The people of Indonesia look like they found a way to manage things without the government, the WHO or the UN.
File it under: Big-Government kills
Indonesia has 270 million people and very little Covid — or at least, it didn’t. It turns out a philanthropist was dishing out ivermectin in one of the “largest ivermectin markets worldwide”. Then the government took it over, insisted on clinical trials, and slowed it down, as governments do. Cases rose from 7,000 cases a day on June 12th to 50,000 cases a day by July 18th.
Looking at the success of Covid in India, Mexico and Peru as well, how many days of lockdown could have been avoided if Australia used cheap antivirals? Not only could the latest NSW outbreak be crushed sooner, but if one limo driver had used ivermectin — it might never have started.
How much does Big-Bureaucracy hate cheap out-of-patent drugs?

Indonesian cases of Covid. Graph. OWID
Two weeks after the clinical trials began, Ivermectin and a whole rash of antiviral drugs was suddenly given emergency approval. Perhaps there was panic?
July 15th; BPOM Approves Ivermectin as Covid-19 Therapeutic Drug
But the Bureaucrats must be under a lot of pressure as the world turns its eye on them. Just hours ago they added a convoluted qualifier saying that this was all temporary for an emergency’s sake, and ivermectin still needed trials, and only their officials could hand it out. We’ll never know, but if a Big Pharma representative was getting worried that the world might witness another ivermectin success, we could imagine them pulling strings for safety (and profit’s) sake. This is the sort of foggy statement that would make life easier for Big Pharma trolls. BPOM hasn’t approved it. Ivermectin still needs trials…
Does Power & Vaccine Politics Lead to State Usurpation of Ivermectin License?
TrialSiteNews, July 13
As it turns out, Indonesia during the pandemic has been home to one of the largest, most dynamic, yet borderline illegal ivermectin markets worldwide, targeting the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. That’s because an enterprising, well-known entrepreneur in his 70s capitalized on growing demand in the world’s fourth-most populated nation with the onset of the pandemic over a year ago. In what seems like an inadvertent, almost haphazard move by the central government to exploit positive sales growth of the drug actually appears to be far more about usurping control from the marketplace—and the people—restricting access to the drug and importantly, appeasing global influencers, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and various governments that may be positioning vaccines, for example. How else can such a rollercoaster of a story unfold, one where what appears to be a healthy supply of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 people coupled with a surprisingly stable management of the COVID-19 pandemic to a case where the supply became absolutely constrained directly in parallel with the most massive spike of the pandemic starting in June of 2021.
Instead of a medal, The Indonesian government gave the donor a very hard time:
Rebecca Weisser, Spectator
…in Indonesia where an enterprising philanthropist, Haryoseno, leapt into action and made ivermectin available to the masses for free or at low cost. As a result, Indonesia has had an extremely low Covid mortality rate. That is until the Ministry of Health decided, in line with the WHO’s recommendation, that ivermectin would only be used in a clinical trial. Haryoseno has been threatened with a fine and a ten-year jail sentence and the supply of ivermectin has dried up. Result? Deaths per million have increased five-fold since withdrawal of ivermectin on 12 June.
It is legal for Australian doctors to prescribe ivermectin “off label” (meaning for non-standard uses). Even the Minister for Health said so:
Hunt goes off script with ivermectin
Health minister endorses doctors’ right to treat Covid
Rebecca Weisser, Spectator
In Australia, one of the few doctors brave enough to use the drug to treat patients and save lives, Dr Mark Hobart, was reported to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Thankfully, AHPRA advised that there had been no infringement. Indeed, federal Health Minister Greg Hunt wrote to one of the doctors in Australia who prescribes ivermectin confirming that he was aware that some physicians are prescribing ivermectin off-label for Covid and that they were quite within their rights as the practice of prescribing registered medicines outside of their approved indications is not regulated or controlled by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), it is at the discretion of the prescribing physician. Yet the silence persists. Ivermectin is the drug that dare not speak its name.
Some doctors prescribing ivermectin are members of the Covid Medical Network. They can be contacted via their website and provide prescriptions for prophylaxis and treatment anywhere in the country (
Share this message with your GP to give them confidence that they are legally prescribe ivermectin “off label” in Australia. Get ready to defend them, Mark Holden and any other Doctor, and Thomas Borody, or even Greg Hunt. There is so much money at stake. Every doctor that offers an antiviral treatment or preventative spreads the risk and make general acceptance so much more likely. We have a window of opportunity here.
Give us the choice. Give our doctors the choice.
Did things just improve thanks to anti-virals?
If antivirals were approved on July 15th we might see a downturn.
It may be nothing….
No medication should be mandatory, especially not an experimental one.
The wonder drug that disappeared
My summary of Ivermectin
If you only email friends one link — make it this story. It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being ignored? Could it be that there would be no medical emergency and no need to rush out other riskier new treatments which are still classed as “experimental” if there was a safe alternative? There are billions of reasons to ask this question but newspapers wouldn’t publish the story. In desperation, some Americans are going to court to get rulings to order doctors to use Ivermectin on their loved ones. Even if they win, sometimes hospitals still refuse to use it on patients with few options left. One family hired a helicopter to take their mother away from intensive care in a hospital that refused to give Ivermectin (and had a happy ending). The debate is so suppressed, there are rumours the US President was treated with it in secret last year.
For peer reviewed studies read: The BIG Ivermectin Review: It may prevent 86% of Covid cases.
Ivermectin has also been used, with apparent success in India, Peru and Mexico (and so many other places). Covid cases fell in the states of India that approved Ivermectin use but rose in Tamil Nadu where it wasn’t permitted. Despite the success, India’s Health dept suddenly stopped Ivermectin use again and people in India are suing the WHO in disgust. In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks.
The FDA and others will say there is little evidence of success so far, but that’s a scandal in itself. Why are there no large trials? And why are other drugs like Remdesivir approved with only one trial? Ivermectin is so safe some 3.7 billion doses have already been used around the world. The inventors won a Nobel Prize for its discovery in 2015. We’ve known it might be useful since April last year, when an Australian group searched through many cheap safe drugs looking for any that might help against Covid. The news then was “Another possible cure for coronavirus, found in sheep dip: Ivermectin”. This was just a lab study, and it suggested doses would need to be too high. Even so, successes keep turning up in the real world? By July last year there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. Why were large trials not started then? The UK trial is hobbled from the start.
