For a whole year more people were dying in Mexico than normally died. There’s been one long bloodbath there and an untold story. Mexico may not have hit the “photogenic” headline stage that Brazil, Iran, and India did, but nonetheless, somewhat unnoticed, it’s been continuously bad. Mexico has the dubious honor of being one of the worst for testing, with positivity rates at the virtually the highest in the world, running at 35% and even reaching over 50% at times. Few countries have had higher rates (currently only Tunisia, Namibia, maybe Colombia are worse). The Case Fatality Rate has run at 12% for a year, only confirming that there weren’t enough tests to know the real scale of the infections. The excess deaths graph tells its own story. The wave of 2020 ran for a whole year with deaths running at 50 – 100% higher than in a normal year. Since the pandemic began some 350,000 excess deaths have been recorded. The death toll for Covid in Mexico may be 60% higher than the official Covid casualty count of 230,000. As winter made the situation even worse, things got desperate enough (finally!) for cheap treatments to be organized.
Ivermectin use at 200 microgram/kg started on December 21 and was gradually rolled out across Mexico. It took months, but finally, for the first time in a year, Mexican deaths are back to normal, and even slightly lower.
Obviously some countries are too rich to use cheap drugs. For them, only patentable ones with big profits attached can “solve” this crisis.
Vaccinations did not start en masse til February 15th, and by the start of June only 17% of the country had even received one dose.

Ivermectin use began being rolled out on December 21, 2020. @jjchamie
How many lives would have been saved and how many lockdowns could have been prevented?
Obviously excess deaths in a pandemic are also due to hospitals being overwhelmed, and shortages or restrictions and the failure of normal healthcare. It may be years before those factors can be unravelled and a better estimate of Covid deaths can be made.
After Mexico City introduced Ivermectin, COVID hospitalizations and deaths were reduced
Concerned about hospital capacity in the summer of 2020, the Mexican government devised an aggressive testing regime, ramping up from 3,000 tests per day in June to around 24,000 antigen tests every day by that November, according to TrialSiteNews. Mexico City Ministry of Health head Oliva López later announced that doctors will give ivermectin and azithromycin to treat COVID-19.
“The Ministry of Health has identified that there is enough evidence to use in people positive for SARS-CoV-2, even without symptoms, some drugs such as ivermectin and azithromycin,” López confirmed in a press conference.
Local authorities created a home-treatment-kit, including ivermectin, for its 22 million-strong population on December 28, 2020, following a spike in cases of COVID-19.
Dr. Juan J. Chamie-Quintero, a senior data analyst at private Colombian university EAFIT, followed the trends in hospitalizations and deaths in Mexico City before and after the government implemented its ivermectin treatment program.
UPDATE: Cases and deaths are on the rise again in Mexico this week. J Chamie says ‘…the war isn’t over in Mexico Not a surprise that a new surge is growing from Quintana Roo (bottom right in the map)) where a group of MDs are actively blocking IVM treatments. h/t TIP
The wonder drug that disappeared
If you only email friends one link — make it this story. It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being ignored? Could it be that there would be no medical emergency and no need to rush out other riskier new treatments which are still classed as “experimental” if there was a safe alternative? There are billions of reasons to ask this question but newspapers wouldn’t publish the story. In desperation, some Americans are going to court to get rulings to order doctors to use Ivermectin on their loved ones. Even if they win, sometimes hospitals still refuse to use it on patients with few options left. One family hired a helicopter to take their mother away from intensive care in a hospital that refused to give Ivermectin (and had a happy ending). The debate is so suppressed, there are rumours the US President was treated with it in secret last year.
For peer reviewed studies read: The BIG Ivermectin Review: It may prevent 86% of Covid cases.
Ivermectin has also been used, with apparent success in India, Peru and Mexico (and so many other places). Covid cases fell in the states of India that approved Ivermectin use but rose in Tamil Nadu where it wasn’t permitted. Despite the success, India’s Health dept suddenly stopped Ivermectin use again and people in India are suing the WHO in disgust. In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks.
The FDA and others will say there is little evidence of success so far, but that’s a scandal in itself. Why are there no large trials? And why are other drugs like Remdesivir approved with only one trial? Ivermectin is so safe some 3.7 billion doses have already been used around the world. The inventors won a Nobel Prize for its discovery in 2015. We’ve known it might be useful since April last year, when an Australian group searched through many cheap safe drugs looking for any that might help against Covid. The news then was “Another possible cure for coronavirus, found in sheep dip: Ivermectin”. This was just a lab study, and it suggested doses would need to be too high. Even so, successes keep turning up in the real world? By July last year there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. Why were large trials not started then? The UK trial is hobbled from the start.
It remains a mystery for me that Clive Palmer discovered this treatment and donated the drugs to The Australian Federal Government, a few million dollars in value he funded.
But the decision was to deny supply to Australians?
This would of course be based on professional advice from Health bureaucrats and other professionals I assume?
Add Liberal MP Craig Kelly to the list of people who have been subjected to ridicule and character assassination for daring to support the drugs.
G’day Dennis,
It was hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) that Clive imported. Equally effective as far as I can tell. Equally ignored/rejected by our WHO-cooperating bureaucrats and pollies.
Dave B
I took HCQ when I worked in Mozambique. Thousands if not tens of thousands of Australians must have taken HCQ each year on overseas trips to guard against malaria. GPs would clearly know the side effects and any dangers to their patients so why wasn’t it prescribed?
Knowing full well that ‘CO2 induced climate change’ is a hoax implemented by the UN, having studied the real world data for the past 25 years, I find it hard to believe that they are not also involved in this event in order to further their grip on World Dominance.
Retired geophysicist
Yep whole Family – PNG late 70s
If ivermectin is truly so effective, as well as cheap, it should be considered as criminal that our government has not recommended it’s use. What is wrong with Morrison and Hunt, and their so called expert advisors, that this travesty has been allowed to happen. Has big pharma such a grip on our medicos that they refuse to look at cheap and effective alternatives.
Given the suppression of any discussion of dealing wwith CoViD-19 aside from vaccination, the answer has to be a resounding “YES” in terms of the national body and laziness on the part of the general medical community (they aren’t dealing with cases so they don’t bother looking beyond what is recommended by the WHO and national body).
Yes, it’s amazing how much and how often the MSM are pushing the vaccines with very little if any room for dissent. Along with the blocking, filtering and expulsion of opposing participants on mainstream social media, and the continual propaganda they are spewing out, a totalitarian revolution has already been conducted successfully to make our so called democratically elected governments useless and redundant. I hope our governments are happy for allowing all this to happen under their very noses. There is absolutely no excuse and so they are just as guilty.
They cannot say more because its a matter of national security.
They are “just following orders”…
Exactly – the “just following orders” excuse did not save those hanged at the Nuremberg trials.
Criminal incompetence is my softest assessment.
Dave B
I totally agree. It is criminal negligence causing death to not use Ivermectin to treat vulnerable covid patients. The Medical industry is an evil sneaky thing. The doctors are not the problem.
Covid is not going away. It will be interesting to see if someone force a paradigm change.
The problem is not evidence or the need for more research. Ivermectin stops covid from replicating by binding to the oovid spike. This has been shown by in-vitro testing with live covid virus. There is overwhelming unequivocal evidence that Ivermectin is an effective covid treatment if used as early in possible or as prophylactic.
This link provides dozens of other cases where Ivermectin has been used to stop covid.
“The Mayor of the City of Porto Felize in Brazil, a physician, set up a single “sentinel unit” where all suspected cases of COVID-19 were sent. After evaluation and testing, all patients received a multi-drug treatment protocol which included ivermectin. Porto Felize has one of the lowest death rates of similar cities in Brazil.
