All those silicon chips and no real knowledge
The poorest quarter in the UK have more information at their fingertips than King George did, but half the modern population have no idea what’s going on. In big bold terms of history, no other century saw so many lives saved, and deadly foes conquered. But most of the lucky recipients of the biggest bounty in a hundred thousand years aren’t just oblivious to the good news, they think things are getting worse.
Instead of drowning in floods they are drowning in junk headlines.
View this poll as a test of the media. If they told the truth — in perspective — the responses would cluster in a bell curve around the correct answer. Instead, a third of the population don’t know, and half the population know even less.
The GWPF has done a survey in the UK and discovered that less than 10% of the population even realize that the death toll from natural disasters is down at all, let alone by 95%. More than half the population can’t even guess the trend. And if these were “per capita” stats, the trend practically fell off a cliff. Since 1920 the global population has increased four-fold, but the death toll shrunk by a factor of twenty.
History and a connection to the real world is being wiped out. Great floods, fires and storms are being dropped down the memory-hole, while less deadly modern phenomenon fill up the news cycle.
Climate alarmism is misleading the public
The real story is a glorious success:

Global deaths from natural disasters. Source OWID
Similarly, half the population think the world has warmed by 5 to 10 huge degrees?
If people seriously thought the world had warmed by 10C why would they worry about another degree and a half?
That is very interesting, I was expecting a different answer. Thanks for publishing this.
I’m guessing that you are happy that 90% of people being ignorant of the truth will lead them to the truth.
A bit of God Complex happening there?
May I ask, what were you expecting?
He is genuinely shocked by the revelation.
having a drought, then fires, then covid, then floods, in the last few years – i will admit that my personal view is skewed.
It’s like climate change, you can not take your personal experience and expect that to be the same as the world.
That is my thinking too.
If Bruce Gordon sells WIN to Nine, then there is a strong chance that Sky will be thrown overboard. This lack of media diversity (opinion) would cripple free speech in Australia.
Certainly, I think that Sky plays an important role, and it would be a loss to have it removed from the airwaves
Ah yes, but Rupert and Lachlan are cashed up and ready to break new ground. Everyone is aware that if Sky goes off air then Morrison might lose the unloseable election.
Rupert is a king maker and Lachlan is a chip off the old block, so expect a media shakeup and bipolar disorder.
Peter, when you say: ‘It’s like climate change, you can not take your personal experience and expect that to be the same as the world’, you have actually negated the long held view of climate alarmists who have been so busy hammering home their failed hypothesis that any climate variations are worldwide effects, hence their term,’global warming.’
It is obvious to any rational thinking human being that what we experience is merely weather after all – just a small part of the hugely complex climate system of which we have a very, very, limited understanding. And which is something which we certainly cannot command.
A very appropriate comment at Easter.
Are you shocked that there are other people apart from you that believe the BS, Peter?
I’m not.
Frankly, I am surprised that only 50% are so ignorant. I was expecting much more.
You can add in the ‘don’t know’ percentage no problems David, green peer pressure will turn those proles in a second rather than face woke room 101.
I’m not surprised by the ignorance exhibited by the UK population but I am surprised by the writer of this piece who appears to be somewhat confused. First they write:
“Similarly, half the population think the world has warmed by 5 to 10 huge percent?” closely followed by
“If people seriously thought the world had warmed by 10C why would they worry about another degree and a half?”
An increase of 10C????
Averaged as a whole, the global land and ocean surface temperature is around 14C. A rise of 5-10% would give an average temperature of between about 15C and 16C
An increase of 10C is a rise of around 70% which is way above the “5 to 10% huge percent” initially stated and is clearly incorrect as a rise of 10C would give an average global temperature of between 25 and 26C
Elementary errors do not give one confidence in the relialibilty of the rest of the article
You could always read the graphs and see the actual figures and make deductions for yourself and then you could put any error in context. Ironically that is also what the article is getting at; even with all the self education tools available today, people are loathe to find the available information and make their own assessment.
“10 degrees is much less than 70% or 273+14.”
I have no idea what you are trying to say. Are you bringing degrees Kelvin into the discussion? If so what is the relevance?
Apologies Simon that reply was meant for gee aye
Any individual willing to publicly admit an error, is worthy of an apology acceptance. Could you write to A Ocasio – Cortez and explain that to her. Her opinion would be more valuable to the public if she wasn’t such a blind activist! The hundreds of unaccompanied children in Bidens border detention center are victims of climate change, as opposed to the 70 there 4 months ago who were victims of Trumps Nazi fuelled policies. Any wonder she is in the bottom 5% of believeable US politicians.
Why does she get so much media though, Ian? An indoctrination education system, no need for facts and tantrum attracted trashmedia maybe?
I know this is long ago but it is fundamental. Your percentages are absurd – zero must be absolute zero. Consider a change of 1 to 2 degrees. Do you really say that global temperatures have doubled?
Don’t you cringe when a news reader says today it will be 30 degrees, that is twice as hot as the overnight low of 15. It is not twice the temperature!
