A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Net Zero Agenda Faltering: “Pie in the Sky”
When I see “” my eyes glaze over – just more fruit-loop stuff. Can we have objective links? Too much to ask?
Can you at least indicate what makes you believe it’s fruit loop?
You have just displayed a bit of unwarranted snobbery. I have written probably a dozen articles for WUWT over the past two years, and I work diligently to make certain they are informative and factual. I aim for the same quality I would in a submission to a Q1 journal. The other authors on the site do perfectly good work also. Many have long experience in a variety of technical fields. I have learned quite a bit from that site. I figure you could as well. If your complaint is that the site occasionally presents material that is dodgy or outright in error, the same could be said of Nature.
The empire of the woke has a single goal; domination.
They are the hammer.
Climate change is a nail.
Income inequity is a nail.
Systemic Racism is a nail.
Border Crisis are a nail.
Inrastructure is a Nail.
The Covid Pandemic is a nail.
Their global demand; gather resources and authority into their central government and let them run all aspects of your life, allocating you’re your position based on loyalty to their ideas and conformance with their chimerical, momentary, and ever morphing views. The only certainty in life is that they are right and you are wrong.
They will tell you how and where to speak.
I have a right to free speech.
They will tell you how and where to assemble.
I have a right to assemble as I see fit.
They will tell you not to worship.
I have a right to worship as I please.
They claim a monopoly on force.
I have a right to bear arms.
They claim a right to assign benefits and privileges based on race and gender.
I have a right to equality before the law.
They claim a right not to prosecute malefactors.
I have a right to safety my home and community.
The Empire of the Woke wishes to run an experiment in authoritarian government which has been run before, and universally failed, causing extensive human misery as it does so.
We know what to say in these cases:
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
Certain of our States, being of sound wish to continue to govern themselves under the principles of the document known as the Constitution of the United State of America. It is time to consider separation from those who wish to operate under another set of principles, by whatever means necessary.
They are open, the woke are locked down. They are working, the woke are unemployed. They are educating their children, the woke choose not to. They are reforming their laws, the woke are having public tantrums. “We can punish you my moving a baseball game!” It has come to this.
With luck, the responsible and responsive body politic can simply walk away and marginalize the woke into their own, inherently small, extreme culture clubs. With failure, we’ll need to disassociate by any means necessary. The Woke use control over institutions to demand a continuous series of expressions of loyalty to the orthodoxy, and then to destroy the livelihood and career of anyone who refuses to comply. They are reduced to isolated pockets of infuriated narcissism if the rest of us just say “no!”; think of the population of India resisting, passively, a small number of authoritative British bullies who soon turn tail and ran howling home.
That’s it.
We don’t need anything else!
Repeat and make this something to remember every day.
That could be a bit tricky – most of the political differences occur within states – not between states. And there are a multiplicity of differences, based on a lot of factors – race, class, wealth, gender, education, employment, etc.
Bit hard to unscramble the eggs. Secession, separation, segregation … these aren’t the answer; it will take some form of unification and cooperation. There are a lot of big issues out there that are threats to everyone (financial collapse, the hollowing out of the middle class, impending energy crises, etc).
“unscramble the eggs”.
I don’t think that America has “scrambled eggs”.
The only reference to that sort of dish was in New York where it was “jumbled” eggs.
Can anyone from the U.S. shed some light on that?
if I understand your question.
Yes, we have scrambled eggs eggs.
Grew up on them.
I’ve never heard the term ‘jumbled’ eggs.
But, I’m a southern American.
Which the NYT would consider insurrectionist.
Most of us southerners got over the War of Yankee Aggression and became Americans as General Lee asked to do, but the New York and California types can’t seem to let it go.
Not enough psychiatrist in NYC and LA, I guess.
Thanks. My wife and I visited New York in 2007 and spent nearly two weeks there.
Really impressed with the place and the people at the time. I guess it might be different now.
Anyhow, having also grown up on scrambled eggs the term jumbled got me interested. It wasn’t the scrambled eggs I know.
The chef who whipped them up just cracked eggs into a pan and broke the yoke and mixed them with a fork. Jumbled.
Another one of life’s mysteries resolved.
Yes – we have had scrambled eggs in the US a number of times. Pretty much like Aussie scrambled eggs.
Perhaps if we need to find the two sides for the Great Secession, then make the dividing line those who like Biscuits & Gravy, and those who do not. I think it would be as good a marker as anything.
For the record I have tried it three times … not my cup of tea, but to be fair, it was never in the Confederacy
Do you have a problem with that? I’m not being facetious. It seems to me that the broad left are the ONLY people who are going to liberate the working class and middle class from the domination of capital, and lead to a better life.
But so many inmates on here seem to believe that Big Capital is the salvation! It is very very odd. I do not know where they get all this from.
Boy oh boy; haven’t you led a sheltered life.
What remains of our community after 50 years of political sell off to the laziest voters is a nation with:
# a destructive handout mentality. Gimme more.
# An inbred, inward focussed education system. Free education, unfortunately came with a price attached.
# A slavish, unthinking deference to what comes from the media.
# A woke view of the world and no idea of the danger our nation is in: We are close to collapse
Discipline, thrift, recycling, world class education and expanding industrial capacity were all part of that former Australia.
But no more.
So were poverty, racism, sexism, discrimination, religious prejudice, huge class divide, White Australia Policy, terrible pollution, robber banks and insurance companies, really tightly controlled media, almost no access to higher education for the middle class, feather-bedded and protected industries, lazy backward research, a rural Squattocracy that lorded it over the cities, and almost no arts and culture – everyone with talent had to go overseas.
Is that what you wish to return to? There was no Golden Age.
But there was a high trust society.
Bizarre, again.
As Meatloaf would sing;
” two out of thirty ain’t bad”
The list of “wrongs” you have there shows your lack of care, awareness and interest in the topic being discussed.
As Jo said, it was a high trust society and despite one or two areas of trust abuse by two very large religious bodies and a few other groups, it was functional and the good outweighed the bad.
Even before CV19 we were in a bad way, now all I ask is how did we fall so far.
Society is not in a good way at the moment: and you think that it’s better than sixty years ago?
Pro Big Government Economist Calls for a Renewable Energy Moonshot
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
RicDre, and all the rest of you.
A renewable Energy Moonshot, eh!