Further, the mayor distributed ivermectin to 4,500 patients as a prophylaxis and reported that no one caught Covid-19. Health professionals also received a combination of prophylactic agents including ivermectin and only two cases of COVID-19 have been reported among the medical teams in the city. Finally, the mayor then began distributing ivermectin door to door in outlying neighborhoods.”
I believe that in the US (several sources) that a vaccine cannot be authorised for emergency use (EUA) if there are other effective treatments available.
This explains the suppression and censorship of any alternative medications by the MSM, CDC, facebook, you tube etc.
You are absolutely right Brenda. THAT IS THE REASON.
This Approach appeals to me – Why can’t CSL approach Therapeutica Borealis to manufacture in Australia
A preventative innovation
Turku-based company Therapeutica Borealis, too, has focused on the nose when developing its patented solution. Its nasal spray weakens the ability of the virus to enter the body and replicate itself, thus decreasing the risk of seriously falling ill.
“Tackling the pandemic probably requires, in addition to a vaccine, a preventive or early-acting drug,” said Kalervo Väänänen, one of the three inventors and founders of Therapeutica Borealis. “This drug also helps especially in a situation where vaccine coverage threatens to remain too low for herd immunity.”
The solution is created from the commonly used drugs aprotinin, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, which are harnessed in a new and targeted manner on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.
The innovation is turning heads. Therapeutica Borealis announced this week that its drug has been granted a patent from The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This final patent stands as an important milestone for the company.
“Our next goal is to find an established pharmaceutical industry company with an international business scale,” Väänänen said.
“Completing the development of the drug within a quick schedule is possible, because the molecules being used are known in terms of safety, and the development can be directed at phase-II tests on efficacy and efficiency in relation to different doses and dosing mechanisms,” he added.
as well as
Rapid test results
Researchers at the University of Helsinki, meanwhile, announced this month that they have developed a new rapid assay principle for viral antigen detection, which diagnoses SARS-CoV-2 infections in as little as 10 minutes. They found that the rapid test was able to diagnose the infection almost as accurately as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests. The test format can also be used to diagnose other respiratory infections.
The test is based on a phenomenon known as time-resolved Förster resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET), in which energy travels between two light-sensitive molecules when they are in close enough proximity.
Alongside haste, the test boasts some additional beneficial features. It can detect coronavirus even when the sample collection has not been optimal, and, since the virus becomes inactivated soon after being mixed in the test solution, it also enhances levels of safety for testers.
Furthermore, the test could in essence be carried out anywhere since the test requires a TR-FRET reader roughly the size of a desktop computer.
“The theoretical capacity of the test is very high,” commented Jussi Hepojoki, docent of virology and Academy of Finland research fellow at the University of Helsinki. “According to our calculations, it would be possible to manually analyse as many as 500 samples per hour, with one person doing the testing and using a single testing device. Also, the cost of test reagents is fairly low.”
The chooks WILL come home to roost! Then more weeping, wailing & gnashing of teeth!
These politicians never learn.
Remember first over 60’s only for AZ vaccine, Ivermectin & HCQ forbidden, doctors forbidden to prescribe the drugs, then suddenly “ OK over 40’s consult your GP & AZ vaccine is good to go.
Now suddenly your doctor has authority again. I wonder which way the wind will blow tomorrow.
Mr PM your lies & BS will hang you!
Perhaps this Health Alert has had some effect?
I see some hope within this selection of three sections of this alert.
Maybe I’m being too optimistic, but taken together I think they can be interpreted as it being possible for a doctor to prescribe the regimes in #1 and #2 provided the risks are explained carefully to the patient, who then accepts that risk. #3 talks of “off label” use, and “personal responsibility”, two concepts supported by AFLDS. And me.
This link is to a page from:
Health alert July 2, 2021
Australian Government Department of Health
Health alerts
COVID-19 treatments
#1. “The use of hydroxychloroquine (with or without zinc) for the treatment of COVID-19 is not recommended outside of randomised trials with appropriate ethical approval. There is concern that, if used inappropriately, off-label use of medications may cause toxicity and lead to adverse patient outcomes.”
#2. “There is currently insufficient evidence to support the safe and effective use of ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc (either separately, or in combination) for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. More robust, well-designed clinical trials are needed before they could be considered an appropriate treatment option.”
#3. ” Off-label use of medication
Although a medicine may be approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to treat a particular condition, it does not automatically mean that it is safe to treat another condition ‘off-label’. Doctors who prescribe medicines off-label should do so taking into account the potential risks and benefits for the patient in the setting of informed consent.
The Government, along with the states and territories, is taking an evidence-based approach to COVID-19, and is committed to keep Australians safe.
It is vital all Australians continue to take personal responsibility to protect themselves and others. We must all maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres, practice good hand and cough hygiene, and stay home and get tested when unwell. ”
(At my next level of optimism, I can read that the intent of the alert is to say to doctors “Try this, it might work. Just get the paperwork right.”
Dave B
PS Once again I can’t remember who posted the link i, but it was someone in the last week I think, and I only got to read it on Saturday
Is that some sort of a joke?
“The Government ….. is taking an evidence-based approach to COVID-19, and is committed to keep Australians safe.”
Safe from what? I have not read of any detailed results from the usual trials normally required for a vaccine to be approved. Of course, this is not a vaccine !
An interesting interpretation but I see it differently.
The courts or regulators will rule that “personal responsibility” means masking, socialist distancing and so on, as “the health alert” says.
On top of that, rules controlling GP behavior are still in force, notably fines and de-registration. Rules over-ride “alerts”.
G’day Lucky,
I’m afraid your legal assessment trumps my hope.
At least largely.
Dave B
Opinion: The problem with AstraZeneca is not clotting, but effectiveness
A lot of questions surround the role of AstraZeneca in Australia’s Covid-19 vaccine program. Brisbane epidemiologist Steve Kisely says he wouldn’t take it, and it’s got nothing to do with blood clots.
Dr Steve Kisely
There has been a lot of speculation about the role of AstraZeneca in the
rollout of Australia’s vaccine program. Here’s why I, as an epidemiologist, wouldn’t take it.
It’s not about the risk of clotting, which everyone agrees is very rare, it’s about effectiveness.
From the start, the AstraZeneca vaccine has performed poorly when compared against the mRNA vaccines, such as Pfizer and Moderna. In later trials, when jabs were spaced out to 12 weeks apart, effectiveness clawed its way up to that of the other two vaccines, but that was against the Covid “classic” strain.
The trouble is that’s not what we’re dealing with now, we’re dealing with the Alpha and Delta variants. And when it comes to these variants, data from both Public Health England and Scotland show that AstraZeneca is between 20 and 30 per cent less effective than Pfizer in preventing infection.
Elsewhere, the European Union recognises only AstraZeneca vaccines produced in Europe or Britain, not in other countries, such as India or Australia. How will all this affect the ability to get any sort of travel insurance?
Lastly, Australians over 60 have been left behind, unable to access the more effective vaccine, yet more vulnerable to infection and its long-term consequences.
The government should prioritise anyone who has had an AstraZeneca shot for an mRNA booster such as Pfizer and Moderna when supplies permit (whenever that will be), especially as there is evidence that adding either jab enhances AstraZeneca’s effect.
Back in March, I received an email via my workplace from the Western Australian Department of Health urging me to get vaccinated. Regarding the safety of the available vaccines (AstraZeneca was the only one at that time) it assured me –
“I assure you that the vaccines are safe and effective. The Therapeutic Goods Administration
has approved the use of the vaccines after robust, scientific trials have proven their safety.
No corners have been cut.”
The changing advice about AstraZeneca and the public disagreements among our experts about it’s use in just a few months since, tells me they cut corners and did only basic trials. You can’t blame people for hesitating.
