A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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So many disappointing things.
Here is another one where a Nova Scotia, University in Canada is giving a doctorate to an individual who never attended this school.
An athlete who never did any school studies but being a Basketball player in Toronto, Canada.
At this time of skin color will have our politicians and scholars wet with glee as they present a doctorate on people who haven’t earned that honor.
A link would help us evaluate what you are saying. If it is an honorary doctorate that is a clear and distinct thing from a doctorate awarded based on original research and scholarship.
Here you go…
The link didn’t work for me but from the URL it is an honorary doctorate and likely recognizes achievement and possibly good works outside of his/her profession. Most Universities award multiple of these per year. Outside of you feeling threatened by the other, do you have a problem with honorary awards?
I’m treating your vacuous comment with much too much gravitas but here – check our Acadia’s honor roll
note that Dr is appended to recipients (a non standard practice).
Acadia is a tiny university which doesn’t have much of a post graduate program. It has a lot of hon docs. In all likelihood they use hons docs for revenue and publicity generating. And for hooking hot headed no nothings on distant blogs.
I don’t have a problem with honorary awards, Al Gore has dozens of them, the evil racist JK Rowling has six, Bill Nye the Science Guy has a bunch as well. Universities are throwing them at everyone, I could be only one on my street without one at this point.
Found this, I like the bit about “Gold standard” is the purification of the virus.
If that was directed at me… please find a link that is not run by dragon heros.
[AD thanks… delete the other version]
Down further attached to a comment.
Why did I know you would attack the messenger and not the claims.
What are dragon hero’s?
I don’t have to engage with every muttering from the idiots in the village. That’s a village I don’t intend to visit.
The title was enough.
So you didn’t even read it.
Your not a visitor if you live there.
Just another narcissistic put down, its how he rolls
She, Yarpos FYI
It’s true the Ad hom approach of Gee Aye is a meaningless fallacy. But its also true that both Gee Aye and I have discussed Covid and even the Mullins quote. Did you miss that? It is tiring repeating the same thing.
Mullins made that quote like two decades ago about HIV, a retrovirus which is completely different from Covid, an RNA virus that does not inject itself into our DNA. His opinion on that is not relevant on Covid.
So the Principia link, is sigh, like many who have never studied virology, largely a waste of time. Mullins quote is apparently their first “evidence” which = 0. It’s argument from authority (and in this case irrelevant, out of date an inapplicable too.)
As I keep saying, and see the post of all the covid mutations. The PCR test has been done for 35 years, used in medical, legal, academic, policing, ancestry, blah blah blah. It looks like a useful test, smells like a useful test, produces results all over the world from HUNDREDS (literally) of different labs in nearly every country around the world in a branching style format that is continually cross checked by other labs.
Bland criticism of the PCR test as they cause of “everything” only reflects how little people understand molecular biology. The test can be abused like any science test. Please discuss specific instances of how that may have happened. That would be interesting.
Please move this discussion along, she says in the perhaps forlorn hope that someone here may read my replies. It would take a vast conspiracy for all the labs in the world to fake up the results shown in NEXTSTRAIN. No one has any meaningful objection to that reasoning. Go wander around Nextstrain if you still believe the PCR test as a whole is not useful for diagnosis. Let me know how many of you will refuse tests the next time your doc says you should get tested for whichever strain of infection you have (of any and every disease). Your GP has been using this test for decades to figure out what treatment to apply. Lawyers have been testing in court to jail people. Sometimes it does go wrong. But to argue that it is a system complete failure is … not justified remotely.
Please can we stop repeating something that’s obviously not useful?
Like talking to yourself GA.
Like the CAGW scam, you know the UNIPCC and every Uni, government, bank, company and Metrological departments are all conspiring. Like in the US election there was no vast conspiracy, unless I read your 4 months of spiel wrong.
Mullins got a Nobel, back in the day when it still meant something. He was generalising in regard to “make a lot of something out of something” (not the stated quote). I read the many attacks on Mullins, generally his character and after he was unable to defend himself.
I am looking at the many virus data bases and the computer programs that unscramble the egg to get on those data bases.
Labs follow procedures to the line, if the procedure is wrong then?
Its the UN for gods sake, they lie about everything else, but you want me to believe them in this.
I have every right to be extremely concerned about our future. I don’t have kids, yet I am more concerned about the future of the youth then those with kids, does my head in.
I am going to another protest on Saturday in the nearest city, its a whole day drive there and back, but it is all I can do. Went to the last one as well and I will go to the one after that.
Did not require you to repeat anything, I waited for an open thread as is the rules?
Lists of who uses it, and for how many years.
An argument subject to numerous fallacies.
How many would refuse a test?
Me certainly. A year ago, a death sentence.. put on an incubator after a false positive.
I can imagine a manhunt, granny-killer on loose, something like the brutal arrest in Canada of the pastor.
WA law, among others, allows for vaccination by force on an unwilling recipient.
“continually cross checked by other labs”!
We are talking at cross purposes, I refer to diagnosis of a specific individual.
Only money or celebrity power gets a second test.
If Joe Public disputes the test result? The second test can have the Ct wound up on the trouble maker, that will get a positive. The Ct is secret.
For transmission in populations and mutation spreading research, yes this test is a valid technique.
Now, after that- my opinion can be influenced.
Has the PCR test for the infection in an individual been tested? You know- double blind, various patients, levels of severity, various standards, the standards would of course be defined precisely. How is the equipment calibrated? (So it is consistent).
About 6 months ago there was a report on equipment tests put up here (by Rick Will?). This report was to approve a purchase, it found the devices worked as expected.
It was not a test on ability to find infection, and on indicating no infection when there was no infection, rather than finding inactive genetic sequences or finding sequences of something else, or an amount so small that replication was not possible.
(Acknowledgement- previous conversation here with Gee Aye)!
It is Mullis not Mullins I’m glad that Jo vindicated my unwillingness to engage with anything from that web site. And her comments are a version of what has been said dozens of times – at least this time MP exposed himself as a fantasist and not interested in understanding what actually happens in the labs.
On Ad homs – I was not using an ad hom to make an argument. I was using it to not engage. Commenting is a triage process. People make claims all the time and most claims are not worthy of reply as seldom does the claimant at least make an attempt to use reliable sources and solid evidence. I wont respond to someone saying “look at this claim prove it wrong”.
GA. I am a fantasist am I, what fantasy am I indulging in. I have always held the same position as anyone on here with a memory longer than that of a gold fish will know.
The fantasy of our loss of rights due to a virus you have a .004% chance of dying from in Australia (you have to catch it first), why am I not terrified?
The dictator in chief has stated OS travel is banned for everyone except, government, sports persons. movie persons, media or any rich person or technocrat. People with family OS may never see them again, especially the elderly!
They are talking about forced inoculation of an experimental drug, either through mandate or Government partners/stake holders.
Our rights are given to us by our birth/creator not Scott Morrison and as he did not give them, he cannot take them away, we never gave him that right.
We are being governed by technocrat’s who have their best interest at heart, not ours, as is the term stakeholder capitalism.
My wife and I are only two people, we go to the protests not for anti mask anti lockdowns alone, we do it for all our rights, right to use the proven prophylactics if we so choose, the CAGW scam and all the BS we have been subjected to since 14 days to flatten the curve 420 days ago.
I do not care if I am wrong as it costs me fuel money only, but if I am right it will cost me everything, this is what I am protesting for, so the youth at least have the same opportunities as us. Not that you care.
“look at this claim prove it wrong”. never said that, it is not a quote. From the one down thread I think you are sort of responding to? “You made the claim its dodgy, I am asking what makes it dodgy, back up your claim.” that’s what I wrote. Mullis yeah you got me, I wrote Mullis and changed it to Mullins.
It is not a conspiracy theory when they tell you what they are doing, its conspiracy fact.
GeeAye, gawd. An ad hom “not to engage” is still a fallacy. I support your right not be bored. But no gold medal for that excuse.
