A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The Arizona Election Audit Hand Count will be completed today.
However the result may not be announced for about a week: b Forensic imaging of the ballots will now take place. I presume that means looking at the Ballot papers for fold marks, printing errors, watermarks etc (which may reveal fraudulent ballot papaers)
Believe Peter that they are also checking the alignment of the printing on the reverse side of the ballot to check wether by have been printed separately.
Sounds like they are leaving no stone unturned/
I’m guessing the correct ballots will be enfaced “Ballot Paper” whereas the ones you seem to have already identified will be enfaced “Ballot Papaers”. Lol.
Be nice if life was that simple
Your’e catching on Earl (well done).
Invalid ballots will be identified by a number of forensic tests, which may include printing errors and spelling mistakes.
I had tentatively seen that as an error in writing “papyrus”; misheard by the Microsoft dictation software.
Forensic imaging of the ballots will now take place. I presume that means looking at the Ballot papers for fold marks, printing errors, watermarks etc (which may reveal fraudulent ballot papers)
I understand Cyber Ninjas have developed special software to check for panda paw-prints and soy-sauce stains. Results expected in two weeks.
But seriously, it’s going to be a hard task for many partisan people to take the results (whatever they are) as gospel … you’d think some officials and politicians would like to see a check of the “audit”.
I read today that some Republicans want to run an “audit” even in states that Trump carried – keep the steam engine going.
You are aware that the Arizona results have already been certified?
You mean certificated?
It has the same meaning as “O’Bidenised.
As soon as it’s done it’s forgotten about.
But it’s ugly nevertheless.
Oh the irony , the Carbon bus trying to make it to the G7 is stranded because no suitable charging points can be found .
LOL, it had to happen. !
they should have tried turning it off and turning it on again
They could try pushing it downhill, might get a bit of charge.
The Eden Project is built in an old quarry. They could send it over the edge znd be done with it.
So the bus DOESN’T have the range. Getting stranded 263 miles from base is pretty hopeless really. But classic green, their dream didn’t work because others didn’t spend enough money. It’s always OPM.
At least they dodnt get stuck in the ice in the Antarctic this time
Har har har har!!
I believe the Brits would call this “a complete c*ckup”….
It’s beautiful. Reality bites.
I’m just glad it made the news papers so we can all laugh at them.
Why should governments, a.k.a. the taxpayer, fund these charging points? They didn’t build petrol stations – that is the responsibility of the fuel companies. If these things are needed, let the power companies or e.v. manufacturers pay for the installation. Free market forces apply.
Charging infrastructure should be funded by those who are forcing thr change to EVs.
So, that is not the power companies, nor the auto manufacturers, they are all just responding to LEGISLATION set out by the government..and presumably voted for by the electorate?
So yes, the Authorities who establish ed the ban on ICEs , should fund the charging networks.
……Or vote out the Authority !
What about the power companies now turning into subsidy miners, trying to convince us that mirrors and windmills are the way of the future because, you know, co2 and handouts.
? What about them ?
Its a separate issue,
It’s not just about e.v.’s. These companies are complicit in the scam – closing fossil fuel power plants and telling their shareholders how green they are. No more fossil fuels, no more petrol powered cars.
Whilst they are both the target of Green policies..Fossil Power plants and petrol cars are not interdependent !
What is your point here ?
EVs also restrict movement.
Petrol and fossil fuels can give freefom
The GWPF has calculated from the accounts for the full year that the new offshore windfarm near me in the UK generated electricity at 4 times the cost of gas (and I assume that excludes the additional costs that unreliables impose on the network).
It’s cheaper than ever the politicians tell us!
Might be of interest:
The title is not a good summary of the content, but is not entirely irrelevant.
The video’s rather long, but Dr Yeadon’s credentials are sound.
I recommend the ten minutes from 1:20′.
Government funded charging points are a lousy idea. There is huge money to made providing fast charge for a premium price. There is money to be made drawing people into a commercial location while they wait for a recharge
People will pay for the convenience of a 5 min fill up
supposed to be attached to comment 2.4. Not sure how it ended up here
Five minute fill up of a 50kWhr battery? That would be something like 250V single phase at 2400 Amperes. I would pay to watch from a distant bunker perhaps.