“The problem with AstraZeneca is not clotting, but effectiveness”
If this is true, then I will sign up, to evade threatened restrictions on the un-vaxed.
However, the data I have seen show all internationally available vaxes to be either unsafe, or not shown to be safe in the manner the public should expect for approved medications.
(My comment from the post, the link does not work.)
Link paywalled – GitHub
Oops GitHub
The assumption is that we are facing a united front, but that isn’t quite true.
We have the (least important) group the politicians, who want to pose as St. George rescuing us from the dragon of death.
Then there are the bureaucrats, divorced from patients, but posing as St. George to extend their importance and boost their separate empires.
Then there are the Medical bureaucrats such as the AMA. Again keen on their importance regardless of reality. Ask yourself, why would successful Doctors want to sit on committees?
Then there are the average doctors being told what to do (or else!) even if they think something is wrong, but don’t have the time to check.
Then, most importantly, we have the 4 huge Drug/Vaccine Companies who want to control the multi-billion dollar market for vaccines. Corona virus promises them untold wealth (there are over 100 corona virii for humans), and a promise of an on-going annual flood of money. There is a war among them, below the surface, as they juggle to gain control of the market. Hence the first of these “vaccines” the Astra-Zeneca was suddenly subject to claims about problems. The other 3 drug combines have a strong interest in making that one appear unsafe. They have to be discrete in their undermining else their product will get the same treatment, but the rewards are so huge that they are willing to take a chance.
What has been lost sight of is whether we ever needed these unverified products which were rushed frantically into prominence, especially as it looks very much that cheap generic drugs are at least as effective.
In South Australia the bureaucrats have largely had the law to themselves. That probably won’t change, certainly not this side of the election due in March 2022. Then, all bets might be off, regardless of which party forms government. Tourism and foreign students may prove the drivers for a very different approach to the CCP Virus.
A study from Mexico presented last November and published in February of “768 confirmed SARS-CoV2 cases aged 18–80 years, who received ambulatory care at the Ministry of Health of Tlaxcala”.
“Montelukast, and Acetylsalicylic acid”
AKA Singulair [asthma sufferers would know it] and aspirin.
More comparisons of regions where ivermectin has been used vs neighbouring ones that have not, plus some comparisons of cases in regions before and after ivermectin started being used
Slovakia, Zimbabwe, Delhi (India), Uttar Pradesh (India), Argentina, regional Peru, Chiapas (Mexico), Alto Parana (Paraguay), Salta and Corrientes vs Santa Cruz (Argentina), Belem and Fortaleza (Brazil), Ponta Grossa vs Paranaguá (Brazil)
Interestingly, in Alto Parana, the campaign was officially described as a “de-worming” program, this was interpreted as a guise by the regions governor to avoid reprimand or conflict with the National Ministry of Health!!!
Why can’t we be a least as diligent as ZIMBABWE!!!????
C’mon mods!
A site consolidating CoviD studies with off script medications and antibodies
COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 724 studies
Ivermectine, Vitamin D, Proxalutamide, Fluvoxamine, povidone iodine, budesonide, Bromhexine, bamlanivimab, casirivimab/imdevimab, Hydroxychloroquine, nitazoxanide, Colchicine
And what do we get told by our media and government? VACCINE! VACCINE! VACCINE! VACCINE! VACCINE! VACCINE!
The same names pop up: Budesonide is a common asthma inhaler [I was prescribed it once for a persistent cough] and Colchicine aka colgout for gout.
And the common supplements we should take anyway: Curcumin aka turmeric or curry powder, ascorbic acid and Vit D [both dirt cheap]
I am puzzled about the popularity of tumeric (curcumin). In the 1980’s in the UK, they began seeing rickets in ethnic Indian kids. It was not due to dark skin, as Jamaican did not show it. Obviously low vitamin D was a factor, but the additional factor in the Indians turned out to be heavy use of tumeric in food. It was shown to bind calcium in the gut preventing absorbtion. lost the reference years ago.
So now curcumin is a fashionable supplement, mostly taken by women, many of whom also take calcium for bone health???
Just looking at Mexico Covid numbers at worldometers
there are some very notable spikes on the death graph curve starting June 03 to present
SURELY they did not stop ivermectin..??
Anybody know anything relating to these spikes….
Could it be record keeping?
It is quite possible that like India not all states agree to the use of Ivermectin. or are dillegent in the application.
Plus you always get flare ups.
Good point TIP.
@jjChamie says that the cases are coming from an area called Quintana Roo where doctors are actively blocking IVM.
h/t note added to the post.
Great link. I have yet to see anywhere that proper use if HCQ, – Zinc and or Ivermectin were used, that failed to have a dramatic reduction in cases and deaths.
Additionally the WM charts fir Mexico are odd. The death chart begins a short but very steep rise, ( just a few days behind the gradual rise in cases) and then quickly levels off for June, so starting to early behind cases, and failing to follow the continuing rise in cases. Also, it is choppy, unlike the rest of Mexico’s data. The “cases” rise is smooth and gradual, with much of the rise continuing AFTER the deaths have leveled.
“I have yet to meet a doctor who has adopted Ivermectin in their practice and has reported back that it does not work.”
Dr. Pierre Kory
Tamil Nadu in India did (under the directive of their chief medical officer (named Stalin if you can believe it). And regional Peruvians were forced to stop using it by the government.
The WHO are complicit in the deaths of thousands (at least) with their warnings to not using ivermectin sure to “uncertain efficacy” and exaggerated side effects, just as they did with Hydroxychloroquine
They didn’t do Track & Trace, they usedTrack &Treat with Ivermectin.
It has come to this:
Get a vaccine and save a politician.
There are not enough oceans for them to back paddle.
Federal and state government structures are used as a wiggle room to distract the public from leadership bad decisions.
State premiers failed first, then it became apparent that quarantine facilities are federal responsibility, now the federal government is under pressure from the state premiers.
All of this is being driven by the experts in the shadows (political operatives). Out with the lot, what would happen, tables might change but the feeding dishes remain the same.
ALP and Greens and Libs are no longer serving Australians.
Great post Jo,
I Tweeted it but it’s been banned!
I got my wife to Facebook this and similar outcome!
The only Social Media Platform that accepted it was GAB!
Keep up the good work.
Thanks Dave. A message that we have to get on Gab and other alternatives
The so-called vaccine is NOT a vaccine. It is a completely new form of gene altering technology never before used on a human population. Even the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr Robert Malone, has warned the US Federal Drug Administration that its current promotion is “very dangerous” because of an unforeseen cytotoxic (toxic to cells) effect of the spike proteins encoded by the vaccines
Add to that the fact that there is no scientific evidence that masks provide any protection against the virus and have been shown to be harmful in some cases. The holes in masks are one thousand times greater in size than the virus so there cannot logically be any protection.
The only guidance that the public get is to wear masks and stay locked down in their residences with no medical advice whatsoever as to how to remain healthy and protected against infection from the virus. In other words communism, a police state where we simply do what we are told. Not democracy as there is no discussion of any forms of treatment and the compliant media simply repeat the Government’s propaganda with no information about alternatives. There is certainly no mention of the thousands for deaths resulting from the “vaccine” in the USA, UK and Europe or the millions of adverse effects such as blindness, stroke, heart attack and more.
Those who bother, soon learn that antivirals such as Ivermectin, hydrochloroquinine and other treatments have been successful in reducing the death rate and case rate in some nations that have the courage to go against the Communist Chinese controlled corrupt World Health Organization. It would appear that the Health Department and Chief Medical Officer also take their instructions from the WHO.
Here are two studies that show what can be done by individuals to guard against infection:
While these have still to be proven by the medical fraternity, they are traditional supplements that have been used for millennia so they cannot be harmful. Is the Chief Medical Office going to advise the public of these findings? Surely he has a responsibility to do so.
