The new super meta review of Ivermectin is out. It’s 27 pages of fine print detail and 144 references, and it’s very impressive.
Bryant et al soaked themselves in 24 studies involving 3,406 people and found that ivermectin use reduced deaths by a very nice 60% with “moderate certainty”. But ivermectin appears to be at its best when used to prevent infections in the first place. There was “low certainty” but with prophylactic use Covid infections were reduced by an average of 86% . But by the time patients were “in need of mechanical ventilation”, the data, while muddy, suggested ivermectin was not much help.
The bad thing about Ivermectin is that there are not many bad things. It’s too good, too cheap, too safe, and too far out of patent to be profitable.
Given the evidence of efficacy, safety, low cost, and current death rates, ivermectin is likely to have an
impact on health and economic outcomes of the pandemic across many countries. Ivermectin is not a new
and experimental drug with an unknown safety profile. It is a WHO “Essential Medicine” already used in several different indications, in colossal cumulative volumes.
We can almost hear the frustration as Bryant et al compare how easily other drugs get approval to treat Covid:
Corticosteroids have become an accepted standard of care in COVID-19, based on a single RCT of dexamethasone.1 If a single RCT is sufficient for the adoption of dexamethasone, then a fortiori the evidence of 2 dozen RCTs supports the adoption of ivermectin.
RCT means a Random Controlled Trial. Sometimes one trial will do, other times 24 trials isn’t enough.
h/t to Ian and Phillip
Meanwhile, the BBC has announced that Ivermectin will be studied as possible treatment in UK
Hold off on the champers. The Principle Study appears to be a holding pattern to fend off questions about “why they weren’t studying Ivermectin”. Good reporters will want to ask why the trial will allow people to join up to 15 days after they get symptoms when the best results come with early treatment and even prophylactic use. If only there were good reporters left at the BBC.
The trial will also allow people who are vaccinated to join which is a good way to dilute the results. If we compare 2000 vaccinated people with 2000 also-vaccinated people the difference between placebo and drug may not be very significant. And if the vaccine “is the ticket to freedom” why invite vaccinees to join the trial? Is it, perhaps a back route to reducing deaths in vaccinees who get breakthrough infections? Let’s just hope for the vaccinees sake, that the docs don’t wait until they’re on the ventilator.
If the UK Ministry of Big Pharma Health really wanted to test Ivermectin, they’d offer it to people in high risk areas who weren’t sick and weren’t vaccinated, and compare like for like cases without Ivermectin in the same area.
But that might show good results.
h/t Steve,
Indonesia however is poor enough to approve Ivermectin use. Without access to $5000-dollar-a-day ICU beds, or mass experimental vaccines, Indonesia is looking down the Delta variant barrel. They have been given Sinovax, the Chinese vaccine, but seemingly that’s not much (as it wasn’t it the Seychelles, or in Chile either).
Production capacity of Ivermectin is said to be 4 million per month. (Presumably they refer to doses?). But with 270 million people, that might not be enough, even if they are dished out to the highest risk people. With 15,000 new daily cases and doubling fast, they are racing against the tide. They would probably need a few million doses just for the current contacts.
Indonesia doesn’t just have two new variants of concern, they have 211.
Watch this space…. (and pray for the people of Indonesia). We have lift off. 🙁

Things are rapidly getting out of hand in Indonesia.
We have to admire both Craig Kelly and Malcolm Roberts in Australia.
Bryant, Andrew MSc1,*; Lawrie, Theresa A. MBBCh, PhD2; Dowswell, Therese PhD2; Fordham, Edmund J. PhD2; Mitchell, Scott MBChB, MRCS3; Hill, Sarah R. PhD1; Tham, Tony C. MD, FRCP4 (2021) Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection, A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines
American Journal of Therapeutics: June 17, 2021 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue –
doi: 10.1097/MJT.0000000000001402
I have a boat built of wood, each season I refresh the hull with a new coat of varnish to protect the wood.
If the varnish gets damaged and the protection fails, then the wood will start to rot.
Once the rot sets in it is pointless to apply new varnish on top of the rotten wood, the damage is already done.
Varnish coatings and prophylactics work on the same principle, prevention is better than a cure.
And when will they get around to doing a full scale trial of Budesonide/Pulmicort?
Our son takes a maintenance daily dose of Pulmicort due to asthma works in mining in the Pilbara, his lungs are excellent, and the site doctor has a view about that virus and the positives of that medication.
