A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Latham’s law
Mark Latham
Labor can’t dig its way out of anti-coal hysteria
Driving home from the Upper Hunter by-election on Saturday night a gratingly familiar voice came onto the radio news bulletin, offering a perfect summary of where the Australian Labor party has got to.
Senator Kristina Keneally was complaining that Defence Minister Peter Dutton wasn’t doing enough to celebrate transgender and homosexuality in the Australian Defence Force.
In Upper Hunter, a seat with battalions of coal miners under siege from the climate change cult, Labor had just been blown away electorally.
One could walk the streets of Singleton, Muswellbrook and Dungog for years and not find a voter talking the language of Kristina Keneally.
Working people are petrified of losing their jobs, the 75,000 of them supported by the coal industry in the Hunter Valley.
When they look at the alternative employment plan of Labor’s Environmental Action Network (which Keneally founded) they don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
The showpiece projects are floating windmills off the coast of Newcastle, plus filling disused coal pits with water for ‘watersports tourism’.
These are the wackiest policy proposals since Idi Amin announced that Uganda was joining the space race.
In a strange voyeuristic twist, Labor has become more interested in the sexuality of Australian workers than their job security.
A series of government and university reports on the Hunter have identified no more than 6,000 replacement jobs if the coal industry is closed down – a deficit of 69,000.
The Keneally/Turnbull/Green alternative to coal is a conga line of Centrelink offices from Singleton to Scone. It’s a cruel and unnecessary punishment of blue-collar workers who simply want to hold down a decent job and leave something better for their children.
What makes it unnecessary?
KK is out of step with most Australians in my opinion and has an accent that is hard on our ears, as a NSW Labor Spin Doctor complained about years ago when “I’m nobody’s gal” was starting out in NSW politics.
Yes – I find her Seppo accent really hard to adapt to, let alone accept in our political arena. I’m very happy with Greek, Italian, Slavic, Middle East, Indian, Brazilian, Ethiopian … any of the scores of nationalities that send migrants to our shores, but KK just wreaks of American imperialism … it’s not her fault personally, but it is what it is.
Ms TT teaches in a diverse school with about 85 nationalities, and that’s great – they have fabulous International Days – but American isn’t one of them.
Labor has become more interested in the sexuality of Australian workers than their job security. This is the problem for leftwing politics worldwide. Britain’s Labour party is a basket case of woke fringe dwellers and recent by-elections further showed their disconnect with traditional working class areas and ironically even card carrying union members. Sneering leftwing elitists in all Western democracies have backed their parties into a corner of consensus circle jerks with the propaganda trashmedia enabling them in their delusions that they still represent workers.
The population is being further let down by the conservative side of politics not recognising this disconnect, at a fundamental level. They accept the victory, but aren’t providing the actual alternative that gave them that victory. They are ignoring that Australians voted for the conservatives because they were repudiating the leftwing climate change agenda. It wasn’t just those who have jobs in the industry, it was a repudiation of the climate cult from the wider community.
This means the conservatives need to move further away from the cult or the traditional Liberal/National base will be further diluted by Fisher/Shooter & One Nation parties who are unequivocal on that issue.
Wise up Lib/Nats, affordable baseload energy and water as an essential resource (not a tradeable commodity) on our continent is in your hands, govern smarter, or when the social engineers inevitably gain power again we will be a basket case of rolling blackouts and half full dams!
…And Latham is one of very few in Politics who can reconise the issues and talk rationally in plain mans language about them and what needs to be done to correct the situation.
I don’t know what Mark Latham’s view on AGW is these days, but I recall some years ago he was a proponent of global warming. Any one? Just for interests sake. Does a good job anyway.
He knows it’s a hoax! He, like me, used to be convinced about AGW, but we both found the truth eventually.
Yeah, like me. Was all caught up on CO2 and “greenhouse gases ” really messed up about no snow by 2000 because CSIRO tells me so etc. Grandchildren being fried by 2010 and Earth going into retrograde orbit due to the thawing of the tundra.
Even our Hostess was once a believer*. Let’s not knock people who can read – and change their minds.
*A long time ago, if my memory serves me well.
And this shows that even the brightest of us can be sucked in by the malevolent propaganda of the left.
If Jo’s site was required reading in schools, a country’s sanity level and its wealth would rise exponentially.
And they can not even identify what the change to the temperature or climate will be if all these lunatic far left policy decisions are made – nor will they be asked by 99.9% of our insipid media. Mind boggling.
At Dungog you will find all the usual suspects on the KWERTY keyboard. It is Byron in the Hunter. We provide care for a relative born there 87yrs ago, it is getting wokes every day.
Has Keneally ever really been elected by the people? it seems that she is always parachuted into roles by the Party machine and dumped by the people. I guess being at or near the top of the Labor senate ticket will make it looks like somebody actually wants her in politics.
14 MINUTES AGO | 8.09am
Melbourne to enter lockdown after 25 new cases
The Victorian government will announce the state’s fourth coronavirus lockdown this morning, after up to 25 new cases were confirmed overnight.
Quarantine for Melbourne passengers in Darwin
A mid-flight shift has seen a plane full of travellers arriving into Darwin Airport from Melbourne met with a surprise trip to the city’s quarantine facility.
A number of friends and family awaiting loved ones at the airport on Thursday were shocked to discover they would not meet those they were waiting for for another 14 days.
Some family members speaking to Sky News described the decision as “disappointing”.
“Appalling, the fact that you find out through Facebook,” said one woman.
Get people vaccinated. It works.
Moreover now is the time to do it before you have a major outbreak
Yesterday NSW Premier Gladys announced even if you had the vaccination, if you visited a Melbourne hotspot, you would need to quarantine.
Where in the world do the vaccines work?
Vaccines work in Ontario. It shows up most dramatically in the age distribution of those who end up in hospitals. The old and very old people have been mostly vaccinated 70-90% with 1 to 2 doses. Before those elderly filled the ICU beds. Now the hospitalized infections have shifted downward to those in their 40s 50s and 60s who have only started getting vaccinatrd more recently.
Because of vaccination covid has moved downward to fill emergency rooms with young and middle aged people. Its no longer an old person’s disease
We have been very lucky to escape without oversaturating our healthcare capacity. Those with covid can be in hospital for weeks to months. We were on the the cusp of bringing in triage but havecmanaged to pull back from the brink
“Because of vaccination covid has moved downward to fill emergency rooms with young and middle aged people. Its no longer an old person’s disease”
Curious statement.
Young and mid age weren’t showing up to emergency rooms before, but now they are?
‘Cause there’s vacancies?
Moving downward?
The brinks keep moving.
Climate brinks.
Pandemic brinks.
I fear brinks.
Raving by name Raving by nature.
England all cause mortality for 2020, lowest in 20 years.
Australian all cause mortality for 2020, lowest in 17 years.
India all cause mortality for 2020 11% below 2019.
Canada all cause mortality for 2020 .04% above average. (you do know how averages work?)
So by your logic because it can’t kill the old due to them being vaccinated the virus is so clever it is now killing the next age group down, that last year it had little impact on. Takes a special kind of stupid to believe that.
The cure is turning off your television, not vaccination.
is that a deliberate misinterpretation of what raving wrote?
No that’s my interpretation of what he wrote.
It means thst there is a population wide surge in covid cases but because of vaccination the elderly are less susceptible to it.
What is seen is a surge of cases at the base of the age distribution pyramid. The effects of covid at the apex of the age pyramid are now muted because of vaccination
In the UK’s fall wave most of the infections were in the 20 something age group for weeks. Older people were not taking risks. It might be the vaccine now, and we hope so, but it might not. It certainly wasn’t then.
But young people then weren’t ending up in ICU, If they are now, that means this mutant is nastier. It’s not good news.
MP where are those stats from?
UK All cause mortality is absolutely higher than normal for 2020
England too.
It takes a special kind of stupid to ignore that all elective surgery has been cancelled and patients are being flown out of province to make space for newly critcal covid individuals. It takes a special kind of stupid to have to call in the army to fill in for a shortage of health care workers. It takes a special kind of stupid to begAmerican states for vaccine doses only to have them put the kibosh on it.
By all means sit back smugly in Australia, if that is where you are and claim that it takes a special kind of stupid to squander the time and opportunity to get vaccinated before a major covid wave hits.
The UK variant has twice the contagion and twice the pathology of the base type. The Indian variant even more so.
By all means proclaim it takes a special kind of stupid to believe that covid and its ill effects are imaginary
I do love the arrogance that underlies that “special kind of stupid line”
My logic or the name calling begins, well played
IMHO it takes a “special kind of stupid” to buy the obvious propaganda tool “variant”.
Biology is about “variants”.
Otherwise we wouldn’t be here.
Stop Climate …
wait, I mean …
Stop Change.
And in glorious Soviet of Victoriastn, govt appears to uses heavy and damaging blunt instrument of lockdown to drive people to get vaccine…for a virus with 99% survival rate…..
“Because vaccination is our only real ticket out of this pandemic.”
Right, then….
Is continental isolation (Chinese style) your preferred exit strategy?
Would be happy to know of some route which avoids vaccination/infection and exits the covid problem
Turn off your TV, worked for me.
I read the acting premier’s statement. I notice that the current variant and slowness in getting vaccinated are the reasons given for the outbreak and lockdown. Nothing to do with failures in the contract tracing system.
Yesterday people were calling the radio station I was listening to, about receiving texts related to contract tracing. A couple of people received text related to attendance at the MCG when they weren’t there. A restaurant operator was notified yesterday mid-morning about a positive result on monday, after his business had been open on Tuesday and for 1 & 1/2 hours yesterday.
Raving is unaware of Ivermectin, HCQ, zinc, sunshine, and fresh air as a very effective preventive and treatment for the wuflu.