You don’t understand mask technology. The holes in masks are bigger than the aerosols (particles) they can trap because of electrostatic forces and impaction trapping the aerosols before they can transmit through the filter material. The filter is not (or shouldn’t be) just one layer but is a multiple of layers that would force the particle to zig-zag to get through. Single virus particles floating in the air rarely exist or would degrade very quickly through oxidation or dehydration (losing water molecules out of its structure) that would render the single viral particle non-viable. It’s a ‘hard-life’ out there in the open air for viruses. They really need to be in tiny droplets of water and preferably living cells to survive for very long. Those tiny droplets of water or mucus containing numerous viral particles tend to be very sticky as well and would be easily filtered out by a mask. Don’t worry about the holes in a mask (unless someone has stuck a pin through it making a small hole that could still be 100 times bigger than a 1-micron aerosol droplet), worry about the facial fit where most masks fail. I’ve seen clinical masks worn on bearded faces (fit-failure) or cross-strapped (fit-failure) or below the nose (total fail) or even just on smaller faces such that facial-fit gaps are big enough for a blow-fly to get through. In my profession, Occupational Hygiene, clinical masks are considered a joke and no hygienist would ever advise people to wear them for protection against aerosols in a workplace – their efficiency is just too low. But in an act of compromise, they are better than nothing and I still wear them – when I have to.
Thank You Peter, for that information. Are there scientific studies which describe the effectiveness of masks?
We and the rest of the animal population have evolved with noses that presumably have been quite effective in filtering unwanted aerosol particles. Are the noses of dogs and cats better than ours for this purpose? Could our nose function be improved in some way,eg nose drops to coagulate aerosols?
To my mind the present mandate to wear masks is a major intrusion on our liberty especially when ultraviolet radiation can be used to destroy viruses. We evolved in the daily sunshine. Now we spend our life inside ‘little boxes’.
The post from peter has good material in it.
I like the statement-
“an act of compromise, they are better than nothing and I still wear them – when I have to”, tho’ I lean the other way.
At those dimensions, masks would not work by acting as sieves.
They act, if they do, by electrostatic forces and Brownian motion slowing virus progress mouthwards. The extra time allows decay, as peter describes.
Scientific studies, there are many.
The well designed ones may say yes or no but the results are described as statistically unreliable.
When you think about, it is very difficult to design a test precise enough to say masking works, or does not work, to stop virus transmission from air to patient well enough to prevent infection when no mask would allow infection.
What is fairly certain, from tests, is the extra risk imposed by masks. The mask does not help the virus of course but catches bacteria which otherwise would float on by, and the breathing difficulty varies person to person.
Personally, I don’t buy into any of this COVID malarkey and these sort of stories do nothing for me. I don’t believe COVID even exists. If anyone else is interested in this idea, I put together an article (below) a few months ago arguing why COVID may not exist.
I’m not sure what Ivermectin and Hydroxychlorine + zinc work so well on then.
Richard, OK. It’s good to be skeptical, and that’s a good one to discuss. So how would we test that theory? What would falsify it?
The Libs/Dems/Totalitarians etc are making hay with covid, absolutely. But sadly, even so, the motivation of cheating corrupt actors (of which there are many) isn’t much use in the way of proof and disproof. Alas. Say hypothetically, if there was a real virus, we’d expect lying cheating politicians to use that to their advantage also right? I mean, we couldn’t imagine them not using a real crisis. Yes? So we really need something else so we can tell if the Gravy Train is exaggerating a real scare and stopping cheap solutions, or if they are faking it completely from the ground up.
PS: Regarding your first link:
“Lanka says that “a virus has never been isolated according to the meaning of the word isolation and it has never been photographed and biochemically characterized as a whole unique structure”.”
I want to know what he means by isolated. A lot of people think they have isolated viruses.
There are tests called Plaque forming assays where a glob of stuff (tissue, oozey goo etc) gets diluted down and down and down and spread over plates with agar and cells that the viruses might like to infect (if they exist and if they can do that). And we find that each dilution follows a pattern and the plates eventually show what looks like a circle of “death” that one sole virus would have caused. These experiments are reproducible and have been done for decades in labs all over the world. Here;s a good write up:
These experiments are not just repeated, but the same samples can be posted all over the world, looked at in an electron micrograph, and similar looking things can be isolated from people (or bacteria, cows, bats, whatever) that all have a similar pattern of illness.
Here are the sort of pictures of electron micrographs. What so we make of them?
Can I just suggest, knowing what I know, that if wanted to rip people off and promote myself to Dictator and Ruler of The World, I think it would be a lot harder to fake a plague, than to get into a lab and make a real virus. for whatever that;s worth… Occam and all.
Thank you Jo, the entire “ It does not exist” bandwagon has, in my view, way to many adherents. Many of them are absolutely certain of their assertion, and very emotional. ( not Richard here at least)
You may even consider a lead post on this some time as it quickly drives many away from looking at the overwhelming evidence of very effective and inexpensive treatments.
Skeptics will never be as unified as ideology driven statist, yet at times we need to strongly challenge those who may agree with us policy wise, but from a perhaps unsound basis.
There is a LOT of information on the actions of various medications in this e-book by the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group
And here is an article on the actions of Zinc, Vitamin D and Vitamin C against CoViD-19
Sorry that’s silly. There is ample proof that the virus exists and has novel characteristics.
One of our American commenters said it was just the flu and the PCR tests were just producing bogus results detecting influenza virus. I had to point out that the thousands of tests performed daily in Australia only had a small number of positive cases, even if the severity of these were exaggerated by the high cycle numbers.
Besides Big Pharma the Culture War may be partly to blame for the failure to adopt ivermectin. Climate Deniers and Anti-Vaxxers are deemed to be anti-science, regarded as little better than “right-wing terrorists and insurrectionists”. It is easy for The Establishment to dismiss support for invermectin as being a ploy by vaccine sceptics.
Can -6% at the end of Excess Death curve be explained by the premature end of some thousands sick and elderly?
They were “scheduled” to live few more months but, due to Covid19 or simply lack of necessary medical attention died earlier.
If so, the same graph will apply to all countries – relatively, of course to local state of health support.
I do not think Australian Hospitals were overwhelmed so, probably we should not expect similar drop.
Vlad — even Australia had some reduction in excess mortality last winter — and will probably do so this year. The quarantine has removed influenza from circulation here. Many of the oldest folk are living longer because they don’t have to deal with influenza.
But yes, if Covid causes excess deaths in older people who would have died soon, there will be a dip following the spike. Much analysis will be done in the next five or ten years as the followup deaths are recorded.
Deaths often “dip” after heatwaves cause a spike, because heat mostly affects older people close to death. Deaths don’t “dip” after a cold snap because cold temperatures causes deaths among some otherwise healthy people who would have lived longer.
In England/Wales the numbers do not really support your last comment – cold killing off some otherwise healthy people. The cold weather mostly exacerbates other conditions.
The ONS says: “The majority of additional winter deaths are caused by cerebrovascular diseases, ischaemic heart disease, respiratory diseases, and dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.”
The majority are 65+. Indeed flu/pneumonia is often referred to as the death hastener (of those on their last legs).
Obviously respiratory diseases can strike younger fit people and are exaggerated by cold weather, but most of the time such deaths are low/the exception. Healthy people do not literally die of the cold (well apart from the odd drunk idiot that goes to sleep on the way home in -10C, or mountain accidents, etc. – but that’s single figures.)
(I picked pre-covid years.)
Mr Grim, I was referring to cold snaps and heatwaves, rather than summer versus winter. So it’s a quite different phenomenon. Does that make sense?
Just curious;
“The quarantine has removed influenza from circulation here”.
