A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I’m doing this Series about the future for coal fired power, and it seems to be in China.
As we all know, China is pretty secretive about what goes on in their Country. That carries over into what I do, electrical power generation. I can chase up information about power generation and find it relatively easily. However, when it comes to power generation in China, it’s a convoluted task. You can’t really say it’s secretive, because the information is there, but finding it is no easy task, like with mostly everywhere else. I look for the information and find a little taste, but it can lead down wrong paths, and other times, I need to look through layers of links to find what I want. (and hey, if I find it difficult, then a journalist would have no hope whatsoever)
China now generates 53% of ALL the coal fired power on the Planet, eg China 53%. EVERY other Country COMBINED 47%.
However, China burns less coal doing just that, generating more power.
Why is that?
It’s because those coal fired plants in China are those latest technology plants which are more efficient. The average coal burned per KWH in China is 290grams/KWH, and in the rest of the World, with its older tech plants, it is 340grams/KWH.
China does have older tech plants, but what they ARE doing now is actively retrofitting those older tech plants with the same technology used on those new plants, and they are getting greater efficiency out of those older plants by doing this. And it’s actually cost effective, and increases the life of the plants as well.
However, we have mixed messages here.
China, probably telling the rest of the World what it wants to hear, is saying that they will reach peak coal by 2030.
Now, that may be so, but what I am seeing from data, from new plants, from bigger plants, from continuing construction of coal fired plants, and now retrofitting older plants, is that the construction of new plants will continue at the same rate it is now, and even if that peak coal by 2030 was in place, then going on the life of those plants, that’s coal fired power right out to 2080.
On top of that, they are still building the next step up the coal fired power technology, they are actively retrofitting older plants, and now are even retrofitting USC plants barely 12 years old with the latest tech, and they most definitely are not going to stop doing that.
China is going ‘gangbusters’ with coal fired power, with really, no end in sight, no matter what they say, and no matter what greens would like to believe.
Link to Part Three in the Series – Coal Fired Power Dying – Not So Fast – Part Three – Coal Fired Power In China
This sort of goes with that
“Geopolitics, oil, and the ultimate inevitable celebration of the oil sands”
are you sure of those weights of carbon per kWh? Translated into kg./MWh of CO2 the figures seem too high at 1,063 & 1,247. I thought that the last was higher than the 2 brown coal plants in Victoria and about that ‘creditted’ to Hazelwood. Black coal fired plants in NSW are supposed to be around 960, and the newer ones in Qld below 800. The last was also the figure quoted for the newest (higher efficiency) brown coal unit in Germany.
Richard, it’s grams of COAL burned per KWH
OK but it is the carbon content that is converted into CO2 ( 44 over 12 factor), with 100% pure carbon coal the figures would be the same. Not a practical example except anthracite from Wales comes close.
the figure for grams per KWh îs converted straight into kg per MWh (both multiplied by 1,000). I suspect that there is a capacity figure also hidden in the Chinese figures.
How do those numbers change if grow&burn wood pellets are included? Might as well stick with coal and move to grow and bury
Bury it deep thick and wet rather than composting. Making a bog by sinking carbon assets isn’t glamorous
Evn more boring than coal mining :p
just a little ray of sunshine to start the day.
The BBC, again.
“That’s the way it works when a private sector company gets into difficulties, which range from profits plunging, bad rumours flying around or a significant decline of interest in the product or service they provide. It works but not when applied to government departments nor to quasi-state broadcasters like the BBC under no commercial pressure to compete. Whatever rubbish they produce doesn’t have to sell, because they’ll always be handed a budget to spend each year.”
Read more at –
Well worth reading.
Applies to our ABC as well (except that successive small budget cuts are having some effect on the numbers, but none on the mindset).
Message to contributors who include links,
thank you, it supports credibility and helps understanding,
but please check that the links are valid.
(all posts in this thread have good links – so far)
Not sure how I would go about posting an invalid link. Normally just go to the page, cut and paste the URL and done. You would think not much can go wrong.
Invalid or untrustworthy links have ABC or BBC in them, or others supplied by Peter Phitzroy.