Well who would have thought?
I wrote two articles about just that thing, titled A Moonshot Too Far, Parts one and two.
I detailed roughly what it might take to replace coal fired power in the US with renewable power.
If any of you wish to read those articles here are the links to them.
A Moonshot Too Far – Part One
A Moonshot Too Far – Part Two
Just out of interest go and have a look. And after you read a few lines, the whole article, whatever, then go right back to the top, and look at the date I wrote them, in July of 2008, thirteen years ago.
The first article has a link to a story on the ABC website that prompted me to write them, and it details Al Gore calling for the US to move completely to renewable within ten years. (hence by 2018) Good to see that worked out so well, eh!
Sometimes, history repeats.
Same call, same no result.
Yes! Imagine if NASA had launched the “moonshot” with the objective of landing a man on the moon in this decade, but forgot about the part of getting him back – that’d be the equivalent (Success!).
Very much along the lines of ‘we cured the “disease” but the patient died’ (in a patient that wasn’t even sick).
‘the entrepreneurial spirit of government employees’ – bwahahaha. Yeah, okay. Grifting for obscenely secure “employment”, larger empires and status, and dreaming up new ways to extort monies from the productive classes to “invest” (on their behalf, of course), all while deploying the least effort possible to maintain the coddled existence of luxury at others’ expense.
I suppose that is “entrepreneurial”, in a way. Morally repugnant and ethically challenged, but sure… “entrepreneurial”. Are there any words and their actual meanings that “progressivism” cannot utterly destroy?
“Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” – Ronald Reagan
Opps, forgot the link:
“…New York City suffered another setback in its effort to make Exxon Mobil Corp., BP Plc and other energy companies help cover the public costs of dealing with climate change, as a federal appeals court ruled the global problem demands political rather than legal action…”
Don’t mess with Texas, apparently.
“…A pair of Texas legislators have filed legislation to prohibit companies that divest from, boycott, or sanction the fossil fuel industry from doing business with the Lone Star State…”
Today Janet Yellen called for a global minimum corporate tax rate. This way, different countries wouldn’t be able to compete for corporate business by lowering their tax rates, their rates would all be the same.
Wow, pure socialist thinking by Yellin. Pathetic.
Not sure where that could go and whether it would work. How many nations would support it?
I understand the point of it – a lot of people (not just governments and lefties) are thoroughly fed up that some of the world’s wealthiest corporations and individuals pay very little tax.
But I think they need to do a few other things:
• shut down all the tax havens that can be shut down – especially the British – there are so many of them
• control transfer pricing that lets companies move income from the country in which it was earned to some low-tax jurisdiction
• shut down all the really egregious tax loop-holes and subsidies that exist in so many industries
I think a wealth tax is a realistic goal – you can’t hide a skyscraper down in the Cayman Islands.
Ironically all those woke American companies that are so strongly supportive of the Democrats will get what they deserve.
They’ll be the first put up against the economic wall and plundered.
Between the Democrats in the USA and the EU idiots in Europe the world has two exemplars of socialism at work.
I’m sure you said some really really important deep things but I didn’t understand a word of it. Do you want to try it all again in normal English? That would be nice.
For those readers like Tilba Tilba, who are hampered by a comprehension disability, try this:
The world has two exemplars of socialism at work: the Democrats in the USA, and the EU idiots in Europe.
Clearly I have accidentally strolled into a sarcasm-free zone.
Anyway – the Democrats are a million miles from being a socialist party – more’s the pity – they don’t even qualify as a pro-labour, pro-worker, social democratic party. They’re very conservative on just about every front … they do not rock the boat.
Republicans and Democrats – at their core – are very similar. That’s why the compete so fiercely for a tiny slice of “undecided” voters.
The worst thing about the Dems is not the socialism, it’s the corruption.
Same for the RINOS.
For those readers like Tilba Tilba, who are hampered by a comprehension disability, try this:
The world has two exemplars of socialism at work: the Democrats in the USA, and the EU idiots in Europe.
Looks plain English to me.
Big companies pay a large amount of tax. For example employee’s income tax. If employees actally paid it themselves they would be more concerned about how their taxes are spent. The failure to pay would be huge. Companies use payroll figures to calculate how much to pay government. With states it is called payroll tax and the employee does not see it. I call PAYE Federal payroll tax. Income tax is paid by indivduals on income from shares and personal investments.
Schemes can minimise the tax on profit. Business has paid many taxes and that final tax is a small component.
Who gets paid for calculating the GST, BAS, tarriffs, excise and many other gvernment charges?
Sometimes whole departments are employed to work for the government within a company.
Talk of hitting the big companies is unappreciative of their overall contributions.
Silly Biden is to host a virtual climate summit on April 22nd and has invited 40 countries, including China and Russia.
Or how to waste trillions more $ for a guaranteed ZERO return/ change to climate ,temp or extreme weather events or SLR or polar bears or polar ice, or the HOT spot or etc.
OH and then we can look forward to even more BS and fra-d in Scotland during COP 26. What a mob of delusional JOKERS and con merchants.
Just to remind ourselves about c02 emissions per country or region 1970 to 2018 have a look at the graph at top right from Wiki.
Note China and OTHER developing countries and you’ll start to understand that Dr Hansen’s future target of 350 ppm is a joke.
And don’t forget that the SH countries emit about 7% of global emissions ( 0.8 bn) and the NH countries about 93%. ( 7 bn people )
And the CSIRO tell us that the entire SH is already NET ZERO, see Tassie Cape Grim site.
Here’s the CSIRO Cape Grim site and their statement about co2 and SH is the net zero SINK. NH is the NET SOURCE.
“Seasonal variation”
“Carbon dioxide concentrations show seasonal variations (annual cycles) that vary according to global location and altitude. Several processes contribute to carbon dioxide annual cycles: for example, uptake and release of carbon dioxide by terrestrial plants and the oceans, and the transport of carbon dioxide around the globe from source regions (the Northern Hemisphere is a net source of carbon dioxide, the Southern Hemisphere a net sink)”.
The Cape Grim baseline carbon dioxide data displayed show both the annual cycle and the long-term trend”.
Actual carbon dioxide concentrations are much lower and more variable because water vapour is removed from the sample before testing. Reported carbon dioxide levels are meaningless in the real world.
The daily fluctuating CO2 concentrations measured above fields of crops is eye opening.
