With the US Defence Force about to release “something” on UFO’s, these very engaging videos from Mick West are persuasive and apropos. But if smart guys with trigonometry and metadata can explain how these aliens are mysterious camera artefacts — surely the Pentagon can too?
Why then are they called “unexplained” and why are they being released as teasers for “the big news?” Did the DoD forget parallax and gymbal corrections?
Apparently 120 incidents will be reviewed in June. Former intelligence director John Ratcliffe has hinted the report will be a big deal. Let’s hope they saved the best stuff. I’m looking forward to a good tantalizing mystery.
Michael Shermer (of Skeptic.com infamy) wrote this all up in a long feature on Quillette:
Understanding the Unidentified
The “Go Fast” video purportedly shows an object with no heat source (and therefore propelled by some unconventional engine) that appears to move impossibly fast just above the surface of the ocean. West then conducted what he describes as “10th grade trigonometry” (based on the numbers provided in the video image itself) to show that, in fact, the object was well above the ocean surface at around 13,000 feet and was probably just a weather balloon traveling at about 30–40 knots. “Because of the extreme zoom and because the camera is locked onto this object … the motion of the ocean in this video is actually exactly the same as the motion of the jet plane itself. You’re seeing something that’s actually hardly moving at all and all of the apparent motion is the parallax effect from the jet flying by.
Seriously, these are much better videos than I expected. Very well done.
…Flir1 and Gimbal, says [Mick West, a columnist for Skeptic magazine], are what one would see if a jet were flying away from the camera, thus accounting for the eyewitness accounts that the object showed no directional control surfaces or exhaust. The apparent saucer-like shape of the Gimbal object, West continues, are due to glare on the lens of the camera. As he told the San Diego Union-Tribune reporter Andrew Dyer, “What we’re seeing in the distance is essentially just the glare of a hot object,” most likely that “of an engine — maybe a pair of engines with an F/A-18 — something like that.”
The odd pyramid aliens spring from an unfocused triangular aperture.
Commenters are getting into the swing after the Just Bokeh video:
It seems a bit hard to believe that with millions of high quality cameras in everyone’s pockets, along with military grade cameras that can resolve newspaper text from space, that we still do not have any clear images of UFOs as yet.
Funny about that huh?
I like the idea from Prof Michael Masters — that aliens might be time-travelling humans from the future coming back to study us. (h/t El gordo)
But why not argue that ET is actually a traveler from across the vastness of space, from a distant planet? Wouldn’t that be a simpler answer?
“I would argue it’s the opposite,” Masters responded. “We know we’re here. We know humans exist. We know that we’ve had a long evolutionary history on this planet. And we know our technology is going to be more advanced in the future. I think the simplest explanation, innately, is that it is us. I’m just trying to offer what is likely the most parsimonious explanation.”
He calls it Archaeological Tourism — is that where future-people can fly back and watch democracy unravel?
I’m hoping US DoD is as trustworthy as the IPCC.
Deception is a part of their job.
If you have technology that you wish to keep secret, but which must be operated in a way that cannot avoid accidental exposure, you would be clever to encourage a high number of “UFO sightings” in the hope that any sighting of real technology would be dismissed as just another fake or gullible loony.
We certainly hope that our military does have technology that they don’t want potential enemies to know about.
Years ago I saw an illustration on the cover of a SF magazine, in which a mother ship was projecting a kind of 3D image of itself, like the beam of a flashlight, and the image was semi-materialized so the on-board instruments could transmit ghostly information to its base. Being like a flashlight beam, its movements were not subject to momentum, and could turn right angle corners instantly, and accelerate rapidly. I thought it might be capable of being fully materialized on command and would then be the mothership itself. Beam me down, Scotty.
70 odd years ago I saw Dick Tracy using a 2 way wrist radio.
With a TV screen.
Interesting concept.
“Go Fast” is an example of fixating on the report and not looking at the data. West actually bothered to do the very simple math and the results explain in a very good demonstration that Occam’s Razor is almost always right. As a pilot I recognized the foreground/background apparent vs real motion as a likely explanation. The range and angle info was not needed to explain what I’ve seen nearly every time I’ve flown and watched for other aircraft in the area (which in southern Calfornia exist in abundance).
Its a perspective most people dont get and it can be quite pronounced at times. With two objects in flight the apparent speed and location over ground of another object can be quite deceptive. At first you have to fight your mind as (in my case) I knew that object could only move slowly yet visually it appeared to be quite quick.
I find it really strange that all video of “aliens” are ALWAYS blurred & shaky, never in colour, & always in some obscure location wit never more than one or many two witnesses. They tend yo look like a doctored / bad quality video game!