The annual “flu shot” has now been with us for a while. Is there any sign that it works; any graphs of the last twenty years which plot flu deaths against time?
Such graphs for the pre COVID19 period would be interesting and help understand CV19 mortality.
Flu shots have about a 40 – 60% efficacy according to the CDC. (Yes, much lower than people think.) It depends on which types are circulating, and sometimes the vax has the wrong subtypes of the flu. If I recall, 2013 was an especially mismatched year, and the efficacy was only 25%.
Getting the flu shot is worth it for some people, but perhaps not for others. The risk with getting the flu vax (apart from side effects) is that once you start, you only get short term flu protection from the vac, not long term protection as you would with a real infection. However, if your health is not the best, doing flu shots is probably a good idea. Once started, make sure you keep it up annually because you might be more at risk as the last vax wears off if there is no booster update. Naturally, talk to your doctor etc, this is not health advice, just suggestions of questions to ask. I am not a doctor etc.
The idea with all vaccines is to retarget immune response. My unscientific ‘take’ is to recall the doctors’ explanation as to why they ‘practice’ medicine ; they cannot shut down or dissect an operating body to analyze it and will always be behind the 8-ball of individual variation. I know having my car worked on by people who do not know what they are doing is both expensive ( to fix twice ) and unsatisfactory. My computer likewise. My body ?
Rather I compare the situation to arrogant orangutans faking competence. Immune response is the result of eons of trial and error. Alter at your own risk : caveat emptor. And no, vaccine floggers cannot reverse their handiwork. Nor does anyone find prevalence of runaway immune response in a population sensitized by dozens of vaccinations significant.
We cannot know the effects of heedless meddling on subsequent generations before they arrive. That will take a while.
First thing that crossed my mind.
There was discussion about Italy last year having had an unusually mild flu season which meant there were more people vulnerable to CoViD-19 when it struck.
Even that has not been shown. Did anyone die earlier?
“Obviously excess deaths in a pandemic are also due to hospitals being overwhelmed, and shortages or restrictions and the failure of normal healthcare. It may be years before those factors can be unravelled and a better estimate of Covid deaths can be made.”
Oh really, why?
We are projecting the future of the climate on as yet on uncollected data and hamstringing Western civilization based on indirect speculative numbers.
They could come up with excess deaths caused by public policy, as opposed to the V, … easy … with Science.
They’ve been doing it for decades.
It’s the reason this blog exists.
Without BS data projections, gubmint and academia would collapse.
Why stop here?
The real story here is that Australian “Authorities” have been, and continue, to hide, conceal, ignore and censor any information that shows that the vaccination program is unnecessary, overly costly, and largely ineffective. Time will tell if the “vaccines” will actually promote blood clots, heart damage, antibody dependent enhancement, and other deadly and/or disabling ailments as are predicted by some of the world’s foremost virologists and immunologists.
Those speaking out against the “vaccines” include at least one Nobel Prize winner (Medicine), Michael Yeadon (a past Vice President of Pfizer Corp), and Dr Robert Malone, the man who actually invented the mRNA vaccine.
We are being fed weapons-grade lies and led to our deaths by unaccountable public servants and consultants who are directing the governments’ actions and failures. And our idiot politicians know it and are letting it happen.
I’ve listened to and read about Robert Malone, but STAT News did this history of the development of MRNA technology, and, interestingly, he is mentioned nowhere in it:
… Before messenger RNA was a multibillion-dollar idea, it was a scientific backwater. And for the Hungarian-born scientist behind a key mRNA discovery, it was a career dead-end.
Katalin Karikó spent the 1990s collecting rejections. Her work, attempting to harness the power of mRNA to fight disease, was too far-fetched for government grants, corporate funding, and even support from her own colleagues.
Wow, Malone is being “disappeared” for warning about the toxicity of the spike proteins produced by the mRNA and adenovirus CoViD-19 vaccines
The fact that Covid was being used as a tool in the US to destroy of presidency makes me believe that it was released on purpose. There is no other possible explanation for the banning of the use of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin! These are not particularly dangerous drugs and are over the counter in many countries. In most cases the worst that could happen is that they might not work. Big Deal! As US Democrats have said on may occasions, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
MR166. There doesn’t need to be a political angle. Ivermectin threatens a billion dollar industry that wants to get rich on new patentable drugs and vaccines.
Yet the likely hood of a political angle is abundant. I cannot yet address the China origin as an accident or a chosen action, but the political use of this crisis to take down President Trump, weaken the nationalism movements around the world, weaken small businesses and benefit large international corporations, destroy individual freedoms and capitalism, and promotes government, globalization and control and tyranny, are all undeniable affects of wuflu policy. And they, prominent one world eugenics supporters like Gates, and numerous UN politicians and EU politicians, have all openly discussed these objectives. Also President Trump was winning, and winning big, and India, other Asian nations, some Eastern European nations, Japan South Korea, even Mexico, were supporting his economic nationalism policies through bilateral and trilateral trade deals. China was being dragged back to the table. And the recognition of Israel by the more moderate Islamic nations was very threatening to those nations. Domestically tge walk away movement was threatening Democratic power base for generations to come. Black inner cities were getting funds like always, but these were being utilized to establish “private businesses and private funding. And Black income growth and jobs were real. The wall was being built, and Mexico was helping to shut down the caravans of illegal immigrants, signing Trump’s trade agreements, and putting Mexico ahead of the globalists agenda.
In short, China was desperate. The US left was desperate, and the globalists were desperate. President Trump was winning on all fronts.
all possible and i have said some myself. But profits also concurrently big and separate force as well.
Never underestimate the western swamp.
The evidence presented in this article seems to be definitive. It begs the question as to why the medico’s and politicians fail to support ivermectin treatment and worse even ban it. Is it really an example of vested interests obliterating populations welfare? Consider for a moment the situation regarding Astra Zenica vaccine. Back in 2020 there were 2 promising vaccine frontrunners. AZ and Phizer. Phizer was in short supply and the Europeans were making it difficult for us to get. AZ was more available and even better, we could make it ourselves in Aus. If you were a politician and had the best interests of the population at heart, what would you have opted for? Then, well after the decision was made, with widespread use of AZ a very rare complication was found – blood clots. Suddenly AZ was no good, second rate how could our politicians have been so stupid as to put their trust in AZ? Never mind that the risk of clots was less than the risk of having a serious car accident on the way to get the jab. Never mind that AZ is very effective in producing immunity. Never mind that Phizer can apparently cause myocarditis and pericarditis both extremely serious conditions. Hysteria, fanned by a self interested left wing media, takes over and our politicians are condemned. And this is for something that actually works really well. If politicians had opted for Phizer would the media now be making a huge song and dance about myocarditis?
A common cause of bias is simply selective reporting. Happens all the time in science, report positive outcomes while ignoring negative outcomes. If 50% of outcomes are +ve and 50% -ve and you report only the positive ones it makes something that actually is ineffective look really effective. Yes there are some very convincing positive reports regarding ivermectin which make exciting reading. When one looks on the web however there are also a large number of studies which show negative outcomes – not so exciting in fact positively depressing. Due diligence requires looking at all the evidence. So what is a politician to do faced with a mixture of highly publicised but possibly anecdotal +ve findings and other more formal studies which showed -ve outcomes? Imagine the reaction if they strongly promoted ivermectin and then later it was found to be completely ineffective. Think of what happened to Trump for supporting hydroxychloroquine – and he might yet have been right!
Supporting something when you have no accountability is really easy, but when you are held accountable its a different story. When you have accountability you have to be really sure!! I find it really difficult to reconcile this report (and other similar positive reports) with the negative studies reported in the literature. Studies supposedly carried out with tighter protocol. They cannot both be right. There was a very interesting research report some time ago called “the effect wears off”. It dealt with situations where early reports seemed overwhelmingly positive yet when attempts were made to repeat the outcomes the effect was less and less positive and in the end there was zero positive effect.