That, plus natural immunity, or antibody and T cell development appears that it may be far more effective then the vaccines, both more broad scoped and long lasting.
Why is Victoria locking down 7million people AGAIN for only 41 cases when UK restrictions are lifting with 3,500 cases a day?
Is Ivermectin The New Penicillin?
Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug placed the same radioactive category as Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for the treatment of COVID-19, has reemerged as a promising treatment in the battle to extinguish the pandemic.
New York Times best-selling author Michael Capuzzo has called it the “drug that cracked Covid,” writing that there are “hundreds of thousands, actually millions, of people around the world, from Uttar Pradesh in India to Peru to Brazil, who are living and not dying.”
Doctors in India are big fans.
To that end Dr. Justus R. Hope, MD asks in The Desert Review: Is Ivermectin the new Penicillin?
As those Indian States using Ivermectin continue to diverge in cases and deaths from those states that forbid it, the natural experiment illustrates the power of Ivermectin decisively.
Cases in Delhi, where Ivermectin was begun on April 20, dropped from 28,395 to just 2,260 on May 22. This represents an astounding 92% drop. Likewise, cases in Uttar Pradesh have dropped from 37,944 on April 24 to 5,964 on May 22 – a decline of 84%.
Delhi and Uttar Pradesh followed the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) guidance published April 20, 2021, which called for dosing of .2 mg per kg of Ivermectin per body weight for three days. This amounts to 15 mg per day for a 150-pound person or 18 mg per day for a 200-pound individual.
The other three Indian states that adopted it are all down as well. Goa is down from 4,195 to 1,647, Uttarakhand is down from 9,624 to 2,903, and Karnataka is down from 50,112 to 31,183. Goa adopted a pre-emptive policy of mass Ivermectin prevention for the entire adult population over age 18 at a dose of 12 mg daily for five days.
Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu announced on May 14 they were outlawing Ivermectin in favor of the politically correct Remdesivir. As a result, Tamil Nadu’s cases are up in the same time frame from April 20 to May 22 – 10,986 to 35,873 – more than a tripling.
Although Big Pharma and Big Media have scrambled to try, they cannot explain away this natural experiment. As I predicted May 12, they would first argue “the lockdowns worked.” The problem with this is that Tamil Nadu has been on strict lockdown for weeks as their cases have done nothing but climb. So the lockdown did not work.
Their next argument was that “there has been a shift from the highly populated urban areas like Delhi and Mumbai” to the hinterlands, like Tamil Nadu. The big problem is that the adjacent state, Karnataka is just as rural, and its cases are dropping on Ivermectin.
Uttar Pradesh is near the Himalayas and out in the far non-urbanized north where cases are down 84% with Ivermectin. Uttarakhand is even more rural and located in the Himalayas next to Nepal. Its infections are down 70% with Ivermectin.
Their final argument lacked any proof. It was essentially an attempt to smear Ivermectin through association with another drug. It attempted to link Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with Ivermectin unfairly. While HCQ has become a punchline by the media, scientists like Dr. George Fareed know it is effective against COVID-19 – especially in the early stages.
Dr. Fareed and his associate, Dr. Brian Tyson, have treated some 6,000 patients with nearly 100% success using a combination of HCQ, Ivermectin, Fluvoxamine, and various nutraceuticals, including zinc Vitamin D.
Unfortunately, none of this has made it through the censorship of the mainstream media, and the public has not heard about the 200 plus studies that reflect HCQ’s effectiveness against COVID-19. The fact remains that HCQ has an undeserved negative connotation due to its connection with Trump, which is unfortunately used to tarnish other life-saving repurposed drugs, like Ivermectin. For example, in the recent Forbes article, journalist Ray uses the title, “Is Ivermectin the New Hydroxychloroquine?”
Raving… lots of dislike when you state real world data that subverts the zeitgeist of the vaccine alarmists and the fear and loathing of the covid conspiracy.
I didn’t see any real world data from Raving. Do you have any?
He stated no data, only spin.
I stated the data from various countries and governments.
Data is spin
An overburdened healthcare system is like the canary in the coal mine.
Canada only had the slow burn of the start of an epidemic, the UK and US slightly more so.
For a full blown covid pandemic outside healthcare and free of social controls, you need to look at places such as Brazil and India.
In running beyond the ability of the health care system to control, you only then enter into a full blown epidemic where excess deaths loom large.
We came to the point of losing control. Stricter social lockdown would have stopped us progressing further. Vaccination enables us to move back from the brink
Get vaccinated before you lose control
You showed no data, even when this is pointed out you show no data.
England all cause mortality for 2020, lowest in 20 years.
Australian all cause mortality for 2020, lowest in 17 years.
India all cause mortality for 2020 11% below 2019.
Canada all cause mortality for 2020 .04% above average.
India population 1.39 billion
average age of death 70 years
respiratory caused deaths 10.2 % of total deaths.
Keep Raving and stick your COVID injection up your Ar#e
MP I do not care if you or 30% of the rest of the the population ever get vaccinated. It’s your body and your choice.
I don’t think it is essentisl to reach herd immunty either. Yet if enough people get vaccinatrd then it will diminish the disease and allow society to reopen.
The alternative is to endure neverending lockdowns and/or a painful assult on the health care system similar to India Brazil or Italy
Look what is happening in Japan today. They want to dump the olympics. They dont care about the money lost
A pandemic of the most lethal virus in the history of mankind, a Pandemic?
I am too young for the polio epidemic but I did manage to get vaccinated out of exposure necessity for smallpox. I lived through the SARS epidemic in Toronto
Frankly I cannot remember an instance outside of coviid where the healthcare system has been brought to the triage breaking point. I cannot remember schools being closed and stay at home orders put in effect.
Covid is hardly the worst plague but its bad enough. Its bad enough that they are giving vaccine to 12 yr olds wherein death from VITThrombosis is 1/30,000 and approaches harm to those kids from covid itself.
All vaccines carry a slight risk. The childhood vaccines ameliorate from childhood diseases which are relatively speaking more harmfull.
Who would have thought measles, mumps chicken pox and whooping cough could kill. I had all those
I had measles twice and was vaccinated.
The measles outbreak from Disneyland (17 or 18) was associated with 3 deaths, the vaccination campaign was attributed to 128 deaths, stats, can play them many ways.
What really was the cause of the overwhelming of the UK health system.
In the UK they have been shutting down hospitals and beds even though the population has been increasing.
It appears overwhelming of the system occurs in the winter every year,
Ive had meningitis, whooping cough, chickenpox and mumps.
Stil here….
Still reckon vaccines are more danger than good.
Lets be blunt, the whole covid thing is to make people freak out so they line up for the vaccine.
Thats the end game.
What is in the vaccine that the globalists want to make sure as many people take it as possible?
Riddle me that, Batman….
my comment is for Raving…who seems to have been allocated Jos blog to “patrol”…
Idiotic comment
It makes a nice change from the formulaic leftist drivel we have to usually put up with …
I must be over the target….
“Frankly I cannot remember an instance outside of coviid where the healthcare system has been brought to the triage breaking point.”
A Google search of old news might help. Try “canada hospitals overwhelmed flu”.
The issue is that the media has taken you in with their scare stories and you are simply aware of something that is fairly common, as it is in the UK.
In recent years flu HAS overwhelmed Canadadian hospital resources and caused cacellation of operations blah blah.
I lived through the SARS epidemic in Toronto with flu symptomsand 10% mortality but no asymptotic transmission. We didnt seem to come close to a lockdown. Yeah, people were afraid but heard nothing like the tedtimonials Ai hear now from health carecworkers about how horrible the situation is in ICUs.
Okay so it doesnt take much to overwhelm health care capacity and 10% mortality from SARS is serious stuff but none of that comes closeto seeing 30% mortality in LTC home after Long Term Care home as atthe start ofthis pandemic. Ontario is supposed to have had the the worst track record in the world. Old people were dropping dead like flies.
That covid stuff is real. Noit is not a normal flu. Its more serious
Advocating for the mRNA jab as the only way to control COVID is ignorant and oafish.
How about early treatment as a soolution.
Lots of stuff on internet about it.
More young people than old people are walking on the streets now wearing masks. The elderly prefer to stroll unmasked keeping their social distance. It’s strange
Our debate has shifted to the choice between vaccinating 12 year olds versus giving a 2nd dose to 70 year olds. A tug of war between reaching herd immunty versus better protecting those more vulnerable.
Vaccination has saved Ontario from a huge medical catastrophe. Even with vaccination of the elderly we were staring into the abyss of the medical system collapsing under the weight of covid in younger people. We haveonly stepped back from the peak medical emergency by 1 to 2 weeks
Greetings. Yes you saved your medical system but you are still “staring into the abyss..” because rather than having “stepped back” you have only sat down. The vaccines are creating perfect storms with other issues. We have rampant variants each more devastating than the previous, we have the wide spread blood clotting issues – assured such things are very rare – and this past week we now have heart conditions in the young and vaccinated – again assured such things are very rare – now being investigated. . Did you see the post a few days ago about “leaky vaccines”.
Very rare is open to interpretation. The media states its 1 in a million, Pfizer’s own documents state very rare as 1 in 10,000.
Actually, you have no proof vaccines have done anything positive.
Given the govt in Candida locks up christian churches and hasnt been particularly transparent in its dealings, no one can trust anything it says….
my comment is for Raving
Compare recent versus cumulative. Rate per 100k adjusts for numbers. The shift towards the lower age groups is due to the preponderance of vaccinations in the older groups
Yay data, that tells you nothing.
Nobody is addressing the claims that these fully liability indemnified concoctions which are being called “vaccines” will lead to prion disease.