This bad link thing seems to be prevalent in posts from one particular commentator who puts up generally good material. I ask, please test the link.
There could be many reasons for the failure, I know that cut/copy and paste can truncate.
My latest:
International Energy Agency’s Green energy fantasy is a hoot
Looking for laughs? The International Energy Agency has produced a laugh filled report, grandly titled: “Net Zero by 2050: A roadmap for the global energy system“. Redesigning the global energy system. My, oh my. Below are a few highlights, out of many.
To begin with it is not a roadmap, as it does not tell us how to get there. In fact you cannot get there from here, which makes their there very amusing. This is perhaps the most elaborate net zero fantasy concocted so far.
IEA Executive Director Faith Birol explains where the fantasy comes from: “…combining for the first time the complex models of our two flagship series, the World Energy Outlook and Energy Technology Perspectives.”
So two, not just one, complex computer models, that have never before been combined. I feel better already. Instead of the world energy outlook, it is IEA’s outlook for the world energy. I hope they are not predicting this, because there is zero chance of it happening.
Much more in the article:
Delta (India) variant is more reason to speed up the vaccination process. A Canadian perspective
Have you applied for the methadone program provided free by your government, this may tide you over until the next sweet sweet top up shot becomes available latter this year.
Have you applied for your covid vaccination yet? Australia is ranked about 100th in vaccinations and from appearances in this blog is proud to fall further behind.
Cannabis is legal here. I don’t use the stuff because I don’t like it. Your experiences may vary
I would love to but I am what we call part of the “Placebo group”, you know that science thingy.
Not proud, “Honored”.
You don’t use the stuff, because you don’t need it, you are already out of your tree.
Yeah Raving!
But we are leading in combating climate change. Too bad the lights are going to go the way of the car plants. Out!!
Raving is correct, the word ‘proud’ is one that applies me. Proud in that unlike most of those vaxxed I have used data gathering, thinking, evaluation, and probability analysis application to my situation.
Recently, I stumbled upon a copy of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. It was a special edition, which included something which I did not know existed, a ‘sequel’ (for lack of a better term) called Brave New World Revisited. As intriguing as it sounds, additional information led to me decide not to read the sequel at this time.
I first encountered Huxley my freshman (college) year of English; it was on the optional reading list.
This particular copy, consisting of both novels, also included a letter Huxley wrote to George Orwell (21 October 1949), and a Foreward written by Christopher Hitchens (21 November 2003).
Obviously, I cannot wholesale copy, cut, paste, or include the entire contents of what I saw, but here is a distillation:
[Sidebar: while I may not be able to lay claim to being the originator of it, I often use the term YouTwitFace to describe ‘social’ media, something I do not participate in. I first used it in a Math class I was teaching in 2017, when I noticed students using their cell phones to ‘solve’ Math problems — — but that is another story. I propose to make a link between the world of Huxley’s novel, and today; wish me luck]
Chapter Three of Brave New World, the character of Mustafa Mond (a.k.a. The Controller) is speaking to young people:
Begin quote:
“You all remember,” said The Controller, in his strong deep voice, “you all remember, I suppose, that beautiful and inspired saying of Our Ford’s: History is bunk. History,” he repeated, “is bunk.
“He waved his hand, and it was as though, with an invisible feather whisk, he had brushed away a little dust, and the dust was Harappa, was Ur of the Chaldees; some spider-webs, and they were Thebes and Babylon and Cnossos and Mycenae. Whisk. Whisk — — and where was Odysseus, where was Job, where was Jupiter and Gotuma and Jesus? Whisk — — and those specks of antique dirt called Athens and Rome, Jerusalem and the Middle Kingdom — — all were gone. Whisk — — the place where Italy had been was empty. Whisk, the cathedrals; whisk, whisk. King Lear and the Thoughts of Pascal. Whisk, Passion; whisk, Requiem; whisk, Symphony; whisk … ”
End quote.
In-and-of-itself, an interesting passage, but it was amplified by Hitchens Forward when he makes this statement that it is part of the, ” … crucial role played by [historical] amnesia in the maintenance of power.” The [ ] is by me, since this was the context of the passage he was writing.