“INCIDENTS” like these always occur when a government is desperately trying to divert attention away from a political quagmire in which the said government is sinking in the said stinking quagmire.
Sound pretty much like the USA under “President Joe Fraud”.
Here guys, pull the other one, Give it a couple of months and they’ll put the video back in the cupboard and dust it off again when the public have forgotten about the political quagmire & the corny video.
Remember whe Bill Clinton was in a jam, someone suddenly” found a piece of moon rock “ with a fossilised microbe buried in it. I wonder which dusty shelf that is on & when will it be used again!!
Good find Jo on the first video. Haven’t yet looked at the others. I always suspected there was a non-alien explanation. Why the DoD didn’t explain it that way? All I can surmise is they knew but didn’t want to tell the public. They want to trickle feed to convince as many people as possible there are friendly aliens visiting us but in fact they are demonic forces and certain people in power are colluding with them to instigate a NWO. Time will tell if this is right over the next couple of decades or so. One thing is for sure. If there are real aliens visiting us, I still wouldn’t trust them until they prove themselves to be friendly.
‘I always suspected there was a non-alien explanation.’
Yes, we’ll have to wait until the verdict is handed down on the 25th.
They are friendly to humans because we are part of an experiment they are conducting.
‘ … and certain people in power are colluding with them to instigate a NWO.’
Highly unlikely, its of Biblical proportions. More than likely the answer should reveal itself through crop circles this NH summer.
I know someone who is a big alien UFO believer, he even puts alien images and statues all around his house. He also believes the moon landings were a hoax, passenger jets spray Chemtrails, and he’s a raving climate alarmist.
I guess that makes him a normal Leftist.
There one simple way to try and change people’s view that the moon landings were a hoax. Let them visit the astronauts that did go to the moon. The chances are the doubters would end up with very sore noses and/or eyes.
Here is an astronaut with street cred.
Some also believe in God and some are atheists. The point I was making is they all believed man went to the moon, as I do. Those that don’t are just ignorant, fools, etc., the same kind who believe the earth is flat, cube or doughnut shaped.
You’re ignoring the fact that there are infinitely stubborn humans who, for what ever reason, refuse to acknowledge the truth in front of them. There would still be those who speak to an astronaut and walk away saying the astronaut was very well brainwashed, as he/she genuinely believed what they were saying.
There are people who have been thru the US University system who are vehement that the earth is flat! An education now doesn’t denote that an individual has common sense or deductive reasoning skills, merely that they repeated what they’d been told to satisfy exam parameters for a certificate saying they ‘graduated’.
It’s almost like they’re stupid.
Another YouTuber who has looked at these videos and thoroughly debunked them is Thunderf00t. He is generally very good although he once made comments leading me to believe he was an anthropogenic global warming True Believer.
Here are his Pentagon UFO debunking videos.
https://youtu.be/mfhAC2YiYHs part 1 from 1 yr ago
https://youtu.be/3viYcYPRdu4 part 2 from 1 year ago
https://youtu.be/Th4VlqQyVr4 recent
https://youtu.be/VCH7BWGpl5s recent
I like TF’s channel although just now and then his ignorance shows. But he’s right on the Hyperloop fiasco, he’s right about silly things like Solar Roadways, and he’s almost completely right on UFOs.
Id be wondering what the gummint agenda is behind making a big deal about it right now. As Roosvelt said, nothing in politics happens by accident. If you can effectively create a massive global psyop to convince the population of the globe to take what appears to be a dodgy mRNA device, how can you rule out this also being iffy with an agenda behind it?
I mean, its not like they dont have form…
The IPCC exists to find climate change.
The Medical Industrial Complex exists to find disease.
The Military Industrial Complex exists to find threats.
I think they’ve been feeling outdone lately.
Politicians exist to find lies.
just to maximise personal gain like most people
there is no agenda. 2017 Trump put funding into it contingent upon the findings be made public. This release’s timing is about as expected.
It’s disturbing that the most powerful military in the world (soon to be surpassed by China by the deliberate plan of President Imposter Biden and his handlers) has people who defer to the supernatural or junk science in deference to real science and logic.
The Australian military is not much better. Apart from their focus being on gender and sexu@lity issues and the system being rigged with systemic racism and sexism against straight white males rather than warfighting capability they recently engaged a ceremony with indigenous Australians to:
They don’t need to have pagan/animist ceremonies to “cleanse and ward off bad spirits from the land”, that’s why taxpayers give them billions of dollars to purchase powerful weapons to do this.
