Forty years of global warming have made East Antarctic summers even shorter and more miserably colder than they already were. (Save the wilderness — burn coal now?)

Surface Air temperature over East Antarctica (presumably in summer) from Hsu et al 2021.
East Antarctica is the vast mass of the Antarctic plateau which was, in theory, going to melt. If that three kilometer thick block of ice isn’t going to melt in summer, when exactly will it?
Remember when the poles were meant to amplify man-made global warming?
These graphs come from a paper that Kenneth Richard at NoTricksZone found. The authors Hsu et al think the cooling trend has a natural explanation (but if it had been warming, of course, no one would have asked that question). Hsu at al estimate that 20-40% of the trend is due to the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO). And maybe it is, but they use climate models we know are broken. Curiously they predict the East Antarctic will keep cooling — which may be a first (for the models).
For what it’s worth the MJO is a massive convective atmospheric blob that rains its way from west to east across the Indian and then into the Pacific travelling east at 20 kilometers per hour or so. Over a couple of months it does a lap of the earth. Apparently it has a profound influence on both sides of the world — driving cold winter spells as far away as Canada and the US, and possibly, who knows, in Antarctica too.
But as it happens, the parts of Antarctica that were warming are mostly in West Antarctica and are sitting on top of a chain of volcanoes. The media never seem to mention that.
Hsu et al (2021) East Antarctic cooling induced by decadal changes in Madden-Julian oscillation during austral summer, Vol. 7, no. 26, eabf9903
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abf9903
There are two other reasons:
1. Increase in ozone due to the reduction of CFC emissions agreed in the Montreal Protocol. Humans affect the climate in multiple ways.
2. The insulating effect of the circumpolar westerlies winds. There is evidence that these have increased in recent decades.
Contrast this with the more northern West Antarctic Peninsula which is one of the fastest warming areas on Earth.
“Contrast this with the more northern West Antarctic Peninsula which is one of the fastest warming areas on Earth.”
Unfortunately, Simon simply seems to have not understood that the West Antarctic peninsular has a large number of active volcanoes under it.
Perhaps it thinks that active volcanoes cause cooling !?
Or does it thinks that human released CO2 just picks-on Western Antarctica to cause warming, and ignores the whole southern ocean and the rest of Antarctica.
Those volcanoes, have they only just appeared, or are they a constant?
West Antartica volcanic activity was already in existence before humans walked the earth.
In fact it was a volcanic explosion in Antarctic waters which ended the Last Glacial Maximum.
Peter — since we only discovered 91 of those volcanoes even existed a few years ago, I’m guessing long term data on their activity is “pretty short”.
We expect people to pay billions based on broken models and non-existent data.
Current CMIP6 no doubt assumes those volcanoes havent changed.
But we have records of the ice which go back a long way – the effect of the volcanic activity (for all volcanoes discovered or not) would be a constant. But the ice in that part of Antarctica is melting, and that is new.
You assert that only when a volcano is discovered it should be included – do you have any evidence supporting the sudden appearance of the volcanos, or were they always there, just not ‘discovered’
“the effect of the volcanic activity …… would be a constant”
That’s total rubbish.
You really think volcanic activity is constant !! …. that’s funny !
And nobody says they weren’t there before….
Nobody would be stupid enough to even think anyone would think that.. would they !?
“do you have any evidence supporting the sudden appearance of the volcanos, or were they always there, just not ‘discovered’”
In 2017 91 volcanos were detected under a “massive sheet of ice by Scottish scientists in West Antarctica
‘But even inactive or dormant volcanoes can melt ice because of the high temperatures the volcanoes generate underground.’
And for that matter, under the oceans as well.
Marie Byrd Land is where all the serious action takes place.
“were detected”
Yep, you really think they just suddenly appeared !.?
What a funny little fella you are. !
PF stated
I’ve never seen Jo assert any such thing.
Stop making things up.
There was some lively and interested discussion of the size, shape and activity of the Western Antarctic volcanic field as many here at that time only knew about Mount Erebus, a strato-volcano c. 1 MY old. Pf, with his monumental intellectual infarctions, had not yet invited himself onto this blog … so he probably missed them.
Mt Erebus was erupting when it was discovered by Captain James Ross in 1841.
It’s so far the only active colcano which has eaten a DC10 airliner (in November 1979).
You can find out more about Mt Erebus here.
No volcano is a constant. Have you not heard of active, dormant, erupting or extinct.
When discussing the various states of a volcano such as active dormant extinct etc., constant is an adjective. “The volcano is constant as the eruptions occur every year at the same time”
If discussing the physical presence or location of a volcano such as saying “As I grew up I could always see the volcano on the horizon. It is a constant in my life” then constant is a noun.
Peter Fitzroy wrote “Those volcanoes, have they only just appeared, or are they a constant?” He didn’t;t say are they “constant” but are they “a constant” which is entirely different.
And he is wrong.
Once the grow, they seem a constant thing in our tiny life span.
Only other constant is that they are constantly changing, fluctuating.
Sorry your English and scientific comprehension is so poor as to not comprehend that.
And if you think the number and size of volcanoes under the Antarctic remains “a constant”, you are just proving your total lack of geological education.
But the MSM and polls would never tell you about geology, would they Ian !
You have to actually learn about it.
“And if you think the number and size of volcanoes under the Antarctic remains “a constant”, you are just proving your total lack of geological education.”
God you’re hard work. I don’t know if you’re being deliberately obtuse or you truly are obtuse. I suspect the latter judging from your inability to understand the difference between an adjective and a noun.
The phrase “or are they a constant” doesn’t relate to the number or location or size or activity or longevity or anything else relating to the physicality and characteristics of volcanos but to the fact that as volcanos have always been in Antartica, some for over a million years, they have become “a constant” in our lives.
For god’s sake if you don’t understand the English language by now it’s high time you took some lessons
“And if you think the number and size of volcanoes under the Antarctic remains “a constant”, you are just proving your total lack of geological education.”
God you’re hard work. I don’t know if you’re being deliberately obtuse or you truly are obtuse.
The phrase “or are they a constant” doesn’t relate to the number or location or size or activity or longevity or anything else relating to the physicality and characteristics of volcanos but to the fact that as volcanos have always been in Antartica, some for over a million years, they have become “a constant” in our lives.