Then the next thought occurred to me: instead of using some pharmaceutical to aide in the controlling of the population, we have, instead, induced a comatose-like state using something else. From his letter to Orwell, Huxley made this observation: ” Within the next generation, I believe the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis, are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”
Again, I do not know if I originated the term, but the more I see of cell phones and i-Pads and all that what-not-rot, the more I’m convinced that I’m surrounded by nothing but ‘screen zombies’.
In 1951, Huxley himself penned a Preface to Brave New World, in which he said, “The most important Manhattan Projects of the future will be vast government-sponsored enquiries into what the politicians and the participating scientists will call “the problem of happiness” — in other words, the problem of making people love their servitude. Without economic security, the love of servitude cannot possibly come into existence; for the sake of brevity, I assume that the all-powerful executive and its managers will succeed in solving the problem of permanent security.”
So, just one peons opinion: the ‘drug’ being used to help people to ‘love their servitude’ is all the ‘social’ media (and incessant stimulation by simulation [screen zombies]), aided by historical amnesia (which is necessary to control the population), all intended to bring about the end of freedom. Sadly, Alexander Tyler nailed it, all those years ago. I had been hopeful that we would learn our lessons, and not repeat his cycle, this time, but we are unable to learn from our past since it has all been destroyed, by design.
I welcome your comments, and with kindest Regards to all,
Interesting thoughts. I think it’s pretty much a case of “the more things change…”. The amnesia Huxley refers to comes because each generation insists it knows better than the previous one, and only learns the truth as it’s about to drop off the perch. The image I have in mind when people talk about progress is Escher’s staircase, where you always seem to be climbing, but eventually end up exactly where you started.
Transcript of the Huxley’s letter is available here. Text of Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited is also easy enough to find on the net. Not sure about copyright rules, and nicer to read in a book anyway.
Another interesting read is Orwell’s proposed preface to Animal Farm, where Orwell points the finger squarely at the intellegentsia as the enablers of totalitarians. The Ukrainean preface is also a worthwhile read.
And were not all the available ‘pneumatic’ young women constantly fussing over the latest fashion in green belts? Any colour you like, as long as it’s green.
Orwell’s describing government’s language as ‘doublespeak’ is pioneered in Animal Farm, for example,the term for food rationing as ‘readjustment of rations’ Today the term for killing people in war is called ‘collateral damage.’ What will governments call any negative results coming from their new and hastily applied vaccine? Animal Farm and 1984 by Orwell, a warning for some, for others who seek to create servitude, a user manual.
Whenever the CO2 or coal argument is posited, one fact is always missing.
That is that CO2 emissions aren’t a problem.
Why isn’t this shouted out loud and clear, instead of avoiding the truth?
It is the same with Covid. The media trumpets “5 new cases”. Or “New, dangerous strain.”. It’s never “No deaths from local transmission for more than 6 months.” Or “Covid ICU beds totally empty”.
See above #8
That’s why.
That was for GD
This is a very short video <1 minute demonstrating the why!
Apparently this is a video of a drenching hub where the not a vaccine is in short supply (1200 doses).
These people are terrified of the virus, yet they will break every guideline to avoid this certain death. Amazing.
Either that or the next gen iphone is being released.
Shout it all you like , but the reality is that a global indoctrination campaign has taken place and continues relentlessly so you are just shouting against what is perceived to be the conventional wisdom.
It will be interesting if it all passes like the 1970s Ice Age and Peak Oil. It doesnt happen with a bang but the world just stops talking about certain things, looks the other way, pretends it didnt happen and moves on. Probably why we keep repeating the cycle of stupidity.
Surely more proof of the end of days as the west Implodes under its own stupidity
certainly an indicator that too much money is sloshing around in too few hands
But was it paid for with invisible money?
“Interesting Timing – Obama Administration Lifted Block on “Gain of Function Research” Just Eleven Days Before President Trump Took Office, January 9, 2017
June 5, 2021 | Sundance | 273 Comments”
Someone posted an assertion here the other day that it was on Trumps watch. I guess we have all the bases covered now.