Biden Trashes Donald Trump and Trump Supporters at Overseas Press Conference
Summed up in the Comments
So let me get this straight. We have a President with dementia. An ex-call girl for a Vice President. A transvestite overseeing HHS. A President’s son who is a crackhead, a human-trafficking p@dophile who money laundered billions from other countries sharing half with his dad. The crackhead’s buddy is the head of the DEA. The crackhead’s other buddy is now in the DOJ. A guy who is sleeping with the Chinese spy is overseeing our DHS. We are borrowing all of our money now from China. Thousands of immigrants are coming in for our jobs and Social Security Benefits. And the Democrats are still focusing on destroying a former President. Add this to the 40,000 jobs lost in the past months. Yet we are supposed to believe that Biden is pro America? You just can’t make all this up. God help our children & grandchildren
The Coma Before the Storm
It’s beyond any reasonable dispute that the slack-jawed old pervert staggering through this punchline presidency is getting more senile by the day. All the while, his cackling understudy is biding her time everywhere but at the border, getting huffy at being questioned, and generally failing at a job historically assigned to morons as a role where they could do little damage. The only people who dig their hep jive – yeah, go on and believe the 79 percent approval numbers among people now paying $5 a gallon for unleaded – are the talking tubers of cable news. But even the tater thots of Brian Stelter, who is a potato, can’t dispel the growing sense of unease that watching these incompetent weirdos brings.
This epoch is the interregnum, a caretaker presidency presided over by a human asterisk who cares only about his post-lid bowl of mush and being wrapped in a shawl, set in front of the tee-vee, and allowed to watch his stories. The only thing moving less expeditiously than his bowels is his ridiculous legislative agenda, and all the prunes in the world aren’t going to help clear out that particular constipation, not with Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema refusing to commit ritual political suicide on the altar of coastal leftist dreams.
If you think Biden’s bad enough, when Harris takes over it will be a total nightmare. She could lead the USA anywhere to an internal or external disaster. I have never heard a politician, let alone a Vice President, come over as being totally vacuous, totally out of her league, incapable of putting together any rational political argument and has no idea of international affairs – as she found out in Gautemala. She knows herself she isn’t up to the job, as shown by avoiding going to the USA southern border!
Biden at least, even in his dotage, is able to present as though he still has a few, but muddled functional neurones with a political memory. Even the Democrats must have recognised that the doddering Biden was the only choice they had in their ranks that might have just enough popular recognition for them to get elected. Keep him as a rag doll puppet President they could manipulate enough to push their agendas if they could keep him beyond the reach of any inquisitive press – if any besides Fox still exist. Even their ‘pro’ press is getting embarrassed now because they can’t hide Joe away on his international excursions.
Time for a Conspiracy Theory. Biden and Harris were chosen by The Republicans so 2 years of them would guarantee victory for the Republicans for years ahead.
Putin sums up America
Putin Blames U.S. Government for ‘Assassination’ of Ashli Babbitt During Capitol Riot
Putin made the comments during an interview with NBC News, in which he argued that the United States and Russia are similar in how they handle dissent.
“We have a saying: ‘Don’t be mad at the mirror if you are ugly,’” Putin said regarding the arrests and persecution of Capitol rioters. “It has nothing to do with you personally. But if somebody blames us for something, what I say is, why don’t you look at yourselves? You will see yourselves in the mirror, not us.”
When asked about the assassinations of political rivals in his country, Putin responded by implying that the United States had assassinated Ashli Babbitt during the Capitol riot.
“Secondly, I want to ask you: Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Putin asked. “Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands. Four hundred and fifty people have been detained. They’re facing jail time, from 15 to 20 years. And they came to Congress with political demands. Isn’t that prosecution for political opinions?”
Full transcript of the interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin by Keir Simmons of NBC News, which took place in Moscow on June 11, 2021.
So Biden admits his whole agenda is just a war against the deplorables. He claims the deplorables are now “significant minority.” Now we see why the border remains wide open. It’s about power and retaining power.
Joe Biden’s Notecard Was Caught on Camera…And It’s a ‘Reminder That TDS Is Very Real’
Joe Biden needs a flash card to remind him that he thinks everything is Trump’s fault.