Lucky: I am talking about the diagnosis of an individual. Look at NExtstrain. They are individual diagnoses. When I say cross checked, you can follow the forks and chains, see all the labs in one string. If people were faking things, it would stick out. It’s hard to hide.
Is the CT a secret? Have you rung PathWest and asked? I haven’t because as far as I can see, WA path labs are not screwing up the Ct, given theyve done 500,000+ tests and found less than 20 cases in the community in the last 12 months.
Sigh, as for individual cases, see the mortality odds below in the UK. Getting a positive test means something. In Victoria last August, odds of a pos case going to hospital were 1in 7. Odds of dying were 1 in 33.
Odds for people with positive tests are quite different from odds of a negative test. Treatment should be different too though it probably isn’t until people get sick in which case it’s a bit late…
MP: The 0.004% chance of dying? Where do you get that?
The UK variant mortality rate for men who test positive at age 35-54 is 0.07%, for 55-69 is 0.5%; Age 70 – 84 is 4.7% ; Age 85+ is 25%. Obvious infection fatality rates are lower. But those mortality figures are not insignificant for some groups. On top of that are the Long-covid figures which are much higher.
REF: Davies et al (2021) Increased mortality in community-tested cases of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7,
I don’t have to have an argument if I don’t want to. I never used my lack of engagement as an argument of its own.
Anyway this thread is done. Onto the next one. Jo pretty much wrote the sort of thing I would have if I’d seen it first.
Hold up there AG, aren’t you the guy that when asked for a link regarding your comments, say to look it up yourself?
This is an honorary doctorate- not for achievement in university study or research. It is a way for an inferior academic institution to gain publicity by hob-nobbing with a celebrity.
There is a good Australian phrase describing this, it gives a short term mutual warm fuzzy feeling.
First the Brits want “carbon neutral” military aircraft and now the Americans have, under Beijing Biden, an electric military vehicle under development. I guess there are no plug-in charging stations on the battlefield, the vehicle will have to tow it’s own diesel generator…
The Pentagon is queer™ enough to do that on their own.
“carbon neutral”
‘Neutral’ seems a common theme to the Left.
Carbon Neutral.
Gender Neutral.
Culturally Neutral.
Choosing sides (especially the wrong one) is potential bigotry.
And masculine, which of course is patriarchal.
Pathological neutrality is a symptom of the faux intelligentsia whose self-induced inevitable collapse we a currently witnessing.
goes with intellectually neutral.
As writer James Delingpole said “in any coming shooting war it’s not going to give fighting forces an edge if their fighter jets run on sustainable organic hemp oil extract, or whether the missiles are made of unicorn-fur-impregnated vegetable extract.”
There might be a few currant bushes around in some battlefield locations.
Wars are not and will never be carbon neutral, so why are the cl0wns even giving it any thought.
You’ve answered your own question. They are clowns.
The first thing that I thought of was current compatibility. If this is used anywhere but on home soil, it won’t be compatible with the power source voltage, amperage, or plug compatibility. Then there’s down time and range.
It seems like a 100% useless invention to me.
What makes you think the war to end all wars will (this time) be fought “over there”? We are already at war but without the bullets and bangs or too many obvious physical casualties. When the military shooting starts it will be a 9-5 affair so tanks etc will have been fully charged over night on the local ac/dc. Those in need of neutralizing will be found obediently sitting in their homes following covid isolation orders. Ring of the bell, squeeze of the trigger, now on to the neighbor’s place.
Wars are about winning. Breaking things. Crippling the opposition. Quickly, by any means necessary. Efficiently. Brutally.
CO2 minimization has nothing to so with wartime survival. As much propellant, explosives, and fuel is used as is necessary to win.
Otherwise, there’s no point in engaging in the first place.
Ecology has Zero value on a battlefield.
My latest on the US HFC phaseout boondoggle:
Great stuff.
The automobile AC replacement for 134a is HFO 1234YF, and is some USD 60 / lb ( approx AUD 170/kg).
The replacement for R-410a is HFO 454B. Likely about USD 100/Lb, (AUD 286/kg).
The usual residential heat pump system has about 7 to 8 kg of charge in it. So the new refrigerant will cost some USD 1,000/ton for equipment, USD 400/ton for refrigerant, and USD 3,000 per system to change out. If a usual house has a 3.5 to 4 ton capacity, we’re talking nearly USD 10,000 per house replacement cost. ( ton of refrigeration = 12000 BTU/hr capacity, or 3.5 KW)
Many cannot afford such things. It seems ‘being green’ means forcing others into misery or economic bondage.
If possible, it might be a public service to make as many people as possible aware of these coming costs. Having just spent USD 10,000 for my systems replacement in 410a flavor 3 months ago, I’m not looking forward to another USD 12,000. Sooner or later you’re talking real money. And, what do they do with the old equipment and refrigerant? Disposal costs are not known for this, yet. Ah, the good old days when R-22 was only USD 5 / kg (1994), abt $12/Kg today. ODP 0.05, atm life of 7 yrs. Should have kept it.
Yes Lance – total idiocy. We have them claiming that gas heating is not allowed, so use heat pumps. But not in this case – it just won’t happen.
Looks like somebody needs to develop an ammonia based house heat pump. No issues there, except if there is a leak…
This will not go down at all well. I can imagine that this and the other complete stupidity that will surface when the power price starts to rocket if storage is needed will pretty much end any support for “decarbonisation”.
All Australian Governments, including so-called Liberals (the supposed conservatives in Australia) spend money without restraint and with no thought whatsoever as to how the debt created might be repaid as almost all government spending now massively exceeds revenues.
The same rules apply to government as apply to individuals. Getting out of debt by spending even more money is equally senseless. Not that government is concerned with massive debt in Australia or other Western countries.
Spending to “stimulate the economy” is a Keynesian myth and is discussed in the following essay.
Borrowing while interest rates are low is attractive but it may mean repayment when rates are much higher.
Yep, all those thousands of wind turbines and solar panels, cost plus up front profit, all bundled up and onsold to pension funds, while our government watches and plays dumb. We will pay through
1 Price of power.
2 Taxes.
3 Increased bank charges.
4 Drop in bank stocks.
Just generally a lower standard of living.
It is the final stages of a long con, run by experts. Hence bullying tactics like XR and Greta. Everybody just shut up while the gravy train drains $70,000 per second world wide.
and of course
5 There will be less in your super fund account.
‘Keynesian economics is a macroeconomic economic theory of total spending in the economy and its effects on output, employment, and inflation.’
What the Australian federal and state governments are doing, with this infrastructure spend, is Keynesian and Albo must be spitting chips. Its a Budget free of the debt and deficit fixation, and with interests rates at historical lows there is no better time to borrow on the future.
The governments will use infrastructure to boost overall revenue and prevent the economy stalling. Visualise four borers tunnelling between Lithgow and Katoomba, requiring skilled workers and support teams. When completed the road tunnel will open up the west, creating new opportunities for the private sector.
In post pandemic Australia, Keynes is a winner.
Sums up Illegal Immigrants wanting to get into Racist West White Countries
Anti-Racist Messaging Is Failing With Voters. So Why Can’t Liberals Quit It? | Opinion
Zaid Jilani
If you’ve spent any time at all listening to progressive messaging lately, you’ve probably heard countless invocations of race and racism. Democratic elected officials have taken to framing virtually any policy goal they want through the lens of anti-racism.
“Something really important that we found is that the race appeal and the class appeal are about just as effective for Black voters,” English told me, speculating that these voters tend to be more pragmatic in their political approach.
Interestingly, English and Kalla did find one group that was slightly receptive to the race framing, but it might not be the one why you expect: It was white Democrats.
It’s worth wondering why progressives, particularly white progressives, have become so fixated on racial messaging if there’s so little evidence that it actually works to persuade voters to support their policies. Political parties spend mountains of money on survey and focus group work; English and Kalla’s paper may be the latest showing how ineffective racial messaging can be, but it certainly isn’t the first bit of research to demonstrate that finding.