Wouldn’t that be a sufficient root cause of vaccine hesitancy, that the poor wights heard that rumour and don’t want mad cow disease? (Creutzfeldt-Yakov)
Yep, cant bring anything to the market without warranty, we even have a statutory warranty by government. (reasonable use)
Big Pharma, zip?
Seeing infection rates go down with increasing vaccinations is compelling but possibly coincidental too. It might just be coming off the present wave, eventually to surge again.
More convincing to see the covid mortality drop in elderly people who have been mostly vaccinated. I remember at the start of the pandemic about 30% of those testing positive for covid in long term care died from it. Now those LTC homes are openning up and people are not afraid of catching covid. The vaccine worked for them!
Of course you could argue that those susceptible to covid have already died from it but I would counter that were still plenty of pockets of seniors who weren’t infected
Old people have been heavily vaccinated and are now seldom ending up in hospital with covid. The proof doesnt get better than that. It’s qualitative proof
“The proof doesnt get better than that. It’s qualitative proof”
And yet you show no proof, just more raving.
you need to quote sources….
Why would one vaccinate 12year olds. If, as you say, hospitals are threatened with being overwhelmed with younger people now, why were they not doubly overwhelmed before?
Is COVID more virulent.
Did the jab experiment create those more virulent variations?
Have you read the thousands of reports about negative vaccine reactions?
If you have, have you determined if….
A what percentage of total negative reactions they are.
B. how those reactions are compared to the same symptoms showing up in the same demographic.
C what the long term negative consequences of the jab are.
Raving, there are about a dozen potential serious negative consequences to the jab. Can you name them, and articulate why they aren’t a concern to you?
Why are you against Ivermectin, HCQ, Sunshine and fresh air as treatment and preventive?
Please answer these questions, or else you are just trolling.
Kill Bill.
Yes they have already done it.
As Peta Credlin pointed out on Sky News, Victoria has lost the plot, contact tracing system inadequate and disgraceful.
Who would have expected even a Union controlled Labor State Government to be as chaotic, dysfunctional and incompetent as the Premier in exile Andrew’s government?
It appears to be glorious model of perfect Soviet efficiency, yes?
Vaccines or no vaccine. They still have you under the boot. Freedom is in abeyance.
World wide freedom rally this Saturday at most cities in Aus. If you are worried about that boot, push back.
Do you have an opinion on the creation of boot camps in the regions to cater for the influx of people wanting to come here? A mandatory four week stay at taxpayers expense.
keep the mess in one place, close to the city
Good idea, a camp close to Melbourne airport.
Too rural to attend. I’ve been trying to get an IPA event for years. Good luck and hope there’s much generous media attention.
I am rural, its the best part of a days drive there and back and a tank of fuel. At least I am doing something.
There has been no media at any of the others, and not many people. Its a city of 100,000, but its the message.
One maybe closer then you think,
From that site:
Australia Events (12PM):
Sydney – Hyde Park
Melbourne – Flagstaff Gardens
Adelaide – Mall’s Balls, Rundle Mall
Perth – Supreme Court Gardens
Cairns – Fogarty Park
Townsville – Rockpool
Sunshine Coast – Cotton Tree Park
Yeppoon – Old Railway
(130PM) Darwin – Cenotaph on the Esplanade
Hobart – Parliament Lawns
Gold Coast – Kurrawa Park, Broadbeach
Albany – Town Square
NZ Wellington – Parliament
meh, its an outbreak. Its like the Ruby Princess, Northern Beaches, Brisbane Hospital etc never happened. Just the usual State rivalry pile on.
The third wave in Israel, also the worst wave by far, happened while they were doing the vaccinations.
The recent sudden wave in India also happened while they were rolling out vaccinations … even though India had kept the thing quite well under control all through 2020, it suddenly got much worse in 2021. Weird huh? Fortunately that wave is coming down now as quickly as it started.
South Africa started a slow rollout of vaccinations in February, and they are just seeing the beginning of a third wave of infections now … we will see how that goes.
Germany started ramping up vaccinations in December 2020 in the middle of their second wave, and they had hit something like 20 million vaccinations by the time they got to the middle of their third wave approx April/May 2021 … that’s approx 1/4 of their entire population vaccinated but not stopping the third wave of COVID. Go figure.
Certainly there’s plenty of cases where vaccination has NOT worked. What in particular makes you say that it does? Show me your data please. If you are going to make an assertion then back it up.
This is to do with emergency powers due for review on the 4th June. The communist state wants the easy justification for another extension.
As was done in QLD, an emergency was declared on the 29/3, the emergency declaration expired on the 31/3, the emergency dec was renewed due to three new positive PCR tests (no symptoms), the emergency was declared over on the 1/4.
Now there is a good indicator for how much stock a Restaurant should carry and what staffing rate to carry.
Is the Local Soviet about to lose it’s emergency powers and have to start reporting and governing within the constraints of a budget?
If, yes then do not buy live lobster or engage permanent employees. And if you are a punter, short your travel & accommodation stocks.
Rolling coverage: Victoria to enter stage three lockdown, 11 new Covid cases overnight
Schools will close and Victorians will only be allowed to leave home for four reasons, with health authorities to announce stage three lockdown restrictions on Thursday.
Victoria will be plunged back into stage three lockdown restrictions, with schools shut and only four reasons to leave home under an announcement to be made later on Thursday.
It is understood that no travel restrictions will be imposed and construction will remain open.
Hospitality will be closed, except for takeaway.
The decision will be officially ratified by cabinet at a meeting at 9.30am.
When the lockdown will begin, and for how long, is to be decided at that meeting.
It comes as 12 new cases emerged overnight — including one announced the previous day — from more than 40,000 tests. There are currently 34 active cases, including 26 in the northern suburbs cluster.
Health authorities have been left alarmed at speed at which case numbers are rising and fear Melbourne could follow international cities who went from no cases to significant outbreaks.
Authorities will hold a press conference later Thursday morning.
From the Comments
34 minutes ago
“construction will remain open”
Of course it will, we can’t upset Premier Setka and we do need to open these projects just before the next State Election!
With Vic Premier Disaster Dan still off on sick leave with a broken back, we now have Meltdown Merlino and Fizzle Foley in panic mode.
Supposedly 2,500 contract tracers on the payroll, but no reliable checkin system – new system becomes compulsory on Friday, after yet another lockdown begins.
Yes Minister has nothing on this mob.
Lets remind all our readers that this virus has an approx minimum survival rate of 98-99% across all age groups, higher in those aged below 50.
This thing is not ebola…or the black death…or some other nasty.
Mind you there’s a contributor to this blog who may invoke the precautionary principle (yeah, some made up thing that Turnbull drags into climate talk) as a justification for our fatuous lockdown.
The precautionary principle would require that we treat this the same as Swine Flu or earlier episodes of similar respiratory diseases … after all, we got through all of those without too much destruction, therefore there is no reason to believe that doing something excessive and crazy this time around will improve matters.
The only logical interpretation of “precautionary principle” is to have a strong normality bias, and always start with what has been done in the past, making only very small incremental changes. In other words: traditional conservatism.
As a precaution society could start a preventive treatment program consisting of Ivermectin, HCQ, zinc and vitamin D. Along with recommendations of exercise and fresh air.
Why have they not done so???
Reply to David A:
Yes indeed!
This would be an obvious response for any government that did any kind of honest cost/benefit analysis. All the medications and supplements named are cheap and have negligible risk.
Why have they not done so? Much discussed here. The issue is- How to replace those governments?
Given the tremulous nature of most Australians and their supine attitude to authority it seem that they are ripe for take-over. Pathetic to the point of shame most people display a gormless attitude to life.
It’s not just Australia, a pandemic of irresoluteness has afflicted populations worldwide for how else could governments be riding roughshod over us to the very brink of police state?
I like the user interface on the govt check in system. After you fire it up , instead of just getting on with the job, it presents you with a screen and you need to push another button for some reason to get it to do something allegedly useful. Very Public Service.
There are the travel restrictions as before, a 5km limit for travel. From the Herald Sun
“Is the 5km rule back?
Yes, you cannot travel more than 5km from your primary residence, but there are some exemptions.
These exemptions are: to access necessary goods and services if they are not available within your 5km zone, to visit an intimate partner, to visit a person in your “single bubble”, to go to your permitted work or education, to work at an interstate location (where permitted by the other state) or for care and compassionate reasons.
5km tracker: What’s inside your lockdown limit
Who do these rules apply to?
All of Victoria.”
I guess you could go for a ride somewhere and your phone battery might go flat….no gps…oh well …
A good mates mum died last week, at the time when he needed support, we cant go due to the “Berlin Wall” going back up.
But hey, 10 out of 10 tyrants agree false medical crises are great for stealing liberties and crushing freedom…
And once vaccination levels reach the magical 70% the cases will drop and the vaccine is our new false idol to be worshipped , the medicos the new priesthood and the govt….yeah, well…
And of course, its all due to the vaccine, with no way we will know anyway….
“Trust me, Im a tyrant…would I lie to you….oi…arrest that pregnant woman ..!”
OldOzzie- link does not work.
Premier Setka- refers to John Setka, boss of the Electrical Union. Enemy of Shorten and Alabanese so not all bad.
The latest study on rainfall in the SW of WA by O’Donnell et al has found that rainfall since 1900 is the highest for the last 700 years. And the 1830s to 1840s measured rainfall matches that part of their very long study.
IOW wheat farmers since 1900 have been growing wheat during the very best of times. Although rainfall has dropped by about 20% overall in the more recent decades. Again that’s for just SW WA.
OH and the entire WA area has had much higher rainfall over the last 50 years. See the BOM data since 1900.