How pathetic.
My latest:
As part of the silly Shell Oil decision the Court summarized the science that decision is based on. It is riddled with basic errors. How many bad policy decisions around the world are based on glaringly bad science like this?
All of them, unfortunately
Courts hold authority. But it looks to me that an analysis of this case might show that this court has far overstepped the boundary of its authority. Might it even be shown as a sham?
Was this case defended? Might the defendant profit from political developments expected to flow from losing this case?
Needs watching.
In America . . . . . and in Australia . . . . .
Big win for the Tamil family lawyers, this will never end.
It was a politically correct decision for the moment, its a festering sore which needs to be resolved before the next election. Covid gives government a chance to extricate itself and allow this particular family to stay in Australia on humanitarian grounds.
Seems it actually was
Bad decision, politically motivated or not.
* The parents were illegal immigrants who became asylum seekers after Labor abandoned Pacific Solution and welcomed people smuggler clients, and granted them onshore Temporary Protection Visa while being assessed. And taxpayer funded welfare support etc.
* They were warned that getting married would not help them to gain asylum, and that having children would not as the children would not be Australian citizens, they would be citizens of the parent’s homeland.
* The cost of supporting them has been huge.
* They lost the application for asylum and appeal, but being on Australian land they were then assisted by refugee activist advocate lawyers to gain more time staying here while numerous court appeals were lodged and heard.
* Having exhausted the appeals process they were issued with Deportation Orders, but the lawyers then lodged objections and the Orders were put on hold pending new court decisions, and they were moved to a Detention Centre. Detainess are not prisoners and are free to leave the country at any time they choose to leave. Sri Lanka has accepted them as citizens.
* Legal aid at taxpayer’s expense paid for their legal costs.
* This ridiculous decision is a crack in the international border protection Australia has perfected and will be noted by people smugglers.
It has become an expensive test case, which has served its purpose. The Europeans are envious of our tight borders.
We are being misled, the change in circumstances is to move the family from Christmas Island Detention Centre to Perth where they will remain under surveillance awaiting court decisions (refugee advocate activist lawyers) before their Deportation Order is enforced and they return to Sri Lanka.
They should be removed to Sri Lanka as soon as the child recovers. After that they can make a proper application to come here legally. They should not be barging in ahead of genuine refugees. Did not the father return to Sri Lanka a few times on visits? How come the claim they would be in danger? I’m sick of all the bleeding heart activist lawyers; no doubt making a good living at taxpayers’ expense.
For the record, for the Peter Fitzroys of this world, we supported a Sri Lankan family who were genuine refugees. We had a fight to have them accepted here. They are model citizens.
Still cruel, still random, no wonder the law is unable to decide.
Looks like AZ is 200-250K ballots short. Boom!
In other news:
Who can solve Erl’s questions?
Somebody put this up previously; a few questions and observations.
First, was the albedo calculated on the immediate difference between “incoming” solar energy and reflected energy?
Logic would suggest that the incoming frequency would differ from the reflected out going frequency; what were those frequencies.
This of course does not stop a calculation of energy being done for In and Out.
Just wondering, are the graphs based on the Northern Hemisphere or the whole planet average?
Are there graphs of albedo for the poles separately and for the equatorial zone. How do they compare; pole vs pole and equator?
From the graph at the top there is an obvious seasonal difference and this suggests analysis of one hemisphere.
On another tack, I would really be interested in seeing a 24 hour graph of albedo where at night the albedo would be 100% or close.
Funny, when the albedo gets to 100% it also gets very cold in the dark;
currently where I am it drops to 8*C and bounces back to 17*C through the day.
The measured albedo one hour after sunrise, one hour before sunset and at midday would be an interesting check.
From Erl’s comment this is an annual assessment of the turnaround of incoming radiation.
From December to august the albedo moves from 30% to 28%.
It’s interesting that the graph shows a slow 8 month decline in albedo to bottom out in August and a relatively rapid recovery by December.
This seems to reflect our Southern hemisphere pattern of a rapid drop into winter about May and a slow rise back to a hot summer in January. I wonder if this is astronomical? 😊
Weather; it’s a big thing when you look into it.