With 90% of the world’s population living in the north of course it is a giant heat island, life being exothermic.
Hi Neville – None of this is to say that there is not a huge carbon sink present/active on the Australian continent itself. This was most tellingly demonstrated by Detmers et al. (2015) – See: . The Detmers et al. technique is basically sound, but is subject to continuous research & improvement.
Note that the atmospheric data drawn upon by Detmers and his co-authors were captured during a strong La Niña weather pattern in Australia in 2010 – 12. By way of seasonal contrast NASA provides an annotated world map that shows that the Australian continent was still clearly a CO2 sink over the 2015 -18 period, which incorporated the major El Niño weather pattern of 2014-16. See:
I have now chased up some recent literature & found a paper (Link: ) by Chevalier et al. (2019) that supports the combined Detmers + NASA data (see info for Australia – Fig 3 lower box, p. 21 – & note that GOSAT & OCO-2 values are all negative (= a C sink) for the 2010-18 period. Don’t be put off by the Figure 3 annotation – “Time series of Inferred natural CO2 annual flux (without the prescribed fossil fuel emissions) between 2004 and 2017……..” . None of Australia is identified as not being managed these days. Whether we decide to use it or protect it, to make it a NP or grazing land, mines or World Heritage etc etc we have made a conscious management decision. This is identical with how the USA also classifies land as being “managed’’ for their GHG Inventory purposes.
Here at his 2019 talk to the GWPF Dr Christy puts all their so called CAGW claims to the test.
And this scientist has addressed Congress on numerous occasions over the years on behalf of the Republican party.
I’d like Jo and David to have a look at this and perhaps explain his version of the data for the so called HOT SPOT, Greenland temps, extreme weather events etc.
Is there anything about his talk that they would not agree with? Just asking?
This link shows the water vapour level at 500hPa. All this water forms reflective ice cloud as radiative cooling occurs from this level and above:,-14.04,376/loc=146.792,-14.740
When the ocean reaches 30C, the water vapour above the level of free convection is 13.8mm. There is 10.4mm of this above the freezing level. The OLR will exit at 200W/sq,m from an average temperature above this level of 245K, taking 38 hours to deposit all the water vapour to build the convective potential for the next cycle. All that time building cirrus cloud that reflects sunlight.
Any tropical ocean above 28C that does not have high water vapour above freezing will have high convective potential:,-14.04,376/loc=154.306,-20.815
These are the fundamentals of the physics that limit tropical warm pools too 30C.
The warm pools wander about as locations below clear sky warm and can reach as high as 32C. At this temperature, there is 12.5mm of water vapour above the level of free convection and 10.6mm is above the freezing level once the precipitation ends. So there will be initial cumulus cloud following cloudburst that takes a few hours to settle then cirrus cloud will begin to form and persist for more than a day before the sky becomes clear for a brief period before the next cloudburst. Very little sunshine reaches the surface until the surface temperature cools to 30C.
Atlantic is yet to make 30C for 2021 but it is getting close:,-2.55,376/loc=-17.028,5.351
There is no climate model that can resolve cloud formation. All cloud is parameterised and essentially unresponsive to surface temperature. That is the unphysical nonsense that causes climate models to predict the temperature of the Nino34 region eventually reaching 314K – CSIRO for example:–120E_-5-5N_n_+++.png
Imagine for a moment if climate models were actually able to simulate the regulation of the warm pools to the 30C limit that occurs in reality. They might then be able to make reliable predictions and not stupid unphysical predictions.
Just to show how REALLY SILLY CSIRO climate modellers are. The link compares the hindmost of CSIRO CMIP5 model (10 runs) against the NCEP actual measurements for the NINo34 region:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhCuQbL8dFO9LckFY
You can observe that the NCEP averages around 27C (300K) the CSIRO model runs average around 297K (24C). So they have cooled the region by 3C before 2000 to get a warming trend that matches the measured data in 2014 so they can keep the warming trend.
According to this model output, the 1998 El Nino did not happen and could not have happened. In fact there could not have been El Nino events prior to 2020.
No climate model will work unless clouds are the result of real physics rather than unphysical parameters. If there was a “greenhouse effect” then parameterising clouds might work but there is no “greenhouse effect” and no way that cloud parameterisation will ever approach reality.
“Farmers fear for land that produces some of ‘best potato crops in the world”
High Voltage Transmission Lines cut farms in half.
All to supply Melbourne with Renewable Unreliable electricity from wind mills and toxic solar panels!
They said (Australia’s Energy Market Operator) that farming land would not be impacted!
This is criminal!
McCain Foods runs a large processing facility in Ballarat and estimated the project could affect 29 local growers.
In a statement, the company said it was concerned about the potential loss of some of the best soil in Australia.
Were are the Environmentalists?
Having soy lattes with Adam Bandt in Air Conditioning?
This is disgusting.
Has this been posted just because it relates to the transmission of electricity from wind farms? Anyway – I remain sceptical that it’s going to be that detrimental. High voltage transmission pylons are usually a pretty long way apart.
Whatever – vast areas of Australia’s best soils have been entombed below housing estates, commercial development, concrete and asphalt. It really is criminal and short-sighted.
My father built a post-war fibro house in the Parramatta River valley of Sydney – the soil was superb – it was previously a Chinese market garden. Even though he was a participant, he thought it was criminal too.
At least he grew lovely fruit and vegetables for a generation
I’ve seen the ‘anti pylon tower’ signs all over this area while out riding and looking at the wind plants, we have maybe the best soil and conditions in the world for potato growing including most farms lucky enough to have spring water that keeps dams full year round, this came in handy when McCains wanted the farms to produce potatoes that used the most water for their products and put more pressure on shrinking farmers resources and markets.
I’m not against towers just not ones that support an already unreliable, unfair and unnecessary infrastructure that is a blight on the landscape and another drain on Australians, I’d bet the towers are more likely to send power to the wind plants than from them, useless asshat engineered crap that they are its 2021 FFS and an over sized propeller with a capacity factor the size of the average Greens IQ is going to save the planet? pppfffftttt.
Say a few words.
I love it – a great line
Well the results are in and it has been confirmed the UK Booga Booga strain turned out to be a fizzer, but why?