Once the rot sets in it is pointless to apply new varnish on top of the rotten wood, the damage is already done.
Varnish coatings and prophylactics work on the same principle, prevention is better than a cure.
But ivermectin appears to be at its best when used to prevent infections in the first place. There was “low certainty” but with prophylactic use Covid infections were reduced by an average of 86% .
anyone – How long/How much Ivermectin should be taken for a Prophylactic before needing another dose?
Ivermectin Dose For COVID (Prophylaxis, Acute Disease, Long Haulers)
Dr Mobeen Syed
Why the dragging of feet on any therapeutic? Does the medical establishment not understand they are committing hari-kari? Who will ever trust the World Health Organization again? Not I!! Who will trust the CDC again? Not I!! And for what? Control? Does anyone remember prohibition in the USA and how well that worked? Telling folks they could not have a drink….yea that worked out great! You can only cry wolf so often before no-one believes you and will not react in fear to do your bidding. I am ready for some good old fashioned BF Skinner behavioral modification with tar and feathers. Really, just enough already.
They’ll discover it’s useful when it’s no longer needed. It’s all about money.
Of course they could talk to Taiwan who used it for all of the chicken flue and Sars outbreaks from China long before it became a thing.
PS: Ivermectin has been used for years for “prevention” purposes. Pretty amazing concept I know, but there it is.
It’ll be rigged of course. There is plenty of precedent so Sir Humphrey can use tried & tested rackets. The HCQ ‘trial’ was a disgrace that might have killed a number of people. The Slog ( covered that very well.
The other one I know of is a gesture towards vitamin D. Some government stooge agreed to dish out doses in a mighey mouse trial. 5mugms to some people. I haven’t seen a result, but it’ll be to dish dirt.
I’m taking 50mugms a day & I’m also out in the sunlight most days. A blood test showed my vit D to be “rather high”, so 5/day will do nothing for most of the pseudo-guinea pigs.
Has anyone opened a book yet on what the UK government conclusions will be for IVM? Doubt there’d be any takers for a positive result from around here.
You can consume all the Ivermectin, vitamin-D and HCQ you want, you still must obey your government overlords or face fines and jail time. We gave them these powers, now we reap what we’ve sown.
Just remember these prophetic words: you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.
G’day DD,
I had a similar experience with my doc when I first discussed vitamin D with him, and I had to persist and ask specifically for my blood level each time I’ve been tested. It’s now slightly above 60ng/ml, and I’m still taking 10,000 IU per day, which, I think is 250 of your units. I’ve been taking that amount for 9 months now with no adverse reaction, building up to that over several months as I learnt more about possible dosages.
My doc was quite happy to say my blood levels were Ok when they were down at 20ng/ml, based on then existing gujide line, which are unchanged as far as I know.
Dave B
RE: Ivermectin production, India alone has capacity for 30 crore (300 Million) doses/month. Demand seems to be 70 Million/month.
I’m not finding much information on production capacity of ivermectin for others, such as Merck (Stromectol).
Most companies seem to be ramping up production for vaccines and recently patented pharmaceuticals, not so much regarding ivermectin.
So much obfuscation creating confusion and downright fraud by big pharma and their pre-funded acolytes. Even worse are the Governments that subscribe rather than save lives!
Arresting so called health experts and officials for crimes against humanity would be too kind.
But there is nowhere to put them given that all those bankers responsible for the Global Financial Crisis are still serving their sentences.
Best is to give them a job as a governor, like the QLD CHO was given one by the QLD premier. Makes one sick in the stomach.
Moderate certainty – which when you look up the definition says pretty much the complete opposite to what is said in this post.
I would rather the AZ dose (waiting for my second) than sheep dip, thank you very much
You’re welcome.
Bookmark it and remind him of his stupidity in 12 months time or so.
As an AZ stream user flying and Bruce Springsteen concerts might be off the list by then
But with prophylactic use Covid infections were reduced by an average of 86%.
Another well researched PF piece
Ivermectin is sheep drench, not sheep dip. Given orally to sheep, and given orally to humans e.g. to control onchocerciasis. According to that web page more than 4 billion doses of ivermectin have been taken by humans.
Anyhow, you’re under no pressure to take it. We’re all under pressure to take these rushed vaccines.
Technically you and PF are half right.
Ivermectin for animal use comes both as a drench or paste for internal use and as a preparation for external use as in jetting sheep. Seems the latter have enhancements to aid absorption via the skin and I doubt these have a recommendation for internal use.