Keith, I am working from the data that Zoe provided that is global. It states the change from month to month. To be valid its the same frequency both ways. Zoe can probably answer your other questions or point you towards the source so that you can investigate them for yourself.
Re This seems to reflect our Southern hemisphere pattern of a rapid drop into winter about May and a slow rise back to a hot summer in January. I wonder if this is astronomical?
No its not astronomical. Its due to the heating of the atmosphere by the continents of the northern hemisphere in the middle of the year and the return to cold conditions there by December. The warmer the air is the more water vapour it can hold but the higher is the due point. The rate of addition of moisture to the atmosphere cant keep up with the rate of heating.
As the atmosphere cools the cloud comes back. We see this on a daily basis over land, especially in the absence of vegetation on that land. Its vegetation that delivers moisture fastest. Hence the regular thunderstorms in the afternoon over islands in the tropics.
Thanks Erl,
That reminds me that my council rates payment is overdew. 🙂
Must get that paid tomorrow.
All credit to Zoe, she’s an outstanding computer programmer but I can see now that your main focus is on cloud cover, its presence and origins.
The mention of astronomy was because of the resemblance of the uneven change in albedo being a reflection of the well known orbital situation that is present in Earth’s seasonal adjustments.
So we still aren’t sure what it all means.
We know that the albedo varies slightly; perhaps another, more relevant issue concerns the total incoming radiation; does it vary throughout the year?
68 to 70% of incoming radiation “gets through” to Earth, which includes the atmosphere.
Add to that the votes that were swapped by the voting machines, the invalid absentee votes and the ballot papers that were printed in printing houses with the results already filled in.
Biden’s winning margin in Arizona was 10,000 votes! 250,000 votes for Biden cannot be found in the boxes of ballots. That looks bad but I don’t discount the possibility that the combined Democrats and RINO’s can sink the Audit anyway.
Already the fact checkers are lining up to redo the narrative.
They are wetting themselves.
A good article in Brietbart about a North Korean defector who is appalled that “People see things but they’ve just completely lost the ability to think critically.”
She really believed Kim Jong Un was starving, even though he was obviously fat but she was told he was starving and against all logic, she believed it.
So we read about the Global Crisis of ‘Climate Change’ when no one can see any.
There is no evidence of rapid, tipping point runaway warming or anything else. And bushfires happened through all time. With Geriatric Joe Biden leading the G7, it is almost surreal that there is a total disconnect between what people can see and what they believe or at least what they say.
As we head into an absurd ‘Hydrogen economy’ and aircraft flying with rubber bands tensioned by hydro power, how long before it is illegal to question Climate Change? Or Transgender rights. Or the right of Israel and Taiwan to exist?
It was illuminating though to read that the French built the viral research facility for the Chinese Army and then were suprised when they were asked to leave. You would think they might be a bit suspicious, but as the world’s greatest vendor of armaments, it’s not as if they care. The business centre of Paris is at La Defense.
I put this in the Swiss forum, but this is a better place! 8 min vid saying Finland may have solved their nuclear waste storage problem! Amazing what can be achieved without a degree in gender studies.
So they bury it in bedrock. The only change is the use of vast numbers of individual coffins in drilled holes surrounded by (bentonite) clay. A few million years from now it will be inert and impervious to terrorist activities in a geologically stable area. It’s as good a solution as ever invented.
And I noted that when they showed their ‘solar’ photo it was one a summer’s day in a field of green. Nothing like Finland in winter then, all above 60 degrees North. Absolutely useless most of the year.
The Swiss nuclear waste storage problem stems from their wanting to be neutral. Everyone else has the option of load it up in readiness to fire at the enemy. 😉
? How do the Swiss have a nuclear waste problem?
inside view of leaders of GoF research
Last week we had a look at Question 1.
Question 1. What are the particles in the atmosphere that could be responsible for reflection of solar radiation and where are they likely to be located?
Answer: Water droplets and ice crystals, located in clouds.
Question 2. What’s the origin of the anomalous bump in the descent of albedo between February and July?