10 degrees is much less than 70% or 273+14.
This is like saying 1C is infinitely hotter than 0C
Please re-read – it says ‘Similarly, half the population think the world has warmed by 5 to 10 huge degrees’. You’re welcome.
Yeah I read that Gary. It was changed from 5-10- huge percent after my comment was published
Fair enough, Ian.
you mean there are more useful idiots out there than you thought…..
As I said to you recently Peter:
What you’ll find is that you’ll start to wonder why things don’t work out as you think they should. The answer lies in your blind insistence that you and your ideology has it all taped. It hasn’t.
yes Mr Sam, I have learned something, and thanked the publisher. That puts me at 180 degrees to your way of interpreting the world
Are you thinking vertical or horizontal?
You need to be more specific.
You are severely limiting the choice of slantindicular there
It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
And in this case it’s the invention of a new word, an amazing word;
We could probably also have descriptors like;
Pre Perpendicular, and the obvious
Post Perpendicular.
And then there’s horizontal to work with.
Never mind Peter.
You’ll come around. Eventually.
This sort of patronising smoothie is always a good signed that they have failed quite miserably. But I do concede that climate denial evangelists can be quite sublime.
Who is denying the climate TT?
It looks fine to me. Very healthy. Unlike the psychological misfits who are unable to read a thermometer, and seem to think that mankind is in control.
That’s really, rilly rilly big of you to “concede” that.
We crossed the Nepean River at Penrith on the M4 today. The water level looks maybe a metre still above the usual level.
My memory says about 160 years ago there was a flood about three metres higher than the second biggest recorded. I do not know if this was caused by a blockage in the channel or a massive rainfall event.
It would be interesting to know how much higher this flood and the 1961 flood would have been without the Warragamba Dam.
If my calculation is right, the peak flow over the Warragamba spillway was about one sixth of the average rate of flow of the Mississipi or the Orinoco. We don’t have real rivers in Oz!
The true meaning of the survey is that most people will guess an answer, especially if there is a multiple choice of answers, rather than saying “I don’t know”, even when they have no idea what the right answer is.
This also applies to Ph.D. scientists wild guessing the climate in 100 years.
People who say “I don’t know”, or “No one knows”, get no attention, and are treated like big dummies, even though that is usually the right answer about what is going to happen in the future.
Thinking never made it so.
Terribly sad that the entire global population is being misled and manipulated in such a way.
There are more people alive today in far better situations than ever before and it is all down to the use of fossil fuels as created by white western democratic civilisations.
Wealthier nations soon stabilise their populations and care better for their environments and fossil fuel use is the key.
Anything that restricts the careful use of fossil fuels simply delays the date at which global population stabilises and such restrictions also reduce the wealth available to care adequately for the environment.
The true global vandals are the so called environmentalists.
Atmospheric CO2 has no effect on global temperatures but could theoretically result in miniscule changes in the established climate zones but such changes are dwarfed by natural variability.
Planets with atmospheres are always able to neutralise radiative imbalances via adjustments in convection so the whole anthropogenic global warming / climate change scenario is an utter crock.
Chalk up a win for the BBC , ABC and all the other marxist media.
That’s only because the so called conservatives have caved in to them by turning a blind eye to the leftist bias of organisations like ABC who treat free speech like a cancer. Conservatives for years have lost the fighting spirit to defeat the enemy. The result is the enemy have already won many major battles. Unless conservatives wake up and start giving a damn to start winning some battles, the left will continue on their merry way to destroy our way of life we fought in two major wars to defend from such extremisms. One could say we are in the middle of a third world war and we are losing big time so far without a single shot being fired.
Conservatives cannot gag or dismantle the ABC. Just imagine if Morrison came out tomorrow and said, on the evidence available, CO2 doesn’t cause global warming. We have to remain patient for a few more years until the new hiatus is in plain sight, then the Murdocracy will go in for the kill.
‘Australia should consider a second national broadcaster to present an alternative outlook to the ABC, Cardinal George Pell believes.’ Oz
Add another national broadcaster to reflect other views, says George Pell
Australia should consider a second national broadcaster to present an alternative outlook to the ABC, Cardinal George Pell believes.
Writing in The Weekend Australian from Rome, Cardinal Pell said: “Very sensibly Italy has at least a couple of government-sponsored television stations to reflect the different points of view, which is an option that should be considered by any national conservative government in Australia, where the ABC is dominated by a Gramscian hegemony, hostile to social conservatives, most Christians and often to Western civilisation. The Italian media is divided and disputatious but not monochrome.”
Asked if his view was shaped by the ABC’s coverage of the child a@use charges against him that eventually were overturned 7-nil by the High Court and the ABC’s coverage of a r@pe allegation against Christian Porter, the cardinal said his was a broad observation but those matters were part of it. “Everybody has a right to due process,’’ he said. “I think they were so convinced that their position was correct that they cut corners on due process and it is always dangerous.”