Why is the Booga Booga strain infecting millions in the UK but yet here in Australia we had tens of thousands of tests and only 19 cases over a 4 week period and not one hospitalisation, in fact the booga booga strain was such an anti climax it was done and dusted just in time to ensure QLD recieved a massive influx of tourists and the footy season could continue over the Easter break.
The only reason why this could be possible is because of Vitamin D meaning our immune systems are far more robust than our European counterparts, of course this obvious fact was once uttered by Orange man bad so cannot be mentioned again. So forget the obvious roll up your sleeve and roll the dice of dying from a blood clot in your head.
QLD’s emergency declaration expired on the 31st of March, but luckily we had a couple of people testing positive to a lot of something made from something, otherwise known as the gold standard, this allowed the dictator to renew it for a further 3 months.
I believe there is a new Brazilian strain that’s more contagious, more lethal, more fear porn.
Winter is coming!
They dont even bother to tell you what the mutation is now EG B117G, for example the new booga booga strain is called P1, what does P1 mean…….nothing thats what but it will be used as more fear porn as you say
P1 does have meaning
Eventually lineage nomenclature become clumsy but it still exists in the back ground. With multiple mutational differences (17 AA changes and 10’s of DNA differences) from the covid type sequence you need a way to identify it and talk about it. When variants of p.1 occur they will be labelled P.1 followed by a relevant code.
This is not a system that was invented for covid and has nothing to do with being scary.
Ah yes well WIKI tells you stuff but thats not answering my question, what do these mutations mean with regards to infection etc. I know it means nothing to you and you have no thirst or drive to understand it anymore than what your authority figures tell you. Thanks for proving my point.
I linked to wiki for clarity, not as a primary source.
To get the understanding you seek you’ll need to trawl the literature, but hat is not what you were claiming. You thought that P.1 was a pithy attempt at having a scary name and I pointed out to you that it follows an established standard. ie you were wrong.
Funny how it seems all the booga booga viruses only seem to be a problem in Labor states.
The powers that be could make up whatever stats they want….and we have no real way of knowing if its all made up fear mongering ( likely ) or an actual problem ( unlikely ). Just look at how that worked out in the last US election…
Presumably the last Comrade who may have developed a conscience appears to have met with misfortune…surely not?
No mystery. We contained it. No one claimed it was uncontainable.
I can hear that pea rattling around in your head from way over here GA
Would it have helped if I wrote booga? Honestly, did you expect your huge straw man to go unseen?
The official reason from your ABC.
To save you the time of reading, it did not spread due to 3 reasons:
1, Statistics, its only about 50% more transmissible (which is BS because they all float around and sit on door knobs the same way) what they mean here is once it gets inside you you have 50% more chance of getting sick so in the end its only 50% worse so thats why it did not spread.
But hang on its the deadly UK strain is it not?
2, Luck, yes they use this exact word. The word luck is codespeak for “we are full of carp” and you just caught us drumming up the fear factor
3, Environment, No not that kind of environment the ABC version, the complete explaination is below because any attempts by me to re word BS on such a grand scale would be a monumental injustice.
So whats your next move GA, do you swallow this garbage from your ABC like a good little soldier or do you stick to the containment story?
I don’t have a “move” and nor do I pay heed to a news broadcaster.
Airborne viral spread in Australia is different to the UK and other places so I have no problem with a combination of factors making the disease less of an issue here. Basically we contained it in a background of having already contained other variants. End of story.
so you have no idea why, thats all you needed to say
I do actually. We controlled it at the border. It escaped and we traced it and isolated it. It is really plague 101
You mean we did NOT control it at the border (Motel) and it escaped for 3 weeks without anyone knowing it had, but when we did discover this deadly virus had escaped for 3 weeks we isolated the handful of people that had it and no one got sick, no one went to hospital and this is your version of plague 101.
Here is another version, this whole covid thing is over blown, people have been locked down on and off for over a year, peoples lively hoods have been destroyed, our economy has been smashed due to a virus that infected 19 people in the space of 3 weeks not because of isolation but because its just another flu and just like the flu it kills old people.
The problem the pollies are too far down the rabbit hole, if they now say “sorry we over exaggerated the risks” etc people will lynch them so they need to keep up the BS to save political skins and foolish people like you dont have the cognitive abilities to see it as it is.
I agree with that outline Hypersonic.
” this whole covid thing is over blown, people have been locked down on and off for over a year, peoples lively hoods have been destroyed, our economy has been smashed”.
Keaf, your core reasoning us wrong – containing something of slightly more danger than a normal flu is a pointless medical victory.
In terms of stripping people of thier rights and freedoms ( which appears to be the real game ) its been wuite successful.
But…people are starting to wake up to the game. I know many intelligent people who now openly dispute the danger and the measures and have had enough.
Game over…
Leaf…not Keaf.
Fat fingers…the sc*m known as corona virus made me do it!!
Yep just a coincidence, Thursday Island has a mask mandate for a test conducted 2000 klm’s away. The entire northern rivers of NSW were locked down for one positive test in Byron Bay, lifted after the Easter break?
It got the dictator and our mad cat lady (CMO) another 3 months of parading their importance in front of the camera’s.
I never said it was not containable.
I never said you did. It was hyposonic who called the variant a fizzer because it didn’t cause havoc.
MP… it helps if you pay attention to the nesting… again
Nesting ?
yes. My comment was nested under hyposonics (12.2). If I had replied to you my comment would be indented right under yours (would have been 12.1.1).
Got it, to my eyeballs it looked like a reply to I. I am down to one eyeball due to botched surgery on my eye lid a month ago. That eye is coming back but double vision at the moment.
I hope it improves. In the meantime I’ll rethink my harsh tones.
Let rip, I enjoy your sarcasm.
Thanks Peter, I agree.
And the idiots hat brought that ban about didn’t care that it severely impacted people with prior medical appointments. I had a appointment with a specialist scheduled that I had to put off for another six weeks due to that ban on a matter of importance,and I was lucky to get that as those of us in Northern NSW depend on access to Queensland for such things,as the doctors simply aren’t available here.
Ever wonder what happens to PCR nasal swabs being collected around the country.
Look no further then BGI and Henry Palaszczuk. BGI is registered in Singapore but is a Chinese company.
Source, On Scene News Australia.
