A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Look behind you?
You mean my 6. Always! Good advise.
Over the last couple of years on this forum we have shone a light on the world.
Events like Brexit, the extraordinary U.S. Presidential election, The Texas Big freeze, the Covid Event, The more recent Cuomo Event, the imminent collapse of the European Economic Union and the continued invasion of Britain and the US by “migrants” and to a lesser extent, Australia.
The problem is clear and evident but it’s hard to give it a name; should it be called political mismanagement, or something stronger, like corruption.
In a recent thread the term “class” was used to provide a point of focus and some useful progress was made.
The problem is clear; governments at every level no longer serve their nominal purpose, so what do we do to fix this?
Do we need an enema or a vaccine.
Whatever it is we need it urgently.
Been watching the Senate hearings on the January 6 Capital incursion. FBI Director Christopher Wray was asked if he had seen any evidence of participation by ANTIF or BLM. He answered he had seen no direct evidence of their involvement. Only right wing, white supremacist hate groups were involved in his estimation. Dozens of videos taken by ANTIF and BLM proudly published showing their involvement and he sees nothing. Corruption is the only word that could describe what is happening with government today. The officer hit with the fire extinguisher is said to have died in the line of duty. His parents say he died of a stroke that night. They must have a martyr (a cremated martyr) to rally round. The “UPPER CLASS” in Washington and other capitals around the world consider themselves above the simple people! They live in one world and the rest of us live in another. And we finance their world. Anyone heard anything from Special Prosecutor Durham lately?
“FBI Director Christopher Wray was asked if he had seen any evidence of participation by ANTIF or BLM. He answered he had seen no direct evidence of their involvement. Only right wing, white supremacist hate groups were involved in his estimation. Dozens of videos taken by ANTIF and BLM proudly published showing their involvement and he sees nothing. ”
The detail below, from ProPublica. strongly suggests Christopher Wray was right. It seems fairly clear Antifa and BLM were not involved
Footage of the riot taken by participants on their mobiles, was up loaded to Parler. Many of which were collected and given to ProPublica
“We culled the collection to some 500 videos uploaded to Parler by people in the vicinity of the White House and Capitol on Jan. 6, and sorted them by time and location, thus giving the public an immersive experience that would previously have been impossible to achieve without being there amid the clouds of tear gas and pepper spray and the crush of bodies pressing toward their goal.
The videos are certainly not the last word on the subject, but taken together they do help us answer two key questions about the mob: Who were they and what were their motivations?
To watch most of these videos, as I sought to do in recent days, and see the seat of our representative government turned into the object of a violent attack by fellow Americans is overwhelming. And what struck me most about them is just how much this assemblage of people assaulting the Capitol reminded me of people I had seen and spoken with over the years at regular Republican campaign events, going all the way back to Sarah Palin’s electric appearances in 2008. At my first Trump rally in 2016, at an airplane hangar outside Dayton, Ohio, I had been amazed by the cross section on display: There were husbands in golf caps with well-manicured wives, frat boys, fathers with sons.”
‘The police visible in the videos fought tenaciously, and the resulting sense of betrayal in the crowd is palpable. All summer, as the police had battled with Black Lives Matter protesters and rioters, the American right had defended them as guardians of law and order. And this, the Capitol protesters seemed to be saying, is how we’re rewarded — with billowing tear gas and blows from batons? “You mother—-ers,” shouts a middle-aged woman in a wool pullover and a “Spread Love” cap as another tear-gas canister whistles down.”
Why am I not surprised to see you regurgitating this drivel?
I really do not want to dig up the facts again but I will since this is an Aussie site that may not have the info.
Buffalo boy is an ACTOR, Jake Angeli being his stripper stage name.
And you just can not make this crap up…
A Trump supporter? A Shaman? Demanding Organic? I don’t think so.
“12 News has documented Angeli at numerous rallies, marches and events throughout the past year, ranging from Trump rallies to BLM marches.” HMMMmmm ONLY the last year AND he didn’t get the crap beaten out of him by BLM? I would put him as ‘questionable’
The Black Lives Activist John Sullivan And the FBI let this guy, John Earle Sullivan, out? REALLY?
John Sullivan himself, posted videos showing that he entered the Capitol along with a CNN reporter. He was supposed to delete that footage, and FORGOT.
EXTRAORDINARY: Chat Logs Reveal Alleged Plan To Turn Trump Rally Into Violent Riot
Daniel Alan Baker:
Not at the Capitol but really dangerous.
Antifa supporter arrested for plotting to murder Trump supporters and police on Inauguration Day.
He trained in Syria in 2017, featured on VICE, participated in the CHAZ in Seattle WA. He wanted to stockpile AK-XXs and build ‘booms’ in CHAZ district in Seattle to start “the revolution.” It gets a lot worse from there and Yeah, he had landed $$$ from Soros.
The New York Post informs us Antifa member Aaron Mostofsky has been charged for his role in the Capitol invasion. He is son of a prominent Brooklyn judge.
Trump-hating former Buzzfeed employee, Tim Gionet (aka “Baked Alaska”) was arrested for invading the Capitol.
International Expert IDs multiple Agents Provocateur
And Everything Wrong With The Buffalo Jump errr Capitol Shooting
Ian, I have attached a link to Gateway Pundit so you can see the words of eyewitnesses and may direct you to other sites for further verification of the involvement of ANTIA & BLM. Remember the name John Sullivan. He videoed the young woman being shot. He is ANTIA & BLM. You remember, he was released without bail and was paid $35,000 from CNN for his video.
Sullivan was indicted:
Perhaps Antifa is a covert FBI op?
Why else would Wray make himself look like a fool?
You are mostly on the correct track.
I have one comment in moderation but the next one has some interesting speculation.
“Why else would Wray make himself look like a fool?”
To look at it more objectively why did Wray make the points he did? Did he make them up? Why would he? If he did make them up what evidence is there to support that claim? He is describing what actually occurred not what you might like to think occurred.
These are the words in the indictment I linked above:
“Specifically, on or about January 6, 2021, SULLIVAN knowingly and willfully joined a crowd of individuals who forcibly entered the U.S. Capitol and impeded, disrupted, and disturbed the orderly conduct of business by the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate.”
Did you not read the indictment?
Sullivan is Antifa. He was there.
Wray said Antifa was not there. He’s lying.
You might find the answer in a 2016 David Plouffe tweet:
Plouffe was campaign manager for Barack Obama.
The Capitol Riot was to be a REICHSTAG MOMEMT, an intentional humiliation of Trump and his supporters, designed to destroy his movement, permanently label Deplorables as DANGEROUS Far-Right terrorists AND even, if enough damage was done, allow charges of insurrection to be brought against President Trump.
FBI office in Virginia??? FBI… Virginia… Ohio Oathkeepers, Am I seeing a pattern here?
It gets better.
Actually it was the House Sergeant-at-Arms under Nancy Pelosi and the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms under Mitch McConnell who did the rejecting….
NPR: Ex-Capitol Police Chief Says Requests For National Guard Denied 6 Times In Riots
The videos I have watched on the storming of the Capitol were collated and edited by JadynX (aka John Sullivan). A young woman, Ashli Babbitt was supposedly shot and killed as she climbed through an opening in the corridor door frame. The whole thing appears to have been staged.
Since then Ashli Babbitt has had a funeral, Family and friends interred her ashes at sea off the coast of California. Which makes it even more difficult to explain.
If she is not dead then a whole lot of people are involved in her pretend killing, including family and friends. If she is dead then there should have been an autopsy and an inquest and an investigation of the shooter.
Did Ashli Babbitt even exist or was she created for the theatre?
I read the article and noted that Michael Waller, a senior analyst for strategy at the Center for Security Policy specialising in propaganda, political warfare, psychological warfare, and subversion, had a significant input
The Center for Security Policy (CSP) is a far-right, anti-Muslim, Washington, D.C.-based think tank. The organization’s founder and current president is Frank Gaffney Jr. who is known for promoting falsehoods about President Barack Obama being a Muslim.
Statements from that source are almost certainly biased and would not be accepted at face value by discerning readers without significant questioning.
[Ad hom. – Jo]
Well, my comment disappeared into the ether. No real surprise since it contained actual evidence.
A recap WITHOUT the URLs
Detroit Free Press: US Capitol riot: Father says son’s arrest isn’t what it seems, he was anti-Trump
The National Pulse – EXTRAORDINARY: Chat Logs Reveal Alleged Plan To Turn Trump Rally Into Violent Riot
There is even a video shot by John Sullivan himself, shouting “We did it!” which shows that he entered the Capitol along with a CNN reporter Jade Sacker. He was supposed to delete that footage, and FORGOT.
There is a photo of Kevin Seefried pictured with Antifa rioter Aaron Mostofsky, a registered Democrat, on the stairs in the US Capitol. Kevin Seefried and his son Hunter were arrested for verbally confronting the cops. There is only one Kevin Seefried listed in Delaware and he a registered Democrat.
Aaron Mostofsky, the son of Brooklyn judge and ANOTHER ANTIFA member was charged for a role in Capitol riot.
h ttps://
Trump hating former Buzzfeed employee Tim Gionet, better known online as ‘Baked Alaska,’ was arrested.
Last Buffalo Boy ACTOR Angeli (aka Jacob Anthony or Jake Angel or Jacob Chansley) has a history with the Phoenix BLM and also showed at trump rallies BUT ONLY FOR THE LAST YEAR…
Organic food, Shaman and WORST calls himself the “QAnon Shaman,” Well that shows he is a phony. There is Q and there are the Anons (or Bakers or Autists). ONLY the Fake News uses QAnon.
On top of that is the picture of him…
And then things get interesting if you are a dot connecting cynic.
Comment # 2
Connecting some dots (History)
Thomas Caldwell LIVES in Virginia but he is linked with the OHIO Oathkeepers. (Around 400 miles and 6 &1/2 hour drive one way.)
WASHING COMPOST: Alleged Oath Keeper leader Thomas Caldwell was former FBI
2009??? AS IN OBAMA???
Oh and it gets even better
And from News Week:
The alleged leader of the group, Thomas Caldwell, 66, of Berryville, Virginia, worked as a section chief for the FBI from 2009 and 2010 after retiring from the Navy.
A YEAR??? He worked for the FBI for a YEAR???
Yeah right. Any bets he worked undercover for the last decade?
SO LOOK AT 2009-2010.
The Oath Keepers Formed in March 2009
The timing certainly fits.
And then there is the ‘Proud Boys’
USA Today: Proud Boys splintering after Capitol riot, revelations about leader.
And it is not the first time:
American Thinker: FBI agent appears to have incited murderous attack on Texas ‘Draw Moxxxxxd’ event
Looks a lot like an FBI covert op to me.
President Obama politicised much of the administration. The FBI was specifically infiltrated and subverted by President Obama’s swampy progressives and the left.
Wray lied when he said Antifa was not at the Capitol.
Christopher Wray is another dud in the long line of duds at the FBI. He got suckered into investigating a fake ‘noose’ but hasn’t learned his lesson. His first priority now? Watch him prosecute a “white supremacist” so he can show a scalp to his new masters.
I wonder how much investigating he did, of Ruby Freeman and Baby Girl’s odd behavior in the Georgia counting room? I’ll never accept that was above board.
Hey, to anyone on the run from the FBI, see if you can get lodgings at Ruby’s house – the FBI will never knock on that door.
Another dud – Hoover. Fond of playing “dress-ups”, and keeping dossiers on political enemies – that’s why he lasted so long as Director, he had the power to blackmail.
As for Comey, he was caught on camera, conceding that the Russian dossier was “salacious and unverified”, but that didn’t stop him from presenting it to the FISA Court as a key piece of evidence. Also, targeting General Flynn was a nasty move.
Wet Mountains,
What fire extinguisher? No evidence of that. His stroke seems to be natural causes.
There was only one death and that was a shot from a policeman.
Some other people died of natural causes.
Videos show people taking off their MAGA guise and being ANTIFA.
Others show people bragging it was ANTIFA.
Pelosi must have been shown the emails before the event.
It stopped the debate and that seems to have been carefully planned.
5 buses of ANTIFA members.
Why did some police move barricades and wave people through.
In the building police used hand signals to guide ‘rioters’ while photographers positioned themselves.
Surely the photographers taking the videos i mention above weren’t part of the Pelosi plan.
Richard, I have attached two videos of the event. Video 1 at 1:40;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj/RV=2/RE=1614808684/RO=10/
[Was caught in spam trap]ED
It would be nice to frog march the problem out of the institutions but that’s easier said than done. We need to organise ourselves and become activists like our enemy. More grass roots action and less words. The culture class warfare discussed the other day is an interesting approach. We may end up with strange bedfellows on our side (like traditional Marxists and feminists (the sensible variety)) but so be it. As history often shows, in war you don’t always get to choose your friends.
Problem: governments at every level no longer serve their nominal purpose
Cause: voter apathy
Peaceful Solution: none possible due to voter apathy
Reason: voter apathy and self-denial have formed a vicious circle
Prognosis: voter apathy and self-denial will allow the problem to get much worse before people wake up
Alternative Solutions: not peaceful but have been common throughout history
There is no apathy, democracy is alive and well. Did you notice the recent election in the US, very robust.
Peter you miss:
Dumbing Down via John Dewey and George Count with their ‘Progressive Education’ starting in the late 1800s
Systemic Disinformation campaign starting in 2015 with J.P. Morgan interests buy 25 of America’s leading newspapers.
In the USA, the Central Bank, lobbying and campaign finance laws ALLOWING the ‘purchase of’ politicians.
Closer Look ==> Lobbying Congress’s
1986: $61 million spent, Avg $113,700 per Lawmaker
2016: $3.1 billion spent, Avg $5.8 million per Lawmaker
How can the average American hope to counter the $5.8 million per Lawmaker spent by foreign countries and transnational corporations?
We are just the lambs that they are deciding how to divvy up. The American people lost any control they had in 1913 when the European bankers installed a Central Bank, an income tax and made Senators elected by ‘popular’ vote vs selected by the states.
The Europeans have been fleecing us ever since.
Liberal democracies have always had these issues, and while I generally like governments where margins are very thin (it keeps both sides on their toes, and reduces arrogance and complacency), it is the depth and breadth of the “divide” between the sides that characterises the modern era.
The way that terms like “far right” and “hard left” are thrown around as terms of abuse and dismissal has increased dramatically over the last generation. Not so much in Australia – I wouldn’t know (or care) how most of the people in my orbit vote; we tend to avoid any unseemly political passions and zealotry. It’s also hard to pick – I live in a very leafy and prosperous slice of Melbourne, but it always returns a Labor member at both the state and federal level. Quite a few Chardonnay Socialists and Green types, I expect.
There is also a hatred for – or at a serious suspicion of – the “Deep State”, and this attitude seems to be present with many more on the right than the left. This is a reversal over the last generation as well. Wen I was a young adult and much more politically active, the “Deep State” was very much an arm of the establishment, very conservative, anti-worker, anti-union, anti just about everything I cared about.
Now the “Deep State” is seen (at least in the US) as the financial and power-elite arm of the Democrats, and everyone who isn’t pro-Trump. It is seen as such a bogey-man, and the source of so many conspiratorial suspicions, that it has almost supplanted elected representatives as the target for most criticism and vitriol.
And then there are the “culture wars” – about which whole books could be written. And of course the attacks on the “mainstream media” as been liars, and that the Truth has to be found elsewhere. Big tech and social media come in for similar criticism.
But I don’t think there is voter apathy – at least no more than there ever has been. I suspect “voter apathy” is code for the voters not voting the way one might like. If only the sheep would wake up and vote the right way (or perhaps the Right Way), then everything would be better!
Whatever, I think constitutional democracy is well worth defending, and even fighting for. Part of that – a crucial part – is to accept (even in a very partisan world) that the other side has a right to exist, and that they will win elections, and that such a result is how it must work.
The refusal of Trump supporters to accept the result, and in particular the denial of the fact that he wasn’t a very popular president, and his electoral record was actually pretty disastrous – is bad for democracy. This isn’t the result of “voter apathy” – it seems to me it’s very much voter activism … in the US they came out in record numbers despite the pandemic. People wanted a say and they exercised their rights.
I wonder how many of them will be conflicted/confused when they learn about his vaccination in January
No doubt the anti-vaxxers will be outraged.
But then, it goes with the ideology.
Does the CCP pay you your .03 cents for off topic comments too, GA?
Since it is Wednesday unthreaded and I was responding to a comment about the president and his supporters, I don’t accept your point.
And why jump from someone making a negative comment about someone you admire to the CCP? It is like your imagination or maybe just your rhetoric is limited to repeating what other people say when confronted by differing opinions. I’m sure you can do better if you try.
Your premise is unsupported.
Where have I ever said I admire President Trump?
And why refer to the CCP? Well, are you saying you’re not a paid troll?
I think this makes the point pretty well.
OK… you got me on the paid thing. How can I refuse to be part of the global network controlling your life.
That is probably my bad GA … in describing the dark and mysterious “Deep State” I should have included the CCP, George Soros, and of course Bill Gates with his microchip-filled syringes. Dis-information seems to rule.
One area where the Right does have a real point (in my view) is in respect of globalism – but it isn’t a Democrat plot, or even a plot by the UN | NWO | Davos | Illuminati either. It is simply a function of late capitalism, and it has been mostly enabled and abetted by conservatives and the powerful corporates.
The loss of whole manufacturing industries to low-cost offshore factories is a serious worry – even if our TVs and T-shirts are a lot cheaper.
But it amazes me constantly that the MAGA faithful nearly always identify the wrong perpetrators, despite the obvious culprits being in the police line-up.
What is deeply puzzling is why they should hide the fact of vaccination – Trump spent months touting Operation Warp Speed and the development of effective vaccines in quick time (preferably before 3 Nov) … what was the thinking that led to their keeping it secret?
You forget President Trump and several other Repubs HAD the disease so why would you bother to get the
vaccineinjection?I am certainly not! I think I had it in January before it was a known problem and Corona viruses have the same immune-mediated cytokine storm problem as dengue fever. That is why no vaccine was ever developed for MERS and SARS. The test animals all died when exposed to the wild virus.
I will stick with Vit C, D3, B complex, zinc, selenium and green tea (as the ionophore).
They did get them and probably got the advice that others in that position will be given. The vaccine (likely) offers a broader spectrum response against other strains and a boosted response.
He will listen to medical advice if he is personally affected.
Your silly strikethrough is noted. Oh dear.
When Trump got the virus he was cured in two days, he said it was cloned antibodies from a youngster that had recovered.
He also said he would make the treatment available to all Americans,Trump derangement syndrome ensured this info was not reported by the media.
Trump realist syndrome meant he was not to be believed and they were correct.
Fairly hard to argue with that.
Pointless to argue with that. It is a statement of belief.
That is a good question. But not as good as the main question: if Donald and Melania Trump received the vaccination in January, why do you hide the fact?
We are not Americans or Europeans, what they do is entirely their business and has no relation to Oz.
El gordo,
Aussies are ALSO on the menu.
Where? At the Global Bar n’ Grill in Davos? To be honest, I think more Australians worry about whether Buddy Franklin is going to be fit enough for a comeback at the Swans.
China and I will reframe from putting down the rest of the info. so I will not gross anyone out.
(We have taboos the Chinese do not when it comes to eating… SHUDDER!)
Buddy is getting old. I’m more worried about Hurley and Ambrose.
‘Aussies are ALSO on the menu.’
We are well aware of our invidious position, but we can do it our way without the trappings of the Alliance to weigh us down.
I’m glad you said shine a light
Very soon the movie Sound of Freedom, based on the true story of the more than 2 million children trafficked every year will be released.
I’m convinced the systemic corruption responsible for trying to control and suppress humanity by lying to us about everything, has the most disgusting underbelly. Most of us have no idea such evil exists.
Soon to be revealed
From Herodotus
Darius speaks of corruption.
Again, in a democracy, it is impossible but that there will be malpractices: these malpractices, however, do not lead to enmities, but to close friendships, which are formed among those engaged in them, who must hold well together to carry on their villainies.
Darius observes that a Benevolent Dictator is the more efficient form of Government, however:
Even apart from this, we ought not to change the laws of our forefathers when they work fairly; for to do so is not well.”
The Tea Party / MAGA movement has united after Trump has brought the ‘Cockroaches into the light‘ and appears to be using what remains of the US Constitution to rebuild the Republican Party from the Precinct level up.
We have the same problem in Australia where the pre-selection of Representative has been taken from us by the taxpayer funding of the Party machines and the career and Golden Eggs offered to the ‘Useful Idiots’ selected by this process. Malpractices run riot and the laws are applied only to destroy those seeking to employ them fairly.
It is past time for Australians who understand the calamities approaching to re-enter the Political process at the grass roots and ‘Reset’ our Democracy.
Does anyone have a list of where the Major Parties meet and how the system operates. MAGA has identified there was 200,000 vacancies in the Precincts of the Republican Party and they are busy filling them.
There have never been public primaries in Australia – for one thing when you enrol to vote you do NOT have to register as a supporter or member of a party, which I believe is as it should be. A secret ballot is just that.
Candidates have always been pre-selected at the branch level, although in a number of high-profile cases, the state office has parachuted in their preferred candidate.
Thanks TT,
I was referring to a broader concept whereby the Political Party does not have to ask the community for support. This may add to the complete disconnect with the community we see in our elected representatives. They are in my opinion anointed and not respected.
FGS don’t take the vaccine!!! I wonder if former President Trump knew about the global conspiracy to kill off the sheeple?
I woke from my slumbers to the BBC world service and heard the most incredibly childish teenager from Oz, who is apparently taking the Oz government to court in Melbourne over its climate crimes with regards to a large new coal mine that is proposed.
Was I having a nightmare or was this girl for real?
Sadly too true:
Seems like the lawyers involved specifically hunted these children to justify their “class action”. Not sure how they will “prove” any level of future “harm”. But an example of the US process of “Sue and Settle”: forcing changes to legislation by activists without any democratic, legislative or scientific basis.
The approved Vickery open cut mine forms an extension to the existing Whitehaven open cut mine NW of Gunnedah in NW NSW and sits over the site of the former Vickery underground mine. It passed 18 independent environmental assessments prior to its approval. It impacts rolling hills of grazing country, not high-value cropping country for which the Gunnedah area is best known.
We might expect to see here a repeat of the February 2019 Rocky Hill coal mine case (at Gloucester NSW) where an activist judge found against that mine’s approval primarily on the basis of Australia being a signatory to the Paris Accord, and its “dire consequences of increasing emissions” which in his eyes automatically precluded any expansion of coal mining activity in the country. CO2 = deadly stuff.
“The judge has given really complete consideration to the idea of climate change,” he said. “It was a factor in the refusal of this coal mine along with other grounds and this will be a judgement of significant weight in terms of new coal projects around Australia.“
Seems there’s more and more that we may not read and less and less that we maybe permitted to say. O you cancel-culture-book-burner, you.
I hope it gets to court. It is nonsense and witnesses under oath prove their stupidity.
I quote the parent who used Bob Carter to prevent students being shown Gore’s movie.
Gore claims he won. The film can be shown so long as students are first given a print out explaining the lies.
The more the better to wake people up to the massive scam. We need these class actions to spread like a wild bushfire to start causing real pain to the people by way of power outages resulting in the people waking up and telling governments to stop telling fibs about how great emission reduction and renewables are and instead start promoting coal and nuclear power or else face political annihilation. Simples.
CO2 doesn’t cause global warming, apparently. Do you have definitve proof that it doesn’t?
Mauna Loa, Hawai, where rising co2 levels are recorded, shows no doomsday warming …
Cape Grimm:
Of course, this is not definitive.
No problem; spend lots of money on “renewables” to stop Climate Change and soon you will find that definitive proof that no money is left.
Global Warming is NOT in the cards given a decrease of 47 Wm-2 from the Holocene peak solar insolation of 523 Wm-2. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change gives a piddling little 1.5 W/m 2 for the forcing of anthropogenic CO2 [cf., Reid, 1997] so CO2 is NOT going to get us anywhere near the Holocene Optimum.
Then look at the present insolation vs other interglacial terminations.
From the paper Can we predict the duration of an interglacial? I extracted the 21 June solar insolation @ 65◦ N for several glacial inceptions:
Current values are insolation = 479 W m−2
(Marine Isotope Stage 11 interglacial)
MIS 7e – insolation = 463 W m−2,
MIS 11c – insolation = 466 W m−2,
MIS 13a – insolation = 500 W m−2,
MIS 15a – insolation = 480 W m−2,
MIS 17 – insolation = 477 W m−2
This would indicate that when the solar insolation gets somewhere below 500 W m−2 other factors can tip the climate into the cold state.
5 of the last 6 interglacials have each lasted about half a precession cycle. Currently, based on the end of the Younger Dryas, the Holocene is 11,700+ years old. The precession cycle is 23,000 years and ½ is 11,500 years placing the Little Ice Age as the end of the Holocene. A Grand Solar Maximum pulled our chestnuts out of the fire but that has ended. The only question is whether the Holocene will be like the 6th interglacial, MIS 11, that spanned two precession cycles or not.
The Loutre and Berger model cited by the ClimAstrologists looked at orbital mechanics and model results (They played around with computers instead of getting off their butts.) Lisieki and Raymo took an exhaustive look at 57 globally distributed deep Ocean Drilling Project (and other) cores In other words they looked at real evidence not models.
The Grand Solar Maximum, GREATEST IN 3,000 years, that hauled the earth out of the Little Ice Age is coming to an end.
A 3,000-Year Record of Solar Activity – Review by CO2 Science
The Holocene sea level Highstand was 1.5 to 2.0 meters higher than present between 3.5 and 6.0 ka ago.
Mid to late Holocene sea-level reconstruction of Southeast Vietnam using beachrock and beach-ridge deposits
Oahu showing mean sea level higher than today between ~5000 and ~2000 yr ago with a maximum ~2 m above present ca. 3500 yr ago….
Over the long term glaciers are growing.
Temperature and precipitation history of the Arctic and A new approach for reconstructing glacier variability based on lake sediments recording input from more than one glacier
Finally even if the Holocene does go long the earth will bump along in the unstable region between the ‘green house’ and the ‘ice house’
Climate Weirding anyone??
Morning e g,
Do you have any evidence that CO2 does cause any significant warming?
I can’t find any.
Dave B
Try Mildura, Kalgoorlie, Adelaide, Alice Springs and Bourke.
Expecting an atmospheric CO2 molecule to retain acquired energy when being constantly hit by other molecules is like expecting a mouse to retain its cheese in a roomful of stampeding elephants. Sure, it’s theoretically possible as Arrhenius showed, but in practice, in the atmosphere, it’s highly unlikely. I believe this is what Prof. Happer is essentially saying.
Thanks everyone, a very convincing argument that CO2 doesn’t cause warming.
Does anyone know what keeps the Indo Pacific Warm Pool at a constant temperature?
There seems to be so much you don’t know about the climate scam el gordo?
You’ve been here a long time and learnt nothing?
There is little value in walking around the office waving our hands in the air and all agreeing with one another, I know for a fact that CO2 doesn’t cause global warming.
We now have to muster a case to prove at a Royal Commission that climate change is orchestrated through the behaviour of sun, moon and gas giants. On earth the regular oscillations of the ocean system determines weather and climate, so my quest at the moment is to prove that heat from the ocean deep is fundamentally important.
Yes, she was real.
She was regurgitating what she had been indoctrinated with, and began to flounder when asked questions by the interviewer.
Unfortunately he didn’t ask her how to make steel and plastic composites for her windmills without coal and oil.
Typical of the beeb to give her a free run and then close the conversation.
Actually I would love to go nuclear and save the oil for use as a raw material for plastics, pharmaceuticals and such.
In broad terms I agree with this … I don’t know what the smallest nuclear reactor size is to hit the economic sweet spot, but there must be a modern solution where they don’t have to be ginormous – and therefore don’t take billions or a decade to build.
Mixing those with serious (sober) renewables – pretty easy in Australia I would think, solar, wind, and tidal, and we could have a sustainable non FF energy grid in a generation.
The digging up and exporting of our huge coal deposits is is another issue.
One of my favorite sites:
Small Nuclear Power Reactors
Thanks Gail.
That is one of the best arguments for nuclear power.
Created a small global warming skeptics handbook of my own below if anyone is interested in checking it out.
A very long png (portable network graphic) image is not actually very portable. I suggest pdf or ppsx format. Easier to navigate, whether it is one on one or wifi/bluetooth to a projector and screen, show screen in Zoom etc.
Well done Richard.
Very nice. Unfortunately, it won’t make any difference just like many other similar attempts to educate everyone, and the governments have made up their mind on the matter. We MUST reduce our emissions at all costs to avoid a (mythical) CAGW. Whatever the justification is for their stupid decision to do so, and there are a number of reasons why they decided that way but are beside the point, it can only be turned around peacefully at the ballot box, by threat or action. When people have suffered a enough pain to demonstrate their disapproval of the government decision then the governments might start changing their tune. Failing that the pain will continue to increase until it reaches a point where voters stop voting en mass for parties that cling to the CAGW scam.
I am not so sure the Elite are unaware of what is really going on.
I think they have been aware of a possible coming Ice Age since the 1960s. Remember the Milankovitch Cycles were confirmed with evidence in the early 1970s. LINK
The result was the 1974 CIA report: “A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems”
However I think the real key is the Gleissberg ~80 year sunspot cycle. Gleissberg (1939 & 1971)
Gleissberg’s work meant you could possibly predict the next warming spell. What was interesting was in 1972 the world was STILL in a cool phase and would not start warming for another decade or so, yet Rockefeller’s man, Maurice Strong was already hyping “Global Warming” at the First Earth Summit in 1972! Was Gleissberg’s work how the Cabal ‘KNEW’ the earth would see ‘Global Warming’ in the coming decades? Or was there other information that never made it into the general literature.
Was fear of a imminent Ice Age, why the sudden change in the Cabal’s attitude towards the USA in the late 60s early 70s? Manufacturing was creating wealth hand over fist in the 1950s and 60s. All that came to a screeching halt with a transfer of technology and manufacturing to more equatorial countries starting in 1974 with the OPEC oil crisis. (ARAMCO was the Saudi – Rockefeller oil company and if you think the Rockefeller would ALLOW the Saudis to give them the boot, I have some sand to sell you.)
World Map look at 30 lat.
Look at the North American MAP Sort of makes the Aztlan movement separatist movement look ‘interesting’
https://www.fairus (DOT)org/issue/societal-impact/chicano-nationalism-revanchism-and-aztlan-myth
Then look at ASIA 22,000 years ago MAP
FROM: Global land environments since the last interglacial
Explains the de-development of the USA and the moving of our industry to more equitorial countries.
It explains the obsession on population control. The possible use of vaccines to sterilize people. The development of a spermicidal corn and Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation bluntly saying during an interview with Audubon magazine.
“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Source: The book You Don’t Say, by Fred Gielow, 1999, page 189.
[Gail, in the future please break long comments into shorter multiples.]ED
Always willing to give advice to another Richard.
Your handbook looks at the science, and the lack of science, in a simple way with easy to tread charts.
What a handbook should also address is the politics and contradictions of the climate change “religion”.
Here are some ideas from my climate science and energy blog (click on my name for the URL), where I had 11,000 page views last month. Readers prefer that you keep things as simple as possible. Climate s and climate politics. And they love simple charts — you have plenty of those. Feel free to use anything I’ve written that interests you for your handbook.
The politics and contradictions of the climate change religion: This is really not only a science issue:
The science is laboratory experiments, and they predict mild harmless global warming, from adding CO2 to the atmosphere.
And we have had mild harmless warming for the past 45 years.
During all of those 45 years of mild, harmless global warming, the climate alarmists were telling us a “climate crisis” was coming in 10 years.
And ten years from now it will still be coming in 10 years !
Eventually, smart people will realize no climate crisis is coming.
The imaginary “coming climate crisis” is a boogeyman to support left-wing politics, used to scare people, and control them.
How many decades of wrong predictions of a coming climate crisis should we tolerate before realizing the predictions are wrong?
The alarmists now describe FUTURE global warming as an existential crisis … while ACTUAL global warming since the 1970s had been beneficial — completely different.
Reality was that colder climates warmed the most since the 1970s, such as warmer winter nights in Siberia.
Reality was that more CO2 in the atmosphere since the 1970s has been greening our planet.
We know our planet has had HUGE climate changes for 4.5 billion years, from natural causes.
Now the climate alarmists want us to believe natural causes are “noise”, and only CO2 levels matter.
And to prove that, they use computer games to predict global warming, and confidently declare the science is settled … even though their models predict more than double actual global warming.
And their computer games have not been getting more accurate over the past 30 years, as if accuracy does not matter.
In real science, models make accurate predictions, that get more accurate over time, as the models are refined.
In climate alarmist junk science, it seems accurate predictions do not matter — only scary predictions matter!
The models are representations of the modellers’ hypotheses.
The observed data never agree with their models (with one exception).
This means the observations don’t support their hypotheses.
Conclusion: Their hypotheses are wrong.
“INM-CM4 is the only model that matches the weather balloon observations reasonably well, yet it is an outlier among the other CMIP5 models. Because it is an outlier, it is often ignored.”
“It is significant, literally, that INM-CM4 is one of the few models that passes the statistical test used in McKitrick and Christy, 2018”
I considered the average CMIP5 model.
Individually, the climate computer game predictions (projections, simulations, BS — you pick the right word) are all over the place.
The Russian INM model has been the most accurate. That could be by chance, since there are dozens of models, with dozens of different predictions,
I suspect the Russian model, in a very complex way, looks at actual global average temperature measurements since the 1970s, and predicts “more of the same”.
No one knows exactly what CO2 does to the temperature in the troposphere, and no one knows what the climate will be like in 100 years.
But we have ALL lived with global warming since the 1970s.
So … it makes no sense to believe wild guess predictions of future global warming, claimed to be COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than than the global warming we have enjoyed for the past 45 years.
Modern climate science takes a lot of “I don’t knows” and spins them into a fairy tale of a coming climate crisis.
I’m not a believer in fairy tales, especially one I have been hearing since the 1960s.
The climate ‘boogeyman’ is always claimed to be coming in ten years … and I believe it will ALWAYS be coming in 10 years … because it is fiction.
help… we are in lockdown prison in NZ… PM has “convinced” the masses self isolating is ONLY WAY TO PREVENT SPREAD of 98-99% survivable flu strain…
Vote her party out in a landslide at the next election, if the people of NZ dare to think.
Dominion [D’mun-yun] voting machines are a problem there
She got in on a landslide vote at the last election for giving Covid such a “hard” time.
Not likely to work …
Jacinda Ardern has recently been returned as prime minister. No Dominion voting machines.
The very point of short sharp lockdowns is that it prevents a single untracked case from becoming 2,4,8,16,32,64,etc … NZ’s record on the pandemic has been very good – showing that the strategy works.
Have we reached Peak Jacinda?
She has asked us to inform on each other for rule breaking.
Are we to expect brown shirts to be sent to every citizen?
Meanwhile, we have an actual real and urgent problem of tens of thousands of people waiting for assisted housing. People are living on the street, in cars, caravans garages and in unsuitable emergency housing.
I thought you said ‘be kind’ Jacinda
Sorry Lisa I’m from Victoriastan you will have to save yourself , our socialist dictator is worse than yours .
Our Dan has been doing a great job … might be nominated for “Premier of the Year”!
Stiff competition.
Indeed … I’m sure Our Gladys and Their Anastasia are well in the mix!
The one thing the NSW premier has managed to get right since becoming premier is her handling COVID and lockdowns , although I concede the Ruby Princess fiasco was also a black Mark .
I think the chances of a global pandemic being handled without stuff ups of any kind are infinitely small. One of the things we’ve seen in the last year is people’s lack of tolerance for people being people.
Ruby Princess was regrettable and avoidable but I’m not one to go heavy on people for it.
Great job?
Sure, with 90% of all Covid deaths occurring under his watch.
Add to that, the Vic Police’ draconian tactics used to intimidate pregnant women sitting on a park bench, people fishing alone, or joggers running on the beach.
Then you got Dan’s brownshirts storming into a pregnant woman’s house and dragging her away, just as she was about to attend an ultrasound appointment; all because she put a post on Facebook suggesting a town square meeting in regional Ballarat, a city with no cases of Covid.
And much much more.
Yes, your Dan’s been doing a great job.
“.. 90% of all Australian Covid deaths.”
“Summer daytime temperatures across Australia were cooler than the average from 1910 even with the graph built from the BoM tweaked ACORN temperature series where the past has been cooled to fit IPCC dogmas.
Checking out the summer Outlooks against the real world – the Minimum Temperature Outlook takes the prize for utter failure.
How could BoM models predict such an extreme Outlook?
via Warwick Hughes:
The science is settled. When the result isn’t what the models say they should be, it is only because the models were too conservative and didn’t account for some new disaster-causing effect.
UN Warning: Don’t buy any green bananas …
Now.’ U.N. Says World Has 10 Months to Get Serious on Climate Goals
“Others like Japan, Canada, Korea, New Zealand and China, have committed to net zero goals by mid-century, but we are still missing their promised new near-term plans to get there,” she said in a statement released ahead of the report.”
Worst apocalypse. Ever.
In 10 months the Glasgow Climate Convention should be a hoot. The long promised $100 billion (a year) will not appear and few major economies will raise their short term emission reduction targets. (I can hardly wait to see what Biden tries to do.) Long term promises are a way of doing nothing.
A collapse is possible. Here’s hoping.
In our little town in Queensland, the latest discussion about wuflu at the council included the statement that “all residents will be vaccinated” in one go. I didn’t realise that a law had been passed! Scary when impingement on your freedom of choice comes closer to home.
Especially as the ‘vaccines’ are still experimental. Shades of Meng3le.
That is so unkind to thousands of doctors who are genuinely concerned with the health of humans and who took part in vaccine testing over the last few decades. Unlike the slur you made, no one is being held down to participate.
So show us all where the mRNA vaccines were tested over the last few decades, GA.
Love your virtue though. Just wonderful.
Is there an injection for that too?
Well they haven’t. They were successfully tested last year though and look to be safe. Follow ups months later show no unusual problems (any reason to think they would?)
As you know my point was that vaccines get trialed all the time. Up until they are approved they are “experimental” as Annie labelled them, and this has been the case for a very long time.
Let’s see how the Don copes with all that sense mRNA running through his body.
Except for these ones the FDA committee voted 17-4 to recommend them for emergency use.
For an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to be issued for a vaccine, the FDA must determine that the known and potential benefits outweigh the known and potential risks of the vaccine.
Seems that four of the 21 were not convinced that the risks were outweighed by the benefits.
Science by popular vote seems to have infected more than just climate “science”.
Nope. They had been given to thousands of people.
And since they won’t do good studies to show if Ivermectin etc work when used correctly, they can say there is no known alternative…
Testing was incomplete apparently. This just in:
“UK to infect volunteers with coronavirus in world’s first human challenge trial”
Look out Gee Aye is offended !
It was a pretty crappy comment I was responding to.
Meng3le didn’t experiment on humans GA?
Is that what your asserting?
You guys sure stick together.
Tony in Oz and others watching the electricity scene!!!
“David Bidstrup guest post. S**t a 35 tonne brick!!!!!”
Maybe we could all have a personal YoYo with a generator spindle to keep our personal devices charged as we exercise?
If you think the “brick crane” idea is crazy…..have a think about this one..
Suggesting using a Nuclear plant to heat salt for use as a BACKUP for intermittent renewables !
Where did Tuesday go?
Tuesday’s gone with the wind – Off Pronounced Leh-nerd Skin-nerd (1973).
Looking forward to seeing next Tuesday.
Mostly the comments there make it an ‘article’. The whole thing is really just a one liner with a one liner heading:
March 1, 2021 Kate
31 million viewers for Donald Trump’s CPAC speech. And that was just online.
Not to mention all the folks like me who only watched it a while AFTER that and for that matter on an “off brand” video service (not CPAC nor CSPAN nor YouTube) so highly unlikely that they even saw my contribution to the numbers. Those of us who have as much as possible abandoned the banners are still here, just no longer in their advertising statistics…”
“Forbes – De-Spun & Edited To Truth”
Poll at
Why is this rag called Cairns News?
Milankovitch Forcing and Tree Ring Proxies
Stephen McIntyre
Mar 2, 2021.
“…From these two points, they made plausible and compelling observation that the very large changes in high-latitude Holocene summer insolation should be visible in long high-latitude tree ring chronologies, especially those chronologies reaching back to the Roman period and earlier.
But it isn’t, as they demonstrated in an important graphic….”
HMMMMmmm, that is not what I am reading.
If I am reading this correctly they are saying they FOUND a signature in their tree data that is NOT found in published dendrochronological records emphasis on PUBLISHED as in Mikey Mann.
Other limiting factor besides sunlight include water, fertilizer and CO2
Trees are close to CO2 starvation and that limits growth on mountains.
Royal Society: Carbon dioxide starvation, the development of C4 ecosystems, and mammalian evolution
Carbon starvation in glacial trees recovered from the La Brea tar pits, southern California.
Impact of lower atmospheric carbon dioxide on tropical mountain ecosystems
It is a different study using different methods and resources (including sub-fossil trees). The Mann methods did not and would not have found this signal – whether the signal was in the samples they had is hard to say (I suspect not if they were not at the high latitudes though my knowledge of the underlying physics and biology is deficient)
With trees the data is badly confounded by a variety of factors.
Historical UK Sea Levels
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach
Vote che3cking
“Nothing to see here. Move along”
“Ya reckon?”
“Been To A Desert On A Vote With No Place…”
“Steven Crowder sent some folks to places where Biden Voters live… and found nothing:”
“I think this was the video that got him a ban on one of the “Social Media” monopolies…”
“I have been reliably informed that this does not happen: A south Texas justice of the peace was arrested along with three other individuals who face 150 charges of voter fraud altogether.”
Data from trees is useful, but only for short-term analysis. Taking into consideration the entire history of the Earth and the Solar System, the level of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere is totally irrelevant. Personally, I’m sick and tired of dumb non-entities such as Michael Mann and Tim Flannery (aka Tom Foolery) telling us that humanity is doomed unless we restrict CO2 emissions. Of course, politicians (of all sides) flock to this rubbish, as the premise of CAGW assumes a God Complex. (Note: The recent sex allegations in Canberra is a reflection of this; the Canberra bubble is a product of power-seeking).
I thought this story was interesting