For god’s sake if you don’t understand the English language by now it’s high time you took some lessons
“And if you think the number and size of volcanoes under the Antarctic remains “a constant”, you are just proving your total lack of geological education.”
God you’re hard work. I don’t know if you’re being deliberately obtuse or you truly are obtuse.
The phrase “or are they a constant” doesn’t relate to the number or location or size or activity or longevity or anything else relating to the physicality and characteristics of volcanos but to the fact that as volcanos have always been in Antartica, some for over a million years, they have become “a constant” in our lives.
The volcanoes nearest to me had their final eruptions about 300 million years ago and they are still there for everyone to see. I’ll go out on a limb and suggest that is reasonably constant.
Comprehension of reality is very difficult for you, isn’t it Ian.
Never seen anyone dig so furiously as you are…
… trying desperately to prove yourself wrong and uneducated.
You can’t argue on points of science…
…so you go down this hilarious path of attempted distraction..
Problem is, that even your grasp of basic English is very limited…
.. so it comes across as a comedy act, a farce !
And repeating the same thing three time….. Just Deja poo. !
Only thing that even remotely fits “volcanoes” in these dictionary definitions, is the continuous changes of volcanoes over time.
Time to learn some English, Ian
Or at least try.
Not from the MSM or opinion polls !
Peter thinks that volcanoes are “constant”…
LOL !!!
And yes Peter, southern ocean seismic activity has increased.
Do try to keep up.
Peter thinks that volcanoes are “constant”…
No he doesn’t’ wonders if they are “a constan” which is something entirely different
And they are not. They are ever changing.
Sorry you don’t have the comprehension abilities to understand that.
The city of Constant_inopal was named after a volcano.
They are a constant. You may not have heard of them as, for obvious reasons, they don’t get much of a mention in the MSM.
“They are a constant. ”
No volcano is constant… Its like climate.. always changing.
Naturally !
They are constantly reappearing.
Ocean seismic activity increased significantly just before the 1998 El Nino, then a further increase before the 2015 El Nino.
but the ice was not melting then now was it
How do you know ?
And why do you still continue to think volcanoes remain constant in their volcanic activity.
If parts of West Antarctic are melting, which they are not, its not because of temperature.
Or do you think getting colder, makes things melt.
Melting ice; sort of incontinent, always dribbling.
Then of course you have active volcanoes in the very region, eg Mt Erebus
Always constant, of course 😉
Ian, the whole region is a known area of variable volcanic and seismic activity.
Only the most unaware of people would not realise this.
You really are unable to follow more than one comment aren’t you clarence.t? Peter Fitzroy asked:
“Those volcanoes, have they only just appeared, or are they a constant?”
I replied they are a constant.
You then commented “No volcano is constant It’s like climate.. always changing.”
Clearly you don’t understand the difference between “a constant” and “constant”. They are not the same thing at all.
In the context of the question asked the answer obviously was they are a constant repeat a constant not constant . Volcanoes do not suddenly dissolve or get up and move to a better neighbourhood. Active volcanoes are not constant but they are “a constant” in that they do not move their location. Is this difference beyond your comprehension ?
Having then made a complete fool of yourself by not looking or more probably, not understanding the original question’ you then compound you lack of understanding by writing:
“Ian, the whole region is a known area of variable volcanic and seismic activity.
Only the most unaware of people would not realise this.”
You still don’t understand that you are on completely the wrong track as the question asked had nothing to do with volcanic activity and everything to do with volcanic location.
Perhaps best not criticse others until you understand the nuances of the English language
So you really think volcanoes are constant., don’t grow, magma doesn’t move…
You also think volcanic activity doesn’t cause warming.
Ok.. we can all have a laugh !
Sorry you feel you have to keep trying explain your way out of stupid statements you have made..
Double down.. dig yourself in deeper, Ian. 😉
I suppose you think plates don’t move, volcanoes never form..
Everything is “a constant” or “constant” until man’s CO2 came along, right 😉
So funny !
“Clearly you don’t understand the difference between “a constant”..blah, blahhhhh….”
Yep, those volcanoes have always been there, over an active magma sac.
“A constant” fluctuation of energy from below.
You do know that volcanoes form because of movement, don’t you !
Or were you chronically unaware of that, too.
Ian, yes, your assertion of your “constant” volcanoes can mean that you are merely asserting that volcanoes were present before and after any human induced GHG affect. So? What was your point? It was an absurd straw man that is irrelevant to volcanic presence affecting ice.
Emerson stated that “ A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds”. Are your volcanoes foolish?
West Antartica glaciers sit on top of a magma field, and as the magma circulates it melts glaciers from the bottom up thus resulting in a rise in sea water temperature.
Think there were 93 volcanoes, at last count.
They are a constant. You may not have heard of them as, for obvious reasons, they are seldom mentioned by the MSM
Wrong .. again
There is evidence of surges, and of course there are also warm pools in several areas of the peninsular..
Must be CO2 that causes those pools of warm water, hey Ian 😉
Stick to the MSM.. that way your learning with remain empty and stunted.
Yes, cruise ships take Antarctic visitors to some of this these warm water pools for the cruise ship experience of swimming amongst glaciers and ice bergs .
Again Ian, the fact that they exist means what, is cogent how? Can they be the cause of melting ice? Can their flux in output accelerate ice loss? Was there ice loss in the region of the volcanoes? Did we find the ice loss prior to when we found the volcanoes? Could the volcanoes be responsible for the ice loss?
What is the relevance of your assertion, denied by ZERO, that the volcanoes exist.
It’s an active rifting zone for millions of years prior. Eruptions are episodic, but dormancy is likewise normal, but this does not mean volcanoes are ‘extinct’. There are numerous dormant volcanoes in North Queensland that can still erupt in any given year. Most people in Australia are just likewise completely unaware of that. Volcanoes in East Antarctica are much more active though, just much far harder to ‘observe’.
The volcanoes there are caused by the Pacific plate being compressed and causing it to extrude between the southern tip of South America and Antarctica.
Causes extreme tectonic plate pressures and rips holes in the plate that bring Magma to the surface as volcanoes.
There is absolutely nothing constant about volcanic activity.
The only think that is “a constant” is its existence.
A constant source of fluctuating energy.
“The only think that is “a constant” is its existence.
A constant source of fluctuating energy.”
Well summarized Clarence.
clarence.t: Additional information on undersea volcanoes. Very good reading.