At the same time Dr Fauci was telling an audience Recently aired on Fox Mews that President Trump would experience a pandemic during his administration.
Obviously this means that there was some sort of planning for this pandemic back just as Trump was about to be Inaugruated.
“Anyone interested in taking a deep dive into what Ivermectin might be able to do in regards to covid should grab a pot of coffee and start going over the information on this website. ”
Links to
Called out!
“Thank You North Face”
Poetry on the run starts at
“John Bell
June 5, 2021 2:42 pm
You know the south side of Detroit is the greenest part of town, and if you go down there you better be aware of a man named Leroy Brown. He has a custom Prius hybrid, and a plug-in Tesla too, he has solar panels up on his roof, and he wears eco-friendly shoes. And he’s green, green Leroy Brown, the greenest guy in the whole dang town…
So come on and add your own verses. Anyone?”
Small point of order there it was Chicago.
“Now Leroy he’s a signaller
He likes to strut and pose
And he like to wave his virtue
Under everybodies nose”
If you didn’t add that at WUWT you ought IMO
Global Warming Freezing update, 6 June, 2021:
‘It’s going to feel very cold’: Polar blast brings rain, snow to south-east Australia
“It will be a good start to the snow season.
We could also see snow in the Central Tablelands of NSW, a dusting of snow in the Blue Mountains, and the Northern Tablelands in NSW and southern Queensland,” Mr Abellan said.
Between 10 and 20 millimetres of snow could fall on the NSW and Victorian alps.
The cold weather prompted Perisher ski resort in NSW opened its Front Valley run on Friday, a week before the normal season launch date.”
>> The 97% junk ‘science’: Global warming causes snow to melt … unless it snows, then, it causes snow …
Icons under threat: The Alps
“A 2003 CSIRO report, part-funded by the ski industry, found that the resorts could lose a quarter of their snow in 15 years, and half by 2050.
The most obvious effect of rising temperatures is snow that melts more quickly, is spread thinner, and a snow line that moves higher up the mountain.”
2017: “According to the latest CSIRO numbers, the $1.8 billion industry is on increasingly shaky ground, due to greenhouse gas emissions melting the pure white powder on higher slopes at an alarming rate.”
Wait. What?
May, 2021: If there is global warming, why is it so cold in Australia right now
“It has brought out the usual climate deniers, who hang onto the term ‘global warming’ and question how that can be happening if the weather is so cold.
[Global Warming] causes colder temperatures and other events, which is why this argument is just another climate-denying myth.”
Science! (97% UN junk science)
Travis only 97% junk?
From the archives
1923 Montana glaciers could disappear in 25 years
1952 Montana’s Glacier Park may need new name
2009 No more Glaciers in Montana by 2020
2014 No more Glaciers in Montana by 2034
2016? Glacier Park management installs signs about coming loss of snow and ice (much fanfare).
2020 Glacier Park management removes signs (without fanfare).
Classic Homer Simpson
On the previous thread John has laid it all out; an incredible summary.
It comes to mind that we have a serious “management” problem and talking is no longer a valid or useful way forward.
Any “discussion” is the subject of a verbal avalanche of woke based verbosity and Verbalism that blanks out the message.
Action may be the way through to restoring our lost democracy.
The French led with Yellow vests, how about us?
Gilets Jaunes was the start. Now the French Military have had enough!
France’s military wages war on Macron’s values
Well done those French generals!
Has anyone been watching the latest BBC propaganda series on Channel 9?
Called A Perfect Planet with unconscious irony, as they set out to claim that “we are all doomed, unless”.
Narrated by (who else) SIR DAVID, who apparently has abandoned thinking.
Marvellous photography as usual, must have cost a packet with crews on remote locations for extended times, even if the scenes were used in other documentaries.
Claims so far include: “there are 1,500 active volcanos” which I don’t dispute although I would like to know their definition of active”. Kilaueo prominently featured (and reference to large eruption in Kamkatka?).