Why are these somewhat anecdotal findings so positive yet the more formal studies so negative? I dont know. I really hope the positive findings are reproduceable. Maybe its a result of when in the disease cycle the drug is administered and maybe ivermectin really is the silver bullet. Alternatively, maybe the rapid drop was seasonal, after all Covid issues seem to subside during summer to come roaring back in winter – just like the flu. I would not be too quick to condemn politicians and others as corrupt and incompetent just yet.
Michael, it’s a good point you make about the comparisons of risks with Pfizer and AZ. The problem with Az is also that it just doesn’t have as much efficacy as Pfizer. But as you say, the problem with Pz is myocarditis (plus the unknown unknown other risks for all of them). Will small blood clots reduce kidney or lung function but be undetected for months or years? Or are there no small clots, only big ones or no ones? Does anyone know?
Will any of the vaccines today work against the mutants next year?
Antivirals are so much less risky. They’re so much faster to test. There is not the danger of immune escape.
The problems with “vaccines” like Astra, Johnson and Sputnik is, that Adeno vira are known since 2006 / 2007 to cause clots, or in liver venes or in the head venes, it was researched in context with gentherapeuthic treatments using Adenovira as vector.
The respective links:
Hi Jo; I agree with your point but what I feel needs to be borne in mind is the decisions AZ vs Pfizer were taken in mid 2020 before mass vaccinations started. A decision has to be viewed in light of the information available at the time and what was known was that both looked very promising but whereas Pfizer supply was at the mercy of Europe; AZ could be produced locally. I think if I had to make the decision at that time I would also have opted for AZ. As to how bad it is; by far the most important reason for using a vaccine is to prevent death or serious illness (hospitalisation). My understanding is that AZ is around 92% effective in preventing that. AZ is not a disaster or even dramatically second rate. It’s just that now there is something slightly better. That applies to essentially any product. Get the best protection one can today and then next years booster shot can be Pfizer or maybe by then something still better.
On the issue of accountability I note doctors were not prepared to give AZ to under 40’s. Not because they thought it would not be effective but because they thought they could get sued if the person developed blood clots. Now that they have indemnity they are very happy to give AZ. In my book that’s the difference accountability makes. Of course one can argue that patient welfare should be their only concern but human nature and our society does not work that way.
As regards using antivirals instead of vaccines, the only issue with antivirals is you first have to get sick. Would you prefer to get sick and then have a good treatment available or to not get sick in the first place?
Michael, we agree on much. AZ is also a more traditional vaccine vehicle. Less unknowns. In some ways I prefer it to Pz and the mRNA ones which are too new in my opinion. Though Novavax might be better than both. (Also like AZ an old style vaccine, but with good new results).
With regard to antivirals, there are at least three protocols with IVM for prophylactic use. One dose each week, one dose each two weeks, and one dose a month. So there are medical workers overseas who are using it to prevent sickness (86% effective) and they are only taking 12 or 24 or 52 doses a year of a drug that has been provided for 40 years to billions of people, and on a long term basis. The costs are insignificant..
It would be my preference to have that option while we wait for the results of the mass experiment. Obviously I would prefer one single shot of a great vaccine which gave lifelong protection, but it doesn’t exist yet. And since we don’t know what mutations are coming next year or the year after, and it’s likely that a leaky vaccine will produce more nasty variants, I think the whole world should investigate the antivirals and yesterday. Perhaps a combination treatment of antiviral plus vax would eliminate the virus (if people kept the borders closed). Then all safe countries could open a mass travel bubble, and no more nasty mutants would arise. And all treatments should be voluntary all the time.
Given the risk of China unleashing another problem virus, we need full quarantine facilities ready on a permanent basis. We should build them ASAP. The cost of one facility is nothing compared to the cost of a lockdown.
Jo; I agree with everything you said. It disturbs me that governments/politicians dont seem willing to initiate the definitive tests or investigations. I am wary on criticising them for not adopting a treatment regime based largely on anecdotal data (where the more rigorous but very limited test results seem to disagree) but I do criticise them for not taking the anecdotal data seriously enough to force an unbiased definitive test. Just as I am very critical for their almost contemptuous dismissal of a lab origin theory.
On further mutations, my understanding is that normally mutations make the virus progressively less serious (as well as adapting to better infect its host it also adapts to not kill its host). In the case of Covid the opposite is happening. I dont want to start baseless rumours but in my more depressive moments I must admit to wondering in passing whether the mutations share the same source as the original virus. Keep a “good” thing going?
Michael Hammer’s points-
‘..normally mutations make the virus progressively less serious’.
True is this case, comparing the newer Delta with the earlier varieties. Yes more contagious, but symptoms far less severe.
“..issue with antivirals is you first have to get sick”
Yes, I think, but so what? It may be beneficial to get the illness, have it cured by the antiviral taken before or within a day or so, then the body has developed immunity better than given by the vaxes – tho’ this may be disputed by the usual sources.
Normally natural selection favours less deadly variants, but this is a long term trend, and there are many examples of mutations that got worse for a while too. Eg Spanish Flu in the second year…
Natural selection only selects for viruses that spread faster. There is only indirect pressure on the mortality rate. USually deadlier viruses don’t spread as well as ones that keep people out of bed and walking around the community. But if a virus spread faster and happened to kill more people, it would still win the race — at least temporarily.
Your casual labeling of the benefits of Ivermectin and HCQ -Zinc as anecdotal, and of negative studies as peer reviewed scientific literature, is highly inaccurate
There have been far more strongly positive peer reviewed positive studies for both HCQ-Zinc, and Ivermectin, then negative, and those few negative studies have OBVIOUS flaws, as in way late treatment for a preventive medicine, very wrong dosage, complete failure to administer Zinc with HCQ, etc…
( hence my down vote.)
CDC Investigating Death of 13-Year-Old Who Suddenly Died After Second Coronavirus Shot
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating the death of a 13-year-old Michigan boy who died suddenly in his sleep two days after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.
Jacob Clynick received his second coronavirus shot on June 13, days after graduating from the eighth grade. His aunt, Tammy Burages, said he experienced typical symptoms, such as a fever and general fatigue. But on June 15, he complained of a stomachache, went to bed, and never woke up.
“Meanwhile, the health department continues to encourage families to speak with their physicians to weigh their own risks and benefits of vaccination,” they added.
Clynick’s family said the young teen had no underlying medical conditions, but according to the Detroit Free Press, “the family was told that preliminary autopsy findings suggest Jacob’s heart was enlarged when he died and there was fluid around his heart.”
However, the medical examiner would not confirm that to the outlet, verifying the investigation itself but offering no further details.
“It’s still an ongoing investigation,” Randy Pfau, director of operations for the Michigan Institute of Forensic Science and Medicine, said. “I know the doctors are working on this case as a priority.”
It could be months before investigators identify an official cause of death.
“This is one of those things that I suspect they’re never going to really be able to say, ‘Oh, it was shot’ or ‘It wasn’t shot,’” Burages said.
“There must be something that makes certain kids more susceptible to having a serious heart reaction, and I think Jacob was one of those kids,” she continued.
“So whatever that serious thing was, whatever the underlying health issue was, is something maybe that the autopsy will tell us,” she said, adding, “Of course, it is going to be months down the road and a lot of other kids will get the shot before then, so it would be nice to know now.”
Last month, the CDC held an emergency meeting about rare cases of heart inflammation conditions developing in younger recipients, particularly men, after receiving the second dose of an mRNA vaccine. At the time, the federal agency reported 1,200 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis developing in young people after receiving the vaccine, most cases developing after the second dose.