My guess is that the progressive movement is simply captured by an upper-class elite for whom anti-racism is now an all-dominating philosophy. Sure, it may not persuade your average voter—white or Black or anyone else—to support your political party to frame every message in terms of race, but it probably does impress your social cohort. There’s a reason elite prep schools are now embracing critical race theory, while most working-class communities and public schools would find some of its tenets esoteric and unrelatable.
And what this latest study shows is that this elite cohort that runs everything from the major news media to the universities to America’s political parties is deeply out of touch, not only with average Americans but perhaps its own political interests. Self-defeating messaging is self-defeating, even if it makes you feel good and impresses people who already agree with you.
I mention a bar that my son frequents that is not far away.
Sally is not familiar with it, so we decide to go check it out – more to simply stick our heads in the door and see what kind of place it is than have any more to drink.
Neither Sally nor I are intoxicated. Not even tipsy.
We find the bar which is up a few flights of stairs. We climb up and encounter three or four guys and a couple of young ladies queueing up to get in.
Sally is in her early 50s and I am in my mid-60s. We are obviously much older than those before us.
Shortly after arriving, two young Asian women come up behind us.
The first one starts to move past me and I say to her in Chinese, “We must queue up” at which she tucks herself into the queue behind me and her friend says (in English), “I am not Chinese”.
My response (out of curiosity) is ‘What are you?”, but she says, “I don’t want to talk to you.” and stands quietly behind her friend.
I leave it at that, but shortly after, the doorman (who had previously declined to allow us to have a look from the door into the club) says to me, “You’re not getting in tonight” or words to that effect.Sally, who has been quiet the entire time says to him “Why not?” to which he replies, “You made racist comments.”
Now, here’s the background………. Sally speaks fluent Chinese and is not a bit racist. I have been married to an Asian woman and am similarly not racist. But “bouncer boy” has no idea of this.
Sally says to him, “I haven’t said a word” and he replies, “You’re not getting in, so you’d better leave” or similar. Sally invites him to call his supervisor to which the doorman says into his radio “Supervisor – racism”.
I say, “I can’t believe this” at which point, one of the young women in front of me pipes up and says, “I have been on jury duty and what you said was racist.”
Sally – who just happens to be an accomplished lawyer – says to her “Well, I’d hate to be in a court where you were on the jury if that’s your attitude.” Then she turns to doorman and says, “You might want to call the police.”
It was the second woman who seemed to take offence at being asked what her ethnic origin was – as if that was an attack.
Had she answered that she was Thai, I would have engaged her in Thai. Had she said she was Indonesian, I would have engaged her in Indonesian and so on, given that I am relatively adept in a number of foreign languages.
The scary aspect to this encounter was the mob attitude.
It was a bit of a “wake up call” for both Sally and I. The youngsters in the queue had no interest in stopping and thinking about what was actually going on.
It was more about mob rule and kicking someone simply because another person of their generation was attacking them. They didn’t want to determine the why or wherefore. It was just about “piling on”.
Folks, this is an insight into the Australia we are leaving for our children. I urge you to stand up for what you believe in. Cast your vote carefully and be prepared to fight.
You have all heard the quote by Edmund Burke – all that evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Fascinating. Thank you for sharing. If we ever went out I’m sure it would be somewhat the same here in America. Sad that people are obsessed about a non phenomenon. If they wanted to know what real racism was they should have been around 60-70 years ago when everything about our legal system, culture and institutions had plenty of it. We have made massive strides in our cultural norms. Just like everything else there is no historical perspective.
White House Occupant Reads Teleprompter, Desperately Attempting to Spin Horrific Policy Outcomes
The White House occupant appeared today to deliver remarks on some key issues that are catastrophic to the long-term goals of the leftist administration.
First, let’s be clear; there’s no-way the Chicago control agents would allow the installed occupant to speak on any issue, publicly, that was not a direct and measurable threat to their long-term goals.
The remarks today by Joe Biden are carefully scripted to diffuse political damage that is pending as a direct outcome of the executed policies.
The risks and remarks are in the following order:
(1) Gas Prices
(2) Mass Unemployment and Terrible Jobs Numbers
(3) Unemployment and Dependency policy
(4) Pushing the Vaccine – The vaccination issue is a toxic problem as people start to realize the government is talking out of both sides of its mouth. At the same time the Chicago crew is using every narrative distribution network to push the vaccine, claiming it is safe, OSHA is telling employers that all mandated vaccination side-effects must be recorded as “workplace injuries”.
If the un-tested, non-FDA approved vaccine is safe, then why are employers being held liable for vaccine side-effects? Think about it.
This is the actual text of the new question and answer on the OSHA website:
Stay well away from the vaccine……
yes, it is having terrible outcomes in the UK
Just look at the graphs for each country like India and see when mass vaccination started and the subsequent spike in ‘cases’ and deaths – nor very good advertising for the DNA changing so called vaccine.
What about the graphs of numbers vaccinated vs deaths? ie an actual graph and not a fantasy correlation.
I also found this on the PCR.
tedious overwritten, error riddled fake “report” written 10 months after the method it is critiquing was last used. Actually it is not just the report that is tedious.
What makes it a fake report?
Seems to be some well credentialed persons.
RT-PCR is still in use, or what aspect has been changed?
Where is it in error?
Your the expert on PCR, so I post them to you for critique on the article. Otherwise I would just read the comments if I wanted a biased view.
The paper is being used in court cases, don’t think a dodgy paper would win any arguments in a court.
Thanks for tolerating me being tedious
Author’s Affiliations:
1) Dr. Pieter Borger (MSc, PhD), Molecular Genetics, W+W Research Associate, Lörrach, Germany
2) Rajesh Kumar Malhotra (Artist Alias: Bobby Rajesh Malhotra), Former 3D Artist / Scientific Visualizations at CeMM – Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2019-2020), University for Applied Arts – Department for Digital Arts Vienna, Austria
3) Dr. Michael Yeadon BSs(Hons) Biochem Tox U Surrey, PhD Pharmacology U Surrey. Managing Director, Yeadon Consulting Ltd, former Pfizer Chief Scientist, United Kingdom
4) Dr. Clare Craig MA, (Cantab) BM, BCh (Oxon), FRCPath, United Kingdom
5) Kevin McKernan, BS Emory University, Chief Scientific Officer, founder Medical Genomics, engineered the sequencing pipeline at WIBR/MIT for the Human Genome Project, Invented and developed the SOLiD sequencer, awarded patents related to PCR, DNA Isolation and Sequencing, USA
6) Prof. Dr. Klaus Steger, Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Molecular Andrology, Biomedical Research Center of the Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany
7) Dr. Paul McSheehy (BSc, PhD), Biochemist & Industry Pharmacologist, Loerrach, Germany
8) Dr. Lidiya Angelova, MSc in Biology, PhD in Microbiology, Former researcher at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Maryland, USA
9) Dr. Fabio Franchi, Former Dirigente Medico (M.D) in an Infectious Disease Ward, specialized in “Infectious Diseases” and “Hygiene and Preventive Medicine”, Società Scientifica per il Principio di Precauzione (SSPP), Italy
10) Dr. med. Thomas Binder, Internist and Cardiologist (FMH), Switzerland
11) Prof. Dr. med. Henrik Ullrich, specialist Diagnostic Radiology, Chief Medical Doctor at the Center for Radiology of Collm Oschatz-Hospital, Germany
12) Prof. Dr. Makoto Ohashi, Professor emeritus, PhD in Microbiology and Immunology, Tokushima University, Japan
13) Dr. Stefano Scoglio, B.Sc. Ph.D., Microbiologist, Nutritionist, Italy
14) Dr. Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens (MSc, PhD), specialist in Laboratory Medicine (clinical chemistry), Maasziekenhuis Pantein, Beugen, The Netherlands
15) Dr. Dorothea Gilbert (MSc, PhD), PhD Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. DGI Consulting Services, Oslo, Norway
16) Dr. Rainer J. Klement, PhD. Department of Radiation Oncology, Leopoldina Hospital Schweinfurt, Germany
17) Dr. Ruth Schruefer, PhD, human genetics/ immunology, Munich, Germany,
18) Dra. Berber W. Pieksma, General Practitioner, The Netherlands
19) Drs. Jan Bonte (GJ), Consultant Neurologist, The Netherlands
20) Dr. Bruno H. Dalle Carbonare (Molecular biologist), IP specialist, BDC Basel, Switzerland
21) Dr. Kevin P. Corbett, MSc Nursing (Kings College London) PhD (London South Bank) Social Sciences (Science & Technology Studies) London, England, United Kingdom
22) Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer, specialist in Virology / Immunology / Human Biology / Cell Biology, University Hospital Würzburg, Germany
Why would they waste their time on a subject of no import? It is un peer reviewed un scientific pulp.