I proposed that a long time ago. I suggested the LNP fund a competing ABC to provide balance. Of course they don’t have the spine nor the guts to do it. They are cowards.
The LNP wouldn’t expect the tax payers to bankroll their own media outlet. But the Greens and the left factions of the ALP do.
Only a few years ago random people were asked what percentage of Earth’s atmosphere was CO2 and given multiple choice answers. Many chose 20%. Now, many of those people probably know all sorts of stuff I don’t so God bless ’em. But, for such a basic fact to not be common knowledge about a subject that has filled the media now for the past 30 years is astounding. It tells me a lot about the reluctance of this cult to openly discuss the facts.
I was a former Comrade,
As a cult we won’t discuss the facts.
We are taught to create a diversion.
We deflect by changing the subject.
As a result.
You get bogged down in a futile argument we create.
All the while, we are busy censoring, harassing, and indoctrinating others to achieve our goals.
We try to trip you up and discredit you.
And sadly, it works if you play our game.
Have you seen any of that lately?
I have read what I posted.
It may be misinterpreted.
To clarify.
My post is not aimed at you personally, in any form.
I wrote about the behavior of the cult.
It is a worry.
Totally taken as you intended so don’t worry.
Yes – the techniques you describe are the same ones used by religious cults and so it’s no surprise they have been described as a cult. The funny part is they don’t understand why intelligent people just ignore them.
LOL – be critical of the ABC by all means, but calling it “marxist” is a useless term for several reasons, and you just drain the term of useful and correct meaning(s).
I’m a “marxist”, and I expect a great number of people on this forum are as well. The term means you have a commitment to scientific and realistic analysis of the way things work … particularly politics, society, economics. You need to follow the money trail, analyse who has wealth, who has power, and how these forces compete with each other. Historical materialism.
I wouldn’t think one in a hundred ABC employees would have read or studied any Marx, let alone understand how it might inform their journalistic practice. Sure the ABC has a leftie bias, but so does a lot of its audience.
I actually agree with George Pell that the ABC should have an alternative competitor – it might meet the needs of a bigger audience (including rural types) – but it would still need to meet criteria of balance, truth, and objectivity. Whether it would attract a viable audience is another question.
One of the benefits of such a channel would be to lift the standards of discourse and information. Any person with an axe to grind or a few screws loose can start websites on whatever, and it might get traction.
For example, a decent anti-ABC might have provided a forum but also held a blowtorch at the feet of Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and the MyPillowGuy – get them to put up or shut up, but not just ignore them or dismiss them as conspiracy theory nutters.
Same with global-warming deniers and much else – you get a platform and a large pulpit, but your information better be solid. Could be entertaining!
It also means that a lot of people do not care. 25% do not know. Another 28% think it’s under 1C, which is correct.
And 35% think it’s as much as 5C, but perhaps not where they live. No one really thinks it’s where they live in their lifetimes, because it’s obviously not true.
And some have no idea how much an increase of 10C is? In high latitudes, that’s a small part of the summer/winter change, so it’s all about averages. I doubt anyone thinks their summers are 10C higher and their winters 10C higher.
However it’s a perfect profile for a Green party which lives entirely on the scam that the world is frying as famous weather alarmist Bill Nye sets fire to a globe on national television.
And he has spent the last 29 years as a nationally famous ‘Science Educator’ winning 19 Emmy awards, two best selling science books and a Netflix series. He is a passionate advocate of the idea that the world is frying quickly. Why?
Tucker Carlson called Bill Nye out.
Bill Nye had NO facts. AT ALL.
And could not give one answer to a question
that LOTS of people can see the answer to.
Bill Nye is not a scientist, because true
scientists question EVERYTHING, there is NO
Agreed, but when a famed and nationally syndicated child educator passionately believes that the world is on fire and puts on such an amazingly provocative performance on national television, it is no wonder that the uneducated, the non scientists, the gullible and the children actually believe him.
He has been on this bandwagon by his own admission for 28 years, since 1993. That’s a generation of people and more.
How much has Bill Nye done to scare people and now that it’s obvious to everyone that there is no significant warming, especially after a freezing winter across the world, how does he still believe the unbelievable? Or why?
You could add James Hansen, Tim Flannery, Al Gore and a long list of people including our self appointed ‘Climate Council’ still pushing this barrow. The only thing they all have in common is that no one is a meteorologist.
And they are doing a vast amount of damage while making a good living deceiving people.
Well … the ten hottest years in the modern era have been since 2005, and the seven hottest years have occurred since 2014. That famous year of global-warming deniers – 1998 – doesn’t make it into the Top 10 any more. The evidence for global warming is all around to see – from the Arctic to the Antarctic, from the Sahel of Africa to the Siberian permafrost, to the glaciers of Switzerland and New Zealand.
One cold winter doesn’t change the reality. Short-term weather does not equal climate!
The Proper-Gandist strikes again.
It interesting how people just resort to ad homs, without actually discussing the substance. Sad.
Tilba etc.
I take it that your modern era starts in 1962 – very cold winter in Europe (and the UK) or in 1979 – very cold winter in north America.