“As Casey points out, after surveying 201,055 submarine volcanoes, Hillier & Watts estimated that a total of 3,477,403 submarine volcanoes exist worldwide, of which, Casey estimates, 139,096 are active…..Those active underwater volcanoes are pumping superheated water – as much as 2,150°F (1,177°C) and CO2 into the oceans ”
General info resource page:
Increase in seismic activity in all major oceans a couple of years before the 1998 El Nino
Then again before the 2015 El Nino
Thanks Lance and further to that.
Simon there is no definite proof that a reduction in CFCs has closed the ozone hole in Antartica.
‘The Antarctic ozone hole — one of the deepest, largest gap in the ozone layer in the last 40 years — has closed, according to World Meteorological Organization (WMO) January 6, 2021.’
They said the ozone hole would slowly mend and be cured by mid century, but in 2019-20 ozone levels returned to normal and I don’t know why?
I probably have read the same things you have. My understanding was that they have come to the observation that the hole in the ozone layer was a naturally occurring event as it expands and contracts seasonally regardless of the CFC’s.
That is true, natural variability rules.
Well, that’s all good then.
Ah, the Montreal Protocol. One of Maurice Strong’s early efforts.
There was money in the air and DuPont’s fingerprints are all over it.
‘International regulation offered DuPont and a few other producers the possibility of new and more profitable chemical markets at a time when CFC production was losing its profitability and promising alternative chemicals had already been identified.’ (Maxwell et al 1997)
Turner, 2016 says otherwise about the Peninsula, Simon.
Stay current.
‘The insulating effect of the circumpolar westerlies winds. There is evidence that these have increased in recent decades.’
The westerlies began to speed up 17,700 years ago after the Mt Takahe explosion and they haven’t faulted since then. Do you have a link?
Did you miss the volcano part? Seriously? Are bots this stupid?
1. Increase in ozone due to the reduction of CFC emissions agreed in the Montreal Protocol.
Factcheck: “Scientists at the US Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research believe the speeding up of the vortex is caused by the combined effect of global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer over Antarctica.”
Factcheck: 2. The insulating effect of the circumpolar westerlies winds.
“The reason is the Antarctic Vortex – a natural tornado of 30km high, super-cold, super-fast winds spiralling around Antarctica.”
>> How “northern West Antarctic Peninsula which is one of the fastest warming areas on Earth” continues to warm whilst under the influence of “a natural tornado of 30km high, super-cold, super-fast winds spiralling around Antarctica” remains unexplained … except for carbon (sic) global warming.
Is there nothing carbon (sic) can’t do?
Ozone Hole or a thickening around the circumpolar vortex.
Did you buy your new fridge with the patented Non ozone depleting refrigerant in your photo chemical smog (with measured daily Ozone readings).
Well now queue up to pay $100 bucks for a swab or a jab (transact now and pay later.) Remember the expert advice that the science says those people filling our hospitals now are dying of natural causes, while those who died in their eighties and nineties in nursing homes alone and waiting for someone doing the PPE ritual to attend them died ‘with Covid’.
And that is a scientific fact without holes!
Yes, fools us into believing we are being visited by aliens, but some are working on that too. Perhaps they will try and convince us that the aliens are here to help us stop using carbon (sic).
Don’t you just love these NASA studies where they haven’t got the spine to confidently predict a weather event? “may lead to record floods on earth…” The question needs to be asked – where else but earth may these floods be likely to occur?
Anything to scare the kiddies… or perhaps try to lower coastal real estate values.
NASA went to sh** when the last of the dudes with thick rimmed glasses retired.
Was that before or after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, which could have been avoided on the advice of the engineers but were ignored by management? People should have been charged with manslaughter and sent to prison.
Peter, by that time, NASA was being run as a transport company, gotta move the freight.
It’s who pays the bills gets the propaganda…
Ops, sorry meant to state science in NASA studies.
NASA is not a weather service.
Yep, they know very little about weather.. or climate.
Really? C’mon, G.A., They pretend to be a Climate Service.
“Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York, was named acting senior climate advisor in February 2021. ”
“Gavin’s temperatures are fake. They don’t even vaguely match much more accurate satellite temperatures. NASA Vs. Satellites. Gavin has massively tampered with his own data, to produce meaningless propaganda.”
Looks like you agree with my comment by providing evidence that they don’t do weather – so why make out it is wrong?
That’s right, GA. Weather has no relationship with climate. Excellent.
Looks like you agree with my comment about their lack of understanding of “climate” as well.
The floods may happen in the parallel universe where people like Adam Bandt and Nancy Pelosi reside.
Don’t worry the new Australian Power Grid Chief aka Solarman will has solved the problem. He plans to cover the country with windmills and solar panels by 2025. He won’t even need Snowy 2.0!
He just stated that the grid should be made ready for 100% renewables in 4 years during times when it is possible. So, in effect he is saying there will be times when there is no coal fired power generated in 4 years time. Really? Who hired this stupid person?
Some other stupid person I dare say.
I think it was actually a stupid committee where wishful thinkers dominated.
It is like selecting an AFL coach. It is only a decade after the appointment that you realise you chose a dud. They present with brilliant plans – can you imagine how well 100% RE ready by 2025 would appeal to the economists and lawyers with their wishful hats on. A small increase in electricity charges can build a handsome organisation.
AEMO’s 2020-21 budget is $243M. That is up 40% over 2016/17. Meanwhile the wholesale demand has fallen over that period. The cost of any administration always increase faster than the value they deliver.
You’re referring to this fella who took over from Our Hero Audrey? Another useless import — as if we don’t have enough home-grown village idiots.
Power grid or power mad?
Actually comments like his are welcome since they will expose themselves as the real enemies as they polarise the population even more. It will wake people up once their rhetoric becomes obvious to those who even have low intelligence that they sprout BS.
So, we need more of this sort of stupid mor0nic talk. It helps to better expose the enemies within sooner rather than later. If later than it might be too late. If sooner then at least we have the chance to turn things around before the big crunch can happen. I hope for the best but as I am a realist I know just hoping will not to be enough.
Air New Zealand knows something about Antarctic volcanoes…
And volcanoes are just the start of it.
Unlike the Arctic, Antarctica is mainly a giant ice-sheet on ROCK. It is essentially a 360 degree glacier and the DRIEST place on earth, precipitation-wise. What life there is, (apart from expeditioners and explorers), is on the narrow coastal fringe.