QLD PREMIERS FATHER LINKED TO GENE DATA STORAGE TECHNOLOGY – A MARKET THAT IS SET TO BE WORTH TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS | Henry Palaszczuk, father of Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has been linked to Singapore-registered and China-tied Gene Technology Alliance Foundation (GTA) which has entered a market worth trillions of dollars by tapping into Gene Data Storage & Sequencing.
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s father Henry Palaszczuk is well known in Australia after being a former Labor member of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland, and minister of the Beattie Government of Queensland. He was also elected as the member for Archerfield in Queensland back in 1984, and held that seat until his election as the member for Inala in 1992.
GTA’s whole genome sequencing technology can detect 3 billion base-pairs covering all genes of the human body, and users will get a detailed test results (including 84 precision medications, 202 diseases risks, 89 trait genes, 4011 single gene diseases; food intolerance, drug intolerance, nutrient metabolism, trace element absorption; high incidence of tumor risk, family genetic risk; risk of genetic mutation) to take targeted preventive measures for health risks. All stored data will be stored in the GTA in encrypted way and can be accessed by the user as they wish. GTA will also leverage genetic technology to analyze the whole-genome phenotype data stored by users, so that provide massive data support for institutions such as precision pharmaceuticals, precision medicine, scientific research, and health management, etc. Gene Technology Alliance has been working hard is believed to have already distributed genetic data storage and application services on a global scale.
Hon. Henry Palaszczuk started as the chairman of the GTA Foundation back in 2019 and has been responsible for the overall management and major decision making at GTA. Mr. Edvard Moser is the vice chairman of the GTA Foundation, who is in charge of genetic technology, stem cell technology research and applications at GTA. He won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2014. On September 22nd back in 2019 , GTA Gene Data Storage and Application Summit was grandly opened in Chaohu city of Anhui province. The event brought together celebrities, Nobel scientists, experts and scholars in the field of gene technology and data storage, sparking heated discussions on application of genetic big data and AI, gene data encryption and storage, human health and other relevant issues. GTA rapidly integrates individual users, gene sequencing companies, medical, pharmaceutical, health services, and other data applications on one platform, as a result of which more individuals and businesses can get involved in the genetic data gold mine.
Relying on the world’s advanced whole genome sequencing technology and the most secure and distributed encrypted storage technology, GTA uses the unique blockchain incentive mechanism to create the world’s first gene data core with whole genome phenotypic data, sequencing, storage and application The mine will quickly gather individual users, gene sequencing companies, medical, pharmaceutical, scientific research and other data application institutions on the same platform. It will lead a massive genetic technology revolution worldwide, thereby forming a perfect link between health and wealth. The world’s first gene data storage blockchain project-GTA Gene Chain was launched on May 20th last year and since then GTA has showed to the world what It’s able to achieve on the world stage. GTA will become the main theme of the blockchain + era in a market worth trillions of dollars.
Henry Palaszczuk who is now 74-years-old has been busy over the couple of years especially around 2019 when he was the Chairman of the Gene Technology Alliance. In the last few years Annastacia Palaszczuk who is still currently the Premier of Queensland is yet to comment about her fathers Involvement to the Gene Technology Alliance and It’s links to both Singapore and China.
Wow he’s linked to something. You’ve uncovered the whole dirty charade.
I’d be interested to know how gene data handling technology is worth $trillions. At present most of it is freeware run on remote servers.
You can email BGI and ask them or phone their Chinese office (+852) 3610 3510 (Hong Kong)
BGI’s Australian rep Chairman Henry whom stated that amount
Or I could talk to their head office in Singapore.
How about a startup overstating things. I’ve never heard such a thing.
You heard it here first
Sometimes it’s worth revisiting things.
Seven years ago, I wrote an article about green heads expl0d1ng because what was effectively a tiny coal fired power plant was proposed for the African Country of Niger, just one 600MW unit, and just that one unit alone would have more than tripled Niger’s total power generation. As it turned out, even that tiny plant was scaled back to a 200MW unit.
However, at the time, those green sympathisers, in the many thousands from all across the Planet (you know, in the places where that slimy ‘green’ colour really exists) came out and said that these poor Undeveloped Countries should be moving in the direction of clean green power instead of filthy disgusting coal fired power. (you know, real power to begin the task of lifting Countries like this out of extreme poverty) There were so many suggestions that a plan should be implemented to utilise small scale solar power on the grand scale to bring electricity to people who have no access to water, who cook food over dung fires, and live in the dark when the Sun sets.
Those same many thousand who proposed this altruistic plan then came out in their droves to follow up on their bold suggestions.
Well, no, that never actually happened. They all just forgot about that in the rush for the new Apple mobile phone I guess.
However, those altruistic persons did see to it that monumentally huge small scale solar power did eventuate in Niger.
Small scale solar power now accounts for almost one percent of Niger’s total power generation. A whopping (almost anyway) one percent. One percent of almost nothing. One percent of 600GWH. so, 6GWH in a year, 6000MWH, enough power to run around 850 homes here in Australia.
That’s around 23000 individual solar panels, (250 Watt panels) making up 5.7MW in Nameplate.
That’s about the same as 860 individual rooftop systems here in Australia, as the average installation is (around) 6.5KW.
So, using the average cost here in Australia for the average rooftop system, that comes in at around $4.3 Million.
860 rooftop systems, enough for a small suburb in a small city here in Australia.
For Niger, with a population of 23 million people.
Nice to see those green people with so much sympathy for their fellow man who is worse off than them by a long long way putting their money where their mouths are eh!
Please excuse my sarcasm for these hypocrites who cry so loudly and do so little.
This is good news.
US Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas…. has made the argument the Supreme court should act concerning the masters of the universe politically coordinated censorship and spreading/enabling misinformation.
The latest US Biden Administration lie (misinformation) example is the claim that the Georgia law which provides a week and two Sundays to vote is somehow not fair to poor working families. Biden’s lie is the Georgia voter law which requires photo ID for election is Jim Crow on steroids.
“overwhelming majority of Americans (72 percent) favor requiring a photo ID in order to vote.”
“possibility of designating them as common carriers — which would effectively eliminate their ability to ban or censor users for legal, First Amendment protected speech.”
Mitch McConnell: It’s ‘Jaw-Dropping’ Corporations Fall for ‘Absurd Disinformation’ About Election Laws
“McConnell said the public is currently witnessing what he called a “coordinated campaign by powerful and wealthy people” in order to “mislead and bully the American people.”