And since you are worried about climate warming up recently.
I think 1880 is the start of the modern era and modern measurement.
There is a consensus about most subjects.
That just means a majority view, sometimes correct, often not.
The best scientists in history disproved the consensus at the time and were often opposed by those who supported the consensus.
Opposition would gradually disappear when other scientists realized they could not make progress in their field if they continued to support a disproven consensus.
Or they died.
We are in an ‘academic minimum’ where a PhD is for sale! University funding and research grants are all skewed to ‘finding’ one answer.
Personally I think it is the creation of PhDs of obscurity. Traditional mathematics, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, medical and more PhDs are as hard as ever. We used to laugh that in America you could get a PhD in ice cream manufacture. Now no one is laughing. Except perhaps that famous Australian climate scientist, Professor Tim Flannery.
Deep down you really wonder if people would actually welcome this make believe apocalypse of global warming – as that fool Nye portrays when he puts a gas burner to a world globe. There are elements of it with COVID as well. As with AGW, politicians and “influencers” like public health officials have preyed on this fear. I was surprised (I shoudn’t have been) by the high percentage of germaphobes in society. That is, basically that they were going to catch COVID and drop down dead. Crazy mask mandates, lockdowns etc just solidified all those crazy fears. The only hope is that as the world probably cools over the next 10 years that some truth will out. But I expect all these same carpetbaggers (like Nye,Attenborough, Greta, Gore etc) will just carry on regardless and be supported by a great proportion of both social and MSM. Because we know bad news sells media – regardless of its technology.
A very important and informative item but one so few people will read and even less understand and appreciate. Most people are addicted to social media and what some influencer or celebrity is doing rather than what is happening in the world or even their neighbourhood. Most people don’t even converse with or know the faces who live next door! They rely on their iPhones rather than their eye phones! Sadly, technology is failing to provide the advances once promised.
New addition to our fish and chip shop menu
You can now have silicon fish, with your silicon chips
Reminds me of climate hoax, just a silly con.
That’s the power of propaganda!
As my young friend explains:
Oh excellent video, Zoe!
Thanks for posting!
In 2001, after Sept. 11, we saw pictures on TV of muslim people in the middle east waving banners celebrating the attack on America. (muslims were immediately blamed, of course, and we seemed to know who did it almost immediately too. It was Osama Bin Laden! So, naturally, the Americans immediately attacked Saddam Hussein of Iraq)
I remember it very well indeed.
I have an uncle who has worked in the media for many decades.
He told me at the time, that those pictures of muslims celebrating the attacks were created by CNN.
The TV crews offer money to local muslim people who “look the part”, for waving banners for the cameras, so that the American people think the whole world hates them.
“The media is the enemy of the people” – President Trump.
Thanks again for posting this video.
Oh! erm…. thanks. (?)
The USSR and the Third Reich perished when they began to believe their own propaganda. I wonder if the Biden administration will be different.
Interesting the spike comes in the low to mid 1930s as it is my understanding that is the actual warmest period in the USHCN.
Don’t know the CO2 PPM in the 1930s.
Of course, it is ridiculous to draw weather pattern conclusions form a 100 year sample.
Also interesting that in the age of near instant knowledge on a universally available hand held device people believe so many false things.
Never should have tasted the apple.
The CO2 level was between 295* and 310** p.p.m.
*. ~1890
** 1945
it is ridiculous to draw weather pattern conclusions from very patchy data. The HADCRUT figures for the Southern Hemisphere for 1855, 1856, 1857 are based on ONE thermometer in what is now Indonesia.
How can you tell the temperaturs in half the world from a single figure? Lie? Guess? Computer modelling?
Lie? Guess? Computer modelling?
You are repeating yourself.
“The HADCRUT figures for the Southern Hemisphere for 1855, 1856, 1857 are based on ONE thermometer in what is now Indonesia.”
I’m sure this is true. Amazing.
I’m less familiar with HADCRUT.
I do know that HADCRU has a reputation for integrity.
Should the last few words “half the population think the world has warmed by 5 to 10 huge percent?” be meant to say ” half the population think the world has warmed by 5 to 10 DEGREES?”
That result is an incredible indictemnt of the belief system of that 51% of the population. It shows that we have a long way to go in reversing this misinformation.
You wouldn’t want things like this to be seen
“David Bidstrup guest post. This is what they trashed the country for.”
Well worth the read.
When President Trump first started saying “FAKE NEWS”, he was ridiculed by the sheeple for accusing the media of bias.
Thankfully, the people are beginning to see it for themselves.
“The deception goes deeper than anyone can possibly know” – President Trump.
Please keep waking up, everyone!
The media is lying to us!!
There are only 6 media corporations in the world. They are utterly corrupt.
They control the “news” for the whole world. The ABC in Australia is nothing but a propaganda outlet for the CCP and the UN.
The media is lying to us.
The Great Awakening has begun.
whether you are aware of it or not.
‘There are only 6 media corporations in the world.’