“When one looks on the web however there are also a large number of studies which show negative outcomes [about ivermectin]”
I’m aware of only two, vs. over 50 positive studies. Two isn’t “a large number.” There are a large number of negative OPINIONS though.
Why are these somewhat anecdotal findings so positive yet the more formal studies so negative?
The one character answer: $
Often studies show some benefit but are stopped before they accrue numbers large enough to reach statistical significance.
That said, it took barely any benefit and only one study to get remdesivir approved.
Well Micheal
” I would not be too quick to condemn politicians and others as corrupt and incompetent just yet.”
That is mighty white of you.
I say we have plenty of evidence of both.
Prior to this Dread Covid Theatre.
And “Just two weeks” is the final straw.
Of course this virus is going to “come roaring back” in flu season,it has proven too useful a political tool.
Have you noticed the spending patterns?
These same virtuous servants of the people have spent very little on expanding medical services,hospital space and staff..
But spent like drunk with power bureaucrats on Hall Monitors,Enforcement thugs, Rule&Regulation of us Peons..
Strangely,everyone of these governments had plans for emergency due to pandemic..very few followed their own guidelines,seeming to chose panic and mass hysteria over calming public fears and mitigating the harms.
Destroying civilization to save it.
That takes either balls of steel or complete incompetence to boast of ones prowess.
Corruption is natural to modern politicians,that we take as a given.
Incompetence arises from the delusion of ones adequacy to preform ..
This “crisis” whether real or induced has shown how frightened and useless most of our elected “representatives” are.
Oath sworn to uphold our values,protect our individual rights and freedoms…
What was their first choice of action?
For these people are all liars(by profession),thus only their actions can be used to judge them.
John and others. I expected my post would trigger critical comments so I am not surprised. I did not mean to suggest politicians were not often corrupt, incompetent and self interested, I agree they often are. And one can add power mad and totalitarian to that list as well. What I meant was that this particular decision may not have fallen into that category at the time it was made.
I am thinking back for example to all the claims for various weight loss substances and regimes. The anecdotal evidence often seems overwhelming yet when one comes right down to it, none have worked. Others have said, even if it may not work what’s the risk in try it? Consider AZ vaccine does work and the down side risk is about 1 in 100,000 yet populations are getting hysterical about the risk to the point of threatening law suits! ALL drugs have risks, none should be used if there are no potential benefits. What would be the public response if ivermectin was championed, turned out to be ineffective but caused the death of 1 in 100,000 patients?
I think a better basis for criticism is that, given the anecdotal evidence, a serious open, large scale government funded trial should have been undertaken as a matter of urgency and this was not done. I would point out that exactly the same criticism applies to the question of a lab origin for covid 19. Dismissing or blindly accepting are both questionable. If that had been the approach adopted we would now know so much more in many areas, not just about ivermectin.
The risk of death from the AZ vaccine is up to 1/23,000 last I heard, not 1/100,000. In Canada, they are “curating” vaccine side effect reports. Thus, any conditions not on their list already are being deleted. Reporting is also limited by the best part of an hour’s work for a physician to make a report. If you over 60 and suffer stroke or heart attack after vaccine, it is labelled as “natural”, and I suspect that is why the vaccines are so “safe” for the older groups.
Under these conditions would you take a vaccine??
Roger Nights is correct, the literature has far more positive studies and the negative few are both clearly flawed and globally promoted.
Politicians are only interested in one thing…NUMBERS (ie: votes). They hire “experts” to find out just what the average voter is thinking, but it doesn’t work for them all the time, the main reason being that these so-called experts have never had a real life (ie: job),and have absolutely no idea about real world issues.
The Start of it- thin end of the wedge? GERMANY: Bavarian news tonight:as I understand it, many folk are NOT coming forward for vaccination for “many reasons”. Talk is that those who REFUSE should be Punished / Fined…. some street folk ARE in agreement with it: “of course” …..
It concerns people with a date for the second “vaccination” and don’t keep the appointment
Late post addition: Rather than just link back to the past stories I’ve done on Ivermectin, I started explaining them in a sentence…
See “The wonder drug that disappeared” and all that follows it.
Nice little chart here:
. . . for USA Covid deaths. About 57% were 75 or older. Add the 65 to 75 cohort and that then approaches 80%.
There are a few common characteristics in these over-the-hill folks in the USA; although not age specific, see
” The overall prevalence rate of vitamin D deficiency was 41.6%, with the highest rate seen in blacks (82.1%), followed by Hispanics (69.2%). Vitamin D deficiency was significantly more common among those who had no college education, were obese, . . .”
I have not seen wide spread promotion to get people to supplement with D3. Why? Because there have not been large double-blind studies of the issue (including Covid). No studies = no promotion.
Similar with Zinc (+ionophores), and Iron regarding diet or supplements.
Again, no studies = no promotion.
Many of the old folks would have to die of something other than Covid if 1/10th the money wasted on wind and solar subsidizes been used for public promotions of Ivermectin and these other substances.
In addition to “no studies” (have to be for specific ailments; not general knowledge – following protocol), the other major impediment to simple and cheap actions was Donald Trump Syndrome (DTS).
After “The Donald” is gone, historians will investigate these things, and not treat participants kindly.
Breaking news: Pfizer is now found to be less effective against the Delta variant
Am sure there will be much more about this in the next few days.
Also with the Uk wanting to go maskless and social distance free on July 19 but still holding off on deciding until July 12th /eye roll/.. stay tuned.
Looks as if the vaccines aren’t the cure-all and Invermectin will have a fair chance to shine or fade
Boris has announced going maskless but allowed enough time for the communist control freaks to scream loud enough, and the BBC to run a campaign, to reverse the decision. He also knows in all probability that in 2 weeks we’ll be in the ballpark of 50k new (mostly harmless) cases a day.
Thereby Boris is the hero trying to set us free but overcome by the force of public opinion and the ‘reality’ of surging infections.
It is astonishing that we have so called expert talking heads on the TV still seemingly utterly convinced that masks are effective when all the evidence before the pandemic and most of the credible ‘science’ since says it’s marginal/a waste of time.
And there is still all the UTTERLY useless wiping down of hard surfaces and hand sanitizing going on. It has never been proven that anyone has been infected with COVID-19 from surface contact yet the farce continues
Has there been any proven outdoor infections? There hasn’t AFAIK.
I remember very early some Sth American country clearing a beach with a helicopter.
The unexpected consequence of this is, as the disinfectant probably is alcohol based, it will render the surfaces non halal. Go Sanitiser.
No, they are already talking about booster shots and modified vaccines. Vaccination is not to be stopped, even at 100% coverage of the global population
If you write in the comments in the Australian anything with the words Ivermectin, or Chinese Virus you will be rejected. Even though I like the Australian newspaper it is part of the problem. What are they so afraid of?
Around this area
“Repulsive and incoherent”
Links to a WHO production
According to Bloomberg the Chlorine Treatment promoted by Trump works just as well as ivermectin
By the way, as in all previous posts on this topic, what was the effect of the lockdowns which were also part of Mexico’s and India’s response during the time of the rollout of ivermectin.
First of all it was bleach, sodium hypochlorite, not “chlorine”. It’s a bit like how Leftists always confuse “carbon” and “carbon dioxide”.
Secondly, even (usually Leftist) “fact checkers” disagree with your claim, Peter.
Peter’s claim debunked by “fact checkers” here:
In many parts Of India with low, very low wuflu rates, several hundred people share one toilet. ( what lock down? In those areas, and in rural poor areas, lockdowns never happened., and or were ignored.