[Pour-ons may have fly repellant too. -Jo]
A further thought – I guess you could use external use ivermectin such as “Fly and Lice” in your bath as an alternative to ass’s milk. Dose rate might be a bit tricky but I suppose you might start from that for a short-wooled sheep
Peter, please stick to and take all the treatments and prophylaxis offered to you by Big Pharma.
All Leftists should do the same.
Can’t pull the wool over your eyes then. The link between sheep and lemmings is tenuous at best.
All the best.
May your vaccination be a complete success and may you be doubly safe but not being exposed to the virus.
I’ve read that “Moderate certainty” refers to how certain the the numerical estimate is, not to how certain the beneficial nature of the drug is. It indicates a plus / minus range around the numeric estimates, IOW.
A dollar short and a day late, it is easy to see this is just a cover.
‘See, we tested it like you wanted’.
I don’t believe they have yet made Ivermectin for the treatment or prophylaxis of C-19 illegal in Australia like they did for HCQ, but no doubt they will if this information becomes more widely known.
If you have a knowledgeable GP who is up to date on issues such as Ivermectin, then get them to prescribe you a supply. It costs $46 for 2 x 4 pill packets of 3mg pills. Depending on dose, more might be required.
I have also noticed that veterinary preparations for cats and dogs contain Ivermectin and available in supermarkets are constantly sold out.
Of course, those of us this on this blog, one of the few not controlled and censored by the Left have known about the efficacy of Ivermectin for some time.
Those who have actively suppressed information and campaigned against the use of HCQ, Ivermectin etc. should all be liable for punishment for the deaths they have caused by suppressing the truth about known effective treatments, especially before so-called vaccines (of questionable short and long term safety and effectiveness) were available and the aforesaid drugs were at least known to be as harmless as any drug could be.
We need to remind decision makers and paid propagandists of the Left (like politucians, public serpents and FB “fact checkers”) that one day they will be held to account in Nuremberg-style trials.
The federal government seems to reduced the outright ban on HCQ to ‘not recommended’, still emphasising risks of heart attacks etc. (see here).
The problem, at least in part, is an attitude of complete trust in published literature, not least in journals known for their hostility to questioning. The nonsense of “peer-review” in these days is a major problem. Readers in such positions of responsibility have now to learn to read afresh, accepting nothing at face value. It may prove hard work but there it is. That’s for the bureaucrats, MPs have to follow suit.
Ivermectin is also a part of human intestinal worm treatment medication. It is an off-the-shelf product. We use it, plus same vet product for our cats.
Brad Hazzard in isolation after being identified as Covid close contact
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard is in isolation as a ‘close contact of a positive case’ in NSW parliament after standing next to Gladys Berejiklian at daily press conference – so is our premier next?
So, better lock down all the journalists in the room as well.
So much for the vaccine getting vaccinated Australia back to ‘normal’.
The proposed UK trial is reminiscent of the other UK “RECOVERY trial” for HCQ when they gave lethal doses to patients who were almost dead and then declared HCQ is dangerous.
See comment:
The Australian Department of Health still falsely claims that is the case even though the original paper was withdrawn.
Also the following link talks about:
That was meant to be a new comment, not a reply to #10.
Actually, the BBC article states one may enroll any time within 14 days OR if one tests positive. So they should get people who have just gotten it as well as those who have had it for a while.
Not being used in its best efficiency.
We are constantly being lied to by politicians and scientists so it is best to just trust yourself. The MSM are no help being mouthpieces for any scare mongering pollie or pseudo scientist with a bad story to sell. Are there any scientists out there that tell the truth? We know a few but what of the other millions who simply shut up just to keep their jobs. Recently two female presenters on US TV informed their respective audiences that they were being censored by their stations. That is guts and it is a pity that more Peter Ridds do not stand up for facts over woke fiction.
Mark Dice commented about one of the on air TV presenters when she said that. It’s at 6:34 if you don’t want to watch the whole video.
The proposed UK trial is reminiscent of the other UK “RECOVERY trial” for HCQ when they gave lethal doses to patients who were almost dead and then declared HCQ is dangerous.
See comment:
The Australian Department of Health still falsely claims that is the case even though the original paper was withdrawn.
Also the following link talks about:
Many scientists citing two scandalous COVID-19 papers ignore their retractions
By Charles PillerJan. 15, 2021 , 8:00 AM
This story was supported by the Science Fund for Investigative Reporting. Please help Science pursue ambitious journalism projects.