I’m sold on Ivermectin but can’t buy it anywhere. Now let’s look at the other camp: 5522 deaths in a population of just 5.5 million. That’s genocide in my book. This is Public Health Scotland coming out with these figures not Gateway Pundit.
One thing to point out is the figure includes all deaths after taking the vaccine. It’s feasible that some died of other causes and not the vaccine itself.
I just checked:
There were 12,253 births and 13,652 deaths registered in Scotland between 1 April and 30 June 2019, according to provisional figures
Dividing by 13 X 4 = 4,200 deaths one would expect within 28 days normally.
My bad. I calculated “normal” deaths but that doesn’t matter. Thought about that over my coffee.
Interesting also that Public Health Scotland is patting itself on the back saying that 5522 is less than its projected estimate death rate of 8,718. Well done Scotland.
Here’s the media release:
Me too. I’ve been trying to source it in case I do get tested positive. It is known to help to recover from the virus much better and quicker. Collectively we need to find out the most appropriate sources and post the results on Jo’s blog with continual updates.
From the article above:
Some doctors prescribing ivermectin are members of the Covid Medical Network. They can be contacted via their website and provide prescriptions for prophylaxis and treatment anywhere in the country (
Thanks Hanrahan.
It telling when you read the comment from Dr Mark Hobart regarding testing before getting the shot.
Dr Mark Hobart, general practitioner in Sunshine, reports on serious concerns for mandatory vaccinations in Australia and lack of transparency on the risks of these vaccines by the government. Dr Hobart recommends the public to be first tested for coronavirus antibodies. Evidence shows, people with coronavirus antibodies are not only immune to coronavirus, but if vaccinated, they will be more at risk of suffering adverse effects from the vaccine.
An urgent letter was hand delivered, sent by registered post, and emailed to Victoria’s CHO Brett Sutton, but no reply.
No reply
Well of course not. The Victorian CHO has probably been bureaucrat most of his professional life and would know measles from whopping cough.
ie would not know….
Dr Hobart recommends the public to be first tested for coronavirus antibodies
Is that the test for Covid infection being carried out currently?
Ring Dr Mark Hobart, phone number found with google. He is very helpful. Got everything we need posted to us.
FYI, Here is a local online source for human grade ivermectin with no prescription required.
I have no affiliation with this site – the price for the 3mg tablets is higher than at discount pharmacies but the 6mg tablets are not much more and are needed for the recommended dosages, anyway.
Someone said that the site look the same as an Indian one but there is an office in Brisbane if someone would like to check them out.
Usage guidelines from The BIRD Group and The FLCCC Alliance suggest 0.2mg / kg weekly for prophylaxis and daily for a week (maybe increased to 0.3mg /kg) for early onset treatment.
See the photo here:
I have 2 of these still in the refrigerator, cost was 5USD.
In the local farm/ranch stores here in Central Washington State (USA) these are common. I haven’t checked in about 5 months.
Word is that humans are not supposed to use the formulation for horses. Still it is said to taste like apples. Someone must have tried it, or they have a talking horse.
Just type Ivermctin into any search engine or Ebay and you will be absolutely surprised at the number of opportunities to purchase ivermectin offered (And it is NOT the veterinary product) Ten minutes later it can be “Order confirmed and delivery expected in ……days”. Simples. Just offering not encouraging this action.
The problem is the reports that fake (or much lower dose) tablets being sold online.
Even though they are cheap to produce, the demand is high, availability is diminishing and unscrupulous people are packaging substitutes (or lower dose) and selling online at inflated prices.
Try Ausmectin sheep drench. Comes in a handy 1 litre bottle. [snip — Get medical advice etc. ]
Speaking to my Doctor yesterday, he was Gung-ho n vaccination. When I mentioned Ivermectin he said that he used it to treat his cows and hens (he has a few rural acres). No problem getting it he said for animal use. Comes in either a liquid form or as a paste (the latter good for scale on chickens legs).
Absorbed through the skin more reliably than by ingestion. Widely available from animal feed stores or hardware stores in rural areas.
I-MASS – Prevention & At Home Treatment – Mass Distribution Protocol for COVID-19
Prevention Protocol
For adults > 18 years and >40 kg/90 lbs
Ivermectin 18 mg – start treatment with one dose on day 1,
and then repeat weekly (every 7 days)
Vitamin D3 2000 IU (50 mcg) daily
Multivitamin 1 tablet daily
Digital thermometer optional (to watch the body temperature)
R went greater than 1 on May 18th
Interesting point. thanks.
“How much does Big-Bureaucracy hate cheap out-of-patent drugs?”
I don’t think it’s the bureaucrats that hate them, it’s the Johns.
The world could learn a lot from Nigeria, as well as Indonesia.
The Covid death rate in Nigeria is 10 per million population compared to 1878 deaths per million in the USA. Nigeria’s death rate is one-half of one percent of that in the USA. (Worldometer data.)
While there are factors to consider such as Nigeria population’s young age and lack of obesity, general use of off-label drugs has to be important. Nigeria has one-fourth of the world’s malaria cases and 40% of the world’s river blindness cases. Chloroquine is used for malaria, and Ivermectin for river blindness.
“…general use of off-label drugs has to be important.”
Of course the use of Chloroquine and Ivermectin for malaria and river blindness was not off-label. A better description is “general use of out-of-patent drugs which don’t make any money for Big Pharma….”
Yeah I think people need to accept the reality that it appears the globalists are deliberately forcing people to get a vaccine, as that appears to be the designated depopulation agenda tool if choice.This is also likely why the borders are shut….shooting fish in a barrel. Literally.
I warned everyone that it would be vaccine-only , some months out. This should really be no surprise
Avoid the vax if you want to survive.
I do recognised that is one possible and in fact an apt overview of the current situation. However, I do have another view that has been bouncing around in my mind for some time, which boils down to a mixture of evil people behind the scenes having some influence in the way our governments conduct their affairs who by and large are sincere about their intentions to do good for their constituents. The problems arises in that most people in government are not that bright when it comes to imagination, critical thinking and problem solving. In fact by and large they are the worst kind since their main focus it just to win elections by telling lots of fibs. These then become career politicians and at the same time are vulnerable to influential and powerful forces that are everywhere. much of which are also evil since success in this world dictates that sometimes if not most of the time one has to conduct their affairs in a questionable manner to overcome the competition. It’s a sort of natural selection process that ends up with the worst kind of people, not the best at the top of the food chain outside of governments. So, we have typically useless not so bright governments on the one hand and evil powerhouse people on the other. That is far more dangerous when they are linked compared to when they are acting apart. I’m not trying to excuse our governments – far from it. In fact that makes them even more culpable for not being aware of the situation and doing something about it. As they keep saying they are in it together, which is more of a slip of the tongue as what they really mean is they are in it together with the evil powerhouse people of the world, who are in all regions.
