The Sequel is out– Absolute Interference is the followup to the Absolute Proof video is out. There’s new information in here, more details, cross checks, and missing pieces. The vote rigging appears to have happened across every state and county. The software is opaque, no one can check it. We’re told the machines are not connected to the internet but they are. The Democrats were worried about the electronic voting machines a year ago but now, it’s just a conspiracy theory. US intelligence agencies say that cyber attacks from foreign entities are happening regularly. In Dr Franks analysis of Ohio (a state thought to be okay) there was an improbable 100% registration in all 88 counties, and the same voting proportions in each age bracket in every single county. In other news, it looks like poll workers may have had phones built by a Chinese electronics company that acted as a wifi hot spots sending messages back to China.
“Proves we had foreign interference in our election”.
It’s history in the making — the highest stakes, most aggressive political battle since the cold war, but this time the US is losing. Things can still be turned around, but will they?
In January, every day the media rang Mike Lindell right up until Feb 5th when his video with the evidence AbsoluteProof came out. Then the phones stopped ringing. They wanted the evidence but when it came it was banned by Vimeo, Youtube, and when 50,000 people a minute were coming in, Facebook put a big sign over the footage, saying it contained “nudity and profanity”.
If this video disappears, search “Absolute Interference” on Bitchute to find another.
7 mins Mike Flynn: One of the things we are certain of, is that these machines are connected. Everyone tells us that these machines are not connected to the internet. But they are..
Vote flipping and rigging was widespread, across the states and counties. All machines in New Hampshire started election day with 300 votes for Biden. There may have been as many as 35,000 votes added in Arizona.
The FBI and CISA gave alerts out warning that Iran was interfering in the election.
“We might be buying the best 21st Century military in the world when the battlefront is Election Security. “
The new analysis by Dr Douglas Frank
38 minutes: Mike Lindell interviews Dr Douglas Frank who describes how someone with an algorithm used the Census data, and changed votes to the point, where every state has 100% registration, and the ratio of registered voters to ballots cast at each age brackets was the same across the state.
He focused on Ohio and thought it would be good, but was shocked to find repeated patterns of voter behaviour across the state in all 88 counties. Not only did almost every possible voter register to vote, the same proportion of each age bracket voted in every county.
The registrations almost exactly match the population census in 2020 but in normal years only
Red Flag #1 100% Registration
Red Flag #2: The exact same proportion voted at every age bracket across 88 counties.
Notice also how the bumps in the registration exactly, precisely match the bumps in the ballots.
60 minutes: People ask Frank, if they were cheating in Ohio as well then why didnt they win that too? But they didn’t need to win in every single state, and he argues that in some states they just ran out of “spare registered voters” to flip. The votes were so strongly pro Trump that there were not enough spare voters to make up the difference.
He repeats the count that in their estimates Donald Trump won around 80 million votes.
Mike Lindell argues that we were blessed that Trump won with such a huge margin that it exposed how much cheating was going on as they were caught unprepared and off guard.
1:10 Anonymous insider ” a well orchestrated poll theft” by a Chinese state company in 14 US states
Poll workers got in touch with him and they were very uncomfortable with the phone that they had. It was a 4G wifi hotspot. The manufacturer appears to be AT&T, but it was in fact Alcatel, which is expected to be a European company, but the parent company is TCL, the operating system is KaiOS, Google invested $22 million dollars with this. TCL is one of China’s largest electronic giants. They’ve been caught scandalously incorporating backdoors into their TV’s and weather forecast aps.
He built a Raspberry Pi detector to pick up Wifi signals and found that TCL had access to over 150 servers in 14 states. This was the Local Area Network to connect the signals detected in the international flip signals.
“China chose Biden, not the American people.”
Mike Lindell seems very confident — he will be releasing new evidence — dumping it — across the next six weeks. He is sure the Supreme Court will consider it this time. (I’m not so confident, but that’s part of the problem, if hundreds of thousands of Americans were sure (like they should be) the energy, the outrage, the protests, and the demands on the Supreme Court could make it happen. If the mainstream media were showing the footage in this documentary — the masses would be in the streets. But Mike Lindell and everyone concerned about election fraud is up against the media blackout, the tech-giants block, the incumbent government, the corruption in the intelligence agencies and the whole Deep State inertia.
It’s still possible that good Americans can win the day, but it’s going to take real action and effort to make that happen.
It’s easy to be a cynic and say it’ll never work, the whole system is corrupt (it is). But that’s what the corrupt want you to say. “I give up”.
Spread the word instead… the good guys in this battle need all the help they can get.
h/t Peter C and Pointman
One Bitchute copy:
As we have seen with the American justice system, it is who’s home or life is about to be interfered with by the mainstream media that will persuade a person’s decision. And not laws or right and wrong.
The security to protect these people are broken due to corruption and the FIB(FBI), will harass and convict the innocent and protect the corrupted.
A year ago, HBO put up a documentary:
Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections
Did no one see it [in the media]? During this entire election sage, I don’t think it was ever mentioned. The media put on it’s ‘there is no risk of election fraud or hacking’ hat, and that was it.
If the vote had come out with Trump winning, the entire media would have been digging and digging to uncover and expose any potential fraud, etc. That’s the way it always is when the other party wins.
Mike Lindell’s Absolute Interference will meet the same fate. What will be interesting though is the outcomes of court cases involving Dominion. Surely the evidence has to be presented there. But then again as we saw with Chauvin, the evidence can still be ignored.
What?? Joe won fair and square, so did Venezuela’s Nick Maduro and so did Justin Trudeau.
Justin, he’s just so dreamy and stuff.
The sad thing is that Justin Trudeau *did* win fair and square. People love him simply because he is the smooth, good-looking son of his father. The Canadian election system leaves little room for US-style shenanigans.
Erin O’Toole’s recent decision to recognize the reality of climate change (without even a man-made nuance) and propose his own carbon “levy” has already doomed the Conservatives for the next election.
Justin Trudeau will have four more years to continue wrecking the Canadian economy.
Sad, but true
Let’s not forget that election fraud is committed by people.
Computers do what they are programmed to do.
You can have election fraud with paper ballots counted by hand too.
You could even have election fraud with votes done on stone tablets.
So the meaningful questions are:
(1) Does the number of ballots counted exceed the number of registered voters. — — That means people registered as of COB on election day, for states like Michigan, where you can register to vote until the polls close. And the official registration list might take a week to get updated. I have seen “studies” use registration counts on October 30 for states that allow same day registration, which is ridiculous.
(2) Were the ballot envelopes signed by the registered voter who lives at the address provided, and
(3) Were the ballot votes “marked” by a printing machine, rather than by a registered voter? In Michigan, for example, we had a lot of late ballots arriving after midnight on election day, which is already suspicious, some with just one mark on the ballot — a vote for Biden.
There were also claims that some ballots seemed to be printed, not marked by a human.
The puzzling fact is that ONE MARK on the Michigan ballot for ALL DEMOCRATS would have helped the Democrat party more than ONE MARK for Biden only, with the same amount of effort, and would have been much less suspicious.
We need for a large stack of illegal ballots and/or ballot envelopes in several states — adding up to enough electoral votes to prove fraud could have changed the result of the election. And then people must be prosecuted.
Due Diligence:
After 40 years of voting only for Libertarians, I voted for Trump in 2020. I am very confident Trump winning 18 or 19 US bellwether counties, yet losing, is good evidence of fraud, or a polling miracle. And I don’t believe in miracles.
It’s more than five months after the election, and people are still trying to prove that computers can be programmed to commit election fraud?
We knew that 10 years ago.
I hate to be a pessimist, but i suspect Republicans had better learn how to get absentee ballots turned in like the Democrats do — by having no concern who fills out the ballots and who signs them, just get them turned in with a “R” vote.
So what are we to think – five months after the election – that evidence of fraudulent ballots have not been produced? Why is no-one holding up a ballot that demonstrates a machine-printed mark, rather than a human-written one? Just one would be good.
You are right – election fraud needs to be committed by people. But once you move beyond the claims relating to software manipulation to falsify counts, and into the realm of physical ballots – you are starting to need a lot of people to be in on the project. And in many of the swing states, there were just as many Republicans in the various chains of authority as there are Democrat or neutrals.
And further – you need a lot of Democrats and/or neutrals to be happy to go pro-Biden so much that they would participate in fraud. Evidence of election fraud on this scale is not forthcoming, which is why courts have not been impressed, and why there haven’t been any prosecutions.
So figure this Tilba, despite all the democrats being honest and winning the Biggest Ever Election properly, they didn’t allow any independent audit groups access to the ballots? Then they said nananana or something like that, and “you don’t have any evidence”. Has that changed?
And we all know, because we’ve told you personally 50 times, that the courts mostly ruled out considering evidence because of technicalities.
And yet you soldier on, as if we said nothing…
They also needed to rig the paper ballots and the electronic voting just to make sure.
Probably not enough electronic vote rigging in the right areas and had to stop the vote count to make a paper ballot dump.
and any ballot papers which may be examined retrospectively have already been shredded.
Weeks ago…
Certainly in Phoenix (Maricopa County), where 2 millions voted — allegedly.
There is video of ballots “disappeared” and made to look legit, all while under State Legislature’s subpoena to be held.
Who will enforce Real Law, though?
So much for the legal requirement to keep them….