“With assistance from the Bindal dance group”
I recall a recent ship launch where the ceremony included a group of scantily clad women dancing, which drew criticism from the likes of the ABC. A few days later it was said that the Defence Department invited a group of dancers to perform an indigenous dance, so either it’s OK to have indigenous dancers or the Defence Department had some input to the dancing performed.
for a traditional ceremony , the whole smoking thing certainly only seems to have achieved popularity in recent years.
It was a modern invention by Ernie Dingo in 1973.
The Chaplains’ Department should take action to stop this spiritual contamination from sorcerers involved in these ungodly performances
These sightings are no joke, according to Wikipedia no one is yet to explain the Hockey Stick object emerging from the tree line in Yamal Siberia over 20 years ago.
Yonniestone, I looked that up but couldn’t see a reference to it. Do you have a link?
Sorry, missed it the first time…
Well done. It took me a while.

Actually that was debunked some time ago by several people. One of them is Steve McIntyre some 10 years ago. For those who are interested his work on it can be found here:
The Left don’t believe in objective reality. To them, reality is whatever one wants it to be. They have a fundamentally different way of thinking from others (for discussion of that see “On the Subjective Mental State of Liberals by Charles Haywood https://theworthyhouse.com/2018/11/04/on-the-subjective-mental-state-of-liberals/).
Hence examples like:
Man is causing the world to warm when he isn’t.
A man can become a woman and visa versa.
The government can keep spending unlimited amounts of borrowed money with no repayment plan and without consequence.
The Chinese communists only want to do good in the world.
You can run an industrial civilisation on wind, solar and big batteries.
Anomalous radar or FLIR returns are automatically aliens from another planet.
Note also, the Biden Maladministration is concerned by illegal aliens from other planets but unconcerned about real aliens crossing the southern border.
Don’t forget ‘ballot recounts are racist’.
Forget what the camera shows the radar is all that matters
…. and human observation. Throughout history people have documented inexplicable flying objects.
The absence of sonic booms says a lot.
Nope, just not there.
When you have air superiority, the pilots get bored and start chasing the dust bunnies on their screens
” that aliens might be time-travelling humans from the future coming back to study us. ” At this point in ‘our time’ they are not arriving to study us because where they are time wise, they are still at the travel experimental hit and miss stage. You do not just think of an idea, build some gadgets and immediately you can pick the time and place of where you want to go. Then of course how do you know your time traveler did go back in time? You get them to send you a message that will be unique enough to not only pass the test of time but also stand out despite the passage of time. Consider messengers like Leonardo Da Vinci (Mona Lisa, helicopter prototype) Nostradamus (prophecies) Tesla (AC/DC etc). All stand outs as being so “far ahead of their time”.
Of course like covid there isn’t just one laboratory working on this and not all the laboratories are “friendly” or humanity orientated. Perhaps the workers in ‘our current future’ laboratories are having their meddling undone/corrected by the laboratories from ‘their current future’. Maybe that is why our present is so screwed up because the individual futures are in conflict with each other and at this point in time we are getting all the unfriendly non-humanitarian “stupids” that some laboratories have been sent back.
Where is the Hadron Collider when you need it?
At this point in time they are here to save us from ourselves.
Civilisations closer to galaxy central have been coming here for eons, but when we started dropping atomic bombs it became obvious that these glorified apes would soon develop an arsenal. Nuclear holocaust would be our future, so they have prevented that happening.
Then there is Covid, a new extinction threat which slipped under the entities radar and they are powerless to do anything about it.
You need to unplug mate.
But if that’s the case the really skilled time travellers further out in time would come back and erase all the stuff-ups wouldn’t they? Leaving, as you suggest, the obvious markers for the future to see.
But then of course if the apprentice time travellers did something really stupid the future might have been erased leaving us with the mess we have? It’s turtles all the way down methinks?
I became very interested in UFO stuff in the 90’s because of a US govt finding of many years ago: the better quality sighting the less likelihood it will be attributed to something known. If you had of told me that every person would be equipped with a video then I would have thought then that it would be a well illuminated subject by now.
But fast forward and it’s just more of the same. Indistinct object…..couldn’t make it out….seemed to change shape….did some amazing stuff…. then disappeared. If you have no idea what it is and it’s only 100 feet away it’s probably not an alien craft but the usual suspects will want to attribute it to aliens.
WW2 was probably the first time we flew long hours at high altitude in bigger type planes and pilots began reporting strange balls of light but they had a lot more to worry about than what we now know as ST Elmo’s fire. It’s the rush to attribute that drives Ufology…..if that’s a rightful term.
Foo Fighters.
You’ve seen a mirage, right? Yeah, well they occur at night also.
Don’t panic!