For those who don’t want to click on the comment about the lethal HCQ tri ask, here it is:
The UK Ivermectin trial is set up to fail, just like when they administered lethal doses of HCQ to nearly-dead people and then claimed that didn’t work.
According to
The “semi-lethal” dose of Ivermectin in an 80kg human is 52g. That is over 17,000 3mg pills.
Since a semi-lethal dose requires so many pills, I wonder how they’ll kill the patients this time?
Isn’t it interesting how Leftists used to express a revulsion for Big Pharma and now the love it? They endlessly promote its possibly faulty and dangerous products like COVID “vaccines” whilst being strongly opposed to other effective drugs which just happen to be safe but out of patent and therefore inexpensive and able to help lots of people.
The upper echelon have worked out no-one likes their politics, so they’ll take the money. Second best to socialist totalitarianism is a capital/state (fascist?) totalitarianism. The key attraction is the totalitarianism not the mode. If they follow the Clinton/Biden model they take the money and are in on the game. The other leftists? NPCs.
What did happen to the Libyan sovereign fund Hillary?
“A Lethality Graph Worth The Look”
Whenever I mention Ivermectin I get shouted down as a conspiracy theorist , and what would you know you’re not a scientist. So I am convinced that this works but a part of me thinks surely the medical fraternity can’t be that corrupt that they would allow people to die rather than adopt solutions that they know work. There must be some people within the global and medical bureaucracy that are honest and believes in doing what’s best rather than what makes money for big pharma. Surely there will be whistleblowers that will come forward a expose the whole sordid scandal and people will be tried for crimes against humanity. In the meantime those of us who can find this info on blog sites like this await till some left leaning author decides it’s time to tell the truth and writes a book that exposes this scandal, and convinces the rest of the world about what are the facts about Ivermectin and whilst we can then say ‘ we told you so’ it’s too late for 100s of thousand of people who did not need to die.
Ask those shouting you down as not a scientist if they’re a scientist.
If a vaccine can be called Sinovax, then can a covid virus be called Sinocovid?
To lift the spirits….
Good, but look at the wasted materials in them.
I posted this in the previous thread as OT but it’s relevant in the context of this one – ht American Thinker
North Texas Doctor Recovers from COVID-19 Using Hydroxychloroquine
The full recommended protocol linked in the article with very good explanation of the roles of some of the different drugs and supplements in the treatment of COVID-19 (including zinc!)
There is a lot of talk about expertise but it’s meaningless when something hasn’t been studied sufficiently. That’s what I meant yesterday about a lot of “science” being reported with a religious bent – why should a designated experts musings still hold more weight than a layman if the amount of scientific investigation is well short of gaining any real knowledge. And when a decision is more politics (taking into account economic effects of lockdown or real world behaviour of humans with regards to masks) rather than science, why deify someone like Fauci (let alone the ABC’s Dr Swan who practiced general medicine for just a few years in the 70s and never did a scientific study)?
I’ve been suffering from IBS for a little while except for the past few days. Seems to be cured by rubbing Deep Heat on my lower back to relieve lower back strain. Its something never studied scientifically and maybe just a coincident but does an expert know better? Or just how to carry out a study to be sure?
or perhaps at or around the same time you removed fibre from your diet, something actually known to reduce and/or eliminate IBS. Research such as this one on constipation shows how poorly understood our dietary knowledge really is…
As one doctor mentioned when discussing the IBS/Constipation topic, why would you direct more cars into a traffic jam?
Why should the people of Indonesia require our special prayers as the Delta strain (aka Indian Strain) takes over – it might be more contagious but all the indications are that it is a hell of a lot less dangerous.
This video, based on government stats, shows that as the Delta strain has virtually taken over all the English cases the hospitalisations and deaths have fallen:
immunization is correlated
Indonesians describe it as Herd stupidity
h/t GS
Am reminded of the choice between adenovirus (AZ/J&J) and mRNA (Pfizer/Moderna) vaccines
In Canada, US and Australila a slight preference for the mRNA type has resulted in dimishment or shutting out of the adenovirus type. Nevermind that most of the world production in vaccine is adenovirus type
Invermectin might well prove to be effectivec as a prophylactic but nevertheless getting shut out in preference for a vaccine solution. At least a serious study is being conducted as to it’s effectiveness
People don’t want to go with an inferior approach, even if both paths are effective
A serious study!