“Declining winter rainfall coupled with recent prolonged drought poses significant risks to water resources and agriculture across southern Australia. While rainfall declines over recent decades are largely consistent with modelled climate change scenarios, particularly for southwest Australia, the significance of these declines is yet to be assessed within the context of long-term hydroclimatic variability. Here, we present a new 668-year (1350–2017 CE) tree-ring reconstruction of autumn–winter rainfall over inland southwest Australia. This record reveals that a recent decline in rainfall over inland southwest Australia (since 2000 CE) is not unusual in terms of either magnitude or duration relative to rainfall variability over the last seven centuries. Drought periods of greater magnitude and duration than those in the instrumental record occurred prior to 1900 CE, including two ‘megadroughts’ of?>?30 years duration in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. By contrast, the wettest?>?decadal periods of the last seven centuries occurred after 1900 CE, making the twentieth century the wettest of the last seven centuries. We conclude that the instrumental rainfall record (since?~?1900 CE) does not capture the full scale of natural hydroclimatic variability for inland southwest Australia and that the risk of prolonged droughts in the region is likely much higher than currently estimated.”
Mark Larham Series of Artciles in Spectator Australia great reads
Latham’s Law
Mark Latham wrote some brilliant articles published in the Australian Financial Review not long after he resigned from the ALP after an election loss when he was the Opposition Leader.
He pointed out that the unions dictate to the ALP which consists of many factions, some are bitter enemies, some are friends and others are indifferent, but all work the numbers and maintain dirt files for pressurising other members with when at war.
The Coalition has the LINO left faction that was for a short period the Turnbull Party and that faction pulls to the left and tends to look more like the Greens, Labor’s best friends in politics.
The sooner the centre to centre-right politicians work together (as one commented on Alan Jones last night “the right wing”) against the globalists, the UN leftists, the greedy merchant bankers and other “renewables” investment manipulators the faster Australia will get back on track being the centre of the road people’s nation.
Here is the BOM rainfall data for all of WA since 1900.
NOTE, much higher since 1970.
But we’re told that WA is drying out. Hadley cell expansion..blah impact on STR.. blather. Definitely a signal that man is stuffing up the climate and that Perth will become a ghost metropolis.
SWWA has been unusually droughty over time and they put it down to global warming, this from the ABC six months ago.
‘According to the Bureau of Meteorology, the south-west corner of Western Australia has seen a 20 per cent reduction in winter rainfall since the 1970s due to climate change.
‘Much of the decline in rainfall has occurred during the autumn and early winter months (April to June) …’
That theory will be turned on its head this weekend as the weather pattern changes in line with global cooling.
True, there has been a reduction in rainfall. But as somebody pointed out, there has been a greater reduction in runoff, I presume due to the catchment areas now not being logged and are now overgrown.
Great moments in UN /BoM/CSIRO 97% failed climate ‘science’ …
2005: Icons under threat: The Alps
“A 2003 CSIRO report, part funded by the ski industry, found that the resorts could lose a quarter of their snow in 15 years, and half by 2050.”
BoM: When is it going to snow? Getting a fix on what can make a good season
But, but … carbon (sic).
‘However, while it has been a few decades since the last 3-metre year (in 1992), there are still above-average seasons when the weather and climate is right, most recently in 2019, 2018 and 2017 all exceeding 2-metre snow depth.’
When they say the weather and climate is right, natural variability rules.
Yeah. Why has the graph not been updated. The late 40 and 50’s were noted by hydrologist and local mountain men as the heaviest falls seen for a long time. 9f course it coincided with the Snowy Scheme.
Snow is here now (27 May)
Interesting that a Labor MP asked Health Minister Hunt whether the people involved in the latest Covid positive cases had been vaccinated. Hunt seemingly smugly replied that he couldn’t give that information due to privacy considerations. Surely a simple yes or no or a percentage of those vaccinated would have sufficed, but he chose to stay mum. Interesting. ToM
Reported on Channel 10 news Wednesday night
How does the privacy works when the influence rs get a jab live on TV?
they are making their own decision regarding their own privacy, big difference to disclosing specifics about other people. As Tides says it could have been answered in a general way but in reality he probably just didnt know and was deflecting
They keep it private whether that jab was real or not.
‘privacy considerations’. Bollocks. They just don’t want people knowing how many vaccinated people fall ill. The vaccine status of each case should be made available – names don’t need to be known.
the mentality being promoted is that the vaccine is a silver bullet rather than being a partial layer of protection/harm reduction
Privacy considerations
Yet, when the ‘vax passport’ comes in, airlines, buses, bars and schools will have the right to demand it.
Amazon to buy MGM for $8.45 billion with debt Inc. said it has agreed to acquire Hollywood studio MGM Holdings, a deal the e-commerce giant is betting can jump-start its Prime Video streaming platform and position it to compete with industry heavyweights including Netflix Inc. and Walt Disney Co.
The purchase, which was unveiled Wednesday morning, has an equity value of $6.5 billion, people familiar with the matter said. Including debt, the value of the deal is $8.45 billion, Amazon said. It is the second-largest acquisition in the company’s history behind its $13.7 billion purchase of Whole Foods in 2017.
In MGM, Amazon will get a library of over 4,000 films, including iconic franchises such as “James Bond” and “Rocky,” and classics such as “The Silence of the Lambs,” “Raging Bull” and “12 Angry Men.” The TV catalog includes critically acclaimed shows such as “The Handmaid’s Tale,” “Fargo” and “Vikings.” “The acquisition’s thesis here is really very simple,” Amazon Chief Executive Jeff Bezos said during a call with shareholders later Wednesday. “MGM has a vast, deep catalog of much-beloved intellectual property, and with the talented people at MGM and the talented people at Amazon Studios, we can reimagine and develop that IP for the 21st century.” Amazon said in February that Mr. Bezos would be stepping down as CEO, a leadership change that leaves top lieutenant Andy Jassy to oversee MGM’s integration into the company when he takes the reins as CEO on July 5. Mr. Bezos, who will become executive chairman, said Wednesday that Mr. Jassy’s first day in the top role carries symbolic weight, coinciding with the date of Amazon’s incorporation 27 years ago.
Amazon’s deal for MGM is the latest in a series of mergers that are shaking the entertainment industry as media and tech companies fight for supremacy in the streaming age.
Earlier this month, AT&T Inc. said it would spin off its WarnerMedia assets and merge them with Discovery Inc. In recent years, Walt Disney bought most of the entertainment assets of 21st Century Fox, and Viacom Inc. recombined with CBS Corp., all part of efforts to amass content and build direct-to-consumer streaming services.
Media executives have buzzed for years about the possibility of mergers with companies such as Amazon and Apple Inc., but the tech giants avoided big-ticket deals as they built out their streaming platforms.
Now, the landscape is shifting. Traditional studios are keeping more content for their homegrown streaming services, such as NBCUniversal’s Peacock and WarnerMedia’s HBO Max, instead of licensing it to the likes of Amazon and Netflix. Owning MGM would help Amazon better control its destiny in the streaming wars.
Apparently this gives Trump’s ‘enemies’ access to all the Apprentice tapes including out takes. MSM is salivating and suggesting that these may be compromising and used to get revenge on Trump/discredit him in the future. They are obsessed and hate filled people!
Prime is hitting hard. It is at giveaway price to get market share. These new streaming services are the current rich gold mines. Amazon is leveraging its services effectively.
Now for something different
A Russian Choir Of Regular Australian Blokes
They don’t speak Russian. Some of them can’t really sing. But a group of men from a small town have won over Australian audiences with their spirited renditions of traditional Russian songs.
When 28 bearded blokes from the Australian coastal community of Mullumbimby came together, something amazing and frankly bizarre happened and Dustyesky was born.
Watch this Australian Story documentary here:
The group formed Dustyesky, singing Russian traditional and folk songs, delighting fans along the way. But what started as a local hobby has become a viral sensation in the Motherland.
This is their hilarious, yet heartwarming story, from ABC’s Australian Story (Producer: Vanessa Gorman)
Hammer and sickle. Really? Oh it’s in Victoria.
Communist sympathisers
Spotted on a mythical rego plate :
“Victoriastan – The Re-education State”
Spotted in Queenland.
“Queensland – The Surveillance State”
They’ve been around for some time. Amusing. We’ve all had dust in our eskies at some stage. As an anti communist russophile I can dig it.
That is brilliant. A little sad that Covid messed up their plans to get to Russia.
Classic Block
Thanks el gordo.
Very familiar. A saddling High forecast for later next week to coincide with a NW cloudband. Off to Western QLD and the trip requires travel on black soil.
Make sure there is plenty of room in your wheel arches!
I’m calling it a global cooling signal because the centre of the STR should be closer to Byron Bay for this time of year.
If BoM would confirm my hypothesis if the organisation wasn’t corrupt.
Among the features of our day is its sheer illiberality. The prohibition of questioning, for example, is familiar to readers of this website. The government of South Australia, always looking to outdo itself, has a new council: the “Premier’s Council for Women to empower change” (see here).
The opening sentence begins: “Driving more women into the workforce . . .” It is well over fifty years since my father remarked to a Royal Commission that women employed in local government offices should no longer be treated as chattels. In the view of the Liberal Party we are all chattels now.
Is it possible to predict the future? I’ll take a stab. The year Rupert Murdoch will die, will be 1984.
You may be interested in our Time Traveler get togethers. The next one is last Thursday 20 May and please bring the same biscuits you didn’t bring last time, they were delicious.
‘Is it possible to predict the future?’
Its chaos out there, too many variables even for a supercomputer.
Comment summing up America today!