I’ve seen the saucers: Obama weighs in as US interest in UFOs rises
Hillary knows the truth …
Hillary Clinton Gives U.F.O. Buffs Hope She Will Open the X-Files
These people also can see doomsday global warming when they
licklook out windows.30
The UFO pix and meme simply represents displacement propaganda and amounts to “don’t look at me” (Biden’s presidency) “look at this” (way more interesting and click worthy).
Once you realise this, you know why it has “become respectable” and been introduced for a long run in the mainstream media.
Joe’s never been married to Benazir Bhutto but that shouldn’t preclude his being also known as Mister Ten Percent as was Asif Ali Zardari throughout his long career of service to an adoring public in Pakistan; maybe just go five for now and leave the full ten percent until his second term.
I’m a retiring farmer. I worked outdoors a lot. I have seen a great many unidentified flying objects, especially in later years as my eyesight deteriorated.
A couple are worth mentioning, though they weren’t exactly flying.
On a clear day I saw an object at about 11 o’clock in the sky with the sun about 2 o’clock. It didn’t appear to be moving. I thought it must have been a big balloon. But it didn’t seem to be moving at all. After a time it had moved to the west. I then worked out that it must have been the planet Venus, with the sky so clear that it was visible in daylight. Only once did I ever see that.
Another time in winter I saw seven different halos in the sky at the one time. Only one was I familiar with. I rang the BOM in Sydney and Julie Evans sent me a copy of a description of the Parhelic Circle, but my parhelic circle, while not complete had twice the frequency of mock suns. there were two rainbow coloured circles of different size more or less overhead that I can’t begin to imagine an explanation for. There waa a halo similar to the one you often see in a cloud near the sun, but of bigger diameter. Just possibly having its centre at the horizon. Other people must have rung the BOM too, because Alan Humphries mentioned it on the ABC weather report on TV.
I’ve seen Venus in daytime, can’t remember when that was though.
You and President Lincoln!
I have seen Venus in the daytime a number of times. Thenext best time to see it in daylight is likley October 2021.
“especially in later years as my eyesight deteriorated”
Maybe the problem right there.
More fluff to occupy fluffy minds. Meanwhile, lots of very strange real stuff happening. Ballot recount results looming, Fauci and busses, war posturing.
Anything for a diversion with all this happening.
Speaking on behalf of the fluffy contingent, no matter what Biden says on this matter, it won’t be believed.
That’s not so according to a lot of leftists – they all believe in him so strongly.
Tragically, the US now has the perfect storm of a society dominated by incompetence, stupidity, Orwellian thought, irrational and illogical beliefs, Marxist ideology and a stolen presidency. It may not survive this current crisis
‘It may not survive this current crisis’
That might be the desired outcome.
We should be grateful for small mercies, UFO appear to be bipartisan.
‘This is one topic on which Republicans and Democrats agree: 30% of the former and 32% of the latter describe UFOs as alien spacecraft from other planets. Belief is a bit higher among political independents, at 38%.
‘These findings are based on a Gallup poll conducted in August 2019.’ (Gallup)
Maybe it is a new, non-political-partisanship, experiment for credulity.
You can fool some of the people all of the time … but how many is some?
Over 60% of US citizens are rational and don’t believe in this nonsense of alien invasion.
‘While Americans are inclined to think UFOs are not alien spacecraft, they are more apt to believe alien life forms exist beyond Earth. A June 2019 poll found 49% of Americans believing there are “people somewhat like ourselves” living on other planets. A much larger percentage, 75%, said that “life of some form” exists elsewhere in the universe.’
Its seems many parts of the US are deeply into and entrenched in Idiocracy (that movie that used to be a comedy and has turned documentary/reality) I expect some kind of division is inevitable even if it was previously unthinkable.
Well of course Unidentified Flying Objects are real.
All hail the Flying Spagetti Monster.
Can you say “Squirrel”?
As in “look a squirrel” being the parasitic overloads response to any questions about their massive incompetence and wastage.
or now its”You racist hater” in response to any invitation to actually do the job they claim we are being taxed to finance..
Our current “leaders” and I use that term very loosely ,will do anything to evade responsibility.
The more angry we citizens become over the gross abuses meted out to us during this Dread Covid Theatre,the more these idiots will cling to power.
For only by “controlling” the investigation and review,can they evade being held to account for the actions they took.
If and when their colleges abroad are tried for the criminal actions taken by them during this endless “medical emergency”,I expect we will see instigation of a hot war.
UFO’s and Aliens will not provide sufficient distraction from the current failure in office.
But a “Just War” that will do nicely,infinitely prolonging the “emergency” and making it easy to round up every critic and dread covid vaccine victim.
Now you may call me too cynical.
But after the utter shitshow of the last 15 months,are you sure?