The data presented by Zoe relates to the CERES measurements of atmospheric albedo measured over a period of 21 years (2000-2021). Albedo is highest in Dec and lowest in August. Atmospheric albedo decreases from Dec to August except for a small increase in April, May and June. Why?
It follows from Answer 1. that there is an increase in cloud cover during those months, but why?
My provisional answer is that it is caused by the monsoon.
Answer to Zoe Phin at #8
Peter C Monsoon is correct. The detailed answers are provided here:
Thanks Erl,
With that encouragement I will attempt Q3.
There’s a word, or two, for this kind of nonsense.
The Minister of CCCrap, James Shaw, NZ Greens co-leader, said:
“The last time there was carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the concentrations present today, there were palm trees in Antarctica … That indicates how urgent it is to deal with emissions”.
Don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for the ####!
Did he include a pic of the current palm trees in Antarctica? just asking for a friend
He’s obviously a very intelligent fellow and is fitting in to the existing environment.
Don’t blame him, he’s just doing what’s necessary.
Kalm K. … keep a job!
If the last time carbon (sic) levels were this high, and all those things happened, the fact they aren’t happening now only confirms carbon (sic) was not the control knob that did it.
It is such a stupid analogy it could only come from junk 97% ‘settled science’.
That’s it in a nutshell Travis.
‘To understand this we have to go back in geological time. Antarctica was ice free during the Cretaceous Period, lasting from 145 to 66 million years ago. That long ago may seem unfamiliar but we know it because it was the last age of the dinosaurs before an asteroid hit the earth and ended their time on this planet.’ (BBC)
I think they also found signs of clothing resembling an early design of bikini.
Is he aware of plate tectonics, and is he aware that the Antarctic island used to be at the equator?
I here they’ve found dinosaur bones there too.
No. He would be totally ignorant of that and that the Southern Ocean was obstructed by land therefore influencing water circulation and all sort of horrible,nasty climate emergency/disruption. So there.
James Shaw – he who was busted for clocking up the most air miles of any MP in the last government. Always beware of people who want to ‘save’ somebody or something, in his case, the planet.
Even MORE hilarious, the Climate Action Group, ie. spoiled opinionated city teenagers who pull sickies on Fridays to ‘save the planet’, have disbanded as they’ve (finally) realised they’re “too white [and] racist” – say it ain’t so! – and indigenous kids should be on the frontline of the battle… to achieve zero carbon… or something.
Anyway, I’ll be out driving my diesel truck at 0700 tomorrow; better keep an eye out for any stray Antarctic palm trees popping up.
More “Nullius in verba” on Royal Societies
“Victor Rothschild, in order to persuade himself of something he wished to believe about my “influence” on Guy Burgess, had not troubled to search out the circumstances and got them wrong. Professor Dawkins took a text, or rather several texts, and represented them as saying the opposite of what they do say. Both these Fellows of the Royal Society thus helped, quite incidentally, to rid me of my puerile supposition that scientists are people who will never allow wishful thinking to govern evidence. For this I owe both men thanks.”
Michael Burn in “Turned towards the sun”.
Driving Dystopia: German auto makers keep reimagining vehicle ‘ownership’
“In the future, our customers will buy, lease, share or rent cars just for the weekend, and we can use software to provide them with what they need over the air … ( in other words, you will pay extra in the car to turn on aircon, seat warmers, windscreen wipers, radio …)
All in accordance with the dictates of Klaus Schwab, leader of the WEF.
“Eric Clapton discusses his anti-vaccination stance: “My greatest fear is what will happen to my kids”
What a great perspective from such a talented musician.
But he had two jabs anyway.
On Channel-7 news last night re seasonal flue cases:
2019 – 11,883 cases.
2020 – 5,797 cases.
2021 – 146 cases.
People no longer go to work when sick, productivity has increased markedly and let us not forget the thousands of lives saved by keeping out new influenza strains.
There are times when Jackie Lambie “gets it”
Most often she does not get it.
IIRC she complained about that
Lab leaks the WHO and another fishy feeling.
Day 459 of 14 days to flatten the curve.
If we just used a tad of logic, maybe just maybe things will change.
Switzerland is sweltering because of a positive NAO.