That “littoral” zone is found to have an amazing array of wildlife, all tied into an interesting nutrient cycle.
The ice fringe of this continent-sized, radial glacier steadily melts or breaks off and falls into the WARMER sea. This oceanic water MUST be warmer than the ice above, or it would also be frozen. Being conveniently salty, is also has a lower freezing point. The ice entering the sea takes with it an accumulation of penguin droppings, assorted dead wildlife, lost explorers, etc., and feeds a steady rain of this organic detritus into the ocean.
Here it enters a fascinating food chain: microbes, plankton, krill, assorted tiny fish, seals, bigger fish and the romantic favourite; whales. The assorted sea-birds and marine mammals LIVE on this marine bounty and deposit their thanks on the “shore” to be recycled into the ocean in due course. The “Circle of Life” of “Lion King” fame, and as seen in “real life”, contains a LOT of virtual and literal excrement.
(Air New Zealand knows something about Antarctic volcanoes… )
Didn’t they land on one once.
A hard landing straight into the same Mt Erebus that was happily pumping out Cl (and lots of other toxic goodies) at the time when Cl from CFCs half a world away was being officially blamed for punching a hole in the ozone right above Erebus.
“We calculate that Erebus could potentially contribute between 4 and 14 ng g-1 snow of Cl at the south pole, and between 11 and 36 ng g-1 snow of Cl at Dome C. Excess Cl (Cl in excess of that derived from marine NaCl aerosols) recorded in snow and firn cores from south pole and Dome C could be mainly derived from Erebus.
The volcanic gas plume emitted from Erebus appears to make a significant contribution to the Antarctic atmosphere and can be detected in the snow deposited over a wide area of the continent.”…10215039Z/abstract
Officially called “controlled flight into terrain”.
like the old morbid joke… “What’s big and white, and eats Kiwis…? Mt Erebus…
Holy sh!t – where would we be without it?! 🙂
All this cAGW/CCC™ (along with truck-loads of guano) has resulted in New Zealand’s COLDEST day of the year, so far: nothing abnormal as it’s the middle of winter.
Sub-zero temps and ice have suspended train services in parts of Wellington (our capital) and black ice has closed numerous roads in the South Island. Minus 7.8*C was the coldest reported, at Saint Arnaud, while the summit of Mt Cook was -19, warming up to -12, with a wind chill of -29, with over a metre (3+ ft) of snow on the way by tomorrow.
And the BoM’s mountain forecast for Vic/NSW is snow for the next 7 days and 7 nights (almost biblical proportions) from a low pressure system that reaches from Perth to Sydney – as wide as the continental USA – yuge! Still, not as cold as Antarctica, yet.
“(almost biblical proportions)”
Hey ?! I thought the “climate” word was, “unprecedented”.
Don’t tempt them !
Willis Eschenbach used this recent 2020 Nature study to show that Antarctica has not warmed for 70 years. Here’s the abstract and link.
OH and 2020 minus 70 = 1950 and that’s into the start of the GLOBAL cooling period that was the fear of the new Ice AGE of the 1970s UNTIL it became their now threatening EXISTENTIAL THREAT or APOCALYPSE or EMERGENCY etc. Will these donkeys ever WAKE UP?
But they also seem to have” a 2 BOB each way bet” to keep the L W extremists happy. See the abstract below.
“The Antarctic continent has not warmed in the last seven decades, despite a monotonic increase in the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases. In this paper, we investigate whether the high orography of the Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) has helped delay warming over the continent. To that end, we contrast the Antarctic climate response to CO2-doubling with present-day orography to the response with a flattened AIS. To corroborate our findings, we perform this exercise with two different climate models. We find that, with a flattened AIS, CO2-doubling induces more latent heat transport toward the Antarctic continent, greater moisture convergence over the continent and, as a result, more surface-amplified condensational heating. Greater moisture convergence over the continent is made possible by flattening of moist isentropic surfaces, which decreases humidity gradients along the trajectories on which extratropical poleward moisture transport predominantly occurs, thereby enabling more moisture to reach the pole. Furthermore, the polar meridional cell disappears when the AIS is flattened, permitting greater CO2-forced warm temperature advection toward the Antarctic continent. Our results suggest that the high elevation of the present AIS plays a significant role in decreasing the susceptibility of the Antarctic continent to CO2-forced warming.”
Irrelevant according to the CAGW scam artists and hoaxers.
An enormous missing contribution to global warming may have been right under our feet
A new study finds a large, previously unknown contribution to climate change through human conversion of peatlands for agriculture
They are now seriously saying the only solution to the “problem” is to reduce the world’s population. Will the CAGW scam artists and hoaxers along with most of our politicians please be the first ones to go? The rest of us will wait.
I agree Peter S and I’ll also sit back and wait for their extreme personal sacrifice.
But I think we’ll be waiting for a very long time.
Could we help and push them along under the excuse it’s politically correct? 🙂
“the only solution to the “problem” is to reduce the world’s population”
Vaccinate the young !
That sounds remarkably like a previous “solution”. You know, that:final’ one.
In a lot of ways it is exactly the same solution but only applied to white heter0sexuals.
And ki!!-off the old.
Population reduction was always the real agenda
Maurice Strong said that earthh could only sustain a max of 500million people (serfs) with a ruling elite of course
Going back to medieval times
Absolute garbage of course
Evolution is always upwards
True but it has been covered up with rhetoric about slowing down the population growth, not reducing it. Of course that’s an evil lie too since how does one slow down or stop the world’s population growing? Experimental vaccines would be one way.
That damn carbon cycle again. Of course we won’t mention that peat has been cut up, dried and used for cooking and warmth probably for thousands of years.
Gore’s so called extreme warming of the Antarctic peninsula also seems to be just more of his silly BS and nonsense.
The 2020 Bozhurt study found that the Larsen ice shelf area of the peninsula has cooled by 2 c since 1991. And again that 24+ year period seems to be mainly in the summer.
The Antarctic’s thick frozen belt,
The longest hot summer can’t melt,
More so in the East,
Where the cold is increased,
And the freezing extremes are most felt.
Oh.. well done, sir ! 🙂
I’m locked in moderation again. And the study leader for the Ant peninsula study above is Bozkurt not Bozhurt.
The 2016 British Antarctic Survey study (Turner et al) also found that the Antarctic peninsula had been cooling for nearly 20 years.