The Kentucky Republican pointed out even the Washington Post has repeatedly exposed the disinformation about the Georgia law. He emphasized the Post saying, “In reality, Election Day hours were not changed and the opportunities to cast a ballot in early voting were expanded.”
“Plenty of Democrat-run states allow fewer days of early voting than the new Georgia law requires,” he said, continuing to make note, a poll from AP-NORC Friday showed an overwhelming majority of Americans (72 percent) favor requiring a photo ID in order to vote.
W.A. – this appears to be the work of Perception Managers – they “create” facts and sell them to the world as truth.
A quote from David Baldacci – The Whole Truth…
This is another Virus scenario run by the John Hopkins University, Drs Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation.
You can see this being played out now, notice it is heavily into social media and the “influencers”
Will they go after the animals next. Well they already killed all the Minks off in the Mink farms.
August The SPARS pandemic was officially declared to be over;
however, experts remain concerned about domestic animal
reservoirs and the potential for future outbreaks
I have no idea the meaning of what you just wrote. In case this helps, here is the actual publication as opposed to a secondary analysis
Shoch-Spana, M., Brunson, E. K., Shearer, M. P., Ravi, S., Sell, T. K., Chandler, H., Gronvall, G. K. (2017). The SPARS Pandemic, 2025–2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators. Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
Links not working GA, is this the one.
Looks to be it. Going back to your original post. Were you making the point that the current covid epidemic is playing out in a similar way in social media as described in your first link?
Well sort of, I stumbled across a NGO’s web site where they had stated they had 3.4 million social influencers on their books in the USA to push the WHO narrative. It is world wide not just the USA.
Can you not see it being played out?
Remember the question?
Good news, Malcolm Turnbull has been dumped from his job. His crime? speaking against coal.
You mean speaking against the development, evolution and improvement of our standard of living by removing a cheap and plentiful source of power generation and replacing it with a poorer alternative?
No, I mean that if you speak up (and he was the head of an advisory body on climate change) vested interests will have you removed quick smart.
Explain to me how this is different from “Media bullies attack the defenceless, then hide behind the Shield of Saintly Victimhood themselves” which is the previous post
He seems to have trouble holding a job.
At last a win for the good guys.
Somewhere Off in the distance i can hear Donald J Trump playing the worlds tiniest violins, ergo toughen up Pete you get back in spades what you dish out.
Interesting…. You are correct. Members of the Liberal party decided that Turdball was a bad choice due to their ‘vested interests’ in retaining office at the next election. All politicians of all parties do this.
Appointing Turdball was never going to end well. The fact that his appointment was approved in the first place says a lot about how out of touch politicians are with their constituents.
It was politically correct.
That is indeed good news
That is good news!
Do you not understand – Malcolm was sacked for expressing his views. If it was someone on the right, like say Peter Ridd, you would be up in arms.
Two faced, the lot of you
Apparently it was not that.
Not his views, which were apparently fine with Mr Kean. Turnbull sacked for distracting from the board’s goal of creating jobs.
you could be more selective with your quotes, but at least it was out of context
Mr Turnbull, who has been a fierce critic of News Corp, said the government had caved to pressure from the Murdoch press by reversing his appointment.
“There was a pretty ferocious campaign, a vendetta, really, in the characteristic way that News Corp operates,” Mr Turnbull said.
“Its goal was to bully the state government into not appointing me chair of this net zero board.”
He spoke out, he got the sack.
But the right will say this is fine, won’t they? as I said two faced. The point here is that if you support ‘free speech’ ‘diversity of opinion’ etc etc, you should condemn this as well, but you, and your like minded posters, could not give a tinker’s cuss about fairness, balance or rights, when it is someone you define as the enemy
As Turnball would say “there is money to be made in them there hills”, the only reason MT would be involved in something like this would be to make mullah, lots of lovely mullah. The left have been applying political pressure to sack people for years the right have finally twigged its the only way things work now so dont come here and cry poor because this decision did not go your way, i suggest you and your [Snip]AD left friends get used to it because there is more to come.
Turnbull is allowed to say whatever he likes as an individual, but not as the leading honcho on this board.
Speaking on behalf of the utopian socialists, we are happy that Talcum was sacked. His appointment was politically incorrect, the man is a zealot.
Thank you Peter.
Fitz you seem to be under the illusion Peter Ridd has a relative making millions from a decision he may have made ! Turdball on the other hand does have a relative who makes money from his decisions so false equivalence.
Why? Coal is the cleanest power we have ever had. Only carbon dioxide and water and lots of energy. And it’s free. And by far the cheapest large scale power and able to be maintained indefinitely. Then we have infinite, commandable power at near zero cost.
That is unless you think carbon dioxide is a problem and I would love to know why? And think that carbon dioxide levels are not 96% natural anyway.
It is possibly the most ridiculous idea, debunked in the 1950s, that CO2 sticks in the atmosphere for long. Even then the half life was thought to be around 5 years before it was recycled through the vast oceans like every other gas.
I was never able to get a response from Industrial Chemist and former ‘Climate Commissioner’ Professor Will Steffen as to why CO2 would not be in equilibrium and levels natural.
CO2 in particular because it is just so soluble and compressible, as we know from lemonade, bread, beer, champagne, dry ice, CO2 capsules, soda water. The idea that human released CO2 does not recycle in equilibrium is patently ridiculous, but the IPCC says officially 80 years half life and some places thousands of years and other places, never.
CO2 politics is science fantasy based on nothing. But CO2 is pushed by Malcolm Turnbull and others as being the most evil chemical since mercury or arsenic or phosphorous. Even though 7 billion humans are breathing it out now and it is the basis of all life on earth. Pollution? Who really believes that?
CO2 was only discovered in the 1750s and because it is so low, a 50% increase over 150 years is nothing. If Oxygen went down or up from 21% to 21.01%, I cannot see a world wide panic.
The real fears should be that CO2 goes down because it is only just above survival level and under 0.02% all life on earth would cease. And the other fear is that it gets cooler, as seems to be happening world wide, in case anyone else dares notice it.
In fact human output of CO2 is so small, the only way to pretend it makes a difference is to x100 which requires fossil fuel CO2 to be stuck in the air forever.