But who is the “they”? As I have outlined previously (not 50 times, but a number of times when the issue has arisen), the six swing states most often in question have legislatures that look like this:
Michigan (R), Wisconsin (R), Pennsylvania (R), Georgia (R), Arizona (R), Nevada (the sole Dem).
Republicans managed the electoral process, and they all signed off on their elections being fair and honest. There must be a reason why they did.
Intimidation and harassment work pretty well. They tried to change their votes. They were so unsure and intimidated, all those states sent “Dual Electors”. They hoped someone else would make the hard decision for them.
See Michigan votes un-certified, back in play, after harassment and threats against children
Plus there are rumours that Dominion offered a or some state governors deals they could not refuse — to help them get elected. You think those officials want that exposed?
If you read my site instead of just commenting, you’d know this stuff…
That’s T^2 and the third degree?
“And we all know, because we’ve told you personally 50 times, that the courts mostly ruled out considering evidence because of technicalities.”
You may have “told you personally 50 times” but that does not make it correct. You may recall Goebbels axiom “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda and that is exactly what Trump and the Republicans have done.
According to the Washington Post
instead of alleging “widespread fraud or election-changing conspiracy” the lawsuits pushed by Trump’s team and allies focused on smaller complaints, which were largely dismissed by judges due to a lack of evidence. “The Republicans did not provide evidence to back up their assertions — just speculation, rumours or hearsay.”
Politifact stated
So the lawsuits either made unsubstantiated claims of fraud, alleged other irregularities that could not be backed up with evidence, or advanced wild legal theories that have never been used to overturn an election before. Unsurprisingly, both strategies failed.”
Business Insider wrote
In a wide-ranging federal lawsuit, the Trump campaign sued over alleged irregularities in the way ballots were counted throughout the state. They have argued that 14,000 votes should be thrown out. The campaign submitted a revised version of the lawsuit days later that retracted many of its original allegations. A judge threw out the case, saying Trump’s lawyers presented the court “with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpaid in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence.” An appeal of the case also failed.
In the majority of cases the law suits were dismissed due to lack of substantiated evidence not to technicalities.
To add to my reply you might find this report relevant.
Nine Election Fraud Claims, None Credible
I think Jo should do a summary of what happened in the election especially in regards to the courts. I still dont understand it really, but hear on talk back radio all the time that ” the courts said there was no corruption” and no one refutes it. Brief summary required and I’ve never run across one (not that Ive looked)
Philip’s suggestion
This JoNova website has already provided a massive amount of info. I have seen websites, referenced by comments here, providing exactly the summary and the detail of what is asked for. Last time I looked, March, there were still outstanding cases before courts. Those sites give the verdicts of those (few) cases actually heard, and you can get, usually, the reasons why courts say they declined to hear cases. – Latches, No-standing.
The rumor as to why the supreme court declined to hear cases -that they feared widespread violence if election procedures were declared illegal, seems quite valid. There have been continued threats promises and predictions of violence, the Floyd trial is the most recent. Threats of violence work. Courts and juries have fed the crocodile hoping it will be diverted. This is not an ethical approach, nor is it pragmatic, they have fed and strengthened the crocodile.
The woke are attacking Jane Austen, English write of 200 years ago, for promoting tea drinking, and Richard Dawkins, who has tried to appease them.
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. Churchill
According to my analysis, which took five months, the key to Biden’s victory was:
The after midnight on election day vote in swing states, where he was losing before midnight, and
The over 90 year old mail in ballots coming from nursing homes, and
The unbelievably exciting basement chats by Joe Biden, where he attracted dozens and dozens of viewers, followed by the HUGE crowd at his Washington DC inauguration (of course the crowd was all National Guard troops, forced to be there, but never mind that unimportant detail.)
About telling a leftist something 50 times:
A leftist hears what he wants to hear,
and disregards the rest.
Mr. Tilba, we in the US live, unfortunately, in a country where the immediate media are sufficiently bizarre
and biased as to be useless – a cop taking only 9 seconds to triage a crisis and save a teenager from being brutally stabbed is committing a racist murder.
The immediate courts are equally unresponsive.
Life has changed here in the US, because of this election, drastically, and for the worse.
But, in a paradox, mostly an that relatively small part of the geography occupied by the left.
It is so ingrained in America that we redress our grievances at the next election that even if fraud is laid bare by the perps;
our government will soldier on and the fraction of the nominal half that supported them that are true believers well believe.
And since there is to be another election; and the incumbents wish to stay incumbent, sometimes by any means necessary, and have considerable federal control, the discoveries and reforms that may fix things if they were broken will happen well out of sight;unlike the sweeping statewide consent decrees used last time.
As a volunteer poll worker, I already know I will have to go to a series of classes on computer security; that there will be a little device at each precinct to secure the latch with a wire crimp any container transmitted between precincts; that we will be searched through a detector for thumb drives, that our cell phones will be subject to certain inspections, etc. This is a full year and a half out. Hundreds of precincts in all of our 50 states are going through this drill. Operatives, on both sides, are alert.
So here’s the thing. No big court cases or headlines in the New York Slimes. But the forensics you are making fun of are motiviating action by people in the system to make sure they can validate what happens in their precincts next election, when the scrutiny is likely to be very high indeed.
Like I believe Australia, Florida will start with a preservable paper ballot next time, state wide. Might help
Following the totally Trump-caused sore-loser silliness of the 2020 election (did I mention the sore loser?) – then yes, it’s probably good to sharpen up the process. But the problem is that isn’t what is happening – especially in the red states and the close states. What they are doing is culling the Democrat vote – and they’re doing it in plain sight.
The Republican Party knows full well their voter base is shrinking – and shrinking alarmingly – not surprising, since they’re only the party of business and fruit-loop racists. SO how else are they going to stay at all relevant?
Tilbas right — they are culling the democrat vote, stopping fake people and dead people from having their say!
If Biden won 80 million votes, the Dems wouldn’t need all the ghost voters…
To paraphrase you: The Dems know full well their voter base is shrinking alarmingly — since they cast the workers to the wind, and lecture everyone on boring stuff like carbon emissions.
Hence the forensic audit now being held in Maricopa County, Arizona … which the dems are in full panic mode. Why are they panicking if, as you say, it was a totally fair and honest election? Maybe this has something to do with it – The Maricopa Audit:-
This is an official Audit sponsored by the Arizona Senate.
The Audit will include:
A full forensic audit of the all-Election Management System (EMS) Servers, EMS Clients, precinct tabulators, and adjudication machines including all storage media
A full hand recount of the ballots, including a scanning of all ballots, and a forensic paper review of all paper utilized
Voter registration canvassing research will be performed in multiple precincts to confirm the 2020 Voter History files are accurate and match who voted
Comparison to confirm that all of the tallies from all stages of the voting results match, and are consistent with the officially reported and certified results.
Just an update Tilba Tilba;
It appears that this forensic audit is doing just that. Have just read (with video evdidence) that they are scanning the ballot papers with ultra-violet lights.
Thanks Richard,
This is what I am as getting at in my comment below. Lots of people have committed criminal acts to steal this election.
Somewhere there is an extensive chain of communication to co-ordinate all this criminal activity,. Likely most of it was by mobile phones.
The evidence so far is sufficient to show that crimes have been committed but not necessarily by whom. That is the next step in getting to prosecutions, which is likely the only way this wrong can be put right
No Richard, Did you even watch the video?
We all know fraud also happened in so many other ways (which is not the topic of this post). If the electronic evidence trails “don’t count” your votes are now irrelevant in all swing states with machines. No matter how carefully you fill in every absentee form. No matter how many voters you register and get out to vote.
The evidence Mike Lindell has doesn’t just show electronic machines can commit fraud, but that they did. Isn’t that worth discussing?
If election fraud can happen on this scale in electronic voting the USA is lost to whichever entity has the power to choose which candidate the algorithm favours.
As long as this stands, you can’t vote your way out. And next time the CCP will have smarter algorithms that don’t blatantly advertise their presence. Imagine using the exact same percentage ratio for each age in each of 88 Ohio Counties? How easy will that be to fix? They’ve probably already added a randomizer… That is, assuming they bother. Perhaps the point now is not just to win, but to make sure Americans know who rules over them. If they can elect a candidate with no charisma in early stage dementia they can elect anyone. And if Americans give up in 2021, then the CCP don’t need to hide their cyberwarfare. The obvious cheating serves it’s own purpose of demoralizing the last patriots left.
The real question that matters is whether enough Americans will push back?
Will they let this crime stand or act as though the future of their children depends upon it?
What is the algorithm Jo?
A like for what is a dumb comment. If the votes are counted by a computer, there is a program that calculates according to an algorithm. Tallying is not complex but identifying the vote is, and it’s one program. You can’t simply look inside the computer and see a little man with a pocket full of fake votes. It will be a line in the source code which is compiled into machine code that isn’t easy to check even with access to it.
The first step in getting the code is to get access to a machine which was used during the election.
As far as I know the machines have not been seized and impounded, nor examined. Which is very reprehensible, but the election officials in the critical states all work for democrat authorities.
Having said that, what is the point of the question Professor?
The Algorithm GeeAye is a secret, like the actual code in the machines taxpayers paid for.
Perhaps you could ask President Xi?
Until then, people are working to unpack the algorithm in reverse using the data they can get their hands on and looking at the very odd results.
so… why did you write anything when you knew that there was no support for anything you wrote?