Of course a bit of ” just wait and see” added for some future warming. Gotta love these scientific urgers, barracking for their warming side.
Turner is a well known barracker.
Willis also looked at the latest Vinther Greenland study of temp over the last 12,000 years.
And temp was higher for about 7,500 years compared to the latest cooler modern temps. OH and Greenland + Antarctica combined are about 99% of the Earth’s ice, so little wonder that SLR doesn’t seem to be much of a problem according to the latest data.
Climate Scientology.
Good description. More succinctly; Climate Cult.
The Southern Hemisphere has been in cooling mode since 1585; the last time perihelion occurred before the austral summer solstice. Perihelion now occurs 11 days after the solstice; in early January. That means the Southern Hemisphere is into its current cooling phase that will persist for the next 12,000 years.
The flip side is that the northern hemisphere is in a warming phase, which marks the onset of the next period of glaciation. Currently peak atmospheric water occurs in May. Within five thousand years, the peak will occur after June and will increase snowfall on the northern land masses abutting the North Atlantic that will accumulate before the next melt season in the boreal summer.
On average, orbital precession retards the occurrence of perihelion 15.6 calendar days every thousand years. Within two thousand years, perihelion will be occurring in February. Peak atmospheric water is out of phase with peak ocean heat input because the oceans are energy accumulators and the atmospheric moisture is in phase with the stored energy not the peak energy.
Earth’s axial tilt means that the high latitudes are most affected by the timing of perihelion relative to the seasons resulting from the tilt. The Arctic Ocean has been getting more insolation since 1585. It is reasonable to expect the sea ice to reduce over the next three thousand years until the peak moisture occurs after the boreal summer solstice. Then the snowfall ramps up again and overtakes the rate of melting.
The question is – are the instruments sensitive enough to detect these long term trends amongst all the noise of weather?
Second question – will CO2 be blamed for the long term trends that are a consequence of Earth’s complex orbit around the sun – no two days over the life of the planet have the same top of atmosphere insolation – the only constant is change?
‘The Southern Hemisphere has been in cooling mode since 1585 …’
That is in the middle of the LIA and set to go into its coldest phase, so you might be onto something, but there is evidence to suggest sea level fall was dramatic around 1300 AD.
Also the LIA was felt in Antartica, which proves it was a universal phenomenon.
I can replicate glaciation simply by the difference between tropical and high latitude insolation over the North Atlantic. I cannot replicate the LIA yet with orbital changes.
1585 should have marked the end of the coldest period in the northern hemisphere at the start of the new precession cycle. Northen hemisphere has been getting more insolation since 1585 give or take a bit of orbital oscillation.
There is some possibility that the orbital variation caused the LIA but I am yet to find any linkage.
Using CET as honest broker, it took awhile to pull out of the LIA.,_beginning_in_1659).png
Is there any place in your hypothesis to fit in our large moon?
The moon influences the orbit so it has some impact in insolation.
The orbit has considerable variation from year-to-year – it is highly nuanced due to other celestial objects like the moon.
Glaciation is a long process where the 23.4kYr precession cycle dominates. I have not been able to get the recovery from deep glaciation solely from the cycles. The recovery always begins with perihelion moving past the boreal summer solstice – that was about 12kYr ago for the current interglacial – now past its peak. But I have am currently altering the ice albedo to accelerate the melt to force recovery from deep glaciation. There is evidence that dust causes that but I am not yet convinced. It may be possible to get the recovery solely from the cycles without any help from ice albedo changes.
The precession cycle has dominated sea level over the last 5MYr:
The deep cycles over the past 700kYr are 3 or 4 multiples of the precession cycle which average 23.4kYr. But the precession cycle is clearly evident in the period before that.
The recovery may be the result of the South Atlantic cooling rather than dust changing ice albedo. Glaciation is actually the result of the North Atlantic warming. The North Atlantic is a warm basin with 50% of the surface area between the Equator and 33N. The South Atlantic is much cooler and It may cool enough to.shut down evaporation in the North Atlantic. The Atlantic is quite narrow right on the Equator.
The South Atlantic has reached its maximum temperature for the new precession cycle that began in 1585.
The timing of the deepening cycles of glaciation is consistent with the formation of the Panama Isthmus some 2MYr ago that isolated the North Atlantic from the Tropical Pacific.
It is known that the region of Antarctica that borders the South Atlantic gets cold during glaciation. It may actually be the cause of melting eventually overtaking ice accumulation. Ocean basin cooling could impose very long time constants. It is also know that the Tropical Atlantic does not get above 28C at the depths of glaciation. That switches off high levels of atmospheric moisture.
My key realisation in most recent work is that the North Atlantic is a warm basin. It is at its coldest right now. In a few thousand years, the Mediterranean will experience monsoon conditions and North Africa will get tropical downpours associated with cyclic cloudburst.
‘A cyclical shift in the moon’s orbit, coupled with rising sea levels due to climate change, is set to cause record flooding across the world in the next decade, a new study shows.
‘The study, conducted by NASA and the University of Hawaii, examined ongoing sea-level rise and the dire situation coastal cities will face during the next lunar shift, or “wobble,” CBS News reported.
‘The so-called wobble that occurs in the moon’s orbit is a naturally occurring phenomenon that was first documented in 1728 and happens every 18.6 years — resulting in changes in the tides.’ (New York Post)
‘The timing of the deepening cycles of glaciation is consistent with the formation of the Panama Isthmus some 2MYr ago that isolated the North Atlantic from the Tropical Pacific.’
You have a strong argument there, the joining of the Isthmus at that time forced our ancestors to spend more time down on the Savannah. It is the missing link on the road to humanity, climate change made us.
From memory the glacial/interglacial cycles began at this time?
Is the lunar cycle not continues? It is not a sudden shift, and less then 18 years ago we were at this “ fearful” point, and both before and since SL rise has not accelerated, and it has not accelerated in the last five plus lunar cycles. ( In the only metric that matters; tide gages where people live. )
If the 1.4 mm rise continues someone may have to build a curb.
BTW if the Earth was warming dangerously it would be observed in an increase in the rate of global SLR and certainly if warming was a problem for Greenland or Antarctica. ( 99% of the ice)
Willis checked the rate of warming for the longer tide gauges and recent satellites and found the same results as Prof Humlum.
The longer tide gauges show no increase in the rate of SLR and satellites use their “GIA massaging” to find an increase.