I recall the willful or otherwise ignorance during the 3rd Reich of the common people as to what was really going on. It will be no different this time either, in fact if we are on the downhill slope into Rev as I suspect, then brother will dob in brother or parent or friend, it will truly ugly.
I heard comment that the world had gone mad and was under a spell/hypnosis – I agree with this, in fact Hitlers willing executioners were just normal people “just following orders”. But God also sends a delusion in the Last Days, so the depraved will stay depraved, and are “locked in” since they refuse to repent.
Heard a story about an outbreak of “Monkeypox” in the USA. Apparently a vaccine exits that also doubles as a small pox vaccine, interstingly approved in 2019 , good timing huh?. The globalists dont like the fact we are pushing back agaisnt their blatantly engineered “plandemic”. I’m wondering if “monkeypox” is the “crippling event” that finally shoves the face of any who dare resist the globalists, into the dirt? The globalists are like petulant tantrum thgrowing spolit children, they dont handle the word “No” very well….major tantrum via new bioowepon could be on the horizon. We wont bow to that either….
The equivalent to the type that just “followed orders” back then are today our very own doctors. They are just “following orders” from the vaccine companies and governments to coerce people to be vaccinated. When our governments and doctors have turned against us in so many ways (climate change, vaccinations and whatever else they come up with) you know time is running out and our lives will be dramatically altered much sooner than most people could imagine.
When all of the real world material you and the Hon. C Kelly MP have been firing off finally hit the fools in Canberra between the eyes, it will make great fodder for the Class Action that will inevitably follow. I can’t wait to see those Faucists squirm and weasel out of that.
It will not make much difference.
Those bozos have a deep agenda and eyes on the prize.
The peasants are just road-kill.
I have thought the same for some time. I have told my local state and federal MPs that the banning of Ivermectin and HCQ has led to preventable deaths and disastrous economic losses which one day will result in class actions just like the one in SE Queensland viz a viz the flood. I did get a response from David Gillespie who thanked me for the information (all Jo’s work).
Bill Gates and George Soros bought a Covid-19 testing company.
They do not want the pandemic to end, but desire continuous testing for all eternity.
oooh so evil.
Correct this time gee aye.
Glabalist George Soros is a stated enemy of The Enlightenment, which he claims in his manifesto produced’the ünencumbered individual’- forget J.S. Mill, Lord Shaftsbury and Charles Dickens, – bring on the new encumbered individual, as Soros works for this through his ‘Öpen Society’Foundation and donations to other radical organisations like The Tides Foundation… more pervasive government regulation, promoting illegal mass immigration and election processes that bypass secure voting systems etc. So he’s now embarking with Bill Gates on the hugely profitable universal Covid vaccinaton program. As Don B says “They will not want the pandemic to end…’
Maybe so but they seem to like umlauts.
This seems and is scientifically simple. The ‘problem’ why Ivermectin is not used to cure covid now is not a ‘science’ problem.
Ivermectin is safe for use. In vitro tests, have shown Ivermectin (see below for a test with an injectable version of Ivermectin) binds to the covid spike which stops the virus from replicating.
The in vitro tests and Ivermectin’s use in specific regions to treat covid and traditional studies have all confirmed, that Ivermectin is very effective in stopping covid, when it is used early to treat covid patients and as a covid prophylactic.
i.e. Ivermectin can stop covid from replicating. Ivermectin cannot reverse damage that covid has done to the patient. Ivermectin should not be given to half dead covid patients which was how the fake Ivermectin studies generated fake Ivermectin double ‘blind’ corrupt ‘scientific’ papers.
Covid is an attack on our countries. Ivermectin is a super effective tactical weapon against covid.
If necessary our Militaries should help our civil government resolve the covid internal corruption/evil propaganda problem that is stopping the use of Ivermectin.
The coronavirus pandemic will end up costing Americans $16 trillion, far more than anyone predicted when the virus first emerged in the U.S. back in March, according to a new study released on Monday.
A Canadian start-up company (MVMD) has developed an injectable version of Ivermectin which they call Ivectosol
The injectable version of Ivermectin starts to reduce covid viral count, in 20 minutes. Injection eliminates biological absorption differences that cause over dosage or under dosage. This practically enables the dosage to be reduce by a half with no under dosage problems. From a patient standpoint this is perfect.
Test positive for covid. Nurse weighs patient and then injects sufficient Ivermectin that the patient will be covid free in less than 48 hours and then proceeds to ensure all unvaccinated flat mates/family are injected with Ivermectin as a prophylactic.
I bet the authorities won’t be approving this under emergency use.
Why would they? It doesn’t fit in with their evil agendas.
It doesn’t have to be “evil” in terms of harming people as the primary goal. Sheer profiteering (through bypassing the TINA clause for the vaccines’ approvals) is evil in itself
There are International laws: Those that support the jab will be named as co-defendant in the equivalent of another Nürnberg trial for being an accomplice to crimes against humanity. Several law suites have been filed, No Jab for Me Info has details, Americas Frontline Doctors Org has thousands of lawyers and tens of thousands Doctors fighting the misinformation and deadly treatment that is currently being called a vaccine, which it is not. The flood begins: COVID NUREMBERG TRIAL ADVANCING IN EUROPE
I’ve determined that it’s both legal to prescribe in Qld, and possible to get supplies through the pharmacy in town. There’s a statement on the Qld Health website prohibiting the off label use of HCQ, but none for ivermectin. The latest mortality data is worth reviewing. This guy says it well
There’s an interview on bitchute between some German Drs and Dr David Martin detailing the patent trail. I’ve started verifying. Disturbing.
In a choice between govt conspiracy and incompetency we’re usually urged to choose the latter. With all of the assets at their disposal, it is staggering to see the current response continued, by people (PM, cabinet, govt) allegedly in charge and making their own decisions.
sorry I clearly don’t know how to do a hyperlink
That’s is not correct, IVM has been shown to significantly improve patients in ICU on respirators if given correctly!