He doesn’t know the point of his question.
It’s just a randomized question that momentarily flittered across one of his neurones.
His failure to respond is evidence that he doesn’t know why he asked it. But he thought it sounded learned at the time.
Algarithms are computer programs desinged to adjust data in computer programs.
I use them when changing financial software program brands.
We download details from the program we are using have the algarithm alter it to make it compatable with the new software and upload it.
APRIL 21, 2021 THE MEGAPHONE MARINE #phpLive2021
Hi Jo, your question will enough Americans get involved (to overturn their stolen Election) resonates.
I saw Ann Vandersteel interview ‘The Megaphone Marine’ link above, starting about halfway along. His grassroots ideas outlined include making a National Register list of every County and State Official position vacancy. (There are thousands of vacancies) Give a what’s needed to apply, including the Forms, and show people via podcasts on how to become a Candidate. A how to build a Platform, and a Constituency etc.
I was so inspired.
Where does their “estimate” come from? And why did the polls – including the average of polls – show for months a modest but winning lead for Joe Biden in all the swing states? In fact Joe Biden didn’t quite meet the polling figures in several states – and pollsters blame this on less reliable data from Trump voters.
Anyway, I doubt very much that Donald Trump won 80 million votes. Where is the evidence?
And it is also just as feasible that if voting machines were so readily interfered with, by either domestic of foreign parties, then it was in order to swing votes to the Republicans. Why should the Democrats have all the credit?
Mr Lindell has a lot of issues facing him – including a $1.6 billion lawsuit from Dominion. I do trust that if Donald Trump is NOT re-installed as President – as the #MyPillowGuy keep claiming – that he finally shuts up about all the election fraud stuff!
And let’s hope the US comes to its senses by Nov 2022, has uniform registration and ID procedures, and a set of uniform and secure voting machines (that include a paper audit trail) that everyone can feel happy about.
But it won’t happen – too much grift and too many special interests in play.
“And why did the polls … show for months a modest but winning lead for Joe Biden in all the swing states?”
And why did the polls … show for months a modest but winning lead for Hillary Clinton in all the swing states and yet she lost? Perhaps because the polls are not very reliable as proof of who will win an election?
Yes – I am the first to recognise that polling can underestimate Trump-intending voters, plus Hillary Clinton (quite inexplicably in retrospect) totally ignored the Upper Midwest – to her enormous cost. But to her credit, the next day after the election she had the good grace and decency to concede her loss, and congratulated Donald Trump on his win.
That was all he had to do – but he didn’t have it within him to do so. In fact he telegraphed his narcissism for months, “The only way I can lose the election is if it is rigged”. I think that cost him a LOT of votes.
He got 7 million more votes than Obama in his 2008 landslide. He got 12 million more than his win in 2016.
You don’t think.
As for Clinton’s good graces, surely she would have apologised to Trump for going along with the Russia accussations.
“He got 7 million more votes than Obama in his 2008 landslide. He got 12 million more than his win in 2016.”
You don’t state however that Biden got more than 81 million votes — the most of any presidential candidate in U.S. history surpassing Obama’s 2008 victory by 11,770,408 and Trump’s vote in 2016 by 18,284,096.
But these numbers are mainly due to the fact the electorate was larger in 2020 than in 2016 and a greater percentage of the electorate voted than in 2016.
That’s the point of the whole post. Lots of extra votes. Not, as Tiddles asserts, Trump losing votes.
So what? He was not that popular, and millions of people like me think he wasn’t just a really bad president, but the worst president.
An old bloke with all sorts of hopeless baggage like Sleepy Joe could beat him pretty easily … just shows you what the reality was. Trump’s popularity was very concentrated indeed in the MAGA Bubble – but nowhere else.
“Reality” is the Dems were too scared to let them audit the machines last November. We all know why.
“We all know why”
No we don’t “all know why” as so far courts up and down the US have not been able to support all but one of the 60+ law suits submitted by Trump. Election officials in every State have found no evidence of fraud. The Republican Attorney General, at the time said there was no evidence of fraud.
Notably affidavits from individuals who were observing vote counting, for example, are not necessarily evidence of actual fraud having occurred. Trump’s reelection campaign recruited a number of people to observe vote-counting in swing states and generated sworn affidavits from those people about what they saw. Only rarely did those affidavits even actually allege fraudulent activity, as multiple reviews of the documents made clear. At no point was actual fraud demonstrated. Often, what’s documented is the complex process of vote-counting as seen by people not familiar with how it works. That holds true for video recordings of vote-counting, too.
No reputable evidence of fraud has been reported anywhere
He got 7 million more votes than Obama in his 2008 landslide. He got 12 million more than his win in 2016.
Good grief … for months I have seen these sorts of comparisons thrown up as if they mean something – but I haven’t ever understood why they are. The only comparison that matters is with Joe Biden in November 2020, and in that instance Trump was beaten really badly.
So what point are you trying to make? My point was that Trump’s arrogance for weeks/months – saying he could only lose if it was rigged – might have cost him 20 million votes. It was a ridiculous thing to assert.
I don’t know how many votes were lost, but nor does anyone else.
Suggests that you do understand but are playing games. Trump did not lose because of lack of popularity. You are blaming his loss on politics because people really into politics and fully aware of the position of both parties just needed help to vote, like not having to go to a booth, apply for a postal vote, show ID, etc. All that complicated stuff that nobody has time for after reading NYT and WaPo. Millions of them.
Intriguing numbers:
Barack Obama:
—69,000,000 votes
—873 counties
Donald Trump:
—75,000,000 votes
—2,497 counties
Hillary Clinton
— 65,853,514 votes
— 487 counties
Joe Biden:
—81,000,000 votes
—477 counties
Smallest % of counties won – Most votes?
Also of note:
Obama received 69.5 mil votes in 2008 but received only 65.5 million in 2012, a loss of 4 mil votes.
Trump received 63 mil votes in 2016 but received 73.3 mil in 2020, a gain of 10.3 mil votes.
Not buying the Biden count.
Also – the Republicans picked up seats in the House, and across the country in state and local races Republicans had broad gains. Many liberal leaning proposition measures on the ballot, didn’t pass – surprising many; even here in California. The mood of the country did not seem so pro-Biden.
All this data points to one conclusion fraud. If Biden had been as expected in the mid 60s to low 70s range and Trump would’ve got the actual level he did the Democrats would’ve wanted audits in all states. The simple magnitude of the size of the turnout especially for the charismaless compromised bunker bound Joe Biden is just not plausible. If this was a company preparing its accounts for shareholders the auditors would be highly suspicious that embezzlement was happening. There are red flags everywhere. The Democrats have avoided the audit by convincing the courts that ,we admit that fraud may have taken place, it does so in all elections and if there is any it’s of a magnitude so small as to make no difference. The raw data of the numbers of votes point clearly to a massive increase in first time or dormant voters that is not credible.
This video highlighted a couple of queries I had , one was that if they were switching votes with the machines why were they also dumping votes. It’s clear that Trumps votes were so far beyond their expectation that the algorithms they used to camouflage the fraud were not sufficiently aggressive. Furthermore they needed the dump of late votes as these would correlate with real people albeit ones who’ s past voting patterns indicate it would be unlikely they would vote. If an audit then occurred there would be votes by real people supported by ballots.
“And let’s hope the US comes to its senses by Nov 2022, has uniform registration and ID procedures, and a set of uniform and secure voting machines (that include a paper audit trail) that everyone can feel happy about.”
For at least the last 15 years where I vote in Northern Ohio they have required an ID to vote and created a paper trail of the vote cast, so it can be done however, the Democrats House bill HR1 is headed in the opposite direction by eliminating ID requirements and removing chain-of-custody requirements by allowing “Ballot Harvesting” (the practice of allowing political operatives and others to collect voters’ ballots and turn them in en masse to polling stations). I wonder why?
Tilbe tilbe… you need to watch:
The auditors selected by the Arizona Senate are providing video access to the world of their audit activities in real-time.
— you just might learn something. Shock horror!
Just remember folks, if it can happen in the US, it can happen in Oz.
I have no doubt that it has already happened in Canada and will happen again. Especially now that Elections Canada revealed its political bias by persecuting Rebel News for writing a book criticizing Trudeau. How dare they criticize our Dear Leader.
Thanks Jo for doing the hard work to get this post up.
There is said to be an epic battle going on here in cyberspace that we are largely unaware of.
The.struggle to suppress any story about the stolen election may involve Chinese hackers as well as American big tech.
There seem to be many linked events going on here. In no particular order:
Manipulating the voting machines,
Printing fake votes and delivering them to polling places after the close of counting,
Preventing scrutineers for observing the count,
Refusing to audit the votes,
Destruction of the paper votes
Bombing the telephone exchange in Austin Texas
The ‘storming’ of the Capitol building
MSM creating narratives that blame Trump for everything.
A lot of people need to be involved. Can just a few people co-ordinate all of this?
Peter, the rampant cheating didn’t have to be coordinated — not across all the clumsy different methods. There are many vested interests who benefit from a Biden win, and they could all be working towards the same goal separately.
With a non-stop media hate campaign running for four years, there would be plenty of willing Useful Idiots who would take whatever opportunity came their way from the postman who loses a bag of votes to the postal supervisor who volunteers perhaps to tell his staff to backdate, and kids themselves that they are just “helping real voters to be counted”.