Tic tac: I’m sorry – a load of rubbish. The target tracking system of the fighter jet is locked onto the target and then follows the target leading the aircraft. That is clearly visible. Look at the locking process then look at the relative movement of the background. The angular velocity of the craft is way too fast for it to be a distant jet.
Triangular UFO: a triangular iris would block out anything outside it. Iris’ are normally circular as that makes them easier to control effectively. Triangular makes no sense. It’s not a pyramid, it’s a triangle – that’s clearly visible.
What does occur is digitisation artefacts where compression (JPEG) is being used. This are at great distance (low resolution) and are rectangular in shape. GPU’s, however, use triangles (2D) and tetrahedrons (3D) to build up objects. So a triangle could be an indication of a CGI.
The tic thing is really disappointing.
Vehicle safety regulations must have gotten the aliens too.
No more cool flying saucers.
Tic Tac, the alien Honda Civic.
Now see here John R Bloody Smith – I drive a gen 8 Civic (2010 model) and it’s a damn fine car!
I’m all hurt.
No offense intended … Tic Tac, the alien Toyota Prius.
I was just imagining the Millennium Falcon as a Tic Tac.
The future looks disappointing.
Here is an excerpt from a paper that analysed the increase in UFO sightings and global warming.
“There is a strong, statistically significant proportionality between global temperature increase and cumulative increase in UFO sightings. We conclude that the data are consistent with the proposition that the observed warming since 1910 can be explained as an effect of UFOs perhaps by way of their unnatural perturbation of earth’s gravitational and magnetic fields. We propose that the observed warming since 1910 is directly related to atmospheric perturbations of UFO activity.”
It was actually tongue and cheek, but had more evidence and likelihood than the mad conspiracy theory that human released CO2 drives global temperature.
(Press Conference)
Mr President, Sir, why has this only come to light since you took Office.
Joe – Oh! No! We’ve had this information for a while now. Our experts are only now completely working it all out.
Mr President, Sir, I notice that the footage was only taken in the skies over California, a Democrat State. Is there other footage?
Joe – Oh! No. We also have footage taken over Florida, and that’s a Republican State, only we’re not sure of the reliability of that footage.
Mr President, Sir, I understand that on one occasion, there was some form of speech contact with one of the pilots. Is that true.
Joe – Yes, that is true, and it’s so exciting. We have our best people working on it right now. We understand that Nanu Nanu is a form of greeting.
They may be ice-cream delivery drones!
Remarkable news to say the least. Trump just boldly announced “we’re going to take back the Senate, take back the House, we’re going to take back the White House – and sooner than you think,” adding, “It’s going to be really something special.” This is hot on the heals of Trump addressing but not necessarily believing in the existence of UFOs as the release of the Pentagon report nears. Oh dear!
Why do you say Oh Dear!
This only started with Joe Biden. Possibly payback for the Hollywood influence on the election and their demonization of Donald Trump.
I sense a whole new series of alien adventures. Perhaps the Star Wars franchise but with woke female leads, a little like the all female version of Ghostbusters. You know when it’s Batman vs Superman that they have run out of stories.
Perhaps Snow White meets Darth Vader on Mars? Jim Carrey can play Snow White if he hasn’t take the part of Cinderella in Cinderella meets Predator meets Alien? This is what happens when Hollywood is in the White House. Weekend at Bidens. And Joe Biden is shown riding a bicycle, just to show the world that he has balance for another Encounters of the Third Kind. Or new Whitehouse version of Mars Attacks! with Joe Biden and a cameo by Jack Nicholson who is five years older at 84.
Interesting comments, I must say. Living and working in the bush, one does tend to see much more than when in an urban environment.
Of the many things that I’ve witnessed over the years, at least one was reported publicly and another privately.
The “Ball of Light”, as reported in The Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton’s local rag for many years) some time between 1969 and 1972, I saw 100 km north of Rockhampton (moving at great speed from the direction of Mt Princhester toward the Army training area [SWBTA] AND, as reported, it was seen at the exact same time on lakes Creek Road, North Rockhampton – with a further sighting at Gailes (near Ipswich, Qld) some 6 +/- minutes later.
Actual date & times I no longer remember – but I’m sure some enterprising soul will have the time & inclination to do a search – if only for no other reason than to “pooh pooh” this post.
It may well transpire that the incident was reported in other publications at that time.
Not a “UFO” as I understand the term to mean but certainly large enough (30+ metres in diameter and less than one km away) not to be mistaken for some miniscule light way off in the distance, on a hazy night.
Here is a list of historical sightings for central Queensland, maybe its in there.
Thank you, el gordo.
Unfortunately, nothing to be read.
One day the Bully will be fully searchable on line – then someone still alive who may have read this will find it.