Johnny Rocknroll • 24 minutes ago
So let me get this straight. We have a President with dementia. An ex-call girl for a Vice President. A transvestite overseeing HHS. A President’s son who is a crackhead, a human-trafficking p@dophile who money laundered billions from other countries sharing half with his dad. The crackhead’s buddy is the head of the DEA. The crackhead’s other buddy is now in the DOJ. A guy who is sleeping with the Chinese spy is overseeing our DHS. We are borrowing all of our money now from China. Thousands of immigrants are coming in for our jobs and Social Security Benefits. And the Democrats are still focusing on destroying a former President. Add this to the 40,000 jobs lost in the past months. Yet we are supposed to believe that Biden is pro America? You just can’t make all this up. God help our children & grandchildren
Ive heard from a few sources a lot if people are looking at leaving the US before it goes full Stalinist and self destructs…..
It will be either abandon ship or a full and bloody civil war.
easier to talk about than do in the current world
civil war in the US would be pretty ugly given distribution of the protagonists and the range f passions and old scores to be settled. I guess its the same everywhere but the scale would be epic.
I am reminded of a 2A meme I saw a while ago along the lines of “Conservatives hold “x” hundred million firearms and “y” billion rounds of ammo; if we were actually violent you would know about it.”
I like the US and the people there in a general sense, I hope it doesnt come to that.
Head back to Mexico?
I think India is taking immigrants!
Can’t come to Australia unless you can pick fruit – they don’t even let citizens return.
I saw an article yesterday about an illegal/undocumented entrant/migrant in the US who was graduating college in California. At the graduation he was for some reason gleefully waving the Mexican flag. The very country he fled from and would most likely never go back to.
A recent posting on another blog described the current top three layers of US government in terms that equated to a three storied outhouse.
More recent news would suggest that it should have been of skyscraper proportions (IMO)
#14 was in reply to Old Ozzie #13
Anyone else had trouble with this site allowing you to start a comment and then having it reset back to a blank page not nested comment page?
Just got vaccinated. See you on the other side.
Which Vaccine?
I am still OK
Wife and Son-in-law have had AZ, Youngest Daughter, Son and Daughter-in-Law, Pfizer
No poblesm with any of them, other than slighly sore arm
My daughter felt sick for a day of so. I have heard other reports of hospital staff getting ill from the vaccine, but only temporarily
I had some fever last night and feeling tired at the moment. That is pretty typical and not unusual for lots of inoculations.
Afternoon update. Feeling groovy.
1 in 40,000 chance of getting vaccine induced thrombosis. (VITT) Nasty business. 20%- 50% mortality depending on recognizing and treating appropriatly. Not ordinary thrombosis. Much deadlier
Onset can be 1-2 weeks after vaccination
Nevertheless chances of death from covid ifrom not being vaccinatedis higher
Am confident you can research for yourself Gee Aye, if younare worried about such
Possible explanation
Against my better judgement, I accepted one of the so-called ‘vaccines’.
Two weeks later, I had what my primary care physician concluded to be a TIA, complete with loss of motor control on one limb, and loss of vision. Both have now returned to ‘normal’ (whatever is ‘normal’ for a septuagenarian). Four weeks into it, I now have a recurring tremor in my right hand (yes, of course, this could be caused by any number of factors, but read on … ), and for about a week or so, I’ve had some chest pain and tightness from about mid-sternum up to the base of my neck.
No, I’m not suggesting that the pain is related — — it could have multiple causes. Last night, just after I laid down to go to sleep, I had a ten-minute coughing fit (haven’t had one of those since my last bout of pneumonia, a few decades ago); had it continued much longer, my better half was giving some thought to taking me to our local ER.
Are the vaccines safe? Hell if I know. Are they effective? Well, when I was but a wee lad, I received something called a smallpox vaccine; the effect was to make me immune to getting smallpox. I also had the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines, and I’ve never had polio. I got tetanus shots (never had tetanus); I got immunity to chicken pox by having chicken pox (so I got the shingles vaccine); once I had to get Hep (I think it eventually became A, B, and C?) for my employment; never had any hepatitis; seems like I’ve gotten any number of ‘vaccines’ and once vaccinated, could scratch that disease off the list of things to worry about.
Now, you get this ‘vaccine’, and you can still get this manufactured ‘bug’, but the ‘symptoms’ will be less — — — uuuh, didn’t we find out that Vit D, zinc, hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin will ameliorate symptoms? At last count, prior to being ‘vaccinated’, I know for a fact I had been exposed to the ‘bug’ five or six dozen times (been in close proximity to someone who tested positive within a few hours of my being near them), and I’ve never come down with symptoms (WalMart’s Tonic Water, a zinc tab, and good ol’ Vit D everyday seems to have done the trick … ).
Now I have to wonder what this so-called ‘vaccine’ has actually done. I think what it has NOT done is provide any protection against the ‘bug’, or made its symptoms “less”, or done anything that a bona fide vaccine is supposed to do. In some ways, I think a placebo would be better, because then you would not wander about with a false sense of security.
One man’s opinion; make of it what you will.
Regards to all,
I fear for us all now that our redoubtable Vlad the Impaler admits to having overridden his better judgement; I suppose one would be hypersensitive to the merest trifle after the event. Maybe skip the second part?
Sorry to hear that Vlad, hope it settles and everything is back to normal soon.
G’day Vlad,
And best wishes.
While you say “…didn’t we find out that Vit D, zinc, hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin will ameliorate symptoms? “, it’s my understanding that that combination, especially taken early will kill the virus (or, in the words of the specialists “stop the virus from replicating”), a much stronger claim. With zinc as an active killer.
You’ve reinforced my determination to not risk these vaccines.
Dave B
Johns Hopkins Prof: Half Of Americans Have Natural Immunity; Dismissing It Is “Biggest Failure Of Medical Leadership”
A professor with the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine has said that there is a general dismissal of the fact that more than half of all Americans have developed natural immunity to the coronavirus and that it constitutes “one of the biggest failures of our current medical leadership.”
Dr. Marty Makary made the comments during a recent interview, noting that “natural immunity works” and it is wrong to vilify those who don’t want the vaccine because they have already recovered from the virus.
Makary criticised “the most slow, reactionary, political CDC in American history” for not clearly communicating the scientific facts about natural immunity compared to the kind of immunity developed through vaccines.
“There is more data on natural immunity than there is on vaccinated immunity, because natural immunity has been around longer,” Makary emphasised.
“We are not seeing reinfections, and when they do happen, they’re rare. Their symptoms are mild or are asymptomatic,” the professor added.
“Please, ignore the CDC guidance,” he urged, adding “Live a normal life, unless you are unvaccinated and did not have the infection, in which case you need to be careful.”
“We’ve got to start respecting people who choose not to get the vaccine instead of demonizing them,” Makary further asserted.
“I Don’t Know Of A Bigger Story In The World” Right Now Than Ivermectin: NYTimes Best-Selling Author
So why are journalists not covering it?
Michael Capuzzo, a New York Times best-selling author , has just published an article titled “The Drug That Cracked Covid”. The 15-page article chronicles the gargantuan struggle being waged by frontline doctors on all continents to get ivermectin approved as a Covid-19 treatment, as well as the tireless efforts by reporters, media outlets and social media companies to thwart them.
Because of ivermectin, Capuzzo says, there are “hundreds of thousands, actually millions, of people around the world, from Uttar Pradesh in India to Peru to Brazil, who are living and not dying.” Yet media outlets have done all they can to “debunk” the notion that ivermectin may serve as an effective, easily accessible and affordable treatment for Covid-19. They have parroted the arguments laid out by health regulators around the world that there just isn’t enough evidence to justify its use.
For his part, Capuzzo, as a reporter, “saw with [his] own eyes the other side [of the story]” that has gone unreported, of the many patients in the US whose lives have been saved by ivermectin and of five of the doctors that have led the battle to save lives around the world, Paul Marik, Umberto Meduri, José Iglesias, Pierre Kory and Joe Varon. These are all highly decorated doctors. Through their leadership of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, they have already enhanced our treatment of Covid-19 by discovering and promoting the use of Corticoid steroids against the virus. But their calls for ivermectin to also be used have met with a wall of resistance from healthcare regulators and a wall of silence from media outlets.
“I really wish the world could see both sides,” Capuzzo laments.
STROMECTOL®(Ivermectin) is a semisynthetic, anthelmintic agent for oral administration. Ivermectin is derived from the avermectins, a class of highly active broad-spectrum, anti-parasitic agents isolated from the fermentation products of Streptomyces avermitilis.Ivermectin is a mixture containing at least 90% 5-O-demethyl-22,23-dihydroavermectin A1aand less than 10% 5-O-demethyl-25-de(1-methylpropyl)-22,23-dihydro-25-(1-methylethyl)avermectin A1a, generally referred to as 22,23-dihydroavermectin B1aand B1b, or H2B1aand H2B1b, respectively. The respective empirical formulas are C48H74O14and C47H72O14, with molecular weights of 875.10 and 861.07, respectively. The structural formulas are
Ivermectin is a key factor in the alliance’s I-MASK+ protocol for prophylaxis and early treatment of outpatients with COVID-19. In the protocol, those at high risk for COVID-19 infection receive ivermectin at 0.2 mg/kg on day 1 and day 3, and weekly for 4 weeks; those who were exposed to COVID-19 receive the same dose at day 1 and day 3; and both groups receive daily doses of vitamin D3, vitamin C, quercetin, zinc and melatonin. For early outpatients with COVID-19, the protocol calls for one dose of ivermectin at 0.2 mg/kg at day 1 and day 3, along with the same daily vitamins and 325 mg per day of aspirin.
Thus far, Marik said, studies have indicated that ivermectin has demonstrated efficacy in preventing COVID-19 infection prior to and after exposure to COVID-19. He also said that it has been shown to effectively treat the virus in the early symptomatic stages and among patients hospitalized with COVID-19.
In a review of the literature, Marik and colleagues detailed all available clinical trial results on ivermectin in COVID-19 and concluded that the drug has benefits in preventing and treating COVID-19 infection.