A lot of this comes back to media control. Right now, the USA would be a different place if CNN etc were showing commentary like this. The masses would be gathering outside the Supreme Court to demand due process.
Perhaps so. It seems to me that co-ordination is more likely, given the time scales, the widespread activity and also the apparent closeness of the poll results. Jo Biden was credited with enough votes in enough key states. If so it means that there was a conspiracy to commit high crimes.
I am not saying that the communications were not there, just that they either haven’t been discovered or haven’t been revealed so far.
Absolutely America would be a different place if CNN broadcast commentary like this.
The preparation of the population to accept such a high vote count as legitimate suggests significant coordination.
You bribe as well as convince useful idiots that they are behaving morally. The wealth blinds them to the spin, and the spin makes it easier for them to accept the bribe. Maybe a little push to a website for ideas rather than micromanaged.
You are correct I’m sure Peter, that there was some major coordination in this electronic data, though it would not surprise me if there were multiple hackers “doing their best”. I’m sure there was a strategy room in China.
And after all, Biden did tell us they built the biggest network of election fraud or something…
The Georgia vote tally has been found to be more % counterfeit votes than the winning margin.
Are you referring to the report by Matt Braynard’s group?
Anyway here’s the link – people can download the report as a pdf file.
Briefly, it identifies 6 categories of Illegal Ballot. Forty staff members were able to cross-reference public records with (purported) voters’ own Facebook posts (and other social media) to identify who was an out-of-state voter etc.
Just the first 3 categories yield more that 12.5 thousand votes that should not be counted. (The other 3 categories need more info that only Govt agencies can provide, IF they want to pick up the ball.)
If Matt’s data is correct, Biden’s “winning” margin of 11-odd thousand looks shaky…
Thanks so much, Jo, for your work.
This is excellent viewing indeed!
I think it’s important that we Australians become aware of the strong possibility that OUR elections are rigged in favour of the “big two” parties.
We use paper ballots in Australia, and unlike in the US, I do not believe there is corruption in the lower levels of government election staff.
I believe the corruption exists at the top.
The genuine results are tallied and submitted to the top officials.
Then the “suitably altered” voting figures are fed to the media, and the result stands.
We must wake up to the fact that every election, at all levels of government, in ALL countries, is rigged in favour of the elite establishment, central banking cabal.
We must wake up to the fact that the Reserve Bank of Australia and the US Federal Reserve are not government departments. They are private corporations, each with a Board of Directors.
in reference to the US election of 2016….
“They never thought she would lose”.
Thanks again for all your work in exposing them and their lies such as AGW, covid-19, and electoral fraud.
This is not how it works. And I have been employed on quite a few federal and state elections, both “on the ground” as a polling booth worker and manager, and also a bit further up the food chain too.
the figures are very carefully scrutineered, by both AEC staff as well as representatives of all the parties. There are strict and secure count checks at every step of the way. Plus the AEC itself has a very well-earned reputation for both accuracy and impartiality. Plus the AEC has a whole range of staff from all manner of political affiliations, and fraud would be exposed.
The figures finally posted are agreed to by the parties (and not just the majors, but minor parties and Independents too) … they are not manipulated at all.
BTW The Reserve Bank of Australia is a body-corporate wholly owned by the Commonwealth of Australia, just as many other agencies with a Board of Directors are, like for example, the CSIRO. It is not privately held, and is very different to the US Fed.
“And I have been employed on quite a few federal and state elections, both “on the ground” as a polling booth worker and manager, and also a bit further up the food chain too.”
“Plus the AEC itself has a very well-earned reputation for both accuracy and impartiality.”
He’s worked in the dirt, and, he’s “impartial”
So we’ve noticed: he’s Impartial.
Stop laughing, this is Sirius.
He confuses Australian electoral standards and processing with American.
= Zero credibility.
What on earth are you talking about? I didn’t even discuss American electoral standards. Good grief.
You ad homs do you no credit … at least I have experience in this area.
[Got that right.]AD
So have I.
My experience does not cover Australian elections.
Hello John Kerry, good bye all Life:
John Kerry dropped this gem on the world stage:
“Even if we get to net zero, we still have to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere,” Kerry said of carbon emission
and video clip:
Today I heard on the radio news that NASA has found a way to produce oxygen on Mars, so astronauts will not have to take oxygen with them. It involves taking the oxygen from carbon dioxide.
What will the left think of such an idea. Will they see it as a new high tech solution for a non existent CO2 problem here on earth and one that has a solution that has been around for millions of years, uses energy direct from the sun, and so advanced that no one has been able to copy, called photosynthesis. They would probably agree if there was a way to make money from it.
Or will they demand that the program be stopped as it could lead to messing up another planet.
John Kerry, a man with a mission.
For everyone else but him.
Could we send him.On the first manned expedition to Mars?
Go John.
Even if he could get all the current CO2 out of the atmosphere, wouldn’t Henry just invoke his Law again and replace it from the oceans ?
Dave B
As TdeF constantly reminds us; yes.
Hello John Kerry, good bye all Life:
John Kerry dropped this gem on the world stage:
“Even if we get to net zero, we still have to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere,” Kerry said of carbon emission
and video clip:
Can anybody be so ignorant? Kerry is one …
Yes Keith. A good friend of mine has scrutineered in many elections and the count itself he said is usually ok. But he has twice encountered biased AEC officials (both for the Labour party) whose interference and insistence on certain votes being counted and others not, in one case he said almost certainly swung the seat to Labour as it was won with only a couple of hundred votes.
With the woke taking over aggressively and always ultra left its very easy to see the problem Mike describes becoming far more widespread.
Also wait for demands to relax the criteria for postal voting – they will be coming as surely as night follows day.
We need to resist any changes away from paper ballots and need to have every count videoed and made available on the AEC website.
Who runs the RBA.
Bankers Lives Matter
You got me.
They’re all African.
You gave away my punch line
Had I looked a bit deeper at the link I might have seen that Jomo Kenyata, from Kenya, was involved.

Your an Engineer and as the Mike Lindel show has started can you have a look at this video. (when its released from quarantine)
Its the my pillow factory tour, to watch this you will also require, Pliers, bucket, something to stop the bleeding. Hit play then start pulling your teeth to take the pain out of what you are about to suffer through.
This factory makes no sense in size and the layout, the tables? seems to be an awful lot of nothing happening by a hell of a lot of people, look at the foam handling, storage.
I sincerely apologise to all who watch that video.
Mick, the real fraud in Australia is only that the media will not allow any sensible independents any airtime until after they randomly win a spot and when it’s too late to change your vote. Why didn’t the ABC interview people like Cory Bernardi, the ALA or the Libertarians — because the voters might give them real power.
The media reinforced the Two party option but allows The Greens to be the big third party because it suits most personal preferences of “journalists”.
The Nats have third-party status, rather than the Greens, but I take your point.
Yes there is “normalising bias” that goes on – and I expect in every Western democratic country. And while Cory Bernardi and many others on the right (including the religious right) get modest coverage, so do the micro-parties of the Left: Socialist Workers Party, the Mad Trots, the Maoists, the S*x Party, and the Marijuana types. So do the political ferals like the Fishers and Motorists, and the Gun Nuts.
It is the way it is I guess.
Personally I would larger electorates with multiple members, so minor parties get a representative into the House. It works to a reasonable extent in the Senate – the cross-bench has had quite a lot of sway over the last generation.
SCUSA has, thus far, proved to be profoundly craven. Will they listen to FRANKSPEECH.COM EVIDENCE? I’m doubtful unless the 80 million disenfranchised US voters take to the streets, en-mass and make their voices heard. Needless to say, US MSSM and Big TECH will do their level best to ignore and debunk everything that FS has presented. As will The Democraps! Republican Senators had better shape or ship-out! The American Constitution and Society is under dire threat. This is WW3!!! The Chinese are laughing at the ineptitude and gullibility of Americans and the weak Western World.
Let’s not give up just yet!!
They eyes of the world are on the Maricopa County Audit of 2.1 Million paper Ballots
The link allows anyone if us to watch the audit
Direct link to 9 cameras covering the audit:
The crime here has not just been the overt manipulation and fraud that took place but the cover up that has followed. The role of RINOs and the judiciary together with the media kept putting up roadblocks at every turn. The Times magazine article detailed how the Democrats orchestrated all of what happened such that with the help of local legislatures was sufficient to rig the odds in their favour before a vote was cast. Where the fraud and foreign interference was needed is that I think that they underestimated the incredible number of votes that Trump got and how unpopular their candidate was. Even with things being rigged via unconstitutional changes to voting rules the gap was so large that they needed more dramatic measures to ensure victory. This included the dumping of fraudulent votes and help from foreign vested interests. Because the complaints of fraud were so loud I think that the storming of the capital was initiated by left wing activists taking advantage of the anger of the Trump supporters. This was important as I believe the senate discussion which was calling for a detailed audit was being proposed. There was no way the Democrats could risk a proper audit. The storming of the capital meant that no such discussion took place and the ability to change the narrative to vilify Trump by pushing impeachment meant that discussion of audit or fraud just disappeared.
Somehow the truth will eventually come out but it will need someone to break through the blanket of media censorship. Hopefully an expose like this video will ignite some people into action who can actually make a difference. If only there was an honest person in the FBI, CIA or DOJ who has the personal courage to find out what the truth is.