I realise its not peer reviewed, that is a peer review of sorts to the original paper, at least that’s my take on it. I can’t find a rebuttal from Corman or Drosden or even a fact checker spin doctoring of it.
All those people I listed reviewed the paper and or contributed. They seem highly qualified.
The paper pushed through the court case in Portugal. (I posted that a while ago) Also Spain and I can’t remember the other country.
You made the claim its dodgy, I am asking what makes it dodgy, back up your claim.
PCR is what the entire COVID scam is based on, it is the most important part of this house of cards.
There are literally dozens of propriety and in house covid PCR tests being used today and none of them are based on that paper.
So I am not going to waste any more time discussing something of zero significance.
How much of the drop in deaths is due to naturally acquired immunity that would have happened anyway?
‘PHE scientists working on the study have concluded naturally acquired immunity as a result of past infections provide 83% protection against reinfection’
The current number of daily deaths per million in India is reportedly way below the level reached by the UK and some others.
Mike, i agree the data does not support the hysteria.
However, i suspect that comprhensive data collection and reporting in India is more difficult than in the UK. If the situation is anything like as chaiotic as suggested, then recording cases and deaths in detail is not going to be a priority !
I am waiting and seeing about this mass experiment.
I am as well. If it becomes mandatory, I will comply but I will be the last person in line. Its still a few more months before the first batch of two-headed babies are born.
The Federal Bureau of Intentional Lying Claims Fuel Pipeline Cyber Attack is Darkside Ransomware
“The FBI confirms that the Darkside ransomware is responsible for the compromise of the Colonial Pipeline networks. We continue to work with the company and our government partners on the investigation.” (LINK)
When the state police tell us something prudence dictates we evaluate their motive against previous state police statements and make an independent decision. That’s the basis of not being a victim to professional lying. That said, which is more likely:
A) A random cyber-hack from a dubious eastern-European source, has compromised the refined fuel capacity in the United States?
~ OR…
B) The FBI, a political division -and state police- acting on behalf the U.S. intelligence community, are making this claim in order to provide cover for the Biden administration’s purposeful policies that are skyrocketing the price of fuel?
I’m thinking, well, option B?…
Or maybe C) A hack by the elite Chinese hacking group to help Biden and his handlers push for highr fuel prices.
The most likely is C.
Well gosh, it doesn’t have to be a conspirancy; just a herd of the blissfully-woke-but-oblivious-to-reality ambling in the same direction. It takes a certain lack of self awareness to cancel a major pipeline project in one’s first day in office; then declare a
national crisis when one is canceled by someone else a hundred days later. If this pipeline was really that important(rhetorical…it is)
would a Keystone completed have the same upside imapact on the economy? Probably. Will covering for Colonial have a downward impact on the environment. Probably. Is critical infrastructure connected to the internet without a failsafe mode a good idea? We’ve spent billions on the politically defined task of “hardening our infrasructure”; but since most is run by private companies, and most of the money has been spent publically, perhaps an audit is in order? There are a bunch of subtle lessons here–which will be totally missed by a government and press for whom subtelty is using a five pound sledge instead of a ten pounder…..
Was everyone aware that gasoline, our transportation staple, is produced, refined, and delivered on essentially a JIT basis, so that shortages happen really really fast? Those really big tanks get to looking really small when you start counting cars.
Was everyone aware that this pipeline was that important, and presented 1500 miles of chokepoint on the US economy, a lot of it so rural that serious physical damnage could easily be done wihtout interdiction? Do we have a back-up plan. Hint yes, so why wasn’t it put into place immediately, using the logistic capability of rail, truck, and the military? Maybe some folks benefit from shortages.
If by now we don’t have the capability and will to lock critical infrastructure against ransomware, the idiocy is wilful, because they can sure spy on domestic adversaries when they want to…..This wasn’t a sophisticated states attack like someone did on the Iraq centrifuges….or it was, and our leadership is truly feckless and qulaifies for the Neville Chamberlain Medal of Dishonor.
And so on.
Good points, and well stated Richard.
More settled science , this time lightning cleans the air ?
Lightning produces oxides of nitrogen, same as what diesel engines output, and we are told it’s pollution.
Lightning is Rascist
The nitrogen oxides fixed by lightening fall immediately in the rain and green the lawn. Does car exhaust?
Hanrahan there is a farmer in SA (I think) that buries his tractors emissions when ploughing and planting seed via convoluted pipe setup I know it’s not really burying much but he seems to think it’s doing something positive for the soil .
Snow on Mother’s Day in the US. But there is always a ready explanation. “cool temperatures have been slow to lessen their grip this spring. That’s because there is an atmospheric condition that meteorologists call a blocking pattern near Greenland.”
And as the years progress, they will need more and more cute explanations for the obvious and rapid cooling including ocean currents, ocean oscillations, Arctic vortexes of course one in a hundred years events.
Then finally we will be told it is the long awaited Climate Change(tm), caused by excess tipping point levels of carbon dioxide resulting in runaway Global Cooling. And only ten more years to fix the problem. Close all your factories and send cash.
Note: Climate Change is a registered Trademark of the IPCC, a division of the United Nations dedicated entirely to shutting down Western economies and forcing a rapid distribution of wealth to military dictatorships and communists.
‘ … a blocking pattern near Greenland.’
‘An area of high blocking frequency is identified for this analysis relating to North Atlantic high-latitude blocking (HLB). The rationale for choosing this area is that HLB tends to be accompanied by a southerly displaced eddy-driven jet (negative NAO).
‘Conversely, the absence of blocking over the North Atlantic tends to coincide with a positive NAO regime and an eddy-driven jet close to its climatological position. Hence, the area relating to HLB is chosen due to its direct link to the NAO, which is the leading mode of variability in the North Atlantic sector …’ (Athanasiadis et al 2020)
The basic and only thesis of warmists is that carbon dioxide is warming the planet.
They care nothing for the weather or even climate, changes in which they see as a direct consequence of warming, even cooling. Perversely there is no shortage of quoting effects, phenomena as causes. So blocking, jet streams and endless acronyms hide the fact that the basic premise is busted. There is no global warming.
I look forward to the announcement that 2020/2021 was proof of steady, unstoppable, tipping point, rapid Global Warming. And who knows, there might be a bushfire this year in Greece, Spain, Russia, Australia or somewhere else which can distract from the failure?
As predicted, Carbon dioxide produces Global Warming which will produce another ice age. You cannot win! Warming produces sudden cooling, apparently. All bases covered.
Yep it’s weather
Exhibit A:
Yep. Now it’s the North Atlantic Oscillation. Add that to the Indian Dipole, the Pacific Decadal Osciallation and countless other unpredictable effects which control our weather. Strangely all phenomena outside the ability of any Climate model to predict, so the usual approach is to see them as irrelevant until you need an explanation as to why the predictions are all wrong.
They see natural variability as ‘noise’, which is ridiculous, but we still have to prove that NAO behaviour is linked to the sun.
Why? The heat in the oceans has accumulated over thousands of years, far beyond many solar cycles. It is so massive it does not respond quickly to solar changes. The idea that solar cycles and ocean cycles are completely independent is fine.