I keep doing this, I know.
And I will continue to do so until sanity prevails.
Here’s Dr Pierre Kory’s paper with his dosage:
And, the vid of his presentation to the United States Senate is contained within this link.
What more can one do?
I just read this. My anger has turned to outrage,only compounded by being in the state locked down again for yet another week.
Lives and livelihoods are being ruined at the temple of big Pharma pushing their highly experimental vaccines on us for profit and to keep us controlled and following the narrative.
Sorry to hear of that Vlad; I hope you are much better soon.
It reinforces my feelings about having any of these so-called ‘vaccines’.
And I am not an anti-vaccer by any means.
My daughter got the vaccine early due to having adrenal insufficiency. She is now experiencing extremely heavy periods with massive clots. Is it the vaccine?
Yes, plenty of reports of heavy bleeding, even in post menopausal women and pre-pubescent kids. And bleeding for long time. And heavy clotting with the bleeding, called “decidual casts” of the uterus. Saw lots of examples on the Australian facebook page Adverse mrna Vaccine reactions Australia– before facebook shut it down a few days ago.
Get onto , one of the last bastions of free speech remaining on the net….
Are you familiar with antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE?
Yes… here is an early article.
And you still got it?
yes… did you read the article?
It suggests a mechanism and makes recommendations for testing and trial for vaccines (at that stage being developed). If you have access to a uni – get on to web of science and find the articles that cite this publication – it didn’t happen, vaccine designers took head and trials looked for clinical indicators and found none. Post roll out it has not emerged.
Yes I have that article.
Has not emerged yet, but now you are part of the trial group I want to see your comments daily for the next two years, no weekends off!
I am also part of the trial group, the placebo part. You maybe requiring plasma if things go pear shaped, the plasma can only come from the unvaccinated otherwise known as the placebo group.
I am giving you the offer of my unaltered blood, let the negotiations commence.
The experts were still arguing over ADE, the professional medical websites were full of articles/letters from experts battling it out, until it was decided there was no debate.
Nobody knows if ADE will be a problem in the future – that is the only scientific truth, the political/fact checked truth is of course settled.
If people were allowed fully informed consent, most, except the elderly and infirm, would decline the vaccinations as a reckless gamble. Informed consent has been denied and replaced with propaganda, manipulated peer pressure, emotional blackmail, threats to the ‘normality’ of your life, etc.
First mistake in the opening paragraph
Data from the study of SARS-CoV and other respiratory viruses suggest that anti-SARS-CoV-2
Its a vascular disease not respiratory.
Continue reading…..
And it is not observed thanks to the lessons learned
The phase 3 trial data for pfizer claims they only jabbed 15,000 people, not a very big trial which ended in Oct 2020. The list of criteria to exclude people was as long as your arm (see below). They do not use the same exclusion criteria when it comes to the vaccine roll out, for example what happens if someone has already had covid without knowing it and then gets the jab? or they are pregnant, immune problems etc Well we dont know because we never tested for that
Exclusion Criteria:
Is acutely ill or febrile 72 hours prior to or at Screening. Fever is defined as a body temperature ≥38.0°Celsius/100.4°Fahrenheit. Participants meeting this criterion may be rescheduled within the relevant window periods. Afebrile participants with minor illnesses can be enrolled at the discretion of the Investigator.
Is pregnant or breastfeeding.
(Part A Only) Known history of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Prior administration of an investigational coronavirus (SARS-CoV, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome [MERS]-CoV) vaccine or current/planned simultaneous participation in another interventional study to prevent or treat COVID-19.
(Part A Only) Demonstrated inability to comply with the study procedures.
(Part A Only) An immediate family member or household member of this study’s personnel.
Known or suspected allergy or history of anaphylaxis, urticaria, or other significant adverse reaction to the vaccine or its excipients.
Bleeding disorder considered a contraindication to intramuscular injection or phlebotomy.
Has received or plans to receive a vaccine within 28 days prior to the first dose (Day 1) or plans to receive a non-study vaccine within 28 days prior to or after any dose of investigational product (except for seasonal influenza vaccine).
Has participated in an interventional clinical study within 28 days prior to the day of enrollment.
Immunosuppressive or immunodeficient state, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, asplenia, and recurrent severe infections.
Has received systemic immunosuppressants or immune-modifying drugs for >14 days in total within 6 months prior to Screening (for corticosteroids ≥20 milligram (mg)/day of prednisone equivalent).
Has received systemic immunoglobulins or blood products within 3 months prior to the day of Screening.
Has donated ≥450 milliliters (mL) of blood products within 28 days prior to Screening.
“Keynesian economics with Chinese characteristics”
” filling disused coal pits with water ”
You’ve got to be kidding!
I grew up in Western Pennsylvania coal country. My uncle ran a dragline. (search that up) This was before modern re-grade and re-seed laws were in place. My cousins and I swam in the flooded coal-cuts. Summers were hot and we didn’t know any better. We are all still alive and relatively health 70 years later so I guess it is okay.
Bye bye Covid and “vaccines” ?
(and Agenda 2030 & big pharma profits..)
Move over hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, two widely extolled prescription medicines used to treat COVID-19 viral infections. A natural cure for COVID-19 that is widely available and affordable for even the poorest of people on the planet has been confirmed by a team of virologists who have spent a lifetime studying the underlying causes of viral infections.
Backed by decades of research and safety data for herpes-family viruses, U.S.-based researchers at Bio-Virus Research Inc, Reno, Nevada, report on the successful treatment of the first 30 frontline doctors and nurses and a thousand-plus patients given the amino acid lysine to prevent and even abolish COVID-19 coronavirus infections at a clinic in the Dominican Republic. Astonishingly, symptoms of COVID-19 are reported to have dissipated within hours of this natural treatment.Lysine therapy interrupts the replication of viruses, including COVID-19 coronavirus, by countering arginine, an amino acid that fosters the eruption of dormant viruses. Lysine has been safely used for decades to quell herpes virus outbreaks that cause cold sores on the lips (herpes labialis), a treatment pioneered by one of the Bio-Virus Research team members in 1974.
Lysine is available in foods and in concentrated form in inexpensive dietary supplements (250 500-milligram lysine tablets can be purchased for under $5 US or 2-cents per tablet), making affordable lysine therapy possible.
Lysine/arginine imbalance would explain why patients who have been infected with COVID-19 have recurrent infections, even after vaccination.
Who are you Rod? And which of the many sites did you copy and paste that from?
Gee Aye, you are blatantly one of those people who like to divine rather than do science. You put your own perceptions over any research – like just googling to find out where its from.
A peer-reviewed paper on its effect on MERS
Its not far fetched, even if ultimately its found to be of little therapeutic value.
It is not peer reviewed and you linked to this statement LOL
Here is what I think you meant is peer reviewed!
the second one is not a quote from the link. Its on MERS.
You do realise that you are one of the few people who attribute any value what so ever to the “Peer Reviewed “ authentication process .
BTW did you read the paper I linked to that you pasted the abstract of? It has nothing to do with using Lysine as a therapy. It is a technical paper about enzyme action (acetylation) and regulation.
Its on how lysine may affect replication. Not a clinical trial of its use as a medication.
That is incorrect. Just stating that does.not make it so. You are aware that lysine is an amino acid found in many proteins. An enzyme modifying amino acids in other proteins has no connection to therapy by eating the amino acid.
I’m not stating it. It’s why the research in the first paper was done. Maybe the first reply was written in a rush but I thought it was obvious. They tried it because of its role in a natural process that was investigated for MERS. I didn’t google a paper to prove that they were right. Its their reasoning.
Can you pull your head out of the proverbial. You do not know that it’s wrong. Stating it does not make it true. This argument does not make it true or not. Im just pointing out that its not someone’s home remedy. Its something being taken seriously.
I see. But this is an enzymatic process that occurs in every cell all the time. All they did was, without justification, latched onto the word “lysine” in a technical paper about enzymatic modification of amino acids.
I see that you incorrectly think that lysine is an external. It is one monomer in a protein. Lysine is not doing anything. It is the target of an action in its role within a protein
R.B. Thank you, appreciate the share. The chem warehouse people actually have it on special at the moment for $5.99 down from $9.99 for 100. Did a little reconnoiter locally here out of interest and one store was down to 2 while the other had only 1. Surely there isn’t that much kissing going on locally – unless people are getting ready to kiss their r’s goodbye but want to do it as cleanly as possible.
What part of R.B’s post made you want to check with chemwarehouse? What part of post translational modifications inspired this?
I don’t think its enough evidence to think it works but we are talking about a supplement. Surely you wouldn’t harass someone for eating chicken soup when they have a cold? This is a safe supplement and there are professionals who report its effective. Read their work. Read the paper that made it through the peer-review process that investigates how it works on the closely related MERS. This is not quackery, although I suspect a peer-review paper from Lancet based on the data collection by a porn actress will be rushed through to discredit it.
What? I’ll let Earl answer as I can genuinely see no reason to connect anything you’ve contributed with combatting covid with lysine
Once again. Lysine is not doing anything in the paper you site. It is a target for an enzyme in specific circumstances
Once again. It’s a natural process that inspired the idea that the supplement might help. I didn’t provide it as evidence that it works, just that the idea wasn’t pulled out of thin air. A proper clinical study is the evidence.
The first paper is supposed to be that clinical study. It’s not peer-reviewed. I added the other one just because you have dumb ideas on how to judge a paper – if it’s peer reviewed, spout the contents of the abstract as fact. I forgot that I wasn’t arguing with a reasonable person, or I would have spent more time elaborating that it’s a different paper to show the first wasn’t something dreamt up by some crazies.