And yet…
Where are the courts, the lawyers?
[Snip , keep it on topic if you want to include what I’ve removed go to an “Unthread”.]AD
“Where are the courts, the lawyers?”
I think both are on their way as Dominin has sued Mike Lindell for $1.3 billion. The outcome will be fascinating.
And Mike Lindell is suing Dominion for $1.6b now.
No gun law can stop someone shooting themselves in the foot.
:Gun control is a tight grouping”
Or putting their foot in their mouth.
… before pulling the trigger or after?
BTW it is his company that is doing the suing. My pillow really should be suing Lindell for damages.
Mainstream legal opinion suggests that Mike Lindell’s case cannot get far.
His basis is that Dominion abrogated his rights to free speech – and that Dominion is a “government agency” for the purposes of his suit. But the Supreme Court has ruled on this fairly comprehensively, stating that just because a private entity does work for the government, it does not make them a government agency so that the First Amendment kicks in.
IANAL, but that’s how I read the various opinions on the Lindell counter-suit.
Oooo $1.6 billion. Discovery will be interesting.
Oh, I’ll match your $1.6 billion and raise you $159 billion:
You can follow this landmark, record breaking class action case here:
Did I mention they are suing Facebook, Dominion, Center for Tech and Civic Life, Zuckerberg and many others for $160 BILLION!
The FBI’s and DoJ’s finding of excuses to avoid investigating the election has to surely be over.
Dear PM
via all caring Australian please note and act!
Does it seem that your testicular fortitude has regenerated? We’re hoping so! Your words to Bidens Climate Change Summit and the recent cancellation of several State engineered Chinese BRI ‘s are a fabulous start!. By all accounts, Ms Payne is anticipating additional cancellations? Good stuff. Australia managed to grow and prosper for the first 200 years since the Federation, at least, without Chinese interference and malevolence, masquerading as benevolence.
Respectfully, I draw your attention to a new social media facility,, that has produced some stunning EVIDENCE of US Election fraud. Obviously, you will not be able to, or should you, influence US reactions but you can ensure Australia isn’t subjected to similar intrusions. Privacy breaches are growing more common and electronic intrusion more blatant. Please keep up the good work! The Liberal network in Tasmania looks like benefitting from decent Leadership too!
“The registrations almost exactly match the population census in 2020” that should be 2010
None of these issues of obvious US election fraud are allowed to be discussed on legacy tech platforms owned by the Socialist Billionaires such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube and are not raised on the legacy traditional media platforms such as TV, radio and newspapers nearly all of which are Leftist oriented.
Thank you Jo for allowing free speech on this and other topics.
I got a Red Thumb for being pro-free speech…
Thank you for your honesty Red Thumb Troll although your cowardice in refusing to debate any points is not respected.
Thumb club
Thumb club motto – “Thumb in bum and mind in neutral”?
Nope, have another crack!
That idea could get me banned
The CIA developed Life Log programme. One day in 2004 the CIA stopped it and the next day Zuckerberg started Facebook. Exactly the same program. CIA is not allowed to spy on US Citizens. So it appears that the CIA are using Mark Zuckerberg as a front to gather all personal data etc. How Dorsey is controlled I am not aware of at this time.
The answer might be concealed in his beard. He’s not a bad-looking guy so he has no need to hide his face.
Could there be a micro-antenna of some kind, maybe a row of them?
Where is the detail? How was this accomplished? What back doors were used to get into the systems that are multiple and varied? Who built them and how did they bypass internal procedures and government audits without detection?
Statistical anomalies are not proof, they merely indicate that the data is incomplete and messy.
Some healthy skepticism would be very useful about now.
“Some healthy skepticism would be very useful about now.”
I don’t think you’ll get much response to your request but it is true that Mike Lindell is a right wing Republican and his comments should be read with that bias in mind.
Obviously, neither of you watched the video. You would know how irrelevant your questions are.
They have all the data, the IP’s, the minutes, the methods, the number of votes flipped. They have the encrypted locked original data with it’s signature keys and timestamps.
As for “government audits” ha-you-are-joking-ha.
The government officers who paid for these machines are not even allowed to see the code.
If it looks like a cheat, hides like a cheat, and smells like a cheat…
How did they get all this stuff?
I heard a good friend of theirs was The President and another good friend was head of National Intelligence.
And they knew that vote rigging was coming and warned about it for months…
” .. government officers .. not .. allowed to see the code.”
The contract specifies that the machine operator/owner must not allow any reverse engineering which would uncover the faking algorithms.
Imagine, a government purchasing officer forbidden to investigate how machine outputs are produced, then recommends purchase, is proof enough.
Ian, he is all those things and he is being sued by the Dominion.
Yes GeeAye, because Dominion would never bluff or rely on the co-vested interests to rescue them would they?
Has the Pope “sainted” Eric Coomer yet? … the VC of Dominion who said ““Don’t worry about the election; Trump’s not gonna win. I made f***ing sure of that!””.
If Biden honestly won, they wouldn’t have fought this tooth and nail for months. In fact, they would welcome it, as it would prove their integrity and legitimacy …… of which they have none.
Just today, AZ Democrats have filed a last minute suit in Maricopa County – attempt to stop Senate Audit of 2020 Election results again.
The Dominion machines is a bi partisan issue. The Democrats complained about them well before the election and was highlighted in the video. Election integrity is not a left or right issue unless you make it one. If one looks at the voting bill the democrats are bringing in called the for the People bill, the only people it benefits are the democrats. Only the republicans are interested in a fair voting system.
As if you would understand simon.
And we need to look at why people vote for anti-freedom and anti-US forces (or whatever other free country under discussion) such as the Democrats in the US, ALP/Greens in Australia etc..
1) Well, while there was massive electoral fraud, there are still people who are stupid enough to vote for the forces of evil.
2) A general dumbing down and Marxification of the “education system” from kindergarten to university.
3) A failure to teach critical thinking skills.
4) The desire for instant gratification so a)political candidates offer lots of “free stuff” and (b) messages from politicians have to be extremely short (10 sec or less) and devoid of meaningful content.
5) Related to the endless desire for “free stuff” a complete failure to understand how economics works, also partly related to the dumbing down of education.
6) Not understanding the foundational principles of the United States or Western Civilisation in general.
People vote for social democratic parties for a lot of reasons:
1. They think they care much more about average people, not business.
2. They believe their economic interests are going to be better served.
3. They expect the pie to be more fairly and efficiently distributed.
4. They feel that such parties care more for human rights issues
5. That they care ore for minorities, gay people, the disabled, and so on.
6. They belief such parties will do more to protect the environment.
7. They believe they will do more on all manner of health and safety issues.
8. They think they manage the economy more for working families.
9. They just think social democrats are nicer, and understand ordinary people.
That’s a pretty good list of reasons why I and many others have voted Green-ALP our entire lives. It’s no mystery at all.
Same reasons motivate me to vote against the Greens and the ALP.,
People can vote for whom they want in a free country. I was merely responding to Mr Maddison mock-shock-horror that people can vote for parties of decency and fairness and working families – and not the toffs.
Where is this free country of which you speak.
Does it have
freedom of speech
Freedom of movement
freedom of commerce between states
right of association
right to informed consent
Right of privacy
I have forgotten the rest, been that long since I had them.
You have the right to vote for whomever they give you to vote for.
What hope has the Once-United States got if even the SCOTUS refused to hear election fraud cases?
For something that represents the future of the US as a viable country, or not, they should have heard the cases as should other lower courts.
What could there have been to lose from just hearing the cases?
The failure to sort out these cases of claimed election fraud may well be the beginning of end of the United States. Under the Harris Presidency, the US is not heading to a good place.
The Deep State runs very deep, far more than I think even President Trump realised.
In almost all situations, the SCOTUS does not hear cases, or allows the presentation of evidence or testimony – its role is to pass judgement on the outcome of lower court decisions, on appeal. But I tend to agree with you – it might have been good for some court(s) of authority to take on a case from Sidney Powell or Rudy Giuliani or whomever – and to dismiss the case on its merits, rather than just on technicalities (which is a very nice way to say that most of these pro-Trump lawyers were way out of their depth).
But even such a decision or two would probably not satisfy those who ardently believe the election was fraudulent.
#18. David, why have the comments of the whistleblower that heard the ‘discussions’ of the justices of SCOTUS not been seen again since the day they were made? Their chief absolutely demeaned himself by demanding they refuse to hear any complaint about electoral fraud, on the basis it would result in rioting for which they would be blamed ie he was intimidated from applying the law.
SCOTUS failed the nation and there is no possible retribution?? Why have such a group of such obviously sanctimonious mice occupy the most important Judicial places in the land when they can be intimidated, by one man, to ignore the law. The law is supposed to be ‘blind’ and this group showed it is not. Worse, they completely failed the nation which pays them oodles and no doubt provides complete security coverage for them. They are ticker deficient elites incapable of facing up to sorting the most important activity in the land – who governs! That renders the country defenceless against the alleged crimes being discussed in this thread. SCOTUS completely failed its duty; it made itself a joke for people inside and outside the USA that believed the US justice system was the ultimate for nations to aim for.