I could expand on many ‘funny’ things that have happened over the years – but I’m not sure I could withstand the finger pointing and giggles (hence the reason for only raising one which I knew had been in print).
Well if it happened in QLD, then that clinches it! … UFOs are real then!
In general the US armed forces have a growng drone problem. Ships and planes being buzzed in sensitive areas all the time. Are they spy drones? Or are some of them US aircraft even too secret for even the USAAF to know about?
All incidents can’t be camera artifacts. Unidentified flashes of light have been seen with naked eye. There are also a lot of books and stories that base on wild imagination.
UFOs fit to the narrative of need of global government. “news” can be sold. Sheeple remains in fear.
Imagination is required to connect the observations to life outside earth.
‘Sheeple remains in fear.’
Not if they come in peace.
Get a grip mate.
Maybe just me but I find all this just so embarrassing. The Universe has around 2 trillion galaxies. The closest of all these galaxies is 25,000 lights years away. The speed of light is around 1 billion km/hour. If someone could master travel and travel say 1 million km/h, it would still take 25 million years to travel here. Can anyone see a problem here. Worm holes may be a theoretical possibility with the concept of space eventually curving back on itself. But the creation of a tube connecting 2 galaxies that permits matter to travel through in what could only be an energy blender is just too Hollywood for me.
‘ … too Hollywood for me.’
Overcoming the tyranny of distance, we have seen a quantum leap since the start of the Industrial Revolution. So the argument goes that these outliers have the ability to travel at the speed of light, something humanity has not yet achieved.
Let us assume they came this way millions of years ago and found a beautiful jewel in the habitable zone. Life flourished in every nook and cranny, only wild beasts, but they noted one creature which had the physically potential to become a space cadet.
I came back to earth and alienated myself from commenting.
Given the number of sightings and duration, it appears that aliens make a quick decision to get the hell out of here.
Stars are only light-years away. Proxima Centauri is just a bit more than 4 lightyears. Mike’s talk of Galaxies is thus misleading.
What nobody can explain is why aliens are putting weather balloons into our atmosphere!? Are they worried about climate change? Will they postpone their invasion if the climate is too hot for them?
“He calls it Archaeological Tourism — is that where future-people can fly back and watch democracy unravel?”
Nah, they just want to save the human race from an earth ravaged by climate change.
Have you not seen “Interstellar”?
IMO – The release of these UFO files is somewhat surprising and raises the red political flag. It’s seems like a distraction topic as it adds no value to anything, especially considering the world is suffering from a pandemic as well as left wing political extremism, which is seeking to overturn our liberal democracies. If we assume that this is purely a political smoke screen to obfuscate more significant news items from the remaining non partisan media (eg: Fox news), then it’s not working too well as almost every person on planet earth would be calling BS on any links to aliens. If the US military thought it was Chinese or Russian technology, then it would be totally zipped up and never released.
In this light, I’m still wondering what is the purpose ?. Is it attempting to deflect from the Fauci emails and government involvement in funding the virus ?. Or, is it a baiting exercise to try and distract the Chinese military to start searching for fake objects ?. With the current timing, I’m thinking the Fauci emails, but it’s possible that the virus lab release has deeper roots within US government and there are possibly bigger targets within the Democratic leadership group.
In reply to:
“The release of these UFO files is somewhat surprising and raises the red political flag.” Bingo.
I totally agree. The Democrats/fake media have almost 100% control of the US political system and what subjects are discussed/pushed in the ‘news cycle’. My vote is that the true reason/motivation for the ‘release’ is 100% political.
There is no interesting hard evidence concerning ‘Aliens’ or super advance technology vehicles. There has been there decades and decades of speculation. There is no new compelling evidence. No evidence of any possible threat to the US from super advance technology vehicle. Interesting subject when there is evidence.
Now the existence and origin of covid is another matter. Covid is the sneaky new virus that suddenly appear in China and caused trillions of dollars of damage to our economies. Covid is a threat to our way of life, our freedom, and our health. And to our security if covid has manmade.
There is no natural explanation as to how the covid spike molecule could have physically, even possibly, formed naturally and then joined with the bat virus and other virus strands to form covid in time to infect the first victims in China.
Why is there no sarcastic youtube video that debunks the ‘theory’ that covid could possible be natural? How many impossible things must one believe in?
The covid origin theories …. Hide the covid is manmade reality……. Because that ‘conclusion’ has political and reality consequences.
It is physically impossible for the spike molecule to have formed in nature from nothing. The covid spike molecule if it is natural must have a natural source in nature.
The question is covid natural or manmade? Is a simpler question than how does a vehicle fly faster than the speed of sound and not produce a shock wave, sonic boom.