The climate is changing and the tortoises could drown (this after claiming that the original ones floated to the island).
Yellowstone geothermal energy could supply all the energy we need (without explaining how).
The Sahara has expanded in area! (will come as a surprise to those who have read anything on this in the last 20 years).
We can rely on solar panels for our electricity (which will come as news to many).
And that CO2 has kept the climate stable and warm for the last 10,000 years (no mention of the Little Ice Age etc) BUT “we are all doomed unless..”.
Contains lots of Channel 9 add breaks (18½minutes in 69) along with numerous intrusions on screen about the channel and coming ‘events’ which are quite irritating. This prevents me editting clips out so I will have to buy the DVDs if I want to do that (I’ll wait until it is remaindered, something I’ve noticed seems to be happening rather rapidly these days at the local [Sanity] DVD store). That said I don’t think I will bother setting the recorder for the rest of the series.
Nice bit of pushback there Richard.
I don’t watch T.V. in an age when “reality T.V.” isn’t even real, so that was interesting.
I especially avoid that little astronomer friend of Sir Daffids, forgotten his name.
The wunderkind! aka (Professor Brian Cox)
Ah yes.
The “scientist”.
Ohh I thought it was Crian Box.
I’d also forgotten him.
At one stage he was being groomed as the replacement for D.A. when he died, but a knighthood seems to have added years to Daffy in his dotage.
Cox always struck me as a bit of a Phool like Phitzroy and I don’t think I was any orphan.
Probably the BBC are weighing up the choice between a Transexual of mixed colour, a green skinned Woman from Mars (who looks like Teresa May on a bad day) and the runner-up in the Daily Mirror “whose bikini is smallest” contest. The last is unpopular with the staff but seems the only way they can get back the viewers they’ve lost.
G’day R O 3,
You’ll be pleased to know that the ABC has discovered, and has reported, that solar panels don’t last forever, and just may constitute an environmental problem when owners go to dispose of them. But their estimate of expected life, at 10-25 years, sounds a bit vague and optimistic.
(I think this is a good link, but won’t make the same claim about content.)
Dave B
There would be a wide range in service life estimates. Quality levels vary a lot, then overlaid with install standards, environment and maintenance or lack thereof.
Claim: ‘Green steel’ is hailed as the next big thing in Australian industry. Here’s what the hype is all about
I first read the headline as ‘Green Steal’ which I think is more appropriate.
“Australia’s abundant and cheap wind and solar resources mean” that the hydrogen would be made by intermittent hydrolysis of water, which is only 38% efficient (theoretically). So 3 units of “cheap” electricity to make 1 unit of hydrogen energy.
Then I wonder where we would get all that water – 9 tons to make a ton of hydrogen? A new pipeline to Whyalla?
And the trifling objection that steel is actually an alloy of iron and carbon.
Time for that sea water canal to Lake Eyre.
Then we do chemical extraction from the concentrated sea water in Lake Eyre.
And the evaporation would do the boost to agriculture envisioned by the Bradfield scheme.
Unfortunately hydrogen couldn’t be ‘harvested’ from that lake.
It’s a pity that the idea of Harkness (former Deputy Munitions chief & one time head of GMH) to use up the 7,500 tons of surplus explosives from WW2 to ‘dig’ the canal wasn’t adopted, instead of letting the Military set off a big bang in Qld. jungle.
Might even pick up some Hydro on the way through with the Lake being 25m below SL.
Richard Owen No.3
June 6, 2021 at 10:43 am ·
…… the hydrogen would be made by intermittent hydrolysis of water, which is only 38% efficient (theoretically). So 3 units of “cheap” electricity to make 1 unit of hydrogen energy.
Hmm ?…interesting result from the “quote” function today !?
Intermittent hydrolysis or continuous high pressure process used industrially? The latter is 62% efficient and that can be boosted a bit by adding heat (medium temperature). Neither can compete economically with steam reforming of natural gas or water conversion using coal (the latter is what our Federal Govt. is pumping money into in the Gippsland pilot plant).
From Wiki..
(But you can confirm it elseware also !)
The process efficiency is not affected by the source of the electrical input.