“Oh Boy, This Was Brilliant – Fox Journalist in Texas Uses Live Broadcast Opportunity to Notify Public of Network Censorship
June 14, 2021 | Sundance | 136 Comments”
‘A statement by China’s mission to the European Union says Nato’s characterisation is ‘slander’ and ‘misjudgment’
Beijing says its military budget – a fraction of the Nato members’ – proves it will not pose a threat to Western security’ (SCMP)
I hear Victoriastan is in danger of Yallourn power station having to shut down due to problems with the mine , if it does shut down it will show the Green menace just why we need coal.
Quite the reverse, the green machine will use it as further proof of the unreliability of coal.
A grid run by engineers, not pollies, would never have such centralised generation. But who thinks today.
My submission to SBS for this evening. Topic Tamil Migrants.
“During your emotive report on this currently popular issue, you did a timeline of events
I am sure its an oversight but you neglected to mention the part where they paid people smugglers to get to Australia and the bit where our Government determined they were at no risk of anything in Sri Lanka (aka queue jumping economic migrants)
I am sure you will correct these omissions in future reports ”
where you enter your details , I completed them all accurately including my custom preferred pronoun “my dark lord”
Aunty Pravda’s rolling news feed of unacceptable articles for the 15th June – #freepointy
Not everyone here is a student of WWII, I know that, but those with a curiosity about Australia’s role which [OK, correctly] was overshadowed by the sheer might of the US war machine will find this on our coast-watchers fascinating.
My interest was piqued by the role Townsville, my birth place, played. The radio shack atop Castle Hill was unchanged 30 years later. Also my grandfather launched a 20 + m launch during the war. It was well built and sea kindly so the day he launched it the navy sailed it away. It was sent to PNG to supply the coast watchers, moving at night, hidden in creeks by day.
The first photo here shows her in camo paint with Castle Hill behind, the second shows her with gun fitted.
After the war Granddad had a devil of a job getting her back. I have many memories of her as a boy.
BTW She was not called HMAS Paluma, other ships carried that name.
Around that
Paluma will always be associated with Townsville.
Roger Waters, during an event to promote freeing Julian Assange, goes ballistic at being approached by Instagram to use “Another Brick In The Wall Pt2” for an Instagram promotion film.
Listen to him telling Mark Zuckerberg to F..K OFF and ask how he ended up having so much power.
As reported HERE
With the headlines…
“Built solar assets are ‘chronically underperforming’ and modules degrading faster than expected, research finds”
Nice! Gonna love to see how the greentards try to spin PVTech as being anti-renewables
While visiting the Queen, Biden broke the protocoll twice, I just read.
First, he didn’t take of his sunglasses during the adress of welcome, second, after the priveate audience with the Queen he told the world about what they talked, an abuse of confidence.
Protocol #3 – Do NOT fondle, nor sniff, Queenie’s corgis.
Protocol #4 – Mumble mumble mumble.
Peanut crop in trouble due to climate change but we don’t know what the climate was like before we got here it might have been the same ! Typical manure from their ABC .
Robert, remember the ABC song.
I’m a Greenie,
And have been since before I was born,
And the one thing they say about Greenies is:
They’ll take you if you’re warm.You don’t have to be a thinker,
You don’t have to have a brain.
You don’t have to have any clothes on.
You’re A Greenie even if you have no brain.
Because Every Green cause is sacred.
Every Green cause is great.
If a Green cause is wasted,
The Greens gets quite irate.
As the farmer said, white man and written records have only been in QLD for 200 years, a mere blink in geological time, a recent study of 700 year old tree rings exposed a couple of 30 year long droughts in the last few centuries.
They are suggesting its because of global warming, so its worth further research.
‘University of Southern Queensland climatologist Chelsea Jarvis said the industry’s precarious future was already being charted as early as the 1920s.
“The trend for the amount of rain in the South Burnett region is, unfortunately, declining as it has been since about 1920 overall and we’ve seen declines of about 1.5-to-2 millimetres per year, which doesn’t sound like a lot but over decades it has added up to quite a lot,” she said.
The large peanut paddock behind our place was brilliantly green until a few nights of frost last week and it is now black; hope the farmer still can get a crop off it despite the ravages of “Global Warming”, climate change or whatever.