Internal natural variability is the dominant driver and we have find an alternative to AGW theory. The new pause offers observational proof, we just have to join the dots so that we can explain to the world that CO2 cannot cause global cooling.
$900m – not just $400m – was taken and used by Obama to rig the 2020 elections.
Fourteen pallets of cash, laundered via the US. embassy in Dubai and Vatican was less than half of it.
Apologies, mates. We…well no, I…missed the mark.
Our sources confirmed that 14 pallets of Obama/Iran Joint Comprehensive Plan for Action cash were laundered via Dubai and sent to Italy (using the Vatican Bank).
I know, I know. This stuff is more bizarre than fiction, which is why I had to give up writing novels until the Marxists in my country are all in jail as I cannot even make up the things that they are willing to do in real life!
The Richardson Post covered the Renzi/Obama scandal as well, of course, but we had no idea that was just part of the story.
Only today we learned that Barack Obama laundered an additional $500 million sluiced from Operation Enduring Freedom during his eight years in office, via a law firm in Ghana.
It isn’t fantasy, OldOzzie, just concealed by conspiracy, aka MSM. Of which I once belonged, as an unreliable person, hence now gone.
“Nolte: Van Morrison Is Being Blacklisted for Anti-Media Song”
“Morrison has released “They Own the Media,” a blistering critique of the fake news media. Here’s a sample of the lyrics:
They tell us that ignorance is bliss
I guess by those that control the media, it is
They own the media, they control the stories we are told
If you ever try to go against them, you will be ignored
They control the narrative, they perpetuate the myth
Keep on telling you lies, tell you ignorance is bliss
Believe it all and you’ll never get the truth
Never get wise, wise through their lies”
Links to words and song at
Van the Man, I knew him back in our young days, happy that he is developing more conservative opinions. Astral Weeks was and still is his finest monument.
Global MSM and Big Tech got together last year and put together something called the Trusted News Initiative , an alliance which allows them to unite, ban misinformation, and spread their fantasies. It worked well with the election fraud and they have perfected it with the Covid scam.
UK having coldest April since 1922 and coldest May since 1659.
Bet they could use some of that globull warming right about now.
It’s becoming noticeable around the world as in my previous comment at #9.
Here in Melbourne, Victoria we had easily the coldest summer in living memory. Hardly a day which reached 30C against historic summers of incredible heat over weeks, up to 47C. And even today the wind and rain in May is unprecedented. Winter has arrived very early.
This is exactly what real scientists have predicted, a rapid drop in world temperatures has started based on real science which explains the last 2500 years and fits the last 250 years perfectly.
Not “The Science” of ancient dead wombat specialist PhD Tim Flannery who presumed to be a wunderkind of climate and meteorology with no actual training at tertiary level in any traditional rational sciences or mathematics or computing or meteorology.. His first degree was in English. So perhaps “The Science Fiction”.
I expect this talk of Carbon Neutral will die quickly when it becomes apparent to everyone that the world is cooling rapidly. Even extreme Green Boris Johnson might become a sceptic within a year. And if Grumpy Greta starts to question her creed, her defection will actually shake up the place.
It is always real if it is what you hoped for.
We notice the gr33ns live by that credo, how’s it working for them.
Is that real green or fake ones?
All greens have succumbed to fake science.
You’re right about that, Simpson. I fell for the fake science for many years until I read the AR4 Summary for Policy Makers. It opened my eyes to fake science and to how big the Climate fraud actually was. Thank God for the incompetence of the IPCC.
I wonder if Saint Greta knows she is a symbol of global fraud?
(Her parents should be in prison)
What a silly comment.
Until you can write something, or anything, that doesn’t use terms like “real science”, I’ll stop treating your comments as silly.
Why do you think your comments matter to anyone who understands real science? Frankly, they don’t.
Thanks for the feedback H
Real science is something which fits the facts. Everything else is silly, fantasy, nonsense.
Why would you out yourself as someone who has no idea of what science is?
Speaking of Grumpy Greta, I last night watched the final episode of Greta Thunberg: A Year to Change the World (
Four minutes of it stood out for me, most of which I transcribe below starting at 13′ 20″ …
“The pandemic has led to a global shutdown. Air travel has dramatically reduced. Factories are closed and roads and motorways are empty in one of the most profound changes to human society in living memory. The impact on the planet itself is being calculated.
Dr Jenny Stavranko uses satellite data to measure levels of nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere created by burning fossil fuels and a strong indicator of levels of carbon dioxide.
The coronavirus crisis started in China and from 3 January we see a big decrease of nitrogen dioxide levels, more than 50% in some places.
Dr Stavranko’s data shows that as industrialised nations shut down, emissions dropped substantially, in parts of the USA by up to 40%. But over the next few months, the data was less encouraging.
So from January to the beginning of the lockdowns up to April, on the global scale there is a decrease of about 17% in the CO2 emissions over this period. It’s 17% lower than in the previous year.
When was the last time we were down at those kinds of emissions levels? With what we have now, we are back at 2006 levels. So that really shows the scope of the challenge that we are facing. When we shut down our societies completely, we only go back like 14 years to 2006. So, yes, it’s really shocking.
In 2020, the total emissions were around 7% lower than in 2019. A UN report found that we need to drop on average 7.6%, year on year, for the next nine years to be on track to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees.
The climate crisis is perhaps the most difficult and most complex issue that humanity has ever faced. And the lockdown has really showed us the scale of the problem we are facing, and that the time for small steps is long gone.
As soon as the confinement ends the emissions go back, and that’s because we haven’t actually changed anything around us. Everything is the same. The roads are the same, the cars are the same, the industries are the same. So it shows the level of change we need to do.”
Of course, NASA claims 2020 was tied for the warmest year ever recorded despite the averaged global CO2 drop of 7%, although I concede that’s a slightly shaky comparison because of so many other variables and noise.
However, the four minutes above might have taught Greta that if we repeat 2020 (and 2021 in various countries) by shutting everything down, everybody staying indoors every single day and armies of people unemployed or potentially hungry for the next nine years, we’ll at least be “on track” to limit global warming to 1.5C (bearing in mind that, according to the BoM, Australia has already warmed by almost 1.5C since 1910).
But what Greta learned was that the lockdowns show the time for small steps is long gone, and for the rest of the show she kept repeating her call for an immediate end to CO2 emissions.
It’s a pity she didn’t learn, maybe because of her lack of maturity and knowledge, that her goal can only be achieved through immense long-term suffering by most of the world’s population and that – even if she’s correct that CO2 is warming the climate – she’d be more credible if she accepted fossil fuels will be required for at least several decades to ease the transition to renewables.
I hope she doesn’t achieve her goal because research shows that when the influence of instrument changes and UHI are factored in there has been only slight warming over the past hundred years.
Greta is apparently grumpy about the immense improvements in global poverty, agricultural production and vegetation cover over the past century, along with the huge reduction in deaths from and frequency of extreme weather events, but she needs to cool her scary PR campaign and comprehend the points in her own documentaries if she wants to hasten the end of this prosperous era.
Not useful data. The resultant change in CO2 in the atmosphere has not been shown. Zero?
The change in temperature resulting from the emissions change has not been shown. Zero?
The conclusions reached by the episode are wrong.
Evil is to be criticized and condemned, evil needs no advice.
“Bet they could use some of that globull warming right about now.”
No doubt the climastocracy would but it wouldn’t be the well being of the general public they had in mind (/s)
Several cities in NZ yesterday hit May high temperature records so you can’t look at one region in isolation. So, let’s look at the whole world:
Today we are at +0.1°C above the 1979-2000 mean. It has been cooler this year compared to last year but the last few years have been exceptionally warm.
That is the fudge factor, here is reality.
A clear warming trend of the troposphere consistent with expectations.
For example look at where the la nina took the weather in 2012 and look at where it is now. If all things were equal there is a 0.4 degree increase in 9 years or so.