Prof Humlum found the longer tide gauge SLR data to be about 1 to 2 mm a year or about 4 to 8 inches by 2021. And ditto for Willis.
Or no more than the past 100 years.
So where is their more dangerous SLR or Biden’s EXISTENTIAL threat etc to be found?
I think it’s just part of their fantasy world, so beloved by the LW extremists.
Sorry above line should read ” 1 to 2 mm a year or about 4 to 8 inches by 2121 NOT 2021. GRRRRR.
Not just the Antarctic. Average temperatures for a place on the Australian mainland, but not so distant from those shores, for the past four years:
Low :—9.6——9.4——9.2——9.1
From BOM data.
I wish there was a “table” facility. 😉
“The media never seems to mention that”
Since the bushfires in NSW/Vic in 2019/20, I have become a committed watcher of press conferences. after I realised that what appeared on the evening news, bore little resemblance to the goings on of the press conference.The characters remain the same, only the facts have been changed for the purposes of drama,
The ‘pressers’ relating the Covid 19 pandemic are no different, and at times it is a bit of a struggle trying understand what is happening, public servants, politicians and journalists, are not among Australia’s best and brightest..
I despair, that these people, and I use the term people lightly for want of a more accurate title, have such an impact on our lives.”
Jerome Weimar in Victoria does not mince words. He has been accused of treating ingorant reporters as ignorant. Reporters are now wary of putting their stupidity on display in his question time as he is not kind to them with curt replies to dumb questions.
The spin that the evening news reports place on the various conferences has caused my wife to regularly watch the Covid reports on ABC 24. She also takes delight in reading between the lines – she knows who they are talking about when they say they have “community leaders” on side. She has determined that cleaners working across mutiple sites is a major cause of community spread. Victorian authorities now provide a lot more detail on the action of outbreaks. Last year there was very little detail until a building or suburb was locked down.
Modern Iceland’s temperature is also much colder + more ice than the last 8,000 years, EXCEPT for the recent LIA temps and ice.
Here’s a link to some of the recent studies.
Thank goodness for the slight warming we have been fortunate enough to have had !
A few more degrees, which would mostly be in the colder high latitudes, would be a massive benefit to those people trying to live there.
In other words, any warming overall should be welcomed not frowned upon. We in fact would be better off with more CO2 and slightly higher temperatures. More food, less diseases, which would mean less deaths. Oops! Wrong direction for the evil globalists.
My bones are the best thermometer there is.
I know that this Melbourne winter is much worse than previous one, which was noticeably colder than one before. Three winters ago I noticed that phenomena, my thermometer did not work beyond that.
My LA nephew is just a few years younger, so upon hearing on ABC 24 channel record 54 C degrees heat in US, dry winds, huge Californian fires, expected multiple deaths caused by heat, I called him to compare the sensations…
To my surprise he knew nothing about catastrophic heat wave – a bit more humidity today is rather unpleasant, he said…
Maybe, it is different California?
Variability is the factor. I’m getting the warmest winter in NQ that I’ve ever experienced.
Been getting that sort of pattern all winter. Could do the same with humidity, and get similar extreme variability patterns.
Just look at the temperature variability across California today …
Seasonal wind patterns make all the difference to T variability and humidity. But the current NQ seasonal winds are very unusual for Winter. But actually typical for the onset of an El Nino cycle, even a weak one.
‘But actually typical for the onset of an El Nino cycle, even a weak one.’
The fast money is on a moderate La Nina?
Sounding like a scratched record there, give it a break, the evidence is all in the other direction, we just had a weak La Nina, and now the pendulum is currently almost at a “weak El Nino” level.
There is ZERO indication a moderate La Nina coming as far as I can see, but a fair amount indicates a weak El Ninio is more likely before SH summer.
Is that a weak el nino (ie above the el nino declaration trigger value) or just a neutral on the el nino side?
Neutral, but trending toward weak El Ninio.
For first time in my life I slept last night in mid-winter with the fan on full and no blanket. This is genuinely unprecedented warmth and humidity in NQ over Winter, it’s more like mid to late Spring this morning, the birds all think it’s Spring. Southern part of QLD will be genuinely cold next week, but Townsville north is going to stay warm for almost all of this new cold-pulse. The unusual EL Ninio like seasonal winds will prevent the cold getting far north or lingering for long.
Maybe it is. California is a big state.
Btw your bone gauge correlates entirely with aging.
“correlates entirely with aging.”
In an exponential manner !
This will never do. Surely y’all realise that human CO2 emmissions are directly responsible for the existence of the above-mentioned volcanoes. Not to mention tectonic plates, black holes, Martian dust storms, the rings of Saturn, cosmic debris, Covid 19, the ebola virus, autism, the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, CRT, Mitt Romney, mouse plagues, the inability of men to breast feed, Andrew Bolt, the ABC, the subjugation of women, Donald Trump, transgender bathrooms and in fact everything since the garden of Eden. Y’all ought to look at the Big Picture.
you’re funny
Yes but not entirely original. See Here.
Volcanic activity under the Antarctic
Known to be there, only a completely unaware person thinks volcanic activity is ever constant.
One good description of those who spout arguments and policies that support a reduction in our emissions. PM Morrison are you listening yet?
He no doubt agrees with you, but democracy forbids him to say so. We have to get the MSM to adopt some of your ideas, then the PM can move in that direction. The world has changed and he has a lot on his plate at the moment.
Well he could start by defunding the ABC, right?
Consent of the governed. Wake up. Otherwise – revolutions.
Also, you say democracy forbids him. Since when did democracy forbid him to carry out his duties to lead? We elect representatives to act on our behalf, not to sit back and do nothing until the next election and try to win votes by various devious means and untruths. Democracy works at the ballot box only. At other times our elected representatives are supposed to represent, govern and act for the benefit of the nation, not just for those who voted for the party. He is doing anything but. He’s a phoney and a hypocrite on the topic of climate change.
We don’t have a Republic, Scotty is only in the big chair because his colleagues put him there. The Nationals with Barnaby in charge will keep the PM on track to do your bidding, but democracy moves slowly and clumsily.
On the other hand Premier Xi would definitely put in the lowest tender for coal fired plants, but that won’t happen for a few years. I like the Kurri Kurri venture, perfect spot for crypto mining.