If we accept the proposition that it has been getting droughty, then we need to ask what atmospheric mechanisms are in play?
‘While Queensland’s rainfall is highly variable (on an annual and decadal basis), the long-term (1900 to 2015) state-wide average annual rainfall is 628mm. Queensland’s total rainfall for 2013 to 2015 was 17% below this long-term average, and the lowest for a 3-year period since 2002 to 2004 (19% below average).’ (Dept Environment)
That’s spooky.
Right on, Robert! I am so sick and tired of the ABC’s bias. It is just amazing that nobody, including our PM (who has been allegedly linked to QAnon) stands up to this Communist Monolith. The sooner the ABC is broken up, the better.
Some very important findings concerning live and non live vaccines.
As always and in mostly everything, i continue to be sceptical about the harsh environment science finds itself in today.
This TedX talk by Christine Stabell Benn goes some way to allaying my concerns.
From Youtube:
“How vaccines train the immune system in ways no one expected | Christine Stabell Benn | TEDxAarhus
•Jan 9, 2019
“Vaccines do much more than protect against the disease they are designed for. Watch this talk from TEDxAarhus 2018 by medical doctor and professor in global health Christine Stabell Benn and learn how hundreds of thousands of lives could be saved every year just by using the existing vaccines smarter. Christine Stabell Benn is a medical doctor and professor in global health. By studying real-life effects of vaccines in Africa, she has found that vaccines do much more than protect against the target disease; they have so-called non-specific effects. In most cases, they come with an added bonus of increased resistance against other infections than the target disease. If we take that into account, we can save hundreds of thousands of lives every year just by using the existing vaccines smarter. Christine argues that we should not only study vaccines’ effects on the target infection, but also ask the often ignored question: what is the impact of vaccines on overall health? This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.”
“China: “Hold my pangolin” ”
A pangolin looks like something you would keep for a pet, not eat.
Last evening I spent 3 1/4 hours watching Bret Weinstein’s Dark Horse podcast, on the vaccine situation. He was talking to a/the guy who invented the new vaccine tech, and a retired tech entrepreneur, who has been paying for another covid therapeutic to get double blind tested. I’d avoided looking at vaccine stories, but figured this vaccine guy should know what he was talking about. But holy jesus! The Dark Horse with Dr Kory is off you tube, but this one, at present is still there – ‘3 ways to save the world’ – and it is way more incendiary.
1 The spike protein, which is supposed to stay in the shoulder region, is spreading all over the body, especially concentrating in the ovaries, and bone marrow. Brain as well.
2 Facebook has vanished 2 groups totalling 200 000 people suffering post vaccine problems
3 VERS, a voluntary reporting site for vaccine reactions, is listing 6000 deaths in the USA, (somewhere there is a list of 12000 in Europe) and the people running it are saying it is so chaotic, and there is no way they are up to date.
4 These vaccines have already produced more negative reactions, than all vaccines over the last 30 years put together.
5 It is costing us trillions of dollars, so people can make billions.
6 It seems we are getting long covid symptoms not only from covid, and from the vaccines also.
An obvious pushback is, this is just collateral damage, we have to stop this horrendous disease. These guy’s totally off the planet answer is – we can defeat this pandemic with therapeutics, and not inflict long term genetic consequences
on the human race. I’m being a little facetious in my last sentence. Any time they have tried to bring this up with authorities (who they seem to have access to!) (or friends and colleagues) it just drops into a void.
“ALL IS SAFE AND WELL.” Happy, happy, happy.
Someone mentioned ‘Utopia’, the BBC dystopian series, a couple of days ago. I loved it for it’s incredible art direction, so watched it a couple of times, and am now shuddering at the thought that perhaps we are living it? I am more inclined toward incompetence rather than malevolence. Well incompetent greed.
I’ve watched some of it but it was late and my device needed recharging. It is very interesting.
Famous quotes of the 21st century.
Biden 2021 G7 summit
Snitch on friends and family for fun and profit.
From Breitbart:
Attorney General Merrick Garland on Tuesday insisted that the Department of Justice is not targeting U.S. citizens for their political beliefs despite the Biden White House urging Americans to report potentially radicalized friends or family members to the government.