How anyone who has studied science can suggest that with a straight face is beyond me. Sure and the froth on a new glass of beer stays on the top and the beer gets more bubbles the warmer it gets. That is the theory of ocean acidification, which is equally looney.
What a load! Even the NSW EPA enforces pollution standards on the Coal Generators – you need to get out into the real world a bit
And the EPA and CSIRO have found that the coal power stations are NOT exceeding the very stringent pollution controls. So Tdef may be correct, especially when you take into account the need to dispose of the short-lifetime renewables without polluting the environment. You seem to be quoting the alarmist rubbish Fromm the ABC again.
Also good news, the ABC cancels Tom Ballard over Liberal Party jokes, of course this sort of censorship is ok, Right?
This is no time to dwell on petty gossip, a cool sun is far more important.
Heard any good, or bad Labour Party jokes on the abc lately Peter? Morrison and the Libs get plenty of swipes from Murdock’s corner.
Willis has entered the fray on solar forcing, strongly advise you read the comments to understand the different aspects of the debate without CO2 muddying up the waters.
Never fear Ebola is here to keep the masses in check, a multitude of Africans have entered the USA recently are now on Ebola watch. Not sure if the fear porn industry will get much mileage out of this as they already have a vaccine for Ebola but not for an Ebola/Covid hybrid
Ah yes, it can’t be far off before we have another SARS or Bird Flue, or Chicken Flue, or what else is there?
Keep the populace panicked, seems to be the successful strategy at the moment. Oh, and keep them ignorant (thanks Big Tech).
Ah, while I remember it.
Here we have a YouTube vid talking about Hunter Biden’s answer to his laptop.
He mentions that Twitter and Facebook jumped on the censorship bandwagon quickly and successfully quashed the NYT’s story from getting a wider audience.
This point plus the actions of the media during the riots last year plus the love a fair of the Biden campaign.
My question is: (it’s one question really, I’m just making my question clear).
Why are they supporting a corrupt government and anarchy in the streets?
What’s in it for the media?
What is their strategy? What do they hope to get out of this?
Sadly, we must admit we have been lied to by a bought and paid for Media for a long (we don’t know how long) time.
Watters on FoxNews demolishes Media coverage of all things Biden.
The show is over, the game is up. It’s either as Watters claims, Biden is being played by an actor!!
Or,he just really is totally incompetent
And so is the Media
either those things or nothing actually happened and people are playing themselves and life moves on without any conspiracy needed to explain it.
There is no conspiracy, the evidence is clear Biden suffers from dementia
No, he suffers from old age and not necessarily dementia.
I’m with Leaf on this, there is no conspiracy here. On a completely different matter, have you given any thought to the speed and agility of UFO in comparison to human endeavour?
It was not a UFO, it was Joe falling down the aircraft stairs.
He was hit in the head by a speedy and agile UFO
Three times
No, they were Trump’s golf balls.
And it isn’t age. I’m his age and no way do I have his brain fades.
EG Do you personally know anyone aged but still in good health who is as hopeless mentally?
An old person knows how old they are for example an old person would not say they have been going to the beach for the last 120 years because they know they are not 120 years old, if they did say that by mistake they would correct themselves due to having the knowledge of how old they are.
If an old person was running for the presidency of the local bowling club they would state they are doing such a thing they would not state they are running for the treasurer position or claim the treasurer was in fact the president.
An old person does not stop mid sentence because they have no idea what they were talking about unless they have dementia.
Sorry i forget i think the Klingon Bird or prey is by far a technological advancement compared to USS enterprise due to its cloaking abilities.
I think when it comes to speed and agility they would be on par.
We should have more detail in a couple of months, Joe Biden will tell us everything or perhaps nothing.
‘ … in early June, the public will be offered an official explanation regarding UFOs – or perhaps the report will merely amount to a resounding shrug, deepening the mystery. But the answer might be a little closer to home than we thought.’ (Forbes)
You are missing the point.
Watter just plays clips from the Pres’s news conference…. To show that it was not a ‘news’ conference’.
Biden is a smiley ‘nice’ old guy dummy who plays his part, the ‘President’ of USA.
Biden’s ‘press’ conference was a pathetic orchestrated affair. Where the ‘Media’ is in on the game. … The Biden Administration did not include the largest and most popular cable news company in the US, for the ‘Presidential News Conference….
Because Fox news is a real news company.
Fox News asks real logical questions.
Biden’s solution to the US border crisis, which began as soon as he got in office as his administration worked to open the border. There was in February a 150% increase in border crossings.
The Biden administration has promised to increasing the capacity to process and illegal immigrants at the US southern border and has promised to spend $700 million in South American countries.
The US has been sending money to South America for decades. No change. The money just disappears. Same thing happens in Africa. Money does not bring law and order and organization.
We don’t have to admit that.
Ignoring the problem is a genuine option, and for many people it is their preferred option. You would be astounded how effectively people can ignore problems. There will be consequences of course … but hey there’s consequences to everything.
We do at least have a rough idea of when Operation Mockingbird started, and we have plausible documentation of the chain of events.
That links to the followup “Operation Earnest Voice” where personas pop up on internet sites and inject comments that … you know … sound earnest and stuff. Human ingenuity hey! When will it end?
Here’s an interesting little exercise though … let’s suppose somehow you can get an estimate that on any particular discussion group about 5% of the participants are paid misinformation agents who have no other purpose than to confuse you, mislead, and generally derail the conversation … they have no real job and come back as often as they like. How do you go about identifying these people? What would you look for?
What features could assist in making it more difficult to run these “Earnest Voice” socks? Can we build a better system, or is this an endless treadmill?
Interesting, but way too complicated for me…I can’t ‘Tel’ what side you’re on!!
Gregg. The laptop story broke in the New York Post.
(Your friendly nit-picker at work)
Read more about it
“Miranda Devine’s book – Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide”
Another scenario done in August 2019 called Crimson Contagion,
New study ties solar variability to the onset of decadal La Nina events
Authors apply a 22-year solar clock to find an elusive correlation
It is encouraging to see that more mainstream attention is being paid to that “big nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reactions in its core – by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth (Wiki)”.
Could it be that it does actually have a major effect on our climate?
Willis has a look at that
Please don’t fall for political spin doctor’s media manipulation …
Radio 2GB
Ray Hadley has accused former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of “making a narrative to suit his own argument” for his opposition to a planned expansion of a coal mine in the Upper Hunter region.