One Justice got it right, and his comments should have disturbed every law-abiding person in the USA. ‘If we do this (ignore the applications for review of the election) then the idea of democracy existing in the USA is dead!’ What a dreadful summation of his own organisation! This is the truth if that whistleblower spoke the truth!
When Kamala Harris phoned Swampy Joe and said, “We did it, Joe”, her voice and demeanour says something else.
We stole the election, we got away with it is what it sounds like …
Not quite yet, it might seem.
The Ians, Simons, Peter Fitzroys and I’m guessing Gee Aye soon, just continue to say “where’s the evidence” and ignore statistical impossibilities.
With their attitude, clinical trials of medical treatments would be almost totally useless since they are primarily about statistical analysis of the results. Only the cause of the change of condition directly determined from biopsies/autopsies with the mechanisms fully identied would suffice to determine the efficacy/side effects of treatments from that POV.
Sorry, that should have been “about statistical analysis of the outcomes“
I think it’s right and appropriate that people ask “where’s the evidence?”. A fair number of posters here start with phrases such as “The stolen election …”, or “The election was obviously fraudulent …”, and so on. That is begging the question – assuming as true that which needs to be proven, argued, or demonstrated. Evidence to satisfy a court has not been produced.
As for “statistical impossibilities” … well, one needs to retain a healthy scepticism indeed – all sorts of statisticians could come to all orts of conclusions, depending on what data they chose to look at.
How can the courts be satisfied with the evidence when they refuse to examine it before dismissing the case?
This is far from ruling on the evidence
How can the courts be satisfied with the evidence when they refuse to examine it before dismissing the case? This is far from ruling on the evidence.
I totally agree with you, but it is certainly not caused by the Democrats. Those claiming fraud had to get their evidence into a shape and form that courts would accept and examine.
The Trump lawyers did not do it, and still have not done it. What does that tell you? (My personal view is that the evidence was flimsy to non-existent, but I guess others would disagree). And Mike Lindell’s statistical extravaganza is not going to sway many people either.
Anyway – I expect Donald Trump will not be re-installed in August. If he is not, will everyone on here give up the “Stolen Election” trope for once and for all? Or do I ask too much?
Tilba, I’d be delighted to give up on the “Stolen Election”. I’d much rather think Biden won fairly, which means the good guys can win fairly next time if they pull up their socks.
All that needs to happen is for the Institutions of the USA to start doing their jobs, taking the allegations seriously, look at the evidence. Report it in the media, discuss it like they are civilized human beings. They need to start acting like they are Not Hiding the Ballots, the machines, the evidence, and SCOTUS needs to address the doubts like they are the greatest crisis the US has faced in decades. The FBI could actually investigate Hunter Bidens lap top. The Media could tell us what’s on it, and then explain why the FBI hid it for a whole election year? Journalists could ask some hard questions for a change.
Get my drift? I can’t wait to drop the election trope. It will mean the US is back to a normal level of corruption.
‘all sorts of statisticians could come to all sorts of conclusions, depending on what data they choose to look at.’ The root cause of problems with misinformation in many areas is self designated experts choosing which data to look at.
And you lap up the Big Oil lie with no evidence of transactions. No statistical anomaly. Just wokeness. Go figure.
So here is the story so far – evil (insert hate group of the day) actors compromise the voting machines and flipping votes, and are sophisticated enough to both cover their tracks on all the logs, which are used by the internet, and to hide the flip from both the voter, and any scrutineer.
But they are so stupid, that they use the same algorithm, and homogenize all voter patterns in all states.
Their stupidity is uncovered by a meta manipulation of the statistics, one using a set of unvalidated rules.
And I’m supposed to accept that?
It’s called a rush job, Peter. The 74 million turnout for Trump exceeded the amount by which the machines were rigged to deal with so all manner of midnight “adjustments” were made with some care to make the result POSSIBLE but not enough care to make them PROBABLE.
It’s called a lot of things, but real or honest would not be in the list.
So you believe they were clever enough to run the steal, but failed to anticipate that the turnout might be some percent higher than in 2020? I can’t believe that – which is not inconsistent – since I don’t believe any of it of course. To my mind it remains in the realm of extreme sore-loserdom … and no-one would be doing any of this hand-ringing is Donald Trump had conceded with grace.
Arrogance is the word you are looking for Tilba. They were too arrogant to think Trump would win anyway.
When you have agents from Great Britain’s MI6 involved, then of course there were failures.
Italy’s PM was forced to resign and a high up Italian General was arrested.
Sydney Powell still has a case in the queue.
I just arrived and I had a look everywhere. Where’s the evidence?
Shhhh, I put it under the rock with the climate change.
That will get GA totally confused …
Nah, she gets that.
“I just arrived and I had a look everywhere.”
But did see the squirrel
Good on Scott Morrison for holding the line and refusing to join Bidens conga line of serial promisers and glad handers. 78% reduction by 2035, theyre dreamin’.
I say we fully commit to following China’s CO2 reductions on a 2 year trailing basis
Spot on. !
Interesting and funny comment but …
China would “adjust” their CO2 reductions data to screw the US and other competitors.
Just like they “fix” their GDP numbers every quarter — the GDP numbers rarely match real indicators of economic growth,such as electricity usage.
And the count of COVID deaths in China was perfectly accurate !
You can always trust the Chinese … to have a China first policy, and truth is not a communist value.
But SloMo sees our future in hydrogen from coal. We export the hydrogen and keep and sequester the CO2.
It’s just a stalling tactic.
Morrison is still waiting for this climate wokeness to blow over rather than confront it. Politically, it may well be the only option (aside from fully caving in) with the US election result.
It’s more than a tactic. He has committed to wasting taxpayer money on it.
Yes, but far less than full commitment to the “transition to zero net emissions” so it is a tactical retreat to buy time (Russian front style), if you like, rather than a capitulation.
Anybody talking up a hydrogen economy has done no research at all and it speaks volumes that such advice has been adopted by the PM; this is a concoction dreamt up by the renewables spivs who’ve overwhelmed all Australian political parties with the exception of PHON.
Maybe it’s just a large sized piece of Sarcasm.
But then he does stand by while huge amounts of our tax dollars still go to new Australian renewable projects: on top of the S.A. promise of recent times.
And my employer blocks the Bitchute video citing “extremism”…
Can Republicans ever win back,
From a massive cyber attack,
On the voting machines,
Through Internet means,
By those who can and will hack?
Interesting that this audit of voting from the 2020 election is going to be open and transparent.
But five months later the cheaters have had plenty of time to clean the machines. Will we ever know?
Yes. It didn’t happen.
I agree: no it didn’t happen.
Conversely, in deep space, the direct opposite is possible.
Jo, if Lindell’s cyber expert was able to uncover all these interferences with the voting machines months after the election, perhaps it is not possible to completely erase the historic data, without removing the memory chips themselves. Let’s hope.
If the software was reprogrammed to change the vote count, which is speculation in my opinion, that could be discovered by a hand recount.
There have been some hand recounts and they did not find computer counting errors.
Hand recounts, however, would count the same illegal votes that the machines would count, so they are usually worthless.
The ballot tabulating machines could have been programmed to miscount votes for a 24 hour period during Election day, and the day after.
After that 24 hour period, the counting would return to normal (honest).
There is no evidence that happened, but doing that would make a test of a tabulating machine appear normal after November 4, 2020.
There is no reason to assume the seller of the vote counting machines had anything to do with election fraud committed with their machines.
Computers do what they are programmed to do.
Computer software can be altered by devious people. Or Democrats (I repeat myself).
As I posted in November, experts in the USA on election security were warning before the election that some machines could change the vote after the voter left the machine.
“Claim: Dominion Electronic Voting machines can change the ballot later
Georgia is counting the paper votes by hand. But even then, the Dominion voting machines may already have compromised that count too. Does a paper ballot printed by a Dominion machine mean anything at all? Georgia has more Dominion machines than anywhere else.
Professor Andrew Appel, an election security expert explains “The image cast evolution (ICE) voting machine has the physical ability to to mark votes onto the Ballot AFTER the last time the voter sees the ballot and that’s a DISASTER”. The machine both marks the ballot and then scans it.
“If the machine is hacked, they can install softwere that marks votes on the ballot after the last time the voter see’s it,… the whole paper trail can be compromised.”
see also:
Unlike hand-marked paper ballots counted on scanners and regular non-hybrid BMDs, these new hybrid systems can add fake votes to the machine-marked “paper ballot” afterit’s been cast, experts warn. Any manual audit based on such fraudulent “paper ballots” would falsely approve an illegitimate electronic outcome.
see also
Researchers carried out the first study on voter behavior with electronic assistive devices, found 93% missed incorrect ballots.|
Ms. Nova:
Thank you for the detailed reply, and links.
There are two possibilities
— you are right, or i am right.
Based on scientific principles, I flipped a coin:
Heads means I am right, and tails means you are wrong.
And it seems I am right.
But seriously, I hope you are right, and will be proven right in time.
While Joe “Mr. Excitement” Biden could have won with a relatively small amount of fraud in several key states, without the help of computers, that would be risky.
There would have to be after midnight November 3 vote dumps large enough to change the results in several states. … For which there is visual evidence. Not that anyone in US political office seems to care.
Or the electronic flipping was step one, and the ballot dumps and drawn out mail-in vote counts were step 2, needed to cover for the e-cheating.
(how many days does it take to count mail in votes? )
Old Democrat saying:
The ballot counting will continue until the Democrat wins.