(and I am not saying they are equal but starting from Lance this discussion has been arm waving at best)
Having written those parentheses I checked on relative intensities of La nina events. 2011-12 was strong and 2020-21 is moderate. So the 0.4 degrees is greater than expected for like from like.
Correction 2010-11 and 2011-12 listed as separate events (although they ran into each other)
2010-11 strong 2011-12 moderate. I’ll stay with an increase of +0.4 degrees. A bit hard to call that a cooling signal.
The back to back 2010-12 La Nina was strong and sea level fell, there is little doubt that ENSO is the temperature control knob and not CO2.
Normally at this point El Nino would overreact and put on a strong showing, but because this La Nina has been moderate all I have to offer is that the PDO will definitely return to its negative phase and within a couple of years it’ll be followed by the AMO. Do you understand the significance?
ENSO shifts heat between ocean and atmosphere. It is not the source of the imbalance between incoming and outgoing radiation.
ENSO makes world temperatures rise and fall, it is the temperature control knob and the yarn about radiation imbalance simply doesn’t cut it.
We should focus on observation, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation is a major player and now that the PDO is returning to its negative phase, this new pause in world temperature will continue.
Give us your forecast of where temperatures will be in five years? Using UAH of course.
ENSO does cause rises and falls. And the rises are getting higher and the falls are also getting higher. The overall trend line is up.
Yes but I argue that the trend line will dip down over the next five years because the PDO, in its cool phase, will be joined by AMO neutral.
I don’t need to remind you that you predicted the same 5 years ago.
…2015 – 2016 were warm because of a large El Nino. (These are solar driven.)
If you want warm: Iceland is a good place. They’ve even got a volcano for sale.
See RVK Newscast #100: The Volcano Is Now A Fire Geyser!
Buy it now while it’s being spectacular! It won’t last ….
NZ having a couple of warm days you can ignore. We are about to go into Winter and we take all the warm days we can get. At this time of the year (Southern Hemisphere Winter — almost) the weather is on a direct line from Antarctica. We have been getting warnings about lowering snow levels so the cold is a-comin’. (I live in Auckland, NZ and the weather has been doing nothing unusual — it’s done it all before over the previous 60 years.) It’s raining out there at the moment.
Its on TV right now: The Gates divorce is tied to Epstein.
old news
Melinda’s comment, when asked about her marital sex life was quite clear and unambiguous.
Gee Aye says that it’s old news but she did say it;
that it was micro and soft.
Just rumors and the fact she is as evil as her X
I have just listened to a stock spiel on a new “nano powder” which will enable X25 battery density. End of “range anxiety” for EVs and rechargeable in minutes.
Hang on! The battery can store X25 the energy and reduce charge times to a qtr that from a SuperCharger™. Primary school math says that’s X100 the power in kW.
This fool thinks 25MW can be distributed in a retail setting. WOW
But worse was his constant claim of “endless, virtually free power that will power millions of homes”. The “virtually free” claim must be because wind and solar are “free”. Good luck with that.
That people talk like this is more an indictment of the listeners’ ignorance than the spruker’s hide. While people remain wilfully ignorant there is no chance of enlightenment.
Your comment would be true if they actually suggested they could charge a 25x bigger battery in a qtr the time it takes to charge a standard battery…..
But,.. why would anyone install a 25x bigger battery in a car ? (2500 kWh ?) when they could use that technology to reduce the physical size, weight, and cost , etc …to say one tenth the current the same time doubling the driving range……
….AND…still reduce the charge time significantly (half ?).. assuming a 1.0MW charger can be developed. !
BUT..i would not lose any sleep over this,….these claimed battery developments are just “Fake News”
The spruker, not I, said with such a battery you could drive across the US three times.
My point.
If current batteries are a fire risk and near impossible to put out, I wouldn’t want one with X25 density charging under my bedroom.
STRICTLY FOR AMUSEMENT ONLY, not investment advice you can listen to a little yourself. Too long to listen to it all.
Yes, but its just a wet dream, and as i said , nobody would put a battery of that capacity in a car…(Truck maybe ?)…….for the same reason no one puts a 500gal fuel tank in a car !
Too much unneccessary extra space weight and cost…
But the technology for charging at very high power levels is not inconceivable ..
Norway already has 9.0MW battery chargers installed for their EV ferries..
Thought !.. a 25x capacity home storage battery ( Tesla Powerwall is 14 kWk).. at 300+ kWh , could be very useful to see a house through those long winter nights.
..BUT, you would need one very impressive RT Solar set up to recharge it fully !
If you look closely at the picture I’m sure you can see a hydro power station at the tip of the fjord and a 32kV power line to the wharf. /S
You can do anything you want if you have a HV transmission line to your fence.
The drag lines in the Bowen basin clearing the overburden from the coal seams have “extension cords” that need to be dragged by big dozers. Not sure D9s existed then but they were big. When a dragline dropped its bucket and pulled it to fill there was a noticeable freq. drop in the whole of the north, in spite of what I think was called a “cyclone generator” in the Moranbah sub. It was just a big flywheel designed to add inertia to the system. I spent many nights sleeping with it in the yard.
If a drag line taking a bite could “dim the lights” in the whole of NQ how are you going to provide ultra-super chargers in a suburban setting?
I do not expect many suburban homes will have a MW level power supply…
However, if recharging could be quick enough, there would be no advantage to home recharging.
…but if the “25x” battery tech is available , then as i said, multi MW battery banks would be common ….( 1 MW “community “ batteries are already being installed)…so MW level charge station points could easily be powered from their own dedicated battery banks to charge a 200kWh car pack on a few mins.
bat soup a la carte
5/10-21 India 409/3342= 12.2% increase/day
Brazil 68/980= 6.9% increase/day ave last 2 days
Germany 15/268= 5.6% increase/day
Turkey 18/253= 7.1% increase/day
Indonesia 5/93= 5.4% increase/day ave last 2 days
Russia 8.4/262= 3.2% increase/day
The B.1.617 variant of the Covid-19, known more commonly as the double mutant strain, was first detected in India in October last year. As the name suggests, the strain involves two variants of the virus. The E484Q mutation has characteristics of a previously detected variant – the E484K – which was seen in the fast-spreading Brazilian and South African variants, making it highly transmissible. The L452R mutation, on the other hand, helps the virus evade the body’s immune response. The double mutation strain was subsequently named B.1.617.
The UK, South Africa, Brazil and Indian variants have all undergone changes to their spike protein – the part of the virus which attaches to human cells.
One mutation, called N501Y, shared by some of them, seems to make the virus better at infecting cells and spreading.
Some experts think the UK/Kent strain may be up to 70% more infectious – although research by Public Health England suggested it’s between 30% and 50%.
The South Africa and Brazil variants also have a key mutation, called E484K, that may help the virus evade antibodies, key parts of the immune system which help bodies fight off infection.
Experts recently found a small number of cases of the UK variant that have this change too.
The India variant has some other potentially important mutations (such as L452R) that might make it more transmissible.
immunodeficient patients in India hit by black fungus
As many as 50 million Americans live with an autoimmune disorder caused by the immune response, autoimmunity – an organism’s immune response attacking its healthy cells and tissue.
~1000 Israeli deaths from Astra-Zeneca vaccine
Cases, cases and PCR
1000 deaths in Israel from Astra-Zeneca is false.
Israel hasn’t been using Astra-Zeneca.
Israel is only using the Pfizer–BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.
The linked article states, Pfizer and Moderna in Israel, Astro in Europe.
” Meanwhile, Pfizer’s jab is killing people left and right in Israel, and Moderna’s is not much better, and we have not heard so much as a peep from the government about “pausing” either of those.
In Europe, where AstraZeneca’s injection is being widely used, numerous countries have suspended its use entirely, citing a pandemic of deadly blood clots and other adverse effects.”
Bit of a wires crossing by the author. No biggy!
If you make up stuff it pays to be consistent.