I’m not arguing that it’s correct. I’m arguing that your divination skills aren’t a good substitute for science. Read the paper. If you doubt the data, do the experiment yourself. That’s science even if the last bit is impractical. I’m not giving it my seal of approval because I have not done it myself. That it’s done by academics doesn’t convince me (I’m a sceptic, remember), they just deserve a little more respect from someone who appears to just have a bachelor’s degree from a third rate university.
seriously? an amino acid in a protein called lysine is modified and that is a reason? Too silly.
the end. Fin.
The end. Fin.
I’m not going to simply third year or post-grad biochem texts. It would take too long.
Rocket’s guy suggested eating lysine. Even if lysine was modified by the enzyme in question (it isn’t, the enzyme targets lysine within a protein) it would do nothing. The modification of lysine only works when it is in the protein – the modification changes the activity of said protein.
Eating or injecting more lysine will not mean more protein either as the protein is made up of a bunch of other amino acids.
The connection you are trying to make speaks of your ignorance of the subject you are failing to grapple with.
Just stop.
Gee Aye – “I’ll let Earl answer as I can genuinely see no reason to connect anything you’ve contributed with combatting covid with lysine”
Thank you for the deferral. Please accept my response as one who is not medical but questions from a common sense what if point of view. Not sure if you have seen the latest (20 April 2021) from Israel where for some (some) a herpes infection may be a side effect of covid-19 vaccination. Manifests as shingles/herpes zoster. Mmmmm what causes cold sores? Now please this is not definitive its just a simple hey look what happened here worth pursuing? Those “experts” medically qualified by all means tell me no BUT have reasons why for it being no. Thanks again.
It was the open minded part of my brain that made me do it. Curiosity may have killed the cat but knowledge brought him (him) back so when faced with new information I like to take a look. It’s purrfect for helping determine what options there might be if the one and only one that authorities are pushing down your throat doesn’t quite add up. Thank you for your question.
We have an Australian native tree called the Quinine tree, first used to extract Hydroxychloroquine for Malaria prevention.
Chew the bark, end the lockdowns!
It’s common knowledge that lysine inhibits virus replication.
Anyone with a decent high protein diet will already have plenty of Lysine … it’s in nearly every protein source. Even soy has it.
Lysine is necessary for immune system operation, so it might be a useful supplement for people eating terrible diets. I can’t understand why typical first world doctors put so little effort into doing simple blood tests to look for various nutrition deficiencies, because I’m sure they would find a few. Never trust anyone who tells you not to eat meat!
Trouble is “a decent high protein diet” will also have plenty of L-arginine too and some viruses depend on L-arginine to replicate which is where lysine fills the infection open door. L-Lysine has a chemical structure so similar to L-arginine that at least some viruses mistakenly incorporate L-Lysine instead of the L-Arginine they need. Bit like drinking water to fill up before you eat a meal.
Here is a rundown on L-arginine in foods. As usual all comes down to healthy balance and bad timing – healthy high protein diet great but bad timing of exposure to virus and L-arginine “imbalance” super charges the infection. Oh and anything with caffeine comes with L-Arginine and we know how much the Italians and Americans love their coffee as do the British love their tea. How are their covid infection rates going?
I hit google scholar for stuff on lycine and viruses – seems a washout in post 2000 lit. Not sighnificant for herpes in shelter cats, not effective for herpes outbreaks unless you believe what is published in an uncontrolled study in an alternative med journal
not effective for herpes outbreaks unless you believe what is published in an uncontrolled study in an alternative med journal
I am sorry, I have to totally disagree with your statement there.
I originally used Zovirak for outbreak of Cold sores and it was not paricularly efficient in resolving the outbreak.
Ever since I have used lysine – it has cleared the cold sore outbeaks extremely quickly.
Now when I feel an Cold Sore outbreak coming, I take lysine and the cold sores do no develop
Lysine works for Cold Sores.
I wonder what Google scholar lets you see? I might have a play to see how censored it may be.
“Dr. Fauci Gets In Heated Debate With Seventeen Previous Versions Of Himself”
Via a comment at Chiefio
Another Dr Fauci flaw .
Kary Mullis inventor of the PCR test says Fauci killed thousands with ATZ for AIDS
Channel 7 is promoting a 2020 documentary, The Phenonomen, on the government hiding that it knows aliens are out there.
So its fine to tell everyone using youtube, FB, Twitter and a national television network that there is a conspiracy by the US government to keep the knowledge of the existence of aliens from the public, but that noble-cause corruption might make people comment election or scentific fraud – nahh. Too naughty.
I recall an interview around 1990 in Scientific American with Kelly Johnson, the then director of the Lockheed Skunk Works, the guy who oversaw the development of the U2 and SR71 spy planes and stealth technology. When asked when does something stop being top secret he replied “when someone else invents it, we still have top secrets from WW2”. UFO’s started to appear after WW2.
The US government is now talking about UFO’s because someone else has developed the technology and it’s no longer top secret.
Someone has lifted the lid on our box. There is more than 3 dimensions.
That French guy who won the noble prize for discovering HIV says everyone who takes the vaccine will die….who to believe the French guy or some twit on TV pretending to be an expert?
wow… how quickly because hundred of thousands took it at trial stage over 6 months ago. When will the 150 million Americans die?
Now back to the French guy Luc Montagnier.
antibody dependent enhancement was looked for at trial stage and not found.
There is no evidence to back up this claim, nor was Reuters able to find any instance where the laureate made this comment.
You did not require evidence from Ravings comments.
I am only replying because you are a more on and ran off and got yourself vaccinated, In the video clip….whats that you did not bother to look at the link, well perhaps you should. He states the vaccinated will develop ADE, he points to the death curve following the vaccine curve IE people die after getting vaccinated.
As i said who would you believe a Noble winner when you have the Routers fact checking dept and their smear campaign, of course if he is right its too late for you.
I looked and found no evidence of the quote from the frog, she is right.
It is also her right to get the injection as is ours not to. We have to respect the freedom of choice.
I simply posted a link where they state ADE will be a major problem for those that are vaccinated, the more on then dismisses it out of hand based on the two year claim (which i never mentioned nor did i endorse) classic more on straw man behavior.
The decision to take the vaccine was never discussed, i could not care less what they do.
I am not having a go at you and GA normally attacks the messenger, but in this instance I cannot find where Luc Montagnier actually quoted that, first four pages are fact checkers the rest are other people quoting the quote.
It does not read as though it was written by an intellectual either.
What he says is, apparently, significantly different to what was attributed to him in English. The Reuters journalist was obviously a bit lazy.
‘ … antibody dependent enhancement was looked for at trial stage and not found.’
Thanks leaf.
That is re-assuring.
As soon as they say “no evidence” they are outright lying to you, and that’s easy to demonstrate. Search “antibody-dependent enhancement coronavirus animal trial” and there’s plenty of survey articles such as this one.
Saying words like “no evidence” has a well defined meaning in the English language … it does not mean “there is some evidence but I’ve discounted it” … it does not mean “I’n too lazy to be checking this” … it means that absolutely no evidence exists, none whatsoever. Therefore your “fact checker” is a liar, and presumably nothing else they say can be trusted either.
Now, as to how big of a risk this really is, well many many people are discussing it and there’s heaps of articles arguing more or less and exactly what the likely mechanisms are. Obviously a lot of serious people don’t think the risk is zero, but nor is it guaranteed by any means. The designers of the COVID vaccines were certainly aware of this possibility.
For what it’s worth, this problem is a natural limitation of the immune system, and not limited to vaccines either. There are studies where people already recovered from Zika virus who later got Dengue Fever would come down with … you guessed it … blood clots.
You can also search FIPV in cats, where vaccine attempts kept running into the same problem, but it can also happen naturally when a cat gets hit with more than one strain.
Link from Tel:
“.. multiple .. vaccine efforts have failed due to ADE in animal models, it is reasonable to hypothesize a similar ADE risk for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and vaccines.”
Perhaps this means that Big Pharma have some expensive medication, currently concealed for obvious reasons, for treating a mass outbreak of blood clotting or something in vaxxed subjects in about two years.
Apart from this aspect, the lack of anything on animal trials should arouse some skepticism.
That is very scary! I sure hope he is wrong.
who to believe?
Nullius in verba
He just makes a point that people who are vaccinated are getting infected, and while less severe, there is the possibility that a new variant will evolve that causes greater harm.
Apparently, he never makes the claim that everyone who takes the vaccine will die in two years, just that new variants have the potential to cause more severe illness in the vaccinated.
Lessons learned. We the people should restrict the authority of the governments, NGOs and big businesses. Keep the branches of goverment separate and limit the ability to abuse dominant market positions. Regulations should protect the people, not businesses against competition.
Especially, government spending should be restricted. Money is just a symbol of value. Printing fiat money without collateral is very bad idea. Subsidies and entitlements increase prices.
If people pay vaccines, tests and drugs their-selves, the prices will have a ceiling.
Finally. we should learn not to panic.
l watched this interview a while ago and think it may be of interest in this conversation about getting the CCP virus vaccinations
it sort of comes in line with the Chinese documents that have recently been discovered and reported about on Sky news of late
A lot of people talk about this document, and news reporters claim to have seen it … the “experts” have verified it … but no one actually provides the original source nor the document itself … not even a snapshot of a single page.
This feels a bit like the weapons of mass destruction scam all over again.
Let’s see if they ever publish the original, I can’t imagine any possible reason not to.
OK, seems this is not a “document” nor was it leaked from anywhere. There was a book published in 2015. One page (with translation) is here, published March 2021, not by US State Dept but instead by researchers from Hong Kong.
There’s also an email from EcoHealth Alliance … big government public health care plus big government environmentalism in the one organization. Strangely enough, a lot of key people in the virus collection business link back to EcoHealth Alliance via one path or another. Guess it’s a small world.