I have six questions for the Chief Medical Officers of all Australian States and Territories:
1. How many countries have reported positive results from the use of HCQ and Ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19?
2. How many countries have reported negative results from the use of HCQ and Ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19?
3. Have you reviewed any of their reports, positive and negative?
4. If not, why not? If yes, please detail your reasons for rejecting any positive conclusions.
5. If their reported results were to be verified independently as positive, would you consider revising your current opposition to the use of either substance to deal with our COVID-19 cases?
6. Again, if not, why not?
The war against Ivermectin is because of several reasons:
1) In order to maintain their “emergency use authorisation” for C-19 “vaccines” Big Pharma and their Leftist supporters have to be able to claim that their is no alternative to their vaccine product.
2) Use of an incompletely effective and possibly dangerous vaccine which confers no extra “privileges” on the recipient such as the ability to work or travel whilst others are locked up is a way to continue to control the population and destroy economies.
3) The pandemic is fulfilling the intended function of the anthropogenic global warming fraud, that is, the economic and other destruction of Western Civilisation far faster and more effectively than the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
4) Follow the money trail. Monies go to Big Pharma and corrupt politicians with associations with the originator of the C-19 Bio Weapon, China. Plus no politicians or public serpents stand to lose a cent from their actions of the C-19 lock ups.
5) Do you need to know more? Just look at the background of the director of the World Homicide Organisation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus a communist with superb Leftist credentials such as (according to Wikipedia):
And from
On point #1, pretty much all the covid vaccine approvals follow the same requirements as the FDA in the US – check the last part of this sentence carefully.
And here is the similar condition for the European Medicines Agency
That’s saying it mildly when more and more evidence is coming out that they in fact aided, defended and covered up, and now it has been revealed Fauci funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab. Fauci even defended gain-of-function a long time ago before the pandemeic struck by saying the knowledge gained is worth the risk of causing a pandemic, which he argued would be unlikely at the time. Senator Rand Paul is now asking federal prosecutors to hold Fauci accountable for allegedly perjuring himself in congressional testimony over funding research that made an animal virus transmissible to humans, which is indisputable as there is documentation to prove it was done. What is in dispute is whether it was gain-of-function research, but that is pretty clear it was. Fauci (and others) should not only be charged for perjuring himself in congressional testimony but also for crimes against humanity, along with all Western governments who were involved in the deliberate cover ups that are now gradually being exposed. Just blaming China is not enough, and in fact not even close. They all are culpable for crimes against humanity. In fact one could say they are all in it together.
I suppose we won’t be hearing about all that on the MSM.
Senator Dr Rand Paul even gave Fauci an opportunity to retract his earlier denial about funding gain of function research reminding him that lying to Congress is a criminal offence with a 5 year gaol term but Fauci didn’t withdraw so he’s doubly perjured himself.
Yes I saw that too. I will not be surprised the swamp comes to Fauci’s aid and avoid been prosecuted. Our Western systems of justice are broken, and very likely beyond repair.
Fooci should have been escorted in irons from the Senate hearing ….the Senate should throw the book at him…..
It can be correct that the justice system is broken. It would be better said if you are promoting the globalist agenda, you skate.
Does one need “booster” shots of ivermectin to remain immune?
Does it mean a repeat is necessary if re-infected at a later date or does the initial dose last for a certain period of time?
To be more effective do you need a cocktail of similar antivirals plus zinc for example?
Should I get Covid will my symptoms be obvious enough to get the antivirals in time, assuming my GP can get hold of ivermectin?
Should I continue to resist demands that I be vaccinated and go down the antiviral path?
So many unanswered questions.
I would have thought that once you get the virus and recovered from it, you are immune. For how long I don’t know, so your question is valid at some stage if and when the immunity wears off.
Not neccessarily. Severe cases still have antibodies but mild cases dont seem to. With corona colds you can catch them each year. Not immune.
Not great but gives some feel for this
Yet there was testing done on SARS 2003 survivors that showed T cell resistance after 17 years. Apparently the body does not spend unnecessary energy for antibodies not needed.
'Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19'
'Antibodies against the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which the virus uses to get inside cells, were found in 98% of participants one month after symptom onset. As seen in previous studies, the number of antibodies ranged widely between individuals. But, promisingly, their levels remained fairly stable over time, declining only modestly at 6 to 8 months after infection.
Virus-specific B cells increased over time. People had more memory B cells six months after symptom onset than at one month afterwards. Although the number of these cells appeared to reach a plateau after a few months, levels didn’t decline over the period studied.
Levels of T cells for the virus also remained high after infection. Six months after symptom onset, 92% of participants had CD4+ T cells that recognized the virus. These cells help coordinate the immune response. About half the participants had CD8+ T cells, which kill cells that are infected by the virus.'
You also raise another very important question. If some is tested positive, does that person become immune, perhaps indefinitely, and so doesn’t need to take a vaccine?
David, you have many questions, but the FLCCC has various protocols which provide answers.
“Prevention and Treatment Protocols for COVID-19”
Good find.
TPTB are doing everything they can to discredit the FLCCC Alliance
Check out this video where Chris Martenson interviews Dr Pierre Kory who is one of the leading members of the FLCCC Alliance. Unfortunately, the major discussion of ivermectin and Covid19 is in a second part that is paywalled but there is plenty of other information in this first part, especially at the end where they discuss the use of Vitamin C through IV for treating sepsis
Just in case anyone is unfamiliar with The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), they are a group of highly published, world-renowned critical care physicians and scholars. There is much info, including videos and podcasts links, on their website
The Borody protocol includes ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc.
Yes, and he laid it out to the RACGP last August
and they came back with the “lack of clinical evidence” response
I posted on Tedros on feb 3 last year.
Stinks: Slow WHO let CoronaVirus run.
Follow the chain, or rather the Belt and Road
The WHO Director General is Tedros Adhanom of Ethiopia. From 2012 – 2016 he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs in the one party government that rules Ethiopia. This is the same party that borrowed billions from China to build a railway line, then struggles to pay it back. In Africa, Ethiopia is the second largest debtor nation to China — owing $13 billion. As Foreign Minister Adhanom praised China for African loans, looks like he was the man to line them up. We also note that the one-party ruling party of Ethiopia is called the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front which was once a Marxist Lenninist far left group — labels it dropped after the Soviet Union collapsed. (Thanks Maurice for these tips).