I didn’t know that, do you have a link?
Good morning El Gordo,
Yes. I do have some links.
Here’s one regarding Australian media. (your news source on your tv every night, every newspaper you read, radio stations you listen to, movies you watch in the cinema, or on netflix…..
Only 6 major media corporations control the ENTIRE media of the world.
and here, El Gordo, is a link to the actual 6 corporations who control the media that you and I consume every single day, from our moment of birth.
See how many of the media company names you recognise…
Now that you have those links as a starting point, El Gordo, would you mind responding to/addressing what I’ve said in my above comment #12?
‘The media is lying to us. The Great Awakening has begun.’
If we can just focus on Australia, its the Murdocracy against the rest. This is our strength, a counterpoint to topple the monolith of ignorance.
As time goes by more people are watching Sky News than the ABC News, primarily for their opinion. There is already a movement underway to clip the wings of Sky, its reach is broad.
In Australia the Murdoch Empire stands out from the mire and Sky News is popular, but there are storm clouds building.
‘Nine Entertainment is said to be in talks with wealthy businessman Bruce Gordon about a deal to sell his regional broadcaster WIN Corporation into the $5bn media business.’
‘Nine’s papers and TV still afflicted by hack. Media giant Nine Entertainment continues to be beset by major technical problems in the wake of Sunday’s cyber attack.’ Oz
Thanks for all that, El Gordo.
Even though you haven’t really given your opinion on anything I’ve said, can I take it that you do not trust the media any more?
I hope you will look at the evening news differently from now on, with a different outlook on what the “news” actually is.
(propaganda and manipulation)
El Gordo,
Another way to look at the TV news you watch each night is to consider that the “news anchors” are not journalists.
They are ACTORS being paid to play the role of journalists reporting the news.
I was in the industry for a decade and agree that anchors are not necessarily journalists.
The MSM is not lying to us, its the sin of omission which is doing the most harm because the masses are oblivious. The ABC is the propaganda wing of the klimatariat, the newsroom is full of Trots which must be purged from the organisation.
‘ … whether you are aware of it or not.’
I’ll borrow that line, very amusing.
You’re right! The ABC is indeed the propaganda outlet of the kliatariat! Exactly!
Where does the Klimatariat begin and end? The CCP! The UN! The EU! the media corporations! The media industrial complex. The Klimate Industrial Complex. The military industrial complex… the MEDICAL industrial complex!
(which massive pharmaceutical corporation will YOU trust to inject you while they also inject the entire world for a virus with a 98% survival rate? and make massive profits whilst doing it?)
((also… antibacterial hand sanitiser is not anti-virus 😉 )
All of the above industrial complexes are part of the SAME deception.
The media corporations they control are their MAIN weapon against the people.
Doh! Don’tcha hate typos!
The technological revolution has advanced humanity and there is no going back. The political evolution in Western democracies towards a green tinge is natural, but misguided.
For this disaster I blame the MSM, but they plead its not our fault, advertising revenue dropped because of the new technologies so we sacked our best editors and journalists.
The US military industrial complex is the most formidable in the world, do you think its money well spent?
Good morning El Gordo, and Happy Easter.
Now that you know about how the various industrial complexes keep themselves in business by *creating* their industries, I hope you will assess and view things differently from now on.
There is also the Poverty Industrial Complex, where poor people are kept deliberately poor for profit.
Australia’s aboriginal people are a good example of that; trapped in endless generational welfare so they “need” government workers to make big money by “helping” them.
(I was one of those workers a few years ago, at a remote community in north QLD. I made $3500 per week because those people are poor.)
Ask yourself, El Gordo:
Why are there people living in 3rd world conditions in Australia in the 21st century?
We had KRudd’s Apology – it achieved nothing.
We have “programs” like “Close the Gap” – it achieves nothing.
I’m telling you it is done deliberately!
It is the poverty industrial complex.
It is a crime against humanity. We MUST wake up.
Pointman’s take is interesting..worth a read:
Per the late George Carlin,
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
The Australian Academy of Science has just released (31 March) what they term a ‘land mark technical report’ entitled “The risks to Australia of a 3°C warmer world”. See: .
Note the cover picture for this Report is a photo of Kangaroo Island scrub after the early 2020 bushfires. They no doubt wanted to imply that Global Warming/Climate Change was equivalent to Armageddon. Given the currency of the Report they could equally have used the imagery depicted in: noting the spectacular regeneration in Flinders Chase N.P., Kangaroo Is.
I have read the AAS report and it is disgraceful for all the omissions it has carefully failed to include in its assessment. Back in the old days we might have speculated that the authors were “cooking the books” – but these day it is kinder to say that the authors simply don’t know or do not want to know the flip side of their arguments. Mind you if I was an examiner assessing their thesis I would still give them a big Fail.