Mr Turnbull and his wife Lucy put in a submission to the government about the Mount Pleasant Optimisation Project, citing concerns about poor air quality in the region.
The Turnbulls own a property north of the site.
Their submission quoted two air quality readings on 1 and 8 March 2021, and described the 2333 postcode as having the “worst air quality in the state”.
Ray Hadley has revealed the data as “anomalies”.
“Unfortunately for Mr Turnbull, Mr Turnbull has been ill-advised, or loose with the truth, because on the 1 March 2021, the air quality, varied from -6 up to 113, and the only hour it reached this ridiculous figure, was the hour between 7-8pm at night.
“We have spoken to experts who tell us that’s an anomaly.
“At worst it’s a lie, at best it’s a bloke not doing any research and making a narrative to suit his own argument.
“I am happy today to expose the bloke on the program for the nonsense he said to the Department of Planning.
“The former PM is guilty by omission.
“He has taken a rubbery, out of context figure to suit his own purposes, simply disgraceful that either through imbecility, or a deliberate act, he has used figures that are an obvious anomaly to support his flawed argument.”
Afternoon all,
The big lie is promulgated:
” Canberra’s entire electricity use is bought from renewable suppliers, such as wind, solar and hydro-power stations. ”
Dave B
Nice to know that our governments ALWAYS have our best interests at heart.
Hang on! Ruinables are CHEAP aren’t they?
The fun will really start in the ACT if the Greens get their way to phase out natural gas in the Territory by 2035-2040. It would mean more than doubling current electricity usage for heating during the prime renewable-generating winter period (/s), and not needing any of the increased capacity during the summer months.
Pity that SA is only generating 2.6gW from wind ATM. After fulfilling their obligations to ACT they must be VERY dependent on Vic and Qld coal.
If these guys played poker this way with extra aces they would be shot.
Well I just hope that, sometime in the near future, the ACT runs short of electricity and has to plea to NSW to make up the slack. If I was in charge of electricity consumption in NSW, I would tell the ACT bubble to “go to hell”. As far as I’m concerned, the ACT can go rot.
Might need another Math post!
“White supremacy culture infiltrates math classrooms in everyday teacher actions,” the guide states. “Coupled with the beliefs that underlie these actions, they perpetuate educational harm on Black, Latinx, and multilingual students, denying them full access to the world of mathematics.”
First reported by Campus Reform, the“white supremacy culture” cited by the document include a focus on “getting the ‘right’ answer” and requiring students to show their work.
I successfully completed Level 1 Maths (“Pure Maths”) for the NSW HSC many moons ago, and it was really important to show all your work.
If your work was sound, and your understanding of the theoretical and mathematical principles involved was solid – then you could still get 8/10, even if you stuffed up the arithmetic, or otherwise arrived at a wrong answer.
So I find the “right answer, don’t show your work” arguments very peculiar – to say the least. Perhaps I just don’t understand what they’re on about.
But it seems to me, getting young black kids interested in – even loving – maths would be a really big step forward – don’t dumb it down “culturally”.
With your comprehension of advanced maths you’ll be able to keep up with this then?
It is being reported that Biden is going to “plug the gaps in the wall”.
Does this make him racist?????
From Media Watch Dog
Mildura Post Office has 11 days over 40 per year up until it was closed in 1949. The earlier years might have been a little higher maximums due to equipment so the 1911-1940 average is lower at 7.3 days above 40 with the highest 50.7 and 47.2 post 1911.
And it doubled in population from 1911 to 1947, and ten fold from then till now with 6.5 days above 40 at the AP, with intensive horticulture being the main industry.
What is your point exactly? It’s a bit confusing. I grew up in Western Sydney – it was always substantially hotter than Bondi or Manly. So?
And have you been to Dubai – it’s always hot, there is incredible pollution, the dust storms are unbelievable, and it has some of the worst architecture – living proof that money and taste rarely go together. Everyone is in aircon 24/7. No-one could possibly enjoy living there if they have an option to live somewhere else.
This is interesting.
Yes – there was some early speculation last year, when two fairly close cyclones formed in the northern Gulf of Mexico, as to whether they were heading for the Fujiwhara Effect … interesting stuff.
WA always cops more cyclones during a La Niña year. Trouble is, it’s been so long since the last one that folks forget this. Currently we’re copping typical WA La Niña weather, with continuing hot humid and cloudy weather right through April.
When I mention that it’s just another typical La Niña year, I receive lots of puzzled looks.
I’m no Turnbull fan – and even though I thought he was miles better than the Mad Monk and the current Bozo – I think he’s in the wrong party, and he wasn’t a good Lib leader as a result.
But realistically, who are you going to select as the chair of a new body called the Net Zero Emissions and the Clean Economy Board? You can hardly give the job to a crazed coal-burner or a global-warming sceptic, can you?
It’s not about whether global warming / climate change are election winners – it is whether you’re fair dinkum in setting up a new body like this. If it’s not just cynical greenwashing – then what do you want it to do?
(BTW Tony Abbott did not hand Malcolm Turnbull a 90-seat majority – as a result of the 2013 election, the Coalition had 90, Labor 55, and there were five others).
Yeah. Crazed coal burners provided more energy for Australia in the last forty years than anyone else. And STILL DO.
Why the heck would you ask them.
‘If it’s not just cynical greenwashing – then what do you want it to do?’
Its just cynical greenwashing and its dirtied our political culture.
Well! Well!
Biden’s handouts buying guns! Who’d a thunk it”
This does not look good
“One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest”
“Yuri Deigin:
We examined public sequencing data from Wuhan and discovered contamination of agricultural datasets by viral sequences. We were even able to pull out two novel MERS-like coronaviruses, one of which was in a reverse genetics backbone.
So much for “they would have used a known backbone” argument of Andersen. Our findings confirm the following:
• there was massive work on many viruses in Wuhan
• novel CoVs and backbones remain unpublished
• biosafety guidelines were potentially breached
Read and shiver.”
And more
Stop press! , Bunnings the oh so woke company that refused to buy anymore timber from Victorian Timber harvesters to appease the radical Green left have just fallen victim to the same hard left radicals which proves “Go woke go broke” to be spot on.
It seems Bunnings has offended the Greenies by selling wood burning products “Shock Horror and oh the humanity” .
Que Sera Sera