Which brings us to the ABC, they have lost the plot on climate change, so I imagine they’ll have to introduce a red/blue team mentality into the newsroom. To rid the place of Trots.
Ita Buttrose is relocating the ABC to Parramatta, good opportunity for the old zealots to retire early with a modicum of dignity. This centre right government has been defunding the ABC for years and will continue to do so.
I know we don’t have a Republic. Instead we have a Democracy. The difference though is trivial for most purposes as both have representatives elected by the people by a democratic process.
As for the ABC the solution is to either defund it or fund an alternative public broadcaster supporting the other side to promote balance and let the viewers decide what is true or not. In fact the latter would be great as it would help to overcome the other problem where most people can’t be bothered to do their own research. We could then go to the next step and both broadcasters conduct debates so that people can listen to both sides of the argument all in one go.
Peter, I must disagree. The difference is massive, and why the statists always push democracy, and ignore the founding principles of the US constitutional republic. The best quote on this I am certain you have heard, “ Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what to eat for lunch”.
If inalienable rights and individual liberties are not woven into the fabric of your societal laws, history says the result is inevitable.
I recently bookmarked this video on the “Indian Ocean Dipole”
Looks like a review of material for a certifying exam.
Very interesting, IMO.
It is reported that the WMO wants to “truncate” or revise the standing record for maximum temperature at El Azizia, Libya in 1922. They accuse a disinterested Italian soldier of misreading the thermometer. Anyhow, a team of international experts are about their work on this one. Marble Bar gone….. Furnace Creek …gone. Oodnadatta better watch out.
I agree, Jerone Weimar and Brett Sutton are particularly good when it comes to dealing with the press, especially when a journalist presents a “gotchya “ question.They both have quick sharp minds, and rarely if ever caught on the back foot. Both are shining lights in this whole dreary mess…. I should amend my comment to “ generally speaking”….
Before too long posts such as this will be banned – Government alone has the TRUTH, and all other sources must be shunned, or shut down.
Content in such posts as this casts doubts on the official line on “climate change” (man-made, that is) and won’t be permitted for much longer – it only confuses people.
In NZ the PM has made it clear that Government ALONE can tell you the TRUTH – and all other sources of information must be shunned.
And in the US the Democrats want all SMS messages checked for “misinformation.”
“In what looks like a confluence from hell, the Democratic National Committee plans to police your SMS messages for “misinformation” about COVID vaccines. It sounds like a bad joke, or a right-wing conspiracy theory. But nope, it’s right there in Politico:”
Dr Curry tries to explain Climate Change in 5 minutes.
And Dr Rosling also explains global health and wealth from 1810 to 2010.
And all in about 5 minutes and we should be very grateful for the Industrial Revolution and our use of fossil fuels.
Why, why, why are we still debating this horsesh!t?
The black hats have a lot of time, ideology and future income involved it being continued
Because those that would destroy the Western Democracies – a huge number of our own people included – are succeeding. Our politicians cut themselves out of having to defend their own actions by declaring ‘the science is in’. That decision shields them from debate. As climate science mushrooms, no debate is tolerated. Politicians, fully committed to destructive action, don’t want to know more. They act like lemmings, leading themselves and the nation over the cliff. Past Polls suggest the people that don’t believe or are in doubt outnumber the true believers, but the politicians are protected on their inaction by their biggest enemy/friend, the barracking Press.
Climate science was a little known science of little interest, in the 1970’s. People knew of weather, highs and lows, rain or not; that was all that mattered. Most people would be unaware of those in the science and what they thought; the topic was general, covered in geography class as related to agriculture and food production.
For those working assiduously to change the Western world, global warming was a great subject for their scare campaign. Climate science had just been warning of a cooling period coming and were in fear of global starvation. When things appeared to be warming, it was a God send for the left. They even had a bit of a template from the cooling theory to work from.
The point is, debate is imperative to be had, but the obstruction to challenging AGW theory is gigantic. The true believers dominate the classrooms. Post schooling, denial has meant to be marked down or lose position. Huge funding goes into a system that gobbles it up, destroys economies and can never be challenged. Jobs depend on being silent and acting only to work in fields to further the cause. Government subsidisation stupidity and lack of ticker only further binds government to the cause, despite seeing the damage. Big business chases profits from the cause so it further enforces the cause in publicity and amongst its workers. That’s the mountain that has to be breeched!
That’s why this bs has to be debated. The problem with the debate in blogs like this is, you are preaching to the converted, overwhelmingly. The debate has to go public, but the question is how? When major science outlets ignore the scientific method and go awol,
science has a problem. When science depends on feeding the fear to get funding, we all have a problem. When governments, big business and international organisation join against science, the world has a problem. For us, we are patently losing our freedoms as well as our standard of living.
That’s why you are still debating bs! But those that matter are not listening!
My thoughts exactly.
I think the reason is disturbing.
It’s not a debate about climate science, it’s just one of the battlefronts in the cultural revolution.
Science is just a flag that’s waved.
Mankind is evolutionary mistake that threatens nature.
One of the iterations of man(person)kind is bigoted against the others and must be corrected before the threat to nature and justice can be stopped.
This is the issue about which there is no debate.
The actual facts about climate (or anything else) don’t matter a wit.
Look forward to eliminating yourself from the problem.
Nature is already on the job.
BTW, I wasn’t stating my opinion, I was stating the religious doctrine of the Left.
And, yes.
Whose debating it? The “science” is “settled”. LOL.
Seriously though there is no debate – our political “masters” in the West have already moved on and gone onto the next stage; reduce our emission to zero ASAP. Nothing is going to stop that monster until it has run its course by which time we can all take stock and rethink what type of politicians we ought to elect into power assuming we still have elections, which we probably won’t. Reality bites.
If we look closely at our history, let us remember: Hitler was the first beast of the last century. That beast killed millions of people. The other beast was communism, also killed millions of people. Those beasts were wounded, so we thought they were defeated. However, the wound of that beast has healed and now it has begun to attack again, but far worse. It is neo-liberalism, neo-communism and neo-Nazism, the worst beast that could have happened because it will not kill directly with weapons (although that is not ruled out either).
It is a beast that kills human morality and wants to corrupt the laws of normal human life, and thus the laws of biological life, and then the laws of the physical world. This actually destroys man. When you destroy man’s morality, his ethics, he no longer knows how to live, he becomes immoral and descends to the level of an animal.
We know them by names.