OK… time to use google again my friends. Try Douglas Frank statistics election to find out what statisticians think of his efforts.
It looks to me like people who are at risk of losing a lot of money due to law suits against them, are trying desperately to find a way to beat the rap. You’d think they would have learned something following the debacle of the “stolen election”.
this from politifact – anyone here able to counter this? Note the third paragraph. You need to understand the voting system there and how difficult it would be to manipulate.
In a YouTube video, Frank claims his analysis of Michigan’s 2020 election results shows that the election outcome was decided at the state-level ahead of time using a mathematical “key” to manipulate vote totals.
Frank offers no evidence for his claim other than a statistical correlation to this key, whose derivation he doesn’t explain. The figures he cites as the basis of his analysis are different from those in official records.
Experts said the vote-manipulation effort Frank theorizes would involve a wide-ranging conspiracy that would not be possible under Michigan’s decentralized election system.
“How difficult it would be to manipulate”
Have you got any evidence for that belief? Didn’t think so. The machines and ballots were never allowed to be audited, and the software code is a “trade secret” which no one has ever seen.
What part of “difficult” really means “obvious and easy”?
I am going by the election experts interviewed in various articles. Can you refute it?
And also, every voting system code is checked BOTH federally and at state level. You can find dozens of hits for test reports. Also, do you know about the bipartisan committee that selects the auditors?
Have you ever heard the Election Assistance Commission and the role of NIS (National Institute of Standards).
Didn’t think so.
Your back to your old self, wasn’t happy with the new “boring look”.
I’ll read that as a compliment.
It was meant as one.
@GeeAye — Refute what? I did refute your weak vague claim that elections are hard to manipulate.
What part of “no one has the code outside of Dominion/Smartmatic/etc” is hard to understand?
Tests on election voting machines probably work just as well as tests on diesel particulates did for VW. Just write a secret algorithm to “pass the test”.
refure with an analysis of the voting system that is convincingly at odds with expert opinion.
Anyway. The algorithm is secret so anything you write is moot.
How can you refute a negative?
“Decentralised election system”
Not if all the voting machines were connected to the internet and all carried the same programming software.
What you won’t find on Google GA:
Things that make you go …… Mmmmm
General Michael Flynn is right beside Mike Lindell. General Charles Flynn, who is Commander of US Army Pacific is General Michael Flynn’s brother.
Could we assume that US Military Intelligence including Space Force knows exactly every detail of how the Voting Machines were hacked?
Mike Lindell is a hero of Democracy for setting up his free speech platform: Frank, and for doing all this work on breaking the steal down into understandable bites.
Just asking, does anyone think that Mike found the Cyber Expert all by himself? I think this reveal is supported by Military Intelligence.
I think the kraken had a word in his ear when he visited area 51.
Is there anyone who thinks the Pelosi machine in Baltimore, or the Daley Machine in Chicago,the Cuomos in New York, or the Browns in California or any of the other dozens of local and regional political machines littering our historic landscape were maintained with free and fair elections? We had us a run of alternating landslides where fraud was meaningless; it takes close to a 50-50 split and a little luck to work nationally. Covid allowed the bigger tools to work and made it harder for the old timers in the precincts to smell the rats in real time. But as in pro sports, the other side gets paid too, and its a long series.
Eisenhower trounced Stevenson twice
Kennedy eeked out a disputed win over Nixon
Barry Goldwater was obliterated by Johnson
Reagan swept a couple of midgets before him
Bush Sr. trounced Dukakis
And Clinton won handily
Then things got closer, and dirtier.
But under the hood this may be because large groups of us are changing sides, and geographies;
So we’ll see if nail-bighters are the norm — it has generally not been the case.
Jo, there are plenty of blogs that discuss the idiotic Americans and their idiotic American politics.
Please stick to Australian issues. At least just discuss idiotic Australians and their idiotic Australian politics.
But I’d prefer it if concentrated on climate from an Australian perspective. We need more of that.
Hi Roha, I disagree entirely.
I have read this blog without commenting for god knows how long and I have realised long ago the climate battle was lost when it was invented. You are fighting something that does not exist even in your own view, you are trying to prove the negative and preaching to the converted.
It needs to be discussed but a balance of everything with what’s happening to us all is better. The comments and links are more interesting as well
The issues being raised now are serious and the more its put out there the better chance we have of understanding the absolute corruption engulfing our world. The US election showed the size of this in both the government and and industry.
There is no us and them, but there is a them against us.
I like the direction
I support RoHa, what happens to the US political system is no concern of ours. Far as I can see its a failed state and we should quit the Alliance before Biden drags us into WW3.
Global cooling is a real and present danger, so we should be preparing ourselves to explain the real cause of climate change. The masses have a right to know the truth.
RoHa, ElGordo — and I wish the downturn in freedom in the US had no effect here but alas, there is no other external force that has more impact on Australian climate policy than the US policy. We can vote it out here but it keeps coming back.
See how much Sco Mo is spending on Hydrogen now? Would he have spent that if Trump was still pres?
the pressure for Climate action in Australia is largely foreign UK / EU / UN and now USA again. How often do we hear the weak weak excuse that we don’t want to be left behind. When the worlds largest superpower was led by someone who said climate change was a hoax, that gave us breathing space here and a reason to say “who cares” to the UN.
Plus US traits are already spreading in Australia. The BLM material is already coming to our schools. Critical Race Theory is here, like it or not. We can fight these ideas in the US now or just wait and fight them later here….
That’s not to dismiss your point. There is much to be said about the Australian situation and I want to try to cover more.
“what happens to the US political system is no concern of ours.”
It’s not only the political system, it’s Society.
The past year has been very worrying: as I said a long time back, World War Three is upon us and not a bullet fired.
First time ever I think I’m in disagreement with you KK , If American politics have nothing to do with us why is Biden summoning Scomo to a Zoom call to atone for his inaction on climate change and demanding we cut our emissions?
Climate change is politics and politics is climate change , the two are so inextricably stuck together it would take more than a few buckets of water to seperate them .
Most of CAGW alarmism comes from the US and the left side of politics have jumped on it and claimed it as their own personal mission, now even the so called centre / moderate from the right are getting in on the act .
Robert, you aren’t disagreeing with me, just my unchecked comment.
I should have read it.
My intention was to contradict El Gordo’s statement that we needn’t bother about what happens in the U.S.
I suspect that my intention was to say;
“It’s not only the political system that’s of concern to us, it’s Society as well”.
That’s the more reasonable KK that I now .
RoHa, Jo’s blog, if you hadn’t realised, is an international blog.
Although based in Australia, the readership of the blog includes commenters from the US, the UK, Canada, and New Zealand to name a few.
The major topics, climate and politics, benefit from an international perspective rather than a local one, while at the same time, keeping focus on the local issues where applicable.
Climate has an international perspective, but discussing the vagaries of the US political system is of no value. The only way to bring an end to climate madness is with global cooling, which has finally begun, so if we could just focus.
Donald had his chance to tell the world that CO2 doesn’t cause global warming, but he squibbed. Massive fail.
Why do you want to shut down discussion of US politics?
As Jo said, what happens in the US affects us in Australia,
What I said was that many people who read Jo’s blog aren’t Australians.
Do you want Jo to lose those readers just to satisfy your need for Australian-only content?
He will sacrifice anything to feed his own ego. He can feed off the other climate blogs and regurgitate on here, like he has been doing for the last ten years.
Global cooling, lets bang that around the echo chamber for another 10 years for exactly the same result as the last 10 years of weather. Why waste time trying to solve something that we can do nothing about.
Energy poverty needs to be discussed, the weather, leave it to the manipulators on the 6 o’clock news.
Ro Ha
Congratulations on using the word “idiotic” four times in three sentences. That may be a new internet record.
After the election I complained that this website suddenly became all politics and no climate change/
[SNIP Moderation discussion and complaints]
Lots of sources covered election fraud for a few months after the election.
But now the attention has faded as the Biden Administration has gone full socialist, opened borders to COVID infected migrants, and the next election is over a year away.
So now I’m happy this website has not dropped the election coverage, although I think all US politics and Australian politics articles should be in a special section that people only see when they click on a POLITICS button.
Quite a few people who I recommended this website to for a good climate related article were turned off by the election fraud articles, and did not come back.
Of course if the charming Ms. Nova ever accepted website advice from me, I would probably faint, fall down and hit my head, and end up in a hospital.
“I support RoHa” well that can’t be good.
You do know what that first W is for in WW3?
“Smith’s First Law Of Complaint”:
The magnitude of the opposition to an audit is directly proportional to the original Fraud.
And there’s a whole lot of opposition going on…”
Fits better here than Thurs open where first posted
Source: Sundance – The Conservative Treehouse:-
UPDATE: The audit is back on. Democrats didn’t/failed (to) pay the $1mil bond imposed by the Judge.
It is without a doubt an election that will remain as a thorn in the eye. More and more is being discovered and unearthed. The truth always surfaces and needs to be voiced and carried every day moving forward to the next election. Just like the main media is persistent in their drive to mask the smell of their own manure through repetitive messaging.
Lingering thought:
Are all systems just parameters to give populace an illusion of freedom?
The left has always and will always be fighting the shadows of their own existence because they have too much to hide. Betrayal is never a betrayal till the affair is exposed.