‘A large magnitude earthquake hit Victoria just minutes before the state was plunged into a seven-day lockdown on Thursday. Geoscience Australia formally recorded a magnitude 2.9 earthquake at 10.46am local time.
‘The earthquake’s epicentre was in Maldon, near Bendigo, in Melbourne’s north-west.’ (Daily Mail)
I didn’t feel anything!
Nothing showing on the map,320.625&extent=88.14489,731.95313&magnitude=all&listOnlyShown=true&settings=true
2.9 large magnitude? the Kiwis do that moving furniture
A large truck coming down our road does that to us!
A look at excess deaths
An animation of COVID mortality across the world to examine the impact of vaccination, testing the hypothesis that they are up to 97% effective in reducing mortality.
Same story, nearly every country.
That is interesting, but what does it mean?
We know, from previous posts here on JoanneNova, that the vaxs reduce antibodies in the first ~2 weeks, after that the level goes up to several times the original antibody figure.
So chance of death two weeks after vax is higher, but after that – lower. If this is the case, the improvement would not show up on the scale of the graphs plotted.
Is there some simple set of precautions for the vaxxed to take for that vulnerable first two weeks?
Graphs here showing covid cases in Maharashtra and Delhi since Ivermectin introduced.
Brilliant interview with Professor Dolores Cahill.
Worth 45 minutes over a cup of tea. Addresses issues that are a thorn in the eye
And then there is this. I experienced a bit of normal life last night.
Went to an ice hockey game. Playoffs. Game six of a best of Seven, Tampa Lightning
v Miami Panthers. 88 degrees outside, about 58 inside. 15,000 people. A few masks, but not required.
No Test or Vax validation. An additional 3-4,000 had a party on the plaza where the game is projected onto the side of
a 4 story parking garage for those who can’t get it. The beer receipts are a useful source of revenue for the team.
I am not sitting here in mortal fear of death from a super spreader event. We’ve had our events back for several
months, the malls and restaurants are open and, (sigh) the traffic is back to normal as well. Both the UK and Indian
variant have been found in our area, according to our news, but neither has caused an outbreak and, again from local news,
the vax is supposed to help against them as is natural immunity. Our local PubH person said on local TV that if you had
Covid you could skip the jab, tho a test was recommended to prove antibodies; who knew there could be common sense in
public office?
What’s different? Are we just waiting for the other shoe to drop? Do we have herd immunity (Vax +Natural immnity)?
Is it the warm climate? Are we accepting some mortality cause as a retirement center there is always some so we are under no illusion that deaths will ever equal zero? Are we too politically stupid to be afraid like we should?
Beats hell out of me. But my team won, we had a good time, and it was really nice to see some friends again. Normal life is better
than Covid rules. Perhaps part of the fix will simply be getting back to a positive attitude, which may in the end be the biggest difference between the states that have and the states that haven’t.
Those Dirty Electric Vehicles And A Bolt Of Green Hypocrisy
“The hypocrisy of the green movement emits a bad odor. The political left hates mining, but apparently only in the U.S., and maybe Canada….Yet none on the left are calling for a halt to the green agenda until child slave labor has been eradicated from the supply chain. Maybe rather than hypocrisy, the green crusaders are simply ignorant. But ignorance doesn’t absolve them of their offenses.”
Lasted through yet another ABC interview with that ALP Hack, Kristina Keneally. This woman represents the ugly side of the ALP (like Penny Wong)… the blinkered politik of our so-called “Democracy”. Once Canberra rids itself of this trash, the better our society will be.
There has been so much about the vaccine in this thread I may as well toss in my thoughts.
I am old enough to have gotten my immunity from childhood diseases by actually getting the diseases. Born in very early 1950s I did get both early polio vaccines. Got a smallpox vaccine long ago, I usually get a flu vaccine each year, tetanus when needed. I trust vaccines made from killed or weakened virus. I did some research on ADE, which is a concern with coronavirus vaccines. I researched people’s claims that the mRNA viruses modify one’s DNA. They don’t even stay around long but rather dissipate in the muscle. There is a lot of fear mongering out there. There is some concern that the volunteers recruited for the initial trials were too healthy to be representative of the population as a whole, and I figure this is the reason it appears to be less effective in use than it was in trial.
However, not all experiences with vaccines have been good. once when sent to get a Rocky Mountain Spotted fever vaccination, I got something else accidentally that no one could or would tell me much about. Got very ill for about 4-5 days. Weird.
I got a Moderna shot with nothing to report about it. Second shot gave me some body aches from 12-24 hours afterward. Who knows how effective it was. I have young children in the house, my youngest being nine. I figure I have not so long left that I can’t live with problems the vaccine might cause; but my children will never get the vaccine as long as it is under the emergency use authorization. My kids are in no danger from COVID and have a full life ahead.
There has been so much lying on the part of our officials, and even medical professionals, that I do not blame anyone for distrusting the vaccine. Best to all in whatever choice you make.
The world is starved of CO2, humans have a responsibility to remedy the situation.
“Here’s the Most Interesting Thing in the CDC Data About Post-Vaccine COVID Breakthrough Infections”
“Don Lemon is a journalist”
“in the same way as McDonald’s is food.”
Twitter complaint investigation (Germany)
I’ve read his ratings have dropped 77% this year, that CNN does not have one show in the top ten cable news.
For all the budding solar scientists out there you might want to look at the timing between the QLD blackout and the arrival of a CME, probs just a coincidence not that i believe in them.
For a moment, I thought you were linking the blackout event to the arrival of a CMEFU official..
What, the CME caused a bearing or shaft failure, well I’ll be blowed.
Bearings don’t “just fail”. If it was a bearing it would have been known to be failing for some time.
I would love to look at the maintenance logs to see how many faults had been logged but not repaired. Whips are verboten in a modern workplace.
Let’s flesh out your bearing failure theory:
The bearing flogs the shaft seal just a little and hydrogen starts to leak. The increased H usage is noted and repairs ordered.
A week later things are just getting worse.
Eventually the seal fails and what should be +ve pressure H in the housing falls and air is allowed to enter the housing.
H and O mixture explodes.
London to a brick the engineers shrugged and said: I told you so.
Engineers no longer control our systems, politics and bean counters rule.
Or, they conduct maintenance IAW procedures because they are a professional organisation and not a bunch of cowboys as you make them out to be
My thoughts on the CFMEU would be unjust to cowboys.
They claim a fire caused the outage, i would be blowed if a fire caused a bearing to fail!
An interesting set of responses to this article in the British Medical Journal that discourages use of “unlicensed treatments” with Ivermectin being the lead with some discrediting of Vitamin D as well
Covid-19: Ivermectin’s politicisation is a warning sign for doctors
Note that the article is by a journalist while the dissenting responses are by researchers and doctors
I read the term “murder with malice” when describing the orders against using known, cheap drugs.
The complete term should be “mass murder with malice”.
“2020 Should Have Been The Year We Demanded Reform of the FDA and CDC, But We Didn’t. Now It’s Come Back to Bite Us.”
“Prediction: Feds Will Be About The Last Government Entity To Drop Their Mask Mandate”
You’d hope thae our “shining lights” aewn’t just following those
“A Virus That Leaves Even Less Trace Than Turnbull”
Via Catrallaxy
There was no First World War, it was the Great War. Time magazine coined the term Second World War so the earlier was was falsely named in retrospect.
How could a war alternatively called The War End All Wars be simultaneously called the first of a series?
When elephants fight the grass gets trampled.
Anyone who thinks Musk is an honest player in the crypto currency and thinks there is a $ to be made in an a fair and open market has cojones of steel or a vacuum between the ears.
Bitcoin is down roughly 40% in tree weeks. Too rich for me.
This is Unthreaded but still way off topic: The QRL and NFL are booking hotel rooms in Townsville for the first State Of Origin game booked to be played in Melb.
What a big night that promises to be. 😀
Latest on ivermectin:
Here is the onward link:
There is new information here on the uniquely powerful action of ivermectin against covid-19; it is much better than hydroxychlorquine and Remdesivir, not to mention cheaper.
Bitcoin and carbon footprint latest from UK -not seen or heard in the MSM but gleaned from other browsing: Massive bitcoin mine discovered in UK after police raid suspected cannabis farm andI quote “Bitcoin has a carbon footprint comparable with that of New Zealand, producing 36.95 megatons of CO2 annually, according to Digiconomist.” . Och, just more trash I don’t wanna be reading: and meantime the weather has been so bad we are 1month late in our Potato planting AND other than Currants(poor) and Goosegogs, Fruit will be poor or at least very late this year. Many “Hardy” plants killed off by the excess cold+Wet weather this year. Cold n dry OK but not this.
German study into blood clotting caused by the Astro Zeneca vaccine may have found out the reason why , also concerns grow over some of the others causing heart inflammation.
Behind paywall but free sign up.
I haven’t heard any recommendation to take aspirin or nattokinaise before/after the jab. It makes sense me.
“The Radiation Fight”
“Friday Funny: A new addition to the climate DOOM lexicon”
Coming to a climate near you – “Climate collapse”
Ice core study suggests there were more bushfires in Australia before the British arrived.
More on facts don’t matter
“For the past year, I’ve been demonstrating that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a fake. No one has proved it exists. Now let’s enter the bubble where people assume the virus is real, and examine a few of the major crimes and contradictions that exist inside
“COVID Vaccine revelation sinks like a stone; disappears
““According to the protocols for their studies, which they released late last week, a vaccine could meet the companies’ benchmark for success if it lowered the risk of mild Covid-19, but was never shown to reduce moderate or severe forms of the disease, or the risk of hospitalization, admissions to the intensive care unit or death.”
“”To say a vaccine works should mean that most people no longer run the risk of getting seriously sick. That’s not what these trials will determine.”