With regard to India , respiratory disease is the greatest cause of death. Delhi is the most polluted city in the world and every year around Nov/Dec and April/ May, Indians get very sick and die with respiratory diseases. Unfortunately their hospital system cannot cope in a normal year and respirators are always thin on the ground. I’m not saying that Sars-cov-2 is not running rampant through the population, but I do think that all respiratory diseases are now being listed under the Covid banner.
Apparently, molnupiravir is effective at treating and stopping COVID. No shots required.
It is broadly effective as an antiviral for many sars/covid strains.
“This is because molnupiravir doesn’t have any effect on the spikes. Instead, it functions by disrupting RNA synthesis in the nucleus of the host cell, so molnupiravir could remain effective, regardless of the spike variants (3).”
We shall see. In the interim, I’m not getting any mRNA stuff.
Afternoon all,
There’s been a new study about our recent bushfires published and this is the ABC’s report on it:
The SMH also made it a front page story today.
I think there’s much to question about it, but whether it’s in the paper or the reporting I can’t say. But this intrigues me:
” Now, the authors of a report published in the Nature, Ecology and Evolution journal found the amount of fuel load — whether it be national parks of private property — had no impact on the severity of the blaze. ”
I suppose it could be true. Maybe they couldn’t distinguish between 20 and 30 years of accumulated fuel load, do you think? Allee same, just off the scale?
Dave B
Another go here
Check the conclusions there
They all seem to avoid a direct link to the paper
The severity of the blaze can be directly attributed to the unseasonal blocking high off Australia’s east coast, which sent hot and blusterly north westerlies along the Great Dividing Range.
The previous severe droughty conditions turned the place into a tinder box.
You cannot have a blaze without fuel. More fuel, more fire. And yes, it is associated with very hot weather. As always.
Something just sounds not right with that report, I wonder what it is.
Its from the Conversation!
“Just 2% of SARS-CoV-2−positive individuals carry 90% of the virus circulating in communities.
We found that 1) the distribution of viral loads observed in our asymptomatic college population was indistinguishable from what has been reported in hospitalized populations.”
Link at
this is a very interesting article about the Lab leak theory for Covid
The evidence is overwhelming, the generals were manufacturing a weapon of mass destruction. On a lighter side, from that link.
‘In 2000 Dutch researchers, for instance, earned the gratitude of rodents everywhere by genetically engineering the spike protein of a mouse coronavirus so that it would attack only cats.’
I can not completely agree with you, There is that link back to the USA for sponsoring “gain of function” research. it was not just the generals
I wondered at the absence of the usual bellicosity and then followed your link and began drowning in rigmarole; I suppose it’s been all your life that your help is mischief for which you have my sympathy.
pF: That is an excellent article. I linked to it a few days ago, but to get sufficient people to notice, someone should link to it every few days for a while. It has the unusual characteristic of being written by a journalist who approaches a claim or question in a scientific manner.
Lefty journalists are now exploring ideas that were unthinkable 1 year ago when Trump was president.
Oh. FYI. It doesn’t matter what the US, AU, UK, EU , or India do about GHGs.
China emits more than all of them combined.
So, this GHG stuff is a Farce. Eh?
In the latest America’s Frontline Doctors newsletter, link below, a worrying sentence was included that, surprise surprise, has not, to my knowledge, been seen in mainstream media. It reads:
“There are now over 4,100 deaths associated with the experimental COVID vaccine. By comparison, an experimental vaccine rollout in the USA in 1976 was permanently halted after just 25 deaths!”
Tucker Carlson spoke about something similar if not the same incident and I notice our health authorities are no longer insisting that the jab’s benefits outweigh its risks.
Interesting that Rupert Murdoch was one of the first people in the world to get the vaccine back in December 2020 while pundits on this networks promote anti-vaxxer rubbish.
Shooting the messenger I see.
Usual 006.5 job
Sounds like how a media organisation might operate, not having program level stuff dictated by the CEO. I guess lefties are conditioned to just regurgitating talking points and memes handed down from above.
Its really hard to make a reasonable risk/reward decision
if you don’t know the risks and you don’t know the rewards.
I’m old. I took the jab. My oncoming mortality is pretty well assured,
and Covid is nasty for folks in my cohort.
I have no problem with a thinking person of 30 reaching the opposite conclusion.
I have a horrible problem with a government trying to do our thinking for us, given a record
of abject failure of policy in almost everything recently, and a proclivity for mushroom farm
public relations: plant em in horse manure and keep em in the dark.
The Russians are proposing two new routes between Japan and Europe and the US after the commercial disaster of the blocked Suez canal.
Firstly an Arctic route which would be helped greatly by loss of sea ice and with the world’s biggest nuclear icebreaker
and secondly a sealed train. Each would take thousands of miles off the journey.
However a quick look at the Suez shows that they need to develop more of the canal as two separate canals so that blockages are impossible. At a guess, 30% of the canal is already a dual canal system.
We hear so much about how melting sea ice is a disaster for the world. And none of it makes sense. Opening a short route through the arctic would be a great result. After all 60% of people live in this third of the planet. And while Murmansk (69.0 North) is 250km inside the Arctic circle, it has a population of 300,000 people. (Australian base at Mawson is at 67’36”, winter population 18 people)
There is another problem here. China has a military base on the on the ‘Horn of Africa ‘ one end of the Suez and they are building what will be the largest port in Europe in Greece opposite the other end of the Suez. They have also signed up Panama for a belts and road debt, whereby they plan to build a bridge over the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal is used mostly by China and America for sea traffic to and from the east coast of America.
As for the Arctic as a shipping lane, China is hassling Canada because it wants to put infrastructure on Canadian territory.
They practically control manufacturing and are now working on distribution.
It certainly looks like they want control of the Suez, the way they have hit up Egypt with debt.
More smoke and mirrors?
“Labor sparks push to lower cost of power and electric cars”
queenslandcountrylife posted that without a trace of disbelief. :sigh:
Evolutionary theory meets racism. Charles Darwin is the next white man on the list to be canceled. This will be awkward for atheists.
Charles Darwin has become the latest historical scientist to run afoul of the push to “decolonise the curriculum” in Britain.
Don’t read Breitbart writing about the book, sight unseen, read the actual book –
Darwin is one paragraph and I tend to agree with the critiques that it is not based on evidence
Don’t read Breitbart writing about the book, sight unseen, read the
actual bookmy extract.20
I sent a link to the book. Did you want me to post it all?
I recall the ABC showing a documentary a few years ago about cool season burning in the NT. Apparently, back then it was thought (probably based on scientific evidence) that cool season burning produced less CO2 that hot season bushfires, so much so that an oil drilling company paid local indigenous people to burn off the fuel load during the cool season, the company then claiming carbon credits from the reduced CO2
There doesn’t seem to be much truly asymptomatic (people that never get symptoms) transmission of covid, mainly pre-symptomatic.
‘We determined secondary attack rates (SAR) among close contacts of 59 asymptomatic and symptomatic coronavirus disease case-patients by presymptomatic and symptomatic exposure. We observed no transmission from asymptomatic case-patients and highest SAR through presymptomatic exposure. Rapid quarantine of close contacts with or without symptoms is needed to prevent presymptomatic transmission.’
‘Viral culture studies suggest that people with SARS-CoV-2 can become infectious one to two days before the onset of symptoms and continue to be infectious up to seven days thereafter; viable virus is relatively short lived. Symptomatic and presymptomatic transmission have a greater role in the spread of SARS-CoV-2 than truly asymptomatic transmission’
Use of ivermectin could end this virus pandemic.
It is effective for prophylaxis and for treatment.
Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19
Authors: Pierre Kory, MD G. Umberto Meduri, MD Jose Iglesias, DO Joseph Varon, MD Keith Berkowitz, MD Howard Kornfeld, MD Eivind Vinjevoll Scott, Mitchell, MD Fred Wagshul, MD Paul E. Marik, MD
Published in: American Journal of Therapeutics
Paper available on:
Cheap. Available. Safe. Effective as a preventative. Effective as a cure even on late stage. Eliminates after effects on recovered patients (post covid).