I am 73 years old, and American. I voted Democrat for President for 28 straight years, through 8 straight election cycles, from 1976 through 2004.
But since Obama was elected in 2008, and the total fraud he brought in with him, I have known the Democrat party in the USA as “The Insane Left”. I have been openly describing them as that since the fraudulent passage of Obamacare in March 2010, and the Supreme Court’s aiding and abetting in a treasonous denial of law and common sense. Everything that has happened since has only cemented, ever more firmly, that description of them. Indeed, all that has happened has only shown the Republican party to be in criminal collusion with them, along with the Deep State that runs every US federal agency, most especially the “Intelligence” agencies (CIA and FBI in particular). An anti-American Mob runs America and all of its dealings with the world now…
The Insane Left has been at open war with America since 2008. The Democrat party is no longer a legitimate political force, but only a criminal organized mob, and an insane cult.
Those commenting here against the evidence of fraud, used to overthrow the duly elected President, Donald Trump, are mindless devotees of that insane cult. They literally cannot see, by their own proud admission, the overwhelming reality of that evidence and its universal denial and coverup, not only by the Insane Left cultists but the China-invested globalists — “NeverTrumpers” — made conspicuous by their open obstruction and personal hatred of Trump (and all who support him, the largest political block of voters in American history, as the last election proved to non-cultists).
Only an insane cultist could believe Biden, who couldn’t draw flies throughout the 2020 campaign, could have received more votes by far than any candidate of either party in all of American history. Gee Aye, Tilba, Ian, etc, etc, you are all insane.
And there’s the rub: I don’t expect JoNova to even allow this telling of the exact truth, for under past normal conditions what I have written just above would be scurrilous.
Now, however, it is simply the truth almost no one will say. Fighting against the open acknowledgement of the fraudulent 2020 election in America is both criminal and insane.
Amen, brother.
Well said Harry.
The world has never been perfect but there was hope that things could be improved.
The U.S. “Rioting to improve the world” is the ultimate contradiction to common sense and decency; it offends the whole nation and must be distressing to all sensible people.
Here in Australia we have deconstructed the wonderful social base we had post WW 2, torn down basic industry and its development and substituted “overgovernance” at every level with the primary purpose being to provide overpaid jobs for life for the Elites and their relatives and friends.
Recovering from this mess will not be easy or pleasant.
Thank you, Harry, for that excellent and heartfelt comment; especially coming from someone who has lived in the American system for so long and previously voted Democrat.
I used to be a Democrat. I didn’t leave them. They left me. They are truly insane. And they are total economic illiterates, knowing nothing about Capitalism.
hyperbole leads to the conclusion that the majority of Americans and the rest of the world are insane.
Seems like algorithms were Biden’s most influential voters .
Algorithms and dead people.
The fact that Biden and company are pushing such a radical agenda so brazenly indicates that they know that they can’t be voted out. They know that they won’t be held accountable. Not by SCOTUS. Certainly not by the MSM. And not by the people whose votes no longer count. If they know they can’t be voted out, it’s because they had in a bag along in 2020.
Thankyou to Jo for putting out all this information about what happened in the US 2020 election. It does affect us all and is completely tied in with the climate scam and all the other far lefty political chicanery. I am sick of people who deny the reality of what is going on. It’s not just insane; it is evil.
BTW, I was unable to listen to the video for long; that infernal intrusive ‘music’ was very wearing. A transcription (there were some bits) would be very welcome. It is obviously an important video but trying to listen to what was said was pretty tiresome with that muzak.
Annie there is a G & T item at Thursday Open #46
Will look at it…thanks AI.
I listened to the whole video, Annie. I did not really notice the music but I did think that a little bit less talking from Lindell would not have been a bad idea. However, the last 20 minutes or so, with the actual data of the Chinese corruption of the election results was an eye opener. Not only did they have the address of the actual computer doing the hacking, they had the latitude and longitude of where the computer was, the city and suburb in China where it was, the time of the attack and the actual number of votes that were transferred from Trump to Biden. Amazing. This expert has, literally, millions of these transactions and estimates that more than 1.5 million votes were switched from Trump to Biden by the Chinese and other actors. According to him Trump actually got 8 million votes to Biden’s 6.6 million, before they were switched. Amazing stuff, but will it ever see the full light of day. I hope so.
Having watched both of Mike Lindell’s documentaries and finding the information provided interesting and somewhat persuasive, they really need serious editing and more professional production to improve their credibility. The presentation is very amateurish and his repetitive commentary very annoying. (a more professional presenter?) Nowhere near the standard of Epoch Times documentaries.
Like DJT, he exaggerates and overhypes and IMHO is delusional if he thinks he can walk this into the Supreme Court and have them consider it. We saw the same with the work of Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and Guiliani. They have an aura of unbelievability about them. Fox, Newsmax, Epoch Times et al won’t touch this because they know they will be kicked off the Big Tech platforms.
Still, it’s vital that Lindell, the Arizona Senate and many others continue to investigate what occurred on Nov 3.
I’m curious that every time the election is mentioned in the MSM, it’s always suffixed with “And of course, it was the most secure election in history”. Protesting too much me thinks.
Here is my simple suggestion to improve this website … slightly.
Note to Jo “The Hammer” Nova:
I am wearing a steel helmet while typing this, amply dented from thoroughly rejected past suggestions about improving this website:
Split the website into one portion for climate and science related articles, and another portion for political articles unrelated to science or climate change.
Some people are interested only in science, and don’t want politics.
Some people are interested only in politics, and don’t care about science.
Some people are interested in both — and both will still be available, but in two different location at the same URL.
I started out writing a financial newsletter in 1977, added a finance blog in 2008, then a climate change blog in 2014, and finally a politics blog in 2016 — it is definitely useful to separate the politics from the other two subjects.
There is always the Category tag.
I don’t know what “split the site” means, and since science is now politics and politics now science, they aren’t as easy to separate as you might think.
And Dare I suggest that many people who think they are only interested in science might want some forewarning that the political steamroller is arriving from the flanks…
“Split the site” simply means the politics articles unrelated to climate change are reached ONLY by deliberately requires “pushing a button that says “POLITICS”, and there you would find articles on the US election and Australian politics if you wanted to read those.
The SCIENCE section would include everything else. I realize there is more politics than science in the coming climate crisis fantasy … but that is unrelated to elections.
The huge US Democrat resistance to election fraud investigations make it obvious there is something worth searching for.
innocent people know investigations will end false charges against them.
Guilty people have something to hide.
The American media has lost interest in 2020 election fraud.
That means fraud will happen again and again.
You can always bookmark the relevant Categories. I’ll try to use category labels more carefully.
I won’t add barriers to people who just want the home page.
Keep one quality post a day rhythm: seven days a week, year around. In split site that would be needed in both sites.
Climate science is settled. We repeat the same talking points. Some new data or studies appear but they are no break troughs.
We have a lot to do in messaging. Our scientists are not masters of propaganda. 2 hour video or a scientific publication does not reach the minds of the needed audience.
I like to read blogs because I can see the key ideas of the posts in the critical 8 seconds just after coming to a site.
Global Cooling
I like your moniker.
You say “climate science is settled”.
But no science is ever settled.
Your 8 second rule:
I’ve edited a climate science and energy blog for seven years. I’ve averaged about 1,000 page views a day in the past month. I’d be very disapointed if anyone gave my blog just 8 seconds to convince them to stay for a while. … A leftist would probably view the honest temperature chart on my home page and leave, permanently, in two seconds.
I agree that real science is not easy to communicate.
But there are ways to open up minds with SIMPLE questions:
(1) Here in Michigan I ask people if they realized their property was covered with a thick ice glacier about 20,000 years ago, and by about 10,000 years ago it had melted. That can start them thinking.
(2) I also remind people of my age (old) that they have lived with global warming for the past 45 years, and ask if it was a climate crisis for them. That starts new ways of thinking.
there’s No man made global warming from CO2.
A thermodynamically ridiculous concept.
CAGW is only about politics and how they have managed to shut down the truth of the matter.
The science of CAGW and Politics that represses true science are inextricably linked.
The most recent drama, CV19, seems to mimic many aspects of the CAGW control process and it is disturbing and can only be discussed in the sort of blog format we have now.
CO2 acts as a greenhouse gas.
It has the potential to disrupt the ability of our planet to cool itself.
Therefore, the average temperature is higher than it would have been in the absence of CO2 (and other greenhouse gasses, such as water vapor).
Infrared gas lab spectroscopy experiments suggest CO2 would cause mild warming in the the troposphere.
The lab experiments are done in a closed system, in artificially dried air.
The actual effect of CO2 in the atmosphere can’t be measured, because:
(1) T he water vapor there (a much more powerful greenhouse gas is not constant, and.
(2) Natural causes of climate change can’t be separated from any effects of man made CO2.
No matter what the exact effects of CO2 are in the atmosphere, there has been mild, harmless warming and greening of our planet since the mid-1970s — both good news.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
It is likely to affect our planet’s ability to cool itself.
There is a little real science behind the global warming predictions.
But there no real science to support a coming global warming crisis, inaccurately predicted since the late 1950s.
The imaginary coming global warming crisis is unjustified speculation and fearmongering.
I don’t know your education on thermodynamics, but I actually took a thermodynamics course in college, along with many other tedious science and math courses to get my BS degree.