Is it possible to make the covid virus in a lab? You bet. With the ‘code’ for the virus, virus labs can make covid. Could a high tech virus lab have designed covid? You bet. No problem. Unlike designing a vehicle that can travel faster than the speed of sound, our advance virus labs can build ….
Dangerous viruses just like covid. … That do not occur in nature. So it is possible covid could be designed in an advanced virus lab. (Gain of function research is the name for the ‘research’ that makes deadly viruses that are not found in nature)
Our countries have become so corrupt/scared/lost we seem to no longer have the ability to summarize basic observations/facts about subjects like the origin of covid, ask tough questions (such as where did the covid spike come from) and do unbiased analysis. Truth/logic/real scientific analysis is the key that enables rational/non-political discussions that leads to problems being understood and solved.
I totally agree the timing of this pointless release of unexplained video stinks. The Democratic party of America is not on our side.
‘My vote is that the true reason/motivation for the ‘release’ is 100% political.’
I blame Rubio.
Ya’ know, they’ve been rolling this out for a couple of years.
I don’t see anything new.
It’s like a waning starlet that keeps putting out half dressed TicToks, hoping to get noticed again.
It has been a slow leak because they didn’t want to alarm the masses. The pandemic sent a shudder throughout the galaxy and so the entities decided to make themselves known?
We do not have a legitimate government, or legitimate “experts”, in anything now, it is continually driven home. Longtime believers in UFOs are long past investing any belief in the kind of hyped-up, worthless images talked about here. If it is not a strawman debunking, it SHOULD be. Bottom line, it is just another demonstration of the incompetent level of conversation in the “social media” of today.
I notice Sabine Hossenfelder, at Backreaction, also wasting her time in recent days, determined that people should not be at all inclined to know if there are real UFOs. It just shows that incompetent minds think alike, when trying to “lead the public”. And anyone who still listens to Michael Schermer, a consensus-pusher who has merely made of his entire public life an idiot’s version of a “skeptic”, has just gone backward in time to the 1980s, when the big push to eliminate criticisms of the moribund and incompetent science consensus was in full flood. Darwinian Evolution is a failure, Mr. Schermer, nothing you do can change that; save yourself.
You are all listening to — or exposing yourselves to — Neanderthals responding to spoiled children. Fool you once, shame on them…
If you’re really interested in UFOs, look up my “Two Simple Facts Prove the Roswell UFO is Real”, from 2007, for a quick shot of common sense.
Comedian Al Murray, aka The Pub Landlord, has this to say about aliens:
“…if an American can’t explain something he says “It’s aliens” … “at least British people are prepared to admit when they’re drunk*”
See Youtube video “Al Murray vs Americans”.
* He uses a different word. I’ve Bowdlerised it in case it triggers the censor.
It’s The Covids From Space (expected release 2022).
Years ago there was the popular conspiracy theory that the NWO would be affected via a fake UFO invasion. Maybe these recent videos are the elites softenning people up to the idea of aliens being real, so they can go ahead with the fake invasion causing fear and panic en-masse and start performing the unimaginable; lockdowns, restricted/ monitored travel, forced injections – for our own safety of course – stuff no-one would ever allow in a free society if it wasn’t for
covid-19the aliens.But just like the original release (Killer Covids from Wuhan (2019)), production quality just isn’t good enough to sustain viewer interest.
Fred Hoyle believed that pandemics came from space.
I can only claim to have seen an object that wasn’t anything I could explain. At night I witnessed a dark disc with flashing lights all around it about 15 to 20 meters diameter and about the altitude of a 10 story building only 100 meters or so away from me just ‘hanging’ there. I was driving and initially thought it was a light plane until I realised it was too close and not moving, so it had to be a helicopter. Once the shape and complete silence became apparent I stopped and stared at it. I actually said “F**k OFF!” as I could not believe what my eyes were telling me. It rose up slowly and silently as I watched it disappear behind cloud cover.
I couldn’t get to sleep once home as it really un-nerved me.
The most interesting UFO sighting was the Belgian wave from 1989 – 1992
30 years later, we still don’t know what really happened during the Belgian UFO wave
The wave was not a case of mass hysteria ‘ … and at one point recorded targets on their radar with unusual behavior, such as jumping huge distances in seconds and accelerating beyond human capacity,” De Brouwer writes.’
There are three classic shapes: the flying saucer, cigar and triangle, the latter is the largest but they all have the same ability to operate outside our understanding of physics.
Don’t know if their aliens or not, but anytime an explanation mentions “weather balloon” I immediately lose interest.
Aliens ?! . . .
Just a waste of space.