Incidentally here is a snippet from the last Link above: “A year on from the devastating fires that burnt almost half of Kangaroo Island and 23,000 hectares of the Adelaide Hills, a carpet of green covering the landscape leaves little doubt that the island and hills are bouncing back. Birdsong is deafening, kangaroos and koalas are content, flora is flourishing, and the community is closer than ever. Life has well and truly returned to the bush, and with it the opportunity to experience regeneration at a once-in-a-lifetime scale. This is one of our longest stories, but it’s a beautiful one about the stunning virtues of nature, the healing power of people and just why now is the best time to visit South Australia’s bushfire affected regions”.
Anyone with any sense of history cannot help but love our sunburnt country……………….. Thanks a million Dorathea!
That same report is probably the basis for a story on the “Conversation” which today has been uploaded to anyone with an Apple device via Apple News. So, today there are no doubt a few more million Aussies who believe by the end of this century that the world will be 3˚C warmer. All via their iPhone – so, of course it has to be correct.
Thanks Bill.
But where is the counter reply? Why is no-one of some authority questioning this? Who are the scientists? Where are the grants/funding coming from?
Therefore, with no adverse reaction, the MSM run with the story and then it becomes factual.
If nothing is said, the lies keep multiplying..
Peter Ridd tried offering a counter argument as part of the unafraid ‘tell-it-like-it-is’ rigor of James Cook University’s science department and, well…..they sacked him.
410 ppm sounds like a big number: I mean, it’s bigger than 100 right, over 4x bigger, it must be HUGE! Enter basic maths & a decimal point and – voila! – 0.0410% looks rather puny, so small it’s merely a whiff, a trace, of a number. And with mankind’s contribution of approximately 4% of that 0.04%, well, I rest my case, your Honour.
Yes, thanks to a basic lack of understanding of maths most people have no idea what the simple statistic 410ppm means. A lot of people think it means 410 million and so that’s a HUGE number isn’t it?? Our so called “experts” then perpetuate this confusion by not giving any perspective or basic principles. The best way to explain it to some people is to say – “what if I gave you a $million and then took just $410 back as transaction fee, would you feel ripped off?”. None of the other basic stats are ever publicised either. Alan Jones (noted SKY commentator in AustralIa) tried to inform the ABC TV Q&A program about the following – 0.04% (level of CO2 atmosphere), 3% ( mans contribution of CO2 to the atmosphere) and 1.3% (Australia’s contribution to worldwide man made CO2). He was literally howled down by fellow panellists and the audience. Yet, they are the indisputable facts.
When we all realize that Australia’s contribution of CO2 is 1.3% of 3% of .04%, all we can ever offer is tokenism, we won’t make any difference at all.
None of this profound ignorance came on suddenly.
The Marxists have had a deliberate plan, Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions”, to destroy Western free enterprise society since at least the late 1960’s / early 70’s.
It started with Marxist infiltration of teacher’s unions so soon there was a whole generation of Leftist teachers and students.
Then journalism became something you learned at university, not as an apprentice on the job. This ensured the Left controlled the means of information as well.
Today the Left have infiltrated virtually all organisations, even nominally conservative ones and even political parties like the Liberals in Australia or the Republicans in the US.
It was a very clever strategy in an evil kind of way.
This survey is a product of that strategy.
It’s what happens when conservatives remain silent.
While conservatives just want to be left alone to peacefully go about their business, the Left is relentless, and never miss an opportunity to ratchet their infiltration and control up a notch. And, like The Terminator, they absolutely will not stop, EVER, until we as conservatives do something and defeat them.
Just because McCarthy was demonised doesn’t mean he was wrong.
And, for the most part, he was right. See Blacklisted by History by M. Stanton Evans
You’ve nailed it Mr Maddison. I remember when sports administrations just used to administer sport. Now, they promote all sorts of ‘right on’ social causes and demand obedience from players, fans, anyone that comes within a mile of them – even kids. Workplaces are also infected. You’d better attend cultural sensitivity training courses or your employment will be terminated.
Unable to sell their crap message on its own merits, the Marxists have to Trojan Horse it into initially popular and successful organisations who are often innocently good natured and let them in unaware of what their real intentions are.
97% of all (cough,cough) scientists might agree but it doesn’t filter down to the Plebian masses that don’t rely on funding for supporting a failed hypothesis.
NSF did a survey some decades ago where nearly a quarter of the respondents could not identify the U.S. on an unlabeled world map. Approximately the same fraction were convinced of the reality of UFOs as extraterrestrial spacecraft. The matter of a dishonest and manipulative media is a problem, yes, but truth is out there in a million online essays, digital piles of tabulated data, and free analytical tools. But people have to actively educate themselves, and the fact is they are much too lazy, and would rather passively absorb the media narrative.
Maybe there needs to be competing media narratives for them to choose from like we had a long time ago when each city had two newspapers — one leaning left and one leaning right. I actually doubt it is a solution. I know this won’t be a popular suggestion, but I do wonder if we are suffering from too much democracy. It’s like allowing airliner passengers to vote on how to land the craft. When the U.S. Democrats propose to fix governance with yet more “democracy” like no restrictions on who votes, then I figure the opposite is a better path.