Suddenly there might be a reason why Tedros went out of his way to praise President Xi of China, even though medical experts were already warning that there were thousands more victims, that China was hiding the severity, and punishing its doctors for trying to warn people.
Thanks for this Jo.
I asked my GP a few weeks ago if he would prescribe Ivermectin for C-19 and he said no. I have now printed off the AMA position statement regarding ‘off-label prescribing’ and made an appointment to see him, when I will hand it over.
I’m thinking I would like to have these prophylactics in my fridge, ready to go in case any of us takes ill, because the accepted wisdom seems to be ‘the sooner the better’ if this treatment is going to be successful. I guess the trick will be getting scripts for both Ivermectin and the antibiotic. I already have zinc.
Or find a doctor that follows the science.
No, you want to find a doctor who follows science rather than “the science”
Good find. In October 2020, they added ivermectin as a core medication in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
So how come it’s not widely used?
See my reply 14.3.2 – there is an ingrained conservatism within the medical communities when something is not backed by government department approvals (which almost invariably take a big pharma study to achieve)
Ivermectin in COVID-19
One of the conclusions:
This reply and my previous one meant for Don B @ #14.3
Incidentally, Australia’s Federal Department of “Health” continues to maintain the lie to this day that HCQ is dangerous. The “well known risks” they cite only occur with multi-year use along with high doses. Not a short treatment course for two weeks or so or low doses for prophylaxis (according to Zelenko Protocol).
Their denial of the use of this drug (used appropriately) has cost many lives and caused untold economic and social harm. Why was and does it continue to be denied to doctors and patients willing to prescribe and take it (as per Zelenko protocol)?
As with all lies they have to keep telling bigger and bigger ones to cover up the earlier lies.
From the moment Trump suggested there might be existing drugs that could be useful in treating Covid, the MSM in collusion with Big Pharma, were out to quash good news about anything that wasn’t a new and expensive vaccine.
Saving lives came a distant third to the number one priority of making Trump look foolish, and number two priority of making millions from vaccines.
The BS story that Trump told people to inject bleach was the pinnacle of this strategy.
It’s not a coincidence how people who try to do good are attacked the most. It exposes the evil in those attackers.
FACT CHECK: No, Trump Did Not Tell People To ‘Inject Themselves With Disinfectant’ Or ‘Drink Bleach’
By Ryan Saavedra
Apr 24, 2020
Left-wing activists made multiple false and misleading claims on Thursday following President Donald Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force press briefing in which the president commented on new scientific findings from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
The activists falsely claimed that Trump “urged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant” and “told people to drink bleach.”
To understand Trump’s remarks, it’s important to first understand the full context of what was said at the press briefing.
Bill Bryan, Under Secretary for Science and Technology at DHS, said at the press briefing, “Our most striking observation to date is the powerful effect that solar light appears to have on killing the virus, both surfaces and in the air. We’ve seen a similar effect with both temperature and humidity as well, where increasing the temperature and humidity or both is generally less favorable to the virus.”
Bryan talked about the half-life of the coronavirus on surfaces like door handles and stainless steel surfaces, saying that when they “inject” UV rays into the mix along with high temperatures and increased humidity that the virus dies quickly.
“The virus does not survive as well in droplets of saliva, and that’s important because a lot of testing being done is not necessarily being done, number one, with the COVID-19 virus and number two, in saliva or respiratory fluids,” Bryan continued. “And thirdly, the virus dies the quickest in the presence of direct sunlight under these conditions.”
Half-life of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva droplets:
Virus does not last long in high temperature, humidity & sunlight.
— Ryan Maue (@RyanMaue) April 23, 2020
Bryan continued by noting that DHS also tested if certain types of disinfectant could kill the coronavirus.
“We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids, and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes,” Bryan said. “Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster.”
Bryan added, “We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.”
Immediately following these remarks, Trump said:
So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.
A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”
“No, I’m here to talk about the finds that we had in the study,” Bryan responded. “We don’t do that within that lab at our labs.”
Trump then clarified his remarks: “It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big affect if it’s on a stationary object.”
Trump later raised the possibility of whether UV rays could kill the coronavirus if it was on a person’s skin, in particular if it were on their hands.
“If they’re outside, right, and their hands are exposed to the sun, will that kill it as though it were a piece of metal or something else?” Trump asked.
“I don’t want to say it will at the same rate because it’s a non-porous surface, but what we do know is that we looked at the worst case scenario and the virus lives longer on non-porous surfaces,” Bryan responded. “So porous surfaces, it doesn’t live quite as long, so in theory what you said is correct.”
Left-wing activist Chris D. Jackson wrote that Trump had “urged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant.”
Surely Ivermectin is actually SAFER and more effective than the current vaccines? My understanding is that it literally kills the virus whereas the vaccines are ‘leaky’, with vaccinated people liable to catch it and spread it, perhaps in an even more dangerous form.
The evidence sure does support that conclusion. In any case studies after studies have shown it helps better than any vaccine yet developed. So the real question is why are our governments not advising let alone coercing us to take Ivermectin? I’m not sure of the answer. Perhaps it’s just shear arrogance and stupidity. Perhaps it’s far more sinister. Either way they are digging a bigger and bigger hole for themselves, and possibly exposing themselves to class action suits that will destroy their careers.
Oh bugger! I just realised I forgot something. They won’t be sued because if they do see it coming they will just orchestrate yet another diversion – a bigger one to take out attention away from the current one. Each successive diversion has to be bigger and bigger for it to work for them. I wish there was a way to get off this merry-go-round world of ours sooner rather than later. I’m starting to get dizzy already, and the merry-go-round hasn’t even reached it’s maximum rotational speed as yet.
In all of the discussion here about the effectiveness of Ivermectin, it should be pointed out according to some studies it’s benefits are maximised when taken with Vitamin C, Vitamin D, quercetin and zinc. One reason for taking these is to reduce the amount of Ivermectin to avoid other possible complications since large doses of Ivermectin alone might be harmful.
“large doses of Ivermectin alone might be harmful”
There is no evidence, nor even to my knowledge any stories to suggest, that Ivermectin, in the doses suggested, is harmful.
1) It is a “lock up” not a “lock down”.
Lock up is more appropriate to being in gaol as most Australians now find themselves in, even if without bars. Australia started as a free range prison and so it is again.
As nouns the difference between lockup and lockdown is that lockup is (slang) a jail, prison while lockdown is (in an institution, such as a prison or school ) the confinement of people in their own rooms (or cells) as a security measure after a disturbance.