This ‘Principle study’ by Oxford is not a serious study as noted earlier here.
The description is of a study with a result as objective not outcome.
It can do great harm as seen in the HCQ fake studies.
Guide to deciphering politically correct COVID variant names back to original names.
Strain, designation, politically correct name
UK strain B.1.1.7 Alpha
South African strain B.1.351 Beta
Brazil strain P.1 Gamma
Indian strain B.1.617.2 Delta
Forget the nudge meme of vaxxine hesitancy. Ivermectin hesitancy has already killed.
The way the medical establishment is run in the UK is by government bureaucracy following Boris Johnson edicts to whoever is the Health Minister (currently it is the phool Matt Hancock). Around them are teams of the like minded who assist with coordinating maximum alarm (through daft computer models) and compliance to government ‘advice’ through the ‘Nudge Unit’ of government.
Boris Johnson is a dyed in the wool Malthusian just like his father. He expostulated on this theme in his article published in The Telegraph ‘newspaper’ some years ago.
“his article published in The Telegraph ‘newspaper’ some years ago.” …
Telegraph (paywall): Global over-population is the real issue
By Boris Johnson 25 October 2007 • 00:01 am
So from this perspective it will be doubtful that tests of Ivermectin will get a fair and honest trial in the UK, through I do foresee much media hoopla when it fails (Nature/Lancet and all the news outlets).
All the ‘Build Back Better’ types believe the world is overpopulated etc and they can help fix the problem.
Here is a little insight to one of those army of ghosts advisors for the UK government(of Boris and Matt Hancock).
Best discussion I’ve heard up to date By Pierre Kory
On the Bret Weinstein Dark horse podcast if you have a spare 2 1/2 hours
Russell Brand has a go at UEFA officials over COVID rule privilege.
(Its Russell Brand, so expect “bad words” and over-acting)
I happened to hear Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki on ABC Perth radio this afternoon and he ‘almost’ mentioned invermectin while talking about chicken flu. I got the impression he suddenly realised he was about to mention it as safe and proven effective, but self-censored in accordance with ABC policy of ‘Orange Man Bad!’
Karl has always been the one to toe the line since working for the government. His hippie style past has led to a more authoritarian scammer future.
Joanne has given us yet another winner.
I followed the link to BBC, it is highly biased.
The study appears to be the same team, Oxford, that did that appalling study on HCQ, reported on this site last year. The one where a journalist from France Soir noted they used ‘gorilla’ size doses, and they biased selection of patient participants to those so far gone that HCQ, or anything, would not have any benefit.
Acknowledgements to David Maddison and DevonshireDozer for 10.1, 3 and 13 and others who say the same.
Why do I anticipate;”A Blinder Wellplayed”.
Am I too cynical of “The Science” TM?
For in Policy Based Evidence Manufacturing,the results are extremely predictable.
Here the policy,requires this drug to fail.
For admitting its effectiveness drops the Dread Covid Theatre directors into deep trouble.
Experimenting on the citizens ,without their consent and under false pretences..
Promoting an experimental Emergency Government Goo,with out cause..
So under modern government,expect Ivermectin to be condemned.
Get your government goo.
it is double plus good for you.
Get a load of this!! “Reporter Ivory Hecker covers censorship of successful use of ivermectin at Texas hospital”. A masterpiece.
ABC (Australia): 7:30 minute clip; ‘It’s crystal clear’: Professor Robert Clancy backs ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment
On Drive with Paul Turton
Therapeutics that work. Forbidden in the West.
‘Vaccines’ only protective from severe COVID-19 disease. Relatively common side-effects of indeterminate duration and mRNA formulation of unknown consequences. Almost compulsory.
IMO, the arguments for availability and statements on side-effects are actually the lesser interesting of the debate. The crucial part of the debate relates to what agreements have been made between politicians/governments and the Pharmaceutical industry such that Health Departments, hence doctors, follow the above policies despite the outcome from that debate maybe responsible for massive numbers illness – at huge economic cost – and deaths.
This is a bit like the Global Warming debate, a debate shut down by governments despite huge costs to primarily the major world economies (except China), how they function, and accept deprivations/deaths on the poorest members of our communities. Humanity seems to have no place in where these decisions are made; it is only given as the reason people must act! When someone like Morrison, and many other politicians and woke business leaders, accept these matters and obey without comment, then one has to wonder where in the ballpark they and others have left their intelligence and humanity that they should tolerate these movements without question.