You are right in 50% + 1 being a lousy way to run a country.
Sort of on topic – having a conversation with a friend yesterday, when a propos of very little, he launched into a frothing at the mouth rave, about Morrison, and I realized what I was seeing was hatred. It’s not stupidity, it is hatred. This is what years of continuous Trump, and Morrison stabbing creates. Later in the evening I stumbled across ‘Pickering’ on abc. I had heard of him before, but found the hatred coming off that guy was palpable.
Scott Morrison – “I’m under attack over my handling of women, by people who don’t believe women exist.” Don’t think we will ever hear that?
This the other result of brainwashing propaganda, hatred, while people that counter argue the lies are labeled with various ‘isms’ or ‘phobias’ the indoctrinated have no moral mirror that can offer a reflection of what they’ve become, when you give yourself completely to a cause you lose the rationality that gives way to critical thinking and move onto critical thought/theory that leads in theory to positivism but in reality leads to conformity to the end of happiness and independence that exists only from abiding by its rules and boundaries.
I see no difference in whats happening now in western societies to what was developed above in the Frankfurt School 1918-1939 and the terrible results of which were endured by everyone that encountered or opposed the movements that were born from its principles.
“Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana.
Time to reconsider your ‘friends’.
Seen recently
“A misogynist is a man who hates women almost as much as other women”
Indeed ‘Furiously curious’,
It is the generalized move away from treating people as individuals, or group of individuals that is so insidious. From men and women to a none differentiation of basic gender types. Today you are who you think or believe you are, regardless of the genes you carry; genes that tell the very real story of who and what you are.
This generalized move pulls away from thinking of people as persons and is a method that the Übermensch (those who believe they are beyond just being human) as some sort of superhuman, a ruling over-being, and thus a kind of natural leader-dictator who can decide who will prosper, and who will be prematurely extinguished. Deciding who can be replaced with machines and robots, and who can be allowed to stay for their set time. Away from the perceptions of particular individuals and towards groups of ‘unwashed masses’, the underclass, and to the hate-filled theories of eugenics.
The world can’t differentiate between opinion, information, knowledge and wisdom …… essential element of education but not taught ….
The gullibility of people is the problem, even when considering a % of the % is diehard activists who won’t concede they’re wrong. We’re in a period of ‘academic minimum’ where truth is for sale and trashmedia are propagandists. One thing is for sure, all eras pass, it’s just how much damage is done if logic and common sense doesn’t counter those forces. Maths is racist, pronouns are hate speech, books must be burned – again – and the world will end in 2007, 20012, 2015, 2030…… What is the best defence? A counter revolution with one major action. Reasonable people holding signs in front of, in amongst or ringing the intersection of idiots glued to roads, with one simple message; ‘These uneducated fools are here because you – the media- are their useful idiots!’ I guarantee if the media can only see signage calling them out and not the tantrum throwers, they’ll have to reassess their commitment to misleading headlines and 8 second visuals.
What do we have to lose, uneducated professional activists like extinction rebellion tell the media they are going to throw their tantrum so reasonable people have time to mobilise.
The world is driven by assumptions, which is like a cancer within the society. Not many people have the patience to sit down and research a subject from different perspectives let alone conduct basic experiments to prove questionable through own experimentation.
Such laziness has been exploited by the media and messages are sent to create and fortify those assumptions into fictitious facts to as many people as possible.
Education systems only teach what has been experimented before. They don’t tech an open mind of creativity which formed the foundation of their profession in the first place. Education systems have become uninspiring. Many students can chose what subjects they want to get a pass mark on. This denies a vital aspect of linking all subjects that make up the life and industries and how they interact.
I am not surprised by the report at all but do know many people are waking up.
“Half the population trapped in media fantasy world of doom.”
And 97% of scientists …
The original survey questions were so broad and generalized, the 3% who disagreed have become revered and historic, their names known to a select few and spoken only in whispers.
Who were the fabled 3% who disagreed?
The so called 97% surveys were bogus.
There is no 97% consensus among scientists.
Not even close.
Below is a link to my article explaining why, followed by four articles about four specific “surveys”:
Not that a consensus means anything in science … truth is not determined by a popular vote.
The 97% consensus is yet another leftist lie about the climate.
Blame an education system which has morphed from teaching how to think to teaching what to think.
A friend who is a teacher is truely frightened about her fellow teachers utter ignorance on so many subjects and their swallowing hook line and sinker any narrative from the politically correct Leftists. And these idiots pass this on to the kids.
Based on what she says looks like we will have 90% believing it has warmed 5-10 deg C shortly.
Please refer people to the latest satellite temp update from Roy Spencer. We are back to zero change again and back to temps that prevailed in the late 1980s.
I’m taking bets that it won’t rise above the Spencer line for at least five years. Hiatus 2 is secure.
Here we are in April 2021. Who knows what the average global temperature was in Aproil 2020 and April 1980?
The South China Morning Post sails close to the wind.