2) It’s “The Injection”, not “The Jab”.
The social engineers chose The Jab because it sounds innocent and playful. The Injection more accurately conveys the serious and potentially harmful consequences of the experimental vaccine.
I thought shut-down was more applicable. After all isn’t the intention of big business is to shut-down all small businesses?
"isn’t the intention of big business is to shut down all small businesses?"
Big business and big government.
You do have a point though. Given the exaggeration of the pandemic, the fact the vaccines are not capable of stopping the spread of the virus, and have questionable preventative capabilities, one can only come to the conclusion it’s a massive fail yet they continue to scare us and in some cases threaten us to take the vaccines, which means more draconian measures by way of lock-downs, lock-ups, shut-downs and possibly in the end shut-ups, which then leads to the next perhaps final stage of a totalitarian style regime change. Perhaps that’s what they mean when they say we are all in it together. We sure will be when the evil agenda is complete.
Big-governmant’s ethos is to flatten the people, not the curve.
Just checked the Australian TGA’s DAEN adverse reaction database and deaths caused by the vaccine is really ramping up with the vaccine rollout. Note the DAEN data progressively made available is always 90 days old. The last available day was 22/4/21 and showed 11 reported on that day. The day before showed 5 deaths (21/4/21). Granted the deaths may be incorrectly attributed to COVID, the numbers don’t give a lot of confidence especially given studies have shown adverse reactions is under reported (typically just 1% to 5%).
This might sound heartless and it’s not meant to be please be assured, but perhaps if they get their way and do force the majority of people to be vaccinated and people start dropping dead like flies in the street and elsewhere over the following few months/years then the penny will drop. The problem with that scenario is all hell will break loose and the governments will have to resort to the only thing they can do – more draconian measures perhaps even martial law. Perhaps that’s their agenda after all – fool us into reacting in a way they expect so they can satisfy their wet nightmares. We shall see. I don’t believe they are that clever but others behind the scene most certainly can be, and they are the evil powerhouse leaders of the world.
Once many in Australia are vaxed — expect many to want everyone else to get vaxed too. They took the risk, and they'll want others to also. The pressure will grow — especially if deaths or serious problems are hidden.
By doing it they endorse it themselves psychologically, everyone likes to "pick a winner" and even if they get side effects, many may feel their own position and needs for help or compensation will be better if more people join them. (It sounds a bit sick, I know, but will be an unconscious driver for some). Only true altruists will admit they were wrong and try to prevent others suffering if they get get a bad reaction.
And remember most people won't get a bad reaction, and they won't view hesitancy as being reasonable if it all worked out OK for them.
As vax hesitancy becomes a smaller group they will probably lose political clout, and the trend may be the reverse of what you are hoping.
I think we need accurate info out there NOW for the public.
HCQ & Ivermectin do work. There are likely many other known, safe, existing, drugs that might work as well.
The problem to date has supposedly been a lack of peer reviewed studies on Ivermectin. That all just changed.
Are we reading this Aus govt “health experts”?
A long-awaited study addressing the role of ivermectin in the battle against SARS-CoV-2 has just been published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Therapeutics.
According to the study’s abstract, Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD), a medicinal evidence expert, and her team “assessed the efficacy of ivermectin treatment in reducing mortality, in secondary outcomes, and in chemoprophylaxis, among people with, or at high risk of, COVID-19 infection.The study’s authors conclude that “large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin.” The safe and cost effective drug “is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.”
Dr. Lawrie said:
“We are overjoyed to have the product of months of hard work finally published! And what a wonderful author team – it’s been an honour to work with people of such high integrity, who maintained a spirit of hope and optimism in spite of all the difficulties with which we have been confronted. Thank you for not giving up! Now the authorities have all the evidence they need to approve ivermectin immediately.”
A similar conclusion has also been reached by several expert groups from the UK, Italy, Spain, US, and a group from Japan headed by the Nobel Prize-winning discoverer of ivermectin, professor Satoshi Omura.
Hey Jo – we should get you a spot on the Alex Jones show with all the info. Time for all these Schwab accolites to be sacked.
This is earth shattering news in the COVID-19 world yet all we hear from the MSM and our state and federal leaders is deadly silence. Goes to show how we have two of the biggest scams ever in progress; CAGW and COVID-19 vaccines. I wonder what the next one will be.
I’m tipping threat of extra-terrestial invasion of course requiring one global government to keep us safe.
I’d encourage people to real William Coopers book “Behold a Pale Horse”
He was liquidated by a home raid by the F*I, it seems he knew too much.
He’s ex-Navy Intelligence.
“… the elite would use some other excuse to bring about the New World Order. They have plans to bring about things like earthquakes, war, the Messiah, extraterrestrial landing, and economic collapse. They might bring about all of these things just to make … sure that it does work. They will do whatever is necessary to succeed.
“The Illuminati has all the bases covered … Can you imagine what would happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and the stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the shelves, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time?”
(“Behold A Pale Horse”, by William Cooper , p. 177]
Cooper was talking about the false M*sonic “Christ” by the way….
Is this the one?
62% of Pfizer jabbed show widespread evidence of clotting within seven days. Doctors warn of consequences down the road.
Meanwhile, on Their ABC, a recent (4 July) atricle about Indonesia’s Covid situation quoted a local doctor thus,
Dr Riono added the government was not learning from or following the advice of experts and scientists.
“We want a miracle, so we let ourselves be lied to, be persuaded to use Ivermectin as a COVID medicine,” Dr Riono said, referring to an anti-parasitic drug that experts say should not be used to treat COVID-19.”
Their ABC has otherwise been mostly silent vis Ivermectin. Clearly, they are part of the problem. Surprise!
Silent? Hardly. The ABC (& SBS) give voice to any doctor, government agency or medical body that warns against even trying ivermectin to prevent/treat CoViD-19.
And I’m in absolute agreement that these government broadcasters are part of the problem (just as they are with CAGW, woke politics, EVs etc)
This Asia Times article supports the story
booooo mods
Having worked for multi- national chemical/pharmaceutical companies I can tell everyone that the reason ivermectin isn’t sold everywhere is because there’s no money in it. Off patent, old active ingredient which is probably synthesised mostly in third world countries. Which is the problem with a lot of our basic pharmaceutical a.i’s like antibiotics. Production has transferred to countries like China. HCQ the same. For ivermectin there appears to be production of the tablets in places like India and Indonesia. (eg. Ziverdo pack) But the active may still be sourced from China. So, the damn CCP wins again!! In Australia we have STROMECTOL approved by TGA which contains ivermectin 3 mg per tablet. Treatment for river blindness , threadworms and scabies. What we need is a company to apply for approval of a STROMECTOL look alike for treatment of COVID. Use a data package sourced from trials at Then apply to do trials in Australia once we start to “open up”. Because once we do open up the level of COVID infection will bounce quite spectacularly, irrespective of vaccine rates.