Available common use drugs which may help some survive one of the one the most allegedly deadly pathogens since 1347.
Why are they attacked from the press and political circles with such ferocity?
To mention them, brings accusations of ‘conspiracy theorist’.
To me, this a clue.
Walks like a duck.
Who in power want’s it to end? There are trillions gravitating from the workers/middle class/small businessmen’s pockets into the swamp.
D’ya reckon Fauci would want his financials examined as he [prolly] insists Trump’s should?
In regard to Fauci’s role in this, go read the article that Peter Fitzroy links to in comment number 19. Fascinating.
A site that came up in comments at SDA
The first thread looks interesting
Budget day today in Oz. Our government is spraying money everywhere like a water canon at a Hong Kong democracy rally. It will have to be paid back……long after the current government ministers have retired.
Aunty Pravda’s rolling news feed of unacceptable articles for the 11th May – #freepointy
Who on earth listens to ANY politician these days? Politicians (with a few exceptions) have only one thing in mind: POWER and GETTING RE-ELECTED. Doesn’t matter what wing they are on; they have been seduced by the morphine of POWER.
Back up thread a way, nested too deeply to reply, is this “challenge” of sorts from Jo.
I will discuss this. First, I live in a place where the hysterical among us decided to give 15,000 PCR tests per week to people who had no symptoms. The usefulness of all this is unknown because no one really had a reasonable plan for using the test, or measuring outcomes. The test packaging said clearly “not for diagnostic purposes.”
Any test, medical or otherwise, with a potential false positive/negative rate has to be interpreted as a conditional probability in the light of other independent evidence. This has been known for many decades. When the disease this test is meant to uncover has small prevalence in a community, then the false positive rate of the test will have large influence on what the test indicates as measured “prevalence”. Thus, if the disease has a prevalence of 0.5% and the test has a 1% false positive rate, and there is no clinical symptom, then the posterior probability of the recipent of a positive result of the test being truly positive is about one-third — I’m not going to make an exact calculation.
A result of “not ill” has to be calculated similarly — could be a false negative. A false negative is disastrous to the effort of trying to control spread of disease if interpreted naively.
False positives can be related to excessive cycle numbers being applied; false negatives from sampling body locations where the virus is not expressed reliably.
This is exactly the situation we faced September 1 to November 15. We had an epidemic locally in progress for sure. But we also had a growing number of “lab confirmed cases” with every other indication the person had no symptoms and was never infectious and should have been considered a false positive. All it did was drive anxiety, hysteria, and the piling on of new absurd rules and efforts atop previous absurd rules and efforts. No idea what actually occurred because there are no useful measures of anything real, but many people taking the stance they did everything just right. Unscientific science.
The answer to your question of why test is that there is transmission from people with no symptoms. You test to contain the outbreak. If there are some people among those who who isolate without being infectious and the outbreak is contained because of the testing then so be it.
The test does not have a 1% false positive rate. You made that up. You final sentence says it all about your claims (why insert that put down of yourself?)
In Australia we have 10s of thousands of tests/day – many days we get no positives and many days we get positives linked to known cases or tracable to a known case.
So, what is the false positive rate?
It increases with Ct of course, about a Ct of 34 consider 50% to 100%. The lower the true infection rate, the more inaccurate the result.
This link shows the way these calcs can be done.
Eg. if the false positive rate is 0.5% then 50% or more of the positive results can be wrong.
It doesn’t really because amplifications that occur after 35 cycles can be detected and the patient retested. In such a case there is either no false positive or the retest confirms it as a positive.
Furthermore, these are real time PCR and you can see in what cycle the amplified product was first detected. So where is the problem? You also need to be aware that the false positive rates cited are not per teswt but they are the rate of false positives out of all positives.
Claim: Weak Net Zero Pledges Provide an Opportunity to Force Real Climate Action
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
Let’s have some fun with maths!
There are currently about 400 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide (CO2), a colourless, odourless gas, per million in Earth’s atmosphere. Lots of people are horrified that it has risen from around 250 ppm over time, but seem unaware that the CO2 levels were much higher in times long ago.
So what exactly does 400 ppm per million really represent? Here are a few illustrations:
Illustration 1
Most people eat three meals per day. To consume 2500 meals would take 2500/3 days, ie, 833 days, with a further meal on the 834th day. That is two non-leap years, plus a further 104 days.
Illustration 2
A rugby union match half normally takes forty minutes, or 2400 seconds. But, for various reasons, play can be extended until the referee calls time. So an additional 100 seconds, or three minute and twenty seconds, are possible. Let’s assume that this situation occurred. What that means is that, if you are viewing the entire half, our 400 ppm equates to one second of your viewing! You may have blinked and missed it!
Illustration 3
You go to your favourite restaurant once a month. To have 2500 meals there, you need to live 2500/12 months, or 208 years and four months. Good luck!
However, as my TV ads keep assuring/threatening/exhorting me, “But wait! There’s more!” And indeed there is. That’s because that mankind accounts for only three percent of the Earth’s CO2. The remainder in natural. This means that we need to adjust our time estimates for our three illustrations by a factor of 33.33.
Thus for Illustration 1, we need 833.3 X 33.33 days to accomplish our meal tally. That’s 271,100 days, or a bit over 742 years!
For Illustration 2, that means your viewing of the half or the rugby union match is reduced to three one-hundredths of a second!
And now for Illustration 3! Your life expectancy will now need to extend to 208.33 x 33.33, or 7,677 years! Methuselah eat your heart out!
Do you really want me to now factor in Australia’s miniscule share of CO2 emissions??? Please! I think I have already made my point!
China Suggests Greta Thunberg is an Ignorant Political Puppet
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
Maybe JCU didn’t get the message?
“Quail says:
11 May 2021 at 6:07 pm
Hilarious. I could hear them in my mind, “OMG people can be critical of science! How dare they! Urrr they have some good points and methods… But we must cover our asses in the conclusions!”
“MIT researchers ‘infiltrated’ a Covid skeptics community a few months ago and found that skeptics place a high premium on data analysis and empiricism… Most fundamentally, the groups we studied believe that science is a process, and not an institution…. Its members value individual initiative and ingenuity, trusting scientific analysis only insofar as they can replicate it themselves by accessing and manipulating the data firsthand…” ”
And the following comment by Chiefio
Here is the publication
It is very unflattering about the covid skeptics unless you pick and choose quotes like Chiefio does. Basically they conclude that the skeptics select their data visualisations to satisfy a socio-political view. The fact that they are skilled at data analysis and visualisation would surprise no one here- nor would they be surprised that it is selective and targetted so as to push an agenda.
Thanks for a reference that will not down-load
Some book reviews
“Climate book shelf”
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
“Is Viagra the Cure?”
“It is more or less impossible to catch COVID-19 outdoors
Posted on May 12, 2021 by currencylad
David Leonhardt in the New York Times has had enough of a lie beloved of quacks and wackos.”
The New York Times even!
remember all that angst about BLM protests?
IIRC the hypocrisy around that did get a mention
Remember the banned ANZAC Day marches? The police heave-handedness with anti-lockdown protests outdoors?
I’ve just read
Paul Dale and Vikki Petraitis “Cops, Drugs, Lawyer X and Me”.
I wonder if anyone asked his opinion of VicPol after Cardinal Pell and their Peking Pox performances?
Yes… outdoor marches should be OK. Though with masks and minimising close contact
Gee! Eh?
“Health Experts Admit Outdoor Mask Wearing Is Ridiculous”
CDC. 11-May-2021. admits lying, Wuhu not as contagious as originally claimed. was claimed- 10%. now say outdoor transmission below 1% or below 0.1%, zero.
Reason- justify mass unsupervised mail voting.
even NYT says- A huge Exaggeration
We live in dangerous times: China is intent on annexing Taiwan and Hamas is raining rockets on Israel, and we know Israel has a low tolerance to that sort of thing.
Hanrahan states the bleedin’ obvious (sheesh)