They have a majority in Parliament and can pass laws against the people and no one can do anything to them. Is that democracy?
People are waking up to the multidimensional distractions
“the poles were meant to amplify man-made global warming?
I think they meant it would be most noticeable at the poles. In fact a change of 1.5C in 150 years is hardly noticeable on a thermometer. Nor is the rapid sea rise. What sea rise?
And the reason is that the average temperature at the North Pole is … 0C. The North Pole can reach 23C in mid summer.
So what they hoped to see was a dramatic effect on the sea ice extent in mid summer at least. That was 33 years ago and now the sea ice extent in mid summer is average. And if sea ice melts, great. Good for everyone. It’s a total nuisance.
As for having an effect on Antarctica with +1.5C, the average in winter is -50C and in summer -25C, so somone is making it up. Amplify? It’s an ice block 3.5Km high the size of South America at and average well below -30C. The only melting could come from volcanoes.
So a group of 300 very special scientists just went on another ship of Fools to the Arctic two weeks ago and announced that we humans had passed the mythical ‘tipping point’, presumably for runaway Armageddon global warming aka Climate Change. It must have been that last 0.5C degree in the last 50 years. We are all doomed, it seems. Who would have thought the planet was so unstable that 0.5C could destroy us? Greta warned us and we did not listen. Now it’s too late.
One aspect of any cult is that no one can see reality , that we have just had one of the coldest years in a lifetime and no city is drowning, not even Manhattan and the Polar bears are in record numbers and everything else is just fine. And there is no Climate Change extinction anywhere, whatever that is? But no one is saying it was all just a lie. No, they want more money, more renewables. Especially in Woke Australia.
So the new head of the AEMO, the invented national energy grid, is aiming for 100% renewables 3 1/2 years from now in 2025! The fact that it is absolutely impossible is just one of the nuisance facts which never bothers highly paid semi public servants operating quangos. You just have to feel the vibe of Climate Change and the money flows like a river.
To quote the smug Mr Westerman “And this must be our goal not because of personal ambition, politics or ideology, but because we know this is where we’re headed”.
It’s nice that a happy, content and presumably well paid Australian ‘business’ leader is so sure that we will soon show China that building a coal power plant every day last year was very wrongheaded and bad business. What would the Chinese know about Carbon dioxide? It is a third world country.
And besides, they need all that power to build more wind towers and solar panels for us. You have to feel sorry for them.
The sea ice is not a nuisance for the polar bears. They need it.
Re volcanoes: They can rise up quite suddenly, as one did from the sea floor near Madagascar, just a couple of years ago now, I think. With regards to sea level rise, why do so many scientists disregard volcanoes, plate tectonics, ocean currents, and history? There are numerous historic records of coastlines coming and going, of villages now being underwater and others that used to be thriving ports, now sitting far inland—that sort of thing. We live on a dynamic planet with earthquakes, volcanoes, and plate tectonics. And how many bone-headed scientists are making a fortune trying to get us to believe that nothing should ever change??? Or that we’ve all got to stop heating our homes through the winter? Jeez! Right in my own backyard, giant rocks that I’ve used to border my gardens are slowly disappearing into the ground, while others pop up out of the ground all over and wreak havoc with my yard guys’ lawn mowers. Right in my own backyard I’ve been witness to a 24-year history of lifting and subsidence. And maybe a pile of you will scream that it’s insects and rodent tunneling and frost heaves and tree roots and such. Exactly! It’s not CO2. It can’t be reduced down to the single meaningless meme of “climate change.” But, everything moves/changes. All. Of. The. Time.
I wonder if Extreme Weather-guy Chris Burt thinks that temps in the western US are much different these days than they were in the mid 1930s. Perhaps we’ll come to find out that our humongous monoculture farms are tied in, just as it is now thought that dustbowl farming practices played a part back then. But, with the documented cooling in the 60s/70s and the “coming ice age” scare back then, scientists have to work REALLY hard to convince me that we’re not experiencing a perfect sine wave of natural variability.
The proponents of man made rapid Global Warming looked for a place on earth where 0.5C in an average would have any effect, even a big visible effect. And as the arctic had a yearly average of 0C, the melting point of ice, we have had three decades of warnings that the Arctic sea ice was vanishing rapidly.
However the sea ice extent in Antarctica is now average. So in a third of a century alleged rapid Global Warming has had no effect at all on sea ice extent. In a wonderful irony, the global warming industry have proven there is no warming.
I note that AGW “experts” concentrate on the Arctic and its reduced ice coverage to prove their case. However, I think everyone on this website knows that the Arctic and Antarctic Poles are totally opposite. The Arctic is ice floating on water; the Antarctic is a continent. Sea ice levels have always been totally dependent on natural factors, and not a few extra molecules of CO2.
The planet is covered by more than 70% water.
Evaporation and Precipitation are the ‘normal’ state.
A Solar-induced Dry Cycle Hierarchy, resulting in a decrease of water vapour, (caused by a ‘Metal/Steam’ reaction in the Earth’s upper atmosphere,) orbits the planet from East to West, in a specific related sequence, at a rate of 15 degrees of longitude/month.
There are at least two chains of these Dry Cycles.
One Cycle,(Regional) is of 24 Month duration, with a terrestrial footprint of 16 months, occurring every 6(3/4) (6.75)years.
One Cycle,(Minor) is of 12 month duration, with a terrestrial footprint of 8 months, occurring every 2(1/4} (2.25) years.
The calculations are based on the Earth’s constant 360 degrees orbit of the Sun – and the division of Whole Year, Quarter-Year, Half-Year and Three-quarter Year. The system works on Base 12 maths – there are NO decadal oscillations.
The Earth/Solar Year is divided into 12 equal months of 30 Day/Night Intervals each.
There are always 360/24 hour Day/Night Intervals, per Earth/Solar Orbital Year.
There are no ‘weeks’.
There are no ‘leap years’.
The calendar year should start on the 1st of December, to properly accommodate the Solstices.
As the Earth moves further from the Sun, it is the ‘second’ of time that increases in length, not the length of the Day/Night Interval.
The Angle of Obliquity,(Seasons) are included as a factor of 4
These calculations constitute a proof of the X Factor Effect outlined by Alex S. Gaddes in his work ‘Tomorrow’s Weather’ (1990)
More detailed supporting observations are included in the updated version of ‘Tomorrow’s Weather’ – available as a free PDF from [email protected]