So where did yo find that 38%?
you are talking of a different process, namely electrolysis of concentrated KOH (potassium hydroxide) solution at high temperatuure & under pressure. The 70% includes some effect from heat input (as I noted). People who use this process have access to cheap electricity and usually plan to use the hydrogen on site. As a means of producing hydrogen for the open market it cannot compete.
Yes, they may EXPECT better efficiency by 2030 but I have heard other claims of future likelihood before.
Intermittent hydrolysis is the only process that ‘cheap’ renewables could supply. You cannot have a unit sitting under pressure with heat waiting for the wind to blow. Don’t forget that in this case oxygen gas is also produced.
You were quoting 38% efficiency,..
No mention of which process,.. so why pick the worst ?
And not concerned with cost either, since none of these Green options can be economical.
“Intermittent” ?? .. they could use batteries, or Pumped Hydro, or molten salt, etc etc to buffer for a continuous process.
Why are you trying to distort the argument ?
The processes exist…poor efficiency compared to battery storage, and rediculously expensive,…..but technically viable.
From Friends of Science
Written testimony
It doesnt matter what you say, or who you say it to,…if they are not listening, or dont want to hear what is said,………you are wasting your breath !
NIWA has immortalised the Swedish child prodigy, the saint of hysterical mutism & grumpy sour-facedness, by naming a recently discovered (yes, ANOTHER new species) minuscule slug after her.
The ‘Greta Thunberg Freshwater Snail’, found in one stream in the South Island, measures no more than 3 mm in length, and lives its brief life in the mud. Never before has a more-fitting namesake been applied to one of nature’s little critters.
P.S. The recent ‘rain event’, or ‘atmospheric river’, which last week ended the South Island’s drought by flooding farms and washing away roads & bridges & stock, has left 2 to 5 metres (6-15 ft) of snow on the higher peaks and ski areas. Hopefully, having just been discovered, the Greta Slug isn’t frozen into obscurity because of, you know, Normal Globing caused by carbon thingy.
Don’t you just love the language that describes ANY weather event that has occurred since time immemorial. Your ‘atmospheric river’ as opposed to a rain bearing deep low, is currently in Australia described as a “polar blast” causing temperatures to plummet and delivering early snow to the alps. Apparently cold weather is quite unusual in the Victorian high country, specially in, you know, winter. Every year we get an early dump of snow, every year we are told it will be a record snow season, many years the snow just goes away for a few weeks and then settles down to “winter as I have known it ” for damn near 80 years. Still snow season in Victoriastan is somewhat irrelevant these days , Melbournians being quarantined and all that. If the back and hips will take it Ill have a few good runs on quite slopes this year
is that because of the similar IQ of both?
Hi Jo,
Some years ago I told you that I was playing with a machine that seemed to make a new type of energy. To my welcome surprise we now have scientist on board that is involved with the transformer industry making multi ton units down to tiny ones. The unit puts out a magnet field the same area that the size of the ground water is that it is connected to.As I write this two American patents have been applied for with more to come.This scientist has a small device he made that measures magnetic fields in three dimensions. Take a ball and place three equal distant points on its surface with a line from the middle of the ball out to these points he made an iron object three pointed and wound it as three coils.
He found that our magnetic field is pulsating in those three directions. This explains to a degree why it only magnetises hollow objects like cars refrigerators ect. This magnetic field is produced without electricity ? We are still trying to work out what force we are playing with but it could be the same telluric force that Tesla was playing with. Maybe some of the clever people on your blog could have an answer.
More inadvertent trade promotion
Jeremy Clarkson, the British writer/TV on cars retired recently to his 400acre farm. He got Covid (mildly) last year and had to quarantine in a room for at least a week. He decided to “catchup on James Bond movies” but wanted a drink. He looked up the advice on the UK Govt. page and was told No! you must not touch alcohol. The USA page on Covid said the same. He then checked the Australian page and they said he could drink, so he ordered a case of Australian wine and “had a nice illness”. ”
Centenary of Insulin
Apparently it is 100 years ago today that Insulin was discovered by Banting and Best. It was a fantastic discovery which transformed lives and saved a lot of children with juvenile diabetes.