Perhaps the Defense Dept is right and Mick West is wrong. The UFOs really ARE Russian hypersonic weapons!
These crappy videos were released to convince people that all UFO sightings can be explained away.
Hmm, let’s see now. The several pilots who claimed to see UFOs were just seeing reflections in the windscreen. The camera images are full of artefacts and are worthless, so much for the multi-million dollar military equipment. And to top it all off, the radar images are just birds.
One’s things for sure. Mick West ought be running the Navy!
The Report will tell us what we already know. The hypersonic speed and agility exhibited by these craft is clearly beyond human ingenuity, for the moment at least.
Rambling Idiot – The supposed rational explanations of the more inexplicable sightings are so ridiculous they’re most likely a cryptic way of saying “We know you’re seeing these things too but we can’t/not allowed to reveal what they are, so we’ll give this obviously insufficient explanation (wink wink).”
This is bipartisan, so we can expect a definitive answer.
Australia’s Min Min light should be seriously investigated
Will, just go to Boulia and check out the info centre / museum if you want to know what the min min light is .
Jo Rogan interviews the fighter pilot:
Excellent interview, calm, rational and credible.
“The truth is out there”. Think I’ll go to FBI Agents Mulder and Scully to find the truth about UFOs. As if we’ve got nothing to worry about (CAGW, Rise of China etc), and we have to put up with this nonsense. Too much reliance on Arthur C Clarke et al
This is life imitating art, it isn’t nonsense.
Don’t you love the video where the Superhornet pilot claims to have seen these on every flight he’s flow … for years … yeah … whatever.
Its all true, you need to get out more.
“If I paint a wild horse, you might not see the horse… but surely you will see the wildness!”
― Pablo Picasso
There are videos right above thoroughly debunking the current faux-‘controversial’ claims and you still want to carry on about it being the “Guardians of the Galaxy” here to save us? … omg, seriously?
Optical illusions are real effects and have been unidentified by many but are actually fairly easily explained via physical properties in the atmosphere. Illusions like ‘mirages’ occur at night also, they’re sometimes stationary, and sometimes they appear to move very rapidly, or to jitter. They are often associated with haze layers, and inversions, hence the ‘swamp gas’ thing, i.e. condensation as a reflective fog layer. A layer of low-level rain, mist or vapor can also create rainbows that look ‘real’, but are reflections of the sun in raindrops and vapor. Have you never looked at the shadow cast by an aircraft on a cloud? The shadow is surrounded by a rainbow ring that isn’t actually there. All that is there are fine water droplets.
At night mirages can show up as lights from more distant buildings or ships. This is a well-known optical illusion phenomena. When there’s a perfectly suitable explanation available you don’t go presuming intergalactic ‘intervention’ by aliens because they care so much about us, and had nothing better to do that Tuesday night but to push our anthropocentrism and galactic scale ego through the roof.
UFO ‘Believers’ speak scathingly of ‘swamp gas’ as an explanation, but this does not mean it’s not in fact the correct explanation for night time mirages of shimmering or moving lights that can suddenly seem to accelerate rapidly.
Because that’s what mirages are seen to do during the day, also.
When aircraft drop bombs stuff tends to burn, sometimes for days, and it can also take days after that to thin and dissipate especially with inversions, and slack pressure gradients. This can create area layers of haze, and haze is great for nucleating reflective vapor condensation. So much for the ‘foo fighter’ case. An orange coloration is also a spectral effect of light passing through thin particulate haze. It’s why sunlight becomes yellow then orange then red toward sunset. Not too hard to explain the color of distant reflected lights in an atmospheric optical ‘duct’.
VHF radio propagation (which is also photons btw) occurs non-line-of-sight over long distances, and it works best at night, because VHF propagates in atmosphere ducts via bouncing between layers. Or a layer, and the ground. It can also travel as a ground-wave and follow the earth’s curvature. It is enhanced at night as warmed air collapses, and the compresses into layers more at night but is disrupted by convection.
So expect reflective optical illusions to occur more at night, not less.
Ockham’s Razor is meant to prevent indulgence in self-delusions and help guide testing the most likely physical explanation. The most likely explanation that accounts fro all observed phenomena would not be imaginary intergalactic space buddies.
Snap out of it.
Photography has been around since the late 1830s, so just ask yourself this simple question.
The world is today loaded to the gills with ultra high-resolution high-contrast and high-sensitivity imaging capture systems which have exceptional optics quality, and image capture automation.
But somehow in all of this time, with all the modern mobility in capture technology, especially since WWI, no one has EVER and I mean E-V-E-R managed to get 1 single unambiguous and clear high-res image of a UFO.
“Why is it so?”
That should be a bit of a hint.