You can buy an oil on canvas by Hunter Biden for a paltry half mill.
Comes complete with an invitation for a one on one with Joe taped to the back, no doubt.
A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids’ Face Masks To A Lab For Analysis. Here’s What They Found
Gainesville, FL (June 16, 2021) – A group of parents in Gainesville, FL, concerned about potential harms from masks, submitted six face masks to a lab for analysis. The resulting report found that five masks were contaminated with bacteria, parasites, and fungi, including three with dangerous pathogenic and pneumonia-causing bacteria. No viruses were detected on the masks, although the test is capable of detecting viruses.
The analysis detected the following 11 alarmingly dangerous pathogens on the masks:
• Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumonia)
• Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis)
• Neisseria meningitidis (meningitis, sepsis)
• Acanthamoeba polyphaga (keratitis and granulomatous amebic encephalitis)
• Acinetobacter baumanni (pneumonia, blood stream infections, meningitis, UTIs— resistant to antibiotics)
• Escherichia coli (food poisoning) • Borrelia burgdorferi (causes Lyme disease)
• Corynebacterium diphtheriae (diphtheria) • Legionella pneumophila (Legionnaires’ disease)
• Staphylococcus pyogenes serotype M3 (severe infections—high morbidity rates)
• Staphylococcus aureus (meningitis, sepsis)
Half of the masks were contaminated with one or more strains of pneumonia-causing bacteria. One-third were contaminated with one or more strains of meningitis-causing bacteria. One-third were contaminated with dangerous, antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens. In addition, less dangerous pathogens were identified, including pathogens that can cause fever, ulcers, acne, yeast infections, strep throat, periodontal disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and more.
The face masks studied were new or freshly-laundered before wearing and had been worn for 5 to 8 hours, most during in-person schooling by children aged 6 through 11. One was worn by an adult. A t-shirt worn by one of the children at school and unworn masks were tested as controls. No pathogens were found on the controls. Proteins found on the t-shirt, for example, are not pathogenic to humans and are commonly found in hair, skin, and soil.
A parent who participated in the study, Ms. Amanda Donoho, commented that this small sample points to a need for more research: “We need to know what we are putting on the faces of our children each day. Masks provide a warm, moist environment for bacteria to grow.”
So they were “contaminated” with ordinary environmental bacteria and fungi. That is pure alarmism.
Furthermore…. since they were laundered prior to wearing, and assuming that the laundering didn’t introduce any of these bugs, one of the following occurred;
1. Airborn environmental bugs (I would put the fungi as likely to have originatede in this way) that would have gone into the mouth if the mask wasn’t there were trapped by the mask.
2. Bugs already present in the mouth (connected to airways and alimentary system) were transferred onto the mask.
3. Bugs were transferred from hand to mask – likely that, in the absence of a mask, these same bugs are commonly transferred to mouth directly from hand or via food touched by the hand.
These sorts of tests are done in high school and early university to demonstrate the ubiquity of bacteria including potential pathogens. Thank goodness for our integument and immune system.
If it were environmental, the pathogens would have been in the T shirt, that’s why they have controls.
Did the tshirt come in contact with the mouth?
‘…..I’ll get into trouble…’.
This is repeatedly the mumblings of President Biden when rambling at Press meetings.
Who is pulling the strings of this marionette. Who can ‘tell off’ the President of the USA.
It’s always ‘They will tell me off’. Not ‘She’, his wife who took control of his introduction at that British army base or wherever he was at to address.
Is Biden the grandfatherly faced front for a junta of people behind the scenes actually running the government and the nation? That might explain a lot of what is (not) happening at the border, the immediate termination of that Canadian-US fossil fuel pipeline and giving Russia the go ahead for its line into Germany. It would also put a different light on the attack on Australia by Boris and Joe over our mining and export of coal.
The humorous part of this pertains to Jo’s new topic of today where the EU is running short of energy and chasing coal in the green heart of the EU! You just have to love and laugh. What more belittling scene could even be imagined. The hypocrisy in the Human induced global warming climate change movement knows no bounds.
An interesting piece of solar news from NASA’s researchers that David might wish to view at and links to a article at .