A good news here about Phyllis Lush who was the first Australian child to receive insulin. She was aged 6 in 1921 and close to death. She and her doctor rushed to meet the ship with the insulin on board and she was injected with the first dose while she was on the wharf!
The attention of physiologists had focused on small clusters of cells in then pancreas known as the “islets of Langerhans”. These are the source on the hormone insulin.
The full story involves the temperamental egos of pure research scientists and shows how fragile, vainglorious and petty they really are.
Phyllis Lush received her emergency dose before Banting presented his finding on 30 Dec 1921. Presumably it was a crude extract from pancreas of an experimental dog.
Notrickszone sent to Gulag.
What a great snapshot of history Peter C. Do we know anything more of Phyllis -0 and how long before she could get locally produced insulin?
A model timeline for Matt Kean to beat
In today’s Sunday Telegraph (June 6 2021) I read Peta Credlin’s article on page 25 “Doctors’ orders not good for health of nation”, something I do regularly on a Sunday. I also found much to agree with in what she wrote, but consider she failed to grasp the deeper cause of the flaws she described.
I liked: “If war is too important to be left to the generals (as the saying goes) why are we subcontracting the management of a pandemic to unelected and unaccountable state health officials, given few have expertise in infectious diseases and most disagree with each other.”
I also liked: “There’s a lot of casualties in a pandemic but it’s transparency and truth that have taken a real hit in Australia.”
My concern is that she doesn’t seem to understand that the problem is both world wide, and deep within our bureaucracies, via cover ups, distortions and omissions within our federal and state departments of health, and their counterparts overseas, including the WHO.
The cover ups specifically include the fact of the existence of both cures and preventatives, and their successful use for example in Switzerland and some of the states of India.
The distortions include the claim that the current “jabs” are effective while also saying that they don’t stop a person from becoming infected of from transmitting the disease to others. Also that doctors may not administer HCQ or ivermectin and may lose their licence to practice if they do. Another standard cover up is to ignore any discussion or publication of views differing from the official line.
The biggest omission I see is the failure of any of the health departments to explore the reported successes of treatments overseas and allowing them to be tried here.
Then there’s the flawed logic she’s missed too. Both HCQ and ivermectin have been sidelined, ostensibly because they haven’t been tested to their “gold standard” even though they’ve been successfully used clinically for about 60 and 40 years respectively, while these “vaccines” haven’t even been through animal testing, let alone doing it successfully.
So regretfully, I can’t give Peta a pass mark for this one.
(Sorry, no link on this one, I read the article in the hard copy.)
Dave B
There might not be a link but the message came through loud and clear.
How many vaccinations do we need ?
It sounds like gobbledegook because it is gobbledegook.
Hawaii Five-Oy!
U.S. Honors Ally Australia with Christening of USS Canberra
FAUCI LIED, MILLIONS DIED — Fauci Was Informed of Hydroxychloroquine Success in Early 2020 But Lied to Public Instead Despite the Science #FauciEmails
And many others did not die of Covid!
Surely, the “data” isn’t coming apart?
But it cost so much to assemble/create/complexify before being used, it should have been impregnable.
Swamp data: always expensive, never reliable.
Thanks for that link Peter C.
In the U.S. alone there have been 300,000,000 vaccine doses given.
Say at a cost to the U.S. Government of $50 a go, that’s fifteen Billion D$liars turnover.
Assuming only half is profit after manufacturing and “marketing” costs that still leaves 7 billion to be fed into Swiss bank accounts.
And that’s just America, and then there’s the even bigger potential rake in from CV19 “Case Testing”.
As one of the beneficiaries wives said, “it was micro and soft”, but he sure had a big bank account.
“… and then there’s the even bigger potential rake in from CV19 ‘Case Testing’.”
And don’t forget all of those “booster shots” that will shortly be required.
None of that would have been possible had a Wu Flu “treatment” proven effective. The emergency approval of the jab could not have been given.
