much so time now to save up for that generator.
More truth bombs from Howell Woltz. The Lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich who with a group of other Lawyers is taking a Class Action against the WHO of false claims against the validity of pcr test for Covid19 and the effects of consequential unnecessary lockdowns on citizens and businesses explains how just how we have been lied to.
Andrew Wakefield explains the catastrophe of the MRNA “vaccine”. Nothing new here but very well communicated.
Whyalla’s lifeline is broken, Sunil Gupta’s financier Greensill has been placed in administration. Hopefully SA has not yet handed over their promised $50 mill.
My schadenfreude is tempered by the knowledge that it is real people, not politicians, who will lose their jobs. But I didn’t vote for the crazies, they did.
Thanks for that explainer. Ive sent it to Radio NZ.
Hopefully NZ Journalists will wake up, they risk being left behind and looking very uninformed. The truth is right there in sin sight.