Yes, off patent and also removes justification under the TINA clause for the emergency use approval of the Covid spike protein vaccines.
When I mentioned “everywhere” I meant for human use. Ivermectin has been used for decades in places like Australia for livestock use. Its little brother, abamectin ,also has crop protection uses. Many drugs are common to both humans and animals for treatment, including antibiotics, antifungals, and antiparasitic agents.
Ampicillin, a form of penicillin, has been widely used to treat infections in children like whooping cough, salmonella, and meningitis. It has been routinely used to treat adults for bronchitis, pneumonia, and rheumatic heart disease. It is also consistently employed in veterinary applications to treat calves, cattle, dogs, and cats. Fungal infection in humans can be treated with a fungicide cream with triazole group active ingredient. Fluconazole plays an excellent role in prophylaxis, empirical therapy, and the treatment of both superficial and invasive yeast fungal infections. Active ingredients similar to Fluconazole are the backbone of various foliar disease control programs in cereals worldwide.
Anti-parasitic worm control in humans is achieved by anthelmintics that are similar to those used in livestock production.
Of course. Mammal DNA are similar enough to produce similar biological systems so that many drugs and medications for humans have similar effects on many domestic and agricultural animals (hence lab testing with animals before human trials).
Heck, they even use antibiotics in the fish feed for salmon farms.
But the WHO keep trotting out the lack of clinical evidence mantra with warnings about effects of these drugs, as if CoViD-19 will make the body respond differently to ivermectin (and hydroxychloroquine) vs existing usage.
Hi Ross, I am a grazier, and use 'mectins all the time for my sheep, cattle and horses. I am interested in the similarities and differences between Ivermectin and Abamectin. I note Ivermectin is not often used in sheep or horse drenches these days, and mostly Abamectin is. I am interested why. I did not know about the crop useage. I am aware Moxidectin is quite different to the other two. I have heard it said Moxidectin is fat soluble, and that is why it is long-acting, where the other two are not. Y/N? Also someone said Moxidectin can cross the blood brain barrier?
My woman insisted I get the jab of the untested “vaccine” a few weeks after I had pains in my heart for about two weeks. I did not see a doctor As i had already read about the side effects
These included chest pains and possible permanent heart damage.
I refuse to have the follow up jab.
I’m trying to follow your first sentence.
It seems to say that you a few weeks ago, you had pains in your heart for 2 weeks and then got vaccinated.
Did you actually mean to say that you got vaccinated a few weeks ago and THEN had 2 weeks of pains in your heart?
That demonstrates the power of the comma.
If a comma was placed after “vaccine”, the correct meaning would have been conveyed.
A full stop or semi-colon would have been my punctuation.
Where did you get an untested vaccine?
Even strong Lefty biased newspapers are now seeing the deficiencies of the COVID vaccines:
“In other words, the delta variant means the virus will probably continue to spread, even among vaccinated people and even in a strongly vaccinated country such as Israel, because the vaccines don’t protect from transmission or symptomatic cases nearly as well. But that doesn’t mean the vaccines don’t work, especially when it comes to preventing the worst of the disease.”
Does “preventing the worst of the disease” compensate for the vaccine deaths and adverse reactions?
the real problem with leaky vaxes is the mutation of nastier forms of covid.
this is a big deal!
So shouldn't we have hit the virus early with everything in the armory including Ivermectin while we waited for the vaccines. That would have given us at least an early opportunity to make it extinct.
Not sure of the need to invoke a leaky vax argument. Covid is doing a good enough job mutating in in unvaccinated populations.
Beyond that, covid looks to become endemic. Vax protection is deteriorating
I remember the SARS epidemic being more frightening. We didnt have sociel distancing / lockdowns back then
Sure covid could become much deadlier but we have good practice nowshutting things down. There will be greater effort to stamp it out. Just as there is little choice in Australia now but to prevent runaway outbreak
Australia has a choice. It is called Ivermectin, HCQ plus zinc, sunshine, fresh air vitamin D etc…. ( a very effective choice)
The “ Leaky Vac is a very strong argument and could well be responsible for the Delta variant. Any mutations that survive the vaccine are most successful agains THE VACCINE, so natural selection will promote those. Every single vaccinated person is a mutation experiment. India had given several million vaccines to individuals before the India variant
The vaccine is failing, and badly.
Deaths from influenza in Australia
Total Deaths in Australia from Covid19:——-914
Deaths in Australia from Covid19 this year:—–5
Some other causes of death in 2019: figures in () are average age at death.
Heart disease; ———–18244 (84)
Dementia;—————–15016 (89.1)
Bowel cancer:————- 5410 (77.6)
Diabetes; ——————-4967 (82)
Intentional self harm:–3318 (43.9)
Cirrhosis & other liver cases: 2111 (65)
It would seem a disproportionate interest in getting everyone “vaccinated”.
Stats from a country with few cases – here is what we could look like when we do get cases. Compare second and third wave graphs
In this link I meant to add
C'mon Richard, it's a false logic. No one died of rabies in Australia last year. Should we let that virus in?
Obviously what matters is potential deaths. Not using the end point of a successful program to argue that because it succeeded we don't need it.
Jo, sorry, I don’t follow your logic.
The point I was trying to make is why the drastic loss of liberty, increasing bureaucratic heavy handiness etc. for covid when other health problems aren’t subject to the same approach.
On the wall of the Doctor’s waiting room was a poster recommending testing for bowel cancer for 50-74 years olds.
If we were treating that, with 5 times+ the deaths, by locking down the population, dragging people into isolation on suspicion, and generally becoming more and more hysterical every week, would you wear that?
As for your link, so what? The second wave started about the same infection rate as the third, hardly surprising as I expect that was a selected point. By the end of the 50 days the infection numbers were similar -21,450, 21,840 (allowing for one to be in autumn and the other at the start of summer).