Some time ago I read that the virus had been detected in frozen samples of Barcelona sewage from March, 2019. I heard nothing more about it and assumed it to have been an anomaly. Barcelona Uni now has a paper in preprint confirming this test.
Dr John Campbell discusses it here:
We published in 2002 that global cooling would start circa 2020 – what’s that cooling like in Oz?
June 7, 2021 Cap Allon
As reported last week, the icy front forecast to bring snow to the central and northern tablelands of New South Wales (NSW) is still on course to hit this Wednesday and Thursday.
Temperatures are expected to tumble some 16C below the June average for central and eastern parts of the state. While practically ALL of the Aussie continent should brace for an extreme chill by Wednesday:
Sydney and parts of coastal NSW have already shivered through an exceptionally cold morning on Monday, June 7, with clear skies seeing temperatures plunge to 0.8C in Camden, 1.4C in Lake Macquarie and 2C in Campbelltown — these lows follow Sydney logging its coldest day in 5 years last Thursday.
The cold front will cross into south-west Victoria on Monday night and spread to Melbourne on Tuesday.
“We are predicting snow down to 900m (2,950ft) in the south-west which could mean we get some snow on the peaks of the Grampians,” said Christie Johnson, a duty forecaster with the Bureau of Meteorology.
Heavy snow is also forecast to be down to 1,000m (3,280ft) for the rest of the state on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The cold air is coming up from the “far south,” added Johnson, meaning temperatures will be “much colder than they have been”–as helpful as ever BOM.
The front will reach western NSW on Tuesday morning and Sydney and the coast by Wednesday.
Canberra will touch just 8C (46.4F) on Wednesday.
While Guyra is forecast to struggle to 3C (37.4F) during the day on Thursday, threatening records.
German power grids face a massive challenge this Thursday with the expected eclipse set to reduce power to the grid , so now it’s not only weather dependant it’s also dependant on not having an eclipse. Solar is a joke.
Another insightful article by Pierre Gosselin, thank you Pierre.
“Another trick the alarmists use is a color chart depicting the drought intensity in across Germany – for 1.8 meters soil depth! And here the data are not even actually measured, but rather are modelled,”
I recall a conversation with my good friend and co-author, veteran meteorologist Joe D’Aleo about warmist climate scientists. Joe observed that “These people live in a virtual world”, meaning that warmists continue to cite their models as evidence of human-made global warming, even when it is obvious that their models strongly conflict with actual observations!
This is of course true of the climate computer models, which are repeatedly cited by the IPCC and other climate alarmists, even though all but one of the dozens of bogus climate models they cite grossly over-predict observed warming!
Perhaps in this imaginary “virtual world” the climate alarmists have created, we should all be “virtually afraid”, but it is only a computer game, like Super Mario Bros – sane people don’t get permanently lost inside Super Mario.
This “virtual world” of runaway global warming computer models is a scary fiction – it is NOT a suitable venue for the creations of false alarm, the imposition of destructive carbon taxes and unreliable green energy schemes; it is especially NOT suited to the fabrication of false alarm among our children, causing them needless trauma.
In the real world, there is no real “climate emergency” – it is actually a false fabrication created by leftist elites for financial and political gain – it is their BIG LIE that has cost us trillions of wasted dollars and millions of wasted lives. It is a fifty-year corrupted fraud that is long past its due date, concocted by wolves to stampede the sheep. It is the modern world’s longest-living global-scale scam. It is incredible that so many people could be so easily fooled for so long, a reflection of how stupid the average person is, and how half of them are stupider than that (h/t George Carlin).
The reality is that every very-scary climate prediction by global warming alarmists has failed to happen – 48 such failed scary climate predictions had expired by end 2020, that is, they passed their due date – the probability against that being mere random stupidity by climate alarmists is about 281 trillion to one – this is not just climate alarmists being stupid – they’ve been deliberately lying to us for ~50 years about their bogus climate crisis – now the warmists themselves are long past their due date – for anyone with a modicum of intelligence, the global warming alarmists and their very-scary stories are fully expired.
Dimming and brightening, solar forcing and its connection to clouds.