Consider this. The Australian and many other governments havr killed many people by denying them the use of HCQ (according to published protocols such as Zelenko) and continue to do so. At the very least, it would have been harmless to administer even if it was not efficious. I pointed this out to the Fed Health Minister and the response I got was an outright lie saying it was “dangerous” even when used in appropriate doses for short periods of time.
Like all lies, people, in this case governments and their agents, have to tell more and bigger lies to cover up the previous ones.
They are now doing the same with IVM.
We are being asked to take, and likely will soon be forced to take, possibly dangerous and ineffective incompletely tested “vaccines” from Big Pharma.
There would be no need for any shutdowns or vaccines if:
1) the vulnerable were isolated and protected and placed on prophylaxis with HCQ or IVM plus supplementation with Zn, D, C etc.
2) ideally all people were placed on Zn, D, C, with prophylaxis of HCQ or IVM or non-prescription quercetin (which is also a Zn ionophore but has a much lower half life than HCQ or IVM).
3) spot outbreaks were treated with HCQ or IVM (and others) according to published evidence-based protocols for their use according to Zelenko and others who have developed effective treatments or prophylaxis.
A tourist came rambling through our town and we have a lockdown.
I guess we owe it all to Pamela Brown*.
How much cheaper and less intrusive to set up caravans in supermarket car parks giving out this stuff.
Add to that the use of ultraviolet lamps in highly trafficked areas irradiating ceilings and floors. And do not come back with rubbish about dangers of u/v, if our engineers cannot devise safe uses then we may as well give up as a Nation.
Our passenger aircraft are sterilised with ulraviolet radiation between flights. Why hasn’t the Government mandated its use ?
There cannot be any COVID-19 out in the open ground because the u/v in sunlight destroys viruses yet we are forced to wear masks everywhere. The animals and our pets are not dying from COVID are they? Yet it is supposed to be an acute respiratory infection – why only humans?
Is it corruption, just plain incompetence or a deliberate device to totalitarian rule ?
Credit: Dr. Simon on Twitter
People may not be aware, but the TGA, in granting provisional approval of the vaccines, did not carry out its own independent testing, or commission any such testing.
All of their approvals were based on reviewing data supplied by the Pharma companies.
This is a joke. Having worked in the food industry and auditing food plants, (and I am sure pharma are the same) you must have independent assessment and review. And with a vaccine its so serious that you have to commission independent testing and review. Otherwise you will only be going on what the supplier states, and its not in their interest to give you anything other than information in support of what they want.
We have already had the Pfizer reporting on the movement of the injection from the site to throughout the body, which was with held and only turned up on a Japanese FOI request. One has to ask what else has been with held?
Also there are no long term test results done for the vaccines before the open slather started. Many highly credentialled scientists are raising significant and real concerns, but being ignored or silenced so that the populace does not see anything other than vaccine propaganda. And Ivermectin is forever “unproven” despite stunning real world results as noted here…
Thalidomide was deemed safe and look what happened. Interestingly quite early on German researchers stumbled on the loss of limbs issue, but were too fearful to release the findings. Think of today – how likely is it that we will hear anything substantial about any issues which arise being raised by the legacy media? Yes we have some reporting on blood clots which is waved away but when are we hearing from Dr Malone, mRNA inventor, on his concerns? When is there an exhaustive and open discussion?
Maybe things are ok, but whenever there is silencing and censorship there is usually worthwhile facts being suppressed. (think climate change…)
Thalidomide is still in use today….
Australia’s TGA do not do testing themselves but they take the data supplied by the supplying companies.
Compare, accepting emission data supplied by VW on diesel engines.
It is worse than that- regarding existing antiviral treatments, new dangers now ‘claimed’ without evidence by the pharma industry are accepted by TDA even tho’ contrary to their own earlier safety ratings.
The result- substances used without issue for decades are placed on the poisons list with penalties on doctors who prescribe.
Exactly. My doctor is excellent and he is always excited to have me appear as he learns more. I spoke to him on Ivermectin, showed him the evidence and he immediately wrote me a script. Unfortunately he is apparently in the minority..
Where are all the doses of HCQ that Cliver Palmer has made available when Dr Young threatens doctors with fines if they prescribe???
“Australia’s TGA do not do testing themselves but they take the data supplied by the supplying companies.”
Compare, accepting emission data supplied by VW on diesel engines.
And the thugs keep on telling us that the TGA have approved it and are always checking data, what a joke, believe them at your peril.
Looks like the ABC is weakening by allowing the benefits of Ivermectin to be discussed.
The front page of the FLCCC web site also has the Joe Rogan podcast with Dr Pierre Kory and Bret Weinstein. Goes on for a while but worth persevering with.
Hopefully the child journalists and radio shock jocks here in WA will finally get the message and start to inform as opposed to suppress and ridicule. For want of such a cheap and effective drug many of our older generation have died needlessly and lost what precious time they may have had left…..
I almost wish that Facebook and Twitter would now “fact check” and ban the ABC posts. Almost.
The conspicuous presence of the military at covid related press releases, the current reporting of “Wargaming” responses. Construction of “Quarantine” centres with 10.000 detainee capacity on Defence Dept lands. fills me with the spectre of the unvaccinated or non compliant finding themselves confronted at home by the military with a “comply or be detained” directive in the not too distant future.
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[holding for Jo. Was caught in spam folder] ED
Jo, are you sure that Mexico had more deaths than normal last year? I was a bit suspicious about that because it doesn’t match results from other countries. So according to this page, Mexico death rate, the death rate last year was 6.2 per 1,000 population, which was right on the trend line of the last few years (i.e. slowly increasing after a long decline). This does match results from other countries, e.g. the USA, and Canada, indicating that there were no excess deaths anywhere in the world as far as anyone can tell. What deadly pandemic?
Steve, thanks. That is a good question. Oh for good data? If what Knoema says is right then the death rate has been rising in Mexico for the last 15 years. Someone would need to also know whey the death rate has been rising in the background (if indeed it has). So why the discrepancy? I will write to Chamie-Quintero to ask. Appreciate the tip.
I will be curious to know what you find out about those rising death rates. It’s the same in Canada and the USA (and, as I mentioned, no statistically significant change in 2020). But on the other hand, I think the current death rate (6.2 per 1,000 in Mexico, and around 8 per 1,000 in the USA) is still “too low”, i.e. unsustainable. My calculations tell me that if the average lifespan is 80 years, the steady state death rate should be 1/80th of the population per year, exclusive of immigration/emigration, and assuming a flat demographic distribution – i.e. about 12.5 per 1,000. Anything lower than that can only be a temporary demographic bubble, and I think this conclusion is consistent with the “aging baby boomer” problem that the West has. That could be the entire explanation of the steadily rising death rates, and in that case I don’t think we’ve seen the end of that trend yet. Maybe not for another 10 years or so.
The CDC claims the US death rate in 2020 was about ten percent higher.
We are being ‘trained’ to accede to govt demands without thought or reason. Heard on radio this am that police have used covid QR data to ‘find’ or ‘track’ individuals, but ‘assured’ us that it won’t be used unless there exists no other info or way of tracking wanted persons, umm, yeah, right.
Indeed. What a breach of trust. I prefer to use the paper slips to check in at stores, not the QR. And if there is an outbreak, I check the exposure sites list myself to make sure I wasn’t near any.
well, as I’ve said several times before, but no one wants to agree with me, that in the UK, as example, one Gov dept ( to do with Operating Commercial vehicles ) Fleet managers have to have a “Hunger for Compliance” Whilst I may be “happy to” comply as in sit at the table and eat, I do not sit at the table to gorge on the offerings.
The success of Ivermectin against Covid was discovered in Australia yet the AMA still recommends against it because Trump said it was worth investigating further.
Lab experiments show anti-parasitic drug, Ivermectin, eliminates SARS-CoV-2 in cells in 48 hours