The deaths follows a similar pattern, 2334 to (97-117) but the number of deaths in the third wave is much reduced from 137 to (72 to 85). A big improvement I grant you, but was that the third ‘spike’ was much reduced by 63% of adults being fully vaccinated (and 86% with one jab)?
By contrast Australia is “poorly vaccinated”; last year unvaccinated deaths were 909 (2363 equivalent) and this year 5 (13 equivalent). It would seem that the improvement is due to a less lethal strain.
I have heard from good authority that bowel cancer is not contagious and that doing all those things you hyperventilated about would not work.
The strains prevalent this year are not less deadly. Go back and look at the data again.
“I have heard from good authority that bowel cancer is not contagious” – I think a bit of ‘creative’ statistics could show otherwise, esp. if coming from Michael Mann.
As for your claim that the data show anything other than what I wrote, I cannot see it. I think you are mistaking rolling average for actual figures.
But that doesn’t alter the point – the UK was fairly heavily vaccinated and had a much reduced fatality rate in the third lockdown this year.
Australia has a poor rate of vaccination yet has a much reduced fatality rate this year. If this strain isn’t less deadly then Why Is It SO?
“But that doesn’t mean the vaccines don’t work….”
Um…yes …it does mean they dont work.
Its like someone with a headache bashing their head agaisnt the wall and wondering why the headache only gets worse.
“COVID vaccine researchers had previously assumed mRNA COVID vaccines would behave like traditional vaccines. The vaccine’s spike protein — responsible for infection and its most severe symptoms — would remain mostly in the injection site at the shoulder muscle or local lymph nodes.
“But new research obtained by a group of scientists contradicts that theory, a Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said last week.
““We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario. “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”
This sort of material needs to be forwarded to your state premier/ health minister as a matter of course. So that when they are prosecuted for neglect/ crimes against humanity/ conspiracy to cause harm/ etc, they can't say they didn't know. Keep a record of the email sent and any auto-acknowledgement of its receipt.
Maybe this idea could be a thing…… ..
Ivermectin appreciation day
That’s some outstanding stuff.
One day, hopefully soon, the Josef Mengeles of the modern world will be held to account!
Latest from J.J.Couey, PhD…
My only question is, why are so many siding with evil over good, they are probably not evil by nature?
Ivermectin appreciation day
That’s some outstanding stuff.
I can see the "factcheckers" lining up now
As the saying goes, Governments don't fix problems, they make problems.
Thank you all for the advice and links following my questions on antivirals such as ivermectin.
Plenty of ammunition when I confront my GP next week!
Thanks for the Indonesian info Jo, but most of the rest of the posts here are out of date. I still think the company selling IVM in Aus, is sending the drug out of India, so it has to come through customs. They've gone after the IVM Mega study by destroying an Egyptian study that had been included, but it doesn't change the effectiveness numbers much at all.
I really like Jackie Stone, the Zimbabwean doctor. Her clearest interview has been taken off the net, I think it was on Trial Site News. I have it downloaded, and it is almost the one thing I can show people, that is so down to earth, and gives a blow by blow account of fighting the virus with IVM, from someone who is at the coalface. She is so believable. She had covid twice, first wave not too badly, but a bad dose of the SA version, through over work, and being slack with prophylaxis. She gave a wonderful account of the effect of the drug as it drove back the virus, with heat radiating out from her solarplexus, through her whole body. She says it needs to be hit really hard and fast. They ended up using a liquid form of the drug, which seems to give a faster uptake. She took 100ml- way over the recommended dose, which is like 12ml, but she has found it is safe, and it really works in extreme circumstances. She says if you have a big load of the virus, you have to have a big load of IVM. If what you are giving doesn't seem to be changing anything, quickly up the dosage.
She is on one of the FLCCC weekly discussions, and is excellent, and I'll see if I can find a training talk she gave from maybe late last year- excellent again, but it ends a bit abruptly. More please. This one–
She is talking to medical people, so there is plenty of detail.
She spent time working for the Flying Doctor Service in Australia!
They were lucky in Zimbabwe, in that a number of polis and high up bureaucrats, got covid in the first wave, and a number were saved by IVM, which gave some cover. But even there there is strong push back, and she has been hauled before a medical tribunal, but they couldn't fault her numbers. She says she isn't afraid of covid anymore, or the bureaucrats.
She's quite a girl.
Jo – many thanks for highlighting this.
The deliberate campaign to thwart Ivermectin and force use of only provisionally approved vaccines (I use that word hesistantly) is an appalling stain on the TGA and most of our politicians.
The continual cries about the need for large scale studies is ridiculous when we have extensive information and study results confirming, from real world use, that Ivermectin works exceptionally well. And No deaths.
Contrast this with the almost daily reports of some new issue with the vaccines from myocarditis, blood clots, micro clots, fertility – and then we have the VAERs TGA and European reporting of large nos of severe adverse reactions and deaths.
The fact that we have people silencing on Ivermectin and on the many real issues around the covid vaccines is almost criminal. Obviously a lot of money at stake. If vaccines can be mandated, the real goal, then its manna from heaven from Big Pharma who can then use this to force any and every vaccine onto people, with no responsibility for the impacts, forever.
Censorship of “fake news” (informed alternative opinions) so govt entities can lie to you for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies?
What could possibly go wrong?
[…] JoNova; A simple tried and tested generic medical treatment which may reduce Covid deaths by 80% is slowly […]
[…] JoNova; A simple tried and tested generic medical treatment which may reduce Covid deaths by 80% is slowly […]
[…] JoNova; A easy attempted and examined generic clinical remedy which might scale back Covid deaths by way […]
[…] JoNova; A simple tried and tested generic medical treatment which may reduce Covid deaths by 80% is slowly […]
The worst problem with the vaccines is rolling them out on an emergency use authorization without building in systematic monitoring: just assuming that existing known to be faulty reporting mechanisms such as VAERS and yellow cards are sufficient. In Canada I have heard that vaccine adverse effect reports are “curated” prior to adding them to the file. Stroke and heart problems in the over 60’s are discounted and regarded as just “normal” with no attempt to compare them with background rates.
As to long term effects, the trials have been unblinded and vaccine administered to the control group that was supposed to be monitored till 2023.
Jo is spot on about the Covid 19 variants. Currently we have Delta. There is a new variant, named Kappa (similar to Delta). This virus, like all other viruses (eg: The Plague) will continually mutate. At least we have one comfort…there are plenty of letters left in the Greek Alphabet 🙂