‘China’s carbon reduction target looks elusive as banks keep throwing cash at coal mines and power plants, undercutting Xi Jinping’s plan to slash fossil fuels
‘China commissioned 38.4 gigawatts (GW) of coal plants in 2020, three times the 11.9GW fired up by the rest of the world and 60 of the world’s largest banks lent or underwrote US$752 billion of debt or equity issuances to the fossil fuel industry last year.’
Wow, that’s a lot of money. Makes all the Australian banks reluctance to fund fossil fuel developments look absolutely minuscule in comparison.
$752 billion…
Meanwhile, they have stolen my second “covid stimulus” check, after having informed me nearly 4 weeks ago they had already directly deposited it to my account, and they have thrown away all pretense in being interested in what happened to that “direct deposit”. It can’t be just my payment either, I am the littlest of fleas at $600 (if a “direct deposit” disappears without trace in the Insane Left forest, does it really exist at all?). And to add insult to injury, they blithely say they are now sending out “third economic impact payments”… and never mind the past stealing, and pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
You all have no idea of the level of crime being committed by our illegitimate Insane Left governments.
I have read elsewhere that millions of Americans (a third of adults?) have debt default judgements against them, and debt-collection agencies can legally garnishee stimulus cheques as soon as they hit the defaulter’s account.
Not implying you are a defaulter, of course.
After 50 years of UK governments dismantling the education system this comes as no surprise – eg you can leave school with the highest physics qualification without doing maths. First year of a physics degree is spent studying ‘remedial maths’. Importing millions of immigrants that can neither read nor write or speak English has added to the problem. UK media is just propaganda and the number of politicians in Westminster with any science education – there are about 1600 of them in total – is in single figures.
The real surprise is that so many gave the correct answer.
Well, here’s a hint to you of the real problem:
The official answer is NOT the correct answer. There has been no global warming at all, since the development of the Standard Atmosphere model as far back as a century and a half ago. That fellow who commented that the “true” global temperature is 14C is spouting nonsense, as the Standard Atmosphere, based upon many years of atmospheric temperature measurements and a simple true physics that provides elegant mathematical equations describing it all. has given 15C as the true answer, for all of that time. Of course, my 2010 precise confirmation of the Standard Atmosphere model, in comparing temperatures in the Venus atmosphere (with 96.5% CO2) with Earth’s (with a trace 0.04% CO2).
There is no valid global climate science, and NO competent climate scientists. Been trying to inform people of that since 2010. See Venus: No Greenhouse Effect
P.V = n.R.T
Functions between 30 metres and 11,000 metres above sea level regardless of composition wrt CO2.
How does one absorb the following information from NOAA, and square it with the frequent statements on here that global warming has not happened?
NOAA annual global analysis for 2020:
“With a slightly cooler end to the year, the year 2020 secured the rank of second warmest year in the 141-year record, with a global land and ocean surface temperature departure from average of +0.98°C (+1.76°F). This value is only 0.02°C (0.04°F) shy of tying the record high value of +1.00°C (+1.80°F) set in 2016 and only 0.03°C (0.05°F) above the now third warmest year on record set in 2019.
The seven warmest years in the 1880–2020 record have all occurred since 2014, while the 10 warmest years have occurred since 2005. The year 1998 is no longer among the 10 warmest years on record, currently ranking as the 11th warmest year in the 141-year record. The year 2020 marks the 44th consecutive year (since 1977) with global land and ocean temperatures, at least nominally, above the 20th century average.
The decadal global land and ocean surface average temperature anomaly for 2011–2020 was the warmest decade on record for the globe, with a surface global temperature of +0.82°C (+1.48°F) above the 20th century average. This surpassed the previous decadal record (2001–2010) value of +0.62°C (+1.12°F).
The global annual temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.08°C (0.14°F) per decade since 1880 and over twice that rate (+0.18°C / +0.32°F) since 1981.
The 2020 Northern Hemisphere land and ocean surface temperature was the highest in the 141-year record at +1.28°C (+2.30°F) above average. This was 0.06°C (0.11°F) higher than the previous record set in 2016. Meanwhile, the annual Southern Hemisphere land and ocean surface temperature was the fifth highest on record.”
NOAA Global Climate Report 2020
That seems pretty authoritative – where do “counter arguments” have their origins?
The M.S.M. claims we can halt,
Foul weather, being everyone’s fault,
But their news is so fake,
Which all people should take,
With not grains, but buckets of salt.
Goes with this?
The Earth is currently in an almost totally NATURALLY warming period, which began after the Little Ice Age ended (around 1700AD). The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is irrelevant. OK, I will concede that the burning of fossil fuels is a factor in global warming, but exactly how much? My conclusion is less than 10%, and that is being generous. Volcanoes emit almost as much CO2 as does human activity. It’s about time we have REALISM and PRAGMATISM in discussing CAGW (although, unfortunately, these two words are totally lost on politicians, especially the Kean and Turnbull rubbish).
“Half the population trapped in media fantasy world of doom”
Is that the half George Carlin told us about?
Who knew?
All the information